ENGLISH WORKSHEET 2 (Answer key) Q1. Choose the antonyms of the underlined word and fill in the blanks. 1.I have a small pet at home. big 2. There’s too much light in the room. dark 3. Have you lost my pen? found 4. The box is under the bed. above 5. Michelle is happy about the gift. sad 6. Jim is the tallest boy in the class. shortest Q2. Write two synonyms for each word below. 1. Beautiful pretty , charming 2. Difficult hard , tough 3. Big huge , large 4. Happy glad , joyful 5. Little small , tiny 6. Terrible bad , horrible Q3. Pick the right words from the brackets and fill in the blanks. 1. Everyone except Denise agreed to accept my apology. (accept, except) 2. Are these our belongings? (are, our) 3. Make sure you don’t lose your new loose jacket. (loose, lose) 4. It’s too late now to go out for lunch. (too, to) 5. Am I allowed to read the poem aloud. (allowed, aloud) 6. I’m bored of playing board games now. (bored, board) 7. You are not doing you’re homework, are you? (you’re, you) Q4. Write two words that rhymes with: 1. Seed weed , creed 2. Dress press , stress 3. Well tell , sell 4. Free tree , bee 5. Fight sight , might RKL GALAXY INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL English Worksheet Roll No: - Date - Student Name: Grade: III TM


  • ENGLISH WORKSHEET 2 (Answer key)

    Q1. Choose the antonyms of the underlined word and fill in the blanks.

    1.I have a small pet at home. big

    2. There’s too much light in the room. dark

    3. Have you lost my pen? found

    4. The box is under the bed. above

    5. Michelle is happy about the gift. sad

    6. Jim is the tallest boy in the class. shortest

    Q2. Write two synonyms for each word below.

    1. Beautiful pretty , charming

    2. Difficult hard , tough

    3. Big huge , large

    4. Happy glad , joyful

    5. Little small , tiny

    6. Terrible bad , horrible

    Q3. Pick the right words from the brackets and fill in the blanks.

    1. Everyone except Denise agreed to accept my apology. (accept, except)

    2. Are these our belongings? (are, our)

    3. Make sure you don’t lose your new loose jacket. (loose, lose)

    4. It’s too late now to go out for lunch. (too, to)

    5. Am I allowed to read the poem aloud. (allowed, aloud)

    6. I’m bored of playing board games now. (bored, board)

    7. You are not doing you’re homework, are you? (you’re, you)

    Q4. Write two words that rhymes with:

    1. Seed weed , creed

    2. Dress press , stress

    3. Well tell , sell

    4. Free tree , bee

    5. Fight sight , might


    English Worksheet Roll No: - Date - Student Name: Grade: III


  • ENGLISH WORKSHEET 2 (Answer key)

    6. Lake take , make

    7. Bunch munch , lunch

    Q5. Write a composition on your favourite festival. Don’t miss the following points in your composition.

    Ans. Christmas is celebrated on 25th December every year. This festival commemorates the birth anniversary of Jesus Christ-

    the Messiah of God. Christmas reminds us of the importance of giving and sharing with family and friends and also shows the

    importance of joy and happiness.

    A Christmas tree is an artificial pine tree which is decorated with lights, artificial stars, flowers, toys and bells all over it.

    Churches are decorated with lights during Christmas and people hang star lanterns outdoors to mark the onset of the festive

    season. All members of the family sit and pray together in praise of Jesus Christ.

    On Christmas, folks enjoy a big feast and share gifts with each other. Homemade traditional plum cakes, cupcakes and

    muffins are the special treat on Christmas.

    We celebrate the day by going to the church. Kids are specially enthusiastic about Christmas as they expect Santa Claus to

    visit them and bring gifts to their homes on the night of Christmas Eve. Presents are placed under the Christmas tree. Kids

    sing Christmas carols like “Jingle Bell” and perform various skits celebrating the auspicious day.

  • प्रश्न १. - (१) मादा (२) चाची (३) मामा (४) सन्यासी (५) चींटा

    Academic Session 2019-20

    Grade: - ३ Subject: - ह िंदी Marks-

    Roll No: - Time- 30 min

    StudentName: Date :


  • 1. अवतरण के आधार पर निम्ननिनित प्रश्नों के उत्तर दीनिए –

    पेड़ िीम का भी अच्छा ै। उसकी दातुि बड़ी अच्छी र ती ै। घर में कोई बीमार ो, तो िोग

    िीम की ट नियााँ दरवािे पर िटका देते ैं। मेरे पास िीम का पेड़ ो तो मैं उसकी ट नियााँ बेच

    सकता हाँ और पेड़ मुझे ठिंडी छााँ भी देगा और अगर मेरे पास रबड़ का पेड़ ोता, तो मैं अपिा

    चाकू निकाि कर पेड़ की छाि में एक चीरा िगा देता। चीरे के तिे में एक प्यािा रि देता। पेड़

    के दनूधया रस को मैं एक प्याि ेमें भर िेता। रस को पकाकर में रबड़ बिा िेता। रबड़ मैं बेच

    देता। रबड़ से िोग गुब्बारे, टायर और तर -तर की चीज़ ेबिाते ैं।

    घर में कोई बीमार ोता ैतो िोग क्या करत े ैं ?

    घर में कोई बीमार ो, तो िोग िीम की ट नियााँ दरवाि ेपर िटका देत े ैं।

    अगर ििेक के पास िीम का पड़े ोता तो ब उसका क्या करता ?

    मरेे पास िीम का पड़े ो तो मैं उसकी ट नियााँ बचे सकता हाँ और पड़े मझु ेठिंडी छााँ भी

    देगा |

    ििेक दनूधया रस स ेपकाकर क्या बिा ितेा ?

    ििेक रस को पकाकर में रबड़ बिा ितेा।

    रबड़ स ेिोग क्या-क्या बिात े ैं ?

    रबड़ स ेिोग गबु्बारे, टायर और तर -तर की चीज़ ेबिात े ैं।

  • Subtract the following

    Answer key

    1. 222 2. 139 3. 725 4. 89 5. 25 6. 44

    7. 347 8. 60 9. 444 10. 64 11. 61 12. 560

    13. 12 14. 417 15. 436 16. 9 17. 531 18. 238

    19. 591 20. 95 21. 485 22. 347 23. 46 24. 222

    Academic Session 2019-20

    Grade: - III Subject: - Maths Worksheet Roll No: - Topic- Subtraction

    Student Name: Answer key


  • 1. It can move, eat, breath and reproduce. It is living thing.

    2. It cannot move, eat, breath and reproduce. It is Non-living thing.

    3. It can move, eat, breath and reproduce. It is living thing.

    4. It cannot move but can reproduce. It is living thing.

    5. It cannot move, eat, breath and reproduce. It is Non-living thing.

    Academic Session 2019-20 Grade: - III Subject: - Science Worksheet Roll No: - Answer key

    Student Name: Date: