TOPIC...A long time ago, there was a noble gentleman who after losing his tender wife got married to...


Transcript of TOPIC...A long time ago, there was a noble gentleman who after losing his tender wife got married to...

Page 1: TOPIC...A long time ago, there was a noble gentleman who after losing his tender wife got married to another. Her name was Sybil. Sybil was a very nasty woman and she had two daughters


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TOPIC Content / Concepts / Skills ATP’s

Topic 1:





Teacher-devised warm-up routine: Develop a warm-up routine with new

exercises in each of the following areas:

Vocal development:

Relaxation exercises, breathing exercises, resonance exercises and

articulation exercises

1.2 %

Physical development:

Release tension, loosen and energise the body

Control focused movements through mirror work (class mirrors, where

the class is in two rows facing one another, and each pair mirrors the

opposite, creating a large group mirror)

Use of imagery to warm-up the body and explore movement dynamics

Lead and follow movements in pairs, small groups and as a class

1.3 %

Warm –up exercise

Divide into your drama groups to build a new warm-up exercise on your existing warm-up routine.


Find a spot in the class room where you won’t be able to bump into any of your peers.

The space between you and your class mates must be at least an arm length away from each other.

Sit down on your buttocks or bum.

Pretend that you are caught in a plastic bubble that doesn’t allow you any movement at all.

Now try your best to break free from your bubble.

First feel how it gives way in different places, before eventually you are able to stick a hand or a foot

out of it.

Now try to free your whole body. Be aware of the tension in your body and the effort it takes to break

free from your bubble.

Also be aware of how your breathing changes while you are struggling to free yourself. When you are

at last free, become aware of the different sensations in your body which is now standing tall without

any restrictions.

Stretch your whole body out and feel how all the tension is draining out of you, leaving you feeling

relaxed and energised.

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Activity 1:


Relaxation Date: ________________

1.1. <<<<< Perform the exercises in the table to the left.

1.2. Complete the check list below after doing this exercise.

(Answer the check list as if you were not in lockdown, and you performed

the activity in the auditorium at school.)

Check list on what we have done on Relaxation X √

1. There were enough space in the classroom to conduct this activity?

2. Could you try to get out of the plastic bubble and sat still where you can’t get out of

the bubble.

3. Tried to get out of the bubble.

4. Sat in the bubble, and tried to free the whole body.

5. I did the sequences correctly and started to emerge my body bit by bit out of the


6. I could change my breathing throughout the activity

7. This activity made me feel relaxed after I completed it.

1.2. During this activity of relaxation I struggled with the following:

(write down if you had challenges) if you did not have any challenges leave this question out.

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Sit upright in a chair with your hands relaxed in your lap.

Make sure your spine is straight and that your chin is neither sticking out nor tucked in.

Focus on your diaphragm and breathe in deeply and slowly through your nose, before exhaling through the


Start by saying ‘Monday’, using all your breath.

Inhale and say ‘Monday, Tuesday’.

Repeat the process by every time adding another day of the week.

Make sure that the strength of your exhalation remains the same throughout.

Only say the days of the week up to the point where you can comfortably do so without forcing

either your voice or your breath.

Remember that forcing your voice is extremely harmful!


Hum the following for as long as you can:


First hold your hands over your ribs and feel the vibrations in your chest cavity.

Then place your hand on top of your head and feel the vibrations amplified in your skull.

Alternate between the two.


Repeat the following tongue twisters:

The rat ran over the roof of the house

An annoying noise an oyster

Six thick thistle sticks

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What gall to play ball in this small hall

Alone, alone, all, all alone

A canner exceedingly canny

One morning remarked to his granny,

‘A canner can, can

Anything that he can,

But a canner can’t can a can, can he?

Activity 2 Date: __________________



- Write down your own tongue twister.

- It may not be longer than 6 lines.

- Write it down in colour and decorate the frame below.

- Perform the tongue twister in class.

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41 Using imagery

Activity 3


Sit very comfortably in your chair and close your eyes.

Sit very still and listen carefully to the story you will hear by imagining the things your teacher is

telling you.

Your teacher will indicate when you should get up and start to move around.

