TM5 Infrastructure Final Report

 Team Monterey 5 Infrastructure Team Waste Management in the Cantons of Jiquilisco, El Salvador A Waste Management Guide Monterey Institute of International Studies A Graduate School of Middlebury College Prepared by: Karin Orr Brooke Greco Heather Bessette Scott Depies Report Editor: Adele Negro

Transcript of TM5 Infrastructure Final Report

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Team Monterey 5 Infrastructure Team

Waste Management in the Cantons of Jiquilisco, El Salvador

A Waste Management Guide

Monterey Institute of International StudiesA Graduate School of Middlebury College

Prepared by:Karin Orr 

Brooke GrecoHeather Bessette

Scott Depies

Report Editor:Adele Negro

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Acknowledgements The Team Monterey 5 (TM5) El Salvador Infrastructure Team would like to acknowledge thesupport we received on this project. We would like to thank the Junta Directiva of AsociaciónMangle for being available to guide us and inform our work. We would especially like to thank the team in Isla de Méndez: environmental engineer and Program Coordinator Nicolas Funes, for 

his patience, support, and valuable insight; staff at Asociación Mangle including; ProgramDirector, Walberto Gallegos; agronomist Carlos Barahona; and park ranger and representative of the Asociación de Desarrollo Comunal Isla de Méndez (ADESCOIM), José Ofelio HerreraMartinez. They all contributed significantly to this report and strengthened our ability to carryout research while in El Salvador. We would like to thank EcoViva for providing logistical andinformational support to our delegation, which greatly enhanced our experience during our stay,  particularly Chema Argueta, who was our logistics coordinator, Nathan Weller for his preliminary guidance, and our devoted drivers and guides; Mario Martinez, Cleto Marquez, andLolo. We would also like to thank our host families, who accommodated us so well. We alsowant to thank our student translator, Antonio Armendáriz, who worked tirelessly with our team.Lastly, we would like to thank Team Monterey faculty member, Adele Negro, for her consistent

translation and interpretation work, as well as for exhibiting her strong dedication to TeamMonterey, from beginning to end. Thank you.

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Executive SummaryThe goal of TM5’s Infrastructure Team was to create a waste management program template for rural and protected communities within the cantons of Jiquilisco neighboring Isla de Méndez.The Infrastructure Team members were familiar with the United Nations Development Program(UNDP) handbook titled, “A Handbook on Waste Management in Rural Tourism Areas - A Zero

Waste Approach”, which considers the full life cycle of trash in developing communities andrural tourism areas. The UNDP model of “zero-waste” focuses on the concept that bothconsumers and producers are responsible for the 3R’s of waste management: reduce, reuse,recycle. The information gathered in Isla de Méndez has helped the team adapt this UNDP wastemanagement model to fit the current situation and needs of Isla de Méndez and the larger Bay of Jiquilisco area. Our framework represents how the UNDP zero-waste methodology can be bestapplied to Isla de Méndez currently and in the future.

With the help of the community members of Isla de Méndez, Program Coordinator NicolasFunes and the Junta Directiva of Asociación Mangle, the Infrastructure Team was able to gain a better understanding of the unique dynamics and circumstances of the Bajo Lempa Region. The

Infrastructure Team looked closely at the present pilot waste management project of 2011 that is being conducted in Isla de Méndez. In this report, we describe how, on the basis of our research,the leaders and community of Isla de Méndez and the surrounding areas can create a successfulwaste management program. Our recommendations define in detail the following steps of theUNDP waste management model:

1.  Preliminary Actions: identifying needs of the community, designating primary projectleaders, establishing goals and objectives of the program, creating an approach paper,and conducting a baseline assessment.

2. Understanding the Problem 3. Policy Formation

4. Action Plan5. Fundraising and/or identifying resources6. Finalizing Waste Management Program: information campaign, hiring and training of 

 personnel, implementation

The team is confident that the local community can succeed in implementing a wastemanagement program that will better the standard of living of residents and improve the qualityof the natural habitat of the Bajo Lempa region.

A final recommendation is for Team Monterey 6 to conduct a follow-up study on the currentwaste management pilot project in Isla de Méndez.

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Introduction & Background

Project Scope & Methodology

Project Scope

The core goal of this project was to create a waste management program template for neighboring rural and protected communities of Zone 1 within the cantons of Jiquilisco.

Over a three-week time period, from January 2 to January 22, 2011, TM5‘s Infrastructure Teamgathered information through various activities with 25 Isla de Méndez community members, theProgram Coordinator, Nicolas Funes, and the Board of Directors of Asociación Mangle. TM5chose to focus studies on Isla de Méndez because of the community’s nine-year history of wastemanagement efforts. The current 2011 waste management pilot program is also located in Islade Méndez


TM5 Infrastructure team adapted a handbook put forth by the United Nations DevelopmentProgramme, entitled A Handbook on Waste Management in Rural Tourism Areas - A Zero Waste Approach,  to the conditions of Isla de Méndez for the purpose of adapting this model to other cantons in the Bay of Jiquilisco area. The team was informed of the potential utility of thehandbook by EcoViva and, after close observation, decided that its step-by-step instructions werespecifically suited to rural and protected areas and could easily be customized to conditions suchas those in the Jiquilisco area.

