Town of Silverthorne

Town of Silverthorne Agenda Virtual Work Session Meeting Wednesday, February 24, 2021 @ 4:30 PM Please join us from your computer, tablet or smart phone or dial in using your phone U.S. - 1-872-240-3212 Access Code - 627-846-301 Page I. CALL TO ORDER/INTRODUCTIONS II. DISCUSSION ITEMS A. 5G/Small Cell Ordinance - Preview of 1st Reading Scheduled for March 10 Town Council Memo Small Cell Ordinance 2-24-2021 work session Small Cell Ordinance Clean 2-24-2021 Work Session 2 - 11 III. TOWN MANAGER REPORTS AND UPDATES A. COVID Updates IV. TOWN COUNCIL REPORTS AND UPDATES A. Planning Commissioner Interviews Supporting Documents - Pdf 12 - 18 B. Council Member Spry - Comments on CML Sam Mamet Good Governance Award Opportunity: nominations-for-sam-mamet-good-governance-award award V. AGENDA QUESTIONS VI. ADJOURNMENT Page 1 of 18

Transcript of Town of Silverthorne

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Town of Silverthorne


Virtual Work Session Meeting

Wednesday, February 24, 2021 @ 4:30 PM

Please join us from your computer, tablet or smart phone

or dial in using your phone

U.S. - 1-872-240-3212

Access Code - 627-846-301


I. CALL TO ORDER/INTRODUCTIONS II. DISCUSSION ITEMS A. 5G/Small Cell Ordinance - Preview of 1st Reading Scheduled for March 10

Town Council Memo Small Cell Ordinance 2-24-2021 work session

Small Cell Ordinance Clean 2-24-2021 Work Session

2 - 11


Supporting Documents - Pdf

12 - 18

B. Council Member Spry - Comments on CML Sam Mamet Good Governance

Award Opportunity:


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Town of SilverthorneCouncil Work Session Memorandum

TO: Mayor and Town CouncilTHRU: Mark Leidal, Assistant Town ManagerFROM: Tom Daugherty, Public Works DirectorDATE: 2-16-2021 for 2-24-2021 Council Work SessionSUBJECT: Small Cell Design Standards

SUMMARY: The Town of Silverthorne has not adopted design standards to address small cell installations in the Town’s right-of-way. Staff is proposing the attached standards for the Council’s consideration.

BACKGROUND: In September of 2018, the Federal Communications Commission issued a ruling to remove barriers to the deployment of 5G infrastructure. This ruling established the following:

1. A restriction on fees charged for wireless facilitiesa. No more than $500 for non-reoccurring feesb. No more than $270 for reoccurring fees.c. A local government can establish fees greater than the FCC ruling if they

can justify the fee as fair and reasonable based on actual costs incurred by the local municipality to permit the small cell facility.

2. Any aesthetic standards by local entities must be:a. based on avoiding aesthetic harm, b. clear and ascertainable standardsc. published in advance

3. A “shot clock” that establishes a timeline for approval of applications for small cell facilities as follows:

a. The local municipality has 60 days to approve an application for an installation of a small cell facility on an existing structure.

b. 90 days to approve a small cell facility on a new structure

PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION: Council has not addressed small cell installations in the past.

DISCUSSION: The 2018 ruling by the FCC restricts the Town’s ability charge fees and reduces the timeline for approval of an application. The ruling does allow the Town to require small cell facilities to meet certain aesthetic requirements as long as they are clear and published in advance.

The code in your work session packet addresses some of the aesthetic issues as follows:

1. Prioritizes the installation of small cell facilities to utilize existing poles first, if possible. If not possible a new pole or structure can be utilized.

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Town of SilverthorneCouncil Work Session Memorandum

2. The height of small cell facilities is limited based on the existing pole or the surrounding poles so that it is not out of character.

3. Design of installations will meet district design standards and use camouflage or other concealment techniques to have the poles blend into the surroundings.

4. New structures will be designed to hold two additional providers so that future requests can be collocated and accommodated.

