TO THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE · 2019. 6. 28. · 408 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE No. 20 Officiating...


Transcript of TO THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE · 2019. 6. 28. · 408 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE No. 20 Officiating...

  • No. 20 407


    TO THE



    Published by Authority





    Officiating Ministers for 1972-No. 8

    PURSUANT to the Marriage Act 1955, the following list of Officiating Ministers within the meaning of the said Act is published for general information. This list comes into force on 28 February 1972.

    The Anglican Church

    The Reverend-Adams, Geoffrey Owen, B.A., LL.B.,

    L.Th. Addis, Ellis Avenel Aiken, David Leslie Aires, Raymond Charles, M.A., L.Th. Aldworth, Alexander William Allen, Francis Lechampion Allison, Lester Frederic Allom, Barrie Haldane, L.Th.

    The Venerable Archdeacon-Anderson, Alfred Reid, M.Sc.

    The Reverend-Anderson, John Clement Anderson, Leslie William Shallad,

    Canon Anderson, William David Anderson, Stuart, B.A., Canon Andrews, Roydon Percival, B.A.,

    L.Th., Canon Ardley, Evan Lloyd, L.Th. Arlidge, John Brett, M.A. Arnold, Walter Charles, B.A., Hon.

    Canon Arrowsmith, Alan Winston Arthur, George Roger, L.Th. .Mkms, Peter Geoffrey, M.A., B.D.,

    L.Th. Aubrey, Keith Gilbert, Th.L., Dip.

    Com., Canon Ault, Harold Frank, M.A., B.D., L.Th.,

    Th.Sebo. Axoell, Peter Baigent, Kempster William, L.Th.

    The Right Reverend Bishop-Baines, Henry Wolfe, M.A.

    The Reverend-Baker, Gerald Stothert, M.A., L.Th. Baker, Philip Bartrum, B.A., L.Th. Balfour, David Ian Bailey Balfour Ballantyne, Simon Thorne, B.A., L.Th. Bambury, Owen Ronald Bamford, Eric Ellerslie, M.A., L.Th. Banfield, Colin Clement Barber, Elton Clifford, B.A., Canon Barker, John Llewellyn Barnes, Lewis Agassiz, M.A., L.Th Barnett, Kevin Percy, B.A., L.Th.

    The Venerable Archdeacon-Barrett, Denis

    The Reverend-Barrett, Robert Edwin Barton, Terrence Moore, M.Com. Basire, Ian James, B.E., L.Th.

    The Venerable Archdeacon-Bathurst, Keith Orton, M.A., L.Th ..

    The Reverend-Battley, Donald Hollingworth,

    B.Com., A.R.A.N.S., L.Th. Bean, Peter Douglas, L.Th. Beattie, Ian David, B.A., L.Th. Beattie, William Bruce Beauchamp, Donald Charles, L.Th. Beckett, Bruce Arthur Westenra. L.Th. Beech, Walter Herbert

    The Venerable Archdeacon-Beere, Lionel O'Sullivan, M.A.

    The Reverend-Bell, William Bell-Booth, William Louis, L.Th. Bellingham, John Kingston Bendall, Kenneth Albert Benham, Noel Francis Bennett, Charles William, L.Th.

    The Anglican Church-continued

    The Right Reverend Bishop-Bennett, Manu Augustus, D.D., B.Sc.

    The Reverend--Bennett, Reginald Marchmont Bennie, Alexander Peter Bruce, M.A.,

    Th.L. Bent, Michael Charles Best, David Christopher Black, Montague John, B.A. Blackburn, Alan Hopton, L.Th.,

    Canon Blain, Michael Winston, M.A. Blair, Riga Wells, L.Th. Blakie, Cecil Douglas Blakiston, Peter Henly, L.Th., Hon.

    Canon Bluck, John William, M.A., B.D. Boniface, Herbert Garway, M.A. Bool, Wilfrid Arthur, L.Th. Botting, Ian James, M.A. Bourne, Ian Grant, B.A., L.Th.

    The Venerable Archdeacon-Bowyer, Henry George, B.D., B.Sc.,


    The Reverend-Boyd, David George, B.Sc., L.Th. Boyd-Bell, Henry James, L.Th., E.D . Braddock, David Alwyn, L.Th. Braddock, Kenneth Frederick Langley Brady, Graeme Alan, L.Th. Branthwaite, John Walter, B.A., L.Th. Brokenshire, John Joseph, L.Th. Brooker, Stephen John, B.A., L.Th. Broughton, Alan Rangiahuta Herewini Brown, Alec Charles, A.K.C. Brown, Colin Greville Brown, Eric Donald Brown, Graeme Eric Brown, John Lawley, B.A., L.Th.,

    Canon Brown, Michael Henry, B.Com., L.Th. Browne, Cyril Franklin Buchanan, John Dermot, L.Th.

    The Venerable Archdeacon-Buckle, Edward Gilbert, Th.L., Dip.


    The Reverend-Bull, Cecil Stanley, L.Th., F.R.G.S.

    The Venerable Archdeacon-Bull, Maxwell Lovelace Arthur.

    The Reverend-Burgin, Eric Woollcombe, B.A., L.Th. Burns, Percy, L.Th.

    The Venerable Archdeacon-Butt, Gordon Alexander, L.Th.

    The Reverend-Buttle, Richard Newman, B.A., L.Th. Bythell, Noel John, M.Sc., Th.L. Cable, John Henry Calder, Matthew Lewis, Th.L. Cameron, Derek Cedric Graham, C.F.,

    L.Th. Cameron, John Steven Graham, L.Th. Cameron, Mangititoki, L.Th., Canon Cameron, William Steven Graham,

    L.Th. Campbell, Milton Hope, L.Th. Campbell, Robert Dean, B.A., B.D. Cape, Peter Irwin, B.A. Carpenter, Theodore George, L.Th. Carrell, Brian Ruane, M.A. Carson, Richard Alcorn, M.A., Canon Castle, Wilmot Rodd, L.Th. Caswell, Colin Douglas Charles, O.B.E.,

    Canon Caudwell, Rex, L.Th.

  • 218 FEBRUARY

    The Anglican Church-continued

    The Reverend-Chalmers, Arnold Lyall Roy Cheeseman, Trevor Percival Chernngton, Philip Henry, L.Th.

    The Very Reverend Dean-Childs, Henry Arthur, M.A., Dip. Soc.


    The Reverend-Childs, William Arthur

    The Venerable Archdeacon-Chung, John Yan Laiap Clark, Gerald Hurley, B.Sc., B.A. Clark, Richard Rex, M.A., L.Th.

    The Reverend-Qarke, Alllthony Ivan, L.L.B. Clarke, Neil Stenson Clegg, Jesse Elias Bruce, D.F.C., M.A. Cobham, George Albert Anthony

    Douglas, L.Th. Cocks, Michael Dearden Somers, M.A. Cohen, David Mervyn Stuart, B.A. Oolegrnve, Richard Selwyn, L.Th.,

    L.R.S.M., L.T.C.L. Colley, Graham Albert. Collins, Leonard Kilby Coney, Gerald Frederick Cook, Frederick Walter, L.Th. Cook, George Pilkington Cook, Russell Victor Cooper, Arthur Robert, L.Th. Cooper, Christopher Neville, B.E. Cooper, Ian Douglas Lewis, L.Th. Cooze, Cyril Wakelin Corbin, Samuel Bertram Roberts,

    Canon Corney, Samuel, Canon Coulson, John Keyworth Coulthard, Frank Edward, B.Sc., L.Th. Coulthard, Roy Edward, B.A., Th.L. Couper, Roger Benson, B.A., L.Th. Cowell, Dennis Aubrey, L.Th., Dip.

    Ed. Cox, Bernard Sheffield, Th.L. Craighead, John Miller, L.Th. Cranch, William Maxwell

    Deaconess-Cranston, Wendy Beryl

    The Reverend-Crawshaw, Geoffrey Colin, L.Th. Creagh, George Terence, L.Th. CuU, Stafford Guy, L.Th. Cullen, Clifford Lloyd, L.Th. Cullen, John Austin Culpitt, Ian Raymond Cunliffe, William Richard, B.A., L.Th.,

    Canon Dalby, Ross Howieson Darlington, Wallace Garnett, L.Th. Dashfield, Edward Maurice, L.Th.

    The Very Reverend Dean-Davies, David Jones, B.Sc.

    The Venerable Archdeacon-Davies, Walter Merlin, B.A.

    The Reverend-Davies, Winton James Detheridge,

    L.Th. Davis, Brian Newton, M.A., L.Th. Davis, Hector Percival Harold Davy, Kenneth Thomas, L.Th. Dawson, Frederick Oberlin, M.C.,

    L.Th. Day, Frederick James, L.Th. Day, John Ashley Garnet, B.A. Daysh, John Duff. de Candole, Donald Vully, Hon.

    Canon Dempsey, Gordon John, B.A., L.Th. Denny, Laurence John, B.A., L.Th. Derbyshire, Noel William, L.Th.,

    A.C.A., B.Com. Dewar, Alexander Montgomerie

    Hastings Dixon, William Gordon Murray


    The Anglican Church-continued

    The Reverend-Dobbs, Clifford Leslie, B.A. Dobson, Ronald Keith, B.A., L.Th. Dodd, John, M.A. Dorman, Denis John Brennian, M.A.,

    L.Th., Canon Dorrington, Hector Gurson Drake, Bryan Douglas, L.Th. Drake, William Nevill Drury, Peter Alexander, L.Th. Dryburgh, Alexander Huntley, L.Th. Drysdale, Munro Duffy, Alex Edward, L.Th. Dunlop, Rodney Owen, L.Th.

    The Venerable Archdeacon-Dunningham, Selwyn David Eden,

    M.A., L.Th.

    The Reverend-Duthie, Struan James, B.A., L.Th. Dyer, James Henry, A.L.C.D. Dyer, Paul, B.A., L.Th. Eades, Reginald William Gaywood Eames, Hubert Hardisty, B.A. Easton, Richard Huntingford, M.A. Eaton, Henry Jackson. Eaton, Ross Seymour, M.A. Edgar, David, M.A., L.Th. Edmiston, Douglas Seymour, L.Th.

    The Venerable Archdeiacon-Edmunds, William Milton, B.A., Dip.


    'I1he Reverend-Edridge, Peter Jack, L.Th. Edwards, Ian Carncross, L.Th. Edwards, Stuart, L.Th. Elliott, Keith, V.C. Ellis, John Francis Erwin, John Desmond Evans, John Herber, M.A. Everall, Thomas Roy, L.Th. Everitt, Alan Kenneth

    The Venerable Archdeacon-Fagg, Thomas Francis, L.Th.

    The Reverend-Fahey, Michael Wainwright, B.A.,

    L.Th. Fennell, Francis Vincent Fenton, Richard James, L.Th. Ferguson, Donald Thomas, L.Th. Feron, Joseph Francis, B.A., L.Th. Ferry, Francis John, L.Th. Firebrace, Robert Cordell, M.A.,

    A.K.C. Fisher, John Matson, L.Th. Fitzgerald, Gerald, M.A. Fitzpatrick, John Hunter Flanagan, Fraser Kelvin, B.A., L.Th. Flatt, Herbert John Flavell, Timoti Hami Paihana Fleury, Franquefort Eccles Florance, Lyall Peace Ford, Basil Martyn

    The Venerable Archdeacon-Ford, Frederick John, L.Th.

    The Reverend-Ford, Gordon Rex, L.Th. Fraser, Archibald James Thomas,

    M.A., B.D. French, Norman French, William Alfred, A.L.C.D. Froud, John Dakers, B.Com.,

    A.R.A.N.Z., Canoo Fuge, Douglas Neil, B.A., L.Th. Fussell, Raymond Selwyn Coldham Gardiner, Anthony Reade, B.A. Garraway, William Arthur, A.R.A.N.Z.,

    L.Th. Gaudin, Wi'lliam John, L.Th. Gaze, Arthur Philip Atkinson, M.A. Geering, Anthony Ernest Georgantis, Anthony George, M.A.,


    The Very Reverend Dean Emeritus-Gibson, Osborne Stanley Oliver, L.Th.


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    The Anglican Church-continued

    The Reverend-Gilbert, Bruce Carlyle, B.Sc., L.Th. Gillett, Francis Charles Bernard Gilmour, Thomas Calum, L.Th. Ginever, Geoffrey James, M.A., B.D. Glass, Francis Lewis Glover, Frederick, L.Th. Goetz, Grevis, O.B.E., L.Th. Goldsmith, Charles James Good, Ernest Charles, L.Th. Goodall, Maurice John, B.A., L.Th. Gould, Maxwell Selwyn Gourdie, Rona McLeod, D.S.0., L.Th.

    The Right Reverend Bishop--Gowing, Eric Austin, M.A.

    The Reverend-Graham, Ian Hamilton, L.Th. Graves, Barry Ashley Greenslade, John McDonald Greer, John Edward, L.Th. Gregory, Kenneth Gregory, William Herbert Greig, Frederick Robert, L.Th. Gribble, David George Grinder, Ronald Derek, L.Th. Guthrie, David Ian, LL.B., L.Th. Hadlow, Gerald James John Austin Hadlow, Selwyn Sidney, L.Th. Hall, David Everson, L.Th. Hamilton, Charles Robert Hamilton, Hugh Staples, Canon Hancock, Thomas Cyril John, Canon Hansen. Neil Bertram, B.A. Hansen, Robert Harawira, Herepo Ruawhe

    The Venerable Archdeacon-Harbour, William Leslie Scott, B.A.,


    The Reverend-Harding, Harold Frederick, D.S.O.,

    M.B.E .. M.A. Harding, William Douglas, M.A.,

    L.Th Harford, John Murray, L.Th. Harper, David Richardson, L.Th. Harriman, John Walter, L.Th.

    The Venerable Archdeacon-Harris, Harold Mayo, 0.B.E.

    The Reverend-Harrison, David Shirley Harrison, Francis Harrison, Frederick Charles. B.D. Harrison, Harold Vernon, L.Th. Hartley, William Henry Darien Haskell, Charles William. M.B.E., B.D. Hattaway, Robert Hay, Douglas Ramsey, M.A., Dip.Ed. Heath, John Gordon, L.Th. Heerdegen, William George Murliss,

    B.A. Hendery, William George, B.A. Herd. Kenneth, M.A. Hewson, Alan Douglas, B.Com.,

    A.R.A.N.Z. Hickman, Geoffrey Donald, B.A.,

    L.Th. Hicks, Henry Edward, B.A., L.Th. Hill, Christopher Matthias Hill. Thomas Duncan Hodgson, John Daniel Garner, L.Th. Hogg, Christopher John (Brother

    Christopher, S.S.F.)

