Title Bioscience Biotechnology and Biochemistry, 66(10): 2259

Instructions for use Title Soft gel medium solidified with gellan gum for preliminary screening for root-associating, free-living nitrogen-fixing bacteria inhabiting the rhizoplane of plants Author(s) Hashidoko, Yasuyuki; Tada, Motohiko; Osaki, Mitsuru; Tahara, Satoshi Citation Bioscience Biotechnology and Biochemistry, 66(10): 2259-2263 Issue Date 2002-10 Doc URL http://hdl.handle.net/2115/15846 Type article File Information BB&B66-10.pdf Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers : HUSCAP

Transcript of Title Bioscience Biotechnology and Biochemistry, 66(10): 2259

Page 1: Title Bioscience Biotechnology and Biochemistry, 66(10): 2259

Instructions for use

Title Soft gel medium solidified with gellan gum for preliminary screening for root-associating, free-living nitrogen-fixingbacteria inhabiting the rhizoplane of plants

Author(s) Hashidoko, Yasuyuki; Tada, Motohiko; Osaki, Mitsuru; Tahara, Satoshi

Citation Bioscience Biotechnology and Biochemistry, 66(10): 2259-2263

Issue Date 2002-10

Doc URL http://hdl.handle.net/2115/15846

Type article

File Information BB&B66-10.pdf

Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers : HUSCAP

Page 2: Title Bioscience Biotechnology and Biochemistry, 66(10): 2259

† To whom correspondence should be addressed. Tel: +81-11-706-3839; Fax: +81-11-706-4182; E-mail: yasu-h@abs.agr.hokudai.ac.jp

Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem., 66 (10), 2259–2263, 2002


Soft Gel Medium Solidiˆed with Gellan Gum for Preliminary Screeningfor Root-associating, Free-living Nitrogen-ˆxing Bacteria Inhabitingthe Rhizoplane of Plants

Yasuyuki HASHIDOKO,1,†Motohiko TADA,1 Mitsuru OSAKI,2 and Satoshi TAHARA1

1Division of Applied Bioscience, Graduate School of Agriculture, Hokkaido University, Kita-ku,Sapporo 060-8589, Japan2Division of Bioresources and Product Science, Graduate School of Agriculture, Hokkaido, Kita-ku,Sapporo 060-8589, Japan

Received April 4, 2002; Accepted June 18, 2002

For preliminary screening for and characterization offree-living nitrogen-ˆxing bacteria from rhizoplanemicro‰ora, we used Winogradsky's mineral mixture-based nitrogen-free medium solidiˆed with 0.3% gellangum. The soft gel medium enabled some reference andwild free-living nitrogen-ˆxing bacteria to grow in char-acteristic colonies, including their reaction to oxygenand their motility change. Gellan gum is thus likely to bea better gel matrix than agarose for the investigation ofroot-associating, free-living nitrogen-ˆxing bacteria toidentify their characteristic behaviors.

Key words: free-living nitrogen-ˆxing bacterium; gel-lan gum; Plantago lanceolata; rhizoplanemicro‰ora

Soft gel media solidiˆed with 0.5z agarose arewidely used in identiˆcation of bacteria to discovertheir respiratory type.1) In the soft gel media, bothnon-motile and motile bacteria are caught by the gelmatrix and immobilized, and accordingly, the bacter-ia when stab-cultured display characteristic emer-gence of their colonies in certain depths of the softgel medium from the top, depending on their reac-tion to dissolving oxygen. Applied this manner, softgel media have been used for selective detection andscreening of free-living nitrogen-ˆxing bacteria.Dobereiner and her group ˆrst used soft gel media, inwhich a nitrogen-free salt mixture plus saccharose (ormalic acid) as a sole carbon source was solidiˆed with0.2z agarose.2) Using the soft gel medium, they iso-lated some endophytic andWor epiphytic, nitrogen-ˆxing bacteria, particularly from the rhizoplane ofmonocotyledonous crop plants.3,4) To date, this softgel technique is widely used as the most basic culturemethod for screening of root-associating, nitrogen-ˆxing bacteria, although microbiologists are stillgroping for another simple method.5) Agarose withrelatively low turbidity, however, often prevented

observation of thin or blurred colonies over the glasswall of the test tubes. Namely, the slight turbidity ofthe 0.2z agarose medium often led to failure in de-tection of bacteria that have high motility or formhighly transparent colonies in the gel. To avoid thisproblem in the agarose-base soft gel medium, wereplaced 0.2z agarose with 0.3z gellan gum, whichis a polysaccharide originally produced by a bacteri-um, Pseudomonas elodea.6,7)

