Touched by a Jinni: Indigo Children, Mental Disorders and Devils

Touched by a Jinni Indigo Children, Mental Disorders and Devils Benyamin Mustafa [email protected] In the name of God, the most Gracious, the most Merciful Growing numbers of people are opening up to the occult sciences which have long been frowned upon by most of the previous generations. The further one looks in the historical timeline, the more one sees a general consensus of dislike to the now popularizing arts of divination, spirit conjuration, astral/etheric projection, dream manipulation and other practices categorized under Extra-Sensory Perception (ESP). Many theologians pertaining to the Abrahamic religions as well as many traditions from cultures all over the world label these practices as magic, witchcraft, black arts and similar names pointing towards the negative nature of such practices as posing dangers to the lives of the very practitioners, their loved ones and even their communities. However with each new generation especially in the Western world, the attitudes toward these practices are becoming more and more permissive. This trend is directly connected to the New Age Movement (NAM), an ideological movement that has fast popularized in the 20 th century through books, magazines and films. This movement itself originates from occult authors and historically secret groups and fraternities; groups which were historically hidden for their own survival because of people’s dislike to them; to their suspicious motives, actions and beliefs. The new attitude towards the stand of the past generations is that in the past people were less informed and


Jinn Indigo Children and Mental Illness

Transcript of Touched by a Jinni: Indigo Children, Mental Disorders and Devils

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Touched by a Jinni

Indigo Children, Mental Disorders and Devils

Benyamin [email protected]

In the name of God, the most Gracious, the most Merciful

Growing numbers of people are opening up to the occult sciences which have long been frowned upon by most of the previous generations. The further one looks in the historical timeline, the more one sees a general consensus of dislike to the now popularizing arts of divination, spirit conjuration, astral/etheric projection, dream manipulation and other practices categorized under Extra-Sensory Perception (ESP). Many theologians pertaining to the Abrahamic religions as well as many traditions from cultures all over the world label these practices as magic, witchcraft, black arts and similar names pointing towards the negative nature of such practices as posing dangers to the lives of the very practitioners, their loved ones and even their communities. However with each new generation especially in the Western world, the attitudes toward these practices are becoming more and more permissive. This trend is directly connected to the New Age Movement (NAM), an ideological movement that has fast popularized in the 20th century through books, magazines and films. This movement itself originates from occult authors and historically secret groups and fraternities; groups which were historically hidden for their own survival because of people’s dislike to them; to their suspicious motives, actions and beliefs. The new attitude towards the stand of the past generations is that in the past people were less informed and ignorant and therefore fearful of exploring the unknown. This essay will attempt to demonstrate that the negativity associated with such occult beliefs and practices are justified in that in the long term the occult doctrines are proven to do much more harm than good.

It is almost a figure of speech to refer to a young person who exhibits signs of intelligence as an “indigo.” This is a New Age term used to describe children that appear to have enhanced psychic ability or sixth sense or extra-sensory perception. The term indigo was coined by self acclaimed psychic Nancy Ann Tappe who specialized in reading of the aura (the illuminated etheric energy surrounding a person or object). She stated that these are children born with the indigo (blue-violet) aura and that they have reincarnated themselves here and now for a common purpose and are increasing exponentially in the world. Most of these children are diagnosed with ADHD. Later psychics claimed to see crystal auras in children with the similar but more serious condition of autism (mental condition marked by the difficulty and/or lack of communication and short attention span). Both these conditions are a topic of dispute between psychiatric doctors and the proponents of the New Age who believe and assert that these children are gifted and not defected in any way.

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This essay will demonstrate to the reader the more logical view which is supported by evidence and is confirmed by the Quran that these phenomena despite their appearance are malicious in nature. Although some of the information may be difficult to accept for many people, especially for a parent of what they call an indigo child who has emotionally invested in this idea, one must also remember that for the spiritual wellbeing of themselves and the ones they love they must be willing to make the effort to open their minds to the possibility of corruption in their belief system. To reach to truth one must be willing to consider and weigh all possibilities. There are many medical signs of an “indigo child” but there are also signs that have long been described by Muslim scholars and other theologians as signs of the malicious influence of harmful entities.

Indigo Children

Nancy Ann Tappe in her book “Understanding your life through color” published in 1982 claimed that these indigo children that appear have improved psychic ability, have been waiting for this specific era to be reincarnated so that they can help unite the world. These children who all seem to have conditions that limit healthy brain functioning, according to her and later New Age authors are also naturally more sensitive to the etheric plane, which is understood as home of all etheric beings like the Angelic kingdom, Devic kingdom, supposed spirits of the dead, all of which have been classified by Islamic authors as Jinn and by traditional Christians as demons. Many books have since been written about this and similar New Age and theosophical topics which range from UFOs’ to spirit channeling to fortune telling; all of which are associated with fraud and deception for easy money making.