    The Venerable Archdeacon-Hogg, John David, M.A., L.Th.

    The Reverend-Holmes, Melville Edward. L.Th. Jfolmes, Noel Edwin. L.Th. Hook, Herbert, M.A., Canon Hopkins. Henry Ivor, B.A. Houghton, Michael Richard, M.A. Hoult. Edward Ingham Howe, Earle Dixon, L.Th. Huata. Wi Te Tau, M.C., Canon Hubbard, Alfred Francis L.Th. Hughes, George Edward, M.A.


    The Anglican Church-continued

    The Reverend-Hughes, Robert Daniel Pakenham,

    L.Th. Hughes, William James, L.Th. Hurd, Michael John, B.A., L.Th. Hurd, Neville Edward, B.A., L.Th. Hurd, Stanley Alfred Giles, Canon

    The Very Reverend Dean-Hurst, Walter Edmund Wilmshurst,


    The Reverend-Hutton, Peter George

    The Venerable Archdeacon-Hyde, Claude Edward

    The Reverend-Ihaka, Kingi Matutaera Irwin, Frederick Leslie, L. Th. Isherwood, Hector Lionel Richard,

    L.Th., Canon l ves, Leonard Jackson, Albert Henry Jacobsen, Kenneth Ian

    The Venerable Archdeacon-I ameson, Bert Desmond, Th.L.

    The Reverend-Jaquiery, Alan Victor Jenkins, Brian Teychenne, B.A., L.Th. Jennings, Peter Harold Charles, M.A. Jensen, Daniel Irwin, L.Th. Joblin, Vernon William, L.Th., Hon-

    orary Canon Johns, Peter (Brother William S.S.F.) Johnson, Stephen Winston

    The Right Reverend Bishop-Johnston, Allen Howard, LL.D., L.Th.

    The Reverend-Johnston, Edward Alexander, M.A.,

    L.Th., Th.M., Canon Johnston, Thomas Cosbey, M.A. Jones, David Marcus, L.Th. Jones, John Edward, L.Th. Jones, Michael David, L.Th. Jones, Selwyn Hugh, L.Th. Kaa, Gordon Hope Kaa, Hone Te Kauru O Te Rangi,

    L.Th. Kapa, Piripi Tutangiora, L.Th. Kearse, Eric Donald Keith, John Frederick Butterfield,

    M.A., Canon

    The Venerable Archdeacon-Keith. Peter Meredith

    The Reverend-Keith, Ronald Gordon Layard Kemp, Allan James Kent-Johnston, Charles Walter, B.A.,

    L.Th. Kerr, Michael Henry, L.Th. Kibblewhite, David Frederick, B.Sc. Kidd, Douglas James, B.D., L.Th. Kimberley, Owen Charles Lawrence,

    B.Com. King, David William, B.A., L.Th. King, Gordon John, B.A.

    The Venerable Archdeacon-King, Leonard Mansfield, B.A.

    The Reverend-King, Meyrick Vincent Bryan, M.Sc. Kirby, Ronald George, B.A.

    The Venerable Archdeacon-Kirkham. Paul, Th.L.

    The Reverend-Knight. Clement Samuel Kyle, Leicester Hugo, L.Th. Ladd, Raymond Albert, L.Th. Lamont, Graham Strathmore. B.A. Langrell, Gordon John, B.A. !Jatham, John Montgomery Le Fevre, Maurice Aubrey, B.Com.,


    No. 20


    The Anglican Church-continued

    The Reverend-Leigh, Howard Vincent, B.A. Leitch, John Winston, L. fh.

    The Most Reverend Archbishop--Lesser, Norman Alfred, M.A., D.D.,


    The Reverend-Lewis, William Edwin Walker Light, Kenneth John, B.A., L.Th. Lightbourne, Derek Hugh, B.A., L.Th. Limbrick, Warren Edmund, M.A.,

    B.D., L.Th. Loong Gon, B.A. Loten, Terrence Marshall, L.Th. Loveridge, Barry Ernest, L.Th. Low, William Laird Lowe, Robert Arthur, L.Th. Mccaul, Ian Halse, B.Com., L.Th. McConchie, Stewart Donald, L.Th. McCrostie, Keith Ross, M.A., L.Th. McCullough, Robert Graham, M.A.,

    St.B Macdonald, Duncan Fraser, B.A. McFerran, Leonard Mack McGechie, John Kenneth, L.Th. Machell, Bernard John, Th.Sch.,

    L.Th., Canon

    The Right Reverend Bishop-McKenzie, Gordon Melville, O.B.E.,


    The Reverend-McKenzie, Thomas Afan, L.Th. McKie, Ian Alister, L.Th. Mackintosh, Thomas Maclean, John Raglan, B.A., M.M. McLean, Malcolm Douglas Maffey, Geoffrey Louis, M.A., L.Th.,

    Oanon Mak, Timothy Kwok Fai Malco:Im, John Douglas, B.A., B.Sc.

    The Venerable Archdeacon-Mann, Peter Woodley, L.Th., B.D.

    The Reverend-Mancing, David Tuini, L.Th. Marriott, Wallace Falcon, A.C.T.,

    L.Th. Marsden, Maori, L.Th. Marsden, Taki Wairua Marshall, Cecil Thomas, B.A. Martel, William Angus Martin, John Steele, B.A. Matthews, Oswald John, M.A., Canon Matthews, Ralph Vernon, L.Th.,

    Canon Matheson, Roy Keith, L.Th. May, Malco:Im Ivor, L.Th. Mead, Arthur William Rushton,

    L.Th., B.A. Mee, James Alexander, M.A. Meharry, Robert Cyrus Melbourne, Te Waaka Mellsop, Dennis Heywood, B.A., L.Th. Mercier, David Cuthbert, M.A. Merton, John James, B.Sc. Mete, Maaka Matiu, L.Th. Miles, Hubert Richard

    The Venerable Archdeacon-Millar, Douglas Stewart, M.A.

    The Reverend-Mills, Murray John, M.A., L.Th. Mills, Robert Scott, LL.B., STM.,

    L.Th Mitchell, Peter Cyril Molloy, Terence Harold

    The Veiy Reverend Dean-Monte1th, George Rae, B.A.

    The Reverend-Moody, Keith Thomas, L.Th. Moore, Bruce Macgregor, B.A. Moore, Mervyn Alfred, L.Th. Morgan, Gregor Allan Morgan, Murray Charles MorreJl, William David, B.A., L.Th.


    The Anglican Church-continued

    The Venerable Archdeacon-Morris, Arthur Robert Hampton,

    M.A., Emeritus

    The Reverend-Mould, Leonard Joseph Mountfort, Conrad Leigh Mountfort, Gerald Woolfield, B.A.,

    L.Th. Mullane, John Murdoch, M.A., L.Th. Munton, Peter John, L.Th. Naera, Wiremu Paati

    The Reverend-Naim, Ian Charles Naish, Raymond William, B.Sc. L.Th. Narbey, Dudley Cyril Neels, Raymond James, L.Th. Neild, John Reynell, B.A., L.Th ..

    Honorary Canon Neilson, Robert Geoffrey, B.A., L.Th. Nelson, Ian Waiter, L.Th. Newman, Michael Robert, B.D., L.Th. Newman, Ronald William Niblock, David Hale Alt, L.Th. Nicholl, Samuel Amos Nicholson, Guy Colville, B.E. Nicholson, Regmald John, L.Th. Nicholson, Robert Carruthers, B.A.,

    L.Th, Canon

    The Venerable Archdeacon.-Norman, Edward Kinsella, D.S.O.,

    M.C., B.A.

    The Reverend-Oatway, Hugh Malco:Im, Th.L. Oldham, Dale Raymond Okey, Richard John, B.A. Olsen, Arthur Barry, B.A., Th.L. Orchard, John David Otter, William Rodney, L.Th., C.F. Oulds, Francis Ayland, L.Th. Oxenbridge, Bertram Paenga, Te Keepa

    The Very Reverend Dean-Pa:Imer, Clifford George, B.A.

    The Venerable Archdeacon-Panapa, Te Pura Ngapera

    The Reverend-Parr, Alexander Francis Robert,

    L.Th., Schol. Parr, Patrick William Denis, B.A. Parry-Jennings, Christopher William Paterson, Hugh Stanley, B.Sc., L.Th. Paterson, Geoffrey Gordon Paterson, John Campbell Paul, Francis Lincoln, BA., L.Th. Pearc.i, Arthur Cyril Reginald Pearce, Francis Charles

    The Venerable Archdeacon-Pearson, Tom Vivian, L.Th.

    The Reverend-Peck, Robert Logan, B.D. Penman, Robert George Perkins, John Stanley Heathcote,

    B.A., L.Th. Pether, Christopher James, M.A.,

    L.Th. Pfankuch, Lester Edward, B.A., L. Th. Pickering, David William, B.E., B.D.,

    Th.L. Pierard, Beaumont Harold, Canon, J.P. Pierre, William Antonin, M.A. Pinker, Colin Stuart, B.A. Pittman, John Allan, Canon

    The Venerable Archdeacon-Plaistowe, Ronald Percy Frank, B.A.,


    The Reverend-Plumb, Bernard Outing Poole. William Harry Hardwicke Porteous, Lawrence William, L.Th. Powell, John Arthur Prasad, Samuel Kanu;»t


  • 412

    The Anglican Church-continued

    The Venerable Archdeacon-Prebble, Kenneth Ralph, M.A.

    The Reverend--Price, Alastair Edwin, M.A., L.Th. Price, Benjamin Pullar, Douglas Arthur, B.Sc., L.Th. Purchas, Alban Alexander, L.Th.,

    Canon Purchas, Alban Charles Theodore,

    M.A .. L. Th., Canon

    The Right Reverend Bishop-Pyatt, William Allan, M.A.

    The Reverend-Pywell, Alan Baron

    The Venerable Archdeacon-Pywell, Arthur Baron, Th.L.

    The Reverend-Raggett, John Parton Randerson, John Richard, M.A., B.D.,

    S.T.M. Rangiihu, Rimu Hamiora, Honorary


    The Very Reverend-Raphael, Timothy John, B.A.

    The Reverend-Rathgen, David Guy Stanley, B.A.,

    L.Th. Raumati, Tikituterangi Raynor, Charles Hamblyn, L.Th. Reaney, Harold Eaton Ivan, E.D.,

    A.C.I.S., F.R.A.N.Z. Reardon, Kenneth Nash Redmayne, John, O.B.E., Dip.Th.,


    The Right Reverend-Reeves, Paul Alfred, M.A., L.Th.

    The Reverend-Rendle, Charles Reynolds, John Walter, M.A.

    The Right Reverend Bishop-Rich, Eric John, B.A., L.Th.

    The Reverend-Richards, Bernard Oxland, L.Th.

    The Venerable Archdeacon-Richards, Maurice NevH[e

    The Reverend-Richardson, Edward Sunderland Riiwhi, Emera Ritchie, Peter, M.A. Roberton, Richard Arthur, L.Th.,

    A.R.A.N.Z. Robertshaw, Roger Charles Robertshawe, Ralph Bracken, B.A.,

    L.Th. Robertson, Blair Scott, L.Th. Robertson, Vernon Patrick Robinson, Colin Bennie Robinson, Kenneth Arnold Robinson, Lance Brandon, B.Sc. Robinson, Philip Henry, L.Th. Robinson, Philip Lewis, L.Th.

    The Right Reverend-Robinson, Walter Wade, M.A., S.Th.

    The Reverend-Robson, George Trevor, M.C., O.B.E. Roe, John Patrick, L.Th. Rogers, Edwin Lyall Rogers, Leslie William George Rosevear, William James Watson,

    M.A., B.D., M.Th., Honorary Canon

    Rounthwaite, Maurice

    The Venerable Archdeacon-Rowe, Herbert Edward, E.D., Th.L.


    The Reverend-Rowe, Robert William, L.Th. Rushworth, Jack Broxholme, Honorary

    Canon Russell, Morris Charles


    The Anglican Church-continued

    The Very Reverend Dean-Rymer, John Oliver, M.A., Th.L.,


    The Reverend-Rynd, Peter Alfred Tatham Sadlier, Thomas Henry, L.Th. Sanders, Robert James Kendrick, L.Th. Saunders, Francis Alfred, L.Th. Saunders, Kenneth Alec, M.A., B.Litt. Schollar, Kenneth, B.A., L.Th. Schurr, Geoffrey Harold, L.Th. Scott, &obert Edward, B.A.

    The Venerable Archdeacon-Scott, William Atkinson

    The Reverend-Scott, William Brian, L.Th. Scruby, Allington Frank Collard,

    A.K.C. Seutter, James Edward, A.KC. (Lon-

    don) Sell, Harold George, Th.L. Self, David William Selwood, Francis Neville, A.R.A.N.Z.,

    L.Th. Sergei, Paul Clement Scott, Canon Shaw, John Jeremy Sheffield, Laurence Shields, Peter Anderson Shortland, Charles Brown Shotlander, Lionel George, M.A. Simmonds, Herbert John, L.Th. Simpson, Richard Andrew Simpson, Ulric George William Sinclair, Afan John Sinclair, Hopkins, L. Th. Small, Kenneth Roland Robinson,

    Canon Smallfield, Geoffrey Mandeno, M.A.,

    B.D. Smart, Michael Rawson, L.Th. Smith, Errol Gordon Stewart, L.Th. Smith, Ivan Charles Smith, Jack Winston Smith, James Huia, B.A. Smith, Neville Arthur, L.Th. Smith, Norman Bach, M.A. Smith, Robin Handley Stockley, L.Th.

    The Venerable Archdeacon-Somerville, Raymond Blair Southward Walter Seddon, L.Th.

    The Reverend-Spackman, Murray Leonard Spargo, George Spear, John Forrest Yeoman Startup, Edward Williams

    The Venerable Archdeacon-Steele, Harold Joseph

    The Reverend-Stephens, William Simeon Clarke,

    Canon Emeritus

    The Venerable Archdeacon-Stewart, Alexander John, LL.B., L Th.

    The Reverend--Stewart, George William. Stockdale, Anthony John Norman,

    B.Sc., L.Th. Stote-Blandy, Gordon Blandy, M.A.,

    Honorary Canon Stuart, Peter Alan, M.A. Stych, Brian John, L. Th. Sullivan, :Andrew Gray, B.A., L.Th. Sutton, Anthony William, LL.B.

    The Right Reverend Bishop-Sutton, Peter Eves, M.A., L.Th.

    The Reverend-Swain, David Noel Swears, Peter Hamlin, L.Th. Sworn, Geoffrey Ernest, L.Th. Taepa, Hohepa, Honorary Canon Tahere, Te Wheoki Rahiri, L.Th. Takens, Hendrik Jan, B.Ag.Sc., L.Th. Takurua, Anaru Kingi

    No. 20


    The Anglican Church-continued

    The Reverend--Talbot, John George Beamish, L.Th., Talbot, Richard Edward Tamahori, John Thornton, B.A., L.Th.,

    Canon Tangohau, Harry Hauwaho Tanner, Carl Errington, B.A., L.Th. Tanton, Peter Alec, L. Th., D.F.M. Tauhara, Waha Taylor, David Mortimer, M.A., B.D.,

    L.Th. Taylor, Henry Gordon, D.S.O., O.B.E.,

    B.A. Taylor, Humphrey John Taylor, John Denys, B.A. Taylor, Peter fohn, Th.L., Dip.R.Ed. Taylor, Roger Patrick, B.A., Dip.Mus.,

    L.Th. Teal, John, B.Sc. Te Haara, Waiohau Rui Te Hau, Ngarangi, Canon Templer, John Merson, L.Th., Canon Terris, John James Teulon, Austin Harvey, M.A. Thomas, James, M.A. Thomas, Philip Harold Emlyn, B.A.,

    B.D. Thompson, Desmond Leicester, B.A.,

    L.Th. Thompson, Kevin Craig, B.A., L.Th. Thompson, Roger Frederick Norton,

    L.Th. Thomson, Henry Frederick, B.A. Thomson, Hugh Ernest, B.A. Thorpe, David Dumville, B.A., L.Th.,

    Canon Tisch, Gerald Winston, L.Th. Titchener, Neville Cecil Knox Titterton, Harold Graham, L.Th. Tonks, Colin Robertson, B.A., Th.L. Tovey, Peter Hamilton, B.A. Tremewan, Colin Wilkinson, B.Sc. Trindall, Jack Allan, A.R.C.O. Tripp, Richard Howard, M.A. Truman, Francis Cecil, Canon Tuhiwai, Tioprra Joe, L.Th. Turei, William Brown Tweddell, Ian Henry, A.C.T.

    The Very Reverend-Underhill, Michael Leeke, M.A.

    The Reverend-Urquhart, Dennis John Venimore, Colin Whitby

    lhe Venerable Archdeacon-Venimore, Vincent Charles, M.A.,


    The Reverend-Venville, Francis Maurice Royston,

    L.Th. Vercoe, Whakahuihui Vercoe, William George, L.Th. Vincent, Jiohn Spencer, L.Th. Vincent, Spencer William Waldron, Francis Herbert, M.A. Walker, Frederick George Wmker, Kenneth Donovan, L.Th. Walpole, Geoffrey Everard, M.Sc.,

    B.D. Walton, John William Wards, Lawrence Charles, B.A., L.Th.

    The Right Reverend Bishop-Warren, Alwyn Keith, M.A.

    The Reverend~ Warren, Martin Moultray, M.A. Warren, Percy Holdsworth, LL.B.,

    L.Th. Watkins, Laurence Neville, L.Th. Weaver, Douglas Charles, L.Th. Welch, Malcolm Cranstoun Whaites, Robert Wheeler, Malcolm John Stuart Whelan, Weldon Deverell, Canon White, Bruce Edward, B.A., L.Th. White, Raynor James, L.Th. Wickham, John Brooks, L.Th., MP.S.


    The Anglican Church-continued

    The Reverend-Wilkens, William Fredric, B.Com.,

    L.Th. Wilkinson, Bernard Ernest Wilkinson, John Barry, L.Th. Williams, Bernard Prior, M.A., L.Th. Williams, Donald James Williams, Donald Peebles Williams, Jon Standish, B.A., B.D.,

    L.Th. Williams, Lloyd Lancelot James Williams, Nigel, M.A., Canon

    Emeritus Williams, Philip Charles, L.Th.

    The Venerab[e Archdeacon-Williams Reginald Ot:ttrey, B.A.

    The Reverend-Williamson, John Hawthorn, B.A.,

    L.Th. Willink, Simon Wakefield, M.A. Willis, Francis Petrie de Laval, M.A. Willoughby, James Stanton Wilson, Allan Keith Wilson, Cecil Lancelot, L.Th. Wilson, Godfrey Edward Armstrong,

    B.A. Wilson, John Cecil Julius, L.Th.,

    Canon Wilson, John Robert Mersa Wiltshire, Percy, Canon Wiremu, Hape Withers, James Arthur, B.A., B.D.

    The Venerable Archdeacon-Witty, Robert John

    The Reverend-Wood, Stanley Ernest, L.Th.

    The Reverend-Wright, Cecil Leonard Wright, Colin George Wright, Francis Wilfred, L.Th. Wright, Frank Robert Harris Wright, Philip Nelson, L.Th.

    The Very Reverend-Yates, Gavin Harrison, B.A., L.Th.

    The Venerable Archdeacon-Young, James Rarity, M.A.

    The Reverend-Zimmerman, John Walter Richard

    The Presbyterian Church of New Zealand

    The Reverend-Aitken, Mervyn Allison Allan, John Aitken, M.A., D.D. Allen, John Cameron McDonald,

    M.A., B.D. Allen, Keith David, B.A. Alley, Roy Nicholas, M.A. Anderson, John Duncan Campbell,

    B.A. Anderson, Robert Stewart, B.A. Anderson, William Archibald Anldrew, Maurice Edward, M.A., B.D.,

    D.Theol. Andrews, Edward Ernest, M.A. Angus, George Colville Manpes, B.Sc. Archibald, James Graham Armsrtrong, Alan Weir Ashwin, Allan Bacon, William Ivan, B.A. Baillie, Kenneth John Ferguson Baird, James, B.A. Baird, Samuel David Balchin, John Aubrey, M.A., B.D. Baragwanath, Owen Thomais, E.D.,

    B.A. Barber, Dawrence Harold, B.A. Barker, Donald John, B.A. Bartle, William Robert Bartlett, Henry George, B.A. Barton, Alexander Steven, B.A. Bates, John Maclellan, M.A.


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    The Presbyterian Church of New Zealand-continued

    The Reverend-Bathgate, Alastair Kimball Thomas Battersby, James Richard, M.A., 8.0. Beating, Frederick William, B.A., B.D. Beattie, William Hugh Beere, Peter Colin Belmer, Frederick Roy, M.A. Benion, Toru Best, William Alexander Bibby, Lawrence Vincent, M.A. Bichan, Ronald Alexander Biddle, Purewa Bishop, lvo Gibson Bissett, Bruce McDonald Turnbull,

    B.A., B.D. Black, William Bower, LL.B. Blaikie, Robert Jackson, M.A., B.D. Blyth, David Alexander Body, Edward William Borne, David Stanley, B.A. Borrie, Ian Donald, M.A., S.T.M. Borrie, Ian Grant, M.A., S.T.M. Botting, Desmond Arthur, B.A. Bowman, Harold Otto, B.A., Ph.D. Boyd, David Kirkland Boyd, Douglas Campbell Brame, Leslie Alfred, M.A. Brash, Alan Anderson, M.A., B.D. Brash, Edward Alexander Brettell, William Smith, B.A. Breward, Ian, M.A., B.D., Ph.D. Brinsley, John Richard, B.A. Brodie, Eric Leslie B.A., B.D. Brown, Denzil James, M.A., B.D.,

    B.Phil. Brown, George Ernest, B.A. Brown, Lionel Edward, B.A. (Hons.) Brown, Liston Kirkwood Brown, Maurice Anderson, B.A. Brown, Phillip William Brown, Reginald William Brown, Robert Andrew, B.Sc. Browne, James Burley, Samuel Burnet, John Leslie, B.A. Burnett, Harold Beaumont Burns, Robert Neville Burton, Thomas Herbert, B.A. Butler, Noel Angus, B.A. Bycroft, Alan Christopher Byers. Ralph, M.A. Calder, Bruce Miller Calder, Thomas George, B.A. Calvert, Allen John, B.A. Calvert, David Alister Cameron. Kenneth Ian Campbell, Neil Elliott, B.Com. Campbell, Sefton Windsor, M.A., B.D. Carley, Keith William, M.A., B.D.,

    Ph.D. Carmichael, David Kenneth, B.A. Carmichael, William Aleicander Carruthers, John Robert Carston, Henry Fritz Carter, John Alexander Lloyd Carter, Peter Cartwright Caton, Eric Cattanach, Duncan McKenzie Challis, Robert Lye, M.B.E., B.A. Chalmers, Donald Scott Chambers, Robert Gordon Simons Chan, Wan Kau Chapman, Eric Henry Zealand, B.A.,

    B.Sc. Chapman, Maurice Albert Chisholm, John Chisholm, I.Jaurie Alister, B.Sc. Chisholm, Robert Freeland, M.A ..

    B.D. Churcher, Neil Gordon, L.T.C.L. Clark, Dallas Ronald Clark, John Hugh Clark. Stephen Clark, William George Boyd, B.A. Olarke, Ross Keith John, M.A., B.D.,

    S.T.M. Clearwater, Donald Gilbert, B.A. Cleland. George Martin, B.A. Coates, Robert, M.A. Comber, William Charles, M.A.


    The Presbyterian Church of New Zealand-continued

    The Reverend-Combes, John Hemingway Connell, Patrick Lindsay Connor, David Alan Cornwell, Rendahl, B.A., B.D. Corkill, Thomas Mackenzie, M.A.,

    B.D. Court, Gerald Clement, B.A., B.D. Cowie, Andrew Panton Cowie, Neil Douglas, B.A. Crawford, Alexander John, M.A.,

    B.D. Crawford, Horace John Cree, Keith Sturdee, B.A. Cree, Kenneth Gordon, B.Sc. Creighton, Neville Thomas, B.A. Cnghngton, John Douglas Crump, Clarence Kenneth, 8.A. Crumpton, Ian Spencer, B.A. Cumming, John Alexander, M.A.,

    B.D. Cunningham, James Morrison, B.A. Currie, Leonard Forde Dallard, George Ernest, M.A., B.Mus. Dalziell, Scott, B.A., B.D. Davie, Archibald Dixon Davies, John Butler Davies, Peter Norman, B.A. Day, Lindsay Stewart de Bres, Pieter Hendrik, B.D. Dekker, Cornelis Johan Densem, George Deverell, Bruce John, B.A. Dewes, Nehe Kururangi Dickey, Mervyn Nathaniel Dixon, Archie Leighton Dixon, Cyril Ian Lewis, M.A. Dodds, Richard Thomson Doig, Barry Thomas, B.A. Doig, John Charles Downard, Wilfred Charles, M.A., B.D. Drummond, James Grahame, B.A. Dun, Rawiri, D.D. Duncan, Donald Edward, B.A. Duncan, Glenn Donald Dunn, Alan James, B.Com. Dunn, Alister Gibson Dunn, John Gilman Sharp, M.B.E. Dunn, Stanley Clifford Dunnett, Ivan Leith, B.A. Durham, Ross McDonald Dyason, Eric Ernest Earle, William Thomas, B.Sc., B.D. Edgar, James Porter Eggelton, William Pringle, B.A. Elisi, Elisi Sionetali Elley, Reuben Donald, B.A., B.Sc.,

    B.D., Th.M. Elliffe, Archibald Macfarlane, B.A. Elvidge, John, M.A. Evans, David Charles, B.A. Evans, John Oliver, B.D. Evans, Kenneth Harold, B.A. Everts, Anton Falconer, Ronald William Faletoese, Kenape Falloon, George David, M.C., B.A. Farr, Edward Francis, B.A. Feist, Donald Chapple, B.A., B.Sc.,

    B.D. Feist, Murray Holman, B.A., Dip.J. Fendall, Robert Phillip, B.A. Fergus, Donald Murdoch, B.A. Ferguson, Graeme Robert, M.A.,

    8.0., Ph.D. Field, Pio Sovala Findlay. Riobard Allan, M.A. Fink, Newton Maxwell, B.A., B.D.,

    S.T.M. Fish. Robert Ferguson Fleming, William Ian, B.A. Flett, William Nugent Fong, Yik Tak Foster, Warren Peter Fowler, Richard William, B.A. Francis. Stuart Cyril, B.A. Fraser, Ian Watson, M.A., B.D., Th.D. Freeman, James Stewart, M.A. Freeman, John, B.A. Galloway, Ian Alexander

    No. 20


    The Presbyterian Church of New Zealand-continued

    The Reverend-Gardiner, Allan Grindell, L.Th. Gardiner, John Thomson Gardner, Frank Leslie Gardner, Peter Grant, M.A., B.D. Garrity Maxwell James Geddes, Robert Ralph Geering, Lloyd George, M.A., B.D. Gibb, Walter Ronald Prentice Gibson, William Wa!lace Gilkison, Norman Farquhar, M.A ..

    B.A. Gilmour, William Black Glasgow, Neville Bruce Glassey, William Boyd, B.A. Glenny, Donald, B.A. Gordon, Denis Gilmore, B.A. Gordon, Ian Peter Gordon, Thomas Goslmg, Colin Leslie, B.A., B.D. Goss, Alan Montgomery Gow, Murray Alexander Graham, John Grant, David Roy, B.A. Grant, Gowrie Roderick, M.A. Grant, Ian Gray, James Lundie, B.A. Green, Francis John, M.A., M.B.E. Greenbank, John Cyrus Greenway, Alfred Lacey, M.A., B.D.,

    D. Theo!. Grierson, Ian Douglas, B.A. Griffiths, Robert John, M.A., M.B.E. Grimshaw, Frank Graham Grosse, Lawrence Albert Gunn, Arthur Graham, B.A. Gunn. James Thomas, B.A. Hadfield, Keith Allan. B.A. Hall, Donald Woodward Hall, Gordon Edward Hall, Murray Frank Hall, Robert Ian, B.A. Hambleton, Warwick Joseph, B.E. Hamlin, Francis Rex, B.A. Hampton, Lawrence Revell, B.A., B.D. Hansen, Bruce Andrew, B.A., B.Com.,

    B.D. Harding, Geoffrey Harper, Alexander Reid Harray, Alastair Spence Harries, Evan Rowland, B.A., Dip. Ed. Harrington, Edward Albert Harris, Neville Clive Harvey, William Ralph Haszard, Ian William Hawea, Thomas Hay, Gilbert Angus Hay, William Ronald McDonald, B.A. Hayman, Franklin Thomas, B.E., B.Sc. Heggie, David Hendrie, Walter Max, M.A., B.D. Herbison, Robert Graham Hercus. Duncan MacKellar, B.A.,

    B.E .. Hewson, Arthur Ian Highet, Joseph Malcolm Henry, LL.B. Hill, James Kori Hind, Eric Charles, M.Sc. Hitchcock, Herbe11t Websteir, B.A.,

    B.D. Hodder, John Edward, M.A., B.D. Holdaway, Graeme

    Horwell, Arthur Graham, B.A. Hoskin, Claude Cannel Howat, James Campbell Hubbard, John, M.A., B.D. Hughes, Graham Robert, M.A., B.D.,

    Ph.D. Hume, Fergus Allan, B.A. Hunger, Walter Christian Huston, Archie John, B.A. Hyslop, John Robert, B.A., B.D. Irwin. James Irwin, Kenneth Gerard, B.A. Jack, David Page Jackson, George William, B.A. Jamieson, Duncan McGregor, B.A.,

    B.D. Jeffreys, George Alfred Jenkin, Owen Thomas



    The Presbyterian Church of New Zealand-continued

    The Reverend-Jenkins, Luke Hampden, B.D. Johnston, Arthur Earnest Byars, B.A. Johnston, George, M.A. Johnston, Howard Whitfield Johnston, Malcolm Hunter, M.A., B.D.