Winogradsky's nitrogen-free mineral medium,originally developed for Azotobactor, was preparedwith the following composition:8) KH2PO4, 50.0(gWl); MgSO4・7H2O, 25.0; NaCl, 25.0; FeSO4・7H2O,1.0; Na2MoO4・2H2O, 1.0; MnSO4・4H2O, 1.0; andNaOH to adjust the pH to 7.2. To 1000 ml of a sugar(saccharose or mannitol, 10 g) and CaCO3 (powderytype, 0.1 g) solution, 5 ml of the mineral mixed solu-tion was added, adjusted its pH to 6.2 with 2MH2SO4, and then ˆltered with a hydrophilic poly-tetra‰uoroethylene membrane (0.45 mm, Millipore).To the resulting ˆltrate, 0.3z wWv of gellan gumpowders (Kanto Chemical Co.) were added and thenheated to dissolve the polysaccharide completely. Ingeneral, 5 or 10 ml of the gellan-gum-containingmedium was poured into a test tube of 16 mm innerdiameter, plugged with a siliconized polymer sponge,and then autoclaved at 1209C for 20 min. After thiscooled down, 100 ml of a root washing prepared froma plant was added to the liqueˆed medium underaseptic conditions, vortexed well to remove dropscondensed on the inner glass wall, and incubated at209C.

Gellan gum, a nitrogen-free polysaccharide, ishighly transparent, even at 1.2z concentration.Moreover, the nitrogen-free media solidiˆed with0.3z gellan gum are harder than 0.2z agarose, sothat bacterial cells only slightly motile are visible as aballoon-like swarming colony due to being trappedby the gel matrix. Another advantage of the gellan

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Fig. 1. Four Basic Patterns of Colony Emergence in Soft GelMedium Solidiˆed with 0.3z Gellan Gum.

Patterns of colony emergence re‰ect their respiratory type asfollows: A) aerobes, B) micro-aerobes, C) facultative anaerobesand D) aero-tolerant anaerobes. In addition, their adaptabilityand reaction to dissolving oxygen are represented as narrow(shown as na) or broad (br), and motility of the bacteria as mo-tile (mo) or non-motileWaggregative (ag).

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gum media is its liquefactive nature. When the 0.3zgellan gum medium was autoclaved and left to coolto room temperature, the liquefactive medium slowlysolidiˆed, unlike the 0.2z agarose. The gellan gummedium maintained its liqueˆed form at least for 3 h,and often overnight, after the autoclaved mediumwas cooled down. Because of this nature, it is possi-ble to vortex nitrogen-free mineral media solidiˆedwith 0.3z gellan gum at room temperature, makingit easy to disperse any bacterial inoculum uniformly.Due to such beneˆts described above, the soft gelmedia solidiˆed with 0.3z gellan gum are applicableto ˆeld investigation for qualitative analysis ofnitrogen-ˆxing bacteria inhabiting on plant rhizo-plane.

We used two reference bacteria, Klebsiella pneu-moniae IFO 33189) and Beijerinckia indica subsp. in-dica IFO 3744,10) and in parallel, we allowed severalwild isolates or a bacterial mixture to grow in thegellan gum medium. Several patterns of the colonyemergence of the bacteria tested so far were ob-

served, and we grouped the patterns according totheir reaction to dissolving oxygen and their cellmotility, as illustrated in Fig. 1. K. pneumoniae IFO3318, a non-motile, facultative anaerobe of sub-divi-sion g-proteobacteria, clustered in aggregations ofwhitish granular colonies throughout the mediumspreading from the bottom to a certain depth(Fig. 2). On the other hand, B. indica subsp. indicaIFO 3744, a non-motile aerobe of sub-division a-proteobacteria, formed dense aggregates of a halftransparent, tiny disk colony near the top surface ofthe medium. Both of the bacteria showed the mosttypical patterns of each reaction to oxygen, when ap-proximately 103–104 cells were inoculated in 10 ml ofthe medium (data not shown). When these bacteriawere cultured in mixture after uniform inoculation,they independently displayed each of characteristicpatterns in the colony emergence that had been ob-served by single inoculation of each.

