Toronto, ON M4T 2T5 Court No. 32-1909984 St. Clair Avenue...

Crowe Soberman Crowe Soberman Inc. Member Crowe Horwath International 2 St. Clair Avenue East, Suite 1100 Toronto, ON M4T 2T5 416.929.2500 416929.2555 Fax District of: Ontario Division No. 09 - Mississauga Court No. 32-1 909984 Estate No. 32-1909984 _FORM 68_ i: Original fJ Amended Notice of Bankruptcy, First Meeting of Creditors (Subsection 102(1) of the Act) In the matter of the bankruptcy of CHECKERS COLLISION INC. of the City of Mississauga, in the Regional Municipality of Peel in the Province of Ontario Take notice that: 1. CHECKERS COLLISION INC. filed (or was deemed to have filed) an assignment on the 11th day of September 2014, and the undersigned, Crowe Soberman Inc., was appointed as trustee of the estate of the bankrupt by the official receiver (or the Court), subject to affirmation by the creditors of the trustee’s appointment or substitution of another trustee by the creditors. 2. The first meeting of creditors of the bankrupt will be held on the 20th day of October 2014, at 2:00 PM, at the office of Trustee’s Office, at 2 St. Clair Avenue East, Suite 1100, Toronto, ON, M4T 2T5. 3. To be entitled to vote at the meeting, a creditor must lodge with the trustee, before the meeting, a proof of claim and, where necessary, a proxy. 4. Enclosed with this notice is a proof of claim form, proxy form, and list of creditors with claims amounting to $25 or more showing the amounts of their claims. 5. Creditors must prove their claims against the estate of the bankrupt in order to share in any distribution of the proceeds realized from the estate. Dated at the City of Toronto in the Province of Ontario, this 7th day of October 2014. Crowe Soberm -1 c. - Tru e Per: Hans Rizar(CP ,CA CIRP 2 St. ClairAv ast, S ite 1100 Toronto 0 2T5 Phone: (416) 929-2500 Fax: (416) 929-2555

Transcript of Toronto, ON M4T 2T5 Court No. 32-1909984 St. Clair Avenue...

Crowe Soberman Crowe Soberman Inc.Member Crowe Horwath International

2 St. Clair Avenue East, Suite 1100Toronto, ON M4T 2T5416.929.2500416929.2555

District of: Ontario

Division No. 09 - Mississauga

Court No. 32-1 909984

Estate No. 32-1909984_FORM 68_ i: Original fJ Amended

Notice of Bankruptcy, First Meeting of Creditors(Subsection 102(1) of the Act)

In the matter of the bankruptcy ofCHECKERS COLLISION INC.

of the City of Mississauga, in the Regional Municipality of Peelin the Province of Ontario

Take notice that:

1. CHECKERS COLLISION INC. filed (or was deemed to have filed) an assignment on the 11th day of September 2014, and the undersigned,

Crowe Soberman Inc., was appointed as trustee of the estate of the bankrupt by the official receiver (or the Court), subject to affirmation by the creditors

of the trustee’s appointment or substitution of another trustee by the creditors.

2. The first meeting of creditors of the bankrupt will be held on the 20th day of October 2014, at 2:00 PM, at the office of Trustee’s Office, at 2 St.

Clair Avenue East, Suite 1100, Toronto, ON, M4T 2T5.

3. To be entitled to vote at the meeting, a creditor must lodge with the trustee, before the meeting, a proof of claim and, where necessary, a proxy.

4. Enclosed with this notice is a proof of claim form, proxy form, and list of creditors with claims amounting to $25 or more showing the amounts of

their claims.

5. Creditors must prove their claims against the estate of the bankrupt in order to share in any distribution of the proceeds realized from the estate.

Dated at the City of Toronto in the Province of Ontario, this 7th day of October 2014.

Crowe Soberm -1 c. - Tru ePer:

Hans Rizar(CP ,CA CIRP2 St. ClairAv ast, S ite 1100Toronto 0 2T5Phone: (416) 929-2500 Fax: (416) 929-2555


Court No.Estate No.

—Fcnn78-Statement of Affairs (Business Bankruptcy) made by an entity

(Subsection 49(2) and Paragraph 158(d) of the Act / Subsections 50(2) and 62(1) of the Act)

In the matter of the bankruptcy ofCHECKERS COLLISION INC.

of the City of Mississauga, in the Regional Munidpality of Peelin the Province of Ontario

To the bankrupt:You are required to carefully and accurately complete this fomi and the applicable attachments showing the slate of your affairs on the date of the bankruptcy, on the

8th day of September2014. When completed, this form and the applicable attachments will constitute the Statement of Affairs and must be verified by oath or solemn


LIASILITIES ASSETS(as stated and estimated by the officer) (as stated and estimated by the officer)


1. tnventoy 0.00

2. Trade fixtures, etc3. Accounts receivable and other receivables, as per list E*

Good 0.00


Doub.d 5463.55Bad 4292.50Estimated to pioduce .....,. ... 0.00

4. Bills of exchange, promissory note, etc., as per flat ‘P... 0.00S. Deposits In finandal Institutions 0.00


6. Cash


7. LIvestock 0.008. MachInery, equipment and plant. Z000009.Realpropedyorimrnovableasperlat 0.001D.Fumiture


it RRSPS, RRIFs, life insurance, etc 0.0012 SecuritIes (shares, bonds, debentures, etc.) 0.00i3 lnt5r$st5 under wills 0.0014.VeNcles 500.00IS. Otherproperty, as perkst’H” 0)0If bankrupt is a corporation, adi

Amount of subscribed capital 0.00Amount paid on capital —jjjj

Balance subscribed and unpaxt...,,,,,,,,, .. 0.00Estimated to produce 00

Totai assets 2,500.00Deficiency 34V3166

1.llnsecwedcreditorsasperflst’A’ 349,231.66

Balance of secured claims as per list B’ 0.00

Total unsecured creditors 349,231.66

2. Secured creditors as per list “S’ 0.00

3. Preferred creditors as per 1st C’ 0.00

4. Contirigent tnistclairnsorother liabilities as per list ‘D’estlmatedtoberecterpabiefr

Total liabilities— 349,231.66

Surplus NIL

I, ANN MACLEOD, of the City of Toronto in the Province of Ontario, do swear (or solemnly declare) that this statement and the attached lists are to the best ofmy knowledge, a full, true and complete statement of my affairs on the 8th day of Septsner 2014 and Silly disclose all property of every description that Is in mypossession or that may devolve on me in accordance with the Act.

SW 01 DECLARED)before at B in the Provinceot Ontario, on this 8th day of Septenter 2014.

/SandraA arson C ‘ i erof Oaths - ANNMACLEOO

ExpkesNov.22,a Conq,e..

b Cme Sats kic.end

Ext*e Novviber 2220$.

Page 1

Distñct of:Division No.Court No.Estate No.


FORM 78— ContInued

List ‘A’Unsecured Creditors


No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claIm Balance of claim Total claIm1 1873458 Ontano Inc. — u48 PARK AVENUE 7 0.00 3,864.67Shelbume ON ION 1822 AOneDevelopmentGroup ,‘OBOIRANMEREDRIVE,UNIT#l 13306.03 0.00 13,30603LANDLORD Misssauga ON 1.5811.93 ATowingservice 1B5BARTLEYDRIVE 30510 0.00 305.10Toronto ON M4A 1E64 AC Alurinnum Welding Ltd. 1867 DREW ROAD, UNIT #1 1,231.70 0.00 1,231.70Misstssauga ON 188 1J55 ftdonAutoGlass I300SHAWSONDRIVE,UNITS#2,3 1,062.20 0.00 1,062.20Mississauga ON L4W 1C36 Adarns,Cameion l7ALezanderStreet,Apt3 11,000.00 0.00 11,000.00severancapay BrwnpIonONLSVIHT

“7 AROlnc-Montréai 700-l00lrueSlierbmokeEst 0.00 0.00 0.00• AttrxEncPldie MonlréeIQCLtL3Keystone8 ATLANTiS RADIATOR TRUCK AUTO SERVICE INC. 5900 DIXIE ROAD, UNIT# 11 542.40 0.00 542,40MississaugaONL4WlE9

: BellCarradaF-88-Buslness 1 CrefourAlexandre-Graha,wBeilAIIeES 342.40 0.00 342.40AItrt Insolvency Department Vetdun 00 K3E 3B3:10 Binnom,Eail 270 PmscettAvenue 16,680.00 - 0.00 16680.00severance pay Toronto ON fN 3111

11 BoIls Plus Inc. 53 RUThERFORD ROAD S 286.88 0.00 28688Brampton ON 16W 3.1312 BUCtIkOWSkY, Richard l56Hansen Road N. 62901)0 0.00 6,290.00severance pay Brampton ON L6V 2G613 Canadian Credit Corporation- Toronto 902- 1200 Eglinton Avenue East 0.00 0.00 0.00Attit Jarred North York ON M3C 1119


Cintas Canada Rd. 412 LAIRD ROAD 2,43901 0.00 2,439,01Guelph ON N1G 3X715 ColleclionGroupotCanadalnc. 600.2550 VictodaParkAvenue 0.00 000 0.00Attrc Bailey Leveason North York ON M2J 5A9Ailsiream

16 Collection Group of Canada Inc.— 600- 2550 VictorIa Park Avenue 0.00 0.00 0.00Attic Bailey Levenson North York ON M2J 5A9TaiImanTndr

17 CRA-CanadaRevariueAgercy-Tax.Ontado 4SlTalbotSL,3rdFloor,P08ox5548 1.00 0.00 1.00Atirt do London Taxes Services Office Division Regional London ON A 4R3Intake Centre for Insol88801 4222 RTh’RT 0001

18 O&ACollectionCorporation 142-7SWalLineAve 0.00 0.00 0.00Atirt Accounts Receivable Mississauga ON L4Z 3E5WurthCanada

Deeta.g Ltd. 673 131.41 0.00 131.41London ON V 0A5‘9ö bt1OFAUTOMOTIVE LTD 7040 TORBRAM ROAD, UNIT# 16 318,0? — 0.00 318.07Mississauga ON L4T3Z421 EDALICA METAL SERVICES LTD. 7650 KIMBEL ST., UNIT #18 -21 842.98 0.00 842.98Mississauga ON L5C 112



Page 2 of 11


08-Sep2014 CJVr_hQANN MACL.EOO

CDistiict of:Division No.Court No.Estate No.

FORM 78— Contleued

Ust ‘A’Unsecured Creditors


I,. I rrreoñr 1J,%*e*-Ln1ftr I •j.i_

Enbridge Gas DisIiibullon- Ontano PD Box 650 1,686.91 0,00 1,886.91

Attit Back Office Collections Department Scarborough ON M1K 5E3


EneGasDisututlon-Ontano iô Box 650 5,584.03 00 584,03Attit Back Office Collections Department Scarborough ON MIK 5E3092165722021EnensoLeceHydro 2l85DerTyRdW 1,133.94 — 0.00 1,133.944055200000 Mlssissauga ON L5N 7A6

25 EnersouroeHydro 2l85DenyRdW 1,753.79 0.00 1753.797084200000 Mlssissauga ON I.SN 7A6

FluxgddlzsakiaegerlLP 10-S0WestPearceSt 0.00 0.00 0.00Attix Les Fiuxgold Richmond Hill ON L46 1JBUAPl

27 Franls Truck Stop

25 Front End Speaailst Ltd.



Brampton ON 16T 4W9

ittSU QKY IQAOMississauga ON L5S 1X9



GlUeS. Jeffrey 26 Wellington Street East 5,227.50 0.00 5,227.50sauerance pay Brampton ON 15W 1Y2





30 HumbervlewT,ucks 3200 BLOOR ST. W 1,442.06 00 1,442.06Toronto ON klUX 1E1

““ IUesJanltonlelLtd. 475THEWESTMALL.#708 i7S 0.00 423,75

Toronto ON M9C 4Z3

32 JustEnergyLP. 80CcurtneyparkDr.W.,Unita3&4 254.25 0.00 254.25

Mit Custon’er Relations Mississauga ON 15W 083


•‘•“5 Just Energy LP. 80 CowtneyparkDr. W., Units 3 & 4 Z773.81 0.00 2,773.81Attic Customer Relations Mississauga ON 15W 083092165722021

34 K.9.WTOWICig tTownsRoad - 160.80 0.00 180.80TorortioON MBZ1AI

35 KenworthTocontoLtd 5475DIxIeR 17,198.04 0.00 17,198.04Mis sauga ON 14W 1E6


37 KINGSWdLLSANDBLASTING & SPRAY PAINTING INC. 1062 WESTPORT CRESCENT 2,260.00 0.00 2,260.00Mississauga ON 1ST 1(31

36 Krolewskl, Brian 2247 Huiuntaflo Street Apt 217 17,180.63 0.00 17,180.63severance pay Mississauga ON L5A 2R2

“3 LevySteeiingCentreLtd 4IO9SHAWSONDRIVE 858,80 0.00 85880Mississauga ON 14W 1C4

40 Linde Canada Limited 5860Chedworth Way 1,692.15 0,00 1692.15Attn Maty Chin Mlssissauga ON LSR 0A2

41 Lowery, Barry 6 Flnsbury Cres. 50,000.00 0.00 50,000.00Shareholder’s Loan ETOBICOKE ON M8W 21’17

42 Loweiy,Barry BFinsbwyCres 30,000.00 0.00 30,000.00wages ETOBICOKE ON NlUW 2)17

43 Lowery,Scott SFinsburyCres 637,50 0.00 637.50severance pay ETOBICOKE ON k€N 2H7


Page 3 of 11

C CDistrict of:Division No. -

Court No.Estate No,

FORM 78-. Contued



No. Nameofcredlter Address Unsecuredclalm Safeac,of claIm Totalclaim44 MAC-AIR COMPRESSORS LTD 18 MELANIE DR., UNIT# 1 536.50 000 536,50

Brampton ON L6T 41(945 MacLead, Ann 6 Flnsbwy Ores 50,000.00 0.00 50,000.00Shareholde(s Loan ETO8ICOKE ON W 2H7

.‘• Ann 6 FloSbury Gras 30,000.00 0.00 30,000.00wages ETOBICOKE ON WW 2H747 Ministry of Finance- ON PST, EHT & Other Taxes Mnrstty of Revenue — 1.00 0.00 1.00Attit Ns. Asia Mbeny 33 King Suet West 6th Floor

Oshawa ON LiFt 8H548 MJRCapltalServices lnontporated 7033 Telford Way. UnIt 17-18 0.00 0.00 0.00Attit Robert Chhwa. Collections Departnier . Mississauga ON L5S 1V4

Enbrtdge49 MlSAbtreamlnc. l2thFl-200WelfingtonSlW 1,884,94 0.00 1,884.94Attrt Allan Worturan Toronto ON M5V 302

Multi-Line Fasteners Supply Co Ltd. COURTNEY DRIVE EAST UnIt 5 1,156.38 0.00 1,156.38MississaugaON 1.51 1L751 NEBS Canada 330 CranstonCrescent 367.82 0.00 367.82Attit Rachete Parent Midland ON L4R 4V9

3 PerformancsEqulpi’nentLtrl 695OTOMKENROAI) 1Z153.83 0.00 12j5363Mississauga ON 1.51 2S3‘i Petebtc1oThonisonMahoneyDeIorey 200-145 WhamdilfeRoad South 0.00 0.00 0.00London ON J 2K4

Peilto1OntanoIn l25TowedinePlaae 5A30.37 0.00 5,430.37Atlrc Jackie Attfield London ON l*E 21355 Petrie Truck & Auto 64 DARTFORD PLACE 7,589.08 0.00 7,589.08Hamilton ON L8V 4M456 RelianceHomeComfart 2Lansing Square, l2thFloor 8030 0.00 80.30AllrtPatWailoo NorthYorkONfQJ4P857 Readale Disposal 138 Tosyotk Dr 2,580.6b 0.00 2,560.68North York ON M9L 1X6

“i Safety-1(Ieen 100- 5360 Legacy Driv8 Biiiiding2 1.490,15 0.00 1,490.15PlanoTX 75024 US59 SupeflorCouxtoliustice 7755 HurontanoStreal 100 0.00 1.005404114 Branrpton ON 1.6W 411

iö iiAii. 7025 Ontario Street East 31,672.01 0,00 31,672.01Atbr StàphneChapdelalee Montréal GO I-tiN 2830500-5002


6, /ERThJTYWASTESOLUTIONS&EQUP€NT 7300 KIM EEl 480.93 0.00 480,93Mississauga ON L4T 3S8)ie Managementof Canada Corp. - Eastern Canada 300. 125 NorthfieldDr. W. Nor laid Place - 579.43 0.00 579.43Atirt Sherry Preece Waterioo ON IQL 6N8

63 Workplace Safety and Insurance Boai 200 FrantStreet West 1,616.50 0.00 1,616.50Attit cia Collection Services Toronto ON M5V 3.117760108

64 WurthCanadaLimlled 6330TonaxiRd 346.74 0.00 346,74Misslssauga ON 1.51 1N265 YeUowPagesGroupC 435MilnerAvenue,4thFloor 161.19 0.00 161.19Scarborough ON MiS 588

Tota’ 349,23t86 0.00 349,231.66

08-Sep-2014 Q,4’ij J\{JDate


Page 4 of 11

District of:DMsion No.Court No.Estate No.



FORM 78—Continued

List B’secured Credltxs



Page 5 of 11


Distiict of:Division No.Court No,Estate No.

C C,

FORM 78- Conhiued

UslPmfered Creditcr for Wages, Rent etc



Da/‘1’ zL


Page 6 of 11


District ofDivision No.Court No.Estate No.

0 0

FORM 78- Con’thued

UstDConUngent or OTher Liabilities




Page 7 of 11

C CDistrict of:DMsion No.Court No.Estate No.

FORM 78— Contnued

UstEDebts Due to the Bariknipt


1*. Namoofdebtor AddI’SSsand Nstureotdebt Imountof debt Foltoofledgersor When Estimatedto Parlicularsofanyoccupation good,doubtful, otherbookwttere contracted produce secudtiesheldforbate particulars to be found debt

I 4lCIaireviHeDiive AccountaRecelvables 0.00 14-Feb.2014 0.00 AccountsToronto ON M9W 527 548355 Recevables0.00

2 StageWest Express Inc. 2 BetomatCourt AuntsRecerrabs 0.00 28-Mar-2014 0.00 AccountsBollon ON L7E 2V9 Recatvables4,292.50

0.00Totat 5,463.55 0.00


08-Sep.2014 a/h/), ftLi4J,Zt.Date



C CDistrict of:Division No. -

Court No.Estate No.

FORM 78— Conr1ued


Bills of Exchange. Pmnissory Notes, Lien Notes, ChattelMortgages, etc, Awaitable as Assets


1Nameotallptomiesoir, I I

mountofbll Estimatedto held as security forNo. acceptors, endorsegs, Address Occupation , Oats when due pr0d Payment of bill or note, etc.mortgagore, and guarantors

Totat 0.00 0.00



Page 90111

District of:Division No.Court No.Estate No.


FORM 78.- Continued

LIst GReal Properly orlnvnovabtes Owned by Bankrupt



nkrupt Interest J does tItle stand hypothecs, or other encumbrances IL DescnptIon at property Natursof I Inwhose name I TOteI Value I P otmorigages,

(name, address, amount)

Tota 0.001

08-Sep.2014 O44 YWbLANN MACLEOD


Page ioor 11

C CDistrict of:Division No.Court No.Estate No.

FORM 78- Concluded



Nature of propeety LocatIon DetaIiv of propeity OrtInal cost Estimated to produce(a) Stock-in-trade 0.00 0.00(b) Trade fixturos, etc. 0.00 0.00(c) Cash ii tinanclal instiluüons 0.00 0.00(d)Cashhand

0,00 0.00(e) Livestock

0.00 0.00(t)Madiiety, equipmentand pteit EQUIPMENT (Power Washer, Welder. 0.00 2.00000

Rivet TOOl, m otfe Items)(g) Furniture

0.00 0.00(h) L insurance potcies, RRSPs, etc. 0.00 0.00çi Securities

0.00 0.00(j) Interests underwills, etc. 0.00 0.00(k) Veiddes Autonbb- 1986- Dodge - Ram. 0.00 500.00

3*fW12W0G2513(I) Taxes

0.00 0.00(m)Other

0,00 0.00

Tota 2,500.00

08-Sep.2014. 1/J/


Page 11 of 11

Crowe Soberman Inc.2 St. Clair Ave East, Suite 1100

Toronto ON M4T 2T5Phone: (416) 929-2500 Fax: (416) 929-2555

District of: OntarioDivision No. 09 - MississaugaCourt No. 32-1909984Estate No. 32-1909984

FORM 31Proof of Claim

(Sections 50.1, 81.5, 81.6, Subsections 65.2(4), 81.2(1), 81.3(8), 81.4(8), 102(2), 124(2), 128(1),and Paragraphs 51(1)(e) and 66.14(b) oftheAct)

In the matter of the bankruptcy ofCHECKERS COLLISION INC.

of the City of Mississauga, in the Regional Municipality of Peelin the Province of Ontario

All notices or correspondence regarding this claim must be forwarded to the following address:

In the matter of the bankruptcy of CHECKERS COLLISION INC. of the City of Mississauga in the Province of Ontario and the claim of




(name of creditor or representative of the creditor), of the city of


in theprovince of


do hereby certify:

1. That I am a creditor of the above named debtor (or I am


(position/title) of



2. That I have knowledge of all the circumstances connected with the claim referred to below.

3. That the debtor was, at the date of bankruptcy, namely the 11th day of September 2014, and still is, indebted to the creditor in the sumof $ , as specified in the statement of account (or affidavit) attached and marked Schedule after deducting anycounterclaims to which the debtor is entitled. (The attached statement of account or affidavit must specify the vouchers or other evidence insupport of the claim.)

4. (Check and complete appropriate category.)



(other than as a customer contemplated by Section 262 of the Act)

That in respect of this debt, I do not hold any assets of the debtor as security and(Check appropriate description.)

C Regarding the amount of $


I claim a right to a priority under section 136 of the Act.C Regarding the amount of $ , I do not claim a right to a priority.

(Set out on an attached sheet details to support priority claim.)


That I hereby make a claim under subsection 65.2(4) of the Act, particulars of which are as follows:(Give full particulars of the claim, including the calculations upon which the claim is based.)

C C. SECURED CLAIM OF$___________________

That in respect of this debt, I hold assets of the debtor valued at$__________________ as security, particulars of which are as follows:

(Give full particulars of the security, including the date on which the security was given and the value at which you assess the security,and attach a copy of the security documents.)C D. CLAIM BY FARMER, FISHERMAN OR AQUACULTURIST OF


That I hereby make a claim under subsection 81.2(1) of the Act for the unpaid amount of$________________

(Attach a copy of sales agreement and delivery receipts.)

Page 1 of 2

FORM 31 — Concluded

D E. CLAIM BY WAGE EARNER OF$__________________

D That I hereby make a claim under subsection 81.3(8) of the Act in the amount of$__________

C That I hereby make a claim under subsection 81.4(8) of the Act in the amount of $__________


C That I hereby make a claim under subsection 81.5 of the Act in the amount of$__________

C That I hereby make a claim under subsection 81.6 of the Act in the amount of$__________


(To be completed when a proposal provides for the compromise of claims against directors.)That I hereby make a claim under subsection 50(13) of the Act, particulars of which are as follows:(Give full particulars of the claim, including the calculations upon which the claim is based.)


That I hereby make a claim as a customer for net equity as contemplated by section 262 of the Act, particulars of which are as follows:(Give full particulars of the claim, including the calculations upon which the claim is based.)

5. That, to the best of my knowledge, I


not) (or the above-named creditor


not)) related to thedebtor within the meaning of section 4 of the Act, and


not/has not) dealt with the debtor in a non-arm’s-length manner.

6. That the following are the payments that I have received from, and the credits that I have allowed to, and the transfers at undervaluewithin the meaning of subsection 2(1) of the Act that I have been privy to or a party to with the debtor within the three months (or, if the creditorand the debtor are related within the meaning of section 4 of the Act or were not dealing with each other at arm’s length, within the 12 months)immediately before the date of the initial bankruptcy event within the meaning of Section 2 of the Act: (Provide details of payments, credits andtransfers at undervalue.)

7. (Applicable only in the case of the bankruptcy of an individual.)

C Whenever the trustee reviews the financial situation of a bankrupt to redetermine whether or not the bankrupt is required to makepayments under section 68 of the Act, I request to be informed, pursuant to paragraph 68(4) of the Act, of the new fixed amount orof the fact that there is no longer surplus income.

C I request that a copy of the report filed by the trustee regarding the bankrupfs application for discharge pursuant to subsection170(1) of the Act be sent to the above address.

Dated at




day of




Phone Number


Fax Number:


E-mail Address:


NOTE If an affidavit is attached, it must have been made before a person qualified to take affidavits.

WARP8NGS A trustee may, prrsuant to subsection 128(3) of the Act, redeem a security on payment to the secrred creditor of the debt or the value of the security as assessed, isa proof ofsecurity, by the secured creditor.

Subsection 2OI) of the Act provides severe penalties for matring any false dalm. proof, decimation or statement of account

Page 2 of 2

District of: OntarioDivision No. 09- MississaugaCourt No. 32-1909984Estate No. 32-1909984

FORM 36Proxy

(Subsection 102(2) and paragraphs 51(1)(e) and 66.15(3)(b) of the Act)

In the matter of the bankruptcy ofCHECKERS COLLISION INC.

of the City of Mississauga, in the Regional Municipality of Peelin the Province of Ontario




a creditor in the above matter, herebyappoint




to bemy proxyholder in the above matter, except as to the receipt of dividends, (with or without)power to appoint another proxyholder in his or her place.

Dated at




day of


Witness Individual Creditor

Witness Name of Corporate Creditor

Per_________________________Name and Title of Signing Officer

Return To:

Crowe Soberman Inc. - Trustee

2 St. Clair Ave East, Suite 1100Toronto ON M4T 2T5Phone: (416) 929-2500 Fax: (416) 929-2555

Page 1 of 1

CreditorMailing List


Bell Canada F-88 - Business

Bolts Plus Inc.

548 PARK AVENUEShelburne ON LON 1 S2


185 BARTLEY DRIVEToronto ON MIA 1E6Fax: (416) 656-30651867 DREW ROAD, UNIT #1Mississauga ON L5S 1J5Fax: (905) 672-7780

1300 SHAWSON DRIVE, UNITS #2,3Mississauga ON LAW 1C3Fax: (905) 564-6530

severance pay17 ALexander Street, Apt3Brampton ON L6V 1H7

Keystone700- 1001 rue Sherbrooke EstMontréal QC H2L 1L3Fax: (514) [email protected]

5900 DIXIE ROAD, UNIT# 11Mississauga ON MW 1E9Fax: (905) 670-2283

1 Carrefour AlexandroGraham-Bell, AileE3Verdun QC H3E 3B3Fax: (514)766-7326insolv@belLcaseverance pay270 Prescott AvenueToronto ON M6N 3H1

Buchkowsky, Richard

Canadian Credit Corporation - Toronto Jarrod

53 RUTHERFORD ROAD SBrampton ON L6W 3J3Fax: (905) 455-5872

severance pay156 Hansen Road N.Brampton ON L6V 2G6

Nebs902 - 1200 Eglinton Avenue EastNorth York ON NBC 1H9Fax: (877) 695-6006salescanadiancreditca

In the matter of the bankruptcy ofCHECKERS COLLISION INC

of the City of Mississauga, in the Regional Municipality of Peelin the Province of Ontario

Creditor Type Name Attention Address


Secured Krolewski, Brian severance pay2247 Hurontario Street, Apt217Mississauga ON LSA 2R2Fax: (905) 671-3650briancoupautobodyca

Unsecured 1873456 Ontario Inc.

A One Development Group

A Towing Service

AC Aluminum Welding Ltd.

Action Auto Glass

Adams, Cameron

ARO Inc. - Montréal Eric Piché

Insolvency Department

Binnom, Earl

October 7, 2014 Page 1/5

CreditorMailing List

: In the matter of the bankruptcy ofCHECKERS COLLISION INC

of the City of Mississauga, in the Regional Municipality of Peelin the Province of Ontario

Creditor Type Name Attention Address

Unsecured Cintas Canada ltd.412 LAIRD ROADGuelph ON Ni G 3X7

Collection Group of Canada Inc. Bailey Levenson Alistreani600 - 2550 Victoria Park AvenueNorth York ON M2J 5A9Fax: (416) 491-0860blevensoncollectiongroupcom

Collection Group of Canada Inc. Bailey Levenson Tailman Truck600 - 2550 Victoria Park AvenueNorth York ON M2J 5A9Fax: (416) 491-0860blevensoncol1ectiongroupcom

CRA - Canada Revenue Agency- Tax - do London Taxes 88801 4222 RP/RT 0001Ontario Services Office 451 Talbot St, 3rd Floor, P0 Box 5548

Division Regional London ON A 4R3Intake Centre for Fax: (519) 645-5397Insolvency

D&A Collection Corporation Accounts Receivable Wurth Canada142 - 75 Watline AveMississauga ON L4Z 3E5Fax: (905) 507-6566teresa.avola@dacollectionscom

Deetag Ltd.673London ON N5V 0A5

DL ACTION AUTOMOTIVE LTD7040 TORBRAM ROAD, UNIT# 16Mississauga ON MT 3Z4Fax: (905) 678-2311

EDALICA METAL SERVICES LTD.7650 KIMBEL ST., UNIT # 18-21Mississauga ON L5C 1L2Fax: (905) 673-7075

Enbridge Gas Distribution - Ontario Back Office 092165722021Collections P0 Box 650Department Scarborough ON MIK 5E3

Fax: (888) 882-5638

Enbridge Gas Distribution - Ontario Back Office 092165721003Collections P0 Box 650Department Scarborough ON Ml K 5E3

Fax: (888) 882-5638

Enersource Hydro 70842000002l85DeriyRdWMississauga ON L5N 7A6Fax: (905) 566-2737credit-collections@enersourcecom

Enersource Hydro 40552000002185 Deny Rd WMississauga ON L5N 7A6Fax: (905) 566-2737credit-collections@enersourcecom

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Just Energy L.P.

Just Energy L.P.

Customer Relations

Customer Relations

UAP Inc.10-50 West Pearce StRichmond Hill ON MB 1J8Fax: (905) 763-3772lfluxgoldfijlawcom

188 WILKINSON ROAD, UNIT #11Brampton ON I.6T 4W9

1650 DERRY ROADMississauga ON L5S 1X9

severance pay26 Wellington Street EastBrampton ON L6W 1Y4

3200 BLOOR ST. WToronto ON M8X 1E1Fax: (416)236-3518

475 THE WEST MALL, #708Toronto ON IvC 4Z3Fax: (416) 695-2285

09216572202180 Courtneypark Dr. W., Units 3 & 4Mississauga ON L5W 0B3Fax: (888) [email protected]

09216572100380 Courtneypark Dr. W., Units 3 & 4Mississauga ON L5W 0B3Fax: (888)

K.B.W Towing

Kenworth Toronto Ltd



Krolewski, Brian

Levy Steering Centre Ltd.

1 Towns RoadToronto ON lvl8Z 1A1

5475 Dixie Rd.Mississauga ON MW 1E6Fax: (905) 625-4338

3485 STEELES AVENUE EBrampton ON L.6T 5W7

1062 WESTPORT CRESCENTMississauga ON L5T 1G1Fax: (905) 290-7364

severance pay2247 Hurontario Street, Apt217Mississauga ON L5A 2R2Fax: (905) [email protected]

4109 SHAWSON DRIVEMississauga ON MW 1C4Fax: (905) 564-1911

CreditorMailing List

In the matter of the bankruptcy ofCHECKERS COLLISION INC.

of the City of Mississauga, in the Regional Municipality of Peelin the Province of Ontario

Creditor Type Name Attention Address

Unsecured Fluxgold Izsak Jaeger LLP Les Fluxgold

Franks Truck Stop

Front End Specialist Ltd.

Gillett, Jeffrey

Humberview Trucks

Ilias Janitorial Ltd.

October 7, 2014 Page 3 / 5

CreditorMailing List

In the matter of the bankruptcy ofCHECKERS COLLISION INC.

of the City of Mississauga, in the Regional Municipality of Peelin the Province of Ontario

Creditor Type Name Attention Address

Unsecured Linde Canada Limited Mary Chin5860 Chedworth WayMississauga ON L5R 0A2Fax: (905) [email protected]

Lowery, Barry Shareholders Loan6 Finsbury CresETOBICOKE ON vW 2H7

Lowery, Barry wages6FinsburyCresETOBICOKE ON IvW 2H7

Lowery, Scot severance pay6 Finsbury CresETOBICOKE ON IvW 2H7

MAC-AIR COMPRESSORS LTD18 MELANIE DR, UNIT# 1Brampton ON L6T 4K9Fax: (905) 458-0908

MacLeod, Ann wages6 Finsbuiy CresETOBICOKE ON IVW 2H7

MacLeod, Ann Shareholders Loan6 Finsbury CresETOBICOKE ON IVW 2H7

Ministry of Finance- ON PST, EHT & Mrs. Asta AlberryOther Taxes Ministry of Revenue

33 King Street West 6th FloorOshawa ON L1H 8H5Fax: (905) [email protected]

MJR Capital Services Incorporated Robert Chirwa, EnbridgeCollections 7033 Telford Way, Unit 17-18Department Mississauga ON L5S 1V4

Fax: (905) 671-2225

MTS Allstream Inc. Allan Wortman12th Fl - 200 Wellington St WToronto ON M5V 3G2Fax: (877) 353-9085allan.wortman@mtsallstreanicom

Multi-Line Fasteners Supply Co. Ltd. 1100 COURTNEY DRIVE EAST Unit5Mississauga ON L5T 1L7Fax: (905) 677-4917

NEBS Canada Rachelle Parent330 Cranston CrescentMidland ON MR 4V9Fax: (888) [email protected]

Performance Equipment Ltd. 6950 TOMKEN ROADMississauga ON L5T 2S3Fax: (905) 564-8449

Peterbilt do Thomson Mahoney Delorey200 - 145 Wharncliffe Road SouthLondon ON N6J 2K4Fax: (519) 673-3632tmd@londonlawyerscom

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Wurth Canada Limited

Yellow Pages Group Co.

125 Towerline PlaceLondon ON E 2T3Fax: (519) [email protected] DARTFORD PLACEHamilton ON L8V 4M4Fax: (905) 575-5026

2 Lansing Square, 12th FloorNorth York ON M2J 4P8Fax: (416) 499-5085

138 Toiyork DrNorth York ON Mi)L 1X6Fax: (416) 744-9109mauro@rexdaledisposalcom

100- 5360 Legacy Drive Building2Piano TX 75024

5404/147755 Hurontario StreetBrampton ON L6W 4T1

0500-50027025 Ontario Street EastMontréal QC H1N 2B3Fax: (514) 256-8469schapdeiaine@uapinccom7300 KIMBEL STREETMississauga ON L4T 3S8Fax: (905) 612-8333

do Collection Services 7760108200 Front Street WestToronto ON M5V 3J1Fax: (416) 344-4684

6330 Tomken RdMississauga ON L5T 1N2Fax: (800) [email protected] Mimer Avenue, 4th FloorScarborough ON MIB 5S8custserv-ont@ypgcom

CreditorMailing List

In the matter of the bankruptcy ofCHECKERS COLLISION iNC

of the City of Mississauga, in the Regional Municipality of Peelin the Province of Ontario

Creditor Type Name Attention Address

Unsecured Peterbilt of Ontario Inc. Jackie Attfield

Petrie Truck & Auto

Reliance Home Comfort

Rexdaie Disposal


Superior Court of Justice

UAP Inc.


Waste Management of Canada Corp -

Eastern Canada

Workplace Safety and Insurance Board

Pat Wailoo

Stéphane Chapdelaine

Sherry Preece300 - 125 Northfield Dr. W. NorthfieldPlaceWaterloo ON N2L 6N8Fax: (519) [email protected]

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