tjmuuNM- Nervous Irla aIN-I Ng...

TEE GAJKISTILL1 SUN FEBRUARY 22 tI f 1- if i 11 r t f n e i k AdS 1906 arfif Wliilni Wtm Tarim- t MOST MM OflYANT EVENT h a js M flLyh aV PBrnhd flMdhBahhaaaTeaV to BjVBJB BjBJBJB sfB B HIS U J L A t S ffMV- BldBk aaj gatt Aim In- iM ft three tery the fBBlM vtdd j Bf BBBBJBJBJ JaW Hr BJV I Haaaaaft Bat taaVal IsBatfJall saaff aaal LftdlBaaft ftaldhJ av f d t4B It L B ab SMM af Maaatee eevaty- sitli aet week far says Tbe- BaMaMsltwaje fieferal r track 4MK rwBB Patatetta Male sold far ajaad tKe teid IB thaa taf aH rieba are sad the ex- f eeMe a Uk iafBe klBgaBd baal hug Cw OMaaaje erigiaated a threat sod laewdr- wprj BW 9H vaW Merit Md paprtailif Fakys a TayraiaWf JBjiiatlsaa are affered This winkles lea hafe tiailtar seaadiag scare Bw reaf tkeat Thai faaaiae Faleya- Bavey Tar k te a yellew pack ape Ask It aad say s tafte to the beat resatdy fer eeagH- asadadda I I now taxfttivc D lot Off OAUf Jituua- JI IN its 1- 1ff l tIN Iill Ale ti- IfI NlltI III1r T1 tile Wilier II- I fl I t rnL j ili II tf n Ill 1111 4 IJfr- fJ l I- ItI t f JI- il r- J f w 111111 r f e ij IU will k 7tJ v e J la e- tr elM l itt1 Felli Tar 1 1 far I I J luaIIIIfrllt s- TIle pIp c dI II- cbnNIIe 2 die antuaI aftMflll 11 W elf tjmuuNM- Lii 3 IMiiiril d IMta 43 r ate Land tisMid p l M Ids 1 Irlsrsl- MM M Shut SA eI- MLiim i I k IIt- i Oaia a Ill SUpI- y y r r t 1IAS N1r1111 I i I rd- V5 Mr Mi N Ma aM 1 Fs s1 1I- 1Mit Nhs Meet III- IM tttllt Irla a IN- I Ng IMa Ma Psi- 1111drsg slilAs- an AMl M w F 11 S M Oiaw- T 4d a J iir i Illisatteraira- wI tel bss MM iprbMis 1As i aet rep I j i1 y rM iusiua s ial SSsi SI sil Sibs N 111rtarl6i ridded N- ii Ls sus- ypIL crash h11r MM11a lrbhrM yIN de Mal llif 11aielsly- A lj tM s ap vugMaw Bill i Mb kMtM sMsdrlRO- r altaw tteal- Mdiitlpeietrd Ilk bars iasslll islMai shy ask Ip- a blwlie ii wisely is ii- 4l s yes Y rte suit Mrs peeps 4 eltluin aM htwn eN tw 1 beiltwe pswk1 lots tM I O1I pies N sell dad iraWK Molest sad i fad T1r M x aide- d ghee Bee I Ip ills i1 i slid pta t W dt t r il1Mnt M Wei S r dais It area w M M r NMM apy ftblak N Mw litiwa MaM Stash iM IMa sNSlitrh Il l P a ss ease t > < < > ° ° Mm M B a rtw t Mt FialfcMh- wkh to IHtOMfMf VrWTOfM HftRC Adams of Cam r ptfjitog ftay wttta skis wily OMawffMto Mate paste f MMM M i MM J O HfehwteM wMttUfMl IMMM M AlMbM TMM- Fmf It a MMa w r ef ef Hemrd UBlrentty- bete Mast el heaitli clad al iMdly II feeltef awek better Bold lrraieetra 4ea tawMe vlfe are will piiatii wMi eckrlax it- tekeea ef ta idea eitiee they hate eter flailed N ere ee U helf but jey tke fee friaff eUaaato settle au beea- eseerieaelaf t far water LuckieeS Man hi Arkansas Iai tke laekfett BMB la ArkaiMM writes U L itaaley ef Sraaa drew tke mtorattoa mj wlfea health af- ter flte yean of eeatiauoes eoughiag sad from the luau and I eve my peel fortsae to the world greatest aadieiBe Dr KBR New Di eeTery for OoBiumptioa which I kiwi froBi esperieoee will ears eoatanpHoB If taken IB tire My wife iatprofrd with Ant kettle tad twelve eoaipeiH the sure Once the worn eeachi aid told er nosey refaaded- AtalUragitorec COsaadflXX Trill kettle free Death of Mr Leonard Tke death of Hugh Leonard of New Jersey occurred at kit keno tke EaglUk Oeloay Saturday aid the lateraeat wa held la Ef erf reen eeea- etery fiaaday Rev P J Lynch of Patrick Catkelie Church oSelatiDK The fuaeral was in charge of Dr T F the Tkoaaai Uoderuklnn- CeaaBaay Deeewed was tuffuriag from lung Florida with the the ehaage would benefit hie but it was too late He ia ur by a wife and oae son to whom tke of the comwunltj ia ex traded For Biliousness and Sick Headache Take Oriao Laxative Fruit Syrup It sweetens the stomach aids digeatioa aid acts as a geatle stiaialaat OB the lifer Bad bowels without irritatiag these orgaas Oriao Laxative Frail Byrap caret bllioBsaees aid kabiteale- eBStlaatioB Does sot BaBseate or pipe aad is mild sad pleaaaat te take Reaaesaber tke BBBM Oriaw aod to aay sabetitate J W MeCaUasaAOo Nervous Women Are t A MEDICINE TEAT CUE Care we u Ukaew- atMtAtri f rj- a 111t LA I i tile 1 n 1R L II 01 11 1- I 1M 1111 a M tlltlV wiD t A r f C7 u- tit T z II 1M- 1M wt Jehw- WIL 11I assert u uLnl- we tL III will Me O A N are N Gen 10 f I r of to tin path TIt1r ar tIase UlllaD- es Dlrdr- slriP Uatwped raretludewe but ski upe- eIsrma M- w Ipl trdi- bMieaa TYttabtllaa et Mlrstesa W- et5aateksi r aad asewii MlsMriyt- aelta 1rat ova ieettllJtlcl 11liMa of d1a111et1 K w llsw M w- Ld t Rsuw ha aa lame wu F Y iM sWYd t Meidwe lees et trelei kiaif M Is pneaa tee M sUe lt SS truer ibla elerrl j 58ltall siiM ais1 psi- llbbaida feptable- M iegebiwt tIr Rr1rM- tsttMld Olt oral btriastlsy alitIM toll At NIt Mal twari terialer tel r wad f- e11r aM et NIWa- vreaafs of Ha vleN4 fa- hasdll errata eleiif FlrPeaar awe bridje Ylsitiag cllt- Ateap tics penises wM s is Tnbseer aid Mrs Ada eM Met Adair wit the iaalty hie wit ski this i bleed belt lad TMoaw trosbleud ease hope that refs nee wa y lase vle a w r a < ¬ = = = = = = > = = = > Pleased With OahiecviMe- Hoa E B Lines ef Salt Late City Utah iaipeetoref gtaeral lead offers tad