5. New structures will not interfere with sidewalks, traffic or parking. Including maintenance and snow removal.

The code also requires applicants to provide the location of their other facilities to help the Town understands the ability to collocate small cell facilities with other providers as new applications come in.

The FCC ruling limits the Town’s ability to restrict the installation of small cell facilities. The FCC intent is to make the roll out of 5G easier and less expensive for providers because this infrastructure it important to the greater good.

STAFF RECOMMENDATION: If the Council is happy with this ordinance staff will bring this back at the March 10 Council meeting for first reading.

ATTACHMENTS: Sample Small Cell Ordinance




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WHEREAS, Small Cell regulations are within the regulatory authority of the Town, acting through the Town Council; and

WHEREAS, Chapter 3, Article VII of the Town Code contains regulations which govern Public Right-of-Way use within the Town; and

WHEREAS, the Town Council wishes to create Chapter 3, Article VII, Section 3-7-6 to establish the definition of Small Cell Facilities, and Article VII, Chapter 3-7-7, to establish Small Cell Facility regulations; and

WHEREAS, on September 15, 2020, the Planning Commission held a properly noticed public hearing on the revisions to Chapter 3, Article VII proposed in this ordinance; and

WHEREAS, on October 14, 2020, the Town Council held a properly noticed public hearing on the revisions to Chapter 3, Article VII proposed in this ordinance; and

WHEREAS, the Town Council finds that the establishment of Small Cell Facilities prescribed in this ordinance are in the best interest of the public health, safety, and welfare.


Section 1. Section 3-7-6 of the Silverthorne Town Code is hereby established to read as follows:

Sec. 3-7-6 Small Cell Facility Definitions

Wireless Service Facility means any staffed or unstaffed location for the transmission and/or reception of radio frequency signals or other personal wireless communications, including commercial mobile services, unlicensed wireless services, wireless broadband services, and common carrier wireless exchange access services as defined in the Telecommunications Act of 1996, and usually consisting of an antenna or group of antennas, transmission cables, feed lines, equipment cabinets or shelters, and may include a tower. Facilities may include new, replacement, or existing towers, replacement towers, co-location on existing towers, base station attached concealed and non-concealed antenna, dual purpose facilities, concealed towers, and non-concealed towers (monopoles, lattice and guyed

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Small Cell Facility means a wireless service facility that meets the following qualifications:

A. Each antenna is located inside an enclosure of no more than three cubic feet in volume or, in the case of an antenna that has exposed elements, the antenna and all its exposed elements could fit within an imaginary enclosure of no more than three cubic feet; and

Primary equipment enclosures are no larger than seventeen (17) cubic feet in volume as measured on the exterior surface of the enclosure. The following associated equipment may be located outside of the primary equipment enclosure and, if so located, is not included in the calculation of equipment volume: Electric meter, concealment, telecommunications demarcation box, ground-based enclosures, back-up power systems, grounding equipment, power transfer switch and cut-off switch; or

B. A micro wireless facility which means a wireless facility that (a) is not larger in dimension that 24 inches in length, 15 inches in width, and 12 inches in height; and (b) any exterior antenna no longer than 11 inches.

Collocation means the mounting or installation of transmission equipment on an existing telecommunication vertical infrastructure or other support structure for the purpose of transmitting and/or receiving frequency signals for providing telecommunication services.

Telecommunication Services means the offering of telecommunications for a fee directly to the public or to such classes of users as to be effectively available directly to the public, regardless of the facilities used.

Vertical Infrastructure means an existing or new pole, including without limitation, a light pole, light standard, traffic signal, tower or utility pole.

Section 2. Section 3-7-7 of the Silverthorne Town Code is hereby amended to read as follows:

Sec. 3-7-7 Small Cell Facility Regulations

A. Purpose and Intent – The purpose of these regulations is to establish a local policy concerning telecommunications service providers, accommodate the communication needs of visitors and businesses, while protecting the public health, safety and general welfare of the community. In addition, these regulations intend to:

a) Minimize adverse visual effects of small cell facilities in the public right-of-way through location, height, design, and siting standards, including but not limited to compatible design techniques.