Once you get up you may open your eyes, but try not to make eye contact with your friends or

to bump into them.

Make full use of all of your senses and try to experience everything in the story vividly in your


When your teacher stops telling the story, imagine what happens next.

Write down the ending of your story in the space below, and explain your feelings and emotions

relating to this specific ending.

Focus on how your senses experienced what happened next.

Imagery Date: ________________________________

And then…

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Topic Content / Concepts and Skills ATP’s

Topic 3:



performance of


dramatic forms:

folktales OR

choral verse

Folktales (individual or group performance)


Storytelling techniques

Narrative and dialogue

Vocal modulation and expression (pitch, inflection, pace, pause,

volume, emphasis and tone-colour)

Movement, using the body as a tool to tell the story (body

language, facial expression and eye contact)

Vocal characterisation and physical characterisation (expressing

the characters through body and voice)

Using vocal sound effects as background sounds or as a sound

track, integration of song where appropriate

Reflection and feedback: Discussion of learners’ experiences and

exploring ways for improvement


Choral verse (individual or group performance)


Listening and responding to cues

Vocal modulation and expression (pitch, inflection, pace, pause,

volume, emphasis and tone-colour) in harmony with others

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Choral verse techniques (e.g. speaking in unison, antiphon, using

cumulative methods, solo lines, sharing lines)

Group movement (consider working as one, using body

percussion and point of focus)

Reflection and feedback: Discussion of learners’ experiences and

exploring ways for improvement

Different kinds of folktales are:


Fairy tales


Old wives ‘tales



Tall Tale


Good versis evil is in these stories most of the time.

Common people or animals are the charaters

There is a problem that is usually solved

It has a happy ending

Phases are repeated in the story

It usually have a longer story Liné and has simple stories

It teaches a moral lesson or universal truth.

The moral is ofen stated at the end of the story.

Elements of a Fairy tale

There are usually words in like: Once upon a time.

There are clear illustrations (pictures)

It has fantasy in the story

There are magic and spells

We find villains and heroes

It plays of in a forest or castle

There are characters like princes and princesses

Animals usually talk in these stories

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45 There are a happy ending

We find fairies and godmothers in these fairy tales

Fairy tales is a European tradition

Fairy tales are unreal but they are not untrue

They reflect essential developments and conditions of man’s existence.

Old wives' tale

A widely held traditional belief that is now thought to be unscientific or incorrect.


The traditional beliefs of a community or their customs and stories are passed on from one generation

to the next through word of mouth.


They are stories that recount and explain the origins of the world and the phenomena of nature.

The characters are mainly gods and goddesses, with occasional mention of humans.

The setting is high above earth in the home of the gods.

What is a fable?

It is a story that often teaches one a lesson or a moral.

It does not always have a happy ending

Animals are often used to talk and act like people e.g. the tortoise and the hare.

What is a Tall Tale?

It is a fictional story that stretches the truth.

People have super Human powers

It takes place during a real time in history

It has lots of hyperboles and exaggerations in them

It tells about the great things a person. Did.

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46 Activity 4

Informal activity

Read the following short story and answer the questions.

4.1 Reading comprehension:

1. Read the text carefully then choose the right answer and underline it.

a. The text is : a letter - a fairy tale - an article .

b. The two daughters were Cinderella’s : sisters - step-sisters - cousins.

c. The fairy offered Cinderella a nice dress and: a ring - crystal shoes - gold earrings.

A long time ago, there was a noble gentleman who after

losing his tender wife got married to another. Her name was

Sybil. Sybil was a very nasty woman and she had two

daughters as horrible as she was.

The gentleman had a daughter as soft as breeze. He died

and left her with Sybil in their big house. Life was very difficult for this little girl.

Wearing old clothes, she did all the housework alone and

when she felt tired, she used to hide in a fireplace in the

kitchen. There, she got so dark of the ash that she was

called Cinderella.

One day, the prince invited all the noble families to a royal

ballet in his castle to celebrate his birthday and to choose

his future wife. Sybil and her daughters went there and left Cinderella alone at

home. She got very sad.

She was crying when a nice fairy came in to help her, and with her magic wand.

she offered her a wonderful dress and lovely shoes made of crystal but she told

her to come back home before midnight.

