Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late...

Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar companions beyond the main sequence Felix Mackebrandt International Max Planck Research School for Solar System Science at the University of Göttingen arXiv:2009.01669v1 [astro-ph.SR] 3 Sep 2020

Transcript of Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late...

Page 1: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature

Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar companions

beyond the main sequence

Felix Mackebrandt

International Max Planck Research Schoolfor Solar System Science

at the University of Goumlttingen










3 S

ep 2


Timing of stellar pulsations to searchfor sub-stellar companions beyond the

main sequence

Dissertationzur Erlangung des mathematisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Doktorgrades

ldquoDoctor rerum naturaliumrdquo

der Georg-August-Universitaumlt Goumlttingen

im Promotionsstudiengang Physik

der Georg-August University School of Science (GAUSS)

vorgelegt von

Felix Mackebrandtaus BrandenburgHavel Deutschland

Goumlttingen 2020


Dr Sonja SchuhMax-Planck-Institut fuumlr Sonnensystemforschung Goumlttingen Germany

Prof Dr Laurent GizonMax-Planck-Institut fuumlr Sonnensystemforschung Goumlttingen GermanyInstitut fuumlr Astrophysik Georg-August-Universitaumlt Goumlttingen Germany

Prof Dr Stefan DreizlerInstitut fuumlr Astrophysik Georg-August-Universitaumlt Goumlttingen Germany

Mitglieder der Pruumlfungskommision

Referent Dr Sonja SchuhMax-Planck-Institut fuumlr Sonnensystemforschung Goumlttingen Germany

Korreferent Prof Dr Stefan DreizlerInstitut fuumlr Astrophysik Georg-August-Universitaumlt Goumlttingen Germany

Weitere Mitglieder der Pruumlfungskommission

Prof Dr Laurent GizonMax-Planck-Institut fuumlr Sonnensystemforschung Goumlttingen GermanyInstitut fuumlr Astrophysik Georg-August-Universitaumlt Goumlttingen Germany

Dr Roberto SilvottiINAF-Osservatorio Astrofisico di Torino Pino Torinese Italy

Prof Dr Ariane FreyII Physikalisches Institut Georg-August-Universitaumlt Goumlttingen Germany

Prof Dr Laura CoviInstitut fuumlr Theoretische Physik Georg-August-Universitaumlt Goumlttingen Germany

Tag der muumlndlichen Pruumlfung 22062020

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Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in derDeutschen Nationalbibliografie detaillierte bibliografische Datensind im Internet uumlber httpdnbd-nbde abrufbar

copy Felix Mackebrandt

This work is distributed under aCreative Commons Attribution 40 License

Printed in Germany


Abstract 1

Zusammenfassung 3

I Introduction 5

1 Extrasolar planets 711 Historical overview 712 Definition of an exoplanet 813 Observational techniques 9

2 Subdwarf B stars 1121 Classification 1122 Canonical stellar and planetary evolution 1123 Subdwarf B stars formation scenarios 1424 Asteroseismology 16

241 κ mechanism 17242 Asteroseismic observations 18

II The EXOTIME project 21

3 Targets 23

4 Multi-epoch photometric data 2741 Time series photometry 27

411 Photometry 27412 Timing accuracy 27

5 Methods 2951 O minusC Pipeline 29

511 Linear change in period 29512 Light travel time effect 31

52 Artificial data testing 3253 Alternative approaches 38

531 Analytic signal 38



532 Independent confirmation via direct imaging 39

III The EXOTIME project Signals in the O minus C diagrams ofthe rapidly pulsating subdwarfs DW Lyn V1636 Ori QQ Vir andV541 Hya 41

6 Introduction 45

7 Observations and data reduction 4971 DW Lyn 4972 V1636 Ori 5373 QQ Vir 5374 V541 Hya 5475 TESS observations 5476 Data reduction 54

8 Analysis 55

9 Results and discussion 6391 DW Lyn 6392 V1636 Ori 6593 QQ Vir 6694 V541 Hya 6895 Testing the sub-stellar companion hypothesis 70

10 Summary and Conclusion 75

11 Appendix 77111 TESS data 77112 Amplitude spectra 78

IV Application to larger target pool 83

12 Further asteroseismic targets 85121 δ Scuti stars 85

13 Kepler 87131 Kepler mission 87

1311 sdB stars 871312 δ Scuti stars 87

13121 KIC 7917485 87

14 TESS 93141 TESS mission 93

1411 sdB stars 93



V Summary 97

15 Discussion 99

16 Outlook 103161 K2 mission 103162 TESS 103163 PLATO 103

VI Appendix 105

Bibliography 107

Acknowledgements 123

Scientific contributions 125


List of Figures

11 Exoplanet mass and radius distribution 812 Exoplanet detection methods 10

21 Sketch of a Hertzsprung-Russell diagram 1222 Protoplanetary discs 1323 Formation of sdB stars I 1524 Formation of sdB stars II 1625 Possible formation mechanism of close-in planets 1726 Hertzsprung-Russell diagram showing different classes of pulsating stars 20

51 Schematic picture of the O minusC diagram construction 3052 Schematic picture of the orbital configuration 3153 Amplitude spectrum for four resonant pulsations with frequencies 3354 Results for four resonant pulsations 3355 Amplitude spectrum for two close pulsations 3456 Results of the simultaneous fit of two close pulsations 3557 Amplitude spectrum for two close pulsations and very different amplitudes 3658 Results for two close pulsations and very different amplitudes 3659 Amplitude spectrum for one pulsation of varying amplitude 37510 Results for one simulated pulsation with varying amplitude 37511 Results of the Hilbert transform for one pulsation 39

71 Light curves 51

81 Flow chart representing the analysis of the time of arrival 5682 Example observations of DW Lyn 5883 Example observations of V1636 Ori 5984 Example observations of QQ Vir 6085 Example observations of V541 Hya 61

91 Amplitude spectrum of DW Lyn 6392 Results for the two main pulsations of DW Lyn 6493 Amplitude spectrum of V1636 Ori 6694 Results for the two main pulsations of V1636 Ori 6795 Amplitude spectrum of QQ Vir 6796 Results for the three main pulsations of QQ Vir 6897 Amplitude spectrum of V541 Hya 69


List of Figures

98 Amplitude spectrum with respect to the pulsation frequency f3 of V541 Hya 6999 Results for the two main pulsations of V541 Hya 70910 Minimum companion mass as a function of orbital period 74

111 Light curves of the TESS observations 78112 Amplitude spectrum of the TESS observations 79113 Amplitude spectrum of DW Lyn 79114 Amplitude spectrum of V1636 Ori 80115 Amplitude spectrum of QQ Vir 80116 Amplitude spectrum of V541 Hya 81

131 KIC 7917485 data 90132 Results for the two main pulsations of KIC 7917485 91

141 TESS DW Lyn data 94

151 EHB evolutionary tracks of sdB stars 100

161 Artistrsquos impression of ESArsquos PLATO spacecraft 104


List of Tables

31 Observational properties of the EXOTIME targets 2432 Summary of the newly acquired observations for V391 Peg 25

71 Atmospheric parameters of the targets 4972 Summary of the observing time per target per site 52

81 Parameters of the simultaneously fitted pulsations per target 57

111 Additional identified pulsation modes 78

131 Orbital parameters for the KIC 7917485 system 88



Stars spend most of their life on the main sequence (MS) But their most substantialchanges occur off the MS stage either before on the pre-MS or beyond at the post-MSphase Due to very complex and varied dynamical processes the evolution of planetarysystems orbiting non-MS stars significantly differs from those of MS planetary systems

This work focusses on the search for sub-stellar companions in post-MS systems anddetermination of the evolutionary state of their host stars especially subdwarf B stars(sdB stars) These are stripped Helium-burning cores of red giants with a thin hydrogenatmosphere The canonical model involves binary evolution to explain the existence ofsdB stars Formation scenarios for single sdBs are more controversially discussed and canbe hard to reconcile with observational properties Besides the merger of two helium whitedwarfs or other merger processes for apparently single sdB stars an alternative formationchannel involves planetary systems During the red giant phase the star would developa common envelope with a giant planet that leads to the loss of the envelope Thus sdBstars are laboratories to test how planets survive and influence the late phases of stellarevolution

The rapid pulsations of sdB stars can be used to detect sub-stellar companions fromperiodic variations in the expected arrival times of the pulsation maxima This timingmethod is particularly sensitive to companions at large distances and complementary toother exoplanet detection methods because they are not efficient for stars with small radiiand high gravities Thus the timing method opens up a new parameter range in terms ofthe host stars and helps to understand the formation process of single sdBs

In this work I implemented tested and applied the pulsation timing analysis to searchfor sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems The method isalready established in the literature but not to an extent which is capable of automaticallyprocessing long-time series of high-cadence data ie from space born observations

Part I provides an introduction to extrasolar planets and to the formation and propertiesof sdB stars

Part II and III describe the long-term ground-based observations of four rapidly pulsat-ing sdB stars DW Lyn V1636 Ori QQ Vir and V541 Hya The data are used to measure thesecular drifts in pulsation periods The results constrain the evolutionary state of these starsand are compared to theoretical predictions of stellar evolutionary models Furthermorethe measurements set limits to masses and orbital periods of sub-stellar companions Incontrast to previous studies tentative companion detections are not confirmed

Part IV describes the application of the implemented timing analysis to other pulsatingstars and data sets Compared to ground-based observatories satellite-based telescopesoffer the advantage of uninterrupted observations Observatories like Kepler TESS or theupcoming PLATO mission provide a large sample of targets Besides sdB stars δ Scuti



(δ Sct) pulsators are excellent stars to apply the timing method on δ Sct stars are evolvedbeyond the MS and of spectral type A From Kepler observations previous studies re-vealed a planetary companion orbiting the δ Sct star KIC 791748 The implemented timinganalysis of this work is applied to these data and can recover the planetary signature vali-dating the implementation at hand and independently confirming the planetary companiondiscovery

Part V discusses the results of this thesis and provides an outlook to further applica-tions



Sterne verbringen den Groszligteil ihres Lebens auf der Hauptreihe (HR) Die gravierendstenVeraumlnderungen geschehen jedoch abseits der HR entweder zuvor auf der pre-HR oderfolgend auf der post-HR Durch sehr komplexe und variierende dynamische Prozesseunterscheidet sich die Entwicklung von Planeten in nicht-HR Sternsystemen signifikantvon der Entwicklung von Planeten in HR Sternsystemen

Diese Arbeit legt ihren Fokus auf die Suche nach sub-stellaren Begleitern in post-HR Systemen und auf die Bestimmung des evolutionaumlren Stadiums derer Zentralsterneinsbesondere bei heiszligen Unterzwergen des Spektraltyps B (engl subdwarf B kurzsdB) auch Blaue-Unterzwerge genannt Solche sdB-Sterne sind freigelegte heliumbren-nende Kerne von vormals Roten-Riesen mit einer duumlnnen Wasserstoffatmosphaumlre Derenkanonische Entstehung beschreibt die Entwicklung in einem Doppelsternsystem Entste-hungsszenarien fuumlr einzelne sdB-Sterne werden jedoch kontrovers diskutiert und sind nurschwer mit Beobachtungen zu verifizieren Neben der Verschmelzung von zwei heliumdo-minierten Weiszligen Zwergen koumlnnten auch Planetensysteme zur Bildung von sdB-Sternenbeitragen Waumlhrend der Roten-Riesen-Phase wuumlrde der Stern einen seiner Riesenplanetenin eine gemeinsame Huumllle einschlieszligen was letztendlich zum Verlust der Huumllle fuumlhrtSomit erweisen sich sdB-Sterne als Testobjekte das Uumlberleben von Planeten zu pruumlfensowie den Einfluss der Planeten auf die Spaumltphasen stellare Entwicklung zu beobachten

Die schnellen Pulsationen von sdB Sternen koumlnnen mit Hilfe von periodischen Veraumln-derungen in den zu erwarteten Ankunftszeiten der Pulsationsmaxima zur Detektion vonsub-stellaren Begleitern genutzt werden Diese Methode der Lichtlaufzeitmessungen istbesonders sensitiv fuumlr Begleiter mit groszliger Distanz zu ihrem Zentralstern und damit kom-plementaumlr zu anderen Detektionsmethoden Denn andere Detektionsmethoden sind bei Ster-nen mit hoher Oberflaumlchengravitation und kleinen Radien weniger aussagekraumlftig Damiteroumlffnet die Methode der Lichtlaufzeitmessungen eine Moumlglichkeit fuumlr Entdeckungen vonbisher nicht erforschbaren Planetensystemen und hilft somit den Entstehungsprozess vonsdB-Sternen besser zu verstehen

In dieser Arbeit habe ich die Methode der Pulsations-Lichtlaufzeitmessungen im-plementiert getestet und zur Suche nach sub-stellaren Begleitern bei Systemen in denSpaumltphasen stellarer Entwicklung angewandt Die Methode ist bereits etabliert bisherjedoch nicht fuumlr eine automatische Anwendung auf lange Beobachtungsreihen in hoherzeitlicher Aufloumlsung wie zB von Weltraumteleskopen optimiert

Teil I dieser Arbeit gibt eine Einleitung zu extrasolaren Planeten sowie auch zurEntstehung und Eigenschaften von sdB-Sternen

Teil II und III beschreiben die bodengebundenen Langzeitbeobachtungen der vierschnell pulsierenden sdB-Sterne DW Lyn V1636 Ori QQ Vir und V541 Hya MitHilfe dieser Daten werden die Veraumlnderungen der Pulsationsperioden gemessen Diese



Ergebnisse lassen auf das evolutionaumlre Stadium der Sterne schlieszligen und werden mittheoretischen Sternentwicklungsmodellen verglichen Weiterhin setzen die Ergebnisseder Beobachtungen Grenzwerte fuumlr die Masse und Umlaufdauer moumlglicher sub-stellarerBegleiter Im Widerspruch zu vorhergehenden Studien koumlnnen potentielle Detektionenvon Begleitern nicht bestaumltigt werden

Teil IV beschreibt die Anwendung der implementierten Methode der Pulsations-Lichtlaufzeitmessungen auf andere Sterne und Datensaumltze Im Vergleich zu bodengebunde-nen Observatorien bieten weltraumgestuumltzte Teleskope den Vorteil der ununterbrochenenBeobachtung Observatorien wie das Kepler Weltraumobservatorium TESS oder diegeplante PLATO Mission liefern eine groszlige Anzahl von Beobachtungszielen NebensdB-Sternen ist die Klasse der pulsierenden δ Scuti (δ Sct) Sterne ein hervorragendesZiel fuumlr Lichtlaufzeitmessungen δ Sct Sterne sind in einem Entwicklungsstadium jen-seits der HR und in der Spektralklasse A zu finden Vorhergehende Studien haben ausBeobachtungen des Kepler Weltraumteleskops einen planetaren Begleiter um den SternKIC 791748 offenbart Mit der in dieser Arbeit implementierten Methode der Pulsations-Lichtlaufzeitmessungen kann das Signal dieses Begleiters aus den Daten gewonnen undsomit die Implementierung validiert sowie eine unabhaumlngige Bestaumltigung dieser Planete-nentdeckung erbracht werden

Teil V diskutiert die vorhergehenden Ergebnisse und liefert einen Ausblick auf weitereAnwendungen


Part I



1 Extrasolar planets

11 Historical overviewSpeculations about the existence of other worlds or solar systems other than our own go asfar back as the ancient times Greek philosophers debated about the possibility of countlessworlds

And he maintained worlds to be infinite and varying in bulk and that in somethere is neither sun nor moon while in others that they are larger than with usand with others more numerous [] And that some worlds are destitute ofanimals and plants and every species of moisture

Democritus (460 to 370 BCE Litwa 2016)

He was supported by Epicurus (314 to 270 BCE) who debated about an ldquoinfinite number ofworlds both like and unlike this world of oursrdquo (Bailey 1926) in a letter to Democritus Butthe atomists of this time believed in the geocentric universe and thus the work of Aristotle(341 to 270 BCE) outshone their ideas This started to change with the introduction ofthe Heliocentric universe theory of Nicolaus Copernicus in 1543 However the Italianphilosopher Giordano Bruno was burned during the Inquisition because of his belief in aninfinite number of stars which have an infinite number of terrestrial worlds orbiting themFinally Galileo Galilei discovered with his telescope invented in 1606 the true nature ofthe Moon and planets and paved the way for the discovery of the remaining planets in oursolar system

Our solar system shaped the understanding of planetary evolution and system archi-tecture until Wolszczan and Frail (1992) discovered the first exoplanetary system laterconfirmed by Wolszczan (1994) The two Earth-mass like planets orbit the millisecondpulsar PSR 1257+12 a rather unusual host star With the discovery of the first extrasolarplanet 51 Pegasi b orbiting a sun-like star (Mayor and Queloz 1995) the architecture ofexoplanetary systems remained very different than expected from the solar system Theplanet has a mass comparable to the mass of Jupiter but a very close-in orbit of about005 au leading to a new category of planets called ldquohot Jupitersrdquo

So far more than 4000 exoplanets have been discovered by various detection methodsThey exhibit a wide range of planetary masses and radii as shown in Figure 11 Besideshot Jupiters Neptune- and Saturn-sized planets as well as super-Earths were discovered

The first transiting exoplanet HD 209458 b was discovered in 1999 (Charbonneau et al2000) which later became the first planet with a spectroscopically analysed atmosphere(Charbonneau et al 2002) HD 28185 b was discovered as the first exoplanet in thehabitable zone a region around a star in which a planet may retain liquid water on its


1 Extrasolar planets









10minus2 100 102 10410minus2




10minus2 100 102 104



a au



a au









3 K

Figure 11 Exoplanet mass and radius distribution as function of their orbital periodand effective temperature of their host star (color coded) Out of the 4130 discoveredexoplanets there are 994 mass and 1631 radius measurements (as of November 2019Schneider et al 2011)

surface Using the phase-mapping technique Knutson et al (2007) reconstructed a roughmap of HD 189733 b showing the temperature of the cloud deck An image of Formalhaut bin 2008 was the first direct image of an exoplanet (Kalas et al 2008) With Kepler-186 f anEarth-sized planet orbiting within its starrsquos habitable zone was discovered (Quintana et al2014) With the discovery of Kepler-452 b and its 16 Earth-radii another category not yetpresent in our solar system called ldquosuper Earthsrdquo was created Another super Earth orbitingour closest neighbour star Proxima Centauri even in the habitable zone was discovered byAnglada-Escudeacute et al (2016) Future missions aim to characterise exoplanetary systemsand to understand the formation evolution and chemical composition in more detail

12 Definition of an exoplanet

The word ldquoplanetrdquo was introduced by the ancient Greeks as the term ὰστέρες πλανῆτα

(asteres planetai) which can be translated as ldquowandering starrdquo This was inspired by theapparent movement of the planets in the solar system as opposed to the fixed stars In amore scientific way the International Astronomical Union (IAU) defined a planet in thesolar system in its resolution 5A as follows

A planet is a celestial body that

1 is in orbit around the Sun


13 Observational techniques

2 has sufficient mass for its self-gravity to overcome rigid body forces sothat it assumes a hydrostatic equilibrium (nearly round) shape and

3 has cleared the neighbourhood around its orbit

IAU (2006)

Additionally the working group on extrasolar planets of the IAU published the followingstatement not yet adopted as a resolution

1 Objects with true masses below the limiting mass for thermonuclearfusion of deuterium (currently calculated to be 13 Jupiter masses for ob-jects of solar metallicity) that orbit stars or stellar remnants are ldquoplanetsrdquo(no matter how they formed) The minimum masssize required for anextrasolar object to be considered a planet should be the same as thatused in our Solar System

2 Substellar objects with true masses above the limiting mass for ther-monuclear fusion of deuterium are ldquobrown dwarfsrdquo no matter how theyformed nor where they are located

3 Free-floating objects in young star clusters with masses below the limit-ing mass for thermonuclear fusion of deuterium are not ldquoplanetsrdquo butare ldquosub-brown dwarfsrdquo (or whatever name is most appropriate)

Boss et al (2005) reproduced with permission

The designation of exoplanets consists of the name of the host star followed by alowercase letter The first part can be an astronomical catalogue the scientific instrumentor project that discovered the exoplanet The following letter indicates the order of theexoplanets discovery around its host star usually beginning with ldquobrdquo This is analogous tothe designation of multiple star systems

13 Observational techniquesThe vast variety of exoplanets necessitates the need for different detection techniques Theycan be separated into three broad categories as the ldquoPerryman treerdquo a visual overview onthe detection methods illustrates in Fig 12

Widely separated exoplanets can be imaged directly Also protoplanetary disks can bedetected this way In case the orbital plane of the exoplanet aligns with the line of sight ofthe observer the planet transits in front of the stellar disk which can be detected as fluxvariations in primary and secondary eclipse

Gravitational lensing is known for very massive objects like galaxy clusters but can alsobe detected using a single star as a lens for a background star This induces a characteristicsignal in the light curve If the foreground star hosts an exoplanet it will act as an additionallens

Dynamical effects are based on the gravitational interaction of host star and planetThis can be measured directly as an astrometric change of position on the sky or indirectlyvia Doppler shifts in the host starrsquos spectrum or timing variations of transits eclipses orstellar pulsations The latter method is used in particular in this work and explained indetail in section 5


1 Extrasolar planets











existing capabilityprojected


-up detections n =

planets known








Exoplanet Detection



decreasingplanet mass


32 planets(20 system

s5 m


662 planets(504 system

s102 m


1 planet(1 system

0 m


53 planets(51 system

s2 m


2789 planets(2053 system

s474 m


1 January 20183572 exoplanets

(~2600 system

s ~590 m


bers from N


Exoplanet Archive]





refectedpolarised light

Radial velocity









44 planets(40 system

s2 m



















millisec slow



residuals(see TTVs)

(Kepler=2315 K2=




125Roplus) 766






protoplanetary disks

star accretionpollution

radio emission

gravitational waves

X-ray emission

debris diskscolliding


white dw

arf pollution



















































2 Subdwarf B stars

The majority of known exoplanets orbit cool host stars ie G and M type stars So faronly a small fraction of planets orbiting evolved host stars have been discovered (comparedto effective temperatures of host stars in Fig 11) This raises questions on the evolutionand fate of planetary systems The following chapter revises the stellar evolution withfocus on the post-main sequence phase of the host star arriving at subdwarf B stars (sdBstars) These stars are laboratories to test how planets survive and influence the late phasesof stellar evolution

21 ClassificationHumason and Zwicky (1947) discovered sdB stars in a photometric survey of the NorthGalactic Pole region Their position in the Hertzsprung-Russel diagram (HRD) in Fig 21in between the main sequence (MS) and the white-dwarf (WD) sequence was laterdetermined by Greenstein and Sargent (1974) They show effective temperatures Teff

from sim20 000 K to 50 000 K with surface gravities log(gcm sminus2) of 50 to 65 Heberet al (1984) Heber (1986) could connect the spectroscopic sdB class with the extremehorizontal branch (EHB) evolutionary stage Thus sdB stars are stripped helium-burningcores (sim05 M) of red giants with a thin hydrogen (H) atmosphere Their spectra aretherefore dominated by the broad Balmer lines of H while helium (He) is usually depletedBut their structure differs from horizontal-branch stars as their H envelopes are too thin tosustain H burning They evolve directly on to the WD cooling sequence as they lack theenvelope mass to pass via the asymptotic giant branch (AGB)

22 Canonical stellar and planetary evolutionThe progenitors of sdB stars are assumed to be solar-mass stars They form in molecularclouds consisting mostly of H about 20 to 30 per cent of He and a few percent of heavyelements The gas remains in hydrostatic equilibrium as long as the gas pressure isin balance with gravitational force (virial theorem) but a gravitational collapse can betriggered by shock waves (eg nearby supernova) As the cloud contracts it breaks intosmaller fragments in which the collapsing gas radiates the gravitational potential as heatAs temperature and pressure increase the fragment condenses into a protostar which isin hydrostatic equilibrium This way stars with different masses form mostly in groupsStellar winds of more massive stars ionize the remaining H in between the stars creatingH II regions and ultimately disrupt the cloud which prevents further star formation


2 Subdwarf B stars













White dwarfs

Cool subdwarfs











30000 10000

Surface temperature (deg)






ed to



6000 3000

Figure 21 Sketch of a Hertzsprung-Russell diagram highlighting the position of hotsubdwarf (sdB and sdO) stars and the extreme horizontal branch (EHB) located to the leftand below the hot end of the main sequence but above the white dwarf cooling sequenceThe EHB is separated from the blue horizontal branch (BHB) The location of stars havingevolved from the postasymptotic giant branch is shown for comparison The hot subdwarfstars have nothing in common with traditional cool subdwarfs found below the lowermain sequence (Heber 2009) Reprinted by permission from Copyright Clearance CenterAnnual Reviews Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics ldquoHot Subdwarf StarsrdquoHebercopy2009

The protostar continues to accrete material from its protoplanetary disk (Fig 22) untilfinally H fusion starts in the core and the star begins its phase on the main-sequence of theHRD (Fig 21) Inside the protoplanetary disk planetesimals form from electrostatic andgravitational interactions as building blocks for planets During their formation planetsmigrate within the disk and accrete material until the disk is evaporated by the central starsradiation On the main-sequence the star will evolve only slowly and remain there for


22 Canonical stellar and planetary evolution

Figure 22 Left Protoplanetary disc imaged by the Hubble Space Telescope in the Orionnebula The image is about 1800 au across Credit NASA CR OrsquoDell and SK WongRight ALMA image of HL Tauri showing th protoplanetary disc at a wavelength of13 mm The image is about 250 au across Credit ALMA (ESONAOJNRAO)

about 1010 years As the hydrogen in the core eventually depletes the fusion rate cannot bemaintained and the core contracts This continues to fuse H in a shell outside the He coreThe core contracts and the outer layers begin to expand The star becomes a red giantmoving up the red giant branch (RGB) in the HRD The He core compacts into degeneratematter and once core pressure and temperature are high enough the He starts to fuse witha He flash at the tip of the RGB in the HRD The core mass during the helium flash isabout half a solar-mass The star decreases in radius increases its surface temperatureand moves to the horizontal branch (HB) of the HRD After the He is fused in the coreouter shells fuse further He and the star moves to the asymptotic giant branch (AGB) andbecomes red giant again The produced carbon (C) can fuse with He and oxygen (O) tobuild a CO core The H and He shells are consecutively fusing in a cyclic process The starejects most of its envelope during these thermal pulses The expelled material is ionizedby the UV emission of the hot remnant core and can be observed as a planetary nebulaAfter this short phase the remnant star cools and enters the white dwarf cooling sequence

Planet occurrence rates estimated from Kepler observations suggest that 30 per centof Sun-like stars host Kepler-like planetary systems1 (Zhu et al 2018) Several studiesinvestigated occurrence rates from radial velocity surveys Jupiter-like planets2 may occurat six per cent of Solar-like stars (Wittenmyer et al 2016) Systems with giant planetsfrom the Kepler mission show outer gas giants within orbital periods of less than 400days at a 5 per cent occurrence rate (Santerne et al 2016) Bryan et al (2016) suggestthe total occurrence rate of companions3 from radial velocity measurements and direct

1 Kepler-like planets are planets that have radii RP amp R and orbital periods P gt 400 d Our Solar system isnot detectable by Kepler

2 Planets with masses 015RX MP 13MX and orbital periods of 3 au to 7 au3 For companions in the range of 1 MX to 20 MX and 5 au to 20 au


2 Subdwarf B stars

imaging with about 50 per cent Recently Grunblatt et al (2019) estimated the occurrencerate of planets larger than Jupiter for low-luminosity red giant branch stars from the K2mission to be 05 per cent Observations of polluted WDs debris disks orbiting WDslike WD 1145+017 (Vanderburg et al 2015) or even in-situ accretion of a giant planet toWD J0914+1914 (Gaumlnsicke et al 2019) show that these disks must form during the WDphase since they are located within the preceding giant stellar radii Spectroscopic analysisof polluted WD atmospheres find metals as to be expected from planetary compositionSince the sinking times for such heavy metals are orders of magnitude shorter than theWD cooling age the expected detection rate of polluted WDs is at about 01 per cent Butthe actual observed rate of metals is at 25 to 50 per cent Thus planetary systems appearto survive the RGB phase of their host star and may get disrupted and accreted duringthe WD phase Veras (2016) Farihi (2016) give a broad overview on post-main-sequenceplanetary system evolution and polluted WDs

23 Subdwarf B stars formation scenarios

The canonical formation of Subdwarf B stars is not explained by the typical evolutiondescribed in the section above since some mechanism during the progenitors giant phasemust have removed enough of the envelope to not sustain a H burning after the He flashThe formation scenario in a binary system first proposed by Mengel et al (1976) givesrise to different formation channels (Han et al 2002 2003 Podsiadlowski 2008) dependingon the initial mass ratios The scenarios are illustrated in Fig 23 and 24 The most simplescenario is a stable Roche-lobe over flow (RLOF) as in the left panel of Fig 23 The sdBprogenitor fills its Roche lobe near the tip of the RGB The mass transfer is dynamicallystable and the companion accretes the matter This will form a sdB in a long-period binarysystem with a main-sequence companion Observations find periods from 700 d to 1300 dleading to an improvement of the RLOF model (Chen et al 2013) If the mass transferduring the RLOF is too high the companion cannot accrete all the matter and a commonenvelope (CE) is formed (see Fig 24) Friction in the CE let the stars spiral inwards anduntil the CE gets ejected This will form a close binary system

While about 50 per cent of sdB stars are found in close binary systems with periodsof less than ten days observations show about 30 per cent appear as apparent single sdBstars There are several possible formation scenarios including atmosphere loss due tostellar winds the merger of two He WD (right panel of Fig 23) or undetected low-masscompanions

Hall and Jeffery (2016) estimated the H mass in the remnants of He WD mergers Inthe effective temperature-surface gravity plane they found a region occupied by thesestars during the core-He-burning phase and located the majority of apparently single sdBstars inside this region Nevertheless this conclusion depends on assumptions made to themodel regarding the initial H mass and loss of H during the merger Subdwarf B starslocated outside of this parameter region are found to be rapidly rotating low-gravity sdBstars

Alternatively the sdB progenitor could lose mass near the RGB tip due to strong stellarwinds or internal rotation While the He flash occurs typically at the tip of the RGB asufficient mass loss can lead a star to depart from the RGB so that the He flash is delayed


23 Subdwarf B stars formation scenarios

P = 10 minus 500 daysorb

sdBM = 030 minus 049 M


(mass ratio lt 12 minus 15)

Stable RLOF Channel

stable RLOF (near tip of RGB)

wide sdB binary with MSSG companion

envelope loss near RGB tipby stellar wind(rotation Z)

(1 or 2 CE phases)He WD merger

M = 040 minus 065 MsdB sun

M = 045 minus 049 MsdB sun

Single sdB Stars

gravitational radiation


Figure 23 Stable Roche-lobe channel (left) and single-starmerger channels (right) for theformation of sdB stars (Podsiadlowski 2008) By the kind permission of ASP ConferenceSeries vol 401 P Podsiadlowski p 63

(Castellani and Castellani 1993) The remnants of these ldquohot flashersrdquo are located closeto the He main sequence which coincides with the sdB location Although an ldquoearly hotflasherrdquo scenario may explain He and C abundances in sdB stars observations show someinconsistencies (Moehler et al 2011 Latour et al 2014)

Finally substellar objects eg brown dwarfs or even planets can lead to enough massloss in order to form sdB stars As described in the previous section the abundance ofplanets is high enough to be considered to survive and influence the late stellar evolutionFor a single red giant planets with orbital separations smaller than about 5 au will enhancethe mass loss when the planet is engulfed by the red giantrsquos atmosphere Since planetshave a comparable high angular momentum parts of it can be transferred to the envelopeIn consequence of this momentum transfer the planet spirals inwards and stellar mass lossincreases which leads to the formation of a sdB star In this scenario the planet wouldeither evaporate merge with the core or survive while most of the planetrsquos envelope islost (Soker 1998) With the merger scenario an enhanced stellar rotation could mix moreHe to the envelope and thus increase the RGB tip luminosity and further enhance the totalmass loss (Sweigart 1997) The hypothesis of surviving planetary systems is supportedby planetary-mass companions like the candidates V391 Peg b (Silvotti et al 2007) KIC05807616 bc (Charpinet et al 2011) KIC 10001893 bcd (Silvotti et al 2014) or browndwarf companions like V2008-1753 B (Schaffenroth et al 2015) or CS 1246 (Barlow et al2011b) Figure 25 illustrates the process of forming a sdB planetary system


2 Subdwarf B stars

P = 01 minus 10 daysorb




sdBM = 04 minus 049 M



shortminusperiod sdB binary with MS companionshortminusperiod sdB binary with He WD companion

commonminusenvelope phase commonminusenvelope phase

unstable RLOF minusminusminusgt dynamical mass transfer unstable RLOF minusminusminusgt dynamical mass transfer

stable RLOF

wide binary

CommonminusEnvelope Channels

CE only (mass ratio gt 12 minus 15)stable RLOF + CE (mass ratio lt 12 minus 15)

Figure 24 Common-envelope (CE) channels for the production of sdB stars The CE phasecan be either the first (right panel) or the second (left panel) mass-transfer phase producinga tight sdB binary with either a normal-star or white-dwarf companion respectively(Podsiadlowski 2008) By the kind permission of ASP Conference Series vol 401 PPodsiadlowski p 63

From observational data it cannot be ruled out that these planets may have formed assecond generation planets After the merger of two He WDs the remaining circumstellardisk could provide enough material to form planets in analogy to the pulsar planets(Wolszczan and Frail 1992 Thorsett et al 1993)

Finally there is evidence that some sdB stars are not core He-burning objects Heberet al (2003) discovered a sdB with insufficient mass to ignite He-burning in the core

24 Asteroseismology

Asteroseismology describes the study of the interiors of stars by using their oscillationsas seismic waves The first pulsating star was discovered in 1596 by David Fabricius Henoticed that the star ο Ceti (subsequently named ldquoMirardquo the wonderful) vanished from


24 Asteroseismology

Figure 25 Possible formation mechanism of close-in planets a The two planets identifiedby Charpinet et al (2011) were probably massive gas-giant planets during the early part oftheir host starrsquos life when the star burned hydrogen into helium as our Sun does today Atthis time the planets resided farther away from their host star than they do today b Whenthe star exhausted the supply of hydrogen in its core it expanded to become a red-giant starThe outer layers of the star then engulfed the orbits of the two planets The planets losttheir outer gaseous layers as their orbits spiralled inwards c For unknown reasons the redgiant expelled its cool outer layers leaving behind a small hot B subdwarf star The smallrocky cores of the initial planets were left behind in close-in orbits with periods of 58 and82 hours (Figure not drawn to scale) (Kempton 2011) Reprinted by permission fromCopyright Clearance Center Springer Nature Nature Planetary science ldquoThe ultimatefate of planetsrdquo Kemptoncopy2011

the visible sky Later on it was realized that the star did so every eleven months andbecame the first known (semi) periodic variable star Subsequently more variable stars likeδ Cephei (related stars are summarized as ldquoCepheidsrdquo) were discovered and their variationslinked to radial pulsations By now a large number of groups of pulsating star is known toexist Figure 26 shows their occurrences in a HRD Historically they have been classifiedon a phenomenological basis and mostly named after their prototype star The physicalreasons for the classification were uncovered later and are related to the different types ofexcited pulsation mode mass and evolutionary state Since this work relates mostly to sdBstars the following describes their driving mechanism Extensive overviews can be foundeg in Cunha et al (2007) Aerts et al (2010)

241 κ mechanismBaker and Kippenhahn (1962) proposed the κ mechanism to explain δ Cephei pulsationsFor stellar matter than can be described as an ideal gas an increase in compression ofthe atmosphere causes an increase in temperature and density This usually results in adecrease of the opacity κ allowing energy to be transported more efficiently This describesan equilibrium where temperature and pressure are balanced But in layers of the starwhere κ increases with increasing temperature the incoming flux from inner layers can betemporally stored These layers are associated with regions where (partial) ionization of


2 Subdwarf B stars

chemical elements occur When the layer expands in order to reach its equilibrium theadditionally accumulated energy is released and the star can expand beyond its equilibriumradius When the material recedes energy is again stored in the stellar interior and thecycle can repeat as a periodic stellar oscillation

Depending on the restoring force of the pulsations modes are either of the nature ofstanding acoustic waves (referred to as pressure modes or p modes) or internal gravitywaves (g modes) However especially in evolved stars both types of modes can be found

Unlike solar oscillations which are exited stochastically pulsations excited by theκ mechanism are coherent in phase their lifetime is very long compared to observationsspanning over years and change slowly due to stellar evolution These modes are suitablefor a pulsation timing analysis

In variable sdB stars (sdBV) the bump in opacity is related to elements of the iron group(Charpinet et al 1997) which are accumulated in the driving layers by diffusion processeslike gravitational settling and radiative levitation (cf Heber 2009 2016) Charpinetet al (1996) predicted the nonradial pulsations theoretically almost simultaneously totheir discovery by Kilkenny et al (1997) Effective temperatures Teff typically rangefrom 28 000 K to 35 000 K and surface gravity log g from 52 to 61 Observed pulsationamplitudes are usually smaller than 50 mmag Hybrid pulsators showing both p andg modes (eg Schuh et al 2006) locate at the temperature boundary around 28 000 Kbetween both classes of pulsators About ten per cent of the sdB stars located in theinstability strip of the Teffminus log g plane exhibit pulsations above a few mmag This fractionmight be biased due to detection limits of ground based observations However Keplerobservations confirmed the deficiency of p-mode pulsators in the instability strip (egOslashstensen et al 2011)

Due to the He fusion into C and O in the core of sdB stars the internal structure variesslowly and thus modifies the condition of hydrostatic equilibrium This results into slowsecular changes of the surface gravity and effective temperature and slow changes inthe pulsation period (Charpinet et al 2002) Using long-term observations these periodchanges can be measured

242 Asteroseismic observationsStellar oscillations generate motions and temperature variations on the surface and resultin observable variability These variations cause changes in brightness and colour radialvelocity and line profiles Thus pulsating stars can be studied using photometric andspectroscopic time series measurements which can be used to generate frequency spectra -one of the most important tools in asteroseismology The following focuses on time seriesphotometry

Since the observations are usually discrete and contain gaps a harmonic analysis isperformed using the Discrete Fourier Transformation

F( f ) =


x(tk) exp (i2π f tk)

of the measurements x(tk) which leads to an amplitude spectrum The observations opposelimitations to this spectrum Due to the discrete nature the highest useful frequency to


24 Asteroseismology

search for is called the Nyquist frequency

fNyq =1


with the time between two data points ∆t In the case of unevenly spaced data the Nyquistfrequency does not exist higher frequencies might be detectable With a finite length ofthe observations the spectrum has a finite frequency resolution proportional to the inverseof the total time span Moreover observations are likely to show gaps (eg daynight orseasonal observation windows technical problems poor observing conditions) some ofthem with a regular nature which produce additional peaks in the Fourier space Theseeffects combined are known as the ldquowindow functionrdquo in the time domain or as ldquospectralwindowrdquo in the Fourier space The spectral window can show multiple peaks even ifthe underlying signal is monochromatic and complicate the interpretation of the dataAdditionally long gaps produce unwanted signals in the low frequency regime In order toovercome the complex response in frequencies and amplitudes of the signal even withoutnoise different forms of periodograms have been defined A well-known and widelyapplied technique is the Lomb-Scargle periodogram (Scargle 1982) Horne and Baliunas(1986) Schwarzenberg-Czerny (1997) showed the equivalence of the variance reductionbetween a Lomb-Scargle periodogram and a least squares fit of sinusoids at test frequenciesThus fits of a harmonic series of sinusoids at test frequencies can be used to search fornon-sinusoidal signals as well The Lomb-Scargle periodogram does not require regularsampled data and is used for the analysis in this work (see Press et al (2007) VanderPlas(2017) cf section 8)


2 Subdwarf B stars

Figure 26 Hertzsprung-Russell diagram showing different classes of pulsating starsSome of these are named after a particular member of the class Others are acronymsrespectively for rapidly oscillating Ap (roAp) Slowly Pulsating B (SPB) subdwarf Bvariables (sdBV) The group labelled GW Vir includes what has formerly been known asthe PNNV stars (for Planetary Nebulae Nuclei Variables) and the variable hot DO whitedwarfs (DOV) the DBV and DAV stars are variable DB (helium-rich) and DA (hydrogen-rich) white dwarfs The parallel long-dashed lines indicate the Cepheid instability strip(Cunha et al 2007) Reprinted by permission from Copyright Clearance Center SpringerNature Astron Astrophys Rev ldquoAsteroseismology and interferometryrdquo Cunhacopy2007


Part II

The EXOTIME project


3 Targets

The EXOTIME program (EXOplanet search with the TIming MEthod) was born out oflong-term monitoring of the object HS 2201+2610 in order to measure long-term drifts inthe pulsation periods P The large amount of data made it possible to not only constrain sdBstar evolution from P but resulted in the postulation of the substellar companion candidateV391 Peg b using the pulsation timing method (Silvotti et al 2007) With the puzzlingformation history of sdB stars the authors initiated the EXOTIME program in 2008The project extends the long-term monitoring to the objects HS 0702+6043 (DW Lyn)HS 0444+0458 (V1636 Ori) PG 1325+101 (QQ Vir) EC 09582-1137 (V541 Hya) andHS 2201+2610 (V391 Peg) While the majority of exoplanet research is strongly focussedon planets (and moons) in the habitable zone and formation of planetary systems themain goal of the EXOTIME project is to detect exoplanets orbiting evolved stars usingthe stellar pulsations to conclude on timing variations (see section 5) Transit and radialvelocity searches are not efficient for stars with small radii and high gravities like sdB starsAdditionally the project wants to characterize the target stars using asteroseismic methodsand in particular the measurement of P

The following sections describe the targets and their observations in detail Theirselection followed some basic properties The targets must be observable from the Northernhemisphere and bright enough for a sufficient signal-to-noise ratio in the Johnson B bandwith 1 m to 3 m class telescopes since sdB stars emit the maximum energy in the nearUV regime A suitable target for the timing method should show two to four independentpulsation frequencies coherent in phase and stable in amplitude (gt1 mmag 01 ) Eachfrequency leads to an independent timing measurement But coherence and stability canonly be verified with the long-term monitoring To ensure the sdB star is not accompaniedby a low-mass star in a binary system there should be no strong IR excess compared toa black body spectrum The observational parameters of the five EXOTIME targets aresummarized in Table 31 Section 7 describes DW Lyn V1636 Ori QQ Vir V541 Hya indetail and lists the atmospheric parameters in Table 71

Observations and results on a substellar companion for V391 Peg are published bySilvotti et al (2007) alternative scenarios are discussed by Silvotti (2008) and additionalobservations are published by Silvotti et al (2018) The latter publication placed the firstinterpretation of the O minus C variations under discussion because of possible non-linearinteractions between different pulsation modes that change arrival times We proposedfor continued observations at the Las Cumbres Observatory (LCO Brown et al 2013)using 2 m class telescopes in order to connect observations from Silvotti et al (2018)with upcoming TESS observations in 2020 In 2017 we observed for about 52 hours in2019 for eight hours each in the Johnson B band with exposure times of 10 s to 20 s Theobservations are listed in Table 32


3 Targets

Table 31 Observational properties of the EXOTIME targets taken fromhttpsimbadu-strasbgfrsimbad and amplitude of the main pulsation (mea-sured in this work and by Silvotti et al (2007))

Target RA (J2000) DE (J2000) B mag JminusH ampl

DW Lyn 7h7m980s 60deg38prime50 primeprime16 147 minus0123 219V1636 Ori 4h47m1863s 5deg3prime34 primeprime81 1544 0043 054QQ Vir 13h27m4856s 9deg54prime51 primeprime05 1373 minus014 26V541 Hya 10h0m4182s minus11deg51prime34 primeprime59 1501 minus025 031V391 Peg 22h4m1210s 26deg25prime7 primeprime82 1441 001 085


3 Targets

Table 32 Summary of the newly acquired observations for V391 Peg

observatory obs date exp time s obs time h

LCO 2017-09-12 10 122 2017-09-14 10 068

2017-09-15 10 1402017-09-16 10 4722017-09-17 10 6182017-09-18 10 1222017-09-19 10 6922017-09-20 10 0722017-09-21 10 3952017-09-22 10 2702017-09-26 20 0752017-09-28 20 1752017-09-29 20 0222017-09-30 20 0752017-10-01 20 1272017-10-02 20 0752017-10-03 20 5182017-10-05 20 0232017-10-06 20 0382017-10-07 20 0772017-11-05 20 2072017-11-06 20 0752017-11-09 20 1682017-11-10 20 4222017-11-13 20 2182019-09-07 20 1102019-09-09 20 0072019-09-10 20 2482019-09-11 20 2672019-09-12 20 130

Σ 6027


4 Multi-epoch photometric data

41 Time series photometryThe timing method applied to the data and described in the next section imposes re-quirements on the photometric time series Each observation run needs a high temporalresolution of less than about 30 s in order to sample the p-modes correctly and a highsignal-to-noise ratio to detect their low amplitudes A single phase measurement in thelater analysis is required to reach an uncertainty in the order of one second Therefore theobservations should cover about three consecutive nights each with about three hours forone phase measurement

411 Photometry

In order to make use of the raw CCD images from the observations the data need tobe calibrated properly This includes detector specific corrections (bias and dark fieldsubtraction) as well as instrumental and sensitivity corrections (flat field division) Thefollowing photometric measurements were performed using the IDL package TRIPP (TimeResolved Imaging Photometry Package) Some data have been reduced using differentsoftware packages but the concept does not differ A circular aperture is placed aroundthe target star and measures the flux An annulus around this aperture or a further fieldmeasures the background flux which is subtracted from the target flux Since variationsin the Earthrsquos atmosphere on short and long term time scales (sky transparency air mass)affect this measurement the target flux is compared to the flux of multiple comparison starsThe field of view is assumed to be small enough that all atmospheric variations influencethe flux of all stars equally This procedure is applied to all images of an observationrun and yields the light curve Atmospheric extinction is correction by a second orderpolynomial in time

412 Timing accuracy

Accurate time stamps for each observation is crucial for the analysis of timing effectsAcquisition equipment is usually synced via network with a time server to the universaltime (UTC) However some of the first observations used for the project do not recordthe fraction of the second Thus the accuracy of individual observations is assumed to bebetter than plusmn05 s

Additional to the recording of precise time stamps the observer needs to be positionedin a rest frame compared to the target Without the necessary corrections the result would


4 Multi-epoch photometric data

be superimposed by the Earthrsquos motion around the barycentre of the Solar system anddiscontinuous time standards Eastman et al (2010) describes the necessary formalismin detail The Barycentric Coordinate Time (TDB) time frame including barycentriccorrections for the Solar system is accurate down to 34 ms and applied to all observationaltime stamps (hereafter refereed as BJD(TDB))


5 Methods

51 O minusC Pipeline

Already in the 17th century Ole Rœmer made use of the travel time of light in order tomeasure the speed of light (eg Soter and deGrasse Tyson 2001) An inversion of thisscenario allows to measure changes of orbits using the finite speed of light In astronomythis idea is widely used for different applications eg on pulsars eclipsing binary systemstiming variations on planetary transits or stellar pulsations In the context of stellarpulsations this concept is referred to as the O minusC method (Observed minus Calculated)The approach compares the phase of a periodic function to a reference phase and thusallow conclusions on variations in the observed phase While the following describes themethod illustratively the specific implementation of the O minus C method in this work isexplained in section 8

The schematic construction of an O minusC diagram is pictured in Fig 51 Requirementfor a OminusC analysis is a sufficiently long observational time span of the stellar pulsation Alight curve model fit to full data set provides the reference phase referred to as C Similarfits to small sub-sets of the observation provides an independent light curve model Thuseach sub-set called epoch provides a phase measurement referred to as O Iteratingthrough all epochs in time yield the differences between the average phase of the referencemodel and the phase measurements of the epochs called O minusC diagram

An O minusC diagram with no variations implies an agreement between observed phasesand the reference phase Linear changes in the diagram suggest a wrong frequency for thereference model and thus a constant error added per cycle More complex deviations aredescribed below

511 Linear change in period

The following considerations can be found in Kepler et al (1991) In order to makeuse of the timing method a sufficiently stable timer in the observed system is requiredldquoSufficientlyrdquo refers to accuracy compared to the length of observations In the case ofstellar pulsations this timer is a periodic brightness variation The observed time of theEth cycle can be expressed as

TE = T0 + PE

with the period P at T0 and the epoch E as in the cycle number counted from T0Due to physical processes the stellar pulsation period will change slowly over time


5 Methods


O1 O2 O3








Figure 51 Schematic picture of the O minusC diagram construction Top A model to the fulllight curve yields the reference phase C Middle Light curve models to each epoch yieldindividual phase information O Bottom Construction of the O minusC diagram from abovemeasurements

(see section 241) If this change is small TE can be expand in a Taylor series

TE = T0 +dTdE

(E minus E0) +12


(E minus E0)2 + O ((E minus E0))2

Terms of higher order are neglected Expanding the quadratic term using dTdE = Pleads to

d2TdE2 =




= PdPdt

Assuming 2E0 E finally yields

TE = T0 + PE +12


In order to compare the model of a slowly changing period with the null hypotheses(ldquothe period is stablerdquo) both identify with

O B T0 + PE +12


C B T prime0 + PprimeE

where O stands for observed ephemerides with a constant period Pprime and C for the calculatedor computed ephemerides With ∆T = T0 minus T prime0 and ∆P = P minus Pprime and E = tPminus1 this leads to

O minusC = ∆T0 +∆PP

t +12




51 O minusC Pipeline











Figure 52 Schematic picture of the orbital configuration

In an O minusC diagram a fit with a parabolic function yields the evolutionary time scalePP

512 Light travel time effect

Assuming a two body system consisting of the pulsating star and a companion both orbittheir common centre of mass The motion of pulsating star with mass M around thebarycentre implies a variation in the projected line of sight as show in Fig 52 whichtranslates into a change in light travel time The periodic pulsation of the star allow formeasuring this change and hence concluding on the minimum mass of the companion mAssuming a circular orbit due to the proposed formation history of companions of subdwarfB stars the change in light travel time varies periodically and imposes a sinusoidal signalin the O minusC diagram The following describes the derivation of the expected amplitude ofthis light travel time effect (eg Hilditch 2001 pp 29)

Let the line of sight be aligned with the z direction With the inclination of the orbit ithe argument of periapsis ω and the true anomaly ϑ of the Kepler ellipse the z componentof the radius vector r reads as

rz = r sin (i) sin (ω + ϑ)

Keplerrsquos laws of planetary motion yield

r =a(1 minus e2

)1 + e cos (ϑ)


5 Methods

with the semi mayor axis a and the eccentricity e Thus

rz =a(1 minus e2

)1 + e cos (ϑ)

sin (i) sin (ω + ϑ)

With Keplerrsquos Third Law follows for the semi major axis

a3 = Gm3P2

4π4 (M + m)2

where P is the orbital period Assuming a circular orbit with e = 0 The maximumdisplacement ∆rz in the orbit occurs at sin (ω + ϑ) = plusmn1

∆rz = 2G13m(

P2π (M + m)


sin i

The light travel time follows from

∆T =rz





2π (M + m)


sin i

which is the semi-amplitude of the sinusoidal signal in the O minus C diagram induced by asub-stellar companion due to the light travel time effect

52 Artificial data testingOnce such a fast pipeline is deployed it provides a convenient way to analyse artificialdata with precisely known input parameters and test for the expected results In order toavoid additional effects due to irregular observations and gaps in the data the artificialdata are mostly generated according to the PLATO scheme cadence of 25 s for three years(ie 186 times 106 measurements) and a signal to noise ratio of about 6 as expected for a14 mag star in the B band observed with all 24 telescopes (ESASRE 2011) A differentset of artificial data is created for a simplified ground-based observational scheme (threeconsecutive nights per month each eight hours for ten years ie 124 times 105) Since theresults between these two sets are very similar merely the PLATO-like scheme is discussedbelow

In total about 50 different scenarios of frequency spacings and amplitudes wereinvestigated Some interesting cases are explained below

Resonant frequencies Pulsations with frequency-spacing in integer multiples mightcause an unstable fitting process To test for such scenarios a set of several light curves wascreated They simulate pulsation frequencies in 12 13 and 15 resonances with a constantphase and amplitude The resulting fits to individual modes tend to show oscillatingphases but the simultaneous fit of all frequencies is stable and recovers successfully phase-and amplitude-information Fig 54 shows an example of resonant modes with a basefrequency of 240 dminus1 Some modes tend to show an constant offset in the O minusC diagrambut are on average still close to the null hypothesis


52 Artificial data testing







0 50 100 150 200 250

0 1000 2000


f dminus1

f microHz







minus002minus001 0 001 002

minus02 minus01 0 01 02




f dminus1

f microHz

Figure 53 Left Amplitude spectrum for four resonant pulsations with frequencies of240 dminus1 120 dminus1 80 dminus1 and 48 dminus1 and amplitudes of 05 Right Window function











0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100


48 dminus1 80 dminus1 120 dminus1 240 dminus1




t d

Figure 54 Results for four resonant pulsations with frequencies of 240 dminus1 120 dminus1 80 dminus1

and 48 dminus1 Each epoch contains data from one month Top Reconstructed AmplitudesBottom O minusC diagram


5 Methods




27776 27778 2778



04 minus f1




23998 240 24002



f microHz



f dminus1







minus002minus001 0 001 002

minus02 minus01 0 01 02




f dminus1

f microHz

Figure 55 Left Amplitude spectrum for two close pulsations with frequencies of240000 dminus1 and 240002 dminus1 and amplitudes of 05 and 02 (top) after subtraction ofthe mode at 240000 dminus1 (middle) and residuals after subtraction of the mode at 240002 dminus1

(bottom) Right Window function

Close frequencies Unresolved frequencies are a problem in the analysis of data andinterpretation of their results The frequency resolution is intrinsic to the observationpattern Unfortunately it is very difficult to conclude from an observational O minus Cpattern on unresolved frequencies The vast range of possible combinations in number offrequencies their spacing and amplitude ratios makes it almost impossible to conclude on aspecific configuration to explain the observations However if there is a resolved multipletin the observations but the signal-to-noise ratio of individual amplitudes is not goodenough to provide useful phase measurements a simulated multiplet on the observationaltime grid can provide insights on the O minusC behaviour of the main frequency Additionallythe window function can help to interpret amplitude spectra

Artificial test cases can raise awareness of possible O minus C patterns and caution theinterpretation of observational results The following tests were conducted with twopulsation frequencies and a constant phase which should result in a O minus C diagram notdifferent from zero

With a sufficient frequency separation and signal-to-noise ratio for both pulsations(see Fig 55) the O minusC diagram might show mode-beating effects like in Fig 56 Therecovered amplitude and phase of the main pulsation mode show periodic variationsalthough they should appear constant Thus the simultaneous occurrence of amplitude-and phase-modulations in an O minusC diagram should caution the interpretation in favour ofa light travel time effect

When the signal-to-noise ratio for one frequency is barely over the noise level it mightbe considered as noise after the pre-whitening of the dominant mode and neglected Using


52 Artificial data testing











0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100


2400 dminus1 240002 dminus1




t d

Figure 56 Results of the simultaneous fit of two close pulsations with frequencies of2400 dminus1 and 240002 dminus1 and similar amplitudes Each epoch contains data from onemonth TopReconstructed Amplitudes Bottom O minusC diagram

the example above but reducing the amplitude of the second pulsation from 05 to0001 (see Fig 57) leads to the O minusC diagram in Fig 58 The second pulsation is nottaken into consideration because the amplitude does not elevate above the noise level Themain pulsation shows periodic variations in the phase as to be expected from a substellarcompanion At the same time the amplitude appears to be modulated as well indicating amode-beating effect These scenarios strengthen the need for at least one additional phasevariation measurement on an independent pulsation mode in order to conclude on reflexmotion effects due to a substellar companion

Variable amplitude Previous observational studies show that amplitude modulationsare a common phenomenon for sdB stars Kilkenny (2010) But due to the relatively shortobservational baseline of such investigations it is not clear whether amplitude modulationscan appear on their own or together with phase modulations (as result of mode beatingeffects) Thus the OminusC method needs to be able to distinguish between the two scenarioswhich can be tested by using a simulated mode with an amplitude modulation but nophase modulation The example data set shown in Fig 59 and 510 exhibits an amplitudemodulation of 50 The OminusC analysis recovers successful this amplitude variation Alsothe phase shows no simultaneous variation which enables the distinction between a modebeating and pure amplitude modulated scenario


5 Methods




27776 27778 2778




23998 240 24002



f microHz




f dminus1







minus002minus001 0 001 002

minus02 minus01 0 01 02




f dminus1

f microHz

Figure 57 Left Amplitude spectrum for two close pulsations with frequencies of 2400 dminus1

and 240002 dminus1 and amplitudes of 05 and 0001 (top) residuals after subtractionof the mode at 2400 dminus1 (bottom) Note the different scale The residual peaks are onlyslightly above the average noise level Right Window function





0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100


2400 dminus1




t d

Figure 58 Results for two close pulsations with frequencies of 2400 dminus1 and 240002 dminus1

and very different amplitudes Each epoch contains data from one month Top Recon-structed Amplitude Bottom O minusC diagram for the main pulsation


52 Artificial data testing




27776 27778 2778




23998 240 24002



f microHz




f dminus1







minus002minus001 0 001 002

minus02 minus01 0 01 02




f dminus1

f microHz

Figure 59 Left Amplitude spectrum for one pulsation with a frequency of 2400 dminus1

and an amplitude of 05 varying by 50 with a 300 d period (top) residuals afterpre-whitening of the mode at 2400 dminus1 (bottom) Right Window function




0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100


2400 dminus1




t d

Figure 510 Results for one simulated pulsation with a frequency of 2400 dminus1 and anamplitude of 05 The amplitude is varying by 50 with a 300 d period Each epochcontains data from one month Top Reconstructed Amplitude Bottom O minusC diagram


5 Methods

53 Alternative approaches

531 Analytic signal

The analytic signal (AS) is a complex-valued function where real and imaginary part arerelated to each other by the Hilbert transform In polar coordinates the AS can be expressedin terms of its amplitude and phase as a function of time called envelope and instantaneousphase The instantaneous frequency can be obtained by differentiating the instantaneousphase in respect to time From the instantaneous phase an O minusC diagram can be inferredwhich makes the AS a potentially useful tool to investigate phase amplitude and frequencyvariations in stellar pulsations See III (2007) for a comprehensive overview

The AS s(t) of a signal s(t) is defined as

s(t) = s(t) + iH (s(t))

where the Hilbert transformationH is defined over the convolution

H =1πtlowast s(t)

While the original signal generates one amplitude value for each point in time the analyticalrepresentation generates a rotating vector in the complex plane Thus the analyticalrepresentation provides instantaneous values for amplitude frequency and phase withonly a single sample of a discrete signal

The AS is implemented in the scipy library (Jones et al 2011) Since it is based onFourier transforms it requires equidistant steps in time Thus a space born observatorywith a regular and continuous observing scheme is preferred over ground based observa-tions by this method Due to barycentric motion of the spacecraft the time steps will bedistorted after correcting for the barycentric motion Therefore an interpolation in time isnecessary which makes the analysis computationally very expensive

In order to test the implementation the artificial light curves should represent thistemporal behavior The data were generated sampling one stellar pulsation mode accordingto the PLATO scheme (cadence of 25 s for three years) and an ldquoinverserdquo barycentriccorrection was applied in order to create the irregular temporal spacing

For the analysis the artificial data are interpolated on a grid with a spacing of theshortest time between two measurements close to 25 s From an amplitude spectrum thefrequency of the pulsation mode is selected very similar to the classical O minusC approachimplemented for this work In the presence of multiple pulsation frequencies a frequencyfiltering is necessary After the computation of the envelope instantaneous phase andfrequency the expected linear cycle count is subtracted from the instantaneous phase toyield the OminusC diagram (see Fig 511) Since the AS is computed without a binning of datathe result appears to be scattering much more than the classical O minusC result Averagingthe results over a sufficient amount of time smooths the measurements Neverthelessthe process of interpolation before the actual analysis can start is computationally veryexpensive about a factor 1000 more than the classical O minusC calculation This makes theHilbert transform not practical for analysing irregular high cadence data This approachhas not been further pursued in this work


53 Alternative approaches



50100150200250300350 frequency



0 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 01




ampl envelope 2400 dminus1f




t d

Figure 511 Results of the Hilbert transform for one pulsation with a frequency of2400 dminus1 and an amplitude of 05 Top Flux measurements (black) sampled from thepulsation (grey) and amplitude envelope (red) Middle Instantaneous frequency BottomInstantaneous phase minus reference phase

532 Independent confirmation via direct imagingDirect imaging with adaptive optics allow for observations near the refraction limit of thetelescope This might offer the possibility to confirm sub-stellar companion candidateswhere a clear detection using the pulsation timing is affected by non-linear effects ofstellar pulsations However possible companions are still not resolvable with currenttechnology V391 Peg and DW Lyn have a distance of d = (12387000 plusmn 822422) pc andd = (14954389 plusmn 1303785) pc respectively (Gaia Collaboration et al 2018) With semimajor axis of about 17 au (Silvotti et al 2007) and 196 au the hypothetical companionswould be separated by 137 mas and 131 mas from the host star respectively This isabout one order of magnitude smaller than the theoretical angular resolution of 8 m classtelescopes The remaining EXOTIME targets are not significantly closer to Earth Thusthe sub-stellar companion candidates in the EXOTIME sample can not be confirmed viadirect imaging


Part III

The EXOTIME project Signals in theO minusC diagrams of the rapidly pulsatingsubdwarfs DW Lyn V1636 Ori QQ Vir

and V541 Hya


This chapter is published as a journal article ldquoThe EXOTIME project Signals inthe O minus C diagrams of the rapidly pulsating subdwarfs DW Lyn V1636 Ori QQ Virand V541 Hyardquo in Astronomy and Astrophysics (AampA 638 (2020) A108 DOI httpsdoiorg1010510004-6361201937172) copy F Mackebrandt et al 2020Authors F Mackebrandt12 S Schuh1 R Silvotti3 S-L Kim4 D Kilkenny5 EM Green6 R Lutz7 T Nagel8 J L Provencal910 T Otani1112 T D Oswalt1112

S Benatti13 L Lanteri3 A Bonanno14 A Frasca14 R Janulis15 M Paparoacute16 LMolnaacuter1617 R Claudi13 R H Oslashstensen18

Contributions FM analysed the data and wrote the manuscript SS is CoI of the EXO-TIME project coordinated observations at CAHA and supervised the findings of this workRS is PI of the EXOTIME project coordinated observations at TNG and contributedFig 910 and the according description in section 95 The following authors observed andreduced the data S-LK (LOAO) DK (SAAO) EMG (MtB) RL (MN) TN (Tue)JLP (WET) TO (SARA-KP) TDO (SARA-KP) SB (Asi) LL (Loi) AB (Serrala Nave) AF (Serra la Nave) RJ (Mol) MP (Kon) LM (Kon) RC (Asi) RHOslash(NOT)The manuscript has been read discussed and approved by all named authors

Photometric data of Fig 71 results in Fig 92 94 96 and 99 and figures in theappendix are only available at the CDS via anonymous ftp to cdsarcu-strasbgfr(130791285) or via httpcdsarcu-strasbgfrviz-bincatJA+A638

1 Max-Planck-Institut fuumlr Sonnensystemforschung Justus-von-Liebig-Weg 3 37077 Goumlttingen Germany2 Institut fuumlr Astrophysik Georg-August-Universitaumlt Goumlttingen Friedrich-Hund-Platz 1 37077 Goumlttingen

Germany3 INAF ndash Osservatorio Astrofisico di Torino strada dellrsquoOsservatorio 20 10025 Pino Torinese Italy4 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute Daejeon 34055 South Korea5 Department of Physics and Astronomy University of the Western Cape Private Bag X17 Bellville 7535

South Africa6 Steward Observatory University of Arizona 933 N Cherry Avenue Tucson AZ 85721 USA7 German Aerospace Center (DLR) Remote Sensing Technology Institute Muumlnchener Str 20 82234

Weszligling Germany8 Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics Kepler Center for Astro and Particle Physics University of

Tuumlbingen 72076 Tuumlbingen Germany9 University of Delaware Department of Physics and Astronomy Newark DE 19716 USA10 Delaware Asteroseismic Research Center Mt Cuba Observatory Greenville DE 19807 USA11 Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Department of Physical Science and SARA Daytona Beach FL

32114 USA12 Florida Institute of Technology Department of Physics amp Space Sciences Melbourne FL 32901 USA13 INAF ndash Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova Vicolo dellacircAZOsservatorio 5 35122 Padova Italy14 INAF ndash Osservatorio Astrofisico di Catania Via S Sofia 78 95123 Catania Italy15 Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astronomy Vilnius University Gostauto 12 Vilnius 01108 Lithuania16 Konkoly Observatory Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences Konkoly-Thege M uacutet 15-17

1121 Budapest Hungary17 MTA CSFK Lenduumllet Near-Field Cosmology Research Group Konkoly Observatory18 Department of Physics Astronomy and Materials Science Missouri State University Springfield MO

65897 USA


A108Based on observations obtained at the 09 m SARA-KP telescope which is operated bythe Southeastern Association for Research in Astronomy (saraobservatoryorg)


6 Introduction

Subdwarf B stars (sdBs) are sub-luminous stars with a mass of about 05 M located at theblue end of the horizontal branch which is the so-called extreme horizontal branch (EHBHeber 1986) They maintain a helium burning core but their thin hydrogen envelope(Menv lt 001 M) cannot sustain hydrogen shell burning which identifies sdBs withstripped cores of red giants (Heber 2016) Binary evolution with a common envelope (CE)is the favoured formation scenario for most sdBs The sdB progenitor fills its Roche lobenear the tip of the RGB A CE is formed when the mass transfer rate is sufficiently highand the companion star cannot accrete all the matter For close binary systems with smallinitial mass ratios q lt 12ndash15 two phases of mass transfer occur The first Roche-lobeoverflow is stable whereas the second one is unstable leading to the ejection of the CEThe resulting binary consists of an sdB star and a white dwarf in a short-period orbitFor initial mass ratios q gt 12ndash15 the first mass-transfer phase is unstable and the CE isejected producing an sdB star with a non-degenerate (eg main sequence star) companionA more detailed review of formation and evolution of compact binary systems can be foundin Podsiadlowski (2008) and Postnov and Yungelson (2014) These formation scenarioscannot explain the observed additional occurrence of apparently single sdBs (Maxtedet al 2001) Among the proposed formation scenarios is the proposal by Webbink (1984)that they could be formed by a merger of two helium white dwarfs But such mergersare problematic as they are expected to retain very little hydrogen (Han et al 2002) andbe left with higher rotation rates than what has been observed (Charpinet et al 2018)Moreover the overall observed mass distribution of single sdB stars is not consistent withthat expected from the proposed formation scenario Sub-stellar companions could resolvethis disagreement between theory and observations Planetary-mass companions like thecandidates V391 Peg b (Silvotti et al 2007) KIC 05807616 bc (Charpinet et al 2011)KIC 10001893 bcd (Silvotti et al 2014) or brown dwarf companions like V2008-1753 B(Schaffenroth et al 2015) or CS 1246 (Barlow et al 2011b) indicate the existence of apreviously undiscovered population of companions to apparently single sdBs

Due to the high surface gravity and effective temperature (leading to few stronglybroadened spectral lines in the optical) and the small radii of sdBs the detection efficiencyfor companions via methods like radial velocity variations or transits is small The timingof stellar pulsations offers a complementary detection method sensitive to large orbitalseparations

A small fraction of sdB stars shows pulsational variations in the p- (pressure-) andg- (gravity-) mode regimes Rapid p-mode pulsators (sdBVr) discovered by Kilkennyet al (1997) show periods of the order of minutes and amplitudes of a few tens of mmagSuch pulsations were predicted by Charpinet et al (1997 et seq) to be driven by theκ-mechanism due to a Z-opacity bump For slow pulsators (sdBVs) the periods range


6 Introduction

from 30 to 80 min with small amplitudes of a few mmag This class was discovered byGreen et al (2003) and the pulsations are explained by the κ-mechanism as well (Fontaineet al 2003) Some sdB stars show both types of pulsation modes simultaneously (sdBVrs)These hybrid pulsators lie at the temperature boundary near 28000 K between the twoclasses of pulsating stars for example the prototype for this class DW Lyn (Schuh et al2006) which is also addressed in this work or Balloon 090100001 (Baran et al 2005)

Pulsations driven by the κ-mechanism are coherent which qualifies these objects forthe timing method to search for sub-stellar companions This method is based on thelight-travel time effect with the host star acting as a stable ldquoclockrdquo spatial movements ofthe star around the barycentre induced by a companion result in time delays of the stellarlight measured by the observer Examples of detections using this method are ldquopulsar-planetsrdquo (eg Wolszczan and Frail 1992) planets detected by transit timing variations (egKepler 19 c Ballard et al 2011) planets orbiting δScuti stars (Murphy et al 2016a) oreclipsing binaries (eg V2051 Oph (AB) b Qian et al 2015) In particular the detectionof a late-type main sequence star companion to the sdB CS 1246 by Barlow et al (2011b)subsequently confirmed with radial velocity data (Barlow et al 2011a) or other studieslike Otani et al (2018) demonstrate the viability of this method in sdB systems On theother hand the particular example of V391 Peg b is currently under discussion (Silvottiet al 2018) because of possible non-linear interactions between different pulsation modesthat change arrival times (see Zong et al 2018 for a detailed study of amplitudefrequencyvariations related to nonlinear effects) Stochastically driven pulsations are suspected byReed et al (2007a) Kilkenny (2010) and their nature confirmed by Oslashstensen et al (2014)Also the candidate detections of KIC 05807616 and KIC 10001893 are uncertain sinceother sdBs observed within the Kepler K2- mission exhibit g-modes with long periods upto few hours They question the interpretation of the low-frequency variations for KIC05807616 and KIC 10001893 (eg Krzesinski 2015 Blokesz et al 2019)

In order to detect sub-stellar companions orbiting rapidly pulsating sdB stars theEXOTIME observational programme (EXOplanet search with the TIming MEthod) hasbeen taking long term data since 1999 EXOTIME conducted a long-term monitoringprogramme of five rapidly pulsating sdB stars V391 Peg has been discussed by Silvottiet al (2007 2018) In this paper we present the observations of DW Lyn and V1636 Oripreviously discussed in Lutz et al (2008a) Schuh et al (2010) Lutz (2011) Lutz et al(2011) and re-evaluate their findings using an extended set of observations In additionthe observations of QQ Vir and V541 Hya are presented and analysed In the beginning ofthe programme the mode stability was tested for all targets over a timespan of months inorder to ensure the pulsation modes were coherent

For the DW Lyn observations Lutz et al (2011) found no significant signals in aperiodogram of the O minus C data of the two analysed pulsation frequencies which wouldindicate sub-stellar companions A tentative signal in the second frequency (in this worklabelled f2 as well) formally corresponding to an 80-day companion orbit is concludedto arise from mode beating of an unresolved frequency doublet The analysis of V1636Ori revealed a signal at 160 d in the periodogram of the main frequency O minusC data (Lutzet al 2011) Although this periodicity showed a significance of only 1σ Lutz et al(2011) predicted an increase of significance with follow-up observations We are usingthis extended data set in our work now incorporating observations up to 2015

This paper is organised as follows Section 7 describes the observational aspects within


6 Introduction

the EXOTIME programme and the data reduction followed by a description of our analysisin Sect 8 Our results are presented in Sect 9 together with a discussion


7 Observations and data reduction

The observational data necessary for the analysis are comprised of many individual datasets gathered over the course of up to two decades The detection method demands theobservation of a target for a total time base at least as long as one orbit of a potentialcompanion which can span several years This requires coordinated campaigns withobservatories using ~1 ndash 4 m telescopes In order to derive sufficient accuracy for theanalysis observations with at least three to four consecutive nights each with a minimumof two to three hours per target are required To resolve the short-period p-modes thecadence must be shorter than about 30 s but still with a sufficient signal-to-noise ratio(SN) All observations used the Johnson-Bessel B band The correct time stamps foreach observation are of most importance for the timing analysis Most observatories ofthis study contributed already successfully to the work of Silvotti et al (2007) Silvotti(2008 Table 2) The following lists some references where telescopes used for thisstudy contributed successfully to other timing-relevant observations Konkoly RCC 10 mTelescope Provencal et al (2009) Stello et al (2006) Mt Lemmon Optical AstronomyObservatory Bischoff-Kim et al (2019) Lee et al (2014) Serra la Nave 09 m Bonannoet al (2003ab) SARA-KP 09 m telescope Kilkenny (2014) Baran et al (2018)

Table 71 lists the atmospheric parameters of the stars and Table 72 summarisesthe photometric observations obtained at multiple medium-class telescopes Fig 71summarises the observational coverage

71 DW Lyn

Dreizler et al (2002) identified DW Lyn (HS 0702+6043) as a p-mode pulsator Schuhet al (2006) discovered additional g-mode pulsations making this star the prototype of

Table 71 Atmospheric parameters of the targets

Target Te f f K log(g cm





DW Lyn 28 400plusmn600 535plusmn01 -27plusmn01 1V1636 Ori 33 800plusmn1 000 560plusmn015 -185plusmn020 2QQ Vir 34 800plusmn610 581plusmn005 -165plusmn005 3V541 Hya 34 806plusmn230 5794plusmn0044 -1680plusmn0056 4

1 Dreizler et al (2002) 2 Oslashstensen et al (2001) 3 Telting andOslashstensen (2004) 4 Randall et al (2009)


7 Observations and data reduction






54500 55000 55500 56000 56500

2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013










54500 55000 55500 56000 56500 57000

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015








71 DW Lyn






52000 52500 53000 53500 54000 54500 55000 55500 56000

2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013










53000 53500 54000 54500 55000 55500 56000 56500 57000 57500

2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016







Figure 71 Light curves Grey points are considered outliers and partially exceeding theplotting range (a) DW Lyn (b) V1636 Ori (c) QQ Vir (d) V541 Hya


7 Observations and data reductionTable












































































































































































72 V1636 Ori

hybrid sdB pulsatorsThere are photometric data available from 1999 Large gaps make a consistent O minusC

analysis difficult Regular monitoring within the EXOTIME programme ran from 2007until the beginning of 2010 Further observations cover a period up to the end of 2010These multi-site observations are described in Lutz et al (2008ab 2011) Here we addobservations made with the SARA-KP 09 m telescope at Kitt Peak National Observatoryin Arizona that used exposure times of 30 s

72 V1636 OriOslashstensen et al (2001) discovered V1636 Ori (HS 0444+0458) as a pulsating sdB starReed et al (2007b) conducted a frequency analysis reporting one small and two largeamplitude p-modes

V1636 Ori was observed between August 2008 and January 2015 for the EXOTIMEproject About a third of the data was obtained using the 1 m South African AstronomicalObservatory (SAAO) with the UCT and STE3 CCD instruments Observations at the 12 mMONETNorth telescope equipped with an Apogee 1ktimes1k E2V CCD camera were takenin 2x2 binning using 20 s exposure times Observations at the 22 m Calar Alto Observatory(CAHA) used the CAFOS instrument with 10 s exposure time Two nights were obtainedat the 15 m telescope at Loiano observatory using the BFOSC (Bologna Faint ObjectSpectrograph amp Camera) instrument and 15 s exposure times Between October 2008 andDecember 2009 observations at the 1 m Mt Lemmon Optical Astronomy Observatory(LOAO) were conducted with a 2ktimes2k CCD camera with exposure times of 12 s and 20 sThe observations at the 36 m Telescopio Nazionale Galileo (TNG) in August 2008 and2010 were performed with the DOLORES instrument and 5 s exposure times

73 QQ VirThe discovery of QQ Vir (PG 1325+101) as a multi-period pulsator was reported in Silvottiet al (2002) followed by a frequency analysis and asteroseismological modelling bySilvotti et al (2006) and Charpinet et al (2006) respectively

Observations of QQ Vir in 2001 and 2003 are described in Silvotti et al (2002) andSilvotti et al (2006) respectively Between March 2008 and April 2010 the object wasobserved as part of the EXOTIME project (Benatti et al 2010) Additionally one obser-vation run in February 2005 was performed at the 15 m telescope at Loiano observatoryusing the BFOSC instrument Most of the observations were obtained in 2009 2010 2011and 2012 at the LOAO using an exposure time of 10 s The CAHA and MONETNorthobservations were conducted with 10 s and 20 s exposure times respectively The Loianoobservatory performed additional observations in 2009 2010 and 2011 with the 15 mtelescope using BFOSC and an exposure times of 12 s 15 s and 20 s Observations atthe Moletai Astronomical Observatory (Mol) in 2008 were performed using the 16 mtelescope and an Apogee 1ktimes1k E2V CCD camera using 175 s of exposure time Obser-vations at the SAAO used the same instrumental set up as described in section 72 TheTNG observed in 2010 and 2011 A DARC-WET campaign on QQ Vir was performed inMay 2010


7 Observations and data reduction

74 V541 HyaV541 Hya (EC 09582-1137) was discovered by Kilkenny et al (2006) Randall et al(2009) conducted an asteroseismological analysis of this target

Between 2005 and 2015 a large number of observations were obtained at the SAAOusing the same instrumentation noted in Sect 72 and exposure times of 10 s The LOAOconducted observations in 2009 2012 and 2013 with exposure times of 20 s During March2009 and February and March 2010 V541 Hya was observed at the CAHA using anexposure time of 10 s

75 TESS observationsThe primary goal of the NASA Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) space tele-scope is to detect exoplanets transiting bright nearby stars (Ricker et al 2015) Howeverthe extensive time series photometry is valuable for asteroseimology and the TESS Astero-seismic Science Consortium (TASC) coordinates short cadence observations of pulsatingevolved stars TESS observed V1636 Ori and V541 Hya with a cadence of 120 s betweenNovember 15 2018 and December 11 2018 and February 2 2019 and February 27 2019respectively We used the light curves provided by the MAST archive1 that had commoninstrumental trends removed by the Pre-Search Data Conditioning Pipeline (PDC Stumpeet al 2012) Light curves and amplitude spectra are presented in Fig 111 and 112 Thetwo minutes (ldquoshortrdquo) cadence undersamples the p-modes at about 140 s In combinationwith the large photometric scatter the amplitude spectra show no evidence of the p-modesThus we do not make use of the TESS observations in our study

76 Data reductionFor the EXOTIME observations the data reduction was carried out using the IDL softwareTRIPP (Time Resolved Imaging Photometry Package see Schuh et al 2000) TRIPPperforms bias- dark- flat-field corrections and differential aperture photometry to calculatethe relative flux of a target with respect to one or more comparison stars and extinction-corrections (second order polynomial in time) In the presence of sub-stellar companionswe might expect variations in the arrival times of stellar pulsations on the order of secondsto tens of seconds The corresponding uncertainties are expected to be about one secondThese uncertainties rise from observational constrains such as smearing and samplingeffects due to the integration time The accuracy of individual time-stamps is better thanplusmn05 s All time stamps were converted from GJD(UTC) to BJD(TDB) according toEastman et al (2010) with an accuracy well below the expected observational uncertainty

Typical SN for our ground-based observations range from 60 for large amplitudepulsations to 3 for the smallest pulsation-amplitudes we investigate in this work Theamplitude spectra in Sect 9 show also pulsations with smaller SN but these are notsuitable for timing analysis because the uncertainties are too large (see Table 111)

1 httpsarchivestsciedu


8 Analysis

In order to detect variations in the arrival time of stellar pulsations we developed a pipelineto process the reduced data A schematic flowchart of our pipeline is presented in Fig 81The input consists of the light curve (time series) and the dates of the observational epochsIn a light curve typically spanning several years at a very low duty cycle of 02 to 17 percent an epoch consists of a few roughly consecutive nights of observation

Outlier removal In case no uncertainty in the flux measurement F is provided theroot-mean-square of each observation is used as an approximate photometric error forthe later analysis We have used a running median filter to exclude 5σ flux-outliers Thelength of the window size depends on the cadence of the observations We constrained itto be not longer than half of the period of the main frequency The analysis is performedfor each frequency individually before all frequencies were analysed simultaneously

Full data fit For the individual fitting of pulsations we first determined the frequencyof the main signal For this we used the astropy package to calculate the Lomb-Scargleperiodogram (Astropy Collaboration et al 2013 2018) From this periodogram we selectedthe frequency with the largest amplitude to continue In the next step we performed the fitof a sinusoidal function to the light curve using

F(t) = A sin ( f t + φ) + o (81)

with amplitude A frequency f phase φ and offset o The minimization problem is solvedusing the scipy implementation of the Trust Region Reflective algorithm (Jones et al2011) The selected frequency from the amplitude spectrum serves as initial value thefull-width-at-half-maximum of the corresponding peak in the periodogram is used as aboundary The amplitude-guess is taken from the amplitude spectrum In case of highlyvarying amplitudes the initial value can be set manually The fitting routine returns theparameters and their variance

Epoch fit Frequency and offset are all kept fixed for the following analysis of theindividual observational epochs The starting value of the current phase fit is determinedby the average of the previous j phase values (or the global fit value from above in casethere are no j previous values yet) in order to keep the fitting process stable and avoidldquophase-jumpsrdquo For our target sample a value of j = 3 has proven to be reasonable exceptwhen observational gaps span over several years

The uncertainty in the phase measurement scales inverse with the length of the epochsThus this length is chosen in a way to minimize the uncertainties of the fit but at the same


8 Analysis

LC data epochsperiodogram

choose frequency

fit to refine frequencyC

determine nth frequency

divide light curveinto epochs

fit to epochs O

O minus C-diagram

new Frequency

pre-whitening LCwith fit model

fit sum of nsine to LC

fit sum of nsine to epochs

O minus C-diagramyesn + 1 no






Figure 81 Flow chart representing the analysis of the time of arrival Light curve (LC)and start end time of each observational epoch are provided as input Each frequency isanalysed leading to an intermediate O minusC-diagram and subtracted from the LC by itselfbefore the sum of all sinusoidal functions is fitted simultaneously to the LC resulting inthe final O minusC-diagram

time keep the epochs as short as possible to maximize the temporal resolution of the finalO minusC diagram Often the observations themselves constrain the length of the epochs (egthree consecutive nights of observations and a gap of several weeks before the next blockof observations) If possible we aim for an epoch length such that the timing uncertaintiesare of the order of one second The phase information of the global and the epoch fit resultin a intermediate O minusC diagram

As a last step in the single-frequency-analysis the fitted model is subtracted from thelight curve We noticed significant amplitude variations for some of our targets Thuswe subtract the model using the amplitude of the individual epochs This pre-whiteningprocedure is repeated for every relevant pulsation in the data

Multi frequency fit Close frequencies are likely to introduce artificial trends in thearrival times in such a step-by-step analysis Thus the sum of all sinusoidal functions

F(t) = An sin ( fnt + φn) + o (82)

is fitted to the non-whitened light curve where n is the number of investigated frequenciesThe previously retrieved values for amplitude frequency phase and offset are used asinitial values We are using the phase information φn of the light curve as reference phasenamely calculated phase C in the final O minus C diagram Similar to the single-frequency


8 Analysis

Table 81 Parameters of the simultaneously fitted pulsations per target over their fullobservational time span and the pulsation period P

Target f dminus1 P s A φ d

DW Lyn f1 237941160 (8) 363114982(12) 219 (9) 54394741 (5)f2 22515898 (5) 38372887(9) 035 (9) 5439474 (3)

V1636 Ori f1 6317346 (2) 13676629(5) 054 (3) 5469872 (3)f2 5099780 (3) 1694191(1) 024 (3) 5469872 (7)

QQ Vir f1 626877627 (3) 1378259429(7) 26 (1) 52117924 (6)f2 55200714 (9) 15651971(3) 010 (9) 521179 (1)f3 6420515 (1) 13456864(3) 007 (1) 521179 (2)

V541 Hya f1 63532218 (5) 135993993(11) 031 (8) 5341388 (3)f2 57128556 (3) 151237850(8) 021 (7) 5341388 (3)

Notes The phase φ refers to the time corresponding to the first zero-crossing ofthe function after the first measurement t0 in MBJD

analysis the observational epochs are now fitted individually using the sum of sinusoidalfunctions to yield the observed phase information O

The results of the simultaneous fit for each target in this paper are summarised in Ta-ble 81 We list pulsation modes not used for the timing analysis in Table 111 Figures 82ndash 85 show example light curves of the targets for one epoch each including their multifrequency fit and the respective amplitude spectrum


8 Analysis



470 472 474 476 478 480 482 484 486 488



572 574 576 578 580 582 584 586 588 590



672 674 676 678 680 682 684 686 688 690



t d since 2007-10-17




2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 3000




225 epoch


210 220 230 240 250 260




f microHz






f dminus1

Figure 82 Example observations of DW Lyn from October 2122 and 23 2010 at theLulin observatory (top from top to bottom) combined used as one O minusC measurementThe errorbar on the left of each plot represents the photometric uncertainty The red lineshows the simultaneous two frequency fit to the epoch data The amplitude spectra inthe lower panel show the spectrum of the full data set (top) the spectrum of this epoch(middle) and the respective window function computed at f1 (bottom)


8 Analysis



130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137



229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236



329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336



t d since 2009-03-20




065700 6000 6300 6600 6900 7200 7500






480 500 520 540 560 580 600 620 640 660




f microHz






f dminus1

Figure 83 Example observations of V1636 Ori from March 20 21 and 22 2009 atthe CAHA (top from top to bottom) combined used as one O minus C measurement Theerrorbar on the left of each plot represents the photometric uncertainty The red line showsthe simultaneuos two frequency fit to the epoch data The amplitude spectra in the lowerpanel show the spectrum of the full data set (top) the spectrum of this epoch (middle) andthe respective window function computed at f1 (bottom)


8 Analysis



876 880 884 888 892 896 900



976 980 984 988 992 996 1000



1072 1076 1080 1084 1088 1092 1096



t d since 2012-02-13




6200 6400 6600 6800 7000 7200 7400 7600 7800





15 epoch


540 560 580 600 620 640 660 680




f microHz






f dminus1

Figure 84 Example observations of QQ Vir from February 20 21 and 22 2012 at theMonet telescope (top from top to bottom) combined used as one OminusC measurement Theerrorbar on the left of each plot represents the photometric uncertainty The red line showsthe simultaneuos two frequency fit to the epoch data The amplitude spectra in the lowerpanel show the spectrum of the full data set (top) the spectrum of this epoch (middle) andthe respective window function computed at f1 (bottom)


8 Analysis



284 288 292 296 300 304 308 312



380 384 388 392 396 400 404 408



888 892 896 900 904 908 912 916



t d since 2008-02-04




036400 6600 6800 7000 7200 7400 7600 7800




04 epoch


540 560 580 600 620 640 660 680




f microHz






f dminus1

Figure 85 Example observations of V541 Hya from February 6 7 and 12 2008 at theSAAO (top from top to bottom) combined used as one O minusC measurement The errorbaron the left of each plot represents the photometric uncertainty The red line shows thesimultaneuos two frequency fit to the epoch data The amplitude spectra in the lower panelshow the spectrum of the full data set (top) the spectrum of this epoch (middle) and therespective window function computed at f1 (bottom)


9 Results and discussion

In the following we discuss the implications of the obtained amplitude spectra and O minusCmeasurements on the evolutionary state and presence of sub-stellar companions to thetargets

91 DW LynThe amplitude spectrum of DW Lyn in Fig 113 reveals two strong pulsation modes atf1 = 237941160 dminus1 and f2 = 22515898 dminus1 A closer look to the amplitude spectrum inFig 91 reveals small asymmetries compared to the window function The pre-whiteningof both frequencies leaves residuals well above noise level in the amplitude spectrumindicating unresolved multiplets or mode splitting especially for f2

The SN of modes at higher frequencies for example at about 320 dminus1 and 480 dminus1are too small for a stable O minusC analysis (see Table 111) Therefore the O minusC diagram




minus02 minus015 minus01 minus005 0 005 01 015 02




0010203 f2



minus002 minus0015 minus001 minus0005 0 0005 001 0015 002


Af 1

f microHz




f 2







f dminus1

Figure 91 Amplitude spectrum of DW Lyn of the main pulsation frequency f1 =

237941160 dminus1 (top) f2 = 22515898 dminus1 (middle) with the respective residuals afterthe pre-whitening below and the normalised window-function (bottom)


9 Results and discussion




2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012





54400 54600 54800 55000 55200 55400 55600 55800 56000 56200 56400













Figure 92 Results for the two main pulsations of DW Lyn Top panel AmplitudesMiddle panel Fits of the O minusC data with second order polynomials in time Lower panelResiduals

in Fig 92 shows the analysis of the two main pulsation modes with the time-dependentvariation of the pulsation amplitudes

In order to determine evolutionary times-cales of the pulsations we investigate thelong-term evolution in the OminusC data A constant change in period results in a second-orderterm as a function of time (Sterken 2005) which allows us to derive a value for the secularchange of the period P and hence the evolutionary time-scale Results of the fits of thesecond order polynomial are included in Fig 92 which are PP f 1 = (58 plusmn 02)times 10minus5 dminus1

and PP f 2 = (minus293 plusmn 08) times 10minus5 dminus1 Assuming P is based on stellar evolution stellarmodel calculations show that the sign of the rate of period change indicates the phase ofthe sdB after the zero-age extreme horizontal branch (ZAEHB Charpinet et al 2002) Forp-modes a positive P relates to the first evolutionary phase of the ZAEHB in which thesurface gravity decreases due to He burning in the core A negative P would correspondto the second evolutionary phase in which the sdB contracts because the depletion of Hein its core and this happens before the post-EHB evolution The turning point betweenthese two states occurs between 87 and 91 Myr after the ZAEHB According to ourmeasurement of a positive P for f1 DW Lyn would still be in its first evolutionary phaseWith the lack of a mode identification from an asteroseismic model for DW Lyn we can notdirectly compare the measured P with theoretical predictions from Charpinet et al (2002)However stellar models with pulsation periods of around 360 s show values for P with acomparable order of magnitude as our measurement P = (43 plusmn 015) times 10minus1 s Myrminus1 forexample P = 162s Myrminus1 for a model with a mode of l = 0 k = 0 at the age of 6783 Myr(Charpinet et al 2002 appendix C) The large P of f2 is consistent with the apparent modesplitting seen in the amplitude spectra in Fig 91 and thus does not reflect the evolutionary


92 V1636 Ori

phase of DW LynAfter subtracting the long term-trend small time scale features are evident For

example the O minus C data for f2 show an oscillating behaviour with a significance of 3σwithin the first 200 days while the arrival times for f1 remain constant during the sameperiod of time In later epochs the O minusC data for both frequencies agree mostly within2σ During the second half of the observations the phase of f2 jumps by about 100 s Thisbehavior lacks an explanation

Additionally the evolution of the pulsation-amplitudes in Fig 92 shows a comparableoscillating behaviour for f2 within the first epochs similar to the change in arrival timesAlthough the periodic variations in amplitude are not as significant as for the phase theoccurrence of simultaneous phase- and amplitude-modulations indicate a mode-beatingof two close unresolved frequencies The residuals in the amplitude spectrum supportthis explanation In later observations the amplitude remains almost constant within theuncertainties The beating mode might lose energy or shift frequency over time Theamplitude for the f1 pulsation drops by about 1 per cent (amplitude) or about 35 per cent(relative) to the second half of the observation campaign with a similar quasi-periodicvariation as the phase The residuals in the amplitude spectrum show no indication of anunresolved frequency leading to mode-beating Besides stochastically driven pulsationmodes Kilkenny (2010) suggest energy transfer between modes as possible explanationfor amplitude variations For both frequencies a possible interaction between amplitudeand phase of pulsations is not well understood

92 V1636 Ori

The amplitude spectrum of V1636 Ori in Fig 114 shows two main pulsation modes withfrequencies at f1 = 6317346 dminus1 and f2 = 5099780 dminus1 The SN is not sufficient to use athird pulsation mode at 5662 dminus1 (6553 microHz Reed et al 2007b) The amplitude spectrumof TESS data in Fig 112 shows no evidence for g-mode pulsations with amplitudes greaterthan 04 per cent A detailed look at the spectra of the two main frequencies in Fig 93shows mode splitting likely due to a change in frequency over the long time of observation

The O minusC diagram in Fig 94 shows the two main pulsation modes and the variationof the pulsation amplitudes

From the second order fit in time we derive the changes in period PP f 1 = (minus854plusmn014) times 10minus5 dminus1 and PP f 2 = (minus25 plusmn 05) times 10minus5 dminus1 We caution the interpretation ofthese values as evolutionary time scales since the apparent mode splitting seen in Fig 93could explain these trends as well

The residuals after subtracting the long term trend show a large variation They changeby up to about plusmn50 s for f1 (sim 14σ significance) and up to about plusmn30 s for f2 (sim 3σsignificance) The amplitude for f1 drops by about 025 per cent (amplitude) or about33 per cent (relative) in the time between MBJD = 55100 d and 55300 d and returnsto its previous level afterwards while the amplitude for f2 remains constant within theuncertainties This decrease in amplitude coincides with earlier arrival times in the O minusCdiagram As already discussed in the previous section a possible amplitude- and phase-interaction is not well understood The f1 pulsation mode may not be coherent on suchlong time-scales but of a short-term stochastic nature not resolvable by our data set (eg


9 Results and discussion


minus02 minus015 minus01 minus005 0 005 01 015 02





02 f2




minus002 minus0015 minus001 minus0005 0 0005 001 0015 002


Af 1

f microHz




f 2







f dminus1

Figure 93 Amplitude spectrum of V1636 Ori of the main pulsation frequency f1 =

6317346 dminus1 (top) f2 = 5099780 dminus1 (middle) with the respective residuals after thepre-whitening below and the normalised window-function (bottom)

KIC 2991276 Oslashstensen et al 2014)

93 QQ VirFig 115 shows the amplitude spectrum for the QQ Vir observations The main frequencyat about f1 = 626877628 dminus1 is presented in Fig 95 in detail and shows asymmetriescompared to the window function After the pre-whitening process a close frequency atabout 626881270 dminus1 remains but attempts to model this pulsation fail with uncertaintiestoo large for the timing analysis There appear two more frequencies suitable for our studyThe amplitude spectra around f2 = 55200713 dminus1 and f3 = 6420516 dminus1 are presentednext to f1 in Fig 95 Another peak at about 665 dminus1 consists of at least two frequenciesat 664488549 dminus1 and 665478133 dminus1 but they are not sufficiently resolvable within theindividual epochs and lead to too large uncertainties in the O minusC analysis

Fig 96 shows the resulting O minus C diagram and the amplitudes at different epochsDue to the large observational gap from 2003 to 2008 with only one block of observationsin between we had difficulties avoiding errors in cycle count In order to avoid a phasejump we increased the averaging window for initial phase values to q = 6 With this setup the changes in pulsation frequencies read as follows PP f 1 = (17 plusmn 16) times 10minus7 dminus1PP f 2 = (24 plusmn 04) times 10minus5 dminus1 and PP f 3 = (40 plusmn 05) times 10minus6 dminus1 While f2 and f3 showno significant variation of pulsation amplitude f1 varies by 15 per cent (amplitude) or50 per cent (relative) Thus the corresponding phase changes should be interpreted withcaution Charpinet et al (2006) identify the radial order k and degree l from asteroseismic


93 QQ Vir




2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014






55000 55500 56000 56500 57000













Figure 94 Results for the two main pulsations of V1636 Ori Top panel AmplitudesMiddle panel Fits of the O minusC data with second order polynomials in time Lower panelResiduals


minus02 minus01 0 01 02




01 f2



01 f3



minus002 minus001 0 001 002


Af 1

f microHz




f 2




Af 3







f dminus1

Figure 95 Amplitude spectrum of QQ Vir of the main pulsation frequency f1 =

626877628 dminus1 (top) f2 = 55200713 dminus1 (top middle) f3 = 6420516 dminus1 (bottom middle)with the respective residuals after the pre-whitening below and the normalised window-function (bottom)


9 Results and discussion











52000 53000 54000 55000 56000




2f 3










Figure 96 Results for the three main pulsations of QQ Vir Top panel Amplitudes f3 hasa vertical offset of -1 for clarity Middle panel Fits of the O minusC data with second orderpolynomials in time Lower panel Residuals

modelling to be f1 l = 2 k = 2 f2 l = 4 k = 1 f3 l = 3 k = 2 These combinationsdo not allow a direct comparison of our P measurements to the model calculations fromCharpinet et al (2002) but the sign of P indicates QQ Vir to be in the stage of He burning

94 V541 HyaThe amplitude spectrum in Fig 116 shows two pulsation modes with frequencies atf1 = 63532218 dminus1 and at f2 = 57128556 dminus1 Both of them show a complex behavior(Fig 97) indicating unresolved multiplets andor frequency changes that we see also in theO-C diagrams (Fig 99) The SN for a third frequency at 60388741 dminus1 is not sufficientfor the O minusC analysis Similar to V1636 Ori the amplitude spectrum obtained from theTESS light curve in Fig 112 shows no evidence for g-mode pulsations with amplitudesgreater than 04 per cent

Randall et al (2009) speculated about rotational mode splitting for f3 with ∆ f3minus =

512 microHz and ∆ f3+ = 368 microHz The asteroseismic modelling associates f1 with a l = 0mode and f2 with l = 0 or 1 mode (depending on the favoured model) f3 corresponds to al = 2 mode They caution this interpretation due to their limited resolution in frequencyspace the mode splitting could be an unresolved quintuplet Our data set shows no clearevidence for a mode splitting with ∆ f3minus = 512 microHz or ∆ f3+ = 368 microHz (see Fig 98) butrather a mode splitting for f1 and f2 with about ∆ f = 008 microHz (Fig 97) Assuming thesemodes are of degree l = 1 this could be interpreted as a triplet But Randall et al (2009)model these modes with a degree of l = 0 which does not support a mode splitting into


94 V541 Hya


minus02 minus015 minus01 minus005 0 005 01 015 02





02 f2




minus002 minus0015 minus001 minus0005 0 0005 001 0015 002


Af 1

f microHz




f 2







f dminus1

Figure 97 Amplitude spectrum of V541 Hya of the main pulsation frequency f1 =

63532218 dminus1 (top) f2 = 57128556 dminus1 (middle) with the respective residuals after thepre-whitening below and the normalised window-function (bottom)





008minus6 minus5 minus4 minus3 minus2 minus1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6







minus06 minus04 minus02 0 02 04 06




f microHz




f dminus1

Figure 98 Amplitude spectrum with respect to the pulsation frequency f3 = 60388741 dminus1

of V541 Hya (top) and the normalised window-function (bottom)



9 Results and discussion



2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015





53000 54000 55000 56000 57000














Figure 99 Results for the two main pulsations of V541 Hya Top panel AmplitudesMiddle panel Fits of the O minusC data with second order polynomials in time Lower panelResiduals

The OminusC diagram in Fig 99 shows the analysis of the two main pulsation modes andthe variation of the pulsation amplitudes The second order fits in time indicated in theO minusC diagram correspond to changes in period of PP f 1 = (minus149 plusmn 011) times 10minus5 dminus1 andPP f 2 = (minus07 plusmn 15) times 10minus5 dminus1 For f2 the change in period does not significantly differfrom the null hypothesis Assuming these changes origin from stellar evolution V541 Hyamight just have passed the point of sign change in P and at the beginning of the contractionphase While the arrival times scatter widely the amplitudes of both pulsations remainalmost constant within the uncertainties If V541 Hya is in its evolution close to startingthe contraction phase as indicated by a P close to zero the changes in stellar structuremay cancel the strict phase coherence

95 Testing the sub-stellar companion hypothesisIn order to set upper limits to the mass of a companion we computed a series of syntheticO minusC curves for different orbital periods and companion masses assuming circular orbitsand compared these curves with the O minusC measurements after subtracting the long-termvariations

For each synthetic O minus C curve we selected the phase that gives the best fit to thedata using a weighted least squares algorithm For each observational point we computedthe difference in absolute value and in σ units (where σ is the O minus C error) betweenO minusC and the synthetic value The greyscale in Fig 910 corresponds to the mean valueof this difference in σ units which means that the presence of a companion is indicated


95 Testing the sub-stellar companion hypothesis

by a minimum (bright areas) of this parameter We see that in V1636 Ori QQ Vir andV541 Hya the mean difference for f1 is always very high implying that the data are notcompatible with a companion However these results are limited by the fact that the O minusCdiagrams of these stars are ldquocontaminatedrdquo by other irregular variations presumably due toother reasons like non-linear interactions between different pulsation modes for exampleand therefore these constraints to the orbital period and mass of a companion must be takenwith some caution For the f2 and f3 measurements the mean difference to the syntheticdata is smaller in sigma units (because of the larger uncertainties) and very uniform Theuncertainties of the O-C measurements are not small enough to favour a set of models inthe period-mass parameter space

For f1 of DW Lyn there is a significant minimum at about 1450 d (sim 4 years) andsim 5 MX

1 which is well visible also in the O minusC diagram of Fig 92 This periodicity isnot visible in the second frequency f2 which however has much larger error bars due tothe much lower amplitude of f2 with respect to f1

Lutz et al (2011) described a periodicity at 80 days detected for f2 We can recoverthis signal however with a low significance This would correspond to a light travel timeamplitude of 4 s (for m sin i asymp 15 MX) which is smaller than 15 s measured by Lutz et al(2011) Nevertheless this signal is not confirmed by f1 Thus we rule out a companioninduced signal in the arrival times due to the lack of simultaneous signals in f1 and f2 withsimilar amplitude The tentative signal in f2 is better explained by mode beating as alreadydescribed in Sect 91 The variations seen in the first 200 days of the O minus C diagram inFig 92 correspond to a periodicity of about 80 days and are accompanied by variations inthe amplitude of the pulsation

For V1636 Ori Lutz (2011) predicted a period at 160 d and amplitude of 12 s Thiscan not be confirmed as a companion-induced signal A periodic signal with an amplitudeof 65 s (for m sin i asymp 15 MX) is indicated in the analysis of f1 but at a low significanceand accompanied by many other signals of similar significance This periodicity is notconfirmed by a significant signal in the measurements of f2

1 1 MX (Jupiter mass) = 1899 middot 1027 kg


9 Results and discussion

1 10 100 1000P d












80 d

1 10 100 1000P d






80 d2









1 10 100 1000P d












160 d

1 10 100 1000P d






160 d












95 Testing the sub-stellar companion hypothesis

1 10 100 1000P d












1 10 100 1000P d

1 10 100 1000P d

















9 Results and discussion

1 10 100 1000P d












1 10 100 1000P d







6 6








Figure 910 Minimum companion mass as a function of orbital period Greyscale showsthe difference between the O minus C measurements and artificial O minus C data generated fora given combination of companion mass and orbit We note that at this stage the phaseoptimization of the artificial data is done independently for each pulsation frequency Themedian of gaps in between the epochs is indicated by a vertical dotted line See text formore details (a) DW Lyn Contour lines for f1 are placed at 2 3 4 and 5σ (left panel)and for f2 at 325 and 35σ (right panel) as indicated by their labels The planetary signalproposed by Lutz et al (2011) at a period of 80 d is indicated as dashed line (b) V1636Ori Contour lines for f1 are placed at 9 and 10σ (left panel) and for f2 at 2 and 22σ(right panel) as indicated by their labels The planetary signal proposed by Lutz et al(2011) at a period of 160 d is indicated as dashed line (c) QQ Vir Contour lines for f1 areplaced at 15 20 and 25σ (left panel) for f2 at 11 and 13σ (middle panel) and for f3 at13 and 15σ (right panel) as indicated by their labels (c) V541 Hya Contour lines forf1 are placed at 6 8 and 10σ (left panel) and for f2 at 45 55 and 65σ (right panel) asindicated by their labels


10 Summary and Conclusion

In this work we present ground-based multi-site observations for the four sdBs DWLyn V1636 Ori QQ Vir and V541 Hya We investigate variations in the arrival times oftheir dominant stellar pulsation modes to draw conclusions about secular period drifts andpossible sub-stellar companions All light curves are analysed homogeneously

From the O minusC measurements we derive an evolutionary time scale from the changein period P Comparing to model calculations from Charpinet et al (2002) we infer theevolutionary phase of the target Although some P measurements are influenced by modesplitting we can tell from the sign of P1 of DW Lyn that the star is likely still in the stageof central He burning We can draw a similar conclusion from the sign of P of QQ Vir TheP measurements of V1636 Ori are likely affected by mode splitting making it difficult tointerpret the results in the context of stellar evolution V541 Hya shows P measurementsclose to zero which indicates the star being at the transition phase between He burningand contraction due to the depletion of He in the core

Comparing atmospheric properties from Table 71 with the evolutionary tracks fordifferent models from Fig 1 in Charpinet et al (2002) we can confirm the hypothesisthat DW Lyn and QQ Vir are in their He burning phase V541 Hya agrees within 2σ ofthe log g measurement with one model at the turning point between the two evolutionarystages

However we can not exclude frequency and amplitude variations on smaller timescales than resolvable by our data set Using temporally higher resolved Kepler-data ofKIC 3527751 Zong et al (2018) caution about long-term frequency or phase evolutionsascribing to non-linear amplitude and frequency modulations in pulsating sdBs We seesuch effects already in our data set even with a low temporal resolution compared to theKepler sampling with a duty cycle of more than 90 per cent

Observations on DW Lyn and V1636 Ori were published by Lutz et al (2008a) Schuhet al (2010) Lutz (2011) Lutz et al (2011) Our analysis of these observations includingextended data sets do not confirm the tentative companion periods of 80 and 160 daysrespectively These signals more likely arise due to mode beating indicated by partlyunresolved frequency multiplets and amplitude modulations

Almost all analysed pulsation modes show formal significant changes in arrival timesbut the amplitudes of these periodic signals do not correlate with frequencies excludingthe light-travel time effect due to orbital reflex motions for such variations and thus givingupper limits on companion masses Only DW Lyn might have a planetary companion ona long orbital period as indicated by one arrival time measurement But this can not beconfirmed with a second measurement due to larger uncertainties Additionally morestudies question the presence of already proposed companions for example Krzesinski(2015) Hutchens et al (2017) Our unique sample of long-term observations shows a


10 Summary and Conclusion

complex behavior of mode- and amplitude interactions in sdBs which should be addressedin further studies Until this has been addressed caution is advised when interpretingO minusC pulse arrival times in terms of companions


11 Appendix

111 TESS data








58440 58450 58460





tMBJDTDB minus 2400000



11 Appendix








58520 58530 58540





tMBJDTDB minus 2400000


Figure 111 Light curves of the TESS observations Grey points are considered outliersand partially exceeding the plotting range (a) V1636 Ori (b) V541 Hya

112 Amplitude spectra

Table 111 Additional pulsation modes identified for our targets not used in the O minus Canalysis due to their low signal-to-noise-ratio

Target f dminus1 A

DW Lyn 4758231(2) 009(18)3194042(3) 006(12)4630100(6) 003(18)

V1636 Ori 56624031(3) 06(3)QQ Vir 7330704(1) 03(1)

6644886(1) 02(1)57273611(5) 019(9)6647122(1) 01(1)4341522(6) 001(7)502410(2) 001(9)

V541 Hya 53116759(16) 003(7)60388741(6) 003(8)


112 Amplitude spectra


0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000


0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800



f microHz

V1636 Ori



f dminus1

V541 Hya

Figure 112 Amplitude spectrum of the TESS observations Upper panel spectrum ofV1636 Ori Lower panel spectrum of V541 Hya The only peak above the noise level isthe 120 s alias due to the cadence of the observations






250 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500





0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500



f microHz




f dminus1


Figure 113 Amplitude spectrum of DW Lyn Upper panel observations Aobs Lowerpanel residuals Ares after subtracting the light curve models from the observations


11 Appendix


0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000





0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800



f microHz




f dminus1


Figure 114 Same as Fig 113 but for V1636 Ori






250 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000


0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800



f microHz




f dminus1


Figure 115 Same as Fig 113 but for QQ Vir


112 Amplitude spectra




0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000





0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800



f microHz




f dminus1


Figure 116 Same as Fig 113 but for V541 Hya


11 Appendix

Acknowledgements We thank Wen-Shan Hsiao for observing at the Lulin Observatory and Mike D Reedfor observing at the Baker Observatory and Elia Leibowitz for observing at the WISE observatory FMconducted the work in this paper in the framework of the International Max-Planck Research School (IMPRS)for Solar System Science at the University of Goumlttingen (Volkswagen Foundation project grant numberVWZN3020) DK thanks the SAAO for generous allocations of telescope time and the National ResearchFoundation of South Africa and the University of the Western Cape for financial support TDO gratefullyacknowledges support from the US National Science Foundation grant AST-0807919 LM was supportedby the Premium Postdoctoral Research Program of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences This project hasbeen supported by the Lenduumllet Program of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences project No LP2018-72019Based on observations made with the Italian Telescopio Nazionale Galileo (TNG) operated on the island ofLa Palma by the Fundacioacuten Galileo Galilei of the INAF (Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica) at the SpanishObservatorio del Roque de los Muchachos of the Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias Based on observationscollected at the Centro Astronoacutemico Hispaacutenico en Andaluciacutea (CAHA) at Calar Alto operated jointly bythe Andalusian Universities and the Instituto de Astrofiacutesica de Andaluciacutea (CSIC) Based on observationscollected at Copernico telescope (Asiago Italy) of the INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova Basedon observations made with the Nordic Optical Telescope operated by the Nordic Optical Telescope ScientificAssociation at the Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos La Palma Spain of the Instituto de Astrofisicade Canarias This paper includes data collected by the TESS mission Funding for the TESS mission isprovided by the NASA Explorer Program


Part IV

Application to larger target pool


12 Further asteroseismic targets

The search for sub-stellar companions using the pulsation timing method is not onlylimited to sdB stars but can also be applied to a greater variety of pulsating stars aslong as the pulsations are driven by a κ mechanism ie coherent in phase Howevermodes of long periods decrease the precision of timing measurements Additionally largepulsation amplitudes tend to show non-linear effects which excludes the application ofthis technique A case study of β Cephei RR Lyrae and δ Scuti (δ Sct) stars can be foundin Silvotti et al (2011) Among these δ Sct stars are the most promising pulsators tofollow-up The following describes δ Sct stars and the application of the pulsation timingmethod in more detail

121 δ Scuti starsPlanet occurrence rates predict a maximum for host stars with masses of 19+05

minus01M (Reffertet al 2015) close to the mass of main sequence A stars in the instability strip whereδ Sct pulsators are common (see Fig 26) However actual planet detections are affectedby observational selection effects Planetary transits are difficult to observe because ofthe pulsational luminosity variations and due to wider orbits of planets around A stars(Johnson et al 2011 Lloyd 2011) resulting in lower transit probabilities For the radialvelocity method A stars are not well suited because of their fast rotation with the meanof the equatorial rotational velocity distribution exceeding 100 km sminus1 (Abt and Morrell1995 Royer et al 2007) Their high effective temperatures compared to solar-like starsleads to fewer and shallower absorption lines which can additionally be distorted bypulsations This leaves the pulsation timing method as a promising alternative to search forcompanions δ Sct stars show radial and non-radial p-modes with amplitudes up to 05 and with pulsation periods between about 20 min and 8 h (eg Qian et al 2017 Balonaet al 2012) The pulsations are driven by the κ mechanism due to partial ionization of HeII

The mostly uninterrupted observations of space missions like Kepler and TESS providea large sample of δ Sct observations for this purpose The two missions and some of theirapplications are described in the following sections


13 Kepler

Sections of this chapter are part of a paper in preparation to be submitted as an article toAstronomy and Astrophysics

131 Kepler mission

The Kepler mission (Borucki et al 2010) was launched in 2009 to observe a fixed patchof sky in the Cygnus constellation with more than 100 deg2 field of view to discovertransiting Earth-like exoplanets in the habitable zone The telescopersquos mirror measures095 m in diameter and the camera is sensitive for a wavelength range of 430 nm to 890 nmAsteroseismic observations of pulsating stars were organized by the Kepler AsteroseismicScience Consortium (KASC) Some were observed in a high cadence mode of 60 s (shortcadence) the nominal cadence measures 30 min (long cadence)

1311 sdB stars

The Kepler field contained a small number of sdB stars (eg McNamara et al 2012)None of them showed indications for a planetary transit However KIC 05807616 andKIC 10001893 two pulsating sdB stars in the Kepler field show some evidence for thepresence of planetary companions (Charpinet et al 2011 Silvotti et al 2014) Howeverinterpretation of these signals is questioned as already discussed in chapter III

1312 δ Scuti stars

Kepler observed around one thousand δ Sct stars in its field of view The primary goalof their observations are conclusions about the stellar structure and evolution via astero-seismology as the transition from deep to shallow convective envelopes takes place in theregion of the HRD where δ Sct are located (see Fig 26) This opens the opportunity to usethe extensive Kepler data set and apply the pulsation timing method to the observationsThe following describes one particular system as a benchmark for which a planetarycompanion was already discovered

13121 KIC 7917485

Murphy et al (2014 2016b) used the Kepler data to search for binary systems using thelight travel time effect Murphy et al (2016a) (hereafter M16) detected a planet orbiting


13 Kepler

Table 131 Orbital parameters for the KIC 7917485 system Values for M16 are takenfrom Table 2 in Murphy et al (2016a) M16 did not account for a change in pulsationperiod P The model of this work uses a circular orbit model for the companion ie e = 0

M16 this work f1 this work f2

∆Ts 71+04minus05 68 plusmn 03 66 plusmn 04

Porbitd 840+20minus22 82150 plusmn 008 72672 plusmn 008

e 015+010minus013 0 0

Ps Myrminus1 minus0001 plusmn 0001 minus0035 plusmn 0002

its host star KIC 7917485 in a 840 d orbit The following validates this finding using theO minusC pipeline implemented for this work

KIC 7917485 was observed between May 2009 and May 2013 by Kepler We usethe light curves provided by the MAST archive1 which had common instrumental trendsremoved by the Pre-Search Data Conditioning Pipeline (PDC Stumpe et al 2012) Inorder to remove remaining long term trends we make use of the kepflatten routine ofthe PyKE package (Still and Barclay 2012 Viniacutecius et al 2018) The light curve and thecorresponding amplitude spectrum are shown in Fig 131

In order to reproduce the results of M16 we apply a high-pass frequency filter Thisremoves frequencies below 5 dminus1 which are most likely artefacts due to instrumental effectWe apply this filter forward and backward in time to compensate for phase delays

For the OminusC analysis we applied our pipeline and fitted all pulsations with amplitudesabove 0005 Although the signal-to-noise ratio is sufficient for only two modes thesimultaneous fitting process of four more pulsations prevents any unaccounted interactionsbetween the modes The time dependent variation in pulsation amplitude and phase isshown in Fig 132 Each epoch measures about ten days The main pulsation frequencyf1 = 15383 007 4(4) dminus1 exhibits large semi-periodic variations which correlate with theobservational quarters of the Kepler mission Thus they are likely to be instrumentalsystematics The amplitude of f2 = 20262 905 3(8) dminus1 shows a similar behaviour ontop of a general trend of decreasing amplitude with time The phase variations for bothpulsations show clearly a sinusoidal modulation with an amplitude of about 10 s and aperiod of about 800 d We fit simultaneously a quadratic long term trend and a sinusoidalmodel for a circular companion orbit to the data The results are presented in Table 131While a change in period P for f1 is almost not detectable f2 shows a significant P whichcoincides with the decrease in pulsation amplitude of 004 per cent (amplitude) or about18 per cent (relative) M16 did not account for a change in period thus we cannot compareour measurements