    M.Th. Jones, Hugh Oldbury, M.A. Jones, James Graham Jones, Leonard, M.A. Jones, Victor George Clement, M.A. Julyan, James Mitchell Keall, David Ian, B.A. Keenan, Barrie Reginald, B.Ag.Sc. Keenan, Robert Stewart Keir, William James, B.A. Kenward, Russell Frederick, B.A. Ker, John Milne, B.A., B.D. Ker, Laurence Hamilton, M.A. Kernohan, Alexander, M.A., B.D. Kerr, Robel't John Kilgour, John David Kinlock, Dennis Thomas Wright Kirkby, Donald Alan, B.A., B.D. Kirkby, Edward Leonard, B.A. Kirkby, Robin Walter, B.A., B.D. Kirkwood, Archibald McGilp Kitto, William Charles Arthur Kiwara, Rere Moana Knight, Donald Stewart, B.A. Koia, Rahuruhi Thomas Lafferty, Raymond George Lambie, Robert Neil Lane, Arthur Clement Lane, Robin Humphrey, B.A., B.D.,

    M.A. Lange, Rex Watt Lapsley, William Robin, B.A. Larsen, Karl Theodor Fuglestad, B.A. Leadbetter, Malcolm, M.A. Leishman. Robert Levack, William Larnach, M.A. Lewis, Thomas William Ieuan Lewitt, Martin Jamieson Lilly, Karl Percival Lindsay, William, B.Com. Loughton, Stanley John. M.A. Lowery, John Lewis, M.A. Lyman, Graham Frank, B.A. Lynds, George Lionel, B.A., B.D. McBride, Ian Gray McCallum, Jan McCaskey, Murray Raeburn, B.A McCaw, James Crawford McCay, Samuel James Daniel, M.A. MacCuish, James Barrie, B.A., B.D. MacDiarmid, Donald Neil, M.B.E.,

    B.A. McDiarmid, Peter James, M.A. MacDonald, Ian Cairns McDonald, Thomas Morrison, M.A. McDougall, John Norman, B.A., B.D. MacFarlan, Adam Maitland Lang,

    M.C., M.A. MacGregor, Ian Donald, B.A. Mcinnes, Garth, B.A. McIntosh, Ian Wilfred McIntyre, David Lambert Mcivor, James Ivor Lovat, B.A., B.D. McKenzie, Alastair Seaforth Mackenzie, Colin, E.D., B.A. McKenzie, Graeme Fraser, M.A., B.D. McKenzie, Henry Stuart, B.Com. McKenzie, John Murdoch. B.A., LL.B. McKenzie, Roderick George McKenzie, Roy Haigh, B.A., F.R.G.S.,

    M.B.E. McKenzie. Wallace Mackie, Gordon Stuart, B.A. McKinney. Kenneth William. M.A. Mackintosh, Euan Wyles, B.A. MacLachlan, Donald McLaren, Bill Robert McLean, George Archibald, B.A. MacLean, Herbert Stewart, M.A. McLeay, William Maurice. B.A. McMeikan, Murray Ware, B.A. MacMillan, Donald Iain, B.D., S.T.M. McNeill, Peter McNeur, Alexander


  • 416

    The Presbyterian Church of New Zealand-continued

    The Reverend-MacRae, Kenneth Donald, LL.B.,

    B.D. Maddock, Rhys Arthur George, M.A. Madill, Crawford William Robinson,

    M.A. Madill, Dawson Roderick Maitai, Charles Manihem, Tiakina Mann, John Mansill, Douglas Bruce, B.A. Manson, Henry Sanders Markley, Raymond John Marshall, Alexander Marshall, Peter Martin, David Brown Martin, Nolan Reginald, B.A., B.D. Martin, William Rutland Masina, Setu Maslin, Robert George, B.A. Mathews, John Guscott, B.A. Matthews, Hikurangi Ronald Matthews, Robert Alexander Mave, Teura Lucky Mead, Victor, L.Th. Mence, Donald Clifton Merriman, Ian Raymond, B.A. Metherell, Brian Ernest

    Sister-Meyer, Gwendoline Gertrude

    The Reverend-Middelplaats, Hendrik Peter Millar, Thomas Edward Miller, Donald Robert Gonion Miller, Leonard Ross, B.A., B.D. Miller, Ronald, M.A., E.D. Millichamp, Roger Frank Millward, William James Milmine, Mervyn Gray, M.A. Milne, James David, LL.M. Milner, Ian Arthur Mitchell, Colin Arthur Mitchell, Henry Alexander McDonald,

    B.A. Mitchell, Peter Moore, Albert Charles, M.A., Ph.D. Moore, Dennis William Moore, James Drakley Shaw, M.Sc.,

    B.D. Moore, William George Kitchener,

    B.A., B.D. Moore, William Reuben, B.Sc. More, Lawrence William Morgan, Allan, B.A. Morgan, Henry Clements Morley, Charles Henry Morreau, Paul Morris. Raymond William Morrison, Trevor Davidson, B.A. Mountjoy, Kendrick Archer Louis Mudie, Alec Victor Muir, Ivan, B.A. Munro, Alexander Stuart McKay Murdoch, Alexander, B.A. Murphy, Robert Thomas, B.A. Murray, Donald Hugh Murray, Ian Graeme, M.A., B.D. Murray, John Stanley, M.A. Murray, John Stewart, M.A., (N.Z.

    and Camb.) Murray, John Waliter, M.A. S.T.M. Murray, Wallace Bruce Mushet, Alvan Mulford, B.A. Na:lder, Thomas William, B.A. Naylor, Charles Hugh, B.A. Nevill, William James Ng, Ping Nam Nichol, Francis William Rutherford,

    M.A., B.D., Ph.D. Nicholls, Stanley Tamatea, B.A. Nicol, Campbell Nokise, Pepi North, David Arthur George Norton, Edwin Jason Nottage, Basil Robert Charles, B.A. Nummy, George Little Nurnmy, Joseph Oliver, Jack Hamilton Olliff, Lindsay James


    The Presbyterian Church of New Zealand-continued

    The Reverend-Olliver, James Walter, B.A. Orange, Albert John Edward Orange, Ernest Joseph Orange, Ernest Kenneth, M.A. Park, James Alexander, M.A. Parsons, Charles Thomas Pascoe, John Merriless, B.A., B.D. Paterson, Robert McIntosh, M.A.,

    B.D. Paterson, Victor James Paton, Francis Edwin Hacker Patrick, William John Patterson, Bruce McNair, B.A. Pedersen, Thorvold Joshua, L.Th. Pellow, William Johnston, B.A., Th.M. Penno, Ralph Ernest Pere, Ta Upu Perry, John Irving Perry, Stewart Warren, E.D., B.A. Phillipps, Thomas David Phillips, Harold Justin Pierce, Ivan George Pilkinton, Ross Hearne, B.A. Pimm, David Wentworth Pirie, Haydon Alexander, M.Sc., B.D. Poinga Rongomaiwhiti Pollard, Thomas Evan, B.A., B.D.,

    Ph.D. Polson, Ian Ross, M.A. Poolman, Reginald Leslie Potatau, Hemi Povey, Denis Michael, B.A. Powell, Ivan Beatty Price, Cyril Joseph Rutherford, M.A. Price, Gary Dennis Primrose, James Bartholomew, M.A. Pritchard-Williams, Henry, B.A. Provan, Ian James, B.A. Pryor, David Nicol Purdie, Ian Archibald, B.Com. Rae, Alister Flett, B.Sc. Rae, Simon Hugh, M.A. Ralph, Franco Bruce, B.A. Ramsden, Ian Walter, M.A., B.D. Rawiri, Taipo Read, Stanley Charles, I.LB., B.D. Reid, Alexander Rennie, B.A. Reid, Helen Margaret Aitken, B.Sc. Reid, Hugh Reid, James Nicoll Reid, Lester John, B.A. Rennie, James Fyfe, M.A., B.D. Reynolds, Edmund Henderson Richards, Alun Morgan, M.A., Dip.

    Journ. Richards, Laurence Gilbert, B.A. Riddle, Douglas Milne, O.B.E., B.A. Ripley, Ned Eric Robertson, Alan Douglas, B.A. Robertson, Ian Manson, B.A. Robertson, Struan Athol, B.A. Robertson, Stuart Alexander Robertson, Stuart Struan Robins, Lewis Mervyn, B.A., Dip.

    R.E. Robinson, Arthur Cedric, B.A. Robinson, Graham Harvey,

    B.A., M.R.E. Robinson, Joseph Lawson, B.A. Robinson, Owen Sidney, M.A., B.D. Roe, Gordon Galloway Rofe, Russell Barrett, M.A. Rogers, Lawrence Moter, M.A. Rogers, Rowlatt Matheson, B.A.,

    B.Com. Ross, Andrew Robert Wayent, M.A.,

    B.D. Ross, Angus Alexander, M.A., B.Com.

    Sister-Ross, Emily

    The Reverend-Ross, Eric Robert Edward, M.A. Ross. Frank Donald, B.A. Rothwell, Leslie William, B.A. Routledge, Rodney, B.A. Roxburgh, Irvine Owen, M.A. Roxburgh, Rymall Stuart, M.Com.,

    B.A., B.D.

    No. 20

  • 2i8 FEBRUARY

    The Presbyterian Church of New Zealand-continued

    The Reverend-Rutherford, Robert Irving, M.Sc. Ryburn, Hubert James, M.A., B.D.,

    LLD. Ryburn, Ian Graham, B.A. Ryburn, William Morton, M.A.,

    D.Litt. Sage, David Frank, M.A. Salmond, James David, M.A., Ph.D. Sands, Joseph Sanson, Norman Francis Savill, Walter Alan, B.A. Scarlet, John Stanley Schrader, Warren James, B.A. Scott, Arthur Robert Scott, Doris Helen Scott, Harold Stevenson, M.A. Sellar, Keith Lawrence Setefano, Leiite Shaw, Donald Gordon, B.A., B.D. Sheat, Norman Roy, B.A. Sherriff, Collin Bedford, B.A., Ph.D. Simmers, David George, M.A.. B.A.,

    B.D. Simmons, Robert Wilbur, B.A., Ph.D. Simpson, Archibald Houston Simpson, Lester Warwick, B.A. Simpson, Raymond Claude Simpson, Robert Allan Simpson, Ronald William Sims, Stanley John Thom&s, B.A.,

    B.D. Sinclair, John George, B.A. Sinclair, Robert William Sio, Leuatea Iusitini Sipeli, Langi Fatatoa Slattery, Frank Edward Smaill, Andrew William Smales, William Alastair Smith, Ernest Robert Johnstone Smith, John Nicoll Angus Smith, Margaret Wynne Smith, Robert Leonard Smith, Robin Gibson Smyth, Hugh Cecil Solomona, Setu Somerville, John Spenser, M.C., M.A.,

    D.D. Somerville, Thomas Cameron, B.Com.,

    B.D. Spence, George Archibald Douglas,

    M.C., O.B.E. Spencer, David Charles, B.A. Spencer, Phil Mervan. M.A. Sprackett, Colston Robert, M.A. Starnes, John Horace, B.A. Steedman, David McGregor, M.A.,

    B.D. Stevens, Eiwing Campbell, B.A. Stevenson, Eric Brebner Stewart, Errol Bruce, B.A. Stewart, James Evan, M.A. Storkey, Douglas William, M.A. Stout, Laurence Douglas Strang, John Stanford, B.A. Stuart, William Samuel, B.A. Styles, Charles Thomas, M.A. Sutherland, Arthur Francis, B.A. Taggart, Joseph Askew, B.A. Tait, Robert Beaumont Taka, Ben Talagi, Lagaua Talagi, Pehalo Maika Tankersley, Hector Arch, M.B.E. Tawhara, Tete Taylor, Gordon Lindsay, B.A., B.D. Temple, William Preston, M.A., B.D. Tennent, Iain Baird, B.A., B.Sc. Tennent. John Te Puawhe, Kihoro Thawley, Michael David, B.A., B.D. Thomas, Alexander Roy Thomas, Glyn Edwin Thompson, Ross Cameron Thomson, fohn Scott, B.A. 'Ilihbles, William James, M.A. Tioke, Tawhao Townsend. Arthur Ronald, B.E. Trask, Ernest Edwin, B.A.