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d. Sybil was Cinderella’s : mother - step-mother - aunt.

e. The prince invited Cinderella’s family to his : marriage - engagement - birthday party.

2. Pick out from the text the characters of this story and classify them ?

2.1 Nice characters: ________________________________________________________

2.2 Wicked Characters :


3. Find in the text words that are closest/opposite in meaning to:

3.1 Wicked = ____________________ - 3.2 terrible = ____________________

3.3 Midday = _____________________ - 3.4 fair = _______________________

4.2 Mastery of language:

A. Give the feminine of the following words from the text.

Man :_________________ – husband : __________________ - son : ___________________

B. Put the verbs (…………) in their correct form.

Once upon a time, Two men ________________________ (travel) together when suddenly a

bear ____________________ ( meet) them. One of them _________________ climb) up into a

tree and concealed himself in the branches.

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4.3 Situation of Integration:

Cinderella’s story has not ended. Match the pictures with the sentences then Put

them in the right order to get the end of the story.

1. So the ministers tried the crystal shoe on the foot of all the girls... and on Cinderella’s foot as

well... Surprise ! It fitted her foot perfectly.

2. Cinderella arrived at the palace and entered the ballroom, a hush fell. Everyone stopped in mid-

sentence to admire her elegance, her beauty and grace.

3. The ministers said, "Come with us, fair maiden ! The Prince is waiting for you”. Cinderella and

the prince got married and lived happily ever after.

4. When the prince set eyes on Cinderella, he was struck by her beauty. So he walked over her

and asked her for a dance. They danced all evening. “Who are you, fair maiden ?” the Prince

kept asking her.

5. But suddenly, she heard the midnight clock ! She remembered what the fairy told her, and

without a word she slipped from the Prince's arms, ran down the steps and lost one of her


6. The Prince picked up her crystal shoe and told to his ministers to find her.

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4.3 Situation of Integration:

2 4 5 6 1 3

Cinderella arrived at the palace and entered the ballroom, a hush fell.

Everyone stopped in mid-sentence to admire her elegance, her beauty and grace.

When the prince set eyes on her, he was struck by her beauty.

So he walked over her and asked her for a dance.

They danced all evening. “Who are you, fair maiden?” the Prince kept asking her.

But suddenly, she heard the midnight clock! She remembered what the fairy told her, and without a word

she slipped from the Prince's arms, ran down the steps and lost one of her shoes.

The Prince picked up her crystal shoe and told to his ministers to find her.

So the ministers tried the crystal shoe on the foot of all the girls... and on Cinderella’s foot as well... Surprise!

It fitted her foot perfectly. The ministers said, "Come with us, fair maiden!

The Prince is waiting for you”. Cinderella and the prince got married and lived happily ever after.

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What is a Narrator?

- Narration is describing the scene, and what unfolds.

E.g. Jimmy looked across the courtyard and saw his friend Sue.

He waved to her, and she weakly waved back

. Feeling concerned, Jimmy crossed the courtyard, and came to a stop in front of her

What do you need to be a good narrator?

1. Body language

It is where you tell a story by using your body to move on how you tell the story.

2. Facial expression

This is where you need to use your eyes and face to tell the story.

It is a Gesture that involves movement of parts of the body (the face) to communicate


How do one tell a story?

Your story should have: a Clear topic

and a clear message and relevant

issues or discussion.

Use your voice

When something is serious keep your voice low

and gentle. When you want the audience to listen

more use short, sharp sentences with a louder

voice (never shout – that puts people off !)

If you want the listener to feel anxious or as if

something is about to happen – take a short pause


Emphasize important point with your hand. Lean forward a little when the

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Interpretation and performance: Characterisation

Physical Description

The most common way to

describe a character and it

is mostly done by the


It identifies physical

characteristics of the

character, including height,

skin, hair and eye colour,

size way of walking,

standing, glasses, bald or

any other physical attribute

Attitude / Appearance

This refers to the

description of the

characters attitude how

he/she feels about what is

happening to him/her in the



Dialogue is the way the characters speaks

It includes the characters own choice of


Reactions of others

Look closely at how the other characters in the story acts

and reacts towards the character being analysed.

