Toddler Meals

More Baon Ideas for My Preschooler 1. Cake/ cupcake/ muffin/ bread/ biscuit/ cookies. These are the things that I either prepare myself or buy from the grocery store. -regular pancake -chocolate pancake -pancake with cheese -vanilla cupcake -cheese cupcake -chocolate muffin -mango muffin -blueberry muffin -regular toast -garlic toast -French toast -banana bread -bread sticks -cheese sticks -Skyflakes biscuits -Fita biscuits -Eggnog -coconut biscuits -oatmeal cookies -choco chip cookies -butter cookies 2. Fruit Juices and Other Drinks. I always buy 100% juice for my daughter. I seldom buy artificial juices for her. Frankly speaking, I'd rather give her water than buy her a sugar-loaded Zest-O. -apple juice -pineapple juice -kiwi juice -vegetable juice mix


easy to prep toddler meals

Transcript of Toddler Meals

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More Baon Ideas for My Preschooler

1. Cake/ cupcake/ muffin/ bread/ biscuit/ cookies. These are the things that I either prepare myself or buy from the grocery store.

-regular pancake-chocolate pancake-pancake with cheese-vanilla cupcake-cheese cupcake-chocolate muffin-mango muffin-blueberry muffin-regular toast-garlic toast-French toast-banana bread-bread sticks-cheese sticks-Skyflakes biscuits-Fita biscuits-Eggnog-coconut biscuits-oatmeal cookies-choco chip cookies-butter cookies

2. Fruit Juices and Other Drinks. I always buy 100% juice for my daughter. I seldom buy artificial juices for her. Frankly speaking, I'd rather give her water than buy her a sugar-loaded Zest-O.

-apple juice-pineapple juice-kiwi juice-vegetable juice mix-yogurt drink-ayran (Turkish yogurt drink made from a mixture of plain yogurt, water and salt)

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3. Fruit of the Day. My daughter's snack bag most of the time contains one kind of fruit and anything from #1 and #2. I like fruits a lot because they are easy to prepare. I just wash, peel and slice them into bite size pieces and they're good to go.

-banana-strawberry-apple-orange/ ponkan-grapes-tomato-mango

4. Vegetable. There's only one kind of vegetable that she eats for snack and that's cucumber. I peel a small cucumber, remove the seeds and slice them into sticks. She loves it!

5. Yogurt. Being half Turkish, my daughter doesn't have problem eating yogurt as snack while other kids would complain it's sour or smelling funny. I normally buy fruit yogurt in the grocery and combine it with my homemade plain yogurt to come up with a less sweeter mixture. Sometimes, I simply bring out the plain yogurt from the fridge then top it with small slices of fresh fruit.

-strawberry yogurt-mango yogurt-mixed berry yogurt-plain yogurt

6. Rice Dishes. My daughter doesn't like kakanin but she enjoys a few rice dishes that I give her.

-champorado-arroz caldo-goto-sütlaç (Turkish rice pudding)

As you can see, chips, candies, and chocolates are not included in my list. Although I have a picky-eater, I consider myself lucky that my daughter

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isn't used to eating junk food. For example, give her a lollipop candy and she'll lick it for seconds then give it back to you. How about other sweets? Of course she loves chocolates and marshmallows and ice cream. I just don't allow her to eat too much. Once in a while, she would request for a chocolate drink, chocolate mallows or a candy bar and I give in. At home, I have jar filled with different kinds of sweets which we collected from parties and freebies waiting.

In any case, I am looking for more choices as my daughter's baon for school. She might have lunch instead of snack for next school year, too. I am excited thinking of bento lunches for her. I started collecting bento materials 2 years ago and use them rarely. By next year, I hope to practice my bento techniques and create not only kawaii but healthy lunches for my daughter. So if you have any suggestions when it comes to school snack or packed lunch, please feel free to comment them below.

1. Sandwiches - A sandwich is easy to pack and easy to eat that's why it's perfect for school. Be it a regular sandwich, a panini or grilled sandwich, etc. You can have it anyway you want it with different types and flavors.

-cheese sandwich-triple cheese sandwich-ham and cheese sandwich-tuna sandwich-egg sandwich-turkey sandwich-clubhouse sandwich-baked beans sandwich-barbecue sandwich-chicken salad sandwich-kebab/gyro/shawarma-hotdog sandwich

2. Burger - Like sandwich, a burger can have different filling or patties. Below are some options for your consideration.

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-chicken burger-cheese burger-double decker-mushroom burger-cheesy mushroom burger-all meat (including salami & bacon)-vegetarian burger

3. Dumplings/ Steamed Buns - Dumplings are eaten with rice here in the Philippines. Most dumplings are steamed. Some are fried. I suggest you prepare these dumplings beforehand, freeze them, then thaw for reheating.