For the orbital fit of the companion M16 used the weighted mean of both phasemeasurements Since we want to confirm the nature of the companion with two independentmeasurements we do not follow this procedure Our sinusoidal orbit fit for f1 agrees withinthe uncertainties with the measurement of M16 However the orbital period measuredfor f2 is about 100 days significantly shorter than for f1 This might be attributed to ouradditional fit for the change in period combined with larger OminusC uncertainties towards the

1 httpsarchivestsciedu


131 Kepler mission

end of the observations (approximately two times larger) due to the decreasing pulsationamplitude

In order to compare the M16 results better with the measurements of this work wewill be implementing a full orbit fit on both measurements simultaneously Additionallythe uncertainties appear rather small in comparison to M16 A different treatment ofuncertainties might give more reliable error bars


13 Kepler




4800 5000 5200 5400 5600 5800 6000 6200 6400 6600

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013re




tBJDTDB minus 2450000

(a) KIC 7917485 light curve


0 50 100 150 200 250



0 5 10 15 20 25



f microHz




high pass filtered



f dminus1


(b) KIC 7917485 amplitude spectrum

Figure 131 KIC 7917485 data Top Light curve Grey points are considered outliers andpartially exceeding the plotting range Bottom Amplitude spectrum The top panel showsthe observations The middle panel the amplitude spectrum after applying the high passfilter Note the different scale on the y-axis in order to make small amplitudes visible Thebottom panel shows the residuals after modelling six pulsation modes


131 Kepler mission






2009 2010 2011 2012 2013





4800 5000 5200 5400 5600 5800 6000 6200 6400 6600












tBJDTDB minus 2450000

Figure 132 Results for the two main pulsations of KIC 7917485 Top panel AmplitudesMiddle panel Fits of the O minusC data with second order polynomials only (dashed lines)and full fit including the light travel time effect (solid lines) Lower panel Residuals



141 TESS mission

The Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) by NASA was launched in April 2018as an all-sky survey for transiting exoplanets The 24 degtimes96 deg field of view observeseach sector for about 27 days and sweeps across the sky This creates some observationslasting longer than 27 days due to the overlapping sectors The four telescopes (each witha field of view of 24 deg2) measure 105 mm in diameter and the cameras are sensitive for awavelength range of 600 nm to 1000 nm This is slightly redder than the Kepler bandpassdue to the missionrsquos differing priorities detecting transiting planets orbiting Sun-like starsfor Kepler and small cool stars for TESS The full frame cadence measures 30 minuteswhile the nominal cadence for transit detections two minutes The TESS AsteroseismicScience Consortium (TASC) coordinates 20 seconds ldquoshort cadencerdquo observations of brightasteroseismic target stars

However observations with such a short time span of 27 days (and up to one year butonly around the ecliptic pole eg 17 of the sky) do not allow an extensive search ofsub-stellar companions using the pulsation timing method on their own But they can beused as additional observations to existing data sets especially the EXOTIME project dataWithout additional ground-based observations a joint O minusC analysis of δ Sct data fromKepler and TESS is likely to fail due to the large observational gap of about seven years

1411 sdB stars

TESS observations of V1636 Ori and V541 Hya are already discussed in chapter III Thedata are taken at two minutes cadence and thus do not allow the investigation of p-modes

DW Lyn was observed by TESS with a cadence of 120 s between December 25 2019and January 20 2020 Fig 141 shows the light curve and amplitude spectrum Besidesthe 120 s alias at 720 dminus1 the spectrum shows f1 and f2 at about 238 dminus1 and 225 dminus1

respectively as well as their Nyquist alias above 360 dminus1 (cf Murphy et al 2013) Forthe g-mode regime Lutz et al (2008a) reported pulsations at 2717 microHz 3181 microHz and2063 microHz (2347 dminus1 2748 dminus1 and 1783 dminus1) The TESS data show only the pulsation at3181 microHz as a detection of about two times above the noise level While the 2717 microHzpulsation is visible but not above the noise level the 2063 microHz pulsation is not present inthe TESS data set Since we have no data between the last EXOTIME observations in 2013and the TESS observations in 2020 the time span for a joint O minusC analysis is too large

V391 Peg will be observed by TESS and the data can be used to extend the set ofobservation from Silvotti et al (2018) In order to span the observational gaps between






1840 1845 1850 1855 1860 1865 1870





tBJDTDB minus 2457000

(a) DW Lyn light curve











0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800

0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000




16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30

200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340



f dminus1

f microHz

DW Lyn




16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30

200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340

(b) DW Lyn amplitude spectrum

Figure 141 TESS DW Lyn data Top Light curve Grey points are considered outliersand partially exceeding the plotting range Bottom Amplitude spectrum The inset showsa magnification of the g-mode regime Modes reported by Lutz et al (2008a) are indicatedas dots


141 TESS mission

2013 and 2020 we performed additional ground-bases observations as described inchapter 3


Part V



15 Discussion

Studying post main-sequence stars offers a window into the fate of planetary systemsincluding our own solar system Can planets survive the final stages of stellar evolution andhow do they in turn affect their host starrsquos evolution One discussed formation scenario ofsingle sdB stars involves the influence of giant planets during the red giant phase of theirprogenitor Observations can put constrains on the presence of sub-stellar companionsorbiting sdB stars

Chapter III investigated a unique set of long term ground-based observations of thefour rapidly pulsating sdB stars DW Lyn V1636 Ori QQ Vir and V541 Hya The maingoals of the EXOTIME project are the determination of the evolutionary state of these starsand the constraints on sub-stellar companions to draw conclusions on possible formationscenarios

The individual secular period drifts for different modes per target derived from theO minusC measurements do not always agree with each other These results therefore needto be interpreted with caution with regard to the evolutionary state of the star and holdonly for the assumption of a linear change in period For DW Lyn P f 1 is comparable tovalues derived from stellar models and place the star in the evolutionary phase of core Heburning P f 2 on the other hand can be explained by the apparent mode splitting whoseorigin cannot be confirmed with certainty A possible explanation is the slow decay of onepulsation mode and an excitation of a mode with close frequency but not resolvable by theobservations Additionally amplitude and phase variations indicate a mode beating effectAs shown in section 52 two close - but not necessarily resolvable pulsation modes cancause such effects Measurements for the period changes of V1636 Ori need to be cautionedby the same arguments For QQ Vir the identified radial order and degree of modes donot allow a direct comparison with stellar models but the sign of the P measurementsplaces QQ Vir in the state of He burning The O minusC measurements of V541 Hya show nosignificant change of period If these results are not affected by observational limitationsbut originate from stellar evolution the star might be in the transition phase between coreHe burning and contraction

Atmospheric measurements of all four stars can place the stars in the log g minus Teff planerelatively close to stellar evolutionary models of Charpinet et al (2002) as illustratedin Fig 151 This independently confirms the tentative interpretations above DW LynV1636 Ori and QQ Vir overlap each with several models of different envelope mass inthe phase of core He burning within their measured uncertainties Although Teff and log gmeasurements of V541 Hya agree with two models in that same evolutionary phase themeasurements agree within 3σ with an evolutionary model in the transition between coreHe burning and contraction

In principle proper motions of stars can give an alternative explanation for the apparent


15 Discussion









DW Lyn

V1636 Ori

QQ VirV541 Hya


log( g




Figure 151 EHB evolutionary tracks covering the log g minus Teff region where sdB stars areobserved Data points taken from Appendix B of Charpinet et al (2002) (crosses) andTable 71 (circles) The seven models correspond respectively from left (high Teff) to right(low Teff) to objects with a ZAEHB envelope mass Menv = 00001 00002 00007 0001200022 00032 and 00042 M The core mass is Mc = 04758M for all sequences exceptthe first and third (from the left) which have Mc = 04690M For a positive (negative)slope in the models the change in pulsation period is positive (negative) See Charpinetet al (2002) for a detailed explanation

change in pulsation period as described by Pajdosz (1995ba) They derive the effect ofproper motion to be


s sminus1 = 2430 times 10minus18 Ps

microprimeprime yrminus1


where micro is the proper motion in arcseconds per year and d the distance in parsec Withmeasurements available from the Gaia (Gaia Collaboration et al 2018) the derived valuesare about three orders of magnitude smaller than the measured P and thus neglectable

After subtraction of the long term trends in the O minus C measurements the residualsshow no clear evidence for signatures of sub-stellar companions The comparison withsynthetic O minusC curves indicates a companion-induced signal in the main pulsation modeof DW Lyn But this is not confirmed by the independent measurement of the secondpulsation mode as would be expected Furthermore previously described periodic signalsin the O minusC measurements by Lutz et al (2011) are ruled out to be caused by sub-stellarcompanions Nevertheless the data set is limited in detection sensitivity Dependingon the observational gaps the data cannot set limitations for possible companion orbitsshorter than approximately 30 days (DW Lyn and V1636 Ori) 4 days (QQ Vir) or 120days (V541 Hya) or longer than the total length of observations roughly 1500 days


15 Discussion

Photometric precision additionally limits the detection threshold to companions signalslarger than about 1 s This corresponds to a companion with a mass of 1 MX (05 MX) andan orbital period of about 05 years (15 years)

Chapter IV enlarges the target selection and applies the O minusC analysis to one examplePulsations of δ Sct stars are driven by the κ mechanism allowing stable pulsations overlong periods of time Planet detection methods like the transit or radial velocity methodcannot be easily applied to those stars which favours the pulsation timing analysis and thusopens a new parameter space in the exoplanet detection The δ Sct pulsator KIC 7917485was found to be orbited by a sub-stellar companion whose signal can be recovered in thepulsation arrival times


16 Outlook

As chapter IV applied the OminusC analysis to one example observation beyond the EXOTIMEproject there are more extensive long time series of high cadence data already availableor with upcoming space missions The next sections highlight data sets of interest

161 K2 missionAfter the failure of two reaction wheels on the Kepler space craft its mission could beextended from 2014 onward as K2 The space craft was balanced against the radiationpressure from the sun which limits each campaign to a duration of about 80 days ThusK2 was not staring at only one field in the sky but sweeping along the ecliptic and couldobserve many more targets for signs of transiting exoplanets Armstrong et al (2015)created a catalogue of variable stars from the K2 observations and categorized the targetsinto different classes of pulsators From this catalogue about 500 variables are classified asδ Sct stars Additionally 33 sdB stars were observed by K2 (Reed et al 2018) Although theobservations span only 80 days they can set constraints on close in sub-stellar companions

162 TESSThe TESS mission aims to detect transiting exoplanets around bright stars Asteroseismictargets are observed with a cadence of 20 seconds if they are bright enough Most ofthe EXOTIME targets are already observed or are going to be observed Due to thecadence of two minutes for these stars and the long duration in between the EXOTIMEobservations the data cannot be used for a common O minus C analysis Nevertheless theyprovide constraints on g-modes For the upcoming V391 Peg observations the gaps toground based observations are not too big With the planetary candidate claimed by Silvottiet al (2007) but cautioned later by Silvotti et al (2018) the new observations by groundbased telescopes and TESS are expected to clarify the interpretations

For other asteroseismic targets ether sdB or δ Sct stars an OminusC analysis is reasonableonly for targets with overlapping sectors ie more than 27 days of observing time

163 PLATOPLAnetary Transits and Oscillations of stars (PLATO) is an ESA mission scheduled forlaunch in 2026 Its primary goal is to discover and characterize terrestrial exoplanetsorbiting bright solar-type stars especially planets in the habitable zone Bright host


16 Outlook

Figure 161 Artistrsquos impression of ESArsquos PLATO spacecraft Credit ESAATG medialabCC BY-SA IGO 30

stars allow the determination of the planetsrsquo masses using the radial velocity method fromground-based observations and thus a mean density This can be used to constrain planetaryinterior models Additionally bright targets allow transmission spectroscopy observationsin order to measure chemical abundances of the planetary atmospheres A secondary goalof the PLATO mission is asteroseismic observations to determine stellar masses radii andages These parameters are crucial in order to correctly determine the planetary massesradii and their evolution

PLATOrsquos payload module consists of 24 cameras each with an aperture of 120 mmand a 1100 deg2 field of view (see Fig161) The cameras are arranged in four groups ofsix where each group has the same field of view but their angle is slightly offset - thisallows a total field view of about 2250 deg2 per pointing The camera arrays overlap insome parts resulting in different sensitivities over the field They will observe with acadence of 25 s Additionally two ldquofastrdquo cameras will observe with a cadence of 25 sPLATOrsquos nominal life time sums up to four years but could be in orbit for double the timeFor most of the time it will ldquostarerdquo to one region in the sky Additionally an ldquostep andstarerdquo phase comparable to K2 is possible

With the explicit goal of asteroseismic observations PLATO is expected to collectmany data on evolved pulsating stars allowing for an investigation with the pulsationtiming method The pipeline developed for this work can be easily adopted and used in anautomated way in order to process many targets and search for sub-stellar companions


Part VI




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This thesis would not have been possible without the help of many people who guided andsupported me during my time as a PhD student

First I would like to thank my supervisor Sonja Schuh who advised and guided metrough this project and had always an open ear for me despite her work as the IMPRScoordinator A thank you goes also to the other members of my TAC Laurent Gizon andStefan Dreizler for the productive discussions and ways to see some things differently

I would also like to thank Roberto Silvotti who helped to improve the EXOTIMEpaper

The students of the IMPRS formed a great community at the institute Without thefriendships formed out of this group my time at the institute would have been a verydifferent experience I tried gave my best to contribute to the great dynamics of the groupand hope this spirit will be kept alive by many following generations of students

Special thanks goes to my fellow musicians for the great time over the last yearsStarting with the (in)famous successful ldquoQuiet Sunrdquo project together with TheodosiosChatzistergos (literally a god on his guitar) Ankit Barik Earl Bellinger and Alessan-dro Cilla (who left us way too early) growing bigger for some gigs with SudharshanSaranathan Nils Gottschling David Marshall Robin Thor Keaton Bell and James Kus-zlewicz and finally merging with the great MegaGauss band including additionally HelgeMissbach Katja Karmrodt Abbey Ingram Christian Baumgartner Daria MokrytskaTanayveer Bhatia Marius Pfeifer Ann-Kathrin Lohse (Atti) and Paula Wulff No matterwhich problems would trouble me during the band practise I could throw them all againstthe drum heads and cymbals Keep on rockinrsquo

I would like to thank Michelle for her support and proofreadingAnd special thanks goes to my family which always supported me on my way listened

and offered good advice

This work is founded by the International Max Planck Research School for SolarSystem Science at the University of Goumlttingen (IMPRS Solar System School) and theVolkswagen Foundation (project grant number VWZN3020) This work makes use ofobservations from the LCOGT network This work includes data collected by the Keplermission Funding for the Kepler mission is provided by the NASA Science Missiondirectorate


Scientific contributions

Refereed publicationsbull Mackebrandt F M Mallonn J M Ohlert T Granzer S Lalitha A Garciacutea Muntildeoz

N P Gibson et al 2017 Transmission Spectroscopy of the Hot Jupiter TrES-3 bDisproof of an Overly Large Rayleigh-like Feature AampA 608 (December) A26httpsdoiorg1010510004-6361201730512

bull Mackebrandt F S Schuh R Silvotti S-L Kim D Kilkenny E M Green RLutz et al The EXOTIME Project Signals in the O minusC Diagrams of the RapidlyPulsating Subdwarfs DW Lyn V1636 Ori QQ Vir and V541 Hya AampA 638 (June1 2020) A108 httpsdoiorg1010510004-6361201937172

bull Mallonn M I Bernt E Herrero S Hoyer J Kirk P J Wheatley M Seeliger etal 2016 Broad-Band Spectrophotometry of HAT-P-32 b Search for a ScatteringSignature in the Planetary Spectrum Monthly Notices of the Royal AstronomicalSociety 463 (November) 604-14 httpsdoiorg101093mnrasstw1999

bull Schwope A D F Mackebrandt B D Thinius C Littlefield P Garnavich AOksanen and T Granzer 2015 Multi-Epoch Time-Resolved Photometry of theEclipsing Polar CSS081231071126+440405 Astronomische Nachrichten 336 (2)115-24 httpsdoiorg101002asna201412151

bull Strassmeier K G I Ilyin E Keles M Mallonn A Jaumlrvinen M Weber F Macke-brandt and J M Hill High-Resolution Spectroscopy and Spectropolarimetryof the Total Lunar Eclipse January 2019 AampA 635 (March 1 2020) A156httpsdoiorg1010510004-6361201936091

Conference contributionsbull The stellar pulsation timing method to detect substellar companions XXX IAU

General Assembly 2018 Vienna (Poster)

bull The stellar pulsation timing method to detect substellar companions AnnualMeeting of the Astronomische Gesellschaft 2017 Goumlttingen (Talk)

bull The stellar pulsation timing detection method for substellar companions Rocks ampStars II Conference 2017 Goumlttingen (Talk)

bull The stellar pulsation timing detection method for substellar companions ThePLATO Mission Conference 2017 Exoplanetary systems in the PLATO era War-wick (Poster)


Scientific contributions

bull The stellar pulsation timing method to detect substellar companions 2nd AdvancedSchool on Exoplanetary Science 2017 Vietri sul Mare (Poster)

bull The Stellar Pulsation Timing Detection Method for Substellar Companions Plane-tary Systems Beyond The Main Sequence II 2017 Haifa (Poster)


  • Abstract
  • Zusammenfassung
  • I Introduction
    • 1 Extrasolar planets
      • 11 Historical overview
      • 12 Definition of an exoplanet
      • 13 Observational techniques
        • 2 Subdwarf B stars
          • 21 Classification
          • 22 Canonical stellar and planetary evolution
          • 23 Subdwarf B stars formation scenarios
          • 24 Asteroseismology
            • 241 mechanism
            • 242 Asteroseismic observations
              • II The EXOTIME project
                • 3 Targets
                • 4 Multi-epoch photometric data
                  • 41 Time series photometry
                    • 411 Photometry
                    • 412 Timing accuracy
                        • 5 Methods
                          • 51 O-C Pipeline
                            • 511 Linear change in period
                            • 512 Light travel time effect
                              • 52 Artificial data testing
                              • 53 Alternative approaches
                                • 531 Analytic signal
                                • 532 Independent confirmation via direct imaging
                                  • III The EXOTIME project Signals in the O-C diagrams of the rapidly pulsating subdwarfs DW Lyn V1636 Ori QQ Vir and V541 Hya
                                    • 6 Introduction
                                    • 7 Observations and data reduction
                                      • 71 DW Lyn
                                      • 72 V1636 Ori
                                      • 73 QQ Vir
                                      • 74 V541 Hya
                                      • 75 TESS observations
                                      • 76 Data reduction
                                        • 8 Analysis
                                        • 9 Results and discussion
                                          • 91 DW Lyn
                                          • 92 V1636 Ori
                                          • 93 QQ Vir
                                          • 94 V541 Hya
                                          • 95 Testing the sub-stellar companion hypothesis
                                            • 10 Summary and Conclusion
                                            • 11 Appendix
                                              • 111 TESS data
                                              • 112 Amplitude spectra
                                                  • IV Application to larger target pool
                                                    • 12 Further asteroseismic targets
                                                      • 121 Scuti stars
                                                        • 13 Kepler
                                                          • 131 Kepler mission
                                                            • 1311 sdB stars
                                                            • 1312 Scuti stars
                                                              • 13121 KIC 7917485
                                                                • 14 TESS
                                                                  • 141 TESS mission
                                                                    • 1411 sdB stars
                                                                      • V Summary
                                                                        • 15 Discussion
                                                                        • 16 Outlook
                                                                          • 161 K2 mission
                                                                          • 162 TESS
                                                                          • 163 PLATO
                                                                              • VI Appendix
                                                                                • Bibliography
                                                                                • Acknowledgements
                                                                                • Scientific contributions
Page 2: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature

Timing of stellar pulsations to searchfor sub-stellar companions beyond the

main sequence

Dissertationzur Erlangung des mathematisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Doktorgrades

ldquoDoctor rerum naturaliumrdquo

der Georg-August-Universitaumlt Goumlttingen

im Promotionsstudiengang Physik

der Georg-August University School of Science (GAUSS)

vorgelegt von

Felix Mackebrandtaus BrandenburgHavel Deutschland

Goumlttingen 2020


Dr Sonja SchuhMax-Planck-Institut fuumlr Sonnensystemforschung Goumlttingen Germany

Prof Dr Laurent GizonMax-Planck-Institut fuumlr Sonnensystemforschung Goumlttingen GermanyInstitut fuumlr Astrophysik Georg-August-Universitaumlt Goumlttingen Germany

Prof Dr Stefan DreizlerInstitut fuumlr Astrophysik Georg-August-Universitaumlt Goumlttingen Germany

Mitglieder der Pruumlfungskommision

Referent Dr Sonja SchuhMax-Planck-Institut fuumlr Sonnensystemforschung Goumlttingen Germany

Korreferent Prof Dr Stefan DreizlerInstitut fuumlr Astrophysik Georg-August-Universitaumlt Goumlttingen Germany

Weitere Mitglieder der Pruumlfungskommission

Prof Dr Laurent GizonMax-Planck-Institut fuumlr Sonnensystemforschung Goumlttingen GermanyInstitut fuumlr Astrophysik Georg-August-Universitaumlt Goumlttingen Germany

Dr Roberto SilvottiINAF-Osservatorio Astrofisico di Torino Pino Torinese Italy

Prof Dr Ariane FreyII Physikalisches Institut Georg-August-Universitaumlt Goumlttingen Germany

Prof Dr Laura CoviInstitut fuumlr Theoretische Physik Georg-August-Universitaumlt Goumlttingen Germany

Tag der muumlndlichen Pruumlfung 22062020

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Abstract 1

Zusammenfassung 3

I Introduction 5

1 Extrasolar planets 711 Historical overview 712 Definition of an exoplanet 813 Observational techniques 9

2 Subdwarf B stars 1121 Classification 1122 Canonical stellar and planetary evolution 1123 Subdwarf B stars formation scenarios 1424 Asteroseismology 16

241 κ mechanism 17242 Asteroseismic observations 18

II The EXOTIME project 21

3 Targets 23

4 Multi-epoch photometric data 2741 Time series photometry 27

411 Photometry 27412 Timing accuracy 27

5 Methods 2951 O minusC Pipeline 29

511 Linear change in period 29512 Light travel time effect 31

52 Artificial data testing 3253 Alternative approaches 38

531 Analytic signal 38



532 Independent confirmation via direct imaging 39

III The EXOTIME project Signals in the O minus C diagrams ofthe rapidly pulsating subdwarfs DW Lyn V1636 Ori QQ Vir andV541 Hya 41

6 Introduction 45

7 Observations and data reduction 4971 DW Lyn 4972 V1636 Ori 5373 QQ Vir 5374 V541 Hya 5475 TESS observations 5476 Data reduction 54

8 Analysis 55

9 Results and discussion 6391 DW Lyn 6392 V1636 Ori 6593 QQ Vir 6694 V541 Hya 6895 Testing the sub-stellar companion hypothesis 70

10 Summary and Conclusion 75

11 Appendix 77111 TESS data 77112 Amplitude spectra 78

IV Application to larger target pool 83

12 Further asteroseismic targets 85121 δ Scuti stars 85

13 Kepler 87131 Kepler mission 87

1311 sdB stars 871312 δ Scuti stars 87

13121 KIC 7917485 87

14 TESS 93141 TESS mission 93

1411 sdB stars 93



V Summary 97

15 Discussion 99

16 Outlook 103161 K2 mission 103162 TESS 103163 PLATO 103

VI Appendix 105

Bibliography 107

Acknowledgements 123

Scientific contributions 125


List of Figures

11 Exoplanet mass and radius distribution 812 Exoplanet detection methods 10

21 Sketch of a Hertzsprung-Russell diagram 1222 Protoplanetary discs 1323 Formation of sdB stars I 1524 Formation of sdB stars II 1625 Possible formation mechanism of close-in planets 1726 Hertzsprung-Russell diagram showing different classes of pulsating stars 20

51 Schematic picture of the O minusC diagram construction 3052 Schematic picture of the orbital configuration 3153 Amplitude spectrum for four resonant pulsations with frequencies 3354 Results for four resonant pulsations 3355 Amplitude spectrum for two close pulsations 3456 Results of the simultaneous fit of two close pulsations 3557 Amplitude spectrum for two close pulsations and very different amplitudes 3658 Results for two close pulsations and very different amplitudes 3659 Amplitude spectrum for one pulsation of varying amplitude 37510 Results for one simulated pulsation with varying amplitude 37511 Results of the Hilbert transform for one pulsation 39

71 Light curves 51

81 Flow chart representing the analysis of the time of arrival 5682 Example observations of DW Lyn 5883 Example observations of V1636 Ori 5984 Example observations of QQ Vir 6085 Example observations of V541 Hya 61

91 Amplitude spectrum of DW Lyn 6392 Results for the two main pulsations of DW Lyn 6493 Amplitude spectrum of V1636 Ori 6694 Results for the two main pulsations of V1636 Ori 6795 Amplitude spectrum of QQ Vir 6796 Results for the three main pulsations of QQ Vir 6897 Amplitude spectrum of V541 Hya 69


List of Figures

98 Amplitude spectrum with respect to the pulsation frequency f3 of V541 Hya 6999 Results for the two main pulsations of V541 Hya 70910 Minimum companion mass as a function of orbital period 74

111 Light curves of the TESS observations 78112 Amplitude spectrum of the TESS observations 79113 Amplitude spectrum of DW Lyn 79114 Amplitude spectrum of V1636 Ori 80115 Amplitude spectrum of QQ Vir 80116 Amplitude spectrum of V541 Hya 81

131 KIC 7917485 data 90132 Results for the two main pulsations of KIC 7917485 91

141 TESS DW Lyn data 94

151 EHB evolutionary tracks of sdB stars 100

161 Artistrsquos impression of ESArsquos PLATO spacecraft 104


List of Tables

31 Observational properties of the EXOTIME targets 2432 Summary of the newly acquired observations for V391 Peg 25

71 Atmospheric parameters of the targets 4972 Summary of the observing time per target per site 52

81 Parameters of the simultaneously fitted pulsations per target 57

111 Additional identified pulsation modes 78

131 Orbital parameters for the KIC 7917485 system 88



Stars spend most of their life on the main sequence (MS) But their most substantialchanges occur off the MS stage either before on the pre-MS or beyond at the post-MSphase Due to very complex and varied dynamical processes the evolution of planetarysystems orbiting non-MS stars significantly differs from those of MS planetary systems

This work focusses on the search for sub-stellar companions in post-MS systems anddetermination of the evolutionary state of their host stars especially subdwarf B stars(sdB stars) These are stripped Helium-burning cores of red giants with a thin hydrogenatmosphere The canonical model involves binary evolution to explain the existence ofsdB stars Formation scenarios for single sdBs are more controversially discussed and canbe hard to reconcile with observational properties Besides the merger of two helium whitedwarfs or other merger processes for apparently single sdB stars an alternative formationchannel involves planetary systems During the red giant phase the star would developa common envelope with a giant planet that leads to the loss of the envelope Thus sdBstars are laboratories to test how planets survive and influence the late phases of stellarevolution

The rapid pulsations of sdB stars can be used to detect sub-stellar companions fromperiodic variations in the expected arrival times of the pulsation maxima This timingmethod is particularly sensitive to companions at large distances and complementary toother exoplanet detection methods because they are not efficient for stars with small radiiand high gravities Thus the timing method opens up a new parameter range in terms ofthe host stars and helps to understand the formation process of single sdBs

In this work I implemented tested and applied the pulsation timing analysis to searchfor sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems The method isalready established in the literature but not to an extent which is capable of automaticallyprocessing long-time series of high-cadence data ie from space born observations

Part I provides an introduction to extrasolar planets and to the formation and propertiesof sdB stars

Part II and III describe the long-term ground-based observations of four rapidly pulsat-ing sdB stars DW Lyn V1636 Ori QQ Vir and V541 Hya The data are used to measure thesecular drifts in pulsation periods The results constrain the evolutionary state of these starsand are compared to theoretical predictions of stellar evolutionary models Furthermorethe measurements set limits to masses and orbital periods of sub-stellar companions Incontrast to previous studies tentative companion detections are not confirmed

Part IV describes the application of the implemented timing analysis to other pulsatingstars and data sets Compared to ground-based observatories satellite-based telescopesoffer the advantage of uninterrupted observations Observatories like Kepler TESS or theupcoming PLATO mission provide a large sample of targets Besides sdB stars δ Scuti



(δ Sct) pulsators are excellent stars to apply the timing method on δ Sct stars are evolvedbeyond the MS and of spectral type A From Kepler observations previous studies re-vealed a planetary companion orbiting the δ Sct star KIC 791748 The implemented timinganalysis of this work is applied to these data and can recover the planetary signature vali-dating the implementation at hand and independently confirming the planetary companiondiscovery

Part V discusses the results of this thesis and provides an outlook to further applica-tions



Sterne verbringen den Groszligteil ihres Lebens auf der Hauptreihe (HR) Die gravierendstenVeraumlnderungen geschehen jedoch abseits der HR entweder zuvor auf der pre-HR oderfolgend auf der post-HR Durch sehr komplexe und variierende dynamische Prozesseunterscheidet sich die Entwicklung von Planeten in nicht-HR Sternsystemen signifikantvon der Entwicklung von Planeten in HR Sternsystemen

Diese Arbeit legt ihren Fokus auf die Suche nach sub-stellaren Begleitern in post-HR Systemen und auf die Bestimmung des evolutionaumlren Stadiums derer Zentralsterneinsbesondere bei heiszligen Unterzwergen des Spektraltyps B (engl subdwarf B kurzsdB) auch Blaue-Unterzwerge genannt Solche sdB-Sterne sind freigelegte heliumbren-nende Kerne von vormals Roten-Riesen mit einer duumlnnen Wasserstoffatmosphaumlre Derenkanonische Entstehung beschreibt die Entwicklung in einem Doppelsternsystem Entste-hungsszenarien fuumlr einzelne sdB-Sterne werden jedoch kontrovers diskutiert und sind nurschwer mit Beobachtungen zu verifizieren Neben der Verschmelzung von zwei heliumdo-minierten Weiszligen Zwergen koumlnnten auch Planetensysteme zur Bildung von sdB-Sternenbeitragen Waumlhrend der Roten-Riesen-Phase wuumlrde der Stern einen seiner Riesenplanetenin eine gemeinsame Huumllle einschlieszligen was letztendlich zum Verlust der Huumllle fuumlhrtSomit erweisen sich sdB-Sterne als Testobjekte das Uumlberleben von Planeten zu pruumlfensowie den Einfluss der Planeten auf die Spaumltphasen stellare Entwicklung zu beobachten

Die schnellen Pulsationen von sdB Sternen koumlnnen mit Hilfe von periodischen Veraumln-derungen in den zu erwarteten Ankunftszeiten der Pulsationsmaxima zur Detektion vonsub-stellaren Begleitern genutzt werden Diese Methode der Lichtlaufzeitmessungen istbesonders sensitiv fuumlr Begleiter mit groszliger Distanz zu ihrem Zentralstern und damit kom-plementaumlr zu anderen Detektionsmethoden Denn andere Detektionsmethoden sind bei Ster-nen mit hoher Oberflaumlchengravitation und kleinen Radien weniger aussagekraumlftig Damiteroumlffnet die Methode der Lichtlaufzeitmessungen eine Moumlglichkeit fuumlr Entdeckungen vonbisher nicht erforschbaren Planetensystemen und hilft somit den Entstehungsprozess vonsdB-Sternen besser zu verstehen

In dieser Arbeit habe ich die Methode der Pulsations-Lichtlaufzeitmessungen im-plementiert getestet und zur Suche nach sub-stellaren Begleitern bei Systemen in denSpaumltphasen stellarer Entwicklung angewandt Die Methode ist bereits etabliert bisherjedoch nicht fuumlr eine automatische Anwendung auf lange Beobachtungsreihen in hoherzeitlicher Aufloumlsung wie zB von Weltraumteleskopen optimiert

Teil I dieser Arbeit gibt eine Einleitung zu extrasolaren Planeten sowie auch zurEntstehung und Eigenschaften von sdB-Sternen

Teil II und III beschreiben die bodengebundenen Langzeitbeobachtungen der vierschnell pulsierenden sdB-Sterne DW Lyn V1636 Ori QQ Vir und V541 Hya MitHilfe dieser Daten werden die Veraumlnderungen der Pulsationsperioden gemessen Diese



Ergebnisse lassen auf das evolutionaumlre Stadium der Sterne schlieszligen und werden mittheoretischen Sternentwicklungsmodellen verglichen Weiterhin setzen die Ergebnisseder Beobachtungen Grenzwerte fuumlr die Masse und Umlaufdauer moumlglicher sub-stellarerBegleiter Im Widerspruch zu vorhergehenden Studien koumlnnen potentielle Detektionenvon Begleitern nicht bestaumltigt werden

Teil IV beschreibt die Anwendung der implementierten Methode der Pulsations-Lichtlaufzeitmessungen auf andere Sterne und Datensaumltze Im Vergleich zu bodengebunde-nen Observatorien bieten weltraumgestuumltzte Teleskope den Vorteil der ununterbrochenenBeobachtung Observatorien wie das Kepler Weltraumobservatorium TESS oder diegeplante PLATO Mission liefern eine groszlige Anzahl von Beobachtungszielen NebensdB-Sternen ist die Klasse der pulsierenden δ Scuti (δ Sct) Sterne ein hervorragendesZiel fuumlr Lichtlaufzeitmessungen δ Sct Sterne sind in einem Entwicklungsstadium jen-seits der HR und in der Spektralklasse A zu finden Vorhergehende Studien haben ausBeobachtungen des Kepler Weltraumteleskops einen planetaren Begleiter um den SternKIC 791748 offenbart Mit der in dieser Arbeit implementierten Methode der Pulsations-Lichtlaufzeitmessungen kann das Signal dieses Begleiters aus den Daten gewonnen undsomit die Implementierung validiert sowie eine unabhaumlngige Bestaumltigung dieser Planete-nentdeckung erbracht werden

Teil V diskutiert die vorhergehenden Ergebnisse und liefert einen Ausblick auf weitereAnwendungen


Part I



1 Extrasolar planets

11 Historical overviewSpeculations about the existence of other worlds or solar systems other than our own go asfar back as the ancient times Greek philosophers debated about the possibility of countlessworlds

And he maintained worlds to be infinite and varying in bulk and that in somethere is neither sun nor moon while in others that they are larger than with usand with others more numerous [] And that some worlds are destitute ofanimals and plants and every species of moisture

Democritus (460 to 370 BCE Litwa 2016)

He was supported by Epicurus (314 to 270 BCE) who debated about an ldquoinfinite number ofworlds both like and unlike this world of oursrdquo (Bailey 1926) in a letter to Democritus Butthe atomists of this time believed in the geocentric universe and thus the work of Aristotle(341 to 270 BCE) outshone their ideas This started to change with the introduction ofthe Heliocentric universe theory of Nicolaus Copernicus in 1543 However the Italianphilosopher Giordano Bruno was burned during the Inquisition because of his belief in aninfinite number of stars which have an infinite number of terrestrial worlds orbiting themFinally Galileo Galilei discovered with his telescope invented in 1606 the true nature ofthe Moon and planets and paved the way for the discovery of the remaining planets in oursolar system

Our solar system shaped the understanding of planetary evolution and system archi-tecture until Wolszczan and Frail (1992) discovered the first exoplanetary system laterconfirmed by Wolszczan (1994) The two Earth-mass like planets orbit the millisecondpulsar PSR 1257+12 a rather unusual host star With the discovery of the first extrasolarplanet 51 Pegasi b orbiting a sun-like star (Mayor and Queloz 1995) the architecture ofexoplanetary systems remained very different than expected from the solar system Theplanet has a mass comparable to the mass of Jupiter but a very close-in orbit of about005 au leading to a new category of planets called ldquohot Jupitersrdquo

So far more than 4000 exoplanets have been discovered by various detection methodsThey exhibit a wide range of planetary masses and radii as shown in Figure 11 Besideshot Jupiters Neptune- and Saturn-sized planets as well as super-Earths were discovered

The first transiting exoplanet HD 209458 b was discovered in 1999 (Charbonneau et al2000) which later became the first planet with a spectroscopically analysed atmosphere(Charbonneau et al 2002) HD 28185 b was discovered as the first exoplanet in thehabitable zone a region around a star in which a planet may retain liquid water on its


1 Extrasolar planets









10minus2 100 102 10410minus2




10minus2 100 102 104



a au



a au









3 K

Figure 11 Exoplanet mass and radius distribution as function of their orbital periodand effective temperature of their host star (color coded) Out of the 4130 discoveredexoplanets there are 994 mass and 1631 radius measurements (as of November 2019Schneider et al 2011)

surface Using the phase-mapping technique Knutson et al (2007) reconstructed a roughmap of HD 189733 b showing the temperature of the cloud deck An image of Formalhaut bin 2008 was the first direct image of an exoplanet (Kalas et al 2008) With Kepler-186 f anEarth-sized planet orbiting within its starrsquos habitable zone was discovered (Quintana et al2014) With the discovery of Kepler-452 b and its 16 Earth-radii another category not yetpresent in our solar system called ldquosuper Earthsrdquo was created Another super Earth orbitingour closest neighbour star Proxima Centauri even in the habitable zone was discovered byAnglada-Escudeacute et al (2016) Future missions aim to characterise exoplanetary systemsand to understand the formation evolution and chemical composition in more detail

12 Definition of an exoplanet

The word ldquoplanetrdquo was introduced by the ancient Greeks as the term ὰστέρες πλανῆτα

(asteres planetai) which can be translated as ldquowandering starrdquo This was inspired by theapparent movement of the planets in the solar system as opposed to the fixed stars In amore scientific way the International Astronomical Union (IAU) defined a planet in thesolar system in its resolution 5A as follows

A planet is a celestial body that

1 is in orbit around the Sun


13 Observational techniques

2 has sufficient mass for its self-gravity to overcome rigid body forces sothat it assumes a hydrostatic equilibrium (nearly round) shape and

3 has cleared the neighbourhood around its orbit

IAU (2006)

Additionally the working group on extrasolar planets of the IAU published the followingstatement not yet adopted as a resolution

1 Objects with true masses below the limiting mass for thermonuclearfusion of deuterium (currently calculated to be 13 Jupiter masses for ob-jects of solar metallicity) that orbit stars or stellar remnants are ldquoplanetsrdquo(no matter how they formed) The minimum masssize required for anextrasolar object to be considered a planet should be the same as thatused in our Solar System

2 Substellar objects with true masses above the limiting mass for ther-monuclear fusion of deuterium are ldquobrown dwarfsrdquo no matter how theyformed nor where they are located

3 Free-floating objects in young star clusters with masses below the limit-ing mass for thermonuclear fusion of deuterium are not ldquoplanetsrdquo butare ldquosub-brown dwarfsrdquo (or whatever name is most appropriate)

Boss et al (2005) reproduced with permission

The designation of exoplanets consists of the name of the host star followed by alowercase letter The first part can be an astronomical catalogue the scientific instrumentor project that discovered the exoplanet The following letter indicates the order of theexoplanets discovery around its host star usually beginning with ldquobrdquo This is analogous tothe designation of multiple star systems

13 Observational techniquesThe vast variety of exoplanets necessitates the need for different detection techniques Theycan be separated into three broad categories as the ldquoPerryman treerdquo a visual overview onthe detection methods illustrates in Fig 12

Widely separated exoplanets can be imaged directly Also protoplanetary disks can bedetected this way In case the orbital plane of the exoplanet aligns with the line of sight ofthe observer the planet transits in front of the stellar disk which can be detected as fluxvariations in primary and secondary eclipse

Gravitational lensing is known for very massive objects like galaxy clusters but can alsobe detected using a single star as a lens for a background star This induces a characteristicsignal in the light curve If the foreground star hosts an exoplanet it will act as an additionallens

Dynamical effects are based on the gravitational interaction of host star and planetThis can be measured directly as an astrometric change of position on the sky or indirectlyvia Doppler shifts in the host starrsquos spectrum or timing variations of transits eclipses orstellar pulsations The latter method is used in particular in this work and explained indetail in section 5


1 Extrasolar planets











existing capabilityprojected


-up detections n =

planets known








Exoplanet Detection



decreasingplanet mass


32 planets(20 system

s5 m


662 planets(504 system

s102 m


1 planet(1 system

0 m


53 planets(51 system

s2 m


2789 planets(2053 system

s474 m


1 January 20183572 exoplanets

(~2600 system

s ~590 m


bers from N


Exoplanet Archive]





refectedpolarised light

Radial velocity









44 planets(40 system

s2 m



















millisec slow



residuals(see TTVs)

(Kepler=2315 K2=




125Roplus) 766






protoplanetary disks

star accretionpollution

radio emission

gravitational waves

X-ray emission

debris diskscolliding


white dw

arf pollution



















































2 Subdwarf B stars

The majority of known exoplanets orbit cool host stars ie G and M type stars So faronly a small fraction of planets orbiting evolved host stars have been discovered (comparedto effective temperatures of host stars in Fig 11) This raises questions on the evolutionand fate of planetary systems The following chapter revises the stellar evolution withfocus on the post-main sequence phase of the host star arriving at subdwarf B stars (sdBstars) These stars are laboratories to test how planets survive and influence the late phasesof stellar evolution

21 ClassificationHumason and Zwicky (1947) discovered sdB stars in a photometric survey of the NorthGalactic Pole region Their position in the Hertzsprung-Russel diagram (HRD) in Fig 21in between the main sequence (MS) and the white-dwarf (WD) sequence was laterdetermined by Greenstein and Sargent (1974) They show effective temperatures Teff

from sim20 000 K to 50 000 K with surface gravities log(gcm sminus2) of 50 to 65 Heberet al (1984) Heber (1986) could connect the spectroscopic sdB class with the extremehorizontal branch (EHB) evolutionary stage Thus sdB stars are stripped helium-burningcores (sim05 M) of red giants with a thin hydrogen (H) atmosphere Their spectra aretherefore dominated by the broad Balmer lines of H while helium (He) is usually depletedBut their structure differs from horizontal-branch stars as their H envelopes are too thin tosustain H burning They evolve directly on to the WD cooling sequence as they lack theenvelope mass to pass via the asymptotic giant branch (AGB)

22 Canonical stellar and planetary evolutionThe progenitors of sdB stars are assumed to be solar-mass stars They form in molecularclouds consisting mostly of H about 20 to 30 per cent of He and a few percent of heavyelements The gas remains in hydrostatic equilibrium as long as the gas pressure isin balance with gravitational force (virial theorem) but a gravitational collapse can betriggered by shock waves (eg nearby supernova) As the cloud contracts it breaks intosmaller fragments in which the collapsing gas radiates the gravitational potential as heatAs temperature and pressure increase the fragment condenses into a protostar which isin hydrostatic equilibrium This way stars with different masses form mostly in groupsStellar winds of more massive stars ionize the remaining H in between the stars creatingH II regions and ultimately disrupt the cloud which prevents further star formation


2 Subdwarf B stars













White dwarfs

Cool subdwarfs











30000 10000

Surface temperature (deg)






ed to



6000 3000

Figure 21 Sketch of a Hertzsprung-Russell diagram highlighting the position of hotsubdwarf (sdB and sdO) stars and the extreme horizontal branch (EHB) located to the leftand below the hot end of the main sequence but above the white dwarf cooling sequenceThe EHB is separated from the blue horizontal branch (BHB) The location of stars havingevolved from the postasymptotic giant branch is shown for comparison The hot subdwarfstars have nothing in common with traditional cool subdwarfs found below the lowermain sequence (Heber 2009) Reprinted by permission from Copyright Clearance CenterAnnual Reviews Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics ldquoHot Subdwarf StarsrdquoHebercopy2009

The protostar continues to accrete material from its protoplanetary disk (Fig 22) untilfinally H fusion starts in the core and the star begins its phase on the main-sequence of theHRD (Fig 21) Inside the protoplanetary disk planetesimals form from electrostatic andgravitational interactions as building blocks for planets During their formation planetsmigrate within the disk and accrete material until the disk is evaporated by the central starsradiation On the main-sequence the star will evolve only slowly and remain there for


22 Canonical stellar and planetary evolution

Figure 22 Left Protoplanetary disc imaged by the Hubble Space Telescope in the Orionnebula The image is about 1800 au across Credit NASA CR OrsquoDell and SK WongRight ALMA image of HL Tauri showing th protoplanetary disc at a wavelength of13 mm The image is about 250 au across Credit ALMA (ESONAOJNRAO)

about 1010 years As the hydrogen in the core eventually depletes the fusion rate cannot bemaintained and the core contracts This continues to fuse H in a shell outside the He coreThe core contracts and the outer layers begin to expand The star becomes a red giantmoving up the red giant branch (RGB) in the HRD The He core compacts into degeneratematter and once core pressure and temperature are high enough the He starts to fuse witha He flash at the tip of the RGB in the HRD The core mass during the helium flash isabout half a solar-mass The star decreases in radius increases its surface temperatureand moves to the horizontal branch (HB) of the HRD After the He is fused in the coreouter shells fuse further He and the star moves to the asymptotic giant branch (AGB) andbecomes red giant again The produced carbon (C) can fuse with He and oxygen (O) tobuild a CO core The H and He shells are consecutively fusing in a cyclic process The starejects most of its envelope during these thermal pulses The expelled material is ionizedby the UV emission of the hot remnant core and can be observed as a planetary nebulaAfter this short phase the remnant star cools and enters the white dwarf cooling sequence

Planet occurrence rates estimated from Kepler observations suggest that 30 per centof Sun-like stars host Kepler-like planetary systems1 (Zhu et al 2018) Several studiesinvestigated occurrence rates from radial velocity surveys Jupiter-like planets2 may occurat six per cent of Solar-like stars (Wittenmyer et al 2016) Systems with giant planetsfrom the Kepler mission show outer gas giants within orbital periods of less than 400days at a 5 per cent occurrence rate (Santerne et al 2016) Bryan et al (2016) suggestthe total occurrence rate of companions3 from radial velocity measurements and direct

1 Kepler-like planets are planets that have radii RP amp R and orbital periods P gt 400 d Our Solar system isnot detectable by Kepler

2 Planets with masses 015RX MP 13MX and orbital periods of 3 au to 7 au3 For companions in the range of 1 MX to 20 MX and 5 au to 20 au


2 Subdwarf B stars

imaging with about 50 per cent Recently Grunblatt et al (2019) estimated the occurrencerate of planets larger than Jupiter for low-luminosity red giant branch stars from the K2mission to be 05 per cent Observations of polluted WDs debris disks orbiting WDslike WD 1145+017 (Vanderburg et al 2015) or even in-situ accretion of a giant planet toWD J0914+1914 (Gaumlnsicke et al 2019) show that these disks must form during the WDphase since they are located within the preceding giant stellar radii Spectroscopic analysisof polluted WD atmospheres find metals as to be expected from planetary compositionSince the sinking times for such heavy metals are orders of magnitude shorter than theWD cooling age the expected detection rate of polluted WDs is at about 01 per cent Butthe actual observed rate of metals is at 25 to 50 per cent Thus planetary systems appearto survive the RGB phase of their host star and may get disrupted and accreted duringthe WD phase Veras (2016) Farihi (2016) give a broad overview on post-main-sequenceplanetary system evolution and polluted WDs

23 Subdwarf B stars formation scenarios

The canonical formation of Subdwarf B stars is not explained by the typical evolutiondescribed in the section above since some mechanism during the progenitors giant phasemust have removed enough of the envelope to not sustain a H burning after the He flashThe formation scenario in a binary system first proposed by Mengel et al (1976) givesrise to different formation channels (Han et al 2002 2003 Podsiadlowski 2008) dependingon the initial mass ratios The scenarios are illustrated in Fig 23 and 24 The most simplescenario is a stable Roche-lobe over flow (RLOF) as in the left panel of Fig 23 The sdBprogenitor fills its Roche lobe near the tip of the RGB The mass transfer is dynamicallystable and the companion accretes the matter This will form a sdB in a long-period binarysystem with a main-sequence companion Observations find periods from 700 d to 1300 dleading to an improvement of the RLOF model (Chen et al 2013) If the mass transferduring the RLOF is too high the companion cannot accrete all the matter and a commonenvelope (CE) is formed (see Fig 24) Friction in the CE let the stars spiral inwards anduntil the CE gets ejected This will form a close binary system

While about 50 per cent of sdB stars are found in close binary systems with periodsof less than ten days observations show about 30 per cent appear as apparent single sdBstars There are several possible formation scenarios including atmosphere loss due tostellar winds the merger of two He WD (right panel of Fig 23) or undetected low-masscompanions

Hall and Jeffery (2016) estimated the H mass in the remnants of He WD mergers Inthe effective temperature-surface gravity plane they found a region occupied by thesestars during the core-He-burning phase and located the majority of apparently single sdBstars inside this region Nevertheless this conclusion depends on assumptions made to themodel regarding the initial H mass and loss of H during the merger Subdwarf B starslocated outside of this parameter region are found to be rapidly rotating low-gravity sdBstars

Alternatively the sdB progenitor could lose mass near the RGB tip due to strong stellarwinds or internal rotation While the He flash occurs typically at the tip of the RGB asufficient mass loss can lead a star to depart from the RGB so that the He flash is delayed


23 Subdwarf B stars formation scenarios

P = 10 minus 500 daysorb

sdBM = 030 minus 049 M


(mass ratio lt 12 minus 15)

Stable RLOF Channel

stable RLOF (near tip of RGB)

wide sdB binary with MSSG companion

envelope loss near RGB tipby stellar wind(rotation Z)

(1 or 2 CE phases)He WD merger

M = 040 minus 065 MsdB sun

M = 045 minus 049 MsdB sun

Single sdB Stars

gravitational radiation


Figure 23 Stable Roche-lobe channel (left) and single-starmerger channels (right) for theformation of sdB stars (Podsiadlowski 2008) By the kind permission of ASP ConferenceSeries vol 401 P Podsiadlowski p 63

(Castellani and Castellani 1993) The remnants of these ldquohot flashersrdquo are located closeto the He main sequence which coincides with the sdB location Although an ldquoearly hotflasherrdquo scenario may explain He and C abundances in sdB stars observations show someinconsistencies (Moehler et al 2011 Latour et al 2014)

Finally substellar objects eg brown dwarfs or even planets can lead to enough massloss in order to form sdB stars As described in the previous section the abundance ofplanets is high enough to be considered to survive and influence the late stellar evolutionFor a single red giant planets with orbital separations smaller than about 5 au will enhancethe mass loss when the planet is engulfed by the red giantrsquos atmosphere Since planetshave a comparable high angular momentum parts of it can be transferred to the envelopeIn consequence of this momentum transfer the planet spirals inwards and stellar mass lossincreases which leads to the formation of a sdB star In this scenario the planet wouldeither evaporate merge with the core or survive while most of the planetrsquos envelope islost (Soker 1998) With the merger scenario an enhanced stellar rotation could mix moreHe to the envelope and thus increase the RGB tip luminosity and further enhance the totalmass loss (Sweigart 1997) The hypothesis of surviving planetary systems is supportedby planetary-mass companions like the candidates V391 Peg b (Silvotti et al 2007) KIC05807616 bc (Charpinet et al 2011) KIC 10001893 bcd (Silvotti et al 2014) or browndwarf companions like V2008-1753 B (Schaffenroth et al 2015) or CS 1246 (Barlow et al2011b) Figure 25 illustrates the process of forming a sdB planetary system


2 Subdwarf B stars

P = 01 minus 10 daysorb




sdBM = 04 minus 049 M



shortminusperiod sdB binary with MS companionshortminusperiod sdB binary with He WD companion

commonminusenvelope phase commonminusenvelope phase

unstable RLOF minusminusminusgt dynamical mass transfer unstable RLOF minusminusminusgt dynamical mass transfer

stable RLOF

wide binary

CommonminusEnvelope Channels

CE only (mass ratio gt 12 minus 15)stable RLOF + CE (mass ratio lt 12 minus 15)

Figure 24 Common-envelope (CE) channels for the production of sdB stars The CE phasecan be either the first (right panel) or the second (left panel) mass-transfer phase producinga tight sdB binary with either a normal-star or white-dwarf companion respectively(Podsiadlowski 2008) By the kind permission of ASP Conference Series vol 401 PPodsiadlowski p 63

From observational data it cannot be ruled out that these planets may have formed assecond generation planets After the merger of two He WDs the remaining circumstellardisk could provide enough material to form planets in analogy to the pulsar planets(Wolszczan and Frail 1992 Thorsett et al 1993)

Finally there is evidence that some sdB stars are not core He-burning objects Heberet al (2003) discovered a sdB with insufficient mass to ignite He-burning in the core

24 Asteroseismology

Asteroseismology describes the study of the interiors of stars by using their oscillationsas seismic waves The first pulsating star was discovered in 1596 by David Fabricius Henoticed that the star ο Ceti (subsequently named ldquoMirardquo the wonderful) vanished from


24 Asteroseismology

Figure 25 Possible formation mechanism of close-in planets a The two planets identifiedby Charpinet et al (2011) were probably massive gas-giant planets during the early part oftheir host starrsquos life when the star burned hydrogen into helium as our Sun does today Atthis time the planets resided farther away from their host star than they do today b Whenthe star exhausted the supply of hydrogen in its core it expanded to become a red-giant starThe outer layers of the star then engulfed the orbits of the two planets The planets losttheir outer gaseous layers as their orbits spiralled inwards c For unknown reasons the redgiant expelled its cool outer layers leaving behind a small hot B subdwarf star The smallrocky cores of the initial planets were left behind in close-in orbits with periods of 58 and82 hours (Figure not drawn to scale) (Kempton 2011) Reprinted by permission fromCopyright Clearance Center Springer Nature Nature Planetary science ldquoThe ultimatefate of planetsrdquo Kemptoncopy2011

the visible sky Later on it was realized that the star did so every eleven months andbecame the first known (semi) periodic variable star Subsequently more variable stars likeδ Cephei (related stars are summarized as ldquoCepheidsrdquo) were discovered and their variationslinked to radial pulsations By now a large number of groups of pulsating star is known toexist Figure 26 shows their occurrences in a HRD Historically they have been classifiedon a phenomenological basis and mostly named after their prototype star The physicalreasons for the classification were uncovered later and are related to the different types ofexcited pulsation mode mass and evolutionary state Since this work relates mostly to sdBstars the following describes their driving mechanism Extensive overviews can be foundeg in Cunha et al (2007) Aerts et al (2010)

241 κ mechanismBaker and Kippenhahn (1962) proposed the κ mechanism to explain δ Cephei pulsationsFor stellar matter than can be described as an ideal gas an increase in compression ofthe atmosphere causes an increase in temperature and density This usually results in adecrease of the opacity κ allowing energy to be transported more efficiently This describesan equilibrium where temperature and pressure are balanced But in layers of the starwhere κ increases with increasing temperature the incoming flux from inner layers can betemporally stored These layers are associated with regions where (partial) ionization of


2 Subdwarf B stars

chemical elements occur When the layer expands in order to reach its equilibrium theadditionally accumulated energy is released and the star can expand beyond its equilibriumradius When the material recedes energy is again stored in the stellar interior and thecycle can repeat as a periodic stellar oscillation

Depending on the restoring force of the pulsations modes are either of the nature ofstanding acoustic waves (referred to as pressure modes or p modes) or internal gravitywaves (g modes) However especially in evolved stars both types of modes can be found

Unlike solar oscillations which are exited stochastically pulsations excited by theκ mechanism are coherent in phase their lifetime is very long compared to observationsspanning over years and change slowly due to stellar evolution These modes are suitablefor a pulsation timing analysis

In variable sdB stars (sdBV) the bump in opacity is related to elements of the iron group(Charpinet et al 1997) which are accumulated in the driving layers by diffusion processeslike gravitational settling and radiative levitation (cf Heber 2009 2016) Charpinetet al (1996) predicted the nonradial pulsations theoretically almost simultaneously totheir discovery by Kilkenny et al (1997) Effective temperatures Teff typically rangefrom 28 000 K to 35 000 K and surface gravity log g from 52 to 61 Observed pulsationamplitudes are usually smaller than 50 mmag Hybrid pulsators showing both p andg modes (eg Schuh et al 2006) locate at the temperature boundary around 28 000 Kbetween both classes of pulsators About ten per cent of the sdB stars located in theinstability strip of the Teffminus log g plane exhibit pulsations above a few mmag This fractionmight be biased due to detection limits of ground based observations However Keplerobservations confirmed the deficiency of p-mode pulsators in the instability strip (egOslashstensen et al 2011)

Due to the He fusion into C and O in the core of sdB stars the internal structure variesslowly and thus modifies the condition of hydrostatic equilibrium This results into slowsecular changes of the surface gravity and effective temperature and slow changes inthe pulsation period (Charpinet et al 2002) Using long-term observations these periodchanges can be measured

242 Asteroseismic observationsStellar oscillations generate motions and temperature variations on the surface and resultin observable variability These variations cause changes in brightness and colour radialvelocity and line profiles Thus pulsating stars can be studied using photometric andspectroscopic time series measurements which can be used to generate frequency spectra -one of the most important tools in asteroseismology The following focuses on time seriesphotometry

Since the observations are usually discrete and contain gaps a harmonic analysis isperformed using the Discrete Fourier Transformation

F( f ) =


x(tk) exp (i2π f tk)

of the measurements x(tk) which leads to an amplitude spectrum The observations opposelimitations to this spectrum Due to the discrete nature the highest useful frequency to


24 Asteroseismology

search for is called the Nyquist frequency

fNyq =1


with the time between two data points ∆t In the case of unevenly spaced data the Nyquistfrequency does not exist higher frequencies might be detectable With a finite length ofthe observations the spectrum has a finite frequency resolution proportional to the inverseof the total time span Moreover observations are likely to show gaps (eg daynight orseasonal observation windows technical problems poor observing conditions) some ofthem with a regular nature which produce additional peaks in the Fourier space Theseeffects combined are known as the ldquowindow functionrdquo in the time domain or as ldquospectralwindowrdquo in the Fourier space The spectral window can show multiple peaks even ifthe underlying signal is monochromatic and complicate the interpretation of the dataAdditionally long gaps produce unwanted signals in the low frequency regime In order toovercome the complex response in frequencies and amplitudes of the signal even withoutnoise different forms of periodograms have been defined A well-known and widelyapplied technique is the Lomb-Scargle periodogram (Scargle 1982) Horne and Baliunas(1986) Schwarzenberg-Czerny (1997) showed the equivalence of the variance reductionbetween a Lomb-Scargle periodogram and a least squares fit of sinusoids at test frequenciesThus fits of a harmonic series of sinusoids at test frequencies can be used to search fornon-sinusoidal signals as well The Lomb-Scargle periodogram does not require regularsampled data and is used for the analysis in this work (see Press et al (2007) VanderPlas(2017) cf section 8)


2 Subdwarf B stars

Figure 26 Hertzsprung-Russell diagram showing different classes of pulsating starsSome of these are named after a particular member of the class Others are acronymsrespectively for rapidly oscillating Ap (roAp) Slowly Pulsating B (SPB) subdwarf Bvariables (sdBV) The group labelled GW Vir includes what has formerly been known asthe PNNV stars (for Planetary Nebulae Nuclei Variables) and the variable hot DO whitedwarfs (DOV) the DBV and DAV stars are variable DB (helium-rich) and DA (hydrogen-rich) white dwarfs The parallel long-dashed lines indicate the Cepheid instability strip(Cunha et al 2007) Reprinted by permission from Copyright Clearance Center SpringerNature Astron Astrophys Rev ldquoAsteroseismology and interferometryrdquo Cunhacopy2007


Part II

The EXOTIME project


3 Targets

The EXOTIME program (EXOplanet search with the TIming MEthod) was born out oflong-term monitoring of the object HS 2201+2610 in order to measure long-term drifts inthe pulsation periods P The large amount of data made it possible to not only constrain sdBstar evolution from P but resulted in the postulation of the substellar companion candidateV391 Peg b using the pulsation timing method (Silvotti et al 2007) With the puzzlingformation history of sdB stars the authors initiated the EXOTIME program in 2008The project extends the long-term monitoring to the objects HS 0702+6043 (DW Lyn)HS 0444+0458 (V1636 Ori) PG 1325+101 (QQ Vir) EC 09582-1137 (V541 Hya) andHS 2201+2610 (V391 Peg) While the majority of exoplanet research is strongly focussedon planets (and moons) in the habitable zone and formation of planetary systems themain goal of the EXOTIME project is to detect exoplanets orbiting evolved stars usingthe stellar pulsations to conclude on timing variations (see section 5) Transit and radialvelocity searches are not efficient for stars with small radii and high gravities like sdB starsAdditionally the project wants to characterize the target stars using asteroseismic methodsand in particular the measurement of P

The following sections describe the targets and their observations in detail Theirselection followed some basic properties The targets must be observable from the Northernhemisphere and bright enough for a sufficient signal-to-noise ratio in the Johnson B bandwith 1 m to 3 m class telescopes since sdB stars emit the maximum energy in the nearUV regime A suitable target for the timing method should show two to four independentpulsation frequencies coherent in phase and stable in amplitude (gt1 mmag 01 ) Eachfrequency leads to an independent timing measurement But coherence and stability canonly be verified with the long-term monitoring To ensure the sdB star is not accompaniedby a low-mass star in a binary system there should be no strong IR excess compared toa black body spectrum The observational parameters of the five EXOTIME targets aresummarized in Table 31 Section 7 describes DW Lyn V1636 Ori QQ Vir V541 Hya indetail and lists the atmospheric parameters in Table 71

Observations and results on a substellar companion for V391 Peg are published bySilvotti et al (2007) alternative scenarios are discussed by Silvotti (2008) and additionalobservations are published by Silvotti et al (2018) The latter publication placed the firstinterpretation of the O minus C variations under discussion because of possible non-linearinteractions between different pulsation modes that change arrival times We proposedfor continued observations at the Las Cumbres Observatory (LCO Brown et al 2013)using 2 m class telescopes in order to connect observations from Silvotti et al (2018)with upcoming TESS observations in 2020 In 2017 we observed for about 52 hours in2019 for eight hours each in the Johnson B band with exposure times of 10 s to 20 s Theobservations are listed in Table 32


3 Targets

Table 31 Observational properties of the EXOTIME targets taken fromhttpsimbadu-strasbgfrsimbad and amplitude of the main pulsation (mea-sured in this work and by Silvotti et al (2007))

Target RA (J2000) DE (J2000) B mag JminusH ampl

DW Lyn 7h7m980s 60deg38prime50 primeprime16 147 minus0123 219V1636 Ori 4h47m1863s 5deg3prime34 primeprime81 1544 0043 054QQ Vir 13h27m4856s 9deg54prime51 primeprime05 1373 minus014 26V541 Hya 10h0m4182s minus11deg51prime34 primeprime59 1501 minus025 031V391 Peg 22h4m1210s 26deg25prime7 primeprime82 1441 001 085


3 Targets

Table 32 Summary of the newly acquired observations for V391 Peg

observatory obs date exp time s obs time h

LCO 2017-09-12 10 122 2017-09-14 10 068

2017-09-15 10 1402017-09-16 10 4722017-09-17 10 6182017-09-18 10 1222017-09-19 10 6922017-09-20 10 0722017-09-21 10 3952017-09-22 10 2702017-09-26 20 0752017-09-28 20 1752017-09-29 20 0222017-09-30 20 0752017-10-01 20 1272017-10-02 20 0752017-10-03 20 5182017-10-05 20 0232017-10-06 20 0382017-10-07 20 0772017-11-05 20 2072017-11-06 20 0752017-11-09 20 1682017-11-10 20 4222017-11-13 20 2182019-09-07 20 1102019-09-09 20 0072019-09-10 20 2482019-09-11 20 2672019-09-12 20 130

Σ 6027


4 Multi-epoch photometric data

41 Time series photometryThe timing method applied to the data and described in the next section imposes re-quirements on the photometric time series Each observation run needs a high temporalresolution of less than about 30 s in order to sample the p-modes correctly and a highsignal-to-noise ratio to detect their low amplitudes A single phase measurement in thelater analysis is required to reach an uncertainty in the order of one second Therefore theobservations should cover about three consecutive nights each with about three hours forone phase measurement

411 Photometry

In order to make use of the raw CCD images from the observations the data need tobe calibrated properly This includes detector specific corrections (bias and dark fieldsubtraction) as well as instrumental and sensitivity corrections (flat field division) Thefollowing photometric measurements were performed using the IDL package TRIPP (TimeResolved Imaging Photometry Package) Some data have been reduced using differentsoftware packages but the concept does not differ A circular aperture is placed aroundthe target star and measures the flux An annulus around this aperture or a further fieldmeasures the background flux which is subtracted from the target flux Since variationsin the Earthrsquos atmosphere on short and long term time scales (sky transparency air mass)affect this measurement the target flux is compared to the flux of multiple comparison starsThe field of view is assumed to be small enough that all atmospheric variations influencethe flux of all stars equally This procedure is applied to all images of an observationrun and yields the light curve Atmospheric extinction is correction by a second orderpolynomial in time

412 Timing accuracy

Accurate time stamps for each observation is crucial for the analysis of timing effectsAcquisition equipment is usually synced via network with a time server to the universaltime (UTC) However some of the first observations used for the project do not recordthe fraction of the second Thus the accuracy of individual observations is assumed to bebetter than plusmn05 s

Additional to the recording of precise time stamps the observer needs to be positionedin a rest frame compared to the target Without the necessary corrections the result would


4 Multi-epoch photometric data

be superimposed by the Earthrsquos motion around the barycentre of the Solar system anddiscontinuous time standards Eastman et al (2010) describes the necessary formalismin detail The Barycentric Coordinate Time (TDB) time frame including barycentriccorrections for the Solar system is accurate down to 34 ms and applied to all observationaltime stamps (hereafter refereed as BJD(TDB))


5 Methods

51 O minusC Pipeline

Already in the 17th century Ole Rœmer made use of the travel time of light in order tomeasure the speed of light (eg Soter and deGrasse Tyson 2001) An inversion of thisscenario allows to measure changes of orbits using the finite speed of light In astronomythis idea is widely used for different applications eg on pulsars eclipsing binary systemstiming variations on planetary transits or stellar pulsations In the context of stellarpulsations this concept is referred to as the O minusC method (Observed minus Calculated)The approach compares the phase of a periodic function to a reference phase and thusallow conclusions on variations in the observed phase While the following describes themethod illustratively the specific implementation of the O minus C method in this work isexplained in section 8

The schematic construction of an O minusC diagram is pictured in Fig 51 Requirementfor a OminusC analysis is a sufficiently long observational time span of the stellar pulsation Alight curve model fit to full data set provides the reference phase referred to as C Similarfits to small sub-sets of the observation provides an independent light curve model Thuseach sub-set called epoch provides a phase measurement referred to as O Iteratingthrough all epochs in time yield the differences between the average phase of the referencemodel and the phase measurements of the epochs called O minusC diagram

An O minusC diagram with no variations implies an agreement between observed phasesand the reference phase Linear changes in the diagram suggest a wrong frequency for thereference model and thus a constant error added per cycle More complex deviations aredescribed below

511 Linear change in period

The following considerations can be found in Kepler et al (1991) In order to makeuse of the timing method a sufficiently stable timer in the observed system is requiredldquoSufficientlyrdquo refers to accuracy compared to the length of observations In the case ofstellar pulsations this timer is a periodic brightness variation The observed time of theEth cycle can be expressed as

TE = T0 + PE

with the period P at T0 and the epoch E as in the cycle number counted from T0Due to physical processes the stellar pulsation period will change slowly over time


5 Methods


O1 O2 O3








Figure 51 Schematic picture of the O minusC diagram construction Top A model to the fulllight curve yields the reference phase C Middle Light curve models to each epoch yieldindividual phase information O Bottom Construction of the O minusC diagram from abovemeasurements

(see section 241) If this change is small TE can be expand in a Taylor series

TE = T0 +dTdE

(E minus E0) +12


(E minus E0)2 + O ((E minus E0))2

Terms of higher order are neglected Expanding the quadratic term using dTdE = Pleads to

d2TdE2 =




= PdPdt

Assuming 2E0 E finally yields

TE = T0 + PE +12


In order to compare the model of a slowly changing period with the null hypotheses(ldquothe period is stablerdquo) both identify with

O B T0 + PE +12


C B T prime0 + PprimeE

where O stands for observed ephemerides with a constant period Pprime and C for the calculatedor computed ephemerides With ∆T = T0 minus T prime0 and ∆P = P minus Pprime and E = tPminus1 this leads to

O minusC = ∆T0 +∆PP

t +12




51 O minusC Pipeline











Figure 52 Schematic picture of the orbital configuration

In an O minusC diagram a fit with a parabolic function yields the evolutionary time scalePP

512 Light travel time effect

Assuming a two body system consisting of the pulsating star and a companion both orbittheir common centre of mass The motion of pulsating star with mass M around thebarycentre implies a variation in the projected line of sight as show in Fig 52 whichtranslates into a change in light travel time The periodic pulsation of the star allow formeasuring this change and hence concluding on the minimum mass of the companion mAssuming a circular orbit due to the proposed formation history of companions of subdwarfB stars the change in light travel time varies periodically and imposes a sinusoidal signalin the O minusC diagram The following describes the derivation of the expected amplitude ofthis light travel time effect (eg Hilditch 2001 pp 29)

Let the line of sight be aligned with the z direction With the inclination of the orbit ithe argument of periapsis ω and the true anomaly ϑ of the Kepler ellipse the z componentof the radius vector r reads as

rz = r sin (i) sin (ω + ϑ)

Keplerrsquos laws of planetary motion yield

r =a(1 minus e2

)1 + e cos (ϑ)


5 Methods

with the semi mayor axis a and the eccentricity e Thus

rz =a(1 minus e2

)1 + e cos (ϑ)

sin (i) sin (ω + ϑ)

With Keplerrsquos Third Law follows for the semi major axis

a3 = Gm3P2

4π4 (M + m)2

where P is the orbital period Assuming a circular orbit with e = 0 The maximumdisplacement ∆rz in the orbit occurs at sin (ω + ϑ) = plusmn1

∆rz = 2G13m(

P2π (M + m)


sin i

The light travel time follows from

∆T =rz





2π (M + m)


sin i

which is the semi-amplitude of the sinusoidal signal in the O minus C diagram induced by asub-stellar companion due to the light travel time effect

52 Artificial data testingOnce such a fast pipeline is deployed it provides a convenient way to analyse artificialdata with precisely known input parameters and test for the expected results In order toavoid additional effects due to irregular observations and gaps in the data the artificialdata are mostly generated according to the PLATO scheme cadence of 25 s for three years(ie 186 times 106 measurements) and a signal to noise ratio of about 6 as expected for a14 mag star in the B band observed with all 24 telescopes (ESASRE 2011) A differentset of artificial data is created for a simplified ground-based observational scheme (threeconsecutive nights per month each eight hours for ten years ie 124 times 105) Since theresults between these two sets are very similar merely the PLATO-like scheme is discussedbelow

In total about 50 different scenarios of frequency spacings and amplitudes wereinvestigated Some interesting cases are explained below

Resonant frequencies Pulsations with frequency-spacing in integer multiples mightcause an unstable fitting process To test for such scenarios a set of several light curves wascreated They simulate pulsation frequencies in 12 13 and 15 resonances with a constantphase and amplitude The resulting fits to individual modes tend to show oscillatingphases but the simultaneous fit of all frequencies is stable and recovers successfully phase-and amplitude-information Fig 54 shows an example of resonant modes with a basefrequency of 240 dminus1 Some modes tend to show an constant offset in the O minusC diagrambut are on average still close to the null hypothesis


52 Artificial data testing







0 50 100 150 200 250

0 1000 2000


f dminus1

f microHz







minus002minus001 0 001 002

minus02 minus01 0 01 02




f dminus1

f microHz

Figure 53 Left Amplitude spectrum for four resonant pulsations with frequencies of240 dminus1 120 dminus1 80 dminus1 and 48 dminus1 and amplitudes of 05 Right Window function











0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100


48 dminus1 80 dminus1 120 dminus1 240 dminus1




t d

Figure 54 Results for four resonant pulsations with frequencies of 240 dminus1 120 dminus1 80 dminus1

and 48 dminus1 Each epoch contains data from one month Top Reconstructed AmplitudesBottom O minusC diagram


5 Methods




27776 27778 2778



04 minus f1




23998 240 24002



f microHz



f dminus1







minus002minus001 0 001 002

minus02 minus01 0 01 02




f dminus1

f microHz

Figure 55 Left Amplitude spectrum for two close pulsations with frequencies of240000 dminus1 and 240002 dminus1 and amplitudes of 05 and 02 (top) after subtraction ofthe mode at 240000 dminus1 (middle) and residuals after subtraction of the mode at 240002 dminus1

(bottom) Right Window function

Close frequencies Unresolved frequencies are a problem in the analysis of data andinterpretation of their results The frequency resolution is intrinsic to the observationpattern Unfortunately it is very difficult to conclude from an observational O minus Cpattern on unresolved frequencies The vast range of possible combinations in number offrequencies their spacing and amplitude ratios makes it almost impossible to conclude on aspecific configuration to explain the observations However if there is a resolved multipletin the observations but the signal-to-noise ratio of individual amplitudes is not goodenough to provide useful phase measurements a simulated multiplet on the observationaltime grid can provide insights on the O minusC behaviour of the main frequency Additionallythe window function can help to interpret amplitude spectra

Artificial test cases can raise awareness of possible O minus C patterns and caution theinterpretation of observational results The following tests were conducted with twopulsation frequencies and a constant phase which should result in a O minus C diagram notdifferent from zero

With a sufficient frequency separation and signal-to-noise ratio for both pulsations(see Fig 55) the O minusC diagram might show mode-beating effects like in Fig 56 Therecovered amplitude and phase of the main pulsation mode show periodic variationsalthough they should appear constant Thus the simultaneous occurrence of amplitude-and phase-modulations in an O minusC diagram should caution the interpretation in favour ofa light travel time effect

When the signal-to-noise ratio for one frequency is barely over the noise level it mightbe considered as noise after the pre-whitening of the dominant mode and neglected Using


52 Artificial data testing











0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100


2400 dminus1 240002 dminus1




t d

Figure 56 Results of the simultaneous fit of two close pulsations with frequencies of2400 dminus1 and 240002 dminus1 and similar amplitudes Each epoch contains data from onemonth TopReconstructed Amplitudes Bottom O minusC diagram

the example above but reducing the amplitude of the second pulsation from 05 to0001 (see Fig 57) leads to the O minusC diagram in Fig 58 The second pulsation is nottaken into consideration because the amplitude does not elevate above the noise level Themain pulsation shows periodic variations in the phase as to be expected from a substellarcompanion At the same time the amplitude appears to be modulated as well indicating amode-beating effect These scenarios strengthen the need for at least one additional phasevariation measurement on an independent pulsation mode in order to conclude on reflexmotion effects due to a substellar companion

Variable amplitude Previous observational studies show that amplitude modulationsare a common phenomenon for sdB stars Kilkenny (2010) But due to the relatively shortobservational baseline of such investigations it is not clear whether amplitude modulationscan appear on their own or together with phase modulations (as result of mode beatingeffects) Thus the OminusC method needs to be able to distinguish between the two scenarioswhich can be tested by using a simulated mode with an amplitude modulation but nophase modulation The example data set shown in Fig 59 and 510 exhibits an amplitudemodulation of 50 The OminusC analysis recovers successful this amplitude variation Alsothe phase shows no simultaneous variation which enables the distinction between a modebeating and pure amplitude modulated scenario


5 Methods




27776 27778 2778




23998 240 24002



f microHz




f dminus1







minus002minus001 0 001 002

minus02 minus01 0 01 02




f dminus1

f microHz

Figure 57 Left Amplitude spectrum for two close pulsations with frequencies of 2400 dminus1

and 240002 dminus1 and amplitudes of 05 and 0001 (top) residuals after subtractionof the mode at 2400 dminus1 (bottom) Note the different scale The residual peaks are onlyslightly above the average noise level Right Window function





0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100


2400 dminus1




t d

Figure 58 Results for two close pulsations with frequencies of 2400 dminus1 and 240002 dminus1

and very different amplitudes Each epoch contains data from one month Top Recon-structed Amplitude Bottom O minusC diagram for the main pulsation


52 Artificial data testing




27776 27778 2778




23998 240 24002



f microHz




f dminus1







minus002minus001 0 001 002

minus02 minus01 0 01 02




f dminus1

f microHz

Figure 59 Left Amplitude spectrum for one pulsation with a frequency of 2400 dminus1

and an amplitude of 05 varying by 50 with a 300 d period (top) residuals afterpre-whitening of the mode at 2400 dminus1 (bottom) Right Window function




0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100


2400 dminus1




t d

Figure 510 Results for one simulated pulsation with a frequency of 2400 dminus1 and anamplitude of 05 The amplitude is varying by 50 with a 300 d period Each epochcontains data from one month Top Reconstructed Amplitude Bottom O minusC diagram


5 Methods

53 Alternative approaches

531 Analytic signal

The analytic signal (AS) is a complex-valued function where real and imaginary part arerelated to each other by the Hilbert transform In polar coordinates the AS can be expressedin terms of its amplitude and phase as a function of time called envelope and instantaneousphase The instantaneous frequency can be obtained by differentiating the instantaneousphase in respect to time From the instantaneous phase an O minusC diagram can be inferredwhich makes the AS a potentially useful tool to investigate phase amplitude and frequencyvariations in stellar pulsations See III (2007) for a comprehensive overview

The AS s(t) of a signal s(t) is defined as

s(t) = s(t) + iH (s(t))

where the Hilbert transformationH is defined over the convolution

H =1πtlowast s(t)

While the original signal generates one amplitude value for each point in time the analyticalrepresentation generates a rotating vector in the complex plane Thus the analyticalrepresentation provides instantaneous values for amplitude frequency and phase withonly a single sample of a discrete signal

The AS is implemented in the scipy library (Jones et al 2011) Since it is based onFourier transforms it requires equidistant steps in time Thus a space born observatorywith a regular and continuous observing scheme is preferred over ground based observa-tions by this method Due to barycentric motion of the spacecraft the time steps will bedistorted after correcting for the barycentric motion Therefore an interpolation in time isnecessary which makes the analysis computationally very expensive

In order to test the implementation the artificial light curves should represent thistemporal behavior The data were generated sampling one stellar pulsation mode accordingto the PLATO scheme (cadence of 25 s for three years) and an ldquoinverserdquo barycentriccorrection was applied in order to create the irregular temporal spacing

For the analysis the artificial data are interpolated on a grid with a spacing of theshortest time between two measurements close to 25 s From an amplitude spectrum thefrequency of the pulsation mode is selected very similar to the classical O minusC approachimplemented for this work In the presence of multiple pulsation frequencies a frequencyfiltering is necessary After the computation of the envelope instantaneous phase andfrequency the expected linear cycle count is subtracted from the instantaneous phase toyield the OminusC diagram (see Fig 511) Since the AS is computed without a binning of datathe result appears to be scattering much more than the classical O minusC result Averagingthe results over a sufficient amount of time smooths the measurements Neverthelessthe process of interpolation before the actual analysis can start is computationally veryexpensive about a factor 1000 more than the classical O minusC calculation This makes theHilbert transform not practical for analysing irregular high cadence data This approachhas not been further pursued in this work


53 Alternative approaches



50100150200250300350 frequency



0 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 01




ampl envelope 2400 dminus1f




t d

Figure 511 Results of the Hilbert transform for one pulsation with a frequency of2400 dminus1 and an amplitude of 05 Top Flux measurements (black) sampled from thepulsation (grey) and amplitude envelope (red) Middle Instantaneous frequency BottomInstantaneous phase minus reference phase

532 Independent confirmation via direct imagingDirect imaging with adaptive optics allow for observations near the refraction limit of thetelescope This might offer the possibility to confirm sub-stellar companion candidateswhere a clear detection using the pulsation timing is affected by non-linear effects ofstellar pulsations However possible companions are still not resolvable with currenttechnology V391 Peg and DW Lyn have a distance of d = (12387000 plusmn 822422) pc andd = (14954389 plusmn 1303785) pc respectively (Gaia Collaboration et al 2018) With semimajor axis of about 17 au (Silvotti et al 2007) and 196 au the hypothetical companionswould be separated by 137 mas and 131 mas from the host star respectively This isabout one order of magnitude smaller than the theoretical angular resolution of 8 m classtelescopes The remaining EXOTIME targets are not significantly closer to Earth Thusthe sub-stellar companion candidates in the EXOTIME sample can not be confirmed viadirect imaging


Part III

The EXOTIME project Signals in theO minusC diagrams of the rapidly pulsatingsubdwarfs DW Lyn V1636 Ori QQ Vir

and V541 Hya


This chapter is published as a journal article ldquoThe EXOTIME project Signals inthe O minus C diagrams of the rapidly pulsating subdwarfs DW Lyn V1636 Ori QQ Virand V541 Hyardquo in Astronomy and Astrophysics (AampA 638 (2020) A108 DOI httpsdoiorg1010510004-6361201937172) copy F Mackebrandt et al 2020Authors F Mackebrandt12 S Schuh1 R Silvotti3 S-L Kim4 D Kilkenny5 EM Green6 R Lutz7 T Nagel8 J L Provencal910 T Otani1112 T D Oswalt1112

S Benatti13 L Lanteri3 A Bonanno14 A Frasca14 R Janulis15 M Paparoacute16 LMolnaacuter1617 R Claudi13 R H Oslashstensen18

Contributions FM analysed the data and wrote the manuscript SS is CoI of the EXO-TIME project coordinated observations at CAHA and supervised the findings of this workRS is PI of the EXOTIME project coordinated observations at TNG and contributedFig 910 and the according description in section 95 The following authors observed andreduced the data S-LK (LOAO) DK (SAAO) EMG (MtB) RL (MN) TN (Tue)JLP (WET) TO (SARA-KP) TDO (SARA-KP) SB (Asi) LL (Loi) AB (Serrala Nave) AF (Serra la Nave) RJ (Mol) MP (Kon) LM (Kon) RC (Asi) RHOslash(NOT)The manuscript has been read discussed and approved by all named authors

Photometric data of Fig 71 results in Fig 92 94 96 and 99 and figures in theappendix are only available at the CDS via anonymous ftp to cdsarcu-strasbgfr(130791285) or via httpcdsarcu-strasbgfrviz-bincatJA+A638

1 Max-Planck-Institut fuumlr Sonnensystemforschung Justus-von-Liebig-Weg 3 37077 Goumlttingen Germany2 Institut fuumlr Astrophysik Georg-August-Universitaumlt Goumlttingen Friedrich-Hund-Platz 1 37077 Goumlttingen

Germany3 INAF ndash Osservatorio Astrofisico di Torino strada dellrsquoOsservatorio 20 10025 Pino Torinese Italy4 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute Daejeon 34055 South Korea5 Department of Physics and Astronomy University of the Western Cape Private Bag X17 Bellville 7535

South Africa6 Steward Observatory University of Arizona 933 N Cherry Avenue Tucson AZ 85721 USA7 German Aerospace Center (DLR) Remote Sensing Technology Institute Muumlnchener Str 20 82234

Weszligling Germany8 Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics Kepler Center for Astro and Particle Physics University of

Tuumlbingen 72076 Tuumlbingen Germany9 University of Delaware Department of Physics and Astronomy Newark DE 19716 USA10 Delaware Asteroseismic Research Center Mt Cuba Observatory Greenville DE 19807 USA11 Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Department of Physical Science and SARA Daytona Beach FL

32114 USA12 Florida Institute of Technology Department of Physics amp Space Sciences Melbourne FL 32901 USA13 INAF ndash Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova Vicolo dellacircAZOsservatorio 5 35122 Padova Italy14 INAF ndash Osservatorio Astrofisico di Catania Via S Sofia 78 95123 Catania Italy15 Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astronomy Vilnius University Gostauto 12 Vilnius 01108 Lithuania16 Konkoly Observatory Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences Konkoly-Thege M uacutet 15-17

1121 Budapest Hungary17 MTA CSFK Lenduumllet Near-Field Cosmology Research Group Konkoly Observatory18 Department of Physics Astronomy and Materials Science Missouri State University Springfield MO

65897 USA


A108Based on observations obtained at the 09 m SARA-KP telescope which is operated bythe Southeastern Association for Research in Astronomy (saraobservatoryorg)


6 Introduction

Subdwarf B stars (sdBs) are sub-luminous stars with a mass of about 05 M located at theblue end of the horizontal branch which is the so-called extreme horizontal branch (EHBHeber 1986) They maintain a helium burning core but their thin hydrogen envelope(Menv lt 001 M) cannot sustain hydrogen shell burning which identifies sdBs withstripped cores of red giants (Heber 2016) Binary evolution with a common envelope (CE)is the favoured formation scenario for most sdBs The sdB progenitor fills its Roche lobenear the tip of the RGB A CE is formed when the mass transfer rate is sufficiently highand the companion star cannot accrete all the matter For close binary systems with smallinitial mass ratios q lt 12ndash15 two phases of mass transfer occur The first Roche-lobeoverflow is stable whereas the second one is unstable leading to the ejection of the CEThe resulting binary consists of an sdB star and a white dwarf in a short-period orbitFor initial mass ratios q gt 12ndash15 the first mass-transfer phase is unstable and the CE isejected producing an sdB star with a non-degenerate (eg main sequence star) companionA more detailed review of formation and evolution of compact binary systems can be foundin Podsiadlowski (2008) and Postnov and Yungelson (2014) These formation scenarioscannot explain the observed additional occurrence of apparently single sdBs (Maxtedet al 2001) Among the proposed formation scenarios is the proposal by Webbink (1984)that they could be formed by a merger of two helium white dwarfs But such mergersare problematic as they are expected to retain very little hydrogen (Han et al 2002) andbe left with higher rotation rates than what has been observed (Charpinet et al 2018)Moreover the overall observed mass distribution of single sdB stars is not consistent withthat expected from the proposed formation scenario Sub-stellar companions could resolvethis disagreement between theory and observations Planetary-mass companions like thecandidates V391 Peg b (Silvotti et al 2007) KIC 05807616 bc (Charpinet et al 2011)KIC 10001893 bcd (Silvotti et al 2014) or brown dwarf companions like V2008-1753 B(Schaffenroth et al 2015) or CS 1246 (Barlow et al 2011b) indicate the existence of apreviously undiscovered population of companions to apparently single sdBs

Due to the high surface gravity and effective temperature (leading to few stronglybroadened spectral lines in the optical) and the small radii of sdBs the detection efficiencyfor companions via methods like radial velocity variations or transits is small The timingof stellar pulsations offers a complementary detection method sensitive to large orbitalseparations

A small fraction of sdB stars shows pulsational variations in the p- (pressure-) andg- (gravity-) mode regimes Rapid p-mode pulsators (sdBVr) discovered by Kilkennyet al (1997) show periods of the order of minutes and amplitudes of a few tens of mmagSuch pulsations were predicted by Charpinet et al (1997 et seq) to be driven by theκ-mechanism due to a Z-opacity bump For slow pulsators (sdBVs) the periods range


6 Introduction

from 30 to 80 min with small amplitudes of a few mmag This class was discovered byGreen et al (2003) and the pulsations are explained by the κ-mechanism as well (Fontaineet al 2003) Some sdB stars show both types of pulsation modes simultaneously (sdBVrs)These hybrid pulsators lie at the temperature boundary near 28000 K between the twoclasses of pulsating stars for example the prototype for this class DW Lyn (Schuh et al2006) which is also addressed in this work or Balloon 090100001 (Baran et al 2005)

Pulsations driven by the κ-mechanism are coherent which qualifies these objects forthe timing method to search for sub-stellar companions This method is based on thelight-travel time effect with the host star acting as a stable ldquoclockrdquo spatial movements ofthe star around the barycentre induced by a companion result in time delays of the stellarlight measured by the observer Examples of detections using this method are ldquopulsar-planetsrdquo (eg Wolszczan and Frail 1992) planets detected by transit timing variations (egKepler 19 c Ballard et al 2011) planets orbiting δScuti stars (Murphy et al 2016a) oreclipsing binaries (eg V2051 Oph (AB) b Qian et al 2015) In particular the detectionof a late-type main sequence star companion to the sdB CS 1246 by Barlow et al (2011b)subsequently confirmed with radial velocity data (Barlow et al 2011a) or other studieslike Otani et al (2018) demonstrate the viability of this method in sdB systems On theother hand the particular example of V391 Peg b is currently under discussion (Silvottiet al 2018) because of possible non-linear interactions between different pulsation modesthat change arrival times (see Zong et al 2018 for a detailed study of amplitudefrequencyvariations related to nonlinear effects) Stochastically driven pulsations are suspected byReed et al (2007a) Kilkenny (2010) and their nature confirmed by Oslashstensen et al (2014)Also the candidate detections of KIC 05807616 and KIC 10001893 are uncertain sinceother sdBs observed within the Kepler K2- mission exhibit g-modes with long periods upto few hours They question the interpretation of the low-frequency variations for KIC05807616 and KIC 10001893 (eg Krzesinski 2015 Blokesz et al 2019)

In order to detect sub-stellar companions orbiting rapidly pulsating sdB stars theEXOTIME observational programme (EXOplanet search with the TIming MEthod) hasbeen taking long term data since 1999 EXOTIME conducted a long-term monitoringprogramme of five rapidly pulsating sdB stars V391 Peg has been discussed by Silvottiet al (2007 2018) In this paper we present the observations of DW Lyn and V1636 Oripreviously discussed in Lutz et al (2008a) Schuh et al (2010) Lutz (2011) Lutz et al(2011) and re-evaluate their findings using an extended set of observations In additionthe observations of QQ Vir and V541 Hya are presented and analysed In the beginning ofthe programme the mode stability was tested for all targets over a timespan of months inorder to ensure the pulsation modes were coherent

For the DW Lyn observations Lutz et al (2011) found no significant signals in aperiodogram of the O minus C data of the two analysed pulsation frequencies which wouldindicate sub-stellar companions A tentative signal in the second frequency (in this worklabelled f2 as well) formally corresponding to an 80-day companion orbit is concludedto arise from mode beating of an unresolved frequency doublet The analysis of V1636Ori revealed a signal at 160 d in the periodogram of the main frequency O minusC data (Lutzet al 2011) Although this periodicity showed a significance of only 1σ Lutz et al(2011) predicted an increase of significance with follow-up observations We are usingthis extended data set in our work now incorporating observations up to 2015

This paper is organised as follows Section 7 describes the observational aspects within


6 Introduction

the EXOTIME programme and the data reduction followed by a description of our analysisin Sect 8 Our results are presented in Sect 9 together with a discussion


7 Observations and data reduction

The observational data necessary for the analysis are comprised of many individual datasets gathered over the course of up to two decades The detection method demands theobservation of a target for a total time base at least as long as one orbit of a potentialcompanion which can span several years This requires coordinated campaigns withobservatories using ~1 ndash 4 m telescopes In order to derive sufficient accuracy for theanalysis observations with at least three to four consecutive nights each with a minimumof two to three hours per target are required To resolve the short-period p-modes thecadence must be shorter than about 30 s but still with a sufficient signal-to-noise ratio(SN) All observations used the Johnson-Bessel B band The correct time stamps foreach observation are of most importance for the timing analysis Most observatories ofthis study contributed already successfully to the work of Silvotti et al (2007) Silvotti(2008 Table 2) The following lists some references where telescopes used for thisstudy contributed successfully to other timing-relevant observations Konkoly RCC 10 mTelescope Provencal et al (2009) Stello et al (2006) Mt Lemmon Optical AstronomyObservatory Bischoff-Kim et al (2019) Lee et al (2014) Serra la Nave 09 m Bonannoet al (2003ab) SARA-KP 09 m telescope Kilkenny (2014) Baran et al (2018)

Table 71 lists the atmospheric parameters of the stars and Table 72 summarisesthe photometric observations obtained at multiple medium-class telescopes Fig 71summarises the observational coverage

71 DW Lyn

Dreizler et al (2002) identified DW Lyn (HS 0702+6043) as a p-mode pulsator Schuhet al (2006) discovered additional g-mode pulsations making this star the prototype of

Table 71 Atmospheric parameters of the targets

Target Te f f K log(g cm





DW Lyn 28 400plusmn600 535plusmn01 -27plusmn01 1V1636 Ori 33 800plusmn1 000 560plusmn015 -185plusmn020 2QQ Vir 34 800plusmn610 581plusmn005 -165plusmn005 3V541 Hya 34 806plusmn230 5794plusmn0044 -1680plusmn0056 4

1 Dreizler et al (2002) 2 Oslashstensen et al (2001) 3 Telting andOslashstensen (2004) 4 Randall et al (2009)


7 Observations and data reduction






54500 55000 55500 56000 56500

2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013










54500 55000 55500 56000 56500 57000

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015








71 DW Lyn






52000 52500 53000 53500 54000 54500 55000 55500 56000

2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013










53000 53500 54000 54500 55000 55500 56000 56500 57000 57500

2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016







Figure 71 Light curves Grey points are considered outliers and partially exceeding theplotting range (a) DW Lyn (b) V1636 Ori (c) QQ Vir (d) V541 Hya


7 Observations and data reductionTable












































































































































































72 V1636 Ori

hybrid sdB pulsatorsThere are photometric data available from 1999 Large gaps make a consistent O minusC

analysis difficult Regular monitoring within the EXOTIME programme ran from 2007until the beginning of 2010 Further observations cover a period up to the end of 2010These multi-site observations are described in Lutz et al (2008ab 2011) Here we addobservations made with the SARA-KP 09 m telescope at Kitt Peak National Observatoryin Arizona that used exposure times of 30 s

72 V1636 OriOslashstensen et al (2001) discovered V1636 Ori (HS 0444+0458) as a pulsating sdB starReed et al (2007b) conducted a frequency analysis reporting one small and two largeamplitude p-modes

V1636 Ori was observed between August 2008 and January 2015 for the EXOTIMEproject About a third of the data was obtained using the 1 m South African AstronomicalObservatory (SAAO) with the UCT and STE3 CCD instruments Observations at the 12 mMONETNorth telescope equipped with an Apogee 1ktimes1k E2V CCD camera were takenin 2x2 binning using 20 s exposure times Observations at the 22 m Calar Alto Observatory(CAHA) used the CAFOS instrument with 10 s exposure time Two nights were obtainedat the 15 m telescope at Loiano observatory using the BFOSC (Bologna Faint ObjectSpectrograph amp Camera) instrument and 15 s exposure times Between October 2008 andDecember 2009 observations at the 1 m Mt Lemmon Optical Astronomy Observatory(LOAO) were conducted with a 2ktimes2k CCD camera with exposure times of 12 s and 20 sThe observations at the 36 m Telescopio Nazionale Galileo (TNG) in August 2008 and2010 were performed with the DOLORES instrument and 5 s exposure times

73 QQ VirThe discovery of QQ Vir (PG 1325+101) as a multi-period pulsator was reported in Silvottiet al (2002) followed by a frequency analysis and asteroseismological modelling bySilvotti et al (2006) and Charpinet et al (2006) respectively

Observations of QQ Vir in 2001 and 2003 are described in Silvotti et al (2002) andSilvotti et al (2006) respectively Between March 2008 and April 2010 the object wasobserved as part of the EXOTIME project (Benatti et al 2010) Additionally one obser-vation run in February 2005 was performed at the 15 m telescope at Loiano observatoryusing the BFOSC instrument Most of the observations were obtained in 2009 2010 2011and 2012 at the LOAO using an exposure time of 10 s The CAHA and MONETNorthobservations were conducted with 10 s and 20 s exposure times respectively The Loianoobservatory performed additional observations in 2009 2010 and 2011 with the 15 mtelescope using BFOSC and an exposure times of 12 s 15 s and 20 s Observations atthe Moletai Astronomical Observatory (Mol) in 2008 were performed using the 16 mtelescope and an Apogee 1ktimes1k E2V CCD camera using 175 s of exposure time Obser-vations at the SAAO used the same instrumental set up as described in section 72 TheTNG observed in 2010 and 2011 A DARC-WET campaign on QQ Vir was performed inMay 2010


7 Observations and data reduction

74 V541 HyaV541 Hya (EC 09582-1137) was discovered by Kilkenny et al (2006) Randall et al(2009) conducted an asteroseismological analysis of this target

Between 2005 and 2015 a large number of observations were obtained at the SAAOusing the same instrumentation noted in Sect 72 and exposure times of 10 s The LOAOconducted observations in 2009 2012 and 2013 with exposure times of 20 s During March2009 and February and March 2010 V541 Hya was observed at the CAHA using anexposure time of 10 s

75 TESS observationsThe primary goal of the NASA Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) space tele-scope is to detect exoplanets transiting bright nearby stars (Ricker et al 2015) Howeverthe extensive time series photometry is valuable for asteroseimology and the TESS Astero-seismic Science Consortium (TASC) coordinates short cadence observations of pulsatingevolved stars TESS observed V1636 Ori and V541 Hya with a cadence of 120 s betweenNovember 15 2018 and December 11 2018 and February 2 2019 and February 27 2019respectively We used the light curves provided by the MAST archive1 that had commoninstrumental trends removed by the Pre-Search Data Conditioning Pipeline (PDC Stumpeet al 2012) Light curves and amplitude spectra are presented in Fig 111 and 112 Thetwo minutes (ldquoshortrdquo) cadence undersamples the p-modes at about 140 s In combinationwith the large photometric scatter the amplitude spectra show no evidence of the p-modesThus we do not make use of the TESS observations in our study

76 Data reductionFor the EXOTIME observations the data reduction was carried out using the IDL softwareTRIPP (Time Resolved Imaging Photometry Package see Schuh et al 2000) TRIPPperforms bias- dark- flat-field corrections and differential aperture photometry to calculatethe relative flux of a target with respect to one or more comparison stars and extinction-corrections (second order polynomial in time) In the presence of sub-stellar companionswe might expect variations in the arrival times of stellar pulsations on the order of secondsto tens of seconds The corresponding uncertainties are expected to be about one secondThese uncertainties rise from observational constrains such as smearing and samplingeffects due to the integration time The accuracy of individual time-stamps is better thanplusmn05 s All time stamps were converted from GJD(UTC) to BJD(TDB) according toEastman et al (2010) with an accuracy well below the expected observational uncertainty

Typical SN for our ground-based observations range from 60 for large amplitudepulsations to 3 for the smallest pulsation-amplitudes we investigate in this work Theamplitude spectra in Sect 9 show also pulsations with smaller SN but these are notsuitable for timing analysis because the uncertainties are too large (see Table 111)

1 httpsarchivestsciedu


8 Analysis

In order to detect variations in the arrival time of stellar pulsations we developed a pipelineto process the reduced data A schematic flowchart of our pipeline is presented in Fig 81The input consists of the light curve (time series) and the dates of the observational epochsIn a light curve typically spanning several years at a very low duty cycle of 02 to 17 percent an epoch consists of a few roughly consecutive nights of observation

Outlier removal In case no uncertainty in the flux measurement F is provided theroot-mean-square of each observation is used as an approximate photometric error forthe later analysis We have used a running median filter to exclude 5σ flux-outliers Thelength of the window size depends on the cadence of the observations We constrained itto be not longer than half of the period of the main frequency The analysis is performedfor each frequency individually before all frequencies were analysed simultaneously

Full data fit For the individual fitting of pulsations we first determined the frequencyof the main signal For this we used the astropy package to calculate the Lomb-Scargleperiodogram (Astropy Collaboration et al 2013 2018) From this periodogram we selectedthe frequency with the largest amplitude to continue In the next step we performed the fitof a sinusoidal function to the light curve using

F(t) = A sin ( f t + φ) + o (81)

with amplitude A frequency f phase φ and offset o The minimization problem is solvedusing the scipy implementation of the Trust Region Reflective algorithm (Jones et al2011) The selected frequency from the amplitude spectrum serves as initial value thefull-width-at-half-maximum of the corresponding peak in the periodogram is used as aboundary The amplitude-guess is taken from the amplitude spectrum In case of highlyvarying amplitudes the initial value can be set manually The fitting routine returns theparameters and their variance

Epoch fit Frequency and offset are all kept fixed for the following analysis of theindividual observational epochs The starting value of the current phase fit is determinedby the average of the previous j phase values (or the global fit value from above in casethere are no j previous values yet) in order to keep the fitting process stable and avoidldquophase-jumpsrdquo For our target sample a value of j = 3 has proven to be reasonable exceptwhen observational gaps span over several years

The uncertainty in the phase measurement scales inverse with the length of the epochsThus this length is chosen in a way to minimize the uncertainties of the fit but at the same


8 Analysis

LC data epochsperiodogram

choose frequency

fit to refine frequencyC

determine nth frequency

divide light curveinto epochs

fit to epochs O

O minus C-diagram

new Frequency

pre-whitening LCwith fit model

fit sum of nsine to LC

fit sum of nsine to epochs

O minus C-diagramyesn + 1 no






Figure 81 Flow chart representing the analysis of the time of arrival Light curve (LC)and start end time of each observational epoch are provided as input Each frequency isanalysed leading to an intermediate O minusC-diagram and subtracted from the LC by itselfbefore the sum of all sinusoidal functions is fitted simultaneously to the LC resulting inthe final O minusC-diagram

time keep the epochs as short as possible to maximize the temporal resolution of the finalO minusC diagram Often the observations themselves constrain the length of the epochs (egthree consecutive nights of observations and a gap of several weeks before the next blockof observations) If possible we aim for an epoch length such that the timing uncertaintiesare of the order of one second The phase information of the global and the epoch fit resultin a intermediate O minusC diagram

As a last step in the single-frequency-analysis the fitted model is subtracted from thelight curve We noticed significant amplitude variations for some of our targets Thuswe subtract the model using the amplitude of the individual epochs This pre-whiteningprocedure is repeated for every relevant pulsation in the data

Multi frequency fit Close frequencies are likely to introduce artificial trends in thearrival times in such a step-by-step analysis Thus the sum of all sinusoidal functions

F(t) = An sin ( fnt + φn) + o (82)

is fitted to the non-whitened light curve where n is the number of investigated frequenciesThe previously retrieved values for amplitude frequency phase and offset are used asinitial values We are using the phase information φn of the light curve as reference phasenamely calculated phase C in the final O minus C diagram Similar to the single-frequency


8 Analysis

Table 81 Parameters of the simultaneously fitted pulsations per target over their fullobservational time span and the pulsation period P

Target f dminus1 P s A φ d

DW Lyn f1 237941160 (8) 363114982(12) 219 (9) 54394741 (5)f2 22515898 (5) 38372887(9) 035 (9) 5439474 (3)

V1636 Ori f1 6317346 (2) 13676629(5) 054 (3) 5469872 (3)f2 5099780 (3) 1694191(1) 024 (3) 5469872 (7)

QQ Vir f1 626877627 (3) 1378259429(7) 26 (1) 52117924 (6)f2 55200714 (9) 15651971(3) 010 (9) 521179 (1)f3 6420515 (1) 13456864(3) 007 (1) 521179 (2)

V541 Hya f1 63532218 (5) 135993993(11) 031 (8) 5341388 (3)f2 57128556 (3) 151237850(8) 021 (7) 5341388 (3)

Notes The phase φ refers to the time corresponding to the first zero-crossing ofthe function after the first measurement t0 in MBJD

analysis the observational epochs are now fitted individually using the sum of sinusoidalfunctions to yield the observed phase information O

The results of the simultaneous fit for each target in this paper are summarised in Ta-ble 81 We list pulsation modes not used for the timing analysis in Table 111 Figures 82ndash 85 show example light curves of the targets for one epoch each including their multifrequency fit and the respective amplitude spectrum


8 Analysis



470 472 474 476 478 480 482 484 486 488



572 574 576 578 580 582 584 586 588 590



672 674 676 678 680 682 684 686 688 690



t d since 2007-10-17




2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 3000




225 epoch


210 220 230 240 250 260




f microHz






f dminus1

Figure 82 Example observations of DW Lyn from October 2122 and 23 2010 at theLulin observatory (top from top to bottom) combined used as one O minusC measurementThe errorbar on the left of each plot represents the photometric uncertainty The red lineshows the simultaneous two frequency fit to the epoch data The amplitude spectra inthe lower panel show the spectrum of the full data set (top) the spectrum of this epoch(middle) and the respective window function computed at f1 (bottom)


8 Analysis



130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137



229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236



329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336



t d since 2009-03-20




065700 6000 6300 6600 6900 7200 7500






480 500 520 540 560 580 600 620 640 660




f microHz






f dminus1

Figure 83 Example observations of V1636 Ori from March 20 21 and 22 2009 atthe CAHA (top from top to bottom) combined used as one O minus C measurement Theerrorbar on the left of each plot represents the photometric uncertainty The red line showsthe simultaneuos two frequency fit to the epoch data The amplitude spectra in the lowerpanel show the spectrum of the full data set (top) the spectrum of this epoch (middle) andthe respective window function computed at f1 (bottom)


8 Analysis



876 880 884 888 892 896 900



976 980 984 988 992 996 1000



1072 1076 1080 1084 1088 1092 1096



t d since 2012-02-13




6200 6400 6600 6800 7000 7200 7400 7600 7800





15 epoch


540 560 580 600 620 640 660 680




f microHz






f dminus1

Figure 84 Example observations of QQ Vir from February 20 21 and 22 2012 at theMonet telescope (top from top to bottom) combined used as one OminusC measurement Theerrorbar on the left of each plot represents the photometric uncertainty The red line showsthe simultaneuos two frequency fit to the epoch data The amplitude spectra in the lowerpanel show the spectrum of the full data set (top) the spectrum of this epoch (middle) andthe respective window function computed at f1 (bottom)


8 Analysis



284 288 292 296 300 304 308 312



380 384 388 392 396 400 404 408



888 892 896 900 904 908 912 916



t d since 2008-02-04




036400 6600 6800 7000 7200 7400 7600 7800




04 epoch


540 560 580 600 620 640 660 680




f microHz






f dminus1

Figure 85 Example observations of V541 Hya from February 6 7 and 12 2008 at theSAAO (top from top to bottom) combined used as one O minusC measurement The errorbaron the left of each plot represents the photometric uncertainty The red line shows thesimultaneuos two frequency fit to the epoch data The amplitude spectra in the lower panelshow the spectrum of the full data set (top) the spectrum of this epoch (middle) and therespective window function computed at f1 (bottom)


9 Results and discussion

In the following we discuss the implications of the obtained amplitude spectra and O minusCmeasurements on the evolutionary state and presence of sub-stellar companions to thetargets

91 DW LynThe amplitude spectrum of DW Lyn in Fig 113 reveals two strong pulsation modes atf1 = 237941160 dminus1 and f2 = 22515898 dminus1 A closer look to the amplitude spectrum inFig 91 reveals small asymmetries compared to the window function The pre-whiteningof both frequencies leaves residuals well above noise level in the amplitude spectrumindicating unresolved multiplets or mode splitting especially for f2

The SN of modes at higher frequencies for example at about 320 dminus1 and 480 dminus1are too small for a stable O minusC analysis (see Table 111) Therefore the O minusC diagram




minus02 minus015 minus01 minus005 0 005 01 015 02




0010203 f2



minus002 minus0015 minus001 minus0005 0 0005 001 0015 002


Af 1

f microHz




f 2







f dminus1

Figure 91 Amplitude spectrum of DW Lyn of the main pulsation frequency f1 =

237941160 dminus1 (top) f2 = 22515898 dminus1 (middle) with the respective residuals afterthe pre-whitening below and the normalised window-function (bottom)


9 Results and discussion




2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012





54400 54600 54800 55000 55200 55400 55600 55800 56000 56200 56400













Figure 92 Results for the two main pulsations of DW Lyn Top panel AmplitudesMiddle panel Fits of the O minusC data with second order polynomials in time Lower panelResiduals

in Fig 92 shows the analysis of the two main pulsation modes with the time-dependentvariation of the pulsation amplitudes

In order to determine evolutionary times-cales of the pulsations we investigate thelong-term evolution in the OminusC data A constant change in period results in a second-orderterm as a function of time (Sterken 2005) which allows us to derive a value for the secularchange of the period P and hence the evolutionary time-scale Results of the fits of thesecond order polynomial are included in Fig 92 which are PP f 1 = (58 plusmn 02)times 10minus5 dminus1

and PP f 2 = (minus293 plusmn 08) times 10minus5 dminus1 Assuming P is based on stellar evolution stellarmodel calculations show that the sign of the rate of period change indicates the phase ofthe sdB after the zero-age extreme horizontal branch (ZAEHB Charpinet et al 2002) Forp-modes a positive P relates to the first evolutionary phase of the ZAEHB in which thesurface gravity decreases due to He burning in the core A negative P would correspondto the second evolutionary phase in which the sdB contracts because the depletion of Hein its core and this happens before the post-EHB evolution The turning point betweenthese two states occurs between 87 and 91 Myr after the ZAEHB According to ourmeasurement of a positive P for f1 DW Lyn would still be in its first evolutionary phaseWith the lack of a mode identification from an asteroseismic model for DW Lyn we can notdirectly compare the measured P with theoretical predictions from Charpinet et al (2002)However stellar models with pulsation periods of around 360 s show values for P with acomparable order of magnitude as our measurement P = (43 plusmn 015) times 10minus1 s Myrminus1 forexample P = 162s Myrminus1 for a model with a mode of l = 0 k = 0 at the age of 6783 Myr(Charpinet et al 2002 appendix C) The large P of f2 is consistent with the apparent modesplitting seen in the amplitude spectra in Fig 91 and thus does not reflect the evolutionary


92 V1636 Ori

phase of DW LynAfter subtracting the long term-trend small time scale features are evident For

example the O minus C data for f2 show an oscillating behaviour with a significance of 3σwithin the first 200 days while the arrival times for f1 remain constant during the sameperiod of time In later epochs the O minusC data for both frequencies agree mostly within2σ During the second half of the observations the phase of f2 jumps by about 100 s Thisbehavior lacks an explanation

Additionally the evolution of the pulsation-amplitudes in Fig 92 shows a comparableoscillating behaviour for f2 within the first epochs similar to the change in arrival timesAlthough the periodic variations in amplitude are not as significant as for the phase theoccurrence of simultaneous phase- and amplitude-modulations indicate a mode-beatingof two close unresolved frequencies The residuals in the amplitude spectrum supportthis explanation In later observations the amplitude remains almost constant within theuncertainties The beating mode might lose energy or shift frequency over time Theamplitude for the f1 pulsation drops by about 1 per cent (amplitude) or about 35 per cent(relative) to the second half of the observation campaign with a similar quasi-periodicvariation as the phase The residuals in the amplitude spectrum show no indication of anunresolved frequency leading to mode-beating Besides stochastically driven pulsationmodes Kilkenny (2010) suggest energy transfer between modes as possible explanationfor amplitude variations For both frequencies a possible interaction between amplitudeand phase of pulsations is not well understood

92 V1636 Ori

The amplitude spectrum of V1636 Ori in Fig 114 shows two main pulsation modes withfrequencies at f1 = 6317346 dminus1 and f2 = 5099780 dminus1 The SN is not sufficient to use athird pulsation mode at 5662 dminus1 (6553 microHz Reed et al 2007b) The amplitude spectrumof TESS data in Fig 112 shows no evidence for g-mode pulsations with amplitudes greaterthan 04 per cent A detailed look at the spectra of the two main frequencies in Fig 93shows mode splitting likely due to a change in frequency over the long time of observation

The O minusC diagram in Fig 94 shows the two main pulsation modes and the variationof the pulsation amplitudes

From the second order fit in time we derive the changes in period PP f 1 = (minus854plusmn014) times 10minus5 dminus1 and PP f 2 = (minus25 plusmn 05) times 10minus5 dminus1 We caution the interpretation ofthese values as evolutionary time scales since the apparent mode splitting seen in Fig 93could explain these trends as well

The residuals after subtracting the long term trend show a large variation They changeby up to about plusmn50 s for f1 (sim 14σ significance) and up to about plusmn30 s for f2 (sim 3σsignificance) The amplitude for f1 drops by about 025 per cent (amplitude) or about33 per cent (relative) in the time between MBJD = 55100 d and 55300 d and returnsto its previous level afterwards while the amplitude for f2 remains constant within theuncertainties This decrease in amplitude coincides with earlier arrival times in the O minusCdiagram As already discussed in the previous section a possible amplitude- and phase-interaction is not well understood The f1 pulsation mode may not be coherent on suchlong time-scales but of a short-term stochastic nature not resolvable by our data set (eg


9 Results and discussion


minus02 minus015 minus01 minus005 0 005 01 015 02





02 f2




minus002 minus0015 minus001 minus0005 0 0005 001 0015 002


Af 1

f microHz




f 2







f dminus1

Figure 93 Amplitude spectrum of V1636 Ori of the main pulsation frequency f1 =

6317346 dminus1 (top) f2 = 5099780 dminus1 (middle) with the respective residuals after thepre-whitening below and the normalised window-function (bottom)

KIC 2991276 Oslashstensen et al 2014)

93 QQ VirFig 115 shows the amplitude spectrum for the QQ Vir observations The main frequencyat about f1 = 626877628 dminus1 is presented in Fig 95 in detail and shows asymmetriescompared to the window function After the pre-whitening process a close frequency atabout 626881270 dminus1 remains but attempts to model this pulsation fail with uncertaintiestoo large for the timing analysis There appear two more frequencies suitable for our studyThe amplitude spectra around f2 = 55200713 dminus1 and f3 = 6420516 dminus1 are presentednext to f1 in Fig 95 Another peak at about 665 dminus1 consists of at least two frequenciesat 664488549 dminus1 and 665478133 dminus1 but they are not sufficiently resolvable within theindividual epochs and lead to too large uncertainties in the O minusC analysis

Fig 96 shows the resulting O minus C diagram and the amplitudes at different epochsDue to the large observational gap from 2003 to 2008 with only one block of observationsin between we had difficulties avoiding errors in cycle count In order to avoid a phasejump we increased the averaging window for initial phase values to q = 6 With this setup the changes in pulsation frequencies read as follows PP f 1 = (17 plusmn 16) times 10minus7 dminus1PP f 2 = (24 plusmn 04) times 10minus5 dminus1 and PP f 3 = (40 plusmn 05) times 10minus6 dminus1 While f2 and f3 showno significant variation of pulsation amplitude f1 varies by 15 per cent (amplitude) or50 per cent (relative) Thus the corresponding phase changes should be interpreted withcaution Charpinet et al (2006) identify the radial order k and degree l from asteroseismic


93 QQ Vir




2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014






55000 55500 56000 56500 57000













Figure 94 Results for the two main pulsations of V1636 Ori Top panel AmplitudesMiddle panel Fits of the O minusC data with second order polynomials in time Lower panelResiduals


minus02 minus01 0 01 02




01 f2



01 f3



minus002 minus001 0 001 002


Af 1

f microHz




f 2




Af 3







f dminus1

Figure 95 Amplitude spectrum of QQ Vir of the main pulsation frequency f1 =

626877628 dminus1 (top) f2 = 55200713 dminus1 (top middle) f3 = 6420516 dminus1 (bottom middle)with the respective residuals after the pre-whitening below and the normalised window-function (bottom)


9 Results and discussion











52000 53000 54000 55000 56000




2f 3










Figure 96 Results for the three main pulsations of QQ Vir Top panel Amplitudes f3 hasa vertical offset of -1 for clarity Middle panel Fits of the O minusC data with second orderpolynomials in time Lower panel Residuals

modelling to be f1 l = 2 k = 2 f2 l = 4 k = 1 f3 l = 3 k = 2 These combinationsdo not allow a direct comparison of our P measurements to the model calculations fromCharpinet et al (2002) but the sign of P indicates QQ Vir to be in the stage of He burning

