Today, we partnered · - Rev. Fritz T. Dale, executive director, ReachNational ReachNational Today,...

Evangelical Free Church of America Ministry Report The Evangelical Free Church of America Today, we partnered... A Day in the Life...FairShare

Transcript of Today, we partnered · - Rev. Fritz T. Dale, executive director, ReachNational ReachNational Today,...

Page 1: Today, we partnered · - Rev. Fritz T. Dale, executive director, ReachNational ReachNational Today, we partnered... We have recommended MinisterConnection for the placement of student

Evangelical Free Church of America Ministry Report

T h e E v a n g e l i c a l F r e e C h u r c h o f A m e r i c a

Today, we partnered...A Day in the L i fe . . .Fa i rShare

Page 2: Today, we partnered · - Rev. Fritz T. Dale, executive director, ReachNational ReachNational Today, we partnered... We have recommended MinisterConnection for the placement of student

FAIRSHARE is about the local church partnering with their EFCA district

and the national office to proclaim the gospel. The EFCA national office

exists to serve pastors, churches, districts and missionaries, while the districts

concentrate their service on pastors and churches. The partnership between

our local churches, districts and national office increases the gospel impact

in the US and in 75 other countries. Your FAIRSHARE dollars are

multiplied by committed, skillful servants of Jesus who are ready to

assist you for fruitful ministry in the kingdom. Together we have greater

impact! We invite you to partner with us.

You are a part of the

Evangelical Free Church of America.

Together we are transforming lives

and communities.

Together we are planting churches

and training pastors.

Together we are building disciples across

all ages and ethnicities.

Together we are finding unity in the

EFCA’s God-centered, biblically based

Statement of Faith.

Together we are responding to disasters

and rebuilding lives.

Together we are stronger.

Together we can impact more lives

around the globe.

Our FAIRSHARE vision is simpleWe believe that each church should participate in the EFCA’s investment of sowing the seeds of the gospel of Jesus Christ, and reaping the fruit of transformation that is accomplished through God’s Spirit. One of the responsible ways that investment happens is through FAIRSHARE. Every amount given helps the EFCA to serve local churches and expand thekingdom, and to continue bringing glory to God.

FAIRSHARE asks for 1% of your church’s annual operating budget to besent to the national and international work of the EFCA. It is responsible; itis effective. This leaves 99% for your church and your district (each districtrequests a specific percentage for the district-level sowing and reaping).

FAIRSHARE. EFCA churches partnering with their district and the national office–real people jointly building the kingdom, every day. Together...a greater impact.

Today, we partnered...A Day in the L i fe . . .Fa i rShare

Page 3: Today, we partnered · - Rev. Fritz T. Dale, executive director, ReachNational ReachNational Today, we partnered... We have recommended MinisterConnection for the placement of student

Together … a greater impact. This is certainly my prayer for the extended familyof EFCA churches–to have greater impact as we partner to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ, and submit to God’s Spirit as He works in and through us to transform lives, communities and institutions, worldwide.

We, the EFCA, have a gospel-centered partnership. Our togetherness is based on the Good News of Jesus Christ and the life and restoration He offers to each person.

And our desired outcomes? To see individual spiritual transformation. To seecommunity and institutional transformation. To see a world-wide impact for thekingdom of God.

A day in the life … FairShareThe Office of the President is funded through FairShare dollars. Without EFCA churchesinvesting and partnering in this way, we couldn’t operate or serve you as we do.

Our goal is to help you expand the kingdom of God. We do this through prayer, consulting, training, networking and administrative support.

The Office of the President is actually comprised of several teams of people who expresstheir love for Jesus Christ and His Church by serving local churches and district staff.Today, we partnered to...

• Provide leadership for the movement.• Define our denominational theology and its implications against the compass of

God’s Word. • Ensure that those who carry EFCA credentials have a solid understanding of

God’s heart, God’s Word and God’s ways –all of which are consistent with the Bible and its application to our lives and world.