During the first week in El Salvador, the TM5 Infrastructure Team met with the Junta Directivaof Asociación Mangle to discuss the current waste management project. After a series of meetings with Program Director, Walberto Gallegos, environmental engineer and project

coordinator, Nicolas Funes, agronomist Carlos Barahona, and park ranger and representative of Asociación de Desarrollo Comunal Isla de Méndez (ADESCOIM), José Ofelio HerreraMartinez, TM5 designed and proposed several project ideas for the Infrastructure team toimplement. Asociación Mangle chose the proposal to create a general waste managementtemplate, which could be used to expand waste management systems to other communities in theBajo Lempa.

During the second week, members of ADESCO’s Environmental Committee held their firstmeeting of 2011 at Villa Tortuga, which was attended by members of communities outside Islade Méndez as well. The Infrastructure Team attended the meeting and led an informal groupdiscussion with the Environmental Committee regarding the history of waste management  projects in the area. The team was also given the following three reports to analyze, eachdetailing the waste management efforts during the preceding nine years:

● Descripción del Medio Social, Económico y Cultural, Medio Físico y Biológico en SuÁrea de Influencia (FIAES-Cuadro No. 3) (2005)● Resultados del Estudio de Caracterización de los Residuos Sólidos, Realizado en elCanton Isla de Méndez, Municipio de Jiquilisco, Departamento de la Unión (2009)● Conservación del medio ambiente y manejo adecuado de los residuos sólidos en la IslaMéndez, municipio de Jiquilisco, departamento de Usulután (2010)

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 With the information gathered from the Environmental Committee, the aforementioned reportsand additional primary research, the team decided to conduct a waste flow mapping activity withthe community members of Isla de Méndez. The purpose of the mapping activity was todetermine the major sources of waste and further understand current waste management behavior 

in the region.During the third and final week, the team created a questionnaire for health, education, andcommunity leaders that was organized with the support of Asociación Mangle. The 25 questionswere devised to fill gaps in the team’s understanding of the past 9 years of waste management projects in Isla de Méndez, as well as to assess the community’s understanding of the current2011 pilot project. While only seven people attended the meeting, all sectors were represented.Later in the week, the team filmed an interview about the 2011 pilot project with the projectcoordinator, Nicolas Funes, in order to obtain footage of the waste management process anddocument vital information, which would be valuable for Team Monterey 6.

Background The community of Isla de Méndez is located in the Municipality of Jiquilisco, department of Usulután, in southeast El Salvador. The population consists of approximately 1,307 inhabitants,comprising 375 families, of which 27.4% are women, 24.8% men, and 27.8% children1. Thecommunity receives the majority of its economic revenue through fishing, extracting mollusks,and agricultural production, all of which heavily rely on a healthy environment. The Bay of Jiquilisco was declared a Ramsar Site in 2006, and a Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO in 2008.(See map attached).

Understanding the Problem

The problem of poor waste management in Isla de Méndez is obvious, even by mere observation.Solid waste is scattered throughout the streets, black smoke clouds of burning trash regularly fillthe air, ash rains from the sky, and public spaces are heavily littered with trash. In a recent studydone in the region through the sponsorship of Friends of the Earth, Spain, it was found that 83%of households in the region burned their solid waste. Many dangers are associated with theincineration of trash, such as the emission of carbon monoxide, cadmium, sulfur dioxide,mercury, hydrochloric acid, nitrogen oxides, lead, dioxins, and furans into the air 2. All of thesetoxic pollutants have negative environmental and health impacts. A study carried out in Isla deMéndez in 2009 showed that one of the largest causes of prevailing mortality rates within theregion was acute respiratory illness3. Furthermore, children who live near incinerators have beenfound to have higher rates of stomach, colorectal, liver and lung cancers4. However, over the  past nine years (2002-2011), Asociación Mangle has worked to improve the problem of poor waste management. Its staff has begun to tackle the issue of waste management by initiatingvarious efforts to manage the waste.1 Descripción del Medio Social, Económico y Cultural, Medio Físico y Biológico en Su Área deInfluencia (FIAES-Cuadro No. 3) (2005), p.1.2 Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League, Incinerator Pollution: Landfills in the sky, Resultados del Estudio de Caracterización de los Residuos Sólidos, Realizado en el Canton Isla Mendez,Municipio de Jiquilisco, Departamento de la Union (2009), p.2.4 Ibid, Blue Ridge.

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In the present pilot waste management project of 2011, Asociación Mangle intends to improvethe lives of 2,300 inhabitants, 1,200 of them women, in 5 communities from the Isla de Méndez.5 Asociación Mangle will also be implementing an educational awareness campaign to teach

environmentally friendly behavior to community members,which they can then employ at home. These practices areessentially composting, separating waste by origin,recycling and reusing. Asociación Mangle will also beinstalling the first Centro de Acopio Comunitario (CAC) asa location for the transfer of recyclables.

