Torrance Eleven Smashes Norman Gridders, 12 to 6 Aug 20 - Dec 14/PDF...death of Norm Verry, El Ca-...

THS, HARBOR SOUTH LOSE Torrance Eleven Smashes Norman Gridders, 12 to 6 Two ;ithletes who have earned their cairn to fame in other sports teamed up Fri- day ;.iteiii(ion lo give the Torrance High gridck'is a 12 lo (i victory over host Bove.rly Hills in a Pioneer League clash. Quarterback John Cambon. a qiieslionn'.ark at Hie beginning of the season and a great liase'hall star for the Tartars, got together with quariei mile ace Bub Hoy to scurf both Torraiu'e touchdowns. It,,. .Noriuaii uridiron. TIIS coach ^| w j|| |, ( , O,>J M O !, i( uin in; Irv Kasten need not have, as every game, hoping soine boys simply overpowered else will be able to stop the opening Torranee score in the first quarter, and Cambon sped for another TIIS tally in the second period as a stiff handled them throughout the Tartar defen.e held off a do. contest. termmed Norman ol'fense un- Kaslen's ir.iniiins will run up til the luurlh (inarler when on their own gridiron. T h e Richard Merin went over from ' Falcons were picked to finish 1-yard out for Beverly Hills' on top of the Pioneer heap. only score ol the game. but a first game loss lo power-. FINAL PICTURE . . . With Ills team and fellow Coaches. Coach Norm Verry (center, holding clipboard) boarded the charter flight which took him as far as Keno. Vcv.. where he was hospilali/red before returning to (lie South- land, The former I'SC All-American guard died at 10 a.m. Thursday. Camino Grid Coach Verry Dies A 20-day struggle between initial attack while en route to a cerebral hemorrhage several ern California until 1942, when life and death was terminated Boise, Idaho with his team years ago, again in the vicinity he entered the U.S. Marine at 10 a.m. Thursday with the Sept. 2,'J. the congenial college of Reno. Corps. death of Norm Verry, El Ca- coach was under the care of i A gifted speaker and re- In 1944. he played for his niino College football coach. "We were winning for a while," Coach Vcrry's physi- cian stated Thursday, "but his condition turned bad at 2 a.m." Funeral arrangements be announced ater, but the family has requested that in OCTOBER 15, 19ol Hawthorne Gridders Rout South, 42 to 20 By .JIM VAUGIIX South High's title hones were dealt a final crippling blow while the Cougars from Hawthorne bolstered their wi ll bid for Bay League honors with a convincing 4:!-20 victory Friday night at Torrance. Taking advantage of two lightnim; quick scores. Har- bor College's stubborn grid- ders stung upset-minded ICast I.os Angeles. If) to 12 PridajC night in a Metropolitan Coif" ference tilt Charles Cunnigan grabbed a 28-yard pass Irom Jim Krai-io! 1- to open I he scoring in the su<>' olid quarter for the Si-ahawliST. Harbor boosled its lead to 7 to (I when Sam Wicks booted the bail through the goal posts. Public Notice - IN-' utet!- ,! by. medical experts. Removed from spected educator, Coach Verry, alma mater in the Rose Bowl t £"'">""' '"'" " ",,,;'" ' leaves Hawthorne nmlefeatec Ilia r-hiirlar fliolit .1! Roiin i-ama In V.\ Pnminn fnllfxin HIP onarri lUKiitinn which IIP , HCU ot IIOWC1.S UOlltl IDllllOilb . ........... ....... ,.... ...... ....... This win. coupled with their IJI-O trouncing of Keclondo, Stricken by a series of three cerebral hemorrhages in as many weeks, the former USC AH-American underwent surg- the charter flight at Reno, Nev., Jie was rushed to Washo Medical Center, where he was under the immediate care of a neuro-surgeon. Brought to Los Angeles by air ambulance a week follow- ing the occurance of hemorr- ery at midnight Wednesday, haging in Reno. Coach Verrv ../ .,. _ . . " ° v " v"*.» came to El Camino College in [at the guard position which he 1950 from Inglewood High filled so capably. School, where lie served on j , the coaching staff for one year. In 1951 he took a year's leave of absence to serve with the U.S. military forces. "THIS WILL have to be the RELEASED from active duty in 1946, Norm Verry turned his career to professional foot- ball, playing with the Chicago Rockets in both 1946 and 1947. Here he made an out- leal during the 28 hours fol- recov ery before suffering two lowing the completion of surg-! subsequent attacks. In Los An- year," he told by-slanders standing and enviable record to as the most outstanding line- be made to the Memorial Fund. .11 league play, the only other Norm Yerry ((, am s | larin g t | lis distinction being Inglewood. South has lost their first two conference Funeral services for Coach i Verry will conducted to- morrow at 2 p.m. at Crenshaw Christian Church, 9550 Cren shaw Blvd., Inglewood. tilts. The Cougars Invincible as they combined a crunching game with a deadly assault to give them a | versatile scoring punch, with- I ground ' aerial : quarter. His TD was set up by Ciene Kay who raced 80 yards with the opening kickoff to the South 14-yard line. I lawlborne tallied again in the first quarter, Fay sweeping 25 yards to paydirt after Fetch intercepted a Spartan aerial on the South 26. Fetch converted both attempts to give intnrnit Hold D,'. iiit* in ll Klon, or in oiiveyod to d of Trust ).County of 1 of Rolling Jlill Officiating will be the L)r. I out equal among Bay League' Cougars a 14-7 lead at cry. WITHIN MINTTES his nf " : .spt undcr care : respect for the team and fel- , Joseph M. Appcgate. pastor of' contenders The coach was noted for his i tlle church. Funeral arrange- ; the ! the! 1 half, as the Spartans scored in ilii'd iui: " of thi i the City . . - ..... .. LOH Aii- Stiitii of California, allotted to :i Bixhy by deerce ot partition on. "Blxby, et al. vs. Bont, r.t ,'usn No. 2373 In the District of the 17th Judicial District ' id fo said County Honk' 4 PURC (17 lit' ; Court of Hall Give the Entire Family A Night Out RESTAURANT MONTH. TRY CHARLEY'S ALL YOU CAN EAT FOR ONLY 1 75 S Clinch glV^Wl; GaiCie I^^JI 1 . Choice ft/ | 'Haffi Entreat Delicious DcitiUlfi EAT WITH CHARLEY COCKTAItS low coaches who now mourn uncanny ability in spotting his! ments are being made the closing minutes, quarter- SOUTH KKUKD heavily on batk » an E| y sneaking over ' Public Notice * * * '''is death. As head coach, he opponents b v diagnosing them ^ wh.ilL'and Day Funeral Chapel, t | ground game as they did ,''.' onl , lh f. 1 -J' urd ''»? Harvey TIIROHiH the first days in tutored players who, following through a grueling scouting | Manhattan Beach. against both Inglewood and | ° Rlg.Y sllmi ov . er ngllt lackle ,os Angeles, the coach was : ilis example, rose to All-Ameri- schedule. I The family has requested; Kong Beach Jordan. Bu( t | le '°i'the conversion. ___ ----- 'icights. , , » . i.. ....... . . » i... ... ........ .._____ rticularly talented as a <. coach. Verry turned out COMMENTING upon the ipionshi;) Warrior teams death ()f llltl beloved faculty 52 and 1954. His'54 squad niember. President Stuart K. unexpectedly to play in Mi " - ee of Kl Camino College cheerful and received visits by j can heights members of his family and Particularly close friends. ' ' l»'e coach. V Physicians characterized the nature of Wednesday's surgery as "very, very serious." PRIOR TO the attacks of the past three weeks, the physical education instructor suffered Public Notice the Junior Hose Bowl against sakl - " l ' w "ever known a man Hines Miss. wno ' las known Norm Verry and hasn't loved him. To know him was to love him. All will A NATIVE of Hatiford. the m j iSS hj m dom-iy . We feel 'coach attended Visalia High ' deeply for his wife and sons." School, where he captained the The college instructor is sur : local team to numerous wins, and upon graduation he at- thai in lieu of flowers conlri- < Cougars were ready for them, butions be made to the Norm giving the highly-touted Spar- Verry Memorial Fund, which is tan forward wall'a battle royal being administered on the [ r0 in the word go. Led by Dan campus of Kl Camino College Dye (6'3, 230), the Hawthorne by Merl F. Sloan, director of defenders gave their counter- student personnel. parts all they could handle, Pallbearers will be a fellow stopping the Spartan ground marine Bob Roberlson. who machine that had proved so served with the deceased in effective earlier this season, two wars and fellow Kl Camino | The Cougars struck early as College coaches Don .lurk, quarterback Ron Petch plung- by his widow. Lois. and uy E, s; k J.£ cn S^"' inS C " ° ver from * vartl ° ut with Steve, 12. and Rich- TH 511 60283 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE No F22I n Nov. Till. lHlil. nl II c.Vi" i imint in tlw mil ile.srribed i. i eeurdiKl In . official HB- ...i ln»t moil- M' L'O" Went' point in tlin' ' ' rlbcrt Sy Nash, iv- ' ) gone in the Public Notice Morrow, director of teiiidedllie University of South- i)rc| 15 T | u, r ami | y hl)nle is at TH 514 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICK IS IIKKKHY CIVKN Ilia f Clllif County (if I,o» Alllfeles. IIAKOI.I) .1 O Countv clerk u of 111.' Super),,! Hi" Stale of Ca in anil for Hie of I,.,,- AIU....I. . Hy It. Kubi liepnty ' D.itccl Oct. 1. I9CI. MhWBORN 4 HITCHCOCK 2SII ToiTiince Blvd., Torr.ince, C.illfonli.i Attorney for Petitioner. ST Oct. 15, 19, 22, I9lil. Kirkpatrlek I'ublle inlsHllill exp 17. III');! an. i HIM. If You Are A Newcomer LOCHMANN FARMS MILK DRIVE-IN DAIRY 28000 S. WESTERN AVE , SAN PEDRO DORIS STAMM DA 7-9 193 . .\ I.OJH Kltl'KdKK for u viiit fioni Welcome Wagon