-chicken siomai-beef siomai-pork siomai-hakaw-mantao-siopa asado-siopao bola-bola-purple yam buns

4. Torta or Omelet - This is perfect with rice. My daughter loves tortang talong a lot. This is one way of making her eat veggies. More choices below.

-tortang talong-tortang hotdog-tortang giniling-tortang isda

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-tortang kamatis-mushroom omelet-cheese omelet-okoy

5. Others - This list include choices that may require early preparation but similar to the dumpling choices, you can always freeze them and cook when it's time to pack your kid's lunch.

-daing na bangus-embutido-murcon-empanada-homemade meat loaf-meatballs-homemade hash browns-cheese balls-homemade fish balls-spring rollsIngredients:3 medium potatoessmall onion, diced1/4 cup bread crumbsfreshly ground black peppersalt to tastecooking oil

Procedure:-Peel and grate the potatoes. Squeeze to remove the water.-Combine all ingredients except oil.-Form into elongated patties.

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-Pan fry until both sides are brown.-Serve and enjoy.

Yield: Makes 5 pieces of small hash browns.

Breakfast Ideas for Filipino Babies:1. Champorado – Is a Filipino Staple breakfast. It is very easy

to prepare, and could even be made from scratch. Add a bit of fried tuyo and it could be a great breakfast for us adults too. For clueless mommies, here’s how you can make champorado from scratch courtesy of Panlasang Pinoy. This is very similar too how my mom makes champorado for us, perfect meryenda as well especially during the rainy season!

2. Arroz Caldo – Is just like your normal lugaw with added protein benefits and the yellowish color of the Kasubha. Here’s a great recipe to follow from Kawaling PInoy.

3. Scrambled Eggs – As long as your toddler is not allergic to eggs, then scrambled eggs are definitely great for your tot’s breakfast. You can prepare plain scrambled, with a bit of milk and a dash of vanilla, Spanish style omelet with sautéed tomatoes and onions, with cheese and potatoes, the list is endless!

4. Tortang Talong – Is little shobe’s favorite breakfast. She eats it like a champ with rice! You can either make your torta with ground meat, or just plain eggplants and egg.

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5. Oatmeal topped with various fresh fruits – Ideal tropical fruits to include in our little one’s oatmeal (we use rolled oats) are bananas, mangoes, papayas, and when someone comes home from baguio – strawberries!

6. Chicken Sopas – Could actually be eaten the whole day, but can be a good starter for kids. Here   is a link to a good recipe.

7. Homemade embutido – Embutido or meatloaf is a great breakfast for babies as it is soft, and definitely pairs well with Pinoy staples – Rice or Pandesal. Will be great if you can make from scratch, and then cann even be kept in freezer for weeks or even a month, the you just have to thaw and fry! Here’s a great recipe to try.

8. Arroz A la Cubana – is perfect for kids and adults alike, and has vegetables too! Kids especially those who were introduced to solids via BLW just love to pick their food – ground meat, carrots, potatoes,, eve raisins! Plus this has a sunny side up egg, rice, and fried bananas! A heaty meal nonetheless. Check out this recipe.

9. Toast with Homemade Spread – Well, I confess that my toddler absolutely loves PB & J but for some moms that may be too sweet, so why not make a homemade spread for your kids, and serve them some toasted sandwich for breakfast too break the lugaw/oatmeal/rice routine? My daughter loves Egg Salad Spread, malunggay pesto with a bit of boiled chicken mixed in, tuna salad spread, chicken sandwich spread, and of course the walang kamatayang cheese pimiento which we also make from scratch, also for Achi’s

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baon in school. Hereare some yummy sandwich recipes i wrote about in the previous year.

10. Lugaw with Gulay and Boiled Eggs – Cook your usual lugaw and add in some malunggay, or spinach, or other easy to cook greens, add some flaked fish (left overs from last night’s dinner?) and then a boiled egg.

11. Mini Pancakes with fruits – Make smaller versions of your usual hotcakes, and then spread a bit of butter (if you are up to it), a bit of honey or pancake syrup then top with fruit. We usually serve either banana or mangoes because that is what’s always in season and affordable pa. You can also spread some peanut butter if your kid is not allergic to peanut butter. Pure yum!

So there you have it, I hope I was able to augment your repertoire of Filipino breakfast meals for babies and toddlers. If and when you run out

of ideas, do not hesitate to serve what your kid what you also eat for breakfast because sooner or later she also has to eat what you eat (as long

as these are healthy of course!)