Today in Print - December 1, 2010

Reveille e Daily Tigers defeat Houston Cougars, 73-57, p. 7 Wednesday, Dec. 1, 2010 Volume 115, Issue 67 Want to work for The Daily Reveille? Come to the Journalism Building’s Holliday Forum on Thursday at 6 p.m. to apply. University alum lost off Marshall Islands in Pacific Ocean James de Brueys, a Univer- sity alumnus and employee at The Chimes Restaurant, went missing Nov. 25 in the Pacific Ocean. He was lost at sea with three other people, including a pregnant woman, off the Marshall Islands where he was volunteering as an English teacher for young chil- dren as part of the WorldTeach program. Steven de Brueys, James’ brother, said his family received a call Tuesday afternoon from a Coast Guard captain saying his missing boat was found empty and overturned. “They haven’t found anyone yet, and the nearest island was 12 miles away,” Steven de Brueys said Tuesday. “With his weight and strength he could be floating in water for 120 hours.” Steven de Brueys said the three other people on the boat were James de Brueys’ host father and two women from the Marshall Islands. They were travel- ing to another island where they could communicate with family members. Junan Nimoto, an official in the Marshall Islands govern- ment’s disaster response office, announced Sunday morning that government officials had been unsuccessful in their search for the group, which never returned from a boat trip that typically lasts about 90 minutes. Steven de Brueys said heli- copters, members of U.S. Coast Guard and U.S. Navy and island- ers are searching for James. Family friend and University law student Jessica Smith said several masses were held in James de Brueys’ name in Atlanta and Baton Rouge, and “Facebook is blowing up with people writing on his wall.” “We can’t give up, can’t stop sending him positive feelings,” Smith said. “I’ve heard it said so many times — if anyone can do it, it’s James. And we can’t wait to hear his story.” Smith is helping a T-shirt campaign to support the de Brueys family. Storyville will manufacture shirts featuring the phrase “Bring James Home” and an illustration of James de Brueys’ well-known facial hair, which he has manicured for beard competi- tions. The shirts will cost $20 and will be ready within the next week. Smith said the profits will help the family with whatever costs they encounter. “We want to feel like we’re part of the effort,” Smith said. “In addition to the emotional toll it’s taking on the family, it’ll help just the family altogether.” James de Brueys always had an interest in facial hair, said fellow Chimes bartend- er and construction manage- ment senior Tommy Bourgeois. James de Brueys even went to the World Beard and Moustache Championship this past summer. James de Brueys said in an Oct. 5, 2008, interview with The Daily Reveille that he receives a lot of attention for his beard. “At school, when people pass by me, they’ll start cracking up laughing,” James de Brueys said. “I don’t care, honestly, as long as it makes people laugh at me or with me.” Bourgeois said James is loyal, trustworthy and always in a good mood. “He’s one of those people that always makes people happy when he’s around,” Bourgeois said. “Makes you have a great day when you meet the guy.” Catherine Threlkeld Contributing Writer JAMES DE BRUEYS University alumnus Contact Catherine Threlkeld at [email protected] Sarah Palin visits BR on national book tour About 500 adoring support- ers greeted former Alaska governor Sarah Palin at a book signing Tues- day in Baton Rouge. Palin was in town promot- ing her new book, “America by Heart: Reflec- tions on Family, Faith and Flag,” released last week. People from across the state flocked to Books-a-Mil- lion in Towne Center to have copies of the book signed and to meet the former Republican vice presidential candi- date. Those seeking Palin’s signa- ture were required to preregister and were sporting red or purple wristbands and copies of the book. About 800 bands were distributed. The mood outside was festive despite the chilly, gray weather. A thick line of mostly middle-aged Matthew Albright Staff Writer PALIN, see page 15 POLITICS BRIANNA PACIORKA / The Daily Reveille The University’s Christmas tree was lit Tuesday evening in front of Memorial Tower as part of the annual holiday Candlelight Celebration. Read more about the event on page 5 and see a gallery of photos at SARAH PALIN politician ‘Tis the Season


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Transcript of Today in Print - December 1, 2010

Page 1: Today in Print - December 1, 2010

Reveille Reveille

� e DailyTigers defeat Houston Cougars, 73-57, p. 7

Wednesday, Dec. 1, 2010Volume 115, Issue 67

Want to work for The Daily Reveille? Come to the Journalism Building’s Holliday Forum on Thursday at 6 p.m. to apply.

University alum lost off Marshall Islands in Pacifi c OceanJames de Brueys, a Univer-

sity alumnus and employee at The Chimes Restaurant, went missing Nov. 25 in the Pacifi c Ocean.

He was lost at sea with three other people, including a pregnant woman, off the Marshall Islands where he was volunteering as an English teacher for young chil-dren as part of the WorldTeach program.

Steven de Brueys, James’ brother, said his family received a call Tuesday afternoon from a Coast Guard captain saying his missing boat was found empty and overturned.

“They haven’t found anyone yet, and the nearest island was 12 miles away,” Steven de Brueys

said Tuesday. “With his weight and strength he could be fl oating in water for 120 hours.”

Steven de Brueys said the three other people on the boat

were James de Brueys’ host father and two women from the Marshall Islands. They were travel-ing to another island where they could communicate

with family members.Junan Nimoto, an offi cial

in the Marshall Islands govern-ment’s disaster response offi ce, announced Sunday morning that government offi cials had been unsuccessful in their search for

the group, which never returned from a boat trip that typically lasts about 90 minutes.

Steven de Brueys said heli-copters, members of U.S. Coast Guard and U.S. Navy and island-ers are searching for James.

Family friend and University law student Jessica Smith said several masses were held in James de Brueys’ name in Atlanta and Baton Rouge, and “Facebook is blowing up with people writing on his wall.”

“We can’t give up, can’t stop sending him positive feelings,” Smith said. “I’ve heard it said so many times — if anyone can do it, it’s James. And we can’t wait to hear his story.”

Smith is helping a T-shirt campaign to support the de Brueys family. Storyville will

manufacture shirts featuring the phrase “Bring James Home” and an illustration of James de Brueys’ well-known facial hair, which he has manicured for beard competi-tions.

The shirts will cost $20 and will be ready within the next week. Smith said the profi ts will help the family with whatever costs they encounter.

“We want to feel like we’re part of the effort,” Smith said. “In addition to the emotional toll it’s taking on the family, it’ll help just the family altogether.”

James de Brueys always had an interest in facial hair, said fellow Chimes bartend-er and construction manage-ment senior Tommy Bourgeois . James de Brueys even went to the World Beard and Moustache

Championship this past summer.James de Brueys said in an

Oct. 5, 2008, interview with The Daily Reveille that he receives a lot of attention for his beard.

“At school, when people pass by me, they’ll start cracking up laughing,” James de Brueys said. “I don’t care, honestly, as long as it makes people laugh at me or with me.”

Bourgeois said James is loyal, trustworthy and always in a good mood.

“He’s one of those people that always makes people happy when he’s around,” Bourgeois said. “Makes you have a great day when you meet the guy.”

Catherine ThrelkeldContributing Writer


University alumnus

Contact Catherine Threlkeld at [email protected]

Sarah Palin visits BR on national book tour

About 500 adoring support-ers greeted former Alaska governor Sarah Palin at a book signing Tues-day in Baton Rouge .

Palin was in town promot-ing her new book, “America by

Heart: Refl ec-tions on Family, Faith and Flag,” released last week. People from across the state fl ocked to Books-a-Mil -lion in Towne Center to have copies of the

book signed and to meet the former Republican vice presidential candi-date.

Those seeking Palin’s signa-ture were required to preregister and were sporting red or purple wristbands and copies of the book. About 800 bands were distributed.

The mood outside was festive despite the chilly, gray weather. A thick line of mostly middle-aged

Matthew AlbrightStaff Writer

PALIN, see page 15


BRIANNA PACIORKA / The Daily Reveille

The University’s Christmas tree was lit Tuesday evening in front of Memorial Tower as part of the annual holiday Candlelight Celebration. Read more about the event on page 5 and see a gallery of photos at



‘Tis the Season

Page 2: Today in Print - December 1, 2010

The Daily Reveille



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Nation & World Wednesday, Dec. 1, 2010page 2

UK police arrest 153 during London student budget cut protest Tuesday

WikiLeaks publishes confi dential US cables, founder on wanted list

Escaped inmate terrorizes California preschool class, no injuries reported

Offi cer interrupts rape, chases down, catches 16-year-old suspect

Number of Louisiana schools called ‘dropout factories’ declines in 2010

Teacher charged with stalking after sending sexual texts to student

Sarah LawsonRobert Stewart

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Read a music blog about Two Hour’s Traffi c

See photos of bumper stickers and read about security issues at Sarah Palin’s book signing

ZACH BREAUX / The Daily Reveille

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@lsureveille, @TDR_news, @TDR_sports

SANG TAN / The Associated Press

British police clash with students as hundreds protest tripling tuition in Trafalgar Square, London. More than 150 have been arrestedas of Tuesday.

DO YOU HAVE AN OCCURRENCE?Call Michael at the Student

Media Offi ce578-6090, 9AM- 5PM or

E-mail: offi [email protected]

LONDON (AP) — Police made 153 arrests during student demonstra-tions in London on Tuesday against proposed tuition hikes, offi cials said.

Police reported arrests follow-ing a violent standoff in the capital’s Trafalgar Square.

