TP15 - Tracking Computer Vision, FCUP, 2013 Miguel Coimbra Slides by Prof. Kristen Grauman.

TP15 - Tracking Computer Vision, FCUP, 2013 Miguel Coimbra Slides by Prof. Kristen Grauman

Transcript of TP15 - Tracking Computer Vision, FCUP, 2013 Miguel Coimbra Slides by Prof. Kristen Grauman.


TP15 - TrackingComputer Vision, FCUP, 2013Miguel CoimbraSlides by Prof. Kristen Grauman

OutlineToday: TrackingTracking as inferenceLinear models of dynamicsKalman filtersGeneral challenges in trackingCS 376 Lecture 26 TrackingTracking: some applications

Body pose tracking, activity recognitionSurveillanceVideo-based interfacesMedical apps

Censusing a bat population

Kristen GraumanWhy is tracking challenging? Optical flow for tracking?If we have more than just a pair of frames, we could compute flow from one to the next:But flow only reliable for small motions, and we may have occlusions, textureless regions that yield bad estimates anyway

CS 376 Lecture 26 TrackingMotion estimation techniquesDirect methodsDirectly recover image motion at each pixel from spatio-temporal image brightness variationsDense motion fields, but sensitive to appearance variationsSuitable for video and when image motion is small

Feature-based methodsExtract visual features (corners, textured areas) and track them over multiple framesSparse motion fields, but more robust trackingSuitable when image motion is large (10s of pixels)

6CS 376 Lecture 26 TrackingFeature-based matching for motion

Interesting pointBest matching neighborhood

Time tTime t+1Search windowSearch window is centered at the point where we last saw the feature, in image I1.

Best match = position where we have the highest normalized cross-correlation value.Kristen GraumanExample: A Camera MouseVideo interface: use feature tracking as mouse replacement

User clicks on the feature to be tracked Take the 15x15 pixel square of the feature In the next image do a search to find the 15x15 region with the highest correlation Move the mouse pointer accordingly Repeat in the background every 1/30th of a second

James Gips and Margrit Betke GraumanExample: A Camera MouseSpecialized software for communication, games

James Gips and Margrit Betke GraumanA Camera MouseSpecialized software for communication, gamesJames Gips and Margrit Betke

Kristen GraumanFeature-based matching for motionFor a discrete matching search, what are the tradeoffs of the chosen search window size?

Which patches to track?Select interest points e.g. cornersWhere should the search window be placed?Near match at previous frameMore generally, taking into account the expected dynamics of the object

Kristen GraumanCS 376 Lecture 26 TrackingDetection vs. tracking

t=1t=2t=20t=21Kristen Grauman12CS 376 Lecture 26 TrackingDetection vs. tracking

Detection: We detect the object independently in each frame and can record its position over time, e.g., based on blobs centroid or detection window coordinatesKristen Grauman13CS 376 Lecture 26 TrackingDetection vs. tracking

Tracking with dynamics: We use image measurements to estimate position of object, but also incorporate position predicted by dynamics, i.e., our expectation of objects motion pattern.Kristen Grauman14CS 376 Lecture 26 TrackingDetection vs. tracking

Tracking with dynamics: We use image measurements to estimate position of object, but also incorporate position predicted by dynamics, i.e., our expectation of objects motion pattern.Kristen Grauman15CS 376 Lecture 26 TrackingTracking with dynamicsUse model of expected motion to predict where objects will occur in next frame, even before seeing the image.Intent: Do less work looking for the object, restrict the search.Get improved estimates since measurement noise is tempered by smoothness, dynamics priors.Assumption: continuous motion patterns:Camera is not moving instantly to new viewpointObjects do not disappear and reappear in different places in the sceneGradual change in pose between camera and scene

Kristen GraumanCS 376 Lecture 26 TrackingTracking as inferenceThe hidden state consists of the true parameters we care about, denoted X.

The measurement is our noisy observation that results from the underlying state, denoted Y.

At each time step, state changes (from Xt-1 to Xt ) and we get a new observation Yt.

Kristen GraumanState vs. observationHidden state : parameters of interestMeasurement : what we get to directly observe

Kristen GraumanCS 376 Lecture 26 TrackingTracking as inferenceThe hidden state consists of the true parameters we care about, denoted X.

The measurement is our noisy observation that results from the underlying state, denoted Y.

At each time step, state changes (from Xt-1 to Xt ) and we get a new observation Yt.

Our goal: recover most likely state Xt givenAll observations seen so far.Knowledge about dynamics of state transitions.

Kristen Grauman

Time tTime t+1Tracking as inference: intuitionBeliefMeasurementCorrected predictionKristen Grauman

old beliefmeasurementBelief: predictionCorrected predictionBelief: predictionmeasurementTracking as inference: intuition

Time tTime t+1Kristen GraumanCS 376 Lecture 26 TrackingIndependence assumptionsOnly immediate past state influences current state

Measurement at time t depends on current statedynamics modelobservation model

Kristen GraumanCS 376 Lecture 26 TrackingPrediction:Given the measurements we have seen up to this point, what state should we predict?

Correction:Now given the current measurement, what state should we predict?

Tracking as inference

Kristen GraumanCS 376 Lecture 26 TrackingQuestionsHow to represent the known dynamics that govern the changes in the states?

How to represent relationship between state and measurements, plus our uncertainty in the measurements?

How to compute each cycle of updates?Representation: Well consider the class of linear dynamic models, with associated Gaussian pdfs.

