Touro Tradition, Vol 3 No 1, Fall 2010

Happy new year INSIDE THIS ISSUE: President’s Message 1 Message from the Rabbi 2 GW Letter Reading 3 Holiday Greetings 4 Service Schedule 5 Flu Shot Clinic 6 Around Touro 7 FALL 2010 TISHREI 5771 SPECIAL POINTS OF INTEREST: Services for the Holiday Season Greetings from Community Members Community Events Touro Touro T T radition radition TOURO TRADITION VOL 3 NO 1 Message from the Presidents congregation. The thread of history that connects all Jewish people is especially strong at Touro Synagogue. Sitting in the ladies gallery, I often think about the women who sat there before me. They range from 18th century colonial congregants such as Reyna Hays Touro and Sarah Rivera Lopez to 19th and early 20th century members such as Annie Rosen and Dora Kusinitz Adelson, whose descendants are still members of the congregation today. These women and their families represent our past while young couples such as Michael and Sara Berman Pimental and the new congregant they will soon present to us are our future. My membership in the congregation makes me a part of the history, tradition and continuity that binds us all as members of the Jewish community here in Newport, throughout the United States and around the world. As we gather for the holidays in our magnificent, historic sanctuary and look out at our beautiful Patriots Park and the wonderful new Visitors Center, our hearts are full. Steve and I and Saul and Susan send you and your families our best wishes for the New Year. לשנה טובהBea F ellow Members of Congregation Jeshuat Israel, Last year in my Rosh Hashanah Greetings, I mentioned my hope that in my letter this year I would be able to report progress in securing the financial future of the synagogue and ensuring that it will always be open for services as an orthodox synagogue with a rabbi in residence. I am happy to write that we have made significant progress toward our goal! By cutting costs and streamlining the management of our buildings and grounds, we had a balanced budget for the first time in years. We also launched the first of our planned fundraising efforts, the Abraham Touro Society. By enrolling 100 charter members in the Society, we will raise $1,000,000! We have not solved our problems by balancing our budget one year or by doing some fundraising, but we have embraced the challenge and are taking significant steps toward our goal of adding $8,000,000 to our endowment. Working together, we will succeed. The future of the synagogue is in our hands! Nevertheless, despite the constraints, I think that I speak for all of us when I express my pride and pleasure at being a member of this

Transcript of Touro Tradition, Vol 3 No 1, Fall 2010

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Happy new year


T H I S I S S U E :


Message 1


from the



GW Letter

Reading 3


Greetings 4


Schedule 5

Flu Shot

Clinic 6


Touro 7

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I N T E R E S T :

Services for

the Holiday


Greetings from








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V O L 3 N O 1

Message from the Presidents congregation. The thread of history that

connects all Jewish people is especially strong

at Touro Synagogue. Sitting in the ladies

gallery, I often think about the women who

sat there before me. They range from 18th

century colonial congregants such as Reyna

Hays Touro and Sarah Rivera Lopez to 19th

and early 20th century members such as

Annie Rosen and Dora Kusinitz Adelson,

whose descendants are still members of the

congregation today. These women and their

families represent our past while young

couples such as Michael and Sara Berman

Pimental – and the new congregant they will

soon present to us – are our future. My

membership in the congregation makes me a

part of the history, tradition and continuity

that binds us all as members of the Jewish

community here in Newport, throughout the

United States and around the world.

As we gather for the holidays in our

magnificent, historic sanctuary and look out at

our beautiful Patriots Park and the wonderful

new Visitors Center, our hearts are full.

