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  • 7/30/2019 Towards Development of a Multiphase Simulation Model Using Lattice Boltzmann Method (LBM)--Narender Reddy


    A Thesis


    Towards Development of a Multiphase Simulation Model Using LatticeBoltzmann Method (LBM)


    Narender Reddy Koosukuntla

    Submitted to the Graduate Faculty as partial fulfillment of the requirements for

    the Master of Science Degree in Mechanical Engineering

    Dr. Sorin Cioc, Committee Chair

    Dr. Ray Hixon, Committee Member

    Dr. Yong Gan, Committee Member

    Dr. Patricia Komuniecki, DeanCollege of Graduate Studies

    The University of Toledo

    December 2011

  • 7/30/2019 Towards Development of a Multiphase Simulation Model Using Lattice Boltzmann Method (LBM)--Narender Reddy


    Copyright 2011, Narender Reddy Koosukuntla

    This document is copyrighted material. Under copyright law, no part of thisdocument may be reproduced without the expressed permission of the author.

  • 7/30/2019 Towards Development of a Multiphase Simulation Model Using Lattice Boltzmann Method (LBM)--Narender Reddy



    An Abstract of

    Towards Development of a Multiphase Simulation Model Using LatticeBoltzmann Method (LBM)


    Narender Reddy Koosukuntla

    Submitted to the Graduate Faculty as partial fulfillment of the requirements forthe Master of Science Degree in Mechanical Engineering

    The University of ToledoDecember 2011

    Lattice Boltzmann Method is evolving as a substitute to the prevalent and

    predominant CFD modeling especially in cases such as multiphase flows, porous

    media flows and micro flows. This study is aimed at developing simulation

    model for multiphase flows for practical applications such as cavitation in a

    journal bearing or lubrication of micro contact. The code is first validated against

    benchmark single phase flows like Poiseulle flow and flow over a cylinder. In the

    process, various boundary conditions like velocity, pressure, out-flow, no-slip

    and periodic boundary conditions are tested. Finally, the Shan-Chen model for

    multiphase physics, which is based on the interaction force between the fluid

    particles, is incorporated into the code and is validated.

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    To my family and my teachers

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    I express my sincere gratitude to my advisor Dr.Sorin Cioc for his great

    support while working on this thesis. It took me some time in understanding the

    Lattice Boltzmann Method and collecting the literature related to it. Dr. Cioc was

    very patient, motivated me whenever I was down and helped me in

    understanding the concepts better. Without his encouragement and guidance

    this thesis would not have been possible.

    I sincerely thank Dr. Ray Hixon for his valuable lectures in CFD and for

    being on the committee. The assignments and project work by Dr. Hixon gave a

    foundation to me in numerical methods and programming. I sincerely thank Dr.

    Yong Gan for being on the committee. Dr. Gan was encouraging and positive

    about the outcome of this work.

    I would like to thank the administrators and members of the forum at for their timely replies. I thank Dr.Michael Sukop (Florida

    International University) for replying to my emails on questions related to LBM.

    I am thankful to my friend Dr.Vasanth Allampalli for all the exciting discussions

    we had. Finally, I take this opportunity to thank my family and all my friends for

    their unconditional love and support.

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    Abstract............................................................................................................................. iii

    Acknowledgements ......................................................................................................... v

    Contents ............................................................................................................................ vi

    List of Tables .................................................................................................................... ix

    List of Figures ................................................................................................................... x

    1 Background ................................................................................................................... 1

    1.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................... 1

    1.2 Lattice Gas Automata ....................................................................................... 2

    1.3 Evolution of Lattice Boltzmann Method ....................................................... 4

    1.4 Distribution Functions ..................................................................................... 5

    2 Lattice Boltzmann Method ......................................................................................... 8

    2.1 Boltzmann Equation ......................................................................................... 8

    2.2 BGK Collision Operator ................................................................................... 9

    2.3 Lattice Boltzmann Equation .......................................................................... 10

    2.3.1 Equilibrium distribution functions .................................................... 12

    2.3.2 D2Q9 Model .......................................................................................... 13

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    2.3.3 Recovering Navier-Stokes Equations ................................................ 15

    2.4 Computational Approach .............................................................................. 16

    2.5 Boundary Conditions ..................................................................................... 18

    2.5.1 No-Slip Boundary Conditions ............................................................ 19

    2.5.2 Zou-He Velocity and Pressure Conditionss ..................................... 20

    2.5.3 Periodic boundary conditions ............................................................ 24

    2.6 Incompressible D2Q9 Model ......................................................................... 25

    2.6.1 Zou-He Boundary conditions for Incompressible D2Q9 ............... 26

    3 Coding, Validation & Verification ........................................................................... 28

    3.1 About the Code ............................................................................................... 28

    3.2 Velocity Driven Poiseulle Flow ..................................................................... 29

    3.2.1 Conversion to Lattice Units ................................................................. 30

    3.2.2 Analytical Solution ............................................................................... 32

    3.2.3 Boundary Conditions ........................................................................... 33

    3.2.4 Results ..................................................................................................... 34

    3.3 Verification of the Order of Accuracy .......................................................... 36

    3.4 Pressure driven Poiseulle Flow ..................................................................... 39

    3.4.1 Boundary Conditions ........................................................................... 39

    3.4.2 Analytical Solution ............................................................................... 40

    3.4.3 Results ..................................................................................................... 40

    3.5 Flow over a Cylinder (Re=100) ..................................................................... 43

    3.5.1 Parameters .............................................................................................. 43

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    3.5.2 Boundary Conditions ........................................................................... 45

    3.5.3 Results ..................................................................................................... 45

    4 Multi-Phase LBM ....................................................................................................... 50

    4.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................... 50

    4.2 Shan-Chen Model............................................................................................ 50

    4.3 Validation ......................................................................................................... 54

    4.4 Fluid-Wall Interaction .................................................................................... 56

    4.5 Parabolic Slider Bearing ................................................................................. 57

    4.5.1 Results ..................................................................................................... 58

    5 Conclusions & Future Work ..................................................................................... 62

    References ....................................................................................................................... 66

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    List of Tables

    3.1 Table showing the parameters for Velocity driven Poiseulle flow. 30

    3.2 Table showing the combinations of width and velocity (Re=100) for avelocity driven Poiseulle flow ... 37

    3.3 Study of convergence factor ... 38

    3.4 Table showing the parameters for pressure driven Poiseulle flow . 39

    3.5 Table showing the parameters for flow over a cylinder 43

    4.1 Table showing the adsorption coefficient for various contact angles. 56

    4.2 Table showing the parameters for Parabolic Slider bearing ....... . 58

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    List of Figures

    1-1 Square lattice showing links from node A to its neighboring nodes . 2

    1-2 Triangular lattice showing links from node A to its neighboring nodes .. 3

    2-1 Velocities and their directions in D2Q9 model . 15

    2-2 Figure showing collision and propagation .... 18

    2-3 Figure showing missing distribution functions on boundary nodes 19

    2-4 Figure depicting bounce back method for No-Slip velocity condition . 19

    2-5 Missing distribution functions on the inlet boundary . 21

    2-6 Figure showing the periodic boun dary .. 24

    2-7 Periodic boundaries after implementation.. 24

    3-1 Figure showing subroutine with parallelization using OpenMP 29

    3-2 Figure depicting the resultant velocity at steady state in a velocitydriven Poiseulle flow. 34

