Torrance Needs...main structural and boiler shop will be 540 feet long by 175 feet wide. In addition...

.,. and Mrs. George Proctor en- ained '. Mr. and Mrs. Richard .th at dinner Tuesday evening. Messrs. T. L. Riordan and J. W. oat attended the Santa Monica road races Saturday. Mr. H. A. Marx was a business visitor in Los Angeles Tuesday. Mr. H. D. Anderson of Lancaster visited old friends In Torrance last week, Mr. H. D. Weaver and Mrs. Clara I. Kirkwood. Mr. George Batts of Los Angeles visited friends in Torrance Sunday. Mr. Batts was formerly employed in the- barrel factory, but is now con- ducting a cigar store in Los Angeles. Miss Elizabeth Byrnes entertained Misses Caroline Stout and Harriett Goodrich a^ dinner last Saturday. Mr. H. H. Dolly attended the wed- ding of an old friend, Mr. R. B. Cur- rier of Azusa and Miss Etl^el Brain- ard of Idaho Falls. The wedding took place at the home.of the bride- groom's parents in Los Angeles. Mr. Currier Is the editor of the Porno- tropic at Azusa. Mr. C. W. Arkells of Lomita was a Torrance visitor last Friday. For Sale Horse, Wagon, Buggy and Harness for $65. Apply at J. Isenstein's Grocery, Torranee. Adv. Mr. W. H. Copping and Miss Neil of Pasadena visited friends in Tor- rance on Friday and had dinner at the Torrance Cafe. Mr. and Mrs. George Proctor de- lightfully entertained a number of friends at their home Sunday after- noon and evening. The guests en- joying the day were: Mr. and Mrs. 3eo. Smith; Mrs. Strainer and son; Mr. and Mrs. M/ B. Field; Mr. and Mrs. S. Maeger; Mr. and Mrs. W. Ear! of Los Angeles; Mrs. Steinhilber and son, Frank; and Mr. and .Mrs. Richard Smith. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Dolley left Friday for Ontario to spend the week end with old acquaintances. Mr. Jim Wrlght left for Los An- 'geles Wednesday to accept a position there. A. Lundin of Chicago has accepted a position with the Southern Califor- nia Shoe Company. . -. Messrs. L. H. Breel of Louisville, iCy., and John Budke of Los Angeles ^.re recent arrivals at the Colonial and are working at the Union Too'l Works. Mr. D. H. Weaver of Venice vis- ited his son and daughter, Mr. H. D. Weaver and Mrs. Cora I. Kirkwood last week. ^ Mrs. Bisby. of Los Angeles spent Sunday with Miss Van Hauch. Mrs. L. B. Knapp has been on the sick list but is now getting along nicely. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Renn are now located in their home on Gramercy avenue. Mr. Richard Waltz of Ontario spent Friday with his cousin, H. H. Dolley and attended the Santa Monica road races Saturday. . Mrs. Lynch, after an absence of ten days at her home in Venice, has again resumed her duties at the Southern California Shoe company. Lomita Items About twenty-five young people of the Christian Endeavor Society en- joyed a very pleasant evening at Beckham's hall Thursday evening, February 26th. Games were played and refreshments were served. A neat sum was realized for the benefit of the society. Percy Large has returned from the sanch at San Miguel, Cal., for a short vMit with his parents. The young people held a dance in the Bungalow Saturday evening. Fifteen couples were present. Miss Rose Mathers presided at the piano. Mrs. Clem Andre and Miss Ella Rich- ardson officiated as chaperones for the evening. Mrs. Maud Terry of Los Angeles visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. B* Terry, Sunday. The many friends of Mrs. John Taylor are glad to see him out once again after his painful illness of rheumatism. Miss Lillian Christofferson of Los Angeles visited with Eleonora Halls- trom Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Joseph White, who has been working at the Llewellyn Iron Works in Loa Angeles, has been at home for the last week improving his residence on Narbonne avenue. Mr. E. W. Van Auken attended the A. F. & A. M. Lodge at Covina Sat- urday evening, February 28th. He witnessed the conferring of the third degree on two candidates, after which a banquet was served and he reports a very enjoyable time. Mrs. Frank Swanson of Boyle Heights