Top Tips to Fight - Core Health · 3 1 Sleep In order to have energy, the body must rest and...


Transcript of Top Tips to Fight - Core Health · 3 1 Sleep In order to have energy, the body must rest and...

Page 1: Top Tips to Fight - Core Health · 3 1 Sleep In order to have energy, the body must rest and repair. Sleep is so simple, yet so profound. Many people don’t get enough sleep, or


Page 2: Top Tips to Fight - Core Health · 3 1 Sleep In order to have energy, the body must rest and repair. Sleep is so simple, yet so profound. Many people don’t get enough sleep, or


Fatigue is something most of us have dealt with in our lives. The problem is, many people suffer from debilitating fatigue daily. It can interfere with your work, your spouse, your children, and of course, your health. The body is made to be healthy and whole. We aren’t meant to struggle through the day with no energy to do the things we love. I believe that you can regain your health and energy, and I’m going to.give you my favorite tips today

Top Tips to Fight Fatigue and Have All-Day Energy!



Page 3: Top Tips to Fight - Core Health · 3 1 Sleep In order to have energy, the body must rest and repair. Sleep is so simple, yet so profound. Many people don’t get enough sleep, or


1 Sleep



In order to have energy, the body must rest and repair. Sleep is so simple, yet so profound. Many

people don’t get enough sleep, or enough quality sleep to function at their best, have energy, and thrive! The top rules for sleep are:


Have a goal for 8 hours every night (Yes, even during the week)

Humans are rhythmic beings, getting to bed and getting up the same time every day will allow for optimal energy. Keep in mind: the hours before midnight count as double. So, if you

are a night owl, you may be straying too far from your normal

internal rhythms.

Set your environment up right: Be sure your room is dark, with

no lights coming from outside, television, clocks, or phones-

all of which can turn off your body’s natural hormones that help you sleep. For an added bonus- turn your phone’s wifi OFF, or turn your phone on airplane mode. The EMFs can

alter sleep patterns. Research shows that a slightly colder room is better for sleeping (below 70 degrees). Find out how you sleep and get a pillow to fit you accordingly. -



Back sleeper: contour pillow to support the natural cervical

(neck curve)

Side sleeper: thicker pillow for support (should not have to

put your arms under your pillow for support)

Stomach sleeper- while this may be comfortable, it can

put stress on your spine. Attempt side sleeping by hugging pillow at night.

Page 4: Top Tips to Fight - Core Health · 3 1 Sleep In order to have energy, the body must rest and repair. Sleep is so simple, yet so profound. Many people don’t get enough sleep, or


2 Morning routine



Your morning routine sets the stage for the rest of your day! This is a great thing because it can be so powerful, but most have not harnessed it.


Wake up earlier. Yes ,really. You’ll thank me later. Start waking up 15 minutes earlier every

day. It’s not as bad as it sounds. This will give you time to lay your daily foundation for energy! Use that time to:Give thanks and gratitude! The emotion of gratitude is on the same wavelength as abundance. Our thoughts dictate how our body responds and acts throughout the day. If we wake up and

think about (or even talk about) how tired we are, how we are dreading the day, then your body and cells respond to that. If we get up and are grateful for the day that is ahead of us,

thankful to be alive and thriving, thankful for all the countless blessings in our life, then your

body has a completely different chemistry!Plan the day, meditate, exercise



Don’t’ be caught off-guard by your day. Plan ahead in order to win. Know when you can take breaks, when you can exercise or de-stress, when you will eat. Planning keeps you in control.

De-stress or exercise (see 6). This doesn’t have to take hours, you can set aside 10-15 minutes.

