tNEW-YOílK TRIBUNE. ¦BW-TOM. fUTÜttPAT, JAN t*r 1KB OCTMIDBOKTO-DAV·* l'U'KK.AI |_fP· Advernrafiirate for the Tr.Vire «a Mondiy oagltt to be arat !n before Id o'clock on .-aturday «v»· ina ea the Publican*» Orice of tînt paper « ?. I Sac day t Smbrariberi In tbe city who do not receive tht» pater¬ ni an early hour an requested to ··«*« word at the ofnce at our erreiiiemra'J an neb ae enable all the carriera to net through thau- route« before nven o clock Car r.ert tailing tt. acenmplitb thia arfl] be required to give up tbtrlrroutn Portoni wiahing Tbe Tribune left at tieir dwellin;» < t placée of butlnen regularly every morning wi3 plan· leave «betr «ddrtwt at me Publuhmg f>rt.e r ttcrd ß note through the Po«t-Ofllce Terra«, lot cent« a « ~ < pa yabki to the Carrier The Tribune la Philadelphia. Oar friend· In Phlledelj/ul» «»o wit! regularly w".fc Tbe Triduo« wtii pietra ieav» their russet and rettdenen with Zltber A Co j Ledger Building, Third-tt below Chetxut who will del,ver the paper to them Iminedtteiy after tbe arrival of the pat tragar üoe from New-York »t 1ÍI« renU per week Single coplea price 2 eenta. may alwayt 5e obtained above, or from tbe Philadelphia Newiboyi Fereian t orreepondence ol The Tribune. By the latt¦· from Mi if fVtU» oor Literary AM we thai] pub!.tli at our etnie«: We int.? tito eornineiice at toon at v.e room, tb« publication oi t Btyhet Portrait· un, ..-μ LaTánj Pe»«';!.« rinnina w-itl. thete of Fr- ' ¡" e""· brace «act, and luchon." Ha to tat tcdStatet win be wortl. r ? the Politician a, tl.e nurn ? Literatur« u.· Science Amati. Phyuc·,,,,» Lawyer* »? author im atti OD /rat tt Co'irt and ttic t,e«t .¡.¡-ort» ia feonety for leeinir fimi tttattj kaf I ¦ '¦'' detcriber i ITl jptii the tene- Raiübiii.»· ? t- thai) alt" tppi ..r »<·· i'rinriulr nnd 1'oln v. The National L:- plied wit), mom·; by '.i'·.·«« Aatl row, iu riln. .«' ···. «symi.t ri.nv ).» nictit. ad Loan oi . bam tea· of Tra arai; "-'"t- ¦«.1 Million» of Dolían Million« already authorized rnu«t put the Treaiury in fund« for t ·?· ? ot l] .ort of loan aTWlw 'ir <""r" Bate Eltrht Millior.i t Mr Walter The relaxation of the Sab Treetury and the ii.naticn rif the .·. Carreucy involved in Ik Notet now authnri7>d will irr.-ntly ttimnlete Im portationi and add many Mi.¡ion» to ti.·.· annua' Revenue from Cuitomt Bad Pablk Lami« TLi« bill ii good ni Forty aiillioot in Mr Walker « pocket.wc mean, the Treaiury Vow while we «lo not believe tlmt atnouiit will n-a..·. tutttin the [iroiti ution "t tl.· Mexican War on th· teile contemplated tetefk '·¦)".. tTB pre turn· it will abtindat'tly antwer Mr Walker t pur pote Five ? Bix kfillioni more will tie < ^pended to the lhape of Land Ro'mti· « 10 Soldier· wltJcfa Will maku ? licore in to· ? roiifiry an"Uiit·.. Then the Californiaii, New ?··??, m, and armed lorcet «rill aOf be pani otl-in other worili, the Government will ?.? m arrear» tu iti unti io tori, aoJdieri. te to the e'lionnt pi tarara] ? mor· The inmienie burthen to he Kin h tl Nation through (.umiliar J eau in the thtipe of a new Petitiou List will make a lien./ addition to tb· real indebtoHne·· incurred in I"!', but rione l·· the auiount gpat y harir-ed againat it ? »ry lit¬ tle will be tjient in conitrutini« Nuti.iii.l vetielt. harbor«, fort» *c to katartr-g the annual ? tlon. nor iti repleiiiihii.· «tor·« oi war We preaunie t'lercfori tl.nt ti..· IBM ol meeting :l. marni« on the Ttaoanry have beeii kj Cw>| an ite ra ti. modo moit nvaiio ·??· t·· th- ? tear·/ I> partante Without nt. ·, ?. reflect on ti u thoie ?VI.. « :?. .?., an tri itraia a BataM ol the Jilllill. i-Xl.i·!.:· » e' Il of providing lubtlttence and »in. >.r n.r our ft QltltalJl HOW I" .itilil· tilma ,?, M. ..;. thtt we could lud in view ni u¡, hav· voted lor a Loll «·???!·"·?» .?..· - objectionable ?·<\?????? and ] rate money by niean» M am.» plet alike ol Finance an.: h,· aa)aaRioa tt preieiitod wa« an einbarrtitini; Bwg Bttt ? uurteiK'e to atonnl Macipli I aiakn :t< tn· aolutlOO The menare appean to uaavciv hat and Bint li'i'M'ui one Baal therefore imi t.. gag «m. ported became .cat» act authorinn»! ? had become Decenary All the W'hiir vntei airaiutt this bill woul.i not probably,· ,le|UHtel ¡t tl ,·. Would have boon !iii«ro>irc.«t'tite.l BBjaJ niicht hnvy; beon uupopular lor a aatjaaa kaxj Time would heve given them ? noble vindication In other t',,|, .titutional (tovcmmciita i; ut9m ntati»· t ajuentl·/ «ud properly «ttett tln-ir op(a..titu>ii to tb· perniciout a: tt ol the Mnnttry I .fBinit their | ipply bill« When Mr \\ lt«r once reluied to tii¡i|Hirt a bill, puttiu«.· tln- wbole Treaiury at the Baxttteateat. .li«|.,aj»l ot th« then PremU-nt and inni to ute ,tv ., t«nti in act« nthoatiiity it he «Imuldicc fit de· lar Uig thtt lo area» aaj agf |g »uih lineature tabouμh tl:·.· |1 BM M aaj . attorint: th walla ol lue Capitul he alanti a aaattateBM ttSkieb, lu tb· pain,. » ? .o (ji,. |gaxj would have endeared him lu oui m Ulll] tkcagh a lutSau Preti pcneitcd Hie tcntiment. and calummatod it» author an bataWtt it wat heartily approved 1\ tl,.· :,at man ol the ? fleeting and high principled our men We could with that ionie tu» h manly avowala had been oppotci to the recent patta«.·«· of the Treaiury Not,· Loan bill tbrouch tin· t.« Houtei But in their abtence the tew Rot·) in either Houac on the tiret pn*»«^« ot tl:e bill, will be remembered and chen»he«1 In a few day ·--petlm;.. etttew BaR) ajbate will hav«pataei! ten l»·»· patte o.-r«ph will have anuouu. ^1 the liutj naxia>-o af the bill aiitlmr ????,?, an ad»iition a, Tt·!. K.viiii tte to the Military Farce Ü tt·.· I ajagtj aaawte H.t that maduvi, rul·· the hour we thouid be utterly at a toea »0 ic <x»ant rA»r the approval ot luch a ineturc \ gTeii The »tuk and ti¡e at the Hecul4l ?p,,? , nady autlioriivsl k) ',»»* ggaj gajt !,,;,,_ _,, _- ^^ ral tbouiandt. and uot likely )?,??, w|,i;_ ,, Tbou«and Volunteer, atawtetlagl by the act ol baxj May are certain¡> nei ,«,» tinnii Ban m «ervicr To autb»ante Ten 1U.N, Hetimentt ot Kesuiar» ? ? .imply to create » kan more ai irkj .«,,,.,. Caadonel· Lieut Cokuieit Mi. >rt Captain» ? | to eat out tJie. lubttance »·! the Country Utiu_ hiwi auttK.nrc m.oe v>tîi,ert tlitu the ?.??\ arr niant can find ateate· tor > et here ia a i.ew aadaatentive creation »·) green Ütflcert t. no $?»>? parpóte whatever Than »t liatl· »'bvi»>ui uta in obj«ctiuç te th«· intinite device· to render war iat· aenient to endi ol peraou·! aa'trraudtien.eiit and y·! there ojutt »xmie a tune »Irai,.,! will ba aharp.y acrutiuiaed by tltoae »u. uimt pty for thaix Let ut a; leatt kajjBJ aa Later freaa Km Jna«-irw. By tb· am» ai Un »l» ? Capt VaPaat tn in R: .anrir» wv.'.av·· a ,. W We learn | in Mr f '.'... a ¡atatenger. thai the Call forala Expedimvn bad ett RM «bout tbe ·ß«| » ' ber. and that a numtatr of the volunteer· bad de««'r»e,i êi»ne of them were ttrolhng a '.out tha »trea-tf. «did etbert teekirg eBaploymrnt The two L' 5* »eerr,en thit bad been irnprmjued were liberated. Tbe bn«; Bain· bridge w the only lui ted State* v^tae, at Kio the frigate Columbia having tailed on the M ot December for the River From ???a??«. By th·· bng Matilda c«pt ieekio« iJ dtyt '' «·' ht ve the Hondura· Obnrver oi Dee »VI It d»v« nut »ontaia a t, · 1 tr*1 f¿_p·· The packet ihip (»»rrick which wai tthore OB De»l Beaeh. ha« been cof off. attcr dlfchargini tonte· »f ber cargo and wa» towed up ? the city ynterday »PterOajoB f DISPATCHES FOB THE T8IBUKB BY MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH XXIXtb fOM.KK«"« wreond rAraelea. ,-£NATr;....WA«nr«sr.Trv Jaa. I M Mr MoHiiirt-' :¦'··· ; ? :..·.·??.· rial b .icitinat: pa; -r BaxUka] Conejera tt him ?»::1 · ' ' - Atlant ¦·. ·. tree n Pnr.tir.. %/airiit ra «ui.'lry memora!« Bl Pxteadr. ?t·?'°?? ¦ war un Kelttioiii reported a . rette the ObV· ttf Amitii-t ri erre t try o t A ntadattel wai adopted requettin· the Preti dent to impend IflBal laiei advertued *t Dubuqu· ::.i rtftfae heir« to Dubuque property »re decided Ti.e Ten ? WM then taken - Mr Bl»' » in oppoiit.r.r. to tbe «ection fjTar.tinir bounty land· It would give to erior « spaniel would be formed ¡id párchate ? WlITi 01 Ci ?tt?? Ttpüi 1 arre offered air íi ·' ¦· nniTtf under IR m adioumci BOUSE Or RKf-Hl.-r.NTATIVf;.·: Th.- H ran ¦ ? ad t haJf paal ·. then patene; beine t .·· to escara a-hmv* rrom voting on an appeal lioaoj the Chair Thti morr, le wai .odrawr. ai aito the ap- riderai ? tad ?t AU «? ·| the ciimmitt·-'· ··. · raa ? ? Drj Dock at Penai Batía, the plan ... .'.n· Veai ·- ? <·¦ ? a , »s " fjh n Tai LOB Vi'aaiiiM.î'.·.- Un ."-t. Il I M mail ii not j atlPI MfaToBJ l Olili II 4.I-I AI I Kl . M BATI PkUaUl 'an B KM RioB I '··¦·,-· Oi logical Bnrve] « iti· powei ¦'< us tu.·! in pert Mr Hl ,' μ ??,Ir· ad ? re· 'lut:' anal value of :.nini tt the tin:· ..I tb· tu ?|?p?·??1? ol tbe Public Wi rki an I their vahu now The ßa portion ol the Con - Fumi oI New Voik City to lb· Home oi ? au debated ia Contatiti, ·¦ bai not dtapoaed of . Bl MB) 1 Electioi Cara «ai dit| by a ..":· that III Al' a. il 11 » til I to hi· teal latte f I tn ??? n. il.a ? ? ? Lanari inaili m ?. auf le ti ·¦ ? d in tío- H «.mei. Witt litt taifa tive children and lervanl cirl. Pttl ' N¡.,,,If :, I riOII "I IHl '," Hill I .ina North An «|.r day baa : lowing te ¦-···; Wa-ll!\. .ir..·. .!,,!, .--. "i II·· f I lin .1 an- .»'ci a I .' lad tlie u ply will M 'Ih. ,. ' t r>n Irta? I J ?·, ai o ;. t IL- .I ·'..... . ·.tilde» .....n mad·· tu ih, Bonn tor a ttx l\ tiat.ver ma\ prop·-.t.»·?, regal 1 te iterai t·· -lieu 1.??1«? »it > fa. .'own,.t ei,mitte.· of tbe Maaaachiiae^t» lloui-e 1,,, t. -?.tai,»e» I.«'· ? ¦) -it the pvnplc \|,.a ,. ho..···- a a'. 1 .j ?. eh ng«ard far tba boaorol an eountry an·) te ·« it mi'till· .? te atek ( ·« do .pon a caira re '··»».: al, tin· cau«e» pal |..rih m iratlBratifti »? aoa .- ·. --at. > ??? an I that th.· true tion t ot). nation« daXBxaad· that ,t t·. .nateftOB wttkottl äfften ot LI .od mid lot» ot human Bat fitfoèrtd. That although f Mattacbu'etl* »a tin· w»r it·.» :.». beheld with patri ¦· -¦¦ ten.'tal.hip ol tie , . .t tho M -a.» Taylor. .V gallantry Bad »k'.l .Htpiayed by the, a·· i with him that by the prudano· and Caranga .·: te OM the laith Hi. tier· a valor end bravery ».I all the lea hat .. t. la» u fd That tetl - Ma--a eral /.«chary 'Cavlor )·.:· other« aid M t W tb ? ah have diatiniuiahed their I the campii.-·! ß Mente .·.! tl.e iio»ern,.r ..· 'equetted lo ca r- mnurueated to Major General Taylor and through him to the army under man ?μ???* Ulis;, i.i:··lit tu r«. -lu ne Senate ou Wedie.iüay th.- naakaBte ol te Bten authorizing ti.» »n»«s,n..i t·· dr»w un th·· lieneral ] reaaury f^r ¦ a uni Dvd. exceedini: |J .hai t d-iray the expente ol raía ?·! and aun» -' . :. li, in tbe SUU· BJB th- Nexioau »ar wat concurred io yea« Bl navi ; ?? lateara -.·--¦· one noa '? t..!. ??, Vana. Kuietl« ? ,·« : both llouí. me--t ot, \.»»port m M«y next »ccording to l«w IV'li». Ll >' D. DtakAtee iWhig', wat atetad «»tale Iraner year« troni the I«! w! ???.·»?·: i.exi Mr l'cfreea it the ·· M the State .'...rn*! pabUebed at Indian ara. l,e tV* M veitordi» morning m the 1 ?«··?? Uoipit« ¦' - ?art an »r»t nly about three week» Tbu» baa e carrer d a man endowed by Nature with tal ..nt« thtt nennt have ritt«-d Lim loi enei.» . ·<· prostituted to the injury tarn and tt.· dcttructmn ot lut own peace and bappi c«M .No relttiont m tr.enda aave hia companiona in punahmeut »ra» prêtent to mitigate tbe »urtering of bl» laat hour« and be w.'l «ieey bj the pr.aon burial «1th no memorial ot tua tumi tbe way M the Mraajtnnt· hard r_jr** A uu'!..,iru. h tn »ircii'.t· tat· Al ««-? ? to imp··!· ht: - . ne Supreme ? tbi» i;.t the ? red - Mi ? | a of tbe Hew Ceottitutiea w- hit Ihi f>djn .'purt «bill tiot eterei«. apftBBMT m»nt to pu^-iic oftiv-e layan teenty »>oe >t«ir». ol ¿.»«d m.ra. charter and » learning «r: > ¦ ...ed u, adnn»»ioii to pre.lice ata· fl late ite An able an 1 lulerratawg - - cmceniin* the Con-t'.lit: agre«· j to hapcat» rratmnt« usdindaalt touching tbe coo- »ryan-.-e »d ?, rte.i A, ot: a appear· in the Albany Arga» » ve.teday tUlli » ... a ml i'a-er «on public uieetii.ji« ban· been held and efficient uieatur·· kdopted to ratee tundí tor the rakef of the tanuahiuf P»x>r ot Irelaiid fS**,'· are mdebteai to Mr Ci ir* !?.,.. matter nt the Sew Ha »en and Springfield Kai - -ad : - Boaton ???··? received '.ait evening is advance of the ? ^^^ it^* We b u'xti.i.1 to 1. li t* a ? ... Ki-j. r- arami ¦-· latawtTJ L-gitittrvc dot urne!.:». Neva Eni.In «non· TH: PI Method to r rench Language by Pi ? ?«·,» Brain ? Hartford Robin» A Beata Por »a.' J Hai toa 4 -»¦ ». Bea l t ? voium*.a lar»·.· page*. hat devot»! m»· y y*ar»t ¦¦ the ttndy an ? « mg of the Krerrh, and fjtom the examination we hav* -\j make mal bett work » met w.'.n k f · an.,? | ..· iangaage. The ; at I I dred t», '.hat oi Ot li»; -.?