has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Alfred Benson, on Eshelman street for the last week. A surprise party was given In honor of Mr. and -Mrs. Arthur Plumb of Arizona street Saturday evening. A very pleasant evening was enjoyed by all who were present. The in- vited guests were Mr. and Mrs. George Towne, Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. George Smith, Mr. and Mrs. John Archer, Mr. and Mrs. William Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Farquhar, whqj have been living in Harbor City, have moved to their home on Cherry street. Mr. and Mrs. W. Pangborn at- tended the automobile races at Santa Monica Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Tabor and family have rented a home On Walnut street. Mr. Tabor is the son-in-law of Mr. J. H. Pickering. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Sorter were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lyttle of Weston street last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. G. . Bickel, who have been living in Los Angeles, have moyed to their new home oil Walnut street. A greater part of the citizens of Lomita have been registering ^hls past week at the registration office In the postofflce. Whlttier, Fe>, 28. Several Inquir- ies are being made daily concerning the plant without a name now on display in u store window. "What is it?" and "Where did It come from?" art* gome of th# question* being Mked of Harry Morris, proprietor the of Morr It wa Lind wher In Y store. To these questions Mr. is is unable to reply except that ,8 taken from a nursery in Yorba la. As to the name, origin and e it came from before it grew 'orba UiiUa, lie cannot explain. The object of the questions la a plant with a long red fuzzy stem, with a long green pod or bud at the top. Two stems have been cut from the mother plant, and It la these that are on display. The stems resemble «v«ral plants, but in each compari- son a wide difference is noted. Fred Foster obtained the stews USE MODEL IRON WORKS EASTERN AD CAMPAIGN In order to give manufacturers a comprehensive Idea of modern factory construction in Southern California, Thomas D. Campbell & Co. have had made a model of the plant of the Llew- ellyn Irofe Works which Is to "be erected at Torrance. The firm nds had pictures of this miniature $750,000 steel fabricating plant made and sent to' a number of eastern and middle western manufacturers as a means of Illustrating what a progressive step southern California has taken In tb« matter of practical, perfectly ventl- ated and sanitary manufacturing establishments. 'This model was made by Walter 3. Rich in exact scale to the accepted ;)lans, and- shows the various depart- ments, the office, the connecting rail- ways and even the traveling cranes ind material yard. Under the present plans seven build- ngs besides the office will be required o complete the Torrance plant. The main structural and boiler shop will be 540 feet long by 175 feet wide. In addition to this there will be a ware- house and machine shop each 302.feet long by 105 feet wide. The foundry will be 198 by 80 feet, the pattern shop 150 by 80, the powerhouse 105 by 75, and the. pattern storage shop 196 by 38 feet. . DESTRUCTIVE FIRE The entire plant of the Hawthorne Furnjture company, at Hawthorne, was destroyed by fire early Thursday, caus- ing a loss estimated at $150,000. The flames were discovered by the night watchman. They, spread rapidly. There is no fire department in Hawthorne and before the people of the town reached the scune and formed a bucket brigade the flames were roar- ing through the main building and had communicated to the three other bnild- ings. It was owned by the Hawthorne Fur- niture company, of which Geo. Holter- hoff of the'Sante Fe Railroad company is president and George H. Moser sec- retary and treasurer. Torrance Needs A Bakery Dentist Garage > Jeweler Laundry Furniture Store Apartment House Book and Music Store Profitable Openings in these , Lines for Live-Wire Business Men Who will be the First Lawyer to hang out his shingle in