Transcript of Torrance Eleven Smashes Norman Gridders, 12 to 6 Aug 20 - Dec 14/PDF...death of Norm Verry, El Ca-...

Page 1: Torrance Eleven Smashes Norman Gridders, 12 to 6 Aug 20 - Dec 14/PDF...death of Norm Verry, El Ca- coach was under the care of i A gifted speaker and re- In 1944. he played for his

THS, HARBOR SOUTH LOSETorrance Eleven Smashes Norman Gridders, 12 to 6

Two ;ithletes who have earned their cairn to fame in other sports teamed up Fri­ day ;.iteiii(ion lo give the Torrance High gridck'is a 12 lo (i victory over host Bove.rly Hills in a Pioneer League clash.

Quarterback John Cambon. a qiieslionn'.ark at Hie beginning of the season and a great liase'hall star for the Tartars, got together with quariei mile ace Bub Hoy to scurf both Torraiu'e touchdowns.

It,,. .Noriuaii uridiron. TIIS coach ^| w j|| |, ( , O,>J M O !, i( uin in;Irv Kasten need not have, as every game, hoping soine

boys simply overpowered else will be able to stopthe opening Torranee score inthe first quarter, and Cambonsped for another TIIS tally inthe second period as a stiff handled them throughout theTartar defen.e held off a do. contest.termmed Norman ol'fense un- Kaslen's ir.iniiins will run uptil the luurlh (inarler when on their own gridiron. T h eRichard Merin went over from ' Falcons were picked to finish1-yard out for Beverly Hills' on top of the Pioneer heap.only score ol the game. but a first game loss lo power-.

FINAL PICTURE . . . With Ills team and fellow Coaches. Coach Norm Verry (center, holding clipboard) boarded the charter flight which took him as

far as Keno. Vcv.. where he was hospilali/red before returning to (lie South­ land, The former I'SC All-American guard died at 10 a.m. Thursday.

Camino Grid Coach Verry DiesA 20-day struggle between initial attack while en route to a cerebral hemorrhage several ern California until 1942, when

life and death was terminated Boise, Idaho with his team years ago, again in the vicinity he entered the U.S. Marine at 10 a.m. Thursday with the Sept. 2,'J. the congenial college of Reno. Corps.death of Norm Verry, El Ca- coach was under the care of i A gifted speaker and re- In 1944. he played for his niino College football coach.

"We were winning for a while," Coach Vcrry's physi­ cian stated Thursday, "but his condition turned bad at 2 a.m."

Funeral arrangements be announced ater, but the family has requested that in

OCTOBER 15, 19ol

Hawthorne Gridders Rout South, 42 to 20

By .JIM VAUGIIXSouth High's title hones were dealt a final crippling

blow while the Cougars from Hawthorne bolstered their wi ll bid for Bay League honors with a convincing 4:!-20 victory

Friday night at Torrance.

Taking advantage of two lightnim; quick scores. Har­ bor College's stubborn grid- ders stung upset-minded ICast I.os Angeles. If) to 12 PridajC night in a Metropolitan Coif" ference tilt

Charles Cunnigan grabbed a 28-yard pass Irom Jim Krai-io!1- to open I he scoring in the su<>' olid quarter for the Si-ahawliST. Harbor boosled its lead to 7 to (I when Sam Wicks booted the bail through the goal posts.

Public Notice -

IN-' utet!-

,! by.

medical experts. Removed from spected educator, Coach Verry, alma mater in the Rose Bowl t £"'">""' '"'" " ",,,;'" ' leaves Hawthorne nmlefeatecIlia r-hiirlar fliolit .1! Roiin i-ama In V.\ Pnminn fnllfxin HIP onarri lUKiitinn which IIP , HCU ot IIOWC1.S UOlltl IDllllOilb . ........... ....... ,.... ...... .......

This win. coupled with their IJI-O trouncing of Keclondo,

Stricken by a series of three cerebral hemorrhages in as many weeks, the former USC AH-American underwent surg-

the charter flight at Reno, Nev., Jie was rushed to Washo Medical Center, where he was under the immediate care of a neuro-surgeon.

Brought to Los Angeles by air ambulance a week follow­ ing the occurance of hemorr-

ery at midnight Wednesday, haging in Reno. Coach Verrv../ .,. _ . . " ° v" v"*.»

came to El Camino College in [at the guard position which he 1950 from Inglewood High filled so capably. School, where lie served on j , the coaching staff for one year. In 1951 he took a year's leave of absence to serve with the U.S. military forces.

"THIS WILL have to be the

RELEASED from active duty in 1946, Norm Verry turned his career to professional foot­ ball, playing with the Chicago Rockets in both 1946 and 1947. Here he made an out-

leal during the 28 hours fol- recovery before suffering two lowing the completion of surg-! subsequent attacks. In Los An-

year," he told by-slanders standing and enviable record to as the most outstanding line-

be made to the Memorial Fund.

.11 league play, the only other Norm Yerry ((,am s | laring t | lis distinction

being Inglewood. South has lost their first two conference

Funeral services for Coach i Verry will b« conducted to­ morrow at 2 p.m. at Crenshaw Christian Church, 9550 Cren shaw Blvd., Inglewood.

tilts. The Cougars Invincible

as they combined a crunching game with a deadly

assault to give them a | versatile scoring punch, with-

I ground ' aerial :

quarter. His TD was set up by Ciene Kay who raced 80 yards with the opening kickoff to the South 14-yard line.

I lawlborne tallied again in the first quarter, Fay sweeping 25 yards to paydirt after Fetch intercepted a Spartan aerial on the South 26. Fetch converted both attempts to give

intnrnit Hold D,'.

iiit* in ll

Klon, or in oiiveyod to d of Trust ).County of 1

of Rolling Jlill

Officiating will be the L)r. I out equal among Bay League' Cougars a 14-7 lead at

cry.WITHIN MINTTES his nf " : .spt

undcr care : respect for the team and fel- ,Joseph M. Appcgate. pastor of' contenders

The coach was noted for his i tlle church. Funeral arrange- ;

the ! the!

1 half, as the Spartans scored in

ilii'd iui: " of thi i the City .