« in it· applirauont to the (iranmmAteel eea- j ... ..·.»·. and perfect y He pr»re*d· it appear· to ua t pon the true an : sciple. that of making ihe ».th the name· of thing» or the nO noun and the qualifying ; -."· b.'to .j ?-.'.'r and -rrrrftoea.then cotnmenrng with teeeimpieet forro ci the verb be proceed« thro-. « « -:· mooda and .rregu a- parta of ·;«-.· - .*et ,n died tborottgb » r. - part· :i are .Lteraperaed " I -MM and the except., r.» t) the general mie ncted ..·. type H* ha« expia ned »nd G.ìatra'.ed the \> print-, * ? alto the irregn!».· ·· mood and t! e paat tenar» »re given in aentence» »ingly. then two at a t.rr· .then M I »am* »entenre The idiom» ol the 1er..--.· . '¦¦¦ «et on each I ndred M forming · tenet of progre»»,·· I nereiee· for makin. tire ayitem ol oram.i. Urn* At Ihe y page· I which I , <-»rh are c'atted in .'.irti order »nd the, pre» re'erred to. where etcì, r leased hat bter. - ..-work ar» » few commercial exerriiea »elua t'* t·, mercantile he ·"· la Otta raatry who 1?»tß ba¬ lie »d- » table of verbi -rtlve «nd »n it r.e»rly t reprint «.? I ski, ? tecte in ough and accorate t be In th· tohnet teaching.tbe ping .. -?· ?-i iJÀtohookl ».note who aro , ianguice G?? VIVIPAl ·. ..? AMI RICA My John JaJBSI An hnd ??? Joan BJ l!.\i:,·. V.''·· work, tbe illustration· of win. k aa lar »a the nil number h»ve already been given hi th.· ¡ ·?· Beeide th.-labor» ol th. tWO editora.,··!' »mhodied in it« page» from th.- work» nt uri I the i-unent natural tote ol tin» country, and Irom the Bramami ni Kurope. It lc»rc. !y neceii»ry to ny that It mJotii t complete ind it aeeef I la erery complete], tiirniihed library We cannot doubt that the nan:.· the ..? enenre it a liberal reception even wen otbei ·· !j! «nd »ali« ti'tory kin.I Rteroaf u ?,» ?? in ira ot the -tua· ti ? t .·-, bj the ;·' .1 RUb .'mn New York William H.liralibi ling». The deeign ! the aathor ol thii book lai au MM pie ol ti·· Bother of the .ettling lie I .dman h»« gleamed antimi «o that In« l.iok rath» r a lion» Ir. , «talliti! »nd a G»» Thi: Ami February make« will be : ¦'.-¦ ttrtttarj ondai t. ¦'· ,i» ti.· weikne»»»iid and it lem ra.e arm» )| i,|» rettut concluded Th»t it in »· m BMCH « mark tat a and (. Itntry »nd in utter lai . I -:. torneai -.-titan· who have no »ymptthy with the Th* article H DM .te .»·.:·..'· 11 . .' ITI '. I».·» York will be read with avidity bv ». . r tere«ted in it· aun)ect Aa a whole we think lin» num her a decided Prehv»d to .t »n I graved portrait ot inn i.e.r.-c i: Naa»au at CtV -o-R ··.·. i \ ,, urna! nei Rametti .rid ». m, Wll .- . etnei à new pegni ·¦ ·.·,·., tin« 11» recular .dent« The reu.on a»» giu'd toi «r»t* .«that the | anal and naatraml paper« thei- made H beBafe atom w»» m re than on« Medic» .- in the city The enti, numl-er eoutain» an dinary and powerful »nu ie by tt.· Phr« nology *T"r^ "?ß? «. :. - vv » - m I · February ... [dee laatraa 0 Bvatau D mi M »nd two engraving a are - r led a* u«u» : , Na\y «land ?:·· dm lee per »ear pul Naatau at "Ty Thi Liri MBi ? .v. VMCanra Vamtjcmo h»»ebeenp- volume !iy th.· Harpera torming a very I aaaa-lwerh Portrait« ot the tw are gt«e bj u«ed- The book will greatly .nteie.t tne generation G"%-~ Iggga ? Mm I next am » ? boouttl .. and oír ? » The ? embrice· ¦ Bambmof n»-w the kM complete »nd author./ed editi, u ot tbe writer · poema. Thi L v. - tacrt The J»nu»ry I veuabi« reprint commenre· a new volante. Thi· number commence· a courte ecturet upon I'leeeee» »f the K»e with iHuitrauve tin - by ? ? Bret: We do not «er how a :: n.iner can well d without thi« w.,rk .Bürge»·. Stnagar ? BM Broadway.»'· per annun. \*? Thi ?«· . enalitm By ? ', »gyman ¦e»t< Ma··, ha· .»t been »meed. ? . · very neat miniatura volarne ol 191 ? »ge» Biet neue»! »?» Boeton and · «: . Kulion-ti In...n ni CF* l'it \W \ '. - l'r ,.· KlIlM Bi»l. , thr pakbehtr Set John «t Thi* u one ot th* g gaat ediOon« ot UM Bible ever publtadard TV .ng u under our ev« it wc-m twte» number ? ??*" LiTTtt taming, at aaari a valmhto teleetlon irom th· . and other «ourc·« ngay be bed M VV Taylor, g Ci** Tub kBl BBjTJgl written mtd com p»»ed h| j«»· |; ; gasa hM ^^^ pttbi;»Jied Ha A Pond Tctt it one it Lover ? moat delightful . .·» and term« No ! ot ¦ The tfoaga of Am·· IT' IIai ·· M . rs, oiutx>e«-«j taj dedicated to the Amateur : | .. Dod worth he· been publitvhwd by Firth ?·!1 A Tood It a very pretty w«Jt/ aad ? embeliiihed » vigaetv. >ew.Verk l.eaielninrr. r ' ~ / - ...».ndenee of The 1 »:·«_·?? Ttiurtdty Tb· - :- aaad nutee- · ¦ »n.v -' atSmiet.·.- vutei kg Aft. .. L arte a t the Senal lidi ... a. I ·. t ilíer at ? ?_ cate« All thtt eodet can do · troduee tyatem ir. 1 -*» and pert; lailtoutirihimt tat ?: --- ? vaet ma rtry of the ¡aw-yer- an! even tome ot o a » . »re »trenuoui opponent» even ..; tyttem ted --orcx ag-eed that thi« »ti ar.« - aAtaaaabta »' ¡ » ? -em·.· k at a t«j third bill wa». . tm, .... Sedge . '- . - A'an Scho» ti VF ? »ß,and ol .-..-led tritt th·· . t tali 81 -. Ideali a .itti·· or at Girini a claim on the ? ted Btatn but a ¦'¦ m»r,.tr tbat tt « ¦. · il ir· · ild be iman at New-Tork were un derpa.J ai.J » ikf be very erroné «M ;t they wer» I bepnvat/ .rai.t iwi tb:-d I·'.. .«n I tr. - art.y nantit · V. ? Government wa« . »erviee and that th· the Btate ? .ei Li vfr tn.i M-itr« Wb H.»»n .-rrv ?? \ tv r- li ora ru»ii thai voliin- .tt il an army .. ¦« '.·· e, rad ten weak! 1 9tal the pre»ent cate, it wat no prit·.·· ,.· a ata V a rieht an 1 ra day \ h ne vote wa.« tak· general law for Inci te 'par- IB II fora like ; Hi he 'iliadi - lite lo I. and ti ahi ara «hat th.· inetturea ..t concilia· wh eh repeatedly referred_ P.THAI >l ni. .il III, \\. ,? AlnrUei., Ac. I muir· ? ? Jea la ! b] Wim h 1 may know t » - le.'iiiy Monteada* it will be raelen to « mail, at by « « if paperi and . > v.. an Eaatara mad at tin« than inaili :,· » It Ihn tau.·· ili er ilo «, a? I tee ?¦_·. reeki «diana bava a .'¦ bave a arfa ? our market« ar. now rathei .«uiet during the «u«p« ? freely at '..·..·. . , ; In the »f. ti»»·· a ¿teat reriel > may be t « ¦'-·-. , 'rtion HI lliint. In l'lill:uli Iphlu Pun iMiruu Jan ¦ . ?- BJ| ··· ».? ima ?) bag r.'o an icy ileep »oon aa it touche« earth The ttlWM tre l.te ,:«*» and humanity ry become· turni. 1er» ind ? r.cked Hueh ·. , n neat in a max bad terdt ra how . « arar | v - I «raUow. WUal | itW to . tanging .·--·· are BOW two priton under tentenr» of death ( : . . -*···· nd BriteM Bañara I¦- ¡'owning a - .n the cante 1 .? tetiia. ? are axakuc appeal· to G ? «cm ? ul u.» puaaahment t., Imprteonnxenl . .-.ty it to be hoped « ¡torta miy be ?alb·or G < \ . - r'k -i. 4 K·. Bk 73 30 Meebi I · ' . .- 4 »arria. M - and 11. «itiitti.«mum lu.tltiite I'urrha.« ul Ibe Teta· Navy 11iai|iuettatararai nf t'nr Ht~m Ran Waaaavaaaai J«ri .·- .pon the p..· - Bog the aara»·. having ? .? part the tuggeetium ? prop···.·.!.·... ? andatifin of the trattole wül be commenced the coming Hammer but w ..j/.elion it t.a» been dete '.he anuual'y a ? Mr Jetrett atrpt a - tn» eoaaaaaatnaaent ot ¡"hut far every:·..ii«; »eenn t indirete te ¡t ail c.r dieting opinioni aito the mal- · ·?«"??? ot Mr. * .·· «in .r.g men ? happily harn,.·. In ? lean numbugi 1 omitted ·..»·. M: atei -.·,.. dared ? ilou-e makm¿ an appi r ¦·. may mrc te· doto «·¦ ' resolution. I ara anahte »late lei.a.te y which it ia At all evenU be ha« made a move to that ertevi. « ilei for I i.« tn tpp.epriattoa ·..·.·· debt , of Bevy, fot which : to hat been presented to the Bea¬ ne rn· nry appropriated tor the purchaar ot · rotten Navy .odoabtvetiy g io the liquid B&un of tbe la m _ K.1MI· ?? BajaaTOB .The »onteet betweea tte trieodt t te· Letcher end Judge oderw.jod wtxet «arm and member· «re :>»g-.aning U «ey they «v :- - bon and take up a third man t hilara AOaa kee been uamaad ;n uni cotaecuon Cm. Gir Jta.X iaVaaUI T' Aja ?«» - r> ? UM .Th· re- '..'oducel .? the Mateackuterti l.eeulature. «p r- 4 · aid the voiunùwr» of tv. a bat aera votad dowa. Iti to G Thi Lhaih Wtriiu».· ¦ W - -ffLe 1er on Wedneeday ·¦ · -,· to* officia, warrant et th· B| tbe »xea-uno· of . - t »n(r The ame fixed tor rerryir:_ the wtrrtnt into etject it r Jay te .Jd J»j af An next [Phil Ledger »Liticai tinmen«. . ».hit leverai - s tote given »hmT cnkan mall Bin li «Vergarti «( that we thai: ute more ipace tbin we ran weQ «pa- » hart :·- .?.-?a An adyn« V «?.t or what wing «retort if It .tienten of Boeton, among them rmftatoaaa ila I operation· It wai introduce ty I'r W ? ? Ml r*entiiL «nd when er I.?. Warren and H«yward ; fient*, the honora: pro- fm·!on Tren mtftalt'if ·* ' '-»**- that ? i r..« wa» weil calculated to excite »urpriee. and there were not wanting thoee. both in Boeton »? who anxioualy awaite.l an · » ral of M ute trom thorn gentlemen. L-eca . rode of ethic» mi lt»| a. and humane a protet-ion m that ot medicine No . .ita been made and u we hare· beard »boye .. ...... ? that tontly 1 'l-tt It !>»« ? -, to pa*» through the I we «apouiet.· --:,,-· we ihou'.d aa it the annähme or «al ,- |what der a p»-r»on uuvemible to pain, even during an ? « i.mb. might uot be followed by ulterior it not preaert I Ml I '·'· - ? tu. h .r, ? .¡once» in· . w-e'.l the . I ..»·¦¦· r ttmilar .u nt and general extravagance ol aetk l . lee, and wai d operation·, la ! much tarther Bramenti ni ? ipuntty tor ti.·¦ following L lu effect· upon 1 calculated ll tdminUtering ·.« ute. II It »er» by pirti. ? «tata of ai 11 III. To perei n* ol 1 aneuriiiii*· I I .-.pparently in high he»!' drop down dead in a moment »re brought by it mediate :. ... .-iirgioal Journal of Jan I « hmf nmnlag to mm render« to thm ,- t young h igitated taking th»· [Mat Mi Bortoa'i taltag nt mouth. t t. a «tate of «.one tun»· mach foni .- ? horrid o ring, throwing hl« body »! > VI ? 11 <.? wi'iioiit pata *»lr m « p am »' ? it o'clock, ? next .·· WM iti' " .. tu t hid » tooth t no ? ita '·'· Mr M · I home ttid ra.Wmed M that »t»te m »t. return y in ¦ t again and r dtyt A ·. took the I nirr in » wa« » .1 tile .·. nee ? I « in« Mad did day ______ ..urie» ?··* >rl««nt ·. to-day from VV ? Milli»! * II, Where ti:. ¦ the Me««erhu«ett« North and Booth C»r tutine niikn ,w i: . that a marcii » It « ·> . mountain tie erpend;· ularly to a hight of M beta tot ?·· -. «at ? he pat· quart»·! ti Bgl i-in there a natural < whi-h a·· ---. , »teep .M aacent by wl.e-h mu'··» .»n » The ¦: tin How, the natural bridge, when tk . Dpi.tely om 1,10 1 muit ¦ tnne to I ¦ « The road tr· I . y nut be neceiaary It vico I baTethu· br:r!v atat*d what,? w itary ??.. ? ben » I tatty m · ut the mott tkiltnl engineer« in trie world, hat created no am» ·. military circlet 111« mouth .i ¦? ?? ?? To .'·. .Mr. Hnr rought ¡n a bill ytiurday making appropna- - the year» :fAT and 1-1-, irom th »nd nitcd .-tkte» Dépolit und« ¦ -nier appropriation». M7 * trim the School tund G :.- .». atcordlng hi the »??-.rti.iument that may be mad·· by tr·· intendeiit ol Common .-.-r..,..i« and t, like ptirpote. trom the nited reutet I.epotit r ? prneeribed in tin- .'d tec. ot ih»f tee I»-- led IBM »riel, or piyrr. · . ,¦ « tr- in th».* Ftand 1.1 ot the irait] eeaengen, oo«4 · Bed s < - Albany .M»dii > | Colle«·· « ·· New-York,???? Om ... retry i | '.· l.del.t* . Il.-.a ware Academy. ?'.- »*e ol »pper. tor the Académie·, g .¦.«.ti »t . -Liii In the "furper u. »-ry »at D»'i·· Point ltox- 1 «ptoded from tome unknown caute »od blew ori the ir. ? r- -ot ot the buildmg. which teil mude the bedlaiing in ita detrent doing tome damage. The dean age between IBM and g.«««j no .nt.iranc .Boat Adv. ¿toh. ty A pre· ept ha« been ordered by BM.HoaM, to -je lamed the town of Newt>uryp.,rt the ·. :t t member of th« Ilouw in the pitci t t. lb Cuahing rw»-ued _ ty |M aatoUtVJ aatnBCB ¦· ti.*!.·..* of BBBB ,·-:¦:- riipeaad »rd i-î »:, ; u ir.e Inmal > by Aii_r.\ DodwoBTH I'ubluhed by Hrtb. _ fy ?a J Row« are our authorued A-«nu»t Prjvi drnc· R. tor lAe «aie ? lb« Tribune C'ITI ITriVlw. ladiri of the New I ark Ctatteaf deter ·> t ward tu'?f ring homanitr «el ·· the pebUe to patronite Ibetr «t val Bieg at- --eadvertinmea*. fr** A ?,eland H ti pineal tl Tetterday headed by a w»¿».n drawn t y aix gray . a long »tnn< ai .Iriyt the · ''??? tbe r . » rea · I N) Ibe. tn ai ..aet m all their r t :nd.ty ta» y tug miy had luldenly become a t.·«. ..y trererei«< ? rrtaa Hand· »a a H.r'.r gton ? ? »r. WH, I »a ». HF >IHHltH - VrCIt ed in the qaett:on at to when in.l b. w runday »«· portaaity to .¦«rr.e.ily dit. .<·..! by Re» ? ? Brown on «"undiy evin:ng tu·«.' at - at the Church .n K'.erenth, tt between Bowery and Thi'd even IU* M F- W. 8 II ¦·.»« prati tl t: ,.-.; cour»* ..y Illuitrat.. · ·. -»»day ... «nd Ma. beta, t THa' Ulla'» almi ?; .", ; per m tb.« »» . ate ? the nkeaft ¡ aaaaa. I ¦"· · ft?" Wa »,« ter.lay arid a.;: . » 1.1 tee Heath ..n the pale » Ml th«t looted to ut »cry much i:k«. a paivaataad tea. It . » « » ::. M »nd we thought ue hear te the_ rattling livkaj Dr Una t brother ul tbe ,-.