tl· l'f - FDR Presidential Library & Museum · PROGRAMME Dr. j.C. Webster, C. M. G., Chairman...

tl· - tl l'f:

Transcript of tl· l'f - FDR Presidential Library & Museum · PROGRAMME Dr. j.C. Webster, C. M. G., Chairman...

tl· .~ - tl l'f:

JUR 11 ... -DR. J . C. \IEDS'l'ER



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Sbedhc,I .B, 1 J .- 8 11946.

Dear llr s Roosevelt ,

On receivin& your bt~r,w1\h t be -peotecl

news tbat you eJq~ecta<l to visit Caapobell o a bout £- IOtb, J. at ooc

co,...unica ted wi tb Dt tan, aaiUD& if tbe date ot tbe oere.oQF could

possibly be . cbanaed tr011 AU& • :7 to Jul)'27tll or 28t b •. u soon aa ..

get a reply,! &ball wire you . Tbe cb1et t roubl a , as 1 explained

before is tbe slowness of tbe Cberl otte Count y a tone-cutter s , a bo

are mal<in& tbe monument and are under contr act to take t be atones

to Campobello ,set up thll mon~aent , a.n<l a ttacb tbe biiOilM tablet

in t ime to allow for clean1n& up. It i a , Blso, pl•nnad to plan

for suitable f l ower plots around the moa u.ent, but t b1a aay not be

possible tb1s season.

Your attendance will 11ean all tbe dif ference i n tbe - ld· to tbe

ceremony. Our people always s;pealt of yo• witb atteot 1onata reaucla, based aa1nl7 , I tb1nlr, on r ow recorcr aa a wife and 110tber and on your &reat-bearted l)'llpatb)' tor a truaalin& and alltteriD& "'• anS.f,J'. Xour presence and your words would be de eply appreciated by our f olk.


' •

. ){ ~

. . . .. •

f&nn.arurlt flrmnrial Q!rrtmnuy CAMPOBEI J .Q ISLAND

Province of New Bnmawick

Auguat 1, 1946

ol CnsLII:

_________ ,

' . • •

' '• •


Dr. j. C. Webster, C. M. G., Chairman

Invocation-Reverend j . j. Alexander

Introductory Remarka by Chairman

Message from the President of the United States of America

Unveiling of the Monument by the HonoUl'8ble D. L. MacLaren, Lieutenant-Governor of New Brunswick

Addreaa-Honourable j . Allison Glen, Minister of Mines and Resources

Address - Honourable J. B. McNair, Premier of New Brunswick

Address j. F. Calder, Esquire, President of the Campobello Board of Trade

. -Addreaa-Mra. Franklin Ddano Roosevelt

Music-"God Save the King" and ''Star Spangled Banner"

' ~ "'~-:.~---tl.'l.-.......... ..__ .......... .... ..::------·.--~ ....... .. -. __ ..... ....,......_ ....... ~----... - .............. ............. -.. .... --.. ~.~-·-"""""""- ------_ ..... -......__-.----.. -.--·--·----

! have JWlt rotu:rnoc troca Ottawa. Tharo !

liaj, eel the procedure or the Cupobello ceruony • .1 u now in

CD~l t char&o or all praparat1o~t. , l :re et that you are not t.o be present, but ho)M: t.b&t a ... ber

of\ your t&aJ..l,y aay be able to attend. As Cbairaan or tbe cereooey, 1 ~bOulo eatec~ 1L a great r•vor to read a letter fro. you on the occasion.

1 •a,y aa,y that llr. itln& hopoa to be ~resent and •P"al< tor Canada. Our Lieutenant-Governor will unve11 the aonu.ent, wb1ch will be draped with the American and Canadian flags.Our Pra.!or will speak tor tho province and JoiUl Calder tor Caapobello. I t rour son shoulc! be prosont "e will bo oxpocted to speak. All apeochoa aust be ahort ,bocause the crowds wil! be stond lng.

A CanacHan deatroyer will call at ~ t. Andr·&wa to the ofticlal gueata to tbe !slana before the cereaony and take thee back. 'Ihe rendezvous at »t. J.ndrewa will be tbe Al&O"'iuln lk>tal. A U. &.A.deatroyer bas been invited by our Goverx-ent to att•od the eareaoey. , t is • . reat-l,y t.o be bopeo that she aay eoee,ao tbat a Gu.::a.rd of Bonor tonaed or • arlnea rroa botb V8$$8la &a1 be toraeo ..