94 V541 HyaThe amplitude spectrum in Fig 116 shows two pulsation modes with frequencies atf1 = 63532218 dminus1 and at f2 = 57128556 dminus1 Both of them show a complex behavior(Fig 97) indicating unresolved multiplets andor frequency changes that we see also in theO-C diagrams (Fig 99) The SN for a third frequency at 60388741 dminus1 is not sufficientfor the O minusC analysis Similar to V1636 Ori the amplitude spectrum obtained from theTESS light curve in Fig 112 shows no evidence for g-mode pulsations with amplitudesgreater than 04 per cent

Randall et al (2009) speculated about rotational mode splitting for f3 with ∆ f3minus =

512 microHz and ∆ f3+ = 368 microHz The asteroseismic modelling associates f1 with a l = 0mode and f2 with l = 0 or 1 mode (depending on the favoured model) f3 corresponds to al = 2 mode They caution this interpretation due to their limited resolution in frequencyspace the mode splitting could be an unresolved quintuplet Our data set shows no clearevidence for a mode splitting with ∆ f3minus = 512 microHz or ∆ f3+ = 368 microHz (see Fig 98) butrather a mode splitting for f1 and f2 with about ∆ f = 008 microHz (Fig 97) Assuming thesemodes are of degree l = 1 this could be interpreted as a triplet But Randall et al (2009)model these modes with a degree of l = 0 which does not support a mode splitting into


94 V541 Hya


minus02 minus015 minus01 minus005 0 005 01 015 02





02 f2




minus002 minus0015 minus001 minus0005 0 0005 001 0015 002


Af 1

f microHz




f 2







f dminus1

Figure 97 Amplitude spectrum of V541 Hya of the main pulsation frequency f1 =

63532218 dminus1 (top) f2 = 57128556 dminus1 (middle) with the respective residuals after thepre-whitening below and the normalised window-function (bottom)





008minus6 minus5 minus4 minus3 minus2 minus1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6







minus06 minus04 minus02 0 02 04 06




f microHz




f dminus1

Figure 98 Amplitude spectrum with respect to the pulsation frequency f3 = 60388741 dminus1

of V541 Hya (top) and the normalised window-function (bottom)



9 Results and discussion



2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015





53000 54000 55000 56000 57000














Figure 99 Results for the two main pulsations of V541 Hya Top panel AmplitudesMiddle panel Fits of the O minusC data with second order polynomials in time Lower panelResiduals

The OminusC diagram in Fig 99 shows the analysis of the two main pulsation modes andthe variation of the pulsation amplitudes The second order fits in time indicated in theO minusC diagram correspond to changes in period of PP f 1 = (minus149 plusmn 011) times 10minus5 dminus1 andPP f 2 = (minus07 plusmn 15) times 10minus5 dminus1 For f2 the change in period does not significantly differfrom the null hypothesis Assuming these changes origin from stellar evolution V541 Hyamight just have passed the point of sign change in P and at the beginning of the contractionphase While the arrival times scatter widely the amplitudes of both pulsations remainalmost constant within the uncertainties If V541 Hya is in its evolution close to startingthe contraction phase as indicated by a P close to zero the changes in stellar structuremay cancel the strict phase coherence

95 Testing the sub-stellar companion hypothesisIn order to set upper limits to the mass of a companion we computed a series of syntheticO minusC curves for different orbital periods and companion masses assuming circular orbitsand compared these curves with the O minusC measurements after subtracting the long-termvariations

For each synthetic O minus C curve we selected the phase that gives the best fit to thedata using a weighted least squares algorithm For each observational point we computedthe difference in absolute value and in σ units (where σ is the O minus C error) betweenO minusC and the synthetic value The greyscale in Fig 910 corresponds to the mean valueof this difference in σ units which means that the presence of a companion is indicated


95 Testing the sub-stellar companion hypothesis

by a minimum (bright areas) of this parameter We see that in V1636 Ori QQ Vir andV541 Hya the mean difference for f1 is always very high implying that the data are notcompatible with a companion However these results are limited by the fact that the O minusCdiagrams of these stars are ldquocontaminatedrdquo by other irregular variations presumably due toother reasons like non-linear interactions between different pulsation modes for exampleand therefore these constraints to the orbital period and mass of a companion must be takenwith some caution For the f2 and f3 measurements the mean difference to the syntheticdata is smaller in sigma units (because of the larger uncertainties) and very uniform Theuncertainties of the O-C measurements are not small enough to favour a set of models inthe period-mass parameter space

For f1 of DW Lyn there is a significant minimum at about 1450 d (sim 4 years) andsim 5 MX

1 which is well visible also in the O minusC diagram of Fig 92 This periodicity isnot visible in the second frequency f2 which however has much larger error bars due tothe much lower amplitude of f2 with respect to f1

Lutz et al (2011) described a periodicity at 80 days detected for f2 We can recoverthis signal however with a low significance This would correspond to a light travel timeamplitude of 4 s (for m sin i asymp 15 MX) which is smaller than 15 s measured by Lutz et al(2011) Nevertheless this signal is not confirmed by f1 Thus we rule out a companioninduced signal in the arrival times due to the lack of simultaneous signals in f1 and f2 withsimilar amplitude The tentative signal in f2 is better explained by mode beating as alreadydescribed in Sect 91 The variations seen in the first 200 days of the O minus C diagram inFig 92 correspond to a periodicity of about 80 days and are accompanied by variations inthe amplitude of the pulsation

For V1636 Ori Lutz (2011) predicted a period at 160 d and amplitude of 12 s Thiscan not be confirmed as a companion-induced signal A periodic signal with an amplitudeof 65 s (for m sin i asymp 15 MX) is indicated in the analysis of f1 but at a low significanceand accompanied by many other signals of similar significance This periodicity is notconfirmed by a significant signal in the measurements of f2

1 1 MX (Jupiter mass) = 1899 middot 1027 kg


9 Results and discussion

1 10 100 1000P d












80 d

1 10 100 1000P d






80 d2









1 10 100 1000P d












160 d

1 10 100 1000P d






160 d












95 Testing the sub-stellar companion hypothesis

1 10 100 1000P d












1 10 100 1000P d

1 10 100 1000P d

















9 Results and discussion

1 10 100 1000P d












1 10 100 1000P d







6 6








Figure 910 Minimum companion mass as a function of orbital period Greyscale showsthe difference between the O minus C measurements and artificial O minus C data generated fora given combination of companion mass and orbit We note that at this stage the phaseoptimization of the artificial data is done independently for each pulsation frequency Themedian of gaps in between the epochs is indicated by a vertical dotted line See text formore details (a) DW Lyn Contour lines for f1 are placed at 2 3 4 and 5σ (left panel)and for f2 at 325 and 35σ (right panel) as indicated by their labels The planetary signalproposed by Lutz et al (2011) at a period of 80 d is indicated as dashed line (b) V1636Ori Contour lines for f1 are placed at 9 and 10σ (left panel) and for f2 at 2 and 22σ(right panel) as indicated by their labels The planetary signal proposed by Lutz et al(2011) at a period of 160 d is indicated as dashed line (c) QQ Vir Contour lines for f1 areplaced at 15 20 and 25σ (left panel) for f2 at 11 and 13σ (middle panel) and for f3 at13 and 15σ (right panel) as indicated by their labels (c) V541 Hya Contour lines forf1 are placed at 6 8 and 10σ (left panel) and for f2 at 45 55 and 65σ (right panel) asindicated by their labels


10 Summary and Conclusion

In this work we present ground-based multi-site observations for the four sdBs DWLyn V1636 Ori QQ Vir and V541 Hya We investigate variations in the arrival times oftheir dominant stellar pulsation modes to draw conclusions about secular period drifts andpossible sub-stellar companions All light curves are analysed homogeneously

From the O minusC measurements we derive an evolutionary time scale from the changein period P Comparing to model calculations from Charpinet et al (2002) we infer theevolutionary phase of the target Although some P measurements are influenced by modesplitting we can tell from the sign of P1 of DW Lyn that the star is likely still in the stageof central He burning We can draw a similar conclusion from the sign of P of QQ Vir TheP measurements of V1636 Ori are likely affected by mode splitting making it difficult tointerpret the results in the context of stellar evolution V541 Hya shows P measurementsclose to zero which indicates the star being at the transition phase between He burningand contraction due to the depletion of He in the core

Comparing atmospheric properties from Table 71 with the evolutionary tracks fordifferent models from Fig 1 in Charpinet et al (2002) we can confirm the hypothesisthat DW Lyn and QQ Vir are in their He burning phase V541 Hya agrees within 2σ ofthe log g measurement with one model at the turning point between the two evolutionarystages

However we can not exclude frequency and amplitude variations on smaller timescales than resolvable by our data set Using temporally higher resolved Kepler-data ofKIC 3527751 Zong et al (2018) caution about long-term frequency or phase evolutionsascribing to non-linear amplitude and frequency modulations in pulsating sdBs We seesuch effects already in our data set even with a low temporal resolution compared to theKepler sampling with a duty cycle of more than 90 per cent

Observations on DW Lyn and V1636 Ori were published by Lutz et al (2008a) Schuhet al (2010) Lutz (2011) Lutz et al (2011) Our analysis of these observations includingextended data sets do not confirm the tentative companion periods of 80 and 160 daysrespectively These signals more likely arise due to mode beating indicated by partlyunresolved frequency multiplets and amplitude modulations

Almost all analysed pulsation modes show formal significant changes in arrival timesbut the amplitudes of these periodic signals do not correlate with frequencies excludingthe light-travel time effect due to orbital reflex motions for such variations and thus givingupper limits on companion masses Only DW Lyn might have a planetary companion ona long orbital period as indicated by one arrival time measurement But this can not beconfirmed with a second measurement due to larger uncertainties Additionally morestudies question the presence of already proposed companions for example Krzesinski(2015) Hutchens et al (2017) Our unique sample of long-term observations shows a


10 Summary and Conclusion

complex behavior of mode- and amplitude interactions in sdBs which should be addressedin further studies Until this has been addressed caution is advised when interpretingO minusC pulse arrival times in terms of companions


11 Appendix

111 TESS data








58440 58450 58460





tMBJDTDB minus 2400000



11 Appendix








58520 58530 58540





tMBJDTDB minus 2400000


Figure 111 Light curves of the TESS observations Grey points are considered outliersand partially exceeding the plotting range (a) V1636 Ori (b) V541 Hya

112 Amplitude spectra

Table 111 Additional pulsation modes identified for our targets not used in the O minus Canalysis due to their low signal-to-noise-ratio

Target f dminus1 A

DW Lyn 4758231(2) 009(18)3194042(3) 006(12)4630100(6) 003(18)

V1636 Ori 56624031(3) 06(3)QQ Vir 7330704(1) 03(1)

6644886(1) 02(1)57273611(5) 019(9)6647122(1) 01(1)4341522(6) 001(7)502410(2) 001(9)

V541 Hya 53116759(16) 003(7)60388741(6) 003(8)


112 Amplitude spectra


0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000


0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800



f microHz

V1636 Ori



f dminus1

V541 Hya

Figure 112 Amplitude spectrum of the TESS observations Upper panel spectrum ofV1636 Ori Lower panel spectrum of V541 Hya The only peak above the noise level isthe 120 s alias due to the cadence of the observations






250 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500





0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500



f microHz




f dminus1


Figure 113 Amplitude spectrum of DW Lyn Upper panel observations Aobs Lowerpanel residuals Ares after subtracting the light curve models from the observations


11 Appendix


0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000





0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800



f microHz




f dminus1


Figure 114 Same as Fig 113 but for V1636 Ori






250 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000


0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800



f microHz




f dminus1


Figure 115 Same as Fig 113 but for QQ Vir


112 Amplitude spectra




0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000





0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800



f microHz




f dminus1


Figure 116 Same as Fig 113 but for V541 Hya


11 Appendix

Acknowledgements We thank Wen-Shan Hsiao for observing at the Lulin Observatory and Mike D Reedfor observing at the Baker Observatory and Elia Leibowitz for observing at the WISE observatory FMconducted the work in this paper in the framework of the International Max-Planck Research School (IMPRS)for Solar System Science at the University of Goumlttingen (Volkswagen Foundation project grant numberVWZN3020) DK thanks the SAAO for generous allocations of telescope time and the National ResearchFoundation of South Africa and the University of the Western Cape for financial support TDO gratefullyacknowledges support from the US National Science Foundation grant AST-0807919 LM was supportedby the Premium Postdoctoral Research Program of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences This project hasbeen supported by the Lenduumllet Program of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences project No LP2018-72019Based on observations made with the Italian Telescopio Nazionale Galileo (TNG) operated on the island ofLa Palma by the Fundacioacuten Galileo Galilei of the INAF (Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica) at the SpanishObservatorio del Roque de los Muchachos of the Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias Based on observationscollected at the Centro Astronoacutemico Hispaacutenico en Andaluciacutea (CAHA) at Calar Alto operated jointly bythe Andalusian Universities and the Instituto de Astrofiacutesica de Andaluciacutea (CSIC) Based on observationscollected at Copernico telescope (Asiago Italy) of the INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova Basedon observations made with the Nordic Optical Telescope operated by the Nordic Optical Telescope ScientificAssociation at the Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos La Palma Spain of the Instituto de Astrofisicade Canarias This paper includes data collected by the TESS mission Funding for the TESS mission isprovided by the NASA Explorer Program


Part IV

Application to larger target pool


12 Further asteroseismic targets

The search for sub-stellar companions using the pulsation timing method is not onlylimited to sdB stars but can also be applied to a greater variety of pulsating stars aslong as the pulsations are driven by a κ mechanism ie coherent in phase Howevermodes of long periods decrease the precision of timing measurements Additionally largepulsation amplitudes tend to show non-linear effects which excludes the application ofthis technique A case study of β Cephei RR Lyrae and δ Scuti (δ Sct) stars can be foundin Silvotti et al (2011) Among these δ Sct stars are the most promising pulsators tofollow-up The following describes δ Sct stars and the application of the pulsation timingmethod in more detail

121 δ Scuti starsPlanet occurrence rates predict a maximum for host stars with masses of 19+05

minus01M (Reffertet al 2015) close to the mass of main sequence A stars in the instability strip whereδ Sct pulsators are common (see Fig 26) However actual planet detections are affectedby observational selection effects Planetary transits are difficult to observe because ofthe pulsational luminosity variations and due to wider orbits of planets around A stars(Johnson et al 2011 Lloyd 2011) resulting in lower transit probabilities For the radialvelocity method A stars are not well suited because of their fast rotation with the meanof the equatorial rotational velocity distribution exceeding 100 km sminus1 (Abt and Morrell1995 Royer et al 2007) Their high effective temperatures compared to solar-like starsleads to fewer and shallower absorption lines which can additionally be distorted bypulsations This leaves the pulsation timing method as a promising alternative to search forcompanions δ Sct stars show radial and non-radial p-modes with amplitudes up to 05 and with pulsation periods between about 20 min and 8 h (eg Qian et al 2017 Balonaet al 2012) The pulsations are driven by the κ mechanism due to partial ionization of HeII

The mostly uninterrupted observations of space missions like Kepler and TESS providea large sample of δ Sct observations for this purpose The two missions and some of theirapplications are described in the following sections


13 Kepler

Sections of this chapter are part of a paper in preparation to be submitted as an article toAstronomy and Astrophysics

131 Kepler mission

The Kepler mission (Borucki et al 2010) was launched in 2009 to observe a fixed patchof sky in the Cygnus constellation with more than 100 deg2 field of view to discovertransiting Earth-like exoplanets in the habitable zone The telescopersquos mirror measures095 m in diameter and the camera is sensitive for a wavelength range of 430 nm to 890 nmAsteroseismic observations of pulsating stars were organized by the Kepler AsteroseismicScience Consortium (KASC) Some were observed in a high cadence mode of 60 s (shortcadence) the nominal cadence measures 30 min (long cadence)

1311 sdB stars

The Kepler field contained a small number of sdB stars (eg McNamara et al 2012)None of them showed indications for a planetary transit However KIC 05807616 andKIC 10001893 two pulsating sdB stars in the Kepler field show some evidence for thepresence of planetary companions (Charpinet et al 2011 Silvotti et al 2014) Howeverinterpretation of these signals is questioned as already discussed in chapter III

1312 δ Scuti stars

Kepler observed around one thousand δ Sct stars in its field of view The primary goalof their observations are conclusions about the stellar structure and evolution via astero-seismology as the transition from deep to shallow convective envelopes takes place in theregion of the HRD where δ Sct are located (see Fig 26) This opens the opportunity to usethe extensive Kepler data set and apply the pulsation timing method to the observationsThe following describes one particular system as a benchmark for which a planetarycompanion was already discovered

13121 KIC 7917485

Murphy et al (2014 2016b) used the Kepler data to search for binary systems using thelight travel time effect Murphy et al (2016a) (hereafter M16) detected a planet orbiting


13 Kepler

Table 131 Orbital parameters for the KIC 7917485 system Values for M16 are takenfrom Table 2 in Murphy et al (2016a) M16 did not account for a change in pulsationperiod P The model of this work uses a circular orbit model for the companion ie e = 0

M16 this work f1 this work f2

∆Ts 71+04minus05 68 plusmn 03 66 plusmn 04

Porbitd 840+20minus22 82150 plusmn 008 72672 plusmn 008

e 015+010minus013 0 0

Ps Myrminus1 minus0001 plusmn 0001 minus0035 plusmn 0002

its host star KIC 7917485 in a 840 d orbit The following validates this finding using theO minusC pipeline implemented for this work

KIC 7917485 was observed between May 2009 and May 2013 by Kepler We usethe light curves provided by the MAST archive1 which had common instrumental trendsremoved by the Pre-Search Data Conditioning Pipeline (PDC Stumpe et al 2012) Inorder to remove remaining long term trends we make use of the kepflatten routine ofthe PyKE package (Still and Barclay 2012 Viniacutecius et al 2018) The light curve and thecorresponding amplitude spectrum are shown in Fig 131

In order to reproduce the results of M16 we apply a high-pass frequency filter Thisremoves frequencies below 5 dminus1 which are most likely artefacts due to instrumental effectWe apply this filter forward and backward in time to compensate for phase delays

For the OminusC analysis we applied our pipeline and fitted all pulsations with amplitudesabove 0005 Although the signal-to-noise ratio is sufficient for only two modes thesimultaneous fitting process of four more pulsations prevents any unaccounted interactionsbetween the modes The time dependent variation in pulsation amplitude and phase isshown in Fig 132 Each epoch measures about ten days The main pulsation frequencyf1 = 15383 007 4(4) dminus1 exhibits large semi-periodic variations which correlate with theobservational quarters of the Kepler mission Thus they are likely to be instrumentalsystematics The amplitude of f2 = 20262 905 3(8) dminus1 shows a similar behaviour ontop of a general trend of decreasing amplitude with time The phase variations for bothpulsations show clearly a sinusoidal modulation with an amplitude of about 10 s and aperiod of about 800 d We fit simultaneously a quadratic long term trend and a sinusoidalmodel for a circular companion orbit to the data The results are presented in Table 131While a change in period P for f1 is almost not detectable f2 shows a significant P whichcoincides with the decrease in pulsation amplitude of 004 per cent (amplitude) or about18 per cent (relative) M16 did not account for a change in period thus we cannot compareour measurements

For the orbital fit of the companion M16 used the weighted mean of both phasemeasurements Since we want to confirm the nature of the companion with two independentmeasurements we do not follow this procedure Our sinusoidal orbit fit for f1 agrees withinthe uncertainties with the measurement of M16 However the orbital period measuredfor f2 is about 100 days significantly shorter than for f1 This might be attributed to ouradditional fit for the change in period combined with larger OminusC uncertainties towards the

1 httpsarchivestsciedu


131 Kepler mission

end of the observations (approximately two times larger) due to the decreasing pulsationamplitude

In order to compare the M16 results better with the measurements of this work wewill be implementing a full orbit fit on both measurements simultaneously Additionallythe uncertainties appear rather small in comparison to M16 A different treatment ofuncertainties might give more reliable error bars


13 Kepler




4800 5000 5200 5400 5600 5800 6000 6200 6400 6600

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013re




tBJDTDB minus 2450000

(a) KIC 7917485 light curve


0 50 100 150 200 250



0 5 10 15 20 25



f microHz




high pass filtered



f dminus1


(b) KIC 7917485 amplitude spectrum

Figure 131 KIC 7917485 data Top Light curve Grey points are considered outliers andpartially exceeding the plotting range Bottom Amplitude spectrum The top panel showsthe observations The middle panel the amplitude spectrum after applying the high passfilter Note the different scale on the y-axis in order to make small amplitudes visible Thebottom panel shows the residuals after modelling six pulsation modes


131 Kepler mission






2009 2010 2011 2012 2013





4800 5000 5200 5400 5600 5800 6000 6200 6400 6600












tBJDTDB minus 2450000

Figure 132 Results for the two main pulsations of KIC 7917485 Top panel AmplitudesMiddle panel Fits of the O minusC data with second order polynomials only (dashed lines)and full fit including the light travel time effect (solid lines) Lower panel Residuals



141 TESS mission

The Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) by NASA was launched in April 2018as an all-sky survey for transiting exoplanets The 24 degtimes96 deg field of view observeseach sector for about 27 days and sweeps across the sky This creates some observationslasting longer than 27 days due to the overlapping sectors The four telescopes (each witha field of view of 24 deg2) measure 105 mm in diameter and the cameras are sensitive for awavelength range of 600 nm to 1000 nm This is slightly redder than the Kepler bandpassdue to the missionrsquos differing priorities detecting transiting planets orbiting Sun-like starsfor Kepler and small cool stars for TESS The full frame cadence measures 30 minuteswhile the nominal cadence for transit detections two minutes The TESS AsteroseismicScience Consortium (TASC) coordinates 20 seconds ldquoshort cadencerdquo observations of brightasteroseismic target stars

However observations with such a short time span of 27 days (and up to one year butonly around the ecliptic pole eg 17 of the sky) do not allow an extensive search ofsub-stellar companions using the pulsation timing method on their own But they can beused as additional observations to existing data sets especially the EXOTIME project dataWithout additional ground-based observations a joint O minusC analysis of δ Sct data fromKepler and TESS is likely to fail due to the large observational gap of about seven years

1411 sdB stars

TESS observations of V1636 Ori and V541 Hya are already discussed in chapter III Thedata are taken at two minutes cadence and thus do not allow the investigation of p-modes

DW Lyn was observed by TESS with a cadence of 120 s between December 25 2019and January 20 2020 Fig 141 shows the light curve and amplitude spectrum Besidesthe 120 s alias at 720 dminus1 the spectrum shows f1 and f2 at about 238 dminus1 and 225 dminus1

respectively as well as their Nyquist alias above 360 dminus1 (cf Murphy et al 2013) Forthe g-mode regime Lutz et al (2008a) reported pulsations at 2717 microHz 3181 microHz and2063 microHz (2347 dminus1 2748 dminus1 and 1783 dminus1) The TESS data show only the pulsation at3181 microHz as a detection of about two times above the noise level While the 2717 microHzpulsation is visible but not above the noise level the 2063 microHz pulsation is not present inthe TESS data set Since we have no data between the last EXOTIME observations in 2013and the TESS observations in 2020 the time span for a joint O minusC analysis is too large

V391 Peg will be observed by TESS and the data can be used to extend the set ofobservation from Silvotti et al (2018) In order to span the observational gaps between






1840 1845 1850 1855 1860 1865 1870





tBJDTDB minus 2457000

(a) DW Lyn light curve











0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800

0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000




16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30

200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340



f dminus1

f microHz

DW Lyn




16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30

200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340

(b) DW Lyn amplitude spectrum

Figure 141 TESS DW Lyn data Top Light curve Grey points are considered outliersand partially exceeding the plotting range Bottom Amplitude spectrum The inset showsa magnification of the g-mode regime Modes reported by Lutz et al (2008a) are indicatedas dots


141 TESS mission

2013 and 2020 we performed additional ground-bases observations as described inchapter 3


Part V



15 Discussion

Studying post main-sequence stars offers a window into the fate of planetary systemsincluding our own solar system Can planets survive the final stages of stellar evolution andhow do they in turn affect their host starrsquos evolution One discussed formation scenario ofsingle sdB stars involves the influence of giant planets during the red giant phase of theirprogenitor Observations can put constrains on the presence of sub-stellar companionsorbiting sdB stars

Chapter III investigated a unique set of long term ground-based observations of thefour rapidly pulsating sdB stars DW Lyn V1636 Ori QQ Vir and V541 Hya The maingoals of the EXOTIME project are the determination of the evolutionary state of these starsand the constraints on sub-stellar companions to draw conclusions on possible formationscenarios

The individual secular period drifts for different modes per target derived from theO minusC measurements do not always agree with each other These results therefore needto be interpreted with caution with regard to the evolutionary state of the star and holdonly for the assumption of a linear change in period For DW Lyn P f 1 is comparable tovalues derived from stellar models and place the star in the evolutionary phase of core Heburning P f 2 on the other hand can be explained by the apparent mode splitting whoseorigin cannot be confirmed with certainty A possible explanation is the slow decay of onepulsation mode and an excitation of a mode with close frequency but not resolvable by theobservations Additionally amplitude and phase variations indicate a mode beating effectAs shown in section 52 two close - but not necessarily resolvable pulsation modes cancause such effects Measurements for the period changes of V1636 Ori need to be cautionedby the same arguments For QQ Vir the identified radial order and degree of modes donot allow a direct comparison with stellar models but the sign of the P measurementsplaces QQ Vir in the state of He burning The O minusC measurements of V541 Hya show nosignificant change of period If these results are not affected by observational limitationsbut originate from stellar evolution the star might be in the transition phase between coreHe burning and contraction

Atmospheric measurements of all four stars can place the stars in the log g minus Teff planerelatively close to stellar evolutionary models of Charpinet et al (2002) as illustratedin Fig 151 This independently confirms the tentative interpretations above DW LynV1636 Ori and QQ Vir overlap each with several models of different envelope mass inthe phase of core He burning within their measured uncertainties Although Teff and log gmeasurements of V541 Hya agree with two models in that same evolutionary phase themeasurements agree within 3σ with an evolutionary model in the transition between coreHe burning and contraction

In principle proper motions of stars can give an alternative explanation for the apparent


15 Discussion









DW Lyn

V1636 Ori

QQ VirV541 Hya


log( g




Figure 151 EHB evolutionary tracks covering the log g minus Teff region where sdB stars areobserved Data points taken from Appendix B of Charpinet et al (2002) (crosses) andTable 71 (circles) The seven models correspond respectively from left (high Teff) to right(low Teff) to objects with a ZAEHB envelope mass Menv = 00001 00002 00007 0001200022 00032 and 00042 M The core mass is Mc = 04758M for all sequences exceptthe first and third (from the left) which have Mc = 04690M For a positive (negative)slope in the models the change in pulsation period is positive (negative) See Charpinetet al (2002) for a detailed explanation

change in pulsation period as described by Pajdosz (1995ba) They derive the effect ofproper motion to be


s sminus1 = 2430 times 10minus18 Ps

microprimeprime yrminus1


where micro is the proper motion in arcseconds per year and d the distance in parsec Withmeasurements available from the Gaia (Gaia Collaboration et al 2018) the derived valuesare about three orders of magnitude smaller than the measured P and thus neglectable

After subtraction of the long term trends in the O minus C measurements the residualsshow no clear evidence for signatures of sub-stellar companions The comparison withsynthetic O minusC curves indicates a companion-induced signal in the main pulsation modeof DW Lyn But this is not confirmed by the independent measurement of the secondpulsation mode as would be expected Furthermore previously described periodic signalsin the O minusC measurements by Lutz et al (2011) are ruled out to be caused by sub-stellarcompanions Nevertheless the data set is limited in detection sensitivity Dependingon the observational gaps the data cannot set limitations for possible companion orbitsshorter than approximately 30 days (DW Lyn and V1636 Ori) 4 days (QQ Vir) or 120days (V541 Hya) or longer than the total length of observations roughly 1500 days


15 Discussion

Photometric precision additionally limits the detection threshold to companions signalslarger than about 1 s This corresponds to a companion with a mass of 1 MX (05 MX) andan orbital period of about 05 years (15 years)

Chapter IV enlarges the target selection and applies the O minusC analysis to one examplePulsations of δ Sct stars are driven by the κ mechanism allowing stable pulsations overlong periods of time Planet detection methods like the transit or radial velocity methodcannot be easily applied to those stars which favours the pulsation timing analysis and thusopens a new parameter space in the exoplanet detection The δ Sct pulsator KIC 7917485was found to be orbited by a sub-stellar companion whose signal can be recovered in thepulsation arrival times


16 Outlook

As chapter IV applied the OminusC analysis to one example observation beyond the EXOTIMEproject there are more extensive long time series of high cadence data already availableor with upcoming space missions The next sections highlight data sets of interest

161 K2 missionAfter the failure of two reaction wheels on the Kepler space craft its mission could beextended from 2014 onward as K2 The space craft was balanced against the radiationpressure from the sun which limits each campaign to a duration of about 80 days ThusK2 was not staring at only one field in the sky but sweeping along the ecliptic and couldobserve many more targets for signs of transiting exoplanets Armstrong et al (2015)created a catalogue of variable stars from the K2 observations and categorized the targetsinto different classes of pulsators From this catalogue about 500 variables are classified asδ Sct stars Additionally 33 sdB stars were observed by K2 (Reed et al 2018) Although theobservations span only 80 days they can set constraints on close in sub-stellar companions

162 TESSThe TESS mission aims to detect transiting exoplanets around bright stars Asteroseismictargets are observed with a cadence of 20 seconds if they are bright enough Most ofthe EXOTIME targets are already observed or are going to be observed Due to thecadence of two minutes for these stars and the long duration in between the EXOTIMEobservations the data cannot be used for a common O minus C analysis Nevertheless theyprovide constraints on g-modes For the upcoming V391 Peg observations the gaps toground based observations are not too big With the planetary candidate claimed by Silvottiet al (2007) but cautioned later by Silvotti et al (2018) the new observations by groundbased telescopes and TESS are expected to clarify the interpretations

For other asteroseismic targets ether sdB or δ Sct stars an OminusC analysis is reasonableonly for targets with overlapping sectors ie more than 27 days of observing time

163 PLATOPLAnetary Transits and Oscillations of stars (PLATO) is an ESA mission scheduled forlaunch in 2026 Its primary goal is to discover and characterize terrestrial exoplanetsorbiting bright solar-type stars especially planets in the habitable zone Bright host


16 Outlook

Figure 161 Artistrsquos impression of ESArsquos PLATO spacecraft Credit ESAATG medialabCC BY-SA IGO 30

stars allow the determination of the planetsrsquo masses using the radial velocity method fromground-based observations and thus a mean density This can be used to constrain planetaryinterior models Additionally bright targets allow transmission spectroscopy observationsin order to measure chemical abundances of the planetary atmospheres A secondary goalof the PLATO mission is asteroseismic observations to determine stellar masses radii andages These parameters are crucial in order to correctly determine the planetary massesradii and their evolution

PLATOrsquos payload module consists of 24 cameras each with an aperture of 120 mmand a 1100 deg2 field of view (see Fig161) The cameras are arranged in four groups ofsix where each group has the same field of view but their angle is slightly offset - thisallows a total field view of about 2250 deg2 per pointing The camera arrays overlap insome parts resulting in different sensitivities over the field They will observe with acadence of 25 s Additionally two ldquofastrdquo cameras will observe with a cadence of 25 sPLATOrsquos nominal life time sums up to four years but could be in orbit for double the timeFor most of the time it will ldquostarerdquo to one region in the sky Additionally an ldquostep andstarerdquo phase comparable to K2 is possible

With the explicit goal of asteroseismic observations PLATO is expected to collectmany data on evolved pulsating stars allowing for an investigation with the pulsationtiming method The pipeline developed for this work can be easily adopted and used in anautomated way in order to process many targets and search for sub-stellar companions


Part VI




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This thesis would not have been possible without the help of many people who guided andsupported me during my time as a PhD student

First I would like to thank my supervisor Sonja Schuh who advised and guided metrough this project and had always an open ear for me despite her work as the IMPRScoordinator A thank you goes also to the other members of my TAC Laurent Gizon andStefan Dreizler for the productive discussions and ways to see some things differently

I would also like to thank Roberto Silvotti who helped to improve the EXOTIMEpaper

The students of the IMPRS formed a great community at the institute Without thefriendships formed out of this group my time at the institute would have been a verydifferent experience I tried gave my best to contribute to the great dynamics of the groupand hope this spirit will be kept alive by many following generations of students

Special thanks goes to my fellow musicians for the great time over the last yearsStarting with the (in)famous successful ldquoQuiet Sunrdquo project together with TheodosiosChatzistergos (literally a god on his guitar) Ankit Barik Earl Bellinger and Alessan-dro Cilla (who left us way too early) growing bigger for some gigs with SudharshanSaranathan Nils Gottschling David Marshall Robin Thor Keaton Bell and James Kus-zlewicz and finally merging with the great MegaGauss band including additionally HelgeMissbach Katja Karmrodt Abbey Ingram Christian Baumgartner Daria MokrytskaTanayveer Bhatia Marius Pfeifer Ann-Kathrin Lohse (Atti) and Paula Wulff No matterwhich problems would trouble me during the band practise I could throw them all againstthe drum heads and cymbals Keep on rockinrsquo

I would like to thank Michelle for her support and proofreadingAnd special thanks goes to my family which always supported me on my way listened

and offered good advice

This work is founded by the International Max Planck Research School for SolarSystem Science at the University of Goumlttingen (IMPRS Solar System School) and theVolkswagen Foundation (project grant number VWZN3020) This work makes use ofobservations from the LCOGT network This work includes data collected by the Keplermission Funding for the Kepler mission is provided by the NASA Science Missiondirectorate


Scientific contributions

Refereed publicationsbull Mackebrandt F M Mallonn J M Ohlert T Granzer S Lalitha A Garciacutea Muntildeoz

N P Gibson et al 2017 Transmission Spectroscopy of the Hot Jupiter TrES-3 bDisproof of an Overly Large Rayleigh-like Feature AampA 608 (December) A26httpsdoiorg1010510004-6361201730512

bull Mackebrandt F S Schuh R Silvotti S-L Kim D Kilkenny E M Green RLutz et al The EXOTIME Project Signals in the O minusC Diagrams of the RapidlyPulsating Subdwarfs DW Lyn V1636 Ori QQ Vir and V541 Hya AampA 638 (June1 2020) A108 httpsdoiorg1010510004-6361201937172

bull Mallonn M I Bernt E Herrero S Hoyer J Kirk P J Wheatley M Seeliger etal 2016 Broad-Band Spectrophotometry of HAT-P-32 b Search for a ScatteringSignature in the Planetary Spectrum Monthly Notices of the Royal AstronomicalSociety 463 (November) 604-14 httpsdoiorg101093mnrasstw1999

bull Schwope A D F Mackebrandt B D Thinius C Littlefield P Garnavich AOksanen and T Granzer 2015 Multi-Epoch Time-Resolved Photometry of theEclipsing Polar CSS081231071126+440405 Astronomische Nachrichten 336 (2)115-24 httpsdoiorg101002asna201412151

bull Strassmeier K G I Ilyin E Keles M Mallonn A Jaumlrvinen M Weber F Macke-brandt and J M Hill High-Resolution Spectroscopy and Spectropolarimetryof the Total Lunar Eclipse January 2019 AampA 635 (March 1 2020) A156httpsdoiorg1010510004-6361201936091

Conference contributionsbull The stellar pulsation timing method to detect substellar companions XXX IAU

General Assembly 2018 Vienna (Poster)

bull The stellar pulsation timing method to detect substellar companions AnnualMeeting of the Astronomische Gesellschaft 2017 Goumlttingen (Talk)

bull The stellar pulsation timing detection method for substellar companions Rocks ampStars II Conference 2017 Goumlttingen (Talk)

bull The stellar pulsation timing detection method for substellar companions ThePLATO Mission Conference 2017 Exoplanetary systems in the PLATO era War-wick (Poster)


Scientific contributions

bull The stellar pulsation timing method to detect substellar companions 2nd AdvancedSchool on Exoplanetary Science 2017 Vietri sul Mare (Poster)

bull The Stellar Pulsation Timing Detection Method for Substellar Companions Plane-tary Systems Beyond The Main Sequence II 2017 Haifa (Poster)


  • Abstract
  • Zusammenfassung
  • I Introduction
    • 1 Extrasolar planets
      • 11 Historical overview
      • 12 Definition of an exoplanet
      • 13 Observational techniques
        • 2 Subdwarf B stars
          • 21 Classification
          • 22 Canonical stellar and planetary evolution
          • 23 Subdwarf B stars formation scenarios
          • 24 Asteroseismology
            • 241 mechanism
            • 242 Asteroseismic observations
              • II The EXOTIME project
                • 3 Targets
                • 4 Multi-epoch photometric data
                  • 41 Time series photometry
                    • 411 Photometry
                    • 412 Timing accuracy
                        • 5 Methods
                          • 51 O-C Pipeline
                            • 511 Linear change in period
                            • 512 Light travel time effect
                              • 52 Artificial data testing
                              • 53 Alternative approaches
                                • 531 Analytic signal
                                • 532 Independent confirmation via direct imaging
                                  • III The EXOTIME project Signals in the O-C diagrams of the rapidly pulsating subdwarfs DW Lyn V1636 Ori QQ Vir and V541 Hya
                                    • 6 Introduction
                                    • 7 Observations and data reduction
                                      • 71 DW Lyn
                                      • 72 V1636 Ori
                                      • 73 QQ Vir
                                      • 74 V541 Hya
                                      • 75 TESS observations
                                      • 76 Data reduction
                                        • 8 Analysis
                                        • 9 Results and discussion
                                          • 91 DW Lyn
                                          • 92 V1636 Ori
                                          • 93 QQ Vir
                                          • 94 V541 Hya
                                          • 95 Testing the sub-stellar companion hypothesis
                                            • 10 Summary and Conclusion
                                            • 11 Appendix
                                              • 111 TESS data
                                              • 112 Amplitude spectra
                                                  • IV Application to larger target pool
                                                    • 12 Further asteroseismic targets
                                                      • 121 Scuti stars
                                                        • 13 Kepler
                                                          • 131 Kepler mission
                                                            • 1311 sdB stars
                                                            • 1312 Scuti stars
                                                              • 13121 KIC 7917485
                                                                • 14 TESS
                                                                  • 141 TESS mission
                                                                    • 1411 sdB stars
                                                                      • V Summary
                                                                        • 15 Discussion
                                                                        • 16 Outlook
                                                                          • 161 K2 mission
                                                                          • 162 TESS
                                                                          • 163 PLATO
                                                                              • VI Appendix
                                                                                • Bibliography
                                                                                • Acknowledgements
                                                                                • Scientific contributions
Page 3: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature


Dr Sonja SchuhMax-Planck-Institut fuumlr Sonnensystemforschung Goumlttingen Germany

Prof Dr Laurent GizonMax-Planck-Institut fuumlr Sonnensystemforschung Goumlttingen GermanyInstitut fuumlr Astrophysik Georg-August-Universitaumlt Goumlttingen Germany

Prof Dr Stefan DreizlerInstitut fuumlr Astrophysik Georg-August-Universitaumlt Goumlttingen Germany

Mitglieder der Pruumlfungskommision

Referent Dr Sonja SchuhMax-Planck-Institut fuumlr Sonnensystemforschung Goumlttingen Germany

Korreferent Prof Dr Stefan DreizlerInstitut fuumlr Astrophysik Georg-August-Universitaumlt Goumlttingen Germany

Weitere Mitglieder der Pruumlfungskommission

Prof Dr Laurent GizonMax-Planck-Institut fuumlr Sonnensystemforschung Goumlttingen GermanyInstitut fuumlr Astrophysik Georg-August-Universitaumlt Goumlttingen Germany

Dr Roberto SilvottiINAF-Osservatorio Astrofisico di Torino Pino Torinese Italy

Prof Dr Ariane FreyII Physikalisches Institut Georg-August-Universitaumlt Goumlttingen Germany

Prof Dr Laura CoviInstitut fuumlr Theoretische Physik Georg-August-Universitaumlt Goumlttingen Germany

Tag der muumlndlichen Pruumlfung 22062020

Bibliografische Information der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek

Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in derDeutschen Nationalbibliografie detaillierte bibliografische Datensind im Internet uumlber httpdnbd-nbde abrufbar

copy Felix Mackebrandt

This work is distributed under aCreative Commons Attribution 40 License

Printed in Germany


Abstract 1

Zusammenfassung 3

I Introduction 5

1 Extrasolar planets 711 Historical overview 712 Definition of an exoplanet 813 Observational techniques 9

2 Subdwarf B stars 1121 Classification 1122 Canonical stellar and planetary evolution 1123 Subdwarf B stars formation scenarios 1424 Asteroseismology 16

241 κ mechanism 17242 Asteroseismic observations 18

II The EXOTIME project 21

3 Targets 23

4 Multi-epoch photometric data 2741 Time series photometry 27

411 Photometry 27412 Timing accuracy 27

5 Methods 2951 O minusC Pipeline 29

511 Linear change in period 29512 Light travel time effect 31

52 Artificial data testing 3253 Alternative approaches 38

531 Analytic signal 38



532 Independent confirmation via direct imaging 39

III The EXOTIME project Signals in the O minus C diagrams ofthe rapidly pulsating subdwarfs DW Lyn V1636 Ori QQ Vir andV541 Hya 41

6 Introduction 45

7 Observations and data reduction 4971 DW Lyn 4972 V1636 Ori 5373 QQ Vir 5374 V541 Hya 5475 TESS observations 5476 Data reduction 54

8 Analysis 55

9 Results and discussion 6391 DW Lyn 6392 V1636 Ori 6593 QQ Vir 6694 V541 Hya 6895 Testing the sub-stellar companion hypothesis 70

10 Summary and Conclusion 75

11 Appendix 77111 TESS data 77112 Amplitude spectra 78

IV Application to larger target pool 83

12 Further asteroseismic targets 85121 δ Scuti stars 85

13 Kepler 87131 Kepler mission 87

1311 sdB stars 871312 δ Scuti stars 87

13121 KIC 7917485 87

14 TESS 93141 TESS mission 93

1411 sdB stars 93



V Summary 97

15 Discussion 99

16 Outlook 103161 K2 mission 103162 TESS 103163 PLATO 103

VI Appendix 105

Bibliography 107

Acknowledgements 123

Scientific contributions 125


List of Figures

11 Exoplanet mass and radius distribution 812 Exoplanet detection methods 10

21 Sketch of a Hertzsprung-Russell diagram 1222 Protoplanetary discs 1323 Formation of sdB stars I 1524 Formation of sdB stars II 1625 Possible formation mechanism of close-in planets 1726 Hertzsprung-Russell diagram showing different classes of pulsating stars 20

51 Schematic picture of the O minusC diagram construction 3052 Schematic picture of the orbital configuration 3153 Amplitude spectrum for four resonant pulsations with frequencies 3354 Results for four resonant pulsations 3355 Amplitude spectrum for two close pulsations 3456 Results of the simultaneous fit of two close pulsations 3557 Amplitude spectrum for two close pulsations and very different amplitudes 3658 Results for two close pulsations and very different amplitudes 3659 Amplitude spectrum for one pulsation of varying amplitude 37510 Results for one simulated pulsation with varying amplitude 37511 Results of the Hilbert transform for one pulsation 39

71 Light curves 51

81 Flow chart representing the analysis of the time of arrival 5682 Example observations of DW Lyn 5883 Example observations of V1636 Ori 5984 Example observations of QQ Vir 6085 Example observations of V541 Hya 61

91 Amplitude spectrum of DW Lyn 6392 Results for the two main pulsations of DW Lyn 6493 Amplitude spectrum of V1636 Ori 6694 Results for the two main pulsations of V1636 Ori 6795 Amplitude spectrum of QQ Vir 6796 Results for the three main pulsations of QQ Vir 6897 Amplitude spectrum of V541 Hya 69


List of Figures

98 Amplitude spectrum with respect to the pulsation frequency f3 of V541 Hya 6999 Results for the two main pulsations of V541 Hya 70910 Minimum companion mass as a function of orbital period 74

111 Light curves of the TESS observations 78112 Amplitude spectrum of the TESS observations 79113 Amplitude spectrum of DW Lyn 79114 Amplitude spectrum of V1636 Ori 80115 Amplitude spectrum of QQ Vir 80116 Amplitude spectrum of V541 Hya 81

131 KIC 7917485 data 90132 Results for the two main pulsations of KIC 7917485 91

141 TESS DW Lyn data 94

151 EHB evolutionary tracks of sdB stars 100

161 Artistrsquos impression of ESArsquos PLATO spacecraft 104


List of Tables

31 Observational properties of the EXOTIME targets 2432 Summary of the newly acquired observations for V391 Peg 25

71 Atmospheric parameters of the targets 4972 Summary of the observing time per target per site 52

81 Parameters of the simultaneously fitted pulsations per target 57

111 Additional identified pulsation modes 78

131 Orbital parameters for the KIC 7917485 system 88



Stars spend most of their life on the main sequence (MS) But their most substantialchanges occur off the MS stage either before on the pre-MS or beyond at the post-MSphase Due to very complex and varied dynamical processes the evolution of planetarysystems orbiting non-MS stars significantly differs from those of MS planetary systems

This work focusses on the search for sub-stellar companions in post-MS systems anddetermination of the evolutionary state of their host stars especially subdwarf B stars(sdB stars) These are stripped Helium-burning cores of red giants with a thin hydrogenatmosphere The canonical model involves binary evolution to explain the existence ofsdB stars Formation scenarios for single sdBs are more controversially discussed and canbe hard to reconcile with observational properties Besides the merger of two helium whitedwarfs or other merger processes for apparently single sdB stars an alternative formationchannel involves planetary systems During the red giant phase the star would developa common envelope with a giant planet that leads to the loss of the envelope Thus sdBstars are laboratories to test how planets survive and influence the late phases of stellarevolution

The rapid pulsations of sdB stars can be used to detect sub-stellar companions fromperiodic variations in the expected arrival times of the pulsation maxima This timingmethod is particularly sensitive to companions at large distances and complementary toother exoplanet detection methods because they are not efficient for stars with small radiiand high gravities Thus the timing method opens up a new parameter range in terms ofthe host stars and helps to understand the formation process of single sdBs

In this work I implemented tested and applied the pulsation timing analysis to searchfor sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems The method isalready established in the literature but not to an extent which is capable of automaticallyprocessing long-time series of high-cadence data ie from space born observations

Part I provides an introduction to extrasolar planets and to the formation and propertiesof sdB stars

Part II and III describe the long-term ground-based observations of four rapidly pulsat-ing sdB stars DW Lyn V1636 Ori QQ Vir and V541 Hya The data are used to measure thesecular drifts in pulsation periods The results constrain the evolutionary state of these starsand are compared to theoretical predictions of stellar evolutionary models Furthermorethe measurements set limits to masses and orbital periods of sub-stellar companions Incontrast to previous studies tentative companion detections are not confirmed

Part IV describes the application of the implemented timing analysis to other pulsatingstars and data sets Compared to ground-based observatories satellite-based telescopesoffer the advantage of uninterrupted observations Observatories like Kepler TESS or theupcoming PLATO mission provide a large sample of targets Besides sdB stars δ Scuti



(δ Sct) pulsators are excellent stars to apply the timing method on δ Sct stars are evolvedbeyond the MS and of spectral type A From Kepler observations previous studies re-vealed a planetary companion orbiting the δ Sct star KIC 791748 The implemented timinganalysis of this work is applied to these data and can recover the planetary signature vali-dating the implementation at hand and independently confirming the planetary companiondiscovery

Part V discusses the results of this thesis and provides an outlook to further applica-tions



Sterne verbringen den Groszligteil ihres Lebens auf der Hauptreihe (HR) Die gravierendstenVeraumlnderungen geschehen jedoch abseits der HR entweder zuvor auf der pre-HR oderfolgend auf der post-HR Durch sehr komplexe und variierende dynamische Prozesseunterscheidet sich die Entwicklung von Planeten in nicht-HR Sternsystemen signifikantvon der Entwicklung von Planeten in HR Sternsystemen

Diese Arbeit legt ihren Fokus auf die Suche nach sub-stellaren Begleitern in post-HR Systemen und auf die Bestimmung des evolutionaumlren Stadiums derer Zentralsterneinsbesondere bei heiszligen Unterzwergen des Spektraltyps B (engl subdwarf B kurzsdB) auch Blaue-Unterzwerge genannt Solche sdB-Sterne sind freigelegte heliumbren-nende Kerne von vormals Roten-Riesen mit einer duumlnnen Wasserstoffatmosphaumlre Derenkanonische Entstehung beschreibt die Entwicklung in einem Doppelsternsystem Entste-hungsszenarien fuumlr einzelne sdB-Sterne werden jedoch kontrovers diskutiert und sind nurschwer mit Beobachtungen zu verifizieren Neben der Verschmelzung von zwei heliumdo-minierten Weiszligen Zwergen koumlnnten auch Planetensysteme zur Bildung von sdB-Sternenbeitragen Waumlhrend der Roten-Riesen-Phase wuumlrde der Stern einen seiner Riesenplanetenin eine gemeinsame Huumllle einschlieszligen was letztendlich zum Verlust der Huumllle fuumlhrtSomit erweisen sich sdB-Sterne als Testobjekte das Uumlberleben von Planeten zu pruumlfensowie den Einfluss der Planeten auf die Spaumltphasen stellare Entwicklung zu beobachten

Die schnellen Pulsationen von sdB Sternen koumlnnen mit Hilfe von periodischen Veraumln-derungen in den zu erwarteten Ankunftszeiten der Pulsationsmaxima zur Detektion vonsub-stellaren Begleitern genutzt werden Diese Methode der Lichtlaufzeitmessungen istbesonders sensitiv fuumlr Begleiter mit groszliger Distanz zu ihrem Zentralstern und damit kom-plementaumlr zu anderen Detektionsmethoden Denn andere Detektionsmethoden sind bei Ster-nen mit hoher Oberflaumlchengravitation und kleinen Radien weniger aussagekraumlftig Damiteroumlffnet die Methode der Lichtlaufzeitmessungen eine Moumlglichkeit fuumlr Entdeckungen vonbisher nicht erforschbaren Planetensystemen und hilft somit den Entstehungsprozess vonsdB-Sternen besser zu verstehen

In dieser Arbeit habe ich die Methode der Pulsations-Lichtlaufzeitmessungen im-plementiert getestet und zur Suche nach sub-stellaren Begleitern bei Systemen in denSpaumltphasen stellarer Entwicklung angewandt Die Methode ist bereits etabliert bisherjedoch nicht fuumlr eine automatische Anwendung auf lange Beobachtungsreihen in hoherzeitlicher Aufloumlsung wie zB von Weltraumteleskopen optimiert

Teil I dieser Arbeit gibt eine Einleitung zu extrasolaren Planeten sowie auch zurEntstehung und Eigenschaften von sdB-Sternen

Teil II und III beschreiben die bodengebundenen Langzeitbeobachtungen der vierschnell pulsierenden sdB-Sterne DW Lyn V1636 Ori QQ Vir und V541 Hya MitHilfe dieser Daten werden die Veraumlnderungen der Pulsationsperioden gemessen Diese



Ergebnisse lassen auf das evolutionaumlre Stadium der Sterne schlieszligen und werden mittheoretischen Sternentwicklungsmodellen verglichen Weiterhin setzen die Ergebnisseder Beobachtungen Grenzwerte fuumlr die Masse und Umlaufdauer moumlglicher sub-stellarerBegleiter Im Widerspruch zu vorhergehenden Studien koumlnnen potentielle Detektionenvon Begleitern nicht bestaumltigt werden

Teil IV beschreibt die Anwendung der implementierten Methode der Pulsations-Lichtlaufzeitmessungen auf andere Sterne und Datensaumltze Im Vergleich zu bodengebunde-nen Observatorien bieten weltraumgestuumltzte Teleskope den Vorteil der ununterbrochenenBeobachtung Observatorien wie das Kepler Weltraumobservatorium TESS oder diegeplante PLATO Mission liefern eine groszlige Anzahl von Beobachtungszielen NebensdB-Sternen ist die Klasse der pulsierenden δ Scuti (δ Sct) Sterne ein hervorragendesZiel fuumlr Lichtlaufzeitmessungen δ Sct Sterne sind in einem Entwicklungsstadium jen-seits der HR und in der Spektralklasse A zu finden Vorhergehende Studien haben ausBeobachtungen des Kepler Weltraumteleskops einen planetaren Begleiter um den SternKIC 791748 offenbart Mit der in dieser Arbeit implementierten Methode der Pulsations-Lichtlaufzeitmessungen kann das Signal dieses Begleiters aus den Daten gewonnen undsomit die Implementierung validiert sowie eine unabhaumlngige Bestaumltigung dieser Planete-nentdeckung erbracht werden

Teil V diskutiert die vorhergehenden Ergebnisse und liefert einen Ausblick auf weitereAnwendungen


Part I



1 Extrasolar planets

11 Historical overviewSpeculations about the existence of other worlds or solar systems other than our own go asfar back as the ancient times Greek philosophers debated about the possibility of countlessworlds

And he maintained worlds to be infinite and varying in bulk and that in somethere is neither sun nor moon while in others that they are larger than with usand with others more numerous [] And that some worlds are destitute ofanimals and plants and every species of moisture

Democritus (460 to 370 BCE Litwa 2016)

He was supported by Epicurus (314 to 270 BCE) who debated about an ldquoinfinite number ofworlds both like and unlike this world of oursrdquo (Bailey 1926) in a letter to Democritus Butthe atomists of this time believed in the geocentric universe and thus the work of Aristotle(341 to 270 BCE) outshone their ideas This started to change with the introduction ofthe Heliocentric universe theory of Nicolaus Copernicus in 1543 However the Italianphilosopher Giordano Bruno was burned during the Inquisition because of his belief in aninfinite number of stars which have an infinite number of terrestrial worlds orbiting themFinally Galileo Galilei discovered with his telescope invented in 1606 the true nature ofthe Moon and planets and paved the way for the discovery of the remaining planets in oursolar system

Our solar system shaped the understanding of planetary evolution and system archi-tecture until Wolszczan and Frail (1992) discovered the first exoplanetary system laterconfirmed by Wolszczan (1994) The two Earth-mass like planets orbit the millisecondpulsar PSR 1257+12 a rather unusual host star With the discovery of the first extrasolarplanet 51 Pegasi b orbiting a sun-like star (Mayor and Queloz 1995) the architecture ofexoplanetary systems remained very different than expected from the solar system Theplanet has a mass comparable to the mass of Jupiter but a very close-in orbit of about005 au leading to a new category of planets called ldquohot Jupitersrdquo

So far more than 4000 exoplanets have been discovered by various detection methodsThey exhibit a wide range of planetary masses and radii as shown in Figure 11 Besideshot Jupiters Neptune- and Saturn-sized planets as well as super-Earths were discovered

The first transiting exoplanet HD 209458 b was discovered in 1999 (Charbonneau et al2000) which later became the first planet with a spectroscopically analysed atmosphere(Charbonneau et al 2002) HD 28185 b was discovered as the first exoplanet in thehabitable zone a region around a star in which a planet may retain liquid water on its


1 Extrasolar planets









10minus2 100 102 10410minus2




10minus2 100 102 104



a au



a au









3 K

Figure 11 Exoplanet mass and radius distribution as function of their orbital periodand effective temperature of their host star (color coded) Out of the 4130 discoveredexoplanets there are 994 mass and 1631 radius measurements (as of November 2019Schneider et al 2011)

surface Using the phase-mapping technique Knutson et al (2007) reconstructed a roughmap of HD 189733 b showing the temperature of the cloud deck An image of Formalhaut bin 2008 was the first direct image of an exoplanet (Kalas et al 2008) With Kepler-186 f anEarth-sized planet orbiting within its starrsquos habitable zone was discovered (Quintana et al2014) With the discovery of Kepler-452 b and its 16 Earth-radii another category not yetpresent in our solar system called ldquosuper Earthsrdquo was created Another super Earth orbitingour closest neighbour star Proxima Centauri even in the habitable zone was discovered byAnglada-Escudeacute et al (2016) Future missions aim to characterise exoplanetary systemsand to understand the formation evolution and chemical composition in more detail

12 Definition of an exoplanet

The word ldquoplanetrdquo was introduced by the ancient Greeks as the term ὰστέρες πλανῆτα

(asteres planetai) which can be translated as ldquowandering starrdquo This was inspired by theapparent movement of the planets in the solar system as opposed to the fixed stars In amore scientific way the International Astronomical Union (IAU) defined a planet in thesolar system in its resolution 5A as follows

A planet is a celestial body that

1 is in orbit around the Sun


13 Observational techniques

2 has sufficient mass for its self-gravity to overcome rigid body forces sothat it assumes a hydrostatic equilibrium (nearly round) shape and

3 has cleared the neighbourhood around its orbit

IAU (2006)

Additionally the working group on extrasolar planets of the IAU published the followingstatement not yet adopted as a resolution

1 Objects with true masses below the limiting mass for thermonuclearfusion of deuterium (currently calculated to be 13 Jupiter masses for ob-jects of solar metallicity) that orbit stars or stellar remnants are ldquoplanetsrdquo(no matter how they formed) The minimum masssize required for anextrasolar object to be considered a planet should be the same as thatused in our Solar System

2 Substellar objects with true masses above the limiting mass for ther-monuclear fusion of deuterium are ldquobrown dwarfsrdquo no matter how theyformed nor where they are located

3 Free-floating objects in young star clusters with masses below the limit-ing mass for thermonuclear fusion of deuterium are not ldquoplanetsrdquo butare ldquosub-brown dwarfsrdquo (or whatever name is most appropriate)

Boss et al (2005) reproduced with permission

The designation of exoplanets consists of the name of the host star followed by alowercase letter The first part can be an astronomical catalogue the scientific instrumentor project that discovered the exoplanet The following letter indicates the order of theexoplanets discovery around its host star usually beginning with ldquobrdquo This is analogous tothe designation of multiple star systems

13 Observational techniquesThe vast variety of exoplanets necessitates the need for different detection techniques Theycan be separated into three broad categories as the ldquoPerryman treerdquo a visual overview onthe detection methods illustrates in Fig 12

Widely separated exoplanets can be imaged directly Also protoplanetary disks can bedetected this way In case the orbital plane of the exoplanet aligns with the line of sight ofthe observer the planet transits in front of the stellar disk which can be detected as fluxvariations in primary and secondary eclipse

Gravitational lensing is known for very massive objects like galaxy clusters but can alsobe detected using a single star as a lens for a background star This induces a characteristicsignal in the light curve If the foreground star hosts an exoplanet it will act as an additionallens

Dynamical effects are based on the gravitational interaction of host star and planetThis can be measured directly as an astrometric change of position on the sky or indirectlyvia Doppler shifts in the host starrsquos spectrum or timing variations of transits eclipses orstellar pulsations The latter method is used in particular in this work and explained indetail in section 5


1 Extrasolar planets











existing capabilityprojected


-up detections n =

planets known








Exoplanet Detection



decreasingplanet mass


32 planets(20 system

s5 m


662 planets(504 system

s102 m


1 planet(1 system

0 m


53 planets(51 system

s2 m


2789 planets(2053 system

s474 m


1 January 20183572 exoplanets

(~2600 system

s ~590 m


bers from N


Exoplanet Archive]





refectedpolarised light

Radial velocity









44 planets(40 system

s2 m



















millisec slow



residuals(see TTVs)

(Kepler=2315 K2=




125Roplus) 766






protoplanetary disks

star accretionpollution

radio emission

gravitational waves

X-ray emission

debris diskscolliding


white dw

arf pollution



















































2 Subdwarf B stars

The majority of known exoplanets orbit cool host stars ie G and M type stars So faronly a small fraction of planets orbiting evolved host stars have been discovered (comparedto effective temperatures of host stars in Fig 11) This raises questions on the evolutionand fate of planetary systems The following chapter revises the stellar evolution withfocus on the post-main sequence phase of the host star arriving at subdwarf B stars (sdBstars) These stars are laboratories to test how planets survive and influence the late phasesof stellar evolution

21 ClassificationHumason and Zwicky (1947) discovered sdB stars in a photometric survey of the NorthGalactic Pole region Their position in the Hertzsprung-Russel diagram (HRD) in Fig 21in between the main sequence (MS) and the white-dwarf (WD) sequence was laterdetermined by Greenstein and Sargent (1974) They show effective temperatures Teff

from sim20 000 K to 50 000 K with surface gravities log(gcm sminus2) of 50 to 65 Heberet al (1984) Heber (1986) could connect the spectroscopic sdB class with the extremehorizontal branch (EHB) evolutionary stage Thus sdB stars are stripped helium-burningcores (sim05 M) of red giants with a thin hydrogen (H) atmosphere Their spectra aretherefore dominated by the broad Balmer lines of H while helium (He) is usually depletedBut their structure differs from horizontal-branch stars as their H envelopes are too thin tosustain H burning They evolve directly on to the WD cooling sequence as they lack theenvelope mass to pass via the asymptotic giant branch (AGB)

22 Canonical stellar and planetary evolutionThe progenitors of sdB stars are assumed to be solar-mass stars They form in molecularclouds consisting mostly of H about 20 to 30 per cent of He and a few percent of heavyelements The gas remains in hydrostatic equilibrium as long as the gas pressure isin balance with gravitational force (virial theorem) but a gravitational collapse can betriggered by shock waves (eg nearby supernova) As the cloud contracts it breaks intosmaller fragments in which the collapsing gas radiates the gravitational potential as heatAs temperature and pressure increase the fragment condenses into a protostar which isin hydrostatic equilibrium This way stars with different masses form mostly in groupsStellar winds of more massive stars ionize the remaining H in between the stars creatingH II regions and ultimately disrupt the cloud which prevents further star formation


2 Subdwarf B stars













White dwarfs

Cool subdwarfs











30000 10000

Surface temperature (deg)






ed to



6000 3000

Figure 21 Sketch of a Hertzsprung-Russell diagram highlighting the position of hotsubdwarf (sdB and sdO) stars and the extreme horizontal branch (EHB) located to the leftand below the hot end of the main sequence but above the white dwarf cooling sequenceThe EHB is separated from the blue horizontal branch (BHB) The location of stars havingevolved from the postasymptotic giant branch is shown for comparison The hot subdwarfstars have nothing in common with traditional cool subdwarfs found below the lowermain sequence (Heber 2009) Reprinted by permission from Copyright Clearance CenterAnnual Reviews Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics ldquoHot Subdwarf StarsrdquoHebercopy2009

The protostar continues to accrete material from its protoplanetary disk (Fig 22) untilfinally H fusion starts in the core and the star begins its phase on the main-sequence of theHRD (Fig 21) Inside the protoplanetary disk planetesimals form from electrostatic andgravitational interactions as building blocks for planets During their formation planetsmigrate within the disk and accrete material until the disk is evaporated by the central starsradiation On the main-sequence the star will evolve only slowly and remain there for


22 Canonical stellar and planetary evolution

Figure 22 Left Protoplanetary disc imaged by the Hubble Space Telescope in the Orionnebula The image is about 1800 au across Credit NASA CR OrsquoDell and SK WongRight ALMA image of HL Tauri showing th protoplanetary disc at a wavelength of13 mm The image is about 250 au across Credit ALMA (ESONAOJNRAO)

about 1010 years As the hydrogen in the core eventually depletes the fusion rate cannot bemaintained and the core contracts This continues to fuse H in a shell outside the He coreThe core contracts and the outer layers begin to expand The star becomes a red giantmoving up the red giant branch (RGB) in the HRD The He core compacts into degeneratematter and once core pressure and temperature are high enough the He starts to fuse witha He flash at the tip of the RGB in the HRD The core mass during the helium flash isabout half a solar-mass The star decreases in radius increases its surface temperatureand moves to the horizontal branch (HB) of the HRD After the He is fused in the coreouter shells fuse further He and the star moves to the asymptotic giant branch (AGB) andbecomes red giant again The produced carbon (C) can fuse with He and oxygen (O) tobuild a CO core The H and He shells are consecutively fusing in a cyclic process The starejects most of its envelope during these thermal pulses The expelled material is ionizedby the UV emission of the hot remnant core and can be observed as a planetary nebulaAfter this short phase the remnant star cools and enters the white dwarf cooling sequence

Planet occurrence rates estimated from Kepler observations suggest that 30 per centof Sun-like stars host Kepler-like planetary systems1 (Zhu et al 2018) Several studiesinvestigated occurrence rates from radial velocity surveys Jupiter-like planets2 may occurat six per cent of Solar-like stars (Wittenmyer et al 2016) Systems with giant planetsfrom the Kepler mission show outer gas giants within orbital periods of less than 400days at a 5 per cent occurrence rate (Santerne et al 2016) Bryan et al (2016) suggestthe total occurrence rate of companions3 from radial velocity measurements and direct

1 Kepler-like planets are planets that have radii RP amp R and orbital periods P gt 400 d Our Solar system isnot detectable by Kepler

2 Planets with masses 015RX MP 13MX and orbital periods of 3 au to 7 au3 For companions in the range of 1 MX to 20 MX and 5 au to 20 au


2 Subdwarf B stars

imaging with about 50 per cent Recently Grunblatt et al (2019) estimated the occurrencerate of planets larger than Jupiter for low-luminosity red giant branch stars from the K2mission to be 05 per cent Observations of polluted WDs debris disks orbiting WDslike WD 1145+017 (Vanderburg et al 2015) or even in-situ accretion of a giant planet toWD J0914+1914 (Gaumlnsicke et al 2019) show that these disks must form during the WDphase since they are located within the preceding giant stellar radii Spectroscopic analysisof polluted WD atmospheres find metals as to be expected from planetary compositionSince the sinking times for such heavy metals are orders of magnitude shorter than theWD cooling age the expected detection rate of polluted WDs is at about 01 per cent Butthe actual observed rate of metals is at 25 to 50 per cent Thus planetary systems appearto survive the RGB phase of their host star and may get disrupted and accreted duringthe WD phase Veras (2016) Farihi (2016) give a broad overview on post-main-sequenceplanetary system evolution and polluted WDs

23 Subdwarf B stars formation scenarios

The canonical formation of Subdwarf B stars is not explained by the typical evolutiondescribed in the section above since some mechanism during the progenitors giant phasemust have removed enough of the envelope to not sustain a H burning after the He flashThe formation scenario in a binary system first proposed by Mengel et al (1976) givesrise to different formation channels (Han et al 2002 2003 Podsiadlowski 2008) dependingon the initial mass ratios The scenarios are illustrated in Fig 23 and 24 The most simplescenario is a stable Roche-lobe over flow (RLOF) as in the left panel of Fig 23 The sdBprogenitor fills its Roche lobe near the tip of the RGB The mass transfer is dynamicallystable and the companion accretes the matter This will form a sdB in a long-period binarysystem with a main-sequence companion Observations find periods from 700 d to 1300 dleading to an improvement of the RLOF model (Chen et al 2013) If the mass transferduring the RLOF is too high the companion cannot accrete all the matter and a commonenvelope (CE) is formed (see Fig 24) Friction in the CE let the stars spiral inwards anduntil the CE gets ejected This will form a close binary system

While about 50 per cent of sdB stars are found in close binary systems with periodsof less than ten days observations show about 30 per cent appear as apparent single sdBstars There are several possible formation scenarios including atmosphere loss due tostellar winds the merger of two He WD (right panel of Fig 23) or undetected low-masscompanions

Hall and Jeffery (2016) estimated the H mass in the remnants of He WD mergers Inthe effective temperature-surface gravity plane they found a region occupied by thesestars during the core-He-burning phase and located the majority of apparently single sdBstars inside this region Nevertheless this conclusion depends on assumptions made to themodel regarding the initial H mass and loss of H during the merger Subdwarf B starslocated outside of this parameter region are found to be rapidly rotating low-gravity sdBstars

Alternatively the sdB progenitor could lose mass near the RGB tip due to strong stellarwinds or internal rotation While the He flash occurs typically at the tip of the RGB asufficient mass loss can lead a star to depart from the RGB so that the He flash is delayed


23 Subdwarf B stars formation scenarios

P = 10 minus 500 daysorb

sdBM = 030 minus 049 M


(mass ratio lt 12 minus 15)

Stable RLOF Channel

stable RLOF (near tip of RGB)

wide sdB binary with MSSG companion

envelope loss near RGB tipby stellar wind(rotation Z)

(1 or 2 CE phases)He WD merger

M = 040 minus 065 MsdB sun

M = 045 minus 049 MsdB sun

Single sdB Stars

gravitational radiation


Figure 23 Stable Roche-lobe channel (left) and single-starmerger channels (right) for theformation of sdB stars (Podsiadlowski 2008) By the kind permission of ASP ConferenceSeries vol 401 P Podsiadlowski p 63

(Castellani and Castellani 1993) The remnants of these ldquohot flashersrdquo are located closeto the He main sequence which coincides with the sdB location Although an ldquoearly hotflasherrdquo scenario may explain He and C abundances in sdB stars observations show someinconsistencies (Moehler et al 2011 Latour et al 2014)

Finally substellar objects eg brown dwarfs or even planets can lead to enough massloss in order to form sdB stars As described in the previous section the abundance ofplanets is high enough to be considered to survive and influence the late stellar evolutionFor a single red giant planets with orbital separations smaller than about 5 au will enhancethe mass loss when the planet is engulfed by the red giantrsquos atmosphere Since planetshave a comparable high angular momentum parts of it can be transferred to the envelopeIn consequence of this momentum transfer the planet spirals inwards and stellar mass lossincreases which leads to the formation of a sdB star In this scenario the planet wouldeither evaporate merge with the core or survive while most of the planetrsquos envelope islost (Soker 1998) With the merger scenario an enhanced stellar rotation could mix moreHe to the envelope and thus increase the RGB tip luminosity and further enhance the totalmass loss (Sweigart 1997) The hypothesis of surviving planetary systems is supportedby planetary-mass companions like the candidates V391 Peg b (Silvotti et al 2007) KIC05807616 bc (Charpinet et al 2011) KIC 10001893 bcd (Silvotti et al 2014) or browndwarf companions like V2008-1753 B (Schaffenroth et al 2015) or CS 1246 (Barlow et al2011b) Figure 25 illustrates the process of forming a sdB planetary system


2 Subdwarf B stars

P = 01 minus 10 daysorb




sdBM = 04 minus 049 M



shortminusperiod sdB binary with MS companionshortminusperiod sdB binary with He WD companion

commonminusenvelope phase commonminusenvelope phase

unstable RLOF minusminusminusgt dynamical mass transfer unstable RLOF minusminusminusgt dynamical mass transfer

stable RLOF

wide binary

CommonminusEnvelope Channels

CE only (mass ratio gt 12 minus 15)stable RLOF + CE (mass ratio lt 12 minus 15)

Figure 24 Common-envelope (CE) channels for the production of sdB stars The CE phasecan be either the first (right panel) or the second (left panel) mass-transfer phase producinga tight sdB binary with either a normal-star or white-dwarf companion respectively(Podsiadlowski 2008) By the kind permission of ASP Conference Series vol 401 PPodsiadlowski p 63

From observational data it cannot be ruled out that these planets may have formed assecond generation planets After the merger of two He WDs the remaining circumstellardisk could provide enough material to form planets in analogy to the pulsar planets(Wolszczan and Frail 1992 Thorsett et al 1993)

Finally there is evidence that some sdB stars are not core He-burning objects Heberet al (2003) discovered a sdB with insufficient mass to ignite He-burning in the core

24 Asteroseismology

Asteroseismology describes the study of the interiors of stars by using their oscillationsas seismic waves The first pulsating star was discovered in 1596 by David Fabricius Henoticed that the star ο Ceti (subsequently named ldquoMirardquo the wonderful) vanished from


24 Asteroseismology

Figure 25 Possible formation mechanism of close-in planets a The two planets identifiedby Charpinet et al (2011) were probably massive gas-giant planets during the early part oftheir host starrsquos life when the star burned hydrogen into helium as our Sun does today Atthis time the planets resided farther away from their host star than they do today b Whenthe star exhausted the supply of hydrogen in its core it expanded to become a red-giant starThe outer layers of the star then engulfed the orbits of the two planets The planets losttheir outer gaseous layers as their orbits spiralled inwards c For unknown reasons the redgiant expelled its cool outer layers leaving behind a small hot B subdwarf star The smallrocky cores of the initial planets were left behind in close-in orbits with periods of 58 and82 hours (Figure not drawn to scale) (Kempton 2011) Reprinted by permission fromCopyright Clearance Center Springer Nature Nature Planetary science ldquoThe ultimatefate of planetsrdquo Kemptoncopy2011

the visible sky Later on it was realized that the star did so every eleven months andbecame the first known (semi) periodic variable star Subsequently more variable stars likeδ Cephei (related stars are summarized as ldquoCepheidsrdquo) were discovered and their variationslinked to radial pulsations By now a large number of groups of pulsating star is known toexist Figure 26 shows their occurrences in a HRD Historically they have been classifiedon a phenomenological basis and mostly named after their prototype star The physicalreasons for the classification were uncovered later and are related to the different types ofexcited pulsation mode mass and evolutionary state Since this work relates mostly to sdBstars the following describes their driving mechanism Extensive overviews can be foundeg in Cunha et al (2007) Aerts et al (2010)

241 κ mechanismBaker and Kippenhahn (1962) proposed the κ mechanism to explain δ Cephei pulsationsFor stellar matter than can be described as an ideal gas an increase in compression ofthe atmosphere causes an increase in temperature and density This usually results in adecrease of the opacity κ allowing energy to be transported more efficiently This describesan equilibrium where temperature and pressure are balanced But in layers of the starwhere κ increases with increasing temperature the incoming flux from inner layers can betemporally stored These layers are associated with regions where (partial) ionization of


2 Subdwarf B stars

chemical elements occur When the layer expands in order to reach its equilibrium theadditionally accumulated energy is released and the star can expand beyond its equilibriumradius When the material recedes energy is again stored in the stellar interior and thecycle can repeat as a periodic stellar oscillation

Depending on the restoring force of the pulsations modes are either of the nature ofstanding acoustic waves (referred to as pressure modes or p modes) or internal gravitywaves (g modes) However especially in evolved stars both types of modes can be found

Unlike solar oscillations which are exited stochastically pulsations excited by theκ mechanism are coherent in phase their lifetime is very long compared to observationsspanning over years and change slowly due to stellar evolution These modes are suitablefor a pulsation timing analysis

In variable sdB stars (sdBV) the bump in opacity is related to elements of the iron group(Charpinet et al 1997) which are accumulated in the driving layers by diffusion processeslike gravitational settling and radiative levitation (cf Heber 2009 2016) Charpinetet al (1996) predicted the nonradial pulsations theoretically almost simultaneously totheir discovery by Kilkenny et al (1997) Effective temperatures Teff typically rangefrom 28 000 K to 35 000 K and surface gravity log g from 52 to 61 Observed pulsationamplitudes are usually smaller than 50 mmag Hybrid pulsators showing both p andg modes (eg Schuh et al 2006) locate at the temperature boundary around 28 000 Kbetween both classes of pulsators About ten per cent of the sdB stars located in theinstability strip of the Teffminus log g plane exhibit pulsations above a few mmag This fractionmight be biased due to detection limits of ground based observations However Keplerobservations confirmed the deficiency of p-mode pulsators in the instability strip (egOslashstensen et al 2011)

Due to the He fusion into C and O in the core of sdB stars the internal structure variesslowly and thus modifies the condition of hydrostatic equilibrium This results into slowsecular changes of the surface gravity and effective temperature and slow changes inthe pulsation period (Charpinet et al 2002) Using long-term observations these periodchanges can be measured

242 Asteroseismic observationsStellar oscillations generate motions and temperature variations on the surface and resultin observable variability These variations cause changes in brightness and colour radialvelocity and line profiles Thus pulsating stars can be studied using photometric andspectroscopic time series measurements which can be used to generate frequency spectra -one of the most important tools in asteroseismology The following focuses on time seriesphotometry

Since the observations are usually discrete and contain gaps a harmonic analysis isperformed using the Discrete Fourier Transformation

F( f ) =


x(tk) exp (i2π f tk)

of the measurements x(tk) which leads to an amplitude spectrum The observations opposelimitations to this spectrum Due to the discrete nature the highest useful frequency to


24 Asteroseismology

search for is called the Nyquist frequency

fNyq =1


with the time between two data points ∆t In the case of unevenly spaced data the Nyquistfrequency does not exist higher frequencies might be detectable With a finite length ofthe observations the spectrum has a finite frequency resolution proportional to the inverseof the total time span Moreover observations are likely to show gaps (eg daynight orseasonal observation windows technical problems poor observing conditions) some ofthem with a regular nature which produce additional peaks in the Fourier space Theseeffects combined are known as the ldquowindow functionrdquo in the time domain or as ldquospectralwindowrdquo in the Fourier space The spectral window can show multiple peaks even ifthe underlying signal is monochromatic and complicate the interpretation of the dataAdditionally long gaps produce unwanted signals in the low frequency regime In order toovercome the complex response in frequencies and amplitudes of the signal even withoutnoise different forms of periodograms have been defined A well-known and widelyapplied technique is the Lomb-Scargle periodogram (Scargle 1982) Horne and Baliunas(1986) Schwarzenberg-Czerny (1997) showed the equivalence of the variance reductionbetween a Lomb-Scargle periodogram and a least squares fit of sinusoids at test frequenciesThus fits of a harmonic series of sinusoids at test frequencies can be used to search fornon-sinusoidal signals as well The Lomb-Scargle periodogram does not require regularsampled data and is used for the analysis in this work (see Press et al (2007) VanderPlas(2017) cf section 8)


2 Subdwarf B stars

Figure 26 Hertzsprung-Russell diagram showing different classes of pulsating starsSome of these are named after a particular member of the class Others are acronymsrespectively for rapidly oscillating Ap (roAp) Slowly Pulsating B (SPB) subdwarf Bvariables (sdBV) The group labelled GW Vir includes what has formerly been known asthe PNNV stars (for Planetary Nebulae Nuclei Variables) and the variable hot DO whitedwarfs (DOV) the DBV and DAV stars are variable DB (helium-rich) and DA (hydrogen-rich) white dwarfs The parallel long-dashed lines indicate the Cepheid instability strip(Cunha et al 2007) Reprinted by permission from Copyright Clearance Center SpringerNature Astron Astrophys Rev ldquoAsteroseismology and interferometryrdquo Cunhacopy2007


Part II

The EXOTIME project


3 Targets

The EXOTIME program (EXOplanet search with the TIming MEthod) was born out oflong-term monitoring of the object HS 2201+2610 in order to measure long-term drifts inthe pulsation periods P The large amount of data made it possible to not only constrain sdBstar evolution from P but resulted in the postulation of the substellar companion candidateV391 Peg b using the pulsation timing method (Silvotti et al 2007) With the puzzlingformation history of sdB stars the authors initiated the EXOTIME program in 2008The project extends the long-term monitoring to the objects HS 0702+6043 (DW Lyn)HS 0444+0458 (V1636 Ori) PG 1325+101 (QQ Vir) EC 09582-1137 (V541 Hya) andHS 2201+2610 (V391 Peg) While the majority of exoplanet research is strongly focussedon planets (and moons) in the habitable zone and formation of planetary systems themain goal of the EXOTIME project is to detect exoplanets orbiting evolved stars usingthe stellar pulsations to conclude on timing variations (see section 5) Transit and radialvelocity searches are not efficient for stars with small radii and high gravities like sdB starsAdditionally the project wants to characterize the target stars using asteroseismic methodsand in particular the measurement of P

The following sections describe the targets and their observations in detail Theirselection followed some basic properties The targets must be observable from the Northernhemisphere and bright enough for a sufficient signal-to-noise ratio in the Johnson B bandwith 1 m to 3 m class telescopes since sdB stars emit the maximum energy in the nearUV regime A suitable target for the timing method should show two to four independentpulsation frequencies coherent in phase and stable in amplitude (gt1 mmag 01 ) Eachfrequency leads to an independent timing measurement But coherence and stability canonly be verified with the long-term monitoring To ensure the sdB star is not accompaniedby a low-mass star in a binary system there should be no strong IR excess compared toa black body spectrum The observational parameters of the five EXOTIME targets aresummarized in Table 31 Section 7 describes DW Lyn V1636 Ori QQ Vir V541 Hya indetail and lists the atmospheric parameters in Table 71

Observations and results on a substellar companion for V391 Peg are published bySilvotti et al (2007) alternative scenarios are discussed by Silvotti (2008) and additionalobservations are published by Silvotti et al (2018) The latter publication placed the firstinterpretation of the O minus C variations under discussion because of possible non-linearinteractions between different pulsation modes that change arrival times We proposedfor continued observations at the Las Cumbres Observatory (LCO Brown et al 2013)using 2 m class telescopes in order to connect observations from Silvotti et al (2018)with upcoming TESS observations in 2020 In 2017 we observed for about 52 hours in2019 for eight hours each in the Johnson B band with exposure times of 10 s to 20 s Theobservations are listed in Table 32


3 Targets

Table 31 Observational properties of the EXOTIME targets taken fromhttpsimbadu-strasbgfrsimbad and amplitude of the main pulsation (mea-sured in this work and by Silvotti et al (2007))

Target RA (J2000) DE (J2000) B mag JminusH ampl

DW Lyn 7h7m980s 60deg38prime50 primeprime16 147 minus0123 219V1636 Ori 4h47m1863s 5deg3prime34 primeprime81 1544 0043 054QQ Vir 13h27m4856s 9deg54prime51 primeprime05 1373 minus014 26V541 Hya 10h0m4182s minus11deg51prime34 primeprime59 1501 minus025 031V391 Peg 22h4m1210s 26deg25prime7 primeprime82 1441 001 085


3 Targets

Table 32 Summary of the newly acquired observations for V391 Peg

observatory obs date exp time s obs time h

LCO 2017-09-12 10 122 2017-09-14 10 068

2017-09-15 10 1402017-09-16 10 4722017-09-17 10 6182017-09-18 10 1222017-09-19 10 6922017-09-20 10 0722017-09-21 10 3952017-09-22 10 2702017-09-26 20 0752017-09-28 20 1752017-09-29 20 0222017-09-30 20 0752017-10-01 20 1272017-10-02 20 0752017-10-03 20 5182017-10-05 20 0232017-10-06 20 0382017-10-07 20 0772017-11-05 20 2072017-11-06 20 0752017-11-09 20 1682017-11-10 20 4222017-11-13 20 2182019-09-07 20 1102019-09-09 20 0072019-09-10 20 2482019-09-11 20 2672019-09-12 20 130

Σ 6027


4 Multi-epoch photometric data

41 Time series photometryThe timing method applied to the data and described in the next section imposes re-quirements on the photometric time series Each observation run needs a high temporalresolution of less than about 30 s in order to sample the p-modes correctly and a highsignal-to-noise ratio to detect their low amplitudes A single phase measurement in thelater analysis is required to reach an uncertainty in the order of one second Therefore theobservations should cover about three consecutive nights each with about three hours forone phase measurement

411 Photometry

In order to make use of the raw CCD images from the observations the data need tobe calibrated properly This includes detector specific corrections (bias and dark fieldsubtraction) as well as instrumental and sensitivity corrections (flat field division) Thefollowing photometric measurements were performed using the IDL package TRIPP (TimeResolved Imaging Photometry Package) Some data have been reduced using differentsoftware packages but the concept does not differ A circular aperture is placed aroundthe target star and measures the flux An annulus around this aperture or a further fieldmeasures the background flux which is subtracted from the target flux Since variationsin the Earthrsquos atmosphere on short and long term time scales (sky transparency air mass)affect this measurement the target flux is compared to the flux of multiple comparison starsThe field of view is assumed to be small enough that all atmospheric variations influencethe flux of all stars equally This procedure is applied to all images of an observationrun and yields the light curve Atmospheric extinction is correction by a second orderpolynomial in time

412 Timing accuracy

Accurate time stamps for each observation is crucial for the analysis of timing effectsAcquisition equipment is usually synced via network with a time server to the universaltime (UTC) However some of the first observations used for the project do not recordthe fraction of the second Thus the accuracy of individual observations is assumed to bebetter than plusmn05 s

Additional to the recording of precise time stamps the observer needs to be positionedin a rest frame compared to the target Without the necessary corrections the result would


4 Multi-epoch photometric data

be superimposed by the Earthrsquos motion around the barycentre of the Solar system anddiscontinuous time standards Eastman et al (2010) describes the necessary formalismin detail The Barycentric Coordinate Time (TDB) time frame including barycentriccorrections for the Solar system is accurate down to 34 ms and applied to all observationaltime stamps (hereafter refereed as BJD(TDB))


5 Methods

51 O minusC Pipeline

Already in the 17th century Ole Rœmer made use of the travel time of light in order tomeasure the speed of light (eg Soter and deGrasse Tyson 2001) An inversion of thisscenario allows to measure changes of orbits using the finite speed of light In astronomythis idea is widely used for different applications eg on pulsars eclipsing binary systemstiming variations on planetary transits or stellar pulsations In the context of stellarpulsations this concept is referred to as the O minusC method (Observed minus Calculated)The approach compares the phase of a periodic function to a reference phase and thusallow conclusions on variations in the observed phase While the following describes themethod illustratively the specific implementation of the O minus C method in this work isexplained in section 8

The schematic construction of an O minusC diagram is pictured in Fig 51 Requirementfor a OminusC analysis is a sufficiently long observational time span of the stellar pulsation Alight curve model fit to full data set provides the reference phase referred to as C Similarfits to small sub-sets of the observation provides an independent light curve model Thuseach sub-set called epoch provides a phase measurement referred to as O Iteratingthrough all epochs in time yield the differences between the average phase of the referencemodel and the phase measurements of the epochs called O minusC diagram

An O minusC diagram with no variations implies an agreement between observed phasesand the reference phase Linear changes in the diagram suggest a wrong frequency for thereference model and thus a constant error added per cycle More complex deviations aredescribed below

511 Linear change in period

The following considerations can be found in Kepler et al (1991) In order to makeuse of the timing method a sufficiently stable timer in the observed system is requiredldquoSufficientlyrdquo refers to accuracy compared to the length of observations In the case ofstellar pulsations this timer is a periodic brightness variation The observed time of theEth cycle can be expressed as

TE = T0 + PE

with the period P at T0 and the epoch E as in the cycle number counted from T0Due to physical processes the stellar pulsation period will change slowly over time


5 Methods


O1 O2 O3








Figure 51 Schematic picture of the O minusC diagram construction Top A model to the fulllight curve yields the reference phase C Middle Light curve models to each epoch yieldindividual phase information O Bottom Construction of the O minusC diagram from abovemeasurements

(see section 241) If this change is small TE can be expand in a Taylor series

TE = T0 +dTdE

(E minus E0) +12


(E minus E0)2 + O ((E minus E0))2

Terms of higher order are neglected Expanding the quadratic term using dTdE = Pleads to

d2TdE2 =




= PdPdt

Assuming 2E0 E finally yields

TE = T0 + PE +12


In order to compare the model of a slowly changing period with the null hypotheses(ldquothe period is stablerdquo) both identify with

O B T0 + PE +12


C B T prime0 + PprimeE

where O stands for observed ephemerides with a constant period Pprime and C for the calculatedor computed ephemerides With ∆T = T0 minus T prime0 and ∆P = P minus Pprime and E = tPminus1 this leads to

O minusC = ∆T0 +∆PP

t +12




51 O minusC Pipeline











Figure 52 Schematic picture of the orbital configuration

In an O minusC diagram a fit with a parabolic function yields the evolutionary time scalePP

512 Light travel time effect

Assuming a two body system consisting of the pulsating star and a companion both orbittheir common centre of mass The motion of pulsating star with mass M around thebarycentre implies a variation in the projected line of sight as show in Fig 52 whichtranslates into a change in light travel time The periodic pulsation of the star allow formeasuring this change and hence concluding on the minimum mass of the companion mAssuming a circular orbit due to the proposed formation history of companions of subdwarfB stars the change in light travel time varies periodically and imposes a sinusoidal signalin the O minusC diagram The following describes the derivation of the expected amplitude ofthis light travel time effect (eg Hilditch 2001 pp 29)

Let the line of sight be aligned with the z direction With the inclination of the orbit ithe argument of periapsis ω and the true anomaly ϑ of the Kepler ellipse the z componentof the radius vector r reads as

rz = r sin (i) sin (ω + ϑ)

Keplerrsquos laws of planetary motion yield

r =a(1 minus e2

)1 + e cos (ϑ)


5 Methods

with the semi mayor axis a and the eccentricity e Thus

rz =a(1 minus e2

)1 + e cos (ϑ)

sin (i) sin (ω + ϑ)

With Keplerrsquos Third Law follows for the semi major axis

a3 = Gm3P2

4π4 (M + m)2

where P is the orbital period Assuming a circular orbit with e = 0 The maximumdisplacement ∆rz in the orbit occurs at sin (ω + ϑ) = plusmn1

∆rz = 2G13m(

P2π (M + m)


sin i

The light travel time follows from

∆T =rz





2π (M + m)


sin i

which is the semi-amplitude of the sinusoidal signal in the O minus C diagram induced by asub-stellar companion due to the light travel time effect

52 Artificial data testingOnce such a fast pipeline is deployed it provides a convenient way to analyse artificialdata with precisely known input parameters and test for the expected results In order toavoid additional effects due to irregular observations and gaps in the data the artificialdata are mostly generated according to the PLATO scheme cadence of 25 s for three years(ie 186 times 106 measurements) and a signal to noise ratio of about 6 as expected for a14 mag star in the B band observed with all 24 telescopes (ESASRE 2011) A differentset of artificial data is created for a simplified ground-based observational scheme (threeconsecutive nights per month each eight hours for ten years ie 124 times 105) Since theresults between these two sets are very similar merely the PLATO-like scheme is discussedbelow

In total about 50 different scenarios of frequency spacings and amplitudes wereinvestigated Some interesting cases are explained below

Resonant frequencies Pulsations with frequency-spacing in integer multiples mightcause an unstable fitting process To test for such scenarios a set of several light curves wascreated They simulate pulsation frequencies in 12 13 and 15 resonances with a constantphase and amplitude The resulting fits to individual modes tend to show oscillatingphases but the simultaneous fit of all frequencies is stable and recovers successfully phase-and amplitude-information Fig 54 shows an example of resonant modes with a basefrequency of 240 dminus1 Some modes tend to show an constant offset in the O minusC diagrambut are on average still close to the null hypothesis


52 Artificial data testing







0 50 100 150 200 250

0 1000 2000


f dminus1

f microHz







minus002minus001 0 001 002

minus02 minus01 0 01 02




f dminus1

f microHz

Figure 53 Left Amplitude spectrum for four resonant pulsations with frequencies of240 dminus1 120 dminus1 80 dminus1 and 48 dminus1 and amplitudes of 05 Right Window function











0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100


48 dminus1 80 dminus1 120 dminus1 240 dminus1




t d

Figure 54 Results for four resonant pulsations with frequencies of 240 dminus1 120 dminus1 80 dminus1

and 48 dminus1 Each epoch contains data from one month Top Reconstructed AmplitudesBottom O minusC diagram


5 Methods




27776 27778 2778



04 minus f1




23998 240 24002



f microHz



f dminus1







minus002minus001 0 001 002

minus02 minus01 0 01 02




f dminus1

f microHz

Figure 55 Left Amplitude spectrum for two close pulsations with frequencies of240000 dminus1 and 240002 dminus1 and amplitudes of 05 and 02 (top) after subtraction ofthe mode at 240000 dminus1 (middle) and residuals after subtraction of the mode at 240002 dminus1

(bottom) Right Window function

Close frequencies Unresolved frequencies are a problem in the analysis of data andinterpretation of their results The frequency resolution is intrinsic to the observationpattern Unfortunately it is very difficult to conclude from an observational O minus Cpattern on unresolved frequencies The vast range of possible combinations in number offrequencies their spacing and amplitude ratios makes it almost impossible to conclude on aspecific configuration to explain the observations However if there is a resolved multipletin the observations but the signal-to-noise ratio of individual amplitudes is not goodenough to provide useful phase measurements a simulated multiplet on the observationaltime grid can provide insights on the O minusC behaviour of the main frequency Additionallythe window function can help to interpret amplitude spectra

Artificial test cases can raise awareness of possible O minus C patterns and caution theinterpretation of observational results The following tests were conducted with twopulsation frequencies and a constant phase which should result in a O minus C diagram notdifferent from zero

With a sufficient frequency separation and signal-to-noise ratio for both pulsations(see Fig 55) the O minusC diagram might show mode-beating effects like in Fig 56 Therecovered amplitude and phase of the main pulsation mode show periodic variationsalthough they should appear constant Thus the simultaneous occurrence of amplitude-and phase-modulations in an O minusC diagram should caution the interpretation in favour ofa light travel time effect

When the signal-to-noise ratio for one frequency is barely over the noise level it mightbe considered as noise after the pre-whitening of the dominant mode and neglected Using


52 Artificial data testing











0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100


2400 dminus1 240002 dminus1




t d

Figure 56 Results of the simultaneous fit of two close pulsations with frequencies of2400 dminus1 and 240002 dminus1 and similar amplitudes Each epoch contains data from onemonth TopReconstructed Amplitudes Bottom O minusC diagram

the example above but reducing the amplitude of the second pulsation from 05 to0001 (see Fig 57) leads to the O minusC diagram in Fig 58 The second pulsation is nottaken into consideration because the amplitude does not elevate above the noise level Themain pulsation shows periodic variations in the phase as to be expected from a substellarcompanion At the same time the amplitude appears to be modulated as well indicating amode-beating effect These scenarios strengthen the need for at least one additional phasevariation measurement on an independent pulsation mode in order to conclude on reflexmotion effects due to a substellar companion

Variable amplitude Previous observational studies show that amplitude modulationsare a common phenomenon for sdB stars Kilkenny (2010) But due to the relatively shortobservational baseline of such investigations it is not clear whether amplitude modulationscan appear on their own or together with phase modulations (as result of mode beatingeffects) Thus the OminusC method needs to be able to distinguish between the two scenarioswhich can be tested by using a simulated mode with an amplitude modulation but nophase modulation The example data set shown in Fig 59 and 510 exhibits an amplitudemodulation of 50 The OminusC analysis recovers successful this amplitude variation Alsothe phase shows no simultaneous variation which enables the distinction between a modebeating and pure amplitude modulated scenario


5 Methods




27776 27778 2778




23998 240 24002



f microHz




f dminus1







minus002minus001 0 001 002

minus02 minus01 0 01 02




f dminus1

f microHz

Figure 57 Left Amplitude spectrum for two close pulsations with frequencies of 2400 dminus1

and 240002 dminus1 and amplitudes of 05 and 0001 (top) residuals after subtractionof the mode at 2400 dminus1 (bottom) Note the different scale The residual peaks are onlyslightly above the average noise level Right Window function





0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100


2400 dminus1




t d

Figure 58 Results for two close pulsations with frequencies of 2400 dminus1 and 240002 dminus1

and very different amplitudes Each epoch contains data from one month Top Recon-structed Amplitude Bottom O minusC diagram for the main pulsation


52 Artificial data testing




27776 27778 2778




23998 240 24002



f microHz




f dminus1







minus002minus001 0 001 002

minus02 minus01 0 01 02




f dminus1

f microHz

Figure 59 Left Amplitude spectrum for one pulsation with a frequency of 2400 dminus1

and an amplitude of 05 varying by 50 with a 300 d period (top) residuals afterpre-whitening of the mode at 2400 dminus1 (bottom) Right Window function




0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100


2400 dminus1




t d

Figure 510 Results for one simulated pulsation with a frequency of 2400 dminus1 and anamplitude of 05 The amplitude is varying by 50 with a 300 d period Each epochcontains data from one month Top Reconstructed Amplitude Bottom O minusC diagram


5 Methods

53 Alternative approaches

531 Analytic signal

The analytic signal (AS) is a complex-valued function where real and imaginary part arerelated to each other by the Hilbert transform In polar coordinates the AS can be expressedin terms of its amplitude and phase as a function of time called envelope and instantaneousphase The instantaneous frequency can be obtained by differentiating the instantaneousphase in respect to time From the instantaneous phase an O minusC diagram can be inferredwhich makes the AS a potentially useful tool to investigate phase amplitude and frequencyvariations in stellar pulsations See III (2007) for a comprehensive overview

The AS s(t) of a signal s(t) is defined as

s(t) = s(t) + iH (s(t))

where the Hilbert transformationH is defined over the convolution

H =1πtlowast s(t)

While the original signal generates one amplitude value for each point in time the analyticalrepresentation generates a rotating vector in the complex plane Thus the analyticalrepresentation provides instantaneous values for amplitude frequency and phase withonly a single sample of a discrete signal

The AS is implemented in the scipy library (Jones et al 2011) Since it is based onFourier transforms it requires equidistant steps in time Thus a space born observatorywith a regular and continuous observing scheme is preferred over ground based observa-tions by this method Due to barycentric motion of the spacecraft the time steps will bedistorted after correcting for the barycentric motion Therefore an interpolation in time isnecessary which makes the analysis computationally very expensive

In order to test the implementation the artificial light curves should represent thistemporal behavior The data were generated sampling one stellar pulsation mode accordingto the PLATO scheme (cadence of 25 s for three years) and an ldquoinverserdquo barycentriccorrection was applied in order to create the irregular temporal spacing

For the analysis the artificial data are interpolated on a grid with a spacing of theshortest time between two measurements close to 25 s From an amplitude spectrum thefrequency of the pulsation mode is selected very similar to the classical O minusC approachimplemented for this work In the presence of multiple pulsation frequencies a frequencyfiltering is necessary After the computation of the envelope instantaneous phase andfrequency the expected linear cycle count is subtracted from the instantaneous phase toyield the OminusC diagram (see Fig 511) Since the AS is computed without a binning of datathe result appears to be scattering much more than the classical O minusC result Averagingthe results over a sufficient amount of time smooths the measurements Neverthelessthe process of interpolation before the actual analysis can start is computationally veryexpensive about a factor 1000 more than the classical O minusC calculation This makes theHilbert transform not practical for analysing irregular high cadence data This approachhas not been further pursued in this work


53 Alternative approaches



50100150200250300350 frequency



0 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 01




ampl envelope 2400 dminus1f




t d

Figure 511 Results of the Hilbert transform for one pulsation with a frequency of2400 dminus1 and an amplitude of 05 Top Flux measurements (black) sampled from thepulsation (grey) and amplitude envelope (red) Middle Instantaneous frequency BottomInstantaneous phase minus reference phase

532 Independent confirmation via direct imagingDirect imaging with adaptive optics allow for observations near the refraction limit of thetelescope This might offer the possibility to confirm sub-stellar companion candidateswhere a clear detection using the pulsation timing is affected by non-linear effects ofstellar pulsations However possible companions are still not resolvable with currenttechnology V391 Peg and DW Lyn have a distance of d = (12387000 plusmn 822422) pc andd = (14954389 plusmn 1303785) pc respectively (Gaia Collaboration et al 2018) With semimajor axis of about 17 au (Silvotti et al 2007) and 196 au the hypothetical companionswould be separated by 137 mas and 131 mas from the host star respectively This isabout one order of magnitude smaller than the theoretical angular resolution of 8 m classtelescopes The remaining EXOTIME targets are not significantly closer to Earth Thusthe sub-stellar companion candidates in the EXOTIME sample can not be confirmed viadirect imaging


Part III

The EXOTIME project Signals in theO minusC diagrams of the rapidly pulsatingsubdwarfs DW Lyn V1636 Ori QQ Vir

and V541 Hya


This chapter is published as a journal article ldquoThe EXOTIME project Signals inthe O minus C diagrams of the rapidly pulsating subdwarfs DW Lyn V1636 Ori QQ Virand V541 Hyardquo in Astronomy and Astrophysics (AampA 638 (2020) A108 DOI httpsdoiorg1010510004-6361201937172) copy F Mackebrandt et al 2020Authors F Mackebrandt12 S Schuh1 R Silvotti3 S-L Kim4 D Kilkenny5 EM Green6 R Lutz7 T Nagel8 J L Provencal910 T Otani1112 T D Oswalt1112

S Benatti13 L Lanteri3 A Bonanno14 A Frasca14 R Janulis15 M Paparoacute16 LMolnaacuter1617 R Claudi13 R H Oslashstensen18

Contributions FM analysed the data and wrote the manuscript SS is CoI of the EXO-TIME project coordinated observations at CAHA and supervised the findings of this workRS is PI of the EXOTIME project coordinated observations at TNG and contributedFig 910 and the according description in section 95 The following authors observed andreduced the data S-LK (LOAO) DK (SAAO) EMG (MtB) RL (MN) TN (Tue)JLP (WET) TO (SARA-KP) TDO (SARA-KP) SB (Asi) LL (Loi) AB (Serrala Nave) AF (Serra la Nave) RJ (Mol) MP (Kon) LM (Kon) RC (Asi) RHOslash(NOT)The manuscript has been read discussed and approved by all named authors

Photometric data of Fig 71 results in Fig 92 94 96 and 99 and figures in theappendix are only available at the CDS via anonymous ftp to cdsarcu-strasbgfr(130791285) or via httpcdsarcu-strasbgfrviz-bincatJA+A638

1 Max-Planck-Institut fuumlr Sonnensystemforschung Justus-von-Liebig-Weg 3 37077 Goumlttingen Germany2 Institut fuumlr Astrophysik Georg-August-Universitaumlt Goumlttingen Friedrich-Hund-Platz 1 37077 Goumlttingen

Germany3 INAF ndash Osservatorio Astrofisico di Torino strada dellrsquoOsservatorio 20 10025 Pino Torinese Italy4 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute Daejeon 34055 South Korea5 Department of Physics and Astronomy University of the Western Cape Private Bag X17 Bellville 7535

South Africa6 Steward Observatory University of Arizona 933 N Cherry Avenue Tucson AZ 85721 USA7 German Aerospace Center (DLR) Remote Sensing Technology Institute Muumlnchener Str 20 82234

Weszligling Germany8 Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics Kepler Center for Astro and Particle Physics University of

Tuumlbingen 72076 Tuumlbingen Germany9 University of Delaware Department of Physics and Astronomy Newark DE 19716 USA10 Delaware Asteroseismic Research Center Mt Cuba Observatory Greenville DE 19807 USA11 Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Department of Physical Science and SARA Daytona Beach FL

32114 USA12 Florida Institute of Technology Department of Physics amp Space Sciences Melbourne FL 32901 USA13 INAF ndash Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova Vicolo dellacircAZOsservatorio 5 35122 Padova Italy14 INAF ndash Osservatorio Astrofisico di Catania Via S Sofia 78 95123 Catania Italy15 Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astronomy Vilnius University Gostauto 12 Vilnius 01108 Lithuania16 Konkoly Observatory Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences Konkoly-Thege M uacutet 15-17

1121 Budapest Hungary17 MTA CSFK Lenduumllet Near-Field Cosmology Research Group Konkoly Observatory18 Department of Physics Astronomy and Materials Science Missouri State University Springfield MO

65897 USA


A108Based on observations obtained at the 09 m SARA-KP telescope which is operated bythe Southeastern Association for Research in Astronomy (saraobservatoryorg)


6 Introduction

Subdwarf B stars (sdBs) are sub-luminous stars with a mass of about 05 M located at theblue end of the horizontal branch which is the so-called extreme horizontal branch (EHBHeber 1986) They maintain a helium burning core but their thin hydrogen envelope(Menv lt 001 M) cannot sustain hydrogen shell burning which identifies sdBs withstripped cores of red giants (Heber 2016) Binary evolution with a common envelope (CE)is the favoured formation scenario for most sdBs The sdB progenitor fills its Roche lobenear the tip of the RGB A CE is formed when the mass transfer rate is sufficiently highand the companion star cannot accrete all the matter For close binary systems with smallinitial mass ratios q lt 12ndash15 two phases of mass transfer occur The first Roche-lobeoverflow is stable whereas the second one is unstable leading to the ejection of the CEThe resulting binary consists of an sdB star and a white dwarf in a short-period orbitFor initial mass ratios q gt 12ndash15 the first mass-transfer phase is unstable and the CE isejected producing an sdB star with a non-degenerate (eg main sequence star) companionA more detailed review of formation and evolution of compact binary systems can be foundin Podsiadlowski (2008) and Postnov and Yungelson (2014) These formation scenarioscannot explain the observed additional occurrence of apparently single sdBs (Maxtedet al 2001) Among the proposed formation scenarios is the proposal by Webbink (1984)that they could be formed by a merger of two helium white dwarfs But such mergersare problematic as they are expected to retain very little hydrogen (Han et al 2002) andbe left with higher rotation rates than what has been observed (Charpinet et al 2018)Moreover the overall observed mass distribution of single sdB stars is not consistent withthat expected from the proposed formation scenario Sub-stellar companions could resolvethis disagreement between theory and observations Planetary-mass companions like thecandidates V391 Peg b (Silvotti et al 2007) KIC 05807616 bc (Charpinet et al 2011)KIC 10001893 bcd (Silvotti et al 2014) or brown dwarf companions like V2008-1753 B(Schaffenroth et al 2015) or CS 1246 (Barlow et al 2011b) indicate the existence of apreviously undiscovered population of companions to apparently single sdBs

Due to the high surface gravity and effective temperature (leading to few stronglybroadened spectral lines in the optical) and the small radii of sdBs the detection efficiencyfor companions via methods like radial velocity variations or transits is small The timingof stellar pulsations offers a complementary detection method sensitive to large orbitalseparations

A small fraction of sdB stars shows pulsational variations in the p- (pressure-) andg- (gravity-) mode regimes Rapid p-mode pulsators (sdBVr) discovered by Kilkennyet al (1997) show periods of the order of minutes and amplitudes of a few tens of mmagSuch pulsations were predicted by Charpinet et al (1997 et seq) to be driven by theκ-mechanism due to a Z-opacity bump For slow pulsators (sdBVs) the periods range


6 Introduction

from 30 to 80 min with small amplitudes of a few mmag This class was discovered byGreen et al (2003) and the pulsations are explained by the κ-mechanism as well (Fontaineet al 2003) Some sdB stars show both types of pulsation modes simultaneously (sdBVrs)These hybrid pulsators lie at the temperature boundary near 28000 K between the twoclasses of pulsating stars for example the prototype for this class DW Lyn (Schuh et al2006) which is also addressed in this work or Balloon 090100001 (Baran et al 2005)

Pulsations driven by the κ-mechanism are coherent which qualifies these objects forthe timing method to search for sub-stellar companions This method is based on thelight-travel time effect with the host star acting as a stable ldquoclockrdquo spatial movements ofthe star around the barycentre induced by a companion result in time delays of the stellarlight measured by the observer Examples of detections using this method are ldquopulsar-planetsrdquo (eg Wolszczan and Frail 1992) planets detected by transit timing variations (egKepler 19 c Ballard et al 2011) planets orbiting δScuti stars (Murphy et al 2016a) oreclipsing binaries (eg V2051 Oph (AB) b Qian et al 2015) In particular the detectionof a late-type main sequence star companion to the sdB CS 1246 by Barlow et al (2011b)subsequently confirmed with radial velocity data (Barlow et al 2011a) or other studieslike Otani et al (2018) demonstrate the viability of this method in sdB systems On theother hand the particular example of V391 Peg b is currently under discussion (Silvottiet al 2018) because of possible non-linear interactions between different pulsation modesthat change arrival times (see Zong et al 2018 for a detailed study of amplitudefrequencyvariations related to nonlinear effects) Stochastically driven pulsations are suspected byReed et al (2007a) Kilkenny (2010) and their nature confirmed by Oslashstensen et al (2014)Also the candidate detections of KIC 05807616 and KIC 10001893 are uncertain sinceother sdBs observed within the Kepler K2- mission exhibit g-modes with long periods upto few hours They question the interpretation of the low-frequency variations for KIC05807616 and KIC 10001893 (eg Krzesinski 2015 Blokesz et al 2019)

In order to detect sub-stellar companions orbiting rapidly pulsating sdB stars theEXOTIME observational programme (EXOplanet search with the TIming MEthod) hasbeen taking long term data since 1999 EXOTIME conducted a long-term monitoringprogramme of five rapidly pulsating sdB stars V391 Peg has been discussed by Silvottiet al (2007 2018) In this paper we present the observations of DW Lyn and V1636 Oripreviously discussed in Lutz et al (2008a) Schuh et al (2010) Lutz (2011) Lutz et al(2011) and re-evaluate their findings using an extended set of observations In additionthe observations of QQ Vir and V541 Hya are presented and analysed In the beginning ofthe programme the mode stability was tested for all targets over a timespan of months inorder to ensure the pulsation modes were coherent

For the DW Lyn observations Lutz et al (2011) found no significant signals in aperiodogram of the O minus C data of the two analysed pulsation frequencies which wouldindicate sub-stellar companions A tentative signal in the second frequency (in this worklabelled f2 as well) formally corresponding to an 80-day companion orbit is concludedto arise from mode beating of an unresolved frequency doublet The analysis of V1636Ori revealed a signal at 160 d in the periodogram of the main frequency O minusC data (Lutzet al 2011) Although this periodicity showed a significance of only 1σ Lutz et al(2011) predicted an increase of significance with follow-up observations We are usingthis extended data set in our work now incorporating observations up to 2015

This paper is organised as follows Section 7 describes the observational aspects within


6 Introduction

the EXOTIME programme and the data reduction followed by a description of our analysisin Sect 8 Our results are presented in Sect 9 together with a discussion


7 Observations and data reduction

The observational data necessary for the analysis are comprised of many individual datasets gathered over the course of up to two decades The detection method demands theobservation of a target for a total time base at least as long as one orbit of a potentialcompanion which can span several years This requires coordinated campaigns withobservatories using ~1 ndash 4 m telescopes In order to derive sufficient accuracy for theanalysis observations with at least three to four consecutive nights each with a minimumof two to three hours per target are required To resolve the short-period p-modes thecadence must be shorter than about 30 s but still with a sufficient signal-to-noise ratio(SN) All observations used the Johnson-Bessel B band The correct time stamps foreach observation are of most importance for the timing analysis Most observatories ofthis study contributed already successfully to the work of Silvotti et al (2007) Silvotti(2008 Table 2) The following lists some references where telescopes used for thisstudy contributed successfully to other timing-relevant observations Konkoly RCC 10 mTelescope Provencal et al (2009) Stello et al (2006) Mt Lemmon Optical AstronomyObservatory Bischoff-Kim et al (2019) Lee et al (2014) Serra la Nave 09 m Bonannoet al (2003ab) SARA-KP 09 m telescope Kilkenny (2014) Baran et al (2018)

Table 71 lists the atmospheric parameters of the stars and Table 72 summarisesthe photometric observations obtained at multiple medium-class telescopes Fig 71summarises the observational coverage

71 DW Lyn

Dreizler et al (2002) identified DW Lyn (HS 0702+6043) as a p-mode pulsator Schuhet al (2006) discovered additional g-mode pulsations making this star the prototype of

Table 71 Atmospheric parameters of the targets

Target Te f f K log(g cm





DW Lyn 28 400plusmn600 535plusmn01 -27plusmn01 1V1636 Ori 33 800plusmn1 000 560plusmn015 -185plusmn020 2QQ Vir 34 800plusmn610 581plusmn005 -165plusmn005 3V541 Hya 34 806plusmn230 5794plusmn0044 -1680plusmn0056 4

1 Dreizler et al (2002) 2 Oslashstensen et al (2001) 3 Telting andOslashstensen (2004) 4 Randall et al (2009)


7 Observations and data reduction






54500 55000 55500 56000 56500

2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013










54500 55000 55500 56000 56500 57000

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015








71 DW Lyn






52000 52500 53000 53500 54000 54500 55000 55500 56000

2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013










53000 53500 54000 54500 55000 55500 56000 56500 57000 57500

2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016







Figure 71 Light curves Grey points are considered outliers and partially exceeding theplotting range (a) DW Lyn (b) V1636 Ori (c) QQ Vir (d) V541 Hya


7 Observations and data reductionTable












































































































































































72 V1636 Ori

hybrid sdB pulsatorsThere are photometric data available from 1999 Large gaps make a consistent O minusC

analysis difficult Regular monitoring within the EXOTIME programme ran from 2007until the beginning of 2010 Further observations cover a period up to the end of 2010These multi-site observations are described in Lutz et al (2008ab 2011) Here we addobservations made with the SARA-KP 09 m telescope at Kitt Peak National Observatoryin Arizona that used exposure times of 30 s

72 V1636 OriOslashstensen et al (2001) discovered V1636 Ori (HS 0444+0458) as a pulsating sdB starReed et al (2007b) conducted a frequency analysis reporting one small and two largeamplitude p-modes

V1636 Ori was observed between August 2008 and January 2015 for the EXOTIMEproject About a third of the data was obtained using the 1 m South African AstronomicalObservatory (SAAO) with the UCT and STE3 CCD instruments Observations at the 12 mMONETNorth telescope equipped with an Apogee 1ktimes1k E2V CCD camera were takenin 2x2 binning using 20 s exposure times Observations at the 22 m Calar Alto Observatory(CAHA) used the CAFOS instrument with 10 s exposure time Two nights were obtainedat the 15 m telescope at Loiano observatory using the BFOSC (Bologna Faint ObjectSpectrograph amp Camera) instrument and 15 s exposure times Between October 2008 andDecember 2009 observations at the 1 m Mt Lemmon Optical Astronomy Observatory(LOAO) were conducted with a 2ktimes2k CCD camera with exposure times of 12 s and 20 sThe observations at the 36 m Telescopio Nazionale Galileo (TNG) in August 2008 and2010 were performed with the DOLORES instrument and 5 s exposure times

73 QQ VirThe discovery of QQ Vir (PG 1325+101) as a multi-period pulsator was reported in Silvottiet al (2002) followed by a frequency analysis and asteroseismological modelling bySilvotti et al (2006) and Charpinet et al (2006) respectively

Observations of QQ Vir in 2001 and 2003 are described in Silvotti et al (2002) andSilvotti et al (2006) respectively Between March 2008 and April 2010 the object wasobserved as part of the EXOTIME project (Benatti et al 2010) Additionally one obser-vation run in February 2005 was performed at the 15 m telescope at Loiano observatoryusing the BFOSC instrument Most of the observations were obtained in 2009 2010 2011and 2012 at the LOAO using an exposure time of 10 s The CAHA and MONETNorthobservations were conducted with 10 s and 20 s exposure times respectively The Loianoobservatory performed additional observations in 2009 2010 and 2011 with the 15 mtelescope using BFOSC and an exposure times of 12 s 15 s and 20 s Observations atthe Moletai Astronomical Observatory (Mol) in 2008 were performed using the 16 mtelescope and an Apogee 1ktimes1k E2V CCD camera using 175 s of exposure time Obser-vations at the SAAO used the same instrumental set up as described in section 72 TheTNG observed in 2010 and 2011 A DARC-WET campaign on QQ Vir was performed inMay 2010


7 Observations and data reduction

74 V541 HyaV541 Hya (EC 09582-1137) was discovered by Kilkenny et al (2006) Randall et al(2009) conducted an asteroseismological analysis of this target

Between 2005 and 2015 a large number of observations were obtained at the SAAOusing the same instrumentation noted in Sect 72 and exposure times of 10 s The LOAOconducted observations in 2009 2012 and 2013 with exposure times of 20 s During March2009 and February and March 2010 V541 Hya was observed at the CAHA using anexposure time of 10 s