¦'.·!.rated <'«l»:u laoa.l " ; -k. let ? BBO UBJ CW** Tl.e ii'" thoae who a; Ml -' . * til« in clement tetton it «aid t»· average one handled daily ?** Had· \ ¦ C .ew a »cry 1. >y the mott rnthutiattic applauee l"a*' \ v. ,.· c>. oily . B) AVI I | and ¦ and retini! the 'nevi to tl)«· Cine! od on)· r and w;'h ·· rkn ;b,· l'enana Com :??.· our i.i. ,- - ·. ·? KM! Bit »I'll' We would call the -itt«-nt: ?? tin «. in the Weitem -tatet ot delire to place any tppertalnteg that reirion m tbe handlet honeat and t.. teedvertlarnrat la ti·:« day'· Tri .a, I m ? »-·¦ te »t ¦· troit, Mich. Until·' men ha»·· liti Hinp'e .apcrteee b) the emplnynen ? which they «r··. ? etnei ..I the I ken) a reti «.t war with tlreat Urit.»:n Bad n familiarly acquainted * :tli very testal· ??« lentfrkrjrate »trn-t etriettoatt - hive riera well t···· uniform approbadoa ol h:« correipondenti We take n_' M. ¦ i». J I \S batej ,y Adama to lin.-·· ..f .nil cf.. WBo ar.· Internal liope'ty "A NEW VORKPJ a .The Cobur ¦ C inad :'..r troni Oraftotl ?team Mill» illation itaa·· n ino«t degul ?? [ te Domenon eurred »t that place oa tbe afkaraooe the In· te wa« rullìi and the wind m tke north when tuddenly the lak·· receded) ? ?.. ?,-1» Ing the be.. ·,. '¦¦',· inune than it uaually ... iiaiml ? upward of abt reran uatiai - Devi· a itv. at ?·· tbe II ? ?.· n »v. lit ? .-,·,...., er that m · ¦¦ arti ara the ¦ MM tabi ? pi ···· ? " Il urte, ted Ibe lake at ran along te Mte troni ? ? .Hended With the bet» y thumb·· ?- «¦ in.I heard at lirait..? Dl ?? ! fin ? IB LOWRLI » ri«.- ktttka a paai ter bet. re : ?? ¦· Citi ·¦» Mr J mi· I ? Kell· »·- 1-i.eier». which WM wball) dee troy ed «nd ¦« oucupled by Mr Nathan ici I'ntihi it boot mid »hoe dealer and Mr ? ? l'rery »tied ).y ? tuiriiin the thi· Mr ellon « ¦»: l I t l.uniDburii wh.· h wat nearly all deetToyed Mr fellow» loat lilt "··«« and pap··,·« and In· BM. .link ot good·, with ? ,,i ora .Ik" ·» ¦drynera by Mi Jaaan tarala «t mu.-li rnk Mr r wat in· · t the Metani Beala I , || M d « "" 0 »Ir .»··¦ «rattrenved koAtraeteanteanBlAMMlbèiMa e m tin« e.ty Mr 1'raryit intured li.r |'.·»? ·» m Inaared at Lowi I - » ret te ?"»« ? art. t.y Ur Am··· tor an ..t r ?? ? rad Mr· lit/1.· ton, foi il), ¡'ton and Dr. Berakan Im tanin by Jonathan Allen, * a .·. , bete or», and J. Joi ' .lit» in tb·· up - turmture w rh the e«.< en Mn IU/.et.ii whoae loa«, we hear, roni"i Jera ?? ?? en ? ntly Iniured In 11900 M tka it the «ame pia··«, for ¦..? «to. « wa« tomewhtt BXJaVed in movin« M.«»ra In bai i«..ii aril j ilinaon were not nit ired then ,-en.ei.t "t Baatkl and limale by water Iu tbe r«»i ot the ten looter« lived Mr llarr-.u, wfcote lunature wa« neatly need .-'.iveral lri«h tamilie« ia | the ire arid water. The I .ry Mail »vat ;n pmt ,r,^er I he eOtWI and wind.,·*« were blietnrtd ly te I weil Courier ? « ¦¦·. ,·?.··? ? troni the pania um of tr.. oro toral brich tra euii-nlíoii rioTt-et near the mark»·! occupied by lelya« a eoi., h lactory The··· Btroyed and th- new brick tenein.-nt ad oimn»; Br Dortor » tin la-tory and new thejproDÜrt] W *«.-wton Bag nananaea ,n ·¦ in amount .1 Jan ? ? |J ¦»/ ?. ?? Mondi. c Johaeoe · Borrii m eoaaumed ¦¦ tarn <,mimi -idney Hreeae. f'.«., ich did Kt A.rk Adv within a tew yard« an) were with much diftic .Ity »r .Tii.» Wanaib tairai I a letter dated at the place on the '.-th «tatrig ? ..··,»» juat burned do a ri m are etili raj i'r ? v-i \ · rSMf-BBVAl ? ?ß??ßß » That body adM »t Bawrtobmrg ra ia*t Tueaday morning, »nd wat Urinp-uranly ,,rg»nr/«d by '-:, Judge bakr, and appointing Jona I VVoi rthamb«rland, ttoeretery.·. armnMRB lar.'·· and r*»pccta'ie i-everal pre :ini.ii,ry mutter» ot buiine»« were then di»p> ·¦ whit h waa the »p[iointmeut of a committee nominal» of';, er» tor the p«-rraan»'nt organization of th« invention. Oerierai A»Bor URRRIU Of p?',? co. wa» 'ho»«-n l're»id.-nr TRACHRR tv ???«?»?.A retolution V> > I l.ttl, e a third readm»· and w»e th* em«« .t ron«id , J.-bet*·. ? )t cur·.- » competent p»-r«on would MM it the« raiting an additional turn pejtpom ar I ha·.·«· tlie teacher board io th« Oar. Newark AJv » taail l.r »*i»cht uíltilorin nd »nd former BfCMABB V. ?. ??«««!«»·' He died on Wednetday morning laat at Nath»...· wmt r ne i.a.1 gone »roupie of week» bateare, partly on r. ?·??. and partly in pur auil »I betatth through ehan»·.· : ·¦ ··!.·¦ »? i to ar*· -,ati liftiiy Qnanahtj Jan BV DamMBBB wMlt.i. ?,???? ? ? »Id ? ?? t . A young mAn. 1 ' ye»r» ot age named Joeeph ptUrkho >* it ·*»« dr.wu.d m the creek, · «hort diiUnce above Mount Holy. '?. .-aturday alternoon laat »Iter he bad Irom t!" water a «m»ll boy ho had la ,·?? througi. I Newer« f.eby Ad». ('¦¦%» ?CTBB if VJi KtiiR .At Lauraater Pa. th· jury in the cue ol John Ha.garty tor th· murder of Melchoir Kordney returned a verdict of guilty of mur¬ der in the fir»t degree. ry The M'-Letii meeting hehl in Temperan· ß Hal! laat night tu nnanlmouly attended Qgjhrtol Adam« Ketj preaided. itattted by t number of '.'.·»· P-* .ldenU. Jame« Dm » «Md »ddr-aa wh'.rh .«u adopted ?ßß ad · ar,:e rnitnVr t erty men in attendance who actively participeted tn in* proceeding» ot the meeting We under »Und that r.i«,i H«r.ry ? »y w,,. «x.n .ai. a mevting in thi« city for the purpoae ut expreaeing their prelereuc· l.r taet dii'»hed mdir.dual Pittaburg chron «th I ave Court«. VbBBCHa.N if »· «T-heto·.· \' *. «».- , '/»tar , aroM »» ? pay th a th«· matter, g' p. «ni»;.'· the pay navel «-,,-»,., V»»ter in Cheneery ar,J that ah* . apply baWeefma reeerred in the derr.e heretofore m »de /«*¦« ;. f».'«.·«» vt Mir·. Phmra ipplWafhm for partvee «tra men r the.r residence beh . l\ -40 when tliey arpera·· »1 »nd Mr« ¦ «MA« went to retode with her friend» «t ? k-,p Tl » laugl ti »· relato« to her nripnlnlnm · ,. « a ? named I. vk wood al«. ·. 11-1 ,...[·* granted r*. matter*qj» /¦'».· , »,, ».,,., ? tor a corniti .·«··· of unround mind. ·». > take ear« of huéllate Ac The petiOon II fr m \ « II- Br.tten. brother ot John who »leg·· that hi· be · i farmei at Soutbfleld R .'hmond Co that he »\. .Ige· of la nary «boari three year· ago » raeeed him I et ? He ,-« ?. .n »r-.-,. t ni month« tut »a« · lent that he had to tie : beck I ·· ¦ la , wite and «on arc t. tfce «ame eStect .'.-der tor Commi« «ion «ranted -a :-.. at Vm.tei.'.· h.« m»rr;e»t Hn» Id I · > Jarre. Pnftoram wi·.. h».i two eh . me ? w that tb .». lather, ? pr. New·! s >'· » e«k« to ti the «·,,I eel ':,'-. .i ··.·»- f ?. H S a will lut had cut hi· naae ¦ « a·. t '¦»· > a id Or! ? \ VV .·.· trutte«· t matter ?. rt ? -No attachment.! '«Vred that depoi it, with the clerk >·? appealing wa· a com with Idle - id ».'.-tioi, .>t the Metal without r»t pr.a-urmg an order tr ? .V .·. :. »mend Bill M MI ·. ¦> -*i Mide »mer Heme ut »« r . lient I den:· ! · he ?M arjM| » I ml I ha»« ..¦¦¦·¦ dekira ¦ > tr or Contatoli . · Ig image« for al leg .ta» tonanl .. ,tl. : righi the owner ol the property can a| in ordei «nur . . Mam«! la .... :h.-r it on,. ··:.· ,0,!, r in i.t be km davit but » ¦¦ - > . mht · ite lavtt medi ll .V come up on ten,·» ,'erdlctl dit.i.i ant. MaBINK Cot'ftT.ll.-t, re JinI.-e Waterman V »«¦ M the ,-wed:»li ihip Oloft, from \utwiip to t...>,id»i. placing p!anit Iff w . ... in iron·. For the detence. itwa« contended that th« con. net of Joan (with ti ree other· ¦<'-· ?:».···,1 lu non» I il Verdict I ? Kor pluf. ? s rad M. D ?? vii t-talhtechiend M nth _ r · w, em he ».-e al iba Maeeun today and evening He /reare.t nilonty e-. er rvtr' ie.1 m out , '-el l.el OOl ... I' »lien: Bi | P. ? \l . -n. liain«. \ UBi ·!·.·¦" .' ba .ooii pai.oiain» or LU l·.· exbib ?··.1. tog» laei with a ,lre»r VW.iat·.. M!.. VVhe» 1er led Uuounoo JXc.tii.ce. " ¡ »Itole« ile .·.« mamita»- ture· « ? to ?.,? ..-it?».· ??? Southern and Wealetn lie»· im Sp-in««.ne.» liny MB !" «.· at \ ? l'iïinei » kg ??· ? n the Tii'uuu» lu!.ling wie ?.-...iy iiilorinat:.IM M had M h.? -??!· eet hOM who h»»· ¦haagad natta »tieeatoai m»y nut only », ¦¦ »···... » eiittiiinera '"it o'.|i«e tin It old one» by g old hi tue« prepared lor m-re en .infier« tn··, rtoetyrai nee»maeMbpaamhaamwmaBa«i known their fV ?¦» ? burn la em . a . « d»niiy .·. ·, 1.1 raring BMtom eeeaamaatoe, ·>*» a Bailee, ne ·-. io - gJgJBM to refer It to eaceUmt tbr ehlldrae, md e bottle ... « | ... :i Hiook.w, Mr- Hay», le Kiiln.n «tre».t. m »to i.itiiy eoefftoal an l lau¬ ti,·??· . »· , t"ii let allbiy ». al.i.vir and an« 111 -ire lo lie· »teel «af ialiel, and they w ?? »ale Till SliTBB IN Law -In I. fj lef/A» patch aiinouiiee« a new i.ictl Tale It the narratine given by ..?.· ol the m ott .minent phytlciiniof M city ·» it came under In« own eye« It »tern rualiry With »he e»iep»|,,ii ol the Mmea »nd »how« |a «bat -h.unable I·· are ?.»rued our m I.t he partie· concerned »re a young wi MnoBtU gnl who came to ihitcity two year· ago Irnm th- VV. atora paît it thi» St«te ami ber »iati r in I«· » i.l,,, u»' ..· tody in th:» (ity i In »re rt,«riy peiiMa in tl.ia city who will at ort.-e teeogni/e Ihe real nMMt ..I tin» ehara. t»i" The Lntpat» h proim·» · rw.nryure » emoting ma'ter »mon.· which it the letter ol Mr» I irdnei m ritten to her hucband at it· tune ol · -"In. r ?.·:.?» lall m." lire katonep be« .*»n , I ,,/ veiy large audience· ol late on variou· Theelogi cai aiibi-et·. »neh Ah*'. « I'rupliet« knBkg dtcetrtd !.y a lying Iron, the or and Rto f oeallon ul (be Hottoinle·· I'll, win» h ha* eale.l great intere«! Il red tint aha ? a neMta m »? naBteanmj nmhai troni Hev xn tomorrow at ? and 1 o clock, in tb· American Mall cornet ifiirandtt and Broadway V*-· »ay to thoa.) in'.er. ·?»·.1 lin It tree ¦.?·!'» .«¦.irían.! « ? lie mean· .1 .«· 4ll ·? dertaod ef aiievt«iiiig MM aurleringa ?,.??, tl.ejr M ·· ¦tea tan impracticable,are Bm rrte «tía ateim»d urne· an Baatajaad io aaaeetfatjb vi. tuta kaMf to -. ina) !'.«is»iida a Barngtai ·,*..· ..,·,· viale pain in ihe wort run ol arrêt ?,a aud otilar u; er ¦ad ".m ra ¦· Mat ·«··«. alatela· ntryaWgeM .f au»b ne·· »tl«c. a a pared y, peifeci and permani Met lia« It proved laalefl . n, ni empilona aad other · lectiona ot BM atin, than tu ten ate I an«·« teMtftl «ida While, inerì fallibility for ibi· pnparelioa we leve ralbe raiAurUyel ihowtrl ·«.Bf d troni r ., a ? aperlrnce, llial Inite-co«· f a.·.?« .ve ha» e named, and ai. atteri ar·:·.'.)' toot M ui.'i» >i ral era Ilttw of 11,e i/|. » .I, gatti ?? S tra« part.« » «. ? .·· ? .a an Prepared and a.od, er, I»·*!a and ratal), t.y ?. ? t IJ . ANUS, Whole··.!· DriiKgltl». ?? MaaaA«« re»··« -I A an.«' ?? Broadway, and TI »a« Broad« «y N·· rl . ·. n BJ II Ifl ata gen»rt ly Ihr ,'H a -i Pnce «,? pert,.,ule, or alt loll.« kB Caf" Read die f - j limitary trtl.uie io VA B»i , «si, from te Kir.dert...·..». ? I .Seelloel. d*led f Ji, iati atea v«.»r« p ..».·« ...'. ·? Wiaiar · aten· ef W...I ? berry In lb« cor« M puiaioie«^ imp.»triii I.a ¦ e. ef .) *·> MeMJ !_¦____ * who loa bit erne*, y null he In truth a very »»*·.¦ A reiii»rl«i..· 'ire of r.n«iiniptloo hatrrceatlybeea «de»: e.1 by lh,»irie.licl:,elntbeUiwn.)fCh«tbae.i«'»»»t;4JU"lr· aad aaat an MkMad t'y la Hernc». ·"·_¦_·"' pbytat »n af ani town. u> whom a·'« p-.uiatiania» refer. A young :ady who had ? -t BaMBBJ -»·?* ¦ ·* feeiion of ibe lunft. and » ho i.ael ?? "*d" th* '"' " .ever«: Bbyi aaa a aan MM ¦_ __· '*__¦'"" eonalderad by her friend« %. lejoodihe r«tvh biet*» ir·' and «he wa« Informed by her m*-l»·» alieadnl Utxi * mu.i d'e. A.l her o»»B| re,r. ,?,??,.*·, alto, ·»»¦)«* **· grave forfinately ·!.· wa« in.llred to ««nd aile« m lerh.aik Bo'K.'or« for a l,.,ti> ? ??? ,1 «» I ·»' ' V\ 11 ? ???? «ar. a lati reeort in her rr.licei lltael»* Before cu'··· ..· vara Bateante ih« y«·! "wJ ·* perlene ed great relief, aud two mure ?,,,??,«· «t··* . rie iireal lu.d «'lii..r,.«l»re,t a...· . no· r»te)J ** Uve reaiora'loa of be·,lb. end b.catea Die d«y new ** r.rat reported I" the uae of tha I »«ling Kti«am Nooe genuine unie»« aljrr ed ? ?GG?9 on ihe wrataar Pur Bata by ?. ? it I) BANDS. ttefJJ aia, I«· ,,IM' »t. ,r.,er of AV., lam. Afiiu f,.r II, a < '·'«¦ I*0 * atrtedwey, «od ^t f ».? B'uadway and by W*\t** panata·*) throughout te (nate matea ^ rtj»- l>r r-'r-.l.lX 'Mil RAI D r4 ftafnt aWirft») __·__"_ cur.ii«· ail eklr. diteaae«, u ·. .. .wen«., aid ?·?·ß?«?».G|" dr> .attvMii«« lor eradicating «uperfluou« hair fVttn «___* Up·, fureneed«. and ice tin'corn lieerd « ¦ T-f.-? befor· buytag. Proof po*,ure ih.« and io rattwawe»»· /.?··«· r<|*««tVi« H»*f Or rr:ni».e.lng ·»««·»«_/_ fere-vet /«air /V. '-··* »'«Hi end a variety of rtvnrV*»" am.·.··, lo be had oo.y ai lh« Dr a l)ep«V,ic ?'·*5_*"" III «toreri'»« Broadway ;I4 ·¦ G«»" ». ? P»! «r.i th» BM " Lnd t«»n; »id'· »»»j^ reretviáitt «u<iifr,ruun« end a.! «ei uteuiem» for ?·____* 'mai paper· jf ¡iw riunir», r and Dear, »i a.t oftAret Nea-Vort. Boome. Philadelphia and Balunver* n BgatKy la N«w-York U The Tribuna buudiaga. ¦¦


