w f TO* THE TROY TIMES, TROY, N. Y., MONDAY EVENING, MARCH 15, 1920. '&$!&' % «•«- BLj'r Ilj ,- BB WANTED. WANTED—Old te* sets, solid or plated •liver, cake baskets, water pitchers, or old metal*. Box ,%i, Troy Timea. . WOTICE TO OLD CUSTOMERS. Pleas* 'phone or writ* us If you have any empty cases. Oar an to will call. Thank you, atoll Brewing Co. WANTED to bay, second-hand furniture, 7 Stove*, carpet*, run, household food* and stor* fixtures; highest prices paid. Kennedy, »1 Etas? Bt. ^Phons Troy !»««. WE WHO. BUT all or any part of your furniture, household good* victrolas. store tatarea, eta __ildt * Koarn*r. MS RlTor St. 'Phone Troy Ml*. PAJ>iE TEETH wanted; highest cash prices p*id. Mail them now. We send c»sh at once and hold tooth 10 days for your acceptance of our offer. Address Trojan Refiners. Troy. N. T. WATCHKSRKPAIRBD. AMERICAN and Swiss. »loo Jewelry > work guaranteed; prices moderate. Earner, t l Third St: CASH. DONT aell your dam on da, watches, old Cold, silver, platinum or false teeth be- for* seeing Berner, who pays highest price*. Call or write Berner'* 22 Third St. - MALE—HELP WANTED. PORTER—Apply In person. Marshall's •Sanitarium. ^^^^ BAKER wanted; bread or cake. Thomp- N son's Bakery, 2386 Sixth Ave. SOTS WANTED—Alpha Brush Co.. Sec- re ond St. and Ninth Ave~ N. Troy. II _ BOTS WANTED—Steady work; good lywacos. Covert Mfg. Co.. Watervllet. m T. «••• .-mini- l ... — . . i . •—• - —- 1 WANTED—Farm help; must be good .milkor. Klock Farm, Brunswick Rjoad, Troy. ARMATURE winders wanted; ninety cents per hour. I. R. Nelson Co., Bond *U Newark, N. J. w~] WANTED—Two lath sawyers, at once. * i to saw laths in saw mill. Write P*rrey Lumber Co, Bennington, Vt. FARM HAND—Single man, good driver. I for farm on car line; full maintenance jjfith laundry. Box 641, Troy Times. FIREMEN, brakemen. J175-J226 month. ly. New York railroad*; experience unnecessary. Railway, Association. Dept. 4*7, Brooklyn, N. Y. WANTED—First-class sewing machine ' fixer on Union Special machines; highest salary and steady position. In- quire Scranton Textile Co., Scranton, Pa. ITRATERNA—ISTS. ATTENTION! — Or- • . ganize a lodge. Increase your earn- ings. Popular order. Practical benefits. Adequate rate*. Address Order Iro- quois. Iroquois Building, Buffalo, N. T. WANTED—A good man to work on a specialty made from galvanized iron. Steady employment with proper com- pensatlon to the right party. Address, with references, P. 0. Box 47. Troy, N. Y. YOUNG men, 17 upward, desiring rail- way mail clerkships, $110 month, write for free particulars examinations. J. Leonard (former Government Ex- aminer), 1223 Equitable Bldg., Wash- ington, D. C. W A N T E D—EXPERIENCED STOCK SALESMAN TO OR- GANIZE IN TROY A DEPART- MENT FOR THE SALE OP PRE- FERRED STOCK OF LARGE COAL COMPANY. SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY FOR MAN WITH NECESSARY QUALIFICATIONS. BEST OF REFERENCES RE- QUIRED. ADDRESS P. O. BOX 473, FAIRMONT, W. VA. MALE—HELP WANTED. * ,WANTED—Young man to work In store: . reference required. Box 1««, Times | Office. SHOE CLERK—Steady position: married man preferred; reference. Box 100, | Times. 1 SALESMEN—Catholic—3 men of good appearance and character; permanent { position; local and road work. 34 Weed , Bldg., 8 to 8.30 and 4 to 6. U. S. GOVERNMENT wants hundreds I railway mail clerks Immediately. Men- women, 18 to 35. »1,300 first year. Raise to $2,000. Vacations with full pay. Women' appointed to office work. Permanent life positions. Common education sufficient. Pull unnecessary. Examinations coming everywhere. .List f overnment openings free. Write to- ay. Franklin Institute. Dept. 310 C, Rochester. N. Y. FEMALE—HELP WANTED. ATTENDANT wanted. Apply in person. Marshall's Sanitarium. WANTED—A ni#ht operator for switch- board. Apply Samaritan Hospital. WANTED ASSISTANT SALESMANAGER. OPPORTUNITY, that's the word, and it is offered to you if you can meet ihe qualifications required. A large organi- zation, with office in Albany, has an opening for a live-wire man to act in the capacity of assistant sales manager. If you ar# clean and ambitious and have personality to attract other men. we can put \fcu ja—wTre your income should not be lesiMUfn $10,000 per year. Write me a letter telling: me about yourself. Letter will be hold strictly confidential. Box 185, Troy Times. LADIES to take orders and advertise our new studio. Obenaus. 301 River St., Troy. , COMPETENT rirl for general house- work: good wages; no laundry. Call Troy 2916. CLEANING WOMAN APPLY AT HOO~- SICK ST. FACTORY. GEO. P. IDE & CO.. INC. WANTED — Experienced operator for telephone switchboard. Wrn. H. Krear & Co. PROTESTANT woman as housekeeper; small family: no laundry: references. Box 164, Troy Times. WANTED—Oirl for general housework; no laundry; references required. Mrs. Geo. I. Miller. 300 Hoosick St. Tel. 141 Troy. EXPERIENCED band stitchers and in- serters. Apply Qeo. Simmon. Mgr., Alco Textile Products Co., Inc.. 458 Fed- eral St. I WANTED—Women for cleaning: per- | manenl positions; salary $10 per week. Apply Box Office, Proctor's New Theatre, , after 10 a. m. WANTED—Nurse maid for little girl 2 years old. Good home, good wages. References required. Phone North 249 or address 861 Second Ave. WANTED—Experienced girl to work In bindery of printing office; also bright Kirls to learn, Edw. H. Lisk, Seventh Ave. and Hutton St. Inc., HELP WANTED. MEN and women—home work. 20 de- pendable firms offer profitable "spare time" employment to reliable people. Dime brings complete list. Address Box 313, Troy Times. A GIRL for general housework in fami- ' ly of three adults; no laundry; refer- , ences required. Call evenings. Mrs. ! Frank E. Norton, 27 Locust Ave. Tel. ' 1829. WANTED—Experienced cigar packers, either men or women, for our plant at Catskill, N. Y. Good working conditions. Applv G. W. Van Slyke & Horton, Kingston. N. Y. No labor trouble. WANTED—Reliable man or woman to act as district superintendent to book orders for fruit and ornamental trees, roses and shrubbery and engage sub- agents; exclusive territory; pay weekly. Apply at once. Knight & Bostwick. Nurserymen. Newark, New York State. WANTED—For spring and 'summer months, at Grand View Hotel, Lake Placid. N. Y.. gardener, cook for help, waitresses, second girls, laundry help, cleaning women and miscellaneous help. Address until April 15th, M. D. Carroll, Grove Park Inn. Ashevllle, N. C, after- wards Lake Placid. N. T. WANTED—At the Utica, State Hospital for the Insane, at Dtflca N. Y., young men and women for ward attendants and dining-room attendants. Wages $28.00 to $35.00 per month for women and $34.00 to $44.00 per month for men, with room, board and laundry. Apply to Su- perintendent, Box BOO. Utica. N. Y. WANTED—Five bright, capable ladles to travel, demonstrate and sell deal- ers; $25 to $50 per week; railroad fare ; paid. Write at once. Goodrich Drug Co., Dept. 688, Omaha, Nebr. YOUNG woman for general housework during spring and position in hotel I dug-ing summer months at Hulett's, on I>ake George. Start March 29th. A, H. Wyatt. 112 Third St., Troy, N. Y. EXPERIENCED EYELET GIRLS ON REECE MACHINES, VAN ZANDT. JACOBS ft CO. APARTMENTS WANTED. ELDERLY couple desires two connect- ing rooms, with board, in private family; permanent, 'Phone Troy 2533-J. ' SMALL flat or apartment or two or three unfurnished room* for light housekeeping; two adults; central loca- tion. Box 101. Troy Times. SMALL APARTMENT WANTED FOR TWO ADULTS. MUST BE CENTRALLY LOCATED. ADDRESS BOX 543. TROY TIMES. GIRLS OVER 16 YEARS OF AGE TO WORK ABOUT THE FACTORY. STEADY EMPLOYMENT. GOOD WAGES. UNITED SHIRT & COLLATt CO., TROT. INSERTERS, PASTERS, LOCK STITCHERS EXPERIENCED. ALSO GIRLS TO LEARN. PAID WHILE LEARNING. HOOSICK ST. FACTORY, GEO. P. IDE & CO., INC. DRAFTSMAN WANTED Good detailer. Apply In writing only, stating age, experience and salary expected. To Engineering Department, Alberger Pump and Condenser Co., Newburgh, N. Y. FOREMAN OF PRODUCTION man thoroughly familiar with quantity production on high-class work to take charge of depart- ment employing approximately 100 men; machine equipment consti- tutes turret machines, drill presses, milling machines, gear •hapers, etc This position offers an opportunity for a nlgh-grade man to affiliate with a pregressive up-to-date concern, permanently located in enterprising city in Now Jersey. In writing state age. salary expected and experi- ence in detail covering past ten years. Address "Productions." Room 2502, llOJWest 42d St., N. Y. City. m WANTED AT ONCE SEVERAL GOOD STRONG LABORERS FOR TEMPORARY WORK APPLY AT EMPLOYMENT DEPT . ENTRANCE NO. 2. * CLUETT, PEABODY ft CO. SITUATIONS WANTED. Female. WORK by day, cleaning offices, etc. 1504 Seventh Ave. BOOKKEEPER. 