
Welcoming tourists: Hello everyone. My name is Luca. On behalf of Suntan Tours I'd like to welcome you all to Los Cabos. The bus ride to your hotel will take about fifteen minutes. Right now I'd like to take a minute to familiarize you with the area and discuss some brief safety precautions. Firstly, I ask that you remain seated until we reach our destination and that you not eat or drink while on the bus. Secondly, please realize that it is against the law to get drunk in public. Enjoy your vacation, but do drink responsibly and do not drink and drive. Describing the location: I promise you are going to enjoy your stay here in San Jose, Los Cabos. This is a beautiful, quiet city where you can relax, sit by the beach, enjoy great meals and feel very safe. You can walk into town and enjoy the fountains or take a moonlit walk along the water. Please do not swim here. This is not a safe place to swim because there is a strong undertow. Cabos San Lucas is the place to go if you want to enjoy swimming in the ocean. You can take a short bus ride from your hotel. There you will also enjoy entertainment and dancing. Introducing special events and offers: Suntan tours offers a variety of special discounts depending on your travel plans. We have golf packages, as well as guided whale boat tours, and fishing charters. There will be a short information session at 1pm in the lobby of the hotel tomorrow where you can learn all about these offers. We recommend that you do not purchase packages from street vendors as they are not always 100 percent reliable. They also may charge you more than what they say. Please take my advice and allow Suntan tours to book all of your day trips and activities while you are here. Offering advice: If you need to exchange your dollars into pesos, please use a bank or money exchange. We don't recommend exchanging your money at the hotel because you won't get a fair rate. Some restaurants will accept American or Canadian money, but you are



Transcript of Tourism

Welcoming tourists:Hello everyone. My name is Luca. On behalf of Suntan Tours I'd like to welcome you all to Los Cabos. The bus ride to your hotel will take about fifteen minutes. i!ht now I'd like to take a minute to familiari"e you with the area and discuss some brief safety #recautions. $irstly% I ask that you remain seated until we reach our destination and that you not eat or drink while on the bus. Secondly% #lease reali"e that it is a!ainst the law to !et drunk in #ublic. &n'oy your vacation% but do drink res#onsibly and do not drink and drive.Describing the location:I #romise you are !oin! to en'oy your stay here in San (ose% Los Cabos. This is abeautiful% )uiet city where you can rela*% sit by the beach% en'oy !reat meals and feel very safe. +ou can walk into town and en'oy the fountains or take a moonlit walk alon! the water. ,lease do not swim here. This is not a safe #lace to swim because there is a stron! undertow. Cabos San Lucas is the #lace to !o if you want to en'oy swimmin! in the ocean. +ou can take a short bus ride from your hotel. There you will also en'oy entertainment and dancin!.Introducing special events and offers:Suntan tours offers a variety of s#ecial discounts de#endin! on your travel #lans.-e have !olf #acka!es% as well as !uided whale boat tours% and fishin! charters. There will be a short information session at .#m in the lobby of the hotel tomorrow where you can learn all about these offers. -e recommend that you do not #urchase #acka!es from street vendors as they are not always .// #ercent reliable. They also may char!e you more than what they say. ,lease take my advice and allow Suntan tours to book all of your day tri#s and activities while you are here.Offering advice:If you need to e*chan!e your dollars into #esos% #lease use a bank or money e*chan!e. -e don't recommend e*chan!in! your money at the hotel because you won't !et a fair rate. Some restaurants will acce#t 0merican or Canadian money% but you are better off to e*chan!e your money and #ay with #esos. Or% if you #refer% you can always use your credit cards. 0lso% if you want to !et around the city% or travel to Cabos San Lucas% we recommend that you take the local bus rather than a ta*i. The bus costs about one 0merican dollar% and the driver can !ive you chan!e if you don't have the e*act amount. If you do decide to take a ta*i make sure that you ne!otiate a #rice before you !o.Closing remarks:-e're !oin! to be #ullin! u# to the hotel in 'ust a few minutes. ,lease sit back and en'oy the view of the ocean on the left hand side of the bus as we enter the city. I ask that you remain in your seats until we have come to a com#lete sto#. (avier will be meetin! us at the bus to hel# you with your ba!s. ,lease double check to make sure your ba! has been taken off the bus. On behalf of Suntan Tours% have a wonderful vacation in San (ose and I ho#e to see you tomorrow at the information session.Tourism Planning & Development1-hat do you do for fun around here21 -hen visitors come to your town% re#lies to this )uestion can make or break their im#ression of your community. If you want visitors to come back a!ain 3 and say nice thin!s about your town to others who mi!ht come% too3 you need to have some !ood answers at the ready.That means offerin! thin!s to see and do that are either uni)ue 4one of a kind5 or e*traordinary 4other towns mi!ht have them% but yours is better5. &ffective community tourism develo#ment aims to !ive visitors an authentic% hi!h6)uality e*#erience that theywill remember for a lon! time.0s Hank Todd of Hank Todd Solutions 7rou# in St. ,aul says% 10nybody that thinks back% if they've !one on a tri# and had a !reat e*#erience and found it memorable 3 their feelin! about that #lace stays with them a lon! time.1The core of assessment is an inventory of e*istin! and #otential attractions that mi!ht draw tourists to a community. ,laces of natural and scenic si!nificance should !o on thelist% of course. Count thin!s like lakes% beaches% forests% #rairies% and cra!!y cliffs 3 as well as outdoor recreational activities that can be #ursued in these natural settin!s.18ut don't sto# there%1 warns Cynthia Messer% &*tension educator with the 9niversity of Minnesota Tourism Center. 10ttractions also include intan!ibles% such as friendly service% a safe environment% clean air or a uni)ue history and:or culture. These assets are valuable 3 not 'ust to visitors but to residents% too.1The city of Lindstrom% for e*am#le% worked with the Tourism Center's Tourism 0ssessment ,ro!ram 4T0,5 in ;//< to conduct an inventory of the town's assets% es#ecially those related to its distinctive Swedish history and culture. Since then% Lindstrom 3 located => miles north of the Twin Cities near the Minnesota6-isconsin border 3 has been im#lementin! T0, recommendations to attract more visitors and stren!then its #reviously established ima!e as 1Little Sweden.1edefine 'community'-hen conductin! a tourism inventory% it's also im#ortant to look beyond your town's #o#ulation si!n. Travelers don't consider #olitical boundaries when they e*#lore% and nearby attractions and services can be levera!ed to im#rove visitors' e*#eriences.-ith a broad #ers#ective of community% start countin! the thin!s in your area that will a##eal to visitors% includin!? 8eautiful or intri!uin! scenes in nature% includin! !eolo!y and wildlife@ $un thin!s to do outdoors@ ,laces to !et to know local history and culture@ Chances to see and interact with local art and artists@ $estivals and events that celebrate local history% culture% harvest time% foods% music% or celebrities@ 8uilt attractions% such as monuments% amusement #arks% "oos% or theme #arks@ and Local businesses and retail stores where visitors can sho# or be #am#ered.Some amenities function as the #rimary reason visitors come to an area. $or e*am#le% bed and breakfast inns are often an attraction% as well as a lod!in! choice. &ven trans#ortation modes can attract visitors. 8icycle and snowmobile trails% as well as unusual means of trans#ort 3 such as ferryboats% carria!e rides% or e*cursion trains 3 are a few e*am#les.1+ou really need to #ut yourself in your visitors' shoes%1 Messer says. 1-hy would they want to come to your community2 -hat would be a##ealin! or interestin! enou!h to !etthem to travel your way2 0nd what would make them stay awhile lon!er21Involve residents0s you count assets% don't for!et that the #eo#le who live in your town can hel#. Involvin! them in conductin! an inventory can increase the level of su##ort that tourism develo#ment !ets from the community.&veryone in town can hel# with brainstormin!. each out to local residents from a variety of incomes% ethnicities and a!es to volunteer to hel# identify attractions. 0nd don't for!et to include youth and youn! adults in tourism #lannin!. They are the future% and they often have the same sense of adventure that tourists do.esidents have inside information about thin!s to see and do that mi!ht a##eal to visitors 3 even 1everyday1 thin!s% such as church dinners and the Main Street cafA where everybody !oes for lunch. esidents also know all about the local economy% which can be a source of e*#erience attractions 3 such as tours of farms and farmers' markets% manufacturin! #lants% mines% cheese factories% wineries and more.$arm tours and other a!riculture6based e*#eriences often have s#ecial a##eal to urban residents% because% as Bawn He!land notes% 10 lot of #eo#le aren't connected to where their food comes from. Many #eo#le have moved from the country to the city and don't really have connections to farms anymore.1Cisitors to the Cannon iver -inery in Cannon $alls !et a close6u# connection to wheretheir wine is comin! from by #ickin! their own !ra#es% then followin! them into the winery to see where they ultimately will be bottled. 1,eo#le take a lot of ownershi# in that%1 says winery owner Maureen Maloney. 10nd they want to know what other local thin!s are available to do% too.1More as#ectsThere are more as#ects of assessin! tourism #otential too numerous to !et into here. $or e*am#le% after conductin! an inventory of attractions% you will need to evaluate and #rioriti"e them based on their )uality% authenticity% uni)ueness or e*traordinary value% ability to !enerate multi#le activities% and their drawin! #ower. &*tension resources like those listed below can hel# you throu!h this #rocess.0nd remember 3 as you develo# and #romote your attractions% always consider thin!s from the visitor's view#oint. That way% you will have some !ood answers when visitors ask% 1-hat do you do around here for fun21H!"#4Tour Planning and Development5Tourism ,lannin! D Bevelo#ment 4Town or City5&*am#le of Tour Commentary