Steve and I and Saul and Susan send you and your families our best wishes for the New

Year. טובה לשנה


F ellow Members of Congregation Jeshuat


Last year in my Rosh Hashanah Greetings, I

mentioned my hope that in my letter this year

I would be able to report progress in securing

the financial future of the synagogue and

ensuring that it will always be open for

services as an orthodox synagogue with a

rabbi in residence. I am happy to write that

we have made significant progress toward our

goal! By cutting costs and streamlining the

management of our buildings and grounds, we

had a balanced budget for the first time in

years. We also launched the first of our

planned fundraising efforts, the Abraham

Touro Society. By enrolling 100 charter

members in the Society, we will raise


We have not solved our problems by

balancing our budget one year or by doing

some fundraising, but we have embraced the

challenge and are taking significant steps

toward our goal of adding $8,000,000 to our

endowment. Working together, we will

succeed. The future of the synagogue is in our


Nevertheless, despite the constraints, I think

that I speak for all of us when I express my

pride and pleasure at being a member of this

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“Fortunate is the

Nation that

knows the sound

of the shofar. “

Message from the Rabbi

T he Jewish year of

5771 wil l be

approaching very shortly.

O n T h u r s d a y

September 9, we will

hear the shofar sounded

in our synagogue. You

may be pleasantly

surprised to learn that

the shofar has been blown in our

synagogue for the past thirty days.

The month prior to RH is dedicated

to soul searching and repentance.

Except for Sabbaths, everyday of the

month of Elul includes the recitation

of the 27th psalm as well as the blast

of the ram’s horn. It is impossible to

enter the year 5771 without

preparation and soul examination.

For those of you who were not

privileged to hear the shofar blasts

during Elul, I would like to share

some of my observations.

It is appropriate to reflect on this

past summer’s Washington letter

celebration. We achieved something

of such great significance that we can

only be pleased that it occurred. For

the first time in several years, our

three congregations, Newport,

Philadelphia and New York were

joined together in a major

celebration. The rabbis of NY and

Philadelphia enhanced our prestige by

joining forces with us over the

Wash ing ton letter weekend.

Together we found great strength in

numbers. We joined together as

three synagogue families looking to

each other for inspiration and clarity.

The greatest danger

facing our community is

isolation. We cannot

survive as a synagogue

without others who

care for our well-being.

As such that special

weekend is a mark of

distinction for our


It is noteworthy that this summer we

had an infusion of spiritual activity and

credit must go to two wonderful

families who joined us for services

Friday nights and Saturday mornings.

Bob Book, Jay Schottenstein and their

families showed us that we can pray

with joy and enthusiasm. We must

give them credit for joining us twice in

a Sabbath, when the walk to and from

their residences is quite far. Because

of these wonderful families, we

secured a minyan three times during

the fast of Tisha B’Av. Their input also

made Se l ichot serv ices most

remarkab le . The Book and

Schottenstein families care enough

about our synagogue to want us to

attend and participate in a way that we

have never done before. From the

bottom of my heart, I thank these

wonderful people for their inspiration.

May G-d bless them and us in a very

sweet and spiritual new year.

Wishing the Touro family, its friends,

and relatives all the very best during

this coming year.

Rabbi Eskovitz

The symbols of Sukkot


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P A G E 3 T O U R O T R A D I T I O N

Washington Letter Reading 2010

Seixas letter reader George Bulow (L) and

Washington letter reader Bob Book (R) flank-ing the keynote speaker Dr. William Haas

Rabbi Gabbai (Mikvah Israel) , Rev. Dr. Anita

Schell-Lambert, Rabbi Eskovitz, and Rabbi Rohde (Shearith Israel)

Newport Artillery

color guard

Sam and Phyllis Freedman and other audience

members applaud a speaker

Saul Woythaler delivers

greetings from Congregation Jeshuat


Peter Slom (L) and Rita Slom (R) with one of

the Slom Scholarship award winners, Benjamin Wygant, and his parents

Louise Teitz (red hat) with holocaust survivors and

Teitz Award recipients from the Holocaust Education and Resource Center of Rhode Island

Andrew Teitz,

Master of Ceremonies

Shirley and Phillip Mintz

and Jo Stein

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High Holiday Greetings Arnie and Francine Aaron

