Toxic Nation

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Toxic Nation

Transcript of Toxic Nation

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    Copyright 2015 NutriFrontier Pte Ltd

    All rights reserved

    Published by Kevin Richardson.

    No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form

    or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopied, recorded, scanned, or otherwise, except as

    permitted under Canadian copyright law, without the prior written permission of the author.

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    Individual results may vary.

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    Table Of

    Content Chapter 1: A Polluted World ........................................................................................................... 4

    Chapter 2: Climate Changes Us ....................................................................................................... 7

    Chapter 3: The Toxic Effect ............................................................................................................. 9

    What Are Toxins? ........................................................................................................................ 9

    Toxins In Food ........................................................................................................................... 10

    Dioxins & Dioxin-Like Substances ......................................................................................... 10 Mercury ................................................................................................................................. 11 Genetically-Modified Organisms (GMOs) ............................................................................. 11 Sodium Nitrate/Nitrates ....................................................................................................... 12

    Toxins In Cosmetics ................................................................................................................... 12

    Toxins In Your Home ................................................................................................................. 13

    Chapter 4: Nature's Most Precious & Underrated Resource ....................................................... 16

    Cancer Warrior ...................................................................................................................... 16 Perfect Skin ........................................................................................................................... 17 Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy ................................................................................................. 18 Medical Ozone Therapy ........................................................................................................ 19

    Chapter 5: The Most Cost-Effective Solution................................................................................ 21

    Activated Stabilized Oxygen...................................................................................................... 21

    Pathogen Killer .......................................................................................................................... 21

    Aerotolerant Anaerobes ....................................................................................................... 21 Facultative Anaerobes .......................................................................................................... 21 Strict Anaerobes .................................................................................................................... 22

    Age Reversal .............................................................................................................................. 22

    Your Solution ............................................................................................................................. 23

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    Chapter 1: A Polluted World

    With the advent of technology and our varied lifestyles these days, it's hard to believe that

    we're actually killing ourselves without even realizing it. While this may sound controversial, we

    are in fact killing ourselves inadvertently through toxins, thanks to severe pollution caused by

    our meddling in our own environment.

    Toxins can be found everywhere: in the environment, in our food, even in our shampoos and

    moisturizers. Nothing can be done to prevent them from being produced, so we must adapt

    and figure out ways to battle these toxins ourselves.

    Pollution is something that has been plaguing our planet ever since the first factory popped up.

    Fast forward a century or so, and we find ourselves facing problems we once thought would

    never occur: Earth's natural resources are starting to diminish at a rate so rapid, we're

    scrambling to catch up.

    Why should we even care about pollution though? You might be thinking, "We're probably

    already dead by the time Earth runs out of resources, right?" But what many don't realize is

    that out of the reckless usage of those resources comes collateral damage that we cannot

    possibly reverse.

    The percentage of change caused by the human population have increased drastically over the

    years as we pave concrete over fertile soil and chop down trees to make space for buildings.

    Back in 1997, there already was an article published in Science journal that indicated many

    worrying factors in our depleting resources.

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    Almost half of our land surface had been altered by humans. Carbon dioxide in the air had

    increased in concentration due to our emissions from cars and factories. Earth's accessible fresh

    water that was fit for direct human use had already been 50% utilized. Human activity had

    played a big role in the decrease of numerous bird species.

    That had been 1997. It's been almost 20 years since that report, and we're no better off. Ice

    caps are melting. We've been exhausting Earth's supply and are nowhere near replenishing it.

    Even if you're not a particularly eco-conscious person, you need to take a mental note of how

    bad pollution is for Earth and for us.

    Ever had days where you just stepped out into the street and started coughing for no reason?

    Or when your eyes are tearing up because they're so dry? That's pollution for you. It is in your

    face - in your eyes, nose, mouth, and ears, even - and it's not going away. We're constantly

    breathing in polluted air; toxins that enter our lungs and start wreaking havoc in our body. Even

    the water that we drink is not spared, either.