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b) Limit aesthetic impacts to those established in advance, reasonable and comparable to requirements for other rights-of way users;

c) Encourage collocation and maximize the use of existing and approved structures to accommodate new small cell facilities to reduce the number of support structures needed to serve the community;

d) Encourage the deployment of smaller, less intrusive wireless communications facilities to replace or supplement existing larger wireless communications facilities;

e) Promote competition in the provision of telecommunications services; and

f) Facilitate the provision of wireless communications services to the residents, visitors and businesses of the town.

B. Scope and Applicability. No person shall construct an antenna, pole, improvement, structure, or other wireless communications facility within the public right-of-way except in compliance with the provisions of this Section. The siting, mounting, placement, construction and operation of a small cell facility or network is a permitted use by right in the public right-of-way in any zone district, provided that the conditions of this Section are satisfied.

C. Exceptions - Government-owned communication facilities located on town-owned property or public right-of-way are not subject to the requirements of this chapter.

D. Location - Small cell facilities are permitted in Town rights-of-way, on vertical infrastructure in these rights-of-way in the following order of priority:

a) First, a Town owned utility pole with attachment of the small cell facilities in a configuration approved by the Town.

b) Second, on an existing third-party owned utility pole, (with the consent of the owner thereof), with attachment of the small cell facilities in configuration approved by the Town.

c) Third, on an existing freestanding or ground-mounted facility which meets the requirements of this section, or in the case of a CDOT facility, CDOT.

d) Fourth, on a new freestanding or ground-mounted facility. A new freestanding or ground mounted facility must comply with the height and design standards in this section, and must be justified with supporting information detailing an analysis of alternatives

E. Collocation – Collocation of facilities is strongly encouraged and the number of poles within public rights-of-way should be minimized as much as possible. Equipment enclosures shall be in inconspicuous locations where they are generally

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not noticeable from public rights-of-way, pedestrian walkways, or open spaces. The Town may require that an existing or proposed vertical infrastructure be made available for shared use by other telecommunication providers to the extent reasonably feasible based upon construction, engineering and design standards. Shared use shall not be required if the Public Works Director determines that:

a) There are not any poles located in the immediate vicinity that are capable of supporting an additional small cell service provider;Uses proposed by an applicant seeking to share an existing vertical infrastructure would interfere with the use of such vertical infrastructure;

b) Shared use would interfere with the reasonable security of the vertical infrastructure owner's operation or facilities;

c) The applicant and the vertical infrastructure owner are unable to reach agreement on the terms of the collocation after good faith negotiations on the matter; or

d) Collocation is not reasonably feasible based upon construction, engineering and design standards provided by applicant.

F. Height - All small cell facilities shall not exceed ten (10) feet above the light pole, traffic signal or other facility or structure to which they are attached. When new utility poles are proposed as an alternative vertical infrastructure, their height shall be comparable to existing utility/light poles in the vicinity.

G. Separation – Except in the case of collocation required by this Article, no small cell facility shall be located within one six hundred feet (600ft) of any other such small cell facility.

H. Setback – Small cell facilities shall be located a distance equal to the total height of the facility from the nearest structure to prevent damage. In the case of a corner lot, where practical, the facility shall be placed on the corner formed by two intersecting streets.

I. Design Standards – The purpose of these design standards is to ensure that the

design, appearance, and other features of small cell facilities are compatible with nearby land uses; to manage the Town’s right-of-way to ensure traffic safety and accommodate various uses; and to protect the integrity of the Town’s scenic resources and quality of life. All small cell facilities shall be designed and located to minimize the impact on the surrounding areas and to maintain the character and appearance of the Town.

a) All installations proposed within the commercial districts of Town must be compliant with the Design District Standards.

b) All small cell facilities shall, to the greatest extent possible, use camouflage and concealment techniques designed to minimize or eliminate the visual impact of

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such facilities on surrounding uses, including, but not limited to the use of subdued materials, colors, textures, screening, undergrounding, or other design options that will blend the facilities to the surrounding natural setting and/or built environment.