Torrance? The Offices / await him 8. C. PR ATT, 1 resident < - F. J. GOODRICH, Secretary A. M. STOUT, Gen. Mgr. Private Exchange Home 60139 , Main 0313 BUSINESS AND RESIDENCE LOTS 017 South Hill St. Los Angeles Cabrillo and Susana Aves. Torrance PLANTING TIME IS HERE Have yon bought the trees and shrubs with which to beautify your home place? Now is the time to do so. GIBRALTAR NURSERIES Offer for sale the best species of ornamental trees, palms and shrubs. Also citrus and deciduous fruit stock. Try the olive for an orna- mental shade tree in your yard and reap a profit as a result. Prices at* Write, Phone or Call the GIBRALTAR INVESTMENT AND HOME BUILDING COMPANY, 148 South Spring Street, Los Angeles, .Calif. Phones Home 10317, Main 9152. ____ from a nurseryman at Yorba Linda. The owner of the mother plant Is un- able to, clear the mystery, as he did not plant the seed separately, the plant growing in a patch of other species. In his opinion, it is a cross between two species. The plant at Yojba Linda attained prominence when Henry Huntlngton, the Pasadena millionaire, offered $100 for it. Tills offer was refused, as the owner was not sure of- Its valuation and is now awaiting an opinion of an expert. Mr. Huntlngton, a noted collector of plants, was prompted to make the offer since he bad never seen a similar specimen in hit) trav- els all over the world. Lccal botanists are unable to Had a name for the specimen or where it belongs in the plant families. The stems may be sent to San Fran- cisco for examination. Lav«nd«r. Lavender, tUtj popularity of which was revived by the late Queon Vic- toria, grows at Its bent In England, where the staling aud flowers frequent- ly brlnit $9 or $10 a pound aud some- time* much more. A pound of flowers yields from one-half to one dram of oil and an aero from ten to twenty- flve pounds of flowers. TORRANCE HIUINERY Call and see the complete line of Spring Hats and Shapes, Flow- ers, etc. Prices Reasonable Mesdames Brown & Hart £1728 Giamercy Torrance SEEDS Plants, Ornamental Shrubbery, Fruit Trees and Berry Buches FOR SALE Edward D. Byrnes 2026 Carson St. Torrance LKAVK TORKANCK: 7:05 a. m. 8:05 a. m. 10:05 a. in. 11:05 a. m. * 12:05 p. in. 2:05 a. m. 3:05 p. m. LflAVK LOS 6*1 a. ro. 7:05 a. m 9:05 a. in. 11:05 a. m. 1:05 p. m. 8:05 p. m. 4:06 p. m. 5:05 p. m. 6:08 p. m. 7:06 p. in. 9:05 p. m. 11:38 p. m 3:68 p. m. 5:55 p. m. 10:05 p. m. 12:05 p. m. Reader* are requested to send The Htraid any news Items they itoay bavt ai ewly in the w*tk * pojsible. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF TORRANCE Capital $25,000.00 Surplus $5,000.00 OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS Geo. W. Post J.W.Post J, S. Torrance A. E. Sedgwick Geo. W. Noll Your Bank Account Solicited 1 **+ *** ** AUTOS FOR SALE 2 New Five Passenger Model T Ford cars, $625.00 complete F. O. B. Torrance. 2 Used Buicks, one five passenger, Model 19, 30 horsepower, price $475.00. The other a two passenger, sixteen horse- " power, price ' $300.00 ; both fully equipped and in good condition. 1 used Model T Ford 1912 five passenger. Price $450.00; will demonstrate . any of these cars. Auto Accessories on hand. A. E. McCulloch, an expert repairman, at your service, 50c per hour. J. M. Woodruff, Ford Agent Garden*, California MISS LAURA SPRINGER Graduate Beacon Toilet Studio Boston, Mass. . Chiropwdy, Manicuring, Hyeenic Scalp Treatment*, Shampooing, Hair- d«88ing. Gray Hair Restored to Nat- ural Color. Hours 6 to 9 p. m. except Wednesday 21,829 Arlington at. Torrance Home Phone 197 Sunset 265-J Bryant Funeral Parlors Lady Attendant Fourth & Mew »t. San Pedro Dodgers or »al« bllU, posters, vis- iting or business cards, letterhead* and envelopes, etc., printed by Tbf Herald. I WILL GIVE $1000 IF I FAIL TO CURE any CANCER or TUMOR r PAY UNTIL CURED, by MMIANTK. No X1 R»r or oUur iwlndl. WRITTEN GUARANTEE 3-day piiot«o pJs Any Lump i^Woman'sBreast I tllJIW K UWAYS CANCER, tat ALWAYS paluni * » DM* to tk* umUt ud KILLS QUICKJ.Y l A 8747 S. MAIN St, LOS ANGELES, KHUK.V HAH Wi to sonwonf wltfe CANCER