This includes verbal responses and physical or emotional


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Activity 6


Create your own fantasy character!

There are a lot of fantasy characters and creatures out there: dragons, unicorns, elves,

dwarves, monsters, wizards …. the list can go on and on. Still, there’s always room for at

least one more. Why not create one of your own?

You can create any character you like. Your imagination is the limit!

To make your character more vivid you should include the following:

1. Description of your character:

a) what does it look like?

b) what is its personality like? How does it

behave? Is it good or evil, smart or stupid,

beautiful or ugly?

2. What kind of world does your character

live in?

Is there just one world or are there two worlds? What are the triggers? You can even draw a


3. What kind of special powers and abilities does your character possess?

4. What kind of magical objects does it use? Give some examples!

5. What other characters does it interact with?

a) who are the allies (friends)? b) who are the enemies?

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6. What is the main challenge the character is facing? Are there any smaller, day-to-day

challenges and tasks?

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Choral verse

A choral verse can be described as the effective communication of a poem or pose piece by

a group of people speaking together by using specific techniques.

It is great for learning how to perform as part of a group.

It’s important that you listen carefully for your cue (final words before you have to speak) ,

so that there is no uncomfortable pauses.

Being quick to follow on cues influences the pace of the poem, and it should therefore be

used correctly.

Different techniques to use in a coral verse

1. Divide the class into different voice groups

High-pitched boys’ voices

Low-pitched boys’ voices

High-pitched girls’ voices

Low-pitched girls’ voices

2. Make use of different combinations of voices to create effect

The whole group speaks in unison.

Smaller groups alternate in response to one another (antiphon), either in mixed voice

groups or specific voice groups.

An individual learner can speak a line or phrase.

Echo: one learner speaks a line, while the group echoes it back.

One word at a time: selected learners speak one word each of a phrase.

Closure: one learner speaks a line or phrase with the whole group speaking the last


Individual learners can be given specific character roles, if there are characters that

speak in the poem.

Build up to a vocal climax by getting an individual learner to speak a line, a small

group to speak the next line, and then add more people with each line, until everyone

speaks the final line.

3. Tips for grouping

Learners who speak at the same time are grouped together.

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All the learners should be visible to the audience.

Try to create an interesting shape in the way the learners are grouped together.

The grouping can be changed if it will add to the overall visual effect and meaning of

the poem, but it must happen effortlessly and smoothly.

4. Tips for creating vocal and visual effects

Gestures can help to convey meaning when they are appropriate. They must be

performed in exactly the same way, at exactly the same time, in order for them to

enhance and not detract from the performance.

Facial expression and eye contact with the audience will show the speakers’

involvement and enjoyment and help to engage the audience.

Body movements can be used to great effect, but be careful not to overdo or

exaggerate them. They should look spontaneous.

Sound effects such as body percussion, musical instruments (e.g. triangles or

rattles), voice or the clapping of a rhythm can further enhance a performance.

Costumes and props should suit the mood and theme of the poem

Samples of Coral Verses

Waiting for Daylight

He would enter the corral in the thick fog of mist,

up long before daylight would christen the air

The skies would be coral, and the sun glazed the crest

Dust clung to the heels of his old leather boots,

and gathered in shrouds around the hoofs of the mare.

Billowing were clouds, and a whirlwind of grief

that followed the storms of long hours awake

Endless were nights without the refuge of sleep

while he waited for sun to arrive and relieve

Caressing the flank of her sleek narrow, frame,

his favorite mare, Queenie, was the color of dawn

He would gather her reins, for a moment of calm

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then, bury his face in her rusty brown mane

He'd watch as the light slipped over the hills,

smoothing the shadows, that haunted his world

Without ever knowing the worries we found

as we saw those same shadows, splay rapidly down,

drowning his eyes, with dark circles and frowns

Grief and the love of his horses, would ride,

together, off center....wherever, to hide,

and soften the hours, that waited for night

For the house was a shell, and the bedroom, upstairs,

became the forbidden, without her to share

The nights, ever long, were just waiting to tear

open the wounds that couldn't be shared

Up at the sunrise, and out until starlight

Where shadows grew stronger, and nights even longer

Burning the daylight, until light was in ashes,

then thrashing the midnight, with the darkness of mourning,

wading through dust-clouds, to see morning's light

Waiting for something to make it alright

I Got a Gat

BY: Freddie Robinson Jr.