Students are furious over the government decision to triple a tu-ition cap, allowing universities to charge up to 9,000 pounds ($14,000) per year to reduce the burden on Brit-ain’s debt-laden public sector. British students currently pay up to 3,000 pounds ($4,675).

Earlier this month, activists tried to ransack the governing Conserva-tive Party’s headquarters in London during a protest.

“We need to keep this mo-mentum going, because eventually we’ll get through to them and we can start negotiations,” said Shayan Moghedam, 17, from Woodhouse College in north London. “This is not something that can just be ignored.”

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — A tran-quil day at a Northern California preschool was shattered when an escaped inmate burst through a door and pointed a gun at the head of a teacher caring for several infants, the preschool’s owner said Tuesday.

The inmate, identifi ed as 24-year-old Maurice Ainsworth, had stolen the gun of a deputy he over-powered while transporting him to a Santa Cruz hospital, authorities said.

A teacher at The Secret Garden Too preschool was entertaining in-fants when a man broke through a fi re door waving a gun.

A parent picking up her infant and another teacher ran out the back of the room and called the police.

The gunman demanded a teach-er’s car keys and tried to fl ee from the school’s parking lot, but an an-ti-theft device prevented him from starting the car.

About 30 children were at the school. No one was injured.

(AP) — A Baton Rouge police offi -cer responding to a call of a woman being beaten arrived to fi nd what ap-peared to be a rape in progress.

At 12:45 a.m. Monday, Offi cer Douglas Chutz saw a man striking a woman on the ground and pulling her pants down. When the man saw the offi cer he jumped up and ran. Chutz chased the suspect and arrested him.

The 29-year-old victim told of-fi cers she had seen the suspect beat-ing another woman and tried to inter-vene when the suspect turned on her. Police say the victim suffered minor injuries and was treated at the scene.

The suspect’s fi rst victim fl ed the scene.

MANSFIELD, La. (AP) — A DeSo-to Parish teacher has been arrested for sending sexual text messages to a 17-year-old student.

The Times reports 62-year-old Ralph H. Hines, a teacher at Pelican All Saints High School, was booked Monday for stalking and computer-aided solicitation of a minor.

School offi cials said Hines had been teaching in DeSoto Parish at least 10 years.

NEW ORLEANS (AP) — The num-ber of Louisiana schools labeled as “dropout factories” by a national education watchdog group declined

from 64 in 2002 to 54 in 2008, ac-cording to a study released Tuesday.

The number of students attend-ing such low-graduation-rate schools in the state declined by 15,800 in the same period.

“Dropout factory” schools are defi ned as having fewer than 60 per-cent of students who started as fresh-men still enrolled four years later.

Louisiana was also praised for its “early warning systems” that fl ag struggling students in elementary and middle school.

GREENSBORO, N.C. (AP) — Former President Bill Clinton said Tuesday he expects uproar over this week's leak of diplomatic documents but doesn't believe the founder of the website posting the fi les has suc-ceeded in evading U.S. authorities.

Clinton's wife, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, has argued the website WikiLeaks acted illegally in posting sensitive fi les. Bill Clinton said WikiLeaks founder Julian As-sange is trying to evade the reach of American law because he knows the postings were criminal.

Interpol put Assange on its most-wanted list after Sweden is-sued an arrest warrant for rape charges against him.

Assange, whose whereabouts are currently unknown, is suspected of rape, sexual molestation and un-lawful coercion. He has denied the allegations, which stem from his en-counters with two women during a visit to Sweden in August.

Page 3: Today in Print - December 1, 2010

Today marks the start of the University’s concentrated study pe-riod, known to students as “dead week.”

The policy is designed to allow students to prepare for next week’s fi nal exams.

“During this time, no extracur-ricular student activities, such as social and athletic events, will be held on or off campus,” the Faculty Handbook says. “There should be no major examinations in academic courses, other than those considered laboratory courses.”

Jane Cassidy, vice provost for academic affairs, says professors can still schedule tests worth less than 10 percent of students’ grades. Large projects assigned early in the semes-ter can also be due during the period.

Despite the policy, many stu-dents say this week has been hectic, either because professors scheduled

tests and papers before the week took effect or because professors violated the policies.

Many students on campus Tues-day said the dead week policy had largely been ineffective for them.

“I’ve got three papers due, a for-eign language essay and my regular homework,” said David Benedetto , English sophomore . “I think it seems kind of useless that they aren’t bound to the rules like this.”

Ben Brown , biology freshman , said he’s also having a hectic week.

“This is my second exam of the day,” he said. “I don’t see how I’m supposed to focus on fi nals when they’re trying to cram all this in at the end.”

Others said the last week isn’t looking so bad.

“I had a paper due for a history class, but that’s about it,” said Cait-lin McWilliams, history sophomore . “My week actually isn’t very bad.”

Student Government offers stu-dents a chance to offi cially complain about professors who violate dead week rules.

A “Dead Week Violation Form” can be found at the SG offi ces in the Student Union, behind Einstein Bros. Bagels, or can be downloaded on the SG website.

The forms can be turned in at the offi ce or e-mailed to [email protected].

SG President J Hudson said SG Director of Academics Jeffrey Wale has tweaked the system so students can get feedback for their com-plaints.

“When a student turns it in, they’ll get an e-mail,” Hudson said. “That e-mail will say that ‘Yes, this is a violation, and we’ll look into it,’ or it’ll say, ‘This isn’t a violation.’”

Cassidy said she usually calls the professors to discuss dead week policies if students complain.

“Honestly, I think most faculty are aware of the policies and steer clear of it,” she said.

Gov. Bobby Jindal sat down with college leaders Tuesday to dis-cuss next year’s budget shortfall, after receiving criticism he has fo-cused too much time traveling and promoting his book and not enough on the state’s fi nancial troubles.

Jindal’s meeting with the presi-dents of the four university systems and a leader of the Board of Re-gents was the fi rst of several gather-ings the governor has planned with “stakeholders” in the budget discus-sion.

Those include people who want to offer thoughts for how to cope with the $1.6 billion budget shortfall facing the state in the 2011-12 fi scal year — or at least want some insight into what Jindal will recommend for the new budget for the year starting

July 1. Jindal said he’ll talk with el-ementary and secondary education offi cials Wednesday and health care representatives Thursday.

“This is an opportunity to share ideas. Everything is going to be on the table. We’re going to talk about how we work together,” the Repub-lican governor said before the high-er education discussion began.

The governor described the conversations as a way to get sug-gestions, but it’s also clear the meet-ings are designed to combat com-plaints that Jindal has focused too much on out-of-state campaigning and on touting his book “Leadership and Crisis.”

The discussion with higher education offi cials comes after Jindal suggested previous rounds of budget cuts haven’t been as bad as they’ve been portrayed by college leaders and as he tries to gain hold

of the debate before new cuts are made on campuses next year.

In recent speeches, the gover-nor has said it’s not that college and university budgets can’t be reduced, but that administrators need to fi nd effi ciencies and trim unnecessary spending. He has talked of a need for leaders to stop whining, and his ad-ministration has said tuition and fee hikes on students have offset a large portion of college budget cuts so far.

College offi cials have said the cuts already made to state funding of colleges — $310 million since the reductions began two years ago — have forced program closures, the loss of student services and fewer educational opportunities for students.

They say the cuts looming for the next fi scal year — estimates range from $290 million to $500 million — would be devastating.

The state is estimated to be short $1.6 billion in state general fund income next year to continue all current services and account for infl ationary increases. The state is spending about $7.6 billion in gen-eral fund money this year in the budget of more than $25 billion.

Lawmakers will make the fi nal budget decisions in the 2011 regu-lar legislative session, but often the budget recommendations submitted by a governor are largely followed by legislators. Jindal presents his spending proposal in March.

“We are going to protect our critical priorities, and those pri-orities include education and health care,” Jindal said. “We’re going to get through these tough times.”

Several lawmakers have said they’ll push for at least temporary tax increases to try to stop some higher education cuts. Jindal oppos-es tax increases, and he reiterated that stance Tuesday.

The Daily Reveille page 3Wednesday, Dec. 1, 2010

7:20 a.m., 8:20 a.m.

Noon, 3:20 p.m.4:20 p.m., 5:20 p.m.

Pluckers Wing BarMon.: $14.99 All You Can Eat Wings and $3 Pluckers Lemonades

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of Bud Light and Miller Lite, $5.50 Patron MargaritasSun: $3 Pluckers Specialty Shots

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Melinda DeslatteThe Associated Press


Gov. Jindal discusses shortfall with higher education offi cials

Contact Matthew Albright at [email protected]

Matthew AlbrightStaff Writer

SG provides forms to report violations


‘Dead week’ offi cially begins today

Contact The Daily Reveille’s news staff at [email protected]

Page 4: Today in Print - December 1, 2010

’Tis the season for giving, and University students can add phi-lanthropy to their holiday plans by helping a University alumnus and current student collect books for an all-girls school in Pakistan.

University alumnus Christen Romero and College of Humanities and Social Sciences College Coun-cil President Courtney Broussard have teamed up to create a Human-ities and Social Sciences College Council-sponsored book drive to help support Shadow Girls Acad-emy, a small school tucked away in the hills of northern Pakistan founded in part by Romero.

The school has pledged to pro-vide young Pakistani women with a safe learning environment, despite the Taliban’s restrictions on wom-en’s education in the Middle East.

“We wanted to do something around finals that would let stu-dents give back without asking students to spend money,” Brous-sard said in an e-mail to The Daily Reveille. “Donating textbooks and used novels is a great way of meet-ing both goals.”

