Top 10 Internet Safety Tips for Kids and Teens |Online shopping


Transcript of Top 10 Internet Safety Tips for Kids and Teens |Online shopping

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Top 10 Internet Safety Tips for Kids and Teens |Online shopping

Follow the top 10 tips regarding online shopping forkids and teens.

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Don’t share personal information:

Never post your individual data, for example, a cellnumber, home number, place of residence, or your areaon any interpersonal interaction site or through versatileapplications like Snapchat or Instagram.

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Having fun with your parents:

Invest time playing around with your folks onlineand helping them comprehends engineering!

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Never meet with the people:

Never meet in individual with anybody you first"met" on the web. On the off chance thatsomebody asks to reach you, tell your folks orwatchman immediately. Some individuals maynot be who they say they are.

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Check you’re folk|BeautyStore

Check with your folks before you post pictures ofyourself or others on the web. Don't post wrongpictures of anybody.

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Never respond to mean or rude texts:

Never react to mean or discourteous messages,messages, and messages. Erase any undesirablemessages. You may need to erase companions whopersistently trouble you or post things that are notproper.

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Never shares your password with anyone:

Never impart your secret word to anybody, includingyour closest companion. The main individuals whoought to know your secret key are your folks or


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You wouldn’t say something to another person’s face:

On the off chance that you wouldn't say somethingto someone else's face, don't message it or post it onthe web.

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Do not download or install software:

Don't download or introduce programming oranything on your machine or phone beforechecking with your folks or gatekeeper.

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Use the privacy settings of social networking sites:

Utilize the protection settings of interpersonalinteraction locales.

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Anything makes you feel uncomfortable online:

In the event that anything makes you feeluncomfortable on the web, while gaming or whenutilizing your PDA, converse with your folks orgatekeeper immediately.

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Follow the above tips and save your money !

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