Transcript of Torrance Needs...main structural and boiler shop will be 540 feet long by 175 feet wide. In addition...

Page 1: Torrance Needs...main structural and boiler shop will be 540 feet long by 175 feet wide. In addition to this there will be a ware house and machine shop each 302.feet long by 105 feet

.,. and Mrs. George Proctor en-

ained '. Mr. and Mrs. Richard

.th at dinner Tuesday evening.

Messrs. T. L. Riordan and J. W.

oat attended the Santa Monica road

races Saturday.

Mr. H. A. Marx was a business

visitor in Los Angeles Tuesday.

Mr. H. D. Anderson of Lancaster

visited old friends In Torrance last

week, Mr. H. D. Weaver and Mrs.

Clara I. Kirkwood.

Mr. George Batts of Los Angeles

visited friends in Torrance Sunday.

Mr. Batts was formerly employed in

the- barrel factory, but is now con­

ducting a cigar store in Los Angeles.

Miss Elizabeth Byrnes entertained

Misses Caroline Stout and Harriett

Goodrich a^ dinner last Saturday.

Mr. H. H. Dolly attended the wed­

ding of an old friend, Mr. R. B. Cur­

rier of Azusa and Miss Etl^el Brain-

ard of Idaho Falls. The wedding

took place at the home.of the bride­

groom's parents in Los Angeles. Mr.

Currier Is the editor of the Porno-

tropic at Azusa.

Mr. C. W. Arkells of Lomita was a

Torrance visitor last Friday.

For Sale Horse, Wagon, Buggy

and Harness for $65. Apply at J.

Isenstein's Grocery, Torranee. Adv.

Mr. W. H. Copping and Miss Neil

of Pasadena visited friends in Tor­

rance on Friday and had dinner at

the Torrance Cafe.

Mr. and Mrs. George Proctor de­

lightfully entertained a number of

friends at their home Sunday after­

noon and evening. The guests en­

joying the day were: Mr. and Mrs.

3eo. Smith; Mrs. Strainer and son;

Mr. and Mrs. M/ B. Field; Mr. and

Mrs. S. Maeger; Mr. and Mrs. W.

Ear! of Los Angeles; Mrs. Steinhilber

and son, Frank; and Mr. and .Mrs.

Richard Smith.

Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Dolley left

Friday for Ontario to spend the week

end with old acquaintances.

Mr. Jim Wrlght left for Los An-

'geles Wednesday to accept a position


A. Lundin of Chicago has accepted

a position with the Southern Califor­

nia Shoe Company. . -.

Messrs. L. H. Breel of Louisville,

iCy., and John Budke of Los Angeles

^.re recent arrivals at the Colonial

and are working at the Union Too'l


Mr. D. H. Weaver of Venice vis­

ited his son and daughter, Mr. H. D.

Weaver and Mrs. Cora I. Kirkwood

last week. ^

Mrs. Bisby. of Los Angeles spent

Sunday with Miss Van Hauch.

Mrs. L. B. Knapp has been on the

sick list but is now getting along


Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Renn are now

located in their home on Gramercy


Mr. Richard Waltz of Ontario

spent Friday with his cousin, H. H.

Dolley and attended the Santa Monica

road races Saturday.

. Mrs. Lynch, after an absence of ten

days at her home in Venice, has

again resumed her duties at the

Southern California Shoe company.

Lomita ItemsAbout twenty-five young people of

the Christian Endeavor Society en­

joyed a very pleasant evening at

Beckham's hall Thursday evening,

February 26th. Games were played

and refreshments were served. A neat

sum was realized for the benefit of

the society.

Percy Large has returned from the

sanch at San Miguel, Cal., for a short

vMit with his parents.

The young people held a dance in

the Bungalow Saturday evening.

Fifteen couples were present. Miss

Rose Mathers presided at the piano.

Mrs. Clem Andre and Miss Ella Rich­

ardson officiated as chaperones for

the evening.

Mrs. Maud Terry of Los Angeles

visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs.

A. B* Terry, Sunday.

The many friends of Mrs. John

Taylor are glad to see him out once

again after his painful illness of


Miss Lillian Christofferson of Los

Angeles visited with Eleonora Halls-

trom Saturday and Sunday.

Mr. Joseph White, who has been

working at the Llewellyn Iron Works

in Loa Angeles, has been at home for

the last week improving his residence

on Narbonne avenue.

Mr. E. W. Van Auken attended the

A. F. & A. M. Lodge at Covina Sat­

urday evening, February 28th. He

witnessed the conferring of the third

degree on two candidates, after

which a banquet was served and he

reports a very enjoyable time.