"'win& to tbe very llaiteo s1z.e ot the sct.uar• in tront or the Public L1brarr , the aaasses 1t11o will attend will not be able to hear the speeches . ConseCjuentb lo\11 speakrs will be placed at varioua points. Our Broadcastin& Cor poration intend to function at the ctremony . We intend to have 4ln adequate pol1c1oa syst·ell to prevent W\neoeasary trouble from over-crowing .

I enclooe a photc of tho bronae t ablet whleb will be on tbe mon~tnt • trust that it Mttl with your approval.

~-1-~ The elate la DOY c!a!l.nlWlJ' !bee! .. ""'u.ot 7th •

X oW' a aiocerely ,


• f - ·

• •

Dr. J. C. Web1tcr, C.M.G., CMlmum ol

the Hi1torlc Sita and Monumenfl Board ol CcmcufG,

inuita you to attend the ceremon11 in conndon with

the unveiling of a monument to the late Praident

Franklin Delano Roo~evelt, at Welthpoo~ CAmpobeUo

l•land, New Brun~wick, at 3.30 P.M., on Tlumda11,

Augu.t ht, 1946.

H.M.C.S. 'Micmac' wiU take the offldGl

parfll from St. Andrewt-by-the.Sea to WeWapoo~ ~«w­

ing St. Andrew• at 1. 30 P. M., and returning there

after the ceremony.

Plecue •how the encloNd ami IDINn

boarding the motor boat which wlU C011HJ1 ,.._,

from the wharl to H.M.C.S. 'Micmac•.

R.S.V.P. to Dr. J. C. W ~. C.M.G., SWGc, N. B.

• I •tllu•-. J, CL.UtiNC& ....,..., C.,.llll .... . .... D..IC.. u..,e,, • ...... .t;.. -.c. .....

,..., ._. rwCD &.AHOOM, ........._ ·~ '--. o.r.

,...., ...... D. C. HAitVIY, ......._, U.O... • • -._..c., KAUP.ut, N...a.

........ ~ f'AM&-eUII!VItVCJt, M.C.. U..·llll ,, . ........ U..O,. . ..... , • • ,

MON"r''tCM.o r,Q,

J , A. O,_COO«Y, .,_.~, ~ ~~ -.....

~ ~oar "'' Roo•ovolt,

-..,,_,_a 1 am'··~ . .... ;. .. ......_,,, ........, -........ .........,., ............... ................ &&...a... ......... --· ---. ... ~ .............. .. ""'!l!'!!!! WM.1Wt fl. .,..._ ...... ......._ ........... ...._.. .... v_ .... .. .. a.oMAIITT • ....,....... ..... -. ~ ......

Sbediac,N.B., July 4,1946.

~p(_b~ --:---,.._./

As I aa in cbar&e of tbe pre para tiona for the ceremony at Campobello on, I receive aaQT letters f r om people asking inforaation. A very larse percentaae ask if you are to attend tbe cereaony aDd speak • Lt is a source or great gratification to me .to be able to answer in tbe affiraative.

Owing to the fact that there will be a larie atteodance or people wbo will be on their feet for bours,we bope toreature conciseoeaa in the prograaae. , As now planned,Tbe Rev.•r. Alexander (or Moncton,but born on Caapo­bello) will open the proceedin&a with a abort Invocation. •r. Aing will speak for Canada,Preaier Mclair for lew Brunawick , John Calder for Caapobello1 and Mrs.Rooaevelt for ber taaily and country .

The monument will be draped with tbe o.~.A.tla& • tbe Union Jack and will be unveiled by our Lieut.-Governor,wbo will read tbe inscription.

I sent you a copy or the latter.Iou will note that I stressed the personal characteristics or your buaband, bia Dei&hborlineaa. friendliness and deaocratic aiaplicity,tor tbeae were tbe doain&Dt features which so areatly eodeared b1a to till people ot Caapobello. Tbe inscription was approved b7 tbe entire 81atoric Sitea aDd Monuments Board.

I aa rather proud of the fact that tbia 1-.or!Al,tbe tirat to be erj!cted by any countJ')' outdde tbe OD1teil Statea aiiDW.d &.l._ve emphasis to tbe personal characterlatlo~ ot tbe hM Pnrldent.

I bear that you are to open your bouae Oil tbe o~oalaDd Ulll that soae aeabera ot your taa117 aball be wi tb you Tbia ia food aen, tbouah,I rear, tbia procedure -., iavolve JOU"o.e cooa derable trouble. "'

• ,c............,... J. c:&...Afloca •-•cw. CM.A... ....... -.-.. u...a.. .... .:..c .• -.....:. .....