Page 1: tNEW-YOílK TRIBUNE. MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH ¦BW-TOM. …€¦ · tNEW-YOílK TRIBUNE. ¦BW-TOM.fUTÜttPAT, JAN t*r 1KBOCTMIDBOKTO-DAV·* l'U'KK.AI |_fP· Advernrafiirate for the Tr.Vire



|_fP· Advernrafiirate for the Tr.Vire «a Mondiyoagltt to be arat !n before Id o'clock on .-aturday «v»·ina ea the Publican*» Orice of tînt paper « ?. ISac dayt

Smbrariberi In tbe city who do not receive tht» pater¬ni an early hour an requested to ··«*« word at the ofnceat our erreiiiemra'J an neb ae enable all the carrierato net through thau- route« before nven o clock Carr.ert tailing tt. acenmplitb thia arfl] be required to give uptbtrlrroutn

Portoni wiahing Tbe Tribune left at tieir dwellin;» < t

placée of butlnen regularly every morning wi3 plan·leave «betr «ddrtwt at me Publuhmg f>rt.e r ttcrd ß

note through the Po«t-Ofllce Terra«, lot cent« a « ~ <

pa yabki to the Carrier

The Tribune la Philadelphia.Oar friend· In Phlledelj/ul» «»o wit!

regularly w".fc Tbe Triduo« wtii pietra ieav» theirrusset and rettdenen with Zltber A Co j LedgerBuilding, Third-tt below Chetxut who will del,ver the

paper to them Iminedtteiy after tbe arrival of the pat

tragar üoe from New-York »t 1ÍI« renU per week

Single coplea price 2 eenta. may alwayt 5e obtained a·

above, or from tbe Philadelphia Newiboyi

Fereian t orreepondence ol The Tribune.