Broussard said she connect-ed with Romero, whom she had never met, after reading The Daily Reveille’s Oct. 4 article featuring Romero and his efforts to get Uni-versity students to help the remote school.

“Our college council had been looking for a service project to do at the end of the semester,” Brous-sard said. “In the past we’d done something in Baton Rouge, but we wanted to find something that didn’t cost students extra money, because what college student has that lying around?”

Broussard said she thought the school was in need of textbooks when she read the article.

“It just seemed like something that they might need,” Broussard said.

Romero was able to build a li-brary out of one of the classrooms last year with the help of money raised from local Baton Rouge fundraisers.

“However, we haven’t been able to stock it like we wanted to,” Romero said.

Romero said some of the girls wake up as early as 4 a.m. and don’t go to sleep until 11 p.m., “spending the vast majority of their day study-ing and going to school.”

“One girl is studying to be-come a pilot, others want to be doc-tors, some dream of being lawyers, and there is one in the group who is incredibly talented and studying musical theory,” Romero publi-cized on Facebook.

Romero said the girls are en-thusiastic to read and are in desper-ate need of English books.

“To go to university there, you have to know English,” Romero said.

Broussard pitched the idea for a book drive to Romero, other

members on the college council and advisers within the college.

“They all thought it was a great idea, and it all kind of fell into place really easily,” Broussard said. “They were all signed on and on board once I cleared it with them.”

Students can donate used books and novels at the Student Government office in the Student Union and the Student Services Center in Hodges Hall beginning next week.

“It helps that the bookstore is right there. If you’re selling [your books] back to LSU, you’re already in the Union and can take them down to the office,” Broussard said.

Broussard and Romero hope students are eager to donate their books and see it as a convenient way to give back to a cause.

“I know I always have books lying around that I just hate to see in a pile,” Broussard said. “Those girls are really going to appreciate that book a whole lot more than we did when we were pulling our hair out studying.”

The Facebook event Romero created to promote the drive is al-ready receiving positive feedback from University students.

“It’s a really good cause,” said Page Estis, business administration senior. “Especially if a student can’t sell a book back, what else are they going to do with them aside from give them away?”

The Daily Reveillepage 4 Wednesday, Dec. 1, 2010


Students can donate textbooks, novels

Contact Julian Tate at [email protected]


DAVID LYLE / The Daily Reveille

(Left to right) Paula Henry, accounting sophmore, and Kale Wetekamm, conservation biology senior, enjoy free pancakes from the Chancellor’s Breakfast at The 5 Dining Hall on Tuesday night.

photo courtesy of CHRISTEN ROMERO

University alumnus Christen Romero teaches students at Shadow Girls Academy, an all-girls school in nothern Pakistan to which students are encouraged to donate books.

Julian TateContributing Writer

Book drive benefits school in Pakistan

Page 5: Today in Print - December 1, 2010

Holiday spirit was high Tuesday evening when stu-dents, faculty and others gathered to celebrate the traditions of Christ-mas, Hanukkah and Kwanzaa.

Every year, the Candlelight Celebration draws people in with hot chocolate, musical performanc-es and holiday traditions.

The event, held in the Shaver Theatre, included performances by the LSU Tiger Girls, the LSU Gospel Choir and the Baton Rouge Ballet Theatre. It also included ap-pearances by campus Jewish or-ganization Hillel, representatives from the African American Cultural Center and a Santa Claus.

Allison Harrison, music edu-cation junior and president of

Hillel, said she attends the event every year because she enjoys the atmosphere it creates.

“It’s always nice to be around friends,” she said.

Harrison participated in the event this year with other members of Hillel, explain-ing the traditions of Hanukkah to at-tendees.

“It doesn’t matter what you celebrate,” Harri-son said. “It’s the overall sense of the holiday.”

Lisa Congi-undi, architecture freshman and member of Hillel, said she likes that the Candlelight Celebration observes holidays other than Christmas.

“It’s nice that people include you,” she said. “It’s a respectful thing to do.”

Harrison agreed.“We kind of always stand out,”

she said. “Especially in Louisiana, there’s not a very large Jewish pop-ulation.”

Congiundi said her favorite parts of the event were the musical performances and the mood they put people in.

“Everyone’s really happy,” she said. “It’s very ex-citing.”

Niya Blair, coordinator of the African American Cultural Center, spoke at the event to explain the tradi-tions of Kwanzaa, an African Ameri-

can holiday celebrated from Dec. 26 to Jan. 1.

“It’s a time to refl ect on our past and reaffi rm our commitment to the community,” Blair said.

Blair said people celebrate by lighting candles every night for sev-en days to recognize several princi-ples they should use in their lives.

A man dressed as Santa Claus read “The Cajun Night Before Christmas” and spoke to children in the crowd.

Derek Favret, mechanical en-gineering senior, said he enjoys that the event celebrates several differ-ent holiday traditions.

“It’s easy to get in a bubble here,” Favret said. “It’s cool to see the beliefs, cultures and traditions of others.”

Brianna Reid, a student at the School of Veterinary Medicine, said she feels the same way because she’s Jewish.

“It’s good that different holi-days are being recognized,” she said. “I’m Jewish, so it’s nice to see something besides Christmas.”

After the event, attendees walked to Memorial Tower with LSU Ambassadors and cheerlead-ers to see the holiday tree lights come on.

Michael Braud, mass com-munication freshman and an LSU Ambassador, said members of the organization also handed out hot chocolate and food before the event.

Braud said his favorite part of the event was the tree being lit up. He said he enjoyed the change in weather, which came just in time for the celebration.

“I love the cold weather,” he said.

Chancellor Michael Martin explained there are boxes set up near the tree to collect for Coats for Kids, a charity the University is supporting with WBRZ.

The Daily Reveille page 5Wednesday, Dec. 1, 2010



Candlelight Celebration unites students of different religions

Rachel WarrenStaff Writer

Contact Rachel Warren at [email protected]

Three cultural traditions featured

Offi cers arrested a 29-year-old woman unaffi liated with the Uni-versity on Nov. 23 for remaining after being forbidden, vagrancy and possession of drug parapher-nalia.

Offi cers responding to a suspi-cious person report found Melissa Williams, of 30641 Highway 16, Denham Springs, on the east side of McVoy Hall , Bettencourtt said.

Offi cers recognized Williams , who had previously been banned from campus for panhandling, Bet-tencourtt said.

Williams was standing next to her vehicle, and offi cers asked if they could search it, Bettencourtt said. Offi cers found syringes and a pipe for smoking crack cocaine in the vehicle.

Williams was booked in East Baton Rouge Parish Prison.

LSU Police Department of-fi cers arrested a 28-year-old man unaffi liated with the University on

Nov. 20 for interfering with inves-tigation, public intimidation and resisting arrest.

Offi cers were contacted by a man who said he was driving on Skip Bertman Drive near the rail-road tracks when he saw a man expose his genitals, according to Det. Jason Bettencourtt, LSUPD spokesman.

Offi cers asked people near the area if they had seen a man expos-ing his genitals, but no one had, Bettencourtt said.

As offi cers were questioning people, a white male walked by. The man was identifi ed as the per-son who had mooned them earlier, Bettencourtt said.

When offi cers detained the man, people in a nearby tent who knew the suspect were angered and began shouting at offi cers, Betten-courtt said.

Offi cers warned one rowdy man, Jason Marshall, of 7308 Briar Place, to move back and not interfere, but he refused, Betten-courtt said. Marshall struggled and threatened the offi cers’ jobs while being handcuffed.

The alleged fl asher was de-tained but later released because

witnesses could not confi rm he was the same man who had exposed himself, Bettencourtt said.

Marshall was booked in East Baton Rouge Parish Prison.

Man arrested for resisting arrest, interfering with investigation

Woman arrested for remaining after being forbidden, vagrancy

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‘‘‘It doesn’t matter

what you celebrate. It’s the overall sense

of the holiday.’Allison Harrison

music education junior

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Page 6: Today in Print - December 1, 2010

Gov. Bobby Jindal’s approval among Louisianians is plummeting despite widespread staunch fiscal conservatism, according to a recent-ly released poll.

Conducted by Southern Opin-ion and Media Research Inc., the poll of 600 randomly selected Louisiana voters shows Jindal’s approval drop-ping precipitously from 68 percent in March to 55 percent in November. That’s 22 percent lower than Jindal’s highest mark in 2008, when almost three-quarters of Louisianians sup-ported him.

The number of voters who dis-approve of Jindal’s performance rose from 37 percent to 43 percent.

A news release about the poll links Jindal’s decline to his out-of-state travels. The governor has come under fire from politicians and pundits for spending too much time out of the state.

A letter from LSU Student Gov-ernment President J Hudson criticiz-ing Jindal for traveling made nation-al headlines earlier this semester.

With Jindal’s decline, the poll shows State Treasurer John Kennedy usurping the governor in terms of popularity. Sixty-one percent of vot-ers approved of his performance.

Kennedy has earned headlines in the past few months with his 16-point plan to fill the state’s im-pending $1.6 billion budget deficit. The poll says that plan, which hinges on drastic reductions in the number of state employees, is popular among Louisiana residents.

Kennedy has battled publicly with Jindal’s administration over the plan, which administration officials

say isn’t practical.Thirty-nine percent of respon-

dents said the state was in decline. Only 19 percent said conditions were improving.

Jindal’s decline in popularity comes despite continued support for many of his policies, especially on taxes and fiscal issues.