tillers of surf i yor geBeral of the United States Government haa made hi df psrture after eight or ten dsja pent ia this city itipectiDg the again of the United States land office Colonel Linaeti complimented the ottciala aid the clerks of the local of ice fur the excellent tad eflsient la which tke thin f the of fee are cead acted satiag that it was eaeef tkeaeatest land ever Mea HeafMsyeke fafarably ef rte city asd Beayl addlag tkat tics peeple- af OalagaflUe M a k le arere rte bad efer Mad aba pleas af anladjI B with 1 JsjdJrpaliBj jamgiiBjaiaimiiiefl JBlitllfc iMW sjterif vbile Mate rat arty Pa aeal his aa frlajatfelli bare M M aleeirieal famaae Ha applied BeeeJess Melon talte witk- reaattt a ejelek aid per Gnats kealer asi earth piles Me at all drag eteree- KWael Tea Many Quait Bas A J Kaiffkt af Tasaaa weal bBaHkaC ta Saaiter mug and be ecru they Wire easy killed bas tics law allowed Tfce sheriff of Scatter easily arreeted the greedy Biasred and ke waa celled to Sorter fille to settle 8eeklttaeai- Lcvwa New Ceurt Haute The sew lasts kiss far ty te M bells at Braasaa will be a toe atsaile af the eae at Starke bud all the folds ret Its eesttrectiea Ute ibeeaj raised Tke eeaaty will be able I ta aay the satin ladebtedBeas witkia- t we years The YeMew Fever Germ Haa reeeatty Meta disearered A Plbata flBktlAl aaafl 9V tsav- aBlaria Betts T free the ayetesB fraaa disease teraw the saaet effettifa tea ed to Dr Kia a Kew Ute Oaaraatead to c r all dhsaasa dae to- saalaria aad ewtipatiea 9U at all drag aterre rack fee Friaan Judge CII 9t tke Dufal ainalt- eaart Maud eke ease af Edward AN fares at Jacksonville Meaday wka was aharged with lelaliag hit pardea he was erdered retaraed te ta serf e the baktaee ef his life sea teateeau EnwtiMS tn 0 t mA Were All Brokm Out Sato and Crusts Formal Iowa Has Grttt Faith In Cuticura Remedies for Skin Diseases ANOTHER WONDERFUL CURE BY CUTIGURA I had an eruption Appear on chest and and down ward no that neck and rue were all broken nut also arnia and the lower limbs a fur ai the I at first thought it was neat But soon or rusts inrnwu where the out aax Instead of to a physician 1 purchased a complete titataoeat ta which I had great faith and all or two bltr the eruption appeared apt only a little had to spread PVf Bfl vt xxaww av I procured another supply of cuss Remedies their use tntfl the cure was complete It w now Mayo not sera Mare taken about three bottles of tho Cuticura Rcsolcnt and do not know Mow much of the Soap or Ointment aa I keep me probably one hill of each I decided to the Cuticura Rein ediw a trial after I bad ecru the nsiJtJ of their treatment of eczema on uo infant belonging to one of our ntigh bunt The parent the child ti the Bcarc5t but hit treatment did BO fco t ho Cuticura Remedies and tar with them When they began using Cuticura Rem- edies wad with lane but she Wall entirely cured for I saw the same at age of Eve and her mother told me cczrnia had serer broken out I have more faith in Cuticura Remedies for skki disease thaa anything I know of I am yours EL- Wasoa Lwcomb Iowa 1 1905 all h Prtuatw ass the I Nr sad 1 ales rItoa EClEMA BODY A end racs Iftdfhck my l m rar an lint since bt uuk and signs of Mum I took the Ii d tars tines ftII fully u7 A 011 lie A s m ire Si Istpilabla let p 11i was the SIN ng f3efenaN tail iMle1 deevieee Swat- as w sea a rai9lN w ttlsal featre liii well ante setw ere qat Levy eea wart Mere the ills sifts era ALLOVER s ricky IxtalCirl years a ti w raln t Via a tr- wsea rr iRtaW jsNaYA erleMraiaM I y ova t a w ¬ > ¬ < + NOTICE roll pUBLICATION Land CMBce at n Jaauary l ae In Bl Oc rn mnt So Ji for of the H- I of SeHhejtSoa So W Torn tl N n to the bad oulu to mot cultural Purpo ea reed to t BB said teed before R later Md 1 1 Jaaie UK Florida oa VTedaetdar the day of Marcia MM He MIll aa wHaeMea B U Colir a J I- jlo aBOeo H linker L J Saath aU ef OM- FU etataBta advenetr the la Uto Dales ea er bald tart NOTICE OP awtJCAnow CKDKB aacnoN s of caaRam LAWS OV FLORIDA Ketiee ia herebe trine that Ahttnet aad rertai- trua taw Beat hraee the I ta AlaehM eewtf ftorata i wH- Lota m aad Mew Qataaefiaw Bee S T BL IS II II aad 14 ateek IS New Gatoef The aaM taad Deli aaa aied t the date ef the toaaaaee ef weh eertMeatea ta the UataaiaaM eertMeatea he redeeated ae- eordtaftotawtaxdeed wBltoMM thereoa ea the BU taJ of Mare A D last Wltae mj oAcUl aad Deal thto the Hh day of Jaauary A a wea S H WIENQES du Clerk Circuit Court Ataeama Co rte NOTICE OF APPLICATION IO TAX DEED UNDCat SECTIOS S OF CHAPTU tae LAWS Or FLORIDA Node ta hereby gives J pu Tat Me WW dated the Sta dar ef July A a M88 tier lied odd tree fer died te Slaw te aeeerdaaee with taw Said certiaeate ea raeea the feUewtac- deaeribed arepertr attoated ta eeoa- IT Florida S 14 ef Mw See J Tp 13 R Br 0 acres at the I the Incases ef eertMeate ta the aase ef Reaatac L t Ce i BBldceruaeateBhallbered the ath day of urea A IX tall WttaeaiBV eSJetal alnatare aad bad thai the Sad day ef rebruary A EX tote S H WUUfOES Clerk Circuit Court Ataehaa Ca Sla NOTICE Or APPLICATION HOB TAX DUD ONDC8 SECTION S OP CHAPTER m LAWS OP rLORIDA- Motlee to hereby alrea tint T R Hut p rehaa r of Tu Me dated the air day ef July A EH wall haa Bled aaM ta mj Dabs reed use ends for tax deed te lease ta eerdaaeewkhtaw SaMcertMeateeatbraeea- weMrty ta Lot hamded M b E br old R R- fjade S by St aid W by lousy See W 9 The add lead aMened at the date of the toanaaee astir eertMeate ta tie Harriett Saadera- Cataw all eertMeate sham be redeeated ae- eordiw ta taw tax deed win tawe thereoa oa the BHh day of Mareh A a me Wltaew ay edtelal aature ass seal thb the 99th day ef February A D IMS II WIESOES Clerk Circuit Court Alactwa Co Fla NOTICE OP APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED UNDER SECTION ft OF CHAPTER LAWS OP FLORIDA Notice Is hereby civea that Joke Torode purchaser of Tax Certiaeate No Tu dated the tb day of J A D ttei BM lied aald eertMeate la ay once aad Dare made appUeattoa for tax deed to tone IB- aeeordaBee with law SUIt eav braces the described property alta sled la Mochas eornty Ftorida Lot la Se eor E King Ht aid Oak St Wledaer The said laid aaMwed at tbe date of the baaaaee of IB the tame of Jobs Fowler aald eertMeate ahall be redeemed ae eordlatf to law tax deed will U uc stereos OB the Iftth day of A D 1968 Wltaewi my offlelal alcaature and aeal the 10th day of February A D 8 H WIKNUES Clerk Circuit Court Alaebua Co Fla NOTICE FOR IUIJLhATIOX Land omce at ialnesvllle Via Februarys Nutloe hereby vlven that the followlnif nan eU settler tiled notice of hi Intention to make earl lroif In support of tbat M proud will made before IteirUier l felvrr at Culncavtlle Ha on March II via JB E unlit of lieU Via lid 3 M for tbr SS of Se Sec 7 Ki of Ne4 See is TIL cS It l K Uf names the following wltnevset to continuous rrohlence upon cultivation of aid land rte II Douglas John MlUer A S Reabherir W U ROBINSON Kegfater NOTICE FOR rrilLICATlON Offlce ut Ualneit Ule Fla February 3 laou Notice I heretic iflven that the following named kcttler ha died notice of bU to make final proof In u i ort of and that f will be made before ICeirUter- H at Ulnelvlu on March WAITIK C DOSAUHUX of Newberrr Via lid 3ni for the K4 of Nw Sw of 4 of Sw Sec TIL 10 S It to K- Uc names the following wltnev to rrove ROT ueonre Snider Ul let lUlev all of New berry Ha- W U ROIIINSOS KetrUter- NOTICK TO Tin CRKUITORS ASH DISTU- IHlTK S ESTATKOF J JACOIKiOIlWIN To AI and Singular the Crcilltur rod Di iri- lcCe7sedtbe J Godwin You are hereby mtmrd that a ouwettion of the AdmlnUtratrlx of ad estate with the County Julc of AU bua county Florida and all tr on Aavlmr any claim or demand urfaln t the aid ctate are hereby reiulred t- oo or before the 1Mb dar of June A I T A free bottleof Dr hashers Liver and Blood Syrup will be tent to any reader of- tkk paper who will write to the Thachcr Madidac ChattABoogs lean OdeavUk otlce hereby arlyee In tee tofYIfIJio of Act tr June 3 All f la the or Send alld Act 1 D ot O- dTn C lIt ut AFar ne florida day w I haioe ra o S x1J bas n ble for lu or none UD fur laM aro req w of KIn ar O roll TAX tlaky N Iu Onsaarae t Ilse et hII A Q MIUIIa- ln11 YWe If r II PI f all tare J eerwte tIee aM e u AIM I lid W tberees a 1M Qa Ilk AIM eu Geld 5 JIll WIt eDo Val March Il1IfI l e I ba hLelalm aDd be ail t and ail of lieU land Reerher IAIb Yb O NI- t Se hlt cuntlnuou feldene utln us culthItUon of land S J Ibrrr I 0 tate Jacob or Ikt estate hu ben riled br tile cialm with the aQlIIS H U WAQS Judea Col a ts that compitaaee with tb Cu4rt ut h the srle of- timber Ovals tae CaItornla Ore Jun lrsMittos rrnturv ss- eatended to su the aad blare by at Autast L 1t IrUllm Flolayun State of bat rhl tits arty rte W E std uer Proof show ember etrti dale to it tlrt Ap and W ahorleseA rile- Uxk etdnts Deters N IpDittcaoX flaaur DAD M1 deae1 0- M ere it deist des fall rr lad es- tat M a1 w eaaM 0- ueeldnee e M- reM deaadld aw W ree- led else ere rI R a ease 11 that Kale chaser of ere alpll Is 7 Das end 1 TradIW belie aasaaied dais war Ual si east law tax deed wla Mae 611 wtae WarW taw coil r betel antes tow it Deist suck cerUeeate ski pd IAC C his Lee ha wr C Fla 4 his cLlm cwt Vii 11 uhl rtr I td of the tnolvnef I jour Bald aid CoaaIJ S a ua l n e > > < > < < + + + = NOTICE PUOUCATION Land Office at ialnetvUle Fla January 9 l u Notice U hereby that In c imiuooo with the i r rlkli i of the Act of i of June 3 entitled An ct for tbe of- llBjI r land In tbe State of Cnllforru Ore Nevada Wa hlnxtiln Ttrtltorr M- extendrd to the tuullo ml States by Act of uj u t Ikrill of county of Itradfonl Sure of Honda this day else 1 hi offlcr hi worn tut- BCBt So 37 for the urcba of tbe afej Bf JT M i ship I S Ratine No K sad wW offer to thou that the lard M u rbt la ore valuable for iu or toce Ui c for agricultural purpose and to e tabit b bU dale to a ld land KenUter Ke- e lv r ati alDe vllle Fla on VedcrKiay the day of MarebIW8 awitBe e A B K c Darin E P rtober Nathaalel Dee aU of OH aad all perfoas claiming adversely the hevfrdeacrtbed are rr nested to Hi- aiMtr etalau tato oStee on or before aald NOTICE fOR PUBLICATION Lead Ogee alGateeartUe Deeeaaher IB laav Mat etohereh clvea that