By the latt¦·

from Mi if fVtU» oor Literary AMwe thai] pub!.tli at our etnie«:We int.? tito eornineiice at toon at v.e

room, tb« publication oi t BtyhetPortrait· oí un, ..-µ LaTánj Pe»«';!.«rinnina w-itl. thete of Fr- ' ¡" e""·

brace «act, and luchon." Ha to tat

tcdStatet win be wortl. r ?the Politician a, tl.e nurn ? Literatur« u.·

Science Amati. Phyuc·,,,,» Lawyer* »?

author i« im atti OD/rat tt Co'irt and ttic t,e«t .¡.¡-ort» iafeonety for leeinir fimi tttattj kaf I ¦ '¦''

detcriber i ITljptii the tene-

Raiübiii.»· ? t-

thai) alt" tppi ..r a» »<··

i'rinriulr nnd 1'oln v.

The National L:-plied wit), mom·; by '.i'·.·«« Aatlrow, iu riln. .«' ···. «symi.t ri.nv ).»

nictit. ad Loan oi. bam tea· of Traarai; "-'"t- ¦«.1

Million» of DolíanMillion« already authorized rnu«t put the Treaiuryin fund« for t ·?· ? ot l].ort of loan ?« aTWlw 'ir <""r" Bate ?ßEltrht Millior.i t Mr Walter The relaxation ofthe Sab Treetury and the ii.naticn rif the .·.

Carreucy involved in IkNotet now authnri7>d will irr.-ntly ttimnlete Im

portationi and add many Mi.¡ion» to ti.·.· annua'

Revenue from Cuitomt Bad Pablk Lami« TLi«bill ii a· good ni Forty aiillioot in Mr Walker «

pocket.wc mean, the Treaiury Vow whilewe «lo not believe tlmt atnouiit will n-a..·.

tutttin the [iroiti ution "t tl.· Mexican Waron th· teile contemplated tetefk '·¦)".. tTB preturn· it will abtindat'tly antwer Mr Walker t purpote Five? Bix kfillioni more will tie < ^pendedto the lhape of Land Ro'mti· « 10 Soldier· wltJcfaWill maku ? licore in to· ? roiifiry an"Uiit·..Then the Californiaii, New ?··??, m, andarmed lorcet «rill aOf be pani otl-in other worili,the Government will ?.? m arrear» tu iti unti io

tori, aoJdieri. te to the e'lionnt pi tarara] ?

mor· The inmienie burthen to he Kin h tlNation through (.umiliar J eau in the thtipe of a

new Petitiou List will make a lien./ addition totb· real indebtoHne·· incurred in I"!', but rione l··

the auiount gpat i« y harir-ed againat it ? »ry lit¬tle will be tjient in conitrutini« Nuti.iii.l vetielt.harbor«, fort» *c to katartr-g the annual d« ?tlon. nor iti repleiiiihii.· «tor·« oi We preaunie t'lercfori tl.nt ti..· m· IBM ol

meeting :l. marni« on the Ttaoanryhave beeii t· kj Cw>| an ite ra ti.

modo moit nvaiio ·??· t·· th- ? tear·/ I> partanteWithout nt. ·, ?. reflect on ti u

thoie ?VI.. « :?. .?., an tri itraiaa BataM ol the Jilllill. i-Xl.i·!.:· » e' Ilof providing lubtlttence and »in. >.r n.r our ftQltltalJl HOW I" .itilil· tilma ,?, M. .» ..;.

thtt we could lud in view ni u¡,

hav· voted lor a Loll «·???!·"·?» .?..· -

objectionable ?·<\?????? and ] ratemoney by niean» M am.»

plet alike ol Finance an.: h,· aa)aaRioatt preieiitod wa« an einbarrtitini; Bwg Bttt ?

uurteiK'e to atonnl Macipli I aiakn :t< tn·aolutlOO The menare appean to uaavciv hatand Bint li'i'M'ui one Baal therefore imi t.. gag «m.

ported became .cat» act authorinn»! ? hadbecome Decenary All the W'hiir vntei airaiuttthis bill woul.i not probably,· ,le|UHtel ¡t tl ,·.

Would have boon !iii«ro>irc.«t'tite.l BBjaJ niicht hnvy;beon uupopular lor a aatjaaa kaxj Time would hevegiven them ? noble vindication In other t',,|,.titutional (tovcmmciita i; ut9m ntati»· t

ajuentl·/ «ud properly «ttett tln-ir op(a..titu>ii to

tb· perniciout a: tt ol the Mnnttry I

.fBinit their | ipply bill« When Mr \\

lt«r once reluied to tii¡i|Hirt a bill, puttiu«.· tln-wbole Treaiury at the Baxttteateat. .li«|.,aj»l ot th«then PremU-nt and inni to ute ,tv .,

t«nti in act« nthoatiiity it he «Imuldicc fit de· larUig thtt lo area» aaj agf |g »uih lineature

tabouµh tl:·.· |1BM M aaj . attorint: thwalla ol lue Capitul he alanti a aaattateBM ttSkieb,lu tb· pain,. » ? .o (ji,. |gaxj would haveendeared him lu oui m Ulll]tkcagh a lutSau Preti pcneitcd Hie tcntiment.and calummatod it» author an bataWtt it wat

heartily approved 1\ tl,.· :,at man ol the ?

fleeting and high principled our

men We could with that ionie tu» h manlyavowala had been oppotci to the recent patta«.·«· ofthe Treaiury Not,· Loan bill tbrouch tin· t.«

Houtei But in their abtence the tew Rot·) ineither Houac on the tiret pn*»«^« ot tl:e bill, will beremembered and chen»he«1

In a few day ·--petlm;.. etttew BaR) ajbate willhav«pataei! ten l»·»· patte o.-r«ph willhave anuouu. ^1 the liutj naxia>-o af the bill aiitlmr????,?, an ad»iition a, Tt·!. K.viiii tte to the MilitaryFarce Ü tt·.· I ajagtj aaawte H.t that maduvi,rul·· the hour we thouid be utterly at a toea »0 ic<x»ant rA»r the approval ot luch a ineturc \gTeii The »tuk and ti¡e at the Hecul4l ?p,,? ,

nady autlioriivsl k) ',»»* ggaj gajt !,,;,,_ _,, _- ^^ral tbouiandt. and uot likely )?,??, w|,i;_ ,,

Tbou«and Volunteer, atawtetlagl by the act ol baxjMay are certain¡> nei ,«,» tinnii Ban m «ervicrTo autb»ante Ten 1U.N, Hetimentt ot Kesuiar» ? ?

.imply to create » kan more ai irkj .«,,,.,.

Caadonel· Lieut Cokuieit Mi. >rt Captain» ? |to eat out tJie. lubttance »·! the CountryUtiu_ hiwi auttK.nrc m.oe v>tîi,ert tlitu the ?.??\arr niant can find ateate· tor > et here ia a i.ew

aadaatentive creation »·) green Ütflcert t. no $?»>?parpóte whatever Than »t liatl· »'bvi»>ui uta in

obj«ctiuç te th«· intinite device· to render war iat·aenient to endi ol peraou·! aa'trraudtien.eiit and

y·! there ojutt »xmie a tune »Irai,.,!will ba aharp.y acrutiuiaed by tltoae »u. uimt ptyfor thaix Let ut a; leatt kajjBJ aa

Later freaa Km Jna«-irw.

By tb· am» ai Un »l» ?

Capt VaPaat tn in R: .anrir» wv.'.av·· a ,.

W We learn | in Mr f '.'... a ¡atatenger. thai the Callforala Expedimvn bad ett RM «bout tbe ·ß«| » '

ber. and that a numtatr of the volunteer· bad de««'r»e,iêi»ne of them were ttrolhng a'.out tha »trea-tf. «didetbert teekirg eBaploymrnt The two L' 5* »eerr,en thitbad been irnprmjued were liberated. Tbe bn«; Bain·bridge w a« the only luited State* v^tae, at Kio the

frigate Columbia having tailed on the M ot Decemberfor the River

From ???a??«. By th·· bng Matilda c«ptieekio« iJ dtyt '' «·' ht ve the Hondura·Obnrver oi Dee »VI It d»v« nut »ontaia a t, · 1


f¿_p·· The packet ihip (»»rrick which wai tthoreOB De»l Beaeh. ha« been cof off. attcr dlfchargini tonte·

»f ber cargo and wa» towed up ? the city ynterday»PterOajoB




,-£NATr;....WA«nr«sr.Trv Jaa. I MMr MoHiiirt-' :¦'··· ; ? :..·.·??.· rial b

.icitinat: pa; -r BaxUka] Conejeratt him ?»::1 · '

'- Atlant

¦·. ·.

tree n Pnr.tir.. %/airiit

ra «ui.'lry memora!« Bl Pxteadr. ?t·?'°?? ¦


un Kelttioiii reported a

. rette the ObV· ttf Amitii-t ri erre ttry o t

A ntadattel wai adopted requettin· the Preti

dent to impend IflBal laiei advertued *t Dubuqu·::.i rtftfae heir« to Dubuque property »re

decidedTi.e Ten ? WM then taken -

Mr Bl»' » A· in oppoiit.r.r. to tbe «ection

fjTar.tinir bounty land· It would give to erior« spaniel would be formed

¡id párchate

'· '¦ ?

WlITi 01 Ci ?tt?? Ttpüi


arre offeredair íi ·' ¦·

nniTtf under IR m

adioumciBOUSE Or RKf-Hl.-r.NTATIVf;.·:

Th.- H ran ¦ ? ad t haJf paal·. then patene; beine t .··

to escara M» a-hmv* rrom voting on an appeallioaoj the Chair Thti morr,

le wai .odrawr. ai aito the ap-


tad ?tAU«? ·| the ciimmitt·-'···. ·

raa ? ?

Drj Dock at PenaiBatía, the plan


.'.n· Veai ·- ? <·¦ ?a ,

»s " fjh n Tai LOB

Vi'aaiiiM.î'.·.- Un ."-t. Il I Mmail ii not j


MfaToBJ l Olili II 4.I-I AI I Kl .

M BATI PkUaUl 'an B KMRioB I '··¦·,-·

Oi logical Bnrve] « iti·

powei ¦'< us tu.·! in pertMr Hl ,' µ ??,Ir· ad ? re· 'lut:'

anal value of:.nini tt the tin:· ..I tb· tu ?|?p?·??1? ol

tbe Public Wi rki an I their vahu nowThe ß a portion ol the Con -

Fumi oI New Voik City to lb· Home oi ?au debated ia Contatiti, ·¦ bai not dtapoaed of

. Bl MB) 1Electioi Cara «ai dit|

by a ..":· that III Al' a. il 11» til I to hi· teal

latte f I tn ??? n. il.a? ? ? Lanari inaili m a· ?. auf le ti ·¦

? d in tío- H «.mei. Witt litt taifative children and lervanl cirl.

Pttl ' N¡.,,,If :, I riOII "I IHl '," Hill I

.ina North An «|.r day baa :

lowing te ¦-···;Wa-ll!\. .ir..·. .!,,!, .--.

"i II·· f I lin .1 an- .»'ci a I .'

lad tlie u ply will M

'Ih. -¦ ,.

' t

r>n Irta? IJ

?·, ai o ;.

t IL-.I


. ·.tilde».....n mad·· tu ih, Bonn tor a ttx

l\ tiat.ver ma\

prop·-.t.»·?, regal 1 te iterai t··.· -lieu

1.??1«? »it > fa. .'own,.t

ei,mitte.· of tbeMaaaachiiae^t» lloui-e 1,,, t. -?.tai,»e» I.«'·? ¦)

-it the pvnplc \|,.a ,. ho..···- a a'. 1

.j ?. eh ng«ard far tba boaorol an eountry an·) te·« it mi'till· .? te atek ?· ( ·« do .pon a caira re'··»».: al, tin· cau«e» pal |..rih m iratlBratifti

»? aoa .- ·. --at.> ??? an I that

th.· true tion t ot). nation« daXBxaad· that ,t t·..nateftOB wttkottl

äfften ot LI .od mid lot» ot human Batfitfoèrtd. That although f Mattacbu'etl*

»a tin· w»r it·.» :.». beheld with patri ¦·-¦¦ ten.'tal.hip ol tie , . .t tho

M -a.» Taylor..V gallantry Bad »k'.l .Htpiayed by the,

a·· i with him that by theprudano· and Caranga .·: te OM the laith

Hi. tier· a

valor end bravery ».I all the lea hat .. t.

la» u

fd That tetl - Ma--a

eral /.«chary 'Cavlor )·.:· other« aidM t W tb? ah have diatiniuiahed their

I the campii.-·! ß Mente.·.! tl.e iio»ern,.r ..· 'equetted lo ca

r- mnurueated to Major GeneralTaylor and through him to the army underman

?µ???* Ulis;, i.i:··lit tu r«. -lu ne Senateou Wedie.iüay th.- naakaBte ol te Bten authorizingti.» »n»«s,n..i t·· dr»w un th·· lieneral ] reaaury f^r ¦

a uni Dvd. exceedini: |J .hai t d-iray the expente ol raía?·! and aun» -' . :. li, in tbe SUU· BJB th-Nexioau »ar wat concurred io yea« Bl navi ;

?? lateara -.·--¦·

one noa '? t..!. .· ??, Vana. Kuietl« ? ,·« :

both llouí.me--t ot, \.»»port m M«y next »ccording to l«w

IV'li». Ll >'

D. DtakAtee iWhig', wat atetad «»tale Iraneryear« troni the I«! w! ???.·»?·: i.exi Mr l'cfreea it the

·· M the State .'...rn*! pabUebed at Indianara. l,e

tV* M veitordi» morningm the 1 ?«··?? Uoipit« ¦' -

?art an »r»t nly about three week» Tbu» baae carrer d a man endowed by Nature with tal

..nt« thtt nennt have ritt«-d Lim loi enei.»

. ·<· prostituted to the injurytarn and tt.· dcttructmn ot lut own peace and bappic«M .No relttiont m tr.enda aave hia companiona in

punahmeut »ra» prêtent to mitigate tbe »urtering ofbl» laat hour« and be w.'l «ieey bj the pr.aon burial

«1th no memorial ot tua tumi

tbe way M the Mraajtnnt· hard

r_jr** A uu'!..,iru. h tn »ircii'.t· tat· Al««-? ? to imp··!· ht: - . ne Supreme ?

tbi» i;.t the ? red - Mi ? | a

of tbe Hew Ceottitutiea w- hit Ihi f>djn.'purt «bill tiot eterei«. apftBBMT

m»nt to pu^-iic oftiv-e layanteenty »>oe >t«ir». ol ¿.»«d m.ra. charter and »

learning «r:> ¦ ...ed u, adnn»»ioii to pre.lice

ata· fl late

ite An able an 1 lulerratawg- -

cmceniin* the Con-t'.lit: :« agre«·j to hapcat» rratmnt« usdindaalt touching tbe coo-

»ryan-.-e »d ?, rte.i A, ot: a appear·in the Albany Arga» » ve.teday

tUlli » ... a ml i'a-er«on public uieetii.ji« ban· been held and efficientuieatur·· kdopted to ratee tundí tor the rakef ofthe tanuahiuf P»x>r ot Irelaiid

fS**,'· are mdebteai to Mr Ci ir* !?.,..matter nt the Sew Ha »en and Springfield Kai - -ad : -

Boaton ???··? received '.ait evening is advance of ther· ?


it^*We b u'xti.i.1 to 1. li t*

a? ... Ki-j. r- arami ¦-· latawtTJL-gitittrvc dot urne!.:».

Neva Eni.In «non·

TH: PIMethod tor rench Language by Pi ? ?«·,» Brain ?

Hartford Robin» A Beata Por »a.' J Haitoa 4 -»¦ ». Bea l t

? voium*.a lar»·.·page*. hat devot»! m»· y y*ar»t ¦¦ the ttndy an ? «

mg of the Krerrh, and fjtom the examination we hav*

-\j make mal bett work »

met w.'.n k f · an.,? | ..· iangaage. The ; at I Idred t», '.hat oi Ot li»;

-.?« in it· applirauont to the (iranmmAteel eea- j.....·.»·.

and perfect y He pr»re*d· it appear· to ua t pon the

truean : sciple. that of making ihe».th the name· of thing» or the

nO noun and the qualifying ; '· -."· b.'to

.j ?-.'.'r and -rrrrftoea.then cotnmenrng with

teeeimpieet forro ci the verb be proceed« thro-. «

« -:· mooda and .rregu a-

parta of ·;«-.·- .*et ,n

died tborottgb» r. - part·

:i are .Lteraperaed " I -MMand the except., r.» t) the general mie ncted ..·.

type H* ha« expia ned »nd G.ìatra'.ed the \>print-, * ? alto the irregn!».·

·· mood and t! e paattenar» »re given in aentence» »ingly.then two at a t.rr·

.then M I »am* »entenre The idiom» ol

the 1er..--.· . '¦¦¦ «et on

each I ndredM forming · tenet of progre»»,··

I nereiee· for makin.-¦

tire ayitem ol oram.i.

Urn* At Ihe y page·I which I , <-»rh are c'atted in

.'.irti order »nd the, pre» re'erred to. whereetcì, r leased hat bter. - ..-work

ar» » few commercial exerriiea »eluat'* t·, mercantile he ·"· la Otta raatry who 1?»tß ba¬

lie »d-» table of verbi -rtlve «nd »n

it r.e»rly t reprint

«.? I ski, ?

tecte in

ough and accoratet be

In th· tohnetteaching.tbe ping

.. -?· ?-i iJÀtohookl».note who aro .· ,

ianguiceG?? VIVIPAl'· ·. ..?

AMI RICA My John JaJBSI Anhnd ??? Joan BJl!.\i:,·.

V.''··work, tbe illustration· of win. k aa lar »a the nilnumber h»ve already been given hi th.· ¡ ·?· Beeideth.-labor» ol th. tWO editora.,··!'

»mhodied in it« page» from th.-work» nt uri I the i-unent natural

tote ol tin» country, and Irom the Bramami ni Kurope.It i« lc»rc. !y neceii»ry to ny that It mJotii tcomplete indit aeeef I la ererycomplete], tiirniihed library We cannot doubt thatthe nan:.· the ..?

enenre it a liberal reception even wen otbei ··

!j! «nd »ali«

ti'tory kin.IRteroaf u ?,» ?? in ira

ot the -tua· ti ?t .·-, bj the ;·' .1

RUb .'mnNew York William H.liralibi ling».

The deeign ! the aathor ol thii book laiau MM

pie ol ti·· Botherof the .ettling lie I .dmanh»« gleamedantimi «o that In« l.iok i» rath» r a

lion» Ir. ,


I»»nd a

G»» Thi: Ami Februarymake«will be :

¦'.-¦ ttrtttarj ondai t. ¦'·

,i» ti.· weikne»»»iidand it lem a·

ra.e arm» )| i,|»rettut i» concluded Th»t it .» in »· m BMCH

« marktat a and (. Itntry »nd in utter lai .

I-:. torneai -.-titan·

who have no »ymptthy with theTh* article H DM .te

.»·.:·..'· 11 . .' ITI '.

I».·» York will be read with avidity bv ». . r

tere«ted in it· aun)ect Aa a whole we think lin» num

her a decided Prehv»d to .t i« »n I

graved portrait ot inn i.e.r.-c i:

Naa»au at

CtV -o-R

··.·. i

\ ,, urna! nei


.rid ». m, Wll.- .

etnei à new pegni·¦ ·.·,·.,

tin« 11»

recular .dent«The reu.on a»» giu'd toi «r»t* .«thatthe | anal and naatraml paper« thei-made H beBafe atom w»» m re than on« Medic» .-

in the city The enti, numl-er eoutain» an

dinary and powerful »nu ie by tt.· Phr«nology

*T"r^ "?ß? «. :. - vv » - m I · February...[dee

laatraa 0 BvatauD mi M

»nd two engraving a are - r led a* u«u»

:, Na\y «land

?:·· dm leeper »ear pul Naatau at

"Ty Thi Liri MBi ?

.v. VMCanra Vamtjcmo h»»ebeenp-volume !iy th.· Harpera torming a very I

aaaa-lwerh Portrait« ot the twaregt«e bj u«ed-The book will greatly .nteie.t tne generation

G"%-~ Iggga ? Mm Inext am » ? boouttl ..

and oír ? »The? embrice· ¦ Bambmof n»-w

the kM complete »nd author./ed editi, u ot tbe writer ·

poema.Thi L v. - tacrt The J»nu»ry

I veuabi« reprint commenre· a new volante.Thi· number commence· a courte ecturet

upon I'leeeee» »f the K»e with iHuitrauve tin -

by ? ? Bret: We do not «er how a ::

n.iner can well d without thi« w.,rk .Bürge»·. Stnagar? BM Broadway.»'· per annun.

\*? Thi ?«· .

enalitm By ?', »gyman¦e»t< Ma··, ha· .»t been »meed. ?

. · very neat miniatura volarne ol 191 ? »ge» Bietneue»! »?» Boeton and ·

«: . Kulion-ti In...n niCF* l'it \W \ '. - l'r ,.· KlIlM

Bi»l. , thr pakbehtrSet John «t Thi* u one ot th* g

gaat ediOon« ot UM Bible ever publtadard u .· under our ev« it wc-m twte»number

? ??*" LiTTtt :» taming,at aaari a valmhto teleetlon irom th· .

and other «ourc·« ngay be bed M VV Taylor, g

Ci** Tub kBl BBjTJgl written mtd com

p»»ed h| j«»· |; ; gasa hM ^^^ pttbi;»JiedHa A Pond Tctt it one it Lover ? moat delightful. .·» and term« No ! ot ¦ The tfoaga of Am··IT' IIai ·· M . rs, oiutx>e«-«j taj

dedicated to the Amateur : | .. Dodworth he· been publitvhwd by Firth ?·!1 A Tood It ?·a very pretty w«Jt/ aad ? embeliiihed »


>ew.Verk l.eaielninrr.r ' ~

/ -

...».ndenee of The 1

»:·«_·?? TtiurtdtyTb· - :- aaad

nutee- · ¦ »n.v-'

atSmiet.·.- vutei kg Aft.

.. L arte a

t the Senal lidi


a. I

·. t ilíer at

? ?_ cate« All thtt eodet can do ·

troduee tyatem ir. 1 -*» and pert;lailtoutirihimt tat ?: --- ? vaet ma rtry of the¡aw-yer- an! even tome ot o a »

. »re »trenuoui opponent» even ..; tyttem ted

.· --orcx ag-eed that thi« »ti ar.«- aAtaaaabta »' ¡ »

? -em·.· k at a

t«j third bill wa».. tm,

.... Sedge. '-

.- A'an Scho»

ti VF?»ß,and ol .-..-led tritt th··


t tali 81-. Ideali a .itti··

or at Girini a claim on the ? ted Btatn but a ¦'¦

m»r,.tr tbat tt « ¦. · il ir· · ild beiman at New-Tork were un

derpa.J ai.J .· » ikf be very erroné «M ;t they wer»

Ibepnvat/ .rai.t -» iwi tb:-d I·'.. .«n I tr. -

art.y nantit · V. ? Government wa«.

»erviee and that th·the Btate ?

.eiLi vfr tn.i M-itr« Wb

H.»»n .-rrv ?? \ tv r- li oraru»ii thai il an army ..

¦« '.··e, rad ten weak!

1 9tala« the pre»ent cate, it wat no prit·.··

,.· a ata Va rieht

an 1 ra


h ne vote wa.« tak·general law for Inci

te 'par-IB II fora like ;

Hi he

'iliadi- lite lo

I. and ti ahi ara «hat th.·inetturea ..t concilia· wh eh

repeatedly referred_ P.THAI>l ni. .il III, \\. ,? AlnrUei., Ac.

I muir· ? ? Jeala !

b] Wim h 1 may know t» -

le.'iiiy Monteada* it will be raelen to «

mail, at by « « if paperi and.


v.. an Eaatara mad at tin«than

inaili :,· » It ?« Ihn tau.·· ili er ilo«, a? I tee ?¦_·.

reeki «diana

.¦ bava


.'¦bave a

arfa ?

our market« ar. now rathei .«uiet during the «u«p« ?

freely at'..·..·. . , ;

In the »f. ti»»·· a ¿teat reriel> may be t «


, 'rtionHI

lliint. In l'lill:uli Iphlu

Pun iMiruu Jan ¦. ?- BJ| ··· ».? ima

?) bag r.'o an icy ileep a« »oon aa it

touche« earth The ttlWM tre l.te ,:«*» and humanityry become· turni. 1er» ind ?

r.cked Hueh·. , n neat in a max

w· badterdt

ra how. « arar |v -

I «raUow. WUal|itW to

. tanging .·--·· are BOW two

priton under tentenr» of death ( : . .

-*···· nd BriteM Bañara I¦- ¡'owninga - .n the cante


.? tetiia. ? are axakuc appeal· to G ? «cm

? ul u.» puaaahment t., Imprteonnxenl. .-.ty it to be hoped « ¡torta miy be

?alb·or G


\ .

- r'k -i. 4 K·. Bk 73 30 Meebi

I · '


.- 4 »arria.M - .» and 11.

«itiitti.«mum lu.tltiite I'urrha.« ul Ibe Teta·Navy

11iai|iuettatararai nf t'nr Ht~m RanWaaaavaaaai J«ri .·-

.pon the p..· - Bog the aara»·. having? .? part the tuggeetium ? prop···.·.!.·...