Indigo children are described as impulsive and instinctive in their behavior and sometimes have difficulty concentrating and multitasking, which are the general signs of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Nancy Ann Tappe said in her book that people would misinterpret these gifted souls as mentally ill. The numbers of children with ADD and ADHD have been increasing rapidly worldwide, and these are the children who because of the carelessness of their parents spend too much time watching television, playing video games, computer games and watching pornography and so develop an imaginative (daydreaming) and overactive mind (overactive brain reduces focus and attention) and a quick to bore nature as well as other signs of attention deficit disorder. The unstable nature of these children makes them more vulnerable to harmful entity or Jinn attacks, abuses and deception. But because this condition sometimes increases the child’s obsessive behavior (another mental condition) some of these children when drawn into any art or skill may end up mastering it, although this is in no way restricted to indigo children or the ADHD condition. So the real misunderstanding is in assuming these mental conditions that are in actuality a byproduct of today’s harmful media use and content are spiritual in origin. Any child or person whether through obsession or passion when focused in any one task usually extracts intriguing results. But when through healthy passion less suffering and brain damage is involved than when through haunting obsession.

However many children who are generally intelligent or skilled are regarded by their parents as indigo children as well, being attracted to the idea that their child is not only skilled but is sent on a magical intergalactic quest to this planet for the purpose of uniting mankind and ushering world peace. These parents would interpret signs given by New Age authors on how to identify such a child which can be so broad as to have no real distinctive identifier. Some of the descriptions say basically if your child is skilled then he/she is probably indigo. And so they indoctrinate their child to accept this doctrine and

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attract intrusive entities in the form of “spirit guides” which as an effect would align their auras over time to become indigo; becoming more receptive to the Jinn world. The children of these indigo people would then be born more receptive than them; an issue of inherited traits and nothing to do with reincarnation. People who develop short tempers have children who are also short tempered, and when exposed to stressful situations these children end up quicker tempered than their parents as they further develop that trait in addition to what they had inherited. Many New Age authors now also agree that the indigo state can be tapped into and not only comes from birth; dismissing the reincarnation claim. The ability to see auras is a skill possessed by very few people so confirmation is usually difficult, but many of the ADHD and autistic children are as they are described are more sensitive to the ether which is indigo in color. This makes them also sensitive to thoughts that have no corporeal origin, thoughts that appear to originate without stimuli.

These children when they are more sensitive to these alien thoughts and are never taught to question their motives or practice inhibition will have no reason to not act on every thought that pops into their heads making them essentially driven and controlled by the subtle but harmful entities. The indigo and attention deficit children are both said to be misbehavers in school and at home; proof that they are not guided by friendly “spirits”. This makes the teaching of thought control and inhibition to children very important; to live mentally healthy children must understand that they don’t have to act on every thought.

Imaginary friends and Jinn whispers

I imagine the reader would be familiar with the theological concept and story of Satan the first devil and Adam the first human, so suffice to say from a theological perspective that our two races are not friendly towards each other, a concept that can be cross-referenced and matched with almost any religion and tradition about humans and the others who are called by many names. Even many New Agers accept that there exist in the indigo Chemical ether malicious entities bent on causing humans harm, only they wave them off as simply unevolved etheric creatures. Strange how their much loved etheric world which is supposedly reached only by the highly evolved can contain so many unevolved entities!

The word Jinn in Arabic is plural, the singular being Jinni which comes from the root word Jan meaning ‘concealed’ which leads some researchers to conclude from this and its usage in the Quran that the word Jinn refers to all creatures unseen whether angel or devil but mainstream Islamic schools usually categorize Jinn as malicious devils with the angels as different creatures altogether. The term spirit is a incorrect name; a misnomer, as the word spirit mostly refers to the consciousness controlling the body, therefore a body even if etheric cannot be a spirit or soul and the Jinn are by almost all who claim familiarity with them are described as creatures with bodies; a spirit cannot have a body. A soul being the essence also cannot be called energy, as is misunderstood by some people. The true nature of the soul is inexplicable in the physical sense.

The Quran explains that the Jinn are created from “nar al-samum’ which although has been historically mysterious to Muslim translators, some Western authors and contemporary Muslim scientists have understood it to mean etheric fire; the fifth Alchemical element surrounding all matter, unseen by normal sight and comprising the etheric world. The word ether most likely comes from the Arabic

Alchemical term “Atheer” (أثير) which is a derivative of the word “Athar” (أثر) meaning trace or

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influence which correlates with the occult description that the etheric world is like a mirror of the physical, comprised of the ether of the all materials animate and inanimate as well as its own ether and that it also contains etheric creatures living within it. These creatures are superior to humans in their makeup as ether is more universal that our bodily elements, although this in no way implies spiritual superiority, as scriptures hint that humans have greater spiritual potential than them. The word

“samoom” (سموم) is related in its Quranic usage to the word “seemaa” (سيما) which has a meaning close to the word “aura”. “Their auras (are visible) on their faces (appearances) from the effect of worship” – 48:29

The word “seemaa” refers to what is visible from one’s aura which is etheric, then “naar (fire) al-samoom” refers to ether in its pure form or etheric fire. The aura or ether in general takes the appearance of fire in its behavior; extending and moving about an object or person, as though light in its liquid form. As a simple experiment, go inside a dim lighted room facing a white wall, and then place your palms arms length from your eyes with a distance of a few centimeters apart. After looking for a few seconds into the space between your hands you will see traces of the first auric layer. A white light surrounding your hands, move your hands slightly up and down and you will see that light slowly following your hand, like the motion of a fire. The famous Ufologist Gordon Creighton who spent many years of his life researching the topic of Jinn reached similar results. He also found much similarity between the nature of Jinn and the UFO phenomena.

