Tips for Liver Cirrhosis Herbal Treatment


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The main function of your liver is to process your intake of food and drinks by extracting all the useful nutrients and proteins your body requires.

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Page 1: Tips for Liver Cirrhosis Herbal Treatment

Tips for Liver Cirrhosis Herbal Treatment

Taking care of your liver is just as important as taking care of your heart. A properly functioning

and healthy liver is necessary for you to lead a healthy life as it is from your liver that you get all

the proteins from your food and into your system. We provide you with ideas for liver cirrhosis

herbal treatment. There are many medicines that you can take with a prescription from a doctor

but now you can also take care of yourself with liver cirrhosis natural treatment.

Let’s Begin With Your Diet

The main function of your liver is to process your intake of food and drinks by extracting all the

useful nutrients and proteins your body requires. When the liver tissue becomes scarred, the liver

is unable to perform these daily tasks. With liver cirrhosis natural treatment you can improve

the working of your liver. The first place to start is with your diet. Due to the scarring of the

liver, most of the food does not get processed.

As a way of liver cirrhosis natural treatment it is beneficial to undergo a juice cleanse or a

juice fast. Consume fresh juice made of fruits and vegetables such as carrots, beetroot and

papaya with a little lemon. Daily consumption of these juices will flush out all the toxins from

your body as your liver becomes too damaged to do so on its own.

A main part of the liver cirrhosis natural treatment is completely doing away with all junk,

oily, fried, spicy and sugary food. These types of food are too heavy for the scarred liver to

process hence it is necessary for you to cut down on them on your own.

Avoid eating a rich protein diet as that is also too much for your liver to handle. You may opt to

include home-made cottage cheese as a part of your diet as it provides you with protein without

being too heavy. Along with this, consumption of fresh raw fruits and vegetables is also essential

as it cleans your system of toxins. A tea brewed from a herb called milk thistle is also a good

liver cirrhosis herbal treatment.

Taking the Liver Cirrhosis Herbal Treatment

In addition to diet changes you can also take herbal medicines to overcome liver cirrhosis. These

medicines are ayurvedic and completely natural.

Yakritpalihantak Churan: Once spoonful once a day

Liver Detox Capsules: Two in the morning and evening with water

Echinacea (Kalmegh) Capsules: Two in the morning and evening with water

Phyllanthus Niruri Capsules: Two in the morning and evening with water