to eevtttaaee- em Ore M States by Aea It drew of Old ifeS of fee 8w- SH of Melt j We SI ta Tewaahte No 10 8 HE aed wW offer proof to Mow pm in retire rateable for lu- thaa for arrtoulutral put MM ate to aatd aad Reeever at tialaervlUe Florid oarrtday tbe Btod day of February K P n her Uaul des R C Davia Nathaaiel Del aU of- OU Tow VU Lay aid alt eenoaa elalaUar adversely the laada are renuetted to lie their etalBM IB tato oBtee ea or before salt Slrd day of February I pd IT 0 ROBINSON RegUter NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Lied Oaee at Oalteaville Via aeneaaber 19 l- Notlee k hereby tires tot IB compliance witt the proTtteaeof the Bet of Cotwrewt of Juae 9 Mm eatltied A not for the of tinker lands la the States of California Ore Nevada and Waaateatoa Territory M extended to all tfce load by Act of Aofttt i IBM Edward F Fisher of Tows sorely of LaPayette State of Florida reh tbe W of aad Ntt of HeH of Seetloa No X la TewatatpNe MSEaaire No I3E sad was offer proof to show trot tae land sought la or atone thai for aeriealtaral pwxnei aid to ettablUb Ma steal to aaU load before RexiMer aud t Friday the a rd day of Pebraary 198- 6HeBaaMaaawltaeaws AaX Shaw R c Tom KU Btel Die W J Allen all of OM- ator deeer ed laada are requested to lie Uctretaiawte tala else oa or before sole Mrd day of Pebntary Bd W O BOHNSOX Remitter NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Las U ee at Uateeavtlle Pla Dce ber IS 1000 Notice U ereby that la eonpHaaee with the provMoa of ire Act of Coarem of Jut x IW rattued Aa Act for of U b r laada ta the Slat ef Ore aoa Nerada ard Waaalartoa aa eiteaded to a the pablle Iud Sates by Aet of IW WU leford of AUehae State of PJorida taM went No jMt for the of the 8H fS- Jwr aad win eSer proof to dhow voce valuable timber or steal thaa for purposes aadtoeHablMhte elate to aid aM Receiver at oa Friday the Xrd day of im 1S51 VS11 James Hlnet C Any sad all persons adversely ROBINSON Beciater- XOTICK TOB IfUUCATIOX Land Office at K December 1C IMS rodeo U hereby rhea th t In compUance to all the public land Staten br Act of ABEut i iwt C Davl of Old Town LaFayette state of nurlda has lord day of February 1KB R K A IL Oil Town Ha oar of February law W W G KOIIINSON Register lSKCTIO f OKtMAl I LAWS OK KljOltlllA Notice U berebr ulven that JJ Marm Korlda WIt IS S R S3 She th day of January A I S II VIKSij NOTICE FOR ILMIUCATIOS January is on March s T- KVAN TIIOMA W O ROBINSON Realner Advertise in Sun Volt to 14 e 00 ar all I l li fare r e w It lit ectl u Town o I rocf Umber oj r of Mare WO aOaNSON Retster was n M As car w or 1 ella JeI atoll stair of w 8 H whaeeta 16 Shad Ia Dace rte of rartakle UMer eel Ia- Au sad ftII8U ela1Jlaa Uw t raltort T Theses of 8JecI else wera are of No tree Ute sought k for Its before Ualeearllle ra I C U Co Cralrea W Of the bo beII lasts are rerluftted ollie trek elatla this Deice us or before aaW ana February a A G I she Prortlons or of of June 3 lliM All for or Umber ot CsUtornla Ore tot Territory extended of dJ Ulrd li omce his swore Su 31 fur purchase of S of Sel- ur Su t2loTownbI Range So will proof thAt luo4 aourht more for timber or stone than tor aDd to etabUiW clllim 011 land before Itcrhtrr rat Rfo celrer at Uaillenllle uo rlluJ the lie naml her Shaw Iln of All l1li clalmlDit 1henoeh abcnedtoCrlbed laDd are rtluet to nIt their claims In UII or Ixoture SOTICt OJ AIIIICTIOS FOR TAX DYYD Iuha r or of TIIJI Nu I daed or aid cenllJcate In III made tUUllio for tu deed to Issue In accordance with law oerUftcae the rol VrolertJ to Alachua ot The Id land telnr at the date of i or urA In the tame ut lIennlnll I I Co tol c 1fdlCllItOl a IBrdlllt tax thereon on ut line my umctal and ai lIult Court Lout ItVd he fJlowlolC hi IntentIon In UIrt ot claim ail that proof ulaje before sal ltecrhtrH slaesllc Hd II for of ul loJ ItS t- He lIalll bf tOIIlln to prom UtOD and of z John J I C Co Sewberrr r The K oven lon K t llru key hr- h T s aid i flat lie lames thaw Teen Wes r rim t w rals net w ee1Vea of net traL 0- 1IsMiiii seas gseW n wka AaeM AWaiaa Tier y L et a- W tat aMl I tl1 et W ewers wreraae Na i aad teed tkaw lad tler a areal ea W e tart atetlar i stir AIN alore drartlted t sale ton tta W Ills day arts swore state seat Na all for the Nell eon far Ira u Florida tie t all ettereely ire f lab tire l safe Assert kna stir day la t11 W Sett i See rS Rsate laM Register WIIMfort Fie ear of 906- Pd with the set Cuoarer ealltled act the rate laid Is the Stater etsds sad lt ashtnttoi as county this tb1 statement the the Sec tf Yo Ire S IS 581 and Whuw the h ralusbie Its t atrlcultural turynes tilt lurklu Dee n the thh tildes said Ord t t ew part hIM the t I July r and ha led Said embracer luwlnt dr cnbnl county Ne1 1aeres asewd the and i- to l4 tl date till e r the htdsr A U told this ly Ise Clerk Uarhua Co Is O err at Fla mte1Lttlcrrt Glad nutter oft y a to Woke pnoof tilt saki tM the Ikr Ltrr Vii hsf Seta of ewherry11 1 the SM Swy Sec TV 51l xrtnres his conUa ioui resWenec Cutlvulloa sale laid f feroJ Lsatroed DlraT Iialgh tea FuN nu F1a ri Je h T > > < > > = + ° = + + +