Since 2002, Asociación Mangle has held a series of community-based workshops that have taught a significantnumber of community members about the life cycle of their trash. These workshops continue to be influential, even

nine years later. Community members of the region have  begun to understand the importance of separating their waste and are easily able to differentiate organic from non-organic waste. However, through discussion with former 

workshops participants, TM5 found that the meaning of trash separation varied from person to person.

The majority of community members expressed to TM5 that organic materials are separated and buried to be allowed to decompose, but non-organic waste had no local central location to bedumped, and is therefore either burned or buried. TM5 found that ‘burying’ trash varied from placing it in a pit to burning the waste inside the pit.

In Isla de Méndez, the frequency of households burning trash is partially due to a lack of alternatives, which puts the population at a heightened risk of health complications. To date, nolocal studies have been done to prove causation of trash incineration with respect to health risks.In 2009, Asociación Mangle collaborated with the Municipality of Jiquilisco, Friends of theEarth, Spain, Asociación de Desarrollo Comunal Asociacion Manglé (ADESCOIM), Comité deDesarrollo Empresarial y Medioambiental de Puerto Parada (CODEPA), and the AgenciaEspañola de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AECID), to conduct an eight-dayresearch project on waste management in Isla de Méndez. The study was meant to determine theamount of garbage collected and the types of waste generated within households. Twenty-threefamilies participated in the study, and researchers weighed what was intended to be a ‘days

worth’ of waste from each household.

However, to the dismay of researchers, the amount collected as being the daily sum generatedwas incorrect. It was discovered that family members had brought more than a day’s worth of trash for measurement. According to the eight-day study, approximately 1.07 kg/ per person/day

5  Conservación del medio ambiente y manejo adecuado de los residuos sólidos en la Isla Méndez, municipio deJiquilisco, departamento de Usulután (2010), p.17. 


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was generated in the region. Researchers compared this figure to international indices that statedthat rural communities in Latin America typically generate between 0.2 to 0.4 kg/per  person/daily. Study researchers therefore settled on a value of 0.53kg/per person/day as a moreaccurate account of waste generation in the area, despite their collection of conflicting primarydata6. Unfortunately, no subsequent studies have been done.

Proper data collection is fundamental whendetermining how to resolve a problem. Inthe case of the protected area of Isla deMéndez, in order to understand the  problem of poor waste management, onemust understand the multiple variables thatcontribute to it. During our team’s projectwork in El Salvador, we observed threecrucial factors contributing to the problem:inadequate infrastructure for correct waste

disposal, minimal resources to fund proper infrastructure, a lack of alternatives for waste management (such as a central

location for waste disposal) which perpetuated problematic behavior.

Within this report, TM5 has included our general observations at the end of some of theguidelines, found in italics. These remarks are largely included for the purpose of informing theTM6 waste management team of important observations that may pertain to their future work and are titled, Team Monterey 5 Observations. 

Guideline Framework 


The information gathered in Isla de Méndez has helped TM5 adapt a United NationsDevelopment Program (UNDP) handbook titled, “A Handbook on Waste Management in Rural Tourism Areas - A Zero Waste Approach” to the conditions of the region. Throughout thisreport, we often refer to this handbook as the UNDP Handbook. The UNDP “zero waste” model,demonstrated in this handbook, is applicable to the current situation and needs of Isla deMéndez, as well as the larger Bay of Jiquilisco area. The UNDP “zero waste” model was chosenfor its holistic approach to waste management, which unlike other models, considers the full

lifecycle of trash with special consideration to developing communities. While we recognizedthe difficulty of following such a model in an area only beginning to develop a wastemanagement system, TM5 also felt the “zero waste” model is an excellent approach that can bemore strictly implemented as waste management systems become more established in the region.The UNDP model of “zero-waste” puts forth the concept that both consumers and producers areresponsible for the 3R’s of waste management: reduce, reuse, recycle. The following

6 Ibid, Resultados, p.4.


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Framework, is an adaptation of the UNDP zero-waste methodology and how it may be bestapplied to Isla de Méndez. (See Appendix for a map of Isla de Méndez).


1. Preliminary Actions When the decision is made to develop a waste management system, there are several preliminarysteps that should be taken prior to beginning the project. Completion of these preliminary stepswill set the program up for success.

1.1 Needs of the Community Community consultations must be performed to determine the needs of each community. Thisconsultation can take the form of Town Hall Meetings, surveys or focus groups. The prioritiesdiscovered will form the bases for deciding which interventions will be implemented. If it isfound that the community has higher priorities than waste management, such as education, potable water or other basic services, it may be necessary to explain why waste management has

 been placed ahead of these other priorities. Additionally, how the organization plans to addressthese other needs should be discussed. Collaboration with the community in deciding which  programs to pursue will help to ensure community support and participation. Going forwardwith a program that does not have community support may alienate the populace and affect thesuccess of the program.