. - ..... .. LOH Aii-Stiitii of California, allotted to :i Bixhy by deerce ot partition on. "Blxby, et al. vs. Bont, r.t ,'usn No. 2373 In the District of the 17th Judicial District '

id fo said CountyHonk' 4 PURC (17 lit'

; Court of Hall

Give the Entire Family A Night Out






S ClinchglV^Wl; GaiCie

I^^JI1 . Choice ft/ | 'Haffi Entreat




low coaches who now mourn uncanny ability in spotting his! ments are being madethe closing minutes, quarter-

SOUTH KKUKD heavily on batk »an E|y sneaking over '

Public Notice

* * * '''is death. As head coach, he opponents bv diagnosing them ^ wh.ilL'and Day Funeral Chapel, t | ground game as they did ,''.'onl , lh f. 1 -J' urd ''»? Harvey TIIROHiH the first days in tutored players who, following through a grueling scouting | Manhattan Beach. against both Inglewood and | °Rlg.Y sllmi ngllt lackle

,os Angeles, the coach was : ilis example, rose to All-Ameri- schedule. I The family has requested; Kong Beach Jordan. Bu( t | le '°i'the conversion. ___----- 'icights. , , » . i.. ....... . . » i... ... ........ .._____

rticularly talented as a <.coach. Verry turned out COMMENTING upon the ipionshi;) Warrior teams death ()f llltl beloved faculty 52 and 1954. His'54 squad niember. President Stuart K. unexpectedly to play in Mi" -ee of Kl Camino College

cheerful and received visits by j can heights members of his family and Particularly close friends. ' ' l»'e coach. V

Physicians characterized the nature of Wednesday's surgery as "very, very serious."

PRIOR TO the attacks of the past three weeks, the physical education instructor suffered

Public Notice

the Junior Hose Bowl against sakl - " l ' w "ever known a man Hines Miss. wno ' las known Norm Verry

and hasn't loved him. To know him was to love him. All will

A NATIVE of Hatiford. the m j iSS hj m dom-iy . W e feel 'coach attended Visalia High ' deeply for his wife and sons." School, where he captained the The college instructor is sur

: local team to numerous wins, and upon graduation he at-

thai in lieu of flowers conlri- < Cougars were ready for them, butions be made to the Norm giving the highly-touted Spar- Verry Memorial Fund, which is tan forward wall'a battle royal being administered on the [ r0 in the word go. Led by Dan campus of Kl Camino College Dye (6'3, 230), the Hawthorne by Merl F. Sloan, director of defenders gave their counter- student personnel. parts all they could handle,

Pallbearers will be a fellow stopping the Spartan ground marine Bob Roberlson. who machine that had proved so served with the deceased in effective earlier this season, two wars and fellow Kl Camino | The Cougars struck early as College coaches Don .lurk, quarterback Ron Petch plung-

by his widow. Lois. and H°uy E,s; kJ.£cn S^"'inS C " °ver from * vartl °ut with

Steve, 12. and Rich-

TH 51160283


n Nov. Till. lHlil. nl II c.Vi"

i imint in tlw mil ile.srribed i. i eeurdiKl In .

official HB- ...i ln»t moil- M' L'O" Went'point in tlin'

' ' rlbcrt Sy Nash, iv- '

) gone in the

Public NoticeMorrow, director ofteiiidedllie University of South- i)rc| 15 T | u, rami | y hl)nle is at



f Clllif County (if I,o»

Alllfeles. IIAKOI.I) .1 O Countv clerk uof 111.' Super),,! Hi" Stale of Ca in anil for Hie of I,.,,- AIU....I. .

Hy It. Kubi liepnty '

D.itccl Oct. 1. I9CI.MhWBORN 4 HITCHCOCK2SII ToiTiince Blvd.,Torr.ince, C.illfonli.iAttorney for Petitioner.ST Oct. 15, 19, 22, I9lil.

Kirkpatrlek I'ublleinlsHllill exp 17. III');!an. i HIM.

If You Are ANewcomer




DA 7-9 193

. .\ I.OJH Kltl'KdKKfor u viiit fioni

Welcome Wagon