?andatifin of the trattolewül be commenced the coming Hammer but w

..j/.elion a» it t.a» been dete'.he anuual'y a

? Mr Jetrett atrpta - tn» eoaaaaaatnaaent ot

¡"hut far every:·..ii«; »eenn t indirete te¡t a« ail c.r dieting opinioni aito

the mal- · ·?«"??? ot Mr.* .·· «in .r.g men

? happily harn,.·.In ? lean numbugi 1 omitted

·..»·. M: atei -.·,..

dared ? ilou-e makm¿ an appir ¦·. may mrc te·

doto ?· «·¦ ' resolution. Iara anahte t· »late lei.a.te y which it ia At all evenUbe ha« made a move to that ertevi. «ileia« for I i.« tn tpp.epriattoa

·..·.·· debt, of Bevy, fot which

: to hat been presented to the Bea¬ne rn·

nry appropriated tor the purchaar ot · rotten Navy.odoabtvetiy g io the liquidB&un of tbe lam


K.1MI· ?? BajaaTOB .The »onteet betweea ttetrieodt t te· Letcher end Judge oderw.jod wtxet«arm and member· «re :>»g-.aning U «ey they «v :- -

bon and take up a third man t hilara AOaa kee beenuamaad ;n uni cotaecuon Cm. Gir Jta.XiaVaaUI T' Aja ?«» - r> ? UM .Th· re-

'..'oducel .? the Mateackuterti l.eeulature. «pr- >· 4 · aid the voiunùwr» of tv. a

bat aera votad dowa. Iti to GThi Lhaih Wtriiu».· ¦ W - -ffLe

1er on Wedneeday ·¦ · -,· to* officia,warrant et th· B| tbe »xea-uno· of

. - t »n(rThe ame fixed tor rerryir:_ the wtrrtnt into etject itr Jay te .Jd J»j af An next [Phil Ledger

»Liticai tinmen«.. ».hit leverai - s

tote given »hmT cnkanmall Bin li «Vergarti«( that we thai: ute more ipacetbin we ran weQ «pa- » hart :·-

.?.-?a An adyn« V «?.t or whatwing

«retort if It.tienten of Boeton, among them

rmftatoaaa ila I

operation· It wai introduce ty I'r W ? ? Mlr*entiiL «nd when er

I.?. Warren and H«yward; fient*, the honora: pro-

fm·!on Tren mtftalt'if ·* ' '-»**- that ?i r..« wa» weil calculated to excite »urpriee. and there

were not wanting thoee. both in Boeton »?

who anxioualy awaite.l an · » ral of M ute

trom thorn gentlemen. L-eca.

rode ofethic» mi lt»|a. and humane a protet-ion m that ot medicine No

. .ita been made and u we hare· beard»boye

.. ...... ? thattontly 1 'l-tt It !>»« ?


to pa*» through the Iwe «apouiet.·


we ihou'.d aa

it the annähme or «al,- |what

der a p»-r»on uuvemible to pain, even during an ?« i.mb. might uot be followed by ulterior it not

preaert I Ml I '·'· - ?

tu. h .r, ? .¡once» oí in·. w-e'.l a« the . I

..»·¦¦· r ttmilar .u

nt andgeneral extravagance ol aetk l

. lee, and wai

d operation·, la ! muchtarther

Bramenti ni? ipuntty

tor ti.·¦ followingL lu effect· upon 1

calculated ll tdminUtering

·.« ute.

II It »er» by pirti.? «tata of ai


III. To perei n* ol

1 aneuriiiii*· I

I .-.pparently in high he»!'

drop down dead in a moment »re brought by it

mediate :.


.-iirgioal Journal of Jan I «

hmf nmnlag to mm render« to thm-· ,- t young h igitated

taking th»· [Mat Mi Bortoa'i taltag.· nt mouth. t

t. a «tate of«.one tun»· mach foni


? horrid o

ring, throwing hl« body »!>

VI ?11 <.? wi'iioiit pata

*»lr m « p am »' ? it o'clock, ?

next .··

WM iti'"

.. .»

tu t hid » tooth t no ? ita '·'·'· Mr M · r·

I home ttid ra.Wmed M that »t»te

m »t. return

y in¦ t again and r

dtyt A ·. took the I nirr in


wa« »

.1 tile


nee ? I «

in« Mad didday ______


?··* >rl««nt·.

to-day from VV?

Milli»! *

II, Where ti:. ¦the Me««erhu«ett« North and Booth C»r

tutineniikn ,w i: .

that amarcii »

It i« «·>


mountain tie erpend;· ularly to a

hightof M beta tot ?··-. «at ? he pat· ?·

quart»·! tiBgl i-in there i« a

natural < whi-h :« a·· ---. , »teep.M aacent by wl.e-h mu'··» .»n »

The ¦: tin How,the natural bridge, when tk

. Dpi.tely om1,10 1

muit r» ¦ tnne to I



The road tr· I. y nut be neceiaary

ItM· vico

I baTethu· br:r!v atat*d what,? w

itary ??.. ? ben »

I tattym ·

ut the mott tkiltnl engineer« in trie world, hat createdno am» ·. military circlet 111« mouth .«


¦? ?? ?? I· a« To .'·. .Mr. Hnrrought ¡n a bill ytiurday making appropna-- the year» :fAT and 1-1-, irom th

»nd nitcd .-tkte» Dépolit I· und«¦ -nier appropriation». M7 *

trim the School tund ?· G :.- .». atcordlnghi the »??-.rti.iument that may be mad·· by tr··intendeiit ol Common .-.-r..,..i« and t,like ptirpote. trom the nited reutet I.epotit r

? prneeribed in tin- .'d tec. ot ih»ftee I»-- led IBM

»riel, or piyrr. ·

. ,¦ « tr- in th».* Ftand1.1

ot the irait] eeaengen, oo«4 ·Beds < - Albany

.M»dii > |Colle«·· « ·· New-York,???? Om

... retryi

| '.· l.del.t*. Il.-.a

ware Academy. ?'.- »*e ol »pper.tor the Académie·, g

.¦.«.ti »t. -Liii In the "furper

u. »-ry»at D»'i·· Point ltox-1 «ptoded from tome unknown caute »od blew

ori the ir. ? r- -ot ot the buildmg. which teil mude thebedlaiing in ita detrent doing tome damage. The deanage ?« between IBM and g.«««j no .nt.iranc

.Boat Adv. ¿toh.ty A pre· ept ha« been ordered by BM.HoaM,

to -je lamed t· the town of Newt>uryp.,rt the·. :t t member of th« Ilouw in the pitci t t. lb

Cuahing rw»-ued_

ty |M aatoUtVJ aatnBCB ¦· ti.*!.·..* of BBBB,·-:¦:- riipeaad »rd i-î »:, ; u ir.e Inmal

> by Aii_r.\ DodwoBTH I'ubluhed by Hrtb.


fy ? a J Row« are our authorued A-«nu»t Prjvidrnc· R. tor lAe «aie ? lb« Tribune

C'ITI ITriVlw.

ladiri of the New I ark Ctatteaf deter·> t ward tu'?f ring homanitr «el

·· the pebUe to patronite Ibetr f· «t val

Biegat- --eadvertinmea*.

fr** A ?,eland H ti pineal tl

Tetterday headed by a w»¿».n drawn t y aix gray. a long »tnn< ai .Iriyt the

· ''??? tbe J· r


» rea · I N) Ibe. tn ai

..aet m all their r t :nd.ty ta» y tugmiy had luldenly become a t.·«.

..y trererei«< ?

rrtaa Hand· »a a

H.r'.r gton ? ? »r.

WH, I »a ». HF >IHHltH - VrCIted in the qaett:on at to when in.l b. w runday »«·

portaaity to I· .¦«rr.e.ily dit. .<·..!

by Re» ? ? Brown on «"undiy evin:ng tu·«.' at "·

- at the Church .n K'.erenth, tt between Boweryand Thi'd even

IU* M F- W. 8 II ¦·.»« prati tl .· t: ,.-.;

cour»* ..y Illuitrat.. · ·. -»»day


«nd Ma. beta, t

THa' Ulla'» almi ?; .",; per m tb.« »» .


? the nkeaft w» ¡ aaaaa.I ¦"· ·

ft?" Wa »,«

ter.lay arid a.;: . » 1.1 tee Heath ..n the pale»Ml th«t looted to ut »cry

much i:k«. a paivaataad -¦ tea. It. » « » ::. M »nd we thought ue hear

te the_ rattling livkajI· Dr Una t brother ul tbe ,-.¦'.·!.rated <'«l»:u

laoa.l .· " ; -k. let ?

BBO UBJCW** Tl.e ii'" thoae who a;

Ml -'.

* til« in

clement tetton it «aid t»· average one handled daily?** Had· \ ¦ C

.ew a »cry 1.

>y the mott rnthutiattic applaueel"a*' \ v. ,.· c>.

oily. B) AVI I -· | and

.· ¦

and retini! the 'nevi to tl)«· Cine!od on)· r and w;'h

·· .¦ rkn ;b,· l'enana Com:??.· our i.i. ,-

- ·. ·?

KM! Bit »I'll'

We would call the -itt«-nt: ?? tin «.

in the Weitem -tatet ot delire to place anytppertalnteg that reirion m tbe handlet honeat and

t.. teedvertlarnrat la ti·:« day'· Tri.a, I m ? »-·¦ te »t ¦·

troit, Mich. Until·' men ha»·· liti Hinp'e.apcrteee b) the emplnynen ? which they «r··. ?

etnei ..I the I ken) a reti«.t war with

tlreat Urit.»:n Bad n familiarly acquainted * :tli verytestal· ??« lentfrkrjrate »trn-t etriettoatt- hive riera well t····

uniform approbadoa ol h:« correipondenti We taken_' M. ¦ i». J I \S batej ,y

Adama to lin.-·· ..f .nil cf.. ?« WBo ar.· Internalliope'ty "A NEW VORKPJ

a .The Cobur ¦ C inad:'..r troni Oraftotl ?team Mill» illation

itaa·· n ino«t degul ?? [ teDomenon eurred »t that place oa tbe afkaraooe oí the

In· te wa« rullìi and the windm tke north when tuddenly the lak·· receded)

? ?.. ?,-1» Ingthe be.. ·,.

'¦¦',·inune than it uaually


iiaiml ? upward of abt

reran r« uatiai-

Devi· .· -· a itv. at?·· tbe II ? ?.· n

»v. lit

? .-,·,....,

er that m · .· ¦¦ arti arathe ¦ MM .· tabi ? pi ···· ? "

Il urte, ted Ibe lake atran along te Mte troni

? ? .HendedWith the bet» y thumb·· ?- «¦ in.I heard at lirait..?

Dl ?? ! fin ? IB LOWRLI » ri«.- ktttkaa paai ter bet. re : ?? ¦·

Citi ·¦» Mr J mi· I? Kell· »·- 1-i.eier». which WM wball) deetroyed «nd

¦« oucupled by Mr Nathanici I'ntihi it boot mid »hoe dealer and Mr ? ? l'rery

»tied ).y? tuiriiin

thethi· Mr ellon «

¦»: l I t l.uniDburiiwh.· h wat nearly all deetToyedMr fellow» loat lilt "··«« and pap··,·« and In· BM.

.link ot good·, with ? ,,i ora .Ik" ·»

¦drynera by Mi Jaaan tarala «t mu.-li rnk Mr rwat in· · t the Metani Beala I

, || M d a· « "" 0 »Ir ?·

.»··¦ «rattrenved koAtraeteanteanBlAMMlbèiMae m tin« e.ty Mr 1'raryit intured li.r |'.·»?

·» m Inaared at LowiI - » .» ret te ?"»« ?

art. t.y Ur Am··· tor an ?? ? rad Mr· lit/1.·

ton, foi il), ¡'ton and Dr. Berakan Imtanin by Jonathan Allen, b» * a .·. , beteor», and J. Joi ' .lit» in tb·· up

- turmture w rh the e«.< en

Mn IU/.et.ii whoae loa«, we hear, i« roni"i Jera?? ?? en ? ntly Iniured In 11900 M tka

it the «ame pia··«, for¦..? «to. « wa« tomewhtt BXJaVed in movin«

M.«»ra In bai i«..ii aril j ilinaon were not nit ired then,-en.ei.t "t Baatkl and limale by

waterIu tbe r«»i ot the ten looter« lived Mr llarr-.u, wfcote

lunature wa« neatly need .-'.iveral lri«h tamilie« ia| the ire arid water. The

I .ry Mail »vat ;n pmt ,r,^er I he eOtWI and wind.,·*«were blietnrtd ly te I weil Courier

? « ¦¦·. ,·?.··?? troni the pania um of tr.. oro toral brich tra

euii-nlíoii rioTt-et near the mark»·! occupied bylelya« a eoi., h lactory The···

Btroyed and th- new brick tenein.-nt ad oimn»;Br Dortor a» » tin la-tory and

new thejproDÜrt] W *«.-wton Bag nananaea ,n

·¦ in amount.1 Jan ?