“There has been much debate among modern students of Arabic as to precisely what these terms “min nari al-samumi” and “min marijin min narin” can conceivably mean in modern parlance, and some scholars have concluded that, in using these terms, the Prophet Muhammad (the Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him) was here attempting to describe what Western occultists have tried to describe by such terms as ether, or maybe the so-called etheric or astral planes.”- Gordon Creighton - The True Nature of UFO Entities -

Many describe these invisible beings as aliens or highly evolved beings, and there have been thousands of claims of contact with these alien beings throughout the past century each one different from another. It seems the earth has become similar to a popular “intergalactic” tourist destination because the alien races that have supposedly arrived are too many from too many different locations and too many reasons, as claimed through thousands of mediums, channelers and UFO contactees. One flaw in these claims that stand out is that all the aliens have something in common; all these races coincidentally are etheric in their nature so they can hide from our vision. Not one of these races has a composition similar to our own. Also none of these aliens have yet developed the confidence to appear in public. Their supposed spacecrafts that appear as glowing orbs of light seem to correspond with the etheric spook lights, ignis fatuus, spirit lights, poltergeist lights and similar names that describe intelligent etheric entities that can travel in the form of light orbs. These flashing and arbitrary moving lights of various sizes ranging from as small as a fly to as large as a balloon (but mostly the size of a ball) are found in cemeteries, swamps, deserted areas and similar places traditionally described by Muslim and theologians to contain lower classes of the Jinn kind. In the historic novel Faust by William Marlow; the story of a man who sells his soul to the devil, these light are described as servants of Satan, which may have come from popular belief.

Some occultists explain the state of these aliens being etheric is because they are so evolved, and it is their belief that these evolved beings unlike the unevolved etheric beings are seeking to help mankind

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evolve. The problem is how to know who is evolved (good) and who is unevolved (evil) and it would be ignorant to just take their word for it. If malicious entities exist on lower levels of the etheric “intergalactic” power hierarchy then theoretically they can also exists in higher levels of power, so in line with occultists’ own views, it is possible that some of these entities can appear to be “evolved” yet be very “unevolved” and attempt only to harm us either directly or by deceiving us into self harm.

The topic of imaginary friends is very similar, but this happens most often with children that are isolated like some ADD and autistic children but not restricted to them. Medically this is described as the mind of a child’s attempt to accommodate for the lack of social contact. This phenomenon is also increasing in the world especially in USA and the Western world, similar to the ADHD and autism phenomena as they are all linked with the increasing media entertainment. One thing that gives away the topic of imaginary friends as actually related to evil Jinn is that many children often commit dangerous or destructive acts at the advice of the supposed imaginary friends.

To be general without including religion specific views, one can describe from the evidence that the aim of these malevolent entities is the destruction of people by corruption of morality, religion, character and mental functions. Wars usually have frontlines where the heat of the battle takes place; likewise the frontline of every man to a devil is his moral structure which includes his values, a sense of judgment and worldview. Therefore the success of every Jinni is the length in which he can reach and destroy in terms of his values e.g. a truthful person being tempted to lie; a modest person tempted to steal; or even a murderer tempted to torture his victims before killing them. Wherever a person draws his/her moral and ethical lines is a devil’s point of attack.

Spirit Guides

The topic of spirit guides is related to the Jinn wiswaas, which is a Quranic term for whispers in reference to the influence of devils by subtle intrusive thoughts aimed to steer a person to temptation or moral corruption. Spirit Guides are introduced as spirits of those who have previously lived on the same physical level we do now as humans and that they have come back from the spirit world to help us through our lives. By contacting theses spirit guides the individual then becomes the conscious recipients of the deceptive messages that the supposed spirit wants to convey, as opposed to the more subtle methods like thought suggestions, and diversion of a person’s attention to specific things. The real souls of the dead cannot return to earth in any way, as both their physical and etheric bodies have expired, the consciousness of a person after death remains in a state of dormancy until it is resurrected by its Creator; until it receives another vessel.

“God takes the souls at the time of their (bodily) death and those that have not yet died in their sleep. And He keeps the ones that death overtook and sends back the rest until its appointed time (of death). In these (processes) are signs for intelligent people” – 39:42 Quran

It is not a simple thing to figure out which thought in one’s mind is a devil whisper and which isn’t, but it is not impossible. A simple method is to identify whether the thought originated in the brain or not. As the body is the vessel of the soul, all of one’s actions must have or involve a chemical reaction. The brain like any other muscle in the body is stressed when a person thinks about something; the harder a problem is to solve, the more stress is given to the brain, the more tension is felt. We do not normally

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pay much attention to any part of our bodies unless extra stimulated in pain or pleasure, but one can be trained with close attention to recognize which thought came from his/her brain and which didn’t. A thought can either result from an external stimulant or be part of a train of thought. If a thought comes to you but is so out of place as to be not related to any part of your thought pattern or triggered by anything outside and did not include any stress whatsoever in the brain, then the simplest answer here is the best; that the thought is not yours. I know this sounds easier said than done but again with attention it is possible, and there are people who have this ability.