Seventy-two percent of respon-dents said state tax dollars are being spent unwisely, while 62 percent said the state’s budget woes are a result of too much spending. Those policy po-sitions closely mirror Jindal’s stated agenda.

Fifty-five percent of respon-dents said they would rather protect health care from continued cuts than higher education. Both programs bear harsh budget burdens when the state’s budget gets cut.

Students will have the oppor-tunity Thursday to purchase books with local flair and visit with Chan-cellor Michael Martin at Seasons Readings, the LSU Press holiday book sale.

The sixth annual event will be held at the Baton Rouge Gallery from 5 to 7:30 p.m.

“This is our sixth year putting Seasons Readings on, and LSU Press is celebrating its 75th anniversary this year, which indicates how it has become an institution both on cam-pus and in University publishing,” said Erin Rolfs, LSU Press market-ing manager.

Seasons Readings will host a wide array of titles. Several local authors, including C.C. Lockwood, Ava Haymon and Barry Martyn, will

be available to sign their books.Martin will attend the book sale

at 5 p.m. to sign copies of “Treasures of LSU,” the photo and essay book celebrating the University’s sesqui-centennial.

“This will appeal to students and alumni,” Rolfs said. “Students could have the books signed by the chancellor who was here when they were, and for the University’s 150th anniversary.”

All purchases will be discount-ed 20 percent, and customers get the option of free gift wrap, Rolfs said.

While local authors will be on hand to sign and discuss their work, ranging from novels to children’s books, many other titles will also be available, along with a bargain table with books priced between $5 and $10.

“There’s really something for everyone,” Rolfs said.

The program is aimed at stu-dents and is located near campus for their convenience, Rolfs said. Park-ing is free.

Rolfs said Seasons Readings is also an opportunity for students to support local businesses and learn about LSU Press.

“While there’s nothing wrong with going to the mall to purchase gifts, buying from LSU Press, you also support the local community and get to meet the staff, too,” Rolfs said. “You could go just to see how the press works.”

Meeting the diverse group of writers could also be beneficial to students, Rolfs said.

“You never know how they could inspire you,” Rolfs said.

The Daily Reveillepage 6 Wednesday, Dec. 1, 2010

Grace MontgomeryContributing Writer

Contact Grace Montgomery at [email protected]

Gov.’s rating down 22 percent from ’08

Poll: Jindal’s popularity decreasing among Louisianians

Matthew AlbrightStaff Writer

ADAM VACCARELLA / The Daily Reveille

Gov. Bobby Jindal speaks Nov. 1 at Abundant Life Church in Denham Springs. Jindal’s popularity is decreasing across the state, according to a poll of 600 random voters.

Book sale takes place Thursday

Contact Matthew Albright at [email protected]


Page 7: Today in Print - December 1, 2010

Traveling to face Nicholls State, LSU women’s basketball coach Van Chancellor was con-cerned about his team’s ability to focus on the task at hand.

The Lady Tigers (5-4) were coming off their worst loss in sev-en years — a 30-point drubbing at the hands of No. 1 Connecticut — and playing their fourth game in five days.

His fears appeared justified Tuesday in the opening minutes

with the game tied 10-10 after a sluggish start from the Lady Ti-gers.

What followed, however, was a 42-8 run that sparked an 88-35 win and left Chancellor gushing with hyperbole in his postgame radio show.

“This win tonight reminded me a lot of the old-fashioned Lady Tiger way,” Chancellor said. “We played with great enthusiasm. We played hard. We played together. It’s just a total, total team victory.”

Leading the way was unher-alded freshman forward Shanece McKinney, who scored a team-high 15 points in only 10 minutes, and junior forward LaSondra Bar-rett, who added 13 points and four rebounds.

However, the story of the night was freshman forward The-resa Plaisance, playing for the first time against her mother, Nicholls State coach DoBee Plaisance.

Theresa Plaisance, a McDon-ald’s All-American in high school, came into Tuesday’s contest aver-aging just 1.1 points per game. In 12 minutes, she filled up the box score, contributing a career-high eight points to go with five re-bounds and three assists in front of her hometown crowd.

In the wake of the 53-point obliteration, Chancellor brushed off suggestions about the compe-tition level, or lack thereof, from the Colonels.

SportsWednesday, Dec. 1, 2010 page 7



Lady Tigers dominate NichollsColonels held to 20 percent shootingRyan GinnSports Contributor

NICHOLLS, see page 11

Shepard volunteers with Oliver FoundationRachel WhittakerChief Sports Writer

VOLUNTEERING, see page 11

Picking up the slack

SHAINA HUNTSBERRY / The Daily Reveille

LSU junior forward Storm Warren attempts a 3-point shot during the Tigers’ 73-57 win against Houston on Tuesday in the PMAC. Warren had a double-double with 12 points and 11 rebounds.

Tigers cruise to easy 73-57 win against Houston

Luke JohnsonSports Contributor

HOUSTON, see page 11

SHAINA HUNTSBERRY / The Daily Reveille

LSU sophomore guard Adrienne Webb (10) shoots over a Tulane defender during LSU’s 54-52 loss on Nov. 23. Webb scored 10 points in LSU’s 88-35 win Tuesday.

Childhood obesity is an issue that hits close to home for Russell Shepard.

Roughly one-third of children in Shepard’s hometown of Houston are overweight or obese, according to a September article in the Hous-ton Wellness Examiner. Shepard is passionate about making a differ-ence in these children’s lives.

The sophomore wide receiver is one of the most active LSU foot-ball players in community service. Shepard became involved with the Oliver Foundation — an organiza-tion in Houston dedicated to pro-moting healthy lifestyles through family and community programs — when he was a junior at Cypress Ridge High School in Houston.

“Childhood obesity is a prob-lem within the Houston area, and we’re trying to get it known na-tionally and regionally,” Shepard said. “We try to educate parents as well as kids and let them know even though childhood obesity is a problem among our generation, we have to get on it.”

The Oliver Foundation began in 1995 with the goal of combat-ting childhood obesity, and the organization grew in 2003 when Houston was named the “fattest city in America” by national me-dia.

Shepard said he felt called to volunteer with the Oliver

If the LSU men’s basketball team’s 73-57 win Tuesday against Houston proved anything, it’s that the Tigers can win without production from their top scorers.

Sophomore guard Aaron Dotson and freshman guard Andre Stringer — who entered the game averaging 28.4 combined points between themselves — had cold shooting nights, especially in the first half.

The Tigers (5-2) entered the locker room at halftime leading the Cougars (4-3) by 10, despite getting only four combined points from Dotson and Stringer.

“This is a team — we’ve said it from day one,” said LSU coach Trent Johnson. “We really had a feeling coming into this year that we had a chance to be solid and get scor-ing from a lot of guys a lot of different times.”

Stringer and Dotson both struggled to find the bottom of the net in the first half, shooting a combined 2-of-7.

It didn’t matter, as junior forward Storm Warren and freshman guard Ralston Turner picked up the scoring slack for LSU.

“That’s what we work for. That’s what we want to do,” Warren said. “Any given night we can have an off night, but that’s what that team is for. Everybody has to be ready to step up.”

Warren and Turner were the major contributors to LSU’s 38-28 halftime lead, combining for 16 points in the first half.

Turner sparked a 7-0 run midway through the first half by nailing his first 3-pointer of the contest, putting LSU

Page 8: Today in Print - December 1, 2010

The Daily Reveillepage 8 Wednesday, Dec. 1, 2010

Senior running back Richard Murphy recorded another quiet per-formance Saturday against Arkansas, rushing twice for 9 yards.

The fifth-year player’s final season hasn’t lived up to preseason expectations, when most thought he would share the load with junior run-ning back Stevan Ridley.

Murphy’s 23 carries for 82 yards and zero touchdowns this sea-son haven’t provided a storybook ending to his college career, but he may have another season to cement his legacy as a Tiger.

The Rayville native said he is appealing the NCAA for a sixth year of eligibility.

“I’m just going about it like it didn’t happen and playing like it’s my last season,” Murphy said. “I should find out soon.”

Murphy’s season was cut short last year after a knee injury in LSU’s second game of the season against Vanderbilt. He was also forced to redshirt his freshman year after try-ing to get approved by the NCAA Clearinghouse.

Murphy saw time his redshirt

freshman season with 230 yards and two touchdowns. He remained a backup during his sophomore cam-paign and earned 186 yards on 44 carries.

“My career has been success-ful,” Murphy said. “Without the inju-ries, other than that, it’s been a pretty good five years.”

The NCAA Division I Manual says a waiver is granted to give a stu-dent-athlete the chance to play four seasons within a five-year period.

“This waiver may be granted, based upon objective evidence, for reasons that are beyond the control

of the student-athlete or the institu-tion that deprive the student-athlete of the opportunity to participate for more than one season in his sport within a five-year period,” the rule states.

A similar situation occurred with Kent State running back Eugene Jarvis before this season. Jarvis was forced to take a redshirt as a fresh-man in 2005 after the NCAA didn’t clear him academically until after the midpoint of the season.

The running back missed all but two games of his senior season with a lacerated kidney. The NCAA

approved his request for a sixth sea-son.

Former LSU defensive linemen Kirston Pittman and Charles Alexan-der are the most recent Tigers to gain a sixth season.

“I welcome a sixth year with Richard Murphy,” said LSU coach Les Miles.

Redshirt freshman running back Michael Ford emerged as Ridley’s main backup during the second half of this season while Murphy has been limited to third-down carries.

“My role is basically the third-down back and mentoring the young guys,” Murphy said. “Third down is the money down. I try to take advan-tage of my opportunities.”

Instead of being the feature back busting through the line of scrimmage, the veteran has been cre-ating the holes for the younger run-ning backs.

“Murphy is a great back,” said junior guard T-Bob Hebert. “He brings not only leadership to the team, but if you watch his highlights on his pass blocking, he absolutely annihilates people.”

Murphy also influences the team as a leader, wearing the No. 18 jersey, which is given to the player

who best represents what it means to be a Tiger.

“I love blocking,” Murphy said. “You really don’t see a running back that really wants to block.”

Former LSU quarterback Matt Mauck, running back Jacob Hes-ter and tight end Richard Dickson donned the sacred jersey in past sea-sons.

“He’s a great leader in our pro-gram,” Miles said. “The opportuni-ties that we have to get him the ball, certainly we want that to happen for him, but when he doesn’t have the ball, he plays big for us.”

Ford welcomes another year from one of the offensive leaders.

“He brings a teaching aspect,” Ford said. “He may not run the ball a lot, but he knows a lot about the game.”

If the NCAA doesn’t grant Mur-phy another season, the running back said he will still seek his dream of playing in the NFL.

“I’m going to try to go to the NFL and continue my role as a third-down back,” Murphy said.

Michael LambertSports Contributor


File photo

LSU senior running back Richard Murphy, who switched his jersey number from No. 26 to the honored No. 18 this season, will apply for a sixth year of eligibility.

Senior RB Richard Murphy making move for sixth season

Contact Michael Lambert at [email protected]

It’s a three-peat.For the third time in three sea-

sons, ACACIA A captured Univer-sity Recreation’s men’s all-campus flag football championship Nov. 21.

Quarterback Chris Baer and company outscored Heman Wom-an Hater Club, 27-20, in a matchup of previously undefeated teams to secure the title.

ACACIA A advanced to the all-campus championship game by de-feating Sig Ep A in the men’s Greek A finals. Heman Woman Hater Club coasted through the men’s open A bracket, winning each of its playoff games by more than 20 points be-fore running into ACACIA A.

In the women’s bracket, Bar-bies won its second consecutive flag football championship in con-vincing fashion, knocking off Zeta Tau Alpha Left, 40-6.

The inaugural season of Futsal came to an end Nov. 17. Team Kirk emerged victorious, besting Sigma Nu in the all-campus championship game, 17-11.

Futsal, the indoor five-on-five version of soccer, received over-whelmingly positive reviews from all 100 teams. UREC surveyed the players after the season was com-pleted, and Matt Boyer, assistant director for leagues and tourna-ments, was pleased with the results.

“It went really well,” Boyer said. “The response rate was excel-lent, and we met and exceeded all expectations with futsal.”

Joey Fell, biochemistry senior and member of Team Kirk, had never played futsal before.

“Futsal was fun,” Fell said. “It was good because we scored more goals than outdoor soccer. The sev-en-on-seven outdoor soccer wasn’t as fun as 11-on-11, so this was a better alternative.”

The smaller team, playing sur-face and ball created a much differ-ent strategy compared to outdoor soccer for Team Kirk.

“We basically decided that we were just going to just kick the ball to the end of the court every time and put it in,” Fell said. “Once we got it figured out, no one could re-ally stop us.”

Delta Zeta emerged victorious

from the women’s futsal champion-ship. After surviving a scare in the semifinals, Delta Zeta dominated the championship game against Pi Beta Phi.

Another UREC event on the calendar for the first time this year was the UREC Open, an 18-hole, two-man scramble golf tournament at the LSU Golf Course.

Twenty-nine golfers teed it up Nov. 12.

“The tournament was very well received,” Boyer said. “As is the case with all of our events, we’ll evaluate the tournament and make some minor changes.”

The UREC Open will be an an-nual fall event, Boyer said.

As the end of the semester approaches, the UREC staff has turned its attention to the spring calendar.

UREC will offer basketball, softball, outdoor soccer, four-on-four football, ultimate frisbee, bad-minton, golf, racquetball, tennis, table tennis and volleyball.

Contact Hunt Palmer at [email protected]

Hunt PalmerSports Contributor


UREC wraps up fall calendar

Page 9: Today in Print - December 1, 2010

The Daily Reveille page 9Wednesday, Dec. 1, 2010

The bedrooms of Broussard Hall were budding with LSU ath-letes in the 1990s.

Many famous Tigers called the former athletic residence halls home during the decade, but it was also a breeding ground for a potential fu-ture LSU superstar.

Former LSU center Shaquille O’Neal was one of many LSU ath-letes who shared the halls with tiny Odell Beckham Jr., son of then-LSU running back Odell Beckham Sr.

“He was a dorm baby,” Beck-ham Sr. said. “He was all over the dorm, hanging out the players. Shaq used to lift him up.”

Beckham Jr., a four-star recruit, is nearing a commitment with LSU, according to his dad.

“That’s his home — Broussard Hall,” Beckham Sr. said. “Twenty years later, they are recruiting him.”

Beckham Jr. has been a jack of all trades for Isidore Newman High School this season. The blue-chip recruit was used as a wide receiver, running back, quarterback and de-fensive back as a senior.

Beckham Jr. has narrowed his college choice to LSU and Miami, but the Tigers are leading for his ser-vices, according to his dad.

“To me, it’s LSU,” Beckham Sr. said on which school his son will choose. “That’s just my opinion.”

The Hurricanes’ slim chances of landing Beckham Jr. were further narrowed with the firing of former coach Randy Shannon last week-end.

“He was just like, ‘Wow,’” Beckham Sr. said of his son’s reac-tion to the news. “That may have solidified [that he will commit to LSU].”

The blue-chip recruit will vis-it Miami around mid-December, Beckham Sr. said.

Beckham Jr. made a name for himself in a football program fa-mous for its legendary alumni.

Peyton, Eli and Cooper Man-ning made their marks on Newman and put its football program on the map in the 1990s.

The Greenies lived in the shad-ow of the Manning trio until the ar-rival of Beckham Jr., a player with a football pedigree of his own.

Beckham Jr. eclipsed Cooper Manning’s record of more than 1,000 receiving yards in a season.

“He was one of the most ex-plosive athletes that has ever come through here,” said Newman coach Nelson Stewart. “He was such a weapon for our team.”

The 5-foot-11-inch, 175-pound prospect caught 50 passes for 1,110 yards and 19 touchdowns, rushed 50 times for 331 yards and six touch-downs and threw for 90 yards and one score as a senior.

The athlete also played on de-fense and special teams, grabbing

four interceptions and returning two punts for touchdowns.

Stewart said Beckham could play a number of positions in col-lege, but wide receiver is most like-ly his future spot.

“He’s been told he’s been re-cruited as a wide receiver,” Stewart said. “He does the best with the ball in his hands.”

Beckham Sr. said his son’s po-tential at LSU could reach greater heights.

“His stats don’t really speak for what he did,” Beckham Sr. said. “He really only played two seasons.”

Beckham Jr. was sidelined his sophomore season with a hairline fracture in his pelvis and later a hair-line fracture in his ankle.

Beckham Jr., the Scout No. 38 wide receiver in the nation, made up for lost time in his junior and senior campaigns, leading the Greenies to 9-3 and 8-4 records.

Beckham Jr. grew up train-ing for his future in football. His mom, Heather Van Norman, was a six-time All-American track star for LSU during the early ’90s.

“I remember him starting play-ing football around 4,” Beckham Sr.

said. “He would go around saying, ‘Blue 32, blue 32, hut, hut.’”

Shea Dixon, managing editor of, said it’s only a matter of time before Beck-ham picks LSU.

“He’s starting to get a good relationship with the committed guys,” Dixon said. “He also comes from an LSU family. It’s really LSU’s to lose.”

Beckham Jr.’s decision could come as soon as the U.S. Army All-American Bowl on Jan. 8.

The wide receiver will join three LSU commitments — offen-sive lineman La’el Collins, running back Kenny Hilliard and defensive end Anthony Johnson — among others at the all-star game.

“I would think that at the U.S. Army All-American Bowl Game, we’ll definitely know that he’s go-ing to LSU,” Beckham Sr. said. “I’m going be optimistic even though he’s making me sweat.”

Contact Michael Lambert at [email protected]

Michael LambertSports Contributor

Father played for Tigers in 1990s


Newman High wide receiver Odell Beckham Jr. may commit to LSU

photo courtesy of SCOUT.COM

Newman senior wide receiver Odell Beckham Jr. waits for a pass during practice. Beckham Jr. is considering committing to either Miami or LSU on National Signing Day.

Page 10: Today in Print - December 1, 2010

The Daily Reveillepage 10 Wednesday, Dec. 1, 2010

Contact The Daily Reveille’s sports staff at [email protected]

Every Louisiana high school football player fantasizes about holding a state championship tro-phy in the Superdome.

That dream remains a possi-bility for five players committed to the 2011 LSU class. With all five classifications down to the semifi-nals, a state championship is well within reach for some of LSU’s most talented recruits.

O. Perry Walker High School defensive tackle Anthony Johnson, who broke the national high school sack record Nov. 26 against Bas-trop, said a championship would be the perfect finish to a tremen-dous career.

“I’ve had a lot of accolades in my career,” Johnson said. “But I’ve never won a state championship. I’m trying to get to that ’Dome.”

O. Perry Walker will square off against Franklinton in the Class 4A semifinals Friday — a matchup between two future Tigers. Ter-rance Magee, a LSU commit and three-star athlete who plays quar-terback for Franklinton, said he and Johnson discussed the possibility of meeting in the playoffs this past summer at recruiting camps.

“All year he’s been telling me we’re going to play each other,” Magee said. “And it’s going to happen now.”

That matchup won’t be the first time LSU recruits met in a

playoff game this year. Patterson running back Kenny Hilliard bat-tled Redemptorist running back Jeremy Hill and offensive lineman La’el Collins in the Class 3A quar-terfinals on Nov. 26.

Hilliard, who holds the Loui-siana career rushing record, came out victorious, ending the high school careers of his two close friends.

“When it’s over, you’re in a state of shock,” Hill said. “You’re at a loss for words. It sucks. There’s nothing you can say to express how you feel at that exact moment. You feel for all your teammates, all your seniors. It’s a bad feeling.”

Patterson now moves on to face West Feliciana in the Class 3A semifinals on Friday. Patter-son coach Tommy Minton said his team can’t get caught looking ahead to the Superdome.

“The only thing guaranteed is

Friday night,” Minton said. “If you want to play in the state champion-ship, you have to take care of busi-ness Friday night.”

LSU’s reach has stretched to the Class 1A playoffs with White Castle safety Ronald Martin, who

faces Oberlin on Friday. Martin said the prospect of a state champi-onship has made the small town of White Castle come alive.

“It’s real fun around here now,” Martin said. “Most of the town has been dead, but it’s a dif-ferent atmosphere now.”

West Monroe quarterback Paul Turner, rated a three-star ath-lete by, completes the list of future Tigers represented in the playoffs. West Monroe will take on Westgate in the Class 5A semifinals Friday.

Minton said the number of LSU recruits that have made it to this point in the playoffs shows how rich the talent is in this class.

“It’s a great quality in that re-cruiting class,” Minton said. “It’s a great year in the state for college talent. I think LSU’s putting to-gether a great class.”


Contact Hunter Paniagua at [email protected]

Hunter PaniaguaSports Contributor

Several LSU commits stay alive in state playoffsSemifinals set to begin Friday

College football’s bowl sea-son continues to clear up, as No. 18 Texas A&M officially accept-ed an invitation to the AT&T Cot-ton Bowl Classic on Tuesday.

The Aggies (9-3) will repre-sent the Big 12 in the 75th edition of the Cotton Bowl, which will draw a Southeastern Conference opponent Sunday following the SEC Championship Game.

“We couldn’t be more thrilled to have the Aggies back in the AT&T Cotton Bowl Classic,” said Tommy Bain, the bowl’s chairman, in a news release. “Texas A&M has had a remark-able season, and they deserve to be rewarded for their tremendous efforts. It’s going to be quite a celebration at the 75th Classic.”

The Cotton Bowl, which is hosted in Dallas’ Cowboys Sta-dium, is one of several possible bowl destinations for LSU (10-2) this postseason.

The Capital One Bowl, played in Orlando, Fla., has first selection of SEC teams after the conference’s BCS representa-tives are selected. The Cotton Bowl then has the best available selection from the SEC West, while the Outback Bowl, in Tam-pa, Fla., has the best available se-lection from the SEC East.

The Chick-fil-A, Gator, Music City, Liberty and BBVA Compass bowls select after the Outback, in that order.

LSU was selected to the Cap-ital One Bowl last season, where the Tigers lost to Penn State, 19-17. Many consider No. 8 Michi-gan State the likely candidate to face the SEC in this year’s game.

If LSU is selected to the Cot-ton Bowl, it would be the Tigers’ fifth trip. LSU last played in Dal-las on Jan. 1, 2003, a 35-20 loss to Texas.

The Aggies, winner of six straight games, will make their 12th appearance — their first since a 38-7 loss to Tennessee in 2005.

“The Aggies were here when we celebrated our 50th anni-versary, and it was a game for the ages,” said CBAA Team Se-lection Chairman Fin Ewing. “The 75th AT&T Cotton Bowl is also setting up to be a Classic to remember.”

Staff Reports

Texas A&M accepts bid to play in Cotton BowlNo. 18 Aggies may face No. 10 LSU

RUSTY COSTANZA / The Times-Picayune

O. Perry Walker defensive lineman Anthony Johnson (88) blows through Clark High School’s offensive line Sept. 2 at Pan American Stadium in New Orleans.

Page 11: Today in Print - December 1, 2010

The Daily Reveille page 11Wednesday, Dec. 1, 2010

ahead, 23-20 .But it was Warren who sup-

plied the team with an energy boost, capping back-to-back drives with emphatic dunks — one coming off an inbound pass and one coming on a put-back.

W a r r e n bellowed loud-ly after the put-back — maybe shedding the frustration that has come with struggling early this season.

“Just com-ing out of the slump I was in, the main thing was I was thinking too much,” Warren said. “I was worried about certain things besides worrying about the next possession.”

Warren maintained the team on the defensive end as well, tally-ing four blocks on the night. Two of Warren’s blocks were sent with force into the stands.

The effort gave Warren his second double-double of the sea-son, fi nishing with 12 points and 11 rebounds .

Turner kept the team afl oat offensively, scoring a game-high 15 points on 6-of-10 shooting . He also doled out a team-leading fi ve assists .

“He stretches you because he can shoot it so deep,” Johnson said. “But he has a nice in-between game. He can put it on the fl oor and he can make guys better. He has a chance to be special.”

The Tigers have scored at least 73 points in all fi ve of their wins this season.

The efforts weren’t all con-centrated on the offensive end for the Tigers, though.

While Dotson struggled on

the offensive end, he kept senior Adam Brown — Houston’s lead-ing scorer — in check for the ma-jority of the game.

Dotson held Brown to seven points in the fi rst 34 minutes be-fore Brown sank back-to-back 3-pointers when the Tigers had the game well in hand.

Stringer kept his streak of double-digit scoring games alive by sinking nine free-throws in the second half . Stringer has now scored in double fi gures in every game of his college career .

The Tigers have 11 days off before their next game. Johnson said the team will use the time to

focus on school and recharge, but he had a message for the team to be wary of its 5-2 record .

“We can’t be caught up in fool’s gold. We don’t defend like we need to, we don’t rebound like we need to and we don’t take care it like we need to,” Johnson said. “By no means are we a fi nished product right now.”

“Don’t talk to me about com-petition,” he said. “Nicholls was better than Lehigh . We came in here tonight and played with pas-sion.”

As a comparison, he offered up the Colonels’ near-upset of fellow Southeastern Conference member Ole Miss , a 64-60 loss in Oxford.

Regardless of opponent, 50-point blowout wins are nearly impossible to fi nd fault with.

LSU submitted by far its best shooting performance of the year, hitting 56 percent from the fi eld after failing to break 40 percent in six of its fi rst eight games .

The Lady Tigers also domi-nated on the defensive end, hold-ing Nicholls State to an atrocious 19.6 shooting percentage. The Colonels shot just 1-of-24 from behind the arc, pressured into bad situations as the defi cit got larger and larger.

If there was one quibble Chancellor had with his players, it was their own 3-point shooting. The Lady Tigers were 5-of-19 , a disappointing number he attrib-uted to ball movement.

“When we went inside-out, we shot it well, but when we went outside-outside, we didn’t shoot it

as well,” he said. The Lady Tigers will have

an 11-day break for fi nal exams before playing their next game against South Alabama . One game after sitting with a 4-4 record and worrying about a second-

consecutive loss to an in-state school, Chancellor now sees pos-sibilities for greatness as the sea-son progresses.

“I thought [senior guard Latear] Eason ignited us in the second half with running the ball,”

he said. “We just jumped on them tonight. We played like I thought we could.”

Foundation because he saw fi rst-hand the damage obesity can cause, particularly in children. Shepard speaks to children through the foundation and also leads them in physical activities like rock climb-ing and obstacle courses at health fairs.

“I’ve seen how obesity affects people, especially growing up with kids and seeing as they got bigger and bigger and bigger, they were limited in what they could do,” Shepard said. “I see a lot of kids who don’t have the opportunities I have because they [aren’t] active. It caused a lot of problems to a lot of my friends I grew up with.”

Sandy Bristow, special proj-ects manager at the Oliver Founda-tion, said Shepard is one of the best ambassadors for the program and its cause, even though he spends most of the year in Baton Rouge.

Bristow said Shepard was re-ferred to the Oliver Foundation by his pediatrician, and he was select-ed for the team board, on which he served as treasurer for several years.

“Russell [has been] such a kind, polite and well-mannered young man since we fi rst met him,” Bristow said. “He did a lot of com-munity service while he served on the board, acted as a mentor to the younger children. We’ve gotten a lot of miles with Russell. Every time we contact him and see if he can do an interview or give us a couple of quotes, he always says, ‘Yes, ma’am.’”

One highlight of Shepard’s involvement with the Oliver Foun-dation was a health program for the Greensheet Education Founda-tion in Houston. Bristow said part of the 16-page project involved a question-and-answer section from children in which Shepard partici-pated.

Bristow said Shepard’s ques-tion was from a child who strug-gled to incorporate fruits and vegetables into his diet: “I have a hard time eating vegetables. How am I supposed to eat 5-9 servings a day?”

“Think about how fruits and vegetables will contribute to your daily thinking and simply make you feel better,” Shepard respond-ed. “Challenge yourself to add fruits and vegetables to your fa-vorite meals. If your parents cook spaghetti for dinner, throw veggies in the sauce, or for breakfast, have a bowl of cereal and add fruit — be creative.”

