Total e book(ppt.)555

The Philippines



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The Philippines

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Early History -The Negritos are believed to have migrated to the Philippines some 30,000 years ago from Borneo, Sumatra, and Malaya. The Malayans followed in successive waves. These people belonged to a primitive epoch of Malayan culture, which has apparently survived to this day among certain groups such as the Igorots. The Malayan tribes that came later had more highly developed material cultures.

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= Hello


= Thank you


= Sorry

Magandand gabi

= Good night


= ByeKamustaka

= What's up ?

Marangnongba= Do you speak....?

Kayong magsalita= English languague

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1.Through music and dance

2.Through art

3.Through food

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1.What's the name of the capital in the Philippines?




2.What's the languague in the Philippines?




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The history of Singapore dates to the 11th century. The island rose in importance during the 14th century under the rule of Srivijayan prince Parameswara and became a port until it was destroyed by Acehnese raiders in 1613. The modern history of Singapore began in 1819 when Englishman Sir Stamford Raffles established a British port on the island. Under British colonial rule, it grew in importance as a centre for both the India-China trade and the entrepôt trade in Southeast Asia, rapidly becoming a major port city.

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Singapore religion Singapore food

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How have you been?

Good night Nice to meet you


I'm glad to see you

Thank youSee you laterMy name is ....

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1.Who is credited with founding Singapore?

a.Sang Nila Utama

b.Sir Stamford Raffles

2.Where's the name Singapore comeform?




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1. c.

2. a.


1. a.

2. b.

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Thai peoples who originally lived in southwestern China migrated into mainland Southeast Asia over a period of many centuries. The oldest known mention of their existence in the region by the exonym Siamese is in a 12th-century A.D. inscription at the Khmer temple complex of Angkor Wat in Cambodia, which refers to syam, or "dark brown" people.[1] It was believed that Siam derived from the Sanskrit word syam, or brown race, with a contemptuous signification.

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Thailand lies between Cambodia, Myanmar, and Laos, with the Gulf of Thailand to its south. Its culture mixes strong Indian influences, Chinese traditions, and elements that are uniquely Thai.

Much of Thailand’s culture comes from the ethnic Thai people.  One of the most important influences on Thai culture has been Buddhism. Many of the traditions and beliefs of the people in Thailand stem directly from Buddhist principles.

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1.Where's the capital of Thailand?


b.Chieng Mai


2.Which continent Thailand located in?




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• Laos is landlocked country situated east of Thailand and Burma, and west of Vietnam.

• It has an area of 91,000 square miles,• about the size of the state of Oregon. • Its largest river is the Mekong, which enters Laos from the north and runs the length of the country.

• The soil of the Mekong River valley from central to southern Laos is very rich.

• The northern and eastern parts of Laos are mountainous. It’s serve as a buffer against any large storms or hurricanes from the China Sea.

The soil of the Mekong

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• people have never experienced a major natural disaster. Even these floods cause little damage or injury, because the valley people live in houses built on stilts.

• The economy of Lao is based largely on agriculture, rice being the most important product. Prior to the war in Vietnam, Laos's rice production was extensive that much of it could be exported. Because of the lack of transportation and communication, economic development is limited. There are no railroads, and rapids at several points interrupt some of the highways, the Mekong River.

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• people have never experienced a major natural disaster. Even these floods cause little damage or injury, because the valley people live in houses built on stilts.

• The economy of Lao is based largely on agriculture, rice being the most important product. Prior to the war in Vietnam, Laos's rice production was extensive that much of it could be exported. Because of the lack of transportation and communication, economic development is limited. There are no railroads, and rapids at several points interrupt some of the highways, the Mekong River.

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• TakBaat  (Alm-giving)

• It’s an ancient Buddhist tradition and prepare sticky rice and other small snacks to give to the monks and novice monks, The ceremony is very meaningful to the people involved. .

tradition of laos

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The ritual known to the Lao as "phithi Soukhouane" or "phithi baci " is a ritual call back, welcome, and unite the "khouane" with the physical body.  It is the ubiquitous of all Lao functions and celebrations, and integral part in Lao family life. . 


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The ritual known to the Lao as "phithi Soukhouane" or "phithi baci " is a ritual call back, welcome, and unite the "khouane" with the physical body.  It is the ubiquitous of all Lao functions and celebrations, and integral part in Lao family life. . 


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• There are three ritual elements crucial to the staging of the Soukhouane: (1)  The Fai Phouk Khene  literally is the cotton thread for tying on someone's wrist to symbolize the unity of the Khouane and the body. The threads should usually already be blessed by either monk in a religious ceremony or by a Morphone  at the Soukhouane  ceremony. .