.... Mifa IS 'M.,"Y. a&Y ......... ft. -NI--. -


PIIMN'i eoct PllCD LANDON. M.A . . .... . a.c .. , &.-. Clift'.

P'IIIIOI'EaeOII 0. C. HAR'VCY, M.A.. u....o •• r.~tA.c.. H.t.I.W.ulo N.&

HoH. & I'~"YCYIR. K.C,, U..M •• a.c..L., LL.D ••••• • e.o.. MOH'f'JI&AL.. P.O.

J . A. G"IEOO"Y, w ..... NOaTM AATTIAI"'M ........

--.. I e .......... -.un-.. .................. u..a.o .......... --· ,_ 111. ... -.-. ~LA.. n •• AI.Y&. -HISTORIC SITES AND MONUMENTS BOARD OF CANADA

I have arran&ed that our B.B.Pollce force (Jl44l-coateci Mounties) will provide an escort for you wben rou drive to tbe cere.a~.

I shall be glad to know,later,Just bow UDJ will be in your party,so that I may be able to reaerve places tor tbea • . We expect a destroyer froa tbe U.b.A. aa well as om ot Glla';V oWD. They will provide a Quard-ot-Bonal' &I'OUDii tbe aoD••ent,lOO ati'OJI&. This sbould make an iapJ'eaaive g bl'

I propose to close tbe cer-.ony with a aiaple beDedictioD Jrtill'. · Alexander. We cannot get a good b&Dd to plq tbe Bational antb••• ot our countries ,and the people will be scattered over such a wide &l'ea that singin& in unison will be out ot tbe questJ.9a.

I am uncertain as to tbe tiae ot -.y &l'l'ival in Capobello,aa I auat attend to so aany things and see tbat -.y helpers &l'e tunction1na properly. Our mainland special guests will be transported to the laland on our destroyer,by courtesy of tbe Qovera.ent. 1 may be able to ao to the island in tbe morning, aDd 1 thus ,may be able to pay -.y respects to you before the ceremony. . .

Believe ae,

... Youra very sincerelY,

~ ... -~ .......... -...-.­. ....._ __ __ "---__ . ........._.._ .... - ·&.-.---.............. -... ..... --L··-~ ...... ...._......_...._o.&.&,. • ..._ .. &o

-~ , ,.__ ........... -....--.--. --.:.::-----·.-. .......... --. --· ~.--... - ................ .._..._ --· .__ .. .,.-.-........ -------....... ....... _ ........... __ ·--.. .. _...,..., __ _.., __ ....


~ ned!ac ,N .B. , July 16,1946.

Dear iir to Roosevelt,

Welcome bac~ to Campobello! ! am sure that tnc peo)le or tne i&land ora reJo1c1Q8 t

• • ,... ._ Kr..A11li writes expressifli his •reat rea:ret at bein,g compell.a. ~ cancel his en.agement with u~ on account of tbe necess ity or att.end.1ne. the ~"arts conference. -e will s end a aeaber or t.ho cabinet as his re~reaentative.

!t will be a pleonure to welcoae your &on aod his taailr. ~eat• w11l be reserved tor the•.

'the B.roadcaf:ttin., people are now tua51Jl& over the :i)roar ... e,whlctl they insist awt be ~ut throu.h with utieulous t1.a.tng:. 1 preeuae that we must obey their wlsh. They, want to Know tbt exact tlae or the r•mar~s of each ·~eaxer. l sball , tbereCore, be ~laO to hear from you on tbls point when 1t l s eonvenient . f rankly , ! dislike be1n& reaucea to •eebanles on s ucb en occasion, but it is evidently •

Did 1 send you li copy or the l nvlteotlon sent out by Ottawa, tt not, ! enclose .ono . You will note tbat the official party will oe conveyed from b t. Andrewa 1n one of our destroyers . 1 believe I told you that o u.~.A.destroyer is expected at • •lahpool & will contribute 50 blueJec~eta to Join tbe .... ouaber !roe our elliec;ac", to fora a Ouard. or Honour or 100 ra t1~~o. Tbl5 should ~e an 1mpresa1ve contributlOD to tbe cereao"f •

! C 1 can C1Dlsh all p,..parat1oos in tiacl , I hope to be abl• to go to Welshpool in the 110rn1.,. to P&7 8/f rupects to 70u and to call on tbe COIIIUnder ot the deatroyer.

