Touch Screen and Zigbee Based Library Automation Using


Transcript of Touch Screen and Zigbee Based Library Automation Using

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OBJECTIVETo create a new trend in library

management systemTo Update the book details in the

student account effectively and quickly in the library .

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What this system do???Reading the data from the RFID tags by RF

reader.Transferring the data through Zigbee

modules.GLCD for displaying purpose. Input through Touch screen sensor.

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: The major building blocks of this project are:  

Regulated Power Supply with 7805 voltage regulator.Micro Controller. LCD.Touch screen. Zigbee modules.RFID reader.Student RFID tags.Buzzer.

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Touch screen



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Block diagram of power supply

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Features:40 pin DIP configuration 128 bytes of RAM 8-bit controller 16 bit address bus,8 bit data bus 4kb of ROM 6 interrupts: 2external , 3internal ,

reset 1. INT0 T0,T1 2. INT1 TI,RI

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• Two 16-bit timers • 16-bit DPTR,PC• 4 banks of general purpose register• 6 special function register 1.SCON 2.TCON 3.TMOD 4.PCON 5.IP 6.IE• Operating frequency-12MHZ

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WHAT IS TOUCH SCREEN ??The touchscreen is an input device, so it needs to be

combined with a display and a PC or other device to make a complete touch input system.

Touch sensor Controller Software driver

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PARTS OF TOUCH SCREEN A touch screen sensor is a clear glass panel with a touch

responsive surfaceThe controller connects between the touch sensor and the

microcontroller. Software driver it tells the microcontroller how to

interpret the touch event information that is sent from the controller.

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TOUCHSCREEN TECHNOLOGY Resistive touchscreenCapacitive touchscreenInfrared touchscreenSurface acoustic wave (SAW) touchscreenStrain gauge touchscreenOptical imaging touchscreenDispersive signal technology touchscreen

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Resistive touchscreen

Structure Resistive touch

screens consist of a glass or acrylic panel that is coated with electrically conductive and resistive layers made with indium tin oxide (ITO) .

The thin layers are separated by invisible spacers.

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4-wire resistive touchscreen

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Resistive touchscreen Characters:1. Cost effective solutions 2. Activated by a stylus, a finger or gloved hand

3. Not affected by dirt, dust, water, or light 4. 75%~85% clarify5. resistive layers can be damaged by a very sharp object

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INTRODUCTION:1. RFID - Automatic Identification and Data capture.2. PURPOSE- To enable data to be transmitted by a portable device called TAG.3. TAG PROVIDES- Identification & location information, product details such as price, color, date of purchase etc.,

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WORKING PRINCIPLE OF RFID: RF signals are ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES classified according to there wavelength frequency.Common frequency ranges recognized: LF, HF, UHF, UW.Current RFID uses 50KHz to 5.8GHz.Higher the frequency, the higher the throughput or rates of data transfer.

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A Basic RFID System:

1. RFID Device – contains data about the tagged item.

2. Antenna – transmits RF signal between reader & RFID device.3. Reader – receives RF signal from RFID device & transmits to Host.

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RFID TAG:->The basic structure includes a Silicon chip and an Antenna. ->Together these two components are referred to as the “inlay”. ->The tag performance are determined by characteristics such as size, antenna, surface and shape.->The physical properties of the product to be tagged will determine which tag to use foroptimal performance. Types of TAGS:Active.Passive.Semi-Passive.

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RFID readers are used for high speed automatic data capture of products or assets in Catellae systems.The RFID readers are most suited for applications with controlled, automated work processes.RFID readers covering frequency range from 125kHz, 13,56 MHz, 433 MHz, 868-923 MHz and 2,45 GHz are used in Catellae systems.

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Time and Labour Saving.Increased control.Flexible Product Flow.Enhanced Customer Service.Security.

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Technological standard created for control and sensor network

Based on IEEE standard 802.15.4Created by zigbee Alliance

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TRANG F4 FEATURESSupply voltage:3.3-3.6vTransmit current:45mAReceive/idle current:50mAFrequency:ISM2.4- 2.484GHzData rate:250KbpsTypes of network : Point-point , Multi pointNo.of channels:16

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LCD•LCD stands for liquid crystal display•It is used for displaying the voltage levels ,numerals, alphabets etc… •There are different types of LCD’s are there: 1.16*1 4.20*1 2.16*2 5.20*2 Types 3.16*4 6.20*4•In our project we are using 16*2 LCD

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CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR•Oscillator generates a.c signal with out any input signal•In order to run/activate inbuilt oscillator in a micro controller we must connect crystal oscillator externally•Frequency of crystal oscillator-11.0952MHz•Capacitance value ranges between 20-40pf•Same value of capacitors must be used•In our project we used 33pf

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LED indicator

•LED stands for light emitting diode•LED’s emits light when an electric current passes through them.


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RESET•RESET is an active high input when RESET is active high microcontroller goes back to the Power on state•The 8052 is reset by holding the RST high for at least 2 machine cycles and then returning it low.Power-On Reset:-initially charging capacitor makes RST is high-when capacitor charges fully it blocks DcManual Reset:-   closing the switch momentarily will make RST High.

After a reset, the program counter is loaded with 0000H but the content of on-chip RAM is not affected. 

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LCD interfacing

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Interfacing diagram of AT89S52

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Software requirementsEmbedded ‘C’RIDE

It is a fully featured Integrated Development Environment that provides seamless integration and easy access to all development tools. From editing to compiling, linking, debugging and back to the start, with a Simulator, ICE, Rom Monitor or other debugging tool,.RIDE conveniently manages all aspects of the Embedded Systems development with a single user interface.

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Touch screen based user-friendly interfacing.

Low power consumption.Fast touch input response.

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Updating student details can be made accurately ,effiectively and in

less time

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Any Queries???

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