To What Extent Did the Ancient Romans Influence Modern Government

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  • 7/30/2019 To What Extent Did the Ancient Romans Influence Modern Government


    To what extent did the ancient Romans influence modern government, technology andlanguages?

    Romes system of law:

    Innocent until proven guilty, equal treatment to law, burden of proof rests with accuser, Person only punished for actions not thoughts Any unfair law could be remover


    Since Romans built domes and architecture was so practical, many building likethe US capitol are based on Roman design


    Latin, the language of Rome, developed into modern day languages like Englishand French.


    Poets like Vigil wrote many historical things that influencd the government andthus, indirectly, influenced modern-day civilization.

    2. What contributed to the wide spread of the Christian church in the 4th

    and 5th


    Jesuss teachings to the people

    Pauls Epistles

    Embraced all peoples

    Gave hope to powerless

    Appealed to enemies of rome

    Offered personal relationship with god.

    Promised eternal life after death

    3. What do you think was the most important factor is the decline and collapse of theRoman Empire?

    Both internal and external factors played a big part

    Internal: Inflation of economy, unloyal and unstable military, citizens indifference

    External: Germain and Huns invasion

    Even though the internal problems would eventually make roman empire collapse, itwould take longer than the external problems which were immediate

  • 7/30/2019 To What Extent Did the Ancient Romans Influence Modern Government


    4. Why were the Romans so often unable to peacefully transfer power from one emperor toanother? What problems did this create?

    During the beginbnning no one wanted the power because they didnt want to take asuch a big responsibily. Afterwars when Rome separated, everyone wanted power

    and people got jealous of each other and killed each other This caused instability because people werent paying attention to the contry itself

    causing many problems everywhere.

    5. What do you think were the Romans greatest achievements?

    Their law system because it showed equal treatment which caused a big impact inmodern society.

    6. How did government in Rome change from its earliest days to the time of Constantine?

    7. By todays standards, do you think the ancient Roman culture was civilized?

    Yes, because they had a plan for everything:

    Food and water Equal law system Roads

    8. Which of Romes internal problems do you think were the most serious?

    Economic inflation because it made everyone poor and caused peoplesindifference. This decreased population

    Instability-bad economy, military turmoil, weak leadershipeconomic hardship led todisarray and no unified army to defen empire

    9. Why were the citizens of the Roman Empire so drawn to Christianity?

    10. Choose three architectural and/or engineering achievements of the ancient Romans

    and explain their impact on modern building techniques and design.