Top 10 Unusual Hotels

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  • 8/3/2019 Top 10 Unusual Hotels


    Weve all seen, or stayed at, the typical Holiday Inn type of hotel. A vacation should

    be an experience that, from start to finish, is filled with fun, excitement and

    relaxation. Heres a look at some unique hotel destinations that can seem like an

    adventure in themselves.

    10The Giraffe ManorNairobi, Kenya

    The Giraffe Manor was built in 1932, by Sir David Duncan, and modeled after a

    Scottish hunting lodge. Located in Nairobi, with a view of Mt. Kilimanjaro and the

    Ngong Hills, it is located on 115 acres. The manor was opened, in 1984, as a hotel.

    The Rothschild giraffes were moved onto the property after the loss of their naturalhabitat, and now they thrive there. Staying at this giraffe sanctuary will allow you the

    opportunity of having the giraffes come right to your window, where you can hand-

    feed them and take pictures.
  • 8/3/2019 Top 10 Unusual Hotels


    9The Library HotelManhattan, New York

    For those with a love of books and learning, the Library Hotel is for you. The floors

    are set according to the 10 main categories of the Dewey Decimal Classification

    system. They have arts, religion, philosophy, math and more. Included in the rooms

    are books from the theme of each floor.

    8Karostas Cietums Hotel

    Liepaja, Latvia
  • 8/3/2019 Top 10 Unusual Hotels


    The Karostas Cietums started as a Russian prison and remains much the same now

    as it was then. Your stay includes being handcuffed and led to your jail cell, stripped

    of your belongings, fed bread and water and allotted a bed of wood or iron

    mattresses. The hotel is only open from May 1 to October 1 each year. There havebeen reports that this is a haunted hotel, so in your cell you can expect to hear eerie

    noises, and maybe even see some of the former prisoners.

    7Utter InnLake Malaren, Sweden
  • 8/3/2019 Top 10 Unusual Hotels


    The Utter Inn is an art project by Mikael Genberg. It looks like a red garden shed

    stuck in the middle of the lake. The bedroom is located three meters below the lake,

    and is accessible by ladder. There are windows all around for fish viewing. Above

    water is a small deck to lounge on, and a row boat to explore the lake, or the island


    6Propeller Island City LodgeBerlin, Germany
  • 8/3/2019 Top 10 Unusual Hotels


    This strange hotel is the work of artist Lars Stroschen. Each room has a different

    theme. There is a flying bed room, which has slanted floors and a levitated bed; the

    upside down room, which features all the furniture on the ceiling and a trapdoor on

    the floor that you climb down to find your sleeping accommodations; they also have

    a padded room that is covered in green leather padding, from top to bottom. For

    those who have vampiric tendencies, they also offer a room with coffins as beds.

    5Hotel de GlaseQuebec, Canada
  • 8/3/2019 Top 10 Unusual Hotels


    Each December, artists start constructing this unique hotel. Open from January 7 to

    March 27 each year, the hotel requires 400 tons of ice and 12,000 tons of snow, and

    is redesigned and rebuilt each year. Everything you see at this hotel is made of ice,

    including the fireplaces and the glasses to drink from. They do have heated

    washrooms and outdoor hot tubs. The hotel also offers a wedding chapel, which is

    considered a top 10 wedding location.

    4Das Park HotelOsterreich, Austria
  • 8/3/2019 Top 10 Unusual Hotels


    Weve all seen the big concrete sewer tubes waiting to be installed during

    construction work, and now Das Park gives the opportunity to stay in one of these

    tubes. Each weighs 9.5 tons and needs little up-keep, just a coat of varnish to help

    keep the moisture from cracking the cement.

    Austrian artist, Thomas Latzel Ochoa, lends his touch to the inside of the tubes to

    make them a bit friendlier. The concrete stays cool on the inside and makes for a nice

    summer retreat. Das Park is open from May to October, and the rates are on a pay

    what you think the stay was worth type of system.

    3V8 HotelBaden-Wrttemberg, Germany
  • 8/3/2019 Top 10 Unusual Hotels


    The V8 hotel is the perfect destination for car enthusiasts. Located in the citys first

    airport, this hotel offers car themed rooms, including a Mercedes Benz car wash,

    Morris Minor Garage and a Route 66 theme. The beds follow the room theme by

    either looking like a continuation of the road, or a car. The whole hotel, fromreception to the restaurant, features car memorabilia.

    2Capsule HotelDen Haag, Netherlands
  • 8/3/2019 Top 10 Unusual Hotels


    These bright orange oil rig survival pods are located in The Hague. While they arent

    very big, they do offer sleeping bags for 3 people (silk-lined ones for the more upscale

    package). Capsule Hotel offers a James Bond basic survival package, and an

    upgraded version that features a library of all the 007 movies, silk sheets, champagne

    and a disco ball. Bikes are included for sightseeing around the area. Those prone to

    seasickness should probably not stay here as the pods tend to sway constantly.

    1Hang Nga HotelDa Lat, Vietnam
  • 8/3/2019 Top 10 Unusual Hotels


    Hang Nga Hotel (or crazy house, as its been dubbed by the locals) is hidden away

    in the mountain town of Da Lat. The house is considered one of the most unusual

    pieces of architecture in Vietnam, where they tend not to have too much

    unconventional architecture. A random assortment of cubbyholes and rooms that

    twist and turn are pieced together with bridges to form a maze-type place. The housealso contains caged birds, spiderweb creations, enormous animals and other

    curiosities that create a fairytale like atmosphere.