c) Design materials and colors of small cell facilities shall be compatible with structures and vegetation of the surrounding environment. To the extent practical, new small cell facilities shall be consistent with the size and shape of other equipment installed on utility poles and use a design that is consistent with nearby natural or architectural features.

d) All new vertical infrastructure constructed for small cell facilities shall be designed and constructed to accommodate at least two other wireless service providers on the same facility.

e) All visible exterior surfaces of small cell facilities, such as poles, antennas, vaults and equipment enclosure structures shall be constructed out of or finished with non-reflective materials and shall be painted to match as closely as possible the color and texture of the vertical infrastructure on which it is mounted.

f) Existing trees are preserved to the maximum extent possible in a manner that meets the requirements of Chapter 4-6-11(a),

g) Small cell facilities shall be sited in a manner that evaluates the proximity of the facility to residential structures, and to the extent practical, equitably distributes any visual or potentially harmful impacts of such facilities among adjacent residential uses and properties.

I. Lighting. No exterior lighting may be installed for the benefit of small cell facilities, unless required by the FAA or other applicable governmental authority. If it is determined by the Public Works Director that lighting of small cell facilities is necessary, lighting installations may be required of the telecommunication provider at no cost to the Town.

J. Sidewalk Clearance. Any facility shall maintain a minimum of eight (8) feet vertically and horizontally of unobstructed sidewalk clearance. The requirements of this paragraph may be modified by the Public Works Director if reasonable passage is provided on the sidewalk and the safety of pedestrians, bicyclists and motorists is not impaired.

K. Unreasonable Interference with Traffic and Parking Prohibited. Small cell facilities shall not alter vehicular circulation or parking within the right-of-way or impede vehicular, bicycle or pedestrian access or visibility along the right-of-way. All equipment installations shall comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act and every other local, state and federal law and regulation. Unreasonable interference shall be determined by the Public Works Director.

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L. Unreasonable Interference with Maintenance Activities Prohibited. Small cell facilities shall not alter the ability of the local municipality to maintain the public right of way such as snow plowing and removal. Unreasonable interference shall be determined by the Public Works Director.

M. Compliance with all Federal State, and Other Laws. Small Cell facilities shall be compliant with all local, state and federal regulations.

N. Abandonment and Removal. Any small cell facility in the public right-of-way that is not used for a period of six (6) months or more shall be deemed to be abandoned. The facility will be removed, and the right of way will be restored to an acceptable condition.

O. Application and Review. Applications for wireless facilities in the public right-of-way shall be processed and reviewed using the review procedures and requirements described in Section 3-6-1. – Authority of Public Works Director. The Public Works Director shall be the final approval authority for all eligible facilities requests. Applications for small cell facilities within a right-of-way will be reviewed by the Public Works Director to determine that the requirements of this section have been met.

P. Submittal Requirements. The applicant shall submit a completed application, signal interference letter, fees, scaled site plan(s), photo simulation(s), scaled elevation view(s), indemnification and license agreement, an inventory of potential sites, and other supporting drawings, calculations and other documentation, signed and sealed by appropriate qualified professionals, showing the location and dimension of all improvements, including information concerning radio frequency coverage, vertical infrastructure height, setbacks, drives, parking, fencing, landscaping, adjacent uses, color and material samples, and other information deemed by the Public Works Director to be necessary to assess compliance with this section. A master license agreement shall be executed to include bounds of proposed and future small cell operations.

Q. Inventory of existing sites. Each applicant for a small cell facility shall provide to the Public Works Director a narrative and map description of the applicant's existing or then currently proposed small cell facilities within the town, and outside of the town within two (2) miles of its boundaries. In addition, the applicant shall inform the town generally of the areas of the town in which it believes small cell facilities may need to be located within the next three years. The inventory list should identify the site name, site address or general vicinity if no address is known and a general description of the facility (i.e. - rooftop antennas and ground mounted equipment).

(This provision is not intended to be a requirement that the applicant submit its business plan, proprietary information or make commitments regarding locations of small cell facilities within the town. Rather, it is an attempt to provide a mechanism

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for the town and all applicants for small cell facilities to share general information to promote competition and collocation, assist in the town's planning process and promote collocation by identifying areas in which small cell facilities might be appropriately constructed for multiple users).