    "Human dominance or alteration of several major components of the Earth system,

    expressed as (from left to right) percentage of the land surface transformed;

    percentage of the current atmospheric CO2 concentration that results from human

    action; percentage of accessible surface fresh water used; percentage of terrestrial N

    fixation that is human-caused; percentage of plant species in Canada that humanity

    has introduced from elsewhere; percentage of bird species on Earth that have

    become extinct in the past two millennia, almost all of them as a consequence of

    human activity; and percentage of major marine fisheries that are fully exploited,

    overexploited, or depleted."

    Source: Human Dominance of Earth's Ecosystems, from Science Journal Vol. 277

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    Not only are we breathing in polluted air and drinking contaminated water, our drugs and even

    teeth are in danger of pollution - or rather, have already been polluted. Drugs such as anti-

    depressants have become the norm of our culture and are in high demand, but few people

    know that gold, lithium, zinc, mercury, bismuth, lead and arsenic are all being used in these

    drugs. Imagine downing those metal-filled pills every day, sometimes in multiple doses!

    Mercury in amalgam tooth fillings have also become widely popular for their long-lasting

    qualities and cheap costs.

    The American Dental Association (ADA) has convinced both dentists and consumers that these

    amalgam fillings are safe, but dentists are required to take extra biohazard safety precautions

    like wearing a mask and disposing of the material in a sealed biohazard bag. How can

    something so "safe" be allowed in our mouths when dentists can't even touch the filling with

    their bare hands? It's indeed a worrying thought that the dental industry may be negligent to

    the public's safety in order to cut costs and increase their profits. It may just be safer to let your

    teeth rot!

    "The mercury in the fillings is volatile, such that as all authorities concede poisonous

    vapors are constantly being emitted from the fillings, more so when one chews or passes

    hot liquid over the teeth. The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry of the

    United States Public Health Service reports that those poisonous vapors go first to the brain

    and kidneys. For the developing brain and by that I mean a childs brain a major

    health risk exists."

    Source: Statement by Congresswoman Diane Watson in 2001, on the Mercury in Dental

    Filling Disclosure and Prohibition Act

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    Chapter 2: Climate Changes Us

    Pollution has increased the rate of global warming significantly over the last three decades.

    Global warming is the increase in Earth's atmospheric and oceanic temperatures, and is caused

    by the growing proportions of atmospheric carbon dioxide, chlorofluorocarbons, and other

    pollutants, involving a process called the greenhouse effect.

    It's bad enough that we are exhausting nature's resources, but it's even worse when the

    inefficient use of those resources leads to our own decline. Global warming affects us, too. And

    with global warming comes climate change. Climate change is a wider term for global warming

    as it can include other kinds of changes in the atmosphere besides increasing temperatures.

    If the air is foggy and you find it difficult to breathe, this could mean that there is an increased

    concentration of ground-level ozone in the atmosphere. Ground-level ozone is made up of the

    pollutants produced by cars, industrial factories, chemical plants and such. Breathing too much

    of this poor-quality air causes short-term damage to your lung cell lining, which doesn't sound

    that bad, but if this occurs often enough, there will be permanent changes in your lungs and

    may cause long-term health effects. Plus, asthma attacks will become more frequent.

    Extreme heat fluctuations will increase your chances of contracting kidney stones, not to

    mention severe dehydration and other heat-related illness like heat exhaustion, heat cramps,

    and heat stroke. When the ground gets too hot, the risk of wildfire gets higher. The smoke from

    the wildfire will pollute the air even further, which then leads to eye and respiratory ailments.

    Floods are also an indication of climate change.

    They don't just destroy property and in serious cases, take lives, but the aftermath of a flood

    brings about extremely unfavorable conditions as well. Drinking water becomes contaminated,

    and the number of waterborne diseases will soar. Generally, foodborne diseases by bacteria

    like salmonella will also be likelier; waterborne diseases like giardiasis, along with Lyme disease

    and West Nile Virus carried by insects, will be more probable as well.