Updates: via the Kalman filter.Kristen GraumanNotation reminderRandom variable with Gaussian probability distribution that has the mean vector and covariance matrix .x and are d-dimensional, is d x d.


d=1If x is 1-d, we just have one parameter - the variance: 2Kristen GraumanCS 376 Lecture 26 TrackingLinear dynamic modelDescribe the a priori knowledge about System dynamics model: represents evolution of state over time.

Measurement model: at every time step we get a noisy measurement of the state.

n x nn x 1n x 1m x nn x 1m x 1Kristen GraumanCS 376 Lecture 26 TrackingExample: randomly drifting pointsConsider a stationary object, with state as positionPosition is constant, only motion due to random noise term.State evolution is described by identity matrix D=I

CS 376 Lecture 26 TrackingExample: Constant velocity (1D points)

timemeasurementsstates1 d position 1 d position Kristen GraumanState vector: position p and velocity v

Measurement is position onlyExample: Constant velocity (1D points)

Kristen Grauman29CS 376 Lecture 26 TrackingQuestionsHow to represent the known dynamics that govern the changes in the states?

How to represent relationship between state and measurements, plus our uncertainty in the measurements?

How to compute each cycle of updates?Representation: Well consider the class of linear dynamic models, with associated Gaussian pdfs.

Updates: via the Kalman filter.Kristen GraumanThe Kalman filterMethod for tracking linear dynamical models in Gaussian noiseThe predicted/corrected state distributions are GaussianOnly need to maintain the mean and covarianceThe calculations are easyKristen Grauman31CS 376 Lecture 26 TrackingKalman filterKnow prediction of state, and next measurement Update distribution over current state.Know corrected state from previous time step, and all measurements up to the current one Predict distribution over next state.Time advances: t++Time update(Predict)Measurement update(Correct)Receive measurement

Mean and std. dev.of predicted state:

Mean and std. dev.of corrected state:Kristen GraumanCS 376 Lecture 26 Tracking1D Kalman filter: PredictionHave linear dynamic model defining predicted state evolution, with noise

Want to estimate predicted distribution for next state

Update the mean:

Update the variance:

Lana Lazebnik33CS 376 Lecture 26 Tracking1D Kalman filter: CorrectionHave linear model defining the mapping of state to measurements:

Want to estimate corrected distribution given latest meas.:

Update the mean:

Update the variance:

Lana Lazebnik34CS 376 Lecture 26 TrackingPrediction vs. correctionWhat if there is no prediction uncertainty

What if there is no measurement uncertainty

The measurement is ignored!The prediction is ignored!Lana Lazebnik35CS 376 Lecture 26 Tracking

Kalman filter processingtimeo statex measurement* predicted mean estimate+ corrected mean estimatebars: variance estimates before and after measurementsConstant velocity modelposition

Time tTime t+1Kristen GraumanCS 376 Lecture 26 Tracking

Kalman filter processingtimeo statex measurement* predicted mean estimate+ corrected mean estimatebars: variance estimates before and after measurementsConstant velocity modelposition

Time tTime t+1Kristen GraumanCS 376 Lecture 26 Tracking

Kalman filter processingtimeo statex measurement* predicted mean estimate+ corrected mean estimatebars: variance estimates before and after measurementsConstant velocity modelposition

Time tTime t+1Kristen GraumanCS 376 Lecture 26 Tracking

Kalman filter processingtimeo statex measurement* predicted mean estimate+ corrected mean estimatebars: variance estimates before and after measurementsConstant velocity modelposition

Time tTime t+1Kristen GraumanCS 376 Lecture 26 Tracking

Kristen GraumanCS 376 Lecture 26 TrackingA bat census Grauman41CS 376 Lecture 26 TrackingVideo synopsis

Kristen Grauman

42CS 376 Lecture 26 TrackingTracking: issuesInitializationOften done manuallyBackground subtraction, detection can also be usedData association, multiple tracked objectsOcclusions, clutter43CS 376 Lecture 26 TrackingTracking: issuesInitializationOften done manuallyBackground subtraction, detection can also be usedData association, multiple tracked objectsOcclusions, clutterWhich measurements go with which tracks?

44CS 376 Lecture 26 TrackingTracking: issuesInitializationOften done manuallyBackground subtraction, detection can also be usedData association, multiple tracked objectsOcclusions, clutterDeformable and articulated objects45CS 376 Lecture 26 TrackingRecall: tracking via deformable contoursUse final contour/model extracted at frame t as an initial solution for frame t+1Evolve initial contour to fit exact object boundary at frame t+1Repeat, initializing with most recent frame.

Visual Dynamics Group, Dept. Engineering Science, University of Oxford.CS 376 Lecture 26 TrackingTracking: issuesInitializationOften done manuallyBackground subtraction, detection can also be usedData association, multiple tracked objectsOcclusions, clutterDeformable and articulated objectsConstructing accurate models of dynamicsE.g., Fitting parameters for a linear dynamics modelDriftAccumulation of errors over time47CS 376 Lecture 26 TrackingDrift

D. Ramanan, D. Forsyth, and A. Zisserman.Tracking People by Learning their Appearance. PAMI 2007.48CS 376 Lecture 26 TrackingSummaryTracking as inferenceGoal: estimate posterior of object position given measurementLinear models of dynamicsRepresent state evolution and measurement modelsKalman filtersRecursive prediction/correction updates to refine measurementGeneral tracking challenges