Lou and Sally Abbey

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Abrams

The Chalfin Family

Dr. Elie and Marcia Cohen

Charlene and Larry Cohen

Doris and Alan Feinberg

Irene and Morty Glasser and Family

Cliff L. Guller

Dr. and Mrs. James Herstoff and Family

Selma Klein

Joan T. Liebman

Philip and Shirley Mintz

Barbara Epstein and Zal Newman

The Pedrick Family

Donna and Frank Pimental

Steve, Bea and Jay Ross

Bernice and Saul Schweber

Rita Slom and Family

Renee Talewsky and Family

Susan and Saul Woythaler


Apples and

Honey for a

Sweet New Year

A Beautiful Sukkah We hope our members will enjoy the luach (Hebrew Calendar) included

with out High Holiday mailing. Be sure to check out November. Do you

need an extra luach? The Touro office has a number of calendars for the

Hebrew year 5771 supplied by Sugarman’s Memorial Chapel. If you

would like one, please call the office and leave a message. We will get

one to you or arrange a time for pick-up at the office.

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T O U R O T R A D I T I O N P A G E 5

High Holiday Services 2010

Rosh HaShanah Services

Wednesday, Sept 8, 6:00 PM

Thursday, September 9, 8:30 AM and 6:30 PM

Tashlich 5:00 PM

Friday, September 10, 8:30 AM and 6:30 PM

Yom Kippur Services

Kol Nidre - Friday, September 17, 6:15 PM

September 18, 8:30 AM, 5:15 PM, 6:15 PM

Sukkot Services

Sukkot Services

Wednesday, September 22, 6:15 PM

Thursday, September 23, 8:45 AM and 6:15 PM

Friday, September 24, 8:45 AM and 6:15 PM

Chol Hamoed Sukkot Services

Sunday, September 26 through

Tuesday, September 28

8:00 AM and 6:00 PM

Hoshanah Rabbah and Shemini Atzeret

Wednesday, September 29, 8:00 AM and 6:00 PM

Thursday, September 30, 8:45 AM (Yizkor)

Simchat Torah

Thursday, September 30, 6 PM

Torah Parade

6:30 PM immediately following the service

Friday, October 1, 8:45 AM

2010/5771 Service Schedule

Thank You To

The Ladies Auxiliary of Touro Synagogue

For Hosting The

Break The Fast

(which we know will be wonderful, as usual!)

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P A G E 6

Flu Shot Clinic

Visiting Nurse Services

of Newport and Bristol Counties

will conduct a

Please bring your insurance card.

Flu vaccination is covered by Medicare, Medicaid,

most private insurances, or private pay.

For more information, please call (401)-682-2100 ext 470.

If you are allergic to eggs or egg products, you cannot have a flu shot.

Please wear sleeveless or loose tops.

Open to anyone over 18 years old.

Public Flu Clinic

Thursday, November 4, 2010

9:00 to 11:30 AM


The Levi Gale House

85 Touro Street

Newport, RI Visiting Nurse Services

Of Newport and Bristol Counties


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Touro Synagogue

85 Touro Street

Newport, RI 02840

Phone: 401-847-4794

E-mail: [email protected]


Dedicated in 1763 and designated as a National

Historic Site in 1946, Touro Synagogue is the

oldest synagogue in North America and a

world renowned symbol of religious freedom.

The Touro Tradition is a publication of:

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TT raditionradition T O U R O T R A D I T I O N

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We need your help. Are you celebrating a special occasion at the synagogue? Do you have a message that needs to get out to your friends in the Touro community? Please let us help. Contact the Touro office and leave a message. Someone will get back to you. We can use our email distribution and phone

tree to help get the word out.

Mazel Tov to: Saul Woythaler and Stanley Light who celebrated

the 50th anniversaries of their B’nai Mitzvah at

Touro Synagogue

Condolences to: Dr. Henry Spencer on the loss of his sister

Thank You to: All the members that sponsored special

kiddushim this summer

All our guides for helping to keep Touro

Synagogue open for tours this summer

Around Touro