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    Your average allergy season wouldn't be confined to just a season, either. Climate change can

    also mean increased allergenic pollen, which in turn means more allergies for a longer period of

    time. A good example of the potential effects of climate change is the Great Lakes Basin in the

    United States. Consisting of five big lakes that make up 21% of the world's surface fresh water

    in terms of volume (and numerous other lakes and rivers that reside around them), the Great

    Lakes Basin had been contaminated with toxic byproducts of manufacturing and agriculture

    back in the 20th century. More than 43 million cubic yards of sediment contaminated with

    Persistent Toxic Substances (PTSs) are still present in federally designated contamination


    As if that's not enough cause for worry, new types of probable contaminants are surfacing

    within the entire basin. So other than attempting to remove the contaminants left behind

    decades ago, we need to identify and eradicate even more pollutants that are newer and

    require more time to understand.

    Climate change is threatening to hinder and delay the amelioration of the situation. When air

    and water temperatures rise, the chemistry of some pollutants in the basin may be altered,

    increasing their toxicity. The higher temperature may cause toxic substances to become more

    toxic, or turn harmless matter into toxic substances. Furthermore, due to the higher possibility

    of drastic weather events, toxic substances could get remobilized and introduced to new

    territory, in turn resetting previous remediation efforts.

    Aquatic organisms will also face more uptake of toxic substances as they struggle for more

    oxygen in the warm water (it's easier for oxygen to dissolve in cold water). Then concentrations

    of toxic substances in the organisms themselves will still increase, even if the level of toxic

    substance concentration in the water remains the same.

    When humans consume these infected fish and seafood, the toxins then become trapped in our

    bodies, unable to be assimilated. We are carrying excessive toxins in our bodies that will build

    up and lead to chronic diseases over time. It's taken years for us to really sit up and take notice,

    but if we don't start making changes in our lifestyles now, eventually Earth is going to give up

    on us and stop providing us with the natural resources we need to sustain life.

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    Chapter 3: The Toxic Effect

    We've touched briefly on the subject of pollution in Chapter 1, and how pollution plays a major

    role in the amount of toxins in our daily lives. Now let's find out just how different toxins can

    affect you and your loved ones in different ways.

    What Are Toxins?

    According to the dictionary, a toxin is "a poisonous substance produced by organisms". It's a

    product of their metabolic processes, which means its origin is biological. It's possibly fatal. But

    that was before the industrial factories and chemical plants got widespread and commonplace.

    Nowadays, the word "toxin" can represent a whole multitude of horrors. Synthetically-

    produced chemicals can also now be considered a toxin. And rightfully so, because they are

    toxic in nature and are even worse than organic toxins.

    However, toxins - whether organic or inorganic - can bioaccumulated in food chains and exist in

    the body for years, even decades. Bioaccumulation occurs when infected organisms are eaten

    by their predators, and the toxins accumulate to a higher concentration instead of breaking

    down. Toxins cannot be digested or passed out through waste, so they just increase as we go

    along the food chain.

    For example:

    1 larva = 1 unit of toxin

    Fish eats 10 larvae = 10 units of toxins

    Bigger fish eats 10 small fishes = 100 units of toxins

    It's only two links in and we're already at this number - imagine the bioaccumulation of a typical

    food chain! Eventually the food chain ends with the human population, and by that time we'll

    be consuming a substantial amount of bioaccumulated toxins.

    And that's just toxins in food chains. Environmental toxins are mostly due to pollution, and can

    endure geographical distances and decades - even centuries.

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    These toxins can cause inflammation within our bodies and cause development of long-term

    illnesses such as asthma and heart disease. Skin diseases like psoriasis and eczema may also be

    triggered and worsened, while an excessive amount of these toxins can induce memory loss

    and decrease your level of thinking skills.

    For example, a common insecticide called dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) can evaporate

    in warm air, condense in cooler air, and travel all the way to the Arctic where it's too cold to

    evaporate again. It rests there and gets ingested by marine animals which in turn are consumed

    by humans. Nursing infants are then infected with this toxin and other similar persistent organic

    pollutants (POPs).

    This unexpected way of toxin transportation is called the grasshopper effect.

    Scientists have also discovered certain Arctic hotspots where concentrations of DDT are sixty

    times higher than some control spots a short distance away. After investigation, they found

    that contaminated droppings of seabirds had caused this phenomenon, as these seabirds feed

    on contaminated fish in the coastal areas. But the shockingly large concentration of DDT was

    still unfathomable.

    It turned out that these contaminated seabirds migrate to other parts of the Arctic and nest

    over ponds, where their droppings fall. These droppings are main providers of nutrition to the

    Arctic pond ecosystems, encouraging growth of plankton and moss for insects' consumption.

    These contaminated insects are then eaten by seabirds and other animals, so the toxins just

    keep on accumulating to no end. So now we know that toxins bioaccumulate in food chains, but

    what in what kinds of foods specifically?

    Toxins In Food

    Dioxins & Dioxin-Like Substances

    Many meat and dairy products contain a type of toxin called dioxin, and it's a certified

    carcinogen - meaning that it has been proven to cause cancer. Other toxins like PCBs and PCDFs

    are also considered to be part of the dioxin family, but the most toxic version is TCDD, and it

    can stay up to more than a decade in our body fats once it's been absorbed.

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    The main source of contamination is through food, and long-term exposure to dioxins may

    cause cancer, immunotoxicity (impaired immune system functions due to exposure to

    chemicals), developmental and neurodevelopmental effects, and hinder steroid hormone

    functions which leads to reproductive problems. Short-term exposure causes a skin disease

    called chloracne, which are skin lesions that look like severe acne. This skin condition can last

    from two years to over thirty years!


    Found mainly in fish, methylmercury is the most toxic form of mercury. It is converted when

    mercury comes into contact with certain bacteria found in soil and sediment, and

    bioaccumulates to toxic levels within the fish at the top of food chains.

    When humans eat fish rich in methylmercury - or wildlife that feeds on those fish - we become

    exposed to the easily-absorbed toxin. Overexposure may lead to impaired neurological

    development in fetuses and young children; adults with high levels of mercury in their blood

    can develop mercury poisoning, which hinders neurological functions. Other common forms of

    mercury, such as mercury (II) chloride, are known to cause kidney failure and damage to the

    gastrointestinal tract.

    Genetically-Modified Organisms (GMOs)

    Decades ago, we would have never thought it possible to create "superfoods". But here we are,

    with plants - and animals - that have altered genetic material to resist pesticides and diseases.

    However, with these superfoods come "superweeds", and farmers are resorting to increasingly

    toxic herbicides, in larger doses, to kill these weeds that are resistant to the same herbicides

    that the superfoods were engineered to resist. The irony is not lost on us, for sure.

    This increased usage of herbicides not only creates more exposure of toxins to the GMOs, but

    also increases the amount of pollutants in the air. GMOs have been linked to organ damage,

    accelerated aging, immune system disorders, and infertility. For example, Recombinant Bovine

    Growth Hormone (rBGH) is a genetically-engineered variation of an organic hormone given to

    cows for increased milk production. It is associated with the development of breast, prostate,

    and colon cancer.

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    Sodium Nitrate/Nitrates

    Processed foods use sodium nitrate and nitrites as preservatives. The difference between the

    two is that while nitrates are harmless on their own, they are converted to nitrites when

    consumed. Nitrites react with amines, which are the products of protein breakdown, to form

    carcinogenic nitrosamines. Hence it means that it is almost guaranteed that eating nitrate-

    cured meat will result in harmful nitrosamines in your body.

    Bladder, colorectal, esophageal, nasopharynx, prostate, and stomach cancer are just some of

    the cancers that are associated with nitrosamines. Animal studies have also reported heart,

    thyroid and kidney cancers were developed. The scary thing is that this list is hardly

    comprehensive, and more new types of toxins are being discovered every day. Even if we

    disregard the toxins found in our food, we can still manage to come into contact with other

    toxins in other ways. Different toxins can cause damage in different ways - they're innovative

    like that. There is virtually no way to avoid toxin intake.

    Toxins In Cosmetics

    Toxins can be found in cosmetics as well. Yes, the things that we put on our faces daily can

    actually deteriorate our health, even though they claim to do wonders for our skin. For

    example, many makeup products use heavy metals as part of their raw materials, such as lead.

    On the ingredients list of the finished product, these heavy metals are classified as "impurities",

    without further explanation.

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    Did you know that it is not compulsory for the FDA to review personal care products? Thus it's

    left to the cosmetic firms to make sure that their products are safe before putting them out on

    the market. In a world where monetary profit trumps all, how can we trust that the products

    we're using are safe to put on our skin? Only 13% of 10,500 ingredients in personal care

    products were reviewed in the past three decades, and the group that heralded those reviews

    is owned by the cosmetic industry.

    We're putting an estimated number of 126 ingredients on our skin every single day, and a

    staggering 90% have not been assessed for safety. Environmental Defense, a Canadian

    environmental group, tested 49 different makeup items and found high levels of arsenic,

    cadmium, and leads just in lip glosses, which are terrifyingly easy to ingest. They're on your lips,

    for goodness' sake!

    You can't hide from toxins in your home, either. What is supposed to be your sanctuary from

    the worldly harms may in fact be the very place where you encounter the highest dosage of

    toxins, due to close proximity daily. Scary, huh? Well, it's probably scarier to note that it is

    probably happening right this instant.

    Toxins In Your Home

    Upholstery Besides your beloved cosmetics, upholstery in sofas and chairs can contain

    harmful chemicals such as chlorinated tris, a known carcinogen, which had been

    removed from children's clothing in the 1970s after discovery of its ability for

    DNA mutation. Supposed flame-retardant chemicals on your upholstery get

    transferred into the dust and air, and onto our clothes and hands; it's alarmingly

    easy to ingest these chemicals if we forget to wash our hands thoroughly before

    we eat.

    "Notably, the highest levels of arsenic (70 ppm), cadmium (3 ppm), and lead (110 ppm) were all found in lip glosses, which could be ingested." Source: Heavy Metal Hazard: The Health Risks of Hidden Heavy Metals in Face Makeup by


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    They're linked to reproductive disorders and of course, cancer, and later studies show that they

    are not even effective flame retardants! So we're basically putting ourselves at greater risk of

    our health by purchasing a sofa that claims to lower our risk of injury.

    Shower Curtains & Wallpaper Shower curtains and even your wallpaper contain phthalates that are associated with asthma

    and allergies. If your allergies are constantly acting up at home and you can't figure out why,

    perhaps it's time to investigate the ingredients in your wallpaper.

    Cookware & Plasticware

    Hot food in melamine plasticware causes chemicals to leach,

    and in 2008 there was a scandal in China, involving hundred

    thousands of victims and several deaths of infants due to

    melamine in their milk powder. Even those non-stick cooking

    pans like Teflon emits carcinogenic Perfluorinated Compounds

    (PFCs) when used at high heat, and PFCs are associated with

    obesity, diabetes, and impaired immunity in humans.

    Lead poisoning

    Lead-based paints or water from rusted lead pipes are also cause for concern as lead poisoning

    can be fatal. Unlike mercury poisoning, damage from lead poisoning cannot be reduced or

    reversed. Repeated lead exposure may lead to abdominal pains, high blood pressure, memory

    loss, anemia, kidney dysfunction, and even mental impairments in children. Severe lead

    exposure can also lead to seizures, comas, even brain anoxia, which leads to death in just a

    matter of minutes.

    Pesticides Pesticides are another toxic household item that are highly

    poisonous with frequent exposure. Many studies have shown

    that it is one of the leading causes of childhood poisoning, and

    has been linked to be a contributing factor of attention deficit

    hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children.

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    Acute pesticide poisoning results in skin inflammation, headaches, nausea and fatigue, while

    chronic pesticide poisoning occurs even years later, in the form of leukemia, brain, breast,

    prostate liver cancer and many more.

    A 2007 study conducted by American institutes found that the risk for autism spectrum

    disorders (ASD) in children of women previously exposed to organochlorine pesticides was six

    times higher than the normal risk percentage.

    With this abundance of cancer-contributing factors and harmful pollutants all around us, it's no

    wonder we're all getting sick more often than we did in the past. You may have attributed it to

    the stresses of daily life, but it's hard to just change your schedule around and force some time

    out for relaxation when there's just so much to be done.