    3-3 Plot showing flow development in the channel across various crosssections for velocity driven Poiseulle flow 35

    3-4 Comparison between analytical and numerical solution for velocitydriven Poiseull e flow 36

    3-5 Plot of Error v.s. number of grid points along the width of channel forverification of accuracy .. ... 38

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    3-6 Residual plot for pressure driven Poiseulle flow.. 40

    3-7 Figure showing the resultant velocity for a pressure driven Poiseulleflow .. 41

    3-8 Density variation in a pressure driven Poiseulle flow 42

    3-9 Comparison between analytical and numerical solution for pressuredriven Poiseulle flow. 42

    3-10 Figure showing geometrical specifications for flow over a cylinder .. 43

    3-11 Inlet parabolic velocity profile for flow over a cylinder 44

    3-12 Instantaneous velocity contours for flow over a cylinder ... . 45

    3-13 Instantaneous velocity contours in the vicinity of the cylinder 46

    3-14 Coefficient of drag, , for flow over a cylinder (asymmetrically placedin the channel) .... 46

    3-15 Coefficient of drag, , for flow over a cylinder (symmetrically placed inthe channel) ..... 47

    3-16 Coefficient of lift, , for flow over a cylinder (symmetrically placed inthe channel) ..... 48

    3-17 Figure showing vorticity for flow over an asymmetrically placedcylinder in the channel .. 49

    4-1 Figure showing Equation of State for Shan-Chen multiphase model 54

    4-2 Normalized density pictures showing phase separation at various timesteps with the random variable 55

    4-3 Normalized density pictures showing phase separation at various timesteps with the random variable .. 56

    4-4 Normalized density pictures showing the formation of contact angleswith different adsorption coefficients.. 57

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    4-5 Figure showing the geometry of the slider bearing... 58

    4-6 Figure showing normalized density in the slider bearing at various timesteps .. 59

    4-7 Figure showing the condensation in the slider bearing 60

    4-8 Figure showing high pressure region in slider bearing 60

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    Chapter 1


    1.1 Introduction

    The Navier-Stokes equations are solved in standard CFD. These equations

    are set of partial differential equations which are non-linear in nature and

    derived based on the laws of conservation of mass, momentum and energy [1].

    These equations are macroscopic in nature, which assumes that the fluid is a

    continuum [1]. Solving these equations numerically requires discretization (finite

    difference, finite volume, or finite element) of the partial differential equations.

    Numerical instabilities are the major issue in these methods [2].

    Molecular Dynamics (MD) is a microscopic approach where the fluid

    dynamics is modeled based on the collisions and other interactions between the

    individual molecules [3]. In these models the macroscopic properties are

    recovered using statistical mechanics [3]. The major drawback in MD models is

    excessive usage of the computing resources and their limitation to extend to

    larger domains [3]. Lattice Gas Automata (LGA), one of the Molecular Dynamics

    model forms the precursor for Lattice Boltzmann Method (LBM) which is

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    evolving as a substitute to the prevalent and predominant CFD [4]. In this

    chapter, an insight into LGA and the evolution of the LBM is discussed briefly.

    1.2 Lattice Gas Automata

    Lattice is a regular arrangement of primitive shapes. There are many

    kinds of lattice in two dimensions where the primitive shape can be rectangle,

    triangle, regular hexagon etc. A square lattice is shown in Figure 1-1.

    Figure 1-1: Square lattice showing links from node A to its neighboring

    nodes. This lattice is used in the HPP model.

    Lattice Gas Automata (LGA) deals with a group of particles residing on

    the lattice nodes and colliding with particles located at the neighboring nodes

    while conserving the mass and the momentum. Each particle is assigned a

    velocity whose direction is along the link connecting one of the neighboring

    nodes. Thus the particles possess momentum and the collisions between themare governed by a set of rules which change the velocities of the particles while

    conserving the total momentum of all the particles summed up at a node. The

    particles then propagate to their surrounding nodes according to the direction of

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    their new velocities. During each time step iteration, at each lattice node, there is

    collision between the particles followed by propagation. These kinds of models

    were first proposed by Hardy, Pomeau and de Pazzis [5] [6] in 1973. This model,

    named HPP after them, was aimed at recovering the Navier-Stokes equations,

    but failed to do so. Figure 1-1 shows the lattice used in the HPP model.

    Figure 1-2: Triangular lattice showing links from node A to itsneighboring nodes. This lattice used in the FHP model.

    Frisch, Hasslacher and Pomeau in 1986 have found out that, in addition to

    the conservation of mass and momentum, in order to ensure isotropy the

    underlying lattice must be sufficiently symmetric [7]. They replaced the square

    lattice used in the HPP model with a triangular lattice shown in Figure 1-2 which

    gives hexagonal symmetry. This model was named after them as FHP. Further

    details about these models are not relevant to the present scope of the thesis and

    will not be discussed here.

    LGA models are basically described by the kinetic equation

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    where is a boolean in direction having a velocity of and is the collision

    function, which is dependent on the LGA model. Vectors from here on are

    represented using bold letters, e.g. in the above equation is a vector and is a


    In these models the density is calculated by summing up the total number

    of particles at each node.


    Similarly the momentum density is given by


    where is the macroscopic velocity (mean velocity of all the particles).

    1.3 Evolution of Lattice Boltzmann Method

    The validity of the LGA was tested by many researchers who have

    simulated specific flows which have exact analytical solutions [8] [9] [10]. The

    microscopic nature of the LGA resulted in the simulations to be intrinsically

    noisy [10] [11] and proved to be costly in terms of memory and time taken for the

    computations [10]. In order to eliminate this noise, McNamara and Zanetti in

    1988 [10] have introduced the first generation Lattice Boltzmann Method (LBM),

    by replacing the boolean fields in Eq. (1.1) by the single particle distribution

    functions [12]

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    (1.4) These models will not be operated in a microscopic scale since we are not dealing

    with single particles anymore. These kinds of models are called as mesoscopic

    models in literature.

    Though the reduction in noise was observed, these models inherited other

    problems from LGA such as lack of Galilean invariance [10]. However, modern

    LBMs use the Boltzmann distribution functions and are free from all the

    problems which are encountered by the LGA [12]. Though LGA forms the pre-

    cursor for the development of LBM, it was shown by various authors that Eq.