I knew an atheist who was born a Christian, but he had nothing against the religion except that he found it confusing. But often on mentioning anything related to religion he used to get agitated and sometimes angry for no apparent reason. This is common to any persons who abstain from remembrance of God in whatever routine they were on, upon abstaining they sometimes get resentful feelings of hate and mockery they would not naturally have. Devils among Jinn are not very fond of religion and are attracted to those whose minds are far from God. I saw once a news piece on indigo children, with a family being interviewed who supposedly raised indigo children, and their youngest child in the middle of the interview made a joke about how she had a pet called God and how it is now dead, finishing off with a creepy vicious smile to the camera. This family had encouraged their children to embrace their spirit guides or their special natures so much that this youngest fully translated the malicious thoughts as her own, and so not feeling the need to think for herself. This would traditionally be interpreted as jinn or demonic possession and attempts would be made to rid her of these entities. The instructions provided in the many how-to manuals on contacting spirit guides are available all over the internet and in book stores and all have some very basic and easy to follow methods. These methods are all variations built on the following steps. The individual must first relax their body and meditate to clear their mind, then construct a small imaginary environment and focus on it so as to make it appear in the brain as clear as possible. The person is then to engage in the environment, like by walking about so that the brain may begin to treat it as it would to a dream environment, while the mind remains conscious and in control. The person who reaches this stage doesn’t really need to do much work as many Jinn will have become aware will try to engage anyway. The next step as written in the manuals is to imagine an entry point like a door, a dark spot, a corner etc. and to expect someone to enter the environment from that entry point; that someone is the spirit guide. To expect a spirit guide is to welcome anyone who is willing to play that part with you. The devil Jinn will seize this opportunity to open a line of communication with the curious fool. The instructions specifically say that if you ask a question and get a stupid response, to not judge them and instead try to interpret that answer in a differet way. Despite all the information about how evolved these creatures are, in actuality these creatures can be very dim witted. The author of “The World of the Jinn and Devils” Umar al-Ashqar narrates that he once spoke to a Jinn who was pretending to be a famous Muslim scholar, but upon attempting to debate on a simple topic with it, the Jinni showed itself to be unintelligent and ended up giving silly and childish answers, and this led the author to conclude that it was an imposter and this encouraged him to understand and eventually to publish his book.

Reading accounts of people who have met their spirit guides one would get a range of confusing information, that eventually attempt to shift the person’s beliefs toward the occult. I read from a Satanist website or as they call themselves, followers of the left hand path, that when conversing with demons one must be respectful and use friendliness and not to be dismissive when getting a strange response, similar to the meetings with the spirit guides. The author from the Satanist website also mentioned that

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from experience he learned that demons are more readily prepared to assist Satanists than any other people, and are less likely to harm them, as they often do harm other people. Likewise the “spirit guides” are also more likely to assist someone who believes in them and whose mind is filled with illogical New Age gobbledygook.

Witchcraft Magic and Wizardry

Witchcraft is more often associated with spells, curses and cursed items than anything else. This is because these are the most popular and simple modes of witchcraft that are used to deal with social situations that arise from infatuation, hate, revenge, anger and similar strong emotions that lead people to want to influence matters beyond their ability. This makes the category of magic called sorcery, black magic and such. The area of magic that has to do with knowledge and skill is called either simply magic, or transcendental magic, white magic, the wicca religion, wizardry or as is now more popularizing, it is not referred to as magic at all but simply referred to by its specific art like astral travel, remote viewing, spirit channeling, spirit conjuration, fortune telling or precognition, palmistry, astrology, telepathy, telekinesis, pyrokinesis, energy transfer, clairvoyance and similar topics classed under ESP.

There are many television shows and films now that are popularizing magic and witchcraft, shows aimed at children as well as adults that make the occult world seem very attractive to the unaware viewer. Children understand magic from television to mean saying a few magical words and whatever they wish for appears before them, but the history of magic is nowhere near this innocent or useful. When entering the world of witchcraft through websites or books children are not shown party tricks, they recite incantations to pagan deities which invites them, who are nothing but malevolent Jinn, into their lives. They would wish from these entities things which they’d most likely never get, while at the same time inviting so much harassment into their lives as to (in severe cases) never be able to live a healthy life.

A person may be curious in wanting to try magic and occult arts that specify in a person’s own abilities like in etheric projection/astral travel, remote viewing or developing etheric vision, none of which in theory include the involvement of etheric entities, but these skill are etheric in nature; they involve the intentional adjustment of the etheric body and this the etheric creatures can see. Imagine trying to learn how to ride a motorbike alone in front of a gang of bikers, you will get their attention. In astral projection you send part of your own etheric energy out, in remote viewing you see etheric reflections of reality and etheric vision you make your eyes more sensitive to ether, all of these attract the attention of etheric entities that can harm you by harming your exposed etheric energy. So in theory it is you who is doing all the work but in practice you may become surrounded by entities looking for a chance for you slip so they can harm you or deceive you. Also, and I believe this is more important than the first point; when exercising your own energy field you both drain that energy and cause it to loosen from your body. People who practice astral projection or experience evil Jinn abuse sometimes have difficulty sleeping at night as they feel they are falling away as soon as their bodies relax. Usually the connection between the physical and the etheric bodies are strong but when meddled with the latter the connection gets weakened, and this makes entity abuse worse and even makes possession much easier.