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• Lamvong is a typical Lao folk dance, meaning circle dance or to dance in circle. It is a famous dance and greatly enjoyed during parties, weddings, festivals and other local celebrations.Lamvong is a very easy dance that does not require any special skills and it is a great fun.  

Lamvong (Lao dance)

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• Boon Makkha Bu-saa

Boon Makkha Bu-saa festival is the day that honors the  event  when  1,250  of  Lord  Buddha's  Sangha disciples  assembled  without  previous  agreement. On  this  day,  about  nine  months  after  his enlightenment, Buddha gave an important sermon..

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• Boon Pimai (Lao New Year)

This is to celebrate Lao New Year. The first month of the  Lao  New  year  is  actuallyDecember but the festivities are delayed until April when  days  are  longer  than  nights.By April it is also hotting up 

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• Sand  is  brought  to  the  temple  grounds  and  is made  into  pagodas  or  mounds,  then  decorated before  being  given  to  the  monks  as  way  of making merit.    The Sand pagoda symbolizes the mountain  where  the King Kabinlaphom's  head was kept by his  seven daughters. give  the elders new year gifts. 

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• Boon Bang Fai

Boon Bang Fai takes  place  after Pimai.   During  the festival, homemade  rockets of  all  shapes and  sizes are  launched  throughout  the  country.  Rockets which  fail  to  launch  can  bring  mockery  to  the owner,while the one which rises the highest will be seen as the victor. 

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• Boon Visakhabusa

It  is one of  the most  important days  for Buddhists because  on  this  day  the  Lord  Buddha  was  born, attained enlightenment, and died. All three of these significant  events  fell  on  the  same  day.   

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• Boon Haw Khao Salark

The  offering  (good  deeds)  is  to  be  dedicated towards  the  ancestors'  spirit  on  their  last  day journey  back  to  the Dukha-Bhuni so  they  can  tale the  offerings  with  them  on  their  return  to  where they  belong  serving  their  life kamma.

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• Boon Oak Pansa

Marking  the  end  of  Buddhist  Lent.   Monks  are permitted  to  travel.  In  the  evening,  lighting  of candles in and around the temples pays respects to Buddha.   It  is  also  time  for  people  making  new vows.

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• Boon That Luang

The 45 meters  high  That  Luang  Stupa or  Pha  That Luang was originally built during the ancient Khmer civilization,  when  Vientiane  was  inhabited  by people known as the ‘Cham’. The site was built as a place for people to worship and pray to idol.                        

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• Malaysia is a country in South East Asia whose strategic sea-lane position brought trade and foreign influences that fundamentally influenced its history. Hindu and Buddhist cultures imported from India dominated early Malaysian history. They reached their peak in the Sumatran-basedSrivijaya civilisation, whose influence extended through Sumatra, Java, the Malay Peninsula and much of Borneo from the 7th to the 14th centuries.

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Indonesia is a country in Southeast Asia and Oceania. Indonesia is an archipelago comprising approximately 17,508 islands. It has 34 provinces with over 238 million people, and is the world's fourth most populous country.

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The country shares land borders with Papua New Guinea, East Timor and Malaysia. Other neighboring countries include Singapore, Philippines, Australia, Palau, and the Indian territory of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands.

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CultureIndonesia has about 300 ethnic

groups, each with cultural identities developed over centuries, and influenced by Indian, Arabic, Chinese, and European sources. Traditional Javanese and Balinese dances, for example, contain aspects of Hindu culture and mythology, as do wayang kulit (shadow puppet) performances. Textiles such as batik, ikat, ulos and songket are created across Indonesia in styles that vary by region.

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The most dominant influences on Indonesian architecture have traditionally been Indian; however, Chinese, Arab, and European architectural influences have been significant.

Indonesian cuisine varies by region and is based on Chinese, European, Middle Eastern, and Indian precedents. Rice is the main staple food and is served with side dishes of meat and vegetables. Spices (notably chili), coconut milk, fish and chicken are fundamental ingredients.

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Indonesian traditional music includes gamelan and keroncong. The Indonesian film industry's popularity peaked in the 1980s and dominated cinemas in Indonesia, although it declined significantly in the early 1990s.Between 2000 and 2005, the number of Indonesian films released each year has steadily increased.

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Indonesia Conversation

Selamat datang

Apa kabar?

Selamat pagi

Selamat sore

Selamat malam

Selamat makan

Selamat bertamasya

Selamat jalan


How are you?