    (1.4) can be derived through proper phase space discretization of the Boltzmann

    equation. The details of one such derivation are given in Section 2.3.

    For proper understanding of the Lattice Boltzmann Method it is necessary

    to get an insight into the distribution functions. Some brief notes on the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution functions are presented in the next section.

    1.4 Distribution Functions

    An insight into the Maxwell distribution functions is given in the online

    reference [13]. Excerpts from this reference are put in this section for easy

    accessibility.The distribution function is defined as the fraction of particles in a

    certain location of a container of gas having velocities between and in

    direction. The total fraction of particles which have the velocities in between

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    and , and , and is given by . Theappropriate form of the particle distribution function is proposed by Maxwell

    using his symmetry argument.

    (1.5) In a three dimensional velocity space the magnitude of velocity is given by


    The above equation actually represents a sphere centered at origin with the

    surface area . The distribution function corresponding to all the

    combinations of the triples which yield the same speed is given by

    (1.7) All these fractions corresponding to add up to one


    Solving the definite integral Eq. (1.8), a relation between the constants and isderived as

    (1.9) The average kinetic energy per particle is given by


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    where is the mass of the particle. On the other hand, the average kinetic

    energy in-terms of temperature and Boltzmann constant is given as


    Therefore the value of B is


    The final result after substituting the values of

    in the Eq. (1.7) is given as

    (1.14) If the velocities are considered instead of the speeds, the distribution function is

    given as


    where is the velocity vector.

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    Chapter 2

    Lattice Boltzmann Method

    2.1 Boltzmann Equation

    The Boltzmann equation is a partial differential equation which governs

    the transport phenomenon of the density distribution function. This function is

    defined as , which denotes the mass density at location contributedby the set of particles having the velocity in range about . These particles

    move to a location after time has elapsed. The number of

    particles in this set doesnt change in the absence of collisions [14].

    (2.1) If collisions between particles are accounted then the number of particles in the

    final set will change and is given by introducing a collision function whichdefines the rate of change of the distribution function

    at a fixed point [14].


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    In the limit , the equation transforms to

    (2.3) where the total derivative is defined as

    (2.4) The moments of the distribution function over velocity space are taken to obtain

    the macroscopic quantities such as density, momentum density, and internal

    energy [14]




    where is the macroscopic velocity vector and is the specific internal energy.

    2.2 BGK Collision Operator

    In general, the Boltzmann equation Eq. (2.3) is difficult to solve even for

    simple physical systems, mainly because of collision terms [15]. Bhatnagar, Gross

    and Krook [15] in 1954 have replaced the troublesome collision function with a

    mathematically simple relaxation term based on the fact that the collisions tend

    to relax the distribution function to equilibrium.


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    The relaxation time is given by and is the equilibrium distribution function.This equilibrium distribution function has a Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution of

    velocities and is proportional to the density [15].

    2.3 Lattice Boltzmann Equation

    As discussed in Section 1.2 and 1.3, the Lattice Boltzmann Equation (LBE)

    has its roots from the LGA. It is also possible to derive the LBE by appropriate

    phase discretization of the continuous Boltzmann equation (2.3) [16] [17]. Finite

    set of velocities along the links of the lattice are introduced and the

    distribution function is transformed to corresponding discretedistribution functions by the authors of reference [17] as follows:

    In order to preserve the conservation laws, when discretized, these

    moments must be preserved exactly [17]. In general, the moments of the

    distribution function are given by

    (2.9) where is a polynomial in .

    The integral Eq. (2.9) can be evaluated by the quadrature as


    where are the weights and is the number of abscissas chosen (discrete


    The integrals Eq. (2.5)-(2.7) are thus transformed into summation:

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    with , the mass density is given as


    with , the momentum density is given as

    (2.12) with , the internal energy is given as



    (2.14) (2.15)

    Since are constants, the discrete form of the Boltzmann equation Eq. (2.3)

    using the BGK collision operator is then given by

    (2.16) First order discretization of the above equation with lattice spacing and time

    step [18] leads to


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    (2.18) where the velocity and the frequency is related to the

    dimensionless relaxation time [16] [17]. In the Eq. (2.18) the unknowns

    are and the known function is .2.3.1 Equilibrium distribution functions

    The equilibrium distribution functions for modern LBM are chosen as the

    Maxwell distribution functions discussed in Section 1.4

    (2.19) where for a two dimensional model which is used in the current work. The

    speed of sound, , can be related to the constants Boltzmann constant ,

    temperature and mass as


    Expanding the Eq. (2.19) in the low-Mach number limit [17]:

    (2.21) The Taylor series expansion of is given as


    Using Eq. (2.22) we have


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    Based on the above equations, the equilibrium distribution function expanded in

    the low Mach number limit is approximated as [17]

    (2.25) For the velocity we have

    (2.26) According to Eq. (2.15)

    The weights are derived based on the model chosen. Different models exist

    based on the dimension of the problem, the number of discrete microscopic

    velocities and the lattice itself [19]. The physical point in the discretized

    physical/temporal space corresponds to a point on the lattice.

    2.3.2 D2Q9 Model

    D2Q9 model is referred as a two dimensional model with square lattice

    and nine-velocities. As discussed in the previous section the weights are

    specific to the model. These weights are derived by evaluating the moments of

    equilibrium distribution function given in Eq. (2.25). Substituting the equilibrium

    distribution function Eq. (2.25) into Eq. (2.9)

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    For a two dimensional model the polynomial is set to [17]


    This assumption, in general, is sufficient to calculate the required moments (mass

    density, momentum density and internal energy) [17]. Evaluating the integral

    given in Eq. (2.27) it was shown [17] that the equilibrium distribution function is

    given by

    (2.29) where


    and the velocities of this model have three distinct values of the magnitudes

    given by (See also Figure 2-1) (2.31)

    The value of is chosen as where is the lattice spacing and is the

    time step. For this model, the speed of the sound is related to the lattice velocity


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    (2.32) The equilibrium distribution function for the finite set of velocities of D2Q9

    model is then given as


    Figure 2-1: Velocities and their directions in D2Q9 model. Thedistribution functions are labeled in blue color.

    2.3.3 Recovering Navier-Stokes Equations

    Application of the Chapman-Enskog expansion [14] to the lattice

    Boltzmann equation for D2Q9 model in the incompressible limit yields the

    Navier-Stokes equations [12] [4]. The corresponding shear viscosity is


    and the equation of state is

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    where is the speed of the sound.

    Though a first order discretization is used in deriving the Lattice Boltzmann

    equation, Eq. (2.18), the method is second order accurate in both space and time

    [20]. The viscosity of the Boltzmann Equation, Eq. (2.3) with BGK collision

    operator, is ; By correcting this viscosity to Eq. (2.34) for the Lattice

    Boltzmann Equation, the truncation errors are corrected [20].