    The Presbyterian Church of New Zealand-continued

    The Reverend-Troughton, Hessell William Forster Turnbull, Desmond Harold Tweedie, Albert Uden, Eric Walter Usmar, Lyndon Raymond Valentine, Andrew Weston Van der Kley, Cornelus Van der Velde, Popko Cornelis Van Royen, Jan Julius Alexander Viggars, Cyril Wynne Yinten, Wilton Ronald Wade, Bryan Maxwell, B.Sc. Wainwright, Percy John Walker, Peter Wallace, William Jackson Walsh, Ernest Charles Wardlaw, Andrew James Joseph Warin, Wyvern Herbert Dawson,

    LL.B. Watkins, Lewis Valentine, B.A., B.O. Watt, Douglas Weild, M.A. Watt, William Bell, B.A. Wearne, Reginald Triggs Weavers, Keith Clement Webber, Stanley William, B.Com. Webster, Alexander Clifton, B.A.. B.D. Weeks, Reginald Joseph Wells, Russell Hunter Welsh, Robert Rae West, William Henry Weston, Brian William Wharerimu, Taupoko Thomas White, Wallace Stuart Whitelaw. Alan Campbell. LL.B. Wiig, Roger Lindsay Dennis Wilde, Arthur Wilks, Graham John, M.A., B.D. Williams, Noel Charles, B.A. Williamson, William Thompson Williscroft, Brian Phillip Willitts, Marcus Richardson Willoughby. Alfred William Willsman, Peter Humphrey, B.A. Wilson, Bryan Cleland Wilson, Challis Rudd, B.A. Wilson, David Joseph, B.A. Wilson, Donald Rutherford, B.A., B.D. Wilson, Ian Bendall, B.A. Wilson, James Henry Wilson, John Lewis, M.A., B.D. Wilson, Robert, M.A., B.D. Wilson, Thomas Corbett, B.A. Wilson, Warren Geoffery, B.A. WinskiU, Neville Adrian Winter, Edwin Alan, B.A. Winton. Frank William. B.A., B.D. Wishart, Peter Robert, B.A. (Hons.) Wishart, Stanley Robert. M.A. Woods, William Thomas. B.A. Yule, George Morrison, B.A.,


    The Roman Catholic Church The Very Reverend-

    Aarts, Gerard, M.H.M. The Reverend-

    Abbott, Patrick Thomas Ahearne, Michael Anselm, M.H.M. Ainsworth, Wilfrid William, S.M. Airey, John Franklin, C.Ss.R. Aitchison, Graeme James Aitken, John Robert Redmond, S.M. Alexander, Graeme, D.D. Alleman, Nicholas Anderson, Frederick Michael Angland, Desmond Arahill, Brian Arbuckle, Gerald Anthony, S.M. Armstrong, Michael Richard

    The Most Reverend-Ash by, Brian Patrick, D.D.

    The Reverend-Atkins. Bernard Joseph, S.M. Austin, Brian Winiam Austin, Christopher John, S.M. Austin, James Jeffrev Bachman, John, M.H.M.


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    The Roman Catholic Church-continued

    The Reverend-Baillie, Bernard James, S.M. Barr-Brown, Cecil Charles Barry, Bernard Raphael, S.M. Bartlett, Graham Godfrey Batten, Reginald John, O.P., D.Th.,

    D.Litt. Battersby, Peter Bearsley, Patrick James, S.M. Beban, James Joseph, S.M. Begley, Rex Thomas Bell, David John

    The Very Reverend-Bennetrt:, Alfred Ernest, B.A.

    The Reverend-Benn~, David Michael Tiwha Bennett, Francis Bennett, John Bernard, S.M. Benton, David Michael, S.M. Bergin, John Bierbooms, Peter, M.H.M. Blake, David Blake, Peter Charles Timothy, S.M. Blakely, Michael Stewart Bland, John, I.C. Bleijs, Wilhelmus Johannes, A.A. Bliss, Frederick Baden Michael, S.M. Bloore, Allan Frederick, S.M. Bolland, Bruce Bonisch, Desmond Kevin, S.M. Bourke, Bernard Joseph, S.M. Bourke, David Gerard Bourke, Laurence, O.F.M. Bourke, Maurice, S.M. Bourke, Simon, S.M. Bowling, John Boyd, Henry, M.H.M. Boyle, Leonard Anthony Bracken, Lorenzo Patrick, M.H.M. Bradford, Merton Bradley, John Bradley, Peter, S.M. Brady, Matthew Brady, Terence James, C.Ss.R. Brady, Thomas William, O.M.I. Breen, Peter Bernard Brennan, Michael Alphonsus Brennan, Philip John Augustine, S.M. Brice, Leonard, S.M. Broad, Geoffrey Broadbent, John Vincent Broekman, Theobald, Ss.Cc. Brogan, Francis Joseph, S.M. Brosnahan, Edward John Brosnahan, James, S.M. Brown, Barnabas, O.F.M. Brown, Mark Mannix Browne, Denis Browne, Michael Browne, Neville Bryant, John, S.M. Buckner, John, L.C. Bugler, Martin Buist, James Bernard Buist, John David, C.Ss.R. Bunbury, Denis John Burgess, Peter Rigby Burke. Edward Burke, Kevin Christopher Burke, Vincent Patrick, S.M. Burns, Kevin Butler, Patrick Joseph, S.M. Cahill, Joseph Alphonsus, S.M. Cahill, Michael Anthony Peter Cahill, Patrick Francis Cahill, Patrick Power, S.M. Cahill, Thomas Joseph (Oamaru) Cahill, Thomas Joseph (Papanui) Callaghan, Cyril Joseph, S.M., M.A. Callaghan, Vincent Desmond Campbell. Colin David Campbell. Donald William Carde, John Ellis Carmody, Patrick Maurice Michael Carney, Bernard John, S.M. Camey. Samuel. M.H.M. Carr, Terence Walter Carroll, John Joseph, C.Ss.R. Carroll, Michael James


    The Roman Catholic Church-continued

    The Reverend-Carruthers, Brian Johnson Carter, George Trinder Cartwright, Cyril Thomas Gerald Casey, Desmond John Casey, James Patrick Casey, William Cashman, Edmond Cashman, Michael Joseph Catcheside, Philip, I.C., B.A. Caulfield, John Caulfield, William Melville, S.M. Chaney, William Joseph, S.M. Cheesman, George Seddon, S.M. Clancy, William Michael Clark, John Clark, Kevin Joseph Cleary, John Gerard, S.M. Cleary, Patrick John, S.M. Clenaghan, James Dominic Close, Leo, M.A.

    The Most Reverend-Coker, Brian John Colbert, Anthony Joseph, O.M.1. Coleman, Edward John

    The Very Reverend-Colgan, George Michael Collins, Denis Patrick Collins, John Collins, Patrick Conaghan, Peter, S.M. Condon, Brian George, S.M. Condra, Edward Lloyd Connelly, Brendan Connolly, Grahame John, S.M. Connor, Leo Camillus Consedine, James Consedine, John Vincent Consedine, Patrick John Conway, Finian Cooke, Gerard, I.C. Cooke, Keith Andrew Cooke, Patrick Francis Cooke, Walter Thomas Cooney, Joseph George Cooper, Charles Harold Pascal Corcoran, William Cosgriff, Matthew John, S.M. Costello, Henry Antony Costigan, William Courtenay, Bernard, C.M., J.C.D. Courtney, Victor Hallinan Craddock, Alfred John, S.M. Crawford, Patrick John Creagh, Gerard James Crocker, Cecil Rothwell, S.M.

    The Reverend-Crombie, Melville Frederick Bernard,

    S.M. Cronin, Paul Crosbie, Syril Francis Cross, Michael Leo, S.M. Crotty, Earl, S.M. Crowley, Terence Felix Cullinane, John Denis, S.M. Cullinane, Peter James Cumiskey, Patrick Joseph Cunneen, Sydney Michael

    The Very Reverend-Cunneen, John Jerome

    The Reverend-Curley, Matthew Joseph Curnow, Edward John Curnow, Thomas Colin

    The Right Reverend Monsignor-Curran, Adrian Patrick, V.G.

    The Reverend-Curran, Thomas Curry, Anthony Leo Curtain, Michael Vincent, S.M. Curtin, Thomas Cushlow, Gerard, M.H.M. Daly, Anthony Michael Daly, Bernard, C.Ss.R.

    No. 20


    The Roman Catholic Church-continued

    The Right Reverend Monsignor-Daly, Gordon Vincent

    The Very Reverend-Daly, John

    The Reverend-Daly, Michael Daly, Thomas Darby, Desmond James, S.M. Dax,agh, Neil Patrick, S.T.iL. Darroch, Paul Joseph Davids, Evert Reinard, S.S., C.C. Davies, Michael Joseph, C.Ss.R. Davis, James De Bree, John, M.H.M. de Kort, Martinus Johannes, A.A. Delaney, Noel Thomas, S.M.

    The Most Reverend-Delargey, Reginald John, D.D.

    The Reverend-Dennehy, Cecil Eugene, C.Ss.R. Dermody, Joseph Derrick, James Ewen Devlin, Emmett James, O.P. Devlin, Patrick John, S.M. Devonport, Charles Edward, S.M. Dewhirst, Anthony, J.C. Dibble, Terence Dignan, Francis Lynch, S.M. Dijkman, John, M.H.M.

    The Very Reverend-Dobbs, Patrick Gerard, C.Ss.R.

    The Reverend-Dobbs, Raymond, C.Ss.R. Doherty, Bernard Dolan, Owen John Dolphyn, John, M.H.M. Donnelly, Arthur Daniel Michael,

    S.M. Donnelly, Felix, B.A., M.A., Dip.Ed. Donoghue, Cyril Donoghue, Gerald John Donoghue, Noel Doogan, Hugh Francis Doohan, Daniel Noel, S.M. Dooley, James Thomas, S.M. Dooley, John Joseph, S.M. Dooley, Patrick Francis, S.M. Dorgan, Gerard Thomas Dorrigan, Thomas Dougherty, Brian Dowling, Maurice James, S.M. Downey, Leo Vincent Doyle, James Doyle, Leo Doyle, Michael Drumm, Maurice Duffy, Thomas Alphonsus Duggan, Christen Francis, S.M. Duggan, George Henry, S.M. Duggan, Matthew James Duggan, Paul Duggan, William Dunn, John Samuel Dunn, Peter Clement Durham, John Bernard Durning, James Aloysius, S.M.

    The Very Reverend-Durning, Matthew Stanislaus, S.M.

    The Reverend-Durning, Peter, O.P. Durning, William Parry, S.M. Dykes, John William Eastwick, Peter Joseph, S.M. Edwards, Barry Joseph Lawrence Egan, John Henry, S.M. Egden, John Patrick, S.M. Eidhof, Antonius Joseph, A.A. Ekelschot, Henricus Jozef, A.A. Elliston, James Murray

    The Very Reverend-Evatt, Leo Reginald, S.M.


    The Roman Catholic Church-continued

    The Reverend-Ewart, Peter James Emery, S.M. Fagan, Daniel Fahey, Edward Jame~ Fahey, Thomas John Fahy, Cronan, O.F.M., C.A.P. Fahy, Patrick Faith, Andrew John Falconer, Roderick William, D.D. Farrell, Thomas Feehly, Christopher Fleming, S.M. Fenton, John Brian Ferris, Raymo:1d Joseph

    The Right Reverend Monsignor-Finlay, Francis, M.A

    The Reverend-Fitzgerald, Gerald Fitzgerald, Michael John Francis,

    S.M. Fitzgerald, Patrick Francis Fitzgibbon, Gerald Mary Fitzgibbon, John Mary Fitzgibbon, Peter John Fitzpatrick, Kevin Francis Fitzpatrick, Terence John, S.M. Fitzsimmons, John David Simon, S.M. Flaherty, Vincent

    The Very Reverend-Flanagan, John Joseph, D.D., Dip.

    Ed., M.B.E.

    The Reverend-Flanagan, Maurice Henry, S.M. Flannery, Peter, M.H.M. Fletcher, Brian John

    The Right Reverend Monsignor-Fletcher, John Joseph

    The Reverend-Fletcher, William Flynn, Peter Bernard Flynn, William Barry Foley, Joseph Daniel

    The Very Reverend-Foley, Patrick Foley, Stanislaus Cornelius, O.P. Forsman, Edward Archibald, M.A.

    The Reverend-Forsyth, Douglas Joseph Peter, S.M. Fouhy, Daniel Carl, S.M. Fowler, Warren Denis Fox, Brian Foy, Patrick Frische, Emile, M.H.M. Gaffey, Christopher Claver Gaines, Edward

    The Right Reverend Monsignor-Gallagher, Owen

    The Reverend-Gantley, Brian James Gardiner, Christopher, O.F.M. Gardiner, Singleton George Garty, Francis Patrick Gascoigne, Noel Hamlyn

    The Right Reverend Monsignor-Gavin, James Ignatius, P.A.

    The Reverend-Geaney, Humphrey, S.M. Geboers. Adrian, M.H.M. Gedye, Paul Lawrence George, Raymond, O.P. Gibbons, Brendan Gibbs, Philip James Joseph, S.M. Gifford, PaUil Joseph, S.M. Gill. Gerald Patrick, S.M. Gledhill, David William, S.M.

    The Very Reverend-Glover, Anthony, C.Ss.R. Glynn, Ambrose, C.P.


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    The Roman Catholic Church-continued

    The Reverend-Goldfinch, James Patrick, C.M., D.D. Gordon, Peter Anthony, S.M. Gorinski, John Ambrose, S.M. Gormly, Canice Gosano, Jose Maria Goulding, Bernard Joseph Goulter, John Edward, S.M. Gray, Peter Alexander Greally, Patrick Dermot Green, Francis Green, Raymond Thomas Gregory, Arthur Clarence Gresham, James Matthew, S.M. Griffin, John Desmond, S.Sc. Griffin, Matthew Griffin, Thomas Joseph Grounds, William Gerard Gupwell, lsaac Joseph, S.M. Haase, William Ronald, S.M., D.D. Hackett, Kevin Bernard Hallin, Anthony Ernest Hally, Joseph Patrick Hamilton, Donald Forbes, S.M. Hanley, Leonard James, S.M. Hannah, Peter Hannifin, John Byron Hannigan, Timothy Hanrahan, Denis William Hardiman, Timothy John Hare, Michael Alexander, I.C., S.T.L. Haring, Gerard, M.H.M. Harrington, Bernard Thomas, S.M. Harrington, James Morris Harrington, Thaddeus Anthony Harrison, Gary Reid

    The Very Reverend-Harrison, George William, D.D.

    The Reverend.-Harrison, John Patrick Harwood, James Robert, S.M. Harwood, William Francis, I.C. Hassan, Joseph William, S.J. Haughey, Laurence Patrick Hayes, Daniel Joseph Hayes, Trevor Chanel Hazelzet, Albert John Joseph, M.H.M. Head, George Joseph Ainsworth, S.M.,

    B.A. Heagney, Patrick Eugene, S.M. Healion, Vincent John Healy, John Francis, S.M.

    The Right Reverend Monsignor-Heavey, William James

    The Reverend-Hehir, Bernard Thomas Heijnen, Johannes Antonius, A.A. Henderson, John Hendren, James Oughten, S.M. Henebery, Thomas Henley, James Francis Aloysius, M.A. Hercock, Peter Joseph

    The Right Reverend Monsignor-Herlihy, Patrick Joseph

    The Reverend-Heslin, Dominic

    The Very Reverend-Hickey, Desmond Leo, S.M.

    The Reverend-Hill, Augustine Kenneth. S.M. Hill, John Michael, I.C. Hoare, Douglas Brian Hobbs, Bernard James Hogan, Cyril Hogan, John James, S.M., M.A. Hogan, Laurence Bernard, J.C. Hogan, Thomas Holland, Patrick Homan, Thomas Theodore, A.A. Hoogeveen, Nicholas Joseph Hoogeven, Theo Hoogland, Henry, M.H.M Hore, Philip, C.Ss.R. Horgan, Clennell Charles


    The Roman Catholic Church-continued

    The Reverend-Horrigan, Denis Horton, Denis John Hughes, Robert John Gethin Hunt, Vincent, B.A., M.A. Hunter, Thomas Richard Hurdidge, Lancelot Gordon, I.C. Hurley, Patrick Vincent, C.Ss.R. Hurley, Shaun Conal

    The Very Reverend-Hyde, Alfred Huia

    The Reverend-Hyland, Kevin Francis Ives, Anthony Peter Jackson, Paul, O.P. Jansen, Leo Edward Janssen, John, M.H.M. Jehly, Bertram, M.H.M. Jillett, David Jillings, Henry Johnsen, Graham William Reginald,

    S.M. Johnson, Christopher Barry Jolliffe, John Peter, S.M. Jones, Barry Phillip Jones, Bernard Edward Gerard Jones, Michael Joseph Jordan, William Sydney, M.B.E., M.C. Joyce, James Nicholas, S.M. Joyce, Patrick Anthony Julian, John Arthur Kane, Gerard Maurice Karalus, Colin Cyril Kavanagh, John Joseph Francis Kavanagh, John Laurence

    The Most Reverend Bishop--Kavanagh, John Patrick, D.D .• D.C.L..


    The Reverend-Kay, Peter Francis Kean, Kevin Brennan Keane, Arthur, S.M. Keane, Patrick Gerard Keane, Phi:Np Kearney, Patrick Bernard, C.Ss.R. Keating, John Kebbell, James Edward Keegan, Bernard Michael Keegan, Brendan James Keegan, Murray Joseph Keegan, Peter Joseph, C.Ss.R. Kelly, Brian Joseph Kelly, Francis Edward Kelly, Francis Owen Kelly, Gerard Kelly, John Francis Kelly, Joseph Mary Patrick Kelly, Kieran Michael, S.M. Kelly, Paul, B.A. Kenefick, Michael Conleth Kennedy, Alan Noel, S.M.

    The Right Reverend Monsignor-Kennedy, Michael, B.A.

    The Reverend-Kenny, Austin, C.P. Kenny, Brendan Patrick Kenny, Patrick Anthony Kerins, Thomas Gordon, S.M. Kerridge, Paul Michael Keyes, Thomas Gerard Kiernan, Joseph Considine King, Bernard William King, Denis Kevin King, John, M.H.M. King, Karaitiana, S.M. King, Patrick Joseph John Kingan, Jesse Lawrence, B.A., S.M. Kinsella. Patrick John, S.M. Kirby. John Francis Klimeck, Esmond Louis, O.P. Knight, Cecil Ernest, S.M. Kolich, Matthew Krielen, Lambertus Gerardus, A.A. Kropman, Henry Matthew, A.A. Laffey, Thomas Michael, S.M. Laidler, Joseph, M.H.M.

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  • 2l8 FEBRUARY

    The Roman Catholic Church-continued

    The Reverend-Lander, Peter John, S.M. Larkin, Mathew Craig, S.M. Larsen, Kenneth, L.Th., D.Litt. Lavelle, Michael James Leahy, Thomas Joseph Lee, Robert Edward, S.M. Leeming, William Grant, S.M. Leen, Denis, B.A. Lenihan, Arthur Leonard, William Raymond Leslie, Terence Patrick L'Estrange, John Michael, S.T.L. Leuthard, Louis Henry Levins, Desmond

    The Rigbit Reverend Monsignor-Liddy, Thomas Joseph, V.G.

    The Reverend-Lisik Wladyslaw, S.Chr.

    The Most Rcverend-Liston, James Michael, D.D.

    The Reverend-Littin, Clive Lloyd, Michael David Lockwood, George Loft, John Bernard, S.M. Logue, P,atrick, M.H.M. Lorrigan, Stanley Francis Lunjevich, Ivan Thomas Lynch, James Patrick

    The Very Reverend-Lyons, Edward, M.A.

    The Reverend-Lyons, James Bernard Lawrence Lyons, John Lyons, Kevin Lyons, Malachy Joseph Lysaght, Andrew, S.M. McAieese, Patrick McAloon, Brian Jude McAfpine, John Kevin McCabe, John Patrick McCann, John Patrick, S.M. McCarten, Kevin John McCarthy, Desmond McCarthy, John Andrew McCarthy, Jude Leo McCormack, James Joseph, C.Ss.R. McCormack, Peter Gwynne McCormack, Philip Dewsbury, S.M. McCrory, James Michael, B.A. McCrory, Patrick McCullough, Patrick Joseph

    The Very Reverend-McDevitt, William James

    The Reverend-McDonald, Alexander Ernest Bernard,

    S.M. McDonnell, James Patrick McFall, Thomas, C.Ss.R. McGettigan, Bernard Robert McGettigan, Mervyn John McGettigan, Patrick McGill, Colin, C.Ss.R. McGivern, Frederick Desmond McGlynn, Peter McGovern, Thomas Patrick, S.M. McGrath, James McGrath, Jeremiah McGuire, Kevin William, S.M. McHale, Francis McHale, Hugh Patrick McHale, John McHardy, George Jardine, S.M. McHardy, John Stephen, S.M. McKay, Francis Michael, S.M. McKay, John Finlay

    His Eminence Cardinal-McKeefry, Peter Thomas Bertram

    The Reverend-McKendry, Ronald McKenna, Daniel, M.H.M. Mackey, John, M.A., Dip. Ed., Ph.D.


    The Roman Catholic Church-continued

    The Reverend-McKillop, Henry, M.H.M. McKone, Kevin Dominic, D.D. McLaughlan, John Edward McLaughlin, John McLean, Anton

    The Very Reverend-McMahon, James

    The Reverend-McMahon, Jeremiah Francis MacManus, John Michael, S.M. McMullen, Brian Joseph McNeill, James Hugh McRae, Peter Christopher McSherry, Vincent Michael, S.M. McSweeney, Eustace, O.F.M., Cap. Mcsweeney, Percy Madden, Michael Gerard Dermot Magill, John, C.Ss.R. Maguire, Joseph Maher, Anthony Declan, S.M. Maher, Patrick Kevin, S.M. Mahoney, Michael Francis, S.M. Maione, Barry William, S.M. Maloney, Gerard, C.M. Maloney, Patrick Thomas, D.D. Manning, Kevin Anthony, S.M. Mannix, Anthony John, C.M. Mannix, James Joseph, S.M. Mannix, John Aloysius, S.M. Marinovich, George Marlow, Oliver Raymond Marriott, Sydney, I.C., B.Sc.

    The Very Reverend-Martin, Joseph Thomas

    The Reverend-Mather, Ivan Joseph, S.M.

    The Very Reverend-Mec, Peter Reginald

    The Reverend-Meehan, Noel Francis, C.Ss.R. Meeking, John Basil, D.D. Mertens, Gerard, M.H.M. Meuli, Peter Denzil Middleton, William George James Miles, Bernard Bennett Mills, Gerard Matthew, S.M. Milne, Roderick Francis, S.M. Minehan, Timothy Michael, S.M. Minett, Desmond John, S.M. Minto, Patrick Forbes, S.M. Monaghan, David Putnam Montgomery, Brian, S.M. Montgomery, Paul Wayne, S.M. Montgomery, Terence Moore, David Geoffrey, S.M. Moore, Denis James, S.M.

    The Right Reverend Monsignor-Moore, Nicholas

    The Reverend-Moosman, Desmond John Moran. James, C.Ss.R. Mori, John Lopdell, S.M. Morris, Michael John Morrison, Donald John Morrison, John Gregory Moss, John, I.C., S.T.L. Mouat, Gerald Anthony Moynihan, Daniel, I.C. Mul, Peter Cornelius, A.A. Mulcahy, Maurice Warwick, S.M. Mulipola, Maselino, S.M. Mullen, Arthur Edward, LL.B.,

    B.Com. Mullin, John Edmund Munday, Claver, O.F.M. Mmphy, Jeremiah Murphy, John Francis Murphy, Matthias, 0.F.M. Cap. Murphy, Peter Francis Murray, Charles, M.H.M. Murray, Magnus William, B.A. Murray, Patrick Francis, M.A. Mutch, John George Nederhod', Huberlt, M.H.M. Neilan, James Joseph


  • The Roman Catholic Church-continued

    The Reverend-Neville, John, S.M. Nielen, John, M.H.M. Nicholas, James Patrick Noble, John Glenn Nolan, James David Noonan, John Anthony Noor, Jacobus Joannes, A.A. O'Brien, Bernard, S.J. O'Brien, Bernard Joseph, S.M. O'Bnen, Brian Reginald O'Brien, Cornelius Christopher O'Brien, Joachin, O.F.M. O'Brien, John, M.H.M. O'Brien, John Finbarr O'Brien, John Sarsfield O'Brien, Joseph Vincent O'Brien, Maurice Frederick O'Brien, Michael, C.Ss.R. O'Brien, Michael Joseph, C.Ss.R. O'Brien, Thomas Christopher O'Brien, Timothy Patrick O'Connell, Brian Vincent, S.M. O'Connell, Richard Aloysius O'Connell, Stewart, S.M. O'Connell, Stuart France, S.M. O'Connor, Barry John, S.M. O'Connor, Cornelius, S.M., B.A. O'Connor, Denis Anthony O'Connor, Eugene O'Connor, Gerard Michael O'Connor, James O'Connor, John Joseph (Ashburton) O'Connor, Joseph Gerard O'Connor, Leo Vincent O'Connor, Patrick Edward O'Connor, Thomas Patrick, S.M. O'Dea, Francis Desmond Aloysius O'Donnell, Thomas O'Donnell, William Edward O'Donoghue, Kevin Francis, S.M. O'Dowd, James Patrick O'Dowd. Thomas Gabriel O'Fagan, William Patrick, S.M. O'Gorman, Bede Brian

    The Very Reverend-O'Gorman, Ronald Joseph

    The Reverend-O'Grady, Kevin O'Hagan, John Denis, S.M. O'Hagan, Michael Gerard, S.M. O'Hara, Peter O'Mahony, William John O'Malley, Miles Alfred O'Meara, William O'Meeghan, Michael Eugene, S.M. O'Neill, Brian James O'Neill, David Patrick O'Neill. Michael Brian O'Neill., Patrick James O'Neill, Patrick John, S.M. O'Neill, Terence Kevin, S.M. Orange, David Martin O'Regan, Francis O'Reilly, Hugh Anthony O'Reilly, John Clement O'Reilly, Kevin Anthony, D.D. O'Reilly, Patrick O'Reilly, Regis Aloysius, S.M. O'Riordan, Joseph O'Sullivan, Christopher Joseph O'Sullivan, Donal O'Sullivan, Dennis Kevin O'Sullivan, Eugene, O.P. O'Sullivan, Jeremiah O'Sullivan, Kevin Barry O'Sullivan, Owen, O.F.M., Cap. Palic, Sebastian Parish, Bryan Arnold Francis Parkinson, Joseph William, 0.P. Parry, James Thomas Paulson, Robin, J.C. Pearce, Bernard William Penders, Henricus Christiaan, A.A. Perriam, John Pettit, Norman Stanlev Pierce, John Charles, B.A. Playfair, Brian Pound, John Newport


    The Roman Catholic Church-continued

    The Reverend-Power, Thomas Adrian Pratley, Jeffrey James, S.M. Prendergast, John Robert, S.M. Price, David Desmond Pringle, James, C.Ss.R. Pullar, Michael Purcell, Philip Purcell, Philip Bartholomew Quigley, J,ohn Christopher, I.C., S.T.L. Quinn, Charles Quinn, Francis Quinn, Michael Quinn, William Alphonsus Rea, John Joseph, S.M.

    The Very Reverend-Reader, D'Arcy Albert, S.M.

    The Reverend-Reeves, Fergus Knight Renwick, Theo Rice, Kieran Rickard, James Joseph Roach, Kevin John, S.M. Roberts, John Godfrey ,S.M., B.A. Roberts, Philip Bernard, S.M. Rodgers, J1oseph William Rohan, John Patrick Romijn, John Roy, John Paul Gabriel Ryan, Ambrose, O.F.M. Ryan, Bernard Joseph, S.M. Ryan, John Robert Ryan, Maurice Joseph, B.A. Ryan, Patrick Joseph Ryan, Peter, M.H.M. Ryan, Robert Francis Ryan, Thomas John, S.M. Ryan, William Ryan, William Edward Ryder, Thomas Joseph, B.A. Sakey, Laurence Salamonsen, Peter, S.M. Saunders, Ronald James, S.M. Scambary, Norman James, S.M. Scanlan, Brian Joseph Schmack, Raymond Schokker, Fredericus, A.A. Schokker, John, A.A.

    The Very Reverend-Scott, Bernard, C.M.

    The Reverend-Scott, Raymond Francis Scott, Raymond John Scully, Denis Basil, S.M. Scully, Kenneth Edward, S.M. Scully, Maurice John, S.M. Sellar, Stuart James Setz, Adolph Sexton, John Thomas Shannahan, Francis Leo Shannahan, James Shannahan, Paul Gainsford, S.M. Sharp, Ronald Sheely, William Sheerin, Francis Sheerin, Peter Sherrard, Malcolm Sherry, Brendan Joseph Sherry, Brian Peter Sherry, Thomas Gerard Shirres, Michael, O.P. Short, John Francis Silverwood. Leonard John. S.M. Simmons, Ernest Richard, B.A., S.T.L. Simson, John Joseph Sinclair, Owen John Skinner, Francis Joseph Sloane, Edward, M.H.M. Sloane, John Henry, S.M. Smith, Andrew Michael Beresford,

    S.M. Smith, Bevan Smith, Henry Austin, S.M. Smith, Hugh Smith, Joseph Lawrence, S.M. Smyth, Rodney David, S.M.