    And even when you do go for a massage now and then, a few days later you'll just revert to

    your hectic routine and get your neck muscles all tensed up again. There really isn't any point in

    wasting your money on frivolous spa treatments.

    What if we tell you that you don't have to change anything? What if we're saying, it's just the

    simple problem of the excessive toxins in your body?

    "...models comparing children of mothers living within 500 m of field sites with the highest nonzero quartile of organochlorine poundage to those with mothers not living near field sites suggested an odds ratio for ASD of 6.1 (95% confidence interval, 2.415.3). ASD risk increased with the poundage of organochlorine applied and decreased with distance from field sites." Source: Environmental Health Perspectives: Maternal Residence Near Agricultural Pesticide

    Applications and Autism Spectrum Disorders among Children in the California Central Valley, October 2007

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    Chapter 4: Nature's Most Precious & Underrated Resource

    We've all heard that taking deep breaths is good for us. You instantly feel more awake, calmer,

    and more level-headed. But have we ever really given thought as to why? Well, it's because of

    oxygen. Oxygen is one of the most beneficial natural resources that we have, and everyone's

    been taking it for granted.

    When there is a constant insufficiency of oxygen, our body struggles to keep up with its

    multitude of processes. All the available oxygen is being snatched up aggressively and weaker

    cells won't be able to get the oxygen they need. That's why we've been struggling to keep our

    energy levels up throughout the work day, binge-drinking coffee and dreading the inevitable

    crash that follows a few hours afterward. All we actually need is to get more oxygen into our


    Here's why:

    Cancer Warrior

    Oxygen has been linked to cancer in a significant way. Most cancers are attributed to a

    dysfunctional condition that is metabolic in nature and associated to genetic mutations. The

    toxins that we ingest on a daily basis contribute to these metabolic dysfunctions, and there's no

    way to get these toxins out as they are resilient and can withstand years in the body.

    Depletion of oxygen in tissue may aggravate the cancer cells, causing them to multiply faster

    and thus spreading the disease further. Dr. Otto Warburg, the acclaimed biochemist-

    physiologist, believes that acidity in the body is the root cause of cancer.

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    In his study, he has proved that cancer cells are anaerobic in nature and cannot thrive in an

    alkaline state where oxygen is rich in concentration. He states clearly, "All normal cells have an

    absolute requirement for oxygen, but cancer cells can live without oxygen - a rule without

    exception...Deprive a cell 35% of its oxygen for 48 hours and it may become cancerous."

    Other research studies have also shown that low levels of oxygen can lead to the growth of

    tumor cells. In other words, a high oxygen concentration in the body basically prevents cancer.

    Perfect Skin

    Our skin cells utilize oxygen to carry out cellular activities like regeneration and repair of elastin

    and collagen structures. When there is insufficient oxygen for a prolonged time, the aging

    process begins and we start developing wrinkles and fine lines. We smother our skin in layers

    upon layers of moisturizers and serums and other products, but little did we think that all we

    had to do was to let our skin breathe. And that's not by wearing sleeveless tops in winter; we

    need to help our skin breathe internally.

    A rich oxygen supply can do all sorts of wonders for our tired skin:

    Improves oxygen availability for metabolic activities

    (Your skin cells don't have to ration their oxygen nor scramble for more)

    Stimulates cell turnover

    (This means newer, more active cells that can carry out activities faster)

    Boosts circulation of blood

    (Equating to an even better distribution of oxygen to all the cells in the body)

    Hydrates and revitalizes your skin

    (So there's no need for the excessive skincare products that promise to keep your

    skin hydrated)

    Triggers healing processes in the body

    (As there is plenty of oxygen to go around, your body doesn't have to hoard the

    oxygen for your daily routines)

    Maintains aerobic conditions in the cells

    (Thus inhibiting growth of pathogens, preventing cancer)

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    Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

    One method of delivering ample oxygen into your deprived cells is by Hyperbaric Oxygen

    Therapy. It uses high pressure oxygen to treat basic diseases that are caused by low oxygen

    levels in the body tissue. Typically, after 25 to 35 sessions of this therapy, your body tissues

    become permanently changed, due to the improved supply of oxygen. It has been said to help

    with killing cancerous cells in the body and many cases have shown radical improvement where

    traditional methods have failed.