75 TESS observationsThe primary goal of the NASA Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) space tele-scope is to detect exoplanets transiting bright nearby stars (Ricker et al 2015) Howeverthe extensive time series photometry is valuable for asteroseimology and the TESS Astero-seismic Science Consortium (TASC) coordinates short cadence observations of pulsatingevolved stars TESS observed V1636 Ori and V541 Hya with a cadence of 120 s betweenNovember 15 2018 and December 11 2018 and February 2 2019 and February 27 2019respectively We used the light curves provided by the MAST archive1 that had commoninstrumental trends removed by the Pre-Search Data Conditioning Pipeline (PDC Stumpeet al 2012) Light curves and amplitude spectra are presented in Fig 111 and 112 Thetwo minutes (ldquoshortrdquo) cadence undersamples the p-modes at about 140 s In combinationwith the large photometric scatter the amplitude spectra show no evidence of the p-modesThus we do not make use of the TESS observations in our study

76 Data reductionFor the EXOTIME observations the data reduction was carried out using the IDL softwareTRIPP (Time Resolved Imaging Photometry Package see Schuh et al 2000) TRIPPperforms bias- dark- flat-field corrections and differential aperture photometry to calculatethe relative flux of a target with respect to one or more comparison stars and extinction-corrections (second order polynomial in time) In the presence of sub-stellar companionswe might expect variations in the arrival times of stellar pulsations on the order of secondsto tens of seconds The corresponding uncertainties are expected to be about one secondThese uncertainties rise from observational constrains such as smearing and samplingeffects due to the integration time The accuracy of individual time-stamps is better thanplusmn05 s All time stamps were converted from GJD(UTC) to BJD(TDB) according toEastman et al (2010) with an accuracy well below the expected observational uncertainty

Typical SN for our ground-based observations range from 60 for large amplitudepulsations to 3 for the smallest pulsation-amplitudes we investigate in this work Theamplitude spectra in Sect 9 show also pulsations with smaller SN but these are notsuitable for timing analysis because the uncertainties are too large (see Table 111)

1 httpsarchivestsciedu


8 Analysis

In order to detect variations in the arrival time of stellar pulsations we developed a pipelineto process the reduced data A schematic flowchart of our pipeline is presented in Fig 81The input consists of the light curve (time series) and the dates of the observational epochsIn a light curve typically spanning several years at a very low duty cycle of 02 to 17 percent an epoch consists of a few roughly consecutive nights of observation

Outlier removal In case no uncertainty in the flux measurement F is provided theroot-mean-square of each observation is used as an approximate photometric error forthe later analysis We have used a running median filter to exclude 5σ flux-outliers Thelength of the window size depends on the cadence of the observations We constrained itto be not longer than half of the period of the main frequency The analysis is performedfor each frequency individually before all frequencies were analysed simultaneously

Full data fit For the individual fitting of pulsations we first determined the frequencyof the main signal For this we used the astropy package to calculate the Lomb-Scargleperiodogram (Astropy Collaboration et al 2013 2018) From this periodogram we selectedthe frequency with the largest amplitude to continue In the next step we performed the fitof a sinusoidal function to the light curve using

F(t) = A sin ( f t + φ) + o (81)

with amplitude A frequency f phase φ and offset o The minimization problem is solvedusing the scipy implementation of the Trust Region Reflective algorithm (Jones et al2011) The selected frequency from the amplitude spectrum serves as initial value thefull-width-at-half-maximum of the corresponding peak in the periodogram is used as aboundary The amplitude-guess is taken from the amplitude spectrum In case of highlyvarying amplitudes the initial value can be set manually The fitting routine returns theparameters and their variance

Epoch fit Frequency and offset are all kept fixed for the following analysis of theindividual observational epochs The starting value of the current phase fit is determinedby the average of the previous j phase values (or the global fit value from above in casethere are no j previous values yet) in order to keep the fitting process stable and avoidldquophase-jumpsrdquo For our target sample a value of j = 3 has proven to be reasonable exceptwhen observational gaps span over several years

The uncertainty in the phase measurement scales inverse with the length of the epochsThus this length is chosen in a way to minimize the uncertainties of the fit but at the same


8 Analysis

LC data epochsperiodogram

choose frequency

fit to refine frequencyC

determine nth frequency

divide light curveinto epochs

fit to epochs O

O minus C-diagram

new Frequency

pre-whitening LCwith fit model

fit sum of nsine to LC

fit sum of nsine to epochs

O minus C-diagramyesn + 1 no






Figure 81 Flow chart representing the analysis of the time of arrival Light curve (LC)and start end time of each observational epoch are provided as input Each frequency isanalysed leading to an intermediate O minusC-diagram and subtracted from the LC by itselfbefore the sum of all sinusoidal functions is fitted simultaneously to the LC resulting inthe final O minusC-diagram

time keep the epochs as short as possible to maximize the temporal resolution of the finalO minusC diagram Often the observations themselves constrain the length of the epochs (egthree consecutive nights of observations and a gap of several weeks before the next blockof observations) If possible we aim for an epoch length such that the timing uncertaintiesare of the order of one second The phase information of the global and the epoch fit resultin a intermediate O minusC diagram

As a last step in the single-frequency-analysis the fitted model is subtracted from thelight curve We noticed significant amplitude variations for some of our targets Thuswe subtract the model using the amplitude of the individual epochs This pre-whiteningprocedure is repeated for every relevant pulsation in the data

Multi frequency fit Close frequencies are likely to introduce artificial trends in thearrival times in such a step-by-step analysis Thus the sum of all sinusoidal functions

F(t) = An sin ( fnt + φn) + o (82)

is fitted to the non-whitened light curve where n is the number of investigated frequenciesThe previously retrieved values for amplitude frequency phase and offset are used asinitial values We are using the phase information φn of the light curve as reference phasenamely calculated phase C in the final O minus C diagram Similar to the single-frequency


8 Analysis

Table 81 Parameters of the simultaneously fitted pulsations per target over their fullobservational time span and the pulsation period P

Target f dminus1 P s A φ d

DW Lyn f1 237941160 (8) 363114982(12) 219 (9) 54394741 (5)f2 22515898 (5) 38372887(9) 035 (9) 5439474 (3)

V1636 Ori f1 6317346 (2) 13676629(5) 054 (3) 5469872 (3)f2 5099780 (3) 1694191(1) 024 (3) 5469872 (7)

QQ Vir f1 626877627 (3) 1378259429(7) 26 (1) 52117924 (6)f2 55200714 (9) 15651971(3) 010 (9) 521179 (1)f3 6420515 (1) 13456864(3) 007 (1) 521179 (2)

V541 Hya f1 63532218 (5) 135993993(11) 031 (8) 5341388 (3)f2 57128556 (3) 151237850(8) 021 (7) 5341388 (3)

Notes The phase φ refers to the time corresponding to the first zero-crossing ofthe function after the first measurement t0 in MBJD

analysis the observational epochs are now fitted individually using the sum of sinusoidalfunctions to yield the observed phase information O

The results of the simultaneous fit for each target in this paper are summarised in Ta-ble 81 We list pulsation modes not used for the timing analysis in Table 111 Figures 82ndash 85 show example light curves of the targets for one epoch each including their multifrequency fit and the respective amplitude spectrum


8 Analysis



470 472 474 476 478 480 482 484 486 488



572 574 576 578 580 582 584 586 588 590



672 674 676 678 680 682 684 686 688 690



t d since 2007-10-17




2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 3000




225 epoch


210 220 230 240 250 260




f microHz






f dminus1

Figure 82 Example observations of DW Lyn from October 2122 and 23 2010 at theLulin observatory (top from top to bottom) combined used as one O minusC measurementThe errorbar on the left of each plot represents the photometric uncertainty The red lineshows the simultaneous two frequency fit to the epoch data The amplitude spectra inthe lower panel show the spectrum of the full data set (top) the spectrum of this epoch(middle) and the respective window function computed at f1 (bottom)


8 Analysis



130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137



229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236



329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336



t d since 2009-03-20




065700 6000 6300 6600 6900 7200 7500






480 500 520 540 560 580 600 620 640 660




f microHz






f dminus1

Figure 83 Example observations of V1636 Ori from March 20 21 and 22 2009 atthe CAHA (top from top to bottom) combined used as one O minus C measurement Theerrorbar on the left of each plot represents the photometric uncertainty The red line showsthe simultaneuos two frequency fit to the epoch data The amplitude spectra in the lowerpanel show the spectrum of the full data set (top) the spectrum of this epoch (middle) andthe respective window function computed at f1 (bottom)


8 Analysis



876 880 884 888 892 896 900



976 980 984 988 992 996 1000



1072 1076 1080 1084 1088 1092 1096



t d since 2012-02-13




6200 6400 6600 6800 7000 7200 7400 7600 7800





15 epoch


540 560 580 600 620 640 660 680




f microHz






f dminus1

Figure 84 Example observations of QQ Vir from February 20 21 and 22 2012 at theMonet telescope (top from top to bottom) combined used as one OminusC measurement Theerrorbar on the left of each plot represents the photometric uncertainty The red line showsthe simultaneuos two frequency fit to the epoch data The amplitude spectra in the lowerpanel show the spectrum of the full data set (top) the spectrum of this epoch (middle) andthe respective window function computed at f1 (bottom)


8 Analysis



284 288 292 296 300 304 308 312



380 384 388 392 396 400 404 408



888 892 896 900 904 908 912 916



t d since 2008-02-04




036400 6600 6800 7000 7200 7400 7600 7800




04 epoch


540 560 580 600 620 640 660 680




f microHz






f dminus1

Figure 85 Example observations of V541 Hya from February 6 7 and 12 2008 at theSAAO (top from top to bottom) combined used as one O minusC measurement The errorbaron the left of each plot represents the photometric uncertainty The red line shows thesimultaneuos two frequency fit to the epoch data The amplitude spectra in the lower panelshow the spectrum of the full data set (top) the spectrum of this epoch (middle) and therespective window function computed at f1 (bottom)


9 Results and discussion

In the following we discuss the implications of the obtained amplitude spectra and O minusCmeasurements on the evolutionary state and presence of sub-stellar companions to thetargets

91 DW LynThe amplitude spectrum of DW Lyn in Fig 113 reveals two strong pulsation modes atf1 = 237941160 dminus1 and f2 = 22515898 dminus1 A closer look to the amplitude spectrum inFig 91 reveals small asymmetries compared to the window function The pre-whiteningof both frequencies leaves residuals well above noise level in the amplitude spectrumindicating unresolved multiplets or mode splitting especially for f2

The SN of modes at higher frequencies for example at about 320 dminus1 and 480 dminus1are too small for a stable O minusC analysis (see Table 111) Therefore the O minusC diagram




minus02 minus015 minus01 minus005 0 005 01 015 02




0010203 f2



minus002 minus0015 minus001 minus0005 0 0005 001 0015 002


Af 1

f microHz




f 2







f dminus1

Figure 91 Amplitude spectrum of DW Lyn of the main pulsation frequency f1 =

237941160 dminus1 (top) f2 = 22515898 dminus1 (middle) with the respective residuals afterthe pre-whitening below and the normalised window-function (bottom)


9 Results and discussion




2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012





54400 54600 54800 55000 55200 55400 55600 55800 56000 56200 56400













Figure 92 Results for the two main pulsations of DW Lyn Top panel AmplitudesMiddle panel Fits of the O minusC data with second order polynomials in time Lower panelResiduals

in Fig 92 shows the analysis of the two main pulsation modes with the time-dependentvariation of the pulsation amplitudes

In order to determine evolutionary times-cales of the pulsations we investigate thelong-term evolution in the OminusC data A constant change in period results in a second-orderterm as a function of time (Sterken 2005) which allows us to derive a value for the secularchange of the period P and hence the evolutionary time-scale Results of the fits of thesecond order polynomial are included in Fig 92 which are PP f 1 = (58 plusmn 02)times 10minus5 dminus1

and PP f 2 = (minus293 plusmn 08) times 10minus5 dminus1 Assuming P is based on stellar evolution stellarmodel calculations show that the sign of the rate of period change indicates the phase ofthe sdB after the zero-age extreme horizontal branch (ZAEHB Charpinet et al 2002) Forp-modes a positive P relates to the first evolutionary phase of the ZAEHB in which thesurface gravity decreases due to He burning in the core A negative P would correspondto the second evolutionary phase in which the sdB contracts because the depletion of Hein its core and this happens before the post-EHB evolution The turning point betweenthese two states occurs between 87 and 91 Myr after the ZAEHB According to ourmeasurement of a positive P for f1 DW Lyn would still be in its first evolutionary phaseWith the lack of a mode identification from an asteroseismic model for DW Lyn we can notdirectly compare the measured P with theoretical predictions from Charpinet et al (2002)However stellar models with pulsation periods of around 360 s show values for P with acomparable order of magnitude as our measurement P = (43 plusmn 015) times 10minus1 s Myrminus1 forexample P = 162s Myrminus1 for a model with a mode of l = 0 k = 0 at the age of 6783 Myr(Charpinet et al 2002 appendix C) The large P of f2 is consistent with the apparent modesplitting seen in the amplitude spectra in Fig 91 and thus does not reflect the evolutionary


92 V1636 Ori

phase of DW LynAfter subtracting the long term-trend small time scale features are evident For

example the O minus C data for f2 show an oscillating behaviour with a significance of 3σwithin the first 200 days while the arrival times for f1 remain constant during the sameperiod of time In later epochs the O minusC data for both frequencies agree mostly within2σ During the second half of the observations the phase of f2 jumps by about 100 s Thisbehavior lacks an explanation

Additionally the evolution of the pulsation-amplitudes in Fig 92 shows a comparableoscillating behaviour for f2 within the first epochs similar to the change in arrival timesAlthough the periodic variations in amplitude are not as significant as for the phase theoccurrence of simultaneous phase- and amplitude-modulations indicate a mode-beatingof two close unresolved frequencies The residuals in the amplitude spectrum supportthis explanation In later observations the amplitude remains almost constant within theuncertainties The beating mode might lose energy or shift frequency over time Theamplitude for the f1 pulsation drops by about 1 per cent (amplitude) or about 35 per cent(relative) to the second half of the observation campaign with a similar quasi-periodicvariation as the phase The residuals in the amplitude spectrum show no indication of anunresolved frequency leading to mode-beating Besides stochastically driven pulsationmodes Kilkenny (2010) suggest energy transfer between modes as possible explanationfor amplitude variations For both frequencies a possible interaction between amplitudeand phase of pulsations is not well understood

92 V1636 Ori

The amplitude spectrum of V1636 Ori in Fig 114 shows two main pulsation modes withfrequencies at f1 = 6317346 dminus1 and f2 = 5099780 dminus1 The SN is not sufficient to use athird pulsation mode at 5662 dminus1 (6553 microHz Reed et al 2007b) The amplitude spectrumof TESS data in Fig 112 shows no evidence for g-mode pulsations with amplitudes greaterthan 04 per cent A detailed look at the spectra of the two main frequencies in Fig 93shows mode splitting likely due to a change in frequency over the long time of observation

The O minusC diagram in Fig 94 shows the two main pulsation modes and the variationof the pulsation amplitudes

From the second order fit in time we derive the changes in period PP f 1 = (minus854plusmn014) times 10minus5 dminus1 and PP f 2 = (minus25 plusmn 05) times 10minus5 dminus1 We caution the interpretation ofthese values as evolutionary time scales since the apparent mode splitting seen in Fig 93could explain these trends as well

The residuals after subtracting the long term trend show a large variation They changeby up to about plusmn50 s for f1 (sim 14σ significance) and up to about plusmn30 s for f2 (sim 3σsignificance) The amplitude for f1 drops by about 025 per cent (amplitude) or about33 per cent (relative) in the time between MBJD = 55100 d and 55300 d and returnsto its previous level afterwards while the amplitude for f2 remains constant within theuncertainties This decrease in amplitude coincides with earlier arrival times in the O minusCdiagram As already discussed in the previous section a possible amplitude- and phase-interaction is not well understood The f1 pulsation mode may not be coherent on suchlong time-scales but of a short-term stochastic nature not resolvable by our data set (eg


9 Results and discussion


minus02 minus015 minus01 minus005 0 005 01 015 02





02 f2




minus002 minus0015 minus001 minus0005 0 0005 001 0015 002


Af 1

f microHz




f 2







f dminus1

Figure 93 Amplitude spectrum of V1636 Ori of the main pulsation frequency f1 =

6317346 dminus1 (top) f2 = 5099780 dminus1 (middle) with the respective residuals after thepre-whitening below and the normalised window-function (bottom)

KIC 2991276 Oslashstensen et al 2014)

93 QQ VirFig 115 shows the amplitude spectrum for the QQ Vir observations The main frequencyat about f1 = 626877628 dminus1 is presented in Fig 95 in detail and shows asymmetriescompared to the window function After the pre-whitening process a close frequency atabout 626881270 dminus1 remains but attempts to model this pulsation fail with uncertaintiestoo large for the timing analysis There appear two more frequencies suitable for our studyThe amplitude spectra around f2 = 55200713 dminus1 and f3 = 6420516 dminus1 are presentednext to f1 in Fig 95 Another peak at about 665 dminus1 consists of at least two frequenciesat 664488549 dminus1 and 665478133 dminus1 but they are not sufficiently resolvable within theindividual epochs and lead to too large uncertainties in the O minusC analysis

Fig 96 shows the resulting O minus C diagram and the amplitudes at different epochsDue to the large observational gap from 2003 to 2008 with only one block of observationsin between we had difficulties avoiding errors in cycle count In order to avoid a phasejump we increased the averaging window for initial phase values to q = 6 With this setup the changes in pulsation frequencies read as follows PP f 1 = (17 plusmn 16) times 10minus7 dminus1PP f 2 = (24 plusmn 04) times 10minus5 dminus1 and PP f 3 = (40 plusmn 05) times 10minus6 dminus1 While f2 and f3 showno significant variation of pulsation amplitude f1 varies by 15 per cent (amplitude) or50 per cent (relative) Thus the corresponding phase changes should be interpreted withcaution Charpinet et al (2006) identify the radial order k and degree l from asteroseismic


93 QQ Vir




2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014






55000 55500 56000 56500 57000













Figure 94 Results for the two main pulsations of V1636 Ori Top panel AmplitudesMiddle panel Fits of the O minusC data with second order polynomials in time Lower panelResiduals


minus02 minus01 0 01 02




01 f2



01 f3



minus002 minus001 0 001 002


Af 1

f microHz




f 2




Af 3







f dminus1

Figure 95 Amplitude spectrum of QQ Vir of the main pulsation frequency f1 =

626877628 dminus1 (top) f2 = 55200713 dminus1 (top middle) f3 = 6420516 dminus1 (bottom middle)with the respective residuals after the pre-whitening below and the normalised window-function (bottom)


9 Results and discussion











52000 53000 54000 55000 56000




2f 3










Figure 96 Results for the three main pulsations of QQ Vir Top panel Amplitudes f3 hasa vertical offset of -1 for clarity Middle panel Fits of the O minusC data with second orderpolynomials in time Lower panel Residuals

modelling to be f1 l = 2 k = 2 f2 l = 4 k = 1 f3 l = 3 k = 2 These combinationsdo not allow a direct comparison of our P measurements to the model calculations fromCharpinet et al (2002) but the sign of P indicates QQ Vir to be in the stage of He burning

94 V541 HyaThe amplitude spectrum in Fig 116 shows two pulsation modes with frequencies atf1 = 63532218 dminus1 and at f2 = 57128556 dminus1 Both of them show a complex behavior(Fig 97) indicating unresolved multiplets andor frequency changes that we see also in theO-C diagrams (Fig 99) The SN for a third frequency at 60388741 dminus1 is not sufficientfor the O minusC analysis Similar to V1636 Ori the amplitude spectrum obtained from theTESS light curve in Fig 112 shows no evidence for g-mode pulsations with amplitudesgreater than 04 per cent

Randall et al (2009) speculated about rotational mode splitting for f3 with ∆ f3minus =

512 microHz and ∆ f3+ = 368 microHz The asteroseismic modelling associates f1 with a l = 0mode and f2 with l = 0 or 1 mode (depending on the favoured model) f3 corresponds to al = 2 mode They caution this interpretation due to their limited resolution in frequencyspace the mode splitting could be an unresolved quintuplet Our data set shows no clearevidence for a mode splitting with ∆ f3minus = 512 microHz or ∆ f3+ = 368 microHz (see Fig 98) butrather a mode splitting for f1 and f2 with about ∆ f = 008 microHz (Fig 97) Assuming thesemodes are of degree l = 1 this could be interpreted as a triplet But Randall et al (2009)model these modes with a degree of l = 0 which does not support a mode splitting into


94 V541 Hya


minus02 minus015 minus01 minus005 0 005 01 015 02





02 f2




minus002 minus0015 minus001 minus0005 0 0005 001 0015 002


Af 1

f microHz




f 2







f dminus1

Figure 97 Amplitude spectrum of V541 Hya of the main pulsation frequency f1 =

63532218 dminus1 (top) f2 = 57128556 dminus1 (middle) with the respective residuals after thepre-whitening below and the normalised window-function (bottom)





008minus6 minus5 minus4 minus3 minus2 minus1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6







minus06 minus04 minus02 0 02 04 06




f microHz




f dminus1

Figure 98 Amplitude spectrum with respect to the pulsation frequency f3 = 60388741 dminus1

of V541 Hya (top) and the normalised window-function (bottom)



9 Results and discussion



2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015





53000 54000 55000 56000 57000














Figure 99 Results for the two main pulsations of V541 Hya Top panel AmplitudesMiddle panel Fits of the O minusC data with second order polynomials in time Lower panelResiduals

The OminusC diagram in Fig 99 shows the analysis of the two main pulsation modes andthe variation of the pulsation amplitudes The second order fits in time indicated in theO minusC diagram correspond to changes in period of PP f 1 = (minus149 plusmn 011) times 10minus5 dminus1 andPP f 2 = (minus07 plusmn 15) times 10minus5 dminus1 For f2 the change in period does not significantly differfrom the null hypothesis Assuming these changes origin from stellar evolution V541 Hyamight just have passed the point of sign change in P and at the beginning of the contractionphase While the arrival times scatter widely the amplitudes of both pulsations remainalmost constant within the uncertainties If V541 Hya is in its evolution close to startingthe contraction phase as indicated by a P close to zero the changes in stellar structuremay cancel the strict phase coherence

95 Testing the sub-stellar companion hypothesisIn order to set upper limits to the mass of a companion we computed a series of syntheticO minusC curves for different orbital periods and companion masses assuming circular orbitsand compared these curves with the O minusC measurements after subtracting the long-termvariations

For each synthetic O minus C curve we selected the phase that gives the best fit to thedata using a weighted least squares algorithm For each observational point we computedthe difference in absolute value and in σ units (where σ is the O minus C error) betweenO minusC and the synthetic value The greyscale in Fig 910 corresponds to the mean valueof this difference in σ units which means that the presence of a companion is indicated


95 Testing the sub-stellar companion hypothesis

by a minimum (bright areas) of this parameter We see that in V1636 Ori QQ Vir andV541 Hya the mean difference for f1 is always very high implying that the data are notcompatible with a companion However these results are limited by the fact that the O minusCdiagrams of these stars are ldquocontaminatedrdquo by other irregular variations presumably due toother reasons like non-linear interactions between different pulsation modes for exampleand therefore these constraints to the orbital period and mass of a companion must be takenwith some caution For the f2 and f3 measurements the mean difference to the syntheticdata is smaller in sigma units (because of the larger uncertainties) and very uniform Theuncertainties of the O-C measurements are not small enough to favour a set of models inthe period-mass parameter space

For f1 of DW Lyn there is a significant minimum at about 1450 d (sim 4 years) andsim 5 MX

1 which is well visible also in the O minusC diagram of Fig 92 This periodicity isnot visible in the second frequency f2 which however has much larger error bars due tothe much lower amplitude of f2 with respect to f1

Lutz et al (2011) described a periodicity at 80 days detected for f2 We can recoverthis signal however with a low significance This would correspond to a light travel timeamplitude of 4 s (for m sin i asymp 15 MX) which is smaller than 15 s measured by Lutz et al(2011) Nevertheless this signal is not confirmed by f1 Thus we rule out a companioninduced signal in the arrival times due to the lack of simultaneous signals in f1 and f2 withsimilar amplitude The tentative signal in f2 is better explained by mode beating as alreadydescribed in Sect 91 The variations seen in the first 200 days of the O minus C diagram inFig 92 correspond to a periodicity of about 80 days and are accompanied by variations inthe amplitude of the pulsation

For V1636 Ori Lutz (2011) predicted a period at 160 d and amplitude of 12 s Thiscan not be confirmed as a companion-induced signal A periodic signal with an amplitudeof 65 s (for m sin i asymp 15 MX) is indicated in the analysis of f1 but at a low significanceand accompanied by many other signals of similar significance This periodicity is notconfirmed by a significant signal in the measurements of f2

1 1 MX (Jupiter mass) = 1899 middot 1027 kg


9 Results and discussion

1 10 100 1000P d












80 d

1 10 100 1000P d






80 d2









1 10 100 1000P d












160 d

1 10 100 1000P d






160 d












95 Testing the sub-stellar companion hypothesis

1 10 100 1000P d












1 10 100 1000P d

1 10 100 1000P d

















9 Results and discussion

1 10 100 1000P d












1 10 100 1000P d







6 6








Figure 910 Minimum companion mass as a function of orbital period Greyscale showsthe difference between the O minus C measurements and artificial O minus C data generated fora given combination of companion mass and orbit We note that at this stage the phaseoptimization of the artificial data is done independently for each pulsation frequency Themedian of gaps in between the epochs is indicated by a vertical dotted line See text formore details (a) DW Lyn Contour lines for f1 are placed at 2 3 4 and 5σ (left panel)and for f2 at 325 and 35σ (right panel) as indicated by their labels The planetary signalproposed by Lutz et al (2011) at a period of 80 d is indicated as dashed line (b) V1636Ori Contour lines for f1 are placed at 9 and 10σ (left panel) and for f2 at 2 and 22σ(right panel) as indicated by their labels The planetary signal proposed by Lutz et al(2011) at a period of 160 d is indicated as dashed line (c) QQ Vir Contour lines for f1 areplaced at 15 20 and 25σ (left panel) for f2 at 11 and 13σ (middle panel) and for f3 at13 and 15σ (right panel) as indicated by their labels (c) V541 Hya Contour lines forf1 are placed at 6 8 and 10σ (left panel) and for f2 at 45 55 and 65σ (right panel) asindicated by their labels


10 Summary and Conclusion

In this work we present ground-based multi-site observations for the four sdBs DWLyn V1636 Ori QQ Vir and V541 Hya We investigate variations in the arrival times oftheir dominant stellar pulsation modes to draw conclusions about secular period drifts andpossible sub-stellar companions All light curves are analysed homogeneously

From the O minusC measurements we derive an evolutionary time scale from the changein period P Comparing to model calculations from Charpinet et al (2002) we infer theevolutionary phase of the target Although some P measurements are influenced by modesplitting we can tell from the sign of P1 of DW Lyn that the star is likely still in the stageof central He burning We can draw a similar conclusion from the sign of P of QQ Vir TheP measurements of V1636 Ori are likely affected by mode splitting making it difficult tointerpret the results in the context of stellar evolution V541 Hya shows P measurementsclose to zero which indicates the star being at the transition phase between He burningand contraction due to the depletion of He in the core

Comparing atmospheric properties from Table 71 with the evolutionary tracks fordifferent models from Fig 1 in Charpinet et al (2002) we can confirm the hypothesisthat DW Lyn and QQ Vir are in their He burning phase V541 Hya agrees within 2σ ofthe log g measurement with one model at the turning point between the two evolutionarystages

However we can not exclude frequency and amplitude variations on smaller timescales than resolvable by our data set Using temporally higher resolved Kepler-data ofKIC 3527751 Zong et al (2018) caution about long-term frequency or phase evolutionsascribing to non-linear amplitude and frequency modulations in pulsating sdBs We seesuch effects already in our data set even with a low temporal resolution compared to theKepler sampling with a duty cycle of more than 90 per cent

Observations on DW Lyn and V1636 Ori were published by Lutz et al (2008a) Schuhet al (2010) Lutz (2011) Lutz et al (2011) Our analysis of these observations includingextended data sets do not confirm the tentative companion periods of 80 and 160 daysrespectively These signals more likely arise due to mode beating indicated by partlyunresolved frequency multiplets and amplitude modulations

Almost all analysed pulsation modes show formal significant changes in arrival timesbut the amplitudes of these periodic signals do not correlate with frequencies excludingthe light-travel time effect due to orbital reflex motions for such variations and thus givingupper limits on companion masses Only DW Lyn might have a planetary companion ona long orbital period as indicated by one arrival time measurement But this can not beconfirmed with a second measurement due to larger uncertainties Additionally morestudies question the presence of already proposed companions for example Krzesinski(2015) Hutchens et al (2017) Our unique sample of long-term observations shows a


10 Summary and Conclusion

complex behavior of mode- and amplitude interactions in sdBs which should be addressedin further studies Until this has been addressed caution is advised when interpretingO minusC pulse arrival times in terms of companions


11 Appendix

111 TESS data








58440 58450 58460





tMBJDTDB minus 2400000



11 Appendix








58520 58530 58540





tMBJDTDB minus 2400000


Figure 111 Light curves of the TESS observations Grey points are considered outliersand partially exceeding the plotting range (a) V1636 Ori (b) V541 Hya

112 Amplitude spectra

Table 111 Additional pulsation modes identified for our targets not used in the O minus Canalysis due to their low signal-to-noise-ratio

Target f dminus1 A

DW Lyn 4758231(2) 009(18)3194042(3) 006(12)4630100(6) 003(18)

V1636 Ori 56624031(3) 06(3)QQ Vir 7330704(1) 03(1)

6644886(1) 02(1)57273611(5) 019(9)6647122(1) 01(1)4341522(6) 001(7)502410(2) 001(9)

V541 Hya 53116759(16) 003(7)60388741(6) 003(8)


112 Amplitude spectra


0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000


0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800



f microHz

V1636 Ori



f dminus1

V541 Hya

Figure 112 Amplitude spectrum of the TESS observations Upper panel spectrum ofV1636 Ori Lower panel spectrum of V541 Hya The only peak above the noise level isthe 120 s alias due to the cadence of the observations






250 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500





0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500



f microHz




f dminus1


Figure 113 Amplitude spectrum of DW Lyn Upper panel observations Aobs Lowerpanel residuals Ares after subtracting the light curve models from the observations


11 Appendix


0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000





0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800



f microHz




f dminus1


Figure 114 Same as Fig 113 but for V1636 Ori






250 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000


0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800



f microHz




f dminus1


Figure 115 Same as Fig 113 but for QQ Vir


112 Amplitude spectra




0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000





0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800



f microHz




f dminus1


Figure 116 Same as Fig 113 but for V541 Hya


11 Appendix

Acknowledgements We thank Wen-Shan Hsiao for observing at the Lulin Observatory and Mike D Reedfor observing at the Baker Observatory and Elia Leibowitz for observing at the WISE observatory FMconducted the work in this paper in the framework of the International Max-Planck Research School (IMPRS)for Solar System Science at the University of Goumlttingen (Volkswagen Foundation project grant numberVWZN3020) DK thanks the SAAO for generous allocations of telescope time and the National ResearchFoundation of South Africa and the University of the Western Cape for financial support TDO gratefullyacknowledges support from the US National Science Foundation grant AST-0807919 LM was supportedby the Premium Postdoctoral Research Program of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences This project hasbeen supported by the Lenduumllet Program of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences project No LP2018-72019Based on observations made with the Italian Telescopio Nazionale Galileo (TNG) operated on the island ofLa Palma by the Fundacioacuten Galileo Galilei of the INAF (Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica) at the SpanishObservatorio del Roque de los Muchachos of the Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias Based on observationscollected at the Centro Astronoacutemico Hispaacutenico en Andaluciacutea (CAHA) at Calar Alto operated jointly bythe Andalusian Universities and the Instituto de Astrofiacutesica de Andaluciacutea (CSIC) Based on observationscollected at Copernico telescope (Asiago Italy) of the INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova Basedon observations made with the Nordic Optical Telescope operated by the Nordic Optical Telescope ScientificAssociation at the Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos La Palma Spain of the Instituto de Astrofisicade Canarias This paper includes data collected by the TESS mission Funding for the TESS mission isprovided by the NASA Explorer Program


Part IV

Application to larger target pool


12 Further asteroseismic targets

The search for sub-stellar companions using the pulsation timing method is not onlylimited to sdB stars but can also be applied to a greater variety of pulsating stars aslong as the pulsations are driven by a κ mechanism ie coherent in phase Howevermodes of long periods decrease the precision of timing measurements Additionally largepulsation amplitudes tend to show non-linear effects which excludes the application ofthis technique A case study of β Cephei RR Lyrae and δ Scuti (δ Sct) stars can be foundin Silvotti et al (2011) Among these δ Sct stars are the most promising pulsators tofollow-up The following describes δ Sct stars and the application of the pulsation timingmethod in more detail

121 δ Scuti starsPlanet occurrence rates predict a maximum for host stars with masses of 19+05

minus01M (Reffertet al 2015) close to the mass of main sequence A stars in the instability strip whereδ Sct pulsators are common (see Fig 26) However actual planet detections are affectedby observational selection effects Planetary transits are difficult to observe because ofthe pulsational luminosity variations and due to wider orbits of planets around A stars(Johnson et al 2011 Lloyd 2011) resulting in lower transit probabilities For the radialvelocity method A stars are not well suited because of their fast rotation with the meanof the equatorial rotational velocity distribution exceeding 100 km sminus1 (Abt and Morrell1995 Royer et al 2007) Their high effective temperatures compared to solar-like starsleads to fewer and shallower absorption lines which can additionally be distorted bypulsations This leaves the pulsation timing method as a promising alternative to search forcompanions δ Sct stars show radial and non-radial p-modes with amplitudes up to 05 and with pulsation periods between about 20 min and 8 h (eg Qian et al 2017 Balonaet al 2012) The pulsations are driven by the κ mechanism due to partial ionization of HeII

The mostly uninterrupted observations of space missions like Kepler and TESS providea large sample of δ Sct observations for this purpose The two missions and some of theirapplications are described in the following sections


13 Kepler

Sections of this chapter are part of a paper in preparation to be submitted as an article toAstronomy and Astrophysics

131 Kepler mission

The Kepler mission (Borucki et al 2010) was launched in 2009 to observe a fixed patchof sky in the Cygnus constellation with more than 100 deg2 field of view to discovertransiting Earth-like exoplanets in the habitable zone The telescopersquos mirror measures095 m in diameter and the camera is sensitive for a wavelength range of 430 nm to 890 nmAsteroseismic observations of pulsating stars were organized by the Kepler AsteroseismicScience Consortium (KASC) Some were observed in a high cadence mode of 60 s (shortcadence) the nominal cadence measures 30 min (long cadence)

1311 sdB stars

The Kepler field contained a small number of sdB stars (eg McNamara et al 2012)None of them showed indications for a planetary transit However KIC 05807616 andKIC 10001893 two pulsating sdB stars in the Kepler field show some evidence for thepresence of planetary companions (Charpinet et al 2011 Silvotti et al 2014) Howeverinterpretation of these signals is questioned as already discussed in chapter III

1312 δ Scuti stars

Kepler observed around one thousand δ Sct stars in its field of view The primary goalof their observations are conclusions about the stellar structure and evolution via astero-seismology as the transition from deep to shallow convective envelopes takes place in theregion of the HRD where δ Sct are located (see Fig 26) This opens the opportunity to usethe extensive Kepler data set and apply the pulsation timing method to the observationsThe following describes one particular system as a benchmark for which a planetarycompanion was already discovered

13121 KIC 7917485

Murphy et al (2014 2016b) used the Kepler data to search for binary systems using thelight travel time effect Murphy et al (2016a) (hereafter M16) detected a planet orbiting


13 Kepler

Table 131 Orbital parameters for the KIC 7917485 system Values for M16 are takenfrom Table 2 in Murphy et al (2016a) M16 did not account for a change in pulsationperiod P The model of this work uses a circular orbit model for the companion ie e = 0

M16 this work f1 this work f2

∆Ts 71+04minus05 68 plusmn 03 66 plusmn 04

Porbitd 840+20minus22 82150 plusmn 008 72672 plusmn 008

e 015+010minus013 0 0

Ps Myrminus1 minus0001 plusmn 0001 minus0035 plusmn 0002

its host star KIC 7917485 in a 840 d orbit The following validates this finding using theO minusC pipeline implemented for this work

KIC 7917485 was observed between May 2009 and May 2013 by Kepler We usethe light curves provided by the MAST archive1 which had common instrumental trendsremoved by the Pre-Search Data Conditioning Pipeline (PDC Stumpe et al 2012) Inorder to remove remaining long term trends we make use of the kepflatten routine ofthe PyKE package (Still and Barclay 2012 Viniacutecius et al 2018) The light curve and thecorresponding amplitude spectrum are shown in Fig 131

In order to reproduce the results of M16 we apply a high-pass frequency filter Thisremoves frequencies below 5 dminus1 which are most likely artefacts due to instrumental effectWe apply this filter forward and backward in time to compensate for phase delays

For the OminusC analysis we applied our pipeline and fitted all pulsations with amplitudesabove 0005 Although the signal-to-noise ratio is sufficient for only two modes thesimultaneous fitting process of four more pulsations prevents any unaccounted interactionsbetween the modes The time dependent variation in pulsation amplitude and phase isshown in Fig 132 Each epoch measures about ten days The main pulsation frequencyf1 = 15383 007 4(4) dminus1 exhibits large semi-periodic variations which correlate with theobservational quarters of the Kepler mission Thus they are likely to be instrumentalsystematics The amplitude of f2 = 20262 905 3(8) dminus1 shows a similar behaviour ontop of a general trend of decreasing amplitude with time The phase variations for bothpulsations show clearly a sinusoidal modulation with an amplitude of about 10 s and aperiod of about 800 d We fit simultaneously a quadratic long term trend and a sinusoidalmodel for a circular companion orbit to the data The results are presented in Table 131While a change in period P for f1 is almost not detectable f2 shows a significant P whichcoincides with the decrease in pulsation amplitude of 004 per cent (amplitude) or about18 per cent (relative) M16 did not account for a change in period thus we cannot compareour measurements

For the orbital fit of the companion M16 used the weighted mean of both phasemeasurements Since we want to confirm the nature of the companion with two independentmeasurements we do not follow this procedure Our sinusoidal orbit fit for f1 agrees withinthe uncertainties with the measurement of M16 However the orbital period measuredfor f2 is about 100 days significantly shorter than for f1 This might be attributed to ouradditional fit for the change in period combined with larger OminusC uncertainties towards the

1 httpsarchivestsciedu


131 Kepler mission

end of the observations (approximately two times larger) due to the decreasing pulsationamplitude

In order to compare the M16 results better with the measurements of this work wewill be implementing a full orbit fit on both measurements simultaneously Additionallythe uncertainties appear rather small in comparison to M16 A different treatment ofuncertainties might give more reliable error bars


13 Kepler




4800 5000 5200 5400 5600 5800 6000 6200 6400 6600

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013re




tBJDTDB minus 2450000

(a) KIC 7917485 light curve


0 50 100 150 200 250



0 5 10 15 20 25



f microHz




high pass filtered



f dminus1


(b) KIC 7917485 amplitude spectrum

Figure 131 KIC 7917485 data Top Light curve Grey points are considered outliers andpartially exceeding the plotting range Bottom Amplitude spectrum The top panel showsthe observations The middle panel the amplitude spectrum after applying the high passfilter Note the different scale on the y-axis in order to make small amplitudes visible Thebottom panel shows the residuals after modelling six pulsation modes


131 Kepler mission






2009 2010 2011 2012 2013





4800 5000 5200 5400 5600 5800 6000 6200 6400 6600












tBJDTDB minus 2450000

Figure 132 Results for the two main pulsations of KIC 7917485 Top panel AmplitudesMiddle panel Fits of the O minusC data with second order polynomials only (dashed lines)and full fit including the light travel time effect (solid lines) Lower panel Residuals



141 TESS mission

The Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) by NASA was launched in April 2018as an all-sky survey for transiting exoplanets The 24 degtimes96 deg field of view observeseach sector for about 27 days and sweeps across the sky This creates some observationslasting longer than 27 days due to the overlapping sectors The four telescopes (each witha field of view of 24 deg2) measure 105 mm in diameter and the cameras are sensitive for awavelength range of 600 nm to 1000 nm This is slightly redder than the Kepler bandpassdue to the missionrsquos differing priorities detecting transiting planets orbiting Sun-like starsfor Kepler and small cool stars for TESS The full frame cadence measures 30 minuteswhile the nominal cadence for transit detections two minutes The TESS AsteroseismicScience Consortium (TASC) coordinates 20 seconds ldquoshort cadencerdquo observations of brightasteroseismic target stars

However observations with such a short time span of 27 days (and up to one year butonly around the ecliptic pole eg 17 of the sky) do not allow an extensive search ofsub-stellar companions using the pulsation timing method on their own But they can beused as additional observations to existing data sets especially the EXOTIME project dataWithout additional ground-based observations a joint O minusC analysis of δ Sct data fromKepler and TESS is likely to fail due to the large observational gap of about seven years

1411 sdB stars

TESS observations of V1636 Ori and V541 Hya are already discussed in chapter III Thedata are taken at two minutes cadence and thus do not allow the investigation of p-modes

DW Lyn was observed by TESS with a cadence of 120 s between December 25 2019and January 20 2020 Fig 141 shows the light curve and amplitude spectrum Besidesthe 120 s alias at 720 dminus1 the spectrum shows f1 and f2 at about 238 dminus1 and 225 dminus1

respectively as well as their Nyquist alias above 360 dminus1 (cf Murphy et al 2013) Forthe g-mode regime Lutz et al (2008a) reported pulsations at 2717 microHz 3181 microHz and2063 microHz (2347 dminus1 2748 dminus1 and 1783 dminus1) The TESS data show only the pulsation at3181 microHz as a detection of about two times above the noise level While the 2717 microHzpulsation is visible but not above the noise level the 2063 microHz pulsation is not present inthe TESS data set Since we have no data between the last EXOTIME observations in 2013and the TESS observations in 2020 the time span for a joint O minusC analysis is too large

V391 Peg will be observed by TESS and the data can be used to extend the set ofobservation from Silvotti et al (2018) In order to span the observational gaps between






1840 1845 1850 1855 1860 1865 1870





tBJDTDB minus 2457000

(a) DW Lyn light curve











0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800

0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000




16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30

200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340



f dminus1

f microHz

DW Lyn




16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30

200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340

(b) DW Lyn amplitude spectrum

Figure 141 TESS DW Lyn data Top Light curve Grey points are considered outliersand partially exceeding the plotting range Bottom Amplitude spectrum The inset showsa magnification of the g-mode regime Modes reported by Lutz et al (2008a) are indicatedas dots


141 TESS mission

2013 and 2020 we performed additional ground-bases observations as described inchapter 3


Part V



15 Discussion

Studying post main-sequence stars offers a window into the fate of planetary systemsincluding our own solar system Can planets survive the final stages of stellar evolution andhow do they in turn affect their host starrsquos evolution One discussed formation scenario ofsingle sdB stars involves the influence of giant planets during the red giant phase of theirprogenitor Observations can put constrains on the presence of sub-stellar companionsorbiting sdB stars

Chapter III investigated a unique set of long term ground-based observations of thefour rapidly pulsating sdB stars DW Lyn V1636 Ori QQ Vir and V541 Hya The maingoals of the EXOTIME project are the determination of the evolutionary state of these starsand the constraints on sub-stellar companions to draw conclusions on possible formationscenarios

The individual secular period drifts for different modes per target derived from theO minusC measurements do not always agree with each other These results therefore needto be interpreted with caution with regard to the evolutionary state of the star and holdonly for the assumption of a linear change in period For DW Lyn P f 1 is comparable tovalues derived from stellar models and place the star in the evolutionary phase of core Heburning P f 2 on the other hand can be explained by the apparent mode splitting whoseorigin cannot be confirmed with certainty A possible explanation is the slow decay of onepulsation mode and an excitation of a mode with close frequency but not resolvable by theobservations Additionally amplitude and phase variations indicate a mode beating effectAs shown in section 52 two close - but not necessarily resolvable pulsation modes cancause such effects Measurements for the period changes of V1636 Ori need to be cautionedby the same arguments For QQ Vir the identified radial order and degree of modes donot allow a direct comparison with stellar models but the sign of the P measurementsplaces QQ Vir in the state of He burning The O minusC measurements of V541 Hya show nosignificant change of period If these results are not affected by observational limitationsbut originate from stellar evolution the star might be in the transition phase between coreHe burning and contraction

Atmospheric measurements of all four stars can place the stars in the log g minus Teff planerelatively close to stellar evolutionary models of Charpinet et al (2002) as illustratedin Fig 151 This independently confirms the tentative interpretations above DW LynV1636 Ori and QQ Vir overlap each with several models of different envelope mass inthe phase of core He burning within their measured uncertainties Although Teff and log gmeasurements of V541 Hya agree with two models in that same evolutionary phase themeasurements agree within 3σ with an evolutionary model in the transition between coreHe burning and contraction

In principle proper motions of stars can give an alternative explanation for the apparent


15 Discussion









DW Lyn

V1636 Ori

QQ VirV541 Hya


log( g




Figure 151 EHB evolutionary tracks covering the log g minus Teff region where sdB stars areobserved Data points taken from Appendix B of Charpinet et al (2002) (crosses) andTable 71 (circles) The seven models correspond respectively from left (high Teff) to right(low Teff) to objects with a ZAEHB envelope mass Menv = 00001 00002 00007 0001200022 00032 and 00042 M The core mass is Mc = 04758M for all sequences exceptthe first and third (from the left) which have Mc = 04690M For a positive (negative)slope in the models the change in pulsation period is positive (negative) See Charpinetet al (2002) for a detailed explanation

change in pulsation period as described by Pajdosz (1995ba) They derive the effect ofproper motion to be


s sminus1 = 2430 times 10minus18 Ps

microprimeprime yrminus1


where micro is the proper motion in arcseconds per year and d the distance in parsec Withmeasurements available from the Gaia (Gaia Collaboration et al 2018) the derived valuesare about three orders of magnitude smaller than the measured P and thus neglectable

After subtraction of the long term trends in the O minus C measurements the residualsshow no clear evidence for signatures of sub-stellar companions The comparison withsynthetic O minusC curves indicates a companion-induced signal in the main pulsation modeof DW Lyn But this is not confirmed by the independent measurement of the secondpulsation mode as would be expected Furthermore previously described periodic signalsin the O minusC measurements by Lutz et al (2011) are ruled out to be caused by sub-stellarcompanions Nevertheless the data set is limited in detection sensitivity Dependingon the observational gaps the data cannot set limitations for possible companion orbitsshorter than approximately 30 days (DW Lyn and V1636 Ori) 4 days (QQ Vir) or 120days (V541 Hya) or longer than the total length of observations roughly 1500 days


15 Discussion

Photometric precision additionally limits the detection threshold to companions signalslarger than about 1 s This corresponds to a companion with a mass of 1 MX (05 MX) andan orbital period of about 05 years (15 years)

Chapter IV enlarges the target selection and applies the O minusC analysis to one examplePulsations of δ Sct stars are driven by the κ mechanism allowing stable pulsations overlong periods of time Planet detection methods like the transit or radial velocity methodcannot be easily applied to those stars which favours the pulsation timing analysis and thusopens a new parameter space in the exoplanet detection The δ Sct pulsator KIC 7917485was found to be orbited by a sub-stellar companion whose signal can be recovered in thepulsation arrival times


16 Outlook

As chapter IV applied the OminusC analysis to one example observation beyond the EXOTIMEproject there are more extensive long time series of high cadence data already availableor with upcoming space missions The next sections highlight data sets of interest

161 K2 missionAfter the failure of two reaction wheels on the Kepler space craft its mission could beextended from 2014 onward as K2 The space craft was balanced against the radiationpressure from the sun which limits each campaign to a duration of about 80 days ThusK2 was not staring at only one field in the sky but sweeping along the ecliptic and couldobserve many more targets for signs of transiting exoplanets Armstrong et al (2015)created a catalogue of variable stars from the K2 observations and categorized the targetsinto different classes of pulsators From this catalogue about 500 variables are classified asδ Sct stars Additionally 33 sdB stars were observed by K2 (Reed et al 2018) Although theobservations span only 80 days they can set constraints on close in sub-stellar companions

162 TESSThe TESS mission aims to detect transiting exoplanets around bright stars Asteroseismictargets are observed with a cadence of 20 seconds if they are bright enough Most ofthe EXOTIME targets are already observed or are going to be observed Due to thecadence of two minutes for these stars and the long duration in between the EXOTIMEobservations the data cannot be used for a common O minus C analysis Nevertheless theyprovide constraints on g-modes For the upcoming V391 Peg observations the gaps toground based observations are not too big With the planetary candidate claimed by Silvottiet al (2007) but cautioned later by Silvotti et al (2018) the new observations by groundbased telescopes and TESS are expected to clarify the interpretations

For other asteroseismic targets ether sdB or δ Sct stars an OminusC analysis is reasonableonly for targets with overlapping sectors ie more than 27 days of observing time

163 PLATOPLAnetary Transits and Oscillations of stars (PLATO) is an ESA mission scheduled forlaunch in 2026 Its primary goal is to discover and characterize terrestrial exoplanetsorbiting bright solar-type stars especially planets in the habitable zone Bright host


16 Outlook

Figure 161 Artistrsquos impression of ESArsquos PLATO spacecraft Credit ESAATG medialabCC BY-SA IGO 30

stars allow the determination of the planetsrsquo masses using the radial velocity method fromground-based observations and thus a mean density This can be used to constrain planetaryinterior models Additionally bright targets allow transmission spectroscopy observationsin order to measure chemical abundances of the planetary atmospheres A secondary goalof the PLATO mission is asteroseismic observations to determine stellar masses radii andages These parameters are crucial in order to correctly determine the planetary massesradii and their evolution

PLATOrsquos payload module consists of 24 cameras each with an aperture of 120 mmand a 1100 deg2 field of view (see Fig161) The cameras are arranged in four groups ofsix where each group has the same field of view but their angle is slightly offset - thisallows a total field view of about 2250 deg2 per pointing The camera arrays overlap insome parts resulting in different sensitivities over the field They will observe with acadence of 25 s Additionally two ldquofastrdquo cameras will observe with a cadence of 25 sPLATOrsquos nominal life time sums up to four years but could be in orbit for double the timeFor most of the time it will ldquostarerdquo to one region in the sky Additionally an ldquostep andstarerdquo phase comparable to K2 is possible

With the explicit goal of asteroseismic observations PLATO is expected to collectmany data on evolved pulsating stars allowing for an investigation with the pulsationtiming method The pipeline developed for this work can be easily adopted and used in anautomated way in order to process many targets and search for sub-stellar companions


Part VI




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This thesis would not have been possible without the help of many people who guided andsupported me during my time as a PhD student

First I would like to thank my supervisor Sonja Schuh who advised and guided metrough this project and had always an open ear for me despite her work as the IMPRScoordinator A thank you goes also to the other members of my TAC Laurent Gizon andStefan Dreizler for the productive discussions and ways to see some things differently

I would also like to thank Roberto Silvotti who helped to improve the EXOTIMEpaper

The students of the IMPRS formed a great community at the institute Without thefriendships formed out of this group my time at the institute would have been a verydifferent experience I tried gave my best to contribute to the great dynamics of the groupand hope this spirit will be kept alive by many following generations of students

Special thanks goes to my fellow musicians for the great time over the last yearsStarting with the (in)famous successful ldquoQuiet Sunrdquo project together with TheodosiosChatzistergos (literally a god on his guitar) Ankit Barik Earl Bellinger and Alessan-dro Cilla (who left us way too early) growing bigger for some gigs with SudharshanSaranathan Nils Gottschling David Marshall Robin Thor Keaton Bell and James Kus-zlewicz and finally merging with the great MegaGauss band including additionally HelgeMissbach Katja Karmrodt Abbey Ingram Christian Baumgartner Daria MokrytskaTanayveer Bhatia Marius Pfeifer Ann-Kathrin Lohse (Atti) and Paula Wulff No matterwhich problems would trouble me during the band practise I could throw them all againstthe drum heads and cymbals Keep on rockinrsquo

I would like to thank Michelle for her support and proofreadingAnd special thanks goes to my family which always supported me on my way listened

and offered good advice

This work is founded by the International Max Planck Research School for SolarSystem Science at the University of Goumlttingen (IMPRS Solar System School) and theVolkswagen Foundation (project grant number VWZN3020) This work makes use ofobservations from the LCOGT network This work includes data collected by the Keplermission Funding for the Kepler mission is provided by the NASA Science Missiondirectorate


Scientific contributions

Refereed publicationsbull Mackebrandt F M Mallonn J M Ohlert T Granzer S Lalitha A Garciacutea Muntildeoz

N P Gibson et al 2017 Transmission Spectroscopy of the Hot Jupiter TrES-3 bDisproof of an Overly Large Rayleigh-like Feature AampA 608 (December) A26httpsdoiorg1010510004-6361201730512

bull Mackebrandt F S Schuh R Silvotti S-L Kim D Kilkenny E M Green RLutz et al The EXOTIME Project Signals in the O minusC Diagrams of the RapidlyPulsating Subdwarfs DW Lyn V1636 Ori QQ Vir and V541 Hya AampA 638 (June1 2020) A108 httpsdoiorg1010510004-6361201937172

bull Mallonn M I Bernt E Herrero S Hoyer J Kirk P J Wheatley M Seeliger etal 2016 Broad-Band Spectrophotometry of HAT-P-32 b Search for a ScatteringSignature in the Planetary Spectrum Monthly Notices of the Royal AstronomicalSociety 463 (November) 604-14 httpsdoiorg101093mnrasstw1999

bull Schwope A D F Mackebrandt B D Thinius C Littlefield P Garnavich AOksanen and T Granzer 2015 Multi-Epoch Time-Resolved Photometry of theEclipsing Polar CSS081231071126+440405 Astronomische Nachrichten 336 (2)115-24 httpsdoiorg101002asna201412151

bull Strassmeier K G I Ilyin E Keles M Mallonn A Jaumlrvinen M Weber F Macke-brandt and J M Hill High-Resolution Spectroscopy and Spectropolarimetryof the Total Lunar Eclipse January 2019 AampA 635 (March 1 2020) A156httpsdoiorg1010510004-6361201936091

Conference contributionsbull The stellar pulsation timing method to detect substellar companions XXX IAU

General Assembly 2018 Vienna (Poster)

bull The stellar pulsation timing method to detect substellar companions AnnualMeeting of the Astronomische Gesellschaft 2017 Goumlttingen (Talk)

bull The stellar pulsation timing detection method for substellar companions Rocks ampStars II Conference 2017 Goumlttingen (Talk)

bull The stellar pulsation timing detection method for substellar companions ThePLATO Mission Conference 2017 Exoplanetary systems in the PLATO era War-wick (Poster)


Scientific contributions

bull The stellar pulsation timing method to detect substellar companions 2nd AdvancedSchool on Exoplanetary Science 2017 Vietri sul Mare (Poster)

bull The Stellar Pulsation Timing Detection Method for Substellar Companions Plane-tary Systems Beyond The Main Sequence II 2017 Haifa (Poster)


  • Abstract
  • Zusammenfassung
  • I Introduction
    • 1 Extrasolar planets
      • 11 Historical overview
      • 12 Definition of an exoplanet
      • 13 Observational techniques
        • 2 Subdwarf B stars
          • 21 Classification
          • 22 Canonical stellar and planetary evolution
          • 23 Subdwarf B stars formation scenarios
          • 24 Asteroseismology
            • 241 mechanism
            • 242 Asteroseismic observations
              • II The EXOTIME project
                • 3 Targets
                • 4 Multi-epoch photometric data
                  • 41 Time series photometry
                    • 411 Photometry
                    • 412 Timing accuracy
                        • 5 Methods
                          • 51 O-C Pipeline
                            • 511 Linear change in period
                            • 512 Light travel time effect
                              • 52 Artificial data testing
                              • 53 Alternative approaches
                                • 531 Analytic signal
                                • 532 Independent confirmation via direct imaging
                                  • III The EXOTIME project Signals in the O-C diagrams of the rapidly pulsating subdwarfs DW Lyn V1636 Ori QQ Vir and V541 Hya
                                    • 6 Introduction
                                    • 7 Observations and data reduction
                                      • 71 DW Lyn
                                      • 72 V1636 Ori
                                      • 73 QQ Vir
                                      • 74 V541 Hya
                                      • 75 TESS observations
                                      • 76 Data reduction
                                        • 8 Analysis
                                        • 9 Results and discussion
                                          • 91 DW Lyn
                                          • 92 V1636 Ori
                                          • 93 QQ Vir
                                          • 94 V541 Hya
                                          • 95 Testing the sub-stellar companion hypothesis
                                            • 10 Summary and Conclusion
                                            • 11 Appendix
                                              • 111 TESS data
                                              • 112 Amplitude spectra
                                                  • IV Application to larger target pool
                                                    • 12 Further asteroseismic targets
                                                      • 121 Scuti stars
                                                        • 13 Kepler
                                                          • 131 Kepler mission
                                                            • 1311 sdB stars
                                                            • 1312 Scuti stars
                                                              • 13121 KIC 7917485
                                                                • 14 TESS
                                                                  • 141 TESS mission
                                                                    • 1411 sdB stars
                                                                      • V Summary
                                                                        • 15 Discussion
                                                                        • 16 Outlook
                                                                          • 161 K2 mission
                                                                          • 162 TESS
                                                                          • 163 PLATO
                                                                              • VI Appendix
                                                                                • Bibliography
                                                                                • Acknowledgements
                                                                                • Scientific contributions
Page 4: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature

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Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in derDeutschen Nationalbibliografie detaillierte bibliografische Datensind im Internet uumlber httpdnbd-nbde abrufbar

copy Felix Mackebrandt

This work is distributed under aCreative Commons Attribution 40 License

Printed in Germany


Abstract 1

Zusammenfassung 3

I Introduction 5

1 Extrasolar planets 711 Historical overview 712 Definition of an exoplanet 813 Observational techniques 9

2 Subdwarf B stars 1121 Classification 1122 Canonical stellar and planetary evolution 1123 Subdwarf B stars formation scenarios 1424 Asteroseismology 16

241 κ mechanism 17242 Asteroseismic observations 18

II The EXOTIME project 21

3 Targets 23

4 Multi-epoch photometric data 2741 Time series photometry 27

411 Photometry 27412 Timing accuracy 27

5 Methods 2951 O minusC Pipeline 29

511 Linear change in period 29512 Light travel time effect 31

52 Artificial data testing 3253 Alternative approaches 38

531 Analytic signal 38



532 Independent confirmation via direct imaging 39

III The EXOTIME project Signals in the O minus C diagrams ofthe rapidly pulsating subdwarfs DW Lyn V1636 Ori QQ Vir andV541 Hya 41

6 Introduction 45

7 Observations and data reduction 4971 DW Lyn 4972 V1636 Ori 5373 QQ Vir 5374 V541 Hya 5475 TESS observations 5476 Data reduction 54

8 Analysis 55

9 Results and discussion 6391 DW Lyn 6392 V1636 Ori 6593 QQ Vir 6694 V541 Hya 6895 Testing the sub-stellar companion hypothesis 70

10 Summary and Conclusion 75

11 Appendix 77111 TESS data 77112 Amplitude spectra 78

IV Application to larger target pool 83

12 Further asteroseismic targets 85121 δ Scuti stars 85

13 Kepler 87131 Kepler mission 87

1311 sdB stars 871312 δ Scuti stars 87

13121 KIC 7917485 87

14 TESS 93141 TESS mission 93

1411 sdB stars 93



V Summary 97

15 Discussion 99

16 Outlook 103161 K2 mission 103162 TESS 103163 PLATO 103

VI Appendix 105

Bibliography 107

Acknowledgements 123

Scientific contributions 125


List of Figures

11 Exoplanet mass and radius distribution 812 Exoplanet detection methods 10

21 Sketch of a Hertzsprung-Russell diagram 1222 Protoplanetary discs 1323 Formation of sdB stars I 1524 Formation of sdB stars II 1625 Possible formation mechanism of close-in planets 1726 Hertzsprung-Russell diagram showing different classes of pulsating stars 20

51 Schematic picture of the O minusC diagram construction 3052 Schematic picture of the orbital configuration 3153 Amplitude spectrum for four resonant pulsations with frequencies 3354 Results for four resonant pulsations 3355 Amplitude spectrum for two close pulsations 3456 Results of the simultaneous fit of two close pulsations 3557 Amplitude spectrum for two close pulsations and very different amplitudes 3658 Results for two close pulsations and very different amplitudes 3659 Amplitude spectrum for one pulsation of varying amplitude 37510 Results for one simulated pulsation with varying amplitude 37511 Results of the Hilbert transform for one pulsation 39

71 Light curves 51

81 Flow chart representing the analysis of the time of arrival 5682 Example observations of DW Lyn 5883 Example observations of V1636 Ori 5984 Example observations of QQ Vir 6085 Example observations of V541 Hya 61

91 Amplitude spectrum of DW Lyn 6392 Results for the two main pulsations of DW Lyn 6493 Amplitude spectrum of V1636 Ori 6694 Results for the two main pulsations of V1636 Ori 6795 Amplitude spectrum of QQ Vir 6796 Results for the three main pulsations of QQ Vir 6897 Amplitude spectrum of V541 Hya 69


List of Figures

98 Amplitude spectrum with respect to the pulsation frequency f3 of V541 Hya 6999 Results for the two main pulsations of V541 Hya 70910 Minimum companion mass as a function of orbital period 74

111 Light curves of the TESS observations 78112 Amplitude spectrum of the TESS observations 79113 Amplitude spectrum of DW Lyn 79114 Amplitude spectrum of V1636 Ori 80115 Amplitude spectrum of QQ Vir 80116 Amplitude spectrum of V541 Hya 81

131 KIC 7917485 data 90132 Results for the two main pulsations of KIC 7917485 91

141 TESS DW Lyn data 94

151 EHB evolutionary tracks of sdB stars 100

161 Artistrsquos impression of ESArsquos PLATO spacecraft 104


List of Tables

31 Observational properties of the EXOTIME targets 2432 Summary of the newly acquired observations for V391 Peg 25

71 Atmospheric parameters of the targets 4972 Summary of the observing time per target per site 52

81 Parameters of the simultaneously fitted pulsations per target 57

111 Additional identified pulsation modes 78

131 Orbital parameters for the KIC 7917485 system 88



Stars spend most of their life on the main sequence (MS) But their most substantialchanges occur off the MS stage either before on the pre-MS or beyond at the post-MSphase Due to very complex and varied dynamical processes the evolution of planetarysystems orbiting non-MS stars significantly differs from those of MS planetary systems

This work focusses on the search for sub-stellar companions in post-MS systems anddetermination of the evolutionary state of their host stars especially subdwarf B stars(sdB stars) These are stripped Helium-burning cores of red giants with a thin hydrogenatmosphere The canonical model involves binary evolution to explain the existence ofsdB stars Formation scenarios for single sdBs are more controversially discussed and canbe hard to reconcile with observational properties Besides the merger of two helium whitedwarfs or other merger processes for apparently single sdB stars an alternative formationchannel involves planetary systems During the red giant phase the star would developa common envelope with a giant planet that leads to the loss of the envelope Thus sdBstars are laboratories to test how planets survive and influence the late phases of stellarevolution

The rapid pulsations of sdB stars can be used to detect sub-stellar companions fromperiodic variations in the expected arrival times of the pulsation maxima This timingmethod is particularly sensitive to companions at large distances and complementary toother exoplanet detection methods because they are not efficient for stars with small radiiand high gravities Thus the timing method opens up a new parameter range in terms ofthe host stars and helps to understand the formation process of single sdBs

In this work I implemented tested and applied the pulsation timing analysis to searchfor sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems The method isalready established in the literature but not to an extent which is capable of automaticallyprocessing long-time series of high-cadence data ie from space born observations

Part I provides an introduction to extrasolar planets and to the formation and propertiesof sdB stars

Part II and III describe the long-term ground-based observations of four rapidly pulsat-ing sdB stars DW Lyn V1636 Ori QQ Vir and V541 Hya The data are used to measure thesecular drifts in pulsation periods The results constrain the evolutionary state of these starsand are compared to theoretical predictions of stellar evolutionary models Furthermorethe measurements set limits to masses and orbital periods of sub-stellar companions Incontrast to previous studies tentative companion detections are not confirmed

Part IV describes the application of the implemented timing analysis to other pulsatingstars and data sets Compared to ground-based observatories satellite-based telescopesoffer the advantage of uninterrupted observations Observatories like Kepler TESS or theupcoming PLATO mission provide a large sample of targets Besides sdB stars δ Scuti



(δ Sct) pulsators are excellent stars to apply the timing method on δ Sct stars are evolvedbeyond the MS and of spectral type A From Kepler observations previous studies re-vealed a planetary companion orbiting the δ Sct star KIC 791748 The implemented timinganalysis of this work is applied to these data and can recover the planetary signature vali-dating the implementation at hand and independently confirming the planetary companiondiscovery

Part V discusses the results of this thesis and provides an outlook to further applica-tions



Sterne verbringen den Groszligteil ihres Lebens auf der Hauptreihe (HR) Die gravierendstenVeraumlnderungen geschehen jedoch abseits der HR entweder zuvor auf der pre-HR oderfolgend auf der post-HR Durch sehr komplexe und variierende dynamische Prozesseunterscheidet sich die Entwicklung von Planeten in nicht-HR Sternsystemen signifikantvon der Entwicklung von Planeten in HR Sternsystemen

Diese Arbeit legt ihren Fokus auf die Suche nach sub-stellaren Begleitern in post-HR Systemen und auf die Bestimmung des evolutionaumlren Stadiums derer Zentralsterneinsbesondere bei heiszligen Unterzwergen des Spektraltyps B (engl subdwarf B kurzsdB) auch Blaue-Unterzwerge genannt Solche sdB-Sterne sind freigelegte heliumbren-nende Kerne von vormals Roten-Riesen mit einer duumlnnen Wasserstoffatmosphaumlre Derenkanonische Entstehung beschreibt die Entwicklung in einem Doppelsternsystem Entste-hungsszenarien fuumlr einzelne sdB-Sterne werden jedoch kontrovers diskutiert und sind nurschwer mit Beobachtungen zu verifizieren Neben der Verschmelzung von zwei heliumdo-minierten Weiszligen Zwergen koumlnnten auch Planetensysteme zur Bildung von sdB-Sternenbeitragen Waumlhrend der Roten-Riesen-Phase wuumlrde der Stern einen seiner Riesenplanetenin eine gemeinsame Huumllle einschlieszligen was letztendlich zum Verlust der Huumllle fuumlhrtSomit erweisen sich sdB-Sterne als Testobjekte das Uumlberleben von Planeten zu pruumlfensowie den Einfluss der Planeten auf die Spaumltphasen stellare Entwicklung zu beobachten

Die schnellen Pulsationen von sdB Sternen koumlnnen mit Hilfe von periodischen Veraumln-derungen in den zu erwarteten Ankunftszeiten der Pulsationsmaxima zur Detektion vonsub-stellaren Begleitern genutzt werden Diese Methode der Lichtlaufzeitmessungen istbesonders sensitiv fuumlr Begleiter mit groszliger Distanz zu ihrem Zentralstern und damit kom-plementaumlr zu anderen Detektionsmethoden Denn andere Detektionsmethoden sind bei Ster-nen mit hoher Oberflaumlchengravitation und kleinen Radien weniger aussagekraumlftig Damiteroumlffnet die Methode der Lichtlaufzeitmessungen eine Moumlglichkeit fuumlr Entdeckungen vonbisher nicht erforschbaren Planetensystemen und hilft somit den Entstehungsprozess vonsdB-Sternen besser zu verstehen

In dieser Arbeit habe ich die Methode der Pulsations-Lichtlaufzeitmessungen im-plementiert getestet und zur Suche nach sub-stellaren Begleitern bei Systemen in denSpaumltphasen stellarer Entwicklung angewandt Die Methode ist bereits etabliert bisherjedoch nicht fuumlr eine automatische Anwendung auf lange Beobachtungsreihen in hoherzeitlicher Aufloumlsung wie zB von Weltraumteleskopen optimiert

Teil I dieser Arbeit gibt eine Einleitung zu extrasolaren Planeten sowie auch zurEntstehung und Eigenschaften von sdB-Sternen

Teil II und III beschreiben die bodengebundenen Langzeitbeobachtungen der vierschnell pulsierenden sdB-Sterne DW Lyn V1636 Ori QQ Vir und V541 Hya MitHilfe dieser Daten werden die Veraumlnderungen der Pulsationsperioden gemessen Diese



Ergebnisse lassen auf das evolutionaumlre Stadium der Sterne schlieszligen und werden mittheoretischen Sternentwicklungsmodellen verglichen Weiterhin setzen die Ergebnisseder Beobachtungen Grenzwerte fuumlr die Masse und Umlaufdauer moumlglicher sub-stellarerBegleiter Im Widerspruch zu vorhergehenden Studien koumlnnen potentielle Detektionenvon Begleitern nicht bestaumltigt werden

Teil IV beschreibt die Anwendung der implementierten Methode der Pulsations-Lichtlaufzeitmessungen auf andere Sterne und Datensaumltze Im Vergleich zu bodengebunde-nen Observatorien bieten weltraumgestuumltzte Teleskope den Vorteil der ununterbrochenenBeobachtung Observatorien wie das Kepler Weltraumobservatorium TESS oder diegeplante PLATO Mission liefern eine groszlige Anzahl von Beobachtungszielen NebensdB-Sternen ist die Klasse der pulsierenden δ Scuti (δ Sct) Sterne ein hervorragendesZiel fuumlr Lichtlaufzeitmessungen δ Sct Sterne sind in einem Entwicklungsstadium jen-seits der HR und in der Spektralklasse A zu finden Vorhergehende Studien haben ausBeobachtungen des Kepler Weltraumteleskops einen planetaren Begleiter um den SternKIC 791748 offenbart Mit der in dieser Arbeit implementierten Methode der Pulsations-Lichtlaufzeitmessungen kann das Signal dieses Begleiters aus den Daten gewonnen undsomit die Implementierung validiert sowie eine unabhaumlngige Bestaumltigung dieser Planete-nentdeckung erbracht werden

Teil V diskutiert die vorhergehenden Ergebnisse und liefert einen Ausblick auf weitereAnwendungen


Part I



1 Extrasolar planets

11 Historical overviewSpeculations about the existence of other worlds or solar systems other than our own go asfar back as the ancient times Greek philosophers debated about the possibility of countlessworlds

And he maintained worlds to be infinite and varying in bulk and that in somethere is neither sun nor moon while in others that they are larger than with usand with others more numerous [] And that some worlds are destitute ofanimals and plants and every species of moisture

Democritus (460 to 370 BCE Litwa 2016)

He was supported by Epicurus (314 to 270 BCE) who debated about an ldquoinfinite number ofworlds both like and unlike this world of oursrdquo (Bailey 1926) in a letter to Democritus Butthe atomists of this time believed in the geocentric universe and thus the work of Aristotle(341 to 270 BCE) outshone their ideas This started to change with the introduction ofthe Heliocentric universe theory of Nicolaus Copernicus in 1543 However the Italianphilosopher Giordano Bruno was burned during the Inquisition because of his belief in aninfinite number of stars which have an infinite number of terrestrial worlds orbiting themFinally Galileo Galilei discovered with his telescope invented in 1606 the true nature ofthe Moon and planets and paved the way for the discovery of the remaining planets in oursolar system

Our solar system shaped the understanding of planetary evolution and system archi-tecture until Wolszczan and Frail (1992) discovered the first exoplanetary system laterconfirmed by Wolszczan (1994) The two Earth-mass like planets orbit the millisecondpulsar PSR 1257+12 a rather unusual host star With the discovery of the first extrasolarplanet 51 Pegasi b orbiting a sun-like star (Mayor and Queloz 1995) the architecture ofexoplanetary systems remained very different than expected from the solar system Theplanet has a mass comparable to the mass of Jupiter but a very close-in orbit of about005 au leading to a new category of planets called ldquohot Jupitersrdquo

So far more than 4000 exoplanets have been discovered by various detection methodsThey exhibit a wide range of planetary masses and radii as shown in Figure 11 Besideshot Jupiters Neptune- and Saturn-sized planets as well as super-Earths were discovered

The first transiting exoplanet HD 209458 b was discovered in 1999 (Charbonneau et al2000) which later became the first planet with a spectroscopically analysed atmosphere(Charbonneau et al 2002) HD 28185 b was discovered as the first exoplanet in thehabitable zone a region around a star in which a planet may retain liquid water on its


1 Extrasolar planets









10minus2 100 102 10410minus2




10minus2 100 102 104



a au



a au









3 K

Figure 11 Exoplanet mass and radius distribution as function of their orbital periodand effective temperature of their host star (color coded) Out of the 4130 discoveredexoplanets there are 994 mass and 1631 radius measurements (as of November 2019Schneider et al 2011)

surface Using the phase-mapping technique Knutson et al (2007) reconstructed a roughmap of HD 189733 b showing the temperature of the cloud deck An image of Formalhaut bin 2008 was the first direct image of an exoplanet (Kalas et al 2008) With Kepler-186 f anEarth-sized planet orbiting within its starrsquos habitable zone was discovered (Quintana et al2014) With the discovery of Kepler-452 b and its 16 Earth-radii another category not yetpresent in our solar system called ldquosuper Earthsrdquo was created Another super Earth orbitingour closest neighbour star Proxima Centauri even in the habitable zone was discovered byAnglada-Escudeacute et al (2016) Future missions aim to characterise exoplanetary systemsand to understand the formation evolution and chemical composition in more detail

12 Definition of an exoplanet

The word ldquoplanetrdquo was introduced by the ancient Greeks as the term ὰστέρες πλανῆτα

(asteres planetai) which can be translated as ldquowandering starrdquo This was inspired by theapparent movement of the planets in the solar system as opposed to the fixed stars In amore scientific way the International Astronomical Union (IAU) defined a planet in thesolar system in its resolution 5A as follows

A planet is a celestial body that

1 is in orbit around the Sun


13 Observational techniques

2 has sufficient mass for its self-gravity to overcome rigid body forces sothat it assumes a hydrostatic equilibrium (nearly round) shape and

3 has cleared the neighbourhood around its orbit

IAU (2006)

Additionally the working group on extrasolar planets of the IAU published the followingstatement not yet adopted as a resolution

1 Objects with true masses below the limiting mass for thermonuclearfusion of deuterium (currently calculated to be 13 Jupiter masses for ob-jects of solar metallicity) that orbit stars or stellar remnants are ldquoplanetsrdquo(no matter how they formed) The minimum masssize required for anextrasolar object to be considered a planet should be the same as thatused in our Solar System

2 Substellar objects with true masses above the limiting mass for ther-monuclear fusion of deuterium are ldquobrown dwarfsrdquo no matter how theyformed nor where they are located

3 Free-floating objects in young star clusters with masses below the limit-ing mass for thermonuclear fusion of deuterium are not ldquoplanetsrdquo butare ldquosub-brown dwarfsrdquo (or whatever name is most appropriate)

Boss et al (2005) reproduced with permission

The designation of exoplanets consists of the name of the host star followed by alowercase letter The first part can be an astronomical catalogue the scientific instrumentor project that discovered the exoplanet The following letter indicates the order of theexoplanets discovery around its host star usually beginning with ldquobrdquo This is analogous tothe designation of multiple star systems

13 Observational techniquesThe vast variety of exoplanets necessitates the need for different detection techniques Theycan be separated into three broad categories as the ldquoPerryman treerdquo a visual overview onthe detection methods illustrates in Fig 12

Widely separated exoplanets can be imaged directly Also protoplanetary disks can bedetected this way In case the orbital plane of the exoplanet aligns with the line of sight ofthe observer the planet transits in front of the stellar disk which can be detected as fluxvariations in primary and secondary eclipse

Gravitational lensing is known for very massive objects like galaxy clusters but can alsobe detected using a single star as a lens for a background star This induces a characteristicsignal in the light curve If the foreground star hosts an exoplanet it will act as an additionallens

Dynamical effects are based on the gravitational interaction of host star and planetThis can be measured directly as an astrometric change of position on the sky or indirectlyvia Doppler shifts in the host starrsquos spectrum or timing variations of transits eclipses orstellar pulsations The latter method is used in particular in this work and explained indetail in section 5


1 Extrasolar planets











existing capabilityprojected


-up detections n =

planets known








Exoplanet Detection



decreasingplanet mass


32 planets(20 system

s5 m


662 planets(504 system

s102 m


1 planet(1 system

0 m


53 planets(51 system

s2 m


2789 planets(2053 system

s474 m


1 January 20183572 exoplanets

(~2600 system

s ~590 m


bers from N


Exoplanet Archive]





refectedpolarised light

Radial velocity









44 planets(40 system

s2 m



















millisec slow



residuals(see TTVs)

(Kepler=2315 K2=




125Roplus) 766






protoplanetary disks

star accretionpollution

radio emission

gravitational waves

X-ray emission

debris diskscolliding


white dw

arf pollution



















































2 Subdwarf B stars

The majority of known exoplanets orbit cool host stars ie G and M type stars So faronly a small fraction of planets orbiting evolved host stars have been discovered (comparedto effective temperatures of host stars in Fig 11) This raises questions on the evolutionand fate of planetary systems The following chapter revises the stellar evolution withfocus on the post-main sequence phase of the host star arriving at subdwarf B stars (sdBstars) These stars are laboratories to test how planets survive and influence the late phasesof stellar evolution

21 ClassificationHumason and Zwicky (1947) discovered sdB stars in a photometric survey of the NorthGalactic Pole region Their position in the Hertzsprung-Russel diagram (HRD) in Fig 21in between the main sequence (MS) and the white-dwarf (WD) sequence was laterdetermined by Greenstein and Sargent (1974) They show effective temperatures Teff

from sim20 000 K to 50 000 K with surface gravities log(gcm sminus2) of 50 to 65 Heberet al (1984) Heber (1986) could connect the spectroscopic sdB class with the extremehorizontal branch (EHB) evolutionary stage Thus sdB stars are stripped helium-burningcores (sim05 M) of red giants with a thin hydrogen (H) atmosphere Their spectra aretherefore dominated by the broad Balmer lines of H while helium (He) is usually depletedBut their structure differs from horizontal-branch stars as their H envelopes are too thin tosustain H burning They evolve directly on to the WD cooling sequence as they lack theenvelope mass to pass via the asymptotic giant branch (AGB)

22 Canonical stellar and planetary evolutionThe progenitors of sdB stars are assumed to be solar-mass stars They form in molecularclouds consisting mostly of H about 20 to 30 per cent of He and a few percent of heavyelements The gas remains in hydrostatic equilibrium as long as the gas pressure isin balance with gravitational force (virial theorem) but a gravitational collapse can betriggered by shock waves (eg nearby supernova) As the cloud contracts it breaks intosmaller fragments in which the collapsing gas radiates the gravitational potential as heatAs temperature and pressure increase the fragment condenses into a protostar which isin hydrostatic equilibrium This way stars with different masses form mostly in groupsStellar winds of more massive stars ionize the remaining H in between the stars creatingH II regions and ultimately disrupt the cloud which prevents further star formation


2 Subdwarf B stars













White dwarfs

Cool subdwarfs











30000 10000

Surface temperature (deg)






ed to



6000 3000

Figure 21 Sketch of a Hertzsprung-Russell diagram highlighting the position of hotsubdwarf (sdB and sdO) stars and the extreme horizontal branch (EHB) located to the leftand below the hot end of the main sequence but above the white dwarf cooling sequenceThe EHB is separated from the blue horizontal branch (BHB) The location of stars havingevolved from the postasymptotic giant branch is shown for comparison The hot subdwarfstars have nothing in common with traditional cool subdwarfs found below the lowermain sequence (Heber 2009) Reprinted by permission from Copyright Clearance CenterAnnual Reviews Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics ldquoHot Subdwarf StarsrdquoHebercopy2009

The protostar continues to accrete material from its protoplanetary disk (Fig 22) untilfinally H fusion starts in the core and the star begins its phase on the main-sequence of theHRD (Fig 21) Inside the protoplanetary disk planetesimals form from electrostatic andgravitational interactions as building blocks for planets During their formation planetsmigrate within the disk and accrete material until the disk is evaporated by the central starsradiation On the main-sequence the star will evolve only slowly and remain there for


22 Canonical stellar and planetary evolution

Figure 22 Left Protoplanetary disc imaged by the Hubble Space Telescope in the Orionnebula The image is about 1800 au across Credit NASA CR OrsquoDell and SK WongRight ALMA image of HL Tauri showing th protoplanetary disc at a wavelength of13 mm The image is about 250 au across Credit ALMA (ESONAOJNRAO)

about 1010 years As the hydrogen in the core eventually depletes the fusion rate cannot bemaintained and the core contracts This continues to fuse H in a shell outside the He coreThe core contracts and the outer layers begin to expand The star becomes a red giantmoving up the red giant branch (RGB) in the HRD The He core compacts into degeneratematter and once core pressure and temperature are high enough the He starts to fuse witha He flash at the tip of the RGB in the HRD The core mass during the helium flash isabout half a solar-mass The star decreases in radius increases its surface temperatureand moves to the horizontal branch (HB) of the HRD After the He is fused in the coreouter shells fuse further He and the star moves to the asymptotic giant branch (AGB) andbecomes red giant again The produced carbon (C) can fuse with He and oxygen (O) tobuild a CO core The H and He shells are consecutively fusing in a cyclic process The starejects most of its envelope during these thermal pulses The expelled material is ionizedby the UV emission of the hot remnant core and can be observed as a planetary nebulaAfter this short phase the remnant star cools and enters the white dwarf cooling sequence

Planet occurrence rates estimated from Kepler observations suggest that 30 per centof Sun-like stars host Kepler-like planetary systems1 (Zhu et al 2018) Several studiesinvestigated occurrence rates from radial velocity surveys Jupiter-like planets2 may occurat six per cent of Solar-like stars (Wittenmyer et al 2016) Systems with giant planetsfrom the Kepler mission show outer gas giants within orbital periods of less than 400days at a 5 per cent occurrence rate (Santerne et al 2016) Bryan et al (2016) suggestthe total occurrence rate of companions3 from radial velocity measurements and direct

1 Kepler-like planets are planets that have radii RP amp R and orbital periods P gt 400 d Our Solar system isnot detectable by Kepler

2 Planets with masses 015RX MP 13MX and orbital periods of 3 au to 7 au3 For companions in the range of 1 MX to 20 MX and 5 au to 20 au


2 Subdwarf B stars

imaging with about 50 per cent Recently Grunblatt et al (2019) estimated the occurrencerate of planets larger than Jupiter for low-luminosity red giant branch stars from the K2mission to be 05 per cent Observations of polluted WDs debris disks orbiting WDslike WD 1145+017 (Vanderburg et al 2015) or even in-situ accretion of a giant planet toWD J0914+1914 (Gaumlnsicke et al 2019) show that these disks must form during the WDphase since they are located within the preceding giant stellar radii Spectroscopic analysisof polluted WD atmospheres find metals as to be expected from planetary compositionSince the sinking times for such heavy metals are orders of magnitude shorter than theWD cooling age the expected detection rate of polluted WDs is at about 01 per cent Butthe actual observed rate of metals is at 25 to 50 per cent Thus planetary systems appearto survive the RGB phase of their host star and may get disrupted and accreted duringthe WD phase Veras (2016) Farihi (2016) give a broad overview on post-main-sequenceplanetary system evolution and polluted WDs

23 Subdwarf B stars formation scenarios

The canonical formation of Subdwarf B stars is not explained by the typical evolutiondescribed in the section above since some mechanism during the progenitors giant phasemust have removed enough of the envelope to not sustain a H burning after the He flashThe formation scenario in a binary system first proposed by Mengel et al (1976) givesrise to different formation channels (Han et al 2002 2003 Podsiadlowski 2008) dependingon the initial mass ratios The scenarios are illustrated in Fig 23 and 24 The most simplescenario is a stable Roche-lobe over flow (RLOF) as in the left panel of Fig 23 The sdBprogenitor fills its Roche lobe near the tip of the RGB The mass transfer is dynamicallystable and the companion accretes the matter This will form a sdB in a long-period binarysystem with a main-sequence companion Observations find periods from 700 d to 1300 dleading to an improvement of the RLOF model (Chen et al 2013) If the mass transferduring the RLOF is too high the companion cannot accrete all the matter and a commonenvelope (CE) is formed (see Fig 24) Friction in the CE let the stars spiral inwards anduntil the CE gets ejected This will form a close binary system

While about 50 per cent of sdB stars are found in close binary systems with periodsof less than ten days observations show about 30 per cent appear as apparent single sdBstars There are several possible formation scenarios including atmosphere loss due tostellar winds the merger of two He WD (right panel of Fig 23) or undetected low-masscompanions

Hall and Jeffery (2016) estimated the H mass in the remnants of He WD mergers Inthe effective temperature-surface gravity plane they found a region occupied by thesestars during the core-He-burning phase and located the majority of apparently single sdBstars inside this region Nevertheless this conclusion depends on assumptions made to themodel regarding the initial H mass and loss of H during the merger Subdwarf B starslocated outside of this parameter region are found to be rapidly rotating low-gravity sdBstars

Alternatively the sdB progenitor could lose mass near the RGB tip due to strong stellarwinds or internal rotation While the He flash occurs typically at the tip of the RGB asufficient mass loss can lead a star to depart from the RGB so that the He flash is delayed


23 Subdwarf B stars formation scenarios

P = 10 minus 500 daysorb

sdBM = 030 minus 049 M


(mass ratio lt 12 minus 15)

Stable RLOF Channel

stable RLOF (near tip of RGB)

wide sdB binary with MSSG companion

envelope loss near RGB tipby stellar wind(rotation Z)

(1 or 2 CE phases)He WD merger

M = 040 minus 065 MsdB sun

M = 045 minus 049 MsdB sun

Single sdB Stars

gravitational radiation


Figure 23 Stable Roche-lobe channel (left) and single-starmerger channels (right) for theformation of sdB stars (Podsiadlowski 2008) By the kind permission of ASP ConferenceSeries vol 401 P Podsiadlowski p 63

(Castellani and Castellani 1993) The remnants of these ldquohot flashersrdquo are located closeto the He main sequence which coincides with the sdB location Although an ldquoearly hotflasherrdquo scenario may explain He and C abundances in sdB stars observations show someinconsistencies (Moehler et al 2011 Latour et al 2014)

Finally substellar objects eg brown dwarfs or even planets can lead to enough massloss in order to form sdB stars As described in the previous section the abundance ofplanets is high enough to be considered to survive and influence the late stellar evolutionFor a single red giant planets with orbital separations smaller than about 5 au will enhancethe mass loss when the planet is engulfed by the red giantrsquos atmosphere Since planetshave a comparable high angular momentum parts of it can be transferred to the envelopeIn consequence of this momentum transfer the planet spirals inwards and stellar mass lossincreases which leads to the formation of a sdB star In this scenario the planet wouldeither evaporate merge with the core or survive while most of the planetrsquos envelope islost (Soker 1998) With the merger scenario an enhanced stellar rotation could mix moreHe to the envelope and thus increase the RGB tip luminosity and further enhance the totalmass loss (Sweigart 1997) The hypothesis of surviving planetary systems is supportedby planetary-mass companions like the candidates V391 Peg b (Silvotti et al 2007) KIC05807616 bc (Charpinet et al 2011) KIC 10001893 bcd (Silvotti et al 2014) or browndwarf companions like V2008-1753 B (Schaffenroth et al 2015) or CS 1246 (Barlow et al2011b) Figure 25 illustrates the process of forming a sdB planetary system


2 Subdwarf B stars

P = 01 minus 10 daysorb




sdBM = 04 minus 049 M



shortminusperiod sdB binary with MS companionshortminusperiod sdB binary with He WD companion

commonminusenvelope phase commonminusenvelope phase

unstable RLOF minusminusminusgt dynamical mass transfer unstable RLOF minusminusminusgt dynamical mass transfer

stable RLOF

wide binary

CommonminusEnvelope Channels

CE only (mass ratio gt 12 minus 15)stable RLOF + CE (mass ratio lt 12 minus 15)

Figure 24 Common-envelope (CE) channels for the production of sdB stars The CE phasecan be either the first (right panel) or the second (left panel) mass-transfer phase producinga tight sdB binary with either a normal-star or white-dwarf companion respectively(Podsiadlowski 2008) By the kind permission of ASP Conference Series vol 401 PPodsiadlowski p 63

From observational data it cannot be ruled out that these planets may have formed assecond generation planets After the merger of two He WDs the remaining circumstellardisk could provide enough material to form planets in analogy to the pulsar planets(Wolszczan and Frail 1992 Thorsett et al 1993)

Finally there is evidence that some sdB stars are not core He-burning objects Heberet al (2003) discovered a sdB with insufficient mass to ignite He-burning in the core

24 Asteroseismology

Asteroseismology describes the study of the interiors of stars by using their oscillationsas seismic waves The first pulsating star was discovered in 1596 by David Fabricius Henoticed that the star ο Ceti (subsequently named ldquoMirardquo the wonderful) vanished from


24 Asteroseismology

Figure 25 Possible formation mechanism of close-in planets a The two planets identifiedby Charpinet et al (2011) were probably massive gas-giant planets during the early part oftheir host starrsquos life when the star burned hydrogen into helium as our Sun does today Atthis time the planets resided farther away from their host star than they do today b Whenthe star exhausted the supply of hydrogen in its core it expanded to become a red-giant starThe outer layers of the star then engulfed the orbits of the two planets The planets losttheir outer gaseous layers as their orbits spiralled inwards c For unknown reasons the redgiant expelled its cool outer layers leaving behind a small hot B subdwarf star The smallrocky cores of the initial planets were left behind in close-in orbits with periods of 58 and82 hours (Figure not drawn to scale) (Kempton 2011) Reprinted by permission fromCopyright Clearance Center Springer Nature Nature Planetary science ldquoThe ultimatefate of planetsrdquo Kemptoncopy2011

the visible sky Later on it was realized that the star did so every eleven months andbecame the first known (semi) periodic variable star Subsequently more variable stars likeδ Cephei (related stars are summarized as ldquoCepheidsrdquo) were discovered and their variationslinked to radial pulsations By now a large number of groups of pulsating star is known toexist Figure 26 shows their occurrences in a HRD Historically they have been classifiedon a phenomenological basis and mostly named after their prototype star The physicalreasons for the classification were uncovered later and are related to the different types ofexcited pulsation mode mass and evolutionary state Since this work relates mostly to sdBstars the following describes their driving mechanism Extensive overviews can be foundeg in Cunha et al (2007) Aerts et al (2010)

241 κ mechanismBaker and Kippenhahn (1962) proposed the κ mechanism to explain δ Cephei pulsationsFor stellar matter than can be described as an ideal gas an increase in compression ofthe atmosphere causes an increase in temperature and density This usually results in adecrease of the opacity κ allowing energy to be transported more efficiently This describesan equilibrium where temperature and pressure are balanced But in layers of the starwhere κ increases with increasing temperature the incoming flux from inner layers can betemporally stored These layers are associated with regions where (partial) ionization of


2 Subdwarf B stars

chemical elements occur When the layer expands in order to reach its equilibrium theadditionally accumulated energy is released and the star can expand beyond its equilibriumradius When the material recedes energy is again stored in the stellar interior and thecycle can repeat as a periodic stellar oscillation

Depending on the restoring force of the pulsations modes are either of the nature ofstanding acoustic waves (referred to as pressure modes or p modes) or internal gravitywaves (g modes) However especially in evolved stars both types of modes can be found

Unlike solar oscillations which are exited stochastically pulsations excited by theκ mechanism are coherent in phase their lifetime is very long compared to observationsspanning over years and change slowly due to stellar evolution These modes are suitablefor a pulsation timing analysis

In variable sdB stars (sdBV) the bump in opacity is related to elements of the iron group(Charpinet et al 1997) which are accumulated in the driving layers by diffusion processeslike gravitational settling and radiative levitation (cf Heber 2009 2016) Charpinetet al (1996) predicted the nonradial pulsations theoretically almost simultaneously totheir discovery by Kilkenny et al (1997) Effective temperatures Teff typically rangefrom 28 000 K to 35 000 K and surface gravity log g from 52 to 61 Observed pulsationamplitudes are usually smaller than 50 mmag Hybrid pulsators showing both p andg modes (eg Schuh et al 2006) locate at the temperature boundary around 28 000 Kbetween both classes of pulsators About ten per cent of the sdB stars located in theinstability strip of the Teffminus log g plane exhibit pulsations above a few mmag This fractionmight be biased due to detection limits of ground based observations However Keplerobservations confirmed the deficiency of p-mode pulsators in the instability strip (egOslashstensen et al 2011)

Due to the He fusion into C and O in the core of sdB stars the internal structure variesslowly and thus modifies the condition of hydrostatic equilibrium This results into slowsecular changes of the surface gravity and effective temperature and slow changes inthe pulsation period (Charpinet et al 2002) Using long-term observations these periodchanges can be measured

242 Asteroseismic observationsStellar oscillations generate motions and temperature variations on the surface and resultin observable variability These variations cause changes in brightness and colour radialvelocity and line profiles Thus pulsating stars can be studied using photometric andspectroscopic time series measurements which can be used to generate frequency spectra -one of the most important tools in asteroseismology The following focuses on time seriesphotometry

Since the observations are usually discrete and contain gaps a harmonic analysis isperformed using the Discrete Fourier Transformation

F( f ) =


x(tk) exp (i2π f tk)

of the measurements x(tk) which leads to an amplitude spectrum The observations opposelimitations to this spectrum Due to the discrete nature the highest useful frequency to


24 Asteroseismology

search for is called the Nyquist frequency

fNyq =1


with the time between two data points ∆t In the case of unevenly spaced data the Nyquistfrequency does not exist higher frequencies might be detectable With a finite length ofthe observations the spectrum has a finite frequency resolution proportional to the inverseof the total time span Moreover observations are likely to show gaps (eg daynight orseasonal observation windows technical problems poor observing conditions) some ofthem with a regular nature which produce additional peaks in the Fourier space Theseeffects combined are known as the ldquowindow functionrdquo in the time domain or as ldquospectralwindowrdquo in the Fourier space The spectral window can show multiple peaks even ifthe underlying signal is monochromatic and complicate the interpretation of the dataAdditionally long gaps produce unwanted signals in the low frequency regime In order toovercome the complex response in frequencies and amplitudes of the signal even withoutnoise different forms of periodograms have been defined A well-known and widelyapplied technique is the Lomb-Scargle periodogram (Scargle 1982) Horne and Baliunas(1986) Schwarzenberg-Czerny (1997) showed the equivalence of the variance reductionbetween a Lomb-Scargle periodogram and a least squares fit of sinusoids at test frequenciesThus fits of a harmonic series of sinusoids at test frequencies can be used to search fornon-sinusoidal signals as well The Lomb-Scargle periodogram does not require regularsampled data and is used for the analysis in this work (see Press et al (2007) VanderPlas(2017) cf section 8)


2 Subdwarf B stars

Figure 26 Hertzsprung-Russell diagram showing different classes of pulsating starsSome of these are named after a particular member of the class Others are acronymsrespectively for rapidly oscillating Ap (roAp) Slowly Pulsating B (SPB) subdwarf Bvariables (sdBV) The group labelled GW Vir includes what has formerly been known asthe PNNV stars (for Planetary Nebulae Nuclei Variables) and the variable hot DO whitedwarfs (DOV) the DBV and DAV stars are variable DB (helium-rich) and DA (hydrogen-rich) white dwarfs The parallel long-dashed lines indicate the Cepheid instability strip(Cunha et al 2007) Reprinted by permission from Copyright Clearance Center SpringerNature Astron Astrophys Rev ldquoAsteroseismology and interferometryrdquo Cunhacopy2007


Part II

The EXOTIME project


3 Targets

The EXOTIME program (EXOplanet search with the TIming MEthod) was born out oflong-term monitoring of the object HS 2201+2610 in order to measure long-term drifts inthe pulsation periods P The large amount of data made it possible to not only constrain sdBstar evolution from P but resulted in the postulation of the substellar companion candidateV391 Peg b using the pulsation timing method (Silvotti et al 2007) With the puzzlingformation history of sdB stars the authors initiated the EXOTIME program in 2008The project extends the long-term monitoring to the objects HS 0702+6043 (DW Lyn)HS 0444+0458 (V1636 Ori) PG 1325+101 (QQ Vir) EC 09582-1137 (V541 Hya) andHS 2201+2610 (V391 Peg) While the majority of exoplanet research is strongly focussedon planets (and moons) in the habitable zone and formation of planetary systems themain goal of the EXOTIME project is to detect exoplanets orbiting evolved stars usingthe stellar pulsations to conclude on timing variations (see section 5) Transit and radialvelocity searches are not efficient for stars with small radii and high gravities like sdB starsAdditionally the project wants to characterize the target stars using asteroseismic methodsand in particular the measurement of P

The following sections describe the targets and their observations in detail Theirselection followed some basic properties The targets must be observable from the Northernhemisphere and bright enough for a sufficient signal-to-noise ratio in the Johnson B bandwith 1 m to 3 m class telescopes since sdB stars emit the maximum energy in the nearUV regime A suitable target for the timing method should show two to four independentpulsation frequencies coherent in phase and stable in amplitude (gt1 mmag 01 ) Eachfrequency leads to an independent timing measurement But coherence and stability canonly be verified with the long-term monitoring To ensure the sdB star is not accompaniedby a low-mass star in a binary system there should be no strong IR excess compared toa black body spectrum The observational parameters of the five EXOTIME targets aresummarized in Table 31 Section 7 describes DW Lyn V1636 Ori QQ Vir V541 Hya indetail and lists the atmospheric parameters in Table 71

Observations and results on a substellar companion for V391 Peg are published bySilvotti et al (2007) alternative scenarios are discussed by Silvotti (2008) and additionalobservations are published by Silvotti et al (2018) The latter publication placed the firstinterpretation of the O minus C variations under discussion because of possible non-linearinteractions between different pulsation modes that change arrival times We proposedfor continued observations at the Las Cumbres Observatory (LCO Brown et al 2013)using 2 m class telescopes in order to connect observations from Silvotti et al (2018)with upcoming TESS observations in 2020 In 2017 we observed for about 52 hours in2019 for eight hours each in the Johnson B band with exposure times of 10 s to 20 s Theobservations are listed in Table 32


3 Targets

Table 31 Observational properties of the EXOTIME targets taken fromhttpsimbadu-strasbgfrsimbad and amplitude of the main pulsation (mea-sured in this work and by Silvotti et al (2007))

Target RA (J2000) DE (J2000) B mag JminusH ampl

DW Lyn 7h7m980s 60deg38prime50 primeprime16 147 minus0123 219V1636 Ori 4h47m1863s 5deg3prime34 primeprime81 1544 0043 054QQ Vir 13h27m4856s 9deg54prime51 primeprime05 1373 minus014 26V541 Hya 10h0m4182s minus11deg51prime34 primeprime59 1501 minus025 031V391 Peg 22h4m1210s 26deg25prime7 primeprime82 1441 001 085


3 Targets

Table 32 Summary of the newly acquired observations for V391 Peg

observatory obs date exp time s obs time h

LCO 2017-09-12 10 122 2017-09-14 10 068

2017-09-15 10 1402017-09-16 10 4722017-09-17 10 6182017-09-18 10 1222017-09-19 10 6922017-09-20 10 0722017-09-21 10 3952017-09-22 10 2702017-09-26 20 0752017-09-28 20 1752017-09-29 20 0222017-09-30 20 0752017-10-01 20 1272017-10-02 20 0752017-10-03 20 5182017-10-05 20 0232017-10-06 20 0382017-10-07 20 0772017-11-05 20 2072017-11-06 20 0752017-11-09 20 1682017-11-10 20 4222017-11-13 20 2182019-09-07 20 1102019-09-09 20 0072019-09-10 20 2482019-09-11 20 2672019-09-12 20 130

Σ 6027


4 Multi-epoch photometric data

41 Time series photometryThe timing method applied to the data and described in the next section imposes re-quirements on the photometric time series Each observation run needs a high temporalresolution of less than about 30 s in order to sample the p-modes correctly and a highsignal-to-noise ratio to detect their low amplitudes A single phase measurement in thelater analysis is required to reach an uncertainty in the order of one second Therefore theobservations should cover about three consecutive nights each with about three hours forone phase measurement

411 Photometry

In order to make use of the raw CCD images from the observations the data need tobe calibrated properly This includes detector specific corrections (bias and dark fieldsubtraction) as well as instrumental and sensitivity corrections (flat field division) Thefollowing photometric measurements were performed using the IDL package TRIPP (TimeResolved Imaging Photometry Package) Some data have been reduced using differentsoftware packages but the concept does not differ A circular aperture is placed aroundthe target star and measures the flux An annulus around this aperture or a further fieldmeasures the background flux which is subtracted from the target flux Since variationsin the Earthrsquos atmosphere on short and long term time scales (sky transparency air mass)affect this measurement the target flux is compared to the flux of multiple comparison starsThe field of view is assumed to be small enough that all atmospheric variations influencethe flux of all stars equally This procedure is applied to all images of an observationrun and yields the light curve Atmospheric extinction is correction by a second orderpolynomial in time

412 Timing accuracy

Accurate time stamps for each observation is crucial for the analysis of timing effectsAcquisition equipment is usually synced via network with a time server to the universaltime (UTC) However some of the first observations used for the project do not recordthe fraction of the second Thus the accuracy of individual observations is assumed to bebetter than plusmn05 s

Additional to the recording of precise time stamps the observer needs to be positionedin a rest frame compared to the target Without the necessary corrections the result would


4 Multi-epoch photometric data

be superimposed by the Earthrsquos motion around the barycentre of the Solar system anddiscontinuous time standards Eastman et al (2010) describes the necessary formalismin detail The Barycentric Coordinate Time (TDB) time frame including barycentriccorrections for the Solar system is accurate down to 34 ms and applied to all observationaltime stamps (hereafter refereed as BJD(TDB))


5 Methods

51 O minusC Pipeline

Already in the 17th century Ole Rœmer made use of the travel time of light in order tomeasure the speed of light (eg Soter and deGrasse Tyson 2001) An inversion of thisscenario allows to measure changes of orbits using the finite speed of light In astronomythis idea is widely used for different applications eg on pulsars eclipsing binary systemstiming variations on planetary transits or stellar pulsations In the context of stellarpulsations this concept is referred to as the O minusC method (Observed minus Calculated)The approach compares the phase of a periodic function to a reference phase and thusallow conclusions on variations in the observed phase While the following describes themethod illustratively the specific implementation of the O minus C method in this work isexplained in section 8

The schematic construction of an O minusC diagram is pictured in Fig 51 Requirementfor a OminusC analysis is a sufficiently long observational time span of the stellar pulsation Alight curve model fit to full data set provides the reference phase referred to as C Similarfits to small sub-sets of the observation provides an independent light curve model Thuseach sub-set called epoch provides a phase measurement referred to as O Iteratingthrough all epochs in time yield the differences between the average phase of the referencemodel and the phase measurements of the epochs called O minusC diagram

An O minusC diagram with no variations implies an agreement between observed phasesand the reference phase Linear changes in the diagram suggest a wrong frequency for thereference model and thus a constant error added per cycle More complex deviations aredescribed below

511 Linear change in period

The following considerations can be found in Kepler et al (1991) In order to makeuse of the timing method a sufficiently stable timer in the observed system is requiredldquoSufficientlyrdquo refers to accuracy compared to the length of observations In the case ofstellar pulsations this timer is a periodic brightness variation The observed time of theEth cycle can be expressed as

TE = T0 + PE

with the period P at T0 and the epoch E as in the cycle number counted from T0Due to physical processes the stellar pulsation period will change slowly over time


5 Methods


O1 O2 O3








Figure 51 Schematic picture of the O minusC diagram construction Top A model to the fulllight curve yields the reference phase C Middle Light curve models to each epoch yieldindividual phase information O Bottom Construction of the O minusC diagram from abovemeasurements

(see section 241) If this change is small TE can be expand in a Taylor series

TE = T0 +dTdE

(E minus E0) +12


(E minus E0)2 + O ((E minus E0))2

Terms of higher order are neglected Expanding the quadratic term using dTdE = Pleads to

d2TdE2 =




= PdPdt

Assuming 2E0 E finally yields

TE = T0 + PE +12


In order to compare the model of a slowly changing period with the null hypotheses(ldquothe period is stablerdquo) both identify with

O B T0 + PE +12


C B T prime0 + PprimeE

where O stands for observed ephemerides with a constant period Pprime and C for the calculatedor computed ephemerides With ∆T = T0 minus T prime0 and ∆P = P minus Pprime and E = tPminus1 this leads to

O minusC = ∆T0 +∆PP

t +12




51 O minusC Pipeline











Figure 52 Schematic picture of the orbital configuration

In an O minusC diagram a fit with a parabolic function yields the evolutionary time scalePP

512 Light travel time effect

Assuming a two body system consisting of the pulsating star and a companion both orbittheir common centre of mass The motion of pulsating star with mass M around thebarycentre implies a variation in the projected line of sight as show in Fig 52 whichtranslates into a change in light travel time The periodic pulsation of the star allow formeasuring this change and hence concluding on the minimum mass of the companion mAssuming a circular orbit due to the proposed formation history of companions of subdwarfB stars the change in light travel time varies periodically and imposes a sinusoidal signalin the O minusC diagram The following describes the derivation of the expected amplitude ofthis light travel time effect (eg Hilditch 2001 pp 29)

Let the line of sight be aligned with the z direction With the inclination of the orbit ithe argument of periapsis ω and the true anomaly ϑ of the Kepler ellipse the z componentof the radius vector r reads as

rz = r sin (i) sin (ω + ϑ)

Keplerrsquos laws of planetary motion yield

r =a(1 minus e2

)1 + e cos (ϑ)


5 Methods

with the semi mayor axis a and the eccentricity e Thus

rz =a(1 minus e2

)1 + e cos (ϑ)

sin (i) sin (ω + ϑ)

With Keplerrsquos Third Law follows for the semi major axis

a3 = Gm3P2

4π4 (M + m)2

where P is the orbital period Assuming a circular orbit with e = 0 The maximumdisplacement ∆rz in the orbit occurs at sin (ω + ϑ) = plusmn1

∆rz = 2G13m(

P2π (M + m)


sin i

The light travel time follows from

∆T =rz





2π (M + m)


sin i

which is the semi-amplitude of the sinusoidal signal in the O minus C diagram induced by asub-stellar companion due to the light travel time effect

52 Artificial data testingOnce such a fast pipeline is deployed it provides a convenient way to analyse artificialdata with precisely known input parameters and test for the expected results In order toavoid additional effects due to irregular observations and gaps in the data the artificialdata are mostly generated according to the PLATO scheme cadence of 25 s for three years(ie 186 times 106 measurements) and a signal to noise ratio of about 6 as expected for a14 mag star in the B band observed with all 24 telescopes (ESASRE 2011) A differentset of artificial data is created for a simplified ground-based observational scheme (threeconsecutive nights per month each eight hours for ten years ie 124 times 105) Since theresults between these two sets are very similar merely the PLATO-like scheme is discussedbelow

In total about 50 different scenarios of frequency spacings and amplitudes wereinvestigated Some interesting cases are explained below

Resonant frequencies Pulsations with frequency-spacing in integer multiples mightcause an unstable fitting process To test for such scenarios a set of several light curves wascreated They simulate pulsation frequencies in 12 13 and 15 resonances with a constantphase and amplitude The resulting fits to individual modes tend to show oscillatingphases but the simultaneous fit of all frequencies is stable and recovers successfully phase-and amplitude-information Fig 54 shows an example of resonant modes with a basefrequency of 240 dminus1 Some modes tend to show an constant offset in the O minusC diagrambut are on average still close to the null hypothesis


52 Artificial data testing







0 50 100 150 200 250

0 1000 2000


f dminus1

f microHz







minus002minus001 0 001 002

minus02 minus01 0 01 02




f dminus1

f microHz

Figure 53 Left Amplitude spectrum for four resonant pulsations with frequencies of240 dminus1 120 dminus1 80 dminus1 and 48 dminus1 and amplitudes of 05 Right Window function











0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100


48 dminus1 80 dminus1 120 dminus1 240 dminus1




t d

Figure 54 Results for four resonant pulsations with frequencies of 240 dminus1 120 dminus1 80 dminus1

and 48 dminus1 Each epoch contains data from one month Top Reconstructed AmplitudesBottom O minusC diagram


5 Methods




27776 27778 2778



04 minus f1




23998 240 24002



f microHz



f dminus1







minus002minus001 0 001 002

minus02 minus01 0 01 02




f dminus1

f microHz

Figure 55 Left Amplitude spectrum for two close pulsations with frequencies of240000 dminus1 and 240002 dminus1 and amplitudes of 05 and 02 (top) after subtraction ofthe mode at 240000 dminus1 (middle) and residuals after subtraction of the mode at 240002 dminus1

(bottom) Right Window function

Close frequencies Unresolved frequencies are a problem in the analysis of data andinterpretation of their results The frequency resolution is intrinsic to the observationpattern Unfortunately it is very difficult to conclude from an observational O minus Cpattern on unresolved frequencies The vast range of possible combinations in number offrequencies their spacing and amplitude ratios makes it almost impossible to conclude on aspecific configuration to explain the observations However if there is a resolved multipletin the observations but the signal-to-noise ratio of individual amplitudes is not goodenough to provide useful phase measurements a simulated multiplet on the observationaltime grid can provide insights on the O minusC behaviour of the main frequency Additionallythe window function can help to interpret amplitude spectra

Artificial test cases can raise awareness of possible O minus C patterns and caution theinterpretation of observational results The following tests were conducted with twopulsation frequencies and a constant phase which should result in a O minus C diagram notdifferent from zero

With a sufficient frequency separation and signal-to-noise ratio for both pulsations(see Fig 55) the O minusC diagram might show mode-beating effects like in Fig 56 Therecovered amplitude and phase of the main pulsation mode show periodic variationsalthough they should appear constant Thus the simultaneous occurrence of amplitude-and phase-modulations in an O minusC diagram should caution the interpretation in favour ofa light travel time effect

When the signal-to-noise ratio for one frequency is barely over the noise level it mightbe considered as noise after the pre-whitening of the dominant mode and neglected Using


52 Artificial data testing











0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100


2400 dminus1 240002 dminus1




t d

Figure 56 Results of the simultaneous fit of two close pulsations with frequencies of2400 dminus1 and 240002 dminus1 and similar amplitudes Each epoch contains data from onemonth TopReconstructed Amplitudes Bottom O minusC diagram

the example above but reducing the amplitude of the second pulsation from 05 to0001 (see Fig 57) leads to the O minusC diagram in Fig 58 The second pulsation is nottaken into consideration because the amplitude does not elevate above the noise level Themain pulsation shows periodic variations in the phase as to be expected from a substellarcompanion At the same time the amplitude appears to be modulated as well indicating amode-beating effect These scenarios strengthen the need for at least one additional phasevariation measurement on an independent pulsation mode in order to conclude on reflexmotion effects due to a substellar companion

Variable amplitude Previous observational studies show that amplitude modulationsare a common phenomenon for sdB stars Kilkenny (2010) But due to the relatively shortobservational baseline of such investigations it is not clear whether amplitude modulationscan appear on their own or together with phase modulations (as result of mode beatingeffects) Thus the OminusC method needs to be able to distinguish between the two scenarioswhich can be tested by using a simulated mode with an amplitude modulation but nophase modulation The example data set shown in Fig 59 and 510 exhibits an amplitudemodulation of 50 The OminusC analysis recovers successful this amplitude variation Alsothe phase shows no simultaneous variation which enables the distinction between a modebeating and pure amplitude modulated scenario


5 Methods




27776 27778 2778




23998 240 24002



f microHz




f dminus1







minus002minus001 0 001 002

minus02 minus01 0 01 02




f dminus1

f microHz

Figure 57 Left Amplitude spectrum for two close pulsations with frequencies of 2400 dminus1

and 240002 dminus1 and amplitudes of 05 and 0001 (top) residuals after subtractionof the mode at 2400 dminus1 (bottom) Note the different scale The residual peaks are onlyslightly above the average noise level Right Window function





0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100


2400 dminus1




t d

Figure 58 Results for two close pulsations with frequencies of 2400 dminus1 and 240002 dminus1

and very different amplitudes Each epoch contains data from one month Top Recon-structed Amplitude Bottom O minusC diagram for the main pulsation


52 Artificial data testing




27776 27778 2778




23998 240 24002



f microHz




f dminus1







minus002minus001 0 001 002

minus02 minus01 0 01 02




f dminus1

f microHz

Figure 59 Left Amplitude spectrum for one pulsation with a frequency of 2400 dminus1

and an amplitude of 05 varying by 50 with a 300 d period (top) residuals afterpre-whitening of the mode at 2400 dminus1 (bottom) Right Window function




0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100


2400 dminus1




t d

Figure 510 Results for one simulated pulsation with a frequency of 2400 dminus1 and anamplitude of 05 The amplitude is varying by 50 with a 300 d period Each epochcontains data from one month Top Reconstructed Amplitude Bottom O minusC diagram


5 Methods

53 Alternative approaches

531 Analytic signal

The analytic signal (AS) is a complex-valued function where real and imaginary part arerelated to each other by the Hilbert transform In polar coordinates the AS can be expressedin terms of its amplitude and phase as a function of time called envelope and instantaneousphase The instantaneous frequency can be obtained by differentiating the instantaneousphase in respect to time From the instantaneous phase an O minusC diagram can be inferredwhich makes the AS a potentially useful tool to investigate phase amplitude and frequencyvariations in stellar pulsations See III (2007) for a comprehensive overview

The AS s(t) of a signal s(t) is defined as

s(t) = s(t) + iH (s(t))

where the Hilbert transformationH is defined over the convolution

H =1πtlowast s(t)

While the original signal generates one amplitude value for each point in time the analyticalrepresentation generates a rotating vector in the complex plane Thus the analyticalrepresentation provides instantaneous values for amplitude frequency and phase withonly a single sample of a discrete signal

The AS is implemented in the scipy library (Jones et al 2011) Since it is based onFourier transforms it requires equidistant steps in time Thus a space born observatorywith a regular and continuous observing scheme is preferred over ground based observa-tions by this method Due to barycentric motion of the spacecraft the time steps will bedistorted after correcting for the barycentric motion Therefore an interpolation in time isnecessary which makes the analysis computationally very expensive

In order to test the implementation the artificial light curves should represent thistemporal behavior The data were generated sampling one stellar pulsation mode accordingto the PLATO scheme (cadence of 25 s for three years) and an ldquoinverserdquo barycentriccorrection was applied in order to create the irregular temporal spacing

For the analysis the artificial data are interpolated on a grid with a spacing of theshortest time between two measurements close to 25 s From an amplitude spectrum thefrequency of the pulsation mode is selected very similar to the classical O minusC approachimplemented for this work In the presence of multiple pulsation frequencies a frequencyfiltering is necessary After the computation of the envelope instantaneous phase andfrequency the expected linear cycle count is subtracted from the instantaneous phase toyield the OminusC diagram (see Fig 511) Since the AS is computed without a binning of datathe result appears to be scattering much more than the classical O minusC result Averagingthe results over a sufficient amount of time smooths the measurements Neverthelessthe process of interpolation before the actual analysis can start is computationally veryexpensive about a factor 1000 more than the classical O minusC calculation This makes theHilbert transform not practical for analysing irregular high cadence data This approachhas not been further pursued in this work