    2.4 Computational Approach

    In order to make the model computationally simple, the time step and

    the grid spacing are chosen to be equal to one time step and one lattice

    unit in a system of units specific to the LBM called lattice units. The other

    dependent parameters are scaled appropriately. Once the computations are

    done, the results are scaled back. Detailed explanation on these steps is given in

    the section 3.2.

    Eq. (2.18) can be written as

    (2.36) where


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    The direction values of are given as:


    The direction values of are given as:


    Re-arranging the terms of Eq. (2.36) with we have

    (2.41) The value of (in lattice units) is used from here on. The above equation is

    solved in two steps namely, collision and propagation (see Figure 2-2). The right

    side of the equation corresponds to the collision and the left side corresponds to

    propagation. The two steps are written as

    (2.42) (2.43)


    is the post collision value. The collision step, Eq. (2.42) is local to

    the node which makes it easy to implement using parallel computing


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    Figure 2-2: Figure showing collision and propagation. The first step,collision is local to node A. The post collision distributionfunctions (maroon color) are propagated to the neighboringnodes as shown in the last figure

    The boundary nodes do not have all the neighboring nodes, hence there are some

    missing distribution functions on these nodes after the propagation step is

    carried out. These missing distribution functions are derived from the various

    types of boundary conditions needed to solve the problem.

    2.5 Boundary Conditions

    The macroscopic quantities such as are computed by the summation

    of the distribution functions as mentioned in Eq. (2.11-2.13). Whereas on the

    boundary nodes we have the macroscopic quantities which need to be

    transformed into the missing distribution functions. Figure 2-3 shows the

    missing distribution functions on the boundary nodes after the propagation step.

    Boundary conditions like no-slip, constant velocity inlet, constant pressure,

    outflow etc., are implemented in different ways by various authors. Some of

    these boundary conditions which have been used in this thesis are explained


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    Figure 2-3: Figure showing missing distribution functions on boundary

    nodes. The nodes marked with B are the boundary nodes andthe ones marked with I are the interior nodes. Not all nodes areshowing the distribution functions for the purpose of clearillustration.

    2.5.1 No-Slip Boundary Conditions

    The no-slip boundary condition used in this work is achieved using the

    bounce-back method. This method is relatively easy to implement and is suitablefor any kind of geometries.

    Figure 2-4: Figure depicting the bounce back method. The distributionfunctions are reversed.

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    The fundamental concept of the bounce back method is that the out-going

    distribution functions are reflected back into the domain. Based on the method of

    this reflection these boundary conditions are classified into two types, namely

    full-way bounce back and the half-way bounce back [21].

    In a full-way bounce back method the collision step is skipped on the wall

    nodes, instead the direction of the distribution functions on the wall nodes is

    reversed [21]. The streaming step is carried out as usual. On any wall node

    the collision step in Eq. (2.42) is replaced by the following equation

    (2.44) where is the opposite direction of . In a half-way bounce back method the

    collision step is carried out as usual but the incoming distribution functions on

    the wall nodes at time are replaced by the outgoing distribution functions on

    the wall nodes at time [21]. Thus, in a half-way bounce back method, thecollision step is un-altered. In both the methods of implementing the bounce

    back boundary conditions the no-slip condition is achieved half-way between the

    wall and the fluid node [22].

    2.5.2 Zou-He Velocity and Pressure Conditionss

    Zou and He in 1997 have proposed a method of specifying the velocity and

    pressure on the boundaries [23]. In this method only the missing distribution

    functions are derived from the specified macroscopic pressure or velocity. For an

    inlet boundary node , after the streaming step has been carried out, it is seen in

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    Figure 2-5 that the distribution functions are missing. The values of themissing distribution functions in-terms of the known distribution functions and

    the given inlet velocity are derived by Zou and He [23] as follows.

    Figure 2-5: Inlet boundary conditions. Figure A shows the missingdistribution functions at the inlet. Figure B shows thepopulated distribution functions (in green) with the Zou-Hemethod.

    From Eq. (2.11):

    (2.45) where is the intermediate calculated density

    From Eq. (2.12):

    where is the component of the inlet velocity and is the component of

    the lattice velocity in direction. Using Eq. (2.39) yields

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    Similarly, in direction (parallel to the boundary)

    where is the component of the inlet velocity. With for the inlet

    velocity condition,

    (2.47) From Eq. (2.45) and Eq. (2.46)

    (2.48) An assumption that the non-equilibrium part of distribution functions normal to

    the boundary are bounced back is made by Zou and He [23]

    From the Eq. (2.33)

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    Thus the value of the distribution function is given as

    (2.49) With known and solving Eq. (2.43) and (2.44), the values of are given as (2.50)


    It should be observed that the inlet velocity is normal to the boundary and does

    not have any directional component.

    Similarly the pressure boundary condition is implemented by substituting

    the missing distribution functions as follows:


    (2.53) (2.54)


    Where is the calculated intermediate velocity and is the density related

    to inlet pressure through the equation of state (EOS).

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    2.5.3 Periodic boundary conditions

    Unlike conventional CFD, periodic boundary conditions are implemented

    in a different fashion in LBM.

    Figure 2-6: Figure showing the periodic boundary.

    Figure 2-7: Figure showing the periodic boundary condition afterimplementation. The corner nodes A, B, C, D still does nothave all the distribution functions.

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    The post collision distribution functions on the boundary nodes are copied

    onto the other periodic boundary as if the propagation step was carried out.

    Figure 2-6 below demonstrates how the post collision distribution functions on

    the right boundary are shifted to the left periodic boundary. Once the periodic

    boundary condition is implemented, the corner nodes still have missing

    distribution functions (nodes in Figure 2-7). These missing distributionfunctions are calculated from the boundary conditions on the other sides (top

    and bottom).

    2.6 Incompressible D2Q9 Model

    He and Luo have proposed an incompressible model which reduces the

    compressibility effects of the model described so far [24]. The density in

    calculating the equilibrium distribution function is replaced by


    where is the average fluid density and is the fluctuation in the density.

    Hence the new equilibrium distribution function is derived by substituting the

    new value of the density and ignoring the higher order terms .


    The density and the momentum density are now given by the equations


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    (2.59) It should be noted that the average fluid density is used for calculating the

    momentum density. The Zou-He boundary conditions which are derived based

    on the equilibrium distribution function are subject to change with this model

    but the bounce back method for the no-slip boundary condition remains the


    2.6.1 Zou-He Boundary conditions for Incompressible D2Q9

    The derivation of the boundary conditions for the incompressible model is

    similar to deriving the boundary conditions mentioned in Section 2.7.2. The new

    equilibrium distribution function Eq. (2.57) is used in the process. The final

    equations for the velocity inlet condition are given as:


    (2.61) (2.62) (2.63)

    The final equations for the pressure inlet condition are given as:


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    (2.67) (2.68)

    The incompressible D2Q9 model is used for solving the Poiseulle flow and flow

    over a cylinder in the next chapter.