R. Indemnification. As a condition of the permit, the wireless service provider shall agree, at its sole cost and expense, to indemnify, hold harmless and faithfully defend the Town, its officials, boards, commissions, commissioners, agents and employees against any claims, suits, causes of action, proceedings and judgments for damages or equitable relief arising out of the construction, maintenance or operation of its equipment authorized by this section.

T. Federal requirements. All small cell facilities shall meet the current standards and regulations of the FAA, the FCC and any other agency of the federal government with the authority to regulate small cell facilities. If such standards and regulations are changed, then the owners of the small cell facilities shall bring such facility into compliance with such revised standards and regulations within the time period mandated by the controlling federal agency.

U. Radio frequency standards. All small cell facilities shall comply with federal standards for radio frequency emissions.

V. Signal interference. All small cell facilities shall be designed and sited so as not to cause interference with the normal operation of radio, television, telephone and other communication services utilized by adjacent residential and non-residential properties; nor shall any such facilities interfere with any public safety communications.

W. Operation and maintenance. To ensure the structural integrity of small cell facilities, the owner of a small cell facility shall ensure that it is maintained in compliance with standards contained in this section. If upon inspection, the Town concludes that a small cell facility fails to comply with such codes and constitutes a danger to persons or property, then, upon written notice being provided to the owner of the small cell facility, the owner shall have thirty (30) days from the date of notice to bring such small cell facility into compliance. Upon good cause shown by the owner, the Public Works Director may extend such compliance period. If the owner fails to bring such small cell facility into compliance within said time, the Town may remove such small cell facility at the owner's expense.

X. License and license fee. No new small cell facility shall be constructed or collocated upon any vertical infrastructure or other structure in a right-of-way without first negotiating and agreeing to a license agreement and payment of a license fee with the Town or applicable owner of the right-of-way or licensed space, not to exceed the amount that would be authorized of an entity regulated pursuant to 47 U.S.C. § 224.

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In the instance where poles are hit or damaged, the telecommunication providers shall bear the costs of repair or replacement to upsize the pole and any additional work needed to reinstall the small cell facility at no cost to the town.

Section 3: Safety ClauseThe adoption of this Ordinance will promote the health, safety, and general welfare of the Silverthorne community.

Section 4: SeverabilityIf any provision of this ordinance or portion thereof is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unconstitutional, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect any other provision which can be given effect without the invalid portion.

Section 5. Effective DateThis ordinance shall be effective upon adoption at second reading as provided by the Home Rule Charter.




____________________________________Ann Marie Sandquist, Mayor


By: _____________________________Michele Miller, Town Clerk

Approved on the first reading: , 2020Published by title only: _____, 2020Approved on the second reading: , 2020Published by title only: , 2020

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Town of Silverthorne Work Session Agenda Memorandum

TO: Town Council

THRU: Lina Lesmes, Planning Manager

FROM: Emily Niederbremer, Administrative Assistant

DATE: February 24, 2021 SUBJECT:

Planning Commissioner Interviews

SUMMARY: Planning Commission has 4 vacancies that are open. Three applicants have expressed interest and are being interviewed to determine their appointment status. BACKGROUND: The Planning Commission currently has five regular members and no alternatemembers. There are two regular member vacancies and two alternate vacancies. Stu Dearnley and Rob Murphy have resigned from their positions. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION: On July 8, 2020, Town Council previously appointed Stuart Dearnley and Craig Phillips as regular members of the Planning Commission with term dates of July 2020 to July 2023. DISCUSSION: Erin Young, Tim Applegate, and Bob Cardwell all responded to the PlanningCommission vacancy ad with interest in joining the Planning Commission. Regular appointed members would serve their first terms from February 2021 to February 2024 and the alternative would serve for one year from February 2021 to February 2022. If Town Council appoints all 3 candidates, the Planning Commission will have seven regular members and one alternate. Staff has scheduled the 3 interviews at the following times:

• 4:50 pm Erin Young • 5:10 pm Tim Applegate • 5:30 pm Bob Cardwell

This is the list of the current Planning Commissioners and their term expiration dates: Planning Commissioner Term Expiration Number of Terms Served Jenny Gloudemans July 2021 2nd Term

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Mike Bohlender July 2022 2nd Term Michael Molloy June 2021 1st Term Lester Boeckel June 2021 1st Term Craig Phillips July 2023 1st Term Rob Murphy July 2022 1st Term (resigned) Stuart Dearnley July 2020 1st Term (resigned) Erin Young TBD 1st Term Tim Applegate TBD 1st Term Bob Cardwell TBD 1st Term STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that Town Council appoints 2 regular members for the Planning Commission with term dates of February 2021 to February 2024 and 1 alternative member with term dates of February 2021 to February 2022. ATTACHMENTS: Erin Young Letter of Interest Erin Young Resume Tim Applegate Letter of Interest Bob Cardwell Letter of Interest

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Erin Young PO Box 1063 405 Brian Ave. Silverthorne, CO 80498

January 22, 2021

Town of Silverthore C/O Emily Page PO Box 1309 Silverthorne, CO 80498

Town of Silverthorne Planning Commission:

I am deeply committed to work with the Silverthorne people to promote dynamic and supportive communities. It is with pleasure that I apply the Silverthorne Planning Commission.

I am a life-long resident of Silverthorne. Not only have I attended primary school in Town, but I am now raising my family in the same community. My mission is to continue to live in our beautiful environment, enjoy our enriching art opportunities, and engage with our open and supportive people.

As part of my dedication to our Town, I am the owner and founder of Red Buffalo Coffee & Tea in Silverthorne, an award-winning independent business that welcomes all residents and visitors with heroic hospitality. As a small business owner for the past 10 years I understand the changes in the Town core, neighborhoods and economy.

I served eight years on the Summit County Board of Education. I have worked with elected boards and councils at the local and State level to represent the interests of the community with a fiscally responsible and transparent strategy.

I am no stranger to the unique balance that our community maintains between homeowners, year round residents, and visitors. I understand the interwoven relationships between the towns, County, resorts, and other governing agencies in a way that only comes with growing up in the community. As such, I am confident that my skills in community development and engagement make me a strong candidate.

I welcome the opportunity to discuss these interests further.


Erin Young

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Po Box 1063, Silverthorne, CO 80498 | (970) 406-0634 | [email protected]

ERIN M. YOUNG One of my passions in life is to find holistic solutions that stimulate improvements in mountain resort communities. I have a strong interest in working in interagency partnerships between public and private stakeholders to promote value-added solutions to complex challenges. I have experiences in business development and community engagement that vitalize the livelihoods of my neighbors. EXPERIENCE___________________________________________________________________

Red Buffalo Coffee & Tea 2009-Present Owner/Founder

Own and manage an award winning business that strives for exceptional customer service, excellent products, and social responsibility. Lead the business in professional development, community service, and sustainability programs that has become a community beacon for quality business practices. Business has operated at over 15% year-over-year growth over the last five years. Previously served on the re-branding subcommittee for the Town of Silverthorne and as Chair of the Exit 205 Chapter of the Summit Chamber of Commerce.


Spanish Language- Use written and oral Spanish language daily to interact with community Interviewing- Conduct weekly live television interviews and monthly live radio interviews Team Leader- Use a hands-on and personal approach to promote teamwork and cooperation in

a positive work environment

Summit County School District 2007-2015 Board of Directors (Secretary 2009-2011, Vice President 2011-2015)

Colorado Association of School Boards-Board of Directors (2013-2015)

Guide the school districts policies and budget in a way that promotes the district’s vision, mission, and strategic plan. Maintain positive stakeholder relationships to promote collaboration between the district, government agencies, and other community groups. Serve on variety of committees and work groups to further the mission and vision of Summit Schools including the Colorado Association of School Boards, Sustainability Committee, Facilities Committee, CASB Convention Planning Work Group, and Colorado Graduation Requirements Work Group.