Consultation with the community must take place throughout the process of developing andimplementing a waste management system. The community should be treated as a partner in the program and should be aware of goals and strategy for implementation, as well as what role andresponsibility the community will have. Community input should also be included whendeveloping the goals, scope and strategy of the program

1.2 Establishment of primary project leaders Once it is determined that waste management is a problem for the community, it is necessary todesignate a group of primary leaders. This group should contain a community leader/organizer,a technical specialist in waste management, and personnel responsible for community educationand capacity training. This group of primary leaders will have overall responsibility for thedevelopment and operation of the waste management system. The responsibilities of eachindividual leader should be clearly outlined and understood by all members of the group. Thisoutline should serve as the initial step in creating a management structure for the program, that isexpanded when new personal join the project. When completed, the management structure will  be clearly outlined, without any overlapping responsibilities, and it will contain establishedroutes of communication between the different areas of the program. Furthermore, an existingmanagement structure with clearly defined titles, roles and responsibilities will be beneficial toexternal organizations (such as Team Monterey 6) in evaluating the program in the future.

1.3 Goals and objectives of the Program Before specific elements of a waste management system are designed, the goals and objects of such a program should be articulated by program directors, in consultation with communityleaders and community members. Selection of program goals should include not only overall

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objectives but also short, medium, and long term goals. The time frame for achievingestablished goals should also be discussed during the consultations.

1.4 Initial Report

In order to determine the type, size and

extent of a waste management systemneeded to meet overall goals, localenvironmental researchers partnered withcommunity members are encouraged tocollect data for the Initial Report andBaseline Assessment. Once collected, thedata should be analyzed to determine whatresources and skills are needed and what

local resources exist which can be used for the project. This analysis should beincorporated into a report, which is called

here, the Initial Report. The type of datacollected for the analysis should include information regarding the area’s geography, an analysisof the population, including gender and age groups, as well as main occupations andcorresponding wages. Information pertaining to waste dumps, major waste producers, anyexisting waste management techniques used, and expertise available in the geographic area,  relating to waste management, should be collected.

1.5 Baseline Assessment

After completion of the Initial Report, the data collected can also be used to perform a BaselineAssessment of the current situation concerning waste management in the region. This BaselineAssessment should included the level of understanding and capacity of the community in regards

to waste disposal, an analysis of the amount and type of waste generated by the community, a listof available resources, and any existing infrastructure that may be utilized in any future projects.The assessment should also include the capabilities of the municipality in regards to wastemanagement. The purpose of the baseline assessment is to establish current levels of waste andmeans of disposal. Not only will the baseline assessment provide information needed for developing the intervention, but later, can compared with data collected after the intervention hasstarted to determine what effect the intervention is having.

2. Understanding the Problem

Data Collection: Proper mechanisms for obtaining the desired data will help determine the best possible mechanism leading to a solution(s). Often, poor waste management is the result of many

obstacles; therefore, data collection must reflect the varied nature of the problem through diversedata collection techniques. The UNDP Handbook suggests the use of socio-economic surveys,mapping, and interviews as tools to use when trying to understand ‘why’ there is so much wastein a given community.

I. Socioeconomic surveysA socioeconomic survey helps to determine: the population, number of families in acommunity, the age groups within the families, number of public or business locations



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that generate waste, types of waste accumulated, how waste is managed, and peoples’understanding and attitude on waste management. In Isla de Méndez, 23 families weregathered to determine these statistics, but for future studies local businesses and other institutions should also be encouraged to participate. Example templates of surveys areattached in the appendix. These survey templates are directly modeled after the UNDP

Handbook and are not the original work of TM5.II. Mapping

Mapping the waste flow of a community will help locate where the waste comes from,the origin of waste, and help plot where and how it is typically disposed7. Mappingshould be done with the immediate stakeholders of the project and can be carried out insmall groups. (If participants of this activity are organized byfamily members and/or neighborsit may provide better results).Mapping is more effective when

working with smaller regionswhere the communication betweenneighbors and knowledge of thecommunity resources (stores,churches, schools, etc.) is clearer.8 Mapping can also be an effectivetool for communities with lowliteracy rates, because symbols andillustrations can replace words, and

the results are an illustrative mapavailable to help researchers,

  project managers, and others todetermine the flow of waste. After each group draws their map they should be asked toexplain their map, while another participant asks probing questions about the meaning of their illustrations and take notes on their answers. The accompaniment of specificquestions and answers may further complement this exercise, as the drawings may bedifficult to decipher outside of the exercise. In addition, creating a non-threateningenvironment where participants will not feel guilty about their waste disposal practices isfundamental to receiving accurate results (often, this may require the absence of authorityfigures when doing the exercise). When working with participants with varyingeducational levels, a step-by-step explanation of the exercise may be more effective thangiving a summary of the anticipated results of the exercise at the outset.

In addition, if the host of the meeting is able to provide maps of the community from thestart, more time will be available to focus on plotting the waste flow. A visioning

7 Shibu Nair and C. Jayakumar. "A Handbook on Waste Management in Rural Tourism Areas - A ZeroWaste Approach." - India. Dec. 2008, p. 22.8 Booklet #5, Peace Corps, Model Sessions: Participatory Analysis for Community Action (PACA) Tools, p.1-8.


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exercise may also take place in which the participants redraw a map of how they would prefer to see waste managed in their community.