53 Alternative approaches



50100150200250300350 frequency



0 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 01




ampl envelope 2400 dminus1f




t d

Figure 511 Results of the Hilbert transform for one pulsation with a frequency of2400 dminus1 and an amplitude of 05 Top Flux measurements (black) sampled from thepulsation (grey) and amplitude envelope (red) Middle Instantaneous frequency BottomInstantaneous phase minus reference phase

532 Independent confirmation via direct imagingDirect imaging with adaptive optics allow for observations near the refraction limit of thetelescope This might offer the possibility to confirm sub-stellar companion candidateswhere a clear detection using the pulsation timing is affected by non-linear effects ofstellar pulsations However possible companions are still not resolvable with currenttechnology V391 Peg and DW Lyn have a distance of d = (12387000 plusmn 822422) pc andd = (14954389 plusmn 1303785) pc respectively (Gaia Collaboration et al 2018) With semimajor axis of about 17 au (Silvotti et al 2007) and 196 au the hypothetical companionswould be separated by 137 mas and 131 mas from the host star respectively This isabout one order of magnitude smaller than the theoretical angular resolution of 8 m classtelescopes The remaining EXOTIME targets are not significantly closer to Earth Thusthe sub-stellar companion candidates in the EXOTIME sample can not be confirmed viadirect imaging


Part III

The EXOTIME project Signals in theO minusC diagrams of the rapidly pulsatingsubdwarfs DW Lyn V1636 Ori QQ Vir

and V541 Hya


This chapter is published as a journal article ldquoThe EXOTIME project Signals inthe O minus C diagrams of the rapidly pulsating subdwarfs DW Lyn V1636 Ori QQ Virand V541 Hyardquo in Astronomy and Astrophysics (AampA 638 (2020) A108 DOI httpsdoiorg1010510004-6361201937172) copy F Mackebrandt et al 2020Authors F Mackebrandt12 S Schuh1 R Silvotti3 S-L Kim4 D Kilkenny5 EM Green6 R Lutz7 T Nagel8 J L Provencal910 T Otani1112 T D Oswalt1112

S Benatti13 L Lanteri3 A Bonanno14 A Frasca14 R Janulis15 M Paparoacute16 LMolnaacuter1617 R Claudi13 R H Oslashstensen18

Contributions FM analysed the data and wrote the manuscript SS is CoI of the EXO-TIME project coordinated observations at CAHA and supervised the findings of this workRS is PI of the EXOTIME project coordinated observations at TNG and contributedFig 910 and the according description in section 95 The following authors observed andreduced the data S-LK (LOAO) DK (SAAO) EMG (MtB) RL (MN) TN (Tue)JLP (WET) TO (SARA-KP) TDO (SARA-KP) SB (Asi) LL (Loi) AB (Serrala Nave) AF (Serra la Nave) RJ (Mol) MP (Kon) LM (Kon) RC (Asi) RHOslash(NOT)The manuscript has been read discussed and approved by all named authors

Photometric data of Fig 71 results in Fig 92 94 96 and 99 and figures in theappendix are only available at the CDS via anonymous ftp to cdsarcu-strasbgfr(130791285) or via httpcdsarcu-strasbgfrviz-bincatJA+A638

1 Max-Planck-Institut fuumlr Sonnensystemforschung Justus-von-Liebig-Weg 3 37077 Goumlttingen Germany2 Institut fuumlr Astrophysik Georg-August-Universitaumlt Goumlttingen Friedrich-Hund-Platz 1 37077 Goumlttingen

Germany3 INAF ndash Osservatorio Astrofisico di Torino strada dellrsquoOsservatorio 20 10025 Pino Torinese Italy4 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute Daejeon 34055 South Korea5 Department of Physics and Astronomy University of the Western Cape Private Bag X17 Bellville 7535

South Africa6 Steward Observatory University of Arizona 933 N Cherry Avenue Tucson AZ 85721 USA7 German Aerospace Center (DLR) Remote Sensing Technology Institute Muumlnchener Str 20 82234

Weszligling Germany8 Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics Kepler Center for Astro and Particle Physics University of

Tuumlbingen 72076 Tuumlbingen Germany9 University of Delaware Department of Physics and Astronomy Newark DE 19716 USA10 Delaware Asteroseismic Research Center Mt Cuba Observatory Greenville DE 19807 USA11 Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Department of Physical Science and SARA Daytona Beach FL

32114 USA12 Florida Institute of Technology Department of Physics amp Space Sciences Melbourne FL 32901 USA13 INAF ndash Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova Vicolo dellacircAZOsservatorio 5 35122 Padova Italy14 INAF ndash Osservatorio Astrofisico di Catania Via S Sofia 78 95123 Catania Italy15 Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astronomy Vilnius University Gostauto 12 Vilnius 01108 Lithuania16 Konkoly Observatory Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences Konkoly-Thege M uacutet 15-17

1121 Budapest Hungary17 MTA CSFK Lenduumllet Near-Field Cosmology Research Group Konkoly Observatory18 Department of Physics Astronomy and Materials Science Missouri State University Springfield MO

65897 USA


A108Based on observations obtained at the 09 m SARA-KP telescope which is operated bythe Southeastern Association for Research in Astronomy (saraobservatoryorg)


6 Introduction

Subdwarf B stars (sdBs) are sub-luminous stars with a mass of about 05 M located at theblue end of the horizontal branch which is the so-called extreme horizontal branch (EHBHeber 1986) They maintain a helium burning core but their thin hydrogen envelope(Menv lt 001 M) cannot sustain hydrogen shell burning which identifies sdBs withstripped cores of red giants (Heber 2016) Binary evolution with a common envelope (CE)is the favoured formation scenario for most sdBs The sdB progenitor fills its Roche lobenear the tip of the RGB A CE is formed when the mass transfer rate is sufficiently highand the companion star cannot accrete all the matter For close binary systems with smallinitial mass ratios q lt 12ndash15 two phases of mass transfer occur The first Roche-lobeoverflow is stable whereas the second one is unstable leading to the ejection of the CEThe resulting binary consists of an sdB star and a white dwarf in a short-period orbitFor initial mass ratios q gt 12ndash15 the first mass-transfer phase is unstable and the CE isejected producing an sdB star with a non-degenerate (eg main sequence star) companionA more detailed review of formation and evolution of compact binary systems can be foundin Podsiadlowski (2008) and Postnov and Yungelson (2014) These formation scenarioscannot explain the observed additional occurrence of apparently single sdBs (Maxtedet al 2001) Among the proposed formation scenarios is the proposal by Webbink (1984)that they could be formed by a merger of two helium white dwarfs But such mergersare problematic as they are expected to retain very little hydrogen (Han et al 2002) andbe left with higher rotation rates than what has been observed (Charpinet et al 2018)Moreover the overall observed mass distribution of single sdB stars is not consistent withthat expected from the proposed formation scenario Sub-stellar companions could resolvethis disagreement between theory and observations Planetary-mass companions like thecandidates V391 Peg b (Silvotti et al 2007) KIC 05807616 bc (Charpinet et al 2011)KIC 10001893 bcd (Silvotti et al 2014) or brown dwarf companions like V2008-1753 B(Schaffenroth et al 2015) or CS 1246 (Barlow et al 2011b) indicate the existence of apreviously undiscovered population of companions to apparently single sdBs

Due to the high surface gravity and effective temperature (leading to few stronglybroadened spectral lines in the optical) and the small radii of sdBs the detection efficiencyfor companions via methods like radial velocity variations or transits is small The timingof stellar pulsations offers a complementary detection method sensitive to large orbitalseparations

A small fraction of sdB stars shows pulsational variations in the p- (pressure-) andg- (gravity-) mode regimes Rapid p-mode pulsators (sdBVr) discovered by Kilkennyet al (1997) show periods of the order of minutes and amplitudes of a few tens of mmagSuch pulsations were predicted by Charpinet et al (1997 et seq) to be driven by theκ-mechanism due to a Z-opacity bump For slow pulsators (sdBVs) the periods range


6 Introduction

from 30 to 80 min with small amplitudes of a few mmag This class was discovered byGreen et al (2003) and the pulsations are explained by the κ-mechanism as well (Fontaineet al 2003) Some sdB stars show both types of pulsation modes simultaneously (sdBVrs)These hybrid pulsators lie at the temperature boundary near 28000 K between the twoclasses of pulsating stars for example the prototype for this class DW Lyn (Schuh et al2006) which is also addressed in this work or Balloon 090100001 (Baran et al 2005)

Pulsations driven by the κ-mechanism are coherent which qualifies these objects forthe timing method to search for sub-stellar companions This method is based on thelight-travel time effect with the host star acting as a stable ldquoclockrdquo spatial movements ofthe star around the barycentre induced by a companion result in time delays of the stellarlight measured by the observer Examples of detections using this method are ldquopulsar-planetsrdquo (eg Wolszczan and Frail 1992) planets detected by transit timing variations (egKepler 19 c Ballard et al 2011) planets orbiting δScuti stars (Murphy et al 2016a) oreclipsing binaries (eg V2051 Oph (AB) b Qian et al 2015) In particular the detectionof a late-type main sequence star companion to the sdB CS 1246 by Barlow et al (2011b)subsequently confirmed with radial velocity data (Barlow et al 2011a) or other studieslike Otani et al (2018) demonstrate the viability of this method in sdB systems On theother hand the particular example of V391 Peg b is currently under discussion (Silvottiet al 2018) because of possible non-linear interactions between different pulsation modesthat change arrival times (see Zong et al 2018 for a detailed study of amplitudefrequencyvariations related to nonlinear effects) Stochastically driven pulsations are suspected byReed et al (2007a) Kilkenny (2010) and their nature confirmed by Oslashstensen et al (2014)Also the candidate detections of KIC 05807616 and KIC 10001893 are uncertain sinceother sdBs observed within the Kepler K2- mission exhibit g-modes with long periods upto few hours They question the interpretation of the low-frequency variations for KIC05807616 and KIC 10001893 (eg Krzesinski 2015 Blokesz et al 2019)

In order to detect sub-stellar companions orbiting rapidly pulsating sdB stars theEXOTIME observational programme (EXOplanet search with the TIming MEthod) hasbeen taking long term data since 1999 EXOTIME conducted a long-term monitoringprogramme of five rapidly pulsating sdB stars V391 Peg has been discussed by Silvottiet al (2007 2018) In this paper we present the observations of DW Lyn and V1636 Oripreviously discussed in Lutz et al (2008a) Schuh et al (2010) Lutz (2011) Lutz et al(2011) and re-evaluate their findings using an extended set of observations In additionthe observations of QQ Vir and V541 Hya are presented and analysed In the beginning ofthe programme the mode stability was tested for all targets over a timespan of months inorder to ensure the pulsation modes were coherent

For the DW Lyn observations Lutz et al (2011) found no significant signals in aperiodogram of the O minus C data of the two analysed pulsation frequencies which wouldindicate sub-stellar companions A tentative signal in the second frequency (in this worklabelled f2 as well) formally corresponding to an 80-day companion orbit is concludedto arise from mode beating of an unresolved frequency doublet The analysis of V1636Ori revealed a signal at 160 d in the periodogram of the main frequency O minusC data (Lutzet al 2011) Although this periodicity showed a significance of only 1σ Lutz et al(2011) predicted an increase of significance with follow-up observations We are usingthis extended data set in our work now incorporating observations up to 2015

This paper is organised as follows Section 7 describes the observational aspects within


6 Introduction

the EXOTIME programme and the data reduction followed by a description of our analysisin Sect 8 Our results are presented in Sect 9 together with a discussion


7 Observations and data reduction

The observational data necessary for the analysis are comprised of many individual datasets gathered over the course of up to two decades The detection method demands theobservation of a target for a total time base at least as long as one orbit of a potentialcompanion which can span several years This requires coordinated campaigns withobservatories using ~1 ndash 4 m telescopes In order to derive sufficient accuracy for theanalysis observations with at least three to four consecutive nights each with a minimumof two to three hours per target are required To resolve the short-period p-modes thecadence must be shorter than about 30 s but still with a sufficient signal-to-noise ratio(SN) All observations used the Johnson-Bessel B band The correct time stamps foreach observation are of most importance for the timing analysis Most observatories ofthis study contributed already successfully to the work of Silvotti et al (2007) Silvotti(2008 Table 2) The following lists some references where telescopes used for thisstudy contributed successfully to other timing-relevant observations Konkoly RCC 10 mTelescope Provencal et al (2009) Stello et al (2006) Mt Lemmon Optical AstronomyObservatory Bischoff-Kim et al (2019) Lee et al (2014) Serra la Nave 09 m Bonannoet al (2003ab) SARA-KP 09 m telescope Kilkenny (2014) Baran et al (2018)

Table 71 lists the atmospheric parameters of the stars and Table 72 summarisesthe photometric observations obtained at multiple medium-class telescopes Fig 71summarises the observational coverage

71 DW Lyn

Dreizler et al (2002) identified DW Lyn (HS 0702+6043) as a p-mode pulsator Schuhet al (2006) discovered additional g-mode pulsations making this star the prototype of

Table 71 Atmospheric parameters of the targets

Target Te f f K log(g cm





DW Lyn 28 400plusmn600 535plusmn01 -27plusmn01 1V1636 Ori 33 800plusmn1 000 560plusmn015 -185plusmn020 2QQ Vir 34 800plusmn610 581plusmn005 -165plusmn005 3V541 Hya 34 806plusmn230 5794plusmn0044 -1680plusmn0056 4

1 Dreizler et al (2002) 2 Oslashstensen et al (2001) 3 Telting andOslashstensen (2004) 4 Randall et al (2009)


7 Observations and data reduction






54500 55000 55500 56000 56500

2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013










54500 55000 55500 56000 56500 57000

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015








71 DW Lyn






52000 52500 53000 53500 54000 54500 55000 55500 56000

2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013










53000 53500 54000 54500 55000 55500 56000 56500 57000 57500

2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016







Figure 71 Light curves Grey points are considered outliers and partially exceeding theplotting range (a) DW Lyn (b) V1636 Ori (c) QQ Vir (d) V541 Hya


7 Observations and data reductionTable












































































































































































72 V1636 Ori

hybrid sdB pulsatorsThere are photometric data available from 1999 Large gaps make a consistent O minusC

analysis difficult Regular monitoring within the EXOTIME programme ran from 2007until the beginning of 2010 Further observations cover a period up to the end of 2010These multi-site observations are described in Lutz et al (2008ab 2011) Here we addobservations made with the SARA-KP 09 m telescope at Kitt Peak National Observatoryin Arizona that used exposure times of 30 s

72 V1636 OriOslashstensen et al (2001) discovered V1636 Ori (HS 0444+0458) as a pulsating sdB starReed et al (2007b) conducted a frequency analysis reporting one small and two largeamplitude p-modes

V1636 Ori was observed between August 2008 and January 2015 for the EXOTIMEproject About a third of the data was obtained using the 1 m South African AstronomicalObservatory (SAAO) with the UCT and STE3 CCD instruments Observations at the 12 mMONETNorth telescope equipped with an Apogee 1ktimes1k E2V CCD camera were takenin 2x2 binning using 20 s exposure times Observations at the 22 m Calar Alto Observatory(CAHA) used the CAFOS instrument with 10 s exposure time Two nights were obtainedat the 15 m telescope at Loiano observatory using the BFOSC (Bologna Faint ObjectSpectrograph amp Camera) instrument and 15 s exposure times Between October 2008 andDecember 2009 observations at the 1 m Mt Lemmon Optical Astronomy Observatory(LOAO) were conducted with a 2ktimes2k CCD camera with exposure times of 12 s and 20 sThe observations at the 36 m Telescopio Nazionale Galileo (TNG) in August 2008 and2010 were performed with the DOLORES instrument and 5 s exposure times

73 QQ VirThe discovery of QQ Vir (PG 1325+101) as a multi-period pulsator was reported in Silvottiet al (2002) followed by a frequency analysis and asteroseismological modelling bySilvotti et al (2006) and Charpinet et al (2006) respectively

Observations of QQ Vir in 2001 and 2003 are described in Silvotti et al (2002) andSilvotti et al (2006) respectively Between March 2008 and April 2010 the object wasobserved as part of the EXOTIME project (Benatti et al 2010) Additionally one obser-vation run in February 2005 was performed at the 15 m telescope at Loiano observatoryusing the BFOSC instrument Most of the observations were obtained in 2009 2010 2011and 2012 at the LOAO using an exposure time of 10 s The CAHA and MONETNorthobservations were conducted with 10 s and 20 s exposure times respectively The Loianoobservatory performed additional observations in 2009 2010 and 2011 with the 15 mtelescope using BFOSC and an exposure times of 12 s 15 s and 20 s Observations atthe Moletai Astronomical Observatory (Mol) in 2008 were performed using the 16 mtelescope and an Apogee 1ktimes1k E2V CCD camera using 175 s of exposure time Obser-vations at the SAAO used the same instrumental set up as described in section 72 TheTNG observed in 2010 and 2011 A DARC-WET campaign on QQ Vir was performed inMay 2010


7 Observations and data reduction

74 V541 HyaV541 Hya (EC 09582-1137) was discovered by Kilkenny et al (2006) Randall et al(2009) conducted an asteroseismological analysis of this target

Between 2005 and 2015 a large number of observations were obtained at the SAAOusing the same instrumentation noted in Sect 72 and exposure times of 10 s The LOAOconducted observations in 2009 2012 and 2013 with exposure times of 20 s During March2009 and February and March 2010 V541 Hya was observed at the CAHA using anexposure time of 10 s

75 TESS observationsThe primary goal of the NASA Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) space tele-scope is to detect exoplanets transiting bright nearby stars (Ricker et al 2015) Howeverthe extensive time series photometry is valuable for asteroseimology and the TESS Astero-seismic Science Consortium (TASC) coordinates short cadence observations of pulsatingevolved stars TESS observed V1636 Ori and V541 Hya with a cadence of 120 s betweenNovember 15 2018 and December 11 2018 and February 2 2019 and February 27 2019respectively We used the light curves provided by the MAST archive1 that had commoninstrumental trends removed by the Pre-Search Data Conditioning Pipeline (PDC Stumpeet al 2012) Light curves and amplitude spectra are presented in Fig 111 and 112 Thetwo minutes (ldquoshortrdquo) cadence undersamples the p-modes at about 140 s In combinationwith the large photometric scatter the amplitude spectra show no evidence of the p-modesThus we do not make use of the TESS observations in our study

76 Data reductionFor the EXOTIME observations the data reduction was carried out using the IDL softwareTRIPP (Time Resolved Imaging Photometry Package see Schuh et al 2000) TRIPPperforms bias- dark- flat-field corrections and differential aperture photometry to calculatethe relative flux of a target with respect to one or more comparison stars and extinction-corrections (second order polynomial in time) In the presence of sub-stellar companionswe might expect variations in the arrival times of stellar pulsations on the order of secondsto tens of seconds The corresponding uncertainties are expected to be about one secondThese uncertainties rise from observational constrains such as smearing and samplingeffects due to the integration time The accuracy of individual time-stamps is better thanplusmn05 s All time stamps were converted from GJD(UTC) to BJD(TDB) according toEastman et al (2010) with an accuracy well below the expected observational uncertainty

Typical SN for our ground-based observations range from 60 for large amplitudepulsations to 3 for the smallest pulsation-amplitudes we investigate in this work Theamplitude spectra in Sect 9 show also pulsations with smaller SN but these are notsuitable for timing analysis because the uncertainties are too large (see Table 111)

1 httpsarchivestsciedu


8 Analysis

In order to detect variations in the arrival time of stellar pulsations we developed a pipelineto process the reduced data A schematic flowchart of our pipeline is presented in Fig 81The input consists of the light curve (time series) and the dates of the observational epochsIn a light curve typically spanning several years at a very low duty cycle of 02 to 17 percent an epoch consists of a few roughly consecutive nights of observation

Outlier removal In case no uncertainty in the flux measurement F is provided theroot-mean-square of each observation is used as an approximate photometric error forthe later analysis We have used a running median filter to exclude 5σ flux-outliers Thelength of the window size depends on the cadence of the observations We constrained itto be not longer than half of the period of the main frequency The analysis is performedfor each frequency individually before all frequencies were analysed simultaneously

Full data fit For the individual fitting of pulsations we first determined the frequencyof the main signal For this we used the astropy package to calculate the Lomb-Scargleperiodogram (Astropy Collaboration et al 2013 2018) From this periodogram we selectedthe frequency with the largest amplitude to continue In the next step we performed the fitof a sinusoidal function to the light curve using

F(t) = A sin ( f t + φ) + o (81)

with amplitude A frequency f phase φ and offset o The minimization problem is solvedusing the scipy implementation of the Trust Region Reflective algorithm (Jones et al2011) The selected frequency from the amplitude spectrum serves as initial value thefull-width-at-half-maximum of the corresponding peak in the periodogram is used as aboundary The amplitude-guess is taken from the amplitude spectrum In case of highlyvarying amplitudes the initial value can be set manually The fitting routine returns theparameters and their variance

Epoch fit Frequency and offset are all kept fixed for the following analysis of theindividual observational epochs The starting value of the current phase fit is determinedby the average of the previous j phase values (or the global fit value from above in casethere are no j previous values yet) in order to keep the fitting process stable and avoidldquophase-jumpsrdquo For our target sample a value of j = 3 has proven to be reasonable exceptwhen observational gaps span over several years

The uncertainty in the phase measurement scales inverse with the length of the epochsThus this length is chosen in a way to minimize the uncertainties of the fit but at the same


8 Analysis

LC data epochsperiodogram

choose frequency

fit to refine frequencyC

determine nth frequency

divide light curveinto epochs

fit to epochs O

O minus C-diagram

new Frequency

pre-whitening LCwith fit model

fit sum of nsine to LC

fit sum of nsine to epochs

O minus C-diagramyesn + 1 no






Figure 81 Flow chart representing the analysis of the time of arrival Light curve (LC)and start end time of each observational epoch are provided as input Each frequency isanalysed leading to an intermediate O minusC-diagram and subtracted from the LC by itselfbefore the sum of all sinusoidal functions is fitted simultaneously to the LC resulting inthe final O minusC-diagram

time keep the epochs as short as possible to maximize the temporal resolution of the finalO minusC diagram Often the observations themselves constrain the length of the epochs (egthree consecutive nights of observations and a gap of several weeks before the next blockof observations) If possible we aim for an epoch length such that the timing uncertaintiesare of the order of one second The phase information of the global and the epoch fit resultin a intermediate O minusC diagram

As a last step in the single-frequency-analysis the fitted model is subtracted from thelight curve We noticed significant amplitude variations for some of our targets Thuswe subtract the model using the amplitude of the individual epochs This pre-whiteningprocedure is repeated for every relevant pulsation in the data

Multi frequency fit Close frequencies are likely to introduce artificial trends in thearrival times in such a step-by-step analysis Thus the sum of all sinusoidal functions

F(t) = An sin ( fnt + φn) + o (82)

is fitted to the non-whitened light curve where n is the number of investigated frequenciesThe previously retrieved values for amplitude frequency phase and offset are used asinitial values We are using the phase information φn of the light curve as reference phasenamely calculated phase C in the final O minus C diagram Similar to the single-frequency


8 Analysis

Table 81 Parameters of the simultaneously fitted pulsations per target over their fullobservational time span and the pulsation period P

Target f dminus1 P s A φ d

DW Lyn f1 237941160 (8) 363114982(12) 219 (9) 54394741 (5)f2 22515898 (5) 38372887(9) 035 (9) 5439474 (3)

V1636 Ori f1 6317346 (2) 13676629(5) 054 (3) 5469872 (3)f2 5099780 (3) 1694191(1) 024 (3) 5469872 (7)

QQ Vir f1 626877627 (3) 1378259429(7) 26 (1) 52117924 (6)f2 55200714 (9) 15651971(3) 010 (9) 521179 (1)f3 6420515 (1) 13456864(3) 007 (1) 521179 (2)

V541 Hya f1 63532218 (5) 135993993(11) 031 (8) 5341388 (3)f2 57128556 (3) 151237850(8) 021 (7) 5341388 (3)

Notes The phase φ refers to the time corresponding to the first zero-crossing ofthe function after the first measurement t0 in MBJD

analysis the observational epochs are now fitted individually using the sum of sinusoidalfunctions to yield the observed phase information O

The results of the simultaneous fit for each target in this paper are summarised in Ta-ble 81 We list pulsation modes not used for the timing analysis in Table 111 Figures 82ndash 85 show example light curves of the targets for one epoch each including their multifrequency fit and the respective amplitude spectrum


8 Analysis



470 472 474 476 478 480 482 484 486 488



572 574 576 578 580 582 584 586 588 590



672 674 676 678 680 682 684 686 688 690



t d since 2007-10-17




2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 3000




225 epoch


210 220 230 240 250 260




f microHz






f dminus1

Figure 82 Example observations of DW Lyn from October 2122 and 23 2010 at theLulin observatory (top from top to bottom) combined used as one O minusC measurementThe errorbar on the left of each plot represents the photometric uncertainty The red lineshows the simultaneous two frequency fit to the epoch data The amplitude spectra inthe lower panel show the spectrum of the full data set (top) the spectrum of this epoch(middle) and the respective window function computed at f1 (bottom)


8 Analysis



130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137



229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236



329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336



t d since 2009-03-20




065700 6000 6300 6600 6900 7200 7500






480 500 520 540 560 580 600 620 640 660




f microHz






f dminus1

Figure 83 Example observations of V1636 Ori from March 20 21 and 22 2009 atthe CAHA (top from top to bottom) combined used as one O minus C measurement Theerrorbar on the left of each plot represents the photometric uncertainty The red line showsthe simultaneuos two frequency fit to the epoch data The amplitude spectra in the lowerpanel show the spectrum of the full data set (top) the spectrum of this epoch (middle) andthe respective window function computed at f1 (bottom)


8 Analysis



876 880 884 888 892 896 900



976 980 984 988 992 996 1000



1072 1076 1080 1084 1088 1092 1096



t d since 2012-02-13




6200 6400 6600 6800 7000 7200 7400 7600 7800





15 epoch


540 560 580 600 620 640 660 680




f microHz






f dminus1

Figure 84 Example observations of QQ Vir from February 20 21 and 22 2012 at theMonet telescope (top from top to bottom) combined used as one OminusC measurement Theerrorbar on the left of each plot represents the photometric uncertainty The red line showsthe simultaneuos two frequency fit to the epoch data The amplitude spectra in the lowerpanel show the spectrum of the full data set (top) the spectrum of this epoch (middle) andthe respective window function computed at f1 (bottom)


8 Analysis



284 288 292 296 300 304 308 312



380 384 388 392 396 400 404 408



888 892 896 900 904 908 912 916



t d since 2008-02-04




036400 6600 6800 7000 7200 7400 7600 7800




04 epoch


540 560 580 600 620 640 660 680




f microHz






f dminus1

Figure 85 Example observations of V541 Hya from February 6 7 and 12 2008 at theSAAO (top from top to bottom) combined used as one O minusC measurement The errorbaron the left of each plot represents the photometric uncertainty The red line shows thesimultaneuos two frequency fit to the epoch data The amplitude spectra in the lower panelshow the spectrum of the full data set (top) the spectrum of this epoch (middle) and therespective window function computed at f1 (bottom)


9 Results and discussion

In the following we discuss the implications of the obtained amplitude spectra and O minusCmeasurements on the evolutionary state and presence of sub-stellar companions to thetargets

91 DW LynThe amplitude spectrum of DW Lyn in Fig 113 reveals two strong pulsation modes atf1 = 237941160 dminus1 and f2 = 22515898 dminus1 A closer look to the amplitude spectrum inFig 91 reveals small asymmetries compared to the window function The pre-whiteningof both frequencies leaves residuals well above noise level in the amplitude spectrumindicating unresolved multiplets or mode splitting especially for f2

The SN of modes at higher frequencies for example at about 320 dminus1 and 480 dminus1are too small for a stable O minusC analysis (see Table 111) Therefore the O minusC diagram




minus02 minus015 minus01 minus005 0 005 01 015 02




0010203 f2



minus002 minus0015 minus001 minus0005 0 0005 001 0015 002


Af 1

f microHz




f 2







f dminus1

Figure 91 Amplitude spectrum of DW Lyn of the main pulsation frequency f1 =

237941160 dminus1 (top) f2 = 22515898 dminus1 (middle) with the respective residuals afterthe pre-whitening below and the normalised window-function (bottom)


9 Results and discussion




2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012





54400 54600 54800 55000 55200 55400 55600 55800 56000 56200 56400













Figure 92 Results for the two main pulsations of DW Lyn Top panel AmplitudesMiddle panel Fits of the O minusC data with second order polynomials in time Lower panelResiduals

in Fig 92 shows the analysis of the two main pulsation modes with the time-dependentvariation of the pulsation amplitudes

In order to determine evolutionary times-cales of the pulsations we investigate thelong-term evolution in the OminusC data A constant change in period results in a second-orderterm as a function of time (Sterken 2005) which allows us to derive a value for the secularchange of the period P and hence the evolutionary time-scale Results of the fits of thesecond order polynomial are included in Fig 92 which are PP f 1 = (58 plusmn 02)times 10minus5 dminus1

and PP f 2 = (minus293 plusmn 08) times 10minus5 dminus1 Assuming P is based on stellar evolution stellarmodel calculations show that the sign of the rate of period change indicates the phase ofthe sdB after the zero-age extreme horizontal branch (ZAEHB Charpinet et al 2002) Forp-modes a positive P relates to the first evolutionary phase of the ZAEHB in which thesurface gravity decreases due to He burning in the core A negative P would correspondto the second evolutionary phase in which the sdB contracts because the depletion of Hein its core and this happens before the post-EHB evolution The turning point betweenthese two states occurs between 87 and 91 Myr after the ZAEHB According to ourmeasurement of a positive P for f1 DW Lyn would still be in its first evolutionary phaseWith the lack of a mode identification from an asteroseismic model for DW Lyn we can notdirectly compare the measured P with theoretical predictions from Charpinet et al (2002)However stellar models with pulsation periods of around 360 s show values for P with acomparable order of magnitude as our measurement P = (43 plusmn 015) times 10minus1 s Myrminus1 forexample P = 162s Myrminus1 for a model with a mode of l = 0 k = 0 at the age of 6783 Myr(Charpinet et al 2002 appendix C) The large P of f2 is consistent with the apparent modesplitting seen in the amplitude spectra in Fig 91 and thus does not reflect the evolutionary


92 V1636 Ori

phase of DW LynAfter subtracting the long term-trend small time scale features are evident For

example the O minus C data for f2 show an oscillating behaviour with a significance of 3σwithin the first 200 days while the arrival times for f1 remain constant during the sameperiod of time In later epochs the O minusC data for both frequencies agree mostly within2σ During the second half of the observations the phase of f2 jumps by about 100 s Thisbehavior lacks an explanation

Additionally the evolution of the pulsation-amplitudes in Fig 92 shows a comparableoscillating behaviour for f2 within the first epochs similar to the change in arrival timesAlthough the periodic variations in amplitude are not as significant as for the phase theoccurrence of simultaneous phase- and amplitude-modulations indicate a mode-beatingof two close unresolved frequencies The residuals in the amplitude spectrum supportthis explanation In later observations the amplitude remains almost constant within theuncertainties The beating mode might lose energy or shift frequency over time Theamplitude for the f1 pulsation drops by about 1 per cent (amplitude) or about 35 per cent(relative) to the second half of the observation campaign with a similar quasi-periodicvariation as the phase The residuals in the amplitude spectrum show no indication of anunresolved frequency leading to mode-beating Besides stochastically driven pulsationmodes Kilkenny (2010) suggest energy transfer between modes as possible explanationfor amplitude variations For both frequencies a possible interaction between amplitudeand phase of pulsations is not well understood

92 V1636 Ori

The amplitude spectrum of V1636 Ori in Fig 114 shows two main pulsation modes withfrequencies at f1 = 6317346 dminus1 and f2 = 5099780 dminus1 The SN is not sufficient to use athird pulsation mode at 5662 dminus1 (6553 microHz Reed et al 2007b) The amplitude spectrumof TESS data in Fig 112 shows no evidence for g-mode pulsations with amplitudes greaterthan 04 per cent A detailed look at the spectra of the two main frequencies in Fig 93shows mode splitting likely due to a change in frequency over the long time of observation

The O minusC diagram in Fig 94 shows the two main pulsation modes and the variationof the pulsation amplitudes

From the second order fit in time we derive the changes in period PP f 1 = (minus854plusmn014) times 10minus5 dminus1 and PP f 2 = (minus25 plusmn 05) times 10minus5 dminus1 We caution the interpretation ofthese values as evolutionary time scales since the apparent mode splitting seen in Fig 93could explain these trends as well

The residuals after subtracting the long term trend show a large variation They changeby up to about plusmn50 s for f1 (sim 14σ significance) and up to about plusmn30 s for f2 (sim 3σsignificance) The amplitude for f1 drops by about 025 per cent (amplitude) or about33 per cent (relative) in the time between MBJD = 55100 d and 55300 d and returnsto its previous level afterwards while the amplitude for f2 remains constant within theuncertainties This decrease in amplitude coincides with earlier arrival times in the O minusCdiagram As already discussed in the previous section a possible amplitude- and phase-interaction is not well understood The f1 pulsation mode may not be coherent on suchlong time-scales but of a short-term stochastic nature not resolvable by our data set (eg


9 Results and discussion


minus02 minus015 minus01 minus005 0 005 01 015 02





02 f2




minus002 minus0015 minus001 minus0005 0 0005 001 0015 002


Af 1

f microHz




f 2







f dminus1

Figure 93 Amplitude spectrum of V1636 Ori of the main pulsation frequency f1 =

6317346 dminus1 (top) f2 = 5099780 dminus1 (middle) with the respective residuals after thepre-whitening below and the normalised window-function (bottom)

KIC 2991276 Oslashstensen et al 2014)

93 QQ VirFig 115 shows the amplitude spectrum for the QQ Vir observations The main frequencyat about f1 = 626877628 dminus1 is presented in Fig 95 in detail and shows asymmetriescompared to the window function After the pre-whitening process a close frequency atabout 626881270 dminus1 remains but attempts to model this pulsation fail with uncertaintiestoo large for the timing analysis There appear two more frequencies suitable for our studyThe amplitude spectra around f2 = 55200713 dminus1 and f3 = 6420516 dminus1 are presentednext to f1 in Fig 95 Another peak at about 665 dminus1 consists of at least two frequenciesat 664488549 dminus1 and 665478133 dminus1 but they are not sufficiently resolvable within theindividual epochs and lead to too large uncertainties in the O minusC analysis

Fig 96 shows the resulting O minus C diagram and the amplitudes at different epochsDue to the large observational gap from 2003 to 2008 with only one block of observationsin between we had difficulties avoiding errors in cycle count In order to avoid a phasejump we increased the averaging window for initial phase values to q = 6 With this setup the changes in pulsation frequencies read as follows PP f 1 = (17 plusmn 16) times 10minus7 dminus1PP f 2 = (24 plusmn 04) times 10minus5 dminus1 and PP f 3 = (40 plusmn 05) times 10minus6 dminus1 While f2 and f3 showno significant variation of pulsation amplitude f1 varies by 15 per cent (amplitude) or50 per cent (relative) Thus the corresponding phase changes should be interpreted withcaution Charpinet et al (2006) identify the radial order k and degree l from asteroseismic


93 QQ Vir




2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014






55000 55500 56000 56500 57000













Figure 94 Results for the two main pulsations of V1636 Ori Top panel AmplitudesMiddle panel Fits of the O minusC data with second order polynomials in time Lower panelResiduals


minus02 minus01 0 01 02




01 f2



01 f3



minus002 minus001 0 001 002


Af 1

f microHz




f 2




Af 3







f dminus1

Figure 95 Amplitude spectrum of QQ Vir of the main pulsation frequency f1 =

626877628 dminus1 (top) f2 = 55200713 dminus1 (top middle) f3 = 6420516 dminus1 (bottom middle)with the respective residuals after the pre-whitening below and the normalised window-function (bottom)


9 Results and discussion











52000 53000 54000 55000 56000




2f 3










Figure 96 Results for the three main pulsations of QQ Vir Top panel Amplitudes f3 hasa vertical offset of -1 for clarity Middle panel Fits of the O minusC data with second orderpolynomials in time Lower panel Residuals

modelling to be f1 l = 2 k = 2 f2 l = 4 k = 1 f3 l = 3 k = 2 These combinationsdo not allow a direct comparison of our P measurements to the model calculations fromCharpinet et al (2002) but the sign of P indicates QQ Vir to be in the stage of He burning

94 V541 HyaThe amplitude spectrum in Fig 116 shows two pulsation modes with frequencies atf1 = 63532218 dminus1 and at f2 = 57128556 dminus1 Both of them show a complex behavior(Fig 97) indicating unresolved multiplets andor frequency changes that we see also in theO-C diagrams (Fig 99) The SN for a third frequency at 60388741 dminus1 is not sufficientfor the O minusC analysis Similar to V1636 Ori the amplitude spectrum obtained from theTESS light curve in Fig 112 shows no evidence for g-mode pulsations with amplitudesgreater than 04 per cent

Randall et al (2009) speculated about rotational mode splitting for f3 with ∆ f3minus =

512 microHz and ∆ f3+ = 368 microHz The asteroseismic modelling associates f1 with a l = 0mode and f2 with l = 0 or 1 mode (depending on the favoured model) f3 corresponds to al = 2 mode They caution this interpretation due to their limited resolution in frequencyspace the mode splitting could be an unresolved quintuplet Our data set shows no clearevidence for a mode splitting with ∆ f3minus = 512 microHz or ∆ f3+ = 368 microHz (see Fig 98) butrather a mode splitting for f1 and f2 with about ∆ f = 008 microHz (Fig 97) Assuming thesemodes are of degree l = 1 this could be interpreted as a triplet But Randall et al (2009)model these modes with a degree of l = 0 which does not support a mode splitting into


94 V541 Hya


minus02 minus015 minus01 minus005 0 005 01 015 02





02 f2




minus002 minus0015 minus001 minus0005 0 0005 001 0015 002


Af 1

f microHz




f 2







f dminus1

Figure 97 Amplitude spectrum of V541 Hya of the main pulsation frequency f1 =

63532218 dminus1 (top) f2 = 57128556 dminus1 (middle) with the respective residuals after thepre-whitening below and the normalised window-function (bottom)





008minus6 minus5 minus4 minus3 minus2 minus1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6







minus06 minus04 minus02 0 02 04 06




f microHz




f dminus1

Figure 98 Amplitude spectrum with respect to the pulsation frequency f3 = 60388741 dminus1

of V541 Hya (top) and the normalised window-function (bottom)



9 Results and discussion



2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015





53000 54000 55000 56000 57000














Figure 99 Results for the two main pulsations of V541 Hya Top panel AmplitudesMiddle panel Fits of the O minusC data with second order polynomials in time Lower panelResiduals

The OminusC diagram in Fig 99 shows the analysis of the two main pulsation modes andthe variation of the pulsation amplitudes The second order fits in time indicated in theO minusC diagram correspond to changes in period of PP f 1 = (minus149 plusmn 011) times 10minus5 dminus1 andPP f 2 = (minus07 plusmn 15) times 10minus5 dminus1 For f2 the change in period does not significantly differfrom the null hypothesis Assuming these changes origin from stellar evolution V541 Hyamight just have passed the point of sign change in P and at the beginning of the contractionphase While the arrival times scatter widely the amplitudes of both pulsations remainalmost constant within the uncertainties If V541 Hya is in its evolution close to startingthe contraction phase as indicated by a P close to zero the changes in stellar structuremay cancel the strict phase coherence

95 Testing the sub-stellar companion hypothesisIn order to set upper limits to the mass of a companion we computed a series of syntheticO minusC curves for different orbital periods and companion masses assuming circular orbitsand compared these curves with the O minusC measurements after subtracting the long-termvariations

For each synthetic O minus C curve we selected the phase that gives the best fit to thedata using a weighted least squares algorithm For each observational point we computedthe difference in absolute value and in σ units (where σ is the O minus C error) betweenO minusC and the synthetic value The greyscale in Fig 910 corresponds to the mean valueof this difference in σ units which means that the presence of a companion is indicated


95 Testing the sub-stellar companion hypothesis

by a minimum (bright areas) of this parameter We see that in V1636 Ori QQ Vir andV541 Hya the mean difference for f1 is always very high implying that the data are notcompatible with a companion However these results are limited by the fact that the O minusCdiagrams of these stars are ldquocontaminatedrdquo by other irregular variations presumably due toother reasons like non-linear interactions between different pulsation modes for exampleand therefore these constraints to the orbital period and mass of a companion must be takenwith some caution For the f2 and f3 measurements the mean difference to the syntheticdata is smaller in sigma units (because of the larger uncertainties) and very uniform Theuncertainties of the O-C measurements are not small enough to favour a set of models inthe period-mass parameter space

For f1 of DW Lyn there is a significant minimum at about 1450 d (sim 4 years) andsim 5 MX

1 which is well visible also in the O minusC diagram of Fig 92 This periodicity isnot visible in the second frequency f2 which however has much larger error bars due tothe much lower amplitude of f2 with respect to f1

Lutz et al (2011) described a periodicity at 80 days detected for f2 We can recoverthis signal however with a low significance This would correspond to a light travel timeamplitude of 4 s (for m sin i asymp 15 MX) which is smaller than 15 s measured by Lutz et al(2011) Nevertheless this signal is not confirmed by f1 Thus we rule out a companioninduced signal in the arrival times due to the lack of simultaneous signals in f1 and f2 withsimilar amplitude The tentative signal in f2 is better explained by mode beating as alreadydescribed in Sect 91 The variations seen in the first 200 days of the O minus C diagram inFig 92 correspond to a periodicity of about 80 days and are accompanied by variations inthe amplitude of the pulsation

For V1636 Ori Lutz (2011) predicted a period at 160 d and amplitude of 12 s Thiscan not be confirmed as a companion-induced signal A periodic signal with an amplitudeof 65 s (for m sin i asymp 15 MX) is indicated in the analysis of f1 but at a low significanceand accompanied by many other signals of similar significance This periodicity is notconfirmed by a significant signal in the measurements of f2

1 1 MX (Jupiter mass) = 1899 middot 1027 kg


9 Results and discussion

1 10 100 1000P d












80 d

1 10 100 1000P d






80 d2









1 10 100 1000P d












160 d

1 10 100 1000P d






160 d












95 Testing the sub-stellar companion hypothesis

1 10 100 1000P d












1 10 100 1000P d

1 10 100 1000P d

















9 Results and discussion

1 10 100 1000P d












1 10 100 1000P d







6 6








Figure 910 Minimum companion mass as a function of orbital period Greyscale showsthe difference between the O minus C measurements and artificial O minus C data generated fora given combination of companion mass and orbit We note that at this stage the phaseoptimization of the artificial data is done independently for each pulsation frequency Themedian of gaps in between the epochs is indicated by a vertical dotted line See text formore details (a) DW Lyn Contour lines for f1 are placed at 2 3 4 and 5σ (left panel)and for f2 at 325 and 35σ (right panel) as indicated by their labels The planetary signalproposed by Lutz et al (2011) at a period of 80 d is indicated as dashed line (b) V1636Ori Contour lines for f1 are placed at 9 and 10σ (left panel) and for f2 at 2 and 22σ(right panel) as indicated by their labels The planetary signal proposed by Lutz et al(2011) at a period of 160 d is indicated as dashed line (c) QQ Vir Contour lines for f1 areplaced at 15 20 and 25σ (left panel) for f2 at 11 and 13σ (middle panel) and for f3 at13 and 15σ (right panel) as indicated by their labels (c) V541 Hya Contour lines forf1 are placed at 6 8 and 10σ (left panel) and for f2 at 45 55 and 65σ (right panel) asindicated by their labels


10 Summary and Conclusion

In this work we present ground-based multi-site observations for the four sdBs DWLyn V1636 Ori QQ Vir and V541 Hya We investigate variations in the arrival times oftheir dominant stellar pulsation modes to draw conclusions about secular period drifts andpossible sub-stellar companions All light curves are analysed homogeneously

From the O minusC measurements we derive an evolutionary time scale from the changein period P Comparing to model calculations from Charpinet et al (2002) we infer theevolutionary phase of the target Although some P measurements are influenced by modesplitting we can tell from the sign of P1 of DW Lyn that the star is likely still in the stageof central He burning We can draw a similar conclusion from the sign of P of QQ Vir TheP measurements of V1636 Ori are likely affected by mode splitting making it difficult tointerpret the results in the context of stellar evolution V541 Hya shows P measurementsclose to zero which indicates the star being at the transition phase between He burningand contraction due to the depletion of He in the core

Comparing atmospheric properties from Table 71 with the evolutionary tracks fordifferent models from Fig 1 in Charpinet et al (2002) we can confirm the hypothesisthat DW Lyn and QQ Vir are in their He burning phase V541 Hya agrees within 2σ ofthe log g measurement with one model at the turning point between the two evolutionarystages

However we can not exclude frequency and amplitude variations on smaller timescales than resolvable by our data set Using temporally higher resolved Kepler-data ofKIC 3527751 Zong et al (2018) caution about long-term frequency or phase evolutionsascribing to non-linear amplitude and frequency modulations in pulsating sdBs We seesuch effects already in our data set even with a low temporal resolution compared to theKepler sampling with a duty cycle of more than 90 per cent

Observations on DW Lyn and V1636 Ori were published by Lutz et al (2008a) Schuhet al (2010) Lutz (2011) Lutz et al (2011) Our analysis of these observations includingextended data sets do not confirm the tentative companion periods of 80 and 160 daysrespectively These signals more likely arise due to mode beating indicated by partlyunresolved frequency multiplets and amplitude modulations

Almost all analysed pulsation modes show formal significant changes in arrival timesbut the amplitudes of these periodic signals do not correlate with frequencies excludingthe light-travel time effect due to orbital reflex motions for such variations and thus givingupper limits on companion masses Only DW Lyn might have a planetary companion ona long orbital period as indicated by one arrival time measurement But this can not beconfirmed with a second measurement due to larger uncertainties Additionally morestudies question the presence of already proposed companions for example Krzesinski(2015) Hutchens et al (2017) Our unique sample of long-term observations shows a


10 Summary and Conclusion

complex behavior of mode- and amplitude interactions in sdBs which should be addressedin further studies Until this has been addressed caution is advised when interpretingO minusC pulse arrival times in terms of companions


11 Appendix

111 TESS data








58440 58450 58460





tMBJDTDB minus 2400000



11 Appendix








58520 58530 58540





tMBJDTDB minus 2400000


Figure 111 Light curves of the TESS observations Grey points are considered outliersand partially exceeding the plotting range (a) V1636 Ori (b) V541 Hya

112 Amplitude spectra

Table 111 Additional pulsation modes identified for our targets not used in the O minus Canalysis due to their low signal-to-noise-ratio

Target f dminus1 A

DW Lyn 4758231(2) 009(18)3194042(3) 006(12)4630100(6) 003(18)

V1636 Ori 56624031(3) 06(3)QQ Vir 7330704(1) 03(1)

6644886(1) 02(1)57273611(5) 019(9)6647122(1) 01(1)4341522(6) 001(7)502410(2) 001(9)

V541 Hya 53116759(16) 003(7)60388741(6) 003(8)


112 Amplitude spectra


0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000


0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800



f microHz

V1636 Ori



f dminus1

V541 Hya

Figure 112 Amplitude spectrum of the TESS observations Upper panel spectrum ofV1636 Ori Lower panel spectrum of V541 Hya The only peak above the noise level isthe 120 s alias due to the cadence of the observations






250 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500





0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500



f microHz




f dminus1


Figure 113 Amplitude spectrum of DW Lyn Upper panel observations Aobs Lowerpanel residuals Ares after subtracting the light curve models from the observations


11 Appendix


0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000





0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800



f microHz




f dminus1


Figure 114 Same as Fig 113 but for V1636 Ori






250 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000


0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800



f microHz




f dminus1


Figure 115 Same as Fig 113 but for QQ Vir


112 Amplitude spectra




0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000





0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800



f microHz




f dminus1


Figure 116 Same as Fig 113 but for V541 Hya


11 Appendix

Acknowledgements We thank Wen-Shan Hsiao for observing at the Lulin Observatory and Mike D Reedfor observing at the Baker Observatory and Elia Leibowitz for observing at the WISE observatory FMconducted the work in this paper in the framework of the International Max-Planck Research School (IMPRS)for Solar System Science at the University of Goumlttingen (Volkswagen Foundation project grant numberVWZN3020) DK thanks the SAAO for generous allocations of telescope time and the National ResearchFoundation of South Africa and the University of the Western Cape for financial support TDO gratefullyacknowledges support from the US National Science Foundation grant AST-0807919 LM was supportedby the Premium Postdoctoral Research Program of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences This project hasbeen supported by the Lenduumllet Program of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences project No LP2018-72019Based on observations made with the Italian Telescopio Nazionale Galileo (TNG) operated on the island ofLa Palma by the Fundacioacuten Galileo Galilei of the INAF (Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica) at the SpanishObservatorio del Roque de los Muchachos of the Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias Based on observationscollected at the Centro Astronoacutemico Hispaacutenico en Andaluciacutea (CAHA) at Calar Alto operated jointly bythe Andalusian Universities and the Instituto de Astrofiacutesica de Andaluciacutea (CSIC) Based on observationscollected at Copernico telescope (Asiago Italy) of the INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova Basedon observations made with the Nordic Optical Telescope operated by the Nordic Optical Telescope ScientificAssociation at the Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos La Palma Spain of the Instituto de Astrofisicade Canarias This paper includes data collected by the TESS mission Funding for the TESS mission isprovided by the NASA Explorer Program


Part IV

Application to larger target pool


12 Further asteroseismic targets

The search for sub-stellar companions using the pulsation timing method is not onlylimited to sdB stars but can also be applied to a greater variety of pulsating stars aslong as the pulsations are driven by a κ mechanism ie coherent in phase Howevermodes of long periods decrease the precision of timing measurements Additionally largepulsation amplitudes tend to show non-linear effects which excludes the application ofthis technique A case study of β Cephei RR Lyrae and δ Scuti (δ Sct) stars can be foundin Silvotti et al (2011) Among these δ Sct stars are the most promising pulsators tofollow-up The following describes δ Sct stars and the application of the pulsation timingmethod in more detail

121 δ Scuti starsPlanet occurrence rates predict a maximum for host stars with masses of 19+05

minus01M (Reffertet al 2015) close to the mass of main sequence A stars in the instability strip whereδ Sct pulsators are common (see Fig 26) However actual planet detections are affectedby observational selection effects Planetary transits are difficult to observe because ofthe pulsational luminosity variations and due to wider orbits of planets around A stars(Johnson et al 2011 Lloyd 2011) resulting in lower transit probabilities For the radialvelocity method A stars are not well suited because of their fast rotation with the meanof the equatorial rotational velocity distribution exceeding 100 km sminus1 (Abt and Morrell1995 Royer et al 2007) Their high effective temperatures compared to solar-like starsleads to fewer and shallower absorption lines which can additionally be distorted bypulsations This leaves the pulsation timing method as a promising alternative to search forcompanions δ Sct stars show radial and non-radial p-modes with amplitudes up to 05 and with pulsation periods between about 20 min and 8 h (eg Qian et al 2017 Balonaet al 2012) The pulsations are driven by the κ mechanism due to partial ionization of HeII

The mostly uninterrupted observations of space missions like Kepler and TESS providea large sample of δ Sct observations for this purpose The two missions and some of theirapplications are described in the following sections


13 Kepler

Sections of this chapter are part of a paper in preparation to be submitted as an article toAstronomy and Astrophysics

131 Kepler mission

The Kepler mission (Borucki et al 2010) was launched in 2009 to observe a fixed patchof sky in the Cygnus constellation with more than 100 deg2 field of view to discovertransiting Earth-like exoplanets in the habitable zone The telescopersquos mirror measures095 m in diameter and the camera is sensitive for a wavelength range of 430 nm to 890 nmAsteroseismic observations of pulsating stars were organized by the Kepler AsteroseismicScience Consortium (KASC) Some were observed in a high cadence mode of 60 s (shortcadence) the nominal cadence measures 30 min (long cadence)

1311 sdB stars

The Kepler field contained a small number of sdB stars (eg McNamara et al 2012)None of them showed indications for a planetary transit However KIC 05807616 andKIC 10001893 two pulsating sdB stars in the Kepler field show some evidence for thepresence of planetary companions (Charpinet et al 2011 Silvotti et al 2014) Howeverinterpretation of these signals is questioned as already discussed in chapter III

1312 δ Scuti stars

Kepler observed around one thousand δ Sct stars in its field of view The primary goalof their observations are conclusions about the stellar structure and evolution via astero-seismology as the transition from deep to shallow convective envelopes takes place in theregion of the HRD where δ Sct are located (see Fig 26) This opens the opportunity to usethe extensive Kepler data set and apply the pulsation timing method to the observationsThe following describes one particular system as a benchmark for which a planetarycompanion was already discovered

13121 KIC 7917485

Murphy et al (2014 2016b) used the Kepler data to search for binary systems using thelight travel time effect Murphy et al (2016a) (hereafter M16) detected a planet orbiting


13 Kepler

Table 131 Orbital parameters for the KIC 7917485 system Values for M16 are takenfrom Table 2 in Murphy et al (2016a) M16 did not account for a change in pulsationperiod P The model of this work uses a circular orbit model for the companion ie e = 0

M16 this work f1 this work f2

∆Ts 71+04minus05 68 plusmn 03 66 plusmn 04

Porbitd 840+20minus22 82150 plusmn 008 72672 plusmn 008

e 015+010minus013 0 0

Ps Myrminus1 minus0001 plusmn 0001 minus0035 plusmn 0002

its host star KIC 7917485 in a 840 d orbit The following validates this finding using theO minusC pipeline implemented for this work

KIC 7917485 was observed between May 2009 and May 2013 by Kepler We usethe light curves provided by the MAST archive1 which had common instrumental trendsremoved by the Pre-Search Data Conditioning Pipeline (PDC Stumpe et al 2012) Inorder to remove remaining long term trends we make use of the kepflatten routine ofthe PyKE package (Still and Barclay 2012 Viniacutecius et al 2018) The light curve and thecorresponding amplitude spectrum are shown in Fig 131

In order to reproduce the results of M16 we apply a high-pass frequency filter Thisremoves frequencies below 5 dminus1 which are most likely artefacts due to instrumental effectWe apply this filter forward and backward in time to compensate for phase delays

For the OminusC analysis we applied our pipeline and fitted all pulsations with amplitudesabove 0005 Although the signal-to-noise ratio is sufficient for only two modes thesimultaneous fitting process of four more pulsations prevents any unaccounted interactionsbetween the modes The time dependent variation in pulsation amplitude and phase isshown in Fig 132 Each epoch measures about ten days The main pulsation frequencyf1 = 15383 007 4(4) dminus1 exhibits large semi-periodic variations which correlate with theobservational quarters of the Kepler mission Thus they are likely to be instrumentalsystematics The amplitude of f2 = 20262 905 3(8) dminus1 shows a similar behaviour ontop of a general trend of decreasing amplitude with time The phase variations for bothpulsations show clearly a sinusoidal modulation with an amplitude of about 10 s and aperiod of about 800 d We fit simultaneously a quadratic long term trend and a sinusoidalmodel for a circular companion orbit to the data The results are presented in Table 131While a change in period P for f1 is almost not detectable f2 shows a significant P whichcoincides with the decrease in pulsation amplitude of 004 per cent (amplitude) or about18 per cent (relative) M16 did not account for a change in period thus we cannot compareour measurements

For the orbital fit of the companion M16 used the weighted mean of both phasemeasurements Since we want to confirm the nature of the companion with two independentmeasurements we do not follow this procedure Our sinusoidal orbit fit for f1 agrees withinthe uncertainties with the measurement of M16 However the orbital period measuredfor f2 is about 100 days significantly shorter than for f1 This might be attributed to ouradditional fit for the change in period combined with larger OminusC uncertainties towards the

1 httpsarchivestsciedu


131 Kepler mission

end of the observations (approximately two times larger) due to the decreasing pulsationamplitude

In order to compare the M16 results better with the measurements of this work wewill be implementing a full orbit fit on both measurements simultaneously Additionallythe uncertainties appear rather small in comparison to M16 A different treatment ofuncertainties might give more reliable error bars


13 Kepler




4800 5000 5200 5400 5600 5800 6000 6200 6400 6600

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013re




tBJDTDB minus 2450000

(a) KIC 7917485 light curve


0 50 100 150 200 250



0 5 10 15 20 25



f microHz




high pass filtered



f dminus1


(b) KIC 7917485 amplitude spectrum

Figure 131 KIC 7917485 data Top Light curve Grey points are considered outliers andpartially exceeding the plotting range Bottom Amplitude spectrum The top panel showsthe observations The middle panel the amplitude spectrum after applying the high passfilter Note the different scale on the y-axis in order to make small amplitudes visible Thebottom panel shows the residuals after modelling six pulsation modes


131 Kepler mission






2009 2010 2011 2012 2013





4800 5000 5200 5400 5600 5800 6000 6200 6400 6600












tBJDTDB minus 2450000

Figure 132 Results for the two main pulsations of KIC 7917485 Top panel AmplitudesMiddle panel Fits of the O minusC data with second order polynomials only (dashed lines)and full fit including the light travel time effect (solid lines) Lower panel Residuals



141 TESS mission

The Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) by NASA was launched in April 2018as an all-sky survey for transiting exoplanets The 24 degtimes96 deg field of view observeseach sector for about 27 days and sweeps across the sky This creates some observationslasting longer than 27 days due to the overlapping sectors The four telescopes (each witha field of view of 24 deg2) measure 105 mm in diameter and the cameras are sensitive for awavelength range of 600 nm to 1000 nm This is slightly redder than the Kepler bandpassdue to the missionrsquos differing priorities detecting transiting planets orbiting Sun-like starsfor Kepler and small cool stars for TESS The full frame cadence measures 30 minuteswhile the nominal cadence for transit detections two minutes The TESS AsteroseismicScience Consortium (TASC) coordinates 20 seconds ldquoshort cadencerdquo observations of brightasteroseismic target stars

However observations with such a short time span of 27 days (and up to one year butonly around the ecliptic pole eg 17 of the sky) do not allow an extensive search ofsub-stellar companions using the pulsation timing method on their own But they can beused as additional observations to existing data sets especially the EXOTIME project dataWithout additional ground-based observations a joint O minusC analysis of δ Sct data fromKepler and TESS is likely to fail due to the large observational gap of about seven years

1411 sdB stars

TESS observations of V1636 Ori and V541 Hya are already discussed in chapter III Thedata are taken at two minutes cadence and thus do not allow the investigation of p-modes

DW Lyn was observed by TESS with a cadence of 120 s between December 25 2019and January 20 2020 Fig 141 shows the light curve and amplitude spectrum Besidesthe 120 s alias at 720 dminus1 the spectrum shows f1 and f2 at about 238 dminus1 and 225 dminus1

respectively as well as their Nyquist alias above 360 dminus1 (cf Murphy et al 2013) Forthe g-mode regime Lutz et al (2008a) reported pulsations at 2717 microHz 3181 microHz and2063 microHz (2347 dminus1 2748 dminus1 and 1783 dminus1) The TESS data show only the pulsation at3181 microHz as a detection of about two times above the noise level While the 2717 microHzpulsation is visible but not above the noise level the 2063 microHz pulsation is not present inthe TESS data set Since we have no data between the last EXOTIME observations in 2013and the TESS observations in 2020 the time span for a joint O minusC analysis is too large

V391 Peg will be observed by TESS and the data can be used to extend the set ofobservation from Silvotti et al (2018) In order to span the observational gaps between






1840 1845 1850 1855 1860 1865 1870





tBJDTDB minus 2457000

(a) DW Lyn light curve











0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800

0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000




16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30

200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340



f dminus1

f microHz

DW Lyn




16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30

200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340

(b) DW Lyn amplitude spectrum

Figure 141 TESS DW Lyn data Top Light curve Grey points are considered outliersand partially exceeding the plotting range Bottom Amplitude spectrum The inset showsa magnification of the g-mode regime Modes reported by Lutz et al (2008a) are indicatedas dots


141 TESS mission

2013 and 2020 we performed additional ground-bases observations as described inchapter 3


Part V



15 Discussion

Studying post main-sequence stars offers a window into the fate of planetary systemsincluding our own solar system Can planets survive the final stages of stellar evolution andhow do they in turn affect their host starrsquos evolution One discussed formation scenario ofsingle sdB stars involves the influence of giant planets during the red giant phase of theirprogenitor Observations can put constrains on the presence of sub-stellar companionsorbiting sdB stars

Chapter III investigated a unique set of long term ground-based observations of thefour rapidly pulsating sdB stars DW Lyn V1636 Ori QQ Vir and V541 Hya The maingoals of the EXOTIME project are the determination of the evolutionary state of these starsand the constraints on sub-stellar companions to draw conclusions on possible formationscenarios

The individual secular period drifts for different modes per target derived from theO minusC measurements do not always agree with each other These results therefore needto be interpreted with caution with regard to the evolutionary state of the star and holdonly for the assumption of a linear change in period For DW Lyn P f 1 is comparable tovalues derived from stellar models and place the star in the evolutionary phase of core Heburning P f 2 on the other hand can be explained by the apparent mode splitting whoseorigin cannot be confirmed with certainty A possible explanation is the slow decay of onepulsation mode and an excitation of a mode with close frequency but not resolvable by theobservations Additionally amplitude and phase variations indicate a mode beating effectAs shown in section 52 two close - but not necessarily resolvable pulsation modes cancause such effects Measurements for the period changes of V1636 Ori need to be cautionedby the same arguments For QQ Vir the identified radial order and degree of modes donot allow a direct comparison with stellar models but the sign of the P measurementsplaces QQ Vir in the state of He burning The O minusC measurements of V541 Hya show nosignificant change of period If these results are not affected by observational limitationsbut originate from stellar evolution the star might be in the transition phase between coreHe burning and contraction

Atmospheric measurements of all four stars can place the stars in the log g minus Teff planerelatively close to stellar evolutionary models of Charpinet et al (2002) as illustratedin Fig 151 This independently confirms the tentative interpretations above DW LynV1636 Ori and QQ Vir overlap each with several models of different envelope mass inthe phase of core He burning within their measured uncertainties Although Teff and log gmeasurements of V541 Hya agree with two models in that same evolutionary phase themeasurements agree within 3σ with an evolutionary model in the transition between coreHe burning and contraction

In principle proper motions of stars can give an alternative explanation for the apparent


15 Discussion









DW Lyn

V1636 Ori

QQ VirV541 Hya


log( g




Figure 151 EHB evolutionary tracks covering the log g minus Teff region where sdB stars areobserved Data points taken from Appendix B of Charpinet et al (2002) (crosses) andTable 71 (circles) The seven models correspond respectively from left (high Teff) to right(low Teff) to objects with a ZAEHB envelope mass Menv = 00001 00002 00007 0001200022 00032 and 00042 M The core mass is Mc = 04758M for all sequences exceptthe first and third (from the left) which have Mc = 04690M For a positive (negative)slope in the models the change in pulsation period is positive (negative) See Charpinetet al (2002) for a detailed explanation

change in pulsation period as described by Pajdosz (1995ba) They derive the effect ofproper motion to be


s sminus1 = 2430 times 10minus18 Ps

microprimeprime yrminus1


where micro is the proper motion in arcseconds per year and d the distance in parsec Withmeasurements available from the Gaia (Gaia Collaboration et al 2018) the derived valuesare about three orders of magnitude smaller than the measured P and thus neglectable

After subtraction of the long term trends in the O minus C measurements the residualsshow no clear evidence for signatures of sub-stellar companions The comparison withsynthetic O minusC curves indicates a companion-induced signal in the main pulsation modeof DW Lyn But this is not confirmed by the independent measurement of the secondpulsation mode as would be expected Furthermore previously described periodic signalsin the O minusC measurements by Lutz et al (2011) are ruled out to be caused by sub-stellarcompanions Nevertheless the data set is limited in detection sensitivity Dependingon the observational gaps the data cannot set limitations for possible companion orbitsshorter than approximately 30 days (DW Lyn and V1636 Ori) 4 days (QQ Vir) or 120days (V541 Hya) or longer than the total length of observations roughly 1500 days


15 Discussion

Photometric precision additionally limits the detection threshold to companions signalslarger than about 1 s This corresponds to a companion with a mass of 1 MX (05 MX) andan orbital period of about 05 years (15 years)

Chapter IV enlarges the target selection and applies the O minusC analysis to one examplePulsations of δ Sct stars are driven by the κ mechanism allowing stable pulsations overlong periods of time Planet detection methods like the transit or radial velocity methodcannot be easily applied to those stars which favours the pulsation timing analysis and thusopens a new parameter space in the exoplanet detection The δ Sct pulsator KIC 7917485was found to be orbited by a sub-stellar companion whose signal can be recovered in thepulsation arrival times


16 Outlook

As chapter IV applied the OminusC analysis to one example observation beyond the EXOTIMEproject there are more extensive long time series of high cadence data already availableor with upcoming space missions The next sections highlight data sets of interest

161 K2 missionAfter the failure of two reaction wheels on the Kepler space craft its mission could beextended from 2014 onward as K2 The space craft was balanced against the radiationpressure from the sun which limits each campaign to a duration of about 80 days ThusK2 was not staring at only one field in the sky but sweeping along the ecliptic and couldobserve many more targets for signs of transiting exoplanets Armstrong et al (2015)created a catalogue of variable stars from the K2 observations and categorized the targetsinto different classes of pulsators From this catalogue about 500 variables are classified asδ Sct stars Additionally 33 sdB stars were observed by K2 (Reed et al 2018) Although theobservations span only 80 days they can set constraints on close in sub-stellar companions

162 TESSThe TESS mission aims to detect transiting exoplanets around bright stars Asteroseismictargets are observed with a cadence of 20 seconds if they are bright enough Most ofthe EXOTIME targets are already observed or are going to be observed Due to thecadence of two minutes for these stars and the long duration in between the EXOTIMEobservations the data cannot be used for a common O minus C analysis Nevertheless theyprovide constraints on g-modes For the upcoming V391 Peg observations the gaps toground based observations are not too big With the planetary candidate claimed by Silvottiet al (2007) but cautioned later by Silvotti et al (2018) the new observations by groundbased telescopes and TESS are expected to clarify the interpretations

For other asteroseismic targets ether sdB or δ Sct stars an OminusC analysis is reasonableonly for targets with overlapping sectors ie more than 27 days of observing time

163 PLATOPLAnetary Transits and Oscillations of stars (PLATO) is an ESA mission scheduled forlaunch in 2026 Its primary goal is to discover and characterize terrestrial exoplanetsorbiting bright solar-type stars especially planets in the habitable zone Bright host


16 Outlook

Figure 161 Artistrsquos impression of ESArsquos PLATO spacecraft Credit ESAATG medialabCC BY-SA IGO 30

stars allow the determination of the planetsrsquo masses using the radial velocity method fromground-based observations and thus a mean density This can be used to constrain planetaryinterior models Additionally bright targets allow transmission spectroscopy observationsin order to measure chemical abundances of the planetary atmospheres A secondary goalof the PLATO mission is asteroseismic observations to determine stellar masses radii andages These parameters are crucial in order to correctly determine the planetary massesradii and their evolution

PLATOrsquos payload module consists of 24 cameras each with an aperture of 120 mmand a 1100 deg2 field of view (see Fig161) The cameras are arranged in four groups ofsix where each group has the same field of view but their angle is slightly offset - thisallows a total field view of about 2250 deg2 per pointing The camera arrays overlap insome parts resulting in different sensitivities over the field They will observe with acadence of 25 s Additionally two ldquofastrdquo cameras will observe with a cadence of 25 sPLATOrsquos nominal life time sums up to four years but could be in orbit for double the timeFor most of the time it will ldquostarerdquo to one region in the sky Additionally an ldquostep andstarerdquo phase comparable to K2 is possible

With the explicit goal of asteroseismic observations PLATO is expected to collectmany data on evolved pulsating stars allowing for an investigation with the pulsationtiming method The pipeline developed for this work can be easily adopted and used in anautomated way in order to process many targets and search for sub-stellar companions


Part VI




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This thesis would not have been possible without the help of many people who guided andsupported me during my time as a PhD student

First I would like to thank my supervisor Sonja Schuh who advised and guided metrough this project and had always an open ear for me despite her work as the IMPRScoordinator A thank you goes also to the other members of my TAC Laurent Gizon andStefan Dreizler for the productive discussions and ways to see some things differently

I would also like to thank Roberto Silvotti who helped to improve the EXOTIMEpaper

The students of the IMPRS formed a great community at the institute Without thefriendships formed out of this group my time at the institute would have been a verydifferent experience I tried gave my best to contribute to the great dynamics of the groupand hope this spirit will be kept alive by many following generations of students

Special thanks goes to my fellow musicians for the great time over the last yearsStarting with the (in)famous successful ldquoQuiet Sunrdquo project together with TheodosiosChatzistergos (literally a god on his guitar) Ankit Barik Earl Bellinger and Alessan-dro Cilla (who left us way too early) growing bigger for some gigs with SudharshanSaranathan Nils Gottschling David Marshall Robin Thor Keaton Bell and James Kus-zlewicz and finally merging with the great MegaGauss band including additionally HelgeMissbach Katja Karmrodt Abbey Ingram Christian Baumgartner Daria MokrytskaTanayveer Bhatia Marius Pfeifer Ann-Kathrin Lohse (Atti) and Paula Wulff No matterwhich problems would trouble me during the band practise I could throw them all againstthe drum heads and cymbals Keep on rockinrsquo

I would like to thank Michelle for her support and proofreadingAnd special thanks goes to my family which always supported me on my way listened

and offered good advice

This work is founded by the International Max Planck Research School for SolarSystem Science at the University of Goumlttingen (IMPRS Solar System School) and theVolkswagen Foundation (project grant number VWZN3020) This work makes use ofobservations from the LCOGT network This work includes data collected by the Keplermission Funding for the Kepler mission is provided by the NASA Science Missiondirectorate


Scientific contributions

Refereed publicationsbull Mackebrandt F M Mallonn J M Ohlert T Granzer S Lalitha A Garciacutea Muntildeoz

N P Gibson et al 2017 Transmission Spectroscopy of the Hot Jupiter TrES-3 bDisproof of an Overly Large Rayleigh-like Feature AampA 608 (December) A26httpsdoiorg1010510004-6361201730512

bull Mackebrandt F S Schuh R Silvotti S-L Kim D Kilkenny E M Green RLutz et al The EXOTIME Project Signals in the O minusC Diagrams of the RapidlyPulsating Subdwarfs DW Lyn V1636 Ori QQ Vir and V541 Hya AampA 638 (June1 2020) A108 httpsdoiorg1010510004-6361201937172

bull Mallonn M I Bernt E Herrero S Hoyer J Kirk P J Wheatley M Seeliger etal 2016 Broad-Band Spectrophotometry of HAT-P-32 b Search for a ScatteringSignature in the Planetary Spectrum Monthly Notices of the Royal AstronomicalSociety 463 (November) 604-14 httpsdoiorg101093mnrasstw1999

bull Schwope A D F Mackebrandt B D Thinius C Littlefield P Garnavich AOksanen and T Granzer 2015 Multi-Epoch Time-Resolved Photometry of theEclipsing Polar CSS081231071126+440405 Astronomische Nachrichten 336 (2)115-24 httpsdoiorg101002asna201412151

bull Strassmeier K G I Ilyin E Keles M Mallonn A Jaumlrvinen M Weber F Macke-brandt and J M Hill High-Resolution Spectroscopy and Spectropolarimetryof the Total Lunar Eclipse January 2019 AampA 635 (March 1 2020) A156httpsdoiorg1010510004-6361201936091

Conference contributionsbull The stellar pulsation timing method to detect substellar companions XXX IAU

General Assembly 2018 Vienna (Poster)

bull The stellar pulsation timing method to detect substellar companions AnnualMeeting of the Astronomische Gesellschaft 2017 Goumlttingen (Talk)

bull The stellar pulsation timing detection method for substellar companions Rocks ampStars II Conference 2017 Goumlttingen (Talk)

bull The stellar pulsation timing detection method for substellar companions ThePLATO Mission Conference 2017 Exoplanetary systems in the PLATO era War-wick (Poster)


Scientific contributions

bull The stellar pulsation timing method to detect substellar companions 2nd AdvancedSchool on Exoplanetary Science 2017 Vietri sul Mare (Poster)

bull The Stellar Pulsation Timing Detection Method for Substellar Companions Plane-tary Systems Beyond The Main Sequence II 2017 Haifa (Poster)


  • Abstract
  • Zusammenfassung
  • I Introduction
    • 1 Extrasolar planets
      • 11 Historical overview
      • 12 Definition of an exoplanet
      • 13 Observational techniques
        • 2 Subdwarf B stars
          • 21 Classification
          • 22 Canonical stellar and planetary evolution
          • 23 Subdwarf B stars formation scenarios
          • 24 Asteroseismology
            • 241 mechanism
            • 242 Asteroseismic observations
              • II The EXOTIME project
                • 3 Targets
                • 4 Multi-epoch photometric data
                  • 41 Time series photometry
                    • 411 Photometry
                    • 412 Timing accuracy
                        • 5 Methods
                          • 51 O-C Pipeline
                            • 511 Linear change in period
                            • 512 Light travel time effect
                              • 52 Artificial data testing
                              • 53 Alternative approaches
                                • 531 Analytic signal
                                • 532 Independent confirmation via direct imaging
                                  • III The EXOTIME project Signals in the O-C diagrams of the rapidly pulsating subdwarfs DW Lyn V1636 Ori QQ Vir and V541 Hya
                                    • 6 Introduction
                                    • 7 Observations and data reduction
                                      • 71 DW Lyn
                                      • 72 V1636 Ori
                                      • 73 QQ Vir
                                      • 74 V541 Hya
                                      • 75 TESS observations
                                      • 76 Data reduction
                                        • 8 Analysis
                                        • 9 Results and discussion
                                          • 91 DW Lyn
                                          • 92 V1636 Ori
                                          • 93 QQ Vir
                                          • 94 V541 Hya
                                          • 95 Testing the sub-stellar companion hypothesis
                                            • 10 Summary and Conclusion
                                            • 11 Appendix
                                              • 111 TESS data
                                              • 112 Amplitude spectra
                                                  • IV Application to larger target pool
                                                    • 12 Further asteroseismic targets
                                                      • 121 Scuti stars
                                                        • 13 Kepler
                                                          • 131 Kepler mission
                                                            • 1311 sdB stars
                                                            • 1312 Scuti stars
                                                              • 13121 KIC 7917485
                                                                • 14 TESS
                                                                  • 141 TESS mission
                                                                    • 1411 sdB stars
                                                                      • V Summary
                                                                        • 15 Discussion
                                                                        • 16 Outlook
                                                                          • 161 K2 mission
                                                                          • 162 TESS
                                                                          • 163 PLATO
                                                                              • VI Appendix
                                                                                • Bibliography
                                                                                • Acknowledgements
                                                                                • Scientific contributions
Page 5: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature


Abstract 1

Zusammenfassung 3

I Introduction 5

1 Extrasolar planets 711 Historical overview 712 Definition of an exoplanet 813 Observational techniques 9

2 Subdwarf B stars 1121 Classification 1122 Canonical stellar and planetary evolution 1123 Subdwarf B stars formation scenarios 1424 Asteroseismology 16

241 κ mechanism 17242 Asteroseismic observations 18

II The EXOTIME project 21

3 Targets 23

4 Multi-epoch photometric data 2741 Time series photometry 27

411 Photometry 27412 Timing accuracy 27

5 Methods 2951 O minusC Pipeline 29

511 Linear change in period 29512 Light travel time effect 31

52 Artificial data testing 3253 Alternative approaches 38

531 Analytic signal 38



532 Independent confirmation via direct imaging 39

III The EXOTIME project Signals in the O minus C diagrams ofthe rapidly pulsating subdwarfs DW Lyn V1636 Ori QQ Vir andV541 Hya 41

6 Introduction 45

7 Observations and data reduction 4971 DW Lyn 4972 V1636 Ori 5373 QQ Vir 5374 V541 Hya 5475 TESS observations 5476 Data reduction 54

8 Analysis 55

9 Results and discussion 6391 DW Lyn 6392 V1636 Ori 6593 QQ Vir 6694 V541 Hya 6895 Testing the sub-stellar companion hypothesis 70

10 Summary and Conclusion 75

11 Appendix 77111 TESS data 77112 Amplitude spectra 78

IV Application to larger target pool 83

12 Further asteroseismic targets 85121 δ Scuti stars 85

13 Kepler 87131 Kepler mission 87

1311 sdB stars 871312 δ Scuti stars 87

13121 KIC 7917485 87

14 TESS 93141 TESS mission 93

1411 sdB stars 93



V Summary 97

15 Discussion 99

16 Outlook 103161 K2 mission 103162 TESS 103163 PLATO 103

VI Appendix 105

Bibliography 107

Acknowledgements 123

Scientific contributions 125


List of Figures

11 Exoplanet mass and radius distribution 812 Exoplanet detection methods 10

21 Sketch of a Hertzsprung-Russell diagram 1222 Protoplanetary discs 1323 Formation of sdB stars I 1524 Formation of sdB stars II 1625 Possible formation mechanism of close-in planets 1726 Hertzsprung-Russell diagram showing different classes of pulsating stars 20

51 Schematic picture of the O minusC diagram construction 3052 Schematic picture of the orbital configuration 3153 Amplitude spectrum for four resonant pulsations with frequencies 3354 Results for four resonant pulsations 3355 Amplitude spectrum for two close pulsations 3456 Results of the simultaneous fit of two close pulsations 3557 Amplitude spectrum for two close pulsations and very different amplitudes 3658 Results for two close pulsations and very different amplitudes 3659 Amplitude spectrum for one pulsation of varying amplitude 37510 Results for one simulated pulsation with varying amplitude 37511 Results of the Hilbert transform for one pulsation 39

71 Light curves 51

81 Flow chart representing the analysis of the time of arrival 5682 Example observations of DW Lyn 5883 Example observations of V1636 Ori 5984 Example observations of QQ Vir 6085 Example observations of V541 Hya 61

91 Amplitude spectrum of DW Lyn 6392 Results for the two main pulsations of DW Lyn 6493 Amplitude spectrum of V1636 Ori 6694 Results for the two main pulsations of V1636 Ori 6795 Amplitude spectrum of QQ Vir 6796 Results for the three main pulsations of QQ Vir 6897 Amplitude spectrum of V541 Hya 69


List of Figures

98 Amplitude spectrum with respect to the pulsation frequency f3 of V541 Hya 6999 Results for the two main pulsations of V541 Hya 70910 Minimum companion mass as a function of orbital period 74

111 Light curves of the TESS observations 78112 Amplitude spectrum of the TESS observations 79113 Amplitude spectrum of DW Lyn 79114 Amplitude spectrum of V1636 Ori 80115 Amplitude spectrum of QQ Vir 80116 Amplitude spectrum of V541 Hya 81

131 KIC 7917485 data 90132 Results for the two main pulsations of KIC 7917485 91

141 TESS DW Lyn data 94

151 EHB evolutionary tracks of sdB stars 100

161 Artistrsquos impression of ESArsquos PLATO spacecraft 104


List of Tables

31 Observational properties of the EXOTIME targets 2432 Summary of the newly acquired observations for V391 Peg 25

71 Atmospheric parameters of the targets 4972 Summary of the observing time per target per site 52

81 Parameters of the simultaneously fitted pulsations per target 57

111 Additional identified pulsation modes 78

131 Orbital parameters for the KIC 7917485 system 88



Stars spend most of their life on the main sequence (MS) But their most substantialchanges occur off the MS stage either before on the pre-MS or beyond at the post-MSphase Due to very complex and varied dynamical processes the evolution of planetarysystems orbiting non-MS stars significantly differs from those of MS planetary systems

This work focusses on the search for sub-stellar companions in post-MS systems anddetermination of the evolutionary state of their host stars especially subdwarf B stars(sdB stars) These are stripped Helium-burning cores of red giants with a thin hydrogenatmosphere The canonical model involves binary evolution to explain the existence ofsdB stars Formation scenarios for single sdBs are more controversially discussed and canbe hard to reconcile with observational properties Besides the merger of two helium whitedwarfs or other merger processes for apparently single sdB stars an alternative formationchannel involves planetary systems During the red giant phase the star would developa common envelope with a giant planet that leads to the loss of the envelope Thus sdBstars are laboratories to test how planets survive and influence the late phases of stellarevolution

The rapid pulsations of sdB stars can be used to detect sub-stellar companions fromperiodic variations in the expected arrival times of the pulsation maxima This timingmethod is particularly sensitive to companions at large distances and complementary toother exoplanet detection methods because they are not efficient for stars with small radiiand high gravities Thus the timing method opens up a new parameter range in terms ofthe host stars and helps to understand the formation process of single sdBs

In this work I implemented tested and applied the pulsation timing analysis to searchfor sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems The method isalready established in the literature but not to an extent which is capable of automaticallyprocessing long-time series of high-cadence data ie from space born observations

Part I provides an introduction to extrasolar planets and to the formation and propertiesof sdB stars

Part II and III describe the long-term ground-based observations of four rapidly pulsat-ing sdB stars DW Lyn V1636 Ori QQ Vir and V541 Hya The data are used to measure thesecular drifts in pulsation periods The results constrain the evolutionary state of these starsand are compared to theoretical predictions of stellar evolutionary models Furthermorethe measurements set limits to masses and orbital periods of sub-stellar companions Incontrast to previous studies tentative companion detections are not confirmed

Part IV describes the application of the implemented timing analysis to other pulsatingstars and data sets Compared to ground-based observatories satellite-based telescopesoffer the advantage of uninterrupted observations Observatories like Kepler TESS or theupcoming PLATO mission provide a large sample of targets Besides sdB stars δ Scuti



(δ Sct) pulsators are excellent stars to apply the timing method on δ Sct stars are evolvedbeyond the MS and of spectral type A From Kepler observations previous studies re-vealed a planetary companion orbiting the δ Sct star KIC 791748 The implemented timinganalysis of this work is applied to these data and can recover the planetary signature vali-dating the implementation at hand and independently confirming the planetary companiondiscovery

Part V discusses the results of this thesis and provides an outlook to further applica-tions



Sterne verbringen den Groszligteil ihres Lebens auf der Hauptreihe (HR) Die gravierendstenVeraumlnderungen geschehen jedoch abseits der HR entweder zuvor auf der pre-HR oderfolgend auf der post-HR Durch sehr komplexe und variierende dynamische Prozesseunterscheidet sich die Entwicklung von Planeten in nicht-HR Sternsystemen signifikantvon der Entwicklung von Planeten in HR Sternsystemen

Diese Arbeit legt ihren Fokus auf die Suche nach sub-stellaren Begleitern in post-HR Systemen und auf die Bestimmung des evolutionaumlren Stadiums derer Zentralsterneinsbesondere bei heiszligen Unterzwergen des Spektraltyps B (engl subdwarf B kurzsdB) auch Blaue-Unterzwerge genannt Solche sdB-Sterne sind freigelegte heliumbren-nende Kerne von vormals Roten-Riesen mit einer duumlnnen Wasserstoffatmosphaumlre Derenkanonische Entstehung beschreibt die Entwicklung in einem Doppelsternsystem Entste-hungsszenarien fuumlr einzelne sdB-Sterne werden jedoch kontrovers diskutiert und sind nurschwer mit Beobachtungen zu verifizieren Neben der Verschmelzung von zwei heliumdo-minierten Weiszligen Zwergen koumlnnten auch Planetensysteme zur Bildung von sdB-Sternenbeitragen Waumlhrend der Roten-Riesen-Phase wuumlrde der Stern einen seiner Riesenplanetenin eine gemeinsame Huumllle einschlieszligen was letztendlich zum Verlust der Huumllle fuumlhrtSomit erweisen sich sdB-Sterne als Testobjekte das Uumlberleben von Planeten zu pruumlfensowie den Einfluss der Planeten auf die Spaumltphasen stellare Entwicklung zu beobachten

Die schnellen Pulsationen von sdB Sternen koumlnnen mit Hilfe von periodischen Veraumln-derungen in den zu erwarteten Ankunftszeiten der Pulsationsmaxima zur Detektion vonsub-stellaren Begleitern genutzt werden Diese Methode der Lichtlaufzeitmessungen istbesonders sensitiv fuumlr Begleiter mit groszliger Distanz zu ihrem Zentralstern und damit kom-plementaumlr zu anderen Detektionsmethoden Denn andere Detektionsmethoden sind bei Ster-nen mit hoher Oberflaumlchengravitation und kleinen Radien weniger aussagekraumlftig Damiteroumlffnet die Methode der Lichtlaufzeitmessungen eine Moumlglichkeit fuumlr Entdeckungen vonbisher nicht erforschbaren Planetensystemen und hilft somit den Entstehungsprozess vonsdB-Sternen besser zu verstehen

In dieser Arbeit habe ich die Methode der Pulsations-Lichtlaufzeitmessungen im-plementiert getestet und zur Suche nach sub-stellaren Begleitern bei Systemen in denSpaumltphasen stellarer Entwicklung angewandt Die Methode ist bereits etabliert bisherjedoch nicht fuumlr eine automatische Anwendung auf lange Beobachtungsreihen in hoherzeitlicher Aufloumlsung wie zB von Weltraumteleskopen optimiert

Teil I dieser Arbeit gibt eine Einleitung zu extrasolaren Planeten sowie auch zurEntstehung und Eigenschaften von sdB-Sternen

Teil II und III beschreiben die bodengebundenen Langzeitbeobachtungen der vierschnell pulsierenden sdB-Sterne DW Lyn V1636 Ori QQ Vir und V541 Hya MitHilfe dieser Daten werden die Veraumlnderungen der Pulsationsperioden gemessen Diese



Ergebnisse lassen auf das evolutionaumlre Stadium der Sterne schlieszligen und werden mittheoretischen Sternentwicklungsmodellen verglichen Weiterhin setzen die Ergebnisseder Beobachtungen Grenzwerte fuumlr die Masse und Umlaufdauer moumlglicher sub-stellarerBegleiter Im Widerspruch zu vorhergehenden Studien koumlnnen potentielle Detektionenvon Begleitern nicht bestaumltigt werden

Teil IV beschreibt die Anwendung der implementierten Methode der Pulsations-Lichtlaufzeitmessungen auf andere Sterne und Datensaumltze Im Vergleich zu bodengebunde-nen Observatorien bieten weltraumgestuumltzte Teleskope den Vorteil der ununterbrochenenBeobachtung Observatorien wie das Kepler Weltraumobservatorium TESS oder diegeplante PLATO Mission liefern eine groszlige Anzahl von Beobachtungszielen NebensdB-Sternen ist die Klasse der pulsierenden δ Scuti (δ Sct) Sterne ein hervorragendesZiel fuumlr Lichtlaufzeitmessungen δ Sct Sterne sind in einem Entwicklungsstadium jen-seits der HR und in der Spektralklasse A zu finden Vorhergehende Studien haben ausBeobachtungen des Kepler Weltraumteleskops einen planetaren Begleiter um den SternKIC 791748 offenbart Mit der in dieser Arbeit implementierten Methode der Pulsations-Lichtlaufzeitmessungen kann das Signal dieses Begleiters aus den Daten gewonnen undsomit die Implementierung validiert sowie eine unabhaumlngige Bestaumltigung dieser Planete-nentdeckung erbracht werden

Teil V diskutiert die vorhergehenden Ergebnisse und liefert einen Ausblick auf weitereAnwendungen


Part I



1 Extrasolar planets

11 Historical overviewSpeculations about the existence of other worlds or solar systems other than our own go asfar back as the ancient times Greek philosophers debated about the possibility of countlessworlds

And he maintained worlds to be infinite and varying in bulk and that in somethere is neither sun nor moon while in others that they are larger than with usand with others more numerous [] And that some worlds are destitute ofanimals and plants and every species of moisture

Democritus (460 to 370 BCE Litwa 2016)

He was supported by Epicurus (314 to 270 BCE) who debated about an ldquoinfinite number ofworlds both like and unlike this world of oursrdquo (Bailey 1926) in a letter to Democritus Butthe atomists of this time believed in the geocentric universe and thus the work of Aristotle(341 to 270 BCE) outshone their ideas This started to change with the introduction ofthe Heliocentric universe theory of Nicolaus Copernicus in 1543 However the Italianphilosopher Giordano Bruno was burned during the Inquisition because of his belief in aninfinite number of stars which have an infinite number of terrestrial worlds orbiting themFinally Galileo Galilei discovered with his telescope invented in 1606 the true nature ofthe Moon and planets and paved the way for the discovery of the remaining planets in oursolar system

Our solar system shaped the understanding of planetary evolution and system archi-tecture until Wolszczan and Frail (1992) discovered the first exoplanetary system laterconfirmed by Wolszczan (1994) The two Earth-mass like planets orbit the millisecondpulsar PSR 1257+12 a rather unusual host star With the discovery of the first extrasolarplanet 51 Pegasi b orbiting a sun-like star (Mayor and Queloz 1995) the architecture ofexoplanetary systems remained very different than expected from the solar system Theplanet has a mass comparable to the mass of Jupiter but a very close-in orbit of about005 au leading to a new category of planets called ldquohot Jupitersrdquo

So far more than 4000 exoplanets have been discovered by various detection methodsThey exhibit a wide range of planetary masses and radii as shown in Figure 11 Besideshot Jupiters Neptune- and Saturn-sized planets as well as super-Earths were discovered

The first transiting exoplanet HD 209458 b was discovered in 1999 (Charbonneau et al2000) which later became the first planet with a spectroscopically analysed atmosphere(Charbonneau et al 2002) HD 28185 b was discovered as the first exoplanet in thehabitable zone a region around a star in which a planet may retain liquid water on its


1 Extrasolar planets









10minus2 100 102 10410minus2




10minus2 100 102 104



a au



a au









3 K

Figure 11 Exoplanet mass and radius distribution as function of their orbital periodand effective temperature of their host star (color coded) Out of the 4130 discoveredexoplanets there are 994 mass and 1631 radius measurements (as of November 2019Schneider et al 2011)

surface Using the phase-mapping technique Knutson et al (2007) reconstructed a roughmap of HD 189733 b showing the temperature of the cloud deck An image of Formalhaut bin 2008 was the first direct image of an exoplanet (Kalas et al 2008) With Kepler-186 f anEarth-sized planet orbiting within its starrsquos habitable zone was discovered (Quintana et al2014) With the discovery of Kepler-452 b and its 16 Earth-radii another category not yetpresent in our solar system called ldquosuper Earthsrdquo was created Another super Earth orbitingour closest neighbour star Proxima Centauri even in the habitable zone was discovered byAnglada-Escudeacute et al (2016) Future missions aim to characterise exoplanetary systemsand to understand the formation evolution and chemical composition in more detail

12 Definition of an exoplanet

The word ldquoplanetrdquo was introduced by the ancient Greeks as the term ὰστέρες πλανῆτα

(asteres planetai) which can be translated as ldquowandering starrdquo This was inspired by theapparent movement of the planets in the solar system as opposed to the fixed stars In amore scientific way the International Astronomical Union (IAU) defined a planet in thesolar system in its resolution 5A as follows

A planet is a celestial body that

1 is in orbit around the Sun


13 Observational techniques

2 has sufficient mass for its self-gravity to overcome rigid body forces sothat it assumes a hydrostatic equilibrium (nearly round) shape and

3 has cleared the neighbourhood around its orbit

IAU (2006)

Additionally the working group on extrasolar planets of the IAU published the followingstatement not yet adopted as a resolution

1 Objects with true masses below the limiting mass for thermonuclearfusion of deuterium (currently calculated to be 13 Jupiter masses for ob-jects of solar metallicity) that orbit stars or stellar remnants are ldquoplanetsrdquo(no matter how they formed) The minimum masssize required for anextrasolar object to be considered a planet should be the same as thatused in our Solar System

2 Substellar objects with true masses above the limiting mass for ther-monuclear fusion of deuterium are ldquobrown dwarfsrdquo no matter how theyformed nor where they are located

3 Free-floating objects in young star clusters with masses below the limit-ing mass for thermonuclear fusion of deuterium are not ldquoplanetsrdquo butare ldquosub-brown dwarfsrdquo (or whatever name is most appropriate)

Boss et al (2005) reproduced with permission

The designation of exoplanets consists of the name of the host star followed by alowercase letter The first part can be an astronomical catalogue the scientific instrumentor project that discovered the exoplanet The following letter indicates the order of theexoplanets discovery around its host star usually beginning with ldquobrdquo This is analogous tothe designation of multiple star systems

13 Observational techniquesThe vast variety of exoplanets necessitates the need for different detection techniques Theycan be separated into three broad categories as the ldquoPerryman treerdquo a visual overview onthe detection methods illustrates in Fig 12

Widely separated exoplanets can be imaged directly Also protoplanetary disks can bedetected this way In case the orbital plane of the exoplanet aligns with the line of sight ofthe observer the planet transits in front of the stellar disk which can be detected as fluxvariations in primary and secondary eclipse

Gravitational lensing is known for very massive objects like galaxy clusters but can alsobe detected using a single star as a lens for a background star This induces a characteristicsignal in the light curve If the foreground star hosts an exoplanet it will act as an additionallens

Dynamical effects are based on the gravitational interaction of host star and planetThis can be measured directly as an astrometric change of position on the sky or indirectlyvia Doppler shifts in the host starrsquos spectrum or timing variations of transits eclipses orstellar pulsations The latter method is used in particular in this work and explained indetail in section 5


1 Extrasolar planets











existing capabilityprojected


-up detections n =

planets known








Exoplanet Detection



decreasingplanet mass


32 planets(20 system

s5 m


662 planets(504 system

s102 m


1 planet(1 system

0 m


53 planets(51 system

s2 m


2789 planets(2053 system

s474 m


1 January 20183572 exoplanets

(~2600 system

s ~590 m


bers from N


Exoplanet Archive]





refectedpolarised light

Radial velocity









44 planets(40 system

s2 m



















millisec slow



residuals(see TTVs)

(Kepler=2315 K2=




125Roplus) 766






protoplanetary disks

star accretionpollution

radio emission

gravitational waves

X-ray emission

debris diskscolliding


white dw

arf pollution



















































2 Subdwarf B stars

The majority of known exoplanets orbit cool host stars ie G and M type stars So faronly a small fraction of planets orbiting evolved host stars have been discovered (comparedto effective temperatures of host stars in Fig 11) This raises questions on the evolutionand fate of planetary systems The following chapter revises the stellar evolution withfocus on the post-main sequence phase of the host star arriving at subdwarf B stars (sdBstars) These stars are laboratories to test how planets survive and influence the late phasesof stellar evolution

21 ClassificationHumason and Zwicky (1947) discovered sdB stars in a photometric survey of the NorthGalactic Pole region Their position in the Hertzsprung-Russel diagram (HRD) in Fig 21in between the main sequence (MS) and the white-dwarf (WD) sequence was laterdetermined by Greenstein and Sargent (1974) They show effective temperatures Teff

from sim20 000 K to 50 000 K with surface gravities log(gcm sminus2) of 50 to 65 Heberet al (1984) Heber (1986) could connect the spectroscopic sdB class with the extremehorizontal branch (EHB) evolutionary stage Thus sdB stars are stripped helium-burningcores (sim05 M) of red giants with a thin hydrogen (H) atmosphere Their spectra aretherefore dominated by the broad Balmer lines of H while helium (He) is usually depletedBut their structure differs from horizontal-branch stars as their H envelopes are too thin tosustain H burning They evolve directly on to the WD cooling sequence as they lack theenvelope mass to pass via the asymptotic giant branch (AGB)

22 Canonical stellar and planetary evolutionThe progenitors of sdB stars are assumed to be solar-mass stars They form in molecularclouds consisting mostly of H about 20 to 30 per cent of He and a few percent of heavyelements The gas remains in hydrostatic equilibrium as long as the gas pressure isin balance with gravitational force (virial theorem) but a gravitational collapse can betriggered by shock waves (eg nearby supernova) As the cloud contracts it breaks intosmaller fragments in which the collapsing gas radiates the gravitational potential as heatAs temperature and pressure increase the fragment condenses into a protostar which isin hydrostatic equilibrium This way stars with different masses form mostly in groupsStellar winds of more massive stars ionize the remaining H in between the stars creatingH II regions and ultimately disrupt the cloud which prevents further star formation


2 Subdwarf B stars













White dwarfs

Cool subdwarfs











30000 10000

Surface temperature (deg)






ed to



6000 3000

Figure 21 Sketch of a Hertzsprung-Russell diagram highlighting the position of hotsubdwarf (sdB and sdO) stars and the extreme horizontal branch (EHB) located to the leftand below the hot end of the main sequence but above the white dwarf cooling sequenceThe EHB is separated from the blue horizontal branch (BHB) The location of stars havingevolved from the postasymptotic giant branch is shown for comparison The hot subdwarfstars have nothing in common with traditional cool subdwarfs found below the lowermain sequence (Heber 2009) Reprinted by permission from Copyright Clearance CenterAnnual Reviews Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics ldquoHot Subdwarf StarsrdquoHebercopy2009

The protostar continues to accrete material from its protoplanetary disk (Fig 22) untilfinally H fusion starts in the core and the star begins its phase on the main-sequence of theHRD (Fig 21) Inside the protoplanetary disk planetesimals form from electrostatic andgravitational interactions as building blocks for planets During their formation planetsmigrate within the disk and accrete material until the disk is evaporated by the central starsradiation On the main-sequence the star will evolve only slowly and remain there for


22 Canonical stellar and planetary evolution

Figure 22 Left Protoplanetary disc imaged by the Hubble Space Telescope in the Orionnebula The image is about 1800 au across Credit NASA CR OrsquoDell and SK WongRight ALMA image of HL Tauri showing th protoplanetary disc at a wavelength of13 mm The image is about 250 au across Credit ALMA (ESONAOJNRAO)

about 1010 years As the hydrogen in the core eventually depletes the fusion rate cannot bemaintained and the core contracts This continues to fuse H in a shell outside the He coreThe core contracts and the outer layers begin to expand The star becomes a red giantmoving up the red giant branch (RGB) in the HRD The He core compacts into degeneratematter and once core pressure and temperature are high enough the He starts to fuse witha He flash at the tip of the RGB in the HRD The core mass during the helium flash isabout half a solar-mass The star decreases in radius increases its surface temperatureand moves to the horizontal branch (HB) of the HRD After the He is fused in the coreouter shells fuse further He and the star moves to the asymptotic giant branch (AGB) andbecomes red giant again The produced carbon (C) can fuse with He and oxygen (O) tobuild a CO core The H and He shells are consecutively fusing in a cyclic process The starejects most of its envelope during these thermal pulses The expelled material is ionizedby the UV emission of the hot remnant core and can be observed as a planetary nebulaAfter this short phase the remnant star cools and enters the white dwarf cooling sequence

Planet occurrence rates estimated from Kepler observations suggest that 30 per centof Sun-like stars host Kepler-like planetary systems1 (Zhu et al 2018) Several studiesinvestigated occurrence rates from radial velocity surveys Jupiter-like planets2 may occurat six per cent of Solar-like stars (Wittenmyer et al 2016) Systems with giant planetsfrom the Kepler mission show outer gas giants within orbital periods of less than 400days at a 5 per cent occurrence rate (Santerne et al 2016) Bryan et al (2016) suggestthe total occurrence rate of companions3 from radial velocity measurements and direct

1 Kepler-like planets are planets that have radii RP amp R and orbital periods P gt 400 d Our Solar system isnot detectable by Kepler

2 Planets with masses 015RX MP 13MX and orbital periods of 3 au to 7 au3 For companions in the range of 1 MX to 20 MX and 5 au to 20 au


2 Subdwarf B stars

imaging with about 50 per cent Recently Grunblatt et al (2019) estimated the occurrencerate of planets larger than Jupiter for low-luminosity red giant branch stars from the K2mission to be 05 per cent Observations of polluted WDs debris disks orbiting WDslike WD 1145+017 (Vanderburg et al 2015) or even in-situ accretion of a giant planet toWD J0914+1914 (Gaumlnsicke et al 2019) show that these disks must form during the WDphase since they are located within the preceding giant stellar radii Spectroscopic analysisof polluted WD atmospheres find metals as to be expected from planetary compositionSince the sinking times for such heavy metals are orders of magnitude shorter than theWD cooling age the expected detection rate of polluted WDs is at about 01 per cent Butthe actual observed rate of metals is at 25 to 50 per cent Thus planetary systems appearto survive the RGB phase of their host star and may get disrupted and accreted duringthe WD phase Veras (2016) Farihi (2016) give a broad overview on post-main-sequenceplanetary system evolution and polluted WDs

23 Subdwarf B stars formation scenarios

The canonical formation of Subdwarf B stars is not explained by the typical evolutiondescribed in the section above since some mechanism during the progenitors giant phasemust have removed enough of the envelope to not sustain a H burning after the He flashThe formation scenario in a binary system first proposed by Mengel et al (1976) givesrise to different formation channels (Han et al 2002 2003 Podsiadlowski 2008) dependingon the initial mass ratios The scenarios are illustrated in Fig 23 and 24 The most simplescenario is a stable Roche-lobe over flow (RLOF) as in the left panel of Fig 23 The sdBprogenitor fills its Roche lobe near the tip of the RGB The mass transfer is dynamicallystable and the companion accretes the matter This will form a sdB in a long-period binarysystem with a main-sequence companion Observations find periods from 700 d to 1300 dleading to an improvement of the RLOF model (Chen et al 2013) If the mass transferduring the RLOF is too high the companion cannot accrete all the matter and a commonenvelope (CE) is formed (see Fig 24) Friction in the CE let the stars spiral inwards anduntil the CE gets ejected This will form a close binary system

While about 50 per cent of sdB stars are found in close binary systems with periodsof less than ten days observations show about 30 per cent appear as apparent single sdBstars There are several possible formation scenarios including atmosphere loss due tostellar winds the merger of two He WD (right panel of Fig 23) or undetected low-masscompanions

Hall and Jeffery (2016) estimated the H mass in the remnants of He WD mergers Inthe effective temperature-surface gravity plane they found a region occupied by thesestars during the core-He-burning phase and located the majority of apparently single sdBstars inside this region Nevertheless this conclusion depends on assumptions made to themodel regarding the initial H mass and loss of H during the merger Subdwarf B starslocated outside of this parameter region are found to be rapidly rotating low-gravity sdBstars

Alternatively the sdB progenitor could lose mass near the RGB tip due to strong stellarwinds or internal rotation While the He flash occurs typically at the tip of the RGB asufficient mass loss can lead a star to depart from the RGB so that the He flash is delayed


23 Subdwarf B stars formation scenarios

P = 10 minus 500 daysorb

sdBM = 030 minus 049 M


(mass ratio lt 12 minus 15)

Stable RLOF Channel

stable RLOF (near tip of RGB)

wide sdB binary with MSSG companion

envelope loss near RGB tipby stellar wind(rotation Z)

(1 or 2 CE phases)He WD merger

M = 040 minus 065 MsdB sun

M = 045 minus 049 MsdB sun

Single sdB Stars

gravitational radiation


Figure 23 Stable Roche-lobe channel (left) and single-starmerger channels (right) for theformation of sdB stars (Podsiadlowski 2008) By the kind permission of ASP ConferenceSeries vol 401 P Podsiadlowski p 63

(Castellani and Castellani 1993) The remnants of these ldquohot flashersrdquo are located closeto the He main sequence which coincides with the sdB location Although an ldquoearly hotflasherrdquo scenario may explain He and C abundances in sdB stars observations show someinconsistencies (Moehler et al 2011 Latour et al 2014)

Finally substellar objects eg brown dwarfs or even planets can lead to enough massloss in order to form sdB stars As described in the previous section the abundance ofplanets is high enough to be considered to survive and influence the late stellar evolutionFor a single red giant planets with orbital separations smaller than about 5 au will enhancethe mass loss when the planet is engulfed by the red giantrsquos atmosphere Since planetshave a comparable high angular momentum parts of it can be transferred to the envelopeIn consequence of this momentum transfer the planet spirals inwards and stellar mass lossincreases which leads to the formation of a sdB star In this scenario the planet wouldeither evaporate merge with the core or survive while most of the planetrsquos envelope islost (Soker 1998) With the merger scenario an enhanced stellar rotation could mix moreHe to the envelope and thus increase the RGB tip luminosity and further enhance the totalmass loss (Sweigart 1997) The hypothesis of surviving planetary systems is supportedby planetary-mass companions like the candidates V391 Peg b (Silvotti et al 2007) KIC05807616 bc (Charpinet et al 2011) KIC 10001893 bcd (Silvotti et al 2014) or browndwarf companions like V2008-1753 B (Schaffenroth et al 2015) or CS 1246 (Barlow et al2011b) Figure 25 illustrates the process of forming a sdB planetary system


2 Subdwarf B stars

P = 01 minus 10 daysorb




sdBM = 04 minus 049 M



shortminusperiod sdB binary with MS companionshortminusperiod sdB binary with He WD companion

commonminusenvelope phase commonminusenvelope phase

unstable RLOF minusminusminusgt dynamical mass transfer unstable RLOF minusminusminusgt dynamical mass transfer

stable RLOF

wide binary

CommonminusEnvelope Channels

CE only (mass ratio gt 12 minus 15)stable RLOF + CE (mass ratio lt 12 minus 15)

Figure 24 Common-envelope (CE) channels for the production of sdB stars The CE phasecan be either the first (right panel) or the second (left panel) mass-transfer phase producinga tight sdB binary with either a normal-star or white-dwarf companion respectively(Podsiadlowski 2008) By the kind permission of ASP Conference Series vol 401 PPodsiadlowski p 63

From observational data it cannot be ruled out that these planets may have formed assecond generation planets After the merger of two He WDs the remaining circumstellardisk could provide enough material to form planets in analogy to the pulsar planets(Wolszczan and Frail 1992 Thorsett et al 1993)

Finally there is evidence that some sdB stars are not core He-burning objects Heberet al (2003) discovered a sdB with insufficient mass to ignite He-burning in the core

24 Asteroseismology

Asteroseismology describes the study of the interiors of stars by using their oscillationsas seismic waves The first pulsating star was discovered in 1596 by David Fabricius Henoticed that the star ο Ceti (subsequently named ldquoMirardquo the wonderful) vanished from


24 Asteroseismology

Figure 25 Possible formation mechanism of close-in planets a The two planets identifiedby Charpinet et al (2011) were probably massive gas-giant planets during the early part oftheir host starrsquos life when the star burned hydrogen into helium as our Sun does today Atthis time the planets resided farther away from their host star than they do today b Whenthe star exhausted the supply of hydrogen in its core it expanded to become a red-giant starThe outer layers of the star then engulfed the orbits of the two planets The planets losttheir outer gaseous layers as their orbits spiralled inwards c For unknown reasons the redgiant expelled its cool outer layers leaving behind a small hot B subdwarf star The smallrocky cores of the initial planets were left behind in close-in orbits with periods of 58 and82 hours (Figure not drawn to scale) (Kempton 2011) Reprinted by permission fromCopyright Clearance Center Springer Nature Nature Planetary science ldquoThe ultimatefate of planetsrdquo Kemptoncopy2011

the visible sky Later on it was realized that the star did so every eleven months andbecame the first known (semi) periodic variable star Subsequently more variable stars likeδ Cephei (related stars are summarized as ldquoCepheidsrdquo) were discovered and their variationslinked to radial pulsations By now a large number of groups of pulsating star is known toexist Figure 26 shows their occurrences in a HRD Historically they have been classifiedon a phenomenological basis and mostly named after their prototype star The physicalreasons for the classification were uncovered later and are related to the different types ofexcited pulsation mode mass and evolutionary state Since this work relates mostly to sdBstars the following describes their driving mechanism Extensive overviews can be foundeg in Cunha et al (2007) Aerts et al (2010)

241 κ mechanismBaker and Kippenhahn (1962) proposed the κ mechanism to explain δ Cephei pulsationsFor stellar matter than can be described as an ideal gas an increase in compression ofthe atmosphere causes an increase in temperature and density This usually results in adecrease of the opacity κ allowing energy to be transported more efficiently This describesan equilibrium where temperature and pressure are balanced But in layers of the starwhere κ increases with increasing temperature the incoming flux from inner layers can betemporally stored These layers are associated with regions where (partial) ionization of


2 Subdwarf B stars

chemical elements occur When the layer expands in order to reach its equilibrium theadditionally accumulated energy is released and the star can expand beyond its equilibriumradius When the material recedes energy is again stored in the stellar interior and thecycle can repeat as a periodic stellar oscillation

Depending on the restoring force of the pulsations modes are either of the nature ofstanding acoustic waves (referred to as pressure modes or p modes) or internal gravitywaves (g modes) However especially in evolved stars both types of modes can be found

Unlike solar oscillations which are exited stochastically pulsations excited by theκ mechanism are coherent in phase their lifetime is very long compared to observationsspanning over years and change slowly due to stellar evolution These modes are suitablefor a pulsation timing analysis

In variable sdB stars (sdBV) the bump in opacity is related to elements of the iron group(Charpinet et al 1997) which are accumulated in the driving layers by diffusion processeslike gravitational settling and radiative levitation (cf Heber 2009 2016) Charpinetet al (1996) predicted the nonradial pulsations theoretically almost simultaneously totheir discovery by Kilkenny et al (1997) Effective temperatures Teff typically rangefrom 28 000 K to 35 000 K and surface gravity log g from 52 to 61 Observed pulsationamplitudes are usually smaller than 50 mmag Hybrid pulsators showing both p andg modes (eg Schuh et al 2006) locate at the temperature boundary around 28 000 Kbetween both classes of pulsators About ten per cent of the sdB stars located in theinstability strip of the Teffminus log g plane exhibit pulsations above a few mmag This fractionmight be biased due to detection limits of ground based observations However Keplerobservations confirmed the deficiency of p-mode pulsators in the instability strip (egOslashstensen et al 2011)

Due to the He fusion into C and O in the core of sdB stars the internal structure variesslowly and thus modifies the condition of hydrostatic equilibrium This results into slowsecular changes of the surface gravity and effective temperature and slow changes inthe pulsation period (Charpinet et al 2002) Using long-term observations these periodchanges can be measured

242 Asteroseismic observationsStellar oscillations generate motions and temperature variations on the surface and resultin observable variability These variations cause changes in brightness and colour radialvelocity and line profiles Thus pulsating stars can be studied using photometric andspectroscopic time series measurements which can be used to generate frequency spectra -one of the most important tools in asteroseismology The following focuses on time seriesphotometry

Since the observations are usually discrete and contain gaps a harmonic analysis isperformed using the Discrete Fourier Transformation

F( f ) =


x(tk) exp (i2π f tk)

of the measurements x(tk) which leads to an amplitude spectrum The observations opposelimitations to this spectrum Due to the discrete nature the highest useful frequency to


24 Asteroseismology

search for is called the Nyquist frequency

fNyq =1


with the time between two data points ∆t In the case of unevenly spaced data the Nyquistfrequency does not exist higher frequencies might be detectable With a finite length ofthe observations the spectrum has a finite frequency resolution proportional to the inverseof the total time span Moreover observations are likely to show gaps (eg daynight orseasonal observation windows technical problems poor observing conditions) some ofthem with a regular nature which produce additional peaks in the Fourier space Theseeffects combined are known as the ldquowindow functionrdquo in the time domain or as ldquospectralwindowrdquo in the Fourier space The spectral window can show multiple peaks even ifthe underlying signal is monochromatic and complicate the interpretation of the dataAdditionally long gaps produce unwanted signals in the low frequency regime In order toovercome the complex response in frequencies and amplitudes of the signal even withoutnoise different forms of periodograms have been defined A well-known and widelyapplied technique is the Lomb-Scargle periodogram (Scargle 1982) Horne and Baliunas(1986) Schwarzenberg-Czerny (1997) showed the equivalence of the variance reductionbetween a Lomb-Scargle periodogram and a least squares fit of sinusoids at test frequenciesThus fits of a harmonic series of sinusoids at test frequencies can be used to search fornon-sinusoidal signals as well The Lomb-Scargle periodogram does not require regularsampled data and is used for the analysis in this work (see Press et al (2007) VanderPlas(2017) cf section 8)


2 Subdwarf B stars

Figure 26 Hertzsprung-Russell diagram showing different classes of pulsating starsSome of these are named after a particular member of the class Others are acronymsrespectively for rapidly oscillating Ap (roAp) Slowly Pulsating B (SPB) subdwarf Bvariables (sdBV) The group labelled GW Vir includes what has formerly been known asthe PNNV stars (for Planetary Nebulae Nuclei Variables) and the variable hot DO whitedwarfs (DOV) the DBV and DAV stars are variable DB (helium-rich) and DA (hydrogen-rich) white dwarfs The parallel long-dashed lines indicate the Cepheid instability strip(Cunha et al 2007) Reprinted by permission from Copyright Clearance Center SpringerNature Astron Astrophys Rev ldquoAsteroseismology and interferometryrdquo Cunhacopy2007


Part II

The EXOTIME project


3 Targets

The EXOTIME program (EXOplanet search with the TIming MEthod) was born out oflong-term monitoring of the object HS 2201+2610 in order to measure long-term drifts inthe pulsation periods P The large amount of data made it possible to not only constrain sdBstar evolution from P but resulted in the postulation of the substellar companion candidateV391 Peg b using the pulsation timing method (Silvotti et al 2007) With the puzzlingformation history of sdB stars the authors initiated the EXOTIME program in 2008The project extends the long-term monitoring to the objects HS 0702+6043 (DW Lyn)HS 0444+0458 (V1636 Ori) PG 1325+101 (QQ Vir) EC 09582-1137 (V541 Hya) andHS 2201+2610 (V391 Peg) While the majority of exoplanet research is strongly focussedon planets (and moons) in the habitable zone and formation of planetary systems themain goal of the EXOTIME project is to detect exoplanets orbiting evolved stars usingthe stellar pulsations to conclude on timing variations (see section 5) Transit and radialvelocity searches are not efficient for stars with small radii and high gravities like sdB starsAdditionally the project wants to characterize the target stars using asteroseismic methodsand in particular the measurement of P

The following sections describe the targets and their observations in detail Theirselection followed some basic properties The targets must be observable from the Northernhemisphere and bright enough for a sufficient signal-to-noise ratio in the Johnson B bandwith 1 m to 3 m class telescopes since sdB stars emit the maximum energy in the nearUV regime A suitable target for the timing method should show two to four independentpulsation frequencies coherent in phase and stable in amplitude (gt1 mmag 01 ) Eachfrequency leads to an independent timing measurement But coherence and stability canonly be verified with the long-term monitoring To ensure the sdB star is not accompaniedby a low-mass star in a binary system there should be no strong IR excess compared toa black body spectrum The observational parameters of the five EXOTIME targets aresummarized in Table 31 Section 7 describes DW Lyn V1636 Ori QQ Vir V541 Hya indetail and lists the atmospheric parameters in Table 71

Observations and results on a substellar companion for V391 Peg are published bySilvotti et al (2007) alternative scenarios are discussed by Silvotti (2008) and additionalobservations are published by Silvotti et al (2018) The latter publication placed the firstinterpretation of the O minus C variations under discussion because of possible non-linearinteractions between different pulsation modes that change arrival times We proposedfor continued observations at the Las Cumbres Observatory (LCO Brown et al 2013)using 2 m class telescopes in order to connect observations from Silvotti et al (2018)with upcoming TESS observations in 2020 In 2017 we observed for about 52 hours in2019 for eight hours each in the Johnson B band with exposure times of 10 s to 20 s Theobservations are listed in Table 32


