

Transcript of Titan

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A brief history of Titan

I (Peter) created it in 2012, the first idea is to

create a unify programming language to overall

control every parts of cloud.

Except the programming language, we need a

management tool to express our idea. And I

think Openstack is still missing a great

management tool.

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Where you can get invoked





Project website

http://www.titan-engine.net (not finish yet)

My email

[email protected]

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The team

Team description is in here


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What we are up to 2013/12/18

Management tool are heading to the first launch

It can manage disk, network, vm, able to view

server/vm statistic, permission system, etc …

I am still learn ANTLR, still confidence to create

a basic Titan compiler before Feb

Will finalize the language specification 1.0

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Server dialogistic

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VM management

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Remote & network

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Storage management

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Flavor management

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What are the next steps

Add support to Openstack incubation projects at

early stage

Bare metal (Ironic)

Telemetry (Ceilometer)

Orchestration (Heat)

Anything interesting ?

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What are the next steps (II)

Promote Titan

Want more people to use

Want more people to join