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    Chapter 3

    Coding, Validation & Verification

    3.1 About the Code

    A modularized in house FORTRAN 90 code was developed. Intel Visual

    Fortran for Windows was used for this purpose. Most common features of LBM,

    collision, propagation, various boundary conditions, calculating macro variables

    like density, velocity from the distribution functions were written as different

    modules and tested.

    The code reads the flow parameters like the grid dimensions, model used

    (original, incompressible), number of time steps, data output variables,

    dimensionless relaxation time and other problem specific constants from the

    control file. Data utilities were developed to write the values to file at set

    intervals. The code has the ability to write the values in *.dat and *.vtk formats.

    These data files are read by software like MATLAB and ParaView to assess the

    results. Problems which have analytical/experimental results like Poiseulle flow,

    flow over a cylinder were solved using this code for validation.

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    Function profiling was used to find the highly time consuming functions.

    The expensive functions were parallelized using OpenMP [25]. The following

    code snippet shows how the propagation function which is non local is


    ! Subroutine to stream to next nodes SUBROUTINE Stream(fplus, f, xDim, yDim)

    USE LBM_Constants, ONLY : ex, ey


    INTEGER , INTENT (IN):: xDim, yDimDOUBLE PRECISION , INTENT (INOUT):: f(xDim,yDim,0:8)DOUBLE PRECISION , INTENT (IN):: fplus(xDim,yDim,0:8)INTEGER :: j, x, y, xnew, ynew

    !$OMP PARALLEL PRIVATE(xnew, ynew) !$OMP DO DO j = 0, 8

    DO x=1, xDimDO y=1, yDim

    xnew = x+ex(j)ynew = y+ey(j)IF ((xnew >= 1 .AND. xnew && = && 1 .AND. ynew

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    chosen for this study. An incompressible LBM model was chosen as it best suits

    the problem.

    Table 3.1: Table showing the parameters for Velocity driven Poiseulle flow

    InletVelocity Density




    3.2.1 Conversion to Lattice Units

    The Reynolds number for this flow is given by


    From the above equation the kinematic viscosity is

    The parameters are converted into lattice units where the time step and the grid

    spacing are and respectively. The parameters are converted directly to

    lattice units from physical units. The following steps show how the physical

    units (with a subscript p) are transformed to lattice units (with a subscript l).

    Let the number of points in direction, which account for the width of the

    channel be

    The width of the channel in lattice units is with the grid spacing

    . The relation between the physical grid spacing and the lattice grid

    spacing is given as

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    Using the above relation the grid spacing in physical units is given as

    Let the value of the dimensionless relaxation time be . Recalling the

    formula for kinematic viscosity, Eq. (2.34)

    In lattice units, where , the speed of sound is (inlattice units). Using these values, the value of kinematic viscosity in lattice unitsis

    The relation between the viscosity in physical units and lattice units is given by


    and therefore

    The inlet velocity when converted into lattice units is given by

    To scale the density, the unit for mass in lattice units is defined as and hence

    the units for density in lattice units is given as and the units for pressure

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    is . The fluid density in lattice units is chosen based on the reference



    To verify if the transformation is correct, we calculate the Reynolds number

    using the parameters in lattice units

    Hence it is verified that both systems have the same Reynolds number. It is also

    important to verify the Mach number in lattice units

    If the Mach number is not considerably less than unity ( the simulation

    might get unstable because the model recovers macroscopic equations in low-

    Mach number limit. In order to reduce the Mach number we can increase the

    number of grid points ( ) across the channel width or decrease the value of the

    relaxation parameter . It should also be noted that when the value of the

    relaxation parameter approaches , the value of the kinematic viscosity

    approaches . Hence it is necessary to find an optimum set of parameter values.

    The results are converted back to physical units by scaling them using .

    3.2.2 Analytical Solution

    The analytical solution for the Poiseulle flow with uniform velocity inlet

    is given by the following equations provided as follows

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    The maximum centre line velocity is given as

    The average velocity is given a

    The velocity profile is given by,

    where is the position of the top wall and is the position of the bottom


    3.2.3 Boundary Conditions

    The uniform inlet velocity is implemented by Zou-He Velocity boundary

    conditions. No-slip condition using the bounce back method is implemented on

    the walls. With the bounce back boundary conditions, the wall is situated half

    way between the wall node and the neighboring fluid node. This is corrected by

    taking an extra lattice unit in the width of the channel. If there are nodes along

    the width of the channel, the effective channel width, which considers the

    effective wall is

    So, nodes are taken instead which accounts for the width of with

    and . This can be avoided by using Zou-He velocity

    condition as the no-slip condition and by substituting the value of velocity as

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    zero. In case we use the Zou-He velocity condition as the no-slip, as we are using

    the Zou-He condition for the inlet velocity too, there will be insufficient

    distribution functions on the corner nodes which needs special treatment. The

    outflow condition used in this case is achieved by extrapolating the velocities on

    the boundary and implementing these extrapolated velocities using the Zou-He

    velocity boundary condition.

    3.2.4 Results

    The results are collected after the solution has reached a steady state. The

    steady state condition is checked by calculating the residual at each time step. If

    the residual is less than then the solution is expected to reach steady state.

    The residual is taken on the component of the velocity and is given by the

    equation below


    Figure 3-2: Figure depicting the resultant velocity at steady state in aVelocity driven Poiseulle flow. The maximum centre linevelocity of 0.25 is achieved in the centre as expected. Thevelocity near the walls is zero.

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    Figure 3-2 shows the flow in the channel at a steady state. The analytical and the

    numerical results at a downstream location of the channel are compared to see if

    they are in agreement with each other.

    Figure 3-3: Flow development in the channel across various cross sectionalong -direction. The flow is developed towards a completePoiseulle profile.

    Figure 3-3 shows the plots of the velocities across the channel at various

    positions along the channel length. Figure 3-4 shows the comparison between

    the numerical solution and the analytical solution. It is observed that the

    numerical results are in good agreement with the analytical solution.







    1 6 11 16 21 26 31 36 41 46 51

    V e l o c

    i t y

    ( l u / t s


    Y Position

    Flow developmentx=4






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    The no-slip boundary condition and the velocity inlet condition are

    benchmarked with this case as the results of match with the analytical solution.

    Figure 3-4: Comparison between the analytical and numerical solution.The numerical solution is in complete agreement with theanalytical solution.