Mrs. Frank Swanson of Boyle

Heights has been visiting her sister,

Mrs. Alfred Benson, on Eshelman

street for the last week.

A surprise party was given In

honor of Mr. and -Mrs. Arthur Plumb

of Arizona street Saturday evening.

A very pleasant evening was enjoyed

by all who were present. The in­

vited guests were Mr. and Mrs.

George Towne, Mr. and Mrs. John

Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. George Smith,

Mr. and Mrs. John Archer, Mr. and

Mrs. William Smith.

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Farquhar, whqj

have been living in Harbor City, have

moved to their home on Cherry


Mr. and Mrs. W. Pangborn at­

tended the automobile races at Santa

Monica Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Tabor and family

have rented a home On Walnut street.

Mr. Tabor is the son-in-law of Mr.

J. H. Pickering.

Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Sorter were

visitors at the home of Mr. and

Mrs. Harry Lyttle of Weston street

last Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. G. . Bickel, who

have been living in Los Angeles,

have moyed to their new home oil

Walnut street.

A greater part of the citizens of

Lomita have been registering ^hls

past week at the registration office In

the postofflce.

Whlttier, Fe>, 28. Several Inquir­

ies are being made daily concerning

the plant without a name now on

display in u store window. "What is

it?" and "Where did It come from?"

art* gome of th# question* being

Mked of Harry Morris, proprietor

theofMorr It wa Lind wher In Y

store. To these questions Mr.

is is unable to reply except that

,8 taken from a nursery in Yorba

la. As to the name, origin and e it came from before it grew

'orba UiiUa, lie cannot explain.

The object of the questions la a

plant with a long red fuzzy stem,

with a long green pod or bud at the

top. Two stems have been cut from

the mother plant, and It la these that

are on display. The stems resemble

«v«ral plants, but in each compari­

son a wide difference is noted.

Fred Foster obtained the stews


In order to give manufacturers a

comprehensive Idea of modern factory

construction in Southern California,

Thomas D. Campbell & Co. have had

made a model of the plant of the Llew­

ellyn Irofe Works which Is to "be

erected at Torrance. The firm nds had

pictures of this miniature $750,000

steel fabricating plant made and sent

to' a number of eastern and middle

western manufacturers as a means of

Illustrating what a progressive step

southern California has taken In tb«

matter of practical, perfectly ventl-

ated and sanitary manufacturing


'This model was made by Walter

3. Rich in exact scale to the accepted

;)lans, and- shows the various depart­

ments, the office, the connecting rail­

ways and even the traveling cranes

ind material yard.

Under the present plans seven build-

ngs besides the office will be required

o complete the Torrance plant. The

main structural and boiler shop will

be 540 feet long by 175 feet wide. In

addition to this there will be a ware­

house and machine shop each 302.feet

long by 105 feet wide. The foundry

will be 198 by 80 feet, the pattern shop

150 by 80, the powerhouse 105 by 75,

and the. pattern storage shop 196 by

38 feet. .

DESTRUCTIVE FIREThe entire plant of the Hawthorne

Furnjture company, at Hawthorne, was destroyed by fire early Thursday, caus­ ing a loss estimated at $150,000.

The flames were discovered by the night watchman. They, spread rapidly.

There is no fire department in Hawthorne and before the people of the town reached the scune and formed a bucket brigade the flames were roar­ ing through the main building and had communicated to the three other bnild- ings.

It was owned by the Hawthorne Fur­ niture company, of which Geo. Holter- hoff of the'Sante Fe Railroad company is president and George H. Moser sec­ retary and treasurer.

Torrance NeedsA

Bakery Dentist Garage

> JewelerLaundry

Furniture StoreApartment House

Book and Music Store

Profitable Openings in these , Lines for Live-Wire Business Men

Who will be the First Lawyerto hang out his shingle

in Torrance?The Offices


8. C. PR ATT, 1 resident < - F. J. GOODRICH, Secretary A. M. STOUT, Gen. Mgr.

Private ExchangeHome 60139 ,Main 0313


Los AngelesCabrillo and Susana Aves.