• Serve and support pastors, chaplains and ministry leaders in their ministry and personal lives.

• Help reconcile and restore broken relationships in churches, in local communities and between people groups around the world.

• Help churches operate with integrity in their administrative and financial processes.

• Serve missionaries and those who support them with efficient and honest receipt and transfer of finances.

• Help churches and ministry leaders ‘find each other’ when there are organizational needs and/or when leaders are searching for new avenues of ministry.

• Communicate effectively through electronic, print and video messages. • Provide training and networking opportunities through various conferences and

events. • Build a greater understanding of biblical stewardship and generous living/giving

within churches and families.

Your FairShare partnership makes all of this–and far more–possible.

“Thank you for investing in the exciting and growing segment

of God’s kingdom served by the EFCA.”

- William J. Hamel, president, EFCA

Office of the PresidentToday, we partnered...I have taught submission and unity ever since I had a Bible and a pulpit. So I decided it was important

to model this when I redeployed from The Chapel to coach pastors and serve in the church fellowship I

liked best - the EFCA. The paper and council on theology and my life became a good refresher and

checkup at this transition - even after 43 years of ordination elsewhere. I was glad to review and renew

what grabs my heart and guides my ministry. Glad to be one of you!

—Knute Larson, church consultant, EFCA Great Lakes District, Akron, OH

Page 4: Today, we partnered · - Rev. Fritz T. Dale, executive director, ReachNational ReachNational Today, we partnered... We have recommended MinisterConnection for the placement of student

Partnering to expand the kingdom of God. We provide global ministry opportunitiesto help you, the local church, fulfill the Great Commission.

One of ReachGlobal’s guiding principles is to be partnership-based. That meanswe integrate people, resources and efforts across organizational borders for thesake of transforming lives, communities and entire regions of the world with thegospel of Jesus Christ.

We are your mission of choice. 65% of EFCA churches partner with ReachGlobal by supporting staff and/or ministry partners, and infinite opportunitiesremain for your involvement.

A day in the life … FairShareReachGlobal is comprised of multiple ministries which make up the global and holistic

ministry of the EFCA. Today, we partnered to...

• Plant churches globally.

• Train missionaries.

• Train and work with national movement leaders for exponential gospel impact

throughout the world.

• Coordinate global and local prayer initiatives.

• Respond to crises with people, resources and communications.

• Facilitate local churches’ development of their own missions strategy.

• Ensure the holistic health of those called to serve overseas.

• Facilitate the sponsorships of thousands of the world’s most vulnerable children by

EFCA churches and individuals.

• Participate in networks with local ministries in five primary regions of the world:

– Africa

– Asia

– Europe

– Latin America & Caribbean

– Middle East/North Africa

• Produce mission news, video and other forms of communication to help our churches

involve everyone in global outreach.

“Thank you, thank you, thank you for your participation in

FAIRSHARE. Countless doors for effective ministry are opened

and expanded because of your investment and generosity.

God is doing amazing things around the world and together, we

have the privilege to partner with Him in building His kingdom.”

- T.J. Addington, senior vice president, ReachGlobal

ReachGlobalToday, we partnered...Elyssa Strand was given the vision of raising funds to help dig wells in Africa. Mandi Moore was giventhe vision of raising funds for those in need. Elyssa contacted EFCA student ministries in Minneapolisto find out how to get more churches involved. She was pointed to Dave Bostrom who helps lead theNorth Central District Blitz (conference). Elyssa and Mandi were given the opportunity to share their vision with over 3,000 students at the ReachStudents Conference. A record $8,500 was raised whichwill be given to EFCA ReachGlobal Africa to dig wells in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Africa.

Page 5: Today, we partnered · - Rev. Fritz T. Dale, executive director, ReachNational ReachNational Today, we partnered... We have recommended MinisterConnection for the placement of student

Partnering to transform people, leaders, our communities and the world

for Christ. We are passionate to serve and resource our churches, leaders and districts in the privilege of fulfilling the Great Commandment and Great Commission, and seeing transformation happen in and through the church.