3 Targets

Table 31 Observational properties of the EXOTIME targets taken fromhttpsimbadu-strasbgfrsimbad and amplitude of the main pulsation (mea-sured in this work and by Silvotti et al (2007))

Target RA (J2000) DE (J2000) B mag JminusH ampl

DW Lyn 7h7m980s 60deg38prime50 primeprime16 147 minus0123 219V1636 Ori 4h47m1863s 5deg3prime34 primeprime81 1544 0043 054QQ Vir 13h27m4856s 9deg54prime51 primeprime05 1373 minus014 26V541 Hya 10h0m4182s minus11deg51prime34 primeprime59 1501 minus025 031V391 Peg 22h4m1210s 26deg25prime7 primeprime82 1441 001 085


3 Targets

Table 32 Summary of the newly acquired observations for V391 Peg

observatory obs date exp time s obs time h

LCO 2017-09-12 10 122 2017-09-14 10 068

2017-09-15 10 1402017-09-16 10 4722017-09-17 10 6182017-09-18 10 1222017-09-19 10 6922017-09-20 10 0722017-09-21 10 3952017-09-22 10 2702017-09-26 20 0752017-09-28 20 1752017-09-29 20 0222017-09-30 20 0752017-10-01 20 1272017-10-02 20 0752017-10-03 20 5182017-10-05 20 0232017-10-06 20 0382017-10-07 20 0772017-11-05 20 2072017-11-06 20 0752017-11-09 20 1682017-11-10 20 4222017-11-13 20 2182019-09-07 20 1102019-09-09 20 0072019-09-10 20 2482019-09-11 20 2672019-09-12 20 130

Σ 6027


4 Multi-epoch photometric data

41 Time series photometryThe timing method applied to the data and described in the next section imposes re-quirements on the photometric time series Each observation run needs a high temporalresolution of less than about 30 s in order to sample the p-modes correctly and a highsignal-to-noise ratio to detect their low amplitudes A single phase measurement in thelater analysis is required to reach an uncertainty in the order of one second Therefore theobservations should cover about three consecutive nights each with about three hours forone phase measurement

411 Photometry

In order to make use of the raw CCD images from the observations the data need tobe calibrated properly This includes detector specific corrections (bias and dark fieldsubtraction) as well as instrumental and sensitivity corrections (flat field division) Thefollowing photometric measurements were performed using the IDL package TRIPP (TimeResolved Imaging Photometry Package) Some data have been reduced using differentsoftware packages but the concept does not differ A circular aperture is placed aroundthe target star and measures the flux An annulus around this aperture or a further fieldmeasures the background flux which is subtracted from the target flux Since variationsin the Earthrsquos atmosphere on short and long term time scales (sky transparency air mass)affect this measurement the target flux is compared to the flux of multiple comparison starsThe field of view is assumed to be small enough that all atmospheric variations influencethe flux of all stars equally This procedure is applied to all images of an observationrun and yields the light curve Atmospheric extinction is correction by a second orderpolynomial in time

412 Timing accuracy

Accurate time stamps for each observation is crucial for the analysis of timing effectsAcquisition equipment is usually synced via network with a time server to the universaltime (UTC) However some of the first observations used for the project do not recordthe fraction of the second Thus the accuracy of individual observations is assumed to bebetter than plusmn05 s

Additional to the recording of precise time stamps the observer needs to be positionedin a rest frame compared to the target Without the necessary corrections the result would


4 Multi-epoch photometric data

be superimposed by the Earthrsquos motion around the barycentre of the Solar system anddiscontinuous time standards Eastman et al (2010) describes the necessary formalismin detail The Barycentric Coordinate Time (TDB) time frame including barycentriccorrections for the Solar system is accurate down to 34 ms and applied to all observationaltime stamps (hereafter refereed as BJD(TDB))


5 Methods

51 O minusC Pipeline

Already in the 17th century Ole Rœmer made use of the travel time of light in order tomeasure the speed of light (eg Soter and deGrasse Tyson 2001) An inversion of thisscenario allows to measure changes of orbits using the finite speed of light In astronomythis idea is widely used for different applications eg on pulsars eclipsing binary systemstiming variations on planetary transits or stellar pulsations In the context of stellarpulsations this concept is referred to as the O minusC method (Observed minus Calculated)The approach compares the phase of a periodic function to a reference phase and thusallow conclusions on variations in the observed phase While the following describes themethod illustratively the specific implementation of the O minus C method in this work isexplained in section 8

The schematic construction of an O minusC diagram is pictured in Fig 51 Requirementfor a OminusC analysis is a sufficiently long observational time span of the stellar pulsation Alight curve model fit to full data set provides the reference phase referred to as C Similarfits to small sub-sets of the observation provides an independent light curve model Thuseach sub-set called epoch provides a phase measurement referred to as O Iteratingthrough all epochs in time yield the differences between the average phase of the referencemodel and the phase measurements of the epochs called O minusC diagram

An O minusC diagram with no variations implies an agreement between observed phasesand the reference phase Linear changes in the diagram suggest a wrong frequency for thereference model and thus a constant error added per cycle More complex deviations aredescribed below

511 Linear change in period

The following considerations can be found in Kepler et al (1991) In order to makeuse of the timing method a sufficiently stable timer in the observed system is requiredldquoSufficientlyrdquo refers to accuracy compared to the length of observations In the case ofstellar pulsations this timer is a periodic brightness variation The observed time of theEth cycle can be expressed as

TE = T0 + PE

with the period P at T0 and the epoch E as in the cycle number counted from T0Due to physical processes the stellar pulsation period will change slowly over time


5 Methods


O1 O2 O3








Figure 51 Schematic picture of the O minusC diagram construction Top A model to the fulllight curve yields the reference phase C Middle Light curve models to each epoch yieldindividual phase information O Bottom Construction of the O minusC diagram from abovemeasurements

(see section 241) If this change is small TE can be expand in a Taylor series

TE = T0 +dTdE

(E minus E0) +12


(E minus E0)2 + O ((E minus E0))2

Terms of higher order are neglected Expanding the quadratic term using dTdE = Pleads to

d2TdE2 =




= PdPdt

Assuming 2E0 E finally yields

TE = T0 + PE +12


In order to compare the model of a slowly changing period with the null hypotheses(ldquothe period is stablerdquo) both identify with

O B T0 + PE +12


C B T prime0 + PprimeE

where O stands for observed ephemerides with a constant period Pprime and C for the calculatedor computed ephemerides With ∆T = T0 minus T prime0 and ∆P = P minus Pprime and E = tPminus1 this leads to

O minusC = ∆T0 +∆PP

t +12




51 O minusC Pipeline











Figure 52 Schematic picture of the orbital configuration

In an O minusC diagram a fit with a parabolic function yields the evolutionary time scalePP

512 Light travel time effect

Assuming a two body system consisting of the pulsating star and a companion both orbittheir common centre of mass The motion of pulsating star with mass M around thebarycentre implies a variation in the projected line of sight as show in Fig 52 whichtranslates into a change in light travel time The periodic pulsation of the star allow formeasuring this change and hence concluding on the minimum mass of the companion mAssuming a circular orbit due to the proposed formation history of companions of subdwarfB stars the change in light travel time varies periodically and imposes a sinusoidal signalin the O minusC diagram The following describes the derivation of the expected amplitude ofthis light travel time effect (eg Hilditch 2001 pp 29)

Let the line of sight be aligned with the z direction With the inclination of the orbit ithe argument of periapsis ω and the true anomaly ϑ of the Kepler ellipse the z componentof the radius vector r reads as

rz = r sin (i) sin (ω + ϑ)

Keplerrsquos laws of planetary motion yield

r =a(1 minus e2

)1 + e cos (ϑ)


5 Methods

with the semi mayor axis a and the eccentricity e Thus

rz =a(1 minus e2

)1 + e cos (ϑ)

sin (i) sin (ω + ϑ)

With Keplerrsquos Third Law follows for the semi major axis

a3 = Gm3P2

4π4 (M + m)2

where P is the orbital period Assuming a circular orbit with e = 0 The maximumdisplacement ∆rz in the orbit occurs at sin (ω + ϑ) = plusmn1

∆rz = 2G13m(

P2π (M + m)


sin i

The light travel time follows from

∆T =rz





2π (M + m)


sin i

which is the semi-amplitude of the sinusoidal signal in the O minus C diagram induced by asub-stellar companion due to the light travel time effect

52 Artificial data testingOnce such a fast pipeline is deployed it provides a convenient way to analyse artificialdata with precisely known input parameters and test for the expected results In order toavoid additional effects due to irregular observations and gaps in the data the artificialdata are mostly generated according to the PLATO scheme cadence of 25 s for three years(ie 186 times 106 measurements) and a signal to noise ratio of about 6 as expected for a14 mag star in the B band observed with all 24 telescopes (ESASRE 2011) A differentset of artificial data is created for a simplified ground-based observational scheme (threeconsecutive nights per month each eight hours for ten years ie 124 times 105) Since theresults between these two sets are very similar merely the PLATO-like scheme is discussedbelow

In total about 50 different scenarios of frequency spacings and amplitudes wereinvestigated Some interesting cases are explained below

Resonant frequencies Pulsations with frequency-spacing in integer multiples mightcause an unstable fitting process To test for such scenarios a set of several light curves wascreated They simulate pulsation frequencies in 12 13 and 15 resonances with a constantphase and amplitude The resulting fits to individual modes tend to show oscillatingphases but the simultaneous fit of all frequencies is stable and recovers successfully phase-and amplitude-information Fig 54 shows an example of resonant modes with a basefrequency of 240 dminus1 Some modes tend to show an constant offset in the O minusC diagrambut are on average still close to the null hypothesis


52 Artificial data testing







0 50 100 150 200 250

0 1000 2000


f dminus1

f microHz







minus002minus001 0 001 002

minus02 minus01 0 01 02




f dminus1

f microHz

Figure 53 Left Amplitude spectrum for four resonant pulsations with frequencies of240 dminus1 120 dminus1 80 dminus1 and 48 dminus1 and amplitudes of 05 Right Window function











0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100


48 dminus1 80 dminus1 120 dminus1 240 dminus1




t d

Figure 54 Results for four resonant pulsations with frequencies of 240 dminus1 120 dminus1 80 dminus1

and 48 dminus1 Each epoch contains data from one month Top Reconstructed AmplitudesBottom O minusC diagram


5 Methods




27776 27778 2778



04 minus f1




23998 240 24002



f microHz



f dminus1







minus002minus001 0 001 002

minus02 minus01 0 01 02




f dminus1

f microHz

Figure 55 Left Amplitude spectrum for two close pulsations with frequencies of240000 dminus1 and 240002 dminus1 and amplitudes of 05 and 02 (top) after subtraction ofthe mode at 240000 dminus1 (middle) and residuals after subtraction of the mode at 240002 dminus1

(bottom) Right Window function

Close frequencies Unresolved frequencies are a problem in the analysis of data andinterpretation of their results The frequency resolution is intrinsic to the observationpattern Unfortunately it is very difficult to conclude from an observational O minus Cpattern on unresolved frequencies The vast range of possible combinations in number offrequencies their spacing and amplitude ratios makes it almost impossible to conclude on aspecific configuration to explain the observations However if there is a resolved multipletin the observations but the signal-to-noise ratio of individual amplitudes is not goodenough to provide useful phase measurements a simulated multiplet on the observationaltime grid can provide insights on the O minusC behaviour of the main frequency Additionallythe window function can help to interpret amplitude spectra

Artificial test cases can raise awareness of possible O minus C patterns and caution theinterpretation of observational results The following tests were conducted with twopulsation frequencies and a constant phase which should result in a O minus C diagram notdifferent from zero

With a sufficient frequency separation and signal-to-noise ratio for both pulsations(see Fig 55) the O minusC diagram might show mode-beating effects like in Fig 56 Therecovered amplitude and phase of the main pulsation mode show periodic variationsalthough they should appear constant Thus the simultaneous occurrence of amplitude-and phase-modulations in an O minusC diagram should caution the interpretation in favour ofa light travel time effect

When the signal-to-noise ratio for one frequency is barely over the noise level it mightbe considered as noise after the pre-whitening of the dominant mode and neglected Using


52 Artificial data testing











0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100


2400 dminus1 240002 dminus1




t d

Figure 56 Results of the simultaneous fit of two close pulsations with frequencies of2400 dminus1 and 240002 dminus1 and similar amplitudes Each epoch contains data from onemonth TopReconstructed Amplitudes Bottom O minusC diagram

the example above but reducing the amplitude of the second pulsation from 05 to0001 (see Fig 57) leads to the O minusC diagram in Fig 58 The second pulsation is nottaken into consideration because the amplitude does not elevate above the noise level Themain pulsation shows periodic variations in the phase as to be expected from a substellarcompanion At the same time the amplitude appears to be modulated as well indicating amode-beating effect These scenarios strengthen the need for at least one additional phasevariation measurement on an independent pulsation mode in order to conclude on reflexmotion effects due to a substellar companion

Variable amplitude Previous observational studies show that amplitude modulationsare a common phenomenon for sdB stars Kilkenny (2010) But due to the relatively shortobservational baseline of such investigations it is not clear whether amplitude modulationscan appear on their own or together with phase modulations (as result of mode beatingeffects) Thus the OminusC method needs to be able to distinguish between the two scenarioswhich can be tested by using a simulated mode with an amplitude modulation but nophase modulation The example data set shown in Fig 59 and 510 exhibits an amplitudemodulation of 50 The OminusC analysis recovers successful this amplitude variation Alsothe phase shows no simultaneous variation which enables the distinction between a modebeating and pure amplitude modulated scenario


5 Methods




27776 27778 2778




23998 240 24002



f microHz




f dminus1







minus002minus001 0 001 002

minus02 minus01 0 01 02




f dminus1

f microHz

Figure 57 Left Amplitude spectrum for two close pulsations with frequencies of 2400 dminus1

and 240002 dminus1 and amplitudes of 05 and 0001 (top) residuals after subtractionof the mode at 2400 dminus1 (bottom) Note the different scale The residual peaks are onlyslightly above the average noise level Right Window function





0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100


2400 dminus1




t d

Figure 58 Results for two close pulsations with frequencies of 2400 dminus1 and 240002 dminus1

and very different amplitudes Each epoch contains data from one month Top Recon-structed Amplitude Bottom O minusC diagram for the main pulsation


52 Artificial data testing




27776 27778 2778




23998 240 24002



f microHz




f dminus1







minus002minus001 0 001 002

minus02 minus01 0 01 02




f dminus1

f microHz

Figure 59 Left Amplitude spectrum for one pulsation with a frequency of 2400 dminus1

and an amplitude of 05 varying by 50 with a 300 d period (top) residuals afterpre-whitening of the mode at 2400 dminus1 (bottom) Right Window function




0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100


2400 dminus1




t d

Figure 510 Results for one simulated pulsation with a frequency of 2400 dminus1 and anamplitude of 05 The amplitude is varying by 50 with a 300 d period Each epochcontains data from one month Top Reconstructed Amplitude Bottom O minusC diagram


5 Methods

53 Alternative approaches

531 Analytic signal

The analytic signal (AS) is a complex-valued function where real and imaginary part arerelated to each other by the Hilbert transform In polar coordinates the AS can be expressedin terms of its amplitude and phase as a function of time called envelope and instantaneousphase The instantaneous frequency can be obtained by differentiating the instantaneousphase in respect to time From the instantaneous phase an O minusC diagram can be inferredwhich makes the AS a potentially useful tool to investigate phase amplitude and frequencyvariations in stellar pulsations See III (2007) for a comprehensive overview

The AS s(t) of a signal s(t) is defined as

s(t) = s(t) + iH (s(t))

where the Hilbert transformationH is defined over the convolution

H =1πtlowast s(t)

While the original signal generates one amplitude value for each point in time the analyticalrepresentation generates a rotating vector in the complex plane Thus the analyticalrepresentation provides instantaneous values for amplitude frequency and phase withonly a single sample of a discrete signal

The AS is implemented in the scipy library (Jones et al 2011) Since it is based onFourier transforms it requires equidistant steps in time Thus a space born observatorywith a regular and continuous observing scheme is preferred over ground based observa-tions by this method Due to barycentric motion of the spacecraft the time steps will bedistorted after correcting for the barycentric motion Therefore an interpolation in time isnecessary which makes the analysis computationally very expensive

In order to test the implementation the artificial light curves should represent thistemporal behavior The data were generated sampling one stellar pulsation mode accordingto the PLATO scheme (cadence of 25 s for three years) and an ldquoinverserdquo barycentriccorrection was applied in order to create the irregular temporal spacing

For the analysis the artificial data are interpolated on a grid with a spacing of theshortest time between two measurements close to 25 s From an amplitude spectrum thefrequency of the pulsation mode is selected very similar to the classical O minusC approachimplemented for this work In the presence of multiple pulsation frequencies a frequencyfiltering is necessary After the computation of the envelope instantaneous phase andfrequency the expected linear cycle count is subtracted from the instantaneous phase toyield the OminusC diagram (see Fig 511) Since the AS is computed without a binning of datathe result appears to be scattering much more than the classical O minusC result Averagingthe results over a sufficient amount of time smooths the measurements Neverthelessthe process of interpolation before the actual analysis can start is computationally veryexpensive about a factor 1000 more than the classical O minusC calculation This makes theHilbert transform not practical for analysing irregular high cadence data This approachhas not been further pursued in this work


53 Alternative approaches



50100150200250300350 frequency



0 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 01




ampl envelope 2400 dminus1f




t d

Figure 511 Results of the Hilbert transform for one pulsation with a frequency of2400 dminus1 and an amplitude of 05 Top Flux measurements (black) sampled from thepulsation (grey) and amplitude envelope (red) Middle Instantaneous frequency BottomInstantaneous phase minus reference phase

532 Independent confirmation via direct imagingDirect imaging with adaptive optics allow for observations near the refraction limit of thetelescope This might offer the possibility to confirm sub-stellar companion candidateswhere a clear detection using the pulsation timing is affected by non-linear effects ofstellar pulsations However possible companions are still not resolvable with currenttechnology V391 Peg and DW Lyn have a distance of d = (12387000 plusmn 822422) pc andd = (14954389 plusmn 1303785) pc respectively (Gaia Collaboration et al 2018) With semimajor axis of about 17 au (Silvotti et al 2007) and 196 au the hypothetical companionswould be separated by 137 mas and 131 mas from the host star respectively This isabout one order of magnitude smaller than the theoretical angular resolution of 8 m classtelescopes The remaining EXOTIME targets are not significantly closer to Earth Thusthe sub-stellar companion candidates in the EXOTIME sample can not be confirmed viadirect imaging


Part III

The EXOTIME project Signals in theO minusC diagrams of the rapidly pulsatingsubdwarfs DW Lyn V1636 Ori QQ Vir

and V541 Hya


This chapter is published as a journal article ldquoThe EXOTIME project Signals inthe O minus C diagrams of the rapidly pulsating subdwarfs DW Lyn V1636 Ori QQ Virand V541 Hyardquo in Astronomy and Astrophysics (AampA 638 (2020) A108 DOI httpsdoiorg1010510004-6361201937172) copy F Mackebrandt et al 2020Authors F Mackebrandt12 S Schuh1 R Silvotti3 S-L Kim4 D Kilkenny5 EM Green6 R Lutz7 T Nagel8 J L Provencal910 T Otani1112 T D Oswalt1112

S Benatti13 L Lanteri3 A Bonanno14 A Frasca14 R Janulis15 M Paparoacute16 LMolnaacuter1617 R Claudi13 R H Oslashstensen18

Contributions FM analysed the data and wrote the manuscript SS is CoI of the EXO-TIME project coordinated observations at CAHA and supervised the findings of this workRS is PI of the EXOTIME project coordinated observations at TNG and contributedFig 910 and the according description in section 95 The following authors observed andreduced the data S-LK (LOAO) DK (SAAO) EMG (MtB) RL (MN) TN (Tue)JLP (WET) TO (SARA-KP) TDO (SARA-KP) SB (Asi) LL (Loi) AB (Serrala Nave) AF (Serra la Nave) RJ (Mol) MP (Kon) LM (Kon) RC (Asi) RHOslash(NOT)The manuscript has been read discussed and approved by all named authors

Photometric data of Fig 71 results in Fig 92 94 96 and 99 and figures in theappendix are only available at the CDS via anonymous ftp to cdsarcu-strasbgfr(130791285) or via httpcdsarcu-strasbgfrviz-bincatJA+A638

1 Max-Planck-Institut fuumlr Sonnensystemforschung Justus-von-Liebig-Weg 3 37077 Goumlttingen Germany2 Institut fuumlr Astrophysik Georg-August-Universitaumlt Goumlttingen Friedrich-Hund-Platz 1 37077 Goumlttingen

Germany3 INAF ndash Osservatorio Astrofisico di Torino strada dellrsquoOsservatorio 20 10025 Pino Torinese Italy4 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute Daejeon 34055 South Korea5 Department of Physics and Astronomy University of the Western Cape Private Bag X17 Bellville 7535

South Africa6 Steward Observatory University of Arizona 933 N Cherry Avenue Tucson AZ 85721 USA7 German Aerospace Center (DLR) Remote Sensing Technology Institute Muumlnchener Str 20 82234

Weszligling Germany8 Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics Kepler Center for Astro and Particle Physics University of

Tuumlbingen 72076 Tuumlbingen Germany9 University of Delaware Department of Physics and Astronomy Newark DE 19716 USA10 Delaware Asteroseismic Research Center Mt Cuba Observatory Greenville DE 19807 USA11 Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Department of Physical Science and SARA Daytona Beach FL

32114 USA12 Florida Institute of Technology Department of Physics amp Space Sciences Melbourne FL 32901 USA13 INAF ndash Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova Vicolo dellacircAZOsservatorio 5 35122 Padova Italy14 INAF ndash Osservatorio Astrofisico di Catania Via S Sofia 78 95123 Catania Italy15 Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astronomy Vilnius University Gostauto 12 Vilnius 01108 Lithuania16 Konkoly Observatory Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences Konkoly-Thege M uacutet 15-17

1121 Budapest Hungary17 MTA CSFK Lenduumllet Near-Field Cosmology Research Group Konkoly Observatory18 Department of Physics Astronomy and Materials Science Missouri State University Springfield MO

65897 USA


A108Based on observations obtained at the 09 m SARA-KP telescope which is operated bythe Southeastern Association for Research in Astronomy (saraobservatoryorg)


6 Introduction

Subdwarf B stars (sdBs) are sub-luminous stars with a mass of about 05 M located at theblue end of the horizontal branch which is the so-called extreme horizontal branch (EHBHeber 1986) They maintain a helium burning core but their thin hydrogen envelope(Menv lt 001 M) cannot sustain hydrogen shell burning which identifies sdBs withstripped cores of red giants (Heber 2016) Binary evolution with a common envelope (CE)is the favoured formation scenario for most sdBs The sdB progenitor fills its Roche lobenear the tip of the RGB A CE is formed when the mass transfer rate is sufficiently highand the companion star cannot accrete all the matter For close binary systems with smallinitial mass ratios q lt 12ndash15 two phases of mass transfer occur The first Roche-lobeoverflow is stable whereas the second one is unstable leading to the ejection of the CEThe resulting binary consists of an sdB star and a white dwarf in a short-period orbitFor initial mass ratios q gt 12ndash15 the first mass-transfer phase is unstable and the CE isejected producing an sdB star with a non-degenerate (eg main sequence star) companionA more detailed review of formation and evolution of compact binary systems can be foundin Podsiadlowski (2008) and Postnov and Yungelson (2014) These formation scenarioscannot explain the observed additional occurrence of apparently single sdBs (Maxtedet al 2001) Among the proposed formation scenarios is the proposal by Webbink (1984)that they could be formed by a merger of two helium white dwarfs But such mergersare problematic as they are expected to retain very little hydrogen (Han et al 2002) andbe left with higher rotation rates than what has been observed (Charpinet et al 2018)Moreover the overall observed mass distribution of single sdB stars is not consistent withthat expected from the proposed formation scenario Sub-stellar companions could resolvethis disagreement between theory and observations Planetary-mass companions like thecandidates V391 Peg b (Silvotti et al 2007) KIC 05807616 bc (Charpinet et al 2011)KIC 10001893 bcd (Silvotti et al 2014) or brown dwarf companions like V2008-1753 B(Schaffenroth et al 2015) or CS 1246 (Barlow et al 2011b) indicate the existence of apreviously undiscovered population of companions to apparently single sdBs

Due to the high surface gravity and effective temperature (leading to few stronglybroadened spectral lines in the optical) and the small radii of sdBs the detection efficiencyfor companions via methods like radial velocity variations or transits is small The timingof stellar pulsations offers a complementary detection method sensitive to large orbitalseparations

A small fraction of sdB stars shows pulsational variations in the p- (pressure-) andg- (gravity-) mode regimes Rapid p-mode pulsators (sdBVr) discovered by Kilkennyet al (1997) show periods of the order of minutes and amplitudes of a few tens of mmagSuch pulsations were predicted by Charpinet et al (1997 et seq) to be driven by theκ-mechanism due to a Z-opacity bump For slow pulsators (sdBVs) the periods range


6 Introduction

from 30 to 80 min with small amplitudes of a few mmag This class was discovered byGreen et al (2003) and the pulsations are explained by the κ-mechanism as well (Fontaineet al 2003) Some sdB stars show both types of pulsation modes simultaneously (sdBVrs)These hybrid pulsators lie at the temperature boundary near 28000 K between the twoclasses of pulsating stars for example the prototype for this class DW Lyn (Schuh et al2006) which is also addressed in this work or Balloon 090100001 (Baran et al 2005)

Pulsations driven by the κ-mechanism are coherent which qualifies these objects forthe timing method to search for sub-stellar companions This method is based on thelight-travel time effect with the host star acting as a stable ldquoclockrdquo spatial movements ofthe star around the barycentre induced by a companion result in time delays of the stellarlight measured by the observer Examples of detections using this method are ldquopulsar-planetsrdquo (eg Wolszczan and Frail 1992) planets detected by transit timing variations (egKepler 19 c Ballard et al 2011) planets orbiting δScuti stars (Murphy et al 2016a) oreclipsing binaries (eg V2051 Oph (AB) b Qian et al 2015) In particular the detectionof a late-type main sequence star companion to the sdB CS 1246 by Barlow et al (2011b)subsequently confirmed with radial velocity data (Barlow et al 2011a) or other studieslike Otani et al (2018) demonstrate the viability of this method in sdB systems On theother hand the particular example of V391 Peg b is currently under discussion (Silvottiet al 2018) because of possible non-linear interactions between different pulsation modesthat change arrival times (see Zong et al 2018 for a detailed study of amplitudefrequencyvariations related to nonlinear effects) Stochastically driven pulsations are suspected byReed et al (2007a) Kilkenny (2010) and their nature confirmed by Oslashstensen et al (2014)Also the candidate detections of KIC 05807616 and KIC 10001893 are uncertain sinceother sdBs observed within the Kepler K2- mission exhibit g-modes with long periods upto few hours They question the interpretation of the low-frequency variations for KIC05807616 and KIC 10001893 (eg Krzesinski 2015 Blokesz et al 2019)

In order to detect sub-stellar companions orbiting rapidly pulsating sdB stars theEXOTIME observational programme (EXOplanet search with the TIming MEthod) hasbeen taking long term data since 1999 EXOTIME conducted a long-term monitoringprogramme of five rapidly pulsating sdB stars V391 Peg has been discussed by Silvottiet al (2007 2018) In this paper we present the observations of DW Lyn and V1636 Oripreviously discussed in Lutz et al (2008a) Schuh et al (2010) Lutz (2011) Lutz et al(2011) and re-evaluate their findings using an extended set of observations In additionthe observations of QQ Vir and V541 Hya are presented and analysed In the beginning ofthe programme the mode stability was tested for all targets over a timespan of months inorder to ensure the pulsation modes were coherent

For the DW Lyn observations Lutz et al (2011) found no significant signals in aperiodogram of the O minus C data of the two analysed pulsation frequencies which wouldindicate sub-stellar companions A tentative signal in the second frequency (in this worklabelled f2 as well) formally corresponding to an 80-day companion orbit is concludedto arise from mode beating of an unresolved frequency doublet The analysis of V1636Ori revealed a signal at 160 d in the periodogram of the main frequency O minusC data (Lutzet al 2011) Although this periodicity showed a significance of only 1σ Lutz et al(2011) predicted an increase of significance with follow-up observations We are usingthis extended data set in our work now incorporating observations up to 2015

This paper is organised as follows Section 7 describes the observational aspects within


6 Introduction

the EXOTIME programme and the data reduction followed by a description of our analysisin Sect 8 Our results are presented in Sect 9 together with a discussion


7 Observations and data reduction

The observational data necessary for the analysis are comprised of many individual datasets gathered over the course of up to two decades The detection method demands theobservation of a target for a total time base at least as long as one orbit of a potentialcompanion which can span several years This requires coordinated campaigns withobservatories using ~1 ndash 4 m telescopes In order to derive sufficient accuracy for theanalysis observations with at least three to four consecutive nights each with a minimumof two to three hours per target are required To resolve the short-period p-modes thecadence must be shorter than about 30 s but still with a sufficient signal-to-noise ratio(SN) All observations used the Johnson-Bessel B band The correct time stamps foreach observation are of most importance for the timing analysis Most observatories ofthis study contributed already successfully to the work of Silvotti et al (2007) Silvotti(2008 Table 2) The following lists some references where telescopes used for thisstudy contributed successfully to other timing-relevant observations Konkoly RCC 10 mTelescope Provencal et al (2009) Stello et al (2006) Mt Lemmon Optical AstronomyObservatory Bischoff-Kim et al (2019) Lee et al (2014) Serra la Nave 09 m Bonannoet al (2003ab) SARA-KP 09 m telescope Kilkenny (2014) Baran et al (2018)

Table 71 lists the atmospheric parameters of the stars and Table 72 summarisesthe photometric observations obtained at multiple medium-class telescopes Fig 71summarises the observational coverage

71 DW Lyn

Dreizler et al (2002) identified DW Lyn (HS 0702+6043) as a p-mode pulsator Schuhet al (2006) discovered additional g-mode pulsations making this star the prototype of

Table 71 Atmospheric parameters of the targets

Target Te f f K log(g cm





DW Lyn 28 400plusmn600 535plusmn01 -27plusmn01 1V1636 Ori 33 800plusmn1 000 560plusmn015 -185plusmn020 2QQ Vir 34 800plusmn610 581plusmn005 -165plusmn005 3V541 Hya 34 806plusmn230 5794plusmn0044 -1680plusmn0056 4

1 Dreizler et al (2002) 2 Oslashstensen et al (2001) 3 Telting andOslashstensen (2004) 4 Randall et al (2009)


7 Observations and data reduction






54500 55000 55500 56000 56500

2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013










54500 55000 55500 56000 56500 57000

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015








71 DW Lyn






52000 52500 53000 53500 54000 54500 55000 55500 56000

2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013










53000 53500 54000 54500 55000 55500 56000 56500 57000 57500

2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016







Figure 71 Light curves Grey points are considered outliers and partially exceeding theplotting range (a) DW Lyn (b) V1636 Ori (c) QQ Vir (d) V541 Hya


7 Observations and data reductionTable












































































































































































72 V1636 Ori

hybrid sdB pulsatorsThere are photometric data available from 1999 Large gaps make a consistent O minusC

analysis difficult Regular monitoring within the EXOTIME programme ran from 2007until the beginning of 2010 Further observations cover a period up to the end of 2010These multi-site observations are described in Lutz et al (2008ab 2011) Here we addobservations made with the SARA-KP 09 m telescope at Kitt Peak National Observatoryin Arizona that used exposure times of 30 s

72 V1636 OriOslashstensen et al (2001) discovered V1636 Ori (HS 0444+0458) as a pulsating sdB starReed et al (2007b) conducted a frequency analysis reporting one small and two largeamplitude p-modes

V1636 Ori was observed between August 2008 and January 2015 for the EXOTIMEproject About a third of the data was obtained using the 1 m South African AstronomicalObservatory (SAAO) with the UCT and STE3 CCD instruments Observations at the 12 mMONETNorth telescope equipped with an Apogee 1ktimes1k E2V CCD camera were takenin 2x2 binning using 20 s exposure times Observations at the 22 m Calar Alto Observatory(CAHA) used the CAFOS instrument with 10 s exposure time Two nights were obtainedat the 15 m telescope at Loiano observatory using the BFOSC (Bologna Faint ObjectSpectrograph amp Camera) instrument and 15 s exposure times Between October 2008 andDecember 2009 observations at the 1 m Mt Lemmon Optical Astronomy Observatory(LOAO) were conducted with a 2ktimes2k CCD camera with exposure times of 12 s and 20 sThe observations at the 36 m Telescopio Nazionale Galileo (TNG) in August 2008 and2010 were performed with the DOLORES instrument and 5 s exposure times

73 QQ VirThe discovery of QQ Vir (PG 1325+101) as a multi-period pulsator was reported in Silvottiet al (2002) followed by a frequency analysis and asteroseismological modelling bySilvotti et al (2006) and Charpinet et al (2006) respectively

Observations of QQ Vir in 2001 and 2003 are described in Silvotti et al (2002) andSilvotti et al (2006) respectively Between March 2008 and April 2010 the object wasobserved as part of the EXOTIME project (Benatti et al 2010) Additionally one obser-vation run in February 2005 was performed at the 15 m telescope at Loiano observatoryusing the BFOSC instrument Most of the observations were obtained in 2009 2010 2011and 2012 at the LOAO using an exposure time of 10 s The CAHA and MONETNorthobservations were conducted with 10 s and 20 s exposure times respectively The Loianoobservatory performed additional observations in 2009 2010 and 2011 with the 15 mtelescope using BFOSC and an exposure times of 12 s 15 s and 20 s Observations atthe Moletai Astronomical Observatory (Mol) in 2008 were performed using the 16 mtelescope and an Apogee 1ktimes1k E2V CCD camera using 175 s of exposure time Obser-vations at the SAAO used the same instrumental set up as described in section 72 TheTNG observed in 2010 and 2011 A DARC-WET campaign on QQ Vir was performed inMay 2010


7 Observations and data reduction

74 V541 HyaV541 Hya (EC 09582-1137) was discovered by Kilkenny et al (2006) Randall et al(2009) conducted an asteroseismological analysis of this target

Between 2005 and 2015 a large number of observations were obtained at the SAAOusing the same instrumentation noted in Sect 72 and exposure times of 10 s The LOAOconducted observations in 2009 2012 and 2013 with exposure times of 20 s During March2009 and February and March 2010 V541 Hya was observed at the CAHA using anexposure time of 10 s

75 TESS observationsThe primary goal of the NASA Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) space tele-scope is to detect exoplanets transiting bright nearby stars (Ricker et al 2015) Howeverthe extensive time series photometry is valuable for asteroseimology and the TESS Astero-seismic Science Consortium (TASC) coordinates short cadence observations of pulsatingevolved stars TESS observed V1636 Ori and V541 Hya with a cadence of 120 s betweenNovember 15 2018 and December 11 2018 and February 2 2019 and February 27 2019respectively We used the light curves provided by the MAST archive1 that had commoninstrumental trends removed by the Pre-Search Data Conditioning Pipeline (PDC Stumpeet al 2012) Light curves and amplitude spectra are presented in Fig 111 and 112 Thetwo minutes (ldquoshortrdquo) cadence undersamples the p-modes at about 140 s In combinationwith the large photometric scatter the amplitude spectra show no evidence of the p-modesThus we do not make use of the TESS observations in our study

76 Data reductionFor the EXOTIME observations the data reduction was carried out using the IDL softwareTRIPP (Time Resolved Imaging Photometry Package see Schuh et al 2000) TRIPPperforms bias- dark- flat-field corrections and differential aperture photometry to calculatethe relative flux of a target with respect to one or more comparison stars and extinction-corrections (second order polynomial in time) In the presence of sub-stellar companionswe might expect variations in the arrival times of stellar pulsations on the order of secondsto tens of seconds The corresponding uncertainties are expected to be about one secondThese uncertainties rise from observational constrains such as smearing and samplingeffects due to the integration time The accuracy of individual time-stamps is better thanplusmn05 s All time stamps were converted from GJD(UTC) to BJD(TDB) according toEastman et al (2010) with an accuracy well below the expected observational uncertainty

Typical SN for our ground-based observations range from 60 for large amplitudepulsations to 3 for the smallest pulsation-amplitudes we investigate in this work Theamplitude spectra in Sect 9 show also pulsations with smaller SN but these are notsuitable for timing analysis because the uncertainties are too large (see Table 111)

1 httpsarchivestsciedu


8 Analysis

In order to detect variations in the arrival time of stellar pulsations we developed a pipelineto process the reduced data A schematic flowchart of our pipeline is presented in Fig 81The input consists of the light curve (time series) and the dates of the observational epochsIn a light curve typically spanning several years at a very low duty cycle of 02 to 17 percent an epoch consists of a few roughly consecutive nights of observation

Outlier removal In case no uncertainty in the flux measurement F is provided theroot-mean-square of each observation is used as an approximate photometric error forthe later analysis We have used a running median filter to exclude 5σ flux-outliers Thelength of the window size depends on the cadence of the observations We constrained itto be not longer than half of the period of the main frequency The analysis is performedfor each frequency individually before all frequencies were analysed simultaneously

Full data fit For the individual fitting of pulsations we first determined the frequencyof the main signal For this we used the astropy package to calculate the Lomb-Scargleperiodogram (Astropy Collaboration et al 2013 2018) From this periodogram we selectedthe frequency with the largest amplitude to continue In the next step we performed the fitof a sinusoidal function to the light curve using

F(t) = A sin ( f t + φ) + o (81)

with amplitude A frequency f phase φ and offset o The minimization problem is solvedusing the scipy implementation of the Trust Region Reflective algorithm (Jones et al2011) The selected frequency from the amplitude spectrum serves as initial value thefull-width-at-half-maximum of the corresponding peak in the periodogram is used as aboundary The amplitude-guess is taken from the amplitude spectrum In case of highlyvarying amplitudes the initial value can be set manually The fitting routine returns theparameters and their variance

Epoch fit Frequency and offset are all kept fixed for the following analysis of theindividual observational epochs The starting value of the current phase fit is determinedby the average of the previous j phase values (or the global fit value from above in casethere are no j previous values yet) in order to keep the fitting process stable and avoidldquophase-jumpsrdquo For our target sample a value of j = 3 has proven to be reasonable exceptwhen observational gaps span over several years

The uncertainty in the phase measurement scales inverse with the length of the epochsThus this length is chosen in a way to minimize the uncertainties of the fit but at the same


8 Analysis

LC data epochsperiodogram

choose frequency

fit to refine frequencyC

determine nth frequency

divide light curveinto epochs

fit to epochs O

O minus C-diagram

new Frequency

pre-whitening LCwith fit model

fit sum of nsine to LC

fit sum of nsine to epochs

O minus C-diagramyesn + 1 no






Figure 81 Flow chart representing the analysis of the time of arrival Light curve (LC)and start end time of each observational epoch are provided as input Each frequency isanalysed leading to an intermediate O minusC-diagram and subtracted from the LC by itselfbefore the sum of all sinusoidal functions is fitted simultaneously to the LC resulting inthe final O minusC-diagram

time keep the epochs as short as possible to maximize the temporal resolution of the finalO minusC diagram Often the observations themselves constrain the length of the epochs (egthree consecutive nights of observations and a gap of several weeks before the next blockof observations) If possible we aim for an epoch length such that the timing uncertaintiesare of the order of one second The phase information of the global and the epoch fit resultin a intermediate O minusC diagram

As a last step in the single-frequency-analysis the fitted model is subtracted from thelight curve We noticed significant amplitude variations for some of our targets Thuswe subtract the model using the amplitude of the individual epochs This pre-whiteningprocedure is repeated for every relevant pulsation in the data

Multi frequency fit Close frequencies are likely to introduce artificial trends in thearrival times in such a step-by-step analysis Thus the sum of all sinusoidal functions

F(t) = An sin ( fnt + φn) + o (82)

is fitted to the non-whitened light curve where n is the number of investigated frequenciesThe previously retrieved values for amplitude frequency phase and offset are used asinitial values We are using the phase information φn of the light curve as reference phasenamely calculated phase C in the final O minus C diagram Similar to the single-frequency


8 Analysis

Table 81 Parameters of the simultaneously fitted pulsations per target over their fullobservational time span and the pulsation period P

Target f dminus1 P s A φ d

DW Lyn f1 237941160 (8) 363114982(12) 219 (9) 54394741 (5)f2 22515898 (5) 38372887(9) 035 (9) 5439474 (3)

V1636 Ori f1 6317346 (2) 13676629(5) 054 (3) 5469872 (3)f2 5099780 (3) 1694191(1) 024 (3) 5469872 (7)

QQ Vir f1 626877627 (3) 1378259429(7) 26 (1) 52117924 (6)f2 55200714 (9) 15651971(3) 010 (9) 521179 (1)f3 6420515 (1) 13456864(3) 007 (1) 521179 (2)

V541 Hya f1 63532218 (5) 135993993(11) 031 (8) 5341388 (3)f2 57128556 (3) 151237850(8) 021 (7) 5341388 (3)

Notes The phase φ refers to the time corresponding to the first zero-crossing ofthe function after the first measurement t0 in MBJD

analysis the observational epochs are now fitted individually using the sum of sinusoidalfunctions to yield the observed phase information O

The results of the simultaneous fit for each target in this paper are summarised in Ta-ble 81 We list pulsation modes not used for the timing analysis in Table 111 Figures 82ndash 85 show example light curves of the targets for one epoch each including their multifrequency fit and the respective amplitude spectrum


8 Analysis



470 472 474 476 478 480 482 484 486 488



572 574 576 578 580 582 584 586 588 590



672 674 676 678 680 682 684 686 688 690



t d since 2007-10-17




2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 3000




225 epoch


210 220 230 240 250 260




f microHz






f dminus1

Figure 82 Example observations of DW Lyn from October 2122 and 23 2010 at theLulin observatory (top from top to bottom) combined used as one O minusC measurementThe errorbar on the left of each plot represents the photometric uncertainty The red lineshows the simultaneous two frequency fit to the epoch data The amplitude spectra inthe lower panel show the spectrum of the full data set (top) the spectrum of this epoch(middle) and the respective window function computed at f1 (bottom)


8 Analysis



130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137



229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236



329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336



t d since 2009-03-20




065700 6000 6300 6600 6900 7200 7500






480 500 520 540 560 580 600 620 640 660




f microHz






f dminus1

Figure 83 Example observations of V1636 Ori from March 20 21 and 22 2009 atthe CAHA (top from top to bottom) combined used as one O minus C measurement Theerrorbar on the left of each plot represents the photometric uncertainty The red line showsthe simultaneuos two frequency fit to the epoch data The amplitude spectra in the lowerpanel show the spectrum of the full data set (top) the spectrum of this epoch (middle) andthe respective window function computed at f1 (bottom)


8 Analysis



876 880 884 888 892 896 900



976 980 984 988 992 996 1000



1072 1076 1080 1084 1088 1092 1096



t d since 2012-02-13




6200 6400 6600 6800 7000 7200 7400 7600 7800





15 epoch


540 560 580 600 620 640 660 680




f microHz






f dminus1

Figure 84 Example observations of QQ Vir from February 20 21 and 22 2012 at theMonet telescope (top from top to bottom) combined used as one OminusC measurement Theerrorbar on the left of each plot represents the photometric uncertainty The red line showsthe simultaneuos two frequency fit to the epoch data The amplitude spectra in the lowerpanel show the spectrum of the full data set (top) the spectrum of this epoch (middle) andthe respective window function computed at f1 (bottom)


8 Analysis



284 288 292 296 300 304 308 312



380 384 388 392 396 400 404 408



888 892 896 900 904 908 912 916



t d since 2008-02-04




036400 6600 6800 7000 7200 7400 7600 7800




04 epoch


540 560 580 600 620 640 660 680




f microHz






f dminus1

Figure 85 Example observations of V541 Hya from February 6 7 and 12 2008 at theSAAO (top from top to bottom) combined used as one O minusC measurement The errorbaron the left of each plot represents the photometric uncertainty The red line shows thesimultaneuos two frequency fit to the epoch data The amplitude spectra in the lower panelshow the spectrum of the full data set (top) the spectrum of this epoch (middle) and therespective window function computed at f1 (bottom)


9 Results and discussion

In the following we discuss the implications of the obtained amplitude spectra and O minusCmeasurements on the evolutionary state and presence of sub-stellar companions to thetargets

91 DW LynThe amplitude spectrum of DW Lyn in Fig 113 reveals two strong pulsation modes atf1 = 237941160 dminus1 and f2 = 22515898 dminus1 A closer look to the amplitude spectrum inFig 91 reveals small asymmetries compared to the window function The pre-whiteningof both frequencies leaves residuals well above noise level in the amplitude spectrumindicating unresolved multiplets or mode splitting especially for f2

The SN of modes at higher frequencies for example at about 320 dminus1 and 480 dminus1are too small for a stable O minusC analysis (see Table 111) Therefore the O minusC diagram




minus02 minus015 minus01 minus005 0 005 01 015 02




0010203 f2



minus002 minus0015 minus001 minus0005 0 0005 001 0015 002


Af 1

f microHz




f 2







f dminus1

Figure 91 Amplitude spectrum of DW Lyn of the main pulsation frequency f1 =

237941160 dminus1 (top) f2 = 22515898 dminus1 (middle) with the respective residuals afterthe pre-whitening below and the normalised window-function (bottom)


9 Results and discussion




2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012





54400 54600 54800 55000 55200 55400 55600 55800 56000 56200 56400













Figure 92 Results for the two main pulsations of DW Lyn Top panel AmplitudesMiddle panel Fits of the O minusC data with second order polynomials in time Lower panelResiduals

in Fig 92 shows the analysis of the two main pulsation modes with the time-dependentvariation of the pulsation amplitudes

In order to determine evolutionary times-cales of the pulsations we investigate thelong-term evolution in the OminusC data A constant change in period results in a second-orderterm as a function of time (Sterken 2005) which allows us to derive a value for the secularchange of the period P and hence the evolutionary time-scale Results of the fits of thesecond order polynomial are included in Fig 92 which are PP f 1 = (58 plusmn 02)times 10minus5 dminus1

and PP f 2 = (minus293 plusmn 08) times 10minus5 dminus1 Assuming P is based on stellar evolution stellarmodel calculations show that the sign of the rate of period change indicates the phase ofthe sdB after the zero-age extreme horizontal branch (ZAEHB Charpinet et al 2002) Forp-modes a positive P relates to the first evolutionary phase of the ZAEHB in which thesurface gravity decreases due to He burning in the core A negative P would correspondto the second evolutionary phase in which the sdB contracts because the depletion of Hein its core and this happens before the post-EHB evolution The turning point betweenthese two states occurs between 87 and 91 Myr after the ZAEHB According to ourmeasurement of a positive P for f1 DW Lyn would still be in its first evolutionary phaseWith the lack of a mode identification from an asteroseismic model for DW Lyn we can notdirectly compare the measured P with theoretical predictions from Charpinet et al (2002)However stellar models with pulsation periods of around 360 s show values for P with acomparable order of magnitude as our measurement P = (43 plusmn 015) times 10minus1 s Myrminus1 forexample P = 162s Myrminus1 for a model with a mode of l = 0 k = 0 at the age of 6783 Myr(Charpinet et al 2002 appendix C) The large P of f2 is consistent with the apparent modesplitting seen in the amplitude spectra in Fig 91 and thus does not reflect the evolutionary


92 V1636 Ori

phase of DW LynAfter subtracting the long term-trend small time scale features are evident For

example the O minus C data for f2 show an oscillating behaviour with a significance of 3σwithin the first 200 days while the arrival times for f1 remain constant during the sameperiod of time In later epochs the O minusC data for both frequencies agree mostly within2σ During the second half of the observations the phase of f2 jumps by about 100 s Thisbehavior lacks an explanation

Additionally the evolution of the pulsation-amplitudes in Fig 92 shows a comparableoscillating behaviour for f2 within the first epochs similar to the change in arrival timesAlthough the periodic variations in amplitude are not as significant as for the phase theoccurrence of simultaneous phase- and amplitude-modulations indicate a mode-beatingof two close unresolved frequencies The residuals in the amplitude spectrum supportthis explanation In later observations the amplitude remains almost constant within theuncertainties The beating mode might lose energy or shift frequency over time Theamplitude for the f1 pulsation drops by about 1 per cent (amplitude) or about 35 per cent(relative) to the second half of the observation campaign with a similar quasi-periodicvariation as the phase The residuals in the amplitude spectrum show no indication of anunresolved frequency leading to mode-beating Besides stochastically driven pulsationmodes Kilkenny (2010) suggest energy transfer between modes as possible explanationfor amplitude variations For both frequencies a possible interaction between amplitudeand phase of pulsations is not well understood

92 V1636 Ori

The amplitude spectrum of V1636 Ori in Fig 114 shows two main pulsation modes withfrequencies at f1 = 6317346 dminus1 and f2 = 5099780 dminus1 The SN is not sufficient to use athird pulsation mode at 5662 dminus1 (6553 microHz Reed et al 2007b) The amplitude spectrumof TESS data in Fig 112 shows no evidence for g-mode pulsations with amplitudes greaterthan 04 per cent A detailed look at the spectra of the two main frequencies in Fig 93shows mode splitting likely due to a change in frequency over the long time of observation

The O minusC diagram in Fig 94 shows the two main pulsation modes and the variationof the pulsation amplitudes

From the second order fit in time we derive the changes in period PP f 1 = (minus854plusmn014) times 10minus5 dminus1 and PP f 2 = (minus25 plusmn 05) times 10minus5 dminus1 We caution the interpretation ofthese values as evolutionary time scales since the apparent mode splitting seen in Fig 93could explain these trends as well

The residuals after subtracting the long term trend show a large variation They changeby up to about plusmn50 s for f1 (sim 14σ significance) and up to about plusmn30 s for f2 (sim 3σsignificance) The amplitude for f1 drops by about 025 per cent (amplitude) or about33 per cent (relative) in the time between MBJD = 55100 d and 55300 d and returnsto its previous level afterwards while the amplitude for f2 remains constant within theuncertainties This decrease in amplitude coincides with earlier arrival times in the O minusCdiagram As already discussed in the previous section a possible amplitude- and phase-interaction is not well understood The f1 pulsation mode may not be coherent on suchlong time-scales but of a short-term stochastic nature not resolvable by our data set (eg


9 Results and discussion


minus02 minus015 minus01 minus005 0 005 01 015 02





02 f2




minus002 minus0015 minus001 minus0005 0 0005 001 0015 002


Af 1

f microHz




f 2







f dminus1

Figure 93 Amplitude spectrum of V1636 Ori of the main pulsation frequency f1 =

6317346 dminus1 (top) f2 = 5099780 dminus1 (middle) with the respective residuals after thepre-whitening below and the normalised window-function (bottom)

KIC 2991276 Oslashstensen et al 2014)

93 QQ VirFig 115 shows the amplitude spectrum for the QQ Vir observations The main frequencyat about f1 = 626877628 dminus1 is presented in Fig 95 in detail and shows asymmetriescompared to the window function After the pre-whitening process a close frequency atabout 626881270 dminus1 remains but attempts to model this pulsation fail with uncertaintiestoo large for the timing analysis There appear two more frequencies suitable for our studyThe amplitude spectra around f2 = 55200713 dminus1 and f3 = 6420516 dminus1 are presentednext to f1 in Fig 95 Another peak at about 665 dminus1 consists of at least two frequenciesat 664488549 dminus1 and 665478133 dminus1 but they are not sufficiently resolvable within theindividual epochs and lead to too large uncertainties in the O minusC analysis

Fig 96 shows the resulting O minus C diagram and the amplitudes at different epochsDue to the large observational gap from 2003 to 2008 with only one block of observationsin between we had difficulties avoiding errors in cycle count In order to avoid a phasejump we increased the averaging window for initial phase values to q = 6 With this setup the changes in pulsation frequencies read as follows PP f 1 = (17 plusmn 16) times 10minus7 dminus1PP f 2 = (24 plusmn 04) times 10minus5 dminus1 and PP f 3 = (40 plusmn 05) times 10minus6 dminus1 While f2 and f3 showno significant variation of pulsation amplitude f1 varies by 15 per cent (amplitude) or50 per cent (relative) Thus the corresponding phase changes should be interpreted withcaution Charpinet et al (2006) identify the radial order k and degree l from asteroseismic


93 QQ Vir




2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014






55000 55500 56000 56500 57000













Figure 94 Results for the two main pulsations of V1636 Ori Top panel AmplitudesMiddle panel Fits of the O minusC data with second order polynomials in time Lower panelResiduals


minus02 minus01 0 01 02




01 f2



01 f3



minus002 minus001 0 001 002


Af 1

f microHz




f 2




Af 3







f dminus1

Figure 95 Amplitude spectrum of QQ Vir of the main pulsation frequency f1 =

626877628 dminus1 (top) f2 = 55200713 dminus1 (top middle) f3 = 6420516 dminus1 (bottom middle)with the respective residuals after the pre-whitening below and the normalised window-function (bottom)


9 Results and discussion











52000 53000 54000 55000 56000




2f 3










Figure 96 Results for the three main pulsations of QQ Vir Top panel Amplitudes f3 hasa vertical offset of -1 for clarity Middle panel Fits of the O minusC data with second orderpolynomials in time Lower panel Residuals

modelling to be f1 l = 2 k = 2 f2 l = 4 k = 1 f3 l = 3 k = 2 These combinationsdo not allow a direct comparison of our P measurements to the model calculations fromCharpinet et al (2002) but the sign of P indicates QQ Vir to be in the stage of He burning

94 V541 HyaThe amplitude spectrum in Fig 116 shows two pulsation modes with frequencies atf1 = 63532218 dminus1 and at f2 = 57128556 dminus1 Both of them show a complex behavior(Fig 97) indicating unresolved multiplets andor frequency changes that we see also in theO-C diagrams (Fig 99) The SN for a third frequency at 60388741 dminus1 is not sufficientfor the O minusC analysis Similar to V1636 Ori the amplitude spectrum obtained from theTESS light curve in Fig 112 shows no evidence for g-mode pulsations with amplitudesgreater than 04 per cent

Randall et al (2009) speculated about rotational mode splitting for f3 with ∆ f3minus =

512 microHz and ∆ f3+ = 368 microHz The asteroseismic modelling associates f1 with a l = 0mode and f2 with l = 0 or 1 mode (depending on the favoured model) f3 corresponds to al = 2 mode They caution this interpretation due to their limited resolution in frequencyspace the mode splitting could be an unresolved quintuplet Our data set shows no clearevidence for a mode splitting with ∆ f3minus = 512 microHz or ∆ f3+ = 368 microHz (see Fig 98) butrather a mode splitting for f1 and f2 with about ∆ f = 008 microHz (Fig 97) Assuming thesemodes are of degree l = 1 this could be interpreted as a triplet But Randall et al (2009)model these modes with a degree of l = 0 which does not support a mode splitting into


94 V541 Hya


minus02 minus015 minus01 minus005 0 005 01 015 02





02 f2




minus002 minus0015 minus001 minus0005 0 0005 001 0015 002


Af 1

f microHz




f 2







f dminus1

Figure 97 Amplitude spectrum of V541 Hya of the main pulsation frequency f1 =

63532218 dminus1 (top) f2 = 57128556 dminus1 (middle) with the respective residuals after thepre-whitening below and the normalised window-function (bottom)





008minus6 minus5 minus4 minus3 minus2 minus1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6







minus06 minus04 minus02 0 02 04 06




f microHz




f dminus1

Figure 98 Amplitude spectrum with respect to the pulsation frequency f3 = 60388741 dminus1

of V541 Hya (top) and the normalised window-function (bottom)



9 Results and discussion



2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015





53000 54000 55000 56000 57000














Figure 99 Results for the two main pulsations of V541 Hya Top panel AmplitudesMiddle panel Fits of the O minusC data with second order polynomials in time Lower panelResiduals

The OminusC diagram in Fig 99 shows the analysis of the two main pulsation modes andthe variation of the pulsation amplitudes The second order fits in time indicated in theO minusC diagram correspond to changes in period of PP f 1 = (minus149 plusmn 011) times 10minus5 dminus1 andPP f 2 = (minus07 plusmn 15) times 10minus5 dminus1 For f2 the change in period does not significantly differfrom the null hypothesis Assuming these changes origin from stellar evolution V541 Hyamight just have passed the point of sign change in P and at the beginning of the contractionphase While the arrival times scatter widely the amplitudes of both pulsations remainalmost constant within the uncertainties If V541 Hya is in its evolution close to startingthe contraction phase as indicated by a P close to zero the changes in stellar structuremay cancel the strict phase coherence

95 Testing the sub-stellar companion hypothesisIn order to set upper limits to the mass of a companion we computed a series of syntheticO minusC curves for different orbital periods and companion masses assuming circular orbitsand compared these curves with the O minusC measurements after subtracting the long-termvariations

For each synthetic O minus C curve we selected the phase that gives the best fit to thedata using a weighted least squares algorithm For each observational point we computedthe difference in absolute value and in σ units (where σ is the O minus C error) betweenO minusC and the synthetic value The greyscale in Fig 910 corresponds to the mean valueof this difference in σ units which means that the presence of a companion is indicated


95 Testing the sub-stellar companion hypothesis

by a minimum (bright areas) of this parameter We see that in V1636 Ori QQ Vir andV541 Hya the mean difference for f1 is always very high implying that the data are notcompatible with a companion However these results are limited by the fact that the O minusCdiagrams of these stars are ldquocontaminatedrdquo by other irregular variations presumably due toother reasons like non-linear interactions between different pulsation modes for exampleand therefore these constraints to the orbital period and mass of a companion must be takenwith some caution For the f2 and f3 measurements the mean difference to the syntheticdata is smaller in sigma units (because of the larger uncertainties) and very uniform Theuncertainties of the O-C measurements are not small enough to favour a set of models inthe period-mass parameter space

For f1 of DW Lyn there is a significant minimum at about 1450 d (sim 4 years) andsim 5 MX

1 which is well visible also in the O minusC diagram of Fig 92 This periodicity isnot visible in the second frequency f2 which however has much larger error bars due tothe much lower amplitude of f2 with respect to f1

Lutz et al (2011) described a periodicity at 80 days detected for f2 We can recoverthis signal however with a low significance This would correspond to a light travel timeamplitude of 4 s (for m sin i asymp 15 MX) which is smaller than 15 s measured by Lutz et al(2011) Nevertheless this signal is not confirmed by f1 Thus we rule out a companioninduced signal in the arrival times due to the lack of simultaneous signals in f1 and f2 withsimilar amplitude The tentative signal in f2 is better explained by mode beating as alreadydescribed in Sect 91 The variations seen in the first 200 days of the O minus C diagram inFig 92 correspond to a periodicity of about 80 days and are accompanied by variations inthe amplitude of the pulsation

For V1636 Ori Lutz (2011) predicted a period at 160 d and amplitude of 12 s Thiscan not be confirmed as a companion-induced signal A periodic signal with an amplitudeof 65 s (for m sin i asymp 15 MX) is indicated in the analysis of f1 but at a low significanceand accompanied by many other signals of similar significance This periodicity is notconfirmed by a significant signal in the measurements of f2

1 1 MX (Jupiter mass) = 1899 middot 1027 kg


9 Results and discussion

1 10 100 1000P d












80 d

1 10 100 1000P d






80 d2









1 10 100 1000P d












160 d

1 10 100 1000P d






160 d












95 Testing the sub-stellar companion hypothesis

1 10 100 1000P d












1 10 100 1000P d

1 10 100 1000P d

















9 Results and discussion

1 10 100 1000P d












1 10 100 1000P d







6 6








Figure 910 Minimum companion mass as a function of orbital period Greyscale showsthe difference between the O minus C measurements and artificial O minus C data generated fora given combination of companion mass and orbit We note that at this stage the phaseoptimization of the artificial data is done independently for each pulsation frequency Themedian of gaps in between the epochs is indicated by a vertical dotted line See text formore details (a) DW Lyn Contour lines for f1 are placed at 2 3 4 and 5σ (left panel)and for f2 at 325 and 35σ (right panel) as indicated by their labels The planetary signalproposed by Lutz et al (2011) at a period of 80 d is indicated as dashed line (b) V1636Ori Contour lines for f1 are placed at 9 and 10σ (left panel) and for f2 at 2 and 22σ(right panel) as indicated by their labels The planetary signal proposed by Lutz et al(2011) at a period of 160 d is indicated as dashed line (c) QQ Vir Contour lines for f1 areplaced at 15 20 and 25σ (left panel) for f2 at 11 and 13σ (middle panel) and for f3 at13 and 15σ (right panel) as indicated by their labels (c) V541 Hya Contour lines forf1 are placed at 6 8 and 10σ (left panel) and for f2 at 45 55 and 65σ (right panel) asindicated by their labels


10 Summary and Conclusion

In this work we present ground-based multi-site observations for the four sdBs DWLyn V1636 Ori QQ Vir and V541 Hya We investigate variations in the arrival times oftheir dominant stellar pulsation modes to draw conclusions about secular period drifts andpossible sub-stellar companions All light curves are analysed homogeneously

From the O minusC measurements we derive an evolutionary time scale from the changein period P Comparing to model calculations from Charpinet et al (2002) we infer theevolutionary phase of the target Although some P measurements are influenced by modesplitting we can tell from the sign of P1 of DW Lyn that the star is likely still in the stageof central He burning We can draw a similar conclusion from the sign of P of QQ Vir TheP measurements of V1636 Ori are likely affected by mode splitting making it difficult tointerpret the results in the context of stellar evolution V541 Hya shows P measurementsclose to zero which indicates the star being at the transition phase between He burningand contraction due to the depletion of He in the core

Comparing atmospheric properties from Table 71 with the evolutionary tracks fordifferent models from Fig 1 in Charpinet et al (2002) we can confirm the hypothesisthat DW Lyn and QQ Vir are in their He burning phase V541 Hya agrees within 2σ ofthe log g measurement with one model at the turning point between the two evolutionarystages

However we can not exclude frequency and amplitude variations on smaller timescales than resolvable by our data set Using temporally higher resolved Kepler-data ofKIC 3527751 Zong et al (2018) caution about long-term frequency or phase evolutionsascribing to non-linear amplitude and frequency modulations in pulsating sdBs We seesuch effects already in our data set even with a low temporal resolution compared to theKepler sampling with a duty cycle of more than 90 per cent

Observations on DW Lyn and V1636 Ori were published by Lutz et al (2008a) Schuhet al (2010) Lutz (2011) Lutz et al (2011) Our analysis of these observations includingextended data sets do not confirm the tentative companion periods of 80 and 160 daysrespectively These signals more likely arise due to mode beating indicated by partlyunresolved frequency multiplets and amplitude modulations

Almost all analysed pulsation modes show formal significant changes in arrival timesbut the amplitudes of these periodic signals do not correlate with frequencies excludingthe light-travel time effect due to orbital reflex motions for such variations and thus givingupper limits on companion masses Only DW Lyn might have a planetary companion ona long orbital period as indicated by one arrival time measurement But this can not beconfirmed with a second measurement due to larger uncertainties Additionally morestudies question the presence of already proposed companions for example Krzesinski(2015) Hutchens et al (2017) Our unique sample of long-term observations shows a


10 Summary and Conclusion

complex behavior of mode- and amplitude interactions in sdBs which should be addressedin further studies Until this has been addressed caution is advised when interpretingO minusC pulse arrival times in terms of companions


11 Appendix

111 TESS data








58440 58450 58460





tMBJDTDB minus 2400000



11 Appendix








58520 58530 58540





tMBJDTDB minus 2400000


Figure 111 Light curves of the TESS observations Grey points are considered outliersand partially exceeding the plotting range (a) V1636 Ori (b) V541 Hya

112 Amplitude spectra

Table 111 Additional pulsation modes identified for our targets not used in the O minus Canalysis due to their low signal-to-noise-ratio

Target f dminus1 A

DW Lyn 4758231(2) 009(18)3194042(3) 006(12)4630100(6) 003(18)

V1636 Ori 56624031(3) 06(3)QQ Vir 7330704(1) 03(1)

6644886(1) 02(1)57273611(5) 019(9)6647122(1) 01(1)4341522(6) 001(7)502410(2) 001(9)

V541 Hya 53116759(16) 003(7)60388741(6) 003(8)


112 Amplitude spectra


0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000


0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800



f microHz

V1636 Ori



f dminus1

V541 Hya

Figure 112 Amplitude spectrum of the TESS observations Upper panel spectrum ofV1636 Ori Lower panel spectrum of V541 Hya The only peak above the noise level isthe 120 s alias due to the cadence of the observations






250 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500





0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500



f microHz




f dminus1


Figure 113 Amplitude spectrum of DW Lyn Upper panel observations Aobs Lowerpanel residuals Ares after subtracting the light curve models from the observations


11 Appendix


0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000





0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800



f microHz




f dminus1


Figure 114 Same as Fig 113 but for V1636 Ori






250 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000


0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800



f microHz




f dminus1


Figure 115 Same as Fig 113 but for QQ Vir


112 Amplitude spectra




0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000





0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800



f microHz




f dminus1


Figure 116 Same as Fig 113 but for V541 Hya


11 Appendix

Acknowledgements We thank Wen-Shan Hsiao for observing at the Lulin Observatory and Mike D Reedfor observing at the Baker Observatory and Elia Leibowitz for observing at the WISE observatory FMconducted the work in this paper in the framework of the International Max-Planck Research School (IMPRS)for Solar System Science at the University of Goumlttingen (Volkswagen Foundation project grant numberVWZN3020) DK thanks the SAAO for generous allocations of telescope time and the National ResearchFoundation of South Africa and the University of the Western Cape for financial support TDO gratefullyacknowledges support from the US National Science Foundation grant AST-0807919 LM was supportedby the Premium Postdoctoral Research Program of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences This project hasbeen supported by the Lenduumllet Program of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences project No LP2018-72019Based on observations made with the Italian Telescopio Nazionale Galileo (TNG) operated on the island ofLa Palma by the Fundacioacuten Galileo Galilei of the INAF (Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica) at the SpanishObservatorio del Roque de los Muchachos of the Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias Based on observationscollected at the Centro Astronoacutemico Hispaacutenico en Andaluciacutea (CAHA) at Calar Alto operated jointly bythe Andalusian Universities and the Instituto de Astrofiacutesica de Andaluciacutea (CSIC) Based on observationscollected at Copernico telescope (Asiago Italy) of the INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova Basedon observations made with the Nordic Optical Telescope operated by the Nordic Optical Telescope ScientificAssociation at the Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos La Palma Spain of the Instituto de Astrofisicade Canarias This paper includes data collected by the TESS mission Funding for the TESS mission isprovided by the NASA Explorer Program


Part IV

Application to larger target pool


12 Further asteroseismic targets

The search for sub-stellar companions using the pulsation timing method is not onlylimited to sdB stars but can also be applied to a greater variety of pulsating stars aslong as the pulsations are driven by a κ mechanism ie coherent in phase Howevermodes of long periods decrease the precision of timing measurements Additionally largepulsation amplitudes tend to show non-linear effects which excludes the application ofthis technique A case study of β Cephei RR Lyrae and δ Scuti (δ Sct) stars can be foundin Silvotti et al (2011) Among these δ Sct stars are the most promising pulsators tofollow-up The following describes δ Sct stars and the application of the pulsation timingmethod in more detail

121 δ Scuti starsPlanet occurrence rates predict a maximum for host stars with masses of 19+05

minus01M (Reffertet al 2015) close to the mass of main sequence A stars in the instability strip whereδ Sct pulsators are common (see Fig 26) However actual planet detections are affectedby observational selection effects Planetary transits are difficult to observe because ofthe pulsational luminosity variations and due to wider orbits of planets around A stars(Johnson et al 2011 Lloyd 2011) resulting in lower transit probabilities For the radialvelocity method A stars are not well suited because of their fast rotation with the meanof the equatorial rotational velocity distribution exceeding 100 km sminus1 (Abt and Morrell1995 Royer et al 2007) Their high effective temperatures compared to solar-like starsleads to fewer and shallower absorption lines which can additionally be distorted bypulsations This leaves the pulsation timing method as a promising alternative to search forcompanions δ Sct stars show radial and non-radial p-modes with amplitudes up to 05 and with pulsation periods between about 20 min and 8 h (eg Qian et al 2017 Balonaet al 2012) The pulsations are driven by the κ mechanism due to partial ionization of HeII

The mostly uninterrupted observations of space missions like Kepler and TESS providea large sample of δ Sct observations for this purpose The two missions and some of theirapplications are described in the following sections


13 Kepler

Sections of this chapter are part of a paper in preparation to be submitted as an article toAstronomy and Astrophysics

131 Kepler mission

The Kepler mission (Borucki et al 2010) was launched in 2009 to observe a fixed patchof sky in the Cygnus constellation with more than 100 deg2 field of view to discovertransiting Earth-like exoplanets in the habitable zone The telescopersquos mirror measures095 m in diameter and the camera is sensitive for a wavelength range of 430 nm to 890 nmAsteroseismic observations of pulsating stars were organized by the Kepler AsteroseismicScience Consortium (KASC) Some were observed in a high cadence mode of 60 s (shortcadence) the nominal cadence measures 30 min (long cadence)

1311 sdB stars

The Kepler field contained a small number of sdB stars (eg McNamara et al 2012)None of them showed indications for a planetary transit However KIC 05807616 andKIC 10001893 two pulsating sdB stars in the Kepler field show some evidence for thepresence of planetary companions (Charpinet et al 2011 Silvotti et al 2014) Howeverinterpretation of these signals is questioned as already discussed in chapter III

1312 δ Scuti stars

Kepler observed around one thousand δ Sct stars in its field of view The primary goalof their observations are conclusions about the stellar structure and evolution via astero-seismology as the transition from deep to shallow convective envelopes takes place in theregion of the HRD where δ Sct are located (see Fig 26) This opens the opportunity to usethe extensive Kepler data set and apply the pulsation timing method to the observationsThe following describes one particular system as a benchmark for which a planetarycompanion was already discovered

13121 KIC 7917485

Murphy et al (2014 2016b) used the Kepler data to search for binary systems using thelight travel time effect Murphy et al (2016a) (hereafter M16) detected a planet orbiting


13 Kepler

Table 131 Orbital parameters for the KIC 7917485 system Values for M16 are takenfrom Table 2 in Murphy et al (2016a) M16 did not account for a change in pulsationperiod P The model of this work uses a circular orbit model for the companion ie e = 0

M16 this work f1 this work f2

∆Ts 71+04minus05 68 plusmn 03 66 plusmn 04

Porbitd 840+20minus22 82150 plusmn 008 72672 plusmn 008

e 015+010minus013 0 0

Ps Myrminus1 minus0001 plusmn 0001 minus0035 plusmn 0002

its host star KIC 7917485 in a 840 d orbit The following validates this finding using theO minusC pipeline implemented for this work

KIC 7917485 was observed between May 2009 and May 2013 by Kepler We usethe light curves provided by the MAST archive1 which had common instrumental trendsremoved by the Pre-Search Data Conditioning Pipeline (PDC Stumpe et al 2012) Inorder to remove remaining long term trends we make use of the kepflatten routine ofthe PyKE package (Still and Barclay 2012 Viniacutecius et al 2018) The light curve and thecorresponding amplitude spectrum are shown in Fig 131

In order to reproduce the results of M16 we apply a high-pass frequency filter Thisremoves frequencies below 5 dminus1 which are most likely artefacts due to instrumental effectWe apply this filter forward and backward in time to compensate for phase delays

For the OminusC analysis we applied our pipeline and fitted all pulsations with amplitudesabove 0005 Although the signal-to-noise ratio is sufficient for only two modes thesimultaneous fitting process of four more pulsations prevents any unaccounted interactionsbetween the modes The time dependent variation in pulsation amplitude and phase isshown in Fig 132 Each epoch measures about ten days The main pulsation frequencyf1 = 15383 007 4(4) dminus1 exhibits large semi-periodic variations which correlate with theobservational quarters of the Kepler mission Thus they are likely to be instrumentalsystematics The amplitude of f2 = 20262 905 3(8) dminus1 shows a similar behaviour ontop of a general trend of decreasing amplitude with time The phase variations for bothpulsations show clearly a sinusoidal modulation with an amplitude of about 10 s and aperiod of about 800 d We fit simultaneously a quadratic long term trend and a sinusoidalmodel for a circular companion orbit to the data The results are presented in Table 131While a change in period P for f1 is almost not detectable f2 shows a significant P whichcoincides with the decrease in pulsation amplitude of 004 per cent (amplitude) or about18 per cent (relative) M16 did not account for a change in period thus we cannot compareour measurements

For the orbital fit of the companion M16 used the weighted mean of both phasemeasurements Since we want to confirm the nature of the companion with two independentmeasurements we do not follow this procedure Our sinusoidal orbit fit for f1 agrees withinthe uncertainties with the measurement of M16 However the orbital period measuredfor f2 is about 100 days significantly shorter than for f1 This might be attributed to ouradditional fit for the change in period combined with larger OminusC uncertainties towards the

1 httpsarchivestsciedu


131 Kepler mission

end of the observations (approximately two times larger) due to the decreasing pulsationamplitude

In order to compare the M16 results better with the measurements of this work wewill be implementing a full orbit fit on both measurements simultaneously Additionallythe uncertainties appear rather small in comparison to M16 A different treatment ofuncertainties might give more reliable error bars


13 Kepler




4800 5000 5200 5400 5600 5800 6000 6200 6400 6600

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013re




tBJDTDB minus 2450000

(a) KIC 7917485 light curve


0 50 100 150 200 250



0 5 10 15 20 25



f microHz




high pass filtered



f dminus1


(b) KIC 7917485 amplitude spectrum

Figure 131 KIC 7917485 data Top Light curve Grey points are considered outliers andpartially exceeding the plotting range Bottom Amplitude spectrum The top panel showsthe observations The middle panel the amplitude spectrum after applying the high passfilter Note the different scale on the y-axis in order to make small amplitudes visible Thebottom panel shows the residuals after modelling six pulsation modes


131 Kepler mission






2009 2010 2011 2012 2013





4800 5000 5200 5400 5600 5800 6000 6200 6400 6600












tBJDTDB minus 2450000

Figure 132 Results for the two main pulsations of KIC 7917485 Top panel AmplitudesMiddle panel Fits of the O minusC data with second order polynomials only (dashed lines)and full fit including the light travel time effect (solid lines) Lower panel Residuals



141 TESS mission

The Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) by NASA was launched in April 2018as an all-sky survey for transiting exoplanets The 24 degtimes96 deg field of view observeseach sector for about 27 days and sweeps across the sky This creates some observationslasting longer than 27 days due to the overlapping sectors The four telescopes (each witha field of view of 24 deg2) measure 105 mm in diameter and the cameras are sensitive for awavelength range of 600 nm to 1000 nm This is slightly redder than the Kepler bandpassdue to the missionrsquos differing priorities detecting transiting planets orbiting Sun-like starsfor Kepler and small cool stars for TESS The full frame cadence measures 30 minuteswhile the nominal cadence for transit detections two minutes The TESS AsteroseismicScience Consortium (TASC) coordinates 20 seconds ldquoshort cadencerdquo observations of brightasteroseismic target stars

However observations with such a short time span of 27 days (and up to one year butonly around the ecliptic pole eg 17 of the sky) do not allow an extensive search ofsub-stellar companions using the pulsation timing method on their own But they can beused as additional observations to existing data sets especially the EXOTIME project dataWithout additional ground-based observations a joint O minusC analysis of δ Sct data fromKepler and TESS is likely to fail due to the large observational gap of about seven years

1411 sdB stars

TESS observations of V1636 Ori and V541 Hya are already discussed in chapter III Thedata are taken at two minutes cadence and thus do not allow the investigation of p-modes

DW Lyn was observed by TESS with a cadence of 120 s between December 25 2019and January 20 2020 Fig 141 shows the light curve and amplitude spectrum Besidesthe 120 s alias at 720 dminus1 the spectrum shows f1 and f2 at about 238 dminus1 and 225 dminus1

respectively as well as their Nyquist alias above 360 dminus1 (cf Murphy et al 2013) Forthe g-mode regime Lutz et al (2008a) reported pulsations at 2717 microHz 3181 microHz and2063 microHz (2347 dminus1 2748 dminus1 and 1783 dminus1) The TESS data show only the pulsation at3181 microHz as a detection of about two times above the noise level While the 2717 microHzpulsation is visible but not above the noise level the 2063 microHz pulsation is not present inthe TESS data set Since we have no data between the last EXOTIME observations in 2013and the TESS observations in 2020 the time span for a joint O minusC analysis is too large

V391 Peg will be observed by TESS and the data can be used to extend the set ofobservation from Silvotti et al (2018) In order to span the observational gaps between






1840 1845 1850 1855 1860 1865 1870





tBJDTDB minus 2457000

(a) DW Lyn light curve











0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800

0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000




16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30

200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340



f dminus1

f microHz

DW Lyn




16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30

200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340

(b) DW Lyn amplitude spectrum

Figure 141 TESS DW Lyn data Top Light curve Grey points are considered outliersand partially exceeding the plotting range Bottom Amplitude spectrum The inset showsa magnification of the g-mode regime Modes reported by Lutz et al (2008a) are indicatedas dots


141 TESS mission

2013 and 2020 we performed additional ground-bases observations as described inchapter 3


Part V



15 Discussion

Studying post main-sequence stars offers a window into the fate of planetary systemsincluding our own solar system Can planets survive the final stages of stellar evolution andhow do they in turn affect their host starrsquos evolution One discussed formation scenario ofsingle sdB stars involves the influence of giant planets during the red giant phase of theirprogenitor Observations can put constrains on the presence of sub-stellar companionsorbiting sdB stars

Chapter III investigated a unique set of long term ground-based observations of thefour rapidly pulsating sdB stars DW Lyn V1636 Ori QQ Vir and V541 Hya The maingoals of the EXOTIME project are the determination of the evolutionary state of these starsand the constraints on sub-stellar companions to draw conclusions on possible formationscenarios

The individual secular period drifts for different modes per target derived from theO minusC measurements do not always agree with each other These results therefore needto be interpreted with caution with regard to the evolutionary state of the star and holdonly for the assumption of a linear change in period For DW Lyn P f 1 is comparable tovalues derived from stellar models and place the star in the evolutionary phase of core Heburning P f 2 on the other hand can be explained by the apparent mode splitting whoseorigin cannot be confirmed with certainty A possible explanation is the slow decay of onepulsation mode and an excitation of a mode with close frequency but not resolvable by theobservations Additionally amplitude and phase variations indicate a mode beating effectAs shown in section 52 two close - but not necessarily resolvable pulsation modes cancause such effects Measurements for the period changes of V1636 Ori need to be cautionedby the same arguments For QQ Vir the identified radial order and degree of modes donot allow a direct comparison with stellar models but the sign of the P measurementsplaces QQ Vir in the state of He burning The O minusC measurements of V541 Hya show nosignificant change of period If these results are not affected by observational limitationsbut originate from stellar evolution the star might be in the transition phase between coreHe burning and contraction

Atmospheric measurements of all four stars can place the stars in the log g minus Teff planerelatively close to stellar evolutionary models of Charpinet et al (2002) as illustratedin Fig 151 This independently confirms the tentative interpretations above DW LynV1636 Ori and QQ Vir overlap each with several models of different envelope mass inthe phase of core He burning within their measured uncertainties Although Teff and log gmeasurements of V541 Hya agree with two models in that same evolutionary phase themeasurements agree within 3σ with an evolutionary model in the transition between coreHe burning and contraction

In principle proper motions of stars can give an alternative explanation for the apparent


15 Discussion









DW Lyn

V1636 Ori

QQ VirV541 Hya


log( g




Figure 151 EHB evolutionary tracks covering the log g minus Teff region where sdB stars areobserved Data points taken from Appendix B of Charpinet et al (2002) (crosses) andTable 71 (circles) The seven models correspond respectively from left (high Teff) to right(low Teff) to objects with a ZAEHB envelope mass Menv = 00001 00002 00007 0001200022 00032 and 00042 M The core mass is Mc = 04758M for all sequences exceptthe first and third (from the left) which have Mc = 04690M For a positive (negative)slope in the models the change in pulsation period is positive (negative) See Charpinetet al (2002) for a detailed explanation

change in pulsation period as described by Pajdosz (1995ba) They derive the effect ofproper motion to be


s sminus1 = 2430 times 10minus18 Ps

microprimeprime yrminus1


where micro is the proper motion in arcseconds per year and d the distance in parsec Withmeasurements available from the Gaia (Gaia Collaboration et al 2018) the derived valuesare about three orders of magnitude smaller than the measured P and thus neglectable

After subtraction of the long term trends in the O minus C measurements the residualsshow no clear evidence for signatures of sub-stellar companions The comparison withsynthetic O minusC curves indicates a companion-induced signal in the main pulsation modeof DW Lyn But this is not confirmed by the independent measurement of the secondpulsation mode as would be expected Furthermore previously described periodic signalsin the O minusC measurements by Lutz et al (2011) are ruled out to be caused by sub-stellarcompanions Nevertheless the data set is limited in detection sensitivity Dependingon the observational gaps the data cannot set limitations for possible companion orbitsshorter than approximately 30 days (DW Lyn and V1636 Ori) 4 days (QQ Vir) or 120days (V541 Hya) or longer than the total length of observations roughly 1500 days


15 Discussion

Photometric precision additionally limits the detection threshold to companions signalslarger than about 1 s This corresponds to a companion with a mass of 1 MX (05 MX) andan orbital period of about 05 years (15 years)

Chapter IV enlarges the target selection and applies the O minusC analysis to one examplePulsations of δ Sct stars are driven by the κ mechanism allowing stable pulsations overlong periods of time Planet detection methods like the transit or radial velocity methodcannot be easily applied to those stars which favours the pulsation timing analysis and thusopens a new parameter space in the exoplanet detection The δ Sct pulsator KIC 7917485was found to be orbited by a sub-stellar companion whose signal can be recovered in thepulsation arrival times


16 Outlook

As chapter IV applied the OminusC analysis to one example observation beyond the EXOTIMEproject there are more extensive long time series of high cadence data already availableor with upcoming space missions The next sections highlight data sets of interest

161 K2 missionAfter the failure of two reaction wheels on the Kepler space craft its mission could beextended from 2014 onward as K2 The space craft was balanced against the radiationpressure from the sun which limits each campaign to a duration of about 80 days ThusK2 was not staring at only one field in the sky but sweeping along the ecliptic and couldobserve many more targets for signs of transiting exoplanets Armstrong et al (2015)created a catalogue of variable stars from the K2 observations and categorized the targetsinto different classes of pulsators From this catalogue about 500 variables are classified asδ Sct stars Additionally 33 sdB stars were observed by K2 (Reed et al 2018) Although theobservations span only 80 days they can set constraints on close in sub-stellar companions

162 TESSThe TESS mission aims to detect transiting exoplanets around bright stars Asteroseismictargets are observed with a cadence of 20 seconds if they are bright enough Most ofthe EXOTIME targets are already observed or are going to be observed Due to thecadence of two minutes for these stars and the long duration in between the EXOTIMEobservations the data cannot be used for a common O minus C analysis Nevertheless theyprovide constraints on g-modes For the upcoming V391 Peg observations the gaps toground based observations are not too big With the planetary candidate claimed by Silvottiet al (2007) but cautioned later by Silvotti et al (2018) the new observations by groundbased telescopes and TESS are expected to clarify the interpretations

For other asteroseismic targets ether sdB or δ Sct stars an OminusC analysis is reasonableonly for targets with overlapping sectors ie more than 27 days of observing time

163 PLATOPLAnetary Transits and Oscillations of stars (PLATO) is an ESA mission scheduled forlaunch in 2026 Its primary goal is to discover and characterize terrestrial exoplanetsorbiting bright solar-type stars especially planets in the habitable zone Bright host


16 Outlook

Figure 161 Artistrsquos impression of ESArsquos PLATO spacecraft Credit ESAATG medialabCC BY-SA IGO 30

stars allow the determination of the planetsrsquo masses using the radial velocity method fromground-based observations and thus a mean density This can be used to constrain planetaryinterior models Additionally bright targets allow transmission spectroscopy observationsin order to measure chemical abundances of the planetary atmospheres A secondary goalof the PLATO mission is asteroseismic observations to determine stellar masses radii andages These parameters are crucial in order to correctly determine the planetary massesradii and their evolution

PLATOrsquos payload module consists of 24 cameras each with an aperture of 120 mmand a 1100 deg2 field of view (see Fig161) The cameras are arranged in four groups ofsix where each group has the same field of view but their angle is slightly offset - thisallows a total field view of about 2250 deg2 per pointing The camera arrays overlap insome parts resulting in different sensitivities over the field They will observe with acadence of 25 s Additionally two ldquofastrdquo cameras will observe with a cadence of 25 sPLATOrsquos nominal life time sums up to four years but could be in orbit for double the timeFor most of the time it will ldquostarerdquo to one region in the sky Additionally an ldquostep andstarerdquo phase comparable to K2 is possible

With the explicit goal of asteroseismic observations PLATO is expected to collectmany data on evolved pulsating stars allowing for an investigation with the pulsationtiming method The pipeline developed for this work can be easily adopted and used in anautomated way in order to process many targets and search for sub-stellar companions


Part VI




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This thesis would not have been possible without the help of many people who guided andsupported me during my time as a PhD student

First I would like to thank my supervisor Sonja Schuh who advised and guided metrough this project and had always an open ear for me despite her work as the IMPRScoordinator A thank you goes also to the other members of my TAC Laurent Gizon andStefan Dreizler for the productive discussions and ways to see some things differently

I would also like to thank Roberto Silvotti who helped to improve the EXOTIMEpaper

The students of the IMPRS formed a great community at the institute Without thefriendships formed out of this group my time at the institute would have been a verydifferent experience I tried gave my best to contribute to the great dynamics of the groupand hope this spirit will be kept alive by many following generations of students

Special thanks goes to my fellow musicians for the great time over the last yearsStarting with the (in)famous successful ldquoQuiet Sunrdquo project together with TheodosiosChatzistergos (literally a god on his guitar) Ankit Barik Earl Bellinger and Alessan-dro Cilla (who left us way too early) growing bigger for some gigs with SudharshanSaranathan Nils Gottschling David Marshall Robin Thor Keaton Bell and James Kus-zlewicz and finally merging with the great MegaGauss band including additionally HelgeMissbach Katja Karmrodt Abbey Ingram Christian Baumgartner Daria MokrytskaTanayveer Bhatia Marius Pfeifer Ann-Kathrin Lohse (Atti) and Paula Wulff No matterwhich problems would trouble me during the band practise I could throw them all againstthe drum heads and cymbals Keep on rockinrsquo

I would like to thank Michelle for her support and proofreadingAnd special thanks goes to my family which always supported me on my way listened

and offered good advice

This work is founded by the International Max Planck Research School for SolarSystem Science at the University of Goumlttingen (IMPRS Solar System School) and theVolkswagen Foundation (project grant number VWZN3020) This work makes use ofobservations from the LCOGT network This work includes data collected by the Keplermission Funding for the Kepler mission is provided by the NASA Science Missiondirectorate


Scientific contributions

Refereed publicationsbull Mackebrandt F M Mallonn J M Ohlert T Granzer S Lalitha A Garciacutea Muntildeoz

N P Gibson et al 2017 Transmission Spectroscopy of the Hot Jupiter TrES-3 bDisproof of an Overly Large Rayleigh-like Feature AampA 608 (December) A26httpsdoiorg1010510004-6361201730512

bull Mackebrandt F S Schuh R Silvotti S-L Kim D Kilkenny E M Green RLutz et al The EXOTIME Project Signals in the O minusC Diagrams of the RapidlyPulsating Subdwarfs DW Lyn V1636 Ori QQ Vir and V541 Hya AampA 638 (June1 2020) A108 httpsdoiorg1010510004-6361201937172

bull Mallonn M I Bernt E Herrero S Hoyer J Kirk P J Wheatley M Seeliger etal 2016 Broad-Band Spectrophotometry of HAT-P-32 b Search for a ScatteringSignature in the Planetary Spectrum Monthly Notices of the Royal AstronomicalSociety 463 (November) 604-14 httpsdoiorg101093mnrasstw1999

bull Schwope A D F Mackebrandt B D Thinius C Littlefield P Garnavich AOksanen and T Granzer 2015 Multi-Epoch Time-Resolved Photometry of theEclipsing Polar CSS081231071126+440405 Astronomische Nachrichten 336 (2)115-24 httpsdoiorg101002asna201412151

bull Strassmeier K G I Ilyin E Keles M Mallonn A Jaumlrvinen M Weber F Macke-brandt and J M Hill High-Resolution Spectroscopy and Spectropolarimetryof the Total Lunar Eclipse January 2019 AampA 635 (March 1 2020) A156httpsdoiorg1010510004-6361201936091

Conference contributionsbull The stellar pulsation timing method to detect substellar companions XXX IAU

General Assembly 2018 Vienna (Poster)

bull The stellar pulsation timing method to detect substellar companions AnnualMeeting of the Astronomische Gesellschaft 2017 Goumlttingen (Talk)

bull The stellar pulsation timing detection method for substellar companions Rocks ampStars II Conference 2017 Goumlttingen (Talk)

bull The stellar pulsation timing detection method for substellar companions ThePLATO Mission Conference 2017 Exoplanetary systems in the PLATO era War-wick (Poster)


Scientific contributions

bull The stellar pulsation timing method to detect substellar companions 2nd AdvancedSchool on Exoplanetary Science 2017 Vietri sul Mare (Poster)

bull The Stellar Pulsation Timing Detection Method for Substellar Companions Plane-tary Systems Beyond The Main Sequence II 2017 Haifa (Poster)


  • Abstract
  • Zusammenfassung
  • I Introduction
    • 1 Extrasolar planets
      • 11 Historical overview
      • 12 Definition of an exoplanet
      • 13 Observational techniques
        • 2 Subdwarf B stars
          • 21 Classification
          • 22 Canonical stellar and planetary evolution
          • 23 Subdwarf B stars formation scenarios
          • 24 Asteroseismology
            • 241 mechanism
            • 242 Asteroseismic observations
              • II The EXOTIME project
                • 3 Targets
                • 4 Multi-epoch photometric data
                  • 41 Time series photometry
                    • 411 Photometry
                    • 412 Timing accuracy
                        • 5 Methods
                          • 51 O-C Pipeline
                            • 511 Linear change in period
                            • 512 Light travel time effect
                              • 52 Artificial data testing
                              • 53 Alternative approaches
                                • 531 Analytic signal
                                • 532 Independent confirmation via direct imaging
                                  • III The EXOTIME project Signals in the O-C diagrams of the rapidly pulsating subdwarfs DW Lyn V1636 Ori QQ Vir and V541 Hya
                                    • 6 Introduction
                                    • 7 Observations and data reduction
                                      • 71 DW Lyn
                                      • 72 V1636 Ori
                                      • 73 QQ Vir
                                      • 74 V541 Hya
                                      • 75 TESS observations
                                      • 76 Data reduction
                                        • 8 Analysis
                                        • 9 Results and discussion
                                          • 91 DW Lyn
                                          • 92 V1636 Ori
                                          • 93 QQ Vir
                                          • 94 V541 Hya
                                          • 95 Testing the sub-stellar companion hypothesis
                                            • 10 Summary and Conclusion
                                            • 11 Appendix
                                              • 111 TESS data
                                              • 112 Amplitude spectra
                                                  • IV Application to larger target pool
                                                    • 12 Further asteroseismic targets
                                                      • 121 Scuti stars
                                                        • 13 Kepler
                                                          • 131 Kepler mission
                                                            • 1311 sdB stars
                                                            • 1312 Scuti stars
                                                              • 13121 KIC 7917485
                                                                • 14 TESS
                                                                  • 141 TESS mission
                                                                    • 1411 sdB stars
                                                                      • V Summary
                                                                        • 15 Discussion
                                                                        • 16 Outlook
                                                                          • 161 K2 mission
                                                                          • 162 TESS
                                                                          • 163 PLATO
                                                                              • VI Appendix
                                                                                • Bibliography
                                                                                • Acknowledgements
                                                                                • Scientific contributions
Page 6: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature


532 Independent confirmation via direct imaging 39

III The EXOTIME project Signals in the O minus C diagrams ofthe rapidly pulsating subdwarfs DW Lyn V1636 Ori QQ Vir andV541 Hya 41

6 Introduction 45

7 Observations and data reduction 4971 DW Lyn 4972 V1636 Ori 5373 QQ Vir 5374 V541 Hya 5475 TESS observations 5476 Data reduction 54

8 Analysis 55

9 Results and discussion 6391 DW Lyn 6392 V1636 Ori 6593 QQ Vir 6694 V541 Hya 6895 Testing the sub-stellar companion hypothesis 70

10 Summary and Conclusion 75

11 Appendix 77111 TESS data 77112 Amplitude spectra 78

IV Application to larger target pool 83

12 Further asteroseismic targets 85121 δ Scuti stars 85

13 Kepler 87131 Kepler mission 87

1311 sdB stars 871312 δ Scuti stars 87

13121 KIC 7917485 87

14 TESS 93141 TESS mission 93

1411 sdB stars 93



V Summary 97

15 Discussion 99

16 Outlook 103161 K2 mission 103162 TESS 103163 PLATO 103

VI Appendix 105

Bibliography 107

Acknowledgements 123

Scientific contributions 125


List of Figures

11 Exoplanet mass and radius distribution 812 Exoplanet detection methods 10

21 Sketch of a Hertzsprung-Russell diagram 1222 Protoplanetary discs 1323 Formation of sdB stars I 1524 Formation of sdB stars II 1625 Possible formation mechanism of close-in planets 1726 Hertzsprung-Russell diagram showing different classes of pulsating stars 20

51 Schematic picture of the O minusC diagram construction 3052 Schematic picture of the orbital configuration 3153 Amplitude spectrum for four resonant pulsations with frequencies 3354 Results for four resonant pulsations 3355 Amplitude spectrum for two close pulsations 3456 Results of the simultaneous fit of two close pulsations 3557 Amplitude spectrum for two close pulsations and very different amplitudes 3658 Results for two close pulsations and very different amplitudes 3659 Amplitude spectrum for one pulsation of varying amplitude 37510 Results for one simulated pulsation with varying amplitude 37511 Results of the Hilbert transform for one pulsation 39

71 Light curves 51

81 Flow chart representing the analysis of the time of arrival 5682 Example observations of DW Lyn 5883 Example observations of V1636 Ori 5984 Example observations of QQ Vir 6085 Example observations of V541 Hya 61

91 Amplitude spectrum of DW Lyn 6392 Results for the two main pulsations of DW Lyn 6493 Amplitude spectrum of V1636 Ori 6694 Results for the two main pulsations of V1636 Ori 6795 Amplitude spectrum of QQ Vir 6796 Results for the three main pulsations of QQ Vir 6897 Amplitude spectrum of V541 Hya 69


List of Figures

98 Amplitude spectrum with respect to the pulsation frequency f3 of V541 Hya 6999 Results for the two main pulsations of V541 Hya 70910 Minimum companion mass as a function of orbital period 74

111 Light curves of the TESS observations 78112 Amplitude spectrum of the TESS observations 79113 Amplitude spectrum of DW Lyn 79114 Amplitude spectrum of V1636 Ori 80115 Amplitude spectrum of QQ Vir 80116 Amplitude spectrum of V541 Hya 81

131 KIC 7917485 data 90132 Results for the two main pulsations of KIC 7917485 91

141 TESS DW Lyn data 94

151 EHB evolutionary tracks of sdB stars 100

161 Artistrsquos impression of ESArsquos PLATO spacecraft 104


List of Tables

31 Observational properties of the EXOTIME targets 2432 Summary of the newly acquired observations for V391 Peg 25

71 Atmospheric parameters of the targets 4972 Summary of the observing time per target per site 52

81 Parameters of the simultaneously fitted pulsations per target 57

111 Additional identified pulsation modes 78

131 Orbital parameters for the KIC 7917485 system 88



Stars spend most of their life on the main sequence (MS) But their most substantialchanges occur off the MS stage either before on the pre-MS or beyond at the post-MSphase Due to very complex and varied dynamical processes the evolution of planetarysystems orbiting non-MS stars significantly differs from those of MS planetary systems

This work focusses on the search for sub-stellar companions in post-MS systems anddetermination of the evolutionary state of their host stars especially subdwarf B stars(sdB stars) These are stripped Helium-burning cores of red giants with a thin hydrogenatmosphere The canonical model involves binary evolution to explain the existence ofsdB stars Formation scenarios for single sdBs are more controversially discussed and canbe hard to reconcile with observational properties Besides the merger of two helium whitedwarfs or other merger processes for apparently single sdB stars an alternative formationchannel involves planetary systems During the red giant phase the star would developa common envelope with a giant planet that leads to the loss of the envelope Thus sdBstars are laboratories to test how planets survive and influence the late phases of stellarevolution

The rapid pulsations of sdB stars can be used to detect sub-stellar companions fromperiodic variations in the expected arrival times of the pulsation maxima This timingmethod is particularly sensitive to companions at large distances and complementary toother exoplanet detection methods because they are not efficient for stars with small radiiand high gravities Thus the timing method opens up a new parameter range in terms ofthe host stars and helps to understand the formation process of single sdBs

In this work I implemented tested and applied the pulsation timing analysis to searchfor sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems The method isalready established in the literature but not to an extent which is capable of automaticallyprocessing long-time series of high-cadence data ie from space born observations

Part I provides an introduction to extrasolar planets and to the formation and propertiesof sdB stars

Part II and III describe the long-term ground-based observations of four rapidly pulsat-ing sdB stars DW Lyn V1636 Ori QQ Vir and V541 Hya The data are used to measure thesecular drifts in pulsation periods The results constrain the evolutionary state of these starsand are compared to theoretical predictions of stellar evolutionary models Furthermorethe measurements set limits to masses and orbital periods of sub-stellar companions Incontrast to previous studies tentative companion detections are not confirmed

Part IV describes the application of the implemented timing analysis to other pulsatingstars and data sets Compared to ground-based observatories satellite-based telescopesoffer the advantage of uninterrupted observations Observatories like Kepler TESS or theupcoming PLATO mission provide a large sample of targets Besides sdB stars δ Scuti



(δ Sct) pulsators are excellent stars to apply the timing method on δ Sct stars are evolvedbeyond the MS and of spectral type A From Kepler observations previous studies re-vealed a planetary companion orbiting the δ Sct star KIC 791748 The implemented timinganalysis of this work is applied to these data and can recover the planetary signature vali-dating the implementation at hand and independently confirming the planetary companiondiscovery

Part V discusses the results of this thesis and provides an outlook to further applica-tions



Sterne verbringen den Groszligteil ihres Lebens auf der Hauptreihe (HR) Die gravierendstenVeraumlnderungen geschehen jedoch abseits der HR entweder zuvor auf der pre-HR oderfolgend auf der post-HR Durch sehr komplexe und variierende dynamische Prozesseunterscheidet sich die Entwicklung von Planeten in nicht-HR Sternsystemen signifikantvon der Entwicklung von Planeten in HR Sternsystemen

Diese Arbeit legt ihren Fokus auf die Suche nach sub-stellaren Begleitern in post-HR Systemen und auf die Bestimmung des evolutionaumlren Stadiums derer Zentralsterneinsbesondere bei heiszligen Unterzwergen des Spektraltyps B (engl subdwarf B kurzsdB) auch Blaue-Unterzwerge genannt Solche sdB-Sterne sind freigelegte heliumbren-nende Kerne von vormals Roten-Riesen mit einer duumlnnen Wasserstoffatmosphaumlre Derenkanonische Entstehung beschreibt die Entwicklung in einem Doppelsternsystem Entste-hungsszenarien fuumlr einzelne sdB-Sterne werden jedoch kontrovers diskutiert und sind nurschwer mit Beobachtungen zu verifizieren Neben der Verschmelzung von zwei heliumdo-minierten Weiszligen Zwergen koumlnnten auch Planetensysteme zur Bildung von sdB-Sternenbeitragen Waumlhrend der Roten-Riesen-Phase wuumlrde der Stern einen seiner Riesenplanetenin eine gemeinsame Huumllle einschlieszligen was letztendlich zum Verlust der Huumllle fuumlhrtSomit erweisen sich sdB-Sterne als Testobjekte das Uumlberleben von Planeten zu pruumlfensowie den Einfluss der Planeten auf die Spaumltphasen stellare Entwicklung zu beobachten

Die schnellen Pulsationen von sdB Sternen koumlnnen mit Hilfe von periodischen Veraumln-derungen in den zu erwarteten Ankunftszeiten der Pulsationsmaxima zur Detektion vonsub-stellaren Begleitern genutzt werden Diese Methode der Lichtlaufzeitmessungen istbesonders sensitiv fuumlr Begleiter mit groszliger Distanz zu ihrem Zentralstern und damit kom-plementaumlr zu anderen Detektionsmethoden Denn andere Detektionsmethoden sind bei Ster-nen mit hoher Oberflaumlchengravitation und kleinen Radien weniger aussagekraumlftig Damiteroumlffnet die Methode der Lichtlaufzeitmessungen eine Moumlglichkeit fuumlr Entdeckungen vonbisher nicht erforschbaren Planetensystemen und hilft somit den Entstehungsprozess vonsdB-Sternen besser zu verstehen

In dieser Arbeit habe ich die Methode der Pulsations-Lichtlaufzeitmessungen im-plementiert getestet und zur Suche nach sub-stellaren Begleitern bei Systemen in denSpaumltphasen stellarer Entwicklung angewandt Die Methode ist bereits etabliert bisherjedoch nicht fuumlr eine automatische Anwendung auf lange Beobachtungsreihen in hoherzeitlicher Aufloumlsung wie zB von Weltraumteleskopen optimiert

Teil I dieser Arbeit gibt eine Einleitung zu extrasolaren Planeten sowie auch zurEntstehung und Eigenschaften von sdB-Sternen

Teil II und III beschreiben die bodengebundenen Langzeitbeobachtungen der vierschnell pulsierenden sdB-Sterne DW Lyn V1636 Ori QQ Vir und V541 Hya MitHilfe dieser Daten werden die Veraumlnderungen der Pulsationsperioden gemessen Diese



Ergebnisse lassen auf das evolutionaumlre Stadium der Sterne schlieszligen und werden mittheoretischen Sternentwicklungsmodellen verglichen Weiterhin setzen die Ergebnisseder Beobachtungen Grenzwerte fuumlr die Masse und Umlaufdauer moumlglicher sub-stellarerBegleiter Im Widerspruch zu vorhergehenden Studien koumlnnen potentielle Detektionenvon Begleitern nicht bestaumltigt werden

Teil IV beschreibt die Anwendung der implementierten Methode der Pulsations-Lichtlaufzeitmessungen auf andere Sterne und Datensaumltze Im Vergleich zu bodengebunde-nen Observatorien bieten weltraumgestuumltzte Teleskope den Vorteil der ununterbrochenenBeobachtung Observatorien wie das Kepler Weltraumobservatorium TESS oder diegeplante PLATO Mission liefern eine groszlige Anzahl von Beobachtungszielen NebensdB-Sternen ist die Klasse der pulsierenden δ Scuti (δ Sct) Sterne ein hervorragendesZiel fuumlr Lichtlaufzeitmessungen δ Sct Sterne sind in einem Entwicklungsstadium jen-seits der HR und in der Spektralklasse A zu finden Vorhergehende Studien haben ausBeobachtungen des Kepler Weltraumteleskops einen planetaren Begleiter um den SternKIC 791748 offenbart Mit der in dieser Arbeit implementierten Methode der Pulsations-Lichtlaufzeitmessungen kann das Signal dieses Begleiters aus den Daten gewonnen undsomit die Implementierung validiert sowie eine unabhaumlngige Bestaumltigung dieser Planete-nentdeckung erbracht werden

Teil V diskutiert die vorhergehenden Ergebnisse und liefert einen Ausblick auf weitereAnwendungen


Part I



1 Extrasolar planets

11 Historical overviewSpeculations about the existence of other worlds or solar systems other than our own go asfar back as the ancient times Greek philosophers debated about the possibility of countlessworlds

And he maintained worlds to be infinite and varying in bulk and that in somethere is neither sun nor moon while in others that they are larger than with usand with others more numerous [] And that some worlds are destitute ofanimals and plants and every species of moisture

Democritus (460 to 370 BCE Litwa 2016)

He was supported by Epicurus (314 to 270 BCE) who debated about an ldquoinfinite number ofworlds both like and unlike this world of oursrdquo (Bailey 1926) in a letter to Democritus Butthe atomists of this time believed in the geocentric universe and thus the work of Aristotle(341 to 270 BCE) outshone their ideas This started to change with the introduction ofthe Heliocentric universe theory of Nicolaus Copernicus in 1543 However the Italianphilosopher Giordano Bruno was burned during the Inquisition because of his belief in aninfinite number of stars which have an infinite number of terrestrial worlds orbiting themFinally Galileo Galilei discovered with his telescope invented in 1606 the true nature ofthe Moon and planets and paved the way for the discovery of the remaining planets in oursolar system

Our solar system shaped the understanding of planetary evolution and system archi-tecture until Wolszczan and Frail (1992) discovered the first exoplanetary system laterconfirmed by Wolszczan (1994) The two Earth-mass like planets orbit the millisecondpulsar PSR 1257+12 a rather unusual host star With the discovery of the first extrasolarplanet 51 Pegasi b orbiting a sun-like star (Mayor and Queloz 1995) the architecture ofexoplanetary systems remained very different than expected from the solar system Theplanet has a mass comparable to the mass of Jupiter but a very close-in orbit of about005 au leading to a new category of planets called ldquohot Jupitersrdquo

So far more than 4000 exoplanets have been discovered by various detection methodsThey exhibit a wide range of planetary masses and radii as shown in Figure 11 Besideshot Jupiters Neptune- and Saturn-sized planets as well as super-Earths were discovered

The first transiting exoplanet HD 209458 b was discovered in 1999 (Charbonneau et al2000) which later became the first planet with a spectroscopically analysed atmosphere(Charbonneau et al 2002) HD 28185 b was discovered as the first exoplanet in thehabitable zone a region around a star in which a planet may retain liquid water on its


1 Extrasolar planets









10minus2 100 102 10410minus2




10minus2 100 102 104



a au



a au









3 K

Figure 11 Exoplanet mass and radius distribution as function of their orbital periodand effective temperature of their host star (color coded) Out of the 4130 discoveredexoplanets there are 994 mass and 1631 radius measurements (as of November 2019Schneider et al 2011)

surface Using the phase-mapping technique Knutson et al (2007) reconstructed a roughmap of HD 189733 b showing the temperature of the cloud deck An image of Formalhaut bin 2008 was the first direct image of an exoplanet (Kalas et al 2008) With Kepler-186 f anEarth-sized planet orbiting within its starrsquos habitable zone was discovered (Quintana et al2014) With the discovery of Kepler-452 b and its 16 Earth-radii another category not yetpresent in our solar system called ldquosuper Earthsrdquo was created Another super Earth orbitingour closest neighbour star Proxima Centauri even in the habitable zone was discovered byAnglada-Escudeacute et al (2016) Future missions aim to characterise exoplanetary systemsand to understand the formation evolution and chemical composition in more detail

12 Definition of an exoplanet

The word ldquoplanetrdquo was introduced by the ancient Greeks as the term ὰστέρες πλανῆτα

(asteres planetai) which can be translated as ldquowandering starrdquo This was inspired by theapparent movement of the planets in the solar system as opposed to the fixed stars In amore scientific way the International Astronomical Union (IAU) defined a planet in thesolar system in its resolution 5A as follows

A planet is a celestial body that

1 is in orbit around the Sun


13 Observational techniques

2 has sufficient mass for its self-gravity to overcome rigid body forces sothat it assumes a hydrostatic equilibrium (nearly round) shape and

3 has cleared the neighbourhood around its orbit

IAU (2006)

Additionally the working group on extrasolar planets of the IAU published the followingstatement not yet adopted as a resolution

1 Objects with true masses below the limiting mass for thermonuclearfusion of deuterium (currently calculated to be 13 Jupiter masses for ob-jects of solar metallicity) that orbit stars or stellar remnants are ldquoplanetsrdquo(no matter how they formed) The minimum masssize required for anextrasolar object to be considered a planet should be the same as thatused in our Solar System

2 Substellar objects with true masses above the limiting mass for ther-monuclear fusion of deuterium are ldquobrown dwarfsrdquo no matter how theyformed nor where they are located

3 Free-floating objects in young star clusters with masses below the limit-ing mass for thermonuclear fusion of deuterium are not ldquoplanetsrdquo butare ldquosub-brown dwarfsrdquo (or whatever name is most appropriate)

Boss et al (2005) reproduced with permission

The designation of exoplanets consists of the name of the host star followed by alowercase letter The first part can be an astronomical catalogue the scientific instrumentor project that discovered the exoplanet The following letter indicates the order of theexoplanets discovery around its host star usually beginning with ldquobrdquo This is analogous tothe designation of multiple star systems

13 Observational techniquesThe vast variety of exoplanets necessitates the need for different detection techniques Theycan be separated into three broad categories as the ldquoPerryman treerdquo a visual overview onthe detection methods illustrates in Fig 12

Widely separated exoplanets can be imaged directly Also protoplanetary disks can bedetected this way In case the orbital plane of the exoplanet aligns with the line of sight ofthe observer the planet transits in front of the stellar disk which can be detected as fluxvariations in primary and secondary eclipse

Gravitational lensing is known for very massive objects like galaxy clusters but can alsobe detected using a single star as a lens for a background star This induces a characteristicsignal in the light curve If the foreground star hosts an exoplanet it will act as an additionallens

Dynamical effects are based on the gravitational interaction of host star and planetThis can be measured directly as an astrometric change of position on the sky or indirectlyvia Doppler shifts in the host starrsquos spectrum or timing variations of transits eclipses orstellar pulsations The latter method is used in particular in this work and explained indetail in section 5


1 Extrasolar planets











existing capabilityprojected


-up detections n =

planets known








Exoplanet Detection



decreasingplanet mass


32 planets(20 system

s5 m


662 planets(504 system

s102 m


1 planet(1 system

0 m


53 planets(51 system

s2 m


2789 planets(2053 system

s474 m


1 January 20183572 exoplanets

(~2600 system

s ~590 m


bers from N


Exoplanet Archive]





refectedpolarised light

Radial velocity









44 planets(40 system

s2 m



















millisec slow



residuals(see TTVs)

(Kepler=2315 K2=




125Roplus) 766






protoplanetary disks

star accretionpollution

radio emission

gravitational waves

X-ray emission

debris diskscolliding


white dw

arf pollution



















































2 Subdwarf B stars

The majority of known exoplanets orbit cool host stars ie G and M type stars So faronly a small fraction of planets orbiting evolved host stars have been discovered (comparedto effective temperatures of host stars in Fig 11) This raises questions on the evolutionand fate of planetary systems The following chapter revises the stellar evolution withfocus on the post-main sequence phase of the host star arriving at subdwarf B stars (sdBstars) These stars are laboratories to test how planets survive and influence the late phasesof stellar evolution

21 ClassificationHumason and Zwicky (1947) discovered sdB stars in a photometric survey of the NorthGalactic Pole region Their position in the Hertzsprung-Russel diagram (HRD) in Fig 21in between the main sequence (MS) and the white-dwarf (WD) sequence was laterdetermined by Greenstein and Sargent (1974) They show effective temperatures Teff

from sim20 000 K to 50 000 K with surface gravities log(gcm sminus2) of 50 to 65 Heberet al (1984) Heber (1986) could connect the spectroscopic sdB class with the extremehorizontal branch (EHB) evolutionary stage Thus sdB stars are stripped helium-burningcores (sim05 M) of red giants with a thin hydrogen (H) atmosphere Their spectra aretherefore dominated by the broad Balmer lines of H while helium (He) is usually depletedBut their structure differs from horizontal-branch stars as their H envelopes are too thin tosustain H burning They evolve directly on to the WD cooling sequence as they lack theenvelope mass to pass via the asymptotic giant branch (AGB)

22 Canonical stellar and planetary evolutionThe progenitors of sdB stars are assumed to be solar-mass stars They form in molecularclouds consisting mostly of H about 20 to 30 per cent of He and a few percent of heavyelements The gas remains in hydrostatic equilibrium as long as the gas pressure isin balance with gravitational force (virial theorem) but a gravitational collapse can betriggered by shock waves (eg nearby supernova) As the cloud contracts it breaks intosmaller fragments in which the collapsing gas radiates the gravitational potential as heatAs temperature and pressure increase the fragment condenses into a protostar which isin hydrostatic equilibrium This way stars with different masses form mostly in groupsStellar winds of more massive stars ionize the remaining H in between the stars creatingH II regions and ultimately disrupt the cloud which prevents further star formation


2 Subdwarf B stars













White dwarfs

Cool subdwarfs











30000 10000

Surface temperature (deg)






ed to



6000 3000

Figure 21 Sketch of a Hertzsprung-Russell diagram highlighting the position of hotsubdwarf (sdB and sdO) stars and the extreme horizontal branch (EHB) located to the leftand below the hot end of the main sequence but above the white dwarf cooling sequenceThe EHB is separated from the blue horizontal branch (BHB) The location of stars havingevolved from the postasymptotic giant branch is shown for comparison The hot subdwarfstars have nothing in common with traditional cool subdwarfs found below the lowermain sequence (Heber 2009) Reprinted by permission from Copyright Clearance CenterAnnual Reviews Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics ldquoHot Subdwarf StarsrdquoHebercopy2009

The protostar continues to accrete material from its protoplanetary disk (Fig 22) untilfinally H fusion starts in the core and the star begins its phase on the main-sequence of theHRD (Fig 21) Inside the protoplanetary disk planetesimals form from electrostatic andgravitational interactions as building blocks for planets During their formation planetsmigrate within the disk and accrete material until the disk is evaporated by the central starsradiation On the main-sequence the star will evolve only slowly and remain there for


22 Canonical stellar and planetary evolution

Figure 22 Left Protoplanetary disc imaged by the Hubble Space Telescope in the Orionnebula The image is about 1800 au across Credit NASA CR OrsquoDell and SK WongRight ALMA image of HL Tauri showing th protoplanetary disc at a wavelength of13 mm The image is about 250 au across Credit ALMA (ESONAOJNRAO)

about 1010 years As the hydrogen in the core eventually depletes the fusion rate cannot bemaintained and the core contracts This continues to fuse H in a shell outside the He coreThe core contracts and the outer layers begin to expand The star becomes a red giantmoving up the red giant branch (RGB) in the HRD The He core compacts into degeneratematter and once core pressure and temperature are high enough the He starts to fuse witha He flash at the tip of the RGB in the HRD The core mass during the helium flash isabout half a solar-mass The star decreases in radius increases its surface temperatureand moves to the horizontal branch (HB) of the HRD After the He is fused in the coreouter shells fuse further He and the star moves to the asymptotic giant branch (AGB) andbecomes red giant again The produced carbon (C) can fuse with He and oxygen (O) tobuild a CO core The H and He shells are consecutively fusing in a cyclic process The starejects most of its envelope during these thermal pulses The expelled material is ionizedby the UV emission of the hot remnant core and can be observed as a planetary nebulaAfter this short phase the remnant star cools and enters the white dwarf cooling sequence

Planet occurrence rates estimated from Kepler observations suggest that 30 per centof Sun-like stars host Kepler-like planetary systems1 (Zhu et al 2018) Several studiesinvestigated occurrence rates from radial velocity surveys Jupiter-like planets2 may occurat six per cent of Solar-like stars (Wittenmyer et al 2016) Systems with giant planetsfrom the Kepler mission show outer gas giants within orbital periods of less than 400days at a 5 per cent occurrence rate (Santerne et al 2016) Bryan et al (2016) suggestthe total occurrence rate of companions3 from radial velocity measurements and direct

