“To be great is to be misunderstood” Entry #7: Respond to Emerson’s quote. What does he mean?...

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  • Slide 1

Slide 2 To be great is to be misunderstood Entry #7: Respond to Emersons quote. What does he mean? Do you agree? Slide 3 Misunderstood Characters are they great? Slide 4 Entry #7 cont: What makes YOU an individual? What makes YOU stand out? Slide 5 To Be Great is to Be Misunderstood Steve Jobs explains Think DifferentThink Different Think Different Ad 1. Albert Einstein. Developed the Theory of Relativity, affecting great change in the world of Physics. Winner of the Noble Peace Prize.Albert Einstein 2. Bob Dylan. American singer-songwriter who was an influence in music for five decades. Wrote Blowing in the Wind, and Like a Rolling Stone, and was involved in the anti-war movement and the Civil Rights movement.Bob Dylan 3. Martin Luther King, Jr. Leader of the American Civil Rights Movement., using nonviolence to push for equal rights for all races. Baptist minister, assassinated in 1964 in Memphis, Tennessee.Martin Luther King, Jr. 4. Richard Branson. English businessman who started his first business, a magazine, when he was 16. Founded Virgin Records and affiliates, and currently one of the richest men in the world.Richard Branson 5. John Lennon. English singer-songwriter who gained fame as a member of the Beatles, one of the most famous bands in the world, and Rolling Stone ranked him as the fifth greatest singer of all time.John Lennon Slide 6 6. Richard Buckminster Fuller. Bankrupt and suicidal, at 32 he decided to try an experiment, to find what a single individual [could] contribute to changing the world and benefiting all humanity. He went on to write 30 books, invented a host of theories and architectural designs- including the geodesic dome, still used today.Richard Buckminster Fuller 7. Thomas Edison. The fourth most prolific inventor in history. American who invented the electric light bulb, the phonograph, and the motion picture camera. He said, Genius is 1 percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration.Thomas Edison 8. Muhammed Ali. American Professional boxes who was the only person to win the World Heavyweight Championship three years in a row. He became an icon for his rhyming trash talk before matches and his unorthodox boxing style float like a butterfly, sting like a bee.Muhammed Ali 9. Ted Turner. An American business and philanthropist. He founded CNN, owned the Atlanta Braves, and has given a billion dollar gift to the United Nations. His controversial statements have him nicknamed as The Mouth of the South.Ted Turner 10. Maria Callas. An American-born Greek Soprano who became one of the most famous Opera singers of all time. She was called, The Bible of opera. She has been called one of the great artist divas of all time.Maria Callas 11. Mahatma Gandhi. An Indian known as the Father of India, Gandhi led India to independence through civil disobedience in total nonviolence, including long fasts as a form of protest. He was eventually assassinated. He said, An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.Mahatma Gandhi 12. Amelia Earhart. The most famous American female pilot and pioneer, she also wrote books and started an organization for female pilots. She disappeared while trying to fly around the globe and people have been fascinated with the mystery behind her death ever since.Amelia Earhart 13. Alfred Hitchcock. A British film director and producer, he was the first to develop psychological thrillers and suspense movies. He was called the Master of Suspense and became a cultural icon in media.Alfred Hitchcock 14. Martha Graham. She was called the Picasso of Dance, because her influence on modern dance and choreography were similar to Pablo Picassos influence on the visual arts. She danced and choreographed for over seventy years, was the first dancer to dance at The White House, and has won numerous prestigious awards.Martha Graham 15. Jim Henson. Henson was a famous puppeteer, film director and producer. He created the puppets and characters called The Muppets, performed with great success on Sesame Street,and created The Muppet Show. He is known for his incredible creativity.Jim Henson 16. Frank Lloyd Wright. Called The Greatest American Architect of all Time, Wright created 1, 000 projects and completed over 500 works in his career. He believed in structures that were in harmony with their environment called organic architecture.Frank Lloyd Wright 17. Pablo Picasso. A Spanish man, Picasso has been dubbed the greatest artists of the 20th century. He co-founded the cubist movement and is known as a major contributor to modern art today. He was a painter, a ceramicist, a sculptor, and a stage-designer.Pablo Picasso Slide 7 GEORGE WASHINGTON, First President of the United States "George Washington was unable to spell throughout his life and his grammar usage was very poor. His brother suggested that perhaps surveying in the backwoods might be an appropriate career for young George." WERNHER VON BRAUN, Rocket Scientist "Wernher Von Braun regularly failed his high school math examinations but was often caught day- dreaming due to his ADD of one day flying to other planets." Slide 8 Here's to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They're not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can't do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do. Apple Inc. Slide 9 What about YOU is misunderstood by others? What inside YOU is great? Create a poster (using the body outline) that shows what is misunderstood about you (others perceptions) on the outside of the body and what is great about you on the inside of the body You must use words AND pictures and it must be colored!