To demonstrate the advantage of gellan gum medi-um in screening of wild free-living nitrogen-ˆxingbacteria, we investigated the rhizoplane of Plantagolanceolata. A rosette of P. lanceolata, known as aplant tolerant of sandy soil and capable of assimilat-ing nitrogen sources actively from the roots,11) wassampled at the Shinkawa estuary area at IshikariBay, and its root system was washed with a largevolume of clean water to remove the sandy soilaround the root surface. The resulting ˆne root, cutby clean scissors into pieces 5 cm in length, was thenslowly shaken in 10–20 ml of sterile water repeatedlyto rinse out the remaining soil. The root tissue thuscleaned was vortexed in 20 ml of sterile water for 10seconds in a sterile 50 ml-Falcon polypropylene tubeand left for 10 min, at which time the supernatantwas used as an original inoculum from therhizoplane. The bacterium was isolated on agarplates of a modiˆed Winogradsky's mineral mixturecontaining 0.005z yeast extract and 1z saccharose.The bacterial colonies emerging on the plate as theˆrst major (colorless, transparent, sticky, and dome-like) and the second major (whitish, half-transpar-ent, mucilaginous, and ‰at) colonies were puriˆed onthe modiˆed Winogradsky's agar plate. The emer-gence frequency of these isolates was approximately40 and 30z, respectively. The resulting two wild iso-lates, subsequently conˆrmed in their ability to growon the agar plate without yeast extract (`completelyN-free medium'), were stab-cultured in soft gelmedia, which was Winogradsky's mineral medium(pH 6.2) containing 1z mannitol and 20 mgWlbromothymol blue as a carbon source and a pH indi-cator, respectively, was solidiˆed with 0.2z agaroseor 0.3z gellan gum.

The ˆrst major isolate, tentatively identiˆed asZoogloea ramigera of subdivision a-proteobacteriaby a partial analysis of 16S rDNA sequences,12)

formed in its pure culture an elastic, mucilaginous,

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Fig. 2. Combined Patterns of Colony Emergence of K. pneumoniae IFO 3318 and B. indica subsp. indica IFO 3744.Right: bacterial suspensions of K. pneumoniae IFO 3318 with 105 cells were used to inoculate the soft gel medium. Mid: bacterial sus-

pension of B. indica subsp. indica IFO 3744 (105 cells) and K. pneumoniae IFO 3318 (105 cells) were used to inoculate the soft gel mediaat the same time. Left: B. indica subsp. indica IFO 3744 with 105 cells. The tubes were incubated for 3 weeks at 209C in the dark. In thegellan gum medium, the colony emergence of each bacterium re‰ected reaction to dissolving oxygen typical of facultative anaerobes andobligate aerobes, respectively. In the mixed cultures, both of the bacteria maintained their own characteristic pattern of each colonyemergence in one tube.

2261Gellan Gum Medium for Preliminary Screening of Root-associating Bacteria

semi-turbid, round colonies on the modiˆedWinogradsky's mineral agar plate. Cell of the isolateaggregated in any liquid medium in which it grew, sowe judged that the isolate usually had no motility. Inthe gellan gum medium, the isolate grew in semi-turbid, swollen balloons-like colonies with a patternof facultative anaerobes along the stabbing slit line,1)

but colonies emerged from the bottom to the top andformed a micro-aerobe-like dense region at a certaindepth (BWC in Fig. 1) when the cell suspension wasused to uniformly inoculate the soft gel medium(uniform culture). Similar colony development wasvisible during stab-culture in the 0.2z agarose medi-um; however, the bacterial colony diŠused into themedium within several days (Fig. 3).