Transcript of tjmuuNM- Nervous Irla aIN-I Ng...

Page 1: tjmuuNM- Nervous Irla aIN-I Ng IMa Ma Psi-1111drsg slilAs-w an AMl M F11 S M Oiaw-T 4d a ... 1 n1R L II 01 11 1-I




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BldBk aaj gatt Aim In-

iM ft three terythe

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f d t4B

It L B ab SMM af Maaatee eevaty-

sitli aet week far says Tbe-BaMaMsltwaje fieferal r track4MK rwBB Patatetta Male sold farajaad tKe teid IB thaataf aH rieba are sad the ex-

f eeMe a Uk iafBe klBgaBd baal

hug Cw OMaaaje erigiaateda threat sod laewdr-

wprj BW 9H vaW

Merit Md paprtailif Fakysa TayraiaWf JBjiiatlsaa are affered

This winkles leahafe tiailtar seaadiag scare

Bw reaf tkeat Thai faaaiae Faleya-Bavey Tar k te a yellew packape Ask It aad say stafte to the beat resatdy fer eeagH-asadadda


now taxfttivc Dlot Off OAUf



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V5Mr Mi N Ma aM

1 Fs s11I-

1Mit Nhs Meet III-

IMtttllt Irla a IN-I Ng IMa Ma Psi-

1111drsg slilAs-

an AMl MwF11 S

M Oiaw-T 4d


J iir i Illisatteraira-wI tel

bssMM iprbMis1As i aet rep

Ij i1y rMiusiua s ial

SSsi SI sil Sibs

N 111rtarl6i ridded N-

ii Ls sus-ypIL crash

h11rMM11a lrbhrM yIN de Malllif 11aielsly-

A lj tM sap vugMaw Billi Mb kMtM sMsdrlRO-

r altaw tteal-Mdiitlpeietrd Ilk

barsiasslll islMai shy askIp-

a blwlie ii wisely is ii-

4l syes

Y rte suit Mrs peeps

4eltluin aM htwn eN tw

1 beiltwe pswk1 lots tM


pies N selldad

iraWK Molest sad

ifad T1r Mx aide-d ghee

Bee I

Ip illsi1

i slidpta

tW dt



il1Mnt M Wei


dais It areaw























Mm M B a rtw t Mt FialfcMh-

wkh to


Adams of Cam

r ptfjitog ftay wttta skis wily

OMawffMto Mate paste fMMM M i MM J O HfehwteMwMttUfMl IMMM M AlMbM TMM-

Fmf It a MMa w r efef Hemrd UBlrentty-

bete Mast el heaitli clad aliMdly II feeltef awek better Boldlrraieetra 4ea tawMe vlfe are willpiiatii wMi eckrlax it-

tekeea ef ta idea eitiee theyhate eter flailed

N ere ee U helf but jey tke feefriaff eUaaato settle au beea-eseerieaelaf t far water

LuckieeS Man hi ArkansasIai tke laekfett BMB la ArkaiMM

writes U L itaaley ef Sraaa drewtke mtorattoa mj wlfea health af-

ter flte yean of eeatiauoes eoughiagsad from the luau and Ieve my peel fortsae to the worldgreatest aadieiBe Dr KBR New Di

eeTery for OoBiumptioa which I kiwifroBi esperieoee will ears eoatanpHoBIf taken IB tire My wife iatprofrdwith Ant kettle tad twelveeoaipeiH the sure Once the worneeachi aid told er nosey refaaded-AtalUragitorec COsaadflXX Trillkettle free

Death of Mr LeonardTke death of Hugh Leonard of

New Jersey occurred at kit kenotke EaglUk Oeloay Saturday aid thelateraeat wa held la Ef erf reen eeea-

etery fiaaday Rev P J Lynch ofPatrick Catkelie Church oSelatiDKThe fuaeral was in charge of Dr T F

the Tkoaaai Uoderuklnn-CeaaBaay

Deeewed was tuffuriag from lungFlorida with the

the ehaage would benefithie but it was too late He ia ur

by a wife and oae son to whomtke of the comwunltj ia extraded

For Biliousness and Sick HeadacheTake Oriao Laxative Fruit Syrup It

sweetens the stomach aids digeatioaaid acts as a geatle stiaialaat OB thelifer Bad bowels without irritatiagthese orgaas Oriao Laxative FrailByrap caret bllioBsaees aid kabiteale-eBStlaatioB Does sot BaBseate orpipe aad is mild sad pleaaaat tetake Reaaesaber tke BBBM Oriaw aod