Many methods given by New Agers in books and websites for performing these magic arts describe the processes in a simple language giving the impression that they are simple, but they are in fact achieved

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through difficulty and strain to the rest of the body and it compromises the overall health of the body. These often leave effects like numbness in various parts of the body due to over relaxation and reduction of its ether, weakness and pain and even damage around the spinal column as it holds many of the etheric energy centers. In sleeping the brain rests to regain its strength, but in practicing lucid dreaming the memories stored in the brain are activated which reduces the amount of rest the brain gets. Sleeping is also the time when the body recharges in etheric energy for the next day, and by interfering the person in turn interferes with the body’s natural recovery and would feel weak in the daytime. Also involuntary loss or lapses in consciousness also result as well as and atrophy or hypertrophy of various organs or body parts; just look up a picture of Madame Blavatsky with her creepy bulking eyes! But the most important of all is that these activities give almost nothing that is worth its strenuous labor in the end.

“And a magician will not be successful, whatever point of skill he attains” - 20:69 Quran

Belief of the devils of Jinn

The devils among the Jinn would believe as their leader Satan, the original devil believes; that they are worthy of more than they have. Their allegiance belongs to themselves before God, to be liberated or freed from God or from what God has restricted them to. Existence of humans is the reason for their status being what it is so they are very hateful of us. The job of the angels among the Jinn is to maintain the conditions for our existence; this is the ultimatum God gave to the angels at the creation of Adam. This is what the Quran describes in the metaphorical prostration of the angels to Adam; this is one of the duties that the proud ones among the Jinn, the devils hate and so do they do the opposite, making them rebels against the order of God.

Devils feel hate towards God and toward monotheism and especially towards Abrahamic religions. The feelings of hate and mockery atheists experience toward religion originates not from themselves but from Devils. Mockery can be a form of protest, like how an unhappy employee may mock his boss or how a school student may mock a grumpy teacher. Devils among Jinn feel that God has given them less than they deserve so they feel hate that translates in various ways like in mockery, anger and harming humans; the creatures they are jealous of.

Their belief therefore is that of self empowerment. This belief in the self in leads only to the complete disregard for the welfare others. It is the selfish attempt in any way to empower the self, enrich the self, and please the self. This belief polished in a system of attractive ideas is the basis of the occult and the Theosophical New Age movement. The teachers of the New Age continue endlessly about empowering yourself, believing in yourself, loving yourself and if you believe in God they teach you that God is you or is in yourself, essentially; it is self deification. New Agers believe that the devil is metaphorical symbol of negativity so they are not strictly speaking Satanists, but both they and the Satanists believe in self deification.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

OCD is a mental or behavioral condition in which a person feels compelled to obsessively repeat a thought or action. There are many cases of people with OCD who have accomplished incredible feats. The writer of the first English dictionary is said to have had this condition. This is because these people

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are more likely feel the need to pay close attention to minute details. But this is not common to OCD patients, on the contrary most people with this condition are unable to function properly in work and in their social life, and in severe cases suffer much mentally and tend to also physically self-harm.

This condition can arise if a person is self drawn and isolated from other people. A common example is children who watch long hours of television or are distracted by other types of media entertainment and barely spend any time communicating with family members. These children are prone to end up living inside their minds, in that most of their day time is spend imagining fictional scenarios. This may not sound too serious, but daydreaming is a sign of something missing in their lives, something they are deprived of; and that something haunts their imagination. The state of deprivation is ideal for the malicious intrusion of evil Jinn. The child becomes vulnerable to any number of conditions; one of them is obsessive compulsive disorder. I am not saying malicious jinn are behind all functional illnesses, but that they can be worsened or even caused by them, because of people’s carelessness.

ADHD and Inhibitions

Even without including the malicious interference of Jinn from the equation one still cannot deny the seemingly human urge to enter the taboo and to break rules, even when understanding the negative consequences of their actions. This is a human weakness from any standpoint, and makes the practice of self control vital to every human’s life no matter what ideology they adhere to. To succeed in any area in life a person needs certain values or ethics that assist in determination, focus and patience until the goal is achieved, and to destroy these values is to cancel all the effort a person has worked for.

A person’s inhibitions increase with following one’s level of awareness and goals in life. A child would mainly be interested in playing and thus strives to fit into his experience as much merriment as possible; therefore the values would include respect for parents for their acceptance and reward and preserving the conditions that allow merriment. The situation for an adult seeking social status requires more inhibitions. Every person’s development of inhibitions is different from another, depending on their life choices, their goals and their level of maturity. Some people live out their entire lives on the same level they were in their youth, seeking only to please their basic carnal senses. An ADHD child’s lack of inhibitions makes him/her highly suggestible to the harmful thoughts or whispers (wiswaas) of the malicious Jinn. In cases where it can be proven that a child is extra sensitive to the ether (having indigo aura) it is then adding insult to injury, this child would need extra care.

This does not need to be seen from a religious perspective as the results speak for themselves. A child may begin to hear voices or have imaginary friends who give them advice and shape their very character; a character that the parents are unfamiliar with. Lack of inhibitions is common to other mental conditions as well but very strong in ADD and ADHD. This means that even if a child dislikes a certain action he/she may be driven to it despite the negative feelings they have towards it. Many children who grow up with circumstances that limit healthy development end up blaming their parents for not pushing them in the right direction. This does not mean a parent should scold a child into a preferred action, but by simply being there, advising and informing the child of the right action. The feeling a child gets of having a hand over their shoulder metaphorically, or the eyes of their parents watching them is usually enough to motivate them to follow rules and excel. This of course involves the child valuing the parents, which means the parents must be the ones to raise that child not television or video games.

