Tinnitus Today October 1984 Vol 9, No 2

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  • 7/30/2019 Tinnitus Today October 1984 Vol 9, No 2



    * * * * *]CEZ ~ V K E N ] KB R E H \ ~ IQ]EJOH \EOO ZHQRH ]KEN]QKMXJH I]I,Z NH\IMDENEZ]QI]ERH ZHJQH]IQU/Vit r e j e i Millhtt / wckshcusainm/ o egh sk diny kbus/ cis t ennetus.* * * * *

    Is es kbthn tch jish/ iwirhnhss jkdhs tcrkulc phrsknio hxphrehnjh $ E cim nhvhr hvhn chirm kbt ennetus unt e o E dht dy cusainm inm ohirnhm tcit ch subbhrhm brkd tces ibboejtekn. Ces prkaohd/ippirhntoy/ wis ene t eio oy jiushm ay hxpksurh tk jknstint irt e o ohry wetc nk hir prkthjtekn/Jwcejce s jurrhntoy en ush.> Ckwhvhr/ e t e s kbthn meb b ejuo t tk ah jhrtien iakut tc h jiush inm/ enmhhm/ chwis nkt iwirh kb tc h renlenl en ces chim unteo skdh yhirs oithr / wchn e t ipphirhm murenl i phrekmkb lrhit strhss .Nkt unt e o skdh yhirs cim pisshm/ me m wh ohirn tcit ces wis nkt it i o o i unequh jish inm tcit/ enbijt/ diny deooekns kb phkpoh subbhr en i sedeoir wiy. E siy !sedeoir ahjiush iotckulc t ennetuses queth prhviohnt/ hijc jish es enmevemuio $ wcit chops knh phrskn/ diy ah tktiooy enhbbhjtevhbkr inktchr.Dy cusainm wis enbkrdhm ay ces mkjtkr/ en 958:/tcit vhry o e t t oh wis gnkwn iakut ces jknmetekn inmjkuomn,t hvhn nidh e t $ ch wkuom `ust civh tk ohirn tk oevh wetc e t o E id surh tci t hvhn tkmiytces es in i oo tk k bideoeir pcrish tk diny kb yku/ senjh/ hvhn tckulc tchrh irh pksseaeoetehs bk rrhoehvenl tch subbhrenl kb tennetus nkw/ tphrh es s t e o o nk jurh. Ibthr ths t enl inm tryenl tc hvirekus pkssea e o e t ehs / ykur mkjtkr diy s t e o o civh tk jkdh tk tc h sidh jknjousekn. Zk/ tc h aelquhstekn rhdiens $ ~ C k w mkhs knh oevh wetc et;!Lhnhrio lkkm chiotc thnms tk enjrhish i phrskn,s bhhoenl kb whoo$ahenl inm diy ah in kavekus poijhtk ahlen jkpenl. E t jkuomn,t curtoDiny phkpoh ahnhbet brkd jkddunejitekn wetc ktchr subbhrhrs inm benm strhnltc en gnkwenl tcit tchyirh nkt ioknh. ]ch shob$chop lrkups tcit irh nkw en hxesthnjh/ inm tcksh ahenl bkrdhm irkunm tchjkuntry/ diy b e o o i rhio nhhm bkr diny .Brkd wcit E civh kashrvhm/ ckwhvhr / tcksh tennetus subbhrhrs wck jkph dkst hbbhjtevhoy irh tckshwck ijjhpt tcher prkaohd/ au t mkn, t rhseln tchdshovhs tk mhbhit inm mhprhssekn. ]ch kom pkset evhitt e tumh jin ah i o e b h sivhr) Diny phkpoh jkdpoien tcit tcher t ennetus ahjkdhs entkohriaoh wchntchy rhterh brkd tcher o e bh , s wkrg inm e t e s prkaiaoy ahjiush tchy civh nk mes t rijt ekns tk tightcher denms kbb kb e t . \chtchr yku subbhr brkd t ennetus kr nkt/ e t wkuom shhd tk ah chiotcehr tkcivh i rhiskniaoh nudahr kb ijtevet ehs tk kjjupy ykur tedh/ aut e t shhds hsshnteio bkr tcksh kbyku wck mk civh t ennetus E edilenh tcit yku irh tcengenl/ whoo / et , s hisy bkr chr tk siy wchn sch e sn , t subbhrenl/ autpohish rhdhdahr tcit E id knoy rhpkrtenl wcit E civh ohirnhm brkd knh wck es . Ch siys7 !Mkn,t oh ttcit renlenl skunm ahjkdh tc h ah i o o inm hnm i o o kb ykur hxesthnjh . !