to aay sabetitate J WMeCaUasaAOo

Nervous WomenAre






LA I i tile

1 n 1R

L II 01 111-


1111 a




rfC7 u-

titT zII


1M wt Jehw-WIL 11I

assertu uLnl-





Me O A Nare










TIt1r ar tIase UlllaD-es Dlrdr-slriP Uatwped

raretludewebut ski upe-



Ipl trdi-

bMieaaTYttabtllaa et Mlrstesa W-


r aad asewii MlsMriyt-aelta 1rat ova ieettllJtlcl

11liMa of d1a111et1 K w llsw Mw-Ld

t Rsuw ha aa

lame wu F Y iM sWYdt Meidwelees et treleikiaif M Is pneaa

tee M sUe lt SS

truer ibla elerrlj58ltall siiM ais1 psi-

llbbaida feptable-M

iegebiwt tIr Rr1rM-

tsttMld Olt

oral btriastlsyalitIMtoll At

NItMal twari terialer telr

wad f-

e11r aM etNIWa-

vreaafs of Ha vleN4fa-hasdll errata eleiif

FlrPeaar awebridje Ylsitiag cllt-

Ateap tics penises wM

s isTnbseer aid Mrs Ada


Adair witthe iaalty









trosbleud easehope that

refs nee









== == ==






Pleased With OahiecviMe-

Hoa E B Lines ef Salt Late CityUtah iaipeetoref gtaeral lead offerstad tillers of surf i yor geBeral of theUnited States Government haa madehi df psrture after eight or ten dsjapent ia this city itipectiDg the again

of the United States land officeColonel Linaeti complimented the

ottciala aid the clerks of the local ofice fur the excellent tad eflsient

la which tke thin f the offee are ceadacted satiag that it waseaeef tkeaeatest land ever MeaHeafMsyeke fafarably ef rte cityasd Beayl addlag tkat tics peeple-af OalagaflUe M a k le arere rte

bad efer Mad

aba pleas af anladjI B with1 JsjdJrpaliBj jamgiiBjaiaimiiiefl JBlitllfciMW

sjterif vbile Mate

ratarty Pa aeal his aa frlajatfellibare M M aleeirieal famaae Haapplied BeeeJess Melon talte witk-

reaattt a ejelek aid perGnats kealer asi earth

piles Me at all drag eteree-

KWael Tea Many QuaitBas A J Kaiffkt af Tasaaa weal

bBaHkaC ta Saaiter mug and beecru they Wire easy killedbas tics law allowed Tfce sheriff ofScatter easily arreeted the greedyBiasred and ke waa celled to Sorterfille to settle 8eeklttaeai-

Lcvwa New Ceurt HauteThe sew lasts kiss far

ty te M bells at Braasaa will be a toeatsaile af the eae at Starke budall the folds ret Its eesttrectiea Ute

ibeeaj raised Tke eeaaty will be ableI ta aay the satin ladebtedBeas witkia-tweyears

The YeMew Fever GermHaa reeeatty Meta disearered

A Plbata flBktlAl aaafl 9V tsav-

aBlaria Betts T free the ayetesB fraaadisease teraw the saaet effettifa teaed to Dr Kia a Kew UteOaaraatead to c r all dhsaasa dae to-

saalaria aad ewtipatiea 9Uat all drag aterre

rack fee FriaanJudge CII 9t tke Dufal ainalt-

eaart Maud eke ease af Edward ANfares at Jacksonville Meaday wkawas aharged with lelaliag hit pardea

he was erdered retaraed teta serf e the baktaee ef his life sea


EnwtiMS tn 0 t mAWere All Brokm

Out Sato and Crusts FormalIowa Has Grttt Faith

In Cuticura Remedies for SkinDiseases



I had an eruption Appear onchest andand down ward no that neck andrue were all broken nut also arniaand the lower limbs a fur ai theI at first thought it was neatBut soon or rusts inrnwu wherethe out aax Instead ofto a physician 1 purchased a completetitataoeat tawhich I had great faith and all

or two bltr theeruption appeared apt only a little

had to spreadPVf Bfl vt xxaww av

I procured another supply ofcuss Remedies their usetntfl the cure was complete It w now

Mayo not seraMare taken about three bottles of thoCuticura Rcsolcnt and do not knowMow much of the Soap or Ointment aaI keep me probablyone hill of each

I decided to the Cuticura Reinediw a trial after I bad ecru the nsiJtJof their treatment of eczema on uoinfant belonging to one of our ntighbunt The parent the child ti theBcarc5t but hit treatment didBO fco t ho CuticuraRemedies and tar with themWhen they began using Cuticura Rem-

edies wadwith lane but she Wall entirely curedfor I saw the same at age ofEve and her mother told mecczrnia had serer broken out Ihave more faith in Cuticura Remediesfor skki disease thaa anything I knowof I am yours EL-

Wasoa Lwcomb Iowa 1 1905




the I

Nr sad






A endracs Iftdfhck





lint since bt uuk andsigns of Mum I



Ii d


ftII fully







Si Istpilabla let p11i was

the SINngf3efenaN tail iMle1 deevieee

Swat-asw sea a rai9lN w

ttlsalfeatreliii well ante setw

ere qat

Levy eeawart

Mere the









ti w raln t Viaa



rriRtaW jsNaYAerleMraiaM




ta w







Land CMBce at nJaauary l

ae In Bl Oc rnmnt So Ji for of the H-

I of SeHhejtSoa So W Torn tl N n

to the bad oulu to mot

cultural Purpo ea reed to t BBsaid teed before R later Md 1


Jaaie UK Florida oa VTedaetdar theday of Marcia MM

He MIll aa wHaeMea B U Colir a J I-

jlo aBOeo H linker L J Saath aU ef OM-

FUetataBta advenetr the

la Uto Dales ea er bald tart

NOTICE OP awtJCAnowCKDKB aacnoN s of caaRam


Ketiee ia herebe trine that Ahttnet aad

rertai-trua taw Beat

hraee the Ita AlaehM eewtf ftorata i wH-

Lota m aad Mew Qataaefiaw Bee S TBL

IS II II aad 14 ateek IS New Gatoef

The aaM taad Deli aaa aied t the date efthe toaaaaee ef weh eertMeatea ta the

UataaiaaM eertMeatea he redeeated ae-

eordtaftotawtaxdeed wBltoMM thereoa eathe BU taJ of Mare A D last

Wltae mj oAcUl aad Deal thtothe Hh day of Jaauary A a wea

S H WIENQESdu Clerk Circuit Court Ataeama Co rte


Node ta hereby gives Jpu Tat Me WW datedthe Sta dar ef July A a M88 tier lied odd

tree fer died te Slaw te aeeerdaaee withtaw Said certiaeate ea raeea the feUewtac-deaeribed arepertr attoated ta eeoa-IT Florida

S 14 ef Mw See J Tp 13 R Br 0 acresat the

I the Incases ef eertMeate ta the aaseef Reaatac L t Cei BBldceruaeateBhallbered

the ath day of urea A IX tallWttaeaiBV eSJetal alnatare aad bad thai

the Sad day ef rebruary A EX toteS H WUUfOES

Clerk Circuit Court Ataehaa Ca Sla


Motlee to hereby alrea tint T R Hutp rehaa r of Tu Me datedthe air day ef July A EH wall haa BledaaM ta mj Dabs reed useends for tax deed te lease taeerdaaeewkhtaw SaMcertMeateeatbraeea-

weMrty taLot hamded M b E br old R R-

fjade S by St aid W by lousy SeeW 9

The add lead aMened at the date ofthe toanaaee astir eertMeate ta tieHarriett Saadera-Cataw all eertMeate sham be redeeated ae-

eordiw ta taw tax deed win tawe thereoa oathe BHh day of Mareh A a me

Wltaew ay edtelal aature ass seal thbthe 99th day ef February A D IMS

II WIESOESClerk Circuit Court Alactwa Co Fla


LAWS OP FLORIDANotice Is hereby civea that Joke Torode

purchaser of Tax Certiaeate No Tu datedthe tb day of J A D ttei BMlied aald eertMeate la ay once aadDare made appUeattoa for tax deed to tone IB-aeeordaBee with law SUIt eavbraces the described property altasled la Mochas eornty Ftorida

Lot la Se eor E King Ht aid Oak StWledaerThe said laid aaMwed at tbe date ofthe baaaaee of IB the tame ofJobs Fowler

aald eertMeate ahall be redeemed aeeordlatf to law tax deed will U uc stereos OBthe Iftth day of A D 1968

Wltaewi my offlelal alcaature and aealthe 10th day of February A D

8 H WIKNUESClerk Circuit Court Alaebua Co Fla

NOTICE FOR IUIJLhATIOXLand omce at ialnesvllle Via

FebruarysNutloe hereby vlven that the followlnifnan eU settler tiled notice of hi Intention

to make earl lroif In support oftbat M proud will made before IteirUier

l felvrr at Culncavtlle Ha on MarchII via

JB E unlit of lieU Vialid 3 M for tbr SS of Se Sec 7 Ki ofNe4 See is TIL c S It l KUf names the following wltnevset tocontinuous rrohlence upon cultivation

of aid land rteII Douglas John MlUer A SReabherirW U ROBINSON Kegfater

NOTICE FOR rrilLICATlONOfflce ut Ualneit Ule Fla

February 3 laouNotice I heretic iflven that the following

named kcttler ha died notice of bUto make final proof In u i ort of andthat f will be made before ICeirUter-

Hat Ulnelvlu on March

WAITIK C DOSAUHUX of Newberrr Vialid 3ni for the K4 of Nw Sw of

4 of Sw Sec TIL 10 S It to K-

Uc names the following wltnev to rrove

ROT ueonre Snider Ullet lUlev all of New berry Ha-W U ROIIINSOS KetrUter-


JACOIKiOIlWINTo AI and Singular the Crcilltur rod Di iri-

lcCe7sedtbe J GodwinYou are hereby mtmrd that a ouwettion of

the AdmlnUtratrlx of ad estate with theCounty Julc of AU bua county Florida andall tr on Aavlmr any claim or demandurfaln t the aid ctate are hereby reiulred t-

oo or before the 1Mb dar of June A I T

A free bottleof Dr hashers Liver andBlood Syrup will be tent to any reader of-tkk paper who will write to the ThachcrMadidac ChattABoogs lean


otlce hereby arlyee Intee tofYIfIJio of Act tr

June 3 All fla the or

Send alld Act1 D ot O-

dTn C lIt ut AFar ne floridaday w

I haioera o

S x1Jbas n

ble for lu or none UD fur

laM aro req w

of KIn ar O

roll TAX

tlaky N Iu Onsaaraet Ilse et hII A Q


YWe If

r II PI fall



eerwte tIee aM euAIM



W tberees


1M Qa IlkAIM eu Geld









bahLelalm aDd



ail of lieU


ReerherIAIb Yb

O NI-t Se

hlt cuntlnuou feldene utln us culthItUonof landS J Ibrrr I


tate Jacob

or Ikt estate hu ben riled br

tile cialm with theaQlIIS

H U WAQS Judea



ts that compitaaeewith tb Cu4rt ut

h the srle of-

timber Ovals tae CaItornla OreJun lrsMittos rrnturv ss-

eatended to su the aad blare by

at Autast L 1t IrUllm FlolayunState of

bat rhl tits artyrte W

E std uer Proofshow

ember etrtidale to


Ap and WahorleseA rile-

Uxk etdnts Deters

N IpDittcaoX flaaur


deae1 0-

M ere it deist desfall rr lad

es-tat M a1w eaaM 0-

ueeldnee e M-reMdeaadld aw W ree-


elseere rI R a

ease 11

that Kalechaser of ere

alpllIs 7 Das end


TradIW belie aasaaied daiswarUal sieast law tax deed wla Mae


wtaeWarW taw

coil rbetel


tow it

Deistsuck cerUeeate





Lee ha wr CFla


his cLlmcwt Vii


uhl rtrI



the tnolvnef

Ijour Bald aid


















NOTICE PUOUCATIONLand Office at ialnetvUle Fla

January 9 l uNotice U hereby that In c imiuooo

with the i r rlkli i of the Act of i ofJune 3 entitled An ct for tbe of-llBjI r land In tbe State of Cnllforru Ore

