Title 89

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  • 7/29/2019 Title 89



    ( 26:6)

    ( 26:6) .

    Title: I will deliver the message correctly.

    Proverbs 26:66 He who sends a message by the hand of a fool

    Cuts offhis own feet anddrinks violence.


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    As we live our life, the difficult thing is to speak our words properly.

    Delivering a message correctly and understanding the message correctly. These are

    two things that are difficult to do in our life.

    Because time to time we end up in tears because we could not understand the

    message delivered correctly and cause misunderstanding because we deliver a

    certain message incorrectly.


    ! , ! .

    If you want to send a message to someone else, since this is a very sensitive matter, it is better

    for you to deliver the message by yourself in person, rather than sending someone.

    In Korean sayings, there is a saying that Ah and Euh are different.


    When you deliver a message to someone who was not present at the situation, then

    it is not that the story of this whole situation is properly described, but only the

    meanings of those words spoken by the person who is describing the situation.

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    Clearly, at that situation person A said something as a meaningless joke, however,

    when someone describes that joke alone separately from the whole situation that

    joke can be no longer a joke, but it could be something that pierces someone or


    So when you ask someone to deliver a message to someone else, you must first find

    out how this person is thinking about the matter; whether he or she possesses

    positive opinion about it or not.






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    Lets say I need to deliver a message to Mr. Kim, but I cannot go to Mr. Kim right

    now because I have some other matters to look after and Mr. Lee is going to see Mr.

    Kim tonight.

    So I ask Mr. Lee, Can you give him this message regarding such matter?

    I ask him. And this Mr. Lee has negative opinion regarding this matter I am about to


    If so, then how would Mr. Lee deliver my message?

    It is not that my opinion and my message is delivered, but the opinion of Mr. Lee is

    delivered to Mr. Kim.

    This is why it is better to deliver certain message personally, not thru some other


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    ( 26:6)

    Therefore, when you send a message through someone else, not only you need to

    consider how honest the messenger is, but also you must consider how well this

    messenger is understanding about the situation and whether this messenger is

    having positive opinion about it.

    Proverbs 26:66 He who sends a message by the hand of a fool

    Cuts offhis own feet anddrinks violence.



    . .

    Humans dont have ability to deliver a message to someone correctly and clearly

    since the beginning of creation.

    It was not because of the Fall, but even before the Fall, men did not possess the

    ability to deliver a message correctly.

    Probably this is why God had to write the Word of God in writing and gave men the


    Let us examine the conversation that took place in the Garden of Eden together.

    God: (to Adam) 16And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, Of every

    tree of the garden you may freely eat; 17 but of the tree of the knowledge of

    good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shallsurely die.(Genesis 2:16-17)

    God: 18 And the LORD God said, It is not good that man should be alone; I

    will make him a helper comparable to him.

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    : ()

    . (2:16-17)



    The serpent: 1 Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field

    which the LORD God had made. And he said to the woman, Has God indeed

    said, You shall not eat of every tree of the garden?(Genesis 3:1)

    Woman: (to the serpent) And the woman said to the serpent, We may eat

    the fruit of the trees of the garden; 3 but of the fruit of the tree which is inthe midst of the garden, God has said, You shall not eat it, nor shall you

    touch it, lest you die.

    : ( )


    : ()


    . .





    God said the Word of God to Adam and Adam delivered that message to Eve. So

    this message is transferred once.

    However, look carefully how this short message is being misinterpreted while it is

    being transferred from Adam to Eve once.

    Gods Word, You shall not eat is changed toYou shall not eat it, nor shall you

    touch it,here, one thing is added to the original Word of God.

    And Gods Word,you shall surely dieis changed tolest you die. Here onethingsurelyis omitted from the Word of God.

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    Yes, this is true.

    Words are changed as we transfer from person to person.Message is changed according to the messenger who delivers the message

    as the messenger adds to or omits from the original message.


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    And we are also the messengers of God appointed by God.

    We are asked by God that we should deliver the Word of God in the Bible to thepeople of all nations.

    In the time of the Old Testament, there were people with duty who represented God.

    Those people were prophets and priests.

    Prophets are messengers of the Word of God and priests are messengers who

    deliver words of men to God.




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    Today, in this generation, people who believe in Jesus are all priests and at the same

    time prophets.

    We all have this duty to deliver Gods message.

    We must deliver Gods message to people correctly and properly and also, we must

    deliver words of men to God properly as well.

    Delivering words of men to God correctly and properly is intercessory prayer and it

    is also joined prayer.

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    , , ,


    Now, God has one worry.

    God asked men, Please deliver My Word to human. I want you to testify what

    youve seen, what youve heard and felt and what you ve experienced to the ends of

    the earth. Please go and testify. God asked men.

    God said, Please deliver this message to human that there is no salvation other

    than Jesus.