    Originally used exclusively by divers who suffered from decompression sickness, doctors have

    been angling to get this therapy available for patients whose ailments seem treatable with a

    rich oxygen supply.

    It's not all that easy to get access to this treatment, though. Only specialized treatment centers

    are equipped with this facility, and those treatment centers are sparse as of now. Not every

    state has them, and those that do have only a small handful. It is highly likely that you would

    have to travel quite a distance, or even fly to another state for a session, and at least a few

    sessions would be required to see desired results.

    A typical HBOT facility in New Orleans charges almost $500 for a 90- or 120-minute session in

    the oxygen chamber, and with the physician fee, the total comes up to over $800 for a single

    session. In other facilities, non FDA-approved, off-label uses of the chamber cost an average of

    $200 per 60-minute session.

    Potential risks include:

    Temporary nearsightedness

    Middle ear injuries due to increased air pressure

    Lung collapse due to air pressure changes

    Seizures due to oxygen toxicity (too much oxygen)

    Fire due to oxygen-rich environment of treatment chamber

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    Sounds a little Final Destination-like, don't you think? However, many indeed claim to have

    benefited from this treatment. Some of the approved conditions for this treatment include:

    Air or gas embolism

    Acute traumatic ischemia (crush injury, compartment syndrome)

    Carbon monoxide and cyanide poisoning

    Decompression sickness

    Intracranial abscess

    Delayed radiation injury

    Skin grafts and flaps

    Thermal burns

    Medical Ozone Therapy

    Another form of oxygen therapy is this: Medical Ozone Therapy. Ozone (O3) is a form of

    energized oxygen, a product of UV radiation or electric discharge, and is highly reactive with

    unanimity as it's virtually limitless in its antiseptic properties. It is anti-bacterial, anti-fungal,

    anti-viral, and destroys protozoa.

    Usually performed via Direct Injection or Major Autohemotherapy (MAHT) method, Medical

    Ozone Therapy can also be performed via Recirculatory Haemoperfusion (RHP). It is an

    enhanced version of the typical ozone therapies.

    Instead of the more common IV method or MAHT method where the the patient's blood is

    removed and put into a bottle to be shaken (for the blood cells to take in ozone), then re-

    injected into the body, RHP is more sophisticated and uses a machine to draw, filter, and return

    the blood to the patient. The O3-O2 mixture interacts with approximately 300ml of blood

    drawn from the patient and forms hydroperoxides. Hydroperoxides invade diseased cells and

    destroy them.

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    Micro-filtered, ozonated blood is re-perfused into the body. This process takes a minimum of 1

    to 1.5 hours for a single session. Although not as pricey as Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, Medical

    Ozone Therapy can be pretty costly as well. From $150 to $300 per treatment, you would need

    multiple sessions to thoroughly cleanse your blood and in most cases, the entire treatment can

    reach up to thousands of dollars in total.

    Some people may also have serious allergic reactions to hydrogen peroxide, and cases where

    blood cells were destroyed after being injected with hydrogen peroxide have been reported.

    This would result in severe anemia, which could be fatal. In fact, this form of therapy has been

    the cause of numerous fatalities, even though there are just as many people who would attest

    to its brilliance.

    Approved conditions suitable for Medical Ozone Therapy include:


    Skin disease

    Cervical or prostate cancer

    Ischaemia, stroke

    Pulmonary diseases

    Parkinson's and Alzheimer's Disease

    Immune system disorder

    Bruises, burns, gangrene, muscle pains, radiation damage, promotion of wound-healing

    These are two of the more common, yet costly therapies currently utilizing oxygen as its cure.

    They're not for everyone, of course, since you are required to have pre-existing conditions in

    order to qualify as a patient. Off-label uses may be allowed, but the risks are yours to take, and

    the liability is yours alone.

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    Chapter 5: The Most Cost-Effective Solution

    Now that you've made it to this chapter, you're probably eager to take in more oxygen for the

    sake of your skin and your health - but you're not entirely sure the two methods introduced are

    able to meet your needs. Here's where ASO steps in.