I got a gat

that's badder than yours

My rat-a-tat-tat

makes a whole lot of noise

My metal numbers,

whether big or small,

can outperform yours

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in the streets or at the mall

I can go big

like a 357 Mag cannon

I can go small

like a 9 mil 'Retta soul getta

I got a gat,

my gat's badder than yours

It makes a mean rat-a-tat-tat

that stops all of the noise

If you wanna meet my gat,

and my gat wanna meet yours

It's okay,

just set the time

Corral your crew,

and I'll get mine

Then start the party blast,

and see who will win

Lets whittle down the cast

to the last man standing

I got a gat

that badder than yours

My rat-a-tat-tat

makes a whole lot of noise

I got a gat

that leaves a silent smoke trail

My rat-a-tat-tat

sends 'em all blazing straight to hell

Just One Môre

By: Taylor Graham

She moved away out here to get away

from people, from a job that buried her under

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other people’s problems. We’re rural here.

She settled in a place with barn and corral,

got a horse but doesn’t ride. Adopted a dog

and two barn cats plus one for the house.

Added some pens and got a nanny goat,

two sheep, one pig, two hens, a rooster and

a husband but like most other humans

he had his problems. Before long he was gone.

She put out grain for wild turkeys, a saltlick

to lure in deer. Jackrabbits who ravage gardens

here and there. Coyote keeps to edges, hawk

to thermals and the owl to dark. Last night

we heard the most blood-curdling cry from her

direction. Husband back with a gun? No

country home’s complete without a peacock

screaming murder

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Vocal characterisation

Make use of the following to make sure that you create an interesting character.


Why do we pause?

To allow time to take a breath.

To emphasise a word.

To allow listeners to comprehend what we are saying.

To prevent a monotonous pace.

To build suspense.

To help with articulation.


A phrase is a group of words, which together represent an idea. Phrasing is the grouping of

words in such a way as to convey meaning clearly to the audience. This also allows the

actor to take breaths and leads to flowing, comfortable speech. This produces the rhythm of

a piece.


Emphasis means to give a word or phrase prominence or importance. The following are

different means of achieving emphasis:

Change of pitch

Change in pace

Change in volume

Change of tone

Change of inflection



Facial expression


Spelling out a word

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The actor’s pitch is the tone of the voice placed on a musical scale.

The modulation (change) of pitch is generally known as intonation or inflection. The tones of

the middle register are the most pleasing ones for a natural voice on stage. Higher and lower

pitches are left for expressing different emotional states. The higher pitches are used to

show terror, fear, hysteria and nervousness.

The lower pitches are used to show deeper states of emotion, such as love, grief or

sadness. It is important for an actor to be able to use pitch effectively in order to show a

variety of emotions. Experiment with different pitches in your voice and see if you can match

them to the emotion you are trying to put across.


Pace can be described as fast or slow. It is the speed with which sounds are uttered. It

includes both the rate of speech and the length and frequency of the pauses. Correct pace

helps to hold the audience’s interest during a performance. When you are performing you

must vary the pace for dramatic effect.


Volume is the relative strength, force or intensity with which sound is made and must not be

confused with mere loudness. Volume is closely related to the expression of ideas and

emotions. When you are on the stage, you will use more energy to convey an impression of

any kind than would be necessary off stage. Even a whisper must be heard at the back of

the hall or theatre.


Each person’s voice has its own particular sound or ‘tone quality’ when words are spoken.

This helps us to identify who is speaking. It also helps us to identify the mood of the person

speaking. A good actor can be trained to improve the tone quality of his/her voice to show a

wide range of emotions, as well as provide clues as to what the character is thinking. Think

of the tone of your teacher’s voice when he/she talks to you. How can you tell when he/she

is angry, disappointed, serious or joking? You should be able to hear it in the tone of his/her


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Inflection refers to changes and variations in the pitch or tone of the voice. Voice inflection

can change the meaning of a sentence. Say the following sentence out loud: ‘I would never

say a thing like that!’ Now repeat the sentence stressing a different word in the sentence

each time. How does this change the meaning of the sentence each time you stress a

different word? The stress or emphasis you place on a word is known as inflection or


Activity 7



Choose between the following two: A Folktale OR A Coral verse to perform for

your annual assessment this Term.

