Top 6 Healthy Benefits of Red Rice

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  • 8/10/2019 Top 6 Healthy Benefits of Red Rice


    Top 6 Healthy Benefts o Red Rice

    The benefts o red/brown rice - red/brown rice is rice that has not been through the

    process o grinding or aking skin completely so the layer o skin that surrounds

    the grain still e!ists" This is the layer o skin that contains nutrients and fber that

    are important or the body"

    #nlike red/brown rice white rice has gone through the process o grinding or aking

    skin and let only grain so it does not ha$e fber and can e$en impro$e blood sugar

    le$els" %t&s the reason that eating red/brown rice pro$ide better health benefts when

    compared to white rice" '!planation o the benefts o red/brown rice can be

    described in the ollowing session"

    Top 6 Benefts o red/brown rice or health(

    top 6 healthy benefts o red rice

    )" Rich in fber

    red/brown rice red/brown rice or black rice has a high fber content" *s with the

    white rice contains only simple carbohydrates red/brown rice contains comple!

    carbohydrates that are good or health"

    +" ,ontrolling blood sugar le$els

    red/brown rice has a low glycemic inde!" The glycemic inde! is a number that

    indicates the potential or increased blood sugar that comes rom carbohydrates"

    ith a low glycemic inde! red/brown rice has a part in regulating blood sugar le$els

    and insulin production" %n addition red/brown rice is a good source o energy that

    the body needs"

    ." aking ull aster

    * study conducted in the British 0ournal o 1utrition ound that eating comple!

    carbohydrates such as oatmeal red/brown rice and potatoes will make you ull

    aster or hours and eat no more than .+2 calories per day"

  • 8/10/2019 Top 6 Healthy Benefits of Red Rice


    3" ,ontains antio!idants to counteract ree radicals

    red/brown rice is a good source o iron or manganese" angan who was

    instrumental in producing energy or the body is an essential component o the

    en4yme and is an antio!idant that can protect the body rom ree radicals that are

    ormed when the energy produced"

    %n addition red/brown rice is rich in 4inc a mineral that helps accelerate wound

    healing and maintain the body&s immune system to unction properly" 0ust as iron or

    manganese 4inc is also rich in antio!idants that protect the body rom ree radicals

    that can damage cells and tissues in the body"

    5" ,ontaining itamin B6

    By eating 7ust one ser$ing o red/brown rice can meet +. percent o $itamin B6 the

    amount needed or the unctioning o the organ" This $itamin is needed to help

    balance the ormation o serotonin red blood cells and helps the production o 81*


    6" 9owering bad cholesterol le$els

    red/brown rice is known to help lower bad cholesterol" By eating red/brown rice it

    will help increase the le$el o good cholesterol" Thereore red rice can be a staple

    ood and a good source o carbohydrates or health"

    Those are some o the benefts o red/brown rice or a healthy body" Hopeully this

    article useul"