One of our guiding principles is to see life-giving leaders serving life-giving

churches. Whether it is working with church pastors and leaders, district superintendents and districts, or EFCA networks and affinity groups, we valuepartnership and working together to transform your church and your community for the sake of the gospel. We know that we cannot do this alone, and it is the incredible partnership and generosity from each church that allows us to see thetype of synergy and effectiveness of the EFCA and its churches working togetherfor kingdom impact.

A day in the life … FairShareReachNational is comprised of multiple ministry teams which make up the national

holistic ministries of the EFCA. Today, we partnered to...

• Coordinate Church Planting assessment, Boot Camp training and coaching.

• Facilitate pastor and leader affinity groups:

– Pastors of churches with 1,000+ attendees

– Pastors of churches with 500-999 attendees

– Executive pastors

– Youth pastors

– Worship leaders

– Multi-site campus pastors

– Women’s ministry leaders

• Cultivate partnerships with district superintendents and districts to effectively

serve and resource churches.

• Sponsor the Challenge Youth Conference.

• Coordinate the Rebound Conference for youth worker renewal.

• Offer GATEWAY Theological Institute training.

• Coordinate Immigrant Hope and ministry to immigrants throughout the country.

• Prayer ministries.

• Youth worker training.

• Schedule Bridging Urban Mission Projects (BUMP) - summer inner city ministries

around the country.

• Church planting for immigrant communities.

“Words are inadequate to express our deep appreciation

for your participation in FairShare. Countless doors for ministry

are open because of your generosity. You are helping

us see the reality of the Lord growing life-giving leaders and

life-giving churches that are transforming their people

and communities in the name of Christ. We are eager

to see what God brings in this next year as we serve

together in this privilege of kingdom ministry.”

- Rev. Fritz T. Dale, executive director, ReachNational

ReachNationalToday, we partnered...We have recommended MinisterConnection for the placement of student ministries pastors in the

Forest Lakes District since the process was refined by EFCA ReachStudents leadership. Those

who have used it are delighted with the result. It narrows the search to candidates who

significantly fit the position they are being called to fill and the staff team they will be joining.

—Rob Weise, director of student ministries, EFCA Forest Lakes District, Stevens Point, WI

Page 6: Today, we partnered · - Rev. Fritz T. Dale, executive director, ReachNational ReachNational Today, we partnered... We have recommended MinisterConnection for the placement of student

Today, we partnered...

Ready to participate?

It’s easy to invest through FAIRSHARE. Simply complete and mail the enclosed card.

You can also make your commitment online, at

Thank you to everyone actively supporting FAIRSHARE. Your contributions allow all of us

to significantly impact ministries across the country and around the world, every day.

For those not yet supporting both district and national ministries through FAIRSHARE, we

ask you to prayerfully consider taking an active role in supporting these vital EFCA ministries.

FAIRSHARE. EFCA churches partnering with their district and the national office–real people jointly building the kingdom, every day. If you have questions or need additional reports or commitment cards, email [email protected] or call toll free at (800) 745-2202, extension 434. Together...a greater impact.

Together investing in the

kingdom of God.

Together proclaiming the

gospel of Jesus Christ.

Together following God’s Spirit

as He transforms lives that

impact communities and

institutions, worldwide...

every day.


Together...a greater impact.

Beyond the tragedy, ruins and shelters in Haiti, many ministries are sharing the love of Jesus Christ.

Numerous EFCA churches have sent short-term teams to Haiti to help with earthquake reconstruction

and community projects. Following a mission trip, two families from Calvary Church (MO) made

life-changing decisions to adopt three children from Operation Love The Children Of Haiti (OLTCH).

Currently, there are eight other American couples working on 13 adoptions from OLTCH, and most

sprouted from short-term EFCA trips.