    The Mo~t Reverend-Snedden, Owen Noel

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  • 2:8 FEBRUARY

    The Roman Catholic Church-continued

    The Reverend-Snowden, Patrick Arthur Sorahan, James Joseph Spillane, William, S.M. Stachurski, Raymond James Stapleton, Cornelius Stapleton, Stephen, S.M. Stevens, Gerard Sydney Stewart, Joseph William, S.M. Stewart, Kevin Fm.ncis, S.M. Stiel!er, Michael Gerard Stone, John Blair Summers, John Frederick Sweeney, Austin Sweere, Michael Cornelis Tapp, David Edward, S.M. Tate, Henare Taylor, Alexander Dudley, S.M. Taylor, Cyril Douglas, S.M. Te Awhitu, William, S.M. Temm, John Augustine, S.M. Terry, Francis Henry Kittson, M.A.,

    D.Ph. Thompson, Thomas Kevin Timmerman, Anthony, M.H.M. Timon, Ambrose Tomasi, Michael Leonard, S.M. Tooman, James Anthony Toomey, Terence David Toothill, Arthur William, S.M. Tottman, Bernard Edward Traynor, Brian Joseph Triffle, Gustau, C.Ss.R.

    The Very Reverend-Turner, Hilary, M.H.M.

    The Reverend-Twiss, Francis James, S.M. Twomey, Michael O'Connor, S.M Uhlenberg, Michael Edgar Unverricht, John Joseph, S.M. Van Der Kaa, Johannes Rudolf

    Joseph, A.A. Van der Pal, Gysbertus Johannes, A.A. Van Der Vorst, Francis, S.J. van Enckevort, Matthew Paul, M.H.M. Yaney, Neil Patrick, S.M. Van Haaren, Martinus Johannes Felix,

    A.A. Van Lier, Floribert, Ss.Cc. Van Lieshout, Theo Van Tilborg, John, M.H.M. Vercoe, James Walker, Vincent Clement Wall, Francis Patrick Joseph, S.M. Walls, John Henry Walsh, Peter Alan, S.M. Walsh, William John Wanders, Theodore Leonard, M.H.M. Ward, Alexander Stanislaus, S.M. Ward, Patrick Waters, Bernard Francis Watson, Augustine, O.F.M. Watson, Terence, J.C., S.T.L. Weaver, John Patrick, S.M. Wegrzyn, Bronislaw Brian Weir, John Edward, S.M., M.A. Welch, David, M.Sc. Welsh, Albert Anthony Garfield Whelan, David Gerard, M.H.M. Whelan, Denis James, C.Ss.R. Whitaker, Francis Patrick White, John Patrick White, Maurice Whiting, Lawrence David, S.M. Widlake, Bernard, LC. Williams, Albert Maurice, O.F.M. Williams, Anthony, S.M. Williams, John Francis Williams, Lawrence Patrick Williams, Thomas Stafford Williamson, Paul Anthony, S.M. Wilson, Neal James, S.M. Wilson, Robert David Wilson, Robert John Winders, Bryan Patrick Winnett, Berard, O.F.M. Wood, William Wooller, John Michael, S.M.


    The Roman Catholic Church-continued

    The Very Reyerend-Wright, Francis, B.Com.

    The Reverend-Wysocki, Brian Thomas, S.M. Zeyen, Nicholas, M.H.M.

    The Methodist Church of New Zealand

    The Reverend-Abbott, William Kenneth Alexander, Roy Manson Alexander, Roy Thompson Allan, Robert Alexander Allen, Robert Henry, B.A. Afu:y, David Raymond Andrews, Robert Sheriff Ansell, David Heath Armstrong, David Attwood, Arthur Francis Bailey, John Heyes Baker, Edward Ball, Niven Graeme Bell, Charles Harrison, B.A. Bell, George Basil William Bell, Ronald Graham, M.A., B.D.,

    M.Th. Bennett, Enid Jessie, M.A., B.D. Bennett, George Leonard Bennett, Trevor Lewis Benny, Thomas Ralph Bensley, Arthur Albert Besant, Henry David, B.A., B.D. Billinghurst, Noel Dunkley Blair, Charles Blakemore, Albert Blight, John Montgomery Blight, William Thomas, B.A., B.D. Blundell, Warren Hugh Bowden, Alfred Roy, B.A. Bowen, Lewis Alfred Boyd, Edward Petrie Brazendale, Graham Bm,okes, Norman Edward Brough, Gordon Douglas, B.A. Brown, Clifford George Brown, George Ernest Brown, Harold Kilford Brown, Hubert Granville Burrough, Amos William Burt, Douglas Howard Burton, Ormond Edward, M.A. Bycroft, Leslie Frank Gable, Wilfred James Carr, Thomas Henry Carr, William Ernest Allon Carter, George Gilmore, M.A., Dip.Ed. Chambers, Wesley Albert, M.A. Chapman, Waillace Clyde Chessum, William Allan, Mus.B. Chick, Henry Hector Christian, Owen Lancelot Chrystall, Bernard McGregor, B.A. Churchill, John Clark, Colin Doddsworth, M.A. Clarke, Edwin Bartle, M.A. Clarke, Ian Leslie, A.C.A. Clement, Robert Frederick, M.A. Climo, Frederick John Clucas, Ivan James Cochrane, Herbert Alexander Collingwood, Ronald Oameron Conway, James Hay Coombridge, Roy Corlett, Ashley Ian Cornwell, Gordon Albert Reid Costain, Alfred Moore, Dip.Soc.Sc. Couch, Moke Albert George

    Mr Couch, Wera The Reverend-

    Craig, Hughan Morris Cramond, George William Currie, John Barrie, B.A. Curtis, Darrell Royce, B.A. Darvill, Harold Alfred Dawson, William Selwyn, M.A. Day, Reginald

    Mr De Thierry, Matene Horo


  • 4i24

    The Methodist Church of New Zealand -continued

    The Reverend-De Zoete, Pieter Klaas Fouke Dickens, Charles Edward Dickie, Arthur William, C.F. Dine, Mervyn Lee, C.F. Dixon, Haddon Charles, M.A., B.D.

    Sister Dobby, Eleanor

    The Reverend-Dorrian, Arthur Peter Duder, Clifford Lambell Eagle, Brian Roberit Joseph Eastwood, Eric Robert Eisner, Wilf Gerald, B.A. Falkingham, Wilfred Ernest Felderhof, Ludwig Ferguson, Ronald Warner Fiebig, Herbert Leslie, B.A. Fields, Ronald Ernest Ford, Wilfred Franklin, B.A. Fordyce, Robert Ebenezer Fowler, Irwin John Francis, William Robert, B.A., B.D.

    Mr Fruin, John Henry

    The Reverend-Garner, William McNiven George, Ronald Leslie Gerritsen, Hendrik, B.A. Gibson, Loyal Joseph Gilbert, Geoffrey Thomas Gilbert, Wilfred Stephen Gilmore, Leslie Robert Montrose,

    B.A. Goodman, George Harrison Gordon, David Bruce, M.A. Goudge, Stanley Richard, B.A. Graham, Duncan Robertson Grant, Ian Desmond Greening, Gerald Kingsley Greenslade, Lawrence Greenslade, William Wesley Hamilton,

    M.B.E. Greenwood, Russel John Grice, Reginald Griffith, Keith Clifton Grocott, John Dryden, B .A. Grounds, Edmund David Grundy, Albert Arthur, M.A. Grundy, John, M.A. Gust, Warwick, B.A., B.D. Guthardt, Phyllis Myra, M.A., Ph.D. Hailwood, Charlie Oswald

    Mr Hakopa, Hoera Whakaari

    The Reverend-Hall, John Roland Hames, Eric Wilson, M.A. Hamlin, Richard John, C.F. Handyside, Allan James Hanna, Leslie Gordon Hanson, Erasmus Francis Ian, B. A.,

    B.D. Harkness, Barry Graham, B.A. Harkness, Howard Edwin, M.A., B.D. Harris, George Raymond Hawkey, Graham Earl Hay, John Cedric Hayhurst, John Grant

    Mr Hemera, Hohepa

    The Reverend-Henderson, William John Hendry, Richard John Heppelthwaite, Ernest Herbert, Oolin Brice

    Mr Heremaia, John Hoani

    The Reverend-Hey, Roger Joseph Edward Hickman, David James Donald Hight, Arnold Cliarence Hilder, Basil James Hopper, Herbert Ian Kirk, B.A. Hornblow, Maxwell Andrew Horril!l, Charles Seton Horwood, Leonard Charles


    The Methodist Church of New Zealand -continued

    The Reverend-Hosking, Bruce Leighton, B.A., B.

    Com., A.C.A., S.T.M. Hosking, John Samuel, B.A., Dip.


    Mr Ihaka, Wiremu Paki

    The Reverend-Ivory, Arthur Henry, LL.B., B.Com. James, Russell Eric Jamieson, Colin George Jefferson, Alfred Ernest Jenkin, William Charles Johnson, Francis Lathbury Johnston, Andrew James Jolly, Albert Jones, Alan Osmond Jones, Barry Edwin, B.A.

    Sister Jones, Ivy Hazel, M.B.E.

    Mr Kawiti, Tawai Te Riri

    The Reverend-Keall, Robert Purcell Keightley, Clifford John Kendon, Charles Hubert Kent, Arthur Thomas Kitchingman, Henry William Kitchingman, Owen Arthur, B.A.

    Mr Kukutai, Waaka

    The Reverend-Langley, John Elgar Larsen, Norman Peter Laurens,on, George Irvine, C.B.E. Laws, Derek Gordon, F.A.C.A. Laws, William Robert, M.A., B.D. Leadley, Ernest Clarence Le Couteur, Ernest Raymond Lewis, Evan Rhys, M.Sc., B.A. Lewis, John James, M.A., B.D., Ph.D.

    Mr Livingstone, Para Piripi

    The Reverend-Lucas, Campbell Percival, L.Th. Luxton, Clarence Thomas James

    Mr Maaka, Herehere Maihi

    The Reverend-Mabon, John Craig Ferrie McDona!Id, Duncan Ian Alister McDowell, Matthew Alexander, D.D. Mciver, Graeme Maxwell McKay, Archibald Walter McKenzie, Ian Hugh, M.Sc., B.D. Mackie, Bruce Edward McLeod, Donald Ian Major, Ronald Gordon, B.A.

    Mr Makiha, Matu

    The Reverend-Malcouronne, Brian James Manihera, John Ian

    Mr Manihera, Tuteao

    The Reverend-Marshall, Cedric Russell Marshall, Edward Major, B.A., Dip.Ed. Matthews, Howard Charles, B.A. Meredith, John David Michie, Laurie Arthur

    Mr Moke, Paahi

    Mr Moke, Roi

    The Reverend-Moody, Edward Henry Moore, Harry Moore, William Edward Morrison, William Morrison, William James, M.A. Mullan, David Stewart, M.A. Neal, Barry Wilkin Neal, Wallace Stanley Newman, Alan Newton, Alan Herbert Vogel

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  • 2:8 FEBRUARY

    The Methodist Church of New Zea1and -continued

    Sister Nicholls, Margaret Waiata, M.B.E.

    The Reverend-Nicholls, Trevor Leonard Noble, Dorothea Mettam, B.A. Norwell, Ian Chellew Norwell, Leslie Thomas Oldfield, Charles Brightmore Olds, John Stanley Olds, Norman William Olds, Osborne McLennan Olsen, Brian Leonard Osborne, John Hylton, M.A. Parker, Francis Henry Parker, Gordon, M.A., Ph.D. Parker, James Wesley, M.A., B.D.

    E.D. Parker, James William Parker, Walter Patchett, Ralph Ernest

    Mr Pate, Henare

    The Reverend-Payne, Herbert William Peart, Cuthben: Frederick, C.F. Penman, John Albert, B.A. Penn, Athol Roy Petch, Ashleigh Kelvin, B.A. Peterson, Frederick Donald Peterson, Gordon Richard Henry Phillipps, iDonald James, B.A.

    Mr Pihama, Ngerungeru Tane

    The Reverend-Pihama, Te Taitahi John

    Sister Pointon, Dorothy

    The Reverend-Pomeroy, Harold Charles, B.A., B.D.,

    A.C.A. Pratt, David Courtney Prince, Donald Frank Prowse, Herbert Rakena, Ruawai David Ramage, Ian Charles Edward, M.A. Ramsay, Phillip Dunstan

    Mr Rangitutia, Pukerau

    The Reverend-Raynor, Ivor Mervyn Reddihough, John William, F.R.G.S. Reid, Andrew Gibb Rigby, Russell Guise Rigg, Frank Stoddart Riseley, Benjamin Henry Robertson, Donald Ian Robertson, Ian Henry

    Mr Rogers, Aperahama Tutanekai

    Mr Rogers, Mare

    The Reverend-Roke, Charles Edward Rowe, Brian Keith, B.A. Rowe, William Ruck, Idris James Rushton, Percy Perrott, B.A., B.D. Russell, Kenneth Harry Rutherford, Maynard Grant Sage, Ernest Edward Salmon, John Bradbury, A.C.A.,

    A.C.I.S. Salter, Lawrence Edmund Scammell, Bruce Schroeder, Leonard Peter, B.A., B.D. Shapcott, Leonard Shaw, Harry Ivan Shepherd, Trevor Sherson, Donald George, B.A. Sides, Brian Wills Silvester, John, M.A. Simpson, Ronald Nelson Slade, William Gardner, M.A., D.D. Slinn, Stuart Graham Smith, Bill Doyle Smith, Graeme Clive


    The Methodist Church of New Zealand -continued

    The Reverend-· Spindler, Sydney James Stead, Peter Ayling, B.A. Stubbs, David Gordon Sweet, George Lewis

    Pastor-Taha, George

    The Reverend-Tahere, Te Awa Wattie

    Mr Taka, Robert

    The Reverend-Tardif, Alfred Edward Tauroa, Lane Matarae, B.A.

    Pastor-Tautari, Rewe Dave

    The Reverend-Taylor, Allan Kerry Taylor, Keith James Taylor, Philip Frank

    Mr Te Hiko, Wiremu Huirama

    Mr Te Huia, Tumu

    The Reverend-Te Tuhi, Eruera, O.B.E.

    Mr Te Uira, Philip Taharoa

    The Reverend-Te Whare, Morehu Te Whare, Robert Thomas, Gordon Vaughan, B.A. Thompson, George Raphael, E.D. Thompson, John Herbert Thornicroft, Neville Thornley, Robert, M.A., Dip.Soc.Sc.