    However, men who are asked by God to deliver this message go and tell people

    that there is some other way to salvation other than Jesus.

    God asked men, the way of salvation, way of forgiveness of sins, the way to berighteous; Jesus is the only way and there is no other way. Salvation is only through

    Jesus Christ and salvation is not by your good works, only by Gods righteousness

    you can obtain salvation.

    God asked men to deliver this message to people.

    And men go and deliver this message and say like this;

    In the Bible, God says, salvation is for the righteous and if you believe this Jesus

    God grants you righteousness and this righteousness which God gives you

    composes 50% of salvation and the rest 50% you must accomplish by doing good

    works and live uprightly.

    Let us live diligently and uprightly so that we may add 50 to accomplish 100 and

    take possession of salvation.

    Let us go get salvation!

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    If this is what the messengers of God say to the people, then God would be so


    50 50

    50 100



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    ? . ', .'

    When we go to a retreat or a church camp, we often play this game; how well we

    can deliver a message.

    Who delivers the message most correctly.

    There are about 10 participants and we let them sit in a row and from the first

    person to the last one, a message is being delivered.

    The person at the front says the message to the person behind and let the person

    behind write down the message. And that person to the person behind and so on.

    And the last person who receives and writes down the message stands up and read

    the message that was delivered to him through 10 participants.

    And every time the last person reads out the message, people burst into laughter.

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    We see how the original message is changed while it is being passed through 10

    participants. We see how different the delivered message is from the original

    message. The message is totally different message from the original message.

    After having a good laugh altogether, we ask all the participants to keep the memo

    to remind themselves how words can be changed drastically while it is being

    transferred from person to person.

    And we ask all the participants to take out that memo whenever someone comes

    and deliver certain message and you feel like you can trust the person who is

    delivering the message.

    When we deliver a message that we heard seconds ago the message delivered is

    changed so much, think how much more the original message would change if the

    messenger heard it couple of days ago or even a week ago. Think about this

    whenever you feel like you can trust the message being delivered through someone

    elses mouth, not straight out from the person who said the words.

    When I played that game in our retreat, the message heard seconds ago is changed

    so drastically while its being transferred from person to person. If so, then how

    much exactly and precisely this person can deliver the original message to me

    without adding or taking out from the original message?

    So I am telling you when you hear the message sent to you from someone, hear itlike this: Aha! This is what this messenger is thinking about that matter. This is how

    this person who is delivering the message thinks about the situation. This is the

    messengers opinion about the person.

    . .


    Therefore, God wrote down His Words in His book and gave us so that we can

    deliver Gods message. Why? Because if God gives us His Word by words only, and

    not in writing, we cannot properly deliver Gods message.

    That is why God gave us written Words.

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    God wrote them down and gave us the Bible and commanded us to deliver His

    message with Bible in our hand.

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    I bless you with the name of the Lord, I want you to become wise messenger of


    My beloved saints of God, let us all, deliver our words, the words we speak, properly

    and correctly.

    Also, let us deliver the Word which God entrusted to us, the Word of God, properly

    and correctly.

    The mouth that delivers words properly, and thus I bless you with the name of the

    Lord your mouth shall be joyous for this week and for your whole lifetime.

    . . .


    . '

    . ''.

    Men of God should not induce someone to gossip or badmouth someone else.

    Also, men of God should not neglect or leave alone people who gossip or

    badmouth others.

    I am going to introduce one method to obey this.

    When someone visits your house to gossip or badmouth someone else, that person

    who gossips always observes you first.

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    The person who visits you to gossip first tries to find out your opinion about the

    subject person who is being gossiped or badmouthed.

    He says something like this, You know Mr. A he seems to be changed a little these

    days, doesnt he? and he slur the end of his sentence.

    At this, you must say something that is positive about the subject being gossiped or

    say something that acknowledges this person as a good man. Then this messenger

    who came to gossip will give up what he intended to say to you.

    He will give up badmouthing someone. He will give up talking about someone else.

    Then now, let us examine what kinds of power word have.

    1. ? 18 21.

    ( 18:21).

    Death and life are in the power of the tongue, And those who love it will eat its fruit.

    , .

    1. Indeed, does word have power?Let us examine through the Scripture Proverbs 18:21

    Death and life are in the power of the tongue, And those who love it will eat its fruit.

    2. . , .



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    2. Here, let us pay close attention to

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    This expression in the Bible possesses the premise that words we speak have power.

    I was very excited when I found out this Scripture written in the Bible.

    God opened my eyes and showed me this precious treasure hidden in the Scripture

    which I familiarly heard and knew before.

    The power of the tongue or the power of the words, this is a great truth.

    I believe it was a special grace given to me that I found this truth in the Bible.

    The power of the tongue, the power of the word; how does this sound to you?

    3. 18 21.