Page 5: Top Tips to Fight - Core Health · 3 1 Sleep In order to have energy, the body must rest and repair. Sleep is so simple, yet so profound. Many people don’t get enough sleep, or


3 Rock your breakfast!



Just like your morning routine sets you up for a great day, so does your breakfast! In America, we have been taught that cereal, toast, pastries, milk, and orange juice could be considered a healthy

breakfast. Well, it’s time to rethink that!•

Swap processed food for the real thing


Focus on whole foods, full of fat and protein



Dr Gerlach’s Tons of Energy Morning Smoothie Recipe:

Cut out foods from box or a bag. Rule of thumb: if it comes from the earth: go for it, if it was made in a plant: avoid it. Packaged and processed foods are devoid of nutrients, and cant properly give the cells the nutrients they need to make energy. (Its’ like pouring a

whole bunch of sludge in your gas tank).

Great options could be: avocados, eggs, bacon or sausage, coconut oil(Fat can provide energy for hours on end, while carbohydrates are burned up quicker)

Bone Broth Collagen Protein 1 scoop8 ounces nut milk (cashew/hemp/almond/macadamia)

1 tsp Raw cacao powder1 tsp Maca powder

1-2 tsp MCT oil

1 tsp flax seeds/ flax meal1 Handful kale

1 tbsp. Nut butter (almond/cashew/sunflower)½ tsp Himalayan Salt

1/3 Banana (or ½ cup of berries)

4 ice cubes

Optional: 1 tbsp. coconut oilThis smoothie is packed full of anti-oxidants, minerals, essential vitamins, good-quality fats for to use for energy and for brain health, fiber for your gut, and adaptogens for balancing hormones.

Page 6: Top Tips to Fight - Core Health · 3 1 Sleep In order to have energy, the body must rest and repair. Sleep is so simple, yet so profound. Many people don’t get enough sleep, or


4 Limit caffeine



Caffeine can feel like a life-saver if you have low energy. But relying on caffeine daily can lead to negative effects if you have body imbalances such as hormonal imbalance, blood sugar imbalance, and adrenal fatigue. Cutting back or eliminating caffeine for a period of time can be beneficial for long-term energy levels. - After you incorporate all the other steps, cut your caffeine in half for 2 weeks. After then,

try to cut the amount in half again for 2 weeks. started at 24 ounces/day of coffee- cut back to 12 ounces, then cut back to 6 ounces)

Page 7: Top Tips to Fight - Core Health · 3 1 Sleep In order to have energy, the body must rest and repair. Sleep is so simple, yet so profound. Many people don’t get enough sleep, or


5 Hydrate



One glaringly simple but overlooked reason why some are fatigued can be chronic dehydration. A good rule of thumb for water intake is ½ ounce per pound of body weight (if you weigh 200 pounds, a goal would be close to 100 ounces of clean water per day).

If you don’t have a water filter, then YOU are the filter. The source and type of water is imperative, as over 70% of our body is made up of water. Many municipal water supplies (tap water) are full of chemicals, toxins like fluoride, heavy metals like lead, and even prescription medications like birth control pills. Reverse Osmosis water is the most effective way to filter water, and filters can be placed on most faucets. (be sure to add back minerals, as RO strips minerals out as well)

Minerals- most people today are mineral deficient due to our poor diets and poor soil quality. An easy way to add minerals to our bodies is by adding Sea Salt to your water and food. While

table salt (NaCl) is toxic to our cells, natural sea salts are full of life-giving minerals. Himalayan

Salt contains 84 different minerals, all needed for proper energy. Add in a pinch of Himalayan Salt (pink salt) to each glass of water that you drink. This gives the cells of your body the

proper hydration so they can function properly.

Hydrating drink12 ounces of pure water (Reverse Osmosis, Spring Water)½ lemon

½ orange

½ tsp Himalayan Salt


Page 8: Top Tips to Fight - Core Health · 3 1 Sleep In order to have energy, the body must rest and repair. Sleep is so simple, yet so profound. Many people don’t get enough sleep, or


6The right exercise and de-stressing- a balance



What we schedule, gets done. Unless you consciously set time for yourself to do the right things day in a day out, you will have a hard time creating the health you want. We all know we need to exercise, but you may be too tired to go to the gym. Don’t feel like you have to workout at the gym for an hour and a half seven days a week, this is unattainable and not necessary for health. Instead, set goals and times that you know you will stick to. For instance, get up 15 minutes earlier in the morning and go for a 15 minute walk around the neighborhood or on a treadmill. You could

do body weight exercises like push-ups, squats, or lunges, or even use weights like kettlebells or dumbbells if you have access. If you have 30 minutes over lunch, schedule then; 20 minutes after work- try then. Consistent movement is more important than 1 long duration of movement.