  • 7/30/2019 Tinnitus Today October 1984 Vol 9, No 2


    Vilh 1.KXQ ,]HOO I BQEHNM, IQ]EJOH BQKD ]CH OIZ] EZZXHENZVEQHM DINU VHKVOH ]K \QE]H.CHQH IQH @XZ] I BH\ HSJHQV]Z BQKD QHJHN] OH]]HQZQHJHERHM I] ]CH I]I KBBEJH0Zkdh bkkm bk r tckulct\chn E b e r s t rhioezhm tcit t ennetus inm mhibnhss endy r elct hir wkuom ah i phrdinhnt jknme t ekn / Emhjemhm tk okkg i t tch kptekns bkr dy it t e tumhtkwirms tch rhs t kb dy o e b h . ]chrh shhds tk ahtcrhh jckejhs09% Yuet o evenl. 1% \hir i seln kr jkddhnt kn dyprkaohd brhquhntoy tk tcksh E wkuom sphig tk / sktci t tchy wkuom tk ah iwirh kb dy enves ea ohprkaohd. :% Ijjhpt dy s ti th / ghhp sk ausy t ci ttchrh wkuom ah nk tedh tk tceng iakut dy prkaohd/inm okkg bkr pkse t evh isphjts kb o evenl wetc tcesjknmetekn. E memn, t chse tith tk imkpt tc es tcermjckejh.Inktchr vehw#Hxjhrpts brkd i oh t thr wretthn ay i bkrdhr dusejeintk ces bhookw poiyhrs.%Is yku irh i o o iwirh/ tch rhiskn E o h b t tc h Ainm wisahjiush E mhvhokphm t enne tus wcejc jidh iakut is imerhj t rhsuo t kb ahenl hxpkshm tk hxtrhdhoy okumnkesh kvhr i oknl phrekm kb tedh . Xnbkrtunithoy/dy t ennetus cis lktthn prklrhssevhoy wkrsh senjhohivenl tch Ainm hvhn tckulc E ,vh ahhn hxtrhdhoyjirh bu o tk ivkem okum skunms. Isemh brkd tchjknstint renlenl/ wcejc is yku jin edilenh e s nktpirt ejuoiroy pohisint/ dy hirs civh ahjkdh hxtrhdhoyshnset evh tk okum nkeshs. ]ces shns e t e v e ty ciskb i prkaohd tk dh tcin tch r enlenl.]chrh e s nk sj ehn t e b e j hxpoinit ekn bk r t c e sshnse t eve ty$$dy tchkry es tcit dy !sckjg iaskrahrs!civh ahhn midilhm inm tcus dy hirs civh i dujc okwhrtkohrinjh bkr okum skunms. \cit e s okum tk dh e s`ust in krmeniry skunm tk tc h nkrdio hir ]ennetuscis mrist eji o oy ibbhjthm dy hvhrymiy o e bh / i t ckdh/wkrg/ inm skjeiooyChrh e s i o e s t kb tc h tcenls Ejin nk oknlhr mk0o .ush i pkwhr dkwhr o o .ah en rkkd wetc okum sthrhk1.ush i pkwhr siw 91.ah i t okunlh wetc oevh ainm:.mk iny ciddhrenl 9:.itthnm pirimhs=.ush hohjtrej mr e o o 9=.lk tk jirneviosZ.ush i jcien siw oZ.itthnm jrkwmhm pirtehs2.ush vijuud johinhr 92.itthnm o evh spkrts hvhnts

  • 7/30/2019 Tinnitus Today October 1984 Vol 9, No 2


    Vilh :.Zhob$chop nhws jkntenuhm\h irh sim tk rhpkr t tch mhitc kb Diry MkschrAknnhy/ shob$chop lrkup ohimhr brkd Hulhnh/ Krhlkn.Drs. Aknnhy cis ahhn ijt evh en I]I i b bi e r s bkr inudahr kb yhirs inm wh rhdhdahr ch r bknmoy.shvhrio kb tch shob$chop lrkup jkkrmenitkrs civhvkounthhrhm tk ijt is rhprhshntitevhs tk tch Bhmhriohdpokyhhs en tch e r irhi wck civh quhstekns iakutt enne tus . ]ces es i vhry chopbuo shrvejh inm whwkuom ah loim bkr dkrh vkounthhrs. Ukur nidh wkuomah o esthm wetc tc h Bhmhrio Hxhjutevh Akirm/ inm wetcjkddunety shrvejh ilhnjehs en ykur irhi is i okjiojkntijt bkr t ennetus enbkrditekn.Rkounthhr Deohilh Mhmujtekn Enjrhishs brkd -/65 tk-.91 hbbhjt evh @inuiry 9 / 9538 bkr phkpoh wck ushtch e r iutkdkaeohs wceoh phrbkrdenl vkounthhrshrvejh. #Mhbeje t rhmujtekn Ijt selnhm ay VrhsemhntQhilin kn @uoy 9:/ 953= $ CQ =9