    3. Let us look at Proverbs 18:21 once again.What kinds of power of the tongue can we find out from this Word of God?

    ( 18:21).

    Death and life are in the power of the tongue, And those who love it will eat its fruit.

    , .

    Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit.

    4. . .

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    , . ?

    That is right. Death and life are in the power of the word. The power of the word

    gives life sometimes, and it kills people sometimes.

    The creative power that gives life to men is contained in the power of the tongue.

    The destructive power that kills men is also contained in the power of the word.

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    These powers are in your words.

    By the words you speak, man can live or die. Your words can kill someone or give

    life to someone. The one that lives can either be you or someone else. The one who

    dies can be you or someone else. Today, too, you are giving life or killing life

    through the words you speak. You are giving life or killing you or people around

    you with the words you speak.

    What is your opinion on this truth?

    5. ?

    ? ?



    5. what was the most shocking story youve ever heard which gave yousuicidal thoughts? What was the words youve heard that made you want

    to give up everything? At that moment, what kind of words did you want

    to hear?

    What was the message that gave you hope and breathed into you the breath of life?

    What kind of words those were?What kind of words gave you strength to stand again and revive?

    6. ? .

    ( 11:11).

    6. What other power does the word have? We must find it in the Bible.Proverbs 11:1111 By the blessing of the upright the city is exalted,

    But it is overthrown by the mouth of the wicked.

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    7. . .

    . ?


    That is right. Words have power to make man exalted or to make man destroyed.

    Inside your words are success and failure.

    If so, then what kind of words makes man succeed and what kind of words makes

    man destroyed?

    Among the words you speak often, which words are related to man s success and


    8. .

    ( 12:18).

    Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing. [N.I.V.]

    ( 15:4).

    [The tongue that brings healing is a tree of life, but a deceitful tongue crushes the spirit. N.I.V.]

    ( 18:14).

    8. Now, let us find out another power contained in the word through the Wordof God in the Bible.

    Proverbs 12:1818 There is one who speaks like the piercings of a sword,

    But the tongue of the wisepromotes health.

    ( 12:18).

    Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing. [N.I.V.]

    ( 15:4).

    [The tongue that brings healing is a tree of life, but a deceitful tongue crushes the spirit. N.I.V.]

    ( 18:14).

    14 The spirit of a man will sustain him in sickness,But who can bear a broken spirit? (Proverbs 18:14)

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    9. . .




    9. Thats right. Words can make human sick or words can heal sick man.This is a precious truth which the Bible is teaching us.

    Through the words you speak you and people around you can become sick or can

    be healed from their sickness.

    What do you think about this truth that the words you speak possess such power?

    10. . ,

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    10.The process that words we speak make one sick or healed is like this;Words spoken thoughtlessly, the deceitful tongue crushes the spirit.

    If the spirit is crushed, your body is crushed, too.

    On the other hand,24 Pleasant words are like a honeycomb,

    Sweetness to the soul and health to the bones. (Proverbs 16:24)

    24 Gracious words are a honeycomb,

    sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.

    This word healthwritten in the original Hebrew language has the meaningto heal. In other words, pleasant words heal the bones.

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    Here, the bones can be a pronoun for the whole body and it could mean bones


    What kinds of words break your heart? What kind of words crushes your spirit?

    How does breaking your heart affect your body?

    4 A wholesome tongue is a tree of life,But perverseness in it breaks the spirit.



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    Word (in Korean ) is shortened to describe heart ( in Korean).

    According to the Word of God, heart of a man comes to the surface and become

    his words. Therefore, inside the words of a man who intends to hurt others there is

    hostility or ill will. You can feel hostility and ill will from the words of such man.

    Time to time, people try to hide their intention disguising their negative feelings

    with beautiful words, however, no matter how beautifully their words are decorated

    and disguised, their true intention is surely delivered as is.

    In other words, time to time we can easily hurt someone s spirit with beautifully

    decorated words.

    In my case, whenever someone tries to speak to me beautiful words, but I feel thatthe heart and the words of the person who speaks do not seem to match, I lose

    trust in that person first and I feel my heart hurt.

    Conversely, even though the words that a certain person is using may be swear

    words from the objective perspective, if those words are the words originated from

    love that feels heartbreaking towards the subject person, then I do not feel hurt

    even though I hear swear words.

    Conclusively, what is really important is the heart/spirit contained in the words.

    And one thing we must know is that if your heart is hurt, if your spirit is hurt, then

    your body is indeed hurt.

    Beyond our thinking, our body and spirit are one.

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    Currently, we are learning how to speak words from Jesus. We are learning words from the


    Let us review and summarize our lesson today.

    The word has power. Life and death are in the power of the tongue. Words we speak can kill a

    man or can give life to man.

    Words we speak can make one succeed or can make one destroyed.

    Words we speak can make one sick or can heal someone who is sick.

    Words we speak can make one happy or unhappy.