Team Monterey 5 Observations:

TM5 conducted a pilot mapping exercise with community members of Isla de Méndez and noted the strengths, weaknesses, and general observations of the exercise. These may be taken intoconsideration when executing this exercise in communities that have a similar demographic

composition as Isla de Méndez.

Strengths: maps were a catalyst for an open dialogue; questions lead to other informativeanswers; explanation were given of certain vocabulary clarifying misinterpretations; ice breaker 

 stimulated creative ways of reusing organic and non-organic materials; individually each Teammember gained informative insight into the participants who could not read or write; drawing 

did not inhibit communication.Weaknesses: low attendance; a fishermen’s meeting coincided with mapping exercise; meeting 

 started an hour later than scheduled; 25 people were expected to attend and only 8 women came(ages 11-70); example map we brought intimidated participants, causing hesitation to

 participate; explanation of exercise was misunderstood; too much attention was paid to detailing an accurate portrayal of community versus plotting areas relevant to flow of waste management.

Observations: only women attended the exercise despite all genders being invited (suggesting 

that perhaps it is mostly the women who manage the household waste); women were morewilling to speak to women team members; ‘burying’ waste meant digging a hole and then

burning inside hole, as well as ‘burying’ and covering with dirt; ‘recycling’ means separating organics from non-organics. After the mapping exercise took place, TM5 realized that it would have been more helpful to consult with Eco Engineer Funes before our meeting in order prevent avoidable confusion on the directions of the activity.

III. Observation/Interview reportsObservation reports help to identify the impact of waste accumulation on different sectorsdesigning a waste management plan. There are many development tools that may be of use to any given community when writing the observation report. TM5 suggests thecommunity have a stakeholder analysis and an analysis of the local markets.

i.  Stakeholder Analysis:A stakeholder analysis will help researchers identify the people who will benefitfrom, be harmed by, and/or influence the success or failure of a developmentactivity. It helps to identify the varying needs of different stakeholders as well asnarrow down the best solutions for different sectors. Stakeholders are oftencategorized as key,  primary, and/or  secondary stakeholders, each with specificcharacteristics. The benefits of doing a Stakeholder Analysis are: to help identifythe interests of different groups, to find ways to receive support from those whofavor the project, identify risks and plan for strategies to overcome them, identifyreal development, improve the project and reduce negative impacts9. (See

9 Department for International Development (DFID), Tools for Development: A handbook for those

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stakeholder identification table below and Appendix for Stakeholder Analysistemplate.)

Table 1: Resource from Department for International Development (DFID)10 

Key Stakeholders  Primary Stakeholders  Secondary stakeholders 

Individuals, groups, institutionsthat can significantly influenceor are important to the successof an activity.

Individuals,groups or institutionsaffected/impacted by the activity both positively and negatively.

All other individuals or institutions that may havean interest, role, or stake inthe activity.

When trying to identify and categorize stakeholders within a waste management project, it ishelpful to ask questions such as:

1. Where does the waste come from and who produces it?2. Who is responsible for managing the waste?3. How can the behaviors of community members impact the project once it is in place?

4. Who has something to gain from this project? Who has something to lose?5. Who is funding the project?

Examples of stakeholders in a waste management pilot plan would be: community members ingeneral, women, farmers, trash or recycling collectors, local business owners, students,churchgoers, environmentalists, local and international NGOs that work within the community,local businesses, tourists to the region, funders of the project, corporations that reuse bottles, andothers.

ii. Market AnalysisWithin a zero waste model, reducing, reusing, and recycling are all interconnected

when contributing to the prospect of a well-managed waste system. Anidentification of the opportunities for reduction and reuse within local marketsmay lead to the emergence of potential solutions, as well as sustainable businessopportunities which could stimulate the local economy.

The UNDP suggests some of the following topics as focal points for observation reports:

a.   Farming: determine how many people work in agriculture, the quantity and variety of crops in the region, the physical distance of the crops from waste piles, any obstacles tofarming (drought, flood, pesticides, etc.), fertilizer use (commercial v local, organic vnon-organic), the number of farmers practicing organic farming, and local institutions

that support farming and agriculture. b.  Scrap Market (can, glass, tin, paper, collectors): how many people are collecting, who is

collecting, what is being collected, where is it being taken, is it generating income, if so,how much, how frequent is the collecting, and what quantities of materials are beingcollected and/or sold/traded.

engaged in development activity, parts. 2.1-2.4.10 Ibid, 10.

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c.    Natural and Human Resources: If natural resources are available locally, who uses thenatural resources, who has the skills to use the resources in an efficient way, who isinterested in learning these skills, and are these products available for use outside of thecommunity.

d.  Markets: Is there a market for organic materials, and/or a market for reusable non-organic

materials (glass, cans, plastic bags). What is the frequency of reuse and recycling inhouseholds by: heads of household (often women), artisans, children, elders, others in thecommunity.

e.  Transportation: Means of transport within the region (horse, cart, bicycle, bus, car,truck), frequency of use, which means is more suitable to the infrastructure of the region,cost of maintenance and upkeep, potential contribution to waste management (for example, the use of bicycles to transport recyclables or deliver compost).