    3.3 Verification of the Order of Accuracy

    The code is verified for its accuracy by fixing the Reynolds number in the

    velocity driven Poiseulle flow. Recalling the equation for Reynolds number







    1 6 11 16 21 26 31 36 41 46 51


    e l o c

    i t y

    ( l u / t s


    Y Position

    Analytical Vs. Numerical



  • 7/30/2019 Towards Development of a Multiphase Simulation Model Using Lattice Boltzmann Method (LBM)--Narender Reddy



    The values of and were varied by keeping the product and as

    constant. The solutions were compared to the analytical solutions and the error

    was calculated as

    (3.6) where is the number of internal points in the cross section and

    are the normalized analytical and numerical solutions. The numerical solution is

    taken at a down-stream length of from the entrance for all the grids. With

    , for the Reynolds number to be , the value of is

    . Different combinations of giving this value are show below in

    the table

    Table 3.2: Table showing the combinations of width and velocity (for

    ) for a velocity driven Poiseulle flow

    The convergence coefficient is calculated by


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    where is the number of points in the dense grid and is the number of

    points on the coarse grid. are the associated errors.

    The table below shows the errors associated

    Table 3.3: Table showing the study of convergence factor

    Grid Points Error Convergence factor

    Figure 3-5: Figure showing the plot of error vs. number of grid points atthe channel entrance.

    By verifying the convergence it can be seen that the solver is indeed second order

    accurate in spatial dimension as stated in Section 2.3.3.












    20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100


    r r o r

    Grid Points

    Grid Points vs. Error

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    3.4 Pressure driven Poiseulle Flow

    The flow between parallel plates driven by a pressure difference was

    solved using the incompressible D2Q9 model. The following parameters were

    used for the study. Unlike the velocity driven flow where the physical units are

    transformed into lattice units, in this test case the parameters were directly taken

    in lattice units for simplicity.

    Table 3.4: Table showing the parameters for pressure driven Poiseulleflow








    3.4.1 Boundary Conditions

    Zou-He pressure boundary conditions are implemented at both the ends

    of the channel. The densities corresponding to the pressures were calculated

    using the equation of state Eq. (2.35) as and . The bounce

    back method was used to achieve the no-slip condition on both walls. As

    discussed in the section 3.2.3, a correction method was adopted to account for the

    resultant wall produced at half way between the wall and the fluid node. The

    average fluid density was chosen for the simulation.

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    3.4.2 Analytical Solution

    The analytical solution for a pressure driven Poiseulle flow is given by the

    equations shown below.

    The maximum centre line velocity is given as


    where, is the length of the channel and is the average fluid density. The

    velocity profile is given by


    3.4.3 Results

    The results are taken after the residual calculated is in the order of .

    Figure 3-6: Figure showing the residual plot for pressure driven Poiseulleflow.









    1000 11000 21000 31000 41000 51000

    l o g ( r e s i

    d u a l


    Time Steps

    Residual Plot

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    For this case, after around time steps, the residual approached the order of

    . Figure 3-6 shows the plot of residual against time steps.

    Figure 3-7 below shows the steady state flow in a pressure driven flow in

    a channel. The maximum centre line velocity was achieved in the centre of the

    channel. Also, the no-slip condition was achieved on the walls. The inlet and exit

    pressures are exactly as the imposed conditions.

    Figure 3-7: Figure showing the velocity distribution in a channel

    with pressure difference. Velocities are by color.

    Figure 3-8 shows the smooth transition from high density to low density

    (corresponds to high pressure to low pressure through equation of state). This is

    achieved because of the incompressible model used. A comparison was made

    between the analytical and numerical solution in the Figure 3-9. It is observed

    that the numerical results are in good agreement with the analytical results. Also,

    the maximum velocity calculated according to the Eq. (3.8) is achieved. This case

    benchmarks the inlet and exit pressure boundary conditions.

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    Figure 3-8: Figure showing the density variation in pressuredriven Poiseulle flow.

    Figure 3-9: Comparison between the analytical and numerical solution in apressure driven Poiseulle flow. The numerical solution is incomplete agreement with the analytical solution for thePressure driven Poiseulle flow solved with D2Q9Incompressible model.










    1 6 11 16 21 26 31 36 41 46 51

    V e l o c i

    t y ( l u / t s


    Y Position

    Analytical v.s. Numerical



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    3.5 Flow over a Cylinder (Re=100)

    Flow over a cylinder between two parallel plates was solved using the

    incompressible D2Q9 LBM. The geometrical specifications of the channel and the

    cylinder are shown in Figure 3-10. The results were compared with the work of

    Schafer and Turek [26] who studied the laminar flow over a cylinder for similar

    kind of geometry. The dimensions are given in terms of the radius of the

    cylinder. For simplicity, the system of units chosen was lattice units.

    Figure 3-10: Figure showing the geometrical specifications for flow over a


    3.5.1 Parameters

    Flow parameters and their derivations are given in the table below.

    Table 3.5: Table showing the parameters for flow over a cylinder


    Value 40

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    Distance from centre to lower wall

    Distance from centre to upper wall

    Length of the channel Width of the channel

    Number of grid points in direction

    Number of grid points in direction

    Kinematic Viscosity

    Dimensionless relaxation time

    Figure 3-11: Inlet parabolic velocity profile with an average velocity offor flow over a cylinder

    The channel has a parabolic inlet velocity profile with average inlet flow velocity








    1 26 51 76 101 126 151 176 201 226 251 276 301 326


    e l o c i t y ( l u / t s


    Y Direction

    Inlet Velocity Profile

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    The parabolic inlet velocity profile is calculated as (see Figure 3-11)


    3.5.2 Boundary Conditions

    Bounce back boundary conditions were used on the channel walls and on

    the cylinder nodes. Zou-He velocity condition was used to implement the

    parabolic velocity profile at the inlet. The outlet condition is same as the one

    implemented for the velocity driven Poiseulle flow.

    3.5.3 Results

    Figure 3-12, 3-13 shows the instantaneous velocity contours in the

    channel. The vortex shedding can be clearly seen downstream of the cylinder.

    Figure 3-12: Instantaneous velocity contours for flow over acylinder.

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    Figure 3-13: Instantaneous velocity contours in the vicinity of thecylinder.

    Figure 3-14: Coefficient of drag, , for flow over a cylinder(asymmetrically placed in the channel)







    165000 169000 173000 177000 181000 185000

    C o e

    f f i c i e n

    t o f

    D r a g

    Time ( ts, lattice units )

    Coefficient of Drag


  • 7/30/2019 Towards Development of a Multiphase Simulation Model Using Lattice Boltzmann Method (LBM)--Narender Reddy



    The coefficient of drag is plotted in Figure 3-14. It can be observed that

    there are two peaks for the drag coefficient here. Similar kind of plot with two

    peaks can be observed in references [27] [28] for flow over a cylinder placed

    asymmetrically in a channel. The peaks and fall within of the range

    given by Schaufer and Turek [26].

    It was suspected that the two peaks of are due to the asymmetry of the

    position of the cylinder in the channel. To verify this, a case with no asymmetry

    was studied and it can be observed in Figure 3-15 that there is only one peak

    value for .