Analytical Solutions – Use data to understand issues and plan the best solutions to the situation Public Speaking/Presenting - Present materials from work group and committees to board of

directors, town councils, and other parties Intergovernmental Collaboration- Engage with other municipalities, agencies, and organizations

in regular dialogues for the benefit of the Town.

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Po Box 1063, Silverthorne, CO 80498 | (970) 406-0634 | [email protected]

Formal Presentations:

2011 Colorado Association of School Boards Annual Convention 2012 Green Schools National Conference 2012 US Green Building Council Green Schools Summit 2013 Colorado Association of Recyclers Annual Summit


University of Colorado at Denver 2009-2013 School of Public Affairs

Master’s in Public Administration - Environmental Policy, Management, and Law

Phi Alpha Alpha - With Honors

University of Colorado at Denver 2003-2006

Bachelor’s Degree- Political Science

Magna Cum Laude - With Distinction



Best Coffeehouse-Best of Summit (2020, 2018,2017, 2016)

Best Place to Work-Best of Summit (2018,2017)

Small Business of the Year- Summit Chamber of Commerce (2017)

Environmental Champion-Summit Chamber of Commerce (2016)


John C. Buechner Scholarship recipient

Alumni Scholarship

Chancellor’s Scholars and Leaders

Dean’s List

Colorado Scholars

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Emily Niederbremer

From: Tim Applegate <[email protected]>Sent: Monday, February 1, 2021 10:34 AMTo: Emily NiederbremerSubject: Dear Planning Commission,

Follow Up Flag: Follow upFlag Status: Flagged

Hello, my name is Tim Applegate I am the managing partner for Sauce On The Blue in Silverthorne as well as multiple other restaurants throughout the county. I am interested In joining the planning commission and I’ve been in Summit County for 9 years and moved to Silverthorne over a year ago. My previous business experience was owner of a large hardscaping/landscaping company in southeastern Connecticut for 30 years. During that time I served as the president of our local homebuilders Association and was on the Board of Directors for over 10 years. I currently serve on the board of directors for the summit county chambers of commerce, and I have been in the building industry my entire life. I am currently developing/building two new restaurants in Silverthorne. The first is called Enza Deli which is in the old Snap Fitness space next to the pavilion. I am also in the design process now for a new restaurant going into the Indigo Hotel at the 4th St. Crossing project. This will be a southwestern cuisine restaurant and should open sometime in November. I did the design work for Sauce On The Blue five years ago when we opened, as well as held the general contractor position for the remodel of the Breckenridge golf course, and Sauce on the Creek in Avon. I believe I have a lot to offer the commission with Silverthorne being where my home so it’s very important to me that the town continues to have a clear vision. I am a huge supporter of what the town has done in the last couple years and would be excited to help with the future vision of the town of Silverthorne. Please let me know if I can offer any additional information about me and my qualifications. Thanks, Tim Applegate. 860-608-2866 -- Tim Applegate Regional Manager Sauce Family Restaurants

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Emily Niederbremer

From: Bob Cardwell <[email protected]>Sent: Thursday, January 28, 2021 2:50 PMTo: Emily NiederbremerSubject: Opening

Emily Page I am interested in the Silverthorne Planning Commission position. My wife and I have lived full time in Angler Mountain since 2016. I am a registered voter. I have participated in several boards, including the Summit Senior Center and Angler Mountain HOA. I was educated at the University of Illinois and received by BSME in Mechanical Engineering. I received my MBA from Lake Forest School of Management. I obtained my Professional Engineers license in Georgia, Illinois and New York, states where I worked. I was employed at the Trane Air Conditioning and Honeywell Inc. I also ran my owned company for 10 years. I am currently retired. My wife and I are volunteers at the Dillon Theater and I am a member at the Raven Golf Course. Since moving from Frisco, we love Silverthorne and all the improvements that are underway. I believe I can help the Silverhtorne planning board with my engineering background. Let me know if you need any other information. -- Bob Cardwell 127 Fly Line Drive. 770-366-3399 [email protected]

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