Team Monterey 5 Observations:

TM5 learned that community members in Isla de Méndez were purchasing commercial fertilizer 

 for $12/lb while fertilizer made from local organic waste was simultaneously being produced inthe region. TM5 also learned that in the 2008 pilot program, households were spending .25 cents

a week on garbage pick-up (via horse and cart), but would be willing to pay up to .50 cents aweek if it meant ensuring that the system would be sustainable. TM5 also found that the greatest  grievance regarding the pilot garbage pick- up in 2002 was that, after the death of one of the twocart horses, the cart load capacity dropped by half, reducing the amount of garbage pick- up and 

  subsequently causing community members to stop paying, which resulted in the termination of the service. TM5 was also informed that horses are both costly to purchase (an estimated $300)

and to upkeep (a cost that was expressed as exceeding the means of community members).

IV. Clean-Up DriveClean-up drives in locations where there is no central waste management system help togenerate data on waste within public spaces, foster a sense of shared responsibility for managing waste, provide initiative to keep public spaces clean, increase local awareness,and provide an immediate result (or a quick win) of a more pleasant space for allcommunity members. All sectors of the community can participate, particularlyinstitutions that operate in units and are thus easy to organize (churches, schools,organizations, workplaces). Separation of the waste collected will make possible theidentification of the most common types of trash, which may be done by dividing thelabor according to the type of waste collected (for example, one person only collects paper, another glass, etc). Proper sanitary gear should be worn, including gloves, masks,and any other protective apparel available, particularly by children who are participating.Children should be encouraged to participate, but should be forbidden to handle glass,toxic materials, and any other hazardous or harmful waste. Innovative and creativestrategies (such as games) may also help to motivate community members to participate.

Team Monterey 5 Observations: TM5 found that the first clean-up campaign effort in Isla de Méndez was initiated by ADESCO in

  Fall 2010 and only adults were allowed to participate. Community members expressed 

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  gratification with the end result claiming that the soccer field was litter-free and available for use.

3. Policy Formation

The development and application of a waste management policy is an important component of a

waste management plan. Waste management policies define the roles and responsibilities of consumers, businesses, public institutions, environmental organizations and other social actors.Policies should include the goal of the waste management plan, a strategy for implementation,and the achievements the project leaders envision as measures of success.

The support and involvement of the localas well as national government are keyelements in formulating and enforcing awaste management policy. Municipalities,for example, can draft legislation or launch  projects that respond to the problem of 

waste in local communities. A wastemanagement policy, for instance, mayauthorize or forbid certain activities, suchas operating a dumping site near Isla deMéndez.  The policy should specify howsuch a site will be operated and monitored,and how the success of the site will bemeasured. Lastly, a waste management policy may provide incentives to the local

community (individual families, localschools, farmer’s cooperatives, etc) and  businesses (such as Villa Tortuga in thecase of Isla de Mendez) that reward

appropriate waste management and encourage environmentally clean activities. Such anincentive could be the availability of low-priced compost to local farmers through a wastemanagement policy that subsidizes and encourages a local community composting program.

4. Recommendations for an Action Plan At this stage, an action plan, including timeline and budget, must be developed. The action planshould outline the implementation of the project and include specific goals, objectives, outputsand activities along with the measurable indicators of change. An effective action plan will be

designed with “internal” and “external” components.

“Internal” components are activities that will create behavioral change and should be given themost emphasis. Educational trainings should be held throughout the community in an effort toinvolve as many community members as possible. Those chosen to participate in any initial pilot  project should represent different geographical areas of the community. To aid in wastereduction the activities should include an explanation of the importance of using reusable andalternate materials. The community should also discuss techniques for communal waste




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reduction (such as purchasing sturdy refillable water jugs for families to buy water in bulk, rather than using individual water bottles).

The “external” component is the physical infrastructure necessary for the waste management  project, such as the building to serve as the Community Collection Site (Centro de Acopio

Comunitario--CAC).The timeline will show the progression of the project over a minimum period of three years. It isimportant that a plan be drawn up to ensure the long-term sustainability of the project.

The budget proposed should fully detail all expected costs. It should incorporate aspects thatmay lead to revenue generation (i.e., conducting a market study for producing compost, businesstraining for the sale of organic products to regional markets, a public display of productsgenerated from waste materials, etc.).

5. Fundraising and Resource Identification 

Community organizations like Asociación Mangle playa key role in mobilizing resources from a variety of sources and attracting a broad base of support for development projects. A successful waste management  plan will identify key sources of funds, humanresources and materials needed to implement andsustain the program. For example, Amics de la TerraBalears, a Spanish branch of the internationalenvironmental organization Friends of the Earth, wasidentified as the grant source for the current pilot  project in Isla de Méndez. Many of the humanresources in that project are volunteer members of thecommunity, and often the materials needed to start the program are included in the approved grant budget.

One of the challenges facing community or nongovernmental organizations is how to ensure that programs, such as the current pilot waste management program in Isla de Méndez, continue to function in the

longer term. Long-term success depends on theinvolvement of multiple stakeholders in handling  thecomplexity, costs, and coordination of such a program.

An integrated approach to waste management wiselyutilizes available funds and encourages voluntary participation  from all levels of society,including community members, community foundations, local institutions and localgovernments. For example, household-level composting can be coordinated with localagricultural programs to exchange locally produced compost. Community leaders can lobby thelocal municipality to consider waste management programs as business opportunities. The




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municipality can select and sell valuable resources from within the waste (such as plastic bottles), and, at the same time, agree to safely process and dispose of non-organic wastes.

A potential project for Team Monterey 6 could be the creation of a model financial sustainability  plan for the program. An additional opportunity for Team Monterey 6 could be devising an

income generation strategy for local waste management programs (i.e. business plan for fertilizer made from compost and/or recyclable materials resale programs).

6.1 Finalizing a Waste Management Program Once funding has been approved, a review of the draft action plan is necessary to ensure that theavailable funds are adequate to implement the program. Primary leaders must make anyadjustments needed to the program if a budget shortfall exits. Adjustments may also be requiredto the goals and objectives originally established if funding is insufficient to meet these goals.During the finalizing process, solutions to potential problems that may arise during theimplementation of the program should be developed. This will ensure that the program willremain operational.

6.2 Information campaign After the program has been finalized, aninformational campaign should take placeto inform the community of the upcoming  program. The information providedshould include the reasons for the program; the different elements of the new  program, including its goals, objectives,and operation; the harmful effects anddamages caused by the current wastedisposal methods, and the role andresponsibilities of the community. Theinformational campaign can also provide ameans to inform the community of jobopenings, hiring schedules and requiredskills.

6.3 Hiring and training of personal Before the program can be implemented,

 personnel needed for daily operations must be hired and given the necessary training.

This personnel should be included in theorganizational diagram, which describesthe responsibilities of each worker andindicates the person to serve as manager or supervisor. Additionally, any training of thecommunity in separating waste and utilizing the waste management system will have to beconducted before the implementation phase is begun.




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6.4 Implementation Once the program is being implemented, operations will require close oversight so thatadjustments can be made in the event any unforeseen problems arise during the initial stage.Oversight should include consultation with the community to obtain input on program performance.

6.5 Monitoring and Evaluation As the project is being implemented it will be necessary to monitor and evaluate project  performance. Project leaders should begin planning for monitoring and evaluating during the  preliminary action phase, as the goals and objectives of the program are being established.Monitoring and evaluation are valuable when determining what effects, if any, the intervention ishaving on the community. This is accomplished by collecting data on selected indicators, whichchange as a result of the intervention. For example, one potential indicator of the effects of arecycling awareness campaign over time isthe percentage of recyclable material thatis discarded with non-recyclable waste. If 

the data collected shows a decline in the percentage of recyclable material since theinception of the intervention, then this isan indication that the program is havingthe intended effect. However, if the datareveals that the percentage of recyclablewaste has remained constant or hasincreased, it is necessary to reevaluate theintervention. In such an event, project  personnel and community leaders mustdetermine why the intervention is not

having the intended effects and whatchanges must be made.

The selection of indicators is not an easyone. Changes to indicators can occur for reasons other than as a result of the intervention. For this reason indicators are to be chosen not individually but as a group. A cluster of indicators hasthe advantage of representing the effects of an intervention from different angles. In this way,when the group of indicators shows the expected results, it is possible to attribute the changesdirectly to the intervention with greater certainty. Indicators should be selected by their level of accuracy, reliability, appropriateness, and usefulness to the project.

Accuracy pertains to the preciseness of measurement. For example, the weight of an object is anaccurate form of measurement because the result does not need to be interpreted and is easilyunderstood. Reliability refers to the ability to achieve the same results time and time again. Anexperiment is reliable when the same results occur every time it is performed. Appropriatenessconcerns the relationship between the indicator and the goal or objective. An indicator isappropriate when there is little or no need to explain how it relates to the project objectives.Finally, an indicator’s usefulness in explaining the effects of the intervention should determinethe reason for its selection as an indicator.



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 Once indicators have been selected it is necessary to establish baseline measurements so thatcomparisons can be made once further data are collected. Initial data on indicators are collectedduring the development of the approach paper and baseline assessment. After the program hasstarted, data on the selected indicators should be collected periodically and results reported. This

is the monitoring potion of the program and provides information on what progress, if any, is being made.

Evaluation generally takes place at the end of an intervention, but can also take place after certain, predetermined milestones. Evaluation goes into much greater detail than monitoring,since it involves an analysis of the value of the intervention and whether such an intervention isthe best use of resources. Evaluations should also investigate lessons learned and identify best practices to be implemented in other or future interventions.


In order to have a successful waste management plan it is necessary to have extensive pre- planning and strong coordination of the plan with all of those involved who will be affected bythe desired outcome. The basic steps outlined in this report have been designed by the UNDPand adapted by TM5 to increase help facilitate project successes and ensure the efficient use of resources in the region. The framework is designed to help begin the planning process for wastemanagement development in the communities surrounding Isla de Méndez, as was requested byAsociación Mangle. This report is meant to be a guide to community organizations when theyattempt to design a waste management plan from the bottom up. The entire report is essentially asequence of recommendations to achieve a step-by-step approach to implementing a wastemanagement model according to the UNDP’s “zero waste” model. It is recommended that this beused as a guide to the planning process but customized according to the specific characteristics

of each area where it is implemented.