Nevada Wa hlnxtiln Ttrtltorr M-extendrd to the tuullo ml States by Actof uj u t Ikrill ofcounty of Itradfonl Sure of Honda thisday else 1 hi offlcr hi worn tut-BCBt So 37 for the urcba of tbe

afej Bf JT M iship I S Ratine No K sadwW offer to thou that the lard M u rbt la

ore valuable for iu or toce Ui c foragricultural purpose and to e tabit b bUdale to a ld land KenUter Ke-

e lv r ati alDe vllle Fla on VedcrKiay theday of MarebIW8

awitBe e A B K cDarin E P rtober Nathaalel Dee aU of OH

aad all perfoas claiming adversely thehevfrdeacrtbed are rr nested to Hi-

aiMtr etalau tato oStee on or before aald


Lead Ogee alGateeartUeDeeeaaher IB laav

Mat etohereh clvea that to eevtttaaee-

em OreMStates by Aea

It drew of Old

ifeS of fee 8w-SH of Melt

j We SI ta Tewaahte No 10 8HE aed wW offer proof to Mow

pm in retire rateable for lu-thaa for arrtoulutral put

MM ate to aatdaad Reeever at tialaervlUe

Florid oarrtday tbe Btod day of February

K P n her Uauldes R C Davia Nathaaiel Del aU of-OU Tow VU

Lay aid alt eenoaa elalaUar adversely thelaada are renuetted to lie

their etalBM IB tato oBtee ea or before saltSlrd day of February Ipd IT 0 ROBINSON RegUter

NOTICE FOR PUBLICATIONLied Oaee at Oalteaville Via

aeneaaber 19 l-

Notlee k hereby tires tot IB compliancewitt the proTtteaeof the Bet of Cotwrewt ofJuae 9 Mm eatltied A not for the oftinker lands la the States of California Ore

Nevada and Waaateatoa Territory Mextended to all tfce load by Actof Aofttt i IBM Edward F Fisher ofTows sorely of LaPayette State of Florida

reh tbe W ofaad Ntt of HeH of Seetloa No X laTewatatpNe MSEaaire No I3E sad was

offer proof to show trot tae land sought laor atone thai for

aeriealtaral pwxnei aid to ettablUb Masteal to aaU load before RexiMer aud

t Friday the a rdday of Pebraary 198-6HeBaaMaaawltaeaws AaX Shaw R c

Tom KU Btel Die W J Allen all of OM-

ator deeer ed laada are requested to lieUctretaiawte tala else oa or before soleMrd day of PebntaryBd W O BOHNSOX Remitter

NOTICE FOR PUBLICATIONLas U ee at Uateeavtlle PlaDce ber IS 1000

Notice U ereby that la eonpHaaeewith the provMoa of ire Act of Coarem ofJut x IW rattued Aa Act for ofU b r laada ta the Slat ef Oreaoa Nerada ard Waaalartoa aaeiteaded to a the pablle Iud Sates by Aetof IW WUleford of AUehae State of PJorida

taMwent No jMt for the of the 8HfS-Jwr aad win eSer proof to dhowvoce valuabletimber or steal thaa for purposesaadtoeHablMhte elate to aid

aM Receiver at oaFriday the Xrd day of im1S51 VS11 James Hlnet C

Any sad all persons adversely

ROBINSON Beciater-


December 1C IMSrodeo U hereby rhea th t In compUance

to all the public land Staten br Actof ABEut i iwt C Davl of Old TownLaFayette state of nurlda has

lord day of February 1KBR K A IL

Oil Town Ha

oar of February lawW W G KOIIINSON Register

lSKCTIO f OKtMAlI LAWS OK KljOltlllANotice U berebr ulven that J J Marm

Korlda WItIS S R S3

She th day of January A I



January is

on March s T-



Advertise in Sun


to14 e


I l li fare r

ew It lit ectl u Town

o I




of MareWO aOaNSON Retster

was n MAs car

wor 1

ella JeI atollstair






Shad Ia Dace rteof

rartakle UMereel


Au sad ftII8U ela1Jlaa


t raltort T Theses of8JecI else weraare of

Notree Ute sought k for Its

beforeUaleearllle ra

IC U Co Cralrea W Of

thebo beII lasts are rerluftted ollietrek elatla this Deice us or before aaW anaFebruary aA G


she Prortlons or of ofJune 3 lliM All for orUmber ot CsUtornla Oretot Territoryextended

ofdJ Ulrd li omce his sworeSu 31 fur purchase of S of Sel-ur Su t2loTownbI Range Sowill proof thAt luo4aourht more for timber or stonethan tor aDd to etabUiWclllim 011 land before Itcrhtrr rat Rfocelrer at Uaillenllle uo rlluJ the

lie naml herShaw Iln ofAll l1li clalmlDit 1henoehabcnedtoCrlbed laDd are rtluet to nIttheir claims In UII or Ixoture


Iuha r or of TIIJI Nu Idaed oraid cenllJcate In III madetUUllio for tu deed to Issue In accordancewith law oerUftcae the rol

VrolertJ to Alachuaot

The Id land telnr at the date of ior urA In the tame utlIennlnll I I Cotol c 1fdlCllItOl aIBrdlllt tax thereon onutline my umctal and ai

lIult Court


he fJlowlolChi IntentIon

In UIrt otclaim ail that proof ulaje beforesal ltecrhtrH slaesllc

Hd II for of ulloJ ItS t-

He lIalll bf tOIIlln to promUtOD andof z

John JI

C Co Sewberrr r




K t llru keyhr-h



iflatlie lames thaw

Teen Wes


rim t

w rals net w ee1Vea ofnet traL 0-1IsMiiii seas

gseWn wkaAaeM AWaiaa

Tier y L et a-

W tat aMl I tl1 et W ewerswreraaeNa i aad

teedtkaw ladtler a arealea W etart atetlar

i stirAIN

alore drartlted




W Ills day arts swore stateseat Na all for theNell

eon far Ira

u Florida tiet

all ettereely ire f


tire lsafe

Assertkna stir day la t11 WSett i See rSRsate



WIIMfort Fie

ear of 906-Pd

with the set Cuoarerealltled act the ratelaid Is the Stateretsds sad lt ashtnttoi as

countythis tb1 statementthe theSec tf Yo Ire SIS 581 and Whuw theh ralusbie Its tatrlcultural turynestilt


Dee nthe

thh tildes said Ord


part hIMthe t IJuly rand ha led

Said embracerluwlnt dr cnbnlcountyNe1 1aeresasewdthe

and i-

tol4 tl date till e r

the htdsr A U toldthisly

Ise Clerk Uarhua Co Is

O err at Fla

mte1Lttlcrrt Glad nutterofty

ato Woke pnoof tiltsaki tMthe Ikr Ltrr ViihsfSeta of ewherry11

1 the SM Swy Sec TV51lxrtnreshis conUa ioui resWenec Cutlvulloasale laid f

feroJ Lsatroed DlraT Iialghtea FuN nu F1a

ri Je h T

> >