1 Kepler-like planets are planets that have radii RP amp R and orbital periods P gt 400 d Our Solar system isnot detectable by Kepler

2 Planets with masses 015RX MP 13MX and orbital periods of 3 au to 7 au3 For companions in the range of 1 MX to 20 MX and 5 au to 20 au


2 Subdwarf B stars

imaging with about 50 per cent Recently Grunblatt et al (2019) estimated the occurrencerate of planets larger than Jupiter for low-luminosity red giant branch stars from the K2mission to be 05 per cent Observations of polluted WDs debris disks orbiting WDslike WD 1145+017 (Vanderburg et al 2015) or even in-situ accretion of a giant planet toWD J0914+1914 (Gaumlnsicke et al 2019) show that these disks must form during the WDphase since they are located within the preceding giant stellar radii Spectroscopic analysisof polluted WD atmospheres find metals as to be expected from planetary compositionSince the sinking times for such heavy metals are orders of magnitude shorter than theWD cooling age the expected detection rate of polluted WDs is at about 01 per cent Butthe actual observed rate of metals is at 25 to 50 per cent Thus planetary systems appearto survive the RGB phase of their host star and may get disrupted and accreted duringthe WD phase Veras (2016) Farihi (2016) give a broad overview on post-main-sequenceplanetary system evolution and polluted WDs

23 Subdwarf B stars formation scenarios

The canonical formation of Subdwarf B stars is not explained by the typical evolutiondescribed in the section above since some mechanism during the progenitors giant phasemust have removed enough of the envelope to not sustain a H burning after the He flashThe formation scenario in a binary system first proposed by Mengel et al (1976) givesrise to different formation channels (Han et al 2002 2003 Podsiadlowski 2008) dependingon the initial mass ratios The scenarios are illustrated in Fig 23 and 24 The most simplescenario is a stable Roche-lobe over flow (RLOF) as in the left panel of Fig 23 The sdBprogenitor fills its Roche lobe near the tip of the RGB The mass transfer is dynamicallystable and the companion accretes the matter This will form a sdB in a long-period binarysystem with a main-sequence companion Observations find periods from 700 d to 1300 dleading to an improvement of the RLOF model (Chen et al 2013) If the mass transferduring the RLOF is too high the companion cannot accrete all the matter and a commonenvelope (CE) is formed (see Fig 24) Friction in the CE let the stars spiral inwards anduntil the CE gets ejected This will form a close binary system

While about 50 per cent of sdB stars are found in close binary systems with periodsof less than ten days observations show about 30 per cent appear as apparent single sdBstars There are several possible formation scenarios including atmosphere loss due tostellar winds the merger of two He WD (right panel of Fig 23) or undetected low-masscompanions

Hall and Jeffery (2016) estimated the H mass in the remnants of He WD mergers Inthe effective temperature-surface gravity plane they found a region occupied by thesestars during the core-He-burning phase and located the majority of apparently single sdBstars inside this region Nevertheless this conclusion depends on assumptions made to themodel regarding the initial H mass and loss of H during the merger Subdwarf B starslocated outside of this parameter region are found to be rapidly rotating low-gravity sdBstars

Alternatively the sdB progenitor could lose mass near the RGB tip due to strong stellarwinds or internal rotation While the He flash occurs typically at the tip of the RGB asufficient mass loss can lead a star to depart from the RGB so that the He flash is delayed


23 Subdwarf B stars formation scenarios

P = 10 minus 500 daysorb

sdBM = 030 minus 049 M


(mass ratio lt 12 minus 15)

Stable RLOF Channel

stable RLOF (near tip of RGB)

wide sdB binary with MSSG companion

envelope loss near RGB tipby stellar wind(rotation Z)

(1 or 2 CE phases)He WD merger

M = 040 minus 065 MsdB sun

M = 045 minus 049 MsdB sun

Single sdB Stars

gravitational radiation


Figure 23 Stable Roche-lobe channel (left) and single-starmerger channels (right) for theformation of sdB stars (Podsiadlowski 2008) By the kind permission of ASP ConferenceSeries vol 401 P Podsiadlowski p 63

(Castellani and Castellani 1993) The remnants of these ldquohot flashersrdquo are located closeto the He main sequence which coincides with the sdB location Although an ldquoearly hotflasherrdquo scenario may explain He and C abundances in sdB stars observations show someinconsistencies (Moehler et al 2011 Latour et al 2014)

Finally substellar objects eg brown dwarfs or even planets can lead to enough massloss in order to form sdB stars As described in the previous section the abundance ofplanets is high enough to be considered to survive and influence the late stellar evolutionFor a single red giant planets with orbital separations smaller than about 5 au will enhancethe mass loss when the planet is engulfed by the red giantrsquos atmosphere Since planetshave a comparable high angular momentum parts of it can be transferred to the envelopeIn consequence of this momentum transfer the planet spirals inwards and stellar mass lossincreases which leads to the formation of a sdB star In this scenario the planet wouldeither evaporate merge with the core or survive while most of the planetrsquos envelope islost (Soker 1998) With the merger scenario an enhanced stellar rotation could mix moreHe to the envelope and thus increase the RGB tip luminosity and further enhance the totalmass loss (Sweigart 1997) The hypothesis of surviving planetary systems is supportedby planetary-mass companions like the candidates V391 Peg b (Silvotti et al 2007) KIC05807616 bc (Charpinet et al 2011) KIC 10001893 bcd (Silvotti et al 2014) or browndwarf companions like V2008-1753 B (Schaffenroth et al 2015) or CS 1246 (Barlow et al2011b) Figure 25 illustrates the process of forming a sdB planetary system


2 Subdwarf B stars

P = 01 minus 10 daysorb




sdBM = 04 minus 049 M



shortminusperiod sdB binary with MS companionshortminusperiod sdB binary with He WD companion

commonminusenvelope phase commonminusenvelope phase

unstable RLOF minusminusminusgt dynamical mass transfer unstable RLOF minusminusminusgt dynamical mass transfer

stable RLOF

wide binary

CommonminusEnvelope Channels

CE only (mass ratio gt 12 minus 15)stable RLOF + CE (mass ratio lt 12 minus 15)

Figure 24 Common-envelope (CE) channels for the production of sdB stars The CE phasecan be either the first (right panel) or the second (left panel) mass-transfer phase producinga tight sdB binary with either a normal-star or white-dwarf companion respectively(Podsiadlowski 2008) By the kind permission of ASP Conference Series vol 401 PPodsiadlowski p 63

From observational data it cannot be ruled out that these planets may have formed assecond generation planets After the merger of two He WDs the remaining circumstellardisk could provide enough material to form planets in analogy to the pulsar planets(Wolszczan and Frail 1992 Thorsett et al 1993)

Finally there is evidence that some sdB stars are not core He-burning objects Heberet al (2003) discovered a sdB with insufficient mass to ignite He-burning in the core

24 Asteroseismology

Asteroseismology describes the study of the interiors of stars by using their oscillationsas seismic waves The first pulsating star was discovered in 1596 by David Fabricius Henoticed that the star ο Ceti (subsequently named ldquoMirardquo the wonderful) vanished from


24 Asteroseismology

Figure 25 Possible formation mechanism of close-in planets a The two planets identifiedby Charpinet et al (2011) were probably massive gas-giant planets during the early part oftheir host starrsquos life when the star burned hydrogen into helium as our Sun does today Atthis time the planets resided farther away from their host star than they do today b Whenthe star exhausted the supply of hydrogen in its core it expanded to become a red-giant starThe outer layers of the star then engulfed the orbits of the two planets The planets losttheir outer gaseous layers as their orbits spiralled inwards c For unknown reasons the redgiant expelled its cool outer layers leaving behind a small hot B subdwarf star The smallrocky cores of the initial planets were left behind in close-in orbits with periods of 58 and82 hours (Figure not drawn to scale) (Kempton 2011) Reprinted by permission fromCopyright Clearance Center Springer Nature Nature Planetary science ldquoThe ultimatefate of planetsrdquo Kemptoncopy2011

the visible sky Later on it was realized that the star did so every eleven months andbecame the first known (semi) periodic variable star Subsequently more variable stars likeδ Cephei (related stars are summarized as ldquoCepheidsrdquo) were discovered and their variationslinked to radial pulsations By now a large number of groups of pulsating star is known toexist Figure 26 shows their occurrences in a HRD Historically they have been classifiedon a phenomenological basis and mostly named after their prototype star The physicalreasons for the classification were uncovered later and are related to the different types ofexcited pulsation mode mass and evolutionary state Since this work relates mostly to sdBstars the following describes their driving mechanism Extensive overviews can be foundeg in Cunha et al (2007) Aerts et al (2010)

241 κ mechanismBaker and Kippenhahn (1962) proposed the κ mechanism to explain δ Cephei pulsationsFor stellar matter than can be described as an ideal gas an increase in compression ofthe atmosphere causes an increase in temperature and density This usually results in adecrease of the opacity κ allowing energy to be transported more efficiently This describesan equilibrium where temperature and pressure are balanced But in layers of the starwhere κ increases with increasing temperature the incoming flux from inner layers can betemporally stored These layers are associated with regions where (partial) ionization of


2 Subdwarf B stars

chemical elements occur When the layer expands in order to reach its equilibrium theadditionally accumulated energy is released and the star can expand beyond its equilibriumradius When the material recedes energy is again stored in the stellar interior and thecycle can repeat as a periodic stellar oscillation

Depending on the restoring force of the pulsations modes are either of the nature ofstanding acoustic waves (referred to as pressure modes or p modes) or internal gravitywaves (g modes) However especially in evolved stars both types of modes can be found

Unlike solar oscillations which are exited stochastically pulsations excited by theκ mechanism are coherent in phase their lifetime is very long compared to observationsspanning over years and change slowly due to stellar evolution These modes are suitablefor a pulsation timing analysis

In variable sdB stars (sdBV) the bump in opacity is related to elements of the iron group(Charpinet et al 1997) which are accumulated in the driving layers by diffusion processeslike gravitational settling and radiative levitation (cf Heber 2009 2016) Charpinetet al (1996) predicted the nonradial pulsations theoretically almost simultaneously totheir discovery by Kilkenny et al (1997) Effective temperatures Teff typically rangefrom 28 000 K to 35 000 K and surface gravity log g from 52 to 61 Observed pulsationamplitudes are usually smaller than 50 mmag Hybrid pulsators showing both p andg modes (eg Schuh et al 2006) locate at the temperature boundary around 28 000 Kbetween both classes of pulsators About ten per cent of the sdB stars located in theinstability strip of the Teffminus log g plane exhibit pulsations above a few mmag This fractionmight be biased due to detection limits of ground based observations However Keplerobservations confirmed the deficiency of p-mode pulsators in the instability strip (egOslashstensen et al 2011)

Due to the He fusion into C and O in the core of sdB stars the internal structure variesslowly and thus modifies the condition of hydrostatic equilibrium This results into slowsecular changes of the surface gravity and effective temperature and slow changes inthe pulsation period (Charpinet et al 2002) Using long-term observations these periodchanges can be measured

242 Asteroseismic observationsStellar oscillations generate motions and temperature variations on the surface and resultin observable variability These variations cause changes in brightness and colour radialvelocity and line profiles Thus pulsating stars can be studied using photometric andspectroscopic time series measurements which can be used to generate frequency spectra -one of the most important tools in asteroseismology The following focuses on time seriesphotometry

Since the observations are usually discrete and contain gaps a harmonic analysis isperformed using the Discrete Fourier Transformation

F( f ) =


x(tk) exp (i2π f tk)

of the measurements x(tk) which leads to an amplitude spectrum The observations opposelimitations to this spectrum Due to the discrete nature the highest useful frequency to


24 Asteroseismology

search for is called the Nyquist frequency

fNyq =1


with the time between two data points ∆t In the case of unevenly spaced data the Nyquistfrequency does not exist higher frequencies might be detectable With a finite length ofthe observations the spectrum has a finite frequency resolution proportional to the inverseof the total time span Moreover observations are likely to show gaps (eg daynight orseasonal observation windows technical problems poor observing conditions) some ofthem with a regular nature which produce additional peaks in the Fourier space Theseeffects combined are known as the ldquowindow functionrdquo in the time domain or as ldquospectralwindowrdquo in the Fourier space The spectral window can show multiple peaks even ifthe underlying signal is monochromatic and complicate the interpretation of the dataAdditionally long gaps produce unwanted signals in the low frequency regime In order toovercome the complex response in frequencies and amplitudes of the signal even withoutnoise different forms of periodograms have been defined A well-known and widelyapplied technique is the Lomb-Scargle periodogram (Scargle 1982) Horne and Baliunas(1986) Schwarzenberg-Czerny (1997) showed the equivalence of the variance reductionbetween a Lomb-Scargle periodogram and a least squares fit of sinusoids at test frequenciesThus fits of a harmonic series of sinusoids at test frequencies can be used to search fornon-sinusoidal signals as well The Lomb-Scargle periodogram does not require regularsampled data and is used for the analysis in this work (see Press et al (2007) VanderPlas(2017) cf section 8)


2 Subdwarf B stars

Figure 26 Hertzsprung-Russell diagram showing different classes of pulsating starsSome of these are named after a particular member of the class Others are acronymsrespectively for rapidly oscillating Ap (roAp) Slowly Pulsating B (SPB) subdwarf Bvariables (sdBV) The group labelled GW Vir includes what has formerly been known asthe PNNV stars (for Planetary Nebulae Nuclei Variables) and the variable hot DO whitedwarfs (DOV) the DBV and DAV stars are variable DB (helium-rich) and DA (hydrogen-rich) white dwarfs The parallel long-dashed lines indicate the Cepheid instability strip(Cunha et al 2007) Reprinted by permission from Copyright Clearance Center SpringerNature Astron Astrophys Rev ldquoAsteroseismology and interferometryrdquo Cunhacopy2007


Part II

The EXOTIME project


3 Targets

The EXOTIME program (EXOplanet search with the TIming MEthod) was born out oflong-term monitoring of the object HS 2201+2610 in order to measure long-term drifts inthe pulsation periods P The large amount of data made it possible to not only constrain sdBstar evolution from P but resulted in the postulation of the substellar companion candidateV391 Peg b using the pulsation timing method (Silvotti et al 2007) With the puzzlingformation history of sdB stars the authors initiated the EXOTIME program in 2008The project extends the long-term monitoring to the objects HS 0702+6043 (DW Lyn)HS 0444+0458 (V1636 Ori) PG 1325+101 (QQ Vir) EC 09582-1137 (V541 Hya) andHS 2201+2610 (V391 Peg) While the majority of exoplanet research is strongly focussedon planets (and moons) in the habitable zone and formation of planetary systems themain goal of the EXOTIME project is to detect exoplanets orbiting evolved stars usingthe stellar pulsations to conclude on timing variations (see section 5) Transit and radialvelocity searches are not efficient for stars with small radii and high gravities like sdB starsAdditionally the project wants to characterize the target stars using asteroseismic methodsand in particular the measurement of P

The following sections describe the targets and their observations in detail Theirselection followed some basic properties The targets must be observable from the Northernhemisphere and bright enough for a sufficient signal-to-noise ratio in the Johnson B bandwith 1 m to 3 m class telescopes since sdB stars emit the maximum energy in the nearUV regime A suitable target for the timing method should show two to four independentpulsation frequencies coherent in phase and stable in amplitude (gt1 mmag 01 ) Eachfrequency leads to an independent timing measurement But coherence and stability canonly be verified with the long-term monitoring To ensure the sdB star is not accompaniedby a low-mass star in a binary system there should be no strong IR excess compared toa black body spectrum The observational parameters of the five EXOTIME targets aresummarized in Table 31 Section 7 describes DW Lyn V1636 Ori QQ Vir V541 Hya indetail and lists the atmospheric parameters in Table 71

Observations and results on a substellar companion for V391 Peg are published bySilvotti et al (2007) alternative scenarios are discussed by Silvotti (2008) and additionalobservations are published by Silvotti et al (2018) The latter publication placed the firstinterpretation of the O minus C variations under discussion because of possible non-linearinteractions between different pulsation modes that change arrival times We proposedfor continued observations at the Las Cumbres Observatory (LCO Brown et al 2013)using 2 m class telescopes in order to connect observations from Silvotti et al (2018)with upcoming TESS observations in 2020 In 2017 we observed for about 52 hours in2019 for eight hours each in the Johnson B band with exposure times of 10 s to 20 s Theobservations are listed in Table 32


3 Targets

Table 31 Observational properties of the EXOTIME targets taken fromhttpsimbadu-strasbgfrsimbad and amplitude of the main pulsation (mea-sured in this work and by Silvotti et al (2007))

Target RA (J2000) DE (J2000) B mag JminusH ampl

DW Lyn 7h7m980s 60deg38prime50 primeprime16 147 minus0123 219V1636 Ori 4h47m1863s 5deg3prime34 primeprime81 1544 0043 054QQ Vir 13h27m4856s 9deg54prime51 primeprime05 1373 minus014 26V541 Hya 10h0m4182s minus11deg51prime34 primeprime59 1501 minus025 031V391 Peg 22h4m1210s 26deg25prime7 primeprime82 1441 001 085


3 Targets

Table 32 Summary of the newly acquired observations for V391 Peg

observatory obs date exp time s obs time h

LCO 2017-09-12 10 122 2017-09-14 10 068

2017-09-15 10 1402017-09-16 10 4722017-09-17 10 6182017-09-18 10 1222017-09-19 10 6922017-09-20 10 0722017-09-21 10 3952017-09-22 10 2702017-09-26 20 0752017-09-28 20 1752017-09-29 20 0222017-09-30 20 0752017-10-01 20 1272017-10-02 20 0752017-10-03 20 5182017-10-05 20 0232017-10-06 20 0382017-10-07 20 0772017-11-05 20 2072017-11-06 20 0752017-11-09 20 1682017-11-10 20 4222017-11-13 20 2182019-09-07 20 1102019-09-09 20 0072019-09-10 20 2482019-09-11 20 2672019-09-12 20 130

Σ 6027


4 Multi-epoch photometric data

41 Time series photometryThe timing method applied to the data and described in the next section imposes re-quirements on the photometric time series Each observation run needs a high temporalresolution of less than about 30 s in order to sample the p-modes correctly and a highsignal-to-noise ratio to detect their low amplitudes A single phase measurement in thelater analysis is required to reach an uncertainty in the order of one second Therefore theobservations should cover about three consecutive nights each with about three hours forone phase measurement

411 Photometry

In order to make use of the raw CCD images from the observations the data need tobe calibrated properly This includes detector specific corrections (bias and dark fieldsubtraction) as well as instrumental and sensitivity corrections (flat field division) Thefollowing photometric measurements were performed using the IDL package TRIPP (TimeResolved Imaging Photometry Package) Some data have been reduced using differentsoftware packages but the concept does not differ A circular aperture is placed aroundthe target star and measures the flux An annulus around this aperture or a further fieldmeasures the background flux which is subtracted from the target flux Since variationsin the Earthrsquos atmosphere on short and long term time scales (sky transparency air mass)affect this measurement the target flux is compared to the flux of multiple comparison starsThe field of view is assumed to be small enough that all atmospheric variations influencethe flux of all stars equally This procedure is applied to all images of an observationrun and yields the light curve Atmospheric extinction is correction by a second orderpolynomial in time

412 Timing accuracy

Accurate time stamps for each observation is crucial for the analysis of timing effectsAcquisition equipment is usually synced via network with a time server to the universaltime (UTC) However some of the first observations used for the project do not recordthe fraction of the second Thus the accuracy of individual observations is assumed to bebetter than plusmn05 s

Additional to the recording of precise time stamps the observer needs to be positionedin a rest frame compared to the target Without the necessary corrections the result would


4 Multi-epoch photometric data

be superimposed by the Earthrsquos motion around the barycentre of the Solar system anddiscontinuous time standards Eastman et al (2010) describes the necessary formalismin detail The Barycentric Coordinate Time (TDB) time frame including barycentriccorrections for the Solar system is accurate down to 34 ms and applied to all observationaltime stamps (hereafter refereed as BJD(TDB))


5 Methods

51 O minusC Pipeline

Already in the 17th century Ole Rœmer made use of the travel time of light in order tomeasure the speed of light (eg Soter and deGrasse Tyson 2001) An inversion of thisscenario allows to measure changes of orbits using the finite speed of light In astronomythis idea is widely used for different applications eg on pulsars eclipsing binary systemstiming variations on planetary transits or stellar pulsations In the context of stellarpulsations this concept is referred to as the O minusC method (Observed minus Calculated)The approach compares the phase of a periodic function to a reference phase and thusallow conclusions on variations in the observed phase While the following describes themethod illustratively the specific implementation of the O minus C method in this work isexplained in section 8

The schematic construction of an O minusC diagram is pictured in Fig 51 Requirementfor a OminusC analysis is a sufficiently long observational time span of the stellar pulsation Alight curve model fit to full data set provides the reference phase referred to as C Similarfits to small sub-sets of the observation provides an independent light curve model Thuseach sub-set called epoch provides a phase measurement referred to as O Iteratingthrough all epochs in time yield the differences between the average phase of the referencemodel and the phase measurements of the epochs called O minusC diagram

An O minusC diagram with no variations implies an agreement between observed phasesand the reference phase Linear changes in the diagram suggest a wrong frequency for thereference model and thus a constant error added per cycle More complex deviations aredescribed below

511 Linear change in period

The following considerations can be found in Kepler et al (1991) In order to makeuse of the timing method a sufficiently stable timer in the observed system is requiredldquoSufficientlyrdquo refers to accuracy compared to the length of observations In the case ofstellar pulsations this timer is a periodic brightness variation The observed time of theEth cycle can be expressed as

TE = T0 + PE

with the period P at T0 and the epoch E as in the cycle number counted from T0Due to physical processes the stellar pulsation period will change slowly over time


5 Methods


O1 O2 O3








Figure 51 Schematic picture of the O minusC diagram construction Top A model to the fulllight curve yields the reference phase C Middle Light curve models to each epoch yieldindividual phase information O Bottom Construction of the O minusC diagram from abovemeasurements

(see section 241) If this change is small TE can be expand in a Taylor series

TE = T0 +dTdE

(E minus E0) +12


(E minus E0)2 + O ((E minus E0))2

Terms of higher order are neglected Expanding the quadratic term using dTdE = Pleads to

d2TdE2 =




= PdPdt

Assuming 2E0 E finally yields

TE = T0 + PE +12


In order to compare the model of a slowly changing period with the null hypotheses(ldquothe period is stablerdquo) both identify with

O B T0 + PE +12


C B T prime0 + PprimeE

where O stands for observed ephemerides with a constant period Pprime and C for the calculatedor computed ephemerides With ∆T = T0 minus T prime0 and ∆P = P minus Pprime and E = tPminus1 this leads to

O minusC = ∆T0 +∆PP

t +12




51 O minusC Pipeline











Figure 52 Schematic picture of the orbital configuration

In an O minusC diagram a fit with a parabolic function yields the evolutionary time scalePP

512 Light travel time effect

Assuming a two body system consisting of the pulsating star and a companion both orbittheir common centre of mass The motion of pulsating star with mass M around thebarycentre implies a variation in the projected line of sight as show in Fig 52 whichtranslates into a change in light travel time The periodic pulsation of the star allow formeasuring this change and hence concluding on the minimum mass of the companion mAssuming a circular orbit due to the proposed formation history of companions of subdwarfB stars the change in light travel time varies periodically and imposes a sinusoidal signalin the O minusC diagram The following describes the derivation of the expected amplitude ofthis light travel time effect (eg Hilditch 2001 pp 29)

Let the line of sight be aligned with the z direction With the inclination of the orbit ithe argument of periapsis ω and the true anomaly ϑ of the Kepler ellipse the z componentof the radius vector r reads as

rz = r sin (i) sin (ω + ϑ)

Keplerrsquos laws of planetary motion yield

r =a(1 minus e2

)1 + e cos (ϑ)


5 Methods

with the semi mayor axis a and the eccentricity e Thus

rz =a(1 minus e2

)1 + e cos (ϑ)

sin (i) sin (ω + ϑ)

With Keplerrsquos Third Law follows for the semi major axis

a3 = Gm3P2

4π4 (M + m)2

where P is the orbital period Assuming a circular orbit with e = 0 The maximumdisplacement ∆rz in the orbit occurs at sin (ω + ϑ) = plusmn1

∆rz = 2G13m(

P2π (M + m)


sin i

The light travel time follows from

∆T =rz





2π (M + m)


sin i

which is the semi-amplitude of the sinusoidal signal in the O minus C diagram induced by asub-stellar companion due to the light travel time effect

52 Artificial data testingOnce such a fast pipeline is deployed it provides a convenient way to analyse artificialdata with precisely known input parameters and test for the expected results In order toavoid additional effects due to irregular observations and gaps in the data the artificialdata are mostly generated according to the PLATO scheme cadence of 25 s for three years(ie 186 times 106 measurements) and a signal to noise ratio of about 6 as expected for a14 mag star in the B band observed with all 24 telescopes (ESASRE 2011) A differentset of artificial data is created for a simplified ground-based observational scheme (threeconsecutive nights per month each eight hours for ten years ie 124 times 105) Since theresults between these two sets are very similar merely the PLATO-like scheme is discussedbelow

In total about 50 different scenarios of frequency spacings and amplitudes wereinvestigated Some interesting cases are explained below

Resonant frequencies Pulsations with frequency-spacing in integer multiples mightcause an unstable fitting process To test for such scenarios a set of several light curves wascreated They simulate pulsation frequencies in 12 13 and 15 resonances with a constantphase and amplitude The resulting fits to individual modes tend to show oscillatingphases but the simultaneous fit of all frequencies is stable and recovers successfully phase-and amplitude-information Fig 54 shows an example of resonant modes with a basefrequency of 240 dminus1 Some modes tend to show an constant offset in the O minusC diagrambut are on average still close to the null hypothesis


52 Artificial data testing







0 50 100 150 200 250

0 1000 2000


f dminus1

f microHz







minus002minus001 0 001 002

minus02 minus01 0 01 02




f dminus1

f microHz

Figure 53 Left Amplitude spectrum for four resonant pulsations with frequencies of240 dminus1 120 dminus1 80 dminus1 and 48 dminus1 and amplitudes of 05 Right Window function











0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100


48 dminus1 80 dminus1 120 dminus1 240 dminus1




t d

Figure 54 Results for four resonant pulsations with frequencies of 240 dminus1 120 dminus1 80 dminus1

and 48 dminus1 Each epoch contains data from one month Top Reconstructed AmplitudesBottom O minusC diagram


5 Methods




27776 27778 2778



04 minus f1




23998 240 24002



f microHz



f dminus1







minus002minus001 0 001 002

minus02 minus01 0 01 02




f dminus1

f microHz

Figure 55 Left Amplitude spectrum for two close pulsations with frequencies of240000 dminus1 and 240002 dminus1 and amplitudes of 05 and 02 (top) after subtraction ofthe mode at 240000 dminus1 (middle) and residuals after subtraction of the mode at 240002 dminus1

(bottom) Right Window function

Close frequencies Unresolved frequencies are a problem in the analysis of data andinterpretation of their results The frequency resolution is intrinsic to the observationpattern Unfortunately it is very difficult to conclude from an observational O minus Cpattern on unresolved frequencies The vast range of possible combinations in number offrequencies their spacing and amplitude ratios makes it almost impossible to conclude on aspecific configuration to explain the observations However if there is a resolved multipletin the observations but the signal-to-noise ratio of individual amplitudes is not goodenough to provide useful phase measurements a simulated multiplet on the observationaltime grid can provide insights on the O minusC behaviour of the main frequency Additionallythe window function can help to interpret amplitude spectra

Artificial test cases can raise awareness of possible O minus C patterns and caution theinterpretation of observational results The following tests were conducted with twopulsation frequencies and a constant phase which should result in a O minus C diagram notdifferent from zero

With a sufficient frequency separation and signal-to-noise ratio for both pulsations(see Fig 55) the O minusC diagram might show mode-beating effects like in Fig 56 Therecovered amplitude and phase of the main pulsation mode show periodic variationsalthough they should appear constant Thus the simultaneous occurrence of amplitude-and phase-modulations in an O minusC diagram should caution the interpretation in favour ofa light travel time effect

When the signal-to-noise ratio for one frequency is barely over the noise level it mightbe considered as noise after the pre-whitening of the dominant mode and neglected Using


52 Artificial data testing











0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100


2400 dminus1 240002 dminus1




t d

Figure 56 Results of the simultaneous fit of two close pulsations with frequencies of2400 dminus1 and 240002 dminus1 and similar amplitudes Each epoch contains data from onemonth TopReconstructed Amplitudes Bottom O minusC diagram

the example above but reducing the amplitude of the second pulsation from 05 to0001 (see Fig 57) leads to the O minusC diagram in Fig 58 The second pulsation is nottaken into consideration because the amplitude does not elevate above the noise level Themain pulsation shows periodic variations in the phase as to be expected from a substellarcompanion At the same time the amplitude appears to be modulated as well indicating amode-beating effect These scenarios strengthen the need for at least one additional phasevariation measurement on an independent pulsation mode in order to conclude on reflexmotion effects due to a substellar companion

Variable amplitude Previous observational studies show that amplitude modulationsare a common phenomenon for sdB stars Kilkenny (2010) But due to the relatively shortobservational baseline of such investigations it is not clear whether amplitude modulationscan appear on their own or together with phase modulations (as result of mode beatingeffects) Thus the OminusC method needs to be able to distinguish between the two scenarioswhich can be tested by using a simulated mode with an amplitude modulation but nophase modulation The example data set shown in Fig 59 and 510 exhibits an amplitudemodulation of 50 The OminusC analysis recovers successful this amplitude variation Alsothe phase shows no simultaneous variation which enables the distinction between a modebeating and pure amplitude modulated scenario


5 Methods




27776 27778 2778




23998 240 24002



f microHz




f dminus1







minus002minus001 0 001 002

minus02 minus01 0 01 02




f dminus1

f microHz

Figure 57 Left Amplitude spectrum for two close pulsations with frequencies of 2400 dminus1

and 240002 dminus1 and amplitudes of 05 and 0001 (top) residuals after subtractionof the mode at 2400 dminus1 (bottom) Note the different scale The residual peaks are onlyslightly above the average noise level Right Window function





0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100


2400 dminus1




t d

Figure 58 Results for two close pulsations with frequencies of 2400 dminus1 and 240002 dminus1

and very different amplitudes Each epoch contains data from one month Top Recon-structed Amplitude Bottom O minusC diagram for the main pulsation


52 Artificial data testing




27776 27778 2778




23998 240 24002



f microHz




f dminus1







minus002minus001 0 001 002

minus02 minus01 0 01 02




f dminus1

f microHz

Figure 59 Left Amplitude spectrum for one pulsation with a frequency of 2400 dminus1

and an amplitude of 05 varying by 50 with a 300 d period (top) residuals afterpre-whitening of the mode at 2400 dminus1 (bottom) Right Window function




0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100


2400 dminus1




t d

Figure 510 Results for one simulated pulsation with a frequency of 2400 dminus1 and anamplitude of 05 The amplitude is varying by 50 with a 300 d period Each epochcontains data from one month Top Reconstructed Amplitude Bottom O minusC diagram


5 Methods

53 Alternative approaches

531 Analytic signal

The analytic signal (AS) is a complex-valued function where real and imaginary part arerelated to each other by the Hilbert transform In polar coordinates the AS can be expressedin terms of its amplitude and phase as a function of time called envelope and instantaneousphase The instantaneous frequency can be obtained by differentiating the instantaneousphase in respect to time From the instantaneous phase an O minusC diagram can be inferredwhich makes the AS a potentially useful tool to investigate phase amplitude and frequencyvariations in stellar pulsations See III (2007) for a comprehensive overview

The AS s(t) of a signal s(t) is defined as

s(t) = s(t) + iH (s(t))

where the Hilbert transformationH is defined over the convolution

H =1πtlowast s(t)

While the original signal generates one amplitude value for each point in time the analyticalrepresentation generates a rotating vector in the complex plane Thus the analyticalrepresentation provides instantaneous values for amplitude frequency and phase withonly a single sample of a discrete signal

The AS is implemented in the scipy library (Jones et al 2011) Since it is based onFourier transforms it requires equidistant steps in time Thus a space born observatorywith a regular and continuous observing scheme is preferred over ground based observa-tions by this method Due to barycentric motion of the spacecraft the time steps will bedistorted after correcting for the barycentric motion Therefore an interpolation in time isnecessary which makes the analysis computationally very expensive

In order to test the implementation the artificial light curves should represent thistemporal behavior The data were generated sampling one stellar pulsation mode accordingto the PLATO scheme (cadence of 25 s for three years) and an ldquoinverserdquo barycentriccorrection was applied in order to create the irregular temporal spacing

For the analysis the artificial data are interpolated on a grid with a spacing of theshortest time between two measurements close to 25 s From an amplitude spectrum thefrequency of the pulsation mode is selected very similar to the classical O minusC approachimplemented for this work In the presence of multiple pulsation frequencies a frequencyfiltering is necessary After the computation of the envelope instantaneous phase andfrequency the expected linear cycle count is subtracted from the instantaneous phase toyield the OminusC diagram (see Fig 511) Since the AS is computed without a binning of datathe result appears to be scattering much more than the classical O minusC result Averagingthe results over a sufficient amount of time smooths the measurements Neverthelessthe process of interpolation before the actual analysis can start is computationally veryexpensive about a factor 1000 more than the classical O minusC calculation This makes theHilbert transform not practical for analysing irregular high cadence data This approachhas not been further pursued in this work


53 Alternative approaches



50100150200250300350 frequency



0 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 01




ampl envelope 2400 dminus1f




t d

Figure 511 Results of the Hilbert transform for one pulsation with a frequency of2400 dminus1 and an amplitude of 05 Top Flux measurements (black) sampled from thepulsation (grey) and amplitude envelope (red) Middle Instantaneous frequency BottomInstantaneous phase minus reference phase

532 Independent confirmation via direct imagingDirect imaging with adaptive optics allow for observations near the refraction limit of thetelescope This might offer the possibility to confirm sub-stellar companion candidateswhere a clear detection using the pulsation timing is affected by non-linear effects ofstellar pulsations However possible companions are still not resolvable with currenttechnology V391 Peg and DW Lyn have a distance of d = (12387000 plusmn 822422) pc andd = (14954389 plusmn 1303785) pc respectively (Gaia Collaboration et al 2018) With semimajor axis of about 17 au (Silvotti et al 2007) and 196 au the hypothetical companionswould be separated by 137 mas and 131 mas from the host star respectively This isabout one order of magnitude smaller than the theoretical angular resolution of 8 m classtelescopes The remaining EXOTIME targets are not significantly closer to Earth Thusthe sub-stellar companion candidates in the EXOTIME sample can not be confirmed viadirect imaging


Part III

The EXOTIME project Signals in theO minusC diagrams of the rapidly pulsatingsubdwarfs DW Lyn V1636 Ori QQ Vir

and V541 Hya


This chapter is published as a journal article ldquoThe EXOTIME project Signals inthe O minus C diagrams of the rapidly pulsating subdwarfs DW Lyn V1636 Ori QQ Virand V541 Hyardquo in Astronomy and Astrophysics (AampA 638 (2020) A108 DOI httpsdoiorg1010510004-6361201937172) copy F Mackebrandt et al 2020Authors F Mackebrandt12 S Schuh1 R Silvotti3 S-L Kim4 D Kilkenny5 EM Green6 R Lutz7 T Nagel8 J L Provencal910 T Otani1112 T D Oswalt1112

S Benatti13 L Lanteri3 A Bonanno14 A Frasca14 R Janulis15 M Paparoacute16 LMolnaacuter1617 R Claudi13 R H Oslashstensen18

Contributions FM analysed the data and wrote the manuscript SS is CoI of the EXO-TIME project coordinated observations at CAHA and supervised the findings of this workRS is PI of the EXOTIME project coordinated observations at TNG and contributedFig 910 and the according description in section 95 The following authors observed andreduced the data S-LK (LOAO) DK (SAAO) EMG (MtB) RL (MN) TN (Tue)JLP (WET) TO (SARA-KP) TDO (SARA-KP) SB (Asi) LL (Loi) AB (Serrala Nave) AF (Serra la Nave) RJ (Mol) MP (Kon) LM (Kon) RC (Asi) RHOslash(NOT)The manuscript has been read discussed and approved by all named authors

Photometric data of Fig 71 results in Fig 92 94 96 and 99 and figures in theappendix are only available at the CDS via anonymous ftp to cdsarcu-strasbgfr(130791285) or via httpcdsarcu-strasbgfrviz-bincatJA+A638

1 Max-Planck-Institut fuumlr Sonnensystemforschung Justus-von-Liebig-Weg 3 37077 Goumlttingen Germany2 Institut fuumlr Astrophysik Georg-August-Universitaumlt Goumlttingen Friedrich-Hund-Platz 1 37077 Goumlttingen

Germany3 INAF ndash Osservatorio Astrofisico di Torino strada dellrsquoOsservatorio 20 10025 Pino Torinese Italy4 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute Daejeon 34055 South Korea5 Department of Physics and Astronomy University of the Western Cape Private Bag X17 Bellville 7535

South Africa6 Steward Observatory University of Arizona 933 N Cherry Avenue Tucson AZ 85721 USA7 German Aerospace Center (DLR) Remote Sensing Technology Institute Muumlnchener Str 20 82234

Weszligling Germany8 Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics Kepler Center for Astro and Particle Physics University of

Tuumlbingen 72076 Tuumlbingen Germany9 University of Delaware Department of Physics and Astronomy Newark DE 19716 USA10 Delaware Asteroseismic Research Center Mt Cuba Observatory Greenville DE 19807 USA11 Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Department of Physical Science and SARA Daytona Beach FL

32114 USA12 Florida Institute of Technology Department of Physics amp Space Sciences Melbourne FL 32901 USA13 INAF ndash Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova Vicolo dellacircAZOsservatorio 5 35122 Padova Italy14 INAF ndash Osservatorio Astrofisico di Catania Via S Sofia 78 95123 Catania Italy15 Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astronomy Vilnius University Gostauto 12 Vilnius 01108 Lithuania16 Konkoly Observatory Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences Konkoly-Thege M uacutet 15-17

1121 Budapest Hungary17 MTA CSFK Lenduumllet Near-Field Cosmology Research Group Konkoly Observatory18 Department of Physics Astronomy and Materials Science Missouri State University Springfield MO

65897 USA


A108Based on observations obtained at the 09 m SARA-KP telescope which is operated bythe Southeastern Association for Research in Astronomy (saraobservatoryorg)


6 Introduction

Subdwarf B stars (sdBs) are sub-luminous stars with a mass of about 05 M located at theblue end of the horizontal branch which is the so-called extreme horizontal branch (EHBHeber 1986) They maintain a helium burning core but their thin hydrogen envelope(Menv lt 001 M) cannot sustain hydrogen shell burning which identifies sdBs withstripped cores of red giants (Heber 2016) Binary evolution with a common envelope (CE)is the favoured formation scenario for most sdBs The sdB progenitor fills its Roche lobenear the tip of the RGB A CE is formed when the mass transfer rate is sufficiently highand the companion star cannot accrete all the matter For close binary systems with smallinitial mass ratios q lt 12ndash15 two phases of mass transfer occur The first Roche-lobeoverflow is stable whereas the second one is unstable leading to the ejection of the CEThe resulting binary consists of an sdB star and a white dwarf in a short-period orbitFor initial mass ratios q gt 12ndash15 the first mass-transfer phase is unstable and the CE isejected producing an sdB star with a non-degenerate (eg main sequence star) companionA more detailed review of formation and evolution of compact binary systems can be foundin Podsiadlowski (2008) and Postnov and Yungelson (2014) These formation scenarioscannot explain the observed additional occurrence of apparently single sdBs (Maxtedet al 2001) Among the proposed formation scenarios is the proposal by Webbink (1984)that they could be formed by a merger of two helium white dwarfs But such mergersare problematic as they are expected to retain very little hydrogen (Han et al 2002) andbe left with higher rotation rates than what has been observed (Charpinet et al 2018)Moreover the overall observed mass distribution of single sdB stars is not consistent withthat expected from the proposed formation scenario Sub-stellar companions could resolvethis disagreement between theory and observations Planetary-mass companions like thecandidates V391 Peg b (Silvotti et al 2007) KIC 05807616 bc (Charpinet et al 2011)KIC 10001893 bcd (Silvotti et al 2014) or brown dwarf companions like V2008-1753 B(Schaffenroth et al 2015) or CS 1246 (Barlow et al 2011b) indicate the existence of apreviously undiscovered population of companions to apparently single sdBs

Due to the high surface gravity and effective temperature (leading to few stronglybroadened spectral lines in the optical) and the small radii of sdBs the detection efficiencyfor companions via methods like radial velocity variations or transits is small The timingof stellar pulsations offers a complementary detection method sensitive to large orbitalseparations

A small fraction of sdB stars shows pulsational variations in the p- (pressure-) andg- (gravity-) mode regimes Rapid p-mode pulsators (sdBVr) discovered by Kilkennyet al (1997) show periods of the order of minutes and amplitudes of a few tens of mmagSuch pulsations were predicted by Charpinet et al (1997 et seq) to be driven by theκ-mechanism due to a Z-opacity bump For slow pulsators (sdBVs) the periods range


6 Introduction

from 30 to 80 min with small amplitudes of a few mmag This class was discovered byGreen et al (2003) and the pulsations are explained by the κ-mechanism as well (Fontaineet al 2003) Some sdB stars show both types of pulsation modes simultaneously (sdBVrs)These hybrid pulsators lie at the temperature boundary near 28000 K between the twoclasses of pulsating stars for example the prototype for this class DW Lyn (Schuh et al2006) which is also addressed in this work or Balloon 090100001 (Baran et al 2005)

Pulsations driven by the κ-mechanism are coherent which qualifies these objects forthe timing method to search for sub-stellar companions This method is based on thelight-travel time effect with the host star acting as a stable ldquoclockrdquo spatial movements ofthe star around the barycentre induced by a companion result in time delays of the stellarlight measured by the observer Examples of detections using this method are ldquopulsar-planetsrdquo (eg Wolszczan and Frail 1992) planets detected by transit timing variations (egKepler 19 c Ballard et al 2011) planets orbiting δScuti stars (Murphy et al 2016a) oreclipsing binaries (eg V2051 Oph (AB) b Qian et al 2015) In particular the detectionof a late-type main sequence star companion to the sdB CS 1246 by Barlow et al (2011b)subsequently confirmed with radial velocity data (Barlow et al 2011a) or other studieslike Otani et al (2018) demonstrate the viability of this method in sdB systems On theother hand the particular example of V391 Peg b is currently under discussion (Silvottiet al 2018) because of possible non-linear interactions between different pulsation modesthat change arrival times (see Zong et al 2018 for a detailed study of amplitudefrequencyvariations related to nonlinear effects) Stochastically driven pulsations are suspected byReed et al (2007a) Kilkenny (2010) and their nature confirmed by Oslashstensen et al (2014)Also the candidate detections of KIC 05807616 and KIC 10001893 are uncertain sinceother sdBs observed within the Kepler K2- mission exhibit g-modes with long periods upto few hours They question the interpretation of the low-frequency variations for KIC05807616 and KIC 10001893 (eg Krzesinski 2015 Blokesz et al 2019)

In order to detect sub-stellar companions orbiting rapidly pulsating sdB stars theEXOTIME observational programme (EXOplanet search with the TIming MEthod) hasbeen taking long term data since 1999 EXOTIME conducted a long-term monitoringprogramme of five rapidly pulsating sdB stars V391 Peg has been discussed by Silvottiet al (2007 2018) In this paper we present the observations of DW Lyn and V1636 Oripreviously discussed in Lutz et al (2008a) Schuh et al (2010) Lutz (2011) Lutz et al(2011) and re-evaluate their findings using an extended set of observations In additionthe observations of QQ Vir and V541 Hya are presented and analysed In the beginning ofthe programme the mode stability was tested for all targets over a timespan of months inorder to ensure the pulsation modes were coherent

For the DW Lyn observations Lutz et al (2011) found no significant signals in aperiodogram of the O minus C data of the two analysed pulsation frequencies which wouldindicate sub-stellar companions A tentative signal in the second frequency (in this worklabelled f2 as well) formally corresponding to an 80-day companion orbit is concludedto arise from mode beating of an unresolved frequency doublet The analysis of V1636Ori revealed a signal at 160 d in the periodogram of the main frequency O minusC data (Lutzet al 2011) Although this periodicity showed a significance of only 1σ Lutz et al(2011) predicted an increase of significance with follow-up observations We are usingthis extended data set in our work now incorporating observations up to 2015

This paper is organised as follows Section 7 describes the observational aspects within


6 Introduction

the EXOTIME programme and the data reduction followed by a description of our analysisin Sect 8 Our results are presented in Sect 9 together with a discussion


7 Observations and data reduction

The observational data necessary for the analysis are comprised of many individual datasets gathered over the course of up to two decades The detection method demands theobservation of a target for a total time base at least as long as one orbit of a potentialcompanion which can span several years This requires coordinated campaigns withobservatories using ~1 ndash 4 m telescopes In order to derive sufficient accuracy for theanalysis observations with at least three to four consecutive nights each with a minimumof two to three hours per target are required To resolve the short-period p-modes thecadence must be shorter than about 30 s but still with a sufficient signal-to-noise ratio(SN) All observations used the Johnson-Bessel B band The correct time stamps foreach observation are of most importance for the timing analysis Most observatories ofthis study contributed already successfully to the work of Silvotti et al (2007) Silvotti(2008 Table 2) The following lists some references where telescopes used for thisstudy contributed successfully to other timing-relevant observations Konkoly RCC 10 mTelescope Provencal et al (2009) Stello et al (2006) Mt Lemmon Optical AstronomyObservatory Bischoff-Kim et al (2019) Lee et al (2014) Serra la Nave 09 m Bonannoet al (2003ab) SARA-KP 09 m telescope Kilkenny (2014) Baran et al (2018)

Table 71 lists the atmospheric parameters of the stars and Table 72 summarisesthe photometric observations obtained at multiple medium-class telescopes Fig 71summarises the observational coverage

71 DW Lyn

Dreizler et al (2002) identified DW Lyn (HS 0702+6043) as a p-mode pulsator Schuhet al (2006) discovered additional g-mode pulsations making this star the prototype of

Table 71 Atmospheric parameters of the targets

Target Te f f K log(g cm





DW Lyn 28 400plusmn600 535plusmn01 -27plusmn01 1V1636 Ori 33 800plusmn1 000 560plusmn015 -185plusmn020 2QQ Vir 34 800plusmn610 581plusmn005 -165plusmn005 3V541 Hya 34 806plusmn230 5794plusmn0044 -1680plusmn0056 4

1 Dreizler et al (2002) 2 Oslashstensen et al (2001) 3 Telting andOslashstensen (2004) 4 Randall et al (2009)


7 Observations and data reduction






54500 55000 55500 56000 56500

2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013










54500 55000 55500 56000 56500 57000

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015








71 DW Lyn






52000 52500 53000 53500 54000 54500 55000 55500 56000

2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013










53000 53500 54000 54500 55000 55500 56000 56500 57000 57500

2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016







Figure 71 Light curves Grey points are considered outliers and partially exceeding theplotting range (a) DW Lyn (b) V1636 Ori (c) QQ Vir (d) V541 Hya


7 Observations and data reductionTable












































































































































































72 V1636 Ori

hybrid sdB pulsatorsThere are photometric data available from 1999 Large gaps make a consistent O minusC

analysis difficult Regular monitoring within the EXOTIME programme ran from 2007until the beginning of 2010 Further observations cover a period up to the end of 2010These multi-site observations are described in Lutz et al (2008ab 2011) Here we addobservations made with the SARA-KP 09 m telescope at Kitt Peak National Observatoryin Arizona that used exposure times of 30 s

72 V1636 OriOslashstensen et al (2001) discovered V1636 Ori (HS 0444+0458) as a pulsating sdB starReed et al (2007b) conducted a frequency analysis reporting one small and two largeamplitude p-modes

V1636 Ori was observed between August 2008 and January 2015 for the EXOTIMEproject About a third of the data was obtained using the 1 m South African AstronomicalObservatory (SAAO) with the UCT and STE3 CCD instruments Observations at the 12 mMONETNorth telescope equipped with an Apogee 1ktimes1k E2V CCD camera were takenin 2x2 binning using 20 s exposure times Observations at the 22 m Calar Alto Observatory(CAHA) used the CAFOS instrument with 10 s exposure time Two nights were obtainedat the 15 m telescope at Loiano observatory using the BFOSC (Bologna Faint ObjectSpectrograph amp Camera) instrument and 15 s exposure times Between October 2008 andDecember 2009 observations at the 1 m Mt Lemmon Optical Astronomy Observatory(LOAO) were conducted with a 2ktimes2k CCD camera with exposure times of 12 s and 20 sThe observations at the 36 m Telescopio Nazionale Galileo (TNG) in August 2008 and2010 were performed with the DOLORES instrument and 5 s exposure times

73 QQ VirThe discovery of QQ Vir (PG 1325+101) as a multi-period pulsator was reported in Silvottiet al (2002) followed by a frequency analysis and asteroseismological modelling bySilvotti et al (2006) and Charpinet et al (2006) respectively

Observations of QQ Vir in 2001 and 2003 are described in Silvotti et al (2002) andSilvotti et al (2006) respectively Between March 2008 and April 2010 the object wasobserved as part of the EXOTIME project (Benatti et al 2010) Additionally one obser-vation run in February 2005 was performed at the 15 m telescope at Loiano observatoryusing the BFOSC instrument Most of the observations were obtained in 2009 2010 2011and 2012 at the LOAO using an exposure time of 10 s The CAHA and MONETNorthobservations were conducted with 10 s and 20 s exposure times respectively The Loianoobservatory performed additional observations in 2009 2010 and 2011 with the 15 mtelescope using BFOSC and an exposure times of 12 s 15 s and 20 s Observations atthe Moletai Astronomical Observatory (Mol) in 2008 were performed using the 16 mtelescope and an Apogee 1ktimes1k E2V CCD camera using 175 s of exposure time Obser-vations at the SAAO used the same instrumental set up as described in section 72 TheTNG observed in 2010 and 2011 A DARC-WET campaign on QQ Vir was performed inMay 2010


7 Observations and data reduction

74 V541 HyaV541 Hya (EC 09582-1137) was discovered by Kilkenny et al (2006) Randall et al(2009) conducted an asteroseismological analysis of this target

Between 2005 and 2015 a large number of observations were obtained at the SAAOusing the same instrumentation noted in Sect 72 and exposure times of 10 s The LOAOconducted observations in 2009 2012 and 2013 with exposure times of 20 s During March2009 and February and March 2010 V541 Hya was observed at the CAHA using anexposure time of 10 s

75 TESS observationsThe primary goal of the NASA Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) space tele-scope is to detect exoplanets transiting bright nearby stars (Ricker et al 2015) Howeverthe extensive time series photometry is valuable for asteroseimology and the TESS Astero-seismic Science Consortium (TASC) coordinates short cadence observations of pulsatingevolved stars TESS observed V1636 Ori and V541 Hya with a cadence of 120 s betweenNovember 15 2018 and December 11 2018 and February 2 2019 and February 27 2019respectively We used the light curves provided by the MAST archive1 that had commoninstrumental trends removed by the Pre-Search Data Conditioning Pipeline (PDC Stumpeet al 2012) Light curves and amplitude spectra are presented in Fig 111 and 112 Thetwo minutes (ldquoshortrdquo) cadence undersamples the p-modes at about 140 s In combinationwith the large photometric scatter the amplitude spectra show no evidence of the p-modesThus we do not make use of the TESS observations in our study

76 Data reductionFor the EXOTIME observations the data reduction was carried out using the IDL softwareTRIPP (Time Resolved Imaging Photometry Package see Schuh et al 2000) TRIPPperforms bias- dark- flat-field corrections and differential aperture photometry to calculatethe relative flux of a target with respect to one or more comparison stars and extinction-corrections (second order polynomial in time) In the presence of sub-stellar companionswe might expect variations in the arrival times of stellar pulsations on the order of secondsto tens of seconds The corresponding uncertainties are expected to be about one secondThese uncertainties rise from observational constrains such as smearing and samplingeffects due to the integration time The accuracy of individual time-stamps is better thanplusmn05 s All time stamps were converted from GJD(UTC) to BJD(TDB) according toEastman et al (2010) with an accuracy well below the expected observational uncertainty

Typical SN for our ground-based observations range from 60 for large amplitudepulsations to 3 for the smallest pulsation-amplitudes we investigate in this work Theamplitude spectra in Sect 9 show also pulsations with smaller SN but these are notsuitable for timing analysis because the uncertainties are too large (see Table 111)

1 httpsarchivestsciedu


8 Analysis

In order to detect variations in the arrival time of stellar pulsations we developed a pipelineto process the reduced data A schematic flowchart of our pipeline is presented in Fig 81The input consists of the light curve (time series) and the dates of the observational epochsIn a light curve typically spanning several years at a very low duty cycle of 02 to 17 percent an epoch consists of a few roughly consecutive nights of observation

Outlier removal In case no uncertainty in the flux measurement F is provided theroot-mean-square of each observation is used as an approximate photometric error forthe later analysis We have used a running median filter to exclude 5σ flux-outliers Thelength of the window size depends on the cadence of the observations We constrained itto be not longer than half of the period of the main frequency The analysis is performedfor each frequency individually before all frequencies were analysed simultaneously

Full data fit For the individual fitting of pulsations we first determined the frequencyof the main signal For this we used the astropy package to calculate the Lomb-Scargleperiodogram (Astropy Collaboration et al 2013 2018) From this periodogram we selectedthe frequency with the largest amplitude to continue In the next step we performed the fitof a sinusoidal function to the light curve using

F(t) = A sin ( f t + φ) + o (81)

with amplitude A frequency f phase φ and offset o The minimization problem is solvedusing the scipy implementation of the Trust Region Reflective algorithm (Jones et al2011) The selected frequency from the amplitude spectrum serves as initial value thefull-width-at-half-maximum of the corresponding peak in the periodogram is used as aboundary The amplitude-guess is taken from the amplitude spectrum In case of highlyvarying amplitudes the initial value can be set manually The fitting routine returns theparameters and their variance

Epoch fit Frequency and offset are all kept fixed for the following analysis of theindividual observational epochs The starting value of the current phase fit is determinedby the average of the previous j phase values (or the global fit value from above in casethere are no j previous values yet) in order to keep the fitting process stable and avoidldquophase-jumpsrdquo For our target sample a value of j = 3 has proven to be reasonable exceptwhen observational gaps span over several years

The uncertainty in the phase measurement scales inverse with the length of the epochsThus this length is chosen in a way to minimize the uncertainties of the fit but at the same


8 Analysis

LC data epochsperiodogram

choose frequency

fit to refine frequencyC

determine nth frequency

divide light curveinto epochs

fit to epochs O

O minus C-diagram

new Frequency

pre-whitening LCwith fit model

fit sum of nsine to LC

fit sum of nsine to epochs

O minus C-diagramyesn + 1 no






Figure 81 Flow chart representing the analysis of the time of arrival Light curve (LC)and start end time of each observational epoch are provided as input Each frequency isanalysed leading to an intermediate O minusC-diagram and subtracted from the LC by itselfbefore the sum of all sinusoidal functions is fitted simultaneously to the LC resulting inthe final O minusC-diagram

time keep the epochs as short as possible to maximize the temporal resolution of the finalO minusC diagram Often the observations themselves constrain the length of the epochs (egthree consecutive nights of observations and a gap of several weeks before the next blockof observations) If possible we aim for an epoch length such that the timing uncertaintiesare of the order of one second The phase information of the global and the epoch fit resultin a intermediate O minusC diagram

As a last step in the single-frequency-analysis the fitted model is subtracted from thelight curve We noticed significant amplitude variations for some of our targets Thuswe subtract the model using the amplitude of the individual epochs This pre-whiteningprocedure is repeated for every relevant pulsation in the data

Multi frequency fit Close frequencies are likely to introduce artificial trends in thearrival times in such a step-by-step analysis Thus the sum of all sinusoidal functions

F(t) = An sin ( fnt + φn) + o (82)

is fitted to the non-whitened light curve where n is the number of investigated frequenciesThe previously retrieved values for amplitude frequency phase and offset are used asinitial values We are using the phase information φn of the light curve as reference phasenamely calculated phase C in the final O minus C diagram Similar to the single-frequency


8 Analysis

Table 81 Parameters of the simultaneously fitted pulsations per target over their fullobservational time span and the pulsation period P

Target f dminus1 P s A φ d

DW Lyn f1 237941160 (8) 363114982(12) 219 (9) 54394741 (5)f2 22515898 (5) 38372887(9) 035 (9) 5439474 (3)

V1636 Ori f1 6317346 (2) 13676629(5) 054 (3) 5469872 (3)f2 5099780 (3) 1694191(1) 024 (3) 5469872 (7)

QQ Vir f1 626877627 (3) 1378259429(7) 26 (1) 52117924 (6)f2 55200714 (9) 15651971(3) 010 (9) 521179 (1)f3 6420515 (1) 13456864(3) 007 (1) 521179 (2)

V541 Hya f1 63532218 (5) 135993993(11) 031 (8) 5341388 (3)f2 57128556 (3) 151237850(8) 021 (7) 5341388 (3)

Notes The phase φ refers to the time corresponding to the first zero-crossing ofthe function after the first measurement t0 in MBJD

analysis the observational epochs are now fitted individually using the sum of sinusoidalfunctions to yield the observed phase information O

The results of the simultaneous fit for each target in this paper are summarised in Ta-ble 81 We list pulsation modes not used for the timing analysis in Table 111 Figures 82ndash 85 show example light curves of the targets for one epoch each including their multifrequency fit and the respective amplitude spectrum


8 Analysis



470 472 474 476 478 480 482 484 486 488



572 574 576 578 580 582 584 586 588 590



672 674 676 678 680 682 684 686 688 690



t d since 2007-10-17




2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 3000




225 epoch


210 220 230 240 250 260




f microHz






f dminus1

Figure 82 Example observations of DW Lyn from October 2122 and 23 2010 at theLulin observatory (top from top to bottom) combined used as one O minusC measurementThe errorbar on the left of each plot represents the photometric uncertainty The red lineshows the simultaneous two frequency fit to the epoch data The amplitude spectra inthe lower panel show the spectrum of the full data set (top) the spectrum of this epoch(middle) and the respective window function computed at f1 (bottom)


8 Analysis



130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137



229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236



329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336



t d since 2009-03-20




065700 6000 6300 6600 6900 7200 7500






480 500 520 540 560 580 600 620 640 660




f microHz






f dminus1

Figure 83 Example observations of V1636 Ori from March 20 21 and 22 2009 atthe CAHA (top from top to bottom) combined used as one O minus C measurement Theerrorbar on the left of each plot represents the photometric uncertainty The red line showsthe simultaneuos two frequency fit to the epoch data The amplitude spectra in the lowerpanel show the spectrum of the full data set (top) the spectrum of this epoch (middle) andthe respective window function computed at f1 (bottom)


8 Analysis



876 880 884 888 892 896 900



976 980 984 988 992 996 1000



1072 1076 1080 1084 1088 1092 1096



t d since 2012-02-13




6200 6400 6600 6800 7000 7200 7400 7600 7800





15 epoch


540 560 580 600 620 640 660 680




f microHz






f dminus1

Figure 84 Example observations of QQ Vir from February 20 21 and 22 2012 at theMonet telescope (top from top to bottom) combined used as one OminusC measurement Theerrorbar on the left of each plot represents the photometric uncertainty The red line showsthe simultaneuos two frequency fit to the epoch data The amplitude spectra in the lowerpanel show the spectrum of the full data set (top) the spectrum of this epoch (middle) andthe respective window function computed at f1 (bottom)


8 Analysis



284 288 292 296 300 304 308 312



380 384 388 392 396 400 404 408



888 892 896 900 904 908 912 916



t d since 2008-02-04




036400 6600 6800 7000 7200 7400 7600 7800




04 epoch


540 560 580 600 620 640 660 680




f microHz






f dminus1

Figure 85 Example observations of V541 Hya from February 6 7 and 12 2008 at theSAAO (top from top to bottom) combined used as one O minusC measurement The errorbaron the left of each plot represents the photometric uncertainty The red line shows thesimultaneuos two frequency fit to the epoch data The amplitude spectra in the lower panelshow the spectrum of the full data set (top) the spectrum of this epoch (middle) and therespective window function computed at f1 (bottom)


9 Results and discussion

In the following we discuss the implications of the obtained amplitude spectra and O minusCmeasurements on the evolutionary state and presence of sub-stellar companions to thetargets

91 DW LynThe amplitude spectrum of DW Lyn in Fig 113 reveals two strong pulsation modes atf1 = 237941160 dminus1 and f2 = 22515898 dminus1 A closer look to the amplitude spectrum inFig 91 reveals small asymmetries compared to the window function The pre-whiteningof both frequencies leaves residuals well above noise level in the amplitude spectrumindicating unresolved multiplets or mode splitting especially for f2

The SN of modes at higher frequencies for example at about 320 dminus1 and 480 dminus1are too small for a stable O minusC analysis (see Table 111) Therefore the O minusC diagram




minus02 minus015 minus01 minus005 0 005 01 015 02




0010203 f2



minus002 minus0015 minus001 minus0005 0 0005 001 0015 002


Af 1

f microHz




f 2







f dminus1

Figure 91 Amplitude spectrum of DW Lyn of the main pulsation frequency f1 =

237941160 dminus1 (top) f2 = 22515898 dminus1 (middle) with the respective residuals afterthe pre-whitening below and the normalised window-function (bottom)


9 Results and discussion




2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012





54400 54600 54800 55000 55200 55400 55600 55800 56000 56200 56400













Figure 92 Results for the two main pulsations of DW Lyn Top panel AmplitudesMiddle panel Fits of the O minusC data with second order polynomials in time Lower panelResiduals

in Fig 92 shows the analysis of the two main pulsation modes with the time-dependentvariation of the pulsation amplitudes

In order to determine evolutionary times-cales of the pulsations we investigate thelong-term evolution in the OminusC data A constant change in period results in a second-orderterm as a function of time (Sterken 2005) which allows us to derive a value for the secularchange of the period P and hence the evolutionary time-scale Results of the fits of thesecond order polynomial are included in Fig 92 which are PP f 1 = (58 plusmn 02)times 10minus5 dminus1

and PP f 2 = (minus293 plusmn 08) times 10minus5 dminus1 Assuming P is based on stellar evolution stellarmodel calculations show that the sign of the rate of period change indicates the phase ofthe sdB after the zero-age extreme horizontal branch (ZAEHB Charpinet et al 2002) Forp-modes a positive P relates to the first evolutionary phase of the ZAEHB in which thesurface gravity decreases due to He burning in the core A negative P would correspondto the second evolutionary phase in which the sdB contracts because the depletion of Hein its core and this happens before the post-EHB evolution The turning point betweenthese two states occurs between 87 and 91 Myr after the ZAEHB According to ourmeasurement of a positive P for f1 DW Lyn would still be in its first evolutionary phaseWith the lack of a mode identification from an asteroseismic model for DW Lyn we can notdirectly compare the measured P with theoretical predictions from Charpinet et al (2002)However stellar models with pulsation periods of around 360 s show values for P with acomparable order of magnitude as our measurement P = (43 plusmn 015) times 10minus1 s Myrminus1 forexample P = 162s Myrminus1 for a model with a mode of l = 0 k = 0 at the age of 6783 Myr(Charpinet et al 2002 appendix C) The large P of f2 is consistent with the apparent modesplitting seen in the amplitude spectra in Fig 91 and thus does not reflect the evolutionary


92 V1636 Ori

phase of DW LynAfter subtracting the long term-trend small time scale features are evident For

example the O minus C data for f2 show an oscillating behaviour with a significance of 3σwithin the first 200 days while the arrival times for f1 remain constant during the sameperiod of time In later epochs the O minusC data for both frequencies agree mostly within2σ During the second half of the observations the phase of f2 jumps by about 100 s Thisbehavior lacks an explanation

Additionally the evolution of the pulsation-amplitudes in Fig 92 shows a comparableoscillating behaviour for f2 within the first epochs similar to the change in arrival timesAlthough the periodic variations in amplitude are not as significant as for the phase theoccurrence of simultaneous phase- and amplitude-modulations indicate a mode-beatingof two close unresolved frequencies The residuals in the amplitude spectrum supportthis explanation In later observations the amplitude remains almost constant within theuncertainties The beating mode might lose energy or shift frequency over time Theamplitude for the f1 pulsation drops by about 1 per cent (amplitude) or about 35 per cent(relative) to the second half of the observation campaign with a similar quasi-periodicvariation as the phase The residuals in the amplitude spectrum show no indication of anunresolved frequency leading to mode-beating Besides stochastically driven pulsationmodes Kilkenny (2010) suggest energy transfer between modes as possible explanationfor amplitude variations For both frequencies a possible interaction between amplitudeand phase of pulsations is not well understood

92 V1636 Ori

The amplitude spectrum of V1636 Ori in Fig 114 shows two main pulsation modes withfrequencies at f1 = 6317346 dminus1 and f2 = 5099780 dminus1 The SN is not sufficient to use athird pulsation mode at 5662 dminus1 (6553 microHz Reed et al 2007b) The amplitude spectrumof TESS data in Fig 112 shows no evidence for g-mode pulsations with amplitudes greaterthan 04 per cent A detailed look at the spectra of the two main frequencies in Fig 93shows mode splitting likely due to a change in frequency over the long time of observation

The O minusC diagram in Fig 94 shows the two main pulsation modes and the variationof the pulsation amplitudes

From the second order fit in time we derive the changes in period PP f 1 = (minus854plusmn014) times 10minus5 dminus1 and PP f 2 = (minus25 plusmn 05) times 10minus5 dminus1 We caution the interpretation ofthese values as evolutionary time scales since the apparent mode splitting seen in Fig 93could explain these trends as well

The residuals after subtracting the long term trend show a large variation They changeby up to about plusmn50 s for f1 (sim 14σ significance) and up to about plusmn30 s for f2 (sim 3σsignificance) The amplitude for f1 drops by about 025 per cent (amplitude) or about33 per cent (relative) in the time between MBJD = 55100 d and 55300 d and returnsto its previous level afterwards while the amplitude for f2 remains constant within theuncertainties This decrease in amplitude coincides with earlier arrival times in the O minusCdiagram As already discussed in the previous section a possible amplitude- and phase-interaction is not well understood The f1 pulsation mode may not be coherent on suchlong time-scales but of a short-term stochastic nature not resolvable by our data set (eg


9 Results and discussion


minus02 minus015 minus01 minus005 0 005 01 015 02





02 f2




minus002 minus0015 minus001 minus0005 0 0005 001 0015 002


Af 1

f microHz




f 2







f dminus1

Figure 93 Amplitude spectrum of V1636 Ori of the main pulsation frequency f1 =

6317346 dminus1 (top) f2 = 5099780 dminus1 (middle) with the respective residuals after thepre-whitening below and the normalised window-function (bottom)

KIC 2991276 Oslashstensen et al 2014)

93 QQ VirFig 115 shows the amplitude spectrum for the QQ Vir observations The main frequencyat about f1 = 626877628 dminus1 is presented in Fig 95 in detail and shows asymmetriescompared to the window function After the pre-whitening process a close frequency atabout 626881270 dminus1 remains but attempts to model this pulsation fail with uncertaintiestoo large for the timing analysis There appear two more frequencies suitable for our studyThe amplitude spectra around f2 = 55200713 dminus1 and f3 = 6420516 dminus1 are presentednext to f1 in Fig 95 Another peak at about 665 dminus1 consists of at least two frequenciesat 664488549 dminus1 and 665478133 dminus1 but they are not sufficiently resolvable within theindividual epochs and lead to too large uncertainties in the O minusC analysis

Fig 96 shows the resulting O minus C diagram and the amplitudes at different epochsDue to the large observational gap from 2003 to 2008 with only one block of observationsin between we had difficulties avoiding errors in cycle count In order to avoid a phasejump we increased the averaging window for initial phase values to q = 6 With this setup the changes in pulsation frequencies read as follows PP f 1 = (17 plusmn 16) times 10minus7 dminus1PP f 2 = (24 plusmn 04) times 10minus5 dminus1 and PP f 3 = (40 plusmn 05) times 10minus6 dminus1 While f2 and f3 showno significant variation of pulsation amplitude f1 varies by 15 per cent (amplitude) or50 per cent (relative) Thus the corresponding phase changes should be interpreted withcaution Charpinet et al (2006) identify the radial order k and degree l from asteroseismic


93 QQ Vir




2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014






55000 55500 56000 56500 57000













Figure 94 Results for the two main pulsations of V1636 Ori Top panel AmplitudesMiddle panel Fits of the O minusC data with second order polynomials in time Lower panelResiduals


minus02 minus01 0 01 02




01 f2



01 f3



minus002 minus001 0 001 002


Af 1

f microHz




f 2




Af 3







f dminus1

Figure 95 Amplitude spectrum of QQ Vir of the main pulsation frequency f1 =

626877628 dminus1 (top) f2 = 55200713 dminus1 (top middle) f3 = 6420516 dminus1 (bottom middle)with the respective residuals after the pre-whitening below and the normalised window-function (bottom)


9 Results and discussion











52000 53000 54000 55000 56000




2f 3










Figure 96 Results for the three main pulsations of QQ Vir Top panel Amplitudes f3 hasa vertical offset of -1 for clarity Middle panel Fits of the O minusC data with second orderpolynomials in time Lower panel Residuals

modelling to be f1 l = 2 k = 2 f2 l = 4 k = 1 f3 l = 3 k = 2 These combinationsdo not allow a direct comparison of our P measurements to the model calculations fromCharpinet et al (2002) but the sign of P indicates QQ Vir to be in the stage of He burning

94 V541 HyaThe amplitude spectrum in Fig 116 shows two pulsation modes with frequencies atf1 = 63532218 dminus1 and at f2 = 57128556 dminus1 Both of them show a complex behavior(Fig 97) indicating unresolved multiplets andor frequency changes that we see also in theO-C diagrams (Fig 99) The SN for a third frequency at 60388741 dminus1 is not sufficientfor the O minusC analysis Similar to V1636 Ori the amplitude spectrum obtained from theTESS light curve in Fig 112 shows no evidence for g-mode pulsations with amplitudesgreater than 04 per cent

Randall et al (2009) speculated about rotational mode splitting for f3 with ∆ f3minus =

512 microHz and ∆ f3+ = 368 microHz The asteroseismic modelling associates f1 with a l = 0mode and f2 with l = 0 or 1 mode (depending on the favoured model) f3 corresponds to al = 2 mode They caution this interpretation due to their limited resolution in frequencyspace the mode splitting could be an unresolved quintuplet Our data set shows no clearevidence for a mode splitting with ∆ f3minus = 512 microHz or ∆ f3+ = 368 microHz (see Fig 98) butrather a mode splitting for f1 and f2 with about ∆ f = 008 microHz (Fig 97) Assuming thesemodes are of degree l = 1 this could be interpreted as a triplet But Randall et al (2009)model these modes with a degree of l = 0 which does not support a mode splitting into


94 V541 Hya


minus02 minus015 minus01 minus005 0 005 01 015 02





02 f2




minus002 minus0015 minus001 minus0005 0 0005 001 0015 002


Af 1

f microHz




f 2







f dminus1

Figure 97 Amplitude spectrum of V541 Hya of the main pulsation frequency f1 =

63532218 dminus1 (top) f2 = 57128556 dminus1 (middle) with the respective residuals after thepre-whitening below and the normalised window-function (bottom)





008minus6 minus5 minus4 minus3 minus2 minus1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6







minus06 minus04 minus02 0 02 04 06




f microHz




f dminus1

Figure 98 Amplitude spectrum with respect to the pulsation frequency f3 = 60388741 dminus1

of V541 Hya (top) and the normalised window-function (bottom)



9 Results and discussion



2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015





53000 54000 55000 56000 57000














Figure 99 Results for the two main pulsations of V541 Hya Top panel AmplitudesMiddle panel Fits of the O minusC data with second order polynomials in time Lower panelResiduals

The OminusC diagram in Fig 99 shows the analysis of the two main pulsation modes andthe variation of the pulsation amplitudes The second order fits in time indicated in theO minusC diagram correspond to changes in period of PP f 1 = (minus149 plusmn 011) times 10minus5 dminus1 andPP f 2 = (minus07 plusmn 15) times 10minus5 dminus1 For f2 the change in period does not significantly differfrom the null hypothesis Assuming these changes origin from stellar evolution V541 Hyamight just have passed the point of sign change in P and at the beginning of the contractionphase While the arrival times scatter widely the amplitudes of both pulsations remainalmost constant within the uncertainties If V541 Hya is in its evolution close to startingthe contraction phase as indicated by a P close to zero the changes in stellar structuremay cancel the strict phase coherence

95 Testing the sub-stellar companion hypothesisIn order to set upper limits to the mass of a companion we computed a series of syntheticO minusC curves for different orbital periods and companion masses assuming circular orbitsand compared these curves with the O minusC measurements after subtracting the long-termvariations

For each synthetic O minus C curve we selected the phase that gives the best fit to thedata using a weighted least squares algorithm For each observational point we computedthe difference in absolute value and in σ units (where σ is the O minus C error) betweenO minusC and the synthetic value The greyscale in Fig 910 corresponds to the mean valueof this difference in σ units which means that the presence of a companion is indicated


95 Testing the sub-stellar companion hypothesis

by a minimum (bright areas) of this parameter We see that in V1636 Ori QQ Vir andV541 Hya the mean difference for f1 is always very high implying that the data are notcompatible with a companion However these results are limited by the fact that the O minusCdiagrams of these stars are ldquocontaminatedrdquo by other irregular variations presumably due toother reasons like non-linear interactions between different pulsation modes for exampleand therefore these constraints to the orbital period and mass of a companion must be takenwith some caution For the f2 and f3 measurements the mean difference to the syntheticdata is smaller in sigma units (because of the larger uncertainties) and very uniform Theuncertainties of the O-C measurements are not small enough to favour a set of models inthe period-mass parameter space

For f1 of DW Lyn there is a significant minimum at about 1450 d (sim 4 years) andsim 5 MX

1 which is well visible also in the O minusC diagram of Fig 92 This periodicity isnot visible in the second frequency f2 which however has much larger error bars due tothe much lower amplitude of f2 with respect to f1

Lutz et al (2011) described a periodicity at 80 days detected for f2 We can recoverthis signal however with a low significance This would correspond to a light travel timeamplitude of 4 s (for m sin i asymp 15 MX) which is smaller than 15 s measured by Lutz et al(2011) Nevertheless this signal is not confirmed by f1 Thus we rule out a companioninduced signal in the arrival times due to the lack of simultaneous signals in f1 and f2 withsimilar amplitude The tentative signal in f2 is better explained by mode beating as alreadydescribed in Sect 91 The variations seen in the first 200 days of the O minus C diagram inFig 92 correspond to a periodicity of about 80 days and are accompanied by variations inthe amplitude of the pulsation

For V1636 Ori Lutz (2011) predicted a period at 160 d and amplitude of 12 s Thiscan not be confirmed as a companion-induced signal A periodic signal with an amplitudeof 65 s (for m sin i asymp 15 MX) is indicated in the analysis of f1 but at a low significanceand accompanied by many other signals of similar significance This periodicity is notconfirmed by a significant signal in the measurements of f2

1 1 MX (Jupiter mass) = 1899 middot 1027 kg


9 Results and discussion

1 10 100 1000P d












80 d

1 10 100 1000P d






80 d2









1 10 100 1000P d












160 d

1 10 100 1000P d






160 d












95 Testing the sub-stellar companion hypothesis

1 10 100 1000P d












1 10 100 1000P d

1 10 100 1000P d

















9 Results and discussion

1 10 100 1000P d












1 10 100 1000P d







6 6








Figure 910 Minimum companion mass as a function of orbital period Greyscale showsthe difference between the O minus C measurements and artificial O minus C data generated fora given combination of companion mass and orbit We note that at this stage the phaseoptimization of the artificial data is done independently for each pulsation frequency Themedian of gaps in between the epochs is indicated by a vertical dotted line See text formore details (a) DW Lyn Contour lines for f1 are placed at 2 3 4 and 5σ (left panel)and for f2 at 325 and 35σ (right panel) as indicated by their labels The planetary signalproposed by Lutz et al (2011) at a period of 80 d is indicated as dashed line (b) V1636Ori Contour lines for f1 are placed at 9 and 10σ (left panel) and for f2 at 2 and 22σ(right panel) as indicated by their labels The planetary signal proposed by Lutz et al(2011) at a period of 160 d is indicated as dashed line (c) QQ Vir Contour lines for f1 areplaced at 15 20 and 25σ (left panel) for f2 at 11 and 13σ (middle panel) and for f3 at13 and 15σ (right panel) as indicated by their labels (c) V541 Hya Contour lines forf1 are placed at 6 8 and 10σ (left panel) and for f2 at 45 55 and 65σ (right panel) asindicated by their labels


10 Summary and Conclusion

In this work we present ground-based multi-site observations for the four sdBs DWLyn V1636 Ori QQ Vir and V541 Hya We investigate variations in the arrival times oftheir dominant stellar pulsation modes to draw conclusions about secular period drifts andpossible sub-stellar companions All light curves are analysed homogeneously

From the O minusC measurements we derive an evolutionary time scale from the changein period P Comparing to model calculations from Charpinet et al (2002) we infer theevolutionary phase of the target Although some P measurements are influenced by modesplitting we can tell from the sign of P1 of DW Lyn that the star is likely still in the stageof central He burning We can draw a similar conclusion from the sign of P of QQ Vir TheP measurements of V1636 Ori are likely affected by mode splitting making it difficult tointerpret the results in the context of stellar evolution V541 Hya shows P measurementsclose to zero which indicates the star being at the transition phase between He burningand contraction due to the depletion of He in the core

Comparing atmospheric properties from Table 71 with the evolutionary tracks fordifferent models from Fig 1 in Charpinet et al (2002) we can confirm the hypothesisthat DW Lyn and QQ Vir are in their He burning phase V541 Hya agrees within 2σ ofthe log g measurement with one model at the turning point between the two evolutionarystages

However we can not exclude frequency and amplitude variations on smaller timescales than resolvable by our data set Using temporally higher resolved Kepler-data ofKIC 3527751 Zong et al (2018) caution about long-term frequency or phase evolutionsascribing to non-linear amplitude and frequency modulations in pulsating sdBs We seesuch effects already in our data set even with a low temporal resolution compared to theKepler sampling with a duty cycle of more than 90 per cent

Observations on DW Lyn and V1636 Ori were published by Lutz et al (2008a) Schuhet al (2010) Lutz (2011) Lutz et al (2011) Our analysis of these observations includingextended data sets do not confirm the tentative companion periods of 80 and 160 daysrespectively These signals more likely arise due to mode beating indicated by partlyunresolved frequency multiplets and amplitude modulations

Almost all analysed pulsation modes show formal significant changes in arrival timesbut the amplitudes of these periodic signals do not correlate with frequencies excludingthe light-travel time effect due to orbital reflex motions for such variations and thus givingupper limits on companion masses Only DW Lyn might have a planetary companion ona long orbital period as indicated by one arrival time measurement But this can not beconfirmed with a second measurement due to larger uncertainties Additionally morestudies question the presence of already proposed companions for example Krzesinski(2015) Hutchens et al (2017) Our unique sample of long-term observations shows a


10 Summary and Conclusion

complex behavior of mode- and amplitude interactions in sdBs which should be addressedin further studies Until this has been addressed caution is advised when interpretingO minusC pulse arrival times in terms of companions


11 Appendix

111 TESS data








58440 58450 58460





tMBJDTDB minus 2400000



11 Appendix








58520 58530 58540





tMBJDTDB minus 2400000


Figure 111 Light curves of the TESS observations Grey points are considered outliersand partially exceeding the plotting range (a) V1636 Ori (b) V541 Hya

112 Amplitude spectra

Table 111 Additional pulsation modes identified for our targets not used in the O minus Canalysis due to their low signal-to-noise-ratio

Target f dminus1 A

DW Lyn 4758231(2) 009(18)3194042(3) 006(12)4630100(6) 003(18)

V1636 Ori 56624031(3) 06(3)QQ Vir 7330704(1) 03(1)

6644886(1) 02(1)57273611(5) 019(9)6647122(1) 01(1)4341522(6) 001(7)502410(2) 001(9)

V541 Hya 53116759(16) 003(7)60388741(6) 003(8)


112 Amplitude spectra


0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000


0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800



f microHz

V1636 Ori



f dminus1

V541 Hya

Figure 112 Amplitude spectrum of the TESS observations Upper panel spectrum ofV1636 Ori Lower panel spectrum of V541 Hya The only peak above the noise level isthe 120 s alias due to the cadence of the observations






250 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500





0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500



f microHz




f dminus1


Figure 113 Amplitude spectrum of DW Lyn Upper panel observations Aobs Lowerpanel residuals Ares after subtracting the light curve models from the observations


11 Appendix


0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000





0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800



f microHz




f dminus1


Figure 114 Same as Fig 113 but for V1636 Ori






250 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000


0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800



f microHz




f dminus1


Figure 115 Same as Fig 113 but for QQ Vir


112 Amplitude spectra




0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000





0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800



f microHz




f dminus1


Figure 116 Same as Fig 113 but for V541 Hya


11 Appendix

Acknowledgements We thank Wen-Shan Hsiao for observing at the Lulin Observatory and Mike D Reedfor observing at the Baker Observatory and Elia Leibowitz for observing at the WISE observatory FMconducted the work in this paper in the framework of the International Max-Planck Research School (IMPRS)for Solar System Science at the University of Goumlttingen (Volkswagen Foundation project grant numberVWZN3020) DK thanks the SAAO for generous allocations of telescope time and the National ResearchFoundation of South Africa and the University of the Western Cape for financial support TDO gratefullyacknowledges support from the US National Science Foundation grant AST-0807919 LM was supportedby the Premium Postdoctoral Research Program of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences This project hasbeen supported by the Lenduumllet Program of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences project No LP2018-72019Based on observations made with the Italian Telescopio Nazionale Galileo (TNG) operated on the island ofLa Palma by the Fundacioacuten Galileo Galilei of the INAF (Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica) at the SpanishObservatorio del Roque de los Muchachos of the Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias Based on observationscollected at the Centro Astronoacutemico Hispaacutenico en Andaluciacutea (CAHA) at Calar Alto operated jointly bythe Andalusian Universities and the Instituto de Astrofiacutesica de Andaluciacutea (CSIC) Based on observationscollected at Copernico telescope (Asiago Italy) of the INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova Basedon observations made with the Nordic Optical Telescope operated by the Nordic Optical Telescope ScientificAssociation at the Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos La Palma Spain of the Instituto de Astrofisicade Canarias This paper includes data collected by the TESS mission Funding for the TESS mission isprovided by the NASA Explorer Program


Part IV

Application to larger target pool


12 Further asteroseismic targets

The search for sub-stellar companions using the pulsation timing method is not onlylimited to sdB stars but can also be applied to a greater variety of pulsating stars aslong as the pulsations are driven by a κ mechanism ie coherent in phase Howevermodes of long periods decrease the precision of timing measurements Additionally largepulsation amplitudes tend to show non-linear effects which excludes the application ofthis technique A case study of β Cephei RR Lyrae and δ Scuti (δ Sct) stars can be foundin Silvotti et al (2011) Among these δ Sct stars are the most promising pulsators tofollow-up The following describes δ Sct stars and the application of the pulsation timingmethod in more detail

121 δ Scuti starsPlanet occurrence rates predict a maximum for host stars with masses of 19+05

minus01M (Reffertet al 2015) close to the mass of main sequence A stars in the instability strip whereδ Sct pulsators are common (see Fig 26) However actual planet detections are affectedby observational selection effects Planetary transits are difficult to observe because ofthe pulsational luminosity variations and due to wider orbits of planets around A stars(Johnson et al 2011 Lloyd 2011) resulting in lower transit probabilities For the radialvelocity method A stars are not well suited because of their fast rotation with the meanof the equatorial rotational velocity distribution exceeding 100 km sminus1 (Abt and Morrell1995 Royer et al 2007) Their high effective temperatures compared to solar-like starsleads to fewer and shallower absorption lines which can additionally be distorted bypulsations This leaves the pulsation timing method as a promising alternative to search forcompanions δ Sct stars show radial and non-radial p-modes with amplitudes up to 05 and with pulsation periods between about 20 min and 8 h (eg Qian et al 2017 Balonaet al 2012) The pulsations are driven by the κ mechanism due to partial ionization of HeII

The mostly uninterrupted observations of space missions like Kepler and TESS providea large sample of δ Sct observations for this purpose The two missions and some of theirapplications are described in the following sections


13 Kepler

Sections of this chapter are part of a paper in preparation to be submitted as an article toAstronomy and Astrophysics

131 Kepler mission

The Kepler mission (Borucki et al 2010) was launched in 2009 to observe a fixed patchof sky in the Cygnus constellation with more than 100 deg2 field of view to discovertransiting Earth-like exoplanets in the habitable zone The telescopersquos mirror measures095 m in diameter and the camera is sensitive for a wavelength range of 430 nm to 890 nmAsteroseismic observations of pulsating stars were organized by the Kepler AsteroseismicScience Consortium (KASC) Some were observed in a high cadence mode of 60 s (shortcadence) the nominal cadence measures 30 min (long cadence)

1311 sdB stars

The Kepler field contained a small number of sdB stars (eg McNamara et al 2012)None of them showed indications for a planetary transit However KIC 05807616 andKIC 10001893 two pulsating sdB stars in the Kepler field show some evidence for thepresence of planetary companions (Charpinet et al 2011 Silvotti et al 2014) Howeverinterpretation of these signals is questioned as already discussed in chapter III

1312 δ Scuti stars

Kepler observed around one thousand δ Sct stars in its field of view The primary goalof their observations are conclusions about the stellar structure and evolution via astero-seismology as the transition from deep to shallow convective envelopes takes place in theregion of the HRD where δ Sct are located (see Fig 26) This opens the opportunity to usethe extensive Kepler data set and apply the pulsation timing method to the observationsThe following describes one particular system as a benchmark for which a planetarycompanion was already discovered

13121 KIC 7917485

Murphy et al (2014 2016b) used the Kepler data to search for binary systems using thelight travel time effect Murphy et al (2016a) (hereafter M16) detected a planet orbiting


13 Kepler

Table 131 Orbital parameters for the KIC 7917485 system Values for M16 are takenfrom Table 2 in Murphy et al (2016a) M16 did not account for a change in pulsationperiod P The model of this work uses a circular orbit model for the companion ie e = 0

M16 this work f1 this work f2

∆Ts 71+04minus05 68 plusmn 03 66 plusmn 04

Porbitd 840+20minus22 82150 plusmn 008 72672 plusmn 008

e 015+010minus013 0 0

Ps Myrminus1 minus0001 plusmn 0001 minus0035 plusmn 0002

its host star KIC 7917485 in a 840 d orbit The following validates this finding using theO minusC pipeline implemented for this work

KIC 7917485 was observed between May 2009 and May 2013 by Kepler We usethe light curves provided by the MAST archive1 which had common instrumental trendsremoved by the Pre-Search Data Conditioning Pipeline (PDC Stumpe et al 2012) Inorder to remove remaining long term trends we make use of the kepflatten routine ofthe PyKE package (Still and Barclay 2012 Viniacutecius et al 2018) The light curve and thecorresponding amplitude spectrum are shown in Fig 131

In order to reproduce the results of M16 we apply a high-pass frequency filter Thisremoves frequencies below 5 dminus1 which are most likely artefacts due to instrumental effectWe apply this filter forward and backward in time to compensate for phase delays

For the OminusC analysis we applied our pipeline and fitted all pulsations with amplitudesabove 0005 Although the signal-to-noise ratio is sufficient for only two modes thesimultaneous fitting process of four more pulsations prevents any unaccounted interactionsbetween the modes The time dependent variation in pulsation amplitude and phase isshown in Fig 132 Each epoch measures about ten days The main pulsation frequencyf1 = 15383 007 4(4) dminus1 exhibits large semi-periodic variations which correlate with theobservational quarters of the Kepler mission Thus they are likely to be instrumentalsystematics The amplitude of f2 = 20262 905 3(8) dminus1 shows a similar behaviour ontop of a general trend of decreasing amplitude with time The phase variations for bothpulsations show clearly a sinusoidal modulation with an amplitude of about 10 s and aperiod of about 800 d We fit simultaneously a quadratic long term trend and a sinusoidalmodel for a circular companion orbit to the data The results are presented in Table 131While a change in period P for f1 is almost not detectable f2 shows a significant P whichcoincides with the decrease in pulsation amplitude of 004 per cent (amplitude) or about18 per cent (relative) M16 did not account for a change in period thus we cannot compareour measurements

For the orbital fit of the companion M16 used the weighted mean of both phasemeasurements Since we want to confirm the nature of the companion with two independentmeasurements we do not follow this procedure Our sinusoidal orbit fit for f1 agrees withinthe uncertainties with the measurement of M16 However the orbital period measuredfor f2 is about 100 days significantly shorter than for f1 This might be attributed to ouradditional fit for the change in period combined with larger OminusC uncertainties towards the

1 httpsarchivestsciedu


131 Kepler mission

end of the observations (approximately two times larger) due to the decreasing pulsationamplitude

In order to compare the M16 results better with the measurements of this work wewill be implementing a full orbit fit on both measurements simultaneously Additionallythe uncertainties appear rather small in comparison to M16 A different treatment ofuncertainties might give more reliable error bars


13 Kepler




4800 5000 5200 5400 5600 5800 6000 6200 6400 6600

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013re




tBJDTDB minus 2450000

(a) KIC 7917485 light curve


0 50 100 150 200 250



0 5 10 15 20 25



f microHz




high pass filtered



f dminus1


(b) KIC 7917485 amplitude spectrum

Figure 131 KIC 7917485 data Top Light curve Grey points are considered outliers andpartially exceeding the plotting range Bottom Amplitude spectrum The top panel showsthe observations The middle panel the amplitude spectrum after applying the high passfilter Note the different scale on the y-axis in order to make small amplitudes visible Thebottom panel shows the residuals after modelling six pulsation modes


131 Kepler mission






2009 2010 2011 2012 2013





4800 5000 5200 5400 5600 5800 6000 6200 6400 6600












tBJDTDB minus 2450000

Figure 132 Results for the two main pulsations of KIC 7917485 Top panel AmplitudesMiddle panel Fits of the O minusC data with second order polynomials only (dashed lines)and full fit including the light travel time effect (solid lines) Lower panel Residuals



141 TESS mission

The Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) by NASA was launched in April 2018as an all-sky survey for transiting exoplanets The 24 degtimes96 deg field of view observeseach sector for about 27 days and sweeps across the sky This creates some observationslasting longer than 27 days due to the overlapping sectors The four telescopes (each witha field of view of 24 deg2) measure 105 mm in diameter and the cameras are sensitive for awavelength range of 600 nm to 1000 nm This is slightly redder than the Kepler bandpassdue to the missionrsquos differing priorities detecting transiting planets orbiting Sun-like starsfor Kepler and small cool stars for TESS The full frame cadence measures 30 minuteswhile the nominal cadence for transit detections two minutes The TESS AsteroseismicScience Consortium (TASC) coordinates 20 seconds ldquoshort cadencerdquo observations of brightasteroseismic target stars

However observations with such a short time span of 27 days (and up to one year butonly around the ecliptic pole eg 17 of the sky) do not allow an extensive search ofsub-stellar companions using the pulsation timing method on their own But they can beused as additional observations to existing data sets especially the EXOTIME project dataWithout additional ground-based observations a joint O minusC analysis of δ Sct data fromKepler and TESS is likely to fail due to the large observational gap of about seven years

1411 sdB stars

TESS observations of V1636 Ori and V541 Hya are already discussed in chapter III Thedata are taken at two minutes cadence and thus do not allow the investigation of p-modes

DW Lyn was observed by TESS with a cadence of 120 s between December 25 2019and January 20 2020 Fig 141 shows the light curve and amplitude spectrum Besidesthe 120 s alias at 720 dminus1 the spectrum shows f1 and f2 at about 238 dminus1 and 225 dminus1

respectively as well as their Nyquist alias above 360 dminus1 (cf Murphy et al 2013) Forthe g-mode regime Lutz et al (2008a) reported pulsations at 2717 microHz 3181 microHz and2063 microHz (2347 dminus1 2748 dminus1 and 1783 dminus1) The TESS data show only the pulsation at3181 microHz as a detection of about two times above the noise level While the 2717 microHzpulsation is visible but not above the noise level the 2063 microHz pulsation is not present inthe TESS data set Since we have no data between the last EXOTIME observations in 2013and the TESS observations in 2020 the time span for a joint O minusC analysis is too large

V391 Peg will be observed by TESS and the data can be used to extend the set ofobservation from Silvotti et al (2018) In order to span the observational gaps between






1840 1845 1850 1855 1860 1865 1870





tBJDTDB minus 2457000

(a) DW Lyn light curve











0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800

0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000




16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30

200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340



f dminus1

f microHz

DW Lyn




16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30

200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340

(b) DW Lyn amplitude spectrum

Figure 141 TESS DW Lyn data Top Light curve Grey points are considered outliersand partially exceeding the plotting range Bottom Amplitude spectrum The inset showsa magnification of the g-mode regime Modes reported by Lutz et al (2008a) are indicatedas dots


141 TESS mission

2013 and 2020 we performed additional ground-bases observations as described inchapter 3


Part V



15 Discussion

Studying post main-sequence stars offers a window into the fate of planetary systemsincluding our own solar system Can planets survive the final stages of stellar evolution andhow do they in turn affect their host starrsquos evolution One discussed formation scenario ofsingle sdB stars involves the influence of giant planets during the red giant phase of theirprogenitor Observations can put constrains on the presence of sub-stellar companionsorbiting sdB stars

Chapter III investigated a unique set of long term ground-based observations of thefour rapidly pulsating sdB stars DW Lyn V1636 Ori QQ Vir and V541 Hya The maingoals of the EXOTIME project are the determination of the evolutionary state of these starsand the constraints on sub-stellar companions to draw conclusions on possible formationscenarios

The individual secular period drifts for different modes per target derived from theO minusC measurements do not always agree with each other These results therefore needto be interpreted with caution with regard to the evolutionary state of the star and holdonly for the assumption of a linear change in period For DW Lyn P f 1 is comparable tovalues derived from stellar models and place the star in the evolutionary phase of core Heburning P f 2 on the other hand can be explained by the apparent mode splitting whoseorigin cannot be confirmed with certainty A possible explanation is the slow decay of onepulsation mode and an excitation of a mode with close frequency but not resolvable by theobservations Additionally amplitude and phase variations indicate a mode beating effectAs shown in section 52 two close - but not necessarily resolvable pulsation modes cancause such effects Measurements for the period changes of V1636 Ori need to be cautionedby the same arguments For QQ Vir the identified radial order and degree of modes donot allow a direct comparison with stellar models but the sign of the P measurementsplaces QQ Vir in the state of He burning The O minusC measurements of V541 Hya show nosignificant change of period If these results are not affected by observational limitationsbut originate from stellar evolution the star might be in the transition phase between coreHe burning and contraction

Atmospheric measurements of all four stars can place the stars in the log g minus Teff planerelatively close to stellar evolutionary models of Charpinet et al (2002) as illustratedin Fig 151 This independently confirms the tentative interpretations above DW LynV1636 Ori and QQ Vir overlap each with several models of different envelope mass inthe phase of core He burning within their measured uncertainties Although Teff and log gmeasurements of V541 Hya agree with two models in that same evolutionary phase themeasurements agree within 3σ with an evolutionary model in the transition between coreHe burning and contraction

In principle proper motions of stars can give an alternative explanation for the apparent


15 Discussion









DW Lyn

V1636 Ori

QQ VirV541 Hya


log( g




Figure 151 EHB evolutionary tracks covering the log g minus Teff region where sdB stars areobserved Data points taken from Appendix B of Charpinet et al (2002) (crosses) andTable 71 (circles) The seven models correspond respectively from left (high Teff) to right(low Teff) to objects with a ZAEHB envelope mass Menv = 00001 00002 00007 0001200022 00032 and 00042 M The core mass is Mc = 04758M for all sequences exceptthe first and third (from the left) which have Mc = 04690M For a positive (negative)slope in the models the change in pulsation period is positive (negative) See Charpinetet al (2002) for a detailed explanation

change in pulsation period as described by Pajdosz (1995ba) They derive the effect ofproper motion to be


s sminus1 = 2430 times 10minus18 Ps

microprimeprime yrminus1


where micro is the proper motion in arcseconds per year and d the distance in parsec Withmeasurements available from the Gaia (Gaia Collaboration et al 2018) the derived valuesare about three orders of magnitude smaller than the measured P and thus neglectable

After subtraction of the long term trends in the O minus C measurements the residualsshow no clear evidence for signatures of sub-stellar companions The comparison withsynthetic O minusC curves indicates a companion-induced signal in the main pulsation modeof DW Lyn But this is not confirmed by the independent measurement of the secondpulsation mode as would be expected Furthermore previously described periodic signalsin the O minusC measurements by Lutz et al (2011) are ruled out to be caused by sub-stellarcompanions Nevertheless the data set is limited in detection sensitivity Dependingon the observational gaps the data cannot set limitations for possible companion orbitsshorter than approximately 30 days (DW Lyn and V1636 Ori) 4 days (QQ Vir) or 120days (V541 Hya) or longer than the total length of observations roughly 1500 days


15 Discussion

Photometric precision additionally limits the detection threshold to companions signalslarger than about 1 s This corresponds to a companion with a mass of 1 MX (05 MX) andan orbital period of about 05 years (15 years)

Chapter IV enlarges the target selection and applies the O minusC analysis to one examplePulsations of δ Sct stars are driven by the κ mechanism allowing stable pulsations overlong periods of time Planet detection methods like the transit or radial velocity methodcannot be easily applied to those stars which favours the pulsation timing analysis and thusopens a new parameter space in the exoplanet detection The δ Sct pulsator KIC 7917485was found to be orbited by a sub-stellar companion whose signal can be recovered in thepulsation arrival times


16 Outlook

As chapter IV applied the OminusC analysis to one example observation beyond the EXOTIMEproject there are more extensive long time series of high cadence data already availableor with upcoming space missions The next sections highlight data sets of interest

161 K2 missionAfter the failure of two reaction wheels on the Kepler space craft its mission could beextended from 2014 onward as K2 The space craft was balanced against the radiationpressure from the sun which limits each campaign to a duration of about 80 days ThusK2 was not staring at only one field in the sky but sweeping along the ecliptic and couldobserve many more targets for signs of transiting exoplanets Armstrong et al (2015)created a catalogue of variable stars from the K2 observations and categorized the targetsinto different classes of pulsators From this catalogue about 500 variables are classified asδ Sct stars Additionally 33 sdB stars were observed by K2 (Reed et al 2018) Although theobservations span only 80 days they can set constraints on close in sub-stellar companions

162 TESSThe TESS mission aims to detect transiting exoplanets around bright stars Asteroseismictargets are observed with a cadence of 20 seconds if they are bright enough Most ofthe EXOTIME targets are already observed or are going to be observed Due to thecadence of two minutes for these stars and the long duration in between the EXOTIMEobservations the data cannot be used for a common O minus C analysis Nevertheless theyprovide constraints on g-modes For the upcoming V391 Peg observations the gaps toground based observations are not too big With the planetary candidate claimed by Silvottiet al (2007) but cautioned later by Silvotti et al (2018) the new observations by groundbased telescopes and TESS are expected to clarify the interpretations

For other asteroseismic targets ether sdB or δ Sct stars an OminusC analysis is reasonableonly for targets with overlapping sectors ie more than 27 days of observing time

163 PLATOPLAnetary Transits and Oscillations of stars (PLATO) is an ESA mission scheduled forlaunch in 2026 Its primary goal is to discover and characterize terrestrial exoplanetsorbiting bright solar-type stars especially planets in the habitable zone Bright host


16 Outlook

Figure 161 Artistrsquos impression of ESArsquos PLATO spacecraft Credit ESAATG medialabCC BY-SA IGO 30

stars allow the determination of the planetsrsquo masses using the radial velocity method fromground-based observations and thus a mean density This can be used to constrain planetaryinterior models Additionally bright targets allow transmission spectroscopy observationsin order to measure chemical abundances of the planetary atmospheres A secondary goalof the PLATO mission is asteroseismic observations to determine stellar masses radii andages These parameters are crucial in order to correctly determine the planetary massesradii and their evolution

PLATOrsquos payload module consists of 24 cameras each with an aperture of 120 mmand a 1100 deg2 field of view (see Fig161) The cameras are arranged in four groups ofsix where each group has the same field of view but their angle is slightly offset - thisallows a total field view of about 2250 deg2 per pointing The camera arrays overlap insome parts resulting in different sensitivities over the field They will observe with acadence of 25 s Additionally two ldquofastrdquo cameras will observe with a cadence of 25 sPLATOrsquos nominal life time sums up to four years but could be in orbit for double the timeFor most of the time it will ldquostarerdquo to one region in the sky Additionally an ldquostep andstarerdquo phase comparable to K2 is possible

With the explicit goal of asteroseismic observations PLATO is expected to collectmany data on evolved pulsating stars allowing for an investigation with the pulsationtiming method The pipeline developed for this work can be easily adopted and used in anautomated way in order to process many targets and search for sub-stellar companions


Part VI




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This thesis would not have been possible without the help of many people who guided andsupported me during my time as a PhD student

First I would like to thank my supervisor Sonja Schuh who advised and guided metrough this project and had always an open ear for me despite her work as the IMPRScoordinator A thank you goes also to the other members of my TAC Laurent Gizon andStefan Dreizler for the productive discussions and ways to see some things differently

I would also like to thank Roberto Silvotti who helped to improve the EXOTIMEpaper

The students of the IMPRS formed a great community at the institute Without thefriendships formed out of this group my time at the institute would have been a verydifferent experience I tried gave my best to contribute to the great dynamics of the groupand hope this spirit will be kept alive by many following generations of students

Special thanks goes to my fellow musicians for the great time over the last yearsStarting with the (in)famous successful ldquoQuiet Sunrdquo project together with TheodosiosChatzistergos (literally a god on his guitar) Ankit Barik Earl Bellinger and Alessan-dro Cilla (who left us way too early) growing bigger for some gigs with SudharshanSaranathan Nils Gottschling David Marshall Robin Thor Keaton Bell and James Kus-zlewicz and finally merging with the great MegaGauss band including additionally HelgeMissbach Katja Karmrodt Abbey Ingram Christian Baumgartner Daria MokrytskaTanayveer Bhatia Marius Pfeifer Ann-Kathrin Lohse (Atti) and Paula Wulff No matterwhich problems would trouble me during the band practise I could throw them all againstthe drum heads and cymbals Keep on rockinrsquo

I would like to thank Michelle for her support and proofreadingAnd special thanks goes to my family which always supported me on my way listened

and offered good advice

This work is founded by the International Max Planck Research School for SolarSystem Science at the University of Goumlttingen (IMPRS Solar System School) and theVolkswagen Foundation (project grant number VWZN3020) This work makes use ofobservations from the LCOGT network This work includes data collected by the Keplermission Funding for the Kepler mission is provided by the NASA Science Missiondirectorate


Scientific contributions

Refereed publicationsbull Mackebrandt F M Mallonn J M Ohlert T Granzer S Lalitha A Garciacutea Muntildeoz

N P Gibson et al 2017 Transmission Spectroscopy of the Hot Jupiter TrES-3 bDisproof of an Overly Large Rayleigh-like Feature AampA 608 (December) A26httpsdoiorg1010510004-6361201730512

bull Mackebrandt F S Schuh R Silvotti S-L Kim D Kilkenny E M Green RLutz et al The EXOTIME Project Signals in the O minusC Diagrams of the RapidlyPulsating Subdwarfs DW Lyn V1636 Ori QQ Vir and V541 Hya AampA 638 (June1 2020) A108 httpsdoiorg1010510004-6361201937172

bull Mallonn M I Bernt E Herrero S Hoyer J Kirk P J Wheatley M Seeliger etal 2016 Broad-Band Spectrophotometry of HAT-P-32 b Search for a ScatteringSignature in the Planetary Spectrum Monthly Notices of the Royal AstronomicalSociety 463 (November) 604-14 httpsdoiorg101093mnrasstw1999

bull Schwope A D F Mackebrandt B D Thinius C Littlefield P Garnavich AOksanen and T Granzer 2015 Multi-Epoch Time-Resolved Photometry of theEclipsing Polar CSS081231071126+440405 Astronomische Nachrichten 336 (2)115-24 httpsdoiorg101002asna201412151

bull Strassmeier K G I Ilyin E Keles M Mallonn A Jaumlrvinen M Weber F Macke-brandt and J M Hill High-Resolution Spectroscopy and Spectropolarimetryof the Total Lunar Eclipse January 2019 AampA 635 (March 1 2020) A156httpsdoiorg1010510004-6361201936091

Conference contributionsbull The stellar pulsation timing method to detect substellar companions XXX IAU

General Assembly 2018 Vienna (Poster)

bull The stellar pulsation timing method to detect substellar companions AnnualMeeting of the Astronomische Gesellschaft 2017 Goumlttingen (Talk)

bull The stellar pulsation timing detection method for substellar companions Rocks ampStars II Conference 2017 Goumlttingen (Talk)

bull The stellar pulsation timing detection method for substellar companions ThePLATO Mission Conference 2017 Exoplanetary systems in the PLATO era War-wick (Poster)


Scientific contributions

bull The stellar pulsation timing method to detect substellar companions 2nd AdvancedSchool on Exoplanetary Science 2017 Vietri sul Mare (Poster)

bull The Stellar Pulsation Timing Detection Method for Substellar Companions Plane-tary Systems Beyond The Main Sequence II 2017 Haifa (Poster)


  • Abstract
  • Zusammenfassung
  • I Introduction
    • 1 Extrasolar planets
      • 11 Historical overview
      • 12 Definition of an exoplanet
      • 13 Observational techniques
        • 2 Subdwarf B stars
          • 21 Classification
          • 22 Canonical stellar and planetary evolution
          • 23 Subdwarf B stars formation scenarios
          • 24 Asteroseismology
            • 241 mechanism
            • 242 Asteroseismic observations
              • II The EXOTIME project
                • 3 Targets
                • 4 Multi-epoch photometric data
                  • 41 Time series photometry
                    • 411 Photometry
                    • 412 Timing accuracy
                        • 5 Methods
                          • 51 O-C Pipeline
                            • 511 Linear change in period
                            • 512 Light travel time effect
                              • 52 Artificial data testing
                              • 53 Alternative approaches
                                • 531 Analytic signal
                                • 532 Independent confirmation via direct imaging
                                  • III The EXOTIME project Signals in the O-C diagrams of the rapidly pulsating subdwarfs DW Lyn V1636 Ori QQ Vir and V541 Hya
                                    • 6 Introduction
                                    • 7 Observations and data reduction
                                      • 71 DW Lyn
                                      • 72 V1636 Ori
                                      • 73 QQ Vir
                                      • 74 V541 Hya
                                      • 75 TESS observations
                                      • 76 Data reduction
                                        • 8 Analysis
                                        • 9 Results and discussion
                                          • 91 DW Lyn
                                          • 92 V1636 Ori
                                          • 93 QQ Vir
                                          • 94 V541 Hya
                                          • 95 Testing the sub-stellar companion hypothesis
                                            • 10 Summary and Conclusion
                                            • 11 Appendix
                                              • 111 TESS data
                                              • 112 Amplitude spectra
                                                  • IV Application to larger target pool
                                                    • 12 Further asteroseismic targets
                                                      • 121 Scuti stars
                                                        • 13 Kepler
                                                          • 131 Kepler mission
                                                            • 1311 sdB stars
                                                            • 1312 Scuti stars
                                                              • 13121 KIC 7917485
                                                                • 14 TESS
                                                                  • 141 TESS mission
                                                                    • 1411 sdB stars
                                                                      • V Summary
                                                                        • 15 Discussion
                                                                        • 16 Outlook
                                                                          • 161 K2 mission
                                                                          • 162 TESS
                                                                          • 163 PLATO
                                                                              • VI Appendix
                                                                                • Bibliography
                                                                                • Acknowledgements
                                                                                • Scientific contributions
Page 7: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature


V Summary 97

15 Discussion 99

16 Outlook 103161 K2 mission 103162 TESS 103163 PLATO 103

VI Appendix 105

Bibliography 107

Acknowledgements 123

Scientific contributions 125


List of Figures

11 Exoplanet mass and radius distribution 812 Exoplanet detection methods 10

21 Sketch of a Hertzsprung-Russell diagram 1222 Protoplanetary discs 1323 Formation of sdB stars I 1524 Formation of sdB stars II 1625 Possible formation mechanism of close-in planets 1726 Hertzsprung-Russell diagram showing different classes of pulsating stars 20

51 Schematic picture of the O minusC diagram construction 3052 Schematic picture of the orbital configuration 3153 Amplitude spectrum for four resonant pulsations with frequencies 3354 Results for four resonant pulsations 3355 Amplitude spectrum for two close pulsations 3456 Results of the simultaneous fit of two close pulsations 3557 Amplitude spectrum for two close pulsations and very different amplitudes 3658 Results for two close pulsations and very different amplitudes 3659 Amplitude spectrum for one pulsation of varying amplitude 37510 Results for one simulated pulsation with varying amplitude 37511 Results of the Hilbert transform for one pulsation 39

71 Light curves 51

81 Flow chart representing the analysis of the time of arrival 5682 Example observations of DW Lyn 5883 Example observations of V1636 Ori 5984 Example observations of QQ Vir 6085 Example observations of V541 Hya 61

91 Amplitude spectrum of DW Lyn 6392 Results for the two main pulsations of DW Lyn 6493 Amplitude spectrum of V1636 Ori 6694 Results for the two main pulsations of V1636 Ori 6795 Amplitude spectrum of QQ Vir 6796 Results for the three main pulsations of QQ Vir 6897 Amplitude spectrum of V541 Hya 69


List of Figures

98 Amplitude spectrum with respect to the pulsation frequency f3 of V541 Hya 6999 Results for the two main pulsations of V541 Hya 70910 Minimum companion mass as a function of orbital period 74

111 Light curves of the TESS observations 78112 Amplitude spectrum of the TESS observations 79113 Amplitude spectrum of DW Lyn 79114 Amplitude spectrum of V1636 Ori 80115 Amplitude spectrum of QQ Vir 80116 Amplitude spectrum of V541 Hya 81

131 KIC 7917485 data 90132 Results for the two main pulsations of KIC 7917485 91

141 TESS DW Lyn data 94

151 EHB evolutionary tracks of sdB stars 100

161 Artistrsquos impression of ESArsquos PLATO spacecraft 104


List of Tables

31 Observational properties of the EXOTIME targets 2432 Summary of the newly acquired observations for V391 Peg 25

71 Atmospheric parameters of the targets 4972 Summary of the observing time per target per site 52

81 Parameters of the simultaneously fitted pulsations per target 57

111 Additional identified pulsation modes 78

131 Orbital parameters for the KIC 7917485 system 88



Stars spend most of their life on the main sequence (MS) But their most substantialchanges occur off the MS stage either before on the pre-MS or beyond at the post-MSphase Due to very complex and varied dynamical processes the evolution of planetarysystems orbiting non-MS stars significantly differs from those of MS planetary systems

This work focusses on the search for sub-stellar companions in post-MS systems anddetermination of the evolutionary state of their host stars especially subdwarf B stars(sdB stars) These are stripped Helium-burning cores of red giants with a thin hydrogenatmosphere The canonical model involves binary evolution to explain the existence ofsdB stars Formation scenarios for single sdBs are more controversially discussed and canbe hard to reconcile with observational properties Besides the merger of two helium whitedwarfs or other merger processes for apparently single sdB stars an alternative formationchannel involves planetary systems During the red giant phase the star would developa common envelope with a giant planet that leads to the loss of the envelope Thus sdBstars are laboratories to test how planets survive and influence the late phases of stellarevolution

The rapid pulsations of sdB stars can be used to detect sub-stellar companions fromperiodic variations in the expected arrival times of the pulsation maxima This timingmethod is particularly sensitive to companions at large distances and complementary toother exoplanet detection methods because they are not efficient for stars with small radiiand high gravities Thus the timing method opens up a new parameter range in terms ofthe host stars and helps to understand the formation process of single sdBs

In this work I implemented tested and applied the pulsation timing analysis to searchfor sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems The method isalready established in the literature but not to an extent which is capable of automaticallyprocessing long-time series of high-cadence data ie from space born observations

Part I provides an introduction to extrasolar planets and to the formation and propertiesof sdB stars

Part II and III describe the long-term ground-based observations of four rapidly pulsat-ing sdB stars DW Lyn V1636 Ori QQ Vir and V541 Hya The data are used to measure thesecular drifts in pulsation periods The results constrain the evolutionary state of these starsand are compared to theoretical predictions of stellar evolutionary models Furthermorethe measurements set limits to masses and orbital periods of sub-stellar companions Incontrast to previous studies tentative companion detections are not confirmed

Part IV describes the application of the implemented timing analysis to other pulsatingstars and data sets Compared to ground-based observatories satellite-based telescopesoffer the advantage of uninterrupted observations Observatories like Kepler TESS or theupcoming PLATO mission provide a large sample of targets Besides sdB stars δ Scuti



(δ Sct) pulsators are excellent stars to apply the timing method on δ Sct stars are evolvedbeyond the MS and of spectral type A From Kepler observations previous studies re-vealed a planetary companion orbiting the δ Sct star KIC 791748 The implemented timinganalysis of this work is applied to these data and can recover the planetary signature vali-dating the implementation at hand and independently confirming the planetary companiondiscovery

Part V discusses the results of this thesis and provides an outlook to further applica-tions



Sterne verbringen den Groszligteil ihres Lebens auf der Hauptreihe (HR) Die gravierendstenVeraumlnderungen geschehen jedoch abseits der HR entweder zuvor auf der pre-HR oderfolgend auf der post-HR Durch sehr komplexe und variierende dynamische Prozesseunterscheidet sich die Entwicklung von Planeten in nicht-HR Sternsystemen signifikantvon der Entwicklung von Planeten in HR Sternsystemen

Diese Arbeit legt ihren Fokus auf die Suche nach sub-stellaren Begleitern in post-HR Systemen und auf die Bestimmung des evolutionaumlren Stadiums derer Zentralsterneinsbesondere bei heiszligen Unterzwergen des Spektraltyps B (engl subdwarf B kurzsdB) auch Blaue-Unterzwerge genannt Solche sdB-Sterne sind freigelegte heliumbren-nende Kerne von vormals Roten-Riesen mit einer duumlnnen Wasserstoffatmosphaumlre Derenkanonische Entstehung beschreibt die Entwicklung in einem Doppelsternsystem Entste-hungsszenarien fuumlr einzelne sdB-Sterne werden jedoch kontrovers diskutiert und sind nurschwer mit Beobachtungen zu verifizieren Neben der Verschmelzung von zwei heliumdo-minierten Weiszligen Zwergen koumlnnten auch Planetensysteme zur Bildung von sdB-Sternenbeitragen Waumlhrend der Roten-Riesen-Phase wuumlrde der Stern einen seiner Riesenplanetenin eine gemeinsame Huumllle einschlieszligen was letztendlich zum Verlust der Huumllle fuumlhrtSomit erweisen sich sdB-Sterne als Testobjekte das Uumlberleben von Planeten zu pruumlfensowie den Einfluss der Planeten auf die Spaumltphasen stellare Entwicklung zu beobachten