? |J ¦»/ ?. ?? Mondi.c Johaeoe · Borriim eoaaumed ¦¦ tarn <,mimi

-idney Hreeae. f'.«.,ich didKt A.rk Adv

within a tew yard« an) were with much diftic .Ity »r

.Tii.» Wanaib tairaiI a letter dated at the place on the '.-th «tatrig

? ..··,»» juat burned do a ri

m are etili raj

i'r ? v-i \ · rSMf-BBVAl ? ?ß??ßß» That body adM »t Bawrtobmrg ra ia*t Tueaday

morning, »nd wat Urinp-uranly ,,rg»nr/«d by '-:, Judgebakr, and appointing

Jona I VVoi rthamb«rland, ttoeretery.·.armnMRB lar.'·· and r*»pccta'ie i-everal pre

:ini.ii,ry mutter» ot buiine»« were then di»p> ·¦

whit h waa the »p[iointmeut of a committee b»nominal» of';, er» tor the p«-rraan»'nt organization of th«

invention. Oerierai A»Bor URRRIU Of p?',? co. wa»

'ho»«-n l're»id.-nrTRACHRR tv ???«?»?.A retolution V> >

I l.ttl,e a third readm»· and w»e th* em«« .t ron«id

, J.-bet*·. ? )t cur·.- » competent p»-r«on wouldMM it the«

raiting an additional turn

pejtpom ar I ha·.·«· tlie teacher board io th«Oar. Newark AJv

» taail l.r »*i»cht uíltilorinnd »nd former

BfCMABB V. ?. ??«««!«»·' He died on Wednetdaymorning laat at Nath»...· wmt r ne i.a.1 gone »roupieof week» bateare, partly on r. ?·??. a» and partly in purauil »I betatth through ehan»·.· : ·¦ ··!.·¦ »? i to ar*·

-,ati liftiiy Qnanahtj Jan BVDamMBBB wMlt.i. ?,???? ? ? »Id ? ?? t . A

young mAn. 1 ' ye»r» ot age named Joeeph ptUrkho >*it ·*»« dr.wu.d m the creek, · «hort diiUnce aboveMount Holy. '?. .-aturday alternoon laat »Iter he bad

Irom t!" water a «m»ll boy a» ho had la ,·??

througi. I Newer« f.eby Ad».('¦¦%» ?CTBB if VJi KtiiR .At Lauraater Pa. th·

jury in the cue ol John Ha.garty tor th· murder ofMelchoir Kordney returned a verdict of guilty of mur¬

der in the fir»t degree.ry The M'-Letii meeting hehl in Temperan· ß

Hal! laat night tu nnanlmouly attended QgjhrtolAdam« Ketj preaided. itattted by t number of '.'.·»· P-*.ldenU. Jame« Dm » «Md »ddr-aawh'.rh .«u adopted ?ß ?ßß ad · ar,:e rnitnVr t

erty men in attendance who actively participeted tn

in* proceeding» ot the meeting We under »Und thatr.i«,i H«r.ry ? »y w,,. «x.n .ai. a mevting in

thi« city for the purpoae ut expreaeing their prelereuc·l.r taet dii'»hed mdir.dual Pittaburg chron «th

I ave Court«.VbBBCHa.N if »· «T-heto·.· \' *. «».- ,

'/»tar ,

aroM »» ?

pay th a th«· matter, g' p.«ni»;.'· the paynavel «-,,-»,.,

V»»ter in Cheneery ar,J that ah* .

apply baWeefma a« reeerred in the derr.e heretoforem »de

/«*¦« ;. f».'«.·«» vt Mir·. Phmra ipplWafhm forpartvee «tra men

.· r the.r residence beh . l\ ,·

-40 when tliey arpera·· »1 »nd Mr« ¦ «MA«went to retode with her friend» «t ? k-,p Tl

» laugl ti»· relato« to her nripnlnlnm · ,. «

a ? named I. vkwood al«. ·.

11-1 ,...[·* granted/« r*. matter*qj» /¦'».· , »,, ».,,.,

? tor a corniti .·«···

?· of unround mind. ·». a» > take ear« ofhuéllate Ac The petiOon II fr m \ « II-Br.tten. brother ot John who »leg·· that hi· be ·

i farmei at Soutbfleld R .'hmond Co that he »\.

.Ige· of lanary «boari three year· ago »

raeeed him I et ?He ,-« ?. .n »r-.-,. t ni month« tut »a« ·

lent that he had to tie .· : beck I ·· ¦ la ,

wite and «on arc t. tfce «ame eStect .'.-der tor Commi««ion «ranted

-a :-..

at Vm.tei.'.· h.« m»rr;e»t Hn» Id I · > Jarre.Pnftoram wi·.. h».i two eh

. me ?wthat tb .».

lather, ? pr. ,· New·! s>'· » e«k« to

ti the «·,,I eel':,'-.

.i ··.·»- f ?. H Sa will lut had cut hi· naae

¦ «

a·. t '¦»· > a id Or!? \ VV .·.· trutte«· tmatter

?. rt ? -Noattachment.! '«Vred that depoi

it, k« with the clerk >·? appealing wa· a comwith Idle - id ».'.-tioi, .>t the Metalwithout r»t pr.a-urmg an order tr

? .V .·.

:. »mend Bill M MI ·. ¦>

-*i Mide »merHeme ut »« r .


I den:· ! · he ?M arjM| » I ml I ha»«..¦¦¦·¦

dekira ¦ >

tr or Contatoli . · Igimage« for al leg

.ta» tonanl.. ,tl. : righi the owner ol the property can a|in ordei «nur . .

Mam«! la.... :h.-r it on,.

··:.· ,0,!, r in i.t be kmdavit but » ¦¦ - >

. mht · ite lavtt medill .V come up on ten,·» ,'erdlctl dit.i.i

ant.MaBINK Cot'ftT.ll.-t, re JinI.-e Waterman

V »«¦ Mthe ,-wed:»li ihip Oloft, from \utwiip to t...>,id»i.

placing p!anit Iff w . ...

in iron·. For the detence. itwa« contended that th«con. net of Joan (with ti ree other· ¦<'-· ?:».···,1 lu non»

.· I il Verdict I ? Kor pluf. ? srad M. D ?? vii t-talhtechiend Mnth


r ·w, em he ».-e al ibaMaeeun today and evening He/reare.t nilonty e-. er rvtr' ie.1 m out

, '-el l.el OOl... I'

»lien: Bi | P. ?\l . -n. r«liain«. \ UBi ·!·.·¦" .' ba .ooii pai.oiain» or.» LU l·.· exbib ?··.1. tog» laei with a

,lre»r VW.iat·.. M!.. VVhe» 1er led

Uuounoo JXc.tii.ce."

¡ »Itole« ile .·.« mamita»-

ture· « ? .· to ?.,? ..-it?».· ??? Southern and Wealetn lie»·

im Sp-in««.ne.» liny MB !" «.· at \ ?l'iïinei » kg ??· ? n the Tii'uuu» lu!.ling wie ?.-...iyiiilorinat:.IMM hadM h.? -??!· eet hOM who h»»·

¦haagad natta »tieeatoai m»y nut only », ¦¦ »···... »

eiittiiinera '"it o'.|i«e tin It old one» by gold hi tue« prepared lor m-re en .infier« tn··,

rtoetyrai nee»maeMbpaamhaamwmaBa«iknown their

fV ?¦»? burn la em

. a



d»niiy .·. ·, 1.1 raring BMtom eeeaamaatoe, ·>*»a

Bailee,ne u·

·-. -«

.« io - gJgJBMto refer It to eaceUmt tbr ehlldrae, md e bottle

... « |... :i Hiook.w, Mr- Hay», le

Kiiln.n «tre».t. a« m t« »to i.itiiy eoefftoal an l lau¬ti,·??· . »· , t"ii let allbiy». al.i.vir and an« 111 -ire lo lie· »teel «afialiel, and they w ?? b· »ale

Till SliTBB IN Law -In I. fj lef/A»patch aiinouiiee« a new i.ictl Tale It !» the narratine

given by ..?.· ol the mott .minent phytlciiniofMcity ·» it came under In« own eye« It i« »tern rualiryWith »he e»iep»|,,ii ol the Mmea »nd »how« |a «bat

-h.unable I·· are ?.»rued ?ß I»

our m I.t he partie· concerned »re a young wiMnoBtU gnl who came to ihitcity two year· ago Irnm

th- VV. atora paît it thi» St«te ami ber »iati r in I«· »

i.l,,, u»' ..· tody in th:» (ity i In r« »re rt,«riy peiiMain tl.ia city who will at ort.-e teeogni/e Ihe real nMMt..I tin» ehara. t»i" The Lntpat» h proim·» · rw.nryure

» emoting ma'ter »mon.· which it

the letter ol Mr» I irdnei m ritten to her hucband at it·

tuneol · -"In. r

?.·:.?» lall m." lire katonep be« .*»n

, I ,,/ veiy large audience· ol late on variou· Theelogicai aiibi-et·. »neh a« Ah*'. « I'rupliet« knBkg dtcetrtd!.y a lying Iron, the or and Rto f oeallon ul (beHottoinle·· I'll, win» h ha* eale.l great intere«! Il ?«

red tint aha ?« ? a neMta m »? naBteanmj nmhaitroni Hev xn tomorrow at ? and 1 o clock, in tb·American Mall cornet ifiirandtt and Broadway V*-·

»ay to thoa.) in'.er. ·?»·.1 lin It .· tree

¦.?·!'» .«¦.irían.! « ? lie mean· .1 .«· 4ll ·?

dertaod ef aiievt«iiiig MM aurleringa .» ?,.??, tl.ejr M ··

¦tea tan :» impracticable,are Bm rrte «tía ateim»durne· an Baatajaad io aaaeetfatjb vi. tuta kaMf to-. ina) !'.«is»iida a Barngtai ·,*..· ..,·,·

viale pain in ihe wort run ol arrêt ?,a aud otilar u; er .·

¦ad ".m ra ¦· Mat ·«··«. alatela· ntryaWgeM.f au»b ne·· »tl«c. a a pared y, peifeci and permaniMet lia« It proved laalefl . a· n, ,· ni empilona aad other ·

lectiona ot BM atin, than tu ten ate I an«·« teMtftl«ida While, inerì

fallibility for ibi· pnparelioa we

leve ralbe raiAurUyel ihowtrl ·«.Bfd troni r ., a ? aperlrnce, llial Inite-co«·

f a.·.?« .ve ha» e named, and ai. atteri ar·:·.'.)' toot Mui.'i» >i ral era Ilttw of 11,e i/|. » .I, gatti?? S tra« part.« »

«. ? .·· ? .a anPrepared and a.od, er, I»·*!a and ratal), t.y ?. ? t IJ

. ANUS, Whole··.!· DriiKgltl». ?? MaaaA«« re»··« -I

A an.«' ?? Broadway, and TI »a« Broad« «y N··

rl . ·. n BJ II Ifl ata gen»rt ly Ihr ,'Ha -i Pnce «,? pert,.,ule, or alt loll.« kB %¦

Caf" Read die f - j limitary trtl.uie io VA

B»i , «si, from te Kir.dert...·..». ? I .Seelloel. d*led J« f

Ji, iatiatea v«.»r« p ..».·« ...'. ·?

Wiaiar · aten· ef W...I ? berry In lb« cor« M puiaioie«^imp.»triii I.a ¦ e. ef .) *·> MeMJ !_¦____ *

h» who loabit n« erne*, y null he In truth a very »»*·.¦

A reiii»rl«i..· 'ire of r.n«iiniptloo hatrrceatlybeea «de»:

e.1 by lh,»irie.licl:,elntbeUiwn.)fCh«tbae.i«'»»»t;4JU"lr·aad aaat an MkMad M« t'y la Hernc». ·"·_¦_·"'pbytat »n af ani town. u> whom w« a·'« p-.uiatiania»refer. A young :ady who had ? -t BaMBBJ -»·?* ¦ ·*

feeiion of ibe lunft. and » ho i.ael ?? "*d" th* '"' "

.ever«: Bbyi aaa a aan MM ¦_ __· '*__¦'""eonalderad by her friend« %. lejoodihe r«tvh biet*» ir·'

and «he wa« Informed by her m*-l»·» alieadnl Utxi *

mu.i d'e. A.l her o»»B| re,r. ,?,??,.*·, alto, ·»»¦)«* *» **·

grave forfinately ·!.· wa« in.llred to ««nd aile« m

lerh.aik Bo'K.'or« for a l,.,ti> ? ??? ,1 «» I ·»' '

V\ 11 ? ???? «ar. a« a lati reeort in her rr.licei lltael»*Before :» cu'··· ..· vara Bateante ih« y«·! "wJ ·*

perleneed great relief, aud two mure ?,,,??,«· «t··*. rie iireal lu.d «'lii..r,.«l»re,t a...· . no· r»te)J **

Uve reaiora'loa of be·,lb. end b.catea Die d«y new **

r.rat reported I" the uae of tha I »«ling Kti«amNooe genuine unie»« aljrr ed ? ?GG?9 on ihe wrataarPur Bata by ?. ? it I) BANDS. ttefJJ aia, I«· ,,IM'

»t. ,r.,er of AV., lam. Afiiu f,.r II, a < '·'«¦ I*0 *

atrtedwey, «od ^t f ».? B'uadway and by W*\t**panata·*) throughout te (nate matea^

rtj»- l>r r-'r-.l.lX 'Mil RAI D r4 ftafnt aWirft») __·__"_cur.ii«· ail eklr. diteaae«, u ·. .. .wen«., aid ?·?·ß?«?».G|"dr> .attvMii«« lor eradicating «uperfluou« hair fVttn «___*Up·, fureneed«. and ice tin'corn lieerd « ¦

T-f.-? befor· buytag. Proof po*,ure ih.« and io rattwawe»»·/.?··«· r<|*««tVi« H»*f Or rr:ni».e.lng ·»««·»«_/_fere-vet /«air /V. '-··* »'«Hi end a variety of rtvnrV*»"am.·.··, lo be had oo.y ai lh« Dr a l)ep«V,ic ?'·*5_*""III «toreri'»« Broadway;I4 ·¦

G«»" ». ? P»! «r.i ?« th» BM " Lnd t«»n; »id'· »»»j^reretviáitt «u<iifr,ruun« end a.! «ei uteuiem» for ?·____*'mai paper· jf ¡iw riunir», I« r and Dear, »i a.t oftAret

Nea-Vort. Boome. Philadelphia and Balunver* n

BgatKy la N«w-York I· U The Tribuna buudiaga. ¦¦