Good morning

Good afternoon

Good evening

Have a nice meal

Have a nice trip / holiday

Have a nice trip / goodbye (if someone is leaving)

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Goodbye (if you are leaving)

Thank you

Don't mention it

No thank you

How much does it cost / what's the price?

Selamat tinggal

Terima kasih

Sama sama

Tidak terimah kasih

Berapa harganya?



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QUIZ1.What is the meanning of wayang kulit ?

A. Traditional dance

B. shadow puppet

C. Indonesia economy

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2.What is the meanning of Good morning in Indonesia ?

A. Selamat pagi

B. Selamat sore

C. Selamat malam

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Answer!1. { B } shadow puppet

2. { A } Selamat pagi

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Vietnam is the easternmost country on the Indochina Peninsula in Southeast Asia. With an estimated 90.3 million inhabitants as of 2012, it is the world's 13th-most-populous country, and the eighth-most-populous Asian country. The name Vietnam translates as "South Viet", and was officially adopted in 1945.

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The country is bordered by China to the north, Laos to the northwest, Cambodia to the southwest, and the South China Sea to the east. Its capital city has been Hanoi since the reunification of North and South Vietnam in 1976.

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Culture The traditional focuses of Vietnamese culture are humanity and harmony. family and community values are highly regarded. Vietnam reveres a number of key cultural symbols, such as the Vietnamese dragon, which is derived from crocodile and snake imagery; Vietnam's National Father, Lạc Long Quân, is depicted as a holy dragon.

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In the modern era, the cultural life of Vietnam has been deeply influenced by government-controlled media and cultural programs. For many decades, foreign cultural influences – especially those of Western origin – were shunned.

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Vietnamese cuisine traditionally features a combination of five fundamental taste "elements" spicy (metal), sour (wood), bitter (fire), salty (water) and sweet (earth). Common ingredients include fish sauce, shrimp paste, soy sauce, rice, fresh herbs, fruits and vegetables.

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Traditional Vietnamese cooking is known for its fresh ingredients, minimal use of oil, and reliance on herbs and vegetables, and is considered one of the healthiest cuisines worldwide.

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Vietnam ConveasationHi!

Good morning!

Good evening!

Welcome! (to greet someone)

How are you?


Chào buổi sáng

Chào buổi tối

Chào mừng bạn

bạn có khỏe không?, khỏe chứ?

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Good night!

See you later!

Good bye!

Thank you

You're welcome!

Chúc ngủ ngon!

Gặp lại sau nhé

Tạm biệt

Cám ơn

Đừng ngại

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QUIZ1. In the combination of five fundamental taste "elements" , Which is wrong?

A. Sour -wood

B. sweet -earth

C. Bitter -metal

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2. When was the capital city has been

Hanoi ?

A. 1976

B. 1977

C. 1978

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Answer!1. { C } Bitter -metal

2. { A } 1976

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Negara Brunei Darussalam

Flag of Brunei

Royal Arms of Brunei.

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Brunei is a sovereign state located on the north coast of the island of Borneo, in Southeast Asia.

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Brunei national costume.

MaleBaju Melayu

FemaleBaju Kurung

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Brunei national symbol



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Brunei Dollar 

 Omar Ali Saifuddien

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Salamat Datang

= Hello

Greeting of Brunei

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 Flag of Cambodia

Royal Arms of Cambodia  

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Cambodia is a country located in the southern portion of the Indochina Peninsula in Southeast Asia

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Cambodia national costume.

male female


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Cambodia national symbols



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Cambodian Riel 

 The Royal Palace

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Shuo Sa Dai

= Hello

Greeting of Cambodia

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Republic of the Union of Myanmar

 Flag of Myanma

Royal Arms of Myanma 

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Myanma is a sovereign state in Southeast Asia bordered by China, Thailand, India, Laos and Bangladesh

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Myanma national costume

male female


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Myanma national symbols



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Myanmar Kyat 

 Shwedagon Pagoda

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Mingalar Par

= Hello

Greeting of Myanma

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คำ��ถ�มบรู�ไน 1.อ�ห�รูปรูะจำ��ช�ติ�เรู�ยกว่��อะไรู ติอบ ambuyat         2.คำ��ทั�กทั�ยคำ�ออะไรู ติอบ salamat datangก�มพู�ช�1.ดอกไม�ปรูะจำ��ช�ติ� ติอบromdual         2.ช ดปรูะจำ��ช�ติ� ติอบ sampotพูม��1.สก ลเงิ�นช�$อว่��อะไรู ติอบ kyat     2.ดอกไม�ปรูะจำ��ช�ติ� ติอบ padauk