  • 7/30/2019 Tinnitus Today October 1984 Vol 9, No 2


    Vilh =.

    NK]EJHNNXIO JKDAENHM BHMHQIO JIDVIELNXNMHQ\IU BKQ BHMHQIO HDVOKUHHZIdhrejin ]ennetus Isskjeitekn e s i dhdahr kb tchNiteknio Chiotc Ilhnjehs bkr tc h Jkdaenhm BhmhrioLevenl Jidpieln. Vohish / e b yku irh i Bhmhriowkrghr/ mhselnith I]I tk rhjhevh i o o kr pirt kb ykuryhir oy jci r e t ia oh jkn t r eau t ekn . E b yku irhijquienthm wetc i Bhmhrio wkrghr yku jin chop I]I ayrhdenmenl tchd tcit wh quioeby bk r pirtejepitekn entcher innuio jidpieln.

    ]ch Idhrejin ]ennetus Isskjeitekn mkhs nkt dighdieoenl o e s t ivieoiaoh tk in y ktchr krlinezitekVir t e i o o e s t s irh prkvemhm tk pit ehnts bkr tpurpksh kb enbkrditekn in m rhbhrri o / kr bkr tcus h en stirtenl i shob$chop lrkup. ]ch o e s t es nhtk ah ushm bkr purpkshs kutsemh tch wkrg kb tch IVohish mk nkt iaush ykur dhdahrscep preveohlhsohttenl tch o e s t bio o entk tc h cinms kb i jkddhrjprkdkthr.

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *NH\ ]ENNE]XZ QHZHIQJC VQK@HJ]BXNMHM AU I]I Civh yku shnt en ykur dhdahrscep mknitekn;I rhshirjc stumy hntetohm ]ch Vkst$Disgenl Hbbhjtskb ]enne tus cis rhjhnt oy ahhn bunmhm ay tchIdhrejin ]ennetus Isskjeitekn. Mr. Qejcirm ]yohr/Isskjeith Vrkbhsskr inm Merhjtkr kb Iumekokly i t tchXnevhrsety kb Ekwi Ckspetios inm Joenejs weoo ah tchprenjepio rhshirjchr. Mr. ]yohr ckphs tk ohirn dkrhiakut tch pkst$disgenl hb bhjts kn t enne tus inm tkmhthrdenh e b pitehnts wetc johir htekoklehs hxceaetpir t eju oi r pit thrns kb pkst$disgenl rhsuo ts . Irhpkrt kb Mr. ]yohr ,s stumehs weo o ah puaoeschm entces Nhwsohtthr upkn jkdpohtekn kb tc h prk`hjt.* * * * * * * * *

    Qhluoir dhdahr -98 kr dkrhZustienenl dhdahr -18 kr dkrhVrkbhsseknio dhdahr -966 kr dkrhAhnhbijtkr -866 kr dkrhNidh0[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[Immrhss.[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[Jety/Ztith/Pep[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[Ukur lebt es ]ix Mhmujteaoh* * * * * * *]ennetus prkjhhmenls kb tc h 1nm Enthrniteknio ]bnnetus Zhdenir weoo ah ivieoiaohskkn. ]ces jkdpeoitekn kb nhiroy nenhty piphrs kn tch sua`hjt kb t ennetus esipprkxedithoy :86 pilhs en ohnltc in m weo o ah tch ohimenl wkrg en tch b eh om kbt ennetus rhshirjc. ]ch akkg es ahenl prenthm en Hnloinm inm es hxphjthm tk ahivieoiaoh bkr mestreautekn brkd tc h I]I kbbejh skdhtedh en Nkvhdahr. Vrhpiemkrmhrs bk r tc e s puaoejit ekn diy ah shnt tk 0 I]I/ VK Akx 8/ Vkrtoinm/ KQ 5