Easy morning workout:

*note- if you work out rigorously and you are tired instead of energized after (no way you could do the workout again), you may be doing more harm than good. You will need to fix the basics (diet, de-stressing, sleep) and dial back the intensity and duration before you should resume.

10 minute yoga for circulation, stretching tight muscles, setting your mind right for the day (all you need is your living room and Youtube!)

3 sets up body weight exercises

a. 10 push-upsb. 10 squatsc. 10 lunges10-15 minute walk (preferably outside for fresh air, sunlight in the morning to stimulate your adrenals and nervous system)

Page 9: Top Tips to Fight - Core Health · 3 1 Sleep In order to have energy, the body must rest and repair. Sleep is so simple, yet so profound. Many people don’t get enough sleep, or


You can also schedule in time throughout the day to consciously de-stress. I see many people

who tell me that they aren’t stressed, while they bounce between their hectic job, picking up kids, answering emails, paying bills, and traveling. That makes me tired just thinking about it! Our bodies are designed to either be in fight-or flight mode (sympathetic), or rest-and-digest mode (parasympathetic). One cannot be resting and in fight or flight mode. In order to stimulate our bodies to heal, repair, and rest, humans needs to proactively de-stress .

Set 15 minutes per day (in your schedule) to do 1 or all of the following exercises:

Meditation. Meditation is king, as it can be a one of the most anti-inflammatory activities you can do, it can also lower blood pressure, help restore tired adrenals, and boost brain and body energy for the rest of the day.

Belly Breathing







Put 1 hand on your chest and 1 hand on your belly (sitting or laying on your back).When you breath in and out- you want your chest to stay still and your belly to expand and contract. Breath in through your nose for 5 seconds, as your belly comes out (as far as you can)

Hold for 5 seconds

Exhale through your mouth for 5 seconds as your belly comes back in towards your body

(all of your air)

Repeat for 2-3 minutesEnjoy how it makes you feel!

Page 10: Top Tips to Fight - Core Health · 3 1 Sleep In order to have energy, the body must rest and repair. Sleep is so simple, yet so profound. Many people don’t get enough sleep, or


7Blood sugar balance and anti-inflammatory diet



Balancing blood sugar is one the most important factors in stabilizing energy throughout the day. The majority of Americans eat entirely too much sugar and refined and processed carbohydrates. This leads to a blood sugar rollercoaster throughout the day, leaving your body and cells scrambling

to keep you stable.

It is important to know the macronutrient foods so you know which foods to consume:

I hope that you found these tips helpful and actionable. I have used these tips for years as I have regained my health and have helped countless others. I believe that we all have the ability to be

healthy, we just need to unlock our true potential!

Fat: Olives and olive Oil, Coconut products and coconut oil, Avocados, Nuts and Seeds, Ghee

and Grass-fed Butter, eggs, fishProtein: Meat (good-quality, grass-fed or pasture-raised)

Carbohydrates: Everything else, such as fruits, vegetables, grains, processed foods and drinks

In order to maintain stable blood sugar and avoid that afternoon (or morning!) crash, it’s important to incorporate more fat and decrease the amount of refined carbohydrates (for most people). Don’t feel like you have to make a huge difference. Focus on taking away or cutting back one source of carbohydrate per day (could include: crackers, cookies, cakes, pizza, bread, pasta)Switch out refined carbohydrates for good carbs: Sweet potatoes, zucchini, squash, kale, arugula, broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, etc.Fat is your friend, add in it: Use more olive oil on a salad, cook with coconut oil, grab an