    Mr Toia, Hamiora

    Mr Tonga, Te Orahi

    Mr Tonga Wiremu

    The Reverend-Toomer, Kenneth Leslie Toothill, Harry William Trebilco, David Leicester Trim, Francis Edgar Turner, Brian Harold, B.A. Vickery, John Howard Voyce, Arthur Henry Waaka, Napi

    Mr Waata, Himiona

    The Reverend-Waine, Frederick Edward Wakeling, Walter James Douglas Wallace, William Livingstone, B.A. Watson, Alexander Crushington Watson, John Kellett, M.C., B.A. WeSlt, Norman fohn West, Stanley James

    Mr Wharehoka, Whaterau Ira

    The Reverend-Widdup, Robert William Wilcox, Hone Williams, David Owen, M.A., Litt.D. Williams, John Cedric Aldwyn Willing, Leonard Victor

    Mr Winikerei, Nguru

    The Reverend-Witheford, Arthur Russell, B.A. Woodfield, Frank Harvey Woodfield, Owen Theodore, B.A. Woodley, Alan Kenneth Woolford, Joseph Henry, M.A. Wright, Henry Robert Wright, Jack Ziesler, John, M.A., B.D., Ph.D.


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    The Congregational Union of New Zealand

    The Reverend-Burgess, Norman Chambers, Jim Bernard, M.A. Check, Maru George, M.A., Dip.Ed. Everist, Stanley, L.Th. Flower, Thomas Gammon, James Lloyd Hodder, Maurice Richmond, M.A.,

    B.D. Isaac, Terry Lynton, B. Com., B.D. Isht, William M., B.A. Kennett, Peter McKenzie, Roy Nelson, B.A. Taylor, Maurice Hugh Ward, Nancie, B.A., B.D.


    The Reverend-Albiston, Bruce Noel, L.Th., Dip.RE. Alcorn, Robert Allan Anderson, Kennedy Stratford Armstrong, Leslie Schofield Arnold, David William Arnold, Josiah Reginald Arnold, Leslie Samuel, L.Th. Avery, James Stuart, B.D. Ayrey, Joseph Colin Barker, Frank Walter Batts, William George Eric Beck, Murray John, L.Th. Beilby, George Thomas, M.A. Bellingham, George Robert, L.Th. Betts, Mervyn Marshall, M.I.D., B.Sc.,

    B.D. Blackman, Percy James Colquhoun,

    Dip. R.E. Boggis, Cecil Bertie

    Pastor-Bolllen, Robem Hamilton

    The Reverend'-Bowden, Marcus Thompson, L.Th.,

    Dip.RE. Bridges, Heath Avee, L.Th. Brogden, Graham Frank, L.Th. Brown, Albert Victor Brown, Jan David, L.Th. Browning, John Reginald Charles Browning, Roland Joseph Bruce, Hector Mervyn, B.A., B.D.,

    Dip.RE. Buchanan, Peter Gordon, L.Th. Buckley, George Edward, L.Th. Bucknell, Stephen John Bullen, Roy Edward, L.Th. Burt, James Johnston Bycroft, Howard Raymond Rycroft, Robert Redvers Gordon Cadman, Thomas William, L.Th. Campbell, Murray Dickerson Cheung, Chow-Chuen, B.D. Christensen, Derek Richard, B.A. Clark, Keith Ronald, L.Th. Clifford, James Ayson, M.Sc. Coad, Graeme Douglas, L.Th. Comber, Donald Richard L.Th. Coombs, Gordon Frederick, L.Th. Copland, Horace George, L.Th. Coutts, Hugh George, L.Th. Craig, Charles William, B.Sc. Crampton, Phillip Leslie Adams, B.A. Crawford, Gladstone Lloyd Creighton, Frederick David Crompton, Dennis, L.Th. Crozier, James Tennant Cumming, James Dallaston, Alister Derek, L.Th.

    Pastor-Davison, Lawrence Alexander

    The Reverend-Day, Louis Alfred, E.D. Denholm, Barry John, L.Th. Dickson, Donald Alexander Kempsell,

    M.A. Dodge, Ian George, L.Th. Donnell, Trevor Garth, B.A., L.Th. Drew, John Errol, L.Th. Duncan, Francis Andrew



    Pastor-Dunk, Michael Gilbert, Dip.Th.

    The Reverend-Eade, Barnardo Nansen Eade, Donald Takle, L.Th. Eade, Malcolm John Edgar, Stanley Loraine, M.A., D.D. England, Frank Enright, Eric Michael Fear, Alfred Fear, Trevor George Finlay, Allan Herbert Freeman, William Johnston Fung, Peter Shiu Wing Fursdon, Robert Leonard Gardiner, Henry Albert Edward Gaskell, Roy Frank Gibbs, Arthur Joseph Gibbs, Trevor Golding, Wallace Robin, L.Th. Goldsmith, Rex Charles Radcliffe.


    Pastor-Gordon, Peter Hugh, L.Th., Dip.RE.

    The Reverend-Grave, James Russell Grigg, Edward William, M.A. Grinder, Robert Bruce, L.Th., Dip. R.E. Gurney, Ross McNeil, B.D. Hambly, Gordon Charles, B.A., B.D. Hampton, George Keith, L.Th. Hart, Roland Charles Heffernan, Arthur James

    Pastor-Henderson, David Bryden

    The Reverend-Hibbert, Barrie Edward, L.Th. Hildreth, Errol Alton, L.Th. Hodges, Alan Arnold Hood, Colin Frank Allister Hopkins, Donald Charles, L.Th. Howan, Arthur Cyril Howie, Ivan Philip, M.B., Ch.B.,


    Pastor-Hunt, Noel William John

    The Reverend-Ip, Cecil, Th.M., B.D. Jackson, Gordon Noel Jacobsen, David Eric Jamieson, Arthur John, L.Th. Jamieson, Arthur RidiJ.and, M.A. Jenkiins, Brian Clive Charles, B.A.,

    L.Th., Dip.RE. Jensen, Robert, LL.B. Johnston, Victor Wallace, LL.M., B.D. Jones, Clarence Desmond Burson,

    B.Sc. Jones, Ernest Tasman Jones, Gordon Hamilton, Ll.B., L.Th. Judkins, Maurice Henry, L.Th. Kemp, Ian Stanley, M.A., B.D. Keyte, Ronald Eric, L.Th. Kimpton, David Maurice Lang, Walter Begbie, M.A. Lee, Francis Ke-Siong Lloyd, Felix Hayes Lo, John, M.A. Lockwood, Robert Anstiss Long, Douglas Grahame, L.Th. Lonsdale, Albert Edward Loudon, Adam Lovatt, Clive Robert Lucas, Abel John Luck, Royce Albert, L.Th., Dip.RE. Macann, Geoffrey Tusman, L.Th. McCormack, William Kenneth James,

    Dip.R.E. McCosh, Robert Henry, L.Th. MacDonald, Tan Sincla1r, B.D. McFadyen, John Cockburn McGregor, William James McAlister,

    B.D. M clones, Rodney William

    No. 20



    The Reverend--McKean, Francis George McLeod, Angus Hamilton, M.A.,

    B.D., M.Litt. McMillan, Stephen Bruce McNair, James Warwick, L.Th. McNee, Peter, L.Th. Marks, Gerard Thomas Marlow, Selwyn Walter Edward, B.A.

    Dip.Ed. Matthews, Leonard Wreford Meadows, Brian Kenneth, B.A., M.Sc.,

    B.D. Metcalfe, Arthur Scott, L.Th. Metcalfe, David John Mill, Gordon Alexander, L.Th. Millichamp, Peter Edward, B.A. Mills, Edward Richard, L.Th. Nees, Hugh Nicholson, Lewis Clifton, L.Th.,

    Dip. RE. Nielsen, James Henry Valdemar Norrish, Percy Wilfrid North, John Lawrence, M.A., B.D. 'North, Lawrence Alfred; O.B.E. Page, Trevor Ralph Pahl, Mertyn Arnold Pallesen, Terence Shaw Parry, Frederick Arthur Patrick, Douglas Ernest, L.Th. Payton, Ernest George Peters, Philip Allen Charles Pidwell, Harold James, B.D., Dip.RE. Pittams, Thomas Herbert, L.Th. Pritchard, Benjamin Thomas John Pritchard, Peter John, L.Th. Rankin, Lawrence Joseph Rawlings, Leslie Norman Walter,

    M.A., B.D. Reddell, Francis George

    Pastor-Reddell, Graham Hamiton

    The Reverend-Reid, Roy Mervyn

    Pastor-Roberts, Ian Diprose, B.Sc., B.D.

    The Reverend-Robertson, George Alexander, L.Th. Robertson, Murray Alistair, B.A., B.D. Roberts-Thomson, John, M.A., B.D.,

    M.Th. Roke, Alfred George Rout, Edgar Nathaneal

    Pastor-Rushbrook, Leslie William, B.A.

    The Reverend-Salthouse, Douglas George, L.Th. Sherburd, Ernest Foster Silcock, Alfred Lawrence Simpson, Alexander Finlayson Simpson, John Ewen

    Pastor-Skeates, Nelson William

    The Reverend-Skett, James Henry, L.Th. Skinner, Norman Albert Smith, Brian Kingston, B.E., B.D. Smith, Clyde William Smith, Gavin Alan Stevenson, Ernest Young Stewart, Bruce Oliphant, B.A. Stewart, David Garth, B.A., M.Sc.,

    B.D. Stewarl, David Howe, E.D. Taylor, Allan John, B.Sc., M.B., Ch.B.,

    L.Th. Taylor, Ian Frederick, L.Th. Taylor, Robert Gordon Taylor, Walter George Dawe Taylor, William John Thompson, Noel Francis Steventon fhompson, Robert John, M.A., B.D.,

    Th.M. (Rusch.), Dr Theo!. (Zurich) Thomson, John Stockwell, L.Th.



    Pastor-Tito, George Winiata Rex

    The Reverend-Tong, Stephen Sai Wing Turner, Harold Raymond Upton, Roy Maxwell, L.Th., Dip.R.E. Wakelin, Arthur John Walker, Brian James Wheeler, Maxwell, L.Th. White, Howard Benjamin Kenneth Whitten, Herbert Edward Wickens, Traylton Nmirod, L.Th.,

    Dip.RE. Wilton, John Ansell, L.Th. Winslade, Norman, L.Th. Wood, Nathan Rillstone

    Pastor-Woods, Evelyn

    The Salvation Army

    Adams, Francis Neil, Captain Adams, Henry Dean Francis, Brigadier Albiston, Albert Edward, Colonel Allison, Hazel, Brigadier Allott, Ivan Bruce, Captain Allott, Jabez Millar, Brigadier Argyle, Ivan Tennyson Chapman,

    Brigadier Armstrong, Albert, Brigadier Askew, Ernest, Brigadier Avenell, Coralie Alma, Brigadier Bailey, John, Captain Bate, John Mowatt, Ca,ptain Beale, Gilbert William, Major Bell, Colin Gilbert, Major Bennett, David Thomas, Captain Bevan, Nelson George, Brigadier Bicknell, Norman Eric, Colonel Bilham, Alan Roger, Captain Blincoe, Viola, Lieut.-Colonel Boon, Arthur William, Lieut.-Colonel Bridge, Kenneth Sydney, Major Bridle, Eric George, Major Bringans, David, Lieutenant Bringans, John Lennox, Brigadier Brirusdon, David Frank, Captain Brinsdon, Gordon Albert, Major Brinsdon, Ronald Ernest, Captain Brown, James, Captain Brown, Robert, Captain Brunskill, Christopher, Lieutenant Buckingham, Hillmon, Captain Buckner, Desmond, Captain Burns, John Mexander, Captain Buttar, Lyn Ernest, Captain Callagher, John, Brigadier Carian, Errol, Captain Chalmers, Roberta, Brigadier Clark, David John, Captain Clegg, Raymond George, Major Cook, Alfred Bramwell, Lieut-Com-

    missioner Cross, Raymond Hugh, Captain Cross, Rex Walter Clifford, Lieutenant Daley, Robert Chester, Brigadier Daly, Lawrence James, Major Davis, Arthur, Captain Dawson, Reginald, Major Elliot, Ernest, Colonel Eustace, Coralie Dawn, Major Farr, William Keith, Brigadier Ferrel, William Keith, Captain Fitness, Gordon Ebenezer, Brigadier Flintoff, Alvin, Captain Ford, James, Lieutenant Ford, Raymond Henry, Major Gainsford, John, Captain Goffin, John Dean, Brigadier Gooder, Richard Kelvin France,

    Captain Goodisson, Keith, Captain Grant, Alexander John William,

    Brigadier Gray, Alison, Captain Gray, Edna Grace, Brigadier Gray, Gordon, Brigadier Grice, Edna, Lieut-Colonel


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    The Salvation Army-continued

    Griffiths, David Neil, Captain Hamilton, Russell William, Captain Hannaford, Jessie, Brigadier Harford, Alfred Henry, Brigadier Harford, Harold Lawrence, Captain Harris, John Brayshaw, Major Hay, Francis William, Lieut.-Colonel Hayes, Keith Ian, Major Heese, Terence, Lieutenant Henderson, Christina, Brigadier Hildreth, William Joseph Allan,

    Brigadier Hill, Harold, Brigadier Hobbs, Leslie Anderson, Captain Hodge, Rachel Margaret, Major Home, Earl Reid, Brigadier Howie, Winsome, Major Hutson, Donald Arthur, Oaptain Ingerson, Harold Lewis James, Briga-

    dier Irwin, John Samuel, Captain Jackson, David Murray James, Major Janes, David, Captain Jarvis, Victor James, Major Johnson, Ronald, Captain Jones, Nathaniel John, Brigadier Kendall, Edward John, Brigadier Kendrew, Kelvin Ross, Captain Kilgour, Ian, Captain Kftto, Ronald Albert, Captain Knight, Evan Rodney, Captain Knight, Raymond, Major Knight, Ronald Brandon, Major Knight, William George, Brigadier Knowles, Bernard Desmond, Captain Knowles, Janice, Captain Layt, Mervyn, Captain Lee, Clarence George Baden-Powell,

    Major Lindsay, Laurence James Victor,

    Brigadier Lord, Hilton Frederick, Lieut.-Oolonel Love, Margaret Isobel, Major Lower, Jean Lorraine, Major McBride, Barrie James, Captain McBride, Roger, Lieutenant McCallum, Robert, Major McDonald, HaroM, Brigadier McDonald, Roy, Brigadier McEwen, Marjorie Hazel, Captain McEwen, Robert Graham, Captain McFarlane, Noel Hilton, Captain McGee, Douglas James, Captain McKenzie, Thomas Alexander, Lieut-

    Colonel McMurdo, Graeme Edward, Captain McNabb, Noel Pearce, Major McStay, Brian William, Captain McVicar, Gordon, Captain Mahaffi.e, John, Brigadier Major, Elliott McKane, Major Majo