Tips for Writing the Perfect Real Estate Ad

Tips for Writing the Perfect Real Estate Ad Private property sellers should spend extra- time on making sure the add is unique, well- written and descriptive enough.


Private property sellers should spend extratime on making sure the add is unique, wellwritten and descriptive enough.

Transcript of Tips for Writing the Perfect Real Estate Ad

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Tips for Writing the Perfect

Real Estate Ad

Private property sellers should spend extra-

time on making sure the add is unique, well-

written and descriptive enough.

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The Headline – Descriptive and Different

Start with the first element – the headline! This is your

first chance to make a great impression and to get your

audience interested.

Include all of the essentials – the size of the house, its

location, the price and the most unique characteristics (or

at least one of them). A little detail can make all the

difference in the world because most listings look and

sound the same.

Try to think like your target audience. Which titles do you

pay attention to? What makes them unique? Use this

information to set yourself apart and give your private

property sale the perfect start.

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Why is Your House Special or the One?

The audience wants to be lured into learning more about

your house. Why is it the one? What makes it so special?

Why should they dedicate some time to giving you a call?

It is important to think about which details you are

including in the ad. A few details can be interesting but

you should keep it short and focused. Each line you

include in the description has to make sense.

When creating a property ad for online publishing, think

about the keywords that will bring people to the particular

page. By knowing how people look for properties, you will

increase your chance of reaching a bigger audience.

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Use Lists and Bullet Points

The manner in which you format your real estate ad will

also determine the audience’s response. Make the private property sale advertisement easy to scan through,

enable the reader to instantly get access to the essential


You can provide information about the most important

characteristics in the form of a list. These should include

the number of rooms, the additional facilities, the types of

materials used and other features that make the property


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Enhance the Content with Photographs

There are two elements that potential property buyers

look at to determine whether they want to continue

exploring the ad: the title of the listing and the


A creative private property sale ad should be making use

of high quality photographs. Beautiful, professional

pictures can compensate for all the shortcomings or

imperfections of the property.

Investing in professional photos is essential, when trying

to sell property privately. You can create the text on your

own but amateur photographs will immediately spoil the

great first impression.

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Avoid the Real Estate Listing Clichés

Examine several real estate ads. Chances are that you

will come across the same phrases and keywords that

appear in all of those.

The cliché will kill your property ad immediately. It is safe,

it is well-known and it provides no information of

substance. The potential buyer would like to find out why

the particular house is the right one. If you drown that

person in clichés, you will lose the opportunity to

complete the private property sale quickly.

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Do You Need Help?

Our media is dedicated to helping private property and business sellers

accomplish their goals. Coming up with a private property sale strategy can be very difficult. Contact us today to

make the most of this opportunity!