PLANTING TIME IS HEREHave yon bought the trees and shrubs with which to beautify

your home place? Now is the time to do so.GIBRALTAR NURSERIES

Offer for sale the best species of ornamental trees, palms and shrubs. Also citrus and deciduous fruit stock. Try the olive for an orna­ mental shade tree in your yard and reap a profit as a result. Prices

at* Write, Phone or Call the GIBRALTAR INVESTMENT AND HOME BUILDING COMPANY, 148 South Spring Street, Los Angeles, .Calif. Phones Home 10317, Main 9152. ____

from a nurseryman at Yorba Linda.

The owner of the mother plant Is un­

able to, clear the mystery, as he did

not plant the seed separately, the

plant growing in a patch of other

species. In his opinion, it is a cross

between two species.

The plant at Yojba Linda attained

prominence when Henry Huntlngton,

the Pasadena millionaire, offered

$100 for it.

Tills offer was refused, as the

owner was not sure of- Its valuation

and is now awaiting an opinion of

an expert. Mr. Huntlngton, a noted

collector of plants, was prompted to

make the offer since he bad never

seen a similar specimen in hit) trav­

els all over the world.

Lccal botanists are unable to Had

a name for the specimen or where

it belongs in the plant families.

The stems may be sent to San Fran­

cisco for examination.


Lavender, tUtj popularity of which was revived by the late Queon Vic­ toria, grows at Its bent In England, where the staling aud flowers frequent­ ly brlnit $9 or $10 a pound aud some­ time* much more. A pound of flowers yields from one-half to one dram of oil and an aero from ten to twenty- flve pounds of flowers.

TORRANCE HIUINERYCall and see the complete line

of Spring Hats and Shapes, Flow­ ers, etc. Prices Reasonable

Mesdames Brown & Hart£1728 Giamercy Torrance

SEEDSPlants, Ornamental Shrubbery,

Fruit Trees and Berry Buches FOR SALE

Edward D. Byrnes2026 Carson St. Torrance


7:05 a. m.8:05 a. m.

10:05 a. in. 11:05 a. m. * 12:05 p. in.2:05 a. m.3:05 p. m.


6*1 a. ro.

7:05 a. m9:05 a. in.

11:05 a. m.1:05 p. m.8:05 p. m.

4:06 p. m. 5:05 p. m. 6:08 p. m. 7:06 p. in. 9:05 p. m.

11:38 p. m

3:68 p. m.5:55 p. m.

10:05 p. m. 12:05 p. m.

Reader* are requested to send The

Htraid any news Items they itoay bavt

ai ewly in the w*tk * pojsible.


Capital $25,000.00 Surplus $5,000.00


Geo. W. Post J.W.Post

J, S. Torrance A. E. Sedgwick

Geo. W. Noll

Your Bank Account Solicited1

**+ *** **

AUTOS FOR SALE2 New Five Passenger Model T Ford cars, $625.00 complete

F. O. B. Torrance. 2 Used Buicks, one five passenger, Model 19, 30 horsepower,

price $475.00. The other a two passenger, sixteen horse- " power, price ' $300.00 ; both fully equipped and in good

condition. 1 used Model T Ford 1912 five passenger. Price $450.00; will

demonstrate . any of these cars. Auto Accessories on hand. A. E. McCulloch, an expert repairman, at your service, 50c

per hour.

J. M. Woodruff, Ford Agent Garden*, California

MISS LAURA SPRINGERGraduate Beacon Toilet Studio

Boston, Mass. .Chiropwdy, Manicuring, Hyeenic

Scalp Treatment*, Shampooing, Hair- d«88ing. Gray Hair Restored to Nat­ ural Color. Hours 6 to 9 p. m. except Wednesday

21,829 Arlington at. Torrance

Home Phone 197 Sunset 265-J

Bryant Funeral ParlorsLady Attendant

Fourth & Mew »t. San Pedro

Dodgers or »al« bllU, posters, vis­

iting or business cards, letterhead*

and envelopes, etc., printed by Tbf



r PAY UNTIL CURED,by MMIANTK. No X1 R»r or oUur iwlndl.WRITTEN GUARANTEE3-day piiot«o pJs

Any Lump i^Woman'sBreastI tllJIW K UWAYS CANCER, tat ALWAYS paluni * » DM* to tk* umUt ud KILLS QUICKJ.Y


KHUK.V HAH Wi to sonwonf wltfe CANCER