Bristow said children are en-amored with Shepard when he interacts with them at the Oliver Foundation in Houston.

Another charitable endeavor he participated in was at the Uni-versity of Houston’s summer the-atre program, where Bristow said he and other volunteers spoke to children about eating breakfast, drinking enough water and getting their families involved in physical activity.

“The kids would hang on him and say, ‘I don’t like milk. What can I do?’ and ‘How did you get to be so big and strong?’” Bristow said.

VOLUNTEERING, from page 7

Contact Rachel Whittaker at [email protected]

NICHOLLS, from page 7

SHAINA HUNTSBERRY / The Daily Reveille

LSU sophomore guard Adrienne Webb (10) dribbles the ball during the Tigers’ 54-52 loss against Tulane on Nov. 23 in the PMAC.

Contact Ryan Ginn at [email protected]

Contact Luke Johnson at [email protected]

HOUSTON, from page 7

‘‘‘We don’t defend like we need to, [and] we don’t rebound like we

need to.’Trent Johnson

LSU men’s basketball coach

Page 12: Today in Print - December 1, 2010

Sleigh bells ringing, red-nosed caribou taking flight, obese pedo-philes donning red jumpsuits and the Thanksgiving hangover all point to it — the holiday season is upon us.

But all is not well for those who don’t believe a Jewish messiah popped out of a virgin womb 2,000 years ago on Dec. 25.

Right about now every year, droves of discriminatory disciples attempt to eradicate any moves to secularize and broaden the holiday season to non-Christian faiths.

The “reason for the season” is apparently limited only to Jesus, Santa, indoor evergreens, snowmen and consumerism galore.

It may not, however, include

celebrations like Kwanzaa, Hanuk-kah, Eid al-Adha or Yule — not in U.S. retail giant advertisements.

Every year the conservative regime rises up to do imaginary bat-tle with evil left-ists to protect the monopoly of their all-too-pagan pas-time.

The worst of these buzz kill-ers: the American

Family Association.This conservative watchdog

group gathered 700,000 petition signatures in 2005 of those ready

to boycott Target for not using the exclusivist term “Christmas” in its holiday advertising. Target caved within one week, as then-CEO Bob Ulrich so shamefully stated, “Frank-ly, we screwed up.”

The AFA took on Best Buy in 2006 for not specifically citing Christmas in its advertisements. Joining forces with the AFA was the Catholic League, an American Catholic civil rights group that put Best Buy on its “Christmas Watch List” — the Catholic equivalent of the naughty list, I suppose.

Best Buy spokeswoman Dawn Bryant triumphantly re-torted, “We are going to con-tinue to use the term ‘holiday’

because there are several holidays throughout the time period, and we certainly need to be respectful of all of them.”

I couldn’t have said it better my-self.

But just when you thought the AFA had been vanquished, it ap-peared in 2008 to take on — of all retailers — The Home Depot.

Apparently using the term “holiday” instead of “Christmas” warrants an attack on the big orange block. Like Target, The Home Depot quickly said “uncle” and promised to make the word “Christmas” more prominent on its website.

The most recent, and most ri-diculous, of these seemingly modern Crusades took place last holiday sea-son against that most preppy of all retailers — Gap.

Trying to bring the celebrations together, Gap launched an advertis-ing campaign including the com-mercial tune, “Go Christmas, go Ha-nukkah, go Kwanzaa, go solstice, go whatever holiday you Wannakuh.”

Soon after its launch, the AFA began a two-month boycott of the company.

The justification was — are you ready for this? — that the ad refer-enced the pagan holiday solstice.

As we all know, Christmas has remained completely untouched by pagan influence — yeah, right. There isn’t enough room in this publica-tion for the list of pagan elements in Christmas, or in Christianity for that matter.

The sad fact is that Gap folded to the AFA’s demands in the end, and once again the Grinch that stole the

holiday season successfully brought a major U.S. retailer to its knees with its discriminatory agenda of hatred.

This year, however, something feels different. Perhaps it’s the un-usually warm weather.

Or maybe budget cuts have taken our minds off holiday shop-ping and made us place the well be-ing of the University at the top of our Christmas lists.

Or maybe it’s the manger scene billboard currently hovering over the Lincoln Tunnel in New Jersey pro-claiming, “You know it’s a myth. This season, celebrate reason!”

That’s right — the other side struck first this season, namely the group American Atheists.

In the coming month, expect lu-dicrous e-mails from distant family members and conservative watchdog groups, such as the AFA, proclaim-ing which retailers have been certi-fied “Christian.”

In the end, I can’t speculate who will win the fictional War for Christmas — it’s just another thing for conservative groups to complain about. But if this tells you anything about the AFA, they currently have Victoria’s Secret on their “Compa-nies against Christmas” naughty list.

That’s just not kosher.

Andrew Robertson is a 23-year-old English writing and culture senior from Baton Rouge. Follow him on Twitter @TDR_Arobertson.

As International Education week ended Friday, I was left with a question. What steps is the Univer-sity taking to promote and incorpo-rate international education? One of the principles of good education is to produce well-rounded individuals. Today’s global society makes this paramount. Global competency is necessary in today’s job market.

Throughout the week, interac-tive events showcased world cul-tures. Presentations addressed the importance of successfully commu-nicating “cross-culturally.”

At one session, professor Reid Bates, whose human resource development expertise earned him

the 2010 Research Excellence Award, emphasized the importance of cross-cultural communication.

Two speakers provided real-life examples of how global competency promoted successful careers. Doug Schmidt of ExxonMobil, the compa-ny’s first global recruiting manager, and Brian Ferraioli, chief financial officer and executive vice president of the Shaw Group, shared their ex-periences. Both stressed the impor-tance of producing graduates with knowledge of other cultures.

Bates spoke of his continual collaboration with non-governmen-tal organizations in Africa. Ferraioli and Schmidt spoke of the require-ment for international competency in their careers, and the huge effect glo-balization has made on international business. Had they not been willing to work internationally, both men

emphasized that they would not have known the success they enjoy today.

They also noted that in hiring new employees, those with inter-national awareness and experience stand out above other applicants. Mary Feduccia, director of the LSU Career Center, provided useful in-structions on how to highlight inter-national experience and competency in résumés and job interviews.

Only 15 people attended the conference. This demonstrates the need for our University and students to recognize curriculum expansion.

LSU must work to inspire global competency. Incorporating multiple world views, acknowledg-ing worldwide events, encouraging language study and study abroad programs are vital in making LSU’s graduates more competitive job candidates. International Education

Week brought beneficial, informa-tive events to students and staff.

International education needs to be incorporated into all of our cur-ricula. One week of seminars is not enough. Our world is changing rap-idly, and LSU needs to keep pace by incorporating international educa-tion throughout the curriculum.

Where better is there a place to incorporate globalization and inter-national education than at a top tier university located in one of the most diverse areas of our country?

Luke Rogersmass communication junior

The Daily Reveille

Opinionpage 12 Wednesday, Dec. 1, 2010

The Daily ReveilleThe Daily Reveille (USPS 145-800) is written, edited and produced solely by students of Louisiana State University. The Daily Reveille is an independent entity within the Manship School of Mass Communi-cation. Signed opinions are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of the editor, paper or University. Letters submitted for publication should be sent via e-mail to [email protected] or delivered to B-26 Hodges Hall. They must be 400 words or less. Letters must have a contact phone number so the opinion editor can verify the author. The phone number won’t be printed. The Daily Reveil-le reserves the right to edit letters and guest columns for space consideration without changing the origi-nal intent. The Daily Reveille also reserves the right to reject any letter without notification of the author. Writers must include their full names and phone numbers. The Daily Reveille’s editor-in-chief, hired ev-ery semester by the Louisiana State University Media Board, has final authority on all editorial decisions.

Editorial Policies & Procedures Quote of the Day

“Bah, Humbug.”

Ebenezer Scroogemoney lender

character, A Christmas Carol

Editorial BoardSarah Lawson

Robert Stewart

Stephanie Giglio

Steven Powell

Andrew Robertson


Managing Editor, Content

Managing Editor, Production

Managing Editor, External Media

Opinion Editor

Contact Andrew Robertson at [email protected]



Opinion Editor

‘War for Christmas’ starts early and it’s dumber than ever

Contact The Daily Reveille’s opinion staff at [email protected]


LSU must embrace globalization

The Jindal Count

Days Bobby Jindal has ignored our concerns:

47Will higher education hold

any priority with the administration in thecoming budget crisis?

How does the governor propose to protect higher education

during budget cuts?


cartoon courtesy of KING FEATURES SYNDICATE

Page 13: Today in Print - December 1, 2010

The Daily Reveille

OpinionWednesday, Dec. 1, 2010 page 13

Distractions are easy to come by in today’s tumultuous journalism environment.

Lurking beneath the superficial surface of American headline news is the sobering story of our nation’s wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and their lingering effects on our military personnel.

With casualty updates and battlefield reports often relegated to the back pages of newspapers or the streaming footnotes of cable news networks, it’s easy for Americans to feel increasingly isolated from our nation’s overseas efforts.

For soldiers returning home from the Middle East, war remains part of daily life. Learning to cope with life on the home front after combat is a constant struggle.

Earlier this month, Iraq war vet-eran Charles Whittington was barred from the Community College of Bal-timore County campus after writing an essay detailing his psychological troubles and “addiction to killing.”

