Tivoli Decision Support for Lotus Domino Release Notes ...

Tivoli Decision Support for Lotus Domino Release Notes Version 1.0 August 31, 1999

Transcript of Tivoli Decision Support for Lotus Domino Release Notes ...

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Tivoli Decision Support forLotus DominoRelease NotesVersion 1.0August 31, 1999

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Tivoli Decision Support for Lotus Domino (August, 1999)

Copyright NoticeCopyright © 1999 by Tivoli Systems Inc., an IBM Company, including this documentation and all software. All rights reserved. May only be used pursuant to a Tivoli Systems Software License Agreement or Addendum for Tivoli Products to IBM Customer or License Agreement. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any computer language, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, magnetic, optical, chemical, manual, or otherwise, without prior written permission of Tivoli Systems. Tivoli Systems grants you limited permission to make hardcopy or other reproductions of any machine-readable documentation for your own use, provided that each such reproduction shall carry the Tivoli Systems copyright notice. No other rights under copyright are granted without prior written permission of Tivoli Systems. The document is not intended for production and is furnished “as is” without warranty of any kind. All warranties on this document are hereby disclaimed including the warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.Note to U.S. Government Users—Documentation related to restricted rights—Use, duplication or disclosure is subject to restrictions set forth in GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corporation.

TrademarksThe following product names are trademarks of Tivoli Systems or IBM Corporation: AIX, IBM, OS/2, RS/6000, Tivoli, Tivoli Management Environment, and Tivoli Decision Support.

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Tivoli Decision Support for Lotus Domino i

ContentsRelease Notes (Introduction) ..................................................................................................................... 1

Product Overview ...................................................................................................................................... 1

Domino Guide Description ............................................................................................................... 1

Topics and Views .............................................................................................................................. 2

Domino Rollup Module .................................................................................................................... 3

System Requirements................................................................................................................................. 4

Software Requirements for the Domino Discovery Guide ............................................................... 4

Hardware Requirements for the Domino Discovery Guide .............................................................. 5

Supported Platforms and Databases for the Domino Rollup ............................................................ 5

Software Prerequisites for the Domino Rollup ................................................................................. 5

Prerequisite and Related Documents ......................................................................................................... 6

Prerequisite Activities for Installation ....................................................................................................... 6

Determining Software Requirements ................................................................................................ 7

Installing the Distributed Monitoring Patches .................................................................................. 7

Downloading the Tivoli Manager for Domino 1.5.2 Efix................................................................. 7

Installing the Domino Rollup Module .............................................................................................. 8

Creating the Domino Rollup Repository........................................................................................... 8

Creating the RIM Object ................................................................................................................. 10

Creating the Domino Monitors ....................................................................................................... 10

Distributing the Domino Monitors .................................................................................................. 11

Configuring the Rollup Job ............................................................................................................. 11

Domino_Rollup_DataAggregation Job .................................................................................. 11

Domino_Rollup_RollupIntoDB Job....................................................................................... 12

Scheduling the Rollup Jobs .................................................................................................... 12

Setting up an Oracle or Sybase client.............................................................................................. 12

Installing TDS 2.0 ........................................................................................................................... 12

Installing Cognos............................................................................................................................. 12

Installing 2.0-TDS-0001 Patch........................................................................................................ 13

Installing the ODBC 3.11 Drivers................................................................................................... 13

Setting Up an ODBC Data Source Connection............................................................................... 13

Configuring the Shared Source File Path ........................................................................................ 13

Installing and Configuring the Domino Discovery Guide ....................................................................... 14

Installing the Discovery Guide........................................................................................................ 14

Importing the Discovery Guide....................................................................................................... 15

Configuring the Domino Guide....................................................................................................... 15

Assigning and Verifying a Data Source ................................................................................. 15

Setting the Date Range Parameter in the Cube....................................................................... 16

Building the Cubes ................................................................................................................. 16

Scheduling the Cube Build Task ............................................................................................ 17

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Uninstalling or Reinstalling the Domino Guide and Domino Rollup ..................................................... 18

Domino Discovery Guide ............................................................................................................... 18

Domino Rollup................................................................................................................................ 18

Troubleshooting....................................................................................................................................... 18

Solving Cube Building Problems.................................................................................................... 18

Solving Report Problems ................................................................................................................ 19

Addressing Year 2000 (Y2K) Readiness ........................................................................................ 20

Domino Database ................................................................................................................... 20

Seagate Crystal Reports.......................................................................................................... 20

Product Details......................................................................................................................................... 21

Data Structure ................................................................................................................................. 21

Domino Database Schema...................................................................................................... 21

Domino Rollup ....................................................................................................................... 24

Domino Monitors ................................................................................................................... 25

Cubes (Tivoli Discovery Administrator) ........................................................................................ 30

Domino Monitors Cube.......................................................................................................... 31

Parameters ..................................................................................................................... 31

Queries........................................................................................................................... 32

Dimensions .................................................................................................................... 32

Measures........................................................................................................................ 34

Check of the Allowed Measures and Dimensions Combination................................... 35

Domino Trend Cube............................................................................................................... 35

Parameters ..................................................................................................................... 35

Queries........................................................................................................................... 36

Dimensions .................................................................................................................... 36

Measures........................................................................................................................ 36

Check of the Allowed Measures and Dimensions Combination................................... 37

Report Definitions........................................................................................................................... 38

Software Defects, Limitations, and Workarounds................................................................................... 41

Defects ............................................................................................................................................ 41

Limitations ...................................................................................................................................... 41

Workarounds................................................................................................................................... 42

Contacting Customer Support.................................................................................................................. 42

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Tivoli Decision Support for Lotus Domino 1

1Release Notes

This document describes the Tivoli Decision Support for Lotus Domino Version 1.0 product. These notes also describe the Domino Rollup Module, a prerequisite, companion product for the Domino Discovery Guide. These release notes are the most current information for the product and take precedence over all other documentation. This document is intended for systems administrators who are responsible for Domino installations.

Please review these notes thoroughly before installing or using this product.

These release notes include the following topics:

■ Product Overview

■ System Requirements

■ Prerequisite Activities for Installation

■ Installing and Configuring the Domino Discovery Guide

■ Uninstalling or Reinstalling the Domino Guide and Domino Rollup

■ Troubleshooting

■ Product Details

■ Prerequisite and Related Documents

■ Software Defects, Limitations, and Workarounds

■ Contacting Customer Support

Product OverviewThe Tivoli Decision Support for Lotus Domino product works with the Tivoli Discovery Interface to provide information that can guide the Domino or Tivoli system administrator in making decisions about Domino installations. Thus, this product (and similar Tivoli products for other applications) is called a discovery guide. Specifically, this product is referred to as the Domino Discovery Guide, or simply, the Domino Guide.

The Domino Guide augments the functions the Tivoli Manager for Domino product (Manager for Domino) to let you strategically manage your enterprise network. Where the Manager for Domino provides a powerful, rule-based management application for Domino installations, the Domino Discovery Guide provides the IT manager of a business enterprise with an overview of how systems are running.

Domino Guide DescriptionThe Domino Guide displays data collected from Domino servers in reports that help you make decisions on your Domino environment. The content and detail of the reports depend on the type of data that can be collected and the database schema where this data is stored. In a Tivoli Management Region (TMR) environment, Tivoli Manager for Domino (TMD) monitors are defined and distributed to collect data, and then the data is stored in a relational database. Then the Domino

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Product Overview

Guide extracts and analyzes the data by means of reports that are displayed in the Tivoli Discovery Interface. Domino Discovery Guide features include:

■ Tivoli Manager for Domino monitors support with the Domino Rollup

■ Server performance reports

■ Server ranking reports

■ Server prediction reports

Since the Domino Discovery Guide uses Domino-specific monitors for reporting, this guide must also use the Domino Rollup module. This Domino Rollup, which is installed in a TMR environment, contains the scripts necessary to create the database schema and to perform the Domino Rollup job. The database schema must be defined first. Next, Domino-specific monitors are distributed in a TMR, and then a Domino Rollup job is run nightly to collect and aggregate the data into the database table.

The Tivoli Discovery Administrator is used to define queries that extract data from this database into a comma-separated values (csv) file. The Cognos Transformer builds the multidimensional cube from this file, which can then be reported by Cognos PowerPlay. Finally, the Tivoli Discovery Interface is used to view these reports, once the guides and roles have been defined.

Topics and ViewsOn the Tivoli Discovery Interface, the database data collected for the Domino Guide is organized into topics and views. Selecting a view within a topic displays a report showing the results of a database query based on the topic and view selected. In addition to the report itself, each view displays a view description in the Hints panel the bottom of the interface. The Domino Guide provides the following topics and views:

Topic: How are the Domino Servers Performing?

Views in this topic show some basic Domino server performance statistics:

View Titles Calendar and Scheduling Statistics

Disk Space Percent Free

Disk Space Statistics

Mail Average Statistics

Mail Calculated Totals

Notes Database Size

Replication Statistics

Server Availability

Topic: How busy are the Domino servers?

Views in this topic show statistics that reflect the load on Domino servers:

View Titles CPU Utilization

Domino Network Traffic

HTTP Requests

Memory Usage

Server Usage

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Tivoli Decision Support for Lotus Domino 3

Product Overview

Topic: What servers currently need the most attention?

This topic contains ranked views. That is, these view show how servers rank with other servers against specific metrics:

View Titles Bottom 25 Servers by Available Disk Space

Bottom 25 Servers by Server Availability

Top 25 Servers by CPU Utilization

Top 25 Servers by HTTP Requests

Top 25 Servers by Memory Allocated

Top 25 Servers by Total Mail Routed

Topic: When and where are server problems occurring?

The views in this topic use several different dimensions and measures to show statistics that help determine when and where server problems occur:

View Titles Domino Statistics by Day

Domino Statistics by Day of Week

Domino Statistics by Hour

Domino Statistics by Server

Domino Statistics by Server Profile

Topic: When might servers begin experiencing problems?

The view in this topic forecasts server behavior. The forecast includes averages and peaks for the next 30, 60 and 90 days for different metrics:

View Title Server Forecasted Averages and Peaks

Domino Rollup ModuleThe Tivoli Decision Support Domino Rollup Module (Domino Rollup) performs the primitive data gathering functions needed by Tivoli Manager for Domino and Domino Discovery Guide customers.

The module schedules a nightly aggregating task that performs the following functions for each node subscribed to the aggregation task (all NotesServer endpoints that you subscribe to this task):

■ Collects information (metrics) for all probes for which graphable data logs are available (that is, the log file used by WebInspector to chart probe metrics graphically in real time)

■ Aggregates the collected metrics into hourly and daily minimum, maximum or average values.

■ Writes the aggregated metrics into a flat file on the TMR.

■ Schedules a rollup into a DB task that inserts only the Domino Guide-specific data into a central RDBMS by means of RIM.

The Domino Rollup is packaged as a standard Tivoli installation file package. It includes one product image, domrollup_10.image. Included in the module are the following items:

■ Installation scripts (invoked through the Tivoli Desktop or by means of the winstall CLI command)

■ A set of RDBMS configuration scripts for initializing the database and schema

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System Requirements

■ Two rollup tasks:

• Aggregation task: Runs on each subscribed NotesServer endpoint to extract and aggregate log data.

• RollupIntoDB task: Inserts only the TDS related data into the RDBMS using the RIM interface.

These items are packed into one product image, domrollup_10.image. Package installation and usage instructions for these listed items are provided in separate sections later in this document.

System RequirementsThis section describes the system requirements, including software and hardware, necessary to install and use the Domino Guide, as well as the requirements to install and configure the Domino Rollup Module.

Software Requirements for the Domino Discovery GuideThe following prerequisite software must be installed on your system:

■ Microsoft Windows 95, or Windows NT 3.51 or later

■ ODBC drivers including:

■ Tivoli Decision Support 2.0

■ Domino Rollup Module

If you are an administrator for the Domino Guide, you need the following additional components

■ Tivoli Discovery Interface

■ Tivoli Discovery Administrator

■ Cognos PowerPlay

■ Seagate Crystal Reports (only required when creating new reports)

■ A version of Microsoft Access should be available, although not required, to run Tivoli Decision Support

If you are a Crystal Reports user, you need the following additional components:

■ Tivoli Discovery Interface

■ Seagate Crystal Reports (only required when creating new reports)

If you are a multidimensional view user, you need the following additional components:

■ Tivoli Discovery Interface

■ Cognos PowerPlay (Standard)

Database Type Database Version ODBC Version

Sybase 11.0.3.X All Tier 1 INTERSOLV Inc., Sybase ODBC Driver 3.11.0000

Oracle 7.3.X All Tier 1 INTERSOLV Inc., Oracle 7 ODBC Driver 3.11.0000

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System Requirements

Hardware Requirements for the Domino Discovery GuideTivoli products that support Windows, Windows 95, Windows NT, OS/2, and NetWare must be installed on an IBM PC AT-compatible machine. Tivoli does not support platforms (such as the NEC PC 98xx series) that are not 100% compatible with the IBM PC AT.

Each installation of the Domino Discovery Guide requires 10MB of disk space. That is, the installation process requires 10MB of disk space, although the installed Guide may not take up all 10MB of space.

Supported Platforms and Databases for the Domino RollupThe Domino Rollup module supports the following platforms:

■ Solaris 2.4, 2.5 and 2.6

■ HPUX 10.x

■ AIX 4.x

■ NT 4.0 (Service Packs 1, 3 and 4)

Supported databases for the Domino Rollup module include:

■ Oracle 7.3x

■ Sybase 11.x

Software Prerequisites for the Domino RollupThe Domino Rollup module has a dependency on the following products:

■ Tivoli Framework Version 3.6 or 3.6.1

■ Tivoli Distributed Monitoring Version 3.6.1

■ Distributed Monitoring Patch 3.6.1-DMN-0003 (2 patches)

■ Distributed Monitoring Patch 3.6.1-DMN-0008

■ Tivoli Manager for Domino Version 1.5.2

■ Tivoli Manager for Domino Version 1.5.2 Efix

In addition, the Domino Rollup module has a dependency on the following monitoring collections:

■ Universal

■ UNIX_Sentry

■ NT

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Prerequisite and Related Documents

Prerequisite and Related DocumentsRefer to the following TDS documentation when installing and using the Domino Discovery Guide:

Prerequisite Activities for InstallationThe sequence of prerequisite tasks to be performed before installing the Domino Guide include:

1. Determining Software Requirements

If you have not previously installed the Domino Rollup, the list of steps also includes:

2. Installing the Distributed Monitoring Patches

3. Downloading the Tivoli Manager for Domino 1.5.2 Efix

4. Installing the Domino Rollup Module

5. Creating the Domino Rollup Repository

6. Creating the RIM Object

7. Creating the Domino Monitors

8. Distributing the Domino Monitors

9. Configuring the Rollup Job

10. Setting up an Oracle or Sybase client

If you have not previously installed TDS, the list of steps also includes:

11. Installing TDS 2.0

12. Installing Cognos

13. Installing 2.0-TDS-0001 Patch

Once TDS is installed, the prerequisite activities include:

14. Installing the ODBC 3.11 Drivers

Publication Description Location

Installation Guide Describes installing TDS and its components in stand-alone and network mode.


Decision Support User′s Guide Describes TDS features and concepts and provides procedures for using the Tivoli Discovery Interface.


Using Decision Support Guides Provides an overview of TDS guides, cube dimensions and measures, and detailed procedures for using the TDS discovery guides.


Administrator Guide Explains the features of the Tivoli Discovery Administrator component.


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Prerequisite Activities for Installation

15. Setting Up an ODBC Data Source Connection

16. Configuring the Shared Source File Path

Once these prerequisite tasks have been completed, install the Domino Guide by using the following installation procedure.

Determining Software RequirementsRefer to System Requirements to determine the software requirements for the Domino Discovery Guide, as well as prerequisite and dependent software needed for the Domino Rollup. Make sure all the preliminary requirements are met for both products.

Installing the Distributed Monitoring PatchesBefore installing the Domino Rollup, you must install the following Distributed Monitoring patches:

■ Distributed Monitoring Patch 3.6.1-DMN-0003 (consists of 2 patches)

■ Distributed Monitoring Patch 3.6.1-DMN-0008

Follow these steps to install the Distributed Monitoring patches by means of the Tivoli desktop:

1. Select Install->Install Patch from the Desktop menu to display the Install Patch dialog.

2. If the Distributed Monitoring patch name is not listed in the Select Patch to Install scrolling list, click Select Media, and then specify the path to the installation media (the CD-ROM drive).

3. Navigate to the d:\Tivoli Distributed Monitor patches\361DMN08.image directory (where d: is the drive letter of the CD-ROM drive) on the Tivoli Decision Support for Lotus Domino CD-ROM.

4. Click Set Media and Close, and then select the patch name from the Select Patch to Install list.

5. Confirm that the name of the TMR server and required managed nodes are listed in the Clients to Install On scrolling list, or add them if they are not already listed.

6. Click Install & Close or Install to display the Patch Install dialog. This dialog provides a list of the operations that will take place and warns you of any problems that you may want to correct before installing. Software prerequisites are also checked at this point in the process.

7. Click Continue Install. The Patch Install dialog shows status information and indicates when the installation is complete.

-- OR --

To install at another time, click Cancel. Your settings will not be saved.

8. When the installation is complete, click Close.

9. Repeat steps 1-8 for the other two 3.6.1-DMN-0003 patches.

Downloading the Tivoli Manager for Domino 1.5.2 EfixFollow these steps to download this Efix:

1. Contact Tivoli Customer Support at 1-800-848-TIVOLI8.

2. Request that you be directed to the download site for the Tivoli Manager for Domino 1.5.2 Efix for APAR IY03066.

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Prerequisite Activities for Installation

3. Download this Efix, along with the README file.

4. Follow the instructions in the README file to run the Efix.

Installing the Domino Rollup ModuleFollow these steps to install the Domino Rollup module on the TMR server, Gateway and Managed Nodes from the Tivoli Desktop:

1. Select Install->Install Product from the Desktop menu to display the Install Product dialog.

2. If the TDS Domino Rollup Module is not listed in the Select Product to Install scrolling list, click Select Media, and then specify the path to the installation media (the CD-ROM drive).

3. Navigate to the d:\Domino Rollup\domrollup_10.image directory (where d: is the drive letter of the CD-ROM drive) on the Tivoli Decision Support for Lotus Domino CD-ROM.

4. Click Set Media & Close, and then select Domino Rollup 1.0 from the Select Product to Install list.

5. Confirm that the name of the TMR server and required managed nodes are listed in the Clients to Install On scrolling list, or add them if they are not already listed.

6. Click Install & Close or Install to display the Product Install dialog. This dialog provides a list of the operations that will take place and warns you of any problems that you may want to correct before installing. Software prerequisites are also checked at this point in the process.

7. Click Continue Install. The Product Install dialog shows status information and indicates when the installation is complete.

-- OR --

To install at another time, click Cancel. Your settings will not be saved.

8. When the installation is complete, click Close.

A successful installation creates the Domino_Rollup policy region. To get to this top-level policy region, select Desktop->TMR Connections->Top Level Policy Regions from the Tivoli desktop menu. You can then copy the Domino_Rollup policy region into your Administrator desktop.

This top-level policy region contains a task library which in turn contains the aggregation and rollup tasks and job. To configure the aggregation and rollup jobs, see the Configuring the Rollup Job section of this document.

Creating the Domino Rollup RepositoryBefore the Domino Rollup can store the aggregated metrics in an RDBMS, you must create the database or repository. Scripts have been provided to create the database and install the DOMINO_METRICS schema.

A a successful installation writes the following RDBMS script files to the $BINDIR/../generic_unix/TME/Notes/TDS/db directory of your TMR server:


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Prerequisite Activities for Installation


The RDBMS should have already been installed and configured on the RDBMS server and RIM Host (if different).

There are two ways to create your Domino Rollup database and tables. One way is to run the cr_dr_db.sh script on the RIM host. This script checks the RIM object domino_rollup that was created for the Domino Rollup to obtain database information. It prompts you for size and device information, automatically customizes the SQL scripts, and then creates the required database and tables. Once the script runs successfully, the next step is to create the RIM object.

The second way is by customizing the SQL templates, such as cr_dr_db.syb and cr_dr_tbl.syb, and then running these SQL scripts on the RDBMS client or server. The following example runs the SQL scripts to create the database and tables for Sybase. Follow these steps:

1. On the TMR server, customize the cr_dr_db.syb and cr_dr_tbl.syb scripts to meet your needs, and then save them as cr_dr_db_syb.sql and cr_dr_tbl_syb.sql. The following variables in these scripts need to be replaced with the appropriate value:

_xz_user (database user name)

_xz_size (database size)

_xz_db (database name - for Sybase only)

_xz_device (database device - for Sybase only)

2. If the current TMR server is the RIM host and RDBMS client/server, go to step 3. Otherwise, Copy the cr_dr_db_syb.sql and cr_dr_tbl_syb.sql files from the $BINDIR/../generic_unix/TME/Notes/TDS/db directory on the TMR server to a temporary directory on the RDBMS client/server.

3. From the directory that now contains the script, start an isql session as the user sa and run the cr_dr_db_syb.sql script. Enter the following command:

isql -U sa -P <password> -i cr_dr_db_syb.sql

where <password> is the RDBMS password for the RDBMS user sa. This script creates the DOMINO user and the domino_db database in the Sybase RDBMS. The default password for the DOMINO user is set to DOMINO_TDS.

4. Next, install the schema by entering the following command:

isql -U DOMINO -P DOMINO_TDS -i cr_dr_tbl_syb.sql

5. To test the configuration, enter the following command:


6. In the isql session, test that the domino_db repository was installed by entering the following commands:

select * from DOMINO_METRICS


Results should indicate that zero rows were found. If results indicate that DOMINO_METRICS is unknown, the domino_db repository was not installed.

7. Log out of isql by entering the following command:


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Prerequisite Activities for Installation

Because the password could not be checked visually, you must make sure the database user’s password in both the RDBMS and the RIM object are consistent when you create the database. Otherwise the Domino Rollup will fail to insert data into the database. The script that creates the RIM object sets a default password of DOMINO_TDS. This password for the database user and RIM object can be changed by using the new_dr_passwd.sh script once the RIM object has been configured.

To remove the Domino Rollup repository, run the rm_dr_db.sh script from the RIM host. Note that running this script completely removes the domino_db database and the DOMINO_METRICS table from the RDBMS. Thus, all data will be lost.

If you run the rm_dr_db.sh script for removing the Domino Rollup database and tables from Oracle RDBMS, you need stop the database server, manually remove the data file for this database, and then restart the server. Oracle does not provide the SQL statement to perform these functions. Leaving the data file in the database will interfere with the re-creation of the same database.

Creating the RIM ObjectAfter creating the Domino Rollup repository, configure the RIM object so the rollup task can write data to the repository. Follow these steps to create and configure the domino_rollup RIM object.

1. If the current TMR server is the RIM host and RDBMS client/server, go to step 2. Otherwise, copy the set_dr_rim.sh file from the $BINDIR/../generic_unix/TME/Notes/TDS/rollup directory on the TMR server to a temporary directory on the RIM host and RDBMS client/server.

2. From the directory that contains the file, run the set_dr_rim.sh script, and then fill in the following information to configure the domino_rollup RIM object:

Database Vendor: Specify either Sybase or Oracle

Database Home: Enter the location/path of the RDBMS client software on the RIM host. If the RDBMS server is the RIM host, this path is the directory where the RDBMS is installed.

Server ID: Enter an RDBMS-specific value

Database ID: Enter the name of the Rollup database in the RDBMS. The default name is domino_db.

Database User Specify a user name for the database. The default name is DOMINO.

The script should specify whether the RIM object was created successfully. You may also run the wrimtest -l domino_rollup command to test the RIM object.

Once the module is successfully installed and the RDBMS is configured, the data aggregation and rollup jobs will run nightly. However, these jobs perform no aggregation or rollup unless monitors are created and distributed to the appropriate NotesServer endpoints. The WebInspector graphable task logs all data from these monitors.

Creating the Domino MonitorsYou must create the monitors to work with the Domino Discovery Guide. The discovery guide supports specific Manager for Domino monitors, as well as DM Universal, NT, and UNIX monitors. For a listing of the supported monitors and their suggested interval setting, refer to Domino Monitors in the Product Details section of this document. Each of these monitors must be configured within a SENTRY profile with the ALWAYS response, and with the notification sent

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Prerequisite Activities for Installation

to the Create graphable log task in the Sentry Graphable Logs task library. Two points to consider when configuring the graphable log monitors:

■ The data is aggregated with hourly minimum/maximum/average values. So, if the monitor is scheduled to run at intervals greater than 1 hour, some of the hourly values will be unset in the rolled up DB record. Setting such an interval does not affect the daily minimum/maximum/average calculations, but you may wish to consider scheduling the monitor to run more frequently if you wish to have more aggregated data.

■ When you set up the Create graphable log task response, you set the size of the log file by specifying a Max Entries value. The default value is 1000. Each time a monitor fires (if configured with the ALWAYS response), a log file entry is written. Normally, the default log file size is sufficient. But, if you set up any monitor to run every minute, it is possible that by the time the nightly rollup task aggregates through the previous day’s data, the log file will have rolled over and some data loss would result. To prevent this situation from occurring for “one-minute-monitors,” change the default size (Max Entries) value to 1500 or higher.

Distributing the Domino MonitorsFollow these steps to distribute Domino monitors:

1. Create profile managers containing SENTRY profiles, and configure the profile managers by using the graphable log.

2. Populate the profiles with Domino monitors.

3. Subscribe the NotesServer endpoints to these profile managers,

4. Distribute the profiles to the NotesServer endpoints.

The Domino Rollup module requires that all Domino monitors be distributed to the NotesServer endpoints, and not to the managed node/endpoint where the server resides. The only exception to this requirement is the NT_System CPU Percent Busy monitor (Percent Total Processor Time). If you run this monitor, then you should distribute it to the managed node/endpoint. This monitor is the only monitor that should not be distributed to the NotesServer endpoints.

Configuring the Rollup JobAfter distributing the monitors, you should modify the Rollup jobs to work with the NotesServer endpoints.

Domino_Rollup_DataAggregation Job

You can edit this job in one of two ways:

■ From the command line, you can use the wsetjob CLI command.

■ On the Tivoli desktop, you can right-click the job to open the Edit Job dialog.

Follow these steps to modify the Domino_Rollup_DataAggregation job from the Tivoli desktop:

1. Open the Domino_Rollup_TaskLib task library.

2. Edit the Domino_Rollup_DataAggregation job.

3. In the Execution Target window, select all NotesServer endpoints where the aggregation task should run.

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Prerequisite Activities for Installation

4. If you distributed any NT_System CPU Percent Busy monitors to managed nodes/endpoints, then select these endpoints also in the Execution Target window.

5. Click Change and Close.

You can change parameters of the aggregation task. Points to consider when specifying parameters for the aggregation job:

■ The output format must include standard out (-o 04 is mandatory). You can add the other formats. The default is 15.

■ The job runs in the staged mode by default. This mode has been set for scalability, you can change the mode to parallel to fit your needs. You can also change the time-out value.

■ The job output is mandatory and needs to be provided on the TMR server node. The location and the file name can be modified. The default location is the /tmp directory and the fil name is dr_out.log. You should ensure that the /tmp directory exists on the server node before executing the aggregation task.

Domino_Rollup_RollupIntoDB Job

The Domino_Rollup_RollupIntoDB job should already be configured to run on the TMR server managed node. Therefore the parameters for this job should not be changed.

Scheduling the Rollup Jobs

You can use the TME Scheduler to schedule these rollup jobs to run at different times. However, the Domino_Rollup_DataAggregation job is set by default to run at 1:00 AM every day, since it only looks at data from the previous 25 hours, not including the last hour (that his, from 12:00AM yesterday to 12:00 AM today). Therefore, if the scheduled time for this job is changed, it will aggregate data based on when it was run, and not data from 12:00AM the previous midnight to 12:00 AM today. Changing the scheduled time of the job means that the data in the Domino Guide reports will not coincide with the actual times. Also remember that you must schedule the Domino_Rollup_DataAggregation job to run and finish before you schedule the Domino_Rollup_RollupIntoDB job to run.

Only one record of metrics (previous day) is inserted into the database for each NotesServer endpoint subscribed to the aggregation job. For performance reasons, make sure you do not subscribe endpoints more than once to the aggregation job. The Domino_Rollup_RollupIntoDB job automatically re-runs against endpoints where the tasks failed due to timeout. Thus, metrics can be picked up and inserted into the RDBMS the following day.

Setting up an Oracle or Sybase clientConsult your database administrator for the appropriate client configuration. Your system must have a valid client configuration for the ODBC connection that TDS uses to access your database.

Installing TDS 2.0Refer to the Tivoli Decision Support Installation Guide listed in Prerequisite and Related Documents.

Installing CognosRefer to the Tivoli Decision Support Installation Guide listed in Prerequisite and Related Documents.

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Prerequisite Activities for Installation

Installing 2.0-TDS-0001 PatchTo install this patch, you must first download it from the Tivoli web site at this URL:


From this site, select the “Software Fixes” option, available to registered users. Download and install the 2.0-TDS-0001 patch by following the instructions in the accompanying README fiile.

Installing the ODBC 3.11 DriversThe Domino Management Guide requires the Intersolv Oracle or Sybase ODBC 3.11 driver. These drivers are located on the Tivoli Decision Support for Lotus Domino CD-ROM.

1. Insert the Tivoli Decision Support for Lotus Domino CD-ROM in the CD-ROM drive for your TDS server, and from the NT Start menu, choose Run to display the Run dialog box.

2. Enter the following in the Run dialog box (where d: is the drive letter for your CD-ROM drive):


This command begins the installation process by displaying the Tivoli Decision Support Discovery Guide Installation window.

3. Click Oracle 7 ODBC Driver 3.11 or Sybase ODBC Driver 3.11. on this window.

4. Follow the instructions on the Installation Window to complete the installation.

Setting Up an ODBC Data Source ConnectionFollow these steps to setup up an ODBC data source connection.

1. On the Control Panel, select the ODBC icon.

2. Select the System DSN tab.

3. Click Add.

4. Select the Oracle or Sybase ODBC 3.11 driver installed in the Installing the ODBC 3.11 Drivers section, and then click Finish.

5. Type a meaningful name for this ODBC data source in the Data Source text box.

Note: Record the data source name. Use this data source name when you add a data source for the discovery guide in the Tivoli Discovery Administrator.

6. Type a description for the data source in the Description text box.

7. Type the data source server name in the Server Name text box.

8. If you are installing a Sybase ODBC driver, type the database name in the Database Name text box.

Note: This database is the database that contains the DOMINO_METRICS table.

9. Click OK.

Configuring the Shared Source File PathBefore using the Tivoli Discovery Administrator or the Tivoli Discovery Interface, you must configure them to locate certain files (called source files) that are stored on your system (the local system) or on the network. If you installed TDS by means of the stand-alone installation option,

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Installing and Configuring the Domino Discovery Guide

your source files are on your system. For other installations, the source files usually reside on a network server. Specify the path to the source files when you start the Tivoli Discovery Administrator for the first time.

To set the shared source file path, follow these steps:

1. Select View->Options.

2. Click the General tab on the Options dialog.

3. In the Network box, type the name of the drive (and folder, if appropriate) that contains the following folders:



4. Click OK.

Installing and Configuring the Domino Discovery GuideThis section describes the procedure for installing the Tivoli Decision Support for Lotus Domino discovery guide. The procedure can be summarized as follows:

1. Installing the Discovery Guide

2. Importing the Discovery Guide

3. Configuring the Domino Guide

Installing the Discovery GuideInstall the discovery guide on the TDS server. Follow these steps to install the guide from the Tivoli Decision Support for Lotus Domino product CD-ROM.

1. Select Run from the NT Start menu.

2. In the Run dialog box, enter the following command:


where d: is the drive letter for the CD-ROM.

3. At the Installation dialog, click Tivoli Decision Support for Lotus Domino.

The discovery guide files are placed in the following Tds\ installation directories:


where Tds\ is the TDS installation directory.

The online documentation is installed in this directory:

Tds\Guide docs\Tivoli Decision Support for Lotus Domino

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Installing and Configuring the Domino Discovery Guide

Importing the Discovery GuideImport the Domino Guide into TDS by using the Tivoli Discovery Administrator. Follow these steps:

1. Start the Tivoli Discovery Administrator.

2. Click Import on the Decision Support Guides menu to display the Import/Install dialog.

Note: If a discovery guide has not been installed on your system, you are prompted to import an installed discovery guide, and then to connect to a data source. Refer to "Running the Tivoli Discovery Administrator for the First Time" in the Tivoli Decision Support Administrator Guide.

3. Select Tivoli Decision Support for Lotus Domino on the Import dialog, and then click Yes.

4. When prompted to add a data source, click Yes to start the Add Data Source task guide.

5. Select the Data Source Name from the drop-down list, and then click Next.

6. Enter the database User Name and Password, and then click Next

The default User Name for the Domino Rollup database connection is:


The default Password is:


7. Enter the database Qualifier, and then click Next

The default database Qualifier for the Domino Rollup database connection is:


Note: Contact the database administrator for additional information if the default settings were not used.

8. Select Lotus Domino on the Import Decision Support Guides dialog box, and then click OK.

Configuring the Domino GuideConfiguring a discovery guide involves the following tasks:

1. Assigning and Verifying a Data Source

2. Setting the Date Range Parameter in the Cube

3. Building the Cubes

4. Scheduling the Cube Build Task

Assigning and Verifying a Data Source

Complete the discovery guide installation by assigning and verifying a data source. This task is accomplished from the Tivoli Discovery Administrator console. Follow these steps:

1. Select the Domino Monitors cube on the Tivoli Discovery Administrator console.

2. Select Assign Data Sources from the Data Sources menu.

3. Select the data source from the drop-down list.

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Installing and Configuring the Domino Discovery Guide

4. Select the following queries, and then click OK:


5. Click the Data Sources folder.

6. Right click on the data source you just assigned, and then select Test Connectivity.

7. If the Tivoli Discovery Administrator message dialog box appears with the message:

Error connecting to Data Source – DataSourceName

click Details to display more information about the connection error. Click OK, and then verify the data source definition, userid, password, and qualifier.

If the connection is successful, the Test Data Source dialog box displays the message Connection Successful.

Setting the Date Range Parameter in the Cube

Both the Domino Monitors and the Domino Trend cubes contain a Date Range parameter. By default, this parameter is set to Rolling 6 Months. You can change this parameter by right-clicking the parameter value, and then selecting Set Values from the context menu.

Building the Cubes

Cube building is a resource-intensive activity. Thus, while you should schedule regular cube builds, schedule them during periods of decreased database activity. Adjust your cube date range to optimize the time required to build a cube. This task is performed from the Administrator panel of the Tivoli Discovery Administrator console. Follow these steps to build a cube:

1. Double-click Cubes on the Administrator panel

2. Right-click on the Domino Monitors cube, and then select Build. The Confirm Cube Build dialog box displays the date ranges.

3. Click Yes.

TDS connects to your database and retrieves the records specified in your query. The size of your data and the network speed affect the time required to retrieve all records. Use the status bar to check the status of the processing. The Cube Transform Status dialog box displays processing messages.

4. Review the processing messages for any errors. If an error generates an error dialog box, review the error, and then click OK.

5. Click Close.

Repeat the previous steps for the Domino Trend cube, and then complete the task for both cubes as follows:

6. Start the Tivoli Discovery Interface

7. Use the discovery guide to review the views for each topic (a topic is presented as a question).

For more information about how to use the Tivoli Decision Support Discovery Interface, see the Tivoli Decision Support User’s Guide, and the Tivoli Decision Support: Using Decision Support Guides documents described in Prerequisite and Related Documents.

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Installing and Configuring the Domino Discovery Guide

Scheduling the Cube Build Task

You must periodically rebuild the cube to update your cube data. The build process can be scheduled to build automatically at regular intervals (for example, schedule nightly cube builds). Stagger the start times for your cube builds for improved performance. Also, make sure the cube builds are scheduled after the Domino Rollup job runs since this job must finish in order to have updated data for the cubes.

The following procedure uses the Tivoli Discovery Administrator to create a cube building schedule and to determine the schedule TaskID. The cube build is then scheduled using the Cognos Scheduler. Use the following procedure to define a cube building schedule:

1. Start the Tivoli Discovery Administrator.

2. Select Add->Cube Build from the Scheduled Task menu to display the Add Schedule task guide.

3. Type a name for the schedule you are creating in the Schedule Name box, and then click Next.

4. Continue to click Next until you are prompted for the date range for the schedule.

5. In the Effective From date box, type or select a date that is prior to the current date.

6. Select the To checkbox to display the ending date box.

7. In the Ending Date box, type or select the date that you entered in the Effective From date box, and then click Next.

8. Click Finish.

9. Click Scheduled Tasks in the Tivoli Discovery Administrator panel to display the Properties panel.

10. Right click on the scheduled task you created, and then click Edit to display the Edit Schedule dialog box.

11. On the Task tab, record the Schedule Task ID (used in a later step), and then click OK.

12. Select Programs->Cognos from the Windows NT Start Menu, and then click Scheduler to start the Cognos Scheduler.

13. Select Recurring Task from the Insert menu to display the Insert Task tabbed dialog box.

14. Click the Identification tab, and then type the following command string in the File Name box:

“<directory path>\EDAdmin.exe” /TaskID=X

where <directory path> is the installation directory path for TDS and X is the Schedule Task ID.

Enclose the directory path and EDAdmin.exe in quotes as shown in the following example:

“c:\Program Files\TDS\EDAdmin.exe” /TaskID=1

15. Type a brief description of the cube and the schedule in the Description box.

16. Click the Timetable tab, and then specify the cube building frequency, run time, and duration.

17. Repeat the previous procedure for each cube.

18. Minimize Cognos Scheduler.

Note: Cognos Scheduler must be running for the cube to build at the scheduled time.

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Uninstalling or Reinstalling the Domino Guide and Domino Rollup

Uninstalling or Reinstalling the Domino Guide and Domino RollupThe Domino Discovery Guide uses an NT process for uninstalling, while the Domino Rollup (since it supports multiple platforms) uses a script.

Domino Discovery GuideUse the Add/Remove programs on the NT Control Panel window to uninstall a discovery guide and to uninstall TDS.

To reinstall a discovery guide, you must first uninstall all the discovery guides on your system, and then you must uninstall TDS. To reinstall the desired guide, you must first reinstall TDS.

Domino RollupThe Domino Rollup uses an uninstall script. The following file:


uninstalls the domrollup_10.image. This script removes the Domino Rollup installation scripts, rollup tasks, RDBMS configuration scripts, as well as the domino_rollup RIM object. However, this uninstall script does not remove the domino_db database and the DOMINO_METRICS table. The rm_dr_db.sh script removes these two items.

Before running the uninstall script, remove all Domino Discovery Guide monitors from the subscribers. You can unsubscribe the endpoints from the profile managers by using the Delete Profile Copies option. After unsubscribing the endpoints, run the uninstall script.

TroubleshootingThis section describes troubleshooting tips for the following areas:

■ Solving Cube Building Problems

■ Solving Report Problems

■ Addressing Year 2000 (Y2K) Readiness

Solving Cube Building ProblemsCube building has the following problems and possible solutions:

■ What do I do when the Tivoli Discovery Administrator message appears:

Error building cube.

and the Details information includes:

Error 91 - Error getting query parameters; object variable or with block variable not set.

The data sources have not been assigned to the cube queries. Assign the data sources to the queries.

■ During use of the Tivoli Discovery Interface, what does it mean when a Cognos PowerPlay report icon appears with a Cannot Execute indicator, and report cannot be opened?

The cube is unavailable. Contact the TDS administrator and request that the cube be built.

■ Why does the Tivoli Discovery Administrator report that a cube could not be built?

The cube you are attempting to rebuild is currently in use, and TDS cannot overwrite this cube with the new cube data. Close all copies of the Tivoli Discovery Interface that are running.

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Copy the CubeName.mdc file from the Tds\Cubes\Temp directory to the Tds\cubes directory, where Tds\ is the TDS installation directory.

The queries returned insufficient data to build a cube. Verify your queries.

■ If all the Tivoli Discovery Interface processes are closed, why doesn’t the cube build?

A copy of Cognos PowerPlay may still be running in the background. This can also prevent cube builds from succeeding. Open the Task manager. If you find the process pplay.exe, end the process and rebuild the cube.

■ Why don’t the cubes build automatically overnight?

For scheduled cube builds to occur, the Cognos Scheduler must be running. Start Cognos Scheduler. Review the schedule definitions in Cognos Scheduler and the Tivoli Discovery Administrator.

■ How are relative dates calculated in a report?

The Date Range parameter for a cube determines the time period that you want to examine. This parameter uses explicit values, start and end dates, or a calculated value such as the last three months. The calculated values are relative to the current date. Use the Date Range parameter and the CubeName_dt.txt to set the current period in the following cases:

• Explicit Date Range End date

Calculated Values Calculated end date

No Date Range parameter in cube Date the cube is built

• If you want to use the date in the CubeName_dt.txt as the current period, create a new query in the cube model. This query must use the CubeName_dt.txt as a local data file. Also the set the current period option must be set only for this query.

• Use the Date Range parameter, but do not use the CubeName_dt.txt. This selects only records between the specific start date and end date, and sets the current period to the most recent date in the data.

• Do not use either the Date Range parameter or the CubeName_dt.txt. This selects all the records, and sets the current period to the most recent date in the data.

• Use the CubeName_dt.txt, but do not use the Date Range parameter. This selects all the records, and sets the current period to the date of the current cube build.

For more information on how to set the current period and select records, see the TDS Administrator Guide

Solving Report Problems The following problems can occur:

■ What should I do when the error message “Overflow” appears?

The 2.0-TDS-0001 patch has not been installed. Download and install this patch.

■ What should I do when the error message load_graph_from_powercube appears?

The cube has not been built. Build the cube.

■ I tried to open a report, but the Tivoli Discovery Interface gets stuck at the wait cursor.

The Tivoli Discovery Interface may have lost its connection to the Cognos PowerPlay task. Close the Tivoli Discovery Interface and Cognos PowerPlay. Restart the Tivoli Discovery Interface and the reports should open.

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■ I opened a report, but it contained no data.

There may be data in the report, but there is no data in the drill-down. The report may be filtered on a dimension. Look at the dimension bar and check if any of the values, especially the date dimension, are drilled down.

■ The Crystal Reports do not have a left margin.

The type of printer attached to a workstation influences the alignment of Crystal Reports. Try disconnecting the printer and restarting TDS.

■ Why do some values look “off” in reports?

First, make sure that each monitor is running and has returned a value. For instance, if no replication monitors have been created and distributed for the Domino Rollup, then no replication data will show in the “Replication Statistics” report, even though this report shows some data. Second, make sure that all cube builds finished successfully. Some data may be missing if the cube builds did not finish. Third, make sure that all levels in the dimension line match what those shown in the “Report Definitions” table. For instance, check to see if the correct monitor is showing in the By Monitor dimension.

■ Why am I not getting data from all my measures?

You can view hourly, daily average, daily minimum, daily maximum and daily total values for each report. However, not all monitors have values for each meausre, since report data is calculated based on the monitor type. For instance, the Mail.TotalRouted monitor only calculates and reports hourly and daily total values. This monitor has no daily average, daily minimum, or daily maximum values.

■ Why are the maximum or minimum daily values significantly off compared to all the hourly average values?

The hourly values correspond either to an hourly average or an hourly total, based on the monitor that is being reported. The maximum and munimum values for each hour are not shown. Therefore, if a monitor is run frequently to produce several values for each hour, one value may be much higher or lower than the others. This value may become the daily maximum or minimum. However, only the hourly average value is shown.

Addressing Year 2000 (Y2K) ReadinessThis information does not constitute a certification or warranty, express or implied, of any kind.

Readiness information is provided for your database product and for Seagate products such as Crystal Reports.

Domino Database

To ensure that TDS continues to select data correctly after January 1, 2000, the database used to store historical data must be Y2K certified. Contact your systems administrator and your database vendor if you have any questions concerning the Y2K readiness of your database.

Seagate Crystal Reports

Seagate Crystal Reports version 6 is Y2K ready if you download the required patches. Seagate Software considers a product to be Y2K ready if the product performance and functionality are unaffected by processing of dates prior to, during, and after the year 2000, but only if all products (hardware, software, and firmware) used with the product properly exchange accurate date data with the Seagate product.

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Product Details

Based on testing to date, the following versions, in all available languages, of Seagate Crystal Reports, Seagate Crystal Info, and Seagate Info are Y2K ready:

■ All Standard & Pro versions

■ Seagate Crystal Reports 6. If using a native connection to Xbase (.dbf) database files, a patch must be downloaded from the Seagate Software web site at http://www.seagatesoftware.com/. For the compiled report option of Seagate Crystal Reports to be Y2K ready, the appropriate version update must be downloaded from the Seagate web site.

■ Seagate Crystal Reports 7, shipped Y2K ready.

Product DetailsThis section describes some of the details of Domino Guide features and functions, and lists pointers to information supplied on the Tivoli Discovery Interface for this discovery guide.

Data StructureThe Domino Rollup consists of scripts for creating the database schema and tasks for the Domino Rollup. After the Domino Rollup install, the database schema scripts are run on the Oracle or Sybase database to create a DOMINO_METRICS table. Once Domino monitors are created and distributed, the Domino Rollup task aggregates and stores the data into this table in the relational database. Domino monitors will have to be created for reporting.

Domino Database Schema

Because the Domino Guide uses Domino monitors to collect data, the guide also uses the database schema supplied with the Domino Rollup.

The Domino Rollup table DOMINO_METRICS contains the following columns:

Column Name Field Type Description

COLLECTION_DATE date Date when the Domino data was aggregated. The field type varies according to the vendor DB.

DT_STAMP integer The Unix timestamp that is converted in date by means of a trigger

HOSTNAME varchar(32) Host name where the aggregation job runs

ENDPOINT varchar(32) Endpoint name where the aggregation job runs

PROFILE_COLLECTION varchar(64) Name of the profile where the monitors are created

PROBE_COLLECTION varchar(32) SENTRY monitoring collection name

PROBE varchar(32) SENTRY monitoring source

PROBE_DESC varchar(32) Monitor description

PROBE_ARG varchar(64) Unique monitor name

MIN_VALUE_00 float Minimum monitor value during the hour

MAX_VALUE_00 float Maximum monitor value during the hour

AVG_VALUE_00 float Average monitor value during the hour

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Product Details

MIN_VALUE_01 float Minimum monitor value during the hour

MAX_VALUE_01 float Maximum monitor value during the hour

AVG_VALUE_01 float Average monitor value during the hour

MIN_VALUE_02 float Minimum monitor value during the hour

MAX_VALUE_02 float Maximum monitor value during the hour

AVG_VALUE_02 float Average monitor value during the hour

MIN_VALUE_03 float Minimum monitor value during the hour

MAX_VALUE_03 float Maximum monitor value during the hour

AVG_VALUE_03 float Average monitor value during the hour

MIN_VALUE_04 float Minimum monitor value during the hour

MAX_VALUE_04 float Maximum monitor value during the hour

AVG_VALUE_04 float Average monitor value during the hour

MIN_VALUE_05 float Minimum monitor value during the hour

MAX_VALUE_05 float Maximum monitor value during the hour

AVG_VALUE_05 float Average monitor value during the hour

MIN_VALUE_06 float Minimum monitor value during the hour

MAX_VALUE_06 float Maximum monitor value during the hour

AVG_VALUE_06 float Average monitor value during the hour

MIN_VALUE_07 float Minimum monitor value during the hour

MAX_VALUE_07 float Maximum monitor value during the hour

AVG_VALUE_07 float Average monitor value during the hour

MIN_VALUE_08 float Minimum monitor value during the hour

MAX_VALUE_08 float Maximum monitor value during the hour

AVG_VALUE_08 float Average monitor value during the hour

MIN_VALUE_09 float Minimum monitor value during the hour

MAX_VALUE_09 float Maximum monitor value during the hour

AVG_VALUE_09 float Average monitor value during the hour

MIN_VALUE_10 float Minimum monitor value during the hour

MAX_VALUE_10 float Maximum monitor value during the hour

AVG_VALUE_10 float Average monitor value during the hour

MIN_VALUE_11 float Minimum monitor value during the hour

MAX_VALUE_11 float Maximum monitor value during the hour

Column Name Field Type Description

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Product Details

AVG_VALUE_11 float Average monitor value during the hour

MIN_VALUE_12 float Minimum monitor value during the hour

MAX_VALUE_12 float Maximum monitor value during the hour

AVG_VALUE_12 float Average monitor value during the hour

MIN_VALUE_13 float Minimum monitor value during the hour

MAX_VALUE_13 float Maximum monitor value during the hour

AVG_VALUE_13 float Average monitor value during the hour

MIN_VALUE_14 float Minimum monitor value during the hour

MAX_VALUE_14 float Maximum monitor value during the hour

AVG_VALUE_14 float Average monitor value during the hour

MIN_VALUE_15 float Minimum monitor value during the hour

MAX_VALUE_15 float Maximum monitor value during the hour

AVG_VALUE_15 float Average monitor value during the hour

MIN_VALUE_16 float Minimum monitor value during the hour

MAX_VALUE_16 float Maximum monitor value during the hour

AVG_VALUE_16 float Average monitor value during the hour

MIN_VALUE_17 float Minimum monitor value during the hour

MAX_VALUE_17 float Maximum monitor value during the hour

AVG_VALUE_17 float Average monitor value during the hour

MIN_VALUE_18 float Minimum monitor value during the hour

MAX_VALUE_18 float Maximum monitor value during the hour

AVG_VALUE_18 float Average monitor value during the hour

MIN_VALUE_19 float Minimum monitor value during the hour

MAX_VALUE_19 float Maximum monitor value during the hour

AVG_VALUE_19 float Average monitor value during the hour

MIN_VALUE_20 float Minimum monitor value during the hour

MAX_VALUE_20 float Maximum monitor value during the hour

AVG_VALUE_20 float Average monitor value during the hour

MIN_VALUE_21 float Minimum monitor value during the hour

MAX_VALUE_21 float Maximum monitor value during the hour

AVG_VALUE_21 float Average monitor value during the hour

MIN_VALUE_22 float Minimum monitor value during the hour

Column Name Field Type Description

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Product Details

The SQL scripts used to define the database user and create this schema are supplied with the Domino Rollup, and these scripts must be run manually from a command line. A separate SQL script exists for the different databases. The database table schema for Sybase is created by using the a script named DOMINO_METRICS.

The script for the other database supported on this version of the guide (Oracle 7.3x) presents a few differences relative mainly to the date datatype, to syntax of the end of line (";" instead of "go"), to the use of the datatype varchar2 instead of varchar, to the trigger and indices creation.

You can view these scripts from the Tivoli Discovery Administrator console after you install the Lotus Domino Guide. The contents of these scripts are also available in a detailed technical section that is appended to the Technical Reference version of this document. This Technical Reference version is available on the Tivoli Customer Support web site. Point your browser to http://www.tivoli.com/support and follow the instructions to the Product Manuals section, where you can download this document in two forms: the same PDF document that is shipped on the product CD-ROM, and the Technical Reference version of the PDF file that contains a section that presents more detailed technical information.

Domino Rollup

Since the Domino Guide uses Domino monitors for reporting, it uses the Domino Rollup job supplied by the Domino Rollup. The Domino Rollup scripts consist of a nightly rollup job that collects metrics from all probes installed in a TMR for which graphable data logs are available. The three actions of the rollup job include:

■ Collecting the raw data with the Domino monitors from the NotesServer endpoints.

■ Processing the raw data and converting them into the required measurements shown the database tables.

■ Storing the measurement metrics into the RIM supported databases, Oracle or Sybase.

The rollup job must run daily since it only looks for the previous day’s data. Currently, the Domino rollup job runs on the NotesServer endpoints for which graphable data logs exist, and then the data is sent to the RIM database through the TMR server.

MAX_VALUE_22 float Maximum monitor value during the hour

AVG_VALUE_22 float Average monitor value during the hour

MIN_VALUE_23 float Minimum monitor value during the hour

MAX_VALUE_23 float Maximum monitor value during the hour

AVG_VALUE_23 float Average monitor value during the hour

MIN_DAILY_VALUE float Minimum monitor value during the day

MAX_DAILY_VALUE float Maximum monitor value during the day

AVG_DAILY_VALUE float Average monitor value during the day

MIN_HOURLY_AVG float Minimum of average monitor value during hour

MAX_HOURLY_AVG float Maximum of average monitor value during hour

Column Name Field Type Description

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Product Details

Domino Monitors

The monitors supported by the Lotus Domino Guide require Distributed Monitoring collections for Universal, Unix, and NT monitors. Also, once Tivoli Manager for Domino has been installed and a Notes domain has been configured, the Notes DomainAlias Remote Monitors collection will be required to create Domino monitors.

For the following monitors, the hourly and daily totals are calculated based on each hourly value reported from the Domino server, so the monitoring interval should NOT be set more frequently than 1 hour. Setting the interval for these monitors on a more frequent interval may result in inaccurate values when reported:

■ Domino.Requests.Per1Hour.Total

■ MAIL.TotalRouted

■ MAIL.TotalFailures

■ MAIL.Transferred

■ MAIL.TransferFailures

■ Mail.TotalKBTransferred

■ MTA.Smtp.TotalKBTransferred

■ NET.X.BytesReceived

■ NET.X.BytesSent

■ NET.X.Sessions.Established.Incoming

■ NET.X.Sessions.Established.Outgoing

■ NET.X.Sessions.Established.Recycled

■ Replica.Docs.Added

■ Replica.Docs.Deleted

■ Replica.Docs.Updated

■ Replica.Failed

■ Replica.Successful

■ Server.Trans.Total

■ MTA.Smtp.TotalRouted

■ MTA.Smtp.Transferred

■ MTA.Smtp.TransferFailures

Note: For the network monitors, the X represents the port name.

For the following monitors, hourly and daily averages are calculated and reported, so these monitors can be set a more frequent interval than 1 hour:

■ Calendar.Total.All.Appts.Reservations

■ Calendar.Total.All.Users.Resources

■ Calendar.Total.Appts

■ Calendar.Total.Reservations

■ Calendar.Total.Resources

■ Calendar.Total.Users

■ Notes database file size monitors

■ Disk.X.Free

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Product Details

■ Disk.X.Size

■ MAIL.Dead

■ MAIL.Waiting

■ MAIL.WaitingRecipients

■ Mail.AverageDeliverTime

■ Mail.AverageSizeDelivered

■ Mail.AverageServerHops

■ Mem.Allocated

■ Mem.Free

■ PcrTotCpuTime

■ avgcpubusy

■ Server.Trans.PerMinute

■ Server.Trans.PerMinute.Peak

■ Server.Users

■ MTA.Smtp.Dead

■ MTA.Smtp.Waiting

■ NotesServerAvailable

For the Lotus Domino Guide to calculate Domino server availability, the NotesServerAvailable monitor should be run for each Domino server. The value returned from this statistic is used to determine the server availability percentage for each Domino server.

For the database size monitors, a monitor must be created for each Notes database that will be reported. A file size monitor can be created for any Notes database on that Domino server. For the disk space monitors, disk space free and disk space size monitors are supported for Domino servers on Unix and NT platforms.

The following Domino disk statistics are supported for reporting with the Domino Management Guide:

■ Disk./.Free

■ Disk./.Size

■ Disk./data.Free

■ Disk./data.Size

■ Disk.C.Free

■ Disk.C.Size

■ Disk.D.Free

■ Disk.D.Size

■ Disk.E.Free

■ Disk.E.Size

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Tivoli Decision Support for Lotus Domino 27

Product Details

The following tables list the available monitors by collections. The description for each monitor includes a suggested monitor interval.

Notes DomainAlias Remote Monitors Collection

Monitor Name Monitor Argument Suggested Interval

Category (Source): Disk (Disk)

/XFree XFree 30 minutes

/XSize XSize 30 minutes

Category (Source): Domino (Generic)

Domino.Requests.Per1Hour.Total Domino.Requests.Per1Hour.Total 60 minutes

Category (Source): Calendar (Generic)

Calendar.Total.All.Appts.Reservations Calendar.Total.All.Appts.Reservations 30 minutes

Calendar.Total.All.Users.Resources Calendar.Total.All.Users.Resources 30 minutes

Calendar.Total.Appts Calendar.Total.Appts 30 minutes

Calendar.Total.Reservations Calendar.Total.Reservations 30 minutes

Calendar.Total.Resources Calendar.Total.Resources 30 minutes

Calendar.Total.Users Calendar.Total.Users 30 minutes

Category (Source): Mail Total Monitors (Mail)

MAIL.TotalRouted MAIL.TotalRouted 60 minutes

MAIL.TotalFailures MAIL.TotalFailures 60 minutes

MAIL.TotalKBTransferred MAIL.TotalKBTransferred 60 minutes

MAIL.Transferred MAIL.Transferred 60 minutes

MAIL.TransferFailures MAIL.TransferFailures 60 minutes

Category (Source): Mail Total Monitors (Generic)

MTA.Smtp.TotalKBTransferred MTA.Smtp.TotalKBTransferred 60 minutes

MTA.Smtp.TotalRouted MTA.Smtp.TotalRouted 60 minutes

MTA.Smtp.Tranferred MTA.Smtp.Tranferred 60 minutes

MTA.Smtp.TransferFailures MTA.Smtp.TransferFailures 60 minutes

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28 Version 1.0

Product Details

Category (Source): Mail Average Monitors (Mail)

MAIL.Dead MAIL.Dead 30 minutes

MAIL.Waiting MAIL.Waiting 30 minutes

MAIL.WaitingRecipients MAIL.WaitingRecipients 30 minutes

Mail.AverageDeliverTime Mail.AverageDeliverTime 30 minutes

Mail.AverageSizeDelivered Mail.AverageSizeDelivered 30 minutes

Mail.AverageServerHops Mail.AverageServerHops 30 minutes

Category (Source): Mail Average Monitors (Generic)

MTA.Smtp.Dead MTA.Smtp.Dead 30 minutes

MTA.Smtp.Waiting MTA.Smtp.Waiting 30 minutes

Category (Source): Memory (Memory)

Mem.Allocated Mem.Allocated 30 minutes

Mem.Free Mem.Free 30 minutes

Category (Source): NET (Generic)

NET.X.BytesSent NET.X.BytesSent 60 minutes

NET.X.BytesReceived NET.X.BytesReceived 60 minutes

NET.X.Sessions.Established.Incoming NET.X.Sessions.Established.Incoming 60 minutes

NET.X.Sessions.Established.Outgoing NET.X.Sessions.Established.Outgoing 60 minutes

NET.X.Sessions.Recycled NET.X.Sessions.Recycled 60 minutes

Category (Source): Server (Server)

Server.Trans.PerMinute Server.Trans.PerMinute 30 minutes

Server.Trans.PerMinute.Peak Server.Trans.PerMinute.Peak 30 minutes

Server.Trans.Total Server.Trans.Total 60 minutes

Server.Users Server.Users 30 minutes

Category (Source): NotesServerAvailable (Server Available)

Notes DomainAlias Remote Monitors Collection

Monitor Name Monitor Argument Suggested Interval

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Tivoli Decision Support for Lotus Domino 29

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Percentage Available 30 minutes

Category (Source): Replication

Replica.Failed Replica.Failed 60 minutes

Replica.Docs.Added Replica.Docs.Added 60 minutes

Replica.Docs.Deleted Replica.Docs.Deleted 60 minutes

Replica.Docs.Updated Replica.Docs.Updated 60 minutes

Replica.Successful Replica.Successful 60 minutes

Notes DomainAlias Remote Monitors Collection

Monitor Name Monitor Argument Suggested Interval

Universal Monitor Collection

Monitor Name Monitor Argument Suggested Interval

Category (Source): Filesize (File size)

FilesizeName Notes database file

(for example, C:\notes\data\names.nsf)

30 minutes

NT_System Monitor Collection

Monitor Name Monitor Argument Suggested Interval

Category (Source): CPU Percent Busy (Percent Total Processor Time)

CPU Percent Busy 30 minutes

UNIX_Sentry Monitor Collection

Monitor Name Monitor Argument Suggested Interval

Category (Source): CPU Percent Busy (CPU Usage)

CPU Percent Busy 30 minutes

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30 Version 1.0

Product Details

Cubes (Tivoli Discovery Administrator)A PowerCube contains data (measure values) organized in dimensions and measures to provide for faster retrieval and drill-down in PowerPlay Explorer and Reporter. The Lotus Domino Guide has two cubes, the Domino Monitors and Domino Trend cubes.

The Domino Guide cubes use queries to extract data from the DOMINO_METRICS database table. These queries consist of SQL Columns (a SELECT statement) and Calculated Columns. The following example shows the SQL Columns and Calculated Columns for the domino_calc_values query in the Domino Monitors Cube:

SQL Columns





Between ?[Date Range].[Start Date] AND?[Date Range].[End Date] AND

PROBE_ARG IN (’Server.Trans.Total’,’Replica.Failed’,’Replica.Successful’,’Replica.Docs.Added’,’Replica.Docs.Deleted’,’Replica.Docs.Updated’) OR

PROBE_ARG like ‘%.TotalRouted’ ORPROBE_ARG like ‘%.TotalFailures’ ORPROBE_ARG like ‘%.TransFailures’ OR

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Tivoli Decision Support for Lotus Domino 31

Product Details

PROBE_ARG like ‘%.Transferred’ ORPROBE_ARG like ‘%.TransferFailures’ ORPROBE_ARG like ‘NET.%.BytesSent’ ORPROBE_ARG like ‘NET.%.BytesReceived’ ORPROBE_ARG like ‘NET.%.Sessions.Established.Incoming’ ORPROBE_ARG like ‘NET.%.Sessions.Established.Outgoing’ OR

PROBE_ARG like ‘NET.%.Sessions.Recycled’

Calculated Columns

cc_1 AM

cc_2 AMcc_3 AMcc_4 AMcc_5 AMcc_6 AMcc_7 AMcc_8 AMcc_9 AMcc_10 AMcc_11 AMcc_12 AMcc_1 AMcc_2 AMcc_3 AMcc_4 AMcc_5 AMcc_6 AMcc_7 AMcc_8 AMcc_9 AMcc_10 AMcc_11 AMcc_Daily Totalcc_PROBEcc_PROBE_ARGcc_WEEKDAYcc_WEEKDAY_NAME


Domino Monitors Cube

The Domino Monitors cube consists of three queries and two parameter settings. Each query creates a .csv data file for the Cognos Transformer, and the three resulting .csv files are used to build the Cognos model and powercube. Each of the queries extracts data from the DOMINO_METRICS table in the relational database through an ODBC driver. Data from the Domino monitors defined are collected for reporting from these queries.


The following table lists the parameter settings:

Parameter Name Type Values

Date Range Range Start Date

End Date

Calculated on Rolling 6 Months

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32 Version 1.0

Product Details


The Domino Monitors Cube uses three queries to the database table. This section describes those queries. You can review all of the query select statements and calculated columns in a technical appendix to this document that is available on the Tivoli Customer Support web site at http://www.tivoli.com/support. Follow the links to the Product Manuals section to download the PDF file. After you install the Lotus Domino Guide, can also view the functions for the calculated columns, as well as the SQL Columns and Calculated Columns) from the Tivoli Discovery Administrator console. Simply open the Domino Monitors Cube, and then double-click on Queries. You can then double-click on an individual query to display a tabbed dialog that lets you view query information.

domino_calc_values queries the database table for all Domino mail monitors in which the hourly totals must be calculated. For instance, mail monitors such as MAIL.TotalRouted are reported from the Domino server as a cumulative value since the server was last started. Therefore, this query calculates the hourly and daily totals for these types of monitors for reporting.

domino_mb_values queries the database table for Domino monitors that report values in bytes and then converts the values into megabytes.

domino_orig_values queries the database table for Domino monitors that do not need any calculations to any of the hourly metrics. Therefore, all hourly values are reported in their original value from the database.


Once cubes are defined in the Tivoli Discovery Administrator, a model can be created for each cube in Cognos Transformer. The model for the Domino Monitors cube consists of 4 dimensions and 28 measures. A dimension is a grouping of descriptive data about a major aspect of a business. Each dimension includes categories in one or more drill-down paths and an optional set of special categories. Below is a listing and description of the four dimensions found in the Transformer model for the Domino Guide.

Probe Name Terminology Value Name Value



/, Free

/, Size

C, Free

C, Size

D, Free

D, Size

E, Free

E, Size

CPU percent busy

CPU percent busy









Parameter Name Type Values

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Tivoli Decision Support for Lotus Domino 33

Product Details

By Date The date dimension has the following categories, which are automatically generated during the PowerPlay cube build. The lowest level of detail it can go to is by day. Five special categories added are: by last day, by last 7 days, by last 30 days, by last 60 days, and by last 90 days.

By Day of Week This dimension, when viewed as a PowerPlay report, can be drilled down to specific days of the week. It also has an alternate drill down for viewing by business days or weekends.

By Server This dimension is used to categorize reports by the Domino server name. An alternate drill down can be done to view servers by the profile in which the monitors were distributed in. This alternate drill category allows users to customize how they want to distribute and view their monitors.

By Monitor This dimension drills down from the type of Domino monitor to the specific monitor argument.

By Date





By Day of Week



By Server



By Monitor



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34 Version 1.0

Product Details


The measures in the Transformer model are the quantitative values returned from the Domino monitors. These values change according to what dimensions you are looking at. The Transformer model for the Domino Monitors cube contains the measures in the table below. Each measure returns an “na” value when the column is null, and all measure values are displayed to two decimal places.

Measure Name Rollup Function Type

12 AM Average Column = 12 AM

1 AM Average Column = 1 AM

2 AM Average Column = 2 AM

3 AM Average Column = 3 AM

4 AM Average Column = 4 AM

5 AM Average Column = 5 AM

6 AM Average Column = 6 AM

7 AM Average Column = 7 AM

8 AM Average Column = 8 AM

9 AM Average Column = 9 AM

10 AM Average Column = 10 AM

11 AM Average Column = 11 AM

12 PM Average Column = 12 PM

1 PM Average Column = 1 PM

2 PM Average Column = 2 PM

3 PM Average Column = 3 PM

4 PM Average Column = 4 PM

5 PM Average Column = 5 PM

6 PM Average Column = 6 PM

7 PM Average Column = 7 PM

8 PM Average Column = 8 PM

9 PM Average Column = 9 PM

10 PM Average Column = 10 PM

11 PM Average Column = 11 PM

Daily Average Average Column = Daily Average

Daily Minimum Average Column = Daily Minimum

Daily Maximum Average Column = Daily Maximum

Daily Total Average Column = Daily Total

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Tivoli Decision Support for Lotus Domino 35

Product Details

Check of the Allowed Measures and Dimensions Combination

Before building a powercube with a model, a check can be performed to make sure there are no problems with the model. For each measure, you can see if each is in scope with all the dimensions. For the model in the Domino Monitors cube, all measures described in the previous “Measures” section are in scope with all the model dimensions.

Domino Trend Cube

The Domino Trend cube consists of three queries and three parameter settings. Each query creates a .csv data file for the Cognos Transformer, and the three resulting .csv files are used to build the Cognos model and powercube. Each of the queries extracts data from the DOMINO_METRICS table in the relational database through an ODBC driver. The data is then used to calculate the forecasted values. Data from the Domino monitors defined are collected for reporting from these queries.


The Forecast Accelerator means the percentage accelerating added value in the next 30 days to the trend value.

Parameter Name Type Values

Date Range Range Start Date

End Date

Calculated on Rolling 6 Months

Forecast Accelerator

Terminology Value Name Value

Default 0

Probe Name Terminology Value Name Value



/, Free

/, Size

C, Free

C, Size

D, Free

D, Size

E, Free

E, Size

CPU percent busy

CPU percent busy









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36 Version 1.0

Product Details


The Domino Trend Cube uses three queries to the database table. This section describes those queries. As with the Domino Monitors Cube queries, you can view complete query statements and columns by downloading the technical appendix to this document from the Tivoli Customer Support web site (http://www.tivoli.com/support), or you can install the Lotus Domino Guide, and then view query, column and function information from the Tivoli Discovery Administrator console.

domino_trend_calc queries the database table for all Domino mail monitors in which the hourly totals must be calculated. For instance, mail monitors such as MAIL.TotalRouted are reported from the Domino server as a cumulative value since the server was last started. Therefore, this query calculates the hourly and daily totals for these types of monitors for reporting.

domino_trend_mb queries the database table for Domino monitors that report values in bytes and then converts the values into megabytes.

domino_trend_orig queries the database table for Domino monitors that do not need any calculations to any of the hourly metrics. The query then computes the forecast values for these monitors.


Once cubes are defined in the Tivoli Discovery Administrator, a model can be created for each cube in Cognos Transformer. The model for the Domino Trend cube consists of 2 dimensions and 6 measures. A dimension is a grouping of descriptive data about a major aspect of a business. Each dimension includes categories in one or more drill-down paths and an optional set of special categories. The Transformer model for the Domino Guide consists of two dimensions: By Server and By Monitor

By Server This dimension is used to categorize reports by the Domino server name. An alternate drill down can be done to view servers by the profile in which the monitors were distributed in. This alternate drill category allows users to customize how they want to distribute and view their monitors.

By Monitor This dimension drills down from the type of Domino monitor to the specific monitor argument.


The measures in the Transformer model are the quantitative values returned from the Domino monitors. These values change according to what dimensions you are looking at. The Transformer

By Server



By Monitor



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Tivoli Decision Support for Lotus Domino 37

Product Details

model for the Domino Trend cube contains the measures in the following table. Each measure returns the value “na” when the column is null, and all measure values are displayed to two decimal places.

Check of the Allowed Measures and Dimensions Combination

Before building a powercube with a model, a check can be performed to make sure there are no problems with the model. For each measure, you can see if each is in scope with all the dimensions. For the model in the Domino Trend cube, all measures described in the previous “Measures” section are in scope with all the model dimensions.

Measure Name Rollup Function Type

30 Day Forecast Average Average Column=30 Day Forecast Average

60 Day Forecast Average Average Column=60 Day Forecast Average

90 Day Forecast Average Average Column=90 Day Forecast Average

30 Day Forecast Peak Average Column=30 Day Forecast Peak

60 Day Forecast Peak Average Column=60 Day Forecast Peak

90 Day Forecast Peak Average Column=90 Day Forecast Peak

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ersion 1.0

Product D


Report DefinitionsThe following table describes the reports available on the Tivoli Discovery Interface for each View provided by the Domino Discovery Guide.

View Title Report Filename (Cube Source File)

Chart Type Rank Report

Type Period Monitor Measure Row Column Layer

Calendar and Scheduling Statistics

domino_calendar.ppr (Domino_Monitors.mmdc)

Bar Explorer Last 7 Days

Calendar Daily Average Calendar Last 7 Days By Server

Disk Space Percent Free

domino_diskspacefree.ppr (Domino_Monitors.mdc)

Crosstab Reporter Last Day

Disk Daily Average Daily Average

Disk Space Statistics

domino_diskspace.ppr (Domino_Monitors.mdc)

Line Explorer Last 30 Days

Disk Daily Average Disk Last 30 Days By Server

Mail Average Statistics

domino_mail_avg.ppr (Domino_Monitors.mdc)

Bar Explorer Last Day

Mail Average Monitors Daily Average Last Day Servers by Profile

Mail Average Monitors

Mail Calculated Totals

domino_mail_calc.ppr (Domino_Monitors.mdc)

Line Explorer Last 30 Days

Mail Total Monitors Daily Total Mail Total Monitors

Last 30 Days By Server

Notes Database Size

domino_database.ppr (Domino_Monitors.mdc)

Bar Explorer Last 30 Days

filesize Daily Average filesize Last 30 Days By Server

Replication Statistics

domino_replication.ppr (Domino_Monitors.mdc)

Bar Explorer Last 30 Days

Replication Daily Total Replication Last 30 Days By Server

Server Availability

domino_availability.ppr (Domino_Monitors.mdc)

Crosstab Explorer Last 7 Days

Percentage Available Daily Average Last 7 Days By Server

CPU Utilization

domino_cpu.ppr (Domino_Monitors.mdc)

Line Explorer Last Day

CPU percent busy MEASURES Servers by Profile


Domino Network Traffic

domino_net.ppr (Domino_Monitors.mdc)

Bar Explorer Last 7 Days

NET Daily Total NET Last 7 Days By Server

HTTP Requests

domino_http.ppr (Domino_Monitors.mdc)

Pie Explorer Last 7 Days

Domino.RequestsPer1 Hour.Total

Daily Total Daily Total By Day of Week

By Server

Memory Usage

domino_memory.ppr (Domino_Monitors.mdc)

Line Explorer Last 30 Days

Memory Daily Average Memory Last 30 Days By Server

Server Usage

domino_usage.ppr (Domino_Monitors.mdc)

Bar Explorer Last Day

Server MEASURES Server MEASURES By Server

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li Decision S

upport for Lotu

s Dom


Product D


Bottom 25 Servers by Available Disk Space

domino_rank_disk.rpt (Domino_Monitors.mdc)

Detail Crystal Last 7 Days

Disk.X.Free Daily Average Daily Average

By Server

Bottom 25 Servers by Server Availability

domino_rank_availability.ppr (Domino_Monitors.mdc)

Crosstab Last 7 Days

Explorer Last 7 Days

Percentage available Daily Average Last 7 Days By Server

Top 25 Servers by CPU Utilization

domino_rank_cpu.ppr (Domino_Monitors.mdc)

Bar Last 7 Days

Explorer Last 7 Days

CPU percent busy Daily Average Last 7 Days By Server

Top 25 Servers by HTTP Requests

domino_rank_http.ppr (Domino_Monitors.mdc)

Bar Last 7 Days

Explorer Last 7 Days

Domino.RequestsPer1 Hour.Total

Daily Total Last 7 Days By Server

Top 25 Servers by Memory Allocated

domino_rank_memory.ppr (Domino_Monitors.mdc)

Bar Last 7 Days

Explorer Last 7 Days

Mem.Allocated Daily Average Last 7 Days By Server

Top 25 Servers by Total Mail Routed

domino_rank_mail_routed.ppr (Domino_Monitors.mdc)

Bar Last 7 Days

Explorer Last 7 Days

MAIL.TotalRouted Daily Total Last 7 Days By Server

Domino Statistics by Day

domino_day.ppr (Domino_Monitors.mdc)

Bar Explorer Last 30 Days

By Monitor Daily Average Servers by Profile

Last 30 Days

Domino Statistics by Day of Week

domino_weekday.ppr (Domino_Monitors.mdc)

Bar Explorer Last 7 Days

By Monitor Daily Average Servers by Profile

By Day of Week

Domino Statistics by Hour

domino_hour.ppr (Domino_Monitors.mdc)

Line Explorer Last Day

By Monitor MEASURES By Monitor MEASURES By Server

Domino Statistics by Server

domino_server.ppr (Domino_Monitors.mdc)

Crosstab Explorer Last Day

By Monitor Daily Average By Monitor By Server

View Title Report Filename (Cube Source File)

Chart Type Rank Report

Type Period Monitor Measure Row Column Layer

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ersion 1.0

Product D


Domino Statistics by Server Profile

domino_server_profile.ppr (Domino_Monitors.mdc)

Bar Explorer Last Day

By Monitor Daily Average Servers by Profile

Daily Average

Server Forecasted Averages and Peaks

domino_trend.ppr (Domino_Trend.mdc)

Bar Explorer By Monitor MEASURES Servers by Profile


View Title Report Filename (Cube Source File)

Chart Type Rank Report

Type Period Monitor Measure Row Column Layer

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Tivoli Decision Support for Lotus Domino 41

Software Defects, Limitations, and Workarounds

Software Defects, Limitations, and WorkaroundsThis section lists the current defects, limitations and workarounds known for this product.

DefectsCurrently, no known defects are reported for the Domino Discovery Guide.

LimitationsThe following limitations are known for this product:

■ The size of the DOMINO_METRICS table can affect the cube building process. Manage the size of this table in the Domino Rollup database to optimize the cube building process.

■ Because columns within the DOMINO_METRICS table are allocated only a certain maximum length, make sure that the column values for each monitor are within this length. For example, the PROBE_COLLECTION column contains whatever value is rolled up from the Sentry Monitoring Collection value, such as “Notes DomainAlias Remote Monitors.” If this value is greater than the column’s maximum length of 32, the Domino_Rollup_RollupIntoDB job may not successfully store the data in the RDBMS.

■ When you create monitors to store data to the Sentry Graphable Logs file, large numeric values are logged with only six significant digits. For example, if a monitor returns the value 123456789, this value will be stored in the Sentry Graphable Logs file as 1.234567x10^8. Only six significant digits are stored, and the sixth number is rounded. Therefore, large numeric values may be rounded when stored in the RDBMS for the Lotus Domino Guide.

■ Since the Domino Rollup does not install with pre-configured profiles, you must create them or use existing profiles to distribute monitors. When distributing these profiles to the subscribed endpoints, make sure that two or more profiles are NOT distributed to the same endpoint for the Domino Rollup. Otherwise, the cube builds from the Discovery Administrator will fail because the ‘ENDPOINT’ level is not unique.

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42 Version 1.0

Contacting Customer Support

WorkaroundsThis section lists workarounds for the following problems:

Contacting Customer SupportFor support for this or any Tivoli product, you can contact Tivoli Customer Support in one of the following ways:

■ Visit our Web site at http://www.tivoli.com/support

■ Send e-mail to [email protected]

Customers in the United States can also call 1-800-TIVOLI8 (1-800-848-6548). International customers should consult the Web site for customer support telephone numbers. You can also review the Customer Support Handbook, which is available on our Web site at http://www.tivoli.com/support/handbook/.

When you contact Tivoli Customer Support, be prepared to provide identification information for your company so that support personnel can assist you more readily. Company identification information may also be needed to access various online services available on the Web site.

The Web site offers extensive information, including a guide to support services (the Customer Support Handbook); frequently asked questions (FAQs); and documentation for all Tivoli products, including Release Notes, Redbooks, and Whitepapers. The documentation sets for some product releases are available in both PDF and HTML formats. Translated documents are also available for some product releases.

You can order documentation by e-mail at [email protected]. Please provide the part number or order number of the desired document; alternatively, you can provide the document’s title, version number, and date of publication.

Problem Workaround

Measures on simple bar graphs appear twice: centered on the graph and over the Y-axis. On low resolution monitors, the measure names may overlap.

A minimum resolution of 800x600 pixels is recommended for monitors.

Process_Name.exe The Application Error message dialog box displays the message: The instruction at “memory address” referenced memory at “memory address” could not be “read.”

Occasionally, during the cube build or query export process this application error message is displays. This situation sometimes occurs when TDS is used in combination with the Sybase INTERSOLV Inc. ODBC driver Version 3.11. This error message can appear frequently for a time and then suddenly cease to appear. If you experience this problem during cube build, wait until the transformation process has completed before clicking OK or Cancel on the error message dialog box. By waiting, you allow the cube to finish building. After the build process has completed, click OK on the error message dialog box. The Tivoli Discovery Administrator will close. Start the Tivoli Discovery Administrator and continue building any remaining cubes.

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Tivoli Decision Support for Lotus Domino 43

Contacting Customer Support

We are very interested in hearing about your experience with Tivoli products and documentation. We also welcome your suggestions for improvements. If you have comments or suggestions about our documentation, please contact us in one of the following ways:

■ Send e-mail to [email protected]

■ Fill out our customer feedback survey at http://www.tivoli.com/support/feedback.