In addition, it is recommended that Team Monterey 6 in 2012 dedicate an Infrastructure Group toconduct an in-depth follow-up of the current waste management pilot plan in Isla de Méndez andsurrounding communities. Specifically, the team is encouraged to evaluate and analyze the  progress and success of the 2011 pilot program for waste management in Isla de Mendez,especially with a view to ensuring its sustainability. After a thorough evaluation is conducted,further information on the pilot plan can be added to this guide, in order to inform other community organizers of the project strengths and weaknesses.

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Conservación del medio ambiente y manejo adecuado de los residuos sólidos en la Isla Méndez,municipio de Jiquilisco, departamento de Usulután (2010).

Descripción del Medio Social, Económico y Cultural, Medio Físico y Biológico en Su Área deInfluencia (FIAES-Cuadro No. 3) (2005).

 Nair, Shibu, and C. Jayakumar. "A Handbook on Waste Management in Rural Tourism Areas -A Zero Waste Approach." - India. Dec. 2008.

Resultados del Estudio de Caracterizacion de los Residuos Solidos, Realizado en el Canton IslaMéndez, Municipio de Jiquilisco, Departamento de la Union (2009).

Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League, Incinerator Pollution: Landfills in the sky, , Glendale

Springs, NC, (Accessed 1/3/11).Department for International Development (DFID), Tools for Development: A handbook for those engaged in development activity, parts. 2.1-2.4.

Booklet #5, Peace Corps, Model Sessions: Participatory Analysis for Community Action (PACA)Tools.

Appendix1. Glossary of Terms Amigos de la Tierra- Friends of the Earth (

 botadero- landfill basurero- dump sitecentro de acopio comunitario (CAC)- community collection center desechos sólidos- solid wastecomposta- compostConcejo Municipal- Municipal Councilenterrar- buryestiércol composta- animal wastefuentes- sourcesmanejo de desechos sólidos- solid waste managementmanzana- a measure of landnieve seca- styrofoam

 presupuesto- budget proyecto piloto- pilot projecthuerta- vegetable gardeninorgánico - inorganicincinerar- incineratereciclar - refers to the separation of organic and non-organic waste, or the act of ‘recycling’Fortalezas, Oportunidades, Debilidades, Amenazadas (FODA)- acronyms for Strengths, Weaknesses,Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) analysisReserva de Biósfera de Jiquilisco- Biosphere Reserve of Jiquilisco

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Map of the Community of Isla de Méndez, Jiquilisco, Usulután (see pg.4). Source: Asociación Mangle

Table template for Stakeholder Analysis: Resource: World Health Organization, Stakeholder Analysis power point(page 11).Stakeholder Stakeholder Interest(s) in

the Project

Assessment of Impact Potential Strategies for

Obtaining Support for

Reducing Obstacles

 Note: These survey templates are directly modeled after the UNDP: A Handbook on Waste Management 

in Rural Tourism Areas - A Zero Waste Approach, Annexure 1, with very minor changes by TM5.

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Survey Template on Domestic Waste Generation and Disposal

Date:1.  House No.2.   Name:3.   No. of family members in home

4.  Quantity of Waste Generated

Male Female Total




5.  Mode of disposal –BiodegradableBurning/Burying/Dumping/Animal feed/Composting/biogas/Others

Biodegradable Non-biodegradable Total

Quantity generated per day (Kg)

6.  Mode of Disposal – Non- Biodegradable

Burning Burying Dumping Sold/given toRecyclers


Paper MetalGlassClothWood

PlasticOther; (pleasespecify)

7.  Do you feel that waste is a problem in your area? Yes/No8.  Do you know the problems of burning/burying of waste? Yes/No9.  Are you interested in composting?10. Do you have suggestions for waste management?11. How will you be involved in the process of waste management?12. What kind of personal expertise can you contribute to this?

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Socio Economic Survey Template on Waste Generation and Handling in commercial

establishments Date:

1.   Name of Establishment:2.   Name of Owner:3.  Type of Ownership Own/Rent/Lease/Others

4.  Classification of establishment (Store, vegetable store, textiles, tailor, hair saloon, other)5.  Quantity of Waste Generated

Biodegradable Non-biodegradable TotalQuantity generated

 per day (in Kg)

6.  Mode of disposal –BiodegradableBurning/Burying/Dumping/Animal feed/Composting/biogas/Others

7.  Mode of Disposal – Non- Biodegradable

Burning Burying Dumping Sold/given toRecyclers


Paper MetalGlassClothWoodPlasticOther; (pleasespecify)

8.  Do you know the problems of burning/burying of waste? Yes/No9.  How will you be involved in the process of waste management?10. What kind of personal expertise can you contribute to this?11. Who do you think is responsible for waste management in your region?12. What are your suggestions for waste management?