4 years' experience, de- sires position; will do clerical work. Box 690. Times Office. EXPERIENCED stenographer wants work. Will accept temporary posi- tion. Address Box 536, Troy Times. FLATS WANTED. FLATS wanted in Sycaway, Beman Park or Oakwood Avenue section, for adults. Call Troy 2026. YOUNG LADY EXPERIENCED IN HANDLING RECORDS OF PIECE WORKERS IN A LARGE FACTORY. BOX 190, TROY TIMES. BY April 1st, 7 or 8 rooms, modern im- provements, centrally located; adults only. Box 102, Times Office. _ APARTMENTS wanted by 3 adults; modern; 5 or 8 rooms; centrally lo- cated; May 1st; best references. Box 568, Times, FARMS WANTED. WANTED—To rent a farm near Troy, with privilege of buying within one year. Must have good -soij and go:>d buildings. Write M. Denault, Brunswick Road. 'Phone Troy 2774. \ - REAL ESTATE WANTED. WANTED—To lease, with privilege of purchase, first-class one-family hbuse, well located. Full particulars. Box 163, Times Office. ROOMS WANTED WANTED—Furnished or unfurnished room for single gentleman; best of reference. Box 162, Times. HOUSES WANTED. WANTED — Small country home for summer; Averill Park or West Sand Lake preferred. Box 686, Times. FURNISHED ROOMS WANTED. TWO ladles would like two single front rooms. Box 584, Times. UPHOLSTERING. WA.\ i ED SHIRT. IRONERS. FOLDERS. HIGHEST WAGES PAID. CLUETT, PEABODY & CO., INC. APPLY AT EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, ENTRANCE MO «. ruVER ST. EXPERIENCE* TWO NEEDLE MACHINE OPERATORS. $12.00 PER WEEK WHILE LEARNING OUR WORK. TROY UNDERWEAR CO., INC., RIVER AND ADAM. | NOW is the time to have your furniture made new. New line of tope. You 1 save money. "Phone 3008-J. Estimates given. J. H. Crutchley, 272 River St., second floor. FOR SALE. A SPECIAL for this week felt mattress at $15.60. Schmidt & Koerner. J FOR SALE—Strictly fresh eggs 66c per do*. Jelke's Good Luck Store. 2272 Fifth Ave. CONOOLEUM Gold Seal floor covering at 65 cents for this week. Schmidt & Koerner. REAL ESTATE FOR SALS. AT QPOPER'S—$4.50 metal lunch kit, with pint vacuum bottle, $2.95. Spe- cial, 31 King St. SEWING machine bargains; Singer, White and Standard carried. Weir. 40 8tate 8t Phono Bflt-W. GENERAL store, doing large business. Just out of city. For particulars atl- dress Box 592, Times Office. OLD mahogany colonial sofa in good shape for sale at J. H. Crutchley's, 272 River St., second floor, City. AT COOPER'S—Pint vacuum bottle. $1.76. Complete stock of all kinds of vacuum bottles and kits. 31 King St. SAFES opened and repaired. We also buy and sell new and second-hand safe* Brunelle, Fourth St.. pear Proc- tor's. _ f . A DINING-ROOM SET for $74.00, con- sisting of quartered oak buffet, quar- tered oak table and chair*. Schmidt & Koerner. PIANO ROLLS. Q. R. S„ Honer. harmoni- cas, instrument strings, victrolas, Vic- tor records. Thau Music Co., 1561 Broadway, Watervllet. AN OPPORTUNITY—We will give you a liberal allowance for your old fur- niture In exohange for new furniture. Schmidt & Koerner. PANTS—Reduction sale on pants of wool and worsted at $5.25, $6.50, $6.95. worth $15.00. Bokstein, 2006 Fifth Ave., cor. Grand St., Troy. MAILING CARD, carrtes small articles safely through the mail. Of interest to Aluminum Sheet Metal working. Ad- dress, H. M. O'Reilly. Indiana, Penn. A BARGAIN list, easy terms, small payment. George D. Slade, Gar Bids. Phone 11S» Troy. ALBIA. Wynpntakill Flats—Two houses, one for $1,400 and one for $1,600. Slade, Gay Bldg. ** AVERILL PARK—The McConlhe prop- erty; four houses; 12 acres; cottage sites; $8,500. Slade, Gay Bldg. BANK deposits of $200 or over will get ' you a home. Slade, Gay Bldg. BEMAN PARK—One of the best two family houses, with garage; $13,044. Slade, Gay Bldg. BURKE STT 14—fwo families, newly papered and painted. $800, $200 down. Slade, Gay Bldg. BURDEN'S LAKE, near Sitter's Corners, three-room bungalow, porch, large lot, $300. Slade. Gay Bldg. BURDEN AVE., 769.— Store property. Store and flat above, good slse, $3,000 Slade. Oay Bldg. BURDEN AVE.. 733—Two family frame. Buy this property, good Investment, $1,500. Slade. Gay Bldg. CHESTNUT ST., 87-VTwo family, three rooms, three bedrooms each floor. $2,000. Slade. Gay Bldg. CHRISTrE ST.. 33—One fanilly cottage, one extra lot. $1,350; $350. down. Slade. Gay Bldg. CONGRESS ST., 247-249—Brick. four stores, nine families; big investment; $20,000. Slade, Gay Bldg. CONGRESS ST.. 334—Three-story brick store and two flats, garage, $5,800. Slade. Gay Bldg. AT COOPER'S—Extra fillers for "Ther- mos," "Universal." Icy-Hot," "Ameri- can" and H. "Simplex" vacuum bottles, $1.35. Regular $2.00 value. 31 King St. ATTENTION—We will sell all or any part of your furniture, rugs, carpets, pianos or victrolas on commission, or we will pay cash for it. 'Phone 3919 Troy and we will call for it. Schmidt & Koerner. * ALL the year around stove store—New and up to date used ranges, gas at- tachments and elevated • gas combina- tions, stove repairs and remounting. Call Troy 2882. Moore & Chegman, 138 to 144 Congress St., Troy, N. Y. USED laundry machinery, washers, ex- tractors, blowers, iron and wood tanks, shafting, pulleys, hangers; complete plant for. small laundry. Universal Ma- chinery Co.. Room 406. 74 Chapel St., Albany. N. Y. Tel. Main 4541. POULTRYMEN AND FARMERS — We have a Free Bulletin Board in our store and if you have anything for sale or exchange just let us enter this on our Free Bulletin Board, where it will be seen and consulted by people who want to buy. If you live out of town just send your offer by mall and we will enter it on our Free Bulletin Board. Gordi- nler's Big Country Store, Troy, N. Y. Warehouse Equipment OF Cunningham-Peddrick, Inc. 176 GEORGE ST., GREEN ISLAND, N. Y. GUERNSEY cows for sale—Five head reserved out of her herd by Mrs. Wal- ter A. Wood, jr., Hoosick Falls, as fol- lows: One seven-year-old, milking; one three-year-old. to freshen in May; one three-year-old. to freshen in July; on* two-year-old, not bred; one yearling. All registered. Will t>e sold for $1,000 if taken at once. Heaton & Mambert, Attorneys for Estate, 70 Second St., Troy, N. Y. CONGRESS ST., 607 and 609—Four- family brick, large lot; $4,300. Slade*. Gay Bldg. COHOES ROAD—The Troy House. Use It to board Ford worker*. $5,000. Slade, Gay Bldg. CRESCENT—Nine acres of land, no ' buildings, good building site, $675. Slade, Gay Bldg. CROPSEYVILLE—House, good cellar. ! doesn't freeze; barn, large lot, good water; $500. Slade. Gay Bldg. EXCELSIOR AVE., 11 and 13—Three families; hardwood floors, slate roof; . $4,800. Slade, Gay Bldg. j EAST SIDE, Lexington Ave., 84—One- family, hardwood floors, electricity, ; $3,500. Slade, Gay Bldg. i - 1 EIGHTH ST.. 28—Two family; nice I place to live; nearby. $2,500. Slade, ; Gay Bldg. | EAST SIDE, 11 Ford Ave., near Sacred i Heart Church — Two-family. $2,750. Slade, Gay Bldg. ' EIGHTH ST., 157-159 — Four family I brick and two family frame. $6,000. Slade, Gay Bldg. 1 FEDERAL ST.. 705—Three-family frame, three rooms and tnree bedrooms, j $4,000. Slade, Gay Bldg. ' FIFTH AVE., near Rensselaer St.