    Figure 3-15: Co-efficient of Drag for flow over a cylinder(symmetrically placed in the channel)

    The parameters used for this simulation are same except that the radius

    and the distance of centre of cylinder from both walls was . The

    corresponding value of the dimensionless relaxation time is . The peak







    289500 292000 294500 297000 299500

    C o - e f

    f i c i e m

    t o f

    D r a g

    Time ( ts, lattice units )

    Co-efficient of Drag

  • 7/30/2019 Towards Development of a Multiphase Simulation Model Using Lattice Boltzmann Method (LBM)--Narender Reddy



    value of the drag coefficient obtained in this case is and the minimum

    value is .

    The coefficient of lift was plotted for the first (asymmetric) case and it

    was observed that it is fluctuating with a mean slightly less than zero. Again, the

    mean being non-zero is due to the asymmetry of the position of the cylinder in

    the channel. The maximum of the lift coefficient achieved is within the

    range as given in the reference [26].

    Figure 3-16: Co-efficient of Lift for flow over a cylinder (asymmetricallyplaced in the channel)

    The frequency of the vortex shedding is determined by the Strouhal

    number given as

    (3.11) where is the diameter of the cylinder, is the average inlet flow velocity and is the frequency of the vortex shedding. This frequency of vortex shedding was









    165000 169000 173000 177000 181000 185000

    C o e

    f f i c i e n

    t o f L i f t

    Time ( ts, lattice units )

    Coefficient of Lift



  • 7/30/2019 Towards Development of a Multiphase Simulation Model Using Lattice Boltzmann Method (LBM)--Narender Reddy



    determined from the plot of the lift coefficient against time, averaging the peak to

    peak time difference . The frequency was found as


    The Strouhal number calculated for this model was which is in the

    range given in the reference [26]. The vorticity distribution in the

    channel is presented in Figure 3-17. It can be seen that vortices are formed

    downstream of the cylinder.

    Figure 3-17: Vorticity for the flow over a cylinder. The pattern for vorticitycan be observed in the figure.

    The cylinder boundary is not exactly smooth; it is a stair-case like approximation

    to the curved cylinder boundary. The no-slip condition was used on the cylinder

    nodes. Another option was to use a curved boundary condition which is based

    on the interpolation/extrapolation of the distribution functions. This case of the

    flow over the cylinder validates the code for solving unsteady flows. Also, this

    test case reassures the functionality of the inlet velocity condition and no-slip

    condition. It also validates the approach used to approximate curved wall


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    Chapter 4

    Multi-Phase LBM

    4.1 Introduction

    In this case, multiphase refers to phenomenon where a fluid separates into

    different phases. This phase change might be triggered due to various factors

    such as change in temperature, pressure, geometry etc. Statistical mechanics and

    the underlying thermodynamics makes it easy for the LBM to deal with the

    phase changes which otherwise is complicated to model using the conventional

    CFD techniques. There are various multiphase models existing using the LBM,

    such as Chromodynamic model [29], Shan-Chen Model [30] [31], Free energy

    model [32] [33] and HSD model [34]. Shan-Chen model is based on incorporating

    the long-range attractive forces between the distribution functions.

    4.2 Shan-Chen Model

    This model is based on incorporating the attraction force between the

    distribution functions. In the original Shan-Chen model the interaction force is

    approximated using the following equation [30] [31]

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    where is the number of nearest sites with equal distance , is the dimension

    of the space (2 in our case) and is the temperature like term. Other neighboring

    sites (next nearest) can be considered in the Eq. (4.1) if the term is

    evaluated properly [35]. More generally, the equation can be written as [35]


    For a D2Q9 model there are four sites which are at a distance of one lattice unit

    and other four sites which are at a distance of lattice units away from the sitewhere the interaction force needs to be calculated. Hence the value of is givenas

    (4.3) Various forms of the interaction force can be developed from formulating the

    [35]. One widely used formulation with a six point scheme to evaluate the

    divergence term for the interaction force for a D2Q9 model is given as


    where is the interaction strength, are the weights for LBM model and is

    the interaction potential which is a function of density. In the summation given

    by Eq. (4.4), the values of are considered only if is a fluid node.

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    For the force calculated is positive, which accounts for an attraction force.

    This attractive force is incorporated [36] into the existing model as follows:


    Where is the change in velocity due to the additional force term. The change

    in velocity is then added to the equilibrium velocity (velocity used in calculating

    the equilibrium distribution functions)


    The intermediate velocity is used in calculating the equilibrium distribution

    functions. The final macroscopic velocity is calculated as


    With the incorporation of the additional forcing term the algorithm of the

    existing LBM model is changed slightly. Additional subroutines are used to

    calculate the interaction potential and the interaction force . It can be shown

    that the Equation of State of the fluid simulated with the incorporation force as

    mentioned in Eq. (4.4) is [37]


    in lattice units,


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    The above equation varies for different types of interaction potential functions

    . One such function proposed by Shan-Chen [30] is


    where and are arbitrary constants. With this interaction potential the

    equation of state becomes [36]


    The equation of state given above has a non-ideal component. With this

    equation, for values of pressure below the critical value, two phases ( ) can

    co-exist [36].

    The critical values of the equation of state are given by equating the first

    and second derivatives of pressure with density equal to zero. Considering the

    equation of state Eq. (4.11)



    By solving the above two equations the critical values are given as



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    The critical values for the equation of state with are

    . The critical values are marked in dashed lines in Figure 4-1.

    Figure 4-1: Equation of State for Shan-Chen model with given by Eq.

    (4.11) and . The units of density are andpressure are . This figure is given in reference [36]

    4.3 Validation

    To perform a validation check on the code a lattice with periodic

    boundary conditions on all sides was chosen. The domain is initialized with a

    density of , where is a random number between and . This

    initial randomization is necessary to create the imbalance between the forces

    which account for the phase separation [36]. The total number of time steps

    required for the domain to phase separate into a single liquid droplet








    0 200 400 600 800 1000

    P r e s s u r e


    Equation of State for SC-ModelG=-50





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    surrounded by vapor or vice versa is dependent on the randomization, i.e., for

    smaller values the number of time steps is larger. Values of ,

    and are used in this simulation. The normalized density plots at

    various time steps were captured. It can be observed that the domain phase

    separates. These results shown in Figure 4-2 are in good agreement with the

    results shown in the reference [36]. The dark portion corresponds to the density

    of liquid and the white portion corresponds to the density of the vapor.

    Figure 4-2: Normalized density pictures at various time steps . Therandomization variable is between .

    A similar test case was run with a smaller randomization variable , between

    and . Though the final results are the same, the time taken is more in this case.

    The results can be seen in Figure 4-3.

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    Figure 4-3: Normal density pictures at various time steps . Therandomization variable is between and . The time taken inthis case is larger.

