Tomb of the Unknowns

Tomb of the Unknowns “Here Rests In Honored Glory An American Soldier Known But To God"


Tomb of the Unknowns. “ Here Rests In Honored Glory An American Soldier Known But To God". Tomb of the Unknowns Tomb of the Unknowns Information. Guard Interview. The 3rd U.S. Infantry, The Old Guard, is the oldest continuously active unit in the Army. What It Takes. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Tomb of the Unknowns

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Tomb of the Unknowns

“Here Rests In Honored Glory

An American Soldier Known But To God"

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Tomb of the UnknownsTomb of the Unknowns Information.

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Guard Interview

The 3rd U.S. Infantry, The Old Guard, is the oldest continuously active unit in the Army.

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What It Takes• Must be member of the Army’s 3rd U.S. Infantry, known as The Old Guard.

• Superb physical condition; height between 5’ 10” and 6’ 4”.

• During trial phase, the prospective sentinels must memorize 7 pages of Arlington Cemetery history and recite it word for word in order to earn a “walk.”

• During “new-soldier” trainings, sentinels must learn the history of Arlington, the location of the graves of almost 300 veterans, the guard-change ceremony, and the manual of arms. They must also learn how to maintain their weapons and uniforms in perfect condition.

• They must score 95% or higher on the Badge Test of 100 randomly selected items from what they have learned. If successful, they may temporarily wear the Honor Guard badge. After 9 months of serving honorably as a sentinel, the badge may be worn for the rest of the sentinel’s military career.

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The Tomb of the Unknowns is guarded at all times.

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The Walk

• April through September: ½ hour long

• October through March: 1 hour long

• Nighttime: 1 hour long

• “21”

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The Uniform• A sentinel’s gloves are

wet to improve the sentinel’s grip on his rifle.

• The shoes have soles and heels that are built to be equal in height.

• The sentinels do not wear rank insignia on their uniforms, so they will not outrank the Unknowns, whatever their rank may have been.

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Video: Changing of the Guards

Changing of the Guard- Everything must be perfect.

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Tomb of the Unknownsfrom the South

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Guarding the Unknowns is an honor.

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Wreath Laying Ceremonies

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Guards are changed differently in the winter.

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• Respect your surroundings. Remember that this is a sacred place and your behavior MUST reflect this!

• Respectful voices.

• Respectful behavior.

• Respectful attitude.

• Arlington Song and Video Montage

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The Sentinel's Creed

My dedication to this sacred dutyis total and whole-hearted.

In the responsibility bestowed on menever will I falter.

And with dignity and perseverancemy standard will remain perfection.

Through the years of diligence and praiseand the discomfort of the elements,

I will walk my tour in humble reverenceto the best of my ability.

It is he who commands the respect I protect,his bravery that made us so proud.

Surrounded by well meaning crowds by day,alone in the thoughtful peace of night,this soldier will in honored glory rest

under my eternal vigilance.