The second major isolate, tentatively identiˆed as aCaulobacter sp. of subdivision a-proteobacteria,formed a transparent, round colony with a largeamount of mucilage production in its pure culture onthe modiˆed Winogradsky's agar plate. It formed alayer at a certain depth of the soft gel medium to dis-

perse the colony horizontally, both in the stab-cul-ture and the uniform culture. The highly motile andmicro-aerobic natures of the bacterium allowed it tospread along the appropriate oxygen concentration,forming a bacterial layer in the gellan gum medium.Due to the turbidity of the agarose medium, such athin layer was hardly observed in the 0.2z agarosemedium (Fig. 3).

When two isolates were stabbed in one tube of thegellan gum medium for double-inoculation, bothshowed characteristic behaviors during colony emer-gence. Interestingly, Z. ramigera did not cluster inaggregates along the stabbing slit but did show muchrapid dispersal from the slit line into the gellan gummedium, probably due to its chemotactic response13)

to unknown chemical substance produced byCaulobacter sp. that activated its motility. Such aphysiological response of the bacteria in the mixedculture, visible as a change of colony development inthe gellan gum medium, suggests close interactionsbetween or amongst rhizoplane micro‰ora of the

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Fig. 3. Appearance of Bacterial Colonies in 0.3z Gellan Gum Medium and in 0.2z Agarose, and EŠect of Mixed Culture on AlternativeChemotactic Response of the Less Motile Bacterium in Single Culture.

Nitrogen-free medium with 1z mannitol was solidiˆed with 0.3z gellan gum or 0.2z agarose and the wild isolates were stab-cul-tured. The loop was stabbed twice into the medium for the pure culture, or each isolate was stabbed separately once for mixed culture.After the inoculation, tubes were kept at 209C in the dark. At 2 days of incubation, thin but clear colonies of isolates was clear in 0.3zgellan gum medium, but was indistinct in 0.2z agarose medium. The motile isolate, Caulobacter sp., started to form a horizontal ring-like layer at this stage. At 1 week of incubation, Z. ramigera appeared as thick colonies along the stabbing slit in the gellan gum medium,but its whitish colonies in the mixed culture in gellan gum medium looked hazy and were dispersed into the medium. After 2 weeks, Z.ramigera in the mixed culture was cylindrically and uniformly dispersed throughout the medium. Tentative identiˆcation of these bac-teria were done by means of PCR of each 16R rDNA region with the universal forward (5F or 357F) and reverse (1080R or 1540R)primers under reaction conditions as follows: 35 cycles of 949C for 30 s, 559C for 1 min and 729C for 1 min. [DDBJ accession No.;AB086018 and AB086019 for Z. ramigera and Caulobacter sp. isolated from P. lanceolata rhizoplane, respectively]

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host plant as known in some bacterial species.14,15)

Thus, the nitrogen-free medium solidiˆed with 0.3zgellan gum will be a convenient tool for studies ofrhizoplane bacteria, which expresses complex physio-logical actions and behaviors.

In ˆeld studies of free-living nitrogen ˆxing bacter-ia inhabiting the rhizosphere andWor rhizoplane ofhost plants, a rapid and easy screening method isoften required in collection and evaluation ofmicro‰oral components. The gellan gum-base softgel medium is likely to be beneˆcial in ˆeld investiga-tions in particular, because it can be used to screenbacteria for that grow in N-free medium. The soft gelmethod is for preliminary investigation for free-living nitrogen ˆxers, because nitrogen ˆxation mustbe proven by the acetylene reduction method or nifgene detection by molecular biological techniques. Interms of bacterial growth, gellan gum is used as a gelmatrix for selective isolation of Planobispora,16) andit is also an appropriate medium for several microor-ganisms to use for PCR.17) As another gelling materi-al, isubgol, the mucilaginous husk from the seeds ofP. ovata, is also used in a culture medium for Rhizo-bium meliloti, and the gelling medium has promotedthe bacterial growth.18) These reports suggest the

usefulness of alternative soft gel media for culturingnitrogen-ˆxing bacteria. Our approach to evaluaterhizoplane bacteria in the gellan gum-made soft gelmedia may lead to revealing tight partnerships be-tween host rhizoplane and root-associating bacteriaor between free-living nitrogen-ˆxing bacteria andother bacteria composing rhizoplane micro‰ora.


We thank Dr. Tadashi Yoshida for his informationabout handling bacteria.


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