    4.4 Fluid-Wall Interaction

    The fluid wall interaction force is given by [38]


    where is the adsorption coefficient and is a function whose value is

    one if the node is a wall and zero otherwise. Sukop and Thorne in their

    book [36] have shown that different contact angles can be achieved between the

    fluid and the surface by varying the value of .

    Table 4.1: Table showing the adsorption coefficient for contact angles.

    Contact Angle

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    According to Sukop and Thorne [36], the values of (with ) for

    different contact angles is given in the Table 4.1. A validation case mentioned in

    the reference [36] is run to check if the simulation code is working for the contact

    angles. A similar test case as in section 4.3 was performed except a wall placed in

    between the domain was run for this purpose. The initial densities (with random

    variations) chosen in the simulations for contact angles are

    respectively. Figure 4-4 shows the results obtained.

    Figure 4-4: Normalized density pictures for various contact angles. Thecontact angles are in order.

    The results shown above are in agreement with the results shown in the

    reference [36].

    4.5 Parabolic Slider Bearing

    To observe the phenomenon of multiphase in the slider bearing, the

    domain was initialized with a density of , where is a random

    number between and . This density falls in the unstable portion of the

    equation of state for . The slider wall was given a

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    velocity and it was studied if the liquid droplets move because of the velocity

    imparted by the slider. This test case was performed as a basic check for the

    combination of moving wall boundary condition with the multiphase model.

    Periodic boundary conditions were implemented on the left and right part of the

    domain. Zou-He velocity condition was implemented on the slider and the No-

    Slip condition was implemented on the wall nodes.

    Figure 4-5: Figure showing the geometry of the slider bearing.

    As shown in the Figure 4-5, the slider was given a velocity of in the

    direction. The parameters used for this simulation are given in the Table 4.2


    Table 4.2: Table showing the parameters for Slider Bearing test case

    4.5.1 Results


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    Normalized density plots at various time steps were generated and it was

    observed that as expected, for , the liquid droplets formed have a

    contact angle of degrees. Also, since periodic boundary conditions are used

    on inlet and the exit, the liquid droplets exit from the right and enter through left

    because of the velocity imparted by the slider. In the Figure 4-6 it can be

    observed that the liquid droplets in the vicinity of the slider move from left to

    right, while in the same time the liquid droplets coalesce.

    Figure 4-6: Figure showing the normalized density in the Slider Bearing atvarious time steps.

    An interesting condensation phenomenon was observed in the region of

    high pressure. This phenomenon is seen in Figure 4-7. The high pressure region

    for this geometry is located on the left side in the vicinity of the curved bearing.

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    Figure 4-7: Figure showing condensation in high pressure region in SliderBearing.

    Figure 4-8: Figure showing the high pressure region in the parabolic sliderbearing.

    To show that the particular region where the condensation is occurring

    has indeed higher pressures, a test case with same geometry and simulation


    High pressure region

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    parameters was run without the multiphase model (no interaction forces). The

    pressure contours obtained due to the movement of the slider is shown in Figure

    4-8. It was observed that the higher pressure region was in the location where the

    condensation was occurring in the multiphase simulation. The multiphase

    dynamics is different from the single phase dynamics, but this test case gives an

    intuitive correlation.

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    Chapter 5

    Conclusions & Future Work

    Literature review was done on Lattice Boltzmann Method (LBM). Various

    aspects such as derivation of the Lattice Boltzmann Equation, boundary

    conditions, multiphase models were studied. The model with BGK collision, two

    dimension and nine discrete velocities, D2Q9 was chosen. Initially, the equations

    were programmed in FORTRAN90 to simulate single phase flows

    (incompressible). The code written is a serial code which calls different

    subroutines whenever required. These subroutines were optimized for

    performance using function profiling. The inbuilt profiling tools in the Intel

    Visual Fortran were used for this purpose. The propagation function which took

    more time relative to other subroutines is optimized for performance using

    OpenMP. Though the propagation function is optimized for performance, for the

    grid sizes used in this work it was observed that the code without the OpenMP

    takes less time due to the overhead of creating and killing threads in each

    iteration. In future work instead of using the OpenMP on specific function, the

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    grid can be divided into different blocks and MPI can be used. The code

    developed was validated for single phase with standard test cases:

    Velocity driven Poiseulle flow was solved using the code developed. It was

    observed that the numerical solution is in agreement with the analytical

    solution. To check for the order of accuracy, in this test case the grid points

    were varied by keeping the Reynolds number as constant. The order of

    accuracy was as expected. The velocity inlet condition and no-slip wall

    condition are benchmarked using this test case.

    As a second test case, pressure driven Poiseulle flow was solved. The

    numerical results obtained are compared to the analytical solution and it

    was observed that there was no deviation from the analytical solution.

    Constant pressure boundary conditions are benchmarked in this test case.

    Flow over a cylinder with Reynolds number was chosen as the third

    test case. The cylinder was placed asymmetrically in the channel. The drag,

    lift coefficients and the Strouhal number were obtained from the results.

    The results produced agree very well with the results in the literature. It

    was observed that there are two peaks for the drag coefficient. It was

    assumed that this behavior is because of the asymmetry in the position of

    the cylinder in the channel. To verify this, a test case with the cylinder

    placed exactly in the centre of the channel was modeled and showed that

    there was only one peak for the drag coefficient. Confirming the initial

    assumption, the lift coefficient too had the mean lift slightly less than zero,

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    which again was a consequence of the asymmetry of the position of the

    cylinder in the channel. The no-slip condition was used on the cylinder


    The Shan-Chen model for multiphase was incorporated into the code. The

    test cases mentioned in the reference [36] were chosen for validation:

    A square domain with periodic boundary conditions on all sides was

    chosen and initialized with density chosen from the unstable portion of the

    equation of state (see Figure 4-1). It was observed that the domain phase

    separate as mentioned in the reference [36]. It was also observed that the

    time taken for phase separation depend on the randomization of the initial


    To validate the code for contact angle dynamics, a square domain with a

    wall placed in the centre was chosen. Periodic boundary conditions on all

    sides were chosen for this case too. It was observed that, as mentioned in

    the reference [36], that the contact angles produced as expected by varying

    the adsorption coefficient.

    To observe the phenomenon of multiphase flow in a slider bearing, the

    domain was initialized with a random density which falls in the unstable portion

    of the equation of state. The slider wall was given a velocity and it was studied if

    the liquid droplets moved because of the velocity imparted by the slider. It was

    observed that the velocity was imparted by the slider to the liquid droplets. It

    was also observed that condensation occurs in the highest pressure region.

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    Though only one equation of state was modeled in this code, other

    equations of state can be incorporated by simply replacing interaction potential

    function as mentioned in the reference [35]. The future work is dependent

    on modeling the physical fluid using parameters such as interaction strength,

    interaction potential and adsorption coefficient of the multiphase model.

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