Tourism and Smart Specialisation

Tourism and Smart Specialisa2on João Romão


S3 Platform - Peer Review Workshop Tourism and Smart Specialisation 4-5 July 2013, Faro - Portugal

Transcript of Tourism and Smart Specialisation

Page 1: Tourism and Smart Specialisation

Tourism  and  Smart  Specialisa2on    

João  Romão  

Page 2: Tourism and Smart Specialisation

Tourism  and  Smart  Specialisa2on  João  Romão  VU  Amsterdam  /  University  of  Algarve  

S3  Pla'orm  -­‐  Peer  Review  Workshop  Faro  July  2013  

1.   CharacterisAcs  of  Tourism,  a  place  oriented  acAvity      

Tourism  des2na2ons  are  mulAproduct  areas  for  mulA-­‐segment  markets,    with  mul2-­‐clients  from  mul2-­‐origins  and  their  mul2-­‐mo2va2ons.      Tourism  services  are  provided  by  a  large  number  of  companies    but  tourists  perceive  des2na2ons  as  an  integrated  experience.      The  overall  experience  does  not  rely  only  in  the  products  and  services    but  also  on  the  environment  and  community  where  the  visit  occurs.    Tourists  have  different  percepAons  about  the  authen2city  of  the  des2na2ons    and  saAsfacAon  also  depends  on  their  characterisAcs,  expecta2ons  and  mo2va2ons.    The  heterogeneity  of  contemporary  tourism  des2na2ons  (differenAaAon)    is  accomplished  by  the  heterogeneity  of  tourist  preferences  (segmentaAon).  

Page 3: Tourism and Smart Specialisation

Tourism  and  Smart  Specialisa2on  João  Romão  VU  Amsterdam  /  University  of  Algarve  

S3  Pla'orm  -­‐  Peer  Review  Workshop  Faro  July  2013  

1.   CharacterisAcs  of  Tourism,  a  place  oriented  acAvity      

Local  specific  resources  (nature  or  culture)  are  essen2al  to  differen2ate  des2na2ons  but  they  are  generally  very  sensi2ve  to  the  excess  of  usage.    Excess  of  usage  and  commodificaAon  of  local  resources  can  contribute    to  develop  hos2le  behaviors  from  local  communiAes  regarding  tourism  development.      Involvement  of  local  communiAes  in  tourism  tourism  development  plans  contributes  to  ensure  local  social  cohesion.    Contemporary  societal  challenges  (energy  consump2on,  limited  resources,  climate  change)  have  deep  implica2ons  on  sustainable  tourism  development.  

Page 4: Tourism and Smart Specialisation

Tourism  and  Smart  Specialisa2on  João  Romão  VU  Amsterdam  /  University  of  Algarve  

S3  Pla'orm  -­‐  Peer  Review  Workshop  Faro  July  2013  

2.  InnovaAon  in  Tourism  Services      

Tourism  is  an  increasingly  knowledge  based  ac2vity  where  innovaAons  have  a  global  diffusion.    Computer  Reserva2on  Systems  Global  Distribu2on  Systems  (Massifica2on  of  internet    Geographical  Informa2on  Systems  Infography  and  design  Interac2ve  soNware  solu2ons  Massifica2on  of  mobile  phones  Web  2.0  (social  networks)    Personalized  communica2on  Costumer  Rela2on  Management  Media2sa2on  of  tourism      InteracAon  of  tourism  companies  with  costumers  helps  to  understand  needs  and  mo2va2ons    of  tourists  and  to  reach  specific  targets  with  oriented  and  personalized  informaAon.    

Page 5: Tourism and Smart Specialisation

Tourism  and  Smart  Specialisa2on  João  Romão  VU  Amsterdam  /  University  of  Algarve  

S3  Pla'orm  -­‐  Peer  Review  Workshop  Faro  July  2013  

2.  InnovaAon  in  Tourism  Services    InteracAon  producer  –  consumer  in  tourism  enhances  entrepreneurial  innovaAon:  -­‐  tacit  knowledge  (requiring  codifica2on  and  adapta2on  to  innova2ve  processes)  -­‐  localised  knowledge  (the  des2na2on  is  a  repository  of  unique  and  inimitable  knowledge)    Interac2on  producers  -­‐  consumers  in  a  territory  (co-­‐terminality,  spaAality  and  temporality)  enhances  the  importance  of  local  and  regional  innovaAon  networks.    Transforma2on  of  tacit  knowledge  into  innova2on  processes  by  SME  requires  exper2se.    Innova2on  in  tourism  relies  on  collabora2ve  networks  (cooperaAon  among  compeAtors).    Poten2al  shared  benefits  arising  from  localised  knowledge  require  the  mobiliza2on  of  stakeholders  with  very  different  characteris2cs  in  order  to  create  networks  for  common  learning.    

Page 6: Tourism and Smart Specialisation

Tourism  and  Smart  Specialisa2on  João  Romão  VU  Amsterdam  /  University  of  Algarve  

S3  Pla'orm  -­‐  Peer  Review  Workshop  Faro  July  2013  

3.  What  is  the  tourism  cluster  Examples  of  ac2vi2es  and  poten2al  scien2fic  areas  

Accommoda2on  Food  and  beverage  Other  facili2es  and  services    Mobility  (ship  building,  soN  modes…)  Energy  Natural  resources  Landscape  Health  Museums  and  Monuments  Cultural  events  Recrea2onal  events    Informa2on  and  communica2on  Communica2on    Promo2on    Governance    

Management  Architecture      Engineering    Life  sciences  Landscape  architecture  Biomedicine  Arts,  History,  Archaeology  Anthropology      IC  Engineering  Design    Marke2ng    Economics,  Sociology  

Page 7: Tourism and Smart Specialisation

Tourism  and  Smart  Specialisa2on  João  Romão  VU  Amsterdam  /  University  of  Algarve  

S3  Pla'orm  -­‐  Peer  Review  Workshop  Faro  July  2013  

4.  Tourism  and  Smart  SpecialisaAon  Overall  view  

Page 8: Tourism and Smart Specialisation

Tourism  and  Smart  Specialisa2on  João  Romão  VU  Amsterdam  /  University  of  Algarve  

S3  Pla'orm  -­‐  Peer  Review  Workshop  Faro  July  2013  

5.  Tourism  and  Smart  SpecialisaAon  

Challenges    How  to  combine  tacit  and  local  entrepreneurial  knowledge  with  academic  knowledge?    How  to  mobilize  small  and  compe22ve  companies  for  collaboraAve  networks?    How  to  develop  a  shared  and  common  vision  combining  different  interests  and  mo2va2ons?    How  to  interact  with  other  clusters?    How  to  iden2fy  relevant  “key  enabling  technologies”  ?  

Threatens    Tourism  is  a  luxury  ac2vity,  very  dependent  on  economic  cycles;  Reduc2on  in  tourism  demand  can  have  relevant  impacts  on  local  economies;  Lack  of  financial  resources.    Regional  brain-­‐drain  (e.g.  South-­‐European  regions);    Similar  strategies  in  similar  regions  (e.g.  South-­‐European  regions);