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When entertainment producers are asked concerning the negative effects of their work on children, they only ever blame the parents; they say that the parents must be aware of what and how much a child watches or engages with entertainment. This is unfortunately true. Parents must be aware of the means, content and amount of entertainment a child takes in and supervise that child otherwise the child will go wherever the tide takes them, and there are many dangerous places they can end up.

Multiple Personality Disorder

“God never assigned two hearts to occupy one body” - 33:04 Quran

While people with MPD appear to have two selves, it is actually not possible. Firstly one must understand the meaning of personality; a social construction, cover or mask; like clothing. It is possible for a person to naturally develop several personalities fit for different situations. Some people in intoxicated states seem to be different persons entirely, and going through certain dramatic experiences can change someone’s personality instantly. So personality is simply the mode and style of response in social situations, and does not necessarily mean the mode of that person’s thinking. A trained actor can demonstrate many personalities without adopting any of them. So MPD can be the triggering of different responses in a particular way in an intense emotional state. An angry person’s worldview would be different from when that person is calm, and would most likely respond differently in a similar scenario if in different states of mind. But those who are prone to respond too differently than normal in emotional states are more likely to have extra interference from malicious Jinn when in intense emotional states.

When in a calm state a person evaluates thoughts and suggestions more strongly and critically, using all the usual methods of the thought process and analysis common to that person, but when emotionally aroused, decisions are made much more in the heat of the situation. When in fits of rage, the IQ drops dramatically and the person is then likely to respond aggressively to every stimulant or thought. The same goes for joy, fear, pain and pleasure. This is why it is important to practice emotional control, and attempt to address as many events in one’s life as logically as possible.

Etheric Sensitivity and Epilepsy

Epilepsy is a neurological disorder traditionally also attributed to possession and also includes sensitivity to ether like the autistic and ADHD cases. Epilepsy involves sudden seizures which include convulsions, hallucinations, odd behavior and strange sensations in parts of the body. A partial onset seizure starts by a sensation called aura (which in this case is a medical term). The aura may be visual and auditory hallucinations, feelings of déjà vu and unpleasant odors or tastes. This may be accompanied by fear, abdominal discomfort (individuals who practice occult arts of etheric/astral projection experience similar abdominal sensations). In Jacksonian seizures the seizure begins on the toes of one foot, fingers of one hand or the side of the face as though something is entering them. After this experience the person becomes tired, weak, confused and unresponsive as though drained of their life-energy or Life Ether as described by occultists like Max Heindel. In complex partial seizures the individual’s body moves in a repetitive manner called automatism, after which the individual has no memory of the attack. Like ADHD and autism several types of epilepsy are inherited.

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While two souls cannot live in the same body, it is possible to have another consciousness temporarily occupy one body but only if it is allowed, whether willingly are unwillingly. Practitioners of the occult art of channeling are trained to allow their consciousness to enter a state of rest, allowing Jinn to speak through them, who pretend to be extraterrestrials from faraway galaxies or angels or the spirits of those who have died or pagan deities and so on.

The other method is the unwilling method achieved through fear. Every emotion has its special characteristics, and among the characteristics of anger is enlargement of the ego; feeling as though you are able to influence more. One characteristic of fear is shrinking of the ego; feeling in danger, not in control; feeling small. Extreme fear limits a person’s rage of awareness; the feeling of wanting to escape and not finding anywhere to run to may lead a person by the suggestion of the invading entity to escape within their own selves; to retreat inside their own mind; to go to a deep dreamless sleep allowing the entity to assume control (as in normal healthy sleep the subconscious mind is aware and any disturbance would wake the person up). It is not simple to get a person to that level of fear but in the rare cases where it happens the results are severe.

In the cases of fear induced possession, as a general rule, prayers, supplements and recitations only work so far as to replenish or renew the victim’s faith or sense of awareness. There could be some exceptions in the arguments that the entities fear or cannot stand certain words, actions or objects, an obvious example is anything that reminds of them of God, which they do not want to remember, as being a devil is being in a state of rebellion against God. But more important than the state of the Jinni is the state of the victim whose mind and body which belongs to its soul by right is being abused. Although it sounds simpler than it is, all the victim has to do essentially is to remove themselves from that state of fear or willingness. Simply praying for help does nothing in of itself, as the very cause is an obstruction that needs to be removed and replaced with faith; a strong state of awareness, complete confidence and loyalty to a cause or power; God is the greatest power. Complete faith and trust in God would relieve anyone of any condition, as not only it changes the state of the person but as the scripture makes clear God intervenes and assists the persons of faith. The only challenge is the acquirement of the state of trust and faith. The following is from a woman who was a victim for much of her life of what appeared to her as alien UFO/government black ops abductions.

“…I couldn’t help but notice the overwhelming feeling of fear that pervaded almost every woman’s story. Fear of what is happening to them, fear of the dreaded impending abductions, fear of the strange paranormal occurrences that surrounded them. Fear, fear, fear, and more fear… You have to rise up and connect to the very power you’re asking for help from” - Chasing Phantoms, Carissa Conti

There is another way to induce an attack or experience with evil Jinn. There are cases classes under sleep paralysis; a state where a person is partially conscious and partially in REM sleep. The person feels awake but unable to move or recover from the paralysis that accompanies sleep as though held back by something. This state is accompanied by what is described as very realistic hallucinations. These are in most cases not hallucinations, as in some cases the person is not paralyzed but experiences the same feelings which are practically the same as the feeling of the epileptic aura. This following is a case from the same woman’s experience of a triggered malicious Jinn attack or what she calls alien abduction.

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My  first  known,  overt  abduction ‐  October,  2001,  Orange  County,  CA.  I  had  recently  come across  a  really  realistic  picture  of  a  “Grayʺ  which  intrigued  me.  It  was  fun  to  stare at and contemplate  the  idea  of  meeting  Grays,  and  the  picture’s  realistic  nature  made that easy to do.  I sat   on  my  couch  with  the  picture  in  my  hand,  staring  intensely  at it for what was probably like 20 minutes.  I stared so hard and for so long  that  I  was  pretty much almost  in  a  self‐imposed  trance.  After  the  20  minutes  or  so  I  noticed  that  the background  noise  had  muted.  I  couldn’t  hear  my  roommate  Todd’s  TV  down  the  hall anymore.   Curious, I looked up. 

Snapping out of my thoughts didn’t make the sound of the TV come back. In fact, there was now the feeling of a veil of control descending on me. I jumped up, alarmed. I was wide awake, standing in the middle of my room, and literally felt my willpower and ability to control myself slipping away with every second. It was very quick and powerful, whatever it was. I still couldn’t hear Todd’s TV though, due to the muting effect around me. I spun around wildly, and inside I yelled “NO! NO!! RUN!! RUN!!! LEAVE THE ROOM!! GET OUT OF HERE NOW!!” But I couldn’t do it. I was actually arguing back and forth with my self:“Just go lie down and wait. They’ll be here shortly.”“RUN!! GET OUT OF HERE!!! NOW!!! GO!!!”“Go lie down. It’ll be alright. They’ll be here shortly.”

In the end I conceded. I wished I hadn’t, I should have run like hell.Ten hours later, Sunday morning, I started to wake up in my bed, feeling like I had been run over by a train… I kept resurfacing like I was in a drugged stupor, then I’d fall back under again, unconscious… After brushing my teeth and getting dressed up and all that I sat on my couch and saw the alien pic still on the arm of the couch, where I’d left it the night before. I picked it up. But when I looked at it I instantly recoiled and tossed it aside. I had this knee jerk (instinctive) reaction and thought, “Don’t EVER look at that picture again!” My subconscious knew.

Chances are most of what she experienced was not in her physical body but the etheric, which is why she couldn’t hear noises she had ought to, people experienced in etheric projection note that in their etheric body not everything is the same or even realistic like a dream. The voices she heard were not from her own mind unless she is suffering from schizophrenia where the normal thought pattern reacts to one of the two extremes. One voice appeals to her curiosity, while the other warns her. The first is the voice of a malicious Jinni essentially asking her consent to the invasion of her mind and body in her sleep, while the second is a malevolent one sent to appeal to her sense of self preservation, as the law of God dictates that there should be balance in the world. She was unaware of where she was going, not knowing that her deep concentration into the face of a malicious Jinn would attract it to her, especially if she goes to sleep with that image in her head. This is the method by which occultists enter into trance and invoke Jinn, by deep concentration on an image, symbol or name. This was an accidental invocation so an angel was sent by God to balance the situation; giving her the chance to turn back; she chose to consent to the invading entity.

I chose to write from her book because of the similarity of that situation with my own. I used to love scary paintings, photos, artworks and all the wonders that adobe Photoshop allowed people to make. Dragons, ghouls, dinosaurs, werewolves were plentiful on my computer and of course evil Jinn, which I didn’t know about until they actually appeared, leaving me in shock and fear for days until I began to get

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an idea of what happened. The typical gray alien face is a malicious Jinni face, but there are also many other images that cleverly contain their faces or at least features of their faces, and with these faces appearing constantly in movies, cartoons, art woks and so on the influence of the devils increase dramatically in people’s lives. This is why when trying to purify one’s self and home from such entities one must get rid of all images and items that act as triggers for the mind in attracting these entities; items like fantasy pictures, symbols, dolls or statues of fictional creatures, occult oriented entertainment material like Harry Potter, Narnia and especially material that have UFO and extraterrestrial themes. When living in a big city this can be somewhat difficult, but a person should try as much as possible to pay the least amount of attention to advertising and entertainment as they can. But when watching or enjoying any entertainment piece as it is unavoidable, one must be aware of the themes and not allow ideas, pictures or symbols stay in the mind by not thinking about them afterwards.

While epilepsy has been traced to electrical activity in various parts of the brain and in cases where oral medication bears less results, the areas of the brain causing the seizure can be removed which eliminates the attacks, it does no necessarily mean the origin of the seizures is in brain. This is like saying that the origin of the soul is in the brain because all the neural connections that start a bodily command can be traced to the brain. The brain is the neural center but it is an organ like any other organ and subject to control by the mind. When a person has a symptom which results from stress the body’s response to the external cause of the stress can be changed or “cured” but the external cause itself remains the same. In the same way medications that alter the neural response to seizures or surgeries that remove brain parts that discharges the most amount of electricity, are preventative measures that alter a person’s response that external stimuli. This is also indicated by the way the symptoms of epileptic seizures can also be treated by behavioral therapy. Although this is more simply said than done, but by changing the individual’s feelings and reactions toward the attacks, the illness that is believed to be completely organic in origin can be cured or controlled. Although like stress symptoms can occur without external stimuli like as part of an organic illness, likewise seizures can occur as a symptom of a separate illness or other causes.