    Activated Stabilized Oxygen

    It's made of bio-available oxygen, with O4 being its active component. O4 is the rarest type of

    polyatomic tetra oxygen, also known as oxazone, because it is a non-magnetic pale blue gas

    that breaks down into two molecules of O2 typically.

    Other components are distilled water, sodium chloride (from sea salt), and essential and trace

    minerals. Like the O3 that is used in medical ozone therapy, O4 is also anti-bacterial, anti-

    fungal, and anti-viral, but comes without risks like a potential allergy to hydroperoxides.

    ASO is also a pathogen killer. Anaerobic pathogens don't need oxygen to be sustained.

    However, some of them can be destroyed just by being in the presence of oxygen. The three

    main types of anaerobic pathogens are:

    Pathogen Killer

    Aerotolerant Anaerobes

    These pathogens don't need oxygen to survive because they are fermentative, which means

    they don't utilize oxygen to produce energy, but they can still tolerate the presence of oxygen.

    Facultative Anaerobes

    In the presence of oxygen, these pathogens produce adenosine triphosphate (ATP), but they

    can also use anaerobic respiration when oxygen is absent. However, they grow faster under

    anaerobic conditions.

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    Strict Anaerobes

    Strict anaerobes are also known as obligate anaerobes. They are unable to survive in the

    normal concentrations of oxygenic atmosphere and are only sustainable in the absence of

    oxygen. They are the most destructive of all known pathogens and are the cause of many fatal

    diseases. In short, a lack of oxygen may lead to the development of cancer.

    Age Reversal

    Our skin takes up 5% of our body's breathing work. By the age of 30, it loses approximately 30%

    of its oxygen capacity, and by the time we're 40, it loses 60%. And when our skin cannot receive

    and distribute enough oxygen needed to replenish its cells and regenerate new ones, we get

    wrinkles, fine lines, pigmentation - all sorts of imperfections start surfacing. In this beauty-

    driven world, it's going to be a sad thing to wake up and see yourself in the mirror, gradually

    getting old.

    The secret to keeping healthy, young skin is - you guessed it - oxygen. As we've mentioned in

    the previous chapter, keeping your skin oxygenated is clearly the best thing you can do for it.

    Moreover, oxygen therapy has reversed the effects of dementia and Alzheimer's Disease, which

    proves that oxygen is indeed what it takes to reverse the symptoms of aging and to regain the

    vibrancy of youth. These ailments are brought on by excessive oxygen radicals in our system,

    and ASO helps with anti-oxidant enzyme activity to reduce oxidation in your body, thus

    decreasing the risk of dementia and Alzheimer's Disease.

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    Your Solution

    NutriO2 is an all-natural solution that contains the highest amount of ASO to revive your body

    and give it the oxygen it so desperately needs. It's not a hit-or-miss like with medical ozone

    therapy, comes without the scary risks of hyperbaric oxygen therapy, and does not require long

    hours of being confined to a machine or in a chamber. It's an inexpensive, hassle-free choice

    that heals your damaged internal system; everyone's body has been damaged from the sheer

    amount of toxins by now.

    You'll experience an instant boost probably on the very first day. As your body will no longer be

    struggling for more oxygen to carry out daily cellular activities, you'll find that you have more

    energy than usual to perform your daily activities. Your mind becomes sharper, and it's much

    easier to focus on tasks.

    It's not like the boost of caffeine you get from your morning Starbucks. It is a noticeable,

    continuous surge of energy that acts like a perpetual pick-me-up, heightening your dulled

    senses and making you more receptive and responsive. There won't be any post-lunch food

    coma for you because your body is already making use of the extra oxygen to keep you awake.

    Your body's been aching for this much-needed dose of oxygen. Sleep at night is going to come

    easily, and you're going to wake up feeling refreshed and recharged, like you've finally plugged

    your body to a charger and replenished your batteries.

    It's time to treat your body with the most precious gift of nature: oxygen.

    Click here to take the first step towards a healthier you, and get your youth back with NutriO2.