Whittington initially wrote the paper for his English class under the title “War is a Drug.” He received an A for his effort and was encour-aged by his professor to seek publi-cation. The essay was published in the school’s news-paper Oct. 26, according to the Baltimore Sun.

“Killing be-comes a drug, and it is really addic-tive,” Whittington wrote. “I had a really hard time ... when I returned to the United States, because turning this addiction off was impossible.”

He goes on to say, “War does things to me that are so hard to ex-plain to someone that [has not gone] through everything that I went through. That’s part of the reason why I want to go back to war.”

Whittington’s article drew im-mediate backlash from concerned

faculty and students. Community college officials responded by bar-ring Whittington from campus until he had received an updated psycho-logical evaluation, according to ABC News. Administrators cited the 2007 Virginia Tech shootings as the pri-mary reason for their ruling.

Whittington, who faced heavy combat in Army infantry in Iraq, has already received treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder and trau-matic brain injury and has assured administrators he presents no threat to others. Nevertheless, the contro-versy continued to spiral as media outlets caught wind of the story.

Whittington’s severe emotional struggles are by no means common to all veterans of the War on Terror. But they are emblematic of many other worrying trends among many young officers who return home from grueling overseas duty — only to face a largely ambivalent citizenry and a depleted job environment.

Perhaps the most chilling trend

comes from the increasing number of military suicides reported during the last few years.

Through October of this year, there were 252 confirmed or suspect-ed suicides among active and non-active Army members, compared to 242 suicides in all of 2009. The larg-est spike came from non-active duty soldiers, who are committing suicide at nearly twice the 2009 rate, accord-ing to USA Today.

Time Magazine writer Mark Thompson reported that from the in-vasion of Afghanistan until the sum-mer of 2009, the U.S. military has lost 761 soldiers in combat. But a higher number in the service — 817 — took their own lives in the same period.

Not all soldiers who return home from overseas duty suffer from such extreme cases of stress and anxiety. But to truly understand just how profound an impact America’s two “invisible” wars are having on our society, we must not neglect the

hidden psychological costs of war and the toll it continues to take on veterans of all ages.

Many soldiers who have been deployed into combat are our fellow college students. Some might even be our classmates.

No matter what side of the war debate you stand on, these veterans deserve sympathy and understanding for all the sacrifices they’ve made and the emotional struggles they en-dure.

Perhaps once we understand the hidden costs of war, we’ll be more cautious to avoid them in the future.

Scott Burns is a 21-year-old eco-nomics and history senior from Ba-ton Rouge. Follow him on Twitter @TDR_Sburns.

In a response to an attempted at-tack on the U.S. by a terrorist creat-ing a bomb from a printer cartridge on a plane, the Transportation Secu-rity Administration has implemented deficient procedures in an effort to prevent another attempted terrorist attack.

Specifically, the TSA is phasing in two practices: the use of backscat-ter X-ray imaging techniques and ex-tensive pat downs.

Backscatter imaging technique produces a 2-D image of the passen-ger naked in an attempt to find con-traband items.

Extensive pat downs “are one important tool to help TSA detect

hidden and dangerous items such as explosives,” according to a state-ment on the TSA website.

To explain the problem here, we have to go back a little. The TSA was created shortly after Sept. 11 as an ongoing effort to prevent a repeat event, most notably through more intense se-curity measures.

But ac-cording to two studies by Cornell University, when people flock in droves away from safer flights, they

instead move to car travel — with often fatal results.

Some 1,200 deaths occurred not as a result of the 9/11 attack but the increase in car use, even after ac-counting for time trends, weather, road conditions and “other factors.”

In a 2007 follow-up study, Cor-nell researchers found a 6 percent decrease in flights as an unintended result of baggage screening, leading to a $1.1 billion loss annually for air-lines.

Stricter security measures deter passengers, leading to a significant loss in revenue for airlines and in-creased fatality rates.

And those screenings are a joke

compared to the modern experience.Today, you drop your belong-

ings into a bin for easy theft. You pass through a machine where you are exposed to potentially harmful radiation and displayed naked for a stranger, or sexual harassment in the form of a pat down if you refuse.

I encourage you to read an arti-cle published in the Washington Post on Nov. 28 by Jeffrey Rosen, George Washington University law profes-sor and author. He outlines why he believes new security measures are illegal.

Simply put, he cites an opinion written by current Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito when Alito served as a judge for the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 3rd Circuit. The judge upheld the measures must be “minimally intrusive” as well as “ef-fective.” He explained further mea-sures should be taken only if lower-level security raises suspicion.

The TSA fails these provisions.Of course, this is deterring ter-

rorists, isn’t it? I mean, that’s the point.

Well, it doesn’t seem so. We haven’t caught any yet, though it’s probably too early to say for sure if the scanners and pat downs will be effective.

Consider this: The 9/11 hijack-ers used box cutters, and they didn’t have to tuck them away in their pants. They used what was legal.

Neither of these new security measures would have changed 9/11, or in all likelihood any terrorist event.

The same situation occurred with the recent printer bomb plot. There are officials and politicians now pushing for a check of 100 percent of cargo within the United States as well as internationally in-bound.

But that wouldn’t have helped

at all. Remember, printer cartridges of that weight were legal to fly at the time, so a more intense cargo check would not have changed a thing.

Airports Council International Chairman Max Moore-Wilton said the 100 percent screening policy would be “massive overkill,” crip-pling the flow of goods, according to an article in Aviation Week maga-zine. ACI Director General Angela Gittens also said in the article that the policy would only offer “comfort in a public relations sense.” The sys-tem, she argues, would be no more secure.

We can all strive for safe flights, but would you be willing to pay twice as much for every plane ticket or 30 percent more on every imported good you buy to help fund additional staff needed for security checks?

The government’s job is im-possibly difficult here. They have to conduct security checks perfectly ev-ery time, while a terrorist group only needs to get it right once.

But these measures ensure the terrorists win. If they blow up a plane, all the better for their cause. But if they just get caught? We lose our fundamental rights and cripple our economy and cause thousands to indirect deaths.

The greatest victory we give our enemies may not be the lives lost in their few success, but everything we lose in trying to stop them.

Devin Graham is a 21-year-old business management senior from Prairieville. Follow him on Twitter @TDR_Dgraham.


True costs of war not limited to f inances and death tolls

Contact Scott Burns [email protected]

Scott BurnSColumnist

Devin GrahamColumnist

Contact Devin Graham [email protected]


Terrorists win when TSA uses invasive, inefficient methods


cartoon courtesy of KING FEATURES SYNDICATE

Page 14: Today in Print - December 1, 2010

Classifiedspage 12 Wednesday, Dec. 1, 2010

DEMPSEY’S IS HIRING! Servers and togos for both Jefferson and Coursey locations. No experience neccessary,

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[email protected]

SEEKING HILLARY LOOK-ALIKE I love the environment, vegetables, recycling, books, gays, and protest-

ing everything, so pretty much just a normal, run-of-the-mill democrat. If you want to meet up over a non-fat, dairy-free, sugar-free, caffeine-free latte’ and talk about how much we

love taxation just send me an email at [email protected]

Page 15: Today in Print - December 1, 2010

The Daily Reveille page 15Wednesday, Dec. 1, 2010

supporters crowded toward the door, with country music blaring from speakers along the storefront.

Inside, a line of visitors snaked through the store’s shelves into the curtained area where Palin sat behind a desk, autographing the books.

Palin, wearing a black suit with a large American-flag lapel pin,

signed the books in a wide, slant-ed script while chatting with visitors as they filed through.

“She was so nice,” said Courtney Vin-cent, a Lafayette native. “I got to shake her hand. She said thank you for coming out today.”

Vi r t u a l l y all in attendance

fervently supported Palin. Vincent showed up at the store at 4:30 a.m. for the 11 a.m. event to get an early spot in line. She was visibly trem-bling with excitement as she left the building.

“I teach with special education students,” she said. “So with Trig [Palin’s son who suffers from Down syndrome], I really support what she does.”

Patrick Ensminger, University biology junior, also said Palin was personable when he spoke with her.

“She was real nice,” En-sminger said. “She took the time to say hi to me.”

Ensminger said he plans to make use of LSU’s Study Abroad program to go to Alaska. He said Palin encouraged him to visit.

“She was telling me about how great the people are, how beautiful the scenery is,” he said.

Sheila Trahan, a Baton Rouge resident, came to the event sporting a hot-pink shirt promoting a Palin presidential run in 2012.

Trahan said she has been wear-ing the shirt since 2008, when Palin joined John McCain’s Republican ticket as vice president.

“She was so nice and inviting,” Trahan said. “I’m so ready for her to run [for president].”

The event was strictly con-trolled and tightly organized. Visi-tors had to remove jackets and bags before meeting Palin.

News media were allowed little access. Reporters, photographers and TV cameramen were allowed exactly a minute and a half to ob-serve Palin from behind a rope line about 10 feet back from her desk. They were then escorted out of the building.

Reporters were strictly prohib-ited from asking questions or inter-acting with Palin while observing.

PALIN, from page 1

‘She was so nice and

inviting. I’m so

ready for her to

run [for president].’Sheila Trahan

Baton Rouge resident

‘I teach with special education students. So with

Trig, I really support

what [Palin] does.’

Courtney VincentLafayette resident

Contact Matthew Albright at [email protected]

Read a blog on seeing Palin at

Page 16: Today in Print - December 1, 2010

The Daily Reveillepage 16 Wednesday, Dec. 1, 2010