In the book Chasing Phantoms, Carissa Conti discusses her own experiences and theories as a victim of malicious entity abuse, and while many similar materials exist all over the internet, her book is unique in that it is honest, and because of her honesty Ms. Conti addresses a few vital topics that others have not. In page 152 she explains the fear element in the “alien” abuses; Ms. Conti explains how when an episode of entity attacks happen she meditates and removes all the fear inside her and in doing so the attacks cease. She also stresses how important it is to not only pray for help but to essentially connect to God (in her own way):

“Connect to something higher and positive, whatever works for you. Jesus/the Chris Consciousness, God/the Creator Source, angels, spirit guides and protectors, your Higher Self and so on… It seems so simple. Almost too simple I’m sure. But I’ve done it, and it worked. “No. I don’t think so. You are NOT going to do this to me. No. I’m changing the radio dial. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO.” Over and over and over, while simultaneously raising your frequency. You’re saying no, rejecting their threats and harassment, dictating how your life will go according to you… the more you allow it to happen, the more you stick your head in the sand, the more fear, worry and paranoia

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you generate that feed it, then the stronger the foothold it can get into your reality. They – being the military black ops/hybrids/whatever they are – have tapped into a very basic understanding about the nature of the human mind. We are extremely suggestible and programmable. People are so sensitive to their environment and to the emotions and reactions and words of everybody around them that they will usually take most things to heart. We are reactive people. We get affected by words, both positive and negative.”

Of course trusting and seeking refuge in God is not the same as higher selves, angels and such, as trust in God ensures salvation from evil in this life and the next. But Ms. Conti discovered that faith aids the removal of fear, but after this discovery the involvement of the intrusive entities in her life did not cease but she was better able to cope. However had she complete faith in the infinite Creator, in whatever way she understood it, the entities would have left her completely. The best way to be rid of malicious entities is to form a solid spiritual structure in one’s life built on complete trust and devotion to God, as any believer should:

“Verily, God is your Protector, and He is the best of Saviors” - 3:150 Quran

If an athlete of a particular sport trains only one side of his body, the other untrained side will always be his weakness, making him an unfit competitor. Likewise a mind untrained sufficiently in all its main functions makes the individual unfit in life. A person must have nearly equal power of inhibition and assessment as the power of intuitive response. Inhibitions by themselves lead to cowardice and an unreasonable lack of trust and fear of risk. Intuition overdone leads to ignorance, to posing a danger to ones self and others and to being guided by evil thoughts.

To protect a child from the harm of such intrusive entities a parent should first make sure the child is not deprived of any necessity in any way whether mental, physical or social. One way a Jinni enters a child’s life and gains his/her trust is by providing something the child needs like relief from physical pain, assisting in decision making or keeping a lonely child company. There are numerous cases where children make decisions or even learn things unknown to them from what psychiatrists call imaginary friends. The next step is to make the child informed on matters like religion, science, morality and topics which sometimes linger in their minds. This also aids to develop an inquisitive or open minded nature while reducing their gullibility to strange or foreign ideas. The more the complex the world view someone has, the harder it is to fool them, or to convince them otherwise.

The third step is to pay attention to your child’s behavior and views. By occasionally reflecting on your child’s interests, hobbies, goals and opinions and where they come from you become more able and better prepared to address such problems should they arise. Remember, nothing is beyond your ability to understand and fix. God has given mankind all the tools necessary to defend themselves, and there are only so many ways devils of the Jinn are able to harm a person; deception, misdirection, fear, hate; all of which can be easily corrected. You can even ask them where they get their ideas from and how they draw their conclusions and you may be surprised what they might answer. But for goodness sake never laugh or mock them. I remember when I was a child I had episodes of what I now know is Jinn harassment.

My parents used to fight and argue violently sometimes when I was only a few years old; too young to handle emotions like fear and worry. Sometimes getting away from the shouting I would retreat to some

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corner or isolated area where a voice would comfort me and so gained my trust. It would sometimes ask me to do things like destroy household appliances and such. In explaining this to my parents the response is usually a ridiculous mix of laughter, mockery, anger and punishment. To me the entity was in equal regard to my parents so the obedience to it was in my mind the same as obedience to my parents. This at the time made me dislike my parents and the entity equally; not differentiating between the voice and my family I felt I was only doing what people wanted and then being punished for my obedience. The only ever worthwhile advice I got was to ignore them completely; to not look or listen to them, which worked very well. The voices would eventually beg for my attention, and not complying with them made my life much easier.

Many of the New Age activists admit that by using neural stimulating drugs (which focuses the brain to the physical senses) like Ritalin the parents withdraw their children from the indigo state. This is true as the state of a person’s aura depends on their activity and state of mind so even if the indigo state is inherited it can be removed by abstaining from anything that opens them to the ether. If informing the child is not enough to free them from that state then do not be afraid to use medication like Ritalin.

We are made by God as dense beings fit to live in the dense physical world not the etheric, which is the world of the etheric beings only. Attempting to be part of the two worlds simultaneously only leads to harm.