Die schnellen Pulsationen von sdB Sternen koumlnnen mit Hilfe von periodischen Veraumln-derungen in den zu erwarteten Ankunftszeiten der Pulsationsmaxima zur Detektion vonsub-stellaren Begleitern genutzt werden Diese Methode der Lichtlaufzeitmessungen istbesonders sensitiv fuumlr Begleiter mit groszliger Distanz zu ihrem Zentralstern und damit kom-plementaumlr zu anderen Detektionsmethoden Denn andere Detektionsmethoden sind bei Ster-nen mit hoher Oberflaumlchengravitation und kleinen Radien weniger aussagekraumlftig Damiteroumlffnet die Methode der Lichtlaufzeitmessungen eine Moumlglichkeit fuumlr Entdeckungen vonbisher nicht erforschbaren Planetensystemen und hilft somit den Entstehungsprozess vonsdB-Sternen besser zu verstehen

In dieser Arbeit habe ich die Methode der Pulsations-Lichtlaufzeitmessungen im-plementiert getestet und zur Suche nach sub-stellaren Begleitern bei Systemen in denSpaumltphasen stellarer Entwicklung angewandt Die Methode ist bereits etabliert bisherjedoch nicht fuumlr eine automatische Anwendung auf lange Beobachtungsreihen in hoherzeitlicher Aufloumlsung wie zB von Weltraumteleskopen optimiert

Teil I dieser Arbeit gibt eine Einleitung zu extrasolaren Planeten sowie auch zurEntstehung und Eigenschaften von sdB-Sternen

Teil II und III beschreiben die bodengebundenen Langzeitbeobachtungen der vierschnell pulsierenden sdB-Sterne DW Lyn V1636 Ori QQ Vir und V541 Hya MitHilfe dieser Daten werden die Veraumlnderungen der Pulsationsperioden gemessen Diese



Ergebnisse lassen auf das evolutionaumlre Stadium der Sterne schlieszligen und werden mittheoretischen Sternentwicklungsmodellen verglichen Weiterhin setzen die Ergebnisseder Beobachtungen Grenzwerte fuumlr die Masse und Umlaufdauer moumlglicher sub-stellarerBegleiter Im Widerspruch zu vorhergehenden Studien koumlnnen potentielle Detektionenvon Begleitern nicht bestaumltigt werden

Teil IV beschreibt die Anwendung der implementierten Methode der Pulsations-Lichtlaufzeitmessungen auf andere Sterne und Datensaumltze Im Vergleich zu bodengebunde-nen Observatorien bieten weltraumgestuumltzte Teleskope den Vorteil der ununterbrochenenBeobachtung Observatorien wie das Kepler Weltraumobservatorium TESS oder diegeplante PLATO Mission liefern eine groszlige Anzahl von Beobachtungszielen NebensdB-Sternen ist die Klasse der pulsierenden δ Scuti (δ Sct) Sterne ein hervorragendesZiel fuumlr Lichtlaufzeitmessungen δ Sct Sterne sind in einem Entwicklungsstadium jen-seits der HR und in der Spektralklasse A zu finden Vorhergehende Studien haben ausBeobachtungen des Kepler Weltraumteleskops einen planetaren Begleiter um den SternKIC 791748 offenbart Mit der in dieser Arbeit implementierten Methode der Pulsations-Lichtlaufzeitmessungen kann das Signal dieses Begleiters aus den Daten gewonnen undsomit die Implementierung validiert sowie eine unabhaumlngige Bestaumltigung dieser Planete-nentdeckung erbracht werden

Teil V diskutiert die vorhergehenden Ergebnisse und liefert einen Ausblick auf weitereAnwendungen


Part I



1 Extrasolar planets

11 Historical overviewSpeculations about the existence of other worlds or solar systems other than our own go asfar back as the ancient times Greek philosophers debated about the possibility of countlessworlds

And he maintained worlds to be infinite and varying in bulk and that in somethere is neither sun nor moon while in others that they are larger than with usand with others more numerous [] And that some worlds are destitute ofanimals and plants and every species of moisture

Democritus (460 to 370 BCE Litwa 2016)

He was supported by Epicurus (314 to 270 BCE) who debated about an ldquoinfinite number ofworlds both like and unlike this world of oursrdquo (Bailey 1926) in a letter to Democritus Butthe atomists of this time believed in the geocentric universe and thus the work of Aristotle(341 to 270 BCE) outshone their ideas This started to change with the introduction ofthe Heliocentric universe theory of Nicolaus Copernicus in 1543 However the Italianphilosopher Giordano Bruno was burned during the Inquisition because of his belief in aninfinite number of stars which have an infinite number of terrestrial worlds orbiting themFinally Galileo Galilei discovered with his telescope invented in 1606 the true nature ofthe Moon and planets and paved the way for the discovery of the remaining planets in oursolar system

Our solar system shaped the understanding of planetary evolution and system archi-tecture until Wolszczan and Frail (1992) discovered the first exoplanetary system laterconfirmed by Wolszczan (1994) The two Earth-mass like planets orbit the millisecondpulsar PSR 1257+12 a rather unusual host star With the discovery of the first extrasolarplanet 51 Pegasi b orbiting a sun-like star (Mayor and Queloz 1995) the architecture ofexoplanetary systems remained very different than expected from the solar system Theplanet has a mass comparable to the mass of Jupiter but a very close-in orbit of about005 au leading to a new category of planets called ldquohot Jupitersrdquo

So far more than 4000 exoplanets have been discovered by various detection methodsThey exhibit a wide range of planetary masses and radii as shown in Figure 11 Besideshot Jupiters Neptune- and Saturn-sized planets as well as super-Earths were discovered

The first transiting exoplanet HD 209458 b was discovered in 1999 (Charbonneau et al2000) which later became the first planet with a spectroscopically analysed atmosphere(Charbonneau et al 2002) HD 28185 b was discovered as the first exoplanet in thehabitable zone a region around a star in which a planet may retain liquid water on its


1 Extrasolar planets









10minus2 100 102 10410minus2




10minus2 100 102 104



a au



a au









3 K

Figure 11 Exoplanet mass and radius distribution as function of their orbital periodand effective temperature of their host star (color coded) Out of the 4130 discoveredexoplanets there are 994 mass and 1631 radius measurements (as of November 2019Schneider et al 2011)

surface Using the phase-mapping technique Knutson et al (2007) reconstructed a roughmap of HD 189733 b showing the temperature of the cloud deck An image of Formalhaut bin 2008 was the first direct image of an exoplanet (Kalas et al 2008) With Kepler-186 f anEarth-sized planet orbiting within its starrsquos habitable zone was discovered (Quintana et al2014) With the discovery of Kepler-452 b and its 16 Earth-radii another category not yetpresent in our solar system called ldquosuper Earthsrdquo was created Another super Earth orbitingour closest neighbour star Proxima Centauri even in the habitable zone was discovered byAnglada-Escudeacute et al (2016) Future missions aim to characterise exoplanetary systemsand to understand the formation evolution and chemical composition in more detail

12 Definition of an exoplanet

The word ldquoplanetrdquo was introduced by the ancient Greeks as the term ὰστέρες πλανῆτα

(asteres planetai) which can be translated as ldquowandering starrdquo This was inspired by theapparent movement of the planets in the solar system as opposed to the fixed stars In amore scientific way the International Astronomical Union (IAU) defined a planet in thesolar system in its resolution 5A as follows

A planet is a celestial body that

1 is in orbit around the Sun


13 Observational techniques

2 has sufficient mass for its self-gravity to overcome rigid body forces sothat it assumes a hydrostatic equilibrium (nearly round) shape and

3 has cleared the neighbourhood around its orbit

IAU (2006)

Additionally the working group on extrasolar planets of the IAU published the followingstatement not yet adopted as a resolution

1 Objects with true masses below the limiting mass for thermonuclearfusion of deuterium (currently calculated to be 13 Jupiter masses for ob-jects of solar metallicity) that orbit stars or stellar remnants are ldquoplanetsrdquo(no matter how they formed) The minimum masssize required for anextrasolar object to be considered a planet should be the same as thatused in our Solar System

2 Substellar objects with true masses above the limiting mass for ther-monuclear fusion of deuterium are ldquobrown dwarfsrdquo no matter how theyformed nor where they are located

3 Free-floating objects in young star clusters with masses below the limit-ing mass for thermonuclear fusion of deuterium are not ldquoplanetsrdquo butare ldquosub-brown dwarfsrdquo (or whatever name is most appropriate)

Boss et al (2005) reproduced with permission

The designation of exoplanets consists of the name of the host star followed by alowercase letter The first part can be an astronomical catalogue the scientific instrumentor project that discovered the exoplanet The following letter indicates the order of theexoplanets discovery around its host star usually beginning with ldquobrdquo This is analogous tothe designation of multiple star systems

13 Observational techniquesThe vast variety of exoplanets necessitates the need for different detection techniques Theycan be separated into three broad categories as the ldquoPerryman treerdquo a visual overview onthe detection methods illustrates in Fig 12

Widely separated exoplanets can be imaged directly Also protoplanetary disks can bedetected this way In case the orbital plane of the exoplanet aligns with the line of sight ofthe observer the planet transits in front of the stellar disk which can be detected as fluxvariations in primary and secondary eclipse

Gravitational lensing is known for very massive objects like galaxy clusters but can alsobe detected using a single star as a lens for a background star This induces a characteristicsignal in the light curve If the foreground star hosts an exoplanet it will act as an additionallens

Dynamical effects are based on the gravitational interaction of host star and planetThis can be measured directly as an astrometric change of position on the sky or indirectlyvia Doppler shifts in the host starrsquos spectrum or timing variations of transits eclipses orstellar pulsations The latter method is used in particular in this work and explained indetail in section 5


1 Extrasolar planets











existing capabilityprojected


-up detections n =

planets known








Exoplanet Detection



decreasingplanet mass


32 planets(20 system

s5 m


662 planets(504 system

s102 m


1 planet(1 system

0 m


53 planets(51 system

s2 m


2789 planets(2053 system

s474 m


1 January 20183572 exoplanets

(~2600 system

s ~590 m


bers from N


Exoplanet Archive]





refectedpolarised light

Radial velocity









44 planets(40 system

s2 m



















millisec slow



residuals(see TTVs)

(Kepler=2315 K2=




125Roplus) 766






protoplanetary disks

star accretionpollution

radio emission

gravitational waves

X-ray emission

debris diskscolliding


white dw

arf pollution



















































2 Subdwarf B stars

The majority of known exoplanets orbit cool host stars ie G and M type stars So faronly a small fraction of planets orbiting evolved host stars have been discovered (comparedto effective temperatures of host stars in Fig 11) This raises questions on the evolutionand fate of planetary systems The following chapter revises the stellar evolution withfocus on the post-main sequence phase of the host star arriving at subdwarf B stars (sdBstars) These stars are laboratories to test how planets survive and influence the late phasesof stellar evolution

21 ClassificationHumason and Zwicky (1947) discovered sdB stars in a photometric survey of the NorthGalactic Pole region Their position in the Hertzsprung-Russel diagram (HRD) in Fig 21in between the main sequence (MS) and the white-dwarf (WD) sequence was laterdetermined by Greenstein and Sargent (1974) They show effective temperatures Teff

from sim20 000 K to 50 000 K with surface gravities log(gcm sminus2) of 50 to 65 Heberet al (1984) Heber (1986) could connect the spectroscopic sdB class with the extremehorizontal branch (EHB) evolutionary stage Thus sdB stars are stripped helium-burningcores (sim05 M) of red giants with a thin hydrogen (H) atmosphere Their spectra aretherefore dominated by the broad Balmer lines of H while helium (He) is usually depletedBut their structure differs from horizontal-branch stars as their H envelopes are too thin tosustain H burning They evolve directly on to the WD cooling sequence as they lack theenvelope mass to pass via the asymptotic giant branch (AGB)

22 Canonical stellar and planetary evolutionThe progenitors of sdB stars are assumed to be solar-mass stars They form in molecularclouds consisting mostly of H about 20 to 30 per cent of He and a few percent of heavyelements The gas remains in hydrostatic equilibrium as long as the gas pressure isin balance with gravitational force (virial theorem) but a gravitational collapse can betriggered by shock waves (eg nearby supernova) As the cloud contracts it breaks intosmaller fragments in which the collapsing gas radiates the gravitational potential as heatAs temperature and pressure increase the fragment condenses into a protostar which isin hydrostatic equilibrium This way stars with different masses form mostly in groupsStellar winds of more massive stars ionize the remaining H in between the stars creatingH II regions and ultimately disrupt the cloud which prevents further star formation


2 Subdwarf B stars













White dwarfs

Cool subdwarfs











30000 10000

Surface temperature (deg)






ed to



6000 3000

Figure 21 Sketch of a Hertzsprung-Russell diagram highlighting the position of hotsubdwarf (sdB and sdO) stars and the extreme horizontal branch (EHB) located to the leftand below the hot end of the main sequence but above the white dwarf cooling sequenceThe EHB is separated from the blue horizontal branch (BHB) The location of stars havingevolved from the postasymptotic giant branch is shown for comparison The hot subdwarfstars have nothing in common with traditional cool subdwarfs found below the lowermain sequence (Heber 2009) Reprinted by permission from Copyright Clearance CenterAnnual Reviews Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics ldquoHot Subdwarf StarsrdquoHebercopy2009

The protostar continues to accrete material from its protoplanetary disk (Fig 22) untilfinally H fusion starts in the core and the star begins its phase on the main-sequence of theHRD (Fig 21) Inside the protoplanetary disk planetesimals form from electrostatic andgravitational interactions as building blocks for planets During their formation planetsmigrate within the disk and accrete material until the disk is evaporated by the central starsradiation On the main-sequence the star will evolve only slowly and remain there for


22 Canonical stellar and planetary evolution

Figure 22 Left Protoplanetary disc imaged by the Hubble Space Telescope in the Orionnebula The image is about 1800 au across Credit NASA CR OrsquoDell and SK WongRight ALMA image of HL Tauri showing th protoplanetary disc at a wavelength of13 mm The image is about 250 au across Credit ALMA (ESONAOJNRAO)

about 1010 years As the hydrogen in the core eventually depletes the fusion rate cannot bemaintained and the core contracts This continues to fuse H in a shell outside the He coreThe core contracts and the outer layers begin to expand The star becomes a red giantmoving up the red giant branch (RGB) in the HRD The He core compacts into degeneratematter and once core pressure and temperature are high enough the He starts to fuse witha He flash at the tip of the RGB in the HRD The core mass during the helium flash isabout half a solar-mass The star decreases in radius increases its surface temperatureand moves to the horizontal branch (HB) of the HRD After the He is fused in the coreouter shells fuse further He and the star moves to the asymptotic giant branch (AGB) andbecomes red giant again The produced carbon (C) can fuse with He and oxygen (O) tobuild a CO core The H and He shells are consecutively fusing in a cyclic process The starejects most of its envelope during these thermal pulses The expelled material is ionizedby the UV emission of the hot remnant core and can be observed as a planetary nebulaAfter this short phase the remnant star cools and enters the white dwarf cooling sequence

Planet occurrence rates estimated from Kepler observations suggest that 30 per centof Sun-like stars host Kepler-like planetary systems1 (Zhu et al 2018) Several studiesinvestigated occurrence rates from radial velocity surveys Jupiter-like planets2 may occurat six per cent of Solar-like stars (Wittenmyer et al 2016) Systems with giant planetsfrom the Kepler mission show outer gas giants within orbital periods of less than 400days at a 5 per cent occurrence rate (Santerne et al 2016) Bryan et al (2016) suggestthe total occurrence rate of companions3 from radial velocity measurements and direct

1 Kepler-like planets are planets that have radii RP amp R and orbital periods P gt 400 d Our Solar system isnot detectable by Kepler

2 Planets with masses 015RX MP 13MX and orbital periods of 3 au to 7 au3 For companions in the range of 1 MX to 20 MX and 5 au to 20 au


2 Subdwarf B stars

imaging with about 50 per cent Recently Grunblatt et al (2019) estimated the occurrencerate of planets larger than Jupiter for low-luminosity red giant branch stars from the K2mission to be 05 per cent Observations of polluted WDs debris disks orbiting WDslike WD 1145+017 (Vanderburg et al 2015) or even in-situ accretion of a giant planet toWD J0914+1914 (Gaumlnsicke et al 2019) show that these disks must form during the WDphase since they are located within the preceding giant stellar radii Spectroscopic analysisof polluted WD atmospheres find metals as to be expected from planetary compositionSince the sinking times for such heavy metals are orders of magnitude shorter than theWD cooling age the expected detection rate of polluted WDs is at about 01 per cent Butthe actual observed rate of metals is at 25 to 50 per cent Thus planetary systems appearto survive the RGB phase of their host star and may get disrupted and accreted duringthe WD phase Veras (2016) Farihi (2016) give a broad overview on post-main-sequenceplanetary system evolution and polluted WDs

23 Subdwarf B stars formation scenarios

The canonical formation of Subdwarf B stars is not explained by the typical evolutiondescribed in the section above since some mechanism during the progenitors giant phasemust have removed enough of the envelope to not sustain a H burning after the He flashThe formation scenario in a binary system first proposed by Mengel et al (1976) givesrise to different formation channels (Han et al 2002 2003 Podsiadlowski 2008) dependingon the initial mass ratios The scenarios are illustrated in Fig 23 and 24 The most simplescenario is a stable Roche-lobe over flow (RLOF) as in the left panel of Fig 23 The sdBprogenitor fills its Roche lobe near the tip of the RGB The mass transfer is dynamicallystable and the companion accretes the matter This will form a sdB in a long-period binarysystem with a main-sequence companion Observations find periods from 700 d to 1300 dleading to an improvement of the RLOF model (Chen et al 2013) If the mass transferduring the RLOF is too high the companion cannot accrete all the matter and a commonenvelope (CE) is formed (see Fig 24) Friction in the CE let the stars spiral inwards anduntil the CE gets ejected This will form a close binary system

While about 50 per cent of sdB stars are found in close binary systems with periodsof less than ten days observations show about 30 per cent appear as apparent single sdBstars There are several possible formation scenarios including atmosphere loss due tostellar winds the merger of two He WD (right panel of Fig 23) or undetected low-masscompanions

Hall and Jeffery (2016) estimated the H mass in the remnants of He WD mergers Inthe effective temperature-surface gravity plane they found a region occupied by thesestars during the core-He-burning phase and located the majority of apparently single sdBstars inside this region Nevertheless this conclusion depends on assumptions made to themodel regarding the initial H mass and loss of H during the merger Subdwarf B starslocated outside of this parameter region are found to be rapidly rotating low-gravity sdBstars

Alternatively the sdB progenitor could lose mass near the RGB tip due to strong stellarwinds or internal rotation While the He flash occurs typically at the tip of the RGB asufficient mass loss can lead a star to depart from the RGB so that the He flash is delayed


23 Subdwarf B stars formation scenarios

P = 10 minus 500 daysorb

sdBM = 030 minus 049 M


(mass ratio lt 12 minus 15)

Stable RLOF Channel

stable RLOF (near tip of RGB)

wide sdB binary with MSSG companion

envelope loss near RGB tipby stellar wind(rotation Z)

(1 or 2 CE phases)He WD merger

M = 040 minus 065 MsdB sun

M = 045 minus 049 MsdB sun

Single sdB Stars

gravitational radiation


Figure 23 Stable Roche-lobe channel (left) and single-starmerger channels (right) for theformation of sdB stars (Podsiadlowski 2008) By the kind permission of ASP ConferenceSeries vol 401 P Podsiadlowski p 63

(Castellani and Castellani 1993) The remnants of these ldquohot flashersrdquo are located closeto the He main sequence which coincides with the sdB location Although an ldquoearly hotflasherrdquo scenario may explain He and C abundances in sdB stars observations show someinconsistencies (Moehler et al 2011 Latour et al 2014)

Finally substellar objects eg brown dwarfs or even planets can lead to enough massloss in order to form sdB stars As described in the previous section the abundance ofplanets is high enough to be considered to survive and influence the late stellar evolutionFor a single red giant planets with orbital separations smaller than about 5 au will enhancethe mass loss when the planet is engulfed by the red giantrsquos atmosphere Since planetshave a comparable high angular momentum parts of it can be transferred to the envelopeIn consequence of this momentum transfer the planet spirals inwards and stellar mass lossincreases which leads to the formation of a sdB star In this scenario the planet wouldeither evaporate merge with the core or survive while most of the planetrsquos envelope islost (Soker 1998) With the merger scenario an enhanced stellar rotation could mix moreHe to the envelope and thus increase the RGB tip luminosity and further enhance the totalmass loss (Sweigart 1997) The hypothesis of surviving planetary systems is supportedby planetary-mass companions like the candidates V391 Peg b (Silvotti et al 2007) KIC05807616 bc (Charpinet et al 2011) KIC 10001893 bcd (Silvotti et al 2014) or browndwarf companions like V2008-1753 B (Schaffenroth et al 2015) or CS 1246 (Barlow et al2011b) Figure 25 illustrates the process of forming a sdB planetary system


2 Subdwarf B stars

P = 01 minus 10 daysorb




sdBM = 04 minus 049 M



shortminusperiod sdB binary with MS companionshortminusperiod sdB binary with He WD companion

commonminusenvelope phase commonminusenvelope phase

unstable RLOF minusminusminusgt dynamical mass transfer unstable RLOF minusminusminusgt dynamical mass transfer

stable RLOF

wide binary

CommonminusEnvelope Channels

CE only (mass ratio gt 12 minus 15)stable RLOF + CE (mass ratio lt 12 minus 15)

Figure 24 Common-envelope (CE) channels for the production of sdB stars The CE phasecan be either the first (right panel) or the second (left panel) mass-transfer phase producinga tight sdB binary with either a normal-star or white-dwarf companion respectively(Podsiadlowski 2008) By the kind permission of ASP Conference Series vol 401 PPodsiadlowski p 63

From observational data it cannot be ruled out that these planets may have formed assecond generation planets After the merger of two He WDs the remaining circumstellardisk could provide enough material to form planets in analogy to the pulsar planets(Wolszczan and Frail 1992 Thorsett et al 1993)

Finally there is evidence that some sdB stars are not core He-burning objects Heberet al (2003) discovered a sdB with insufficient mass to ignite He-burning in the core

24 Asteroseismology

Asteroseismology describes the study of the interiors of stars by using their oscillationsas seismic waves The first pulsating star was discovered in 1596 by David Fabricius Henoticed that the star ο Ceti (subsequently named ldquoMirardquo the wonderful) vanished from


24 Asteroseismology

Figure 25 Possible formation mechanism of close-in planets a The two planets identifiedby Charpinet et al (2011) were probably massive gas-giant planets during the early part oftheir host starrsquos life when the star burned hydrogen into helium as our Sun does today Atthis time the planets resided farther away from their host star than they do today b Whenthe star exhausted the supply of hydrogen in its core it expanded to become a red-giant starThe outer layers of the star then engulfed the orbits of the two planets The planets losttheir outer gaseous layers as their orbits spiralled inwards c For unknown reasons the redgiant expelled its cool outer layers leaving behind a small hot B subdwarf star The smallrocky cores of the initial planets were left behind in close-in orbits with periods of 58 and82 hours (Figure not drawn to scale) (Kempton 2011) Reprinted by permission fromCopyright Clearance Center Springer Nature Nature Planetary science ldquoThe ultimatefate of planetsrdquo Kemptoncopy2011

the visible sky Later on it was realized that the star did so every eleven months andbecame the first known (semi) periodic variable star Subsequently more variable stars likeδ Cephei (related stars are summarized as ldquoCepheidsrdquo) were discovered and their variationslinked to radial pulsations By now a large number of groups of pulsating star is known toexist Figure 26 shows their occurrences in a HRD Historically they have been classifiedon a phenomenological basis and mostly named after their prototype star The physicalreasons for the classification were uncovered later and are related to the different types ofexcited pulsation mode mass and evolutionary state Since this work relates mostly to sdBstars the following describes their driving mechanism Extensive overviews can be foundeg in Cunha et al (2007) Aerts et al (2010)

241 κ mechanismBaker and Kippenhahn (1962) proposed the κ mechanism to explain δ Cephei pulsationsFor stellar matter than can be described as an ideal gas an increase in compression ofthe atmosphere causes an increase in temperature and density This usually results in adecrease of the opacity κ allowing energy to be transported more efficiently This describesan equilibrium where temperature and pressure are balanced But in layers of the starwhere κ increases with increasing temperature the incoming flux from inner layers can betemporally stored These layers are associated with regions where (partial) ionization of


2 Subdwarf B stars

chemical elements occur When the layer expands in order to reach its equilibrium theadditionally accumulated energy is released and the star can expand beyond its equilibriumradius When the material recedes energy is again stored in the stellar interior and thecycle can repeat as a periodic stellar oscillation

Depending on the restoring force of the pulsations modes are either of the nature ofstanding acoustic waves (referred to as pressure modes or p modes) or internal gravitywaves (g modes) However especially in evolved stars both types of modes can be found

Unlike solar oscillations which are exited stochastically pulsations excited by theκ mechanism are coherent in phase their lifetime is very long compared to observationsspanning over years and change slowly due to stellar evolution These modes are suitablefor a pulsation timing analysis

In variable sdB stars (sdBV) the bump in opacity is related to elements of the iron group(Charpinet et al 1997) which are accumulated in the driving layers by diffusion processeslike gravitational settling and radiative levitation (cf Heber 2009 2016) Charpinetet al (1996) predicted the nonradial pulsations theoretically almost simultaneously totheir discovery by Kilkenny et al (1997) Effective temperatures Teff typically rangefrom 28 000 K to 35 000 K and surface gravity log g from 52 to 61 Observed pulsationamplitudes are usually smaller than 50 mmag Hybrid pulsators showing both p andg modes (eg Schuh et al 2006) locate at the temperature boundary around 28 000 Kbetween both classes of pulsators About ten per cent of the sdB stars located in theinstability strip of the Teffminus log g plane exhibit pulsations above a few mmag This fractionmight be biased due to detection limits of ground based observations However Keplerobservations confirmed the deficiency of p-mode pulsators in the instability strip (egOslashstensen et al 2011)

Due to the He fusion into C and O in the core of sdB stars the internal structure variesslowly and thus modifies the condition of hydrostatic equilibrium This results into slowsecular changes of the surface gravity and effective temperature and slow changes inthe pulsation period (Charpinet et al 2002) Using long-term observations these periodchanges can be measured

242 Asteroseismic observationsStellar oscillations generate motions and temperature variations on the surface and resultin observable variability These variations cause changes in brightness and colour radialvelocity and line profiles Thus pulsating stars can be studied using photometric andspectroscopic time series measurements which can be used to generate frequency spectra -one of the most important tools in asteroseismology The following focuses on time seriesphotometry

Since the observations are usually discrete and contain gaps a harmonic analysis isperformed using the Discrete Fourier Transformation

F( f ) =


x(tk) exp (i2π f tk)

of the measurements x(tk) which leads to an amplitude spectrum The observations opposelimitations to this spectrum Due to the discrete nature the highest useful frequency to


24 Asteroseismology

search for is called the Nyquist frequency

fNyq =1


with the time between two data points ∆t In the case of unevenly spaced data the Nyquistfrequency does not exist higher frequencies might be detectable With a finite length ofthe observations the spectrum has a finite frequency resolution proportional to the inverseof the total time span Moreover observations are likely to show gaps (eg daynight orseasonal observation windows technical problems poor observing conditions) some ofthem with a regular nature which produce additional peaks in the Fourier space Theseeffects combined are known as the ldquowindow functionrdquo in the time domain or as ldquospectralwindowrdquo in the Fourier space The spectral window can show multiple peaks even ifthe underlying signal is monochromatic and complicate the interpretation of the dataAdditionally long gaps produce unwanted signals in the low frequency regime In order toovercome the complex response in frequencies and amplitudes of the signal even withoutnoise different forms of periodograms have been defined A well-known and widelyapplied technique is the Lomb-Scargle periodogram (Scargle 1982) Horne and Baliunas(1986) Schwarzenberg-Czerny (1997) showed the equivalence of the variance reductionbetween a Lomb-Scargle periodogram and a least squares fit of sinusoids at test frequenciesThus fits of a harmonic series of sinusoids at test frequencies can be used to search fornon-sinusoidal signals as well The Lomb-Scargle periodogram does not require regularsampled data and is used for the analysis in this work (see Press et al (2007) VanderPlas(2017) cf section 8)


2 Subdwarf B stars

Figure 26 Hertzsprung-Russell diagram showing different classes of pulsating starsSome of these are named after a particular member of the class Others are acronymsrespectively for rapidly oscillating Ap (roAp) Slowly Pulsating B (SPB) subdwarf Bvariables (sdBV) The group labelled GW Vir includes what has formerly been known asthe PNNV stars (for Planetary Nebulae Nuclei Variables) and the variable hot DO whitedwarfs (DOV) the DBV and DAV stars are variable DB (helium-rich) and DA (hydrogen-rich) white dwarfs The parallel long-dashed lines indicate the Cepheid instability strip(Cunha et al 2007) Reprinted by permission from Copyright Clearance Center SpringerNature Astron Astrophys Rev ldquoAsteroseismology and interferometryrdquo Cunhacopy2007


Part II

The EXOTIME project


3 Targets

The EXOTIME program (EXOplanet search with the TIming MEthod) was born out oflong-term monitoring of the object HS 2201+2610 in order to measure long-term drifts inthe pulsation periods P The large amount of data made it possible to not only constrain sdBstar evolution from P but resulted in the postulation of the substellar companion candidateV391 Peg b using the pulsation timing method (Silvotti et al 2007) With the puzzlingformation history of sdB stars the authors initiated the EXOTIME program in 2008The project extends the long-term monitoring to the objects HS 0702+6043 (DW Lyn)HS 0444+0458 (V1636 Ori) PG 1325+101 (QQ Vir) EC 09582-1137 (V541 Hya) andHS 2201+2610 (V391 Peg) While the majority of exoplanet research is strongly focussedon planets (and moons) in the habitable zone and formation of planetary systems themain goal of the EXOTIME project is to detect exoplanets orbiting evolved stars usingthe stellar pulsations to conclude on timing variations (see section 5) Transit and radialvelocity searches are not efficient for stars with small radii and high gravities like sdB starsAdditionally the project wants to characterize the target stars using asteroseismic methodsand in particular the measurement of P

The following sections describe the targets and their observations in detail Theirselection followed some basic properties The targets must be observable from the Northernhemisphere and bright enough for a sufficient signal-to-noise ratio in the Johnson B bandwith 1 m to 3 m class telescopes since sdB stars emit the maximum energy in the nearUV regime A suitable target for the timing method should show two to four independentpulsation frequencies coherent in phase and stable in amplitude (gt1 mmag 01 ) Eachfrequency leads to an independent timing measurement But coherence and stability canonly be verified with the long-term monitoring To ensure the sdB star is not accompaniedby a low-mass star in a binary system there should be no strong IR excess compared toa black body spectrum The observational parameters of the five EXOTIME targets aresummarized in Table 31 Section 7 describes DW Lyn V1636 Ori QQ Vir V541 Hya indetail and lists the atmospheric parameters in Table 71

Observations and results on a substellar companion for V391 Peg are published bySilvotti et al (2007) alternative scenarios are discussed by Silvotti (2008) and additionalobservations are published by Silvotti et al (2018) The latter publication placed the firstinterpretation of the O minus C variations under discussion because of possible non-linearinteractions between different pulsation modes that change arrival times We proposedfor continued observations at the Las Cumbres Observatory (LCO Brown et al 2013)using 2 m class telescopes in order to connect observations from Silvotti et al (2018)with upcoming TESS observations in 2020 In 2017 we observed for about 52 hours in2019 for eight hours each in the Johnson B band with exposure times of 10 s to 20 s Theobservations are listed in Table 32


3 Targets

Table 31 Observational properties of the EXOTIME targets taken fromhttpsimbadu-strasbgfrsimbad and amplitude of the main pulsation (mea-sured in this work and by Silvotti et al (2007))

Target RA (J2000) DE (J2000) B mag JminusH ampl

DW Lyn 7h7m980s 60deg38prime50 primeprime16 147 minus0123 219V1636 Ori 4h47m1863s 5deg3prime34 primeprime81 1544 0043 054QQ Vir 13h27m4856s 9deg54prime51 primeprime05 1373 minus014 26V541 Hya 10h0m4182s minus11deg51prime34 primeprime59 1501 minus025 031V391 Peg 22h4m1210s 26deg25prime7 primeprime82 1441 001 085


3 Targets

Table 32 Summary of the newly acquired observations for V391 Peg

observatory obs date exp time s obs time h

LCO 2017-09-12 10 122 2017-09-14 10 068

2017-09-15 10 1402017-09-16 10 4722017-09-17 10 6182017-09-18 10 1222017-09-19 10 6922017-09-20 10 0722017-09-21 10 3952017-09-22 10 2702017-09-26 20 0752017-09-28 20 1752017-09-29 20 0222017-09-30 20 0752017-10-01 20 1272017-10-02 20 0752017-10-03 20 5182017-10-05 20 0232017-10-06 20 0382017-10-07 20 0772017-11-05 20 2072017-11-06 20 0752017-11-09 20 1682017-11-10 20 4222017-11-13 20 2182019-09-07 20 1102019-09-09 20 0072019-09-10 20 2482019-09-11 20 2672019-09-12 20 130

Σ 6027


4 Multi-epoch photometric data

41 Time series photometryThe timing method applied to the data and described in the next section imposes re-quirements on the photometric time series Each observation run needs a high temporalresolution of less than about 30 s in order to sample the p-modes correctly and a highsignal-to-noise ratio to detect their low amplitudes A single phase measurement in thelater analysis is required to reach an uncertainty in the order of one second Therefore theobservations should cover about three consecutive nights each with about three hours forone phase measurement

411 Photometry

In order to make use of the raw CCD images from the observations the data need tobe calibrated properly This includes detector specific corrections (bias and dark fieldsubtraction) as well as instrumental and sensitivity corrections (flat field division) Thefollowing photometric measurements were performed using the IDL package TRIPP (TimeResolved Imaging Photometry Package) Some data have been reduced using differentsoftware packages but the concept does not differ A circular aperture is placed aroundthe target star and measures the flux An annulus around this aperture or a further fieldmeasures the background flux which is subtracted from the target flux Since variationsin the Earthrsquos atmosphere on short and long term time scales (sky transparency air mass)affect this measurement the target flux is compared to the flux of multiple comparison starsThe field of view is assumed to be small enough that all atmospheric variations influencethe flux of all stars equally This procedure is applied to all images of an observationrun and yields the light curve Atmospheric extinction is correction by a second orderpolynomial in time

412 Timing accuracy

Accurate time stamps for each observation is crucial for the analysis of timing effectsAcquisition equipment is usually synced via network with a time server to the universaltime (UTC) However some of the first observations used for the project do not recordthe fraction of the second Thus the accuracy of individual observations is assumed to bebetter than plusmn05 s

Additional to the recording of precise time stamps the observer needs to be positionedin a rest frame compared to the target Without the necessary corrections the result would


4 Multi-epoch photometric data

be superimposed by the Earthrsquos motion around the barycentre of the Solar system anddiscontinuous time standards Eastman et al (2010) describes the necessary formalismin detail The Barycentric Coordinate Time (TDB) time frame including barycentriccorrections for the Solar system is accurate down to 34 ms and applied to all observationaltime stamps (hereafter refereed as BJD(TDB))


5 Methods

51 O minusC Pipeline

Already in the 17th century Ole Rœmer made use of the travel time of light in order tomeasure the speed of light (eg Soter and deGrasse Tyson 2001) An inversion of thisscenario allows to measure changes of orbits using the finite speed of light In astronomythis idea is widely used for different applications eg on pulsars eclipsing binary systemstiming variations on planetary transits or stellar pulsations In the context of stellarpulsations this concept is referred to as the O minusC method (Observed minus Calculated)The approach compares the phase of a periodic function to a reference phase and thusallow conclusions on variations in the observed phase While the following describes themethod illustratively the specific implementation of the O minus C method in this work isexplained in section 8

The schematic construction of an O minusC diagram is pictured in Fig 51 Requirementfor a OminusC analysis is a sufficiently long observational time span of the stellar pulsation Alight curve model fit to full data set provides the reference phase referred to as C Similarfits to small sub-sets of the observation provides an independent light curve model Thuseach sub-set called epoch provides a phase measurement referred to as O Iteratingthrough all epochs in time yield the differences between the average phase of the referencemodel and the phase measurements of the epochs called O minusC diagram

An O minusC diagram with no variations implies an agreement between observed phasesand the reference phase Linear changes in the diagram suggest a wrong frequency for thereference model and thus a constant error added per cycle More complex deviations aredescribed below

511 Linear change in period

The following considerations can be found in Kepler et al (1991) In order to makeuse of the timing method a sufficiently stable timer in the observed system is requiredldquoSufficientlyrdquo refers to accuracy compared to the length of observations In the case ofstellar pulsations this timer is a periodic brightness variation The observed time of theEth cycle can be expressed as

TE = T0 + PE

with the period P at T0 and the epoch E as in the cycle number counted from T0Due to physical processes the stellar pulsation period will change slowly over time


5 Methods


O1 O2 O3








Figure 51 Schematic picture of the O minusC diagram construction Top A model to the fulllight curve yields the reference phase C Middle Light curve models to each epoch yieldindividual phase information O Bottom Construction of the O minusC diagram from abovemeasurements

(see section 241) If this change is small TE can be expand in a Taylor series

TE = T0 +dTdE

(E minus E0) +12


(E minus E0)2 + O ((E minus E0))2

Terms of higher order are neglected Expanding the quadratic term using dTdE = Pleads to

d2TdE2 =




= PdPdt

Assuming 2E0 E finally yields

TE = T0 + PE +12


In order to compare the model of a slowly changing period with the null hypotheses(ldquothe period is stablerdquo) both identify with

O B T0 + PE +12


C B T prime0 + PprimeE

where O stands for observed ephemerides with a constant period Pprime and C for the calculatedor computed ephemerides With ∆T = T0 minus T prime0 and ∆P = P minus Pprime and E = tPminus1 this leads to

O minusC = ∆T0 +∆PP

t +12




51 O minusC Pipeline











Figure 52 Schematic picture of the orbital configuration

In an O minusC diagram a fit with a parabolic function yields the evolutionary time scalePP

512 Light travel time effect

Assuming a two body system consisting of the pulsating star and a companion both orbittheir common centre of mass The motion of pulsating star with mass M around thebarycentre implies a variation in the projected line of sight as show in Fig 52 whichtranslates into a change in light travel time The periodic pulsation of the star allow formeasuring this change and hence concluding on the minimum mass of the companion mAssuming a circular orbit due to the proposed formation history of companions of subdwarfB stars the change in light travel time varies periodically and imposes a sinusoidal signalin the O minusC diagram The following describes the derivation of the expected amplitude ofthis light travel time effect (eg Hilditch 2001 pp 29)

Let the line of sight be aligned with the z direction With the inclination of the orbit ithe argument of periapsis ω and the true anomaly ϑ of the Kepler ellipse the z componentof the radius vector r reads as

rz = r sin (i) sin (ω + ϑ)

Keplerrsquos laws of planetary motion yield

r =a(1 minus e2

)1 + e cos (ϑ)


5 Methods

with the semi mayor axis a and the eccentricity e Thus

rz =a(1 minus e2

)1 + e cos (ϑ)

sin (i) sin (ω + ϑ)

With Keplerrsquos Third Law follows for the semi major axis

a3 = Gm3P2

4π4 (M + m)2

where P is the orbital period Assuming a circular orbit with e = 0 The maximumdisplacement ∆rz in the orbit occurs at sin (ω + ϑ) = plusmn1

∆rz = 2G13m(

P2π (M + m)


sin i

The light travel time follows from

∆T =rz





2π (M + m)


sin i

which is the semi-amplitude of the sinusoidal signal in the O minus C diagram induced by asub-stellar companion due to the light travel time effect

52 Artificial data testingOnce such a fast pipeline is deployed it provides a convenient way to analyse artificialdata with precisely known input parameters and test for the expected results In order toavoid additional effects due to irregular observations and gaps in the data the artificialdata are mostly generated according to the PLATO scheme cadence of 25 s for three years(ie 186 times 106 measurements) and a signal to noise ratio of about 6 as expected for a14 mag star in the B band observed with all 24 telescopes (ESASRE 2011) A differentset of artificial data is created for a simplified ground-based observational scheme (threeconsecutive nights per month each eight hours for ten years ie 124 times 105) Since theresults between these two sets are very similar merely the PLATO-like scheme is discussedbelow

In total about 50 different scenarios of frequency spacings and amplitudes wereinvestigated Some interesting cases are explained below

Resonant frequencies Pulsations with frequency-spacing in integer multiples mightcause an unstable fitting process To test for such scenarios a set of several light curves wascreated They simulate pulsation frequencies in 12 13 and 15 resonances with a constantphase and amplitude The resulting fits to individual modes tend to show oscillatingphases but the simultaneous fit of all frequencies is stable and recovers successfully phase-and amplitude-information Fig 54 shows an example of resonant modes with a basefrequency of 240 dminus1 Some modes tend to show an constant offset in the O minusC diagrambut are on average still close to the null hypothesis


52 Artificial data testing







0 50 100 150 200 250

0 1000 2000


f dminus1

f microHz







minus002minus001 0 001 002

minus02 minus01 0 01 02




f dminus1

f microHz

Figure 53 Left Amplitude spectrum for four resonant pulsations with frequencies of240 dminus1 120 dminus1 80 dminus1 and 48 dminus1 and amplitudes of 05 Right Window function











0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100


48 dminus1 80 dminus1 120 dminus1 240 dminus1




t d

Figure 54 Results for four resonant pulsations with frequencies of 240 dminus1 120 dminus1 80 dminus1

and 48 dminus1 Each epoch contains data from one month Top Reconstructed AmplitudesBottom O minusC diagram


5 Methods




27776 27778 2778



04 minus f1




23998 240 24002



f microHz



f dminus1







minus002minus001 0 001 002

minus02 minus01 0 01 02




f dminus1

f microHz

Figure 55 Left Amplitude spectrum for two close pulsations with frequencies of240000 dminus1 and 240002 dminus1 and amplitudes of 05 and 02 (top) after subtraction ofthe mode at 240000 dminus1 (middle) and residuals after subtraction of the mode at 240002 dminus1

(bottom) Right Window function

Close frequencies Unresolved frequencies are a problem in the analysis of data andinterpretation of their results The frequency resolution is intrinsic to the observationpattern Unfortunately it is very difficult to conclude from an observational O minus Cpattern on unresolved frequencies The vast range of possible combinations in number offrequencies their spacing and amplitude ratios makes it almost impossible to conclude on aspecific configuration to explain the observations However if there is a resolved multipletin the observations but the signal-to-noise ratio of individual amplitudes is not goodenough to provide useful phase measurements a simulated multiplet on the observationaltime grid can provide insights on the O minusC behaviour of the main frequency Additionallythe window function can help to interpret amplitude spectra

Artificial test cases can raise awareness of possible O minus C patterns and caution theinterpretation of observational results The following tests were conducted with twopulsation frequencies and a constant phase which should result in a O minus C diagram notdifferent from zero

With a sufficient frequency separation and signal-to-noise ratio for both pulsations(see Fig 55) the O minusC diagram might show mode-beating effects like in Fig 56 Therecovered amplitude and phase of the main pulsation mode show periodic variationsalthough they should appear constant Thus the simultaneous occurrence of amplitude-and phase-modulations in an O minusC diagram should caution the interpretation in favour ofa light travel time effect

When the signal-to-noise ratio for one frequency is barely over the noise level it mightbe considered as noise after the pre-whitening of the dominant mode and neglected Using


52 Artificial data testing











0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100


2400 dminus1 240002 dminus1




t d

Figure 56 Results of the simultaneous fit of two close pulsations with frequencies of2400 dminus1 and 240002 dminus1 and similar amplitudes Each epoch contains data from onemonth TopReconstructed Amplitudes Bottom O minusC diagram

the example above but reducing the amplitude of the second pulsation from 05 to0001 (see Fig 57) leads to the O minusC diagram in Fig 58 The second pulsation is nottaken into consideration because the amplitude does not elevate above the noise level Themain pulsation shows periodic variations in the phase as to be expected from a substellarcompanion At the same time the amplitude appears to be modulated as well indicating amode-beating effect These scenarios strengthen the need for at least one additional phasevariation measurement on an independent pulsation mode in order to conclude on reflexmotion effects due to a substellar companion

Variable amplitude Previous observational studies show that amplitude modulationsare a common phenomenon for sdB stars Kilkenny (2010) But due to the relatively shortobservational baseline of such investigations it is not clear whether amplitude modulationscan appear on their own or together with phase modulations (as result of mode beatingeffects) Thus the OminusC method needs to be able to distinguish between the two scenarioswhich can be tested by using a simulated mode with an amplitude modulation but nophase modulation The example data set shown in Fig 59 and 510 exhibits an amplitudemodulation of 50 The OminusC analysis recovers successful this amplitude variation Alsothe phase shows no simultaneous variation which enables the distinction between a modebeating and pure amplitude modulated scenario


5 Methods




27776 27778 2778




23998 240 24002



f microHz




f dminus1







minus002minus001 0 001 002

minus02 minus01 0 01 02




f dminus1

f microHz

Figure 57 Left Amplitude spectrum for two close pulsations with frequencies of 2400 dminus1

and 240002 dminus1 and amplitudes of 05 and 0001 (top) residuals after subtractionof the mode at 2400 dminus1 (bottom) Note the different scale The residual peaks are onlyslightly above the average noise level Right Window function





0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100


2400 dminus1




t d

Figure 58 Results for two close pulsations with frequencies of 2400 dminus1 and 240002 dminus1

and very different amplitudes Each epoch contains data from one month Top Recon-structed Amplitude Bottom O minusC diagram for the main pulsation


52 Artificial data testing




27776 27778 2778




23998 240 24002



f microHz




f dminus1







minus002minus001 0 001 002

minus02 minus01 0 01 02




f dminus1

f microHz

Figure 59 Left Amplitude spectrum for one pulsation with a frequency of 2400 dminus1

and an amplitude of 05 varying by 50 with a 300 d period (top) residuals afterpre-whitening of the mode at 2400 dminus1 (bottom) Right Window function




0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100


2400 dminus1




t d

Figure 510 Results for one simulated pulsation with a frequency of 2400 dminus1 and anamplitude of 05 The amplitude is varying by 50 with a 300 d period Each epochcontains data from one month Top Reconstructed Amplitude Bottom O minusC diagram


5 Methods

53 Alternative approaches

531 Analytic signal

The analytic signal (AS) is a complex-valued function where real and imaginary part arerelated to each other by the Hilbert transform In polar coordinates the AS can be expressedin terms of its amplitude and phase as a function of time called envelope and instantaneousphase The instantaneous frequency can be obtained by differentiating the instantaneousphase in respect to time From the instantaneous phase an O minusC diagram can be inferredwhich makes the AS a potentially useful tool to investigate phase amplitude and frequencyvariations in stellar pulsations See III (2007) for a comprehensive overview

The AS s(t) of a signal s(t) is defined as

s(t) = s(t) + iH (s(t))

where the Hilbert transformationH is defined over the convolution

H =1πtlowast s(t)

While the original signal generates one amplitude value for each point in time the analyticalrepresentation generates a rotating vector in the complex plane Thus the analyticalrepresentation provides instantaneous values for amplitude frequency and phase withonly a single sample of a discrete signal

The AS is implemented in the scipy library (Jones et al 2011) Since it is based onFourier transforms it requires equidistant steps in time Thus a space born observatorywith a regular and continuous observing scheme is preferred over ground based observa-tions by this method Due to barycentric motion of the spacecraft the time steps will bedistorted after correcting for the barycentric motion Therefore an interpolation in time isnecessary which makes the analysis computationally very expensive

In order to test the implementation the artificial light curves should represent thistemporal behavior The data were generated sampling one stellar pulsation mode accordingto the PLATO scheme (cadence of 25 s for three years) and an ldquoinverserdquo barycentriccorrection was applied in order to create the irregular temporal spacing

For the analysis the artificial data are interpolated on a grid with a spacing of theshortest time between two measurements close to 25 s From an amplitude spectrum thefrequency of the pulsation mode is selected very similar to the classical O minusC approachimplemented for this work In the presence of multiple pulsation frequencies a frequencyfiltering is necessary After the computation of the envelope instantaneous phase andfrequency the expected linear cycle count is subtracted from the instantaneous phase toyield the OminusC diagram (see Fig 511) Since the AS is computed without a binning of datathe result appears to be scattering much more than the classical O minusC result Averagingthe results over a sufficient amount of time smooths the measurements Neverthelessthe process of interpolation before the actual analysis can start is computationally veryexpensive about a factor 1000 more than the classical O minusC calculation This makes theHilbert transform not practical for analysing irregular high cadence data This approachhas not been further pursued in this work


53 Alternative approaches



50100150200250300350 frequency



0 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 01




ampl envelope 2400 dminus1f




t d

Figure 511 Results of the Hilbert transform for one pulsation with a frequency of2400 dminus1 and an amplitude of 05 Top Flux measurements (black) sampled from thepulsation (grey) and amplitude envelope (red) Middle Instantaneous frequency BottomInstantaneous phase minus reference phase

532 Independent confirmation via direct imagingDirect imaging with adaptive optics allow for observations near the refraction limit of thetelescope This might offer the possibility to confirm sub-stellar companion candidateswhere a clear detection using the pulsation timing is affected by non-linear effects ofstellar pulsations However possible companions are still not resolvable with currenttechnology V391 Peg and DW Lyn have a distance of d = (12387000 plusmn 822422) pc andd = (14954389 plusmn 1303785) pc respectively (Gaia Collaboration et al 2018) With semimajor axis of about 17 au (Silvotti et al 2007) and 196 au the hypothetical companionswould be separated by 137 mas and 131 mas from the host star respectively This isabout one order of magnitude smaller than the theoretical angular resolution of 8 m classtelescopes The remaining EXOTIME targets are not significantly closer to Earth Thusthe sub-stellar companion candidates in the EXOTIME sample can not be confirmed viadirect imaging


Part III

The EXOTIME project Signals in theO minusC diagrams of the rapidly pulsatingsubdwarfs DW Lyn V1636 Ori QQ Vir

and V541 Hya


This chapter is published as a journal article ldquoThe EXOTIME project Signals inthe O minus C diagrams of the rapidly pulsating subdwarfs DW Lyn V1636 Ori QQ Virand V541 Hyardquo in Astronomy and Astrophysics (AampA 638 (2020) A108 DOI httpsdoiorg1010510004-6361201937172) copy F Mackebrandt et al 2020Authors F Mackebrandt12 S Schuh1 R Silvotti3 S-L Kim4 D Kilkenny5 EM Green6 R Lutz7 T Nagel8 J L Provencal910 T Otani1112 T D Oswalt1112

S Benatti13 L Lanteri3 A Bonanno14 A Frasca14 R Janulis15 M Paparoacute16 LMolnaacuter1617 R Claudi13 R H Oslashstensen18

Contributions FM analysed the data and wrote the manuscript SS is CoI of the EXO-TIME project coordinated observations at CAHA and supervised the findings of this workRS is PI of the EXOTIME project coordinated observations at TNG and contributedFig 910 and the according description in section 95 The following authors observed andreduced the data S-LK (LOAO) DK (SAAO) EMG (MtB) RL (MN) TN (Tue)JLP (WET) TO (SARA-KP) TDO (SARA-KP) SB (Asi) LL (Loi) AB (Serrala Nave) AF (Serra la Nave) RJ (Mol) MP (Kon) LM (Kon) RC (Asi) RHOslash(NOT)The manuscript has been read discussed and approved by all named authors

Photometric data of Fig 71 results in Fig 92 94 96 and 99 and figures in theappendix are only available at the CDS via anonymous ftp to cdsarcu-strasbgfr(130791285) or via httpcdsarcu-strasbgfrviz-bincatJA+A638

1 Max-Planck-Institut fuumlr Sonnensystemforschung Justus-von-Liebig-Weg 3 37077 Goumlttingen Germany2 Institut fuumlr Astrophysik Georg-August-Universitaumlt Goumlttingen Friedrich-Hund-Platz 1 37077 Goumlttingen

Germany3 INAF ndash Osservatorio Astrofisico di Torino strada dellrsquoOsservatorio 20 10025 Pino Torinese Italy4 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute Daejeon 34055 South Korea5 Department of Physics and Astronomy University of the Western Cape Private Bag X17 Bellville 7535

South Africa6 Steward Observatory University of Arizona 933 N Cherry Avenue Tucson AZ 85721 USA7 German Aerospace Center (DLR) Remote Sensing Technology Institute Muumlnchener Str 20 82234

Weszligling Germany8 Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics Kepler Center for Astro and Particle Physics University of

Tuumlbingen 72076 Tuumlbingen Germany9 University of Delaware Department of Physics and Astronomy Newark DE 19716 USA10 Delaware Asteroseismic Research Center Mt Cuba Observatory Greenville DE 19807 USA11 Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Department of Physical Science and SARA Daytona Beach FL

32114 USA12 Florida Institute of Technology Department of Physics amp Space Sciences Melbourne FL 32901 USA13 INAF ndash Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova Vicolo dellacircAZOsservatorio 5 35122 Padova Italy14 INAF ndash Osservatorio Astrofisico di Catania Via S Sofia 78 95123 Catania Italy15 Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astronomy Vilnius University Gostauto 12 Vilnius 01108 Lithuania16 Konkoly Observatory Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences Konkoly-Thege M uacutet 15-17

1121 Budapest Hungary17 MTA CSFK Lenduumllet Near-Field Cosmology Research Group Konkoly Observatory18 Department of Physics Astronomy and Materials Science Missouri State University Springfield MO

65897 USA


A108Based on observations obtained at the 09 m SARA-KP telescope which is operated bythe Southeastern Association for Research in Astronomy (saraobservatoryorg)


6 Introduction

Subdwarf B stars (sdBs) are sub-luminous stars with a mass of about 05 M located at theblue end of the horizontal branch which is the so-called extreme horizontal branch (EHBHeber 1986) They maintain a helium burning core but their thin hydrogen envelope(Menv lt 001 M) cannot sustain hydrogen shell burning which identifies sdBs withstripped cores of red giants (Heber 2016) Binary evolution with a common envelope (CE)is the favoured formation scenario for most sdBs The sdB progenitor fills its Roche lobenear the tip of the RGB A CE is formed when the mass transfer rate is sufficiently highand the companion star cannot accrete all the matter For close binary systems with smallinitial mass ratios q lt 12ndash15 two phases of mass transfer occur The first Roche-lobeoverflow is stable whereas the second one is unstable leading to the ejection of the CEThe resulting binary consists of an sdB star and a white dwarf in a short-period orbitFor initial mass ratios q gt 12ndash15 the first mass-transfer phase is unstable and the CE isejected producing an sdB star with a non-degenerate (eg main sequence star) companionA more detailed review of formation and evolution of compact binary systems can be foundin Podsiadlowski (2008) and Postnov and Yungelson (2014) These formation scenarioscannot explain the observed additional occurrence of apparently single sdBs (Maxtedet al 2001) Among the proposed formation scenarios is the proposal by Webbink (1984)that they could be formed by a merger of two helium white dwarfs But such mergersare problematic as they are expected to retain very little hydrogen (Han et al 2002) andbe left with higher rotation rates than what has been observed (Charpinet et al 2018)Moreover the overall observed mass distribution of single sdB stars is not consistent withthat expected from the proposed formation scenario Sub-stellar companions could resolvethis disagreement between theory and observations Planetary-mass companions like thecandidates V391 Peg b (Silvotti et al 2007) KIC 05807616 bc (Charpinet et al 2011)KIC 10001893 bcd (Silvotti et al 2014) or brown dwarf companions like V2008-1753 B(Schaffenroth et al 2015) or CS 1246 (Barlow et al 2011b) indicate the existence of apreviously undiscovered population of companions to apparently single sdBs

Due to the high surface gravity and effective temperature (leading to few stronglybroadened spectral lines in the optical) and the small radii of sdBs the detection efficiencyfor companions via methods like radial velocity variations or transits is small The timingof stellar pulsations offers a complementary detection method sensitive to large orbitalseparations

A small fraction of sdB stars shows pulsational variations in the p- (pressure-) andg- (gravity-) mode regimes Rapid p-mode pulsators (sdBVr) discovered by Kilkennyet al (1997) show periods of the order of minutes and amplitudes of a few tens of mmagSuch pulsations were predicted by Charpinet et al (1997 et seq) to be driven by theκ-mechanism due to a Z-opacity bump For slow pulsators (sdBVs) the periods range


6 Introduction

from 30 to 80 min with small amplitudes of a few mmag This class was discovered byGreen et al (2003) and the pulsations are explained by the κ-mechanism as well (Fontaineet al 2003) Some sdB stars show both types of pulsation modes simultaneously (sdBVrs)These hybrid pulsators lie at the temperature boundary near 28000 K between the twoclasses of pulsating stars for example the prototype for this class DW Lyn (Schuh et al2006) which is also addressed in this work or Balloon 090100001 (Baran et al 2005)

Pulsations driven by the κ-mechanism are coherent which qualifies these objects forthe timing method to search for sub-stellar companions This method is based on thelight-travel time effect with the host star acting as a stable ldquoclockrdquo spatial movements ofthe star around the barycentre induced by a companion result in time delays of the stellarlight measured by the observer Examples of detections using this method are ldquopulsar-planetsrdquo (eg Wolszczan and Frail 1992) planets detected by transit timing variations (egKepler 19 c Ballard et al 2011) planets orbiting δScuti stars (Murphy et al 2016a) oreclipsing binaries (eg V2051 Oph (AB) b Qian et al 2015) In particular the detectionof a late-type main sequence star companion to the sdB CS 1246 by Barlow et al (2011b)subsequently confirmed with radial velocity data (Barlow et al 2011a) or other studieslike Otani et al (2018) demonstrate the viability of this method in sdB systems On theother hand the particular example of V391 Peg b is currently under discussion (Silvottiet al 2018) because of possible non-linear interactions between different pulsation modesthat change arrival times (see Zong et al 2018 for a detailed study of amplitudefrequencyvariations related to nonlinear effects) Stochastically driven pulsations are suspected byReed et al (2007a) Kilkenny (2010) and their nature confirmed by Oslashstensen et al (2014)Also the candidate detections of KIC 05807616 and KIC 10001893 are uncertain sinceother sdBs observed within the Kepler K2- mission exhibit g-modes with long periods upto few hours They question the interpretation of the low-frequency variations for KIC05807616 and KIC 10001893 (eg Krzesinski 2015 Blokesz et al 2019)

In order to detect sub-stellar companions orbiting rapidly pulsating sdB stars theEXOTIME observational programme (EXOplanet search with the TIming MEthod) hasbeen taking long term data since 1999 EXOTIME conducted a long-term monitoringprogramme of five rapidly pulsating sdB stars V391 Peg has been discussed by Silvottiet al (2007 2018) In this paper we present the observations of DW Lyn and V1636 Oripreviously discussed in Lutz et al (2008a) Schuh et al (2010) Lutz (2011) Lutz et al(2011) and re-evaluate their findings using an extended set of observations In additionthe observations of QQ Vir and V541 Hya are presented and analysed In the beginning ofthe programme the mode stability was tested for all targets over a timespan of months inorder to ensure the pulsation modes were coherent

For the DW Lyn observations Lutz et al (2011) found no significant signals in aperiodogram of the O minus C data of the two analysed pulsation frequencies which wouldindicate sub-stellar companions A tentative signal in the second frequency (in this worklabelled f2 as well) formally corresponding to an 80-day companion orbit is concludedto arise from mode beating of an unresolved frequency doublet The analysis of V1636Ori revealed a signal at 160 d in the periodogram of the main frequency O minusC data (Lutzet al 2011) Although this periodicity showed a significance of only 1σ Lutz et al(2011) predicted an increase of significance with follow-up observations We are usingthis extended data set in our work now incorporating observations up to 2015

This paper is organised as follows Section 7 describes the observational aspects within


6 Introduction

the EXOTIME programme and the data reduction followed by a description of our analysisin Sect 8 Our results are presented in Sect 9 together with a discussion


7 Observations and data reduction

The observational data necessary for the analysis are comprised of many individual datasets gathered over the course of up to two decades The detection method demands theobservation of a target for a total time base at least as long as one orbit of a potentialcompanion which can span several years This requires coordinated campaigns withobservatories using ~1 ndash 4 m telescopes In order to derive sufficient accuracy for theanalysis observations with at least three to four consecutive nights each with a minimumof two to three hours per target are required To resolve the short-period p-modes thecadence must be shorter than about 30 s but still with a sufficient signal-to-noise ratio(SN) All observations used the Johnson-Bessel B band The correct time stamps foreach observation are of most importance for the timing analysis Most observatories ofthis study contributed already successfully to the work of Silvotti et al (2007) Silvotti(2008 Table 2) The following lists some references where telescopes used for thisstudy contributed successfully to other timing-relevant observations Konkoly RCC 10 mTelescope Provencal et al (2009) Stello et al (2006) Mt Lemmon Optical AstronomyObservatory Bischoff-Kim et al (2019) Lee et al (2014) Serra la Nave 09 m Bonannoet al (2003ab) SARA-KP 09 m telescope Kilkenny (2014) Baran et al (2018)

Table 71 lists the atmospheric parameters of the stars and Table 72 summarisesthe photometric observations obtained at multiple medium-class telescopes Fig 71summarises the observational coverage

71 DW Lyn

Dreizler et al (2002) identified DW Lyn (HS 0702+6043) as a p-mode pulsator Schuhet al (2006) discovered additional g-mode pulsations making this star the prototype of

Table 71 Atmospheric parameters of the targets

Target Te f f K log(g cm





DW Lyn 28 400plusmn600 535plusmn01 -27plusmn01 1V1636 Ori 33 800plusmn1 000 560plusmn015 -185plusmn020 2QQ Vir 34 800plusmn610 581plusmn005 -165plusmn005 3V541 Hya 34 806plusmn230 5794plusmn0044 -1680plusmn0056 4

1 Dreizler et al (2002) 2 Oslashstensen et al (2001) 3 Telting andOslashstensen (2004) 4 Randall et al (2009)


7 Observations and data reduction






54500 55000 55500 56000 56500

2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013










54500 55000 55500 56000 56500 57000

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015








71 DW Lyn






52000 52500 53000 53500 54000 54500 55000 55500 56000

2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013










53000 53500 54000 54500 55000 55500 56000 56500 57000 57500

2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016







Figure 71 Light curves Grey points are considered outliers and partially exceeding theplotting range (a) DW Lyn (b) V1636 Ori (c) QQ Vir (d) V541 Hya


7 Observations and data reductionTable












































































































































































72 V1636 Ori

hybrid sdB pulsatorsThere are photometric data available from 1999 Large gaps make a consistent O minusC

analysis difficult Regular monitoring within the EXOTIME programme ran from 2007until the beginning of 2010 Further observations cover a period up to the end of 2010These multi-site observations are described in Lutz et al (2008ab 2011) Here we addobservations made with the SARA-KP 09 m telescope at Kitt Peak National Observatoryin Arizona that used exposure times of 30 s

72 V1636 OriOslashstensen et al (2001) discovered V1636 Ori (HS 0444+0458) as a pulsating sdB starReed et al (2007b) conducted a frequency analysis reporting one small and two largeamplitude p-modes

V1636 Ori was observed between August 2008 and January 2015 for the EXOTIMEproject About a third of the data was obtained using the 1 m South African AstronomicalObservatory (SAAO) with the UCT and STE3 CCD instruments Observations at the 12 mMONETNorth telescope equipped with an Apogee 1ktimes1k E2V CCD camera were takenin 2x2 binning using 20 s exposure times Observations at the 22 m Calar Alto Observatory(CAHA) used the CAFOS instrument with 10 s exposure time Two nights were obtainedat the 15 m telescope at Loiano observatory using the BFOSC (Bologna Faint ObjectSpectrograph amp Camera) instrument and 15 s exposure times Between October 2008 andDecember 2009 observations at the 1 m Mt Lemmon Optical Astronomy Observatory(LOAO) were conducted with a 2ktimes2k CCD camera with exposure times of 12 s and 20 sThe observations at the 36 m Telescopio Nazionale Galileo (TNG) in August 2008 and2010 were performed with the DOLORES instrument and 5 s exposure times

73 QQ VirThe discovery of QQ Vir (PG 1325+101) as a multi-period pulsator was reported in Silvottiet al (2002) followed by a frequency analysis and asteroseismological modelling bySilvotti et al (2006) and Charpinet et al (2006) respectively

Observations of QQ Vir in 2001 and 2003 are described in Silvotti et al (2002) andSilvotti et al (2006) respectively Between March 2008 and April 2010 the object wasobserved as part of the EXOTIME project (Benatti et al 2010) Additionally one obser-vation run in February 2005 was performed at the 15 m telescope at Loiano observatoryusing the BFOSC instrument Most of the observations were obtained in 2009 2010 2011and 2012 at the LOAO using an exposure time of 10 s The CAHA and MONETNorthobservations were conducted with 10 s and 20 s exposure times respectively The Loianoobservatory performed additional observations in 2009 2010 and 2011 with the 15 mtelescope using BFOSC and an exposure times of 12 s 15 s and 20 s Observations atthe Moletai Astronomical Observatory (Mol) in 2008 were performed using the 16 mtelescope and an Apogee 1ktimes1k E2V CCD camera using 175 s of exposure time Obser-vations at the SAAO used the same instrumental set up as described in section 72 TheTNG observed in 2010 and 2011 A DARC-WET campaign on QQ Vir was performed inMay 2010


7 Observations and data reduction

74 V541 HyaV541 Hya (EC 09582-1137) was discovered by Kilkenny et al (2006) Randall et al(2009) conducted an asteroseismological analysis of this target

Between 2005 and 2015 a large number of observations were obtained at the SAAOusing the same instrumentation noted in Sect 72 and exposure times of 10 s The LOAOconducted observations in 2009 2012 and 2013 with exposure times of 20 s During March2009 and February and March 2010 V541 Hya was observed at the CAHA using anexposure time of 10 s

75 TESS observationsThe primary goal of the NASA Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) space tele-scope is to detect exoplanets transiting bright nearby stars (Ricker et al 2015) Howeverthe extensive time series photometry is valuable for asteroseimology and the TESS Astero-seismic Science Consortium (TASC) coordinates short cadence observations of pulsatingevolved stars TESS observed V1636 Ori and V541 Hya with a cadence of 120 s betweenNovember 15 2018 and December 11 2018 and February 2 2019 and February 27 2019respectively We used the light curves provided by the MAST archive1 that had commoninstrumental trends removed by the Pre-Search Data Conditioning Pipeline (PDC Stumpeet al 2012) Light curves and amplitude spectra are presented in Fig 111 and 112 Thetwo minutes (ldquoshortrdquo) cadence undersamples the p-modes at about 140 s In combinationwith the large photometric scatter the amplitude spectra show no evidence of the p-modesThus we do not make use of the TESS observations in our study

76 Data reductionFor the EXOTIME observations the data reduction was carried out using the IDL softwareTRIPP (Time Resolved Imaging Photometry Package see Schuh et al 2000) TRIPPperforms bias- dark- flat-field corrections and differential aperture photometry to calculatethe relative flux of a target with respect to one or more comparison stars and extinction-corrections (second order polynomial in time) In the presence of sub-stellar companionswe might expect variations in the arrival times of stellar pulsations on the order of secondsto tens of seconds The corresponding uncertainties are expected to be about one secondThese uncertainties rise from observational constrains such as smearing and samplingeffects due to the integration time The accuracy of individual time-stamps is better thanplusmn05 s All time stamps were converted from GJD(UTC) to BJD(TDB) according toEastman et al (2010) with an accuracy well below the expected observational uncertainty

Typical SN for our ground-based observations range from 60 for large amplitudepulsations to 3 for the smallest pulsation-amplitudes we investigate in this work Theamplitude spectra in Sect 9 show also pulsations with smaller SN but these are notsuitable for timing analysis because the uncertainties are too large (see Table 111)

1 httpsarchivestsciedu


8 Analysis

In order to detect variations in the arrival time of stellar pulsations we developed a pipelineto process the reduced data A schematic flowchart of our pipeline is presented in Fig 81The input consists of the light curve (time series) and the dates of the observational epochsIn a light curve typically spanning several years at a very low duty cycle of 02 to 17 percent an epoch consists of a few roughly consecutive nights of observation

Outlier removal In case no uncertainty in the flux measurement F is provided theroot-mean-square of each observation is used as an approximate photometric error forthe later analysis We have used a running median filter to exclude 5σ flux-outliers Thelength of the window size depends on the cadence of the observations We constrained itto be not longer than half of the period of the main frequency The analysis is performedfor each frequency individually before all frequencies were analysed simultaneously

Full data fit For the individual fitting of pulsations we first determined the frequencyof the main signal For this we used the astropy package to calculate the Lomb-Scargleperiodogram (Astropy Collaboration et al 2013 2018) From this periodogram we selectedthe frequency with the largest amplitude to continue In the next step we performed the fitof a sinusoidal function to the light curve using

F(t) = A sin ( f t + φ) + o (81)

with amplitude A frequency f phase φ and offset o The minimization problem is solvedusing the scipy implementation of the Trust Region Reflective algorithm (Jones et al2011) The selected frequency from the amplitude spectrum serves as initial value thefull-width-at-half-maximum of the corresponding peak in the periodogram is used as aboundary The amplitude-guess is taken from the amplitude spectrum In case of highlyvarying amplitudes the initial value can be set manually The fitting routine returns theparameters and their variance

Epoch fit Frequency and offset are all kept fixed for the following analysis of theindividual observational epochs The starting value of the current phase fit is determinedby the average of the previous j phase values (or the global fit value from above in casethere are no j previous values yet) in order to keep the fitting process stable and avoidldquophase-jumpsrdquo For our target sample a value of j = 3 has proven to be reasonable exceptwhen observational gaps span over several years

The uncertainty in the phase measurement scales inverse with the length of the epochsThus this length is chosen in a way to minimize the uncertainties of the fit but at the same


8 Analysis

LC data epochsperiodogram

choose frequency

fit to refine frequencyC

determine nth frequency

divide light curveinto epochs

fit to epochs O

O minus C-diagram

new Frequency

pre-whitening LCwith fit model

fit sum of nsine to LC

fit sum of nsine to epochs

O minus C-diagramyesn + 1 no






Figure 81 Flow chart representing the analysis of the time of arrival Light curve (LC)and start end time of each observational epoch are provided as input Each frequency isanalysed leading to an intermediate O minusC-diagram and subtracted from the LC by itselfbefore the sum of all sinusoidal functions is fitted simultaneously to the LC resulting inthe final O minusC-diagram

time keep the epochs as short as possible to maximize the temporal resolution of the finalO minusC diagram Often the observations themselves constrain the length of the epochs (egthree consecutive nights of observations and a gap of several weeks before the next blockof observations) If possible we aim for an epoch length such that the timing uncertaintiesare of the order of one second The phase information of the global and the epoch fit resultin a intermediate O minusC diagram

As a last step in the single-frequency-analysis the fitted model is subtracted from thelight curve We noticed significant amplitude variations for some of our targets Thuswe subtract the model using the amplitude of the individual epochs This pre-whiteningprocedure is repeated for every relevant pulsation in the data

Multi frequency fit Close frequencies are likely to introduce artificial trends in thearrival times in such a step-by-step analysis Thus the sum of all sinusoidal functions

F(t) = An sin ( fnt + φn) + o (82)

is fitted to the non-whitened light curve where n is the number of investigated frequenciesThe previously retrieved values for amplitude frequency phase and offset are used asinitial values We are using the phase information φn of the light curve as reference phasenamely calculated phase C in the final O minus C diagram Similar to the single-frequency


8 Analysis

Table 81 Parameters of the simultaneously fitted pulsations per target over their fullobservational time span and the pulsation period P

Target f dminus1 P s A φ d

DW Lyn f1 237941160 (8) 363114982(12) 219 (9) 54394741 (5)f2 22515898 (5) 38372887(9) 035 (9) 5439474 (3)

V1636 Ori f1 6317346 (2) 13676629(5) 054 (3) 5469872 (3)f2 5099780 (3) 1694191(1) 024 (3) 5469872 (7)

QQ Vir f1 626877627 (3) 1378259429(7) 26 (1) 52117924 (6)f2 55200714 (9) 15651971(3) 010 (9) 521179 (1)f3 6420515 (1) 13456864(3) 007 (1) 521179 (2)

V541 Hya f1 63532218 (5) 135993993(11) 031 (8) 5341388 (3)f2 57128556 (3) 151237850(8) 021 (7) 5341388 (3)

Notes The phase φ refers to the time corresponding to the first zero-crossing ofthe function after the first measurement t0 in MBJD

analysis the observational epochs are now fitted individually using the sum of sinusoidalfunctions to yield the observed phase information O

The results of the simultaneous fit for each target in this paper are summarised in Ta-ble 81 We list pulsation modes not used for the timing analysis in Table 111 Figures 82ndash 85 show example light curves of the targets for one epoch each including their multifrequency fit and the respective amplitude spectrum


8 Analysis



470 472 474 476 478 480 482 484 486 488



572 574 576 578 580 582 584 586 588 590



672 674 676 678 680 682 684 686 688 690



t d since 2007-10-17




2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 3000




225 epoch


210 220 230 240 250 260




f microHz






f dminus1

Figure 82 Example observations of DW Lyn from October 2122 and 23 2010 at theLulin observatory (top from top to bottom) combined used as one O minusC measurementThe errorbar on the left of each plot represents the photometric uncertainty The red lineshows the simultaneous two frequency fit to the epoch data The amplitude spectra inthe lower panel show the spectrum of the full data set (top) the spectrum of this epoch(middle) and the respective window function computed at f1 (bottom)


8 Analysis



130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137



229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236



329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336



t d since 2009-03-20




065700 6000 6300 6600 6900 7200 7500






480 500 520 540 560 580 600 620 640 660




f microHz






f dminus1

Figure 83 Example observations of V1636 Ori from March 20 21 and 22 2009 atthe CAHA (top from top to bottom) combined used as one O minus C measurement Theerrorbar on the left of each plot represents the photometric uncertainty The red line showsthe simultaneuos two frequency fit to the epoch data The amplitude spectra in the lowerpanel show the spectrum of the full data set (top) the spectrum of this epoch (middle) andthe respective window function computed at f1 (bottom)


8 Analysis



876 880 884 888 892 896 900



976 980 984 988 992 996 1000



1072 1076 1080 1084 1088 1092 1096



t d since 2012-02-13




6200 6400 6600 6800 7000 7200 7400 7600 7800





15 epoch


540 560 580 600 620 640 660 680




f microHz






f dminus1

Figure 84 Example observations of QQ Vir from February 20 21 and 22 2012 at theMonet telescope (top from top to bottom) combined used as one OminusC measurement Theerrorbar on the left of each plot represents the photometric uncertainty The red line showsthe simultaneuos two frequency fit to the epoch data The amplitude spectra in the lowerpanel show the spectrum of the full data set (top) the spectrum of this epoch (middle) andthe respective window function computed at f1 (bottom)


8 Analysis



284 288 292 296 300 304 308 312



380 384 388 392 396 400 404 408



888 892 896 900 904 908 912 916



t d since 2008-02-04




036400 6600 6800 7000 7200 7400 7600 7800




04 epoch


540 560 580 600 620 640 660 680




f microHz






f dminus1

Figure 85 Example observations of V541 Hya from February 6 7 and 12 2008 at theSAAO (top from top to bottom) combined used as one O minusC measurement The errorbaron the left of each plot represents the photometric uncertainty The red line shows thesimultaneuos two frequency fit to the epoch data The amplitude spectra in the lower panelshow the spectrum of the full data set (top) the spectrum of this epoch (middle) and therespective window function computed at f1 (bottom)


9 Results and discussion

In the following we discuss the implications of the obtained amplitude spectra and O minusCmeasurements on the evolutionary state and presence of sub-stellar companions to thetargets

91 DW LynThe amplitude spectrum of DW Lyn in Fig 113 reveals two strong pulsation modes atf1 = 237941160 dminus1 and f2 = 22515898 dminus1 A closer look to the amplitude spectrum inFig 91 reveals small asymmetries compared to the window function The pre-whiteningof both frequencies leaves residuals well above noise level in the amplitude spectrumindicating unresolved multiplets or mode splitting especially for f2

The SN of modes at higher frequencies for example at about 320 dminus1 and 480 dminus1are too small for a stable O minusC analysis (see Table 111) Therefore the O minusC diagram




minus02 minus015 minus01 minus005 0 005 01 015 02




0010203 f2



minus002 minus0015 minus001 minus0005 0 0005 001 0015 002


Af 1

f microHz




f 2







f dminus1

Figure 91 Amplitude spectrum of DW Lyn of the main pulsation frequency f1 =

237941160 dminus1 (top) f2 = 22515898 dminus1 (middle) with the respective residuals afterthe pre-whitening below and the normalised window-function (bottom)


9 Results and discussion




2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012





54400 54600 54800 55000 55200 55400 55600 55800 56000 56200 56400













Figure 92 Results for the two main pulsations of DW Lyn Top panel AmplitudesMiddle panel Fits of the O minusC data with second order polynomials in time Lower panelResiduals

in Fig 92 shows the analysis of the two main pulsation modes with the time-dependentvariation of the pulsation amplitudes

In order to determine evolutionary times-cales of the pulsations we investigate thelong-term evolution in the OminusC data A constant change in period results in a second-orderterm as a function of time (Sterken 2005) which allows us to derive a value for the secularchange of the period P and hence the evolutionary time-scale Results of the fits of thesecond order polynomial are included in Fig 92 which are PP f 1 = (58 plusmn 02)times 10minus5 dminus1

and PP f 2 = (minus293 plusmn 08) times 10minus5 dminus1 Assuming P is based on stellar evolution stellarmodel calculations show that the sign of the rate of period change indicates the phase ofthe sdB after the zero-age extreme horizontal branch (ZAEHB Charpinet et al 2002) Forp-modes a positive P relates to the first evolutionary phase of the ZAEHB in which thesurface gravity decreases due to He burning in the core A negative P would correspondto the second evolutionary phase in which the sdB contracts because the depletion of Hein its core and this happens before the post-EHB evolution The turning point betweenthese two states occurs between 87 and 91 Myr after the ZAEHB According to ourmeasurement of a positive P for f1 DW Lyn would still be in its first evolutionary phaseWith the lack of a mode identification from an asteroseismic model for DW Lyn we can notdirectly compare the measured P with theoretical predictions from Charpinet et al (2002)However stellar models with pulsation periods of around 360 s show values for P with acomparable order of magnitude as our measurement P = (43 plusmn 015) times 10minus1 s Myrminus1 forexample P = 162s Myrminus1 for a model with a mode of l = 0 k = 0 at the age of 6783 Myr(Charpinet et al 2002 appendix C) The large P of f2 is consistent with the apparent modesplitting seen in the amplitude spectra in Fig 91 and thus does not reflect the evolutionary


92 V1636 Ori

phase of DW LynAfter subtracting the long term-trend small time scale features are evident For

example the O minus C data for f2 show an oscillating behaviour with a significance of 3σwithin the first 200 days while the arrival times for f1 remain constant during the sameperiod of time In later epochs the O minusC data for both frequencies agree mostly within2σ During the second half of the observations the phase of f2 jumps by about 100 s Thisbehavior lacks an explanation

Additionally the evolution of the pulsation-amplitudes in Fig 92 shows a comparableoscillating behaviour for f2 within the first epochs similar to the change in arrival timesAlthough the periodic variations in amplitude are not as significant as for the phase theoccurrence of simultaneous phase- and amplitude-modulations indicate a mode-beatingof two close unresolved frequencies The residuals in the amplitude spectrum supportthis explanation In later observations the amplitude remains almost constant within theuncertainties The beating mode might lose energy or shift frequency over time Theamplitude for the f1 pulsation drops by about 1 per cent (amplitude) or about 35 per cent(relative) to the second half of the observation campaign with a similar quasi-periodicvariation as the phase The residuals in the amplitude spectrum show no indication of anunresolved frequency leading to mode-beating Besides stochastically driven pulsationmodes Kilkenny (2010) suggest energy transfer between modes as possible explanationfor amplitude variations For both frequencies a possible interaction between amplitudeand phase of pulsations is not well understood

92 V1636 Ori

The amplitude spectrum of V1636 Ori in Fig 114 shows two main pulsation modes withfrequencies at f1 = 6317346 dminus1 and f2 = 5099780 dminus1 The SN is not sufficient to use athird pulsation mode at 5662 dminus1 (6553 microHz Reed et al 2007b) The amplitude spectrumof TESS data in Fig 112 shows no evidence for g-mode pulsations with amplitudes greaterthan 04 per cent A detailed look at the spectra of the two main frequencies in Fig 93shows mode splitting likely due to a change in frequency over the long time of observation

The O minusC diagram in Fig 94 shows the two main pulsation modes and the variationof the pulsation amplitudes

From the second order fit in time we derive the changes in period PP f 1 = (minus854plusmn014) times 10minus5 dminus1 and PP f 2 = (minus25 plusmn 05) times 10minus5 dminus1 We caution the interpretation ofthese values as evolutionary time scales since the apparent mode splitting seen in Fig 93could explain these trends as well

The residuals after subtracting the long term trend show a large variation They changeby up to about plusmn50 s for f1 (sim 14σ significance) and up to about plusmn30 s for f2 (sim 3σsignificance) The amplitude for f1 drops by about 025 per cent (amplitude) or about33 per cent (relative) in the time between MBJD = 55100 d and 55300 d and returnsto its previous level afterwards while the amplitude for f2 remains constant within theuncertainties This decrease in amplitude coincides with earlier arrival times in the O minusCdiagram As already discussed in the previous section a possible amplitude- and phase-interaction is not well understood The f1 pulsation mode may not be coherent on suchlong time-scales but of a short-term stochastic nature not resolvable by our data set (eg


9 Results and discussion


minus02 minus015 minus01 minus005 0 005 01 015 02





02 f2




minus002 minus0015 minus001 minus0005 0 0005 001 0015 002


Af 1

f microHz




f 2







f dminus1

Figure 93 Amplitude spectrum of V1636 Ori of the main pulsation frequency f1 =

6317346 dminus1 (top) f2 = 5099780 dminus1 (middle) with the respective residuals after thepre-whitening below and the normalised window-function (bottom)

KIC 2991276 Oslashstensen et al 2014)

93 QQ VirFig 115 shows the amplitude spectrum for the QQ Vir observations The main frequencyat about f1 = 626877628 dminus1 is presented in Fig 95 in detail and shows asymmetriescompared to the window function After the pre-whitening process a close frequency atabout 626881270 dminus1 remains but attempts to model this pulsation fail with uncertaintiestoo large for the timing analysis There appear two more frequencies suitable for our studyThe amplitude spectra around f2 = 55200713 dminus1 and f3 = 6420516 dminus1 are presentednext to f1 in Fig 95 Another peak at about 665 dminus1 consists of at least two frequenciesat 664488549 dminus1 and 665478133 dminus1 but they are not sufficiently resolvable within theindividual epochs and lead to too large uncertainties in the O minusC analysis

Fig 96 shows the resulting O minus C diagram and the amplitudes at different epochsDue to the large observational gap from 2003 to 2008 with only one block of observationsin between we had difficulties avoiding errors in cycle count In order to avoid a phasejump we increased the averaging window for initial phase values to q = 6 With this setup the changes in pulsation frequencies read as follows PP f 1 = (17 plusmn 16) times 10minus7 dminus1PP f 2 = (24 plusmn 04) times 10minus5 dminus1 and PP f 3 = (40 plusmn 05) times 10minus6 dminus1 While f2 and f3 showno significant variation of pulsation amplitude f1 varies by 15 per cent (amplitude) or50 per cent (relative) Thus the corresponding phase changes should be interpreted withcaution Charpinet et al (2006) identify the radial order k and degree l from asteroseismic


93 QQ Vir




2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014






55000 55500 56000 56500 57000













Figure 94 Results for the two main pulsations of V1636 Ori Top panel AmplitudesMiddle panel Fits of the O minusC data with second order polynomials in time Lower panelResiduals


minus02 minus01 0 01 02




01 f2



01 f3



minus002 minus001 0 001 002


Af 1

f microHz




f 2




Af 3







f dminus1

Figure 95 Amplitude spectrum of QQ Vir of the main pulsation frequency f1 =

626877628 dminus1 (top) f2 = 55200713 dminus1 (top middle) f3 = 6420516 dminus1 (bottom middle)with the respective residuals after the pre-whitening below and the normalised window-function (bottom)


9 Results and discussion











52000 53000 54000 55000 56000




2f 3










Figure 96 Results for the three main pulsations of QQ Vir Top panel Amplitudes f3 hasa vertical offset of -1 for clarity Middle panel Fits of the O minusC data with second orderpolynomials in time Lower panel Residuals

modelling to be f1 l = 2 k = 2 f2 l = 4 k = 1 f3 l = 3 k = 2 These combinationsdo not allow a direct comparison of our P measurements to the model calculations fromCharpinet et al (2002) but the sign of P indicates QQ Vir to be in the stage of He burning

94 V541 HyaThe amplitude spectrum in Fig 116 shows two pulsation modes with frequencies atf1 = 63532218 dminus1 and at f2 = 57128556 dminus1 Both of them show a complex behavior(Fig 97) indicating unresolved multiplets andor frequency changes that we see also in theO-C diagrams (Fig 99) The SN for a third frequency at 60388741 dminus1 is not sufficientfor the O minusC analysis Similar to V1636 Ori the amplitude spectrum obtained from theTESS light curve in Fig 112 shows no evidence for g-mode pulsations with amplitudesgreater than 04 per cent

Randall et al (2009) speculated about rotational mode splitting for f3 with ∆ f3minus =

512 microHz and ∆ f3+ = 368 microHz The asteroseismic modelling associates f1 with a l = 0mode and f2 with l = 0 or 1 mode (depending on the favoured model) f3 corresponds to al = 2 mode They caution this interpretation due to their limited resolution in frequencyspace the mode splitting could be an unresolved quintuplet Our data set shows no clearevidence for a mode splitting with ∆ f3minus = 512 microHz or ∆ f3+ = 368 microHz (see Fig 98) butrather a mode splitting for f1 and f2 with about ∆ f = 008 microHz (Fig 97) Assuming thesemodes are of degree l = 1 this could be interpreted as a triplet But Randall et al (2009)model these modes with a degree of l = 0 which does not support a mode splitting into


94 V541 Hya


minus02 minus015 minus01 minus005 0 005 01 015 02





02 f2




minus002 minus0015 minus001 minus0005 0 0005 001 0015 002


Af 1

f microHz




f 2







f dminus1

Figure 97 Amplitude spectrum of V541 Hya of the main pulsation frequency f1 =

63532218 dminus1 (top) f2 = 57128556 dminus1 (middle) with the respective residuals after thepre-whitening below and the normalised window-function (bottom)





008minus6 minus5 minus4 minus3 minus2 minus1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6







minus06 minus04 minus02 0 02 04 06




f microHz




f dminus1

Figure 98 Amplitude spectrum with respect to the pulsation frequency f3 = 60388741 dminus1

of V541 Hya (top) and the normalised window-function (bottom)



9 Results and discussion



2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015





53000 54000 55000 56000 57000














Figure 99 Results for the two main pulsations of V541 Hya Top panel AmplitudesMiddle panel Fits of the O minusC data with second order polynomials in time Lower panelResiduals

The OminusC diagram in Fig 99 shows the analysis of the two main pulsation modes andthe variation of the pulsation amplitudes The second order fits in time indicated in theO minusC diagram correspond to changes in period of PP f 1 = (minus149 plusmn 011) times 10minus5 dminus1 andPP f 2 = (minus07 plusmn 15) times 10minus5 dminus1 For f2 the change in period does not significantly differfrom the null hypothesis Assuming these changes origin from stellar evolution V541 Hyamight just have passed the point of sign change in P and at the beginning of the contractionphase While the arrival times scatter widely the amplitudes of both pulsations remainalmost constant within the uncertainties If V541 Hya is in its evolution close to startingthe contraction phase as indicated by a P close to zero the changes in stellar structuremay cancel the strict phase coherence

95 Testing the sub-stellar companion hypothesisIn order to set upper limits to the mass of a companion we computed a series of syntheticO minusC curves for different orbital periods and companion masses assuming circular orbitsand compared these curves with the O minusC measurements after subtracting the long-termvariations

For each synthetic O minus C curve we selected the phase that gives the best fit to thedata using a weighted least squares algorithm For each observational point we computedthe difference in absolute value and in σ units (where σ is the O minus C error) betweenO minusC and the synthetic value The greyscale in Fig 910 corresponds to the mean valueof this difference in σ units which means that the presence of a companion is indicated


95 Testing the sub-stellar companion hypothesis

by a minimum (bright areas) of this parameter We see that in V1636 Ori QQ Vir andV541 Hya the mean difference for f1 is always very high implying that the data are notcompatible with a companion However these results are limited by the fact that the O minusCdiagrams of these stars are ldquocontaminatedrdquo by other irregular variations presumably due toother reasons like non-linear interactions between different pulsation modes for exampleand therefore these constraints to the orbital period and mass of a companion must be takenwith some caution For the f2 and f3 measurements the mean difference to the syntheticdata is smaller in sigma units (because of the larger uncertainties) and very uniform Theuncertainties of the O-C measurements are not small enough to favour a set of models inthe period-mass parameter space

For f1 of DW Lyn there is a significant minimum at about 1450 d (sim 4 years) andsim 5 MX

1 which is well visible also in the O minusC diagram of Fig 92 This periodicity isnot visible in the second frequency f2 which however has much larger error bars due tothe much lower amplitude of f2 with respect to f1

Lutz et al (2011) described a periodicity at 80 days detected for f2 We can recoverthis signal however with a low significance This would correspond to a light travel timeamplitude of 4 s (for m sin i asymp 15 MX) which is smaller than 15 s measured by Lutz et al(2011) Nevertheless this signal is not confirmed by f1 Thus we rule out a companioninduced signal in the arrival times due to the lack of simultaneous signals in f1 and f2 withsimilar amplitude The tentative signal in f2 is better explained by mode beating as alreadydescribed in Sect 91 The variations seen in the first 200 days of the O minus C diagram inFig 92 correspond to a periodicity of about 80 days and are accompanied by variations inthe amplitude of the pulsation

For V1636 Ori Lutz (2011) predicted a period at 160 d and amplitude of 12 s Thiscan not be confirmed as a companion-induced signal A periodic signal with an amplitudeof 65 s (for m sin i asymp 15 MX) is indicated in the analysis of f1 but at a low significanceand accompanied by many other signals of similar significance This periodicity is notconfirmed by a significant signal in the measurements of f2

1 1 MX (Jupiter mass) = 1899 middot 1027 kg


9 Results and discussion

1 10 100 1000P d












80 d

1 10 100 1000P d






80 d2









1 10 100 1000P d












160 d

1 10 100 1000P d






160 d












95 Testing the sub-stellar companion hypothesis

1 10 100 1000P d












1 10 100 1000P d

1 10 100 1000P d

















9 Results and discussion

1 10 100 1000P d












1 10 100 1000P d







6 6








Figure 910 Minimum companion mass as a function of orbital period Greyscale showsthe difference between the O minus C measurements and artificial O minus C data generated fora given combination of companion mass and orbit We note that at this stage the phaseoptimization of the artificial data is done independently for each pulsation frequency Themedian of gaps in between the epochs is indicated by a vertical dotted line See text formore details (a) DW Lyn Contour lines for f1 are placed at 2 3 4 and 5σ (left panel)and for f2 at 325 and 35σ (right panel) as indicated by their labels The planetary signalproposed by Lutz et al (2011) at a period of 80 d is indicated as dashed line (b) V1636Ori Contour lines for f1 are placed at 9 and 10σ (left panel) and for f2 at 2 and 22σ(right panel) as indicated by their labels The planetary signal proposed by Lutz et al(2011) at a period of 160 d is indicated as dashed line (c) QQ Vir Contour lines for f1 areplaced at 15 20 and 25σ (left panel) for f2 at 11 and 13σ (middle panel) and for f3 at13 and 15σ (right panel) as indicated by their labels (c) V541 Hya Contour lines forf1 are placed at 6 8 and 10σ (left panel) and for f2 at 45 55 and 65σ (right panel) asindicated by their labels


10 Summary and Conclusion

In this work we present ground-based multi-site observations for the four sdBs DWLyn V1636 Ori QQ Vir and V541 Hya We investigate variations in the arrival times oftheir dominant stellar pulsation modes to draw conclusions about secular period drifts andpossible sub-stellar companions All light curves are analysed homogeneously

From the O minusC measurements we derive an evolutionary time scale from the changein period P Comparing to model calculations from Charpinet et al (2002) we infer theevolutionary phase of the target Although some P measurements are influenced by modesplitting we can tell from the sign of P1 of DW Lyn that the star is likely still in the stageof central He burning We can draw a similar conclusion from the sign of P of QQ Vir TheP measurements of V1636 Ori are likely affected by mode splitting making it difficult tointerpret the results in the context of stellar evolution V541 Hya shows P measurementsclose to zero which indicates the star being at the transition phase between He burningand contraction due to the depletion of He in the core

Comparing atmospheric properties from Table 71 with the evolutionary tracks fordifferent models from Fig 1 in Charpinet et al (2002) we can confirm the hypothesisthat DW Lyn and QQ Vir are in their He burning phase V541 Hya agrees within 2σ ofthe log g measurement with one model at the turning point between the two evolutionarystages

However we can not exclude frequency and amplitude variations on smaller timescales than resolvable by our data set Using temporally higher resolved Kepler-data ofKIC 3527751 Zong et al (2018) caution about long-term frequency or phase evolutionsascribing to non-linear amplitude and frequency modulations in pulsating sdBs We seesuch effects already in our data set even with a low temporal resolution compared to theKepler sampling with a duty cycle of more than 90 per cent

Observations on DW Lyn and V1636 Ori were published by Lutz et al (2008a) Schuhet al (2010) Lutz (2011) Lutz et al (2011) Our analysis of these observations includingextended data sets do not confirm the tentative companion periods of 80 and 160 daysrespectively These signals more likely arise due to mode beating indicated by partlyunresolved frequency multiplets and amplitude modulations

Almost all analysed pulsation modes show formal significant changes in arrival timesbut the amplitudes of these periodic signals do not correlate with frequencies excludingthe light-travel time effect due to orbital reflex motions for such variations and thus givingupper limits on companion masses Only DW Lyn might have a planetary companion ona long orbital period as indicated by one arrival time measurement But this can not beconfirmed with a second measurement due to larger uncertainties Additionally morestudies question the presence of already proposed companions for example Krzesinski(2015) Hutchens et al (2017) Our unique sample of long-term observations shows a


10 Summary and Conclusion

complex behavior of mode- and amplitude interactions in sdBs which should be addressedin further studies Until this has been addressed caution is advised when interpretingO minusC pulse arrival times in terms of companions


11 Appendix

111 TESS data








58440 58450 58460





tMBJDTDB minus 2400000



11 Appendix








58520 58530 58540





tMBJDTDB minus 2400000


Figure 111 Light curves of the TESS observations Grey points are considered outliersand partially exceeding the plotting range (a) V1636 Ori (b) V541 Hya

112 Amplitude spectra

Table 111 Additional pulsation modes identified for our targets not used in the O minus Canalysis due to their low signal-to-noise-ratio

Target f dminus1 A

DW Lyn 4758231(2) 009(18)3194042(3) 006(12)4630100(6) 003(18)

V1636 Ori 56624031(3) 06(3)QQ Vir 7330704(1) 03(1)

6644886(1) 02(1)57273611(5) 019(9)6647122(1) 01(1)4341522(6) 001(7)502410(2) 001(9)

V541 Hya 53116759(16) 003(7)60388741(6) 003(8)


112 Amplitude spectra


0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000


0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800



f microHz

V1636 Ori



f dminus1

V541 Hya

Figure 112 Amplitude spectrum of the TESS observations Upper panel spectrum ofV1636 Ori Lower panel spectrum of V541 Hya The only peak above the noise level isthe 120 s alias due to the cadence of the observations






250 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500





0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500



f microHz




f dminus1


Figure 113 Amplitude spectrum of DW Lyn Upper panel observations Aobs Lowerpanel residuals Ares after subtracting the light curve models from the observations


11 Appendix


0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000





0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800



f microHz




f dminus1


Figure 114 Same as Fig 113 but for V1636 Ori






250 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000


0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800



f microHz




f dminus1


Figure 115 Same as Fig 113 but for QQ Vir


112 Amplitude spectra




0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000





0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800



f microHz




f dminus1


Figure 116 Same as Fig 113 but for V541 Hya


11 Appendix

Acknowledgements We thank Wen-Shan Hsiao for observing at the Lulin Observatory and Mike D Reedfor observing at the Baker Observatory and Elia Leibowitz for observing at the WISE observatory FMconducted the work in this paper in the framework of the International Max-Planck Research School (IMPRS)for Solar System Science at the University of Goumlttingen (Volkswagen Foundation project grant numberVWZN3020) DK thanks the SAAO for generous allocations of telescope time and the National ResearchFoundation of South Africa and the University of the Western Cape for financial support TDO gratefullyacknowledges support from the US National Science Foundation grant AST-0807919 LM was supportedby the Premium Postdoctoral Research Program of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences This project hasbeen supported by the Lenduumllet Program of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences project No LP2018-72019Based on observations made with the Italian Telescopio Nazionale Galileo (TNG) operated on the island ofLa Palma by the Fundacioacuten Galileo Galilei of the INAF (Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica) at the SpanishObservatorio del Roque de los Muchachos of the Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias Based on observationscollected at the Centro Astronoacutemico Hispaacutenico en Andaluciacutea (CAHA) at Calar Alto operated jointly bythe Andalusian Universities and the Instituto de Astrofiacutesica de Andaluciacutea (CSIC) Based on observationscollected at Copernico telescope (Asiago Italy) of the INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova Basedon observations made with the Nordic Optical Telescope operated by the Nordic Optical Telescope ScientificAssociation at the Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos La Palma Spain of the Instituto de Astrofisicade Canarias This paper includes data collected by the TESS mission Funding for the TESS mission isprovided by the NASA Explorer Program


Part IV

Application to larger target pool


12 Further asteroseismic targets

The search for sub-stellar companions using the pulsation timing method is not onlylimited to sdB stars but can also be applied to a greater variety of pulsating stars aslong as the pulsations are driven by a κ mechanism ie coherent in phase Howevermodes of long periods decrease the precision of timing measurements Additionally largepulsation amplitudes tend to show non-linear effects which excludes the application ofthis technique A case study of β Cephei RR Lyrae and δ Scuti (δ Sct) stars can be foundin Silvotti et al (2011) Among these δ Sct stars are the most promising pulsators tofollow-up The following describes δ Sct stars and the application of the pulsation timingmethod in more detail

121 δ Scuti starsPlanet occurrence rates predict a maximum for host stars with masses of 19+05

minus01M (Reffertet al 2015) close to the mass of main sequence A stars in the instability strip whereδ Sct pulsators are common (see Fig 26) However actual planet detections are affectedby observational selection effects Planetary transits are difficult to observe because ofthe pulsational luminosity variations and due to wider orbits of planets around A stars(Johnson et al 2011 Lloyd 2011) resulting in lower transit probabilities For the radialvelocity method A stars are not well suited because of their fast rotation with the meanof the equatorial rotational velocity distribution exceeding 100 km sminus1 (Abt and Morrell1995 Royer et al 2007) Their high effective temperatures compared to solar-like starsleads to fewer and shallower absorption lines which can additionally be distorted bypulsations This leaves the pulsation timing method as a promising alternative to search forcompanions δ Sct stars show radial and non-radial p-modes with amplitudes up to 05 and with pulsation periods between about 20 min and 8 h (eg Qian et al 2017 Balonaet al 2012) The pulsations are driven by the κ mechanism due to partial ionization of HeII

The mostly uninterrupted observations of space missions like Kepler and TESS providea large sample of δ Sct observations for this purpose The two missions and some of theirapplications are described in the following sections


13 Kepler

Sections of this chapter are part of a paper in preparation to be submitted as an article toAstronomy and Astrophysics

131 Kepler mission

The Kepler mission (Borucki et al 2010) was launched in 2009 to observe a fixed patchof sky in the Cygnus constellation with more than 100 deg2 field of view to discovertransiting Earth-like exoplanets in the habitable zone The telescopersquos mirror measures095 m in diameter and the camera is sensitive for a wavelength range of 430 nm to 890 nmAsteroseismic observations of pulsating stars were organized by the Kepler AsteroseismicScience Consortium (KASC) Some were observed in a high cadence mode of 60 s (shortcadence) the nominal cadence measures 30 min (long cadence)

1311 sdB stars

The Kepler field contained a small number of sdB stars (eg McNamara et al 2012)None of them showed indications for a planetary transit However KIC 05807616 andKIC 10001893 two pulsating sdB stars in the Kepler field show some evidence for thepresence of planetary companions (Charpinet et al 2011 Silvotti et al 2014) Howeverinterpretation of these signals is questioned as already discussed in chapter III

1312 δ Scuti stars

Kepler observed around one thousand δ Sct stars in its field of view The primary goalof their observations are conclusions about the stellar structure and evolution via astero-seismology as the transition from deep to shallow convective envelopes takes place in theregion of the HRD where δ Sct are located (see Fig 26) This opens the opportunity to usethe extensive Kepler data set and apply the pulsation timing method to the observationsThe following describes one particular system as a benchmark for which a planetarycompanion was already discovered

13121 KIC 7917485

Murphy et al (2014 2016b) used the Kepler data to search for binary systems using thelight travel time effect Murphy et al (2016a) (hereafter M16) detected a planet orbiting


13 Kepler

Table 131 Orbital parameters for the KIC 7917485 system Values for M16 are takenfrom Table 2 in Murphy et al (2016a) M16 did not account for a change in pulsationperiod P The model of this work uses a circular orbit model for the companion ie e = 0

M16 this work f1 this work f2

∆Ts 71+04minus05 68 plusmn 03 66 plusmn 04

Porbitd 840+20minus22 82150 plusmn 008 72672 plusmn 008

e 015+010minus013 0 0

Ps Myrminus1 minus0001 plusmn 0001 minus0035 plusmn 0002

its host star KIC 7917485 in a 840 d orbit The following validates this finding using theO minusC pipeline implemented for this work

KIC 7917485 was observed between May 2009 and May 2013 by Kepler We usethe light curves provided by the MAST archive1 which had common instrumental trendsremoved by the Pre-Search Data Conditioning Pipeline (PDC Stumpe et al 2012) Inorder to remove remaining long term trends we make use of the kepflatten routine ofthe PyKE package (Still and Barclay 2012 Viniacutecius et al 2018) The light curve and thecorresponding amplitude spectrum are shown in Fig 131

In order to reproduce the results of M16 we apply a high-pass frequency filter Thisremoves frequencies below 5 dminus1 which are most likely artefacts due to instrumental effectWe apply this filter forward and backward in time to compensate for phase delays

For the OminusC analysis we applied our pipeline and fitted all pulsations with amplitudesabove 0005 Although the signal-to-noise ratio is sufficient for only two modes thesimultaneous fitting process of four more pulsations prevents any unaccounted interactionsbetween the modes The time dependent variation in pulsation amplitude and phase isshown in Fig 132 Each epoch measures about ten days The main pulsation frequencyf1 = 15383 007 4(4) dminus1 exhibits large semi-periodic variations which correlate with theobservational quarters of the Kepler mission Thus they are likely to be instrumentalsystematics The amplitude of f2 = 20262 905 3(8) dminus1 shows a similar behaviour ontop of a general trend of decreasing amplitude with time The phase variations for bothpulsations show clearly a sinusoidal modulation with an amplitude of about 10 s and aperiod of about 800 d We fit simultaneously a quadratic long term trend and a sinusoidalmodel for a circular companion orbit to the data The results are presented in Table 131While a change in period P for f1 is almost not detectable f2 shows a significant P whichcoincides with the decrease in pulsation amplitude of 004 per cent (amplitude) or about18 per cent (relative) M16 did not account for a change in period thus we cannot compareour measurements

For the orbital fit of the companion M16 used the weighted mean of both phasemeasurements Since we want to confirm the nature of the companion with two independentmeasurements we do not follow this procedure Our sinusoidal orbit fit for f1 agrees withinthe uncertainties with the measurement of M16 However the orbital period measuredfor f2 is about 100 days significantly shorter than for f1 This might be attributed to ouradditional fit for the change in period combined with larger OminusC uncertainties towards the

1 httpsarchivestsciedu


131 Kepler mission

end of the observations (approximately two times larger) due to the decreasing pulsationamplitude

In order to compare the M16 results better with the measurements of this work wewill be implementing a full orbit fit on both measurements simultaneously Additionallythe uncertainties appear rather small in comparison to M16 A different treatment ofuncertainties might give more reliable error bars


13 Kepler




4800 5000 5200 5400 5600 5800 6000 6200 6400 6600

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013re




tBJDTDB minus 2450000

(a) KIC 7917485 light curve


0 50 100 150 200 250



0 5 10 15 20 25



f microHz




high pass filtered



f dminus1


(b) KIC 7917485 amplitude spectrum

Figure 131 KIC 7917485 data Top Light curve Grey points are considered outliers andpartially exceeding the plotting range Bottom Amplitude spectrum The top panel showsthe observations The middle panel the amplitude spectrum after applying the high passfilter Note the different scale on the y-axis in order to make small amplitudes visible Thebottom panel shows the residuals after modelling six pulsation modes


131 Kepler mission






2009 2010 2011 2012 2013





4800 5000 5200 5400 5600 5800 6000 6200 6400 6600












tBJDTDB minus 2450000

Figure 132 Results for the two main pulsations of KIC 7917485 Top panel AmplitudesMiddle panel Fits of the O minusC data with second order polynomials only (dashed lines)and full fit including the light travel time effect (solid lines) Lower panel Residuals



141 TESS mission

The Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) by NASA was launched in April 2018as an all-sky survey for transiting exoplanets The 24 degtimes96 deg field of view observeseach sector for about 27 days and sweeps across the sky This creates some observationslasting longer than 27 days due to the overlapping sectors The four telescopes (each witha field of view of 24 deg2) measure 105 mm in diameter and the cameras are sensitive for awavelength range of 600 nm to 1000 nm This is slightly redder than the Kepler bandpassdue to the missionrsquos differing priorities detecting transiting planets orbiting Sun-like starsfor Kepler and small cool stars for TESS The full frame cadence measures 30 minuteswhile the nominal cadence for transit detections two minutes The TESS AsteroseismicScience Consortium (TASC) coordinates 20 seconds ldquoshort cadencerdquo observations of brightasteroseismic target stars

However observations with such a short time span of 27 days (and up to one year butonly around the ecliptic pole eg 17 of the sky) do not allow an extensive search ofsub-stellar companions using the pulsation timing method on their own But they can beused as additional observations to existing data sets especially the EXOTIME project dataWithout additional ground-based observations a joint O minusC analysis of δ Sct data fromKepler and TESS is likely to fail due to the large observational gap of about seven years

1411 sdB stars

TESS observations of V1636 Ori and V541 Hya are already discussed in chapter III Thedata are taken at two minutes cadence and thus do not allow the investigation of p-modes

DW Lyn was observed by TESS with a cadence of 120 s between December 25 2019and January 20 2020 Fig 141 shows the light curve and amplitude spectrum Besidesthe 120 s alias at 720 dminus1 the spectrum shows f1 and f2 at about 238 dminus1 and 225 dminus1

respectively as well as their Nyquist alias above 360 dminus1 (cf Murphy et al 2013) Forthe g-mode regime Lutz et al (2008a) reported pulsations at 2717 microHz 3181 microHz and2063 microHz (2347 dminus1 2748 dminus1 and 1783 dminus1) The TESS data show only the pulsation at3181 microHz as a detection of about two times above the noise level While the 2717 microHzpulsation is visible but not above the noise level the 2063 microHz pulsation is not present inthe TESS data set Since we have no data between the last EXOTIME observations in 2013and the TESS observations in 2020 the time span for a joint O minusC analysis is too large

V391 Peg will be observed by TESS and the data can be used to extend the set ofobservation from Silvotti et al (2018) In order to span the observational gaps between






1840 1845 1850 1855 1860 1865 1870





tBJDTDB minus 2457000

(a) DW Lyn light curve











0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800

0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000




16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30

200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340



f dminus1

f microHz

DW Lyn




16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30

200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340

(b) DW Lyn amplitude spectrum

Figure 141 TESS DW Lyn data Top Light curve Grey points are considered outliersand partially exceeding the plotting range Bottom Amplitude spectrum The inset showsa magnification of the g-mode regime Modes reported by Lutz et al (2008a) are indicatedas dots


141 TESS mission

2013 and 2020 we performed additional ground-bases observations as described inchapter 3


Part V



15 Discussion

Studying post main-sequence stars offers a window into the fate of planetary systemsincluding our own solar system Can planets survive the final stages of stellar evolution andhow do they in turn affect their host starrsquos evolution One discussed formation scenario ofsingle sdB stars involves the influence of giant planets during the red giant phase of theirprogenitor Observations can put constrains on the presence of sub-stellar companionsorbiting sdB stars

Chapter III investigated a unique set of long term ground-based observations of thefour rapidly pulsating sdB stars DW Lyn V1636 Ori QQ Vir and V541 Hya The maingoals of the EXOTIME project are the determination of the evolutionary state of these starsand the constraints on sub-stellar companions to draw conclusions on possible formationscenarios

The individual secular period drifts for different modes per target derived from theO minusC measurements do not always agree with each other These results therefore needto be interpreted with caution with regard to the evolutionary state of the star and holdonly for the assumption of a linear change in period For DW Lyn P f 1 is comparable tovalues derived from stellar models and place the star in the evolutionary phase of core Heburning P f 2 on the other hand can be explained by the apparent mode splitting whoseorigin cannot be confirmed with certainty A possible explanation is the slow decay of onepulsation mode and an excitation of a mode with close frequency but not resolvable by theobservations Additionally amplitude and phase variations indicate a mode beating effectAs shown in section 52 two close - but not necessarily resolvable pulsation modes cancause such effects Measurements for the period changes of V1636 Ori need to be cautionedby the same arguments For QQ Vir the identified radial order and degree of modes donot allow a direct comparison with stellar models but the sign of the P measurementsplaces QQ Vir in the state of He burning The O minusC measurements of V541 Hya show nosignificant change of period If these results are not affected by observational limitationsbut originate from stellar evolution the star might be in the transition phase between coreHe burning and contraction

Atmospheric measurements of all four stars can place the stars in the log g minus Teff planerelatively close to stellar evolutionary models of Charpinet et al (2002) as illustratedin Fig 151 This independently confirms the tentative interpretations above DW LynV1636 Ori and QQ Vir overlap each with several models of different envelope mass inthe phase of core He burning within their measured uncertainties Although Teff and log gmeasurements of V541 Hya agree with two models in that same evolutionary phase themeasurements agree within 3σ with an evolutionary model in the transition between coreHe burning and contraction

In principle proper motions of stars can give an alternative explanation for the apparent


15 Discussion









DW Lyn

V1636 Ori

QQ VirV541 Hya


log( g




Figure 151 EHB evolutionary tracks covering the log g minus Teff region where sdB stars areobserved Data points taken from Appendix B of Charpinet et al (2002) (crosses) andTable 71 (circles) The seven models correspond respectively from left (high Teff) to right(low Teff) to objects with a ZAEHB envelope mass Menv = 00001 00002 00007 0001200022 00032 and 00042 M The core mass is Mc = 04758M for all sequences exceptthe first and third (from the left) which have Mc = 04690M For a positive (negative)slope in the models the change in pulsation period is positive (negative) See Charpinetet al (2002) for a detailed explanation

change in pulsation period as described by Pajdosz (1995ba) They derive the effect ofproper motion to be


s sminus1 = 2430 times 10minus18 Ps

microprimeprime yrminus1


where micro is the proper motion in arcseconds per year and d the distance in parsec Withmeasurements available from the Gaia (Gaia Collaboration et al 2018) the derived valuesare about three orders of magnitude smaller than the measured P and thus neglectable

After subtraction of the long term trends in the O minus C measurements the residualsshow no clear evidence for signatures of sub-stellar companions The comparison withsynthetic O minusC curves indicates a companion-induced signal in the main pulsation modeof DW Lyn But this is not confirmed by the independent measurement of the secondpulsation mode as would be expected Furthermore previously described periodic signalsin the O minusC measurements by Lutz et al (2011) are ruled out to be caused by sub-stellarcompanions Nevertheless the data set is limited in detection sensitivity Dependingon the observational gaps the data cannot set limitations for possible companion orbitsshorter than approximately 30 days (DW Lyn and V1636 Ori) 4 days (QQ Vir) or 120days (V541 Hya) or longer than the total length of observations roughly 1500 days


15 Discussion

Photometric precision additionally limits the detection threshold to companions signalslarger than about 1 s This corresponds to a companion with a mass of 1 MX (05 MX) andan orbital period of about 05 years (15 years)

Chapter IV enlarges the target selection and applies the O minusC analysis to one examplePulsations of δ Sct stars are driven by the κ mechanism allowing stable pulsations overlong periods of time Planet detection methods like the transit or radial velocity methodcannot be easily applied to those stars which favours the pulsation timing analysis and thusopens a new parameter space in the exoplanet detection The δ Sct pulsator KIC 7917485was found to be orbited by a sub-stellar companion whose signal can be recovered in thepulsation arrival times


16 Outlook

As chapter IV applied the OminusC analysis to one example observation beyond the EXOTIMEproject there are more extensive long time series of high cadence data already availableor with upcoming space missions The next sections highlight data sets of interest

161 K2 missionAfter the failure of two reaction wheels on the Kepler space craft its mission could beextended from 2014 onward as K2 The space craft was balanced against the radiationpressure from the sun which limits each campaign to a duration of about 80 days ThusK2 was not staring at only one field in the sky but sweeping along the ecliptic and couldobserve many more targets for signs of transiting exoplanets Armstrong et al (2015)created a catalogue of variable stars from the K2 observations and categorized the targetsinto different classes of pulsators From this catalogue about 500 variables are classified asδ Sct stars Additionally 33 sdB stars were observed by K2 (Reed et al 2018) Although theobservations span only 80 days they can set constraints on close in sub-stellar companions

162 TESSThe TESS mission aims to detect transiting exoplanets around bright stars Asteroseismictargets are observed with a cadence of 20 seconds if they are bright enough Most ofthe EXOTIME targets are already observed or are going to be observed Due to thecadence of two minutes for these stars and the long duration in between the EXOTIMEobservations the data cannot be used for a common O minus C analysis Nevertheless theyprovide constraints on g-modes For the upcoming V391 Peg observations the gaps toground based observations are not too big With the planetary candidate claimed by Silvottiet al (2007) but cautioned later by Silvotti et al (2018) the new observations by groundbased telescopes and TESS are expected to clarify the interpretations

For other asteroseismic targets ether sdB or δ Sct stars an OminusC analysis is reasonableonly for targets with overlapping sectors ie more than 27 days of observing time

163 PLATOPLAnetary Transits and Oscillations of stars (PLATO) is an ESA mission scheduled forlaunch in 2026 Its primary goal is to discover and characterize terrestrial exoplanetsorbiting bright solar-type stars especially planets in the habitable zone Bright host


16 Outlook

Figure 161 Artistrsquos impression of ESArsquos PLATO