Tinus Pulles, Jeroen Kuenen & Justin Goodwin What has been achieved? The draft Revised Guidebook.

Tinus Pulles, Jeroen Kuenen & Justin Goodwin What has been achieved? The draft Revised Guidebook


Tinus Pulles, Jeroen Kuenen & Justin Goodwin Project and TFEIP mandate “Revision” commissioned by the European Commission Fixed budget and deadline Contractual conditions apply Deliverables: Draft revised Guidebook to be presented in TFEIP Draft Emission Factor database, containing numerical data from the GBK Draft Maintenance Plan (to be delivered after this meeting) TFEIP to Discuss draft revised Guidebook as developed under the contract Accept or not accept the draft as the latest version of the Guidebook to be used for LRTAP reporting under the (2007) Reporting Guidelines. Project budget (including meetings, travel etc.) ± 75 chapters6 to 7 working days per chapter, including review results ± 1750 pages2 to 3 working hours per page, including review results

Transcript of Tinus Pulles, Jeroen Kuenen & Justin Goodwin What has been achieved? The draft Revised Guidebook.

Page 1: Tinus Pulles, Jeroen Kuenen & Justin Goodwin What has been achieved? The draft Revised Guidebook.

Tinus Pulles, Jeroen Kuenen & Justin Goodwin

What has been achieved?

The draft Revised Guidebook

Page 2: Tinus Pulles, Jeroen Kuenen & Justin Goodwin What has been achieved? The draft Revised Guidebook.

Tinus Pulles, Jeroen Kuenen & Justin Goodwin


• Project and TFEIP mandate• Approach• Review• The state-of-play

Page 3: Tinus Pulles, Jeroen Kuenen & Justin Goodwin What has been achieved? The draft Revised Guidebook.

Tinus Pulles, Jeroen Kuenen & Justin Goodwin

Project and TFEIP mandate

• “Revision” commissioned by the European Commission • Fixed budget and deadline• Contractual conditions apply

• Deliverables:• Draft revised Guidebook to be presented in TFEIP• Draft Emission Factor database, containing numerical data from the GBK• Draft Maintenance Plan (to be delivered after this meeting)

• TFEIP to• Discuss draft revised Guidebook as developed under the contract• Accept or not accept the draft as the latest version of the Guidebook to be

used for LRTAP reporting under the (2007) Reporting Guidelines.

Project budget (including meetings, travel etc.)

± 75 chapters 6 to 7 working days per chapter, including review results

± 1750 pages 2 to 3 working hours per page, including review results

Page 4: Tinus Pulles, Jeroen Kuenen & Justin Goodwin What has been achieved? The draft Revised Guidebook.

Tinus Pulles, Jeroen Kuenen & Justin Goodwin

Procedure to prepare the draft revised Guidebook

Technical workshops

TEAM prepares first order drafts

Experts to solve gaps and problems

EP meeting

TEAM prepares zero order drafts

Zero order drafts

Existing Guidebook from August


from ASeptember

2007from February


Page 5: Tinus Pulles, Jeroen Kuenen & Justin Goodwin What has been achieved? The draft Revised Guidebook.

Tinus Pulles, Jeroen Kuenen & Justin Goodwin

Review of First Order Drafts

Technical workshops

TEAM prepares first order drafts

Experts to solve gaps and problems

EP meeting

TEAM prepares zero order drafts

Zero order drafts

Existing Guidebook from August


from ASeptember

2007from February


Review of the First Order Drafts:• Usability: Does the Guidebook support national emissions reporting to

LRTAP and NECD?• All pollutants• All source categories

• Technical quality Does the Guidebook provide technically sound and up-to-date guidance?

• Up-to-date?• Complete?• Explained and Referenced?

Page 6: Tinus Pulles, Jeroen Kuenen & Justin Goodwin What has been achieved? The draft Revised Guidebook.

Tinus Pulles, Jeroen Kuenen & Justin Goodwin

Guidebook FOD downloads









25 February 2008

03 March 2008

10 March 2008

17 March 2008

24 March 2008

31 March 2008


ber o

f dow



sectoral_guidance general_guidance

Review: Number of FOD downloads over time

In total:• General Guidance: 517• Sectoral Guidance: 1870

Page 7: Tinus Pulles, Jeroen Kuenen & Justin Goodwin What has been achieved? The draft Revised Guidebook.

Tinus Pulles, Jeroen Kuenen & Justin Goodwin

Review: Number of FOD downloads per chapter/volume

0 100 200 300 400 500 600

1A Combustion1B Fugitives

2A Mineral Industry2B Chemical Industry

2C Metal Industry2D Other Production Industry

2E POP Production2D POP Consumption

2G Other

3 Product Use4 Agriculture

6 Waste11 Natural Sources

IntroductionMethodological ChoiceData Collection Issues

Time Series ConsistencyUncertainties

Inventory ManagementSpatial Disaggregation


Number of downloads

Energy Industrial Processes Other sectors General Guidance

Page 8: Tinus Pulles, Jeroen Kuenen & Justin Goodwin What has been achieved? The draft Revised Guidebook.

Tinus Pulles, Jeroen Kuenen & Justin Goodwin

Review: Number of comments received: reviewer



1 000

1 500

2 000

2 500

3 000














ts re



0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Martin AdamsCarlo Trozzi

Morten WintherPaul Boulter

Ole-Kenneth NielsenAntonio Ferreiro

Sergey KakarekaKristin Rypdal

Brian SmithersSteen Gyldenkaerne

Laura ValliNadine Allemand

Karin GroenesteinLeon Ntziachristos

Chris DoreKlaas van der Hoek

Paul DuffyNick Hutchings

Birgit BrahnerNatalja Kohv

Geoff SalwayBernard HydeCosimo Chiffi

Laszlo GasparLiesbeth SchrootenElisabetta Angelino

Ulrich DammgenStephan PoupaBarbara Amon

Marian van SchijndelWilfried Winiwarter

Julien Vincent

Cummulative fraction of comments

You have kept the deadlines very wellSome remarks on this! In total 67 reviewers

Page 9: Tinus Pulles, Jeroen Kuenen & Justin Goodwin What has been achieved? The draft Revised Guidebook.

Tinus Pulles, Jeroen Kuenen & Justin Goodwin

Review: Number of comments received: by contents

- 200 400 600 800 1 000 1 200

General comment


Methodological Choice

Data Collection Issues


Inventory Management

Spatial disaggregation

Time Series Consistency



Industrial Processes

Product use




Number of Comments

In total 3059:• General Guidance: 529• Sectoral Guidance: 2084• EFs: 446

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90%

Manure management… (4.B)Road transport, gaso… (1.A.3.b.v)

Road transport… (1.A.3.b)Civil aviation… (1.A.3.a)

Navigation… (1.A.3.d)Road transport, auto… (1.A.3.b.vi)Mobile Combustion in… (1.A.2.f.ii)

Paint application… (3.A)Iron and steel produ… (2.C.1)

Stationary combustio… (1.A.2.f.i)Distribution of oil … (1.B.2.a.v)

Other sectors… (1.A.4)Public electricity a… (1.A.1.a)

Other chemical indus… (2.B.5.a)Agricultural soils… (4.D)

Railways… (1.A.3.c)Manufacturing indust… (1.A.2)

Synthetic N-fertiliz… (4.D.1)Chemical products, m… (3.C)Waste-water handling… (6.B)Petroleum refining… (1.A.1.b)

Refining / storage… (1.B.2.a.iv)Energy industries… (1.A.1)Zinc production… (2.C.5.d)

Cement production… (2.A.1)Copper production… (2.C.5.a)

Other mineral produc… (2.A.7.d)Field burning of agr… (4.F)

Cummulative fraction of comments

In total 103 NFRs

Page 10: Tinus Pulles, Jeroen Kuenen & Justin Goodwin What has been achieved? The draft Revised Guidebook.

Tinus Pulles, Jeroen Kuenen & Justin Goodwin

Review: Treatment of comments

General Guidance chapters Sectoral Guidance chapters





Consult with Expert Panel






Consult with Expert Panel


Page 11: Tinus Pulles, Jeroen Kuenen & Justin Goodwin What has been achieved? The draft Revised Guidebook.

Tinus Pulles, Jeroen Kuenen & Justin Goodwin

State-of-Play: what has been achieved?Guidebook structure

• Goals• A “Cook book”

• Providing algorithms and parameters• An “Educational Cook book”

• Providing background information and discussion• Achievements

• Directly linked to the reporting requirements• Consistent structure across sectors• Structure similar to IPCC 2006 GLs

• Benefits:• Usability

• Decision trees and Tiers to support methodological choice• All tables “complete” as seen from the reporting table

• Quality • Identified problems • Identified inconsistencies

and solved many of them !

Page 12: Tinus Pulles, Jeroen Kuenen & Justin Goodwin What has been achieved? The draft Revised Guidebook.

Tinus Pulles, Jeroen Kuenen & Justin Goodwin

State-of-Play: what has been achieved?Problems identified and solved

Missing pollutants:• Consistent EFs for all relevant pollutants for all NFRs

• Where we have EFs, these are provided• Where the reporting table indicates “Not Applicable” the pollutant is in the

“Not Applicable” cell in the table• All other pollutants are in the “Not Estimated” cell in the table• Our assumption is that these are minor sources for these pollutants

Oops: for some NFR and pollutant combinations we have emission factors, although the reporting format marks these as “Not Applicable”.

Unit errors correctedReferences corrected and where possible updated

Page 13: Tinus Pulles, Jeroen Kuenen & Justin Goodwin What has been achieved? The draft Revised Guidebook.

Tinus Pulles, Jeroen Kuenen & Justin Goodwin

State-of-Play: what has been achieved?Lessons learned

• Complete harmonisation with IPCC is impossible (Air Pollutants are much more complex)

• IPCC principles can be used but methods may be different

• Difficult to separate out some NFRs (e.g. 1A2 & 2)

• Units conventions for EFs need discussion (reluctance to adopt g/GJ for some methods)

• Guidebook needs resourced technical maintenance and co-ordination

Page 14: Tinus Pulles, Jeroen Kuenen & Justin Goodwin What has been achieved? The draft Revised Guidebook.

Tinus Pulles, Jeroen Kuenen & Justin Goodwin

State-of-Play: what has been achieved?Problems identified and not solved

• Inconsistencies between different references

• Particulate EF < sum of relevant HM EFs

• NFR structure• Glass is only significant source category in “Other Industry; why not call it “Glass

Industry”• Road transport non-tailpipe emissions are in the “Combustion” sector• “Manure Management” could probably be called “Animal Husbandry” to enable including

non NH3 emissions (dust)• Pollutant oriented source categories 2E and 2 F (POPs production & consumption)

• General Guidance• Key Category Analysis (Aggregation)

• Tier 3 Methods• Navigation (New methods and data from a number of sources).• Eurocontrol for Aviation

Page 15: Tinus Pulles, Jeroen Kuenen & Justin Goodwin What has been achieved? The draft Revised Guidebook.

Tinus Pulles, Jeroen Kuenen & Justin Goodwin

State-of-Play: after the review• Improved following the comments on the FODs.• No important changes in present draft• Check for suitable linkages to Sectoral chapters needed for Spatial

mapping and Projections

General Guidance

• Updated quite a bit since the FODs, • Might need additional reviewing

1.A. Stationary Combustion

• Updated considerably to meet the comments and discussions with the Expert Panel.

• Might need an additional review cycle• Some work needed on tier 3 methods due to new data..

1.A.3 Mobile Combustion

6. Waste

3. Product Use

2. Industrial Processes • Improvements of the chapters since FOD. • No important changes in present draft

1.B. Fugitives

• “Source category" versus "pollutant” organisation. • The present drafts have tried to solve this issue• Needs some additional review/comments by the relevant experts.

4. Agriculture

Page 16: Tinus Pulles, Jeroen Kuenen & Justin Goodwin What has been achieved? The draft Revised Guidebook.

Tinus Pulles, Jeroen Kuenen & Justin Goodwin

Main perspectives for the discussion

1. User’s perspective• Does the draft provide all what is needed to report air pollution

inventories compliant with the LRTAP Reporting Guidelines?• Are the methods clear?• Are sufficient EFs available?

2. Expert’s perspective• Is the guidance of sufficient technical quality?• Is new information included?