1. Divide into your groups.

2. Choose an African folktale with enough characters in it for each group member to have a


3. Re-write the folktale into a short play of about 5 minutes when it is performed.

4. Make use of a storyteller who will set the scene, describe the mood and explain some of

the action. 5. Decide who will play the different roles before you start the writing process.

6. Try and make sure that all the characters in the story have more or less the same size


7. Adapt your story slightly or combine different characters to achieve this.

8. Write your script out neatly, or type it on the computer and paste it in the space provided

at the end

of the workbook.

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Planning: Formal

1. What is the name of the folktale or poem you have chosen? (1)


2. Why have you chosen this specific folktale or poem? Explain. (2)

3. Write your cast list (name of each character and next to it the name of the actor

portraying the character) in the space below. (5)

4. Write down everything you know about your character from reading the folktale. (5)

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5. Now use your imagination and add more information about your character that will be

helpful in your portrayal of him/her. (3)

6. Physical characterisation

How will your character move? What gestures will your character use to convey his/her

personality, thoughts and feelings? (3)

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7. What makes your character different from the other characters in the play? Explain. (3)

8. What vocal sound effects can you and your friends use to create atmosphere in your

play? (3)

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9. Decide on costumes, props and décor pieces to help enhance the atmosphere of your

play. Write down a few ideas for the above. (9)



Décor pieces:

TOTAL 40 /4 = 10

Your total should not be more than 10 or 15

Performing the Folk Tale or Coral Verse: Formal


Keep the following in mind during the performance:

When the storyteller speaks the rest of the characters should freeze in interesting

shapes so that you create a picture that is visually pleasing to the audience and at

the same time does not detract from what the storyteller is saying.

The storyteller must make eye contact with the audience and should make use of

lively facial expressions to draw the audience into the story.

Make effective use of the performance space and avoid masking (standing in front of)

one another.

Make use of different levels in the performance space to create an interesting visual

picture that enhances your story and helps to create the desired atmosphere.

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Perform and Participate





Learner mark


The learner new what to do 1

The character the learner was representing was easily

identified by unique characteristic


Used a different voice tones, pitches, articulation and the

learner spoke clearly looking at the audience while



Used body movements to enhance gestures and



Used facial expressions to fit his or her character (x2) 2

Used props like a drum to indicate underscoring (x2) 2

Used interludes to create drama 1

Was creative by using music or body percussions 1

Participate: Group worked well together 1

Group stick to the 5 minute time frame 1

All learners in the group participated 1

The performance was reflecting group

phrases and individual phrases



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Reflection:: Formal

Write a short summary of what you have learned during this lesson. Explain in what way you

can improve during your performances. Use your rubric to write your reflection: (10)

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1. During your performance as an individual, what do you think you could have done

better and give a reason (explain) your answer. (2)

2. When you look at how you performed as an individual what did you do the best

according to the rubric and explain why you feel you did so well in this aspect. (2)

3. When looking at how your group members were working together, which one of the

group members did not perform well and give reasons for this statement. (2)

4. Which drama elements did you use in the play? Name 4. (4)

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Topic 3: Careers


Explore the creative team, including: the writer, director, producer, designer,

composer, lighting designer etc.

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Activity 8


Give a short job description for each of the following careers listed below.

Remember that these careers can be followed in the theatre, radio, film and/or

television industries.

Make sure that you include all relevant information and point out any differences, as

well as similarities, between the different industries.



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Set designer

Lighting designer/ technician

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Stage designers


Choose one of the careers to research: __________________________________

Due date: _____________________________

1. What formal education or training is needed to do this job?

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2. List and explain the skills necessary to ensure success in this job.

3. Describe the working conditions or environment for this job

Is this a job you would like to do? Consider the pros and cons of this job as a career


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