Yours slocerely,

' . ~. J.. Cl.AilDfCII ......,.,., ~M;.a. , M..O., D..C .. U..O., ...,, ,..,._a •• ·nnnee ~ ..... ,. ......... eY • ....-.. -.. ~ .. .e.. -.c. N.&.

~ l'ft&D LAHDOH, M.A., P. III •• .C... ~ Ollf'r, ....... LAIICI'IWr, ...... ~ .. ......... ~ .......... ·~ --· r ......, 0. C. .,....yay, M.A., t.L..Do, r.w .. HAUrAX.. N..e. ---II. M. LOIM, 11.A.o 0 UU4 M.ft..

....._ a. r.-&-eUftvcYa., a .c .• a.&-M., a.c.t-, u..o., P.a.a.c •• Mow; t' P,Q.

"""!l!!!~ WM.,_ N. ..,.._ ......._ ...... , ................ .._ ¥_ .....


W. D. CIIIOIIMT'Yo .....,._._ ,.,._ -.Oft-. .....


~hediac ,N.B., July 28,1946.

Dear ~rs . Roosevelt,

As our great day appr oaches , I send you a final word of greeting! On account of I sland isolation,poor transportation ,&c.,&c., the prepara tions for the Ceremony have been many and varied. Thanks to the abundance of effieient and sympa thetic helpers our difficulties have been overcome.

One of our main problems has been to accomodate camlartably the large number of special guests invited in ~he limi~ed space near the monument . May I now refer to this in some detaill

I have asked Mrs MacLaren,the wife of the Lieut.-uovernor, to sit with your daughter-in-law and her children ,the wife of~he o. ~ . A.Ambassador and other ladies in seats provided near the speakers' platform. We would like your son to sit· with you in the front row of chaiD on the platform,where the seats will be indicated . When your cars arrive at the groq, R.C.M.P. escort,~~r. ·: ... . :-":c W.D.Cromarty,becretary of the Historic ~ites and Monuments Board will meet and escort you ·and your family to the seats.

Since I wrote to you the pro~raa has been sli&htly altered. Last week, I received a mos' friendly letter from President Truaen,which ha has asked me to read. ~his I shall do imaediately after tbe Invocation •

Some friends have criticised my arr8l)ie-nt or tbe pro&raa. Jlllllr cannot urxl.erstand why you should be placed at tbe end and not at

1 the beg9DD1ng • I have had to point out that IIY plan 1a the only logical one. Canada,aew Brunswick and Campobello present their tributes to Mrs.Roosevelt.Than abe replie• for bar faa1ly and tor tbe U.S.A. What otber plan could be sWisUtute4? I have felt rie~ht alo~ tbat you would underat&Dil and appro••·

• t • O.'I .... IIM ~. Cl..AIIIDeCa .....,..,., c;M.a.. M.O... .... , U.....,

,..-...c.. ~N.L a..~ a I ' tcnt"Y, ........ ........_ er. _,..,..._ .. -II'~ ,.lt&O LAN.~, M.A... . .. .. .0., ~ Otf'ro

~II!Oi"CMOit D. C. HAJitV&Y, M.A., u..o., f'.a.a.c... HMJIJ&M, MA. -....... I 'I ......... a.un .. ~ ......n .. ~. PA&&. --· -- IL M. &.allte, 11A. D UU4 M.'IL """::::..:-:: = .................................... ..... .... ~ ............ -....__ .. .


! have felt that your words should close the ceremony and thus remain ln our hearts a!Xi ll:lirJih..

Far this reason ! have not as~~:ed Jlr .Atherton to speak . We should all have been deliihted to bear him,but could not place him so as to fit him tpp~opriately into the plan of tbe progr am .

It i s my purpose to pr eserve a compl ete record of the proceedings , in the N. B.Museum,addres ses , plc tures, voice records,ic. •ay ! request that you will si~n your adoress and give it to me at the platform after deliveryp?

And, now, in closing, may ! again thank you for your gr acious act in coming to us • I wish 1 could impress on you the fe~lings _ of our people toward you. Most of us have never met you nor have even come into close contact with you, but we think and speak of you as if you were one of ourselves,almost as lf you were a personal ~riend. ! can recall no ~r example of such a relation­snmp, in recent times , except the case of your late husband.

Thank God for the great examples set by both of youl

bincerely yours ,



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