—Two ! family brick house. Well built. $2,000. , Slade. Gay Bldg. FIFTH AVE.. 543, North—One family frame; would make nice store. $1,800. Slade. Gay Bldg. FIFTH AVE., 545, North—Two family frame, hot water heat, garage; $4,500. Slade. Gay Bldg. FIFTH AVE., 1631—Three family frame, with brick building in rear. $6,000. Slade. Gay Bldg. FIRST ST., 305—Three-story brick store and two modern flats, $7,000. Slade, Gay Bldg. FIRST ST.. 109—Three-story and base- ment, one-family brick house, $6,000. Slade. Gay Bldg. FIRST AVE. and Fourteenth St.. North —Office, scales, sheds: land, ISA foot river dock. $6,000. Slade. Gay Bldg. FIFTH AVE. 143. North—Two-family frame, good location, extra lot, $5,600. Slade. Gay Bldg. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. LARCH AVE., ' 1—Two f»mlly, modern Improvements, slate roof, extra lot. $10,000. Slade. Oay Bldg. LARCH AVE., "-"fwo family, slate roof. double piazzas, nice lot; $5,500. Slade. Gay Bldg. LOTS—Belle Ave., lot No. 38 and half of 40, 76x150. $2,000. Slade. LOTS—Central Ave., Noa. Jl, 28. 23. three. 2f.x233, $600. Slade. Gay Bldg. LOTS—Gurley Ave.. Nos. 11, 12, 13. three. 26x100. $600. Slade, Gay Bldg. LOTS—Fifth Ave.. North, Nos. 296. 298, 300, three, 30x120, $1,200 each. Slade. LOTS—Frear Park, two, 50x160, facing park, $1,000 each. Slade, Gay Bldg. LOTS—Winter St., two 40x150, pave- ment, water, sewer, $675 each. Slade, Gay Bldg. LOTS—Sycawav. Seneca St., two 30x250 feet, corner, $450. Slade, Gay Bldg « LOTS—Llndenwoad Park, nice 41-#00 lot water, sewer. gas, sidewalk, $1,200. Slade. LOTS—Tenth St., south of People's AVK^. lot 25x100, $160. Slade, Gay Bldg. LOTS—Watervliet. two 30x100 feet, cor- ner Sixteenth St. and Eighth Ave., $700. Slade. LOTS—Watervliet, two 25x120 feet. Eighth Ave., north of Thirteenth St.. $700. Slade. LOTS—Fales Court, Nos. 111-112. two, 25x100 feet, $600. Slade, Gay Bldg. SEVENTH AVE., 2232—Two 2-family houses and furniture, $3,000; property $1,800; one house $750. Slade. SEVENTH AVE., 2258—Two family and basement, brick; Improvements; very good, $4,000. Slade, Gay Bldg. SEVENTH AVE., 2149—Two-family and basement brick; well built house. $4,000. Slade Gay Bldg. AUCTION SALES. AT OUR next weekly auction, Wednes- day, March 17, at 2 p. m.. we will offer 25 head of good rugged horses from Iowa; we will also have about 30 head of local horses of all weights and colors, together with harness, wagons, sleighs, etc.: if you have anything in the above bring it in; private sales dally; 50 to 75 head horses always on hand. Lindy's Sales Stables, Sixth Ave. Tunnel, Troy. FIFTH AVE.. between Fulton and Broadway, three-story and basement brick. $10,000. Slade. Gay Bldg. MACHINERY AND MOTORS. ELECTRIC MOTORS. 40 CYCLE—3 PHASE. 220/550 VOLTS—1200 R. P. M. 2—5 H. P. Westlnghouse. 3—7% H. P. Westlnghouse. 2—7% H. P. Western Electric, slip ring. 2—10 H. P. General Electric. 2—15 H. P. General Electric. 1—20 H. P. General Electric. 5—25 H. P. Westlnghouse. 3—30 H. P. G. E. 2—40 H. P. G. E. 6—50 H. P. Westlnghouse, 80y rt.P.M. 4—75 H. P. Westlnghouse. 800 R.P.M. 1—75 H. P. G. E.. slip ring, 800 RJ>.M. 1—100 H. P. G. E- slip ring. 1—150 H. P. Westlnghouse. 600 R.P.M. 1—200 H. P. Westlnghouse. 800 R.P.M. 1—200 H. P. G. E., slip ring. 1—300 H. P. G. E.. slip ring, 300 R.P.M. 'Phone or write for prices on single phase motors; also 60-cycle motors. E. I. VAN DOREN FIFTH AVE.. 393, North—Two-family frame, piazza, bay window, garage; $4,500. Slade. Gay Bldg. FIFTH AVE., 413, North—Two-family brick, three rooms, four bedrooms; $4,000. Slade, Gay Bldg. 81 Fourth St., Troy. 'Phone 3067. TYPEWRITERS. TYPEWRITERS sold for small monthly payments. Write at once for Informa- tion and we will send yq,u circular. Box No. 587, Troy Times. WANTED—Will pay cash for visible typewriter* L. C. Smiths, Underwoods. Remingtons. Monarcha, Royals. Oliver* Coronas. W. I. Copeland. Troy. N. Y. Phone Troy 3866 or 1244. FIFTEENTH ST.. 2. North—One family second floor, two apartments, income $15 weekly; $5,000. Slade, Gay Bldg. FIRST ST., 107—Three-story brick; also 13 Division St., two-family frame, $10,000. Slade. Gay Bldg. FOURTH AVE., North—Near Fifth St.; two-family, remodeled; nice location; $4,500. Slade, Gay Bldg. . - —* i. i *• A FOURTH AVE.. 385, 387, 389. North— 3 two-family frame houses, $5,600. Slade, Gay Bldg. FOURTH ST., 483-487 — Three-family frame and three-story brick; $4,000. Slade. Gay Bldg. FOURTEENTH ST., 65 — Two family brick; three rooms and three bed- rooms; $2,150. Slade, Gay Bldg. GRISWOLD AVE.. 3—New one-family, hardwood floors, electricity, nice porch, $4,200. Slade, Gay Bldg. GREEN ISLAND—Large plat of land, water and rail facilities: buildings; $8,000. Slade. Gay Bldg. GRAFTON—Ten acres, good camp site, nice creek, good well water, $700. Slade, Gay Bldg. GLENS FALLS. 56 Montcalm St.—Two- family frame, water, gas. electricity* $2,200. Slade, Gay Bldg. HALFMOON—One of the best houses, four acres and barn, $3,000. Slade, Gay Bldg. HOOSICK FALLS—Bast location, high class, modern, nine rooms, garage, one acre fruited, $4,000. Slade. HOOSICK—Very nice 10 room house, large halls, slate roor. barn, $3,000. Slade. Gay Bldg. PERSONAL. HOUSE Ave., 12 and 16—Two one-family houses, two acres; $3,600. "Slade. Oay Bldg. r GOODYEAR'S WONDERFUL EXPANSION is affording Unlimited possibilities to a large num- ber of skilled men hn good physi- cal condition . k LIVING WAGES PERMANENT WORK Good Working Conditions Educational Advantages. A Chans* to Llv* and Grow. MO LABOR TROUBLE. Our pTM«nt permanent openings Include too ^•rpenters. alt* Bricklayer* All Around Machinists General Repairmen •sneh and Floormae* • • • fih*«t Metal Work.n Apply Factory Employment Omo*. TMB fJOODTMAM T I * S * RUBBER CO, Akron. Ohio. HEMSTITCHING, plaiting, buttons, but- j tonholes. # The Little Fur Shop, 53 IDA ST., 92—Four-family brick; $2,000, Congress St. ! $600 or less down. Slade, Gay Bldg. . i KING ST.—Business property, will throw in $20,000 yearly cash business; $8,000. Slade, Gay Bldg. MRS. A. R. SPENCER, dressmaker, has removed to 521 Grand St., cor. Sixth Ave. Telephone 3442-W. SEVENTH AVE.. 2106 — Three-family brick, two-family brick in rear, $3,600. Slade, Gay Bldg. SIXTH AVE., 623, North—New modern, one family brick, large lot. $5,000. Slade, Gay Bldg. SIXTH AVE.. 3001, 3009 — Two stores; Ingalls Ave, 27. 29—2 two family brick houses. $10,000. Slade, Gay Bldg. SIXTH AVE., North, 691—Cor. Nine- teenth St.—Two 1-famlly houses; $2,000. Slade, Gay Bldg. STOWE AVE. 223 and 226—Two two- family frame houses. $3,000 each. Slade, Gay Bldg. ^__ SYCAWAY—Wayne St., new house. 17 lots, 147 foot well. $3,500. $600 down. Slade, Gay Bldg. ' SYCAWAY—New two family modern house, hardwood floorB, 'steam heat, electricity, $7,500. Slade, Gay Bldg. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. 39 SECOND ST.. Waterford— 2-family brick house and barn, lot 66x130. Ap- ply on premises evenings. THREE-FLAT brick house. Eight rooms each flat. Electric, gas and stationary tubs. Hot water heat first floor. Gar- age holds 2 cars. 'Phone 2619. BEAUTIFUL villa residence at Syoa- way, strictly modern throughout, garage, lot 40x120; possession at once; only $5,500.00. W. L. Hanes, 82 State St.. Albany. N. Y. BELOW Twenty-third St., Fourth Ave.. Lansingburgh, two-family frame dwelling. 50x120, modern Improvements; S ood Investment. Rents amount $504. ox 691. Troy Times. <~ EAST SIDE—One-family house; reason- able; 6 room*, bath, electric light, heater, toilet, lavatory, large garden; extra lot; 3 minutes from trolley; 20 minutes' walk to City Hall. Easy pay- ments arranged for quick sale. Box 642. Troy Times. FOR SALE—The popular Rensselaer Park Hotel, Fifth Ave., head of Eighth St., Lansingburgh. Suitable as hotel, restaurant, rooming house, etc.; high t-eilings, gas, water, concrete cel- lar, wldo verandas, pleasant surround- ings, -sanitary conditions. Also 5 lots, each 35 feet front, on which are sheds, barns and outbuildings. Reason for selling—I wish to retire from business. Bargain to right party. Address me on premises, or telephone North 676-W. Mrs. C. Yenne. AUTOS FOB SALE. FOR SALE—Ford express body with top; will exchange for 1917 touring body. Box 593, Troy Times. > $276.00 FORD touring 1915, shock ab- sorbers, rear mirror, switch lock, more-lite lens, robe rail, tjre carrier, and hand horn. Call after 7 p. m. Clark's Garage. Hoosick and Sixteenth Sts. FOR SALE—^1919 Case touring car, demonstrator, like new; one 1919 Ford delivery, natural wood body, de- mountable wheels, 31x4 tlreB, like new; 1918 Ford touring car, extra tires, shock absorbers and other extras, « bargain at $500. 35x4% tires, 30x3%, 30x3. 35x5, second-hand tubes of all sizes, demount- able wheels, demountable rims. Bosch magnetos, colls, carburetors, tire chains, ho.ns and speedometers, gears of all kinds, wheels, gasoline tanks, gener- ators, starters, fenders to fit all model cars (Ford, etc.); Ford and Packer radiators, Hudson radiator shell, storage batteries, runabout Ford bodies, cushions of all kinds, Backet seats, pistons, axles, springs, Ford cylinder blocks, 25-4 cylin- der engine and remains of 1918 six Bulck, . six cylinder Continental motor, Paige motor, Paige frame. Hudson frame, Hud- son fenders, Hudson wheels. Automobile owners, you can save 50% off the list price by buying these parts now. Ave- ue Garage Go. Troy 3772. TAMARAC^House, large enough for two families; barn, good sized gar- den; $400 Slade, Oay Bldg. TENTH ST., 192—Two-family frame house, five rooms each floor. $1,200. Slade. Gay Bldg^ j TENTH ST.. 321—Two-family modern brick house. Price .reduced to $3,900. Slade, Gay BldjT . TENTH ST.. 447—Store property, stock and fixtures. Look this over. $1,550. Slade. Gay Bldg. . THIRD AVE., 598, North—One family; five bedrooms; large lot. garage; $4,600. Slade, Gay Bldg. THIRD ST.. 148—Two-story and base- ment two-family frame house and barn, $6,000. Slade. THIRD ST.. 164—Three story and base- ment brick; buy this house. $3,260. Slade, Gay Bldg. THIRD ST.. iSS—Two family frame, • would make nice home property. $2,000. Slade. Gay Bldg. THIRD ST., 369 — T w o family frame, with livery stable in rear; $3,500. Slade. Gay Bldg. THIRD ST.. 383—Store property, store or market and fiat above. $2,600. Slade. Gay Bldg. YOU can borrow money on property from George D. Slade, Gay Bldg. 'Phone 1139. _- VANDERHEYDEN ST.. 33 — Three- family frame, four rooms and three bedrooms. $5,500. Slade. Gay Bldg. WATERVLIET, Broadway, near Thir- teenth—Two-family: hot water heat; hardwood floors; electric lights; $6,000. Slade. WATERVLIET—T Second Ave. — Fl apartments; Improve Slade. vf«rfj||thl r-nveMsE^f provemtn hlrd St. and es and five ts; $3,500. WATERVLIET, 15 Twenty-third St.— Store and modern flat, restaurant loca- tion. $2,000, Slade, Gay Bldg^ WATERVLIET. 17 Twenty-third SL— Three-story brick, store and family, $3,000. Slade, Gay Bldg. WATERVLIET, 20O8 Broadway, corner Twenty-first St.—Two-family frame, $2300. Slade. Gay Bldg. WEST SAND LAKE. Stop 22—16 room house, electric lights, conveniences. $5,600. Slade. Gay Bldg. WATERVLIET, Eighth Ave., 1884 — Two-family frame, extra lot, $3,500. Slade, Gay Bldg. 'Phone 1139. WATERVLIET, 1615 Ninth Ave.—Two- family brick, separate heaters, en- trances; electricity, gas, garage, large lot, $6,600. Slade, Gay Bldg. WATERVLIET. Sixteenth St., 139 — Three-family brick, heater, hardwood floors, large rooms, $5,500. Slade. WATERFORD — Store, property and dwelling, stock, fixtures, etc.; doing good business; terms. Slade. Gay Bldg. WATERVLIET, 755-757 Broadway- Two store properties, living rooms and barns; $3,200. Slade, Gay Bldg. FOR SALE—Modern property, near trol- ley and steam railroad; house has. eight rooms, bath, electricity, fireplace, oak floors and woodwork; garage; less than an hour's ride out of city: very desirable. Address Box "Modern," Troy Times Office. 3-STORY frame house, Nos. 109 and 111 Monroe St; Oakwood Ave., 2-story frame house, Nos. 3 and 5; also 374 Tenth St.; 3-story brick, 427 Second St.; from 1 to 2 thousand cash. Will pay from 9 to 14 per cent, after taxes paid. For information call at 428 First St. f u AUTOMOBILE SUPPLIES. RKPAIRING. WINTER STORAGE. GILL piston ring*, all sizes, for sal* by Mont. G. Curtis, 241 Rlvsr St. AUTOMOBILE repairing; all work guar- anteed; get my terms. Percy Wlllits. Call 2791-W Troy. HONEYCOMB radiators for Ford cars for sale. George Zellweger, 214 River St. 'Phone 2997-J. RUB-R-TITE, the best waterproof dr*i lng for mohair *uto top*. Mont. Curtis. River St., Troy. N. t. IGNITION parts and colls for all kinds of cars, generator and Starting, motor repairs. L. E. Hughes. No. 3 Fulton St. AUTOMOBILE storage, rates reason- able; cars washed and gasoline sold at Keefe's Garage. 2327-2329 Sixth Ave. Phone 7»7. TIRES—AKRON 5,000 mile guaranteed. 30x3%, $14.00; no seconds; one-third leBs standard price. Nahom Tire Com- pany, Troy. P. O. Box SI7. "Phone 174-W. "RAND INNER TIRES." made of three- ply canvas that vulcanizes to Inside of shoe, cannot creep, wrinkle or pinch. If they blow out, return them and money refunded. Only tire on the market sold on that basis. 3-lnch, $4; 3%-lnch. $4.75; 4-inch, $5.75; 4%-inch, $7.25; 6-inch, $9. Order one and you will use them all around. Get all the wear from your treads. Few live agents wanted. Dept. O, Inner Tire Distributing Co., 1135 Taylor Ave, Utica, N. Y. Autos For Hire. CARS tor hire. Sure Luck Garage. Phone Troy 3808. PET Taxi Service at Campbell's Garage, opposite Rensselaer Hotel. 'Phone Troy 32. BUILDERS AND SUPPIJES. ALL kinds of second-hand building ma- terial. Great Eastern Storage, Trans- fer and Wrecking Corp.. 124 Ferry St. STUCCO, concrete, brickwork, contract or day work; new or old; anywhere, any time. Frank Reynold* 20 De Freest Ave. Phone. HOLLOW BUILDING TILE BLOCKS. All slse* Warm in winter, cool In sum- mer, dry all season* Troy Fl reproofing Co.. Troy. N. Y. ROOFS repaired, painted; gutter pipes, metal ceilings, furnace work- B*tl- mates given. John Myer*. 1718 Broad- way. Watervllet. 70I-W. CLEMENTE BROS., dealers in sand, ele- gant for mortar and concrete: gravel and cinder* Hoosick Street. 'Phone Troy 2674. Orders by 'phone will re- ceive prompt attention. MONEY LOANED. MONEY loaned on diamonds, watches, Jewelry and clothing. Th* "Old Stand," Tigar, 163 Fourth SL PREPARE In advance for 4 * loans to build or borrow money. Union Home Builders. 2321 Fifteenth 8t., Troy. PRIVATE LOANS—If it is money you want, we are the people to serve you. Amounts advanced from $6 upwards, to any honest employee, housekeeper, or ; real estate owner. Prompt dignified and ; confidential service. National Loan Co., 307 Cannon Place, Troy. N. Y. ^ w ^^INSTRUOTION. BEOINNER8 in telegraphy—I will oall at your home and Instruct you for 25c a lesson* W. J. Hayes, 104 Maple Ave., Saratoga! N. Y. . i PERCY AND FERDIE — A Reputation Made—and Lost. prcx^Ttr: zzrzz ^ .__ . • .. _.. .u\—• —— By H. A. M.cGILL Creator ef the HsU-Rees* Bey* ^ A FAT CHAMCE. ! To CELT A Rir4*aiDe TABLE. IN JAZIUMS, ^OWE HOST HAVE A M f . AS A rHdMnoLLER.f_Ji.a.Yf\ »•"*>. I'VEA SCHEME: 5 MINUTES UATCfl TOO t COHC IN" AND HAHD Mt A ^150.000 CHECK- . ~-SE.i? ft ( 7U8T A COUPLE OF SAMDW1CHES AND A PoT OT T COTFCt, COLONEL ATTEtfDtN* A^fl^QURT ATTN * \ CiHTCUCST * • WE| r W fcJfAil 1 SAY, WAITER 15 THIS THE BEST TABLE YoU CAN QIVE RESERVED/ I ^ 7> ~*t S. MexT p,M.y^=r g=lilsucK ts niwnnTS SCHEIE SLICK WE WORKED LAST Ml^HT. LET'S TrYT IT AfiiAiN" AT LCe5TEW»toS <§) TES IF TOO DONT MIND,OLD THWG.)*J}*J£ I'LL 70IM TOO \H A BiTE To EAT. f IJrJJJf 8T THE WAY, HERE'-S THAT|56.00O CHECK TO CLOSE OUR UTTLE- RACE- TRACK 0£||a OOWN JM HAVANA ~ TABLE!, Toum FlREC Yflff 0I0WT EMARIMWOE M 1 \\ £) SAY.OLOTof, HERE'S THAT I M O O O CHECK ETC & fh wB\ PIKERS, SOSS - WORKED TH ' SAME STUHT AT TA1ZUMS LAST HitHT. AFTER * ~ 4IV1M' E M A RlNo SIDE TABLE., ALL TWCYORCeTNBO WAS* HAM SANDWICHES AH'COrTEE. TIT . SEC- TrtEC ^ O ^ WHAOVHAVV. STRING OF HOUSES A* FOR SALE . SOTFOSIMQ W E * MAKE HIM A FLAT OFFER » OF V, & BETTER WORK FAST AS THIS TABLE. IS To . BE RESEfWEO IN TmM . MiMvmri.J? ,1N 1 A :i_-„ W' k-i \ I Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

Transcript of TO* THE TROY TIMES, TROY, N. Y., MONDAY EVENING, MARCH … › Newspaper 18 ›...

Page 1: TO* THE TROY TIMES, TROY, N. Y., MONDAY EVENING, MARCH … › Newspaper 18 › Troy NY Daily Times... · Kirls to learn, Edw. H. Lisk, Seventh Ave. and Hutton St.




« • « - BLj 'r Ilj,- BB WANTED.

WANTED—Old te* sets, solid or plated •l iver, cake baskets, water pitchers, or

old metal*. Box ,%i, Troy Timea. .

WOTICE TO OLD CUSTOMERS. P l eas* 'phone or writ* us If you have any empty cases. Oar an to wil l call. Thank you, atoll Brewing Co.

WANTED to bay, second-hand furniture, 7 Stove*, carpet*, r u n , household food*

and s tor* fixtures; highest prices paid. Kennedy, »1 Etas? Bt. ^ P h o n s Troy !»««.

W E WHO. BUT all or any part of your furniture, household good*

victrolas. store tatarea, e t a __ildt * Koarn*r. MS RlTor St.

'Phone Troy Ml*. PAJ>iE TEETH wanted; highest cash

prices p*id. Mail them now. W e send c»sh at once and hold tooth 10 days for your acceptance of our offer. Address Trojan Refiners. Troy. N. T.

WATCHKSRKPAIRBD. AMERICAN and Swiss. »loo Jewelry > w o r k guaranteed; prices moderate. Earner, t l Third St:

CASH. D O N T aell your dam on da, watches, old

Cold, silver, platinum or false teeth be-for* see ing Berner, who pays highest price*. Call or write Berner'* 22 Third St.

- MALE—HELP WANTED. PORTER—Apply In person. Marshall's

•Sanitarium. ^ ^ ^ ^

BAKER wanted; bread or cake. Thomp-N son's Bakery, 2386 Sixth Ave.

SOTS WANTED—Alpha Brush Co.. Sec-re ond St. and Ninth Ave~ N. Troy.

II _

BOTS WANTED—Steady work; good l y w a c o s . Covert Mfg. Co.. Watervllet. m T. « • • • . - m i n i - l — — . . . — . . • i . • — • - — - 1 •

WANTED—Farm help; must be good .milkor. Klock Farm, Brunswick

Rjoad, Troy. ARMATURE winders wanted; ninety

cents per hour. I. R. Nelson Co., Bond * U Newark, N. J. w ~ ] — — — • —

WANTED—Two lath sawyers, at once. * i to saw laths in saw mill. Write

P*rrey Lumber Co, Bennington, Vt.

FARM HAND—Single man, good driver. I • for farm on car line; full maintenance jjfith laundry. Box 641, Troy Times.

FIREMEN, brakemen. J175-J226 month. ly. New York railroad*; experience

unnecessary. Railway, Association. Dept. 4*7, Brooklyn, N. Y.

WANTED—First-c lass sewing machine ' fixer on Union Special machines; highest salary and steady position. In­quire Scranton Textile Co., Scranton, Pa.

ITRATERNA—ISTS. ATTENTION! — Or-• . ganize a lodge. Increase your earn­ings. Popular order. Practical benefits. Adequate rate*. Address Order Iro­quois. Iroquois Building, Buffalo, N. T.

WANTED—A good man to work on a spec ia l ty made from galvanized iron.

Steady employment with proper com-pensatlon to the right party. Address, w i th references, P. 0 . Box 47. Troy, N. Y.

YOUNG men, 17 upward, desiring rail­w a y mail clerkships, $110 month,

wri te for free particulars examinations. J. Leonard (former Government Ex­aminer) , 1223 Equitable Bldg., Wash­ington, D. C.




WANTED—Young man to work In store: . reference required. Box 1««, Times |

Office. SHOE CLERK—Steady posi t ion: married

man preferred; reference. Box 100, | Times. 1

SALESMEN—Catholic—3 men of good appearance and character; permanent {

position; local and road work. 34 Weed , Bldg., 8 to 8.30 and 4 to 6.

U. S. GOVERNMENT w a n t s hundreds I railway mail clerks Immediately. Men-

women, 18 to 35. »1,300 first year. Raise to $2,000. Vacat ions with full pay. Women' appointed to office work. Permanent life positions. Common education sufficient. Pull unnecessary. Examinations coming everywhere . .List

f overnment openings free. Write to-ay. Franklin Institute. Dept. 310 C,

Rochester. N. Y.

FEMALE—HELP WANTED. ATTENDANT wanted. Apply in person.

Marshall's Sanitarium.

WANTED—A ni#ht operator for switch­board. Apply Samaritan Hospital.


OPPORTUNITY, that's the word, and it is offered to you if you can meet ihe qualifications required. A large organi­zation, with office in Albany, has an opening for a l ive-wire man to act in the capacity of assistant sa les manager. If you ar# clean and ambit ious and have personality to attract other men. we can put \fcu ja—wTre your income should not be lesiMUfn $10,000 per year. Write me a letter telling: me about yourself. Letter will be hold strictly confidential. Box 185, Troy Times.

LADIES to take orders and advertise our new studio. Obenaus. 301 River St.,

Troy. ,

COMPETENT rirl for general house­work: good w a g e s ; no laundry. Call

Troy 2916.


& CO.. INC.

WANTED — Experienced operator for telephone switchboard. Wrn. H.

Krear & Co. PROTESTANT woman as housekeeper;

small family: no laundry: references. Box 164, Troy Times.

WANTED—Oirl for general housework; no laundry; references required. Mrs.

Geo. I. Miller. 300 Hoosick St. Tel. 141 Troy.

EXPERIENCED band stitchers and in­serters. Apply Qeo. Simmon. Mgr.,

Alco Textile Products Co., Inc.. 458 Fed­eral St.

I WANTED—Women for cleaning: per-| manenl posit ions; salary $10 per week.

Apply Box Office, Proctor's New Theatre, , after 10 a. m.

WANTED—Nurse maid for l ittle girl 2 years old. Good home, good wages .

References required. Phone North 249 or address 861 Second Ave.

WANTED—Experienced girl to work In bindery of printing office; also bright

Kirls to learn, Edw. H. Lisk, Seventh Ave. and Hutton St.


HELP WANTED. MEN and women—home work. 20 de­

pendable firms offer profitable "spare time" employment to reliable people. Dime brings complete list. Address Box 313, Troy Times.

A GIRL for general housework in fami-' ly of three adults; no laundry; refer-, ences required. Call evenings. Mrs. ! Frank E. Norton, 27 Locust Ave. Tel. ' 1829.

WANTED—Experienced c igar packers, either men or women, for our plant at

Catskill, N. Y. Good working conditions. Applv G. W. Van Slyke & Horton, Kingston. N. Y. No labor trouble.

WANTED—Reliable man or woman to act as district superintendent to book

orders for fruit and ornamental trees, roses and shrubbery and engage sub-agents ; exclusive territory; pay weekly. Apply at once. Knight & Bostwick. Nurserymen. Newark, New York State.

WANTED—For spring and 'summer months, at Grand View Hotel, Lake

Placid. N. Y.. gardener, cook for help, waitresses, second girls, laundry help, c leaning women and miscel laneous help. Address until April 15th, M. D. Carroll, Grove Park Inn. Ashevllle, N. C , after­wards Lake Placid. N. T.

WANTED—At the Utica, State Hospital for the Insane, at Dtflca N. Y., young

men and women for ward at tendants and dining-room attendants. W a g e s $28.00 to $35.00 per month for women and $34.00 to $44.00 per month for men, with room, board and laundry. Apply to Su­perintendent, Box BOO. Utica. N. Y.

WANTED—Five bright, capable ladles to travel, demonstrate and sell deal­

ers; $25 to $50 per week; railroad fare ; paid. Write at once. Goodrich Drug Co., Dept. 688, Omaha, Nebr.

YOUNG woman for general housework during spring and position in hotel

I dug-ing summer months at Hulett's, on I>ake George. Start March 29th. A, H. Wyatt. 112 Third St., Troy, N. Y.



APARTMENTS WANTED. ELDERLY couple desires two connect-

ing rooms, with board, in private family; permanent, 'Phone Troy 2533-J. '

SMALL flat or apartment or two or three unfurnished room* for light

housekeeping; two adults; central loca­tion. Box 101. Troy Times.















Good detailer. Apply In wri t ing only, s ta t ing age, experience and salary expected.

To Engineering Department,

Alberger Pump and Condenser Co.,

Newburgh, N. Y.


man thoroughly familiar with quantity production on high-class work to take charge of depart­ment employing approximately 100 men; machine equipment consti­tutes turret machines, drill presses, milling machines, gear •hapers, e t c This position offers an opportunity for a nlgh-grade man to affiliate with a pregressive up-to-date concern, permanently located in enterprising city in Now Jersey. In writ ing state age. salary expected and experi­ence in detail covering past ten years. Address "Productions." Room 2502, l l O J W e s t 42d St., N. Y. City. m









Female. WORK by day, c leaning offices, etc.

1504 Seventh Ave.

BOOKKEEPER. 4 years' experience, de­s ires position; will do clerical work.

Box 690. Times Office.

EXPERIENCED stenographer wants work. Will accept temporary posi­

tion. Address Box 536, Troy Times.

FLATS WANTED. FLATS wanted in Sycaway, Beman

Park or Oakwood Avenue section, for adults. Call Troy 2026.






BY April 1st, 7 or 8 rooms, modern im­provements, centrally located; adults

only. Box 102, Times Office. _ APARTMENTS wanted by 3 adults;

modern; 5 or 8 rooms; centrally lo­cated; May 1st; best references. Box 568, Times,

FARMS WANTED. WANTED—To rent a farm near Troy,

with privilege of buying within one year. Must have good -soij and go:>d buildings. Write M. Denault, Brunswick Road. 'Phone Troy 2774.

\ • -

REAL ESTATE WANTED. WANTED—To lease, with privilege of

purchase, first-class one-family hbuse, well located. Full particulars. Box 163, Times Office.

ROOMS WANTED WANTED—Furnished or unfurnished

room for single gent leman; best of reference. Box 162, Times.

HOUSES WANTED. WANTED — Small country home for

summer; Averill Park or West Sand Lake preferred. Box 686, Times.

FURNISHED ROOMS WANTED. TWO ladles would like two single front

rooms. Box 584, Times.









$12.00 PER WEEK




| NOW is the time to have your furniture made new. New line of tope. You 1 save money. "Phone 3008-J. Estimates

given. J. H. Crutchley, 272 River St., second floor.

FOR SALE. A SPECIAL for this week felt mattress

at $15.60. Schmidt & Koerner.

J FOR SALE—Strictly fresh eggs 66c per do*. Jelke's Good Luck Store. 2272

Fifth Ave.

CONOOLEUM Gold Seal floor covering at 65 cents for this week. Schmidt &



AT QPOPER'S—$4.50 metal lunch kit, with pint vacuum bottle, $2.95. Spe­

cial, 31 King St.

SEWING machine bargains; Singer, White and Standard carried. Weir. 40

8tate 8 t Phono Bflt-W.

GENERAL store, doing large business. Just out of city. For particulars atl-

dress Box 592, Times Office.

OLD mahogany colonial sofa in good shape for sale at J. H. Crutchley's,

272 River St., second floor, City.

AT COOPER'S—Pint vacuum bottle. $1.76. Complete stock of all kinds of

vacuum bottles and kits. 31 King St.

SAFES opened and repaired. We also buy and sell new and second-hand

sa fe* Brunelle, Fourth St.. pear Proc­tor's.

_ f . A DINING-ROOM SET for $74.00, con­

s is t ing of quartered oak buffet, quar­tered oak table and chair*. Schmidt & Koerner. PIANO ROLLS. Q. R. S„ Honer. harmoni­

cas, instrument strings, victrolas, Vic­tor records. Thau Music Co., 1561 Broadway, Watervllet .

AN OPPORTUNITY—We will g ive you a liberal al lowance for your old fur­

niture In exohange for new furniture. Schmidt & Koerner.

PANTS—Reduction sale on pants of wool and worsted at $5.25, $6.50, $6.95.

worth $15.00. Bokstein, 2006 Fifth Ave., cor. Grand St., Troy.

MAILING CARD, carrtes small art icles safely through the mail. Of interest to

Aluminum Sheet Metal working. Ad­dress, H. M. O'Reilly. Indiana, Penn.

A BARGAIN list, easy terms, small payment. George D. Slade, Gar B ids .

Phone 11S» Troy.

ALBIA. Wynpntakill F lats—Two houses, one for $1,400 and one for $1,600.

Slade, Gay Bldg. **

AVERILL PARK—The McConlhe prop­erty; four houses; 12 acres; cot tage

sites; $8,500. Slade, Gay Bldg.

BANK deposits of $200 or over wil l get ' you a home. Slade, Gay Bldg.

BEMAN PARK—One of the best two family houses, with garage; $13,044.

Slade, Gay Bldg.

BURKE STT 14—fwo families, newly papered and painted. $800, $200 down.

Slade, Gay Bldg.

BURDEN'S LAKE, near Sitter's Corners, three-room bungalow, porch, large

lot, $300. Slade. Gay Bldg.

BURDEN AVE., 769.— Store property. Store and flat above, good slse, $3,000

Slade. Oay Bldg.

BURDEN AVE.. 733—Two family frame. Buy this property, good Investment,

$1,500. Slade. Gay Bldg.

CHESTNUT ST., 87-VTwo family, three rooms, three bedrooms each floor.

$2,000. Slade. Gay Bldg.

CHRISTrE ST.. 33—One fanilly cottage, one extra lot. $1,350; $350 . down.

Slade. Gay Bldg.

CONGRESS ST., 247-249—Brick. four stores, nine famil ies; big investment;

$20,000. Slade, Gay Bldg.

CONGRESS ST.. 334—Three-story brick store and two flats, garage, $5,800.

Slade. Gay Bldg.

AT COOPER'S—Extra fillers for "Ther­mos," "Universal." Icy-Hot," "Ameri­

can" and H. "Simplex" vacuum bottles, $1.35. Regular $2.00 value. 31 K i n g St.

ATTENTION—We will sell all or any part of your furniture, rugs, carpets,

pianos or victrolas on commission, or we will pay cash for it. 'Phone 3919 Troy and we will call for it. Schmidt & Koerner. *

ALL the year around stove store—New and up to date used ranges, g a s at­

tachments and elevated • gas combina­tions, stove repairs and remounting. Call Troy 2882. Moore & Chegman, 138 to 144 Congress St., Troy, N. Y.

USED laundry machinery, washers, ex­tractors, blowers, iron and wood tanks,

shafting, pulleys, hangers; complete plant for. small laundry. Universal Ma­chinery Co.. Room 406. 74 Chapel St., Albany. N. Y. Tel. Main 4541.

POULTRYMEN AND FARMERS — We have a Free Bulletin Board in our

store and if you have anything for sale or exchange just let us enter this on our Free Bulletin Board, where it wil l be seen and consulted by people who want to buy. If you live out of town just send your offer by mall and we will enter it on our Free Bulletin Board. Gordi-nler's Big Country Store, Troy, N. Y.

Warehouse Equipment OF

Cunningham-Peddrick, Inc. 176 GEORGE ST.,


GUERNSEY cows for sale—Five head reserved out of her herd by Mrs. Wal­

ter A. Wood, jr., Hoosick Falls, as fol­lows: One seven-year-old, milking; one three-year-old. to freshen in May; one three-year-old. to freshen in July; on* two-year-old, not bred; one yearl ing. All registered. Will t>e sold for $1,000 if taken at once. Heaton & Mambert, Attorneys for Estate, 70 Second St., Troy, N. Y.

CONGRESS ST., 607 and 609—Four-family brick, large lot; $4,300. Slade*.

Gay Bldg.

COHOES ROAD—The Troy House. Use It to board Ford worker*. $5,000.

Slade, Gay Bldg.

CRESCENT—Nine acres of land, no ' buildings, good building site, $675.

Slade, Gay Bldg.

CROPSEYVILLE—House, good cellar. ! doesn't freeze; barn, large lot, good

water; $500. Slade. Gay Bldg.

EXCELSIOR AVE., 11 and 13—Three families; hardwood floors, s late roof;

. $4,800. Slade, Gay Bldg.

j EAST SIDE, Lexington Ave., 84—One-family, hardwood floors, electricity,

; $3,500. Slade, Gay Bldg. i -1 EIGHTH ST.. 28—Two family; nice I place to l ive; nearby. $2,500. Slade, ; Gay Bldg.

| EAST SIDE, 11 Ford Ave., near Sacred i Heart Church — Two-family. $2,750.

Slade, Gay Bldg.

' EIGHTH ST., 157-159 — Four family I brick and two family frame. $6,000.

Slade, Gay Bldg. 1 FEDERAL ST.. 705—Three-family frame,

three rooms and tnree bedrooms, j $4,000. Slade, Gay Bldg.

' FIFTH AVE., near Rensselaer St.—Two ! family brick house. Well built. $2,000. , Slade. Gay Bldg.

FIFTH AVE.. 543, North—One family frame; would make nice store. $1,800.

Slade. Gay Bldg.

FIFTH AVE., 545, North—Two family frame, hot water heat, garage; $4,500.

Slade. Gay Bldg.

FIFTH AVE., 1631—Three family frame, with brick building in rear. $6,000.

Slade. Gay Bldg.

FIRST ST., 305—Three-story brick store and two modern flats, $7,000. Slade,

Gay Bldg.

FIRST ST.. 109—Three-story and base­ment, one-family brick house, $6,000.

Slade. Gay Bldg.

FIRST AVE. and Fourteenth St.. North —Office, scales, sheds: land, ISA foot

river dock. $6,000. Slade. Gay Bldg.

FIFTH A V E . 143. North—Two-family frame, good location, extra lot, $5,600.

Slade. Gay Bldg.

REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. LARCH AVE., ' 1—Two f»mlly, modern

Improvements, s late roof, extra lot. $10,000. Slade. Oay Bldg.

LARCH AVE., " - " f w o family, s late roof. double piazzas, nice lot; $5,500. Slade.

Gay Bldg.

LOTS—Belle Ave., lot No. 38 and half of 40, 76x150. $2,000. Slade.

LOTS—Central Ave., Noa. Jl , 28. 23. three. 2f.x233, $600. Slade. Gay Bldg.

LOTS—Gurley Ave.. Nos. 11, 12, 13. three. 26x100. $600. Slade, Gay Bldg.

LOTS—Fifth Ave.. North, Nos. 296. 298, 300, three, 30x120, $1,200 each. Slade.

LOTS—Frear Park, two, 50x160, facing park, $1,000 each. Slade, Gay Bldg.

LOTS—Winter St., two 40x150, pave­ment, water, sewer, $675 each. Slade,

Gay Bldg.

LOTS—Sycawav. Seneca St., two 30x250 feet, corner, $450. Slade, Gay Bldg «

LOTS—Llndenwoad Park, nice 41-#00 lot water, sewer. gas, sidewalk,

$1,200. Slade.

LOTS—Tenth St., south of People's AVK^. lot 25x100, $160. Slade, Gay Bldg.

LOTS—Watervliet. two 30x100 feet, cor­ner Sixteenth St. and Eighth Ave.,

$700. Slade.

LOTS—Watervliet, two 25x120 feet. Eighth Ave., north of Thirteenth St..

$700. Slade.

LOTS—Fales Court, Nos. 111-112. two, 25x100 feet, $600. Slade, Gay Bldg.

SEVENTH AVE., 2232—Two 2-family houses and furniture, $3,000; property

$1,800; one house $750. Slade.

SEVENTH AVE., 2258—Two family and basement, brick; Improvements; very

good, $4,000. Slade, Gay Bldg.

SEVENTH AVE., 2149—Two-family and basement brick; wel l built house.

$4,000. Slade Gay Bldg.

AUCTION SALES. AT OUR next weekly auction, Wednes­

day, March 17, at 2 p. m.. we will offer 25 head of good rugged horses from Iowa; we will also have about 30 head of local horses of all weights and colors, together with harness, wagons, s leighs, etc.: if you have anything in the above bring it in; private sales dally; 50 to 75 head horses a lways on hand. Lindy's Sales Stables, Sixth Ave. Tunnel, Troy.

FIFTH AVE.. between Fulton and Broadway, three-story and basement

brick. $10,000. Slade. Gay Bldg.



220/550 VOLTS—1200 R. P. M. 2—5 H. P. Westlnghouse. 3—7% H. P. Westlnghouse. 2—7% H. P. Western Electric, slip

ring. 2—10 H. P. General Electric. 2—15 H. P. General Electric. 1—20 H. P. General Electric. 5—25 H. P. Westlnghouse. 3—30 H. P. G. E. 2—40 H. P. G. E.

„ 6—50 H. P. West lnghouse, 80y rt.P.M. 4—75 H. P. West lnghouse . 800 R.P.M. 1—75 H. P. G. E.. slip ring, 800 RJ>.M. 1—100 H. P. G. E - slip ring. 1—150 H. P. West lnghouse. 600 R.P.M. 1—200 H. P. West lnghouse. 800 R.P.M. 1—200 H. P. G. E., slip ring. 1—300 H. P. G. E.. slip ring, 300 R.P.M.

'Phone or write for prices on s ingle phase motors; also 60-cycle motors.


FIFTH AVE.. 393, North—Two-family frame, piazza, bay window, garage;

$4,500. Slade. Gay Bldg.

FIFTH AVE., 413, North—Two-family brick, three rooms, four bedrooms;

$4,000. Slade, Gay Bldg.

81 Fourth St., Troy. 'Phone 3067.

TYPEWRITERS. TYPEWRITERS sold for small monthly

payments. Write at once for Informa­tion and we will send yq,u circular. Box No. 587, Troy Times.

WANTED—Will pay cash for visible typewri ter* L. C. Smiths, Underwoods.

Remingtons. Monarcha, Royals. Ol iver* Coronas. W. I. Copeland. Troy. N. Y. Phone Troy 3866 or 1244.

FIFTEENTH ST.. 2. North—One family second floor, two apartments, income

$15 weekly; $5,000. Slade, Gay Bldg.

FIRST ST., 107—Three-story brick; also 13 Division St., two-fami ly frame,

$10,000. Slade. Gay Bldg.

FOURTH AVE., North—Near Fifth St.; two-family, remodeled; nice locat ion;

$4,500. Slade, Gay Bldg. . - — * i. i * • A

FOURTH AVE.. 385, 387, 389. North— 3 two-family frame houses, $5,600.

Slade, Gay Bldg.

FOURTH ST., 483-487 — Three-family frame and three-story brick; $4,000.

Slade. Gay Bldg.

FOURTEENTH ST., 65 — Two family brick; three rooms and three bed­

rooms; $2,150. Slade, Gay Bldg.

GRISWOLD AVE.. 3—New one-family, hardwood floors, electricity, nice

porch, $4,200. Slade, Gay Bldg.

GREEN ISLAND—Large plat of land, water and rail faci l i t ies: bui ldings;

$8,000. Slade. Gay Bldg.

GRAFTON—Ten acres, good camp site, nice creek, good well water, $700.

Slade, Gay Bldg.

GLENS FALLS. 56 Montcalm St.—Two-family frame, water, gas . electricity*

$2,200. Slade, Gay Bldg.

HALFMOON—One of the best houses, four acres and barn, $3,000. Slade,

Gay Bldg.

HOOSICK FALLS—Bast location, high class, modern, nine rooms, garage, one

acre fruited, $4,000. Slade.

HOOSICK—Very nice 10 room house, large halls, s late roor. barn, $3,000.

Slade. Gay Bldg.

PERSONAL. HOUSE Ave., 12 and 16—Two one-family

houses, two acres; $3,600. "Slade. Oay Bldg.




is affording

Unlimited possibilities to a large num­ber of skilled men hn good physi­

cal condition



Good Working Conditions

Educational Advantages.

A Chans* to Llv* and Grow.


Our pTM«nt permanent openings Include



a l t *

Bricklayer* All Around Machinists

General Repairmen •sneh and Floormae* • • •

fih*«t Metal W o r k . n

Apply Factory Employment Omo*.


HEMSTITCHING, plaiting, buttons, but- j tonholes. # The Little Fur Shop, 53 IDA ST., 92—Four-family brick; $2,000,

Congress St. ! $600 or less down. Slade, Gay Bldg. . i

KING ST.—Business property, wil l throw in $20,000 yearly cash business;

$8,000. Slade, Gay Bldg.

MRS. A. R. SPENCER, dressmaker, has removed to 521 Grand St., cor. Sixth

Ave. Telephone 3442-W.

SEVENTH AVE.. 2106 — Three-family brick, two-family brick in rear,

$3,600. Slade, Gay Bldg.

SIXTH AVE., 623, North—New modern, one family brick, large lot. $5,000.

Slade, Gay Bldg.

SIXTH AVE.. 3001, 3009 — Two stores; Ingal ls Ave , 27. 29—2 two family

brick houses. $10,000. Slade, Gay Bldg.

SIXTH AVE., North, 691—Cor. Nine­teenth St.—Two 1-famlly houses;

$2,000. Slade, Gay Bldg.

STOWE AVE. 223 and 226—Two two-family frame houses. $3,000 each.

Slade, Gay Bldg. ^ _ _

SYCAWAY—Wayne St., new house. 17 lots, 147 foot well . $3,500. $600 down.

Slade, Gay Bldg. '

SYCAWAY—New two family modern house, hardwood floorB, 'steam heat,

electricity, $7,500. Slade, Gay Bldg.

REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. 39 SECOND ST.. Waterford— 2-family

brick house and barn, lot 66x130. Ap­ply on premises evenings .

THREE-FLAT brick house. Eight rooms each flat. Electric, g a s and stationary

tubs. Hot water heat first floor. Gar­age holds 2 cars. 'Phone 2619.

BEAUTIFUL villa residence at Syoa-way, strictly modern throughout,

garage, lot 40x120; possession at once; only $5,500.00. W. L. Hanes, 82 State St.. Albany. N. Y.

BELOW Twenty-third St., Fourth Ave.. Lansingburgh, two-family frame

dwell ing. 50x120, modern Improvements;

Sood Investment. Rents amount $504. ox 691. Troy Times. <~

EAST SIDE—One-family house; reason­able; 6 room*, bath, electric light,

heater, toilet, lavatory, large garden; extra lot; 3 minutes from trolley; 20 minutes' walk to City Hall. Easy pay­ments arranged for quick sale. Box 642. Troy Times.

FOR SALE—The popular Rensselaer Park Hotel, Fifth Ave., head of

Eighth St., Lansingburgh. Suitable as hotel, restaurant, rooming house, etc.; high t-eilings, gas, water, concrete cel­lar, wldo verandas, pleasant surround­ings, -sanitary conditions. Also 5 lots, each 35 feet front, on which are sheds, barns and outbuildings. Reason for sell ing—I wish to retire from business. Bargain to right party. Address me on premises, or telephone North 676-W. Mrs. C. Yenne.

AUTOS FOB SALE. FOR SALE—Ford express body with

top; will exchange for 1917 touring body. Box 593, Troy Times.


$276.00 FORD touring 1915, shock ab­sorbers, rear mirror, switch lock,

more-lite lens, robe rail, tjre carrier, and hand horn. Call after 7 p. m. Clark's Garage. Hoosick and Sixteenth Sts.

FOR SALE—^1919 Case touring car, demonstrator, l ike new; one 1919

Ford delivery, natural wood body, de­mountable wheels, 31x4 tlreB, like new; 1918 Ford touring car, extra tires, shock absorbers and other extras, « bargain at $500. 35x4% tires, 30x3%, 30x3. 35x5, second-hand tubes of all sizes, demount­able wheels, demountable rims. Bosch magnetos, colls, carburetors, tire chains, ho .ns and speedometers, gears of all kinds, wheels, gasol ine tanks, gener­ators, starters, fenders to fit all model cars (Ford, etc . ) ; Ford and Packer radiators, Hudson radiator shell, storage batteries, runabout Ford bodies, cushions of all kinds, Backet seats , pistons, axles, springs, Ford cylinder blocks, 25-4 cylin­der engine and remains of 1918 six Bulck,

. s ix cylinder Continental motor, Paige motor, Paige frame. Hudson frame, Hud­son fenders, Hudson wheels. Automobile owners, you can save 50% off the list price by buying these parts now. Ave-

ue Garage Go. Troy 3772.

TAMARAC^House, large enough for two families; barn, good sized gar­

den; $400 Slade, Oay Bldg.

TENTH ST., 192—Two-family frame house, five rooms each floor. $1,200.

Slade. Gay Bldg^ j

TENTH ST.. 321—Two-family modern brick house. Price .reduced to $3,900.

Slade, Gay BldjT .

TENTH ST.. 447—Store property, stock and fixtures. Look this over. $1,550.

Slade. Gay Bldg. .

THIRD AVE., 598, North—One family; five bedrooms; large lot. garage;

$4,600. Slade, Gay Bldg.

THIRD ST.. 148—Two-story and base­ment two-family frame house and

barn, $6,000. Slade. THIRD ST.. 164—Three story and base­

ment brick; buy this house. $3,260. Slade, Gay Bldg.

THIRD ST.. iSS—Two family frame, • would make nice home property.

$2,000. Slade. Gay Bldg.

THIRD ST., 369 — T w o family frame, with livery stable in rear; $3,500. Slade.

Gay Bldg. THIRD ST.. 383—Store property, store

or market and fiat above. $2,600. Slade. Gay Bldg.

YOU can borrow money on property from George D. Slade, Gay Bldg.

'Phone 1139. _-

VANDERHEYDEN ST.. 33 — Three-family frame, four rooms and three

bedrooms. $5,500. Slade. Gay Bldg.

WATERVLIET, Broadway, near Thir­teenth—Two-family: hot water heat;

hardwood floors; electric l ights; $6,000. Slade.

WATERVLIET—T Second Ave. — Fl

apartments; Improve Slade.

vf«rfj||thl r-nveMsE^f provemtn

hlrd St. and es and five ts; $3,500.

WATERVLIET, 15 Twenty-third St.— Store and modern flat, restaurant loca­

tion. $2,000, Slade, Gay Bldg^

WATERVLIET. 17 Twenty-third SL— Three-story brick, store and family,

$3,000. Slade, Gay Bldg.

WATERVLIET, 20O8 Broadway, corner Twenty-first St .—Two-family frame,

$2300. Slade. Gay Bldg.

WEST SAND LAKE. Stop 22—16 room house, electric l ights , conveniences.

$5,600. Slade. Gay Bldg.

WATERVLIET, Eighth Ave., 1884 — Two-family frame, extra lot, $3,500.

Slade, Gay Bldg. 'Phone 1139.

WATERVLIET, 1615 Ninth Ave.—Two-family brick, separate heaters, en­

trances; electricity, gas, garage, large lot, $6,600. Slade, Gay Bldg.

WATERVLIET. Sixteenth St., 139 — Three-family brick, heater, hardwood

floors, large rooms, $5,500. Slade. WATERFORD — Store, property and

dwelling, stock, fixtures, etc.; doing good business; terms. Slade. Gay Bldg. WATERVLIET, 755-757 B r o a d w a y -

Two store properties, l iv ing rooms and barns; $3,200. Slade, Gay Bldg.

FOR SALE—Modern property, near trol­ley and steam railroad; house has.

eight rooms, bath, electricity, fireplace, oak floors and woodwork; garage; less than an hour's ride out of city: very desirable. Address Box "Modern," Troy Times Office.

3-STORY frame house, Nos. 109 and 111 Monroe S t ; Oakwood Ave., 2-story

frame house, Nos. 3 and 5; also 374 Tenth St.; 3-story brick, 427 Second St.; from 1 to 2 thousand cash. Will pay from 9 to 14 per cent, after taxes paid. For information call at 428 First St.




GILL piston ring*, all sizes, for sal* by Mont. G. Curtis, 241 Rlvsr St.

AUTOMOBILE repairing; all work guar­anteed; get my terms. Percy Wlllits.

Call 2791-W Troy.

HONEYCOMB radiators for Ford cars for sale. George Zellweger, 214

River St. 'Phone 2997-J.

RUB-R-TITE, the best waterproof dr*i lng for mohair *uto top*. Mont.

Curtis. River St., Troy. N. t.

IGNITION parts and colls for all kinds of cars, generator and Starting, motor

repairs. L. E. Hughes. No. 3 Fulton St.

AUTOMOBILE storage, rates reason­able; cars washed and gasol ine sold

at Keefe's Garage. 2327-2329 Sixth Ave. Phone 7»7.

TIRES—AKRON 5,000 mile guaranteed. 30x3%, $14.00; no seconds; one-third

leBs standard price. Nahom Tire Com­pany, Troy. P. O. Box SI7. "Phone 174-W. "RAND INNER TIRES." made of three-

ply canvas that vulcanizes to Inside of shoe, cannot creep, wrinkle or pinch. If they blow out, return them and money refunded. Only tire on the market sold on that basis. 3-lnch, $4; 3%-lnch. $4.75; 4-inch, $5.75; 4%-inch, $7.25; 6-inch, $9. Order one and you will use them all around. Get all the wear from your treads. Few live agents wanted. Dept. O, Inner Tire Distributing Co., 1135 Taylor A v e , Utica, N. Y.

Autos For Hire. CARS tor hire. Sure Luck Garage.

Phone Troy 3808.

P E T Taxi Service at Campbell's Garage, opposite Rensselaer Hotel. 'Phone

Troy 32.

BUILDERS AND SUPPIJES. ALL kinds of second-hand building ma­

terial. Great Eastern Storage, Trans­fer and Wrecking Corp.. 124 Ferry St.

STUCCO, concrete, brickwork, contract or day work; new or old; anywhere,

any time. Frank Reynold* 20 De Freest Ave. Phone.

HOLLOW BUILDING TILE BLOCKS. All s l s e * Warm in winter, cool In sum­mer, dry all s eason* Troy Fl reproofing Co.. Troy. N. Y.

ROOFS repaired, painted; gutter pipes, metal ceil ings, furnace work- B*tl-

mates given. John Myer*. 1718 Broad­way. Watervllet. 70I-W.

— CLEMENTE BROS., dealers in sand, ele­

gant for mortar and concrete: gravel and cinder* Hoosick Street. 'Phone Troy 2674. Orders by 'phone will re­ceive prompt attention.

MONEY LOANED. MONEY loaned on diamonds, watches,

Jewelry and clothing. Th* "Old Stand," Tigar, 163 Fourth SL

PREPARE In advance for 4 * loans to build or borrow money. Union Home

Builders. 2321 Fifteenth 8t., Troy.

PRIVATE LOANS—If it is money you want, we are the people to serve you.

Amounts advanced from $6 upwards, to any honest employee, housekeeper, or

; real estate owner. Prompt dignified and ; confidential service. National Loan Co.,

307 Cannon Place, Troy. N. Y.

^ w ^^INSTRUOTION. BEOINNER8 in telegraphy—I will oall

at your home and Instruct you for 25c a lesson* W. J. Hayes, 104 Maple Ave., Saratoga! N. Y. .


P E R C Y A N D F E R D I E — A Reputation Made—and Lost. prcx^Ttr: zzrzz ^ .__ . • .. • _.. .u\—• ——

By H. A. M.cGILL Creator ef the HsU-Rees* Bey*


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Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069