Topic Heading = Sequence and Prioritize Information.

Topic Heading = Sequence and Prioritize Information

Transcript of Topic Heading = Sequence and Prioritize Information.

Page 1: Topic Heading = Sequence and Prioritize Information.

Topic Heading =Sequence and

Prioritize Information

Page 2: Topic Heading = Sequence and Prioritize Information.

Yes, write this down…

• It’s important to put data in numerical order and steps in a logical order so that disaster doesn’t strike!

• Choose important steps or information and disregard less important steps or information.

Page 3: Topic Heading = Sequence and Prioritize Information.

Partner Discussion

• What kinds of activities can you think of where you need to follow a series of steps?

• When you make a “Things to Do” list, how do you prioritize the items on your list?

Page 4: Topic Heading = Sequence and Prioritize Information.

What Do You Think?

• Miss Schmidt is a teacher. She gets paid on the last workday of each month.

• On September 30th, the following events occurred. . . .

Page 5: Topic Heading = Sequence and Prioritize Information.

Miss Schmidt’s Money

• Miss Schmidt had bills of $750 (rent), $85 (cell phone), $102 (Visa credit card), $33 (gas and electric), and $52 (food) to pay.

• She received her monthly paycheck for $1,570.

• She wanted to save at least $300 from her check to save for a trip to Disneyland.

• She needed at least $250 for spending money.

Page 6: Topic Heading = Sequence and Prioritize Information.

Does Miss Schmidt have enough money to be able to go to Disneyland again?

Page 7: Topic Heading = Sequence and Prioritize Information.

Does Miss Schmidt have enough spending money for new


Page 8: Topic Heading = Sequence and Prioritize Information.

Write the correct sequence of steps. . .

• Pay bills.

• Wait until check is credited to bank account.

• Withdraw spending money needed.

• Deposit check in bank.

• Put extra money in savings account.

Page 9: Topic Heading = Sequence and Prioritize Information.

Partner Practice:Steps to Crossing the Street

• Discuss with your partner the steps to take to cross the street.

• Write the steps in your journal (with the appropriate topic heading).

Page 10: Topic Heading = Sequence and Prioritize Information.

Independent Practice: Calling a Store to Get Information

• Write the steps in your journal (with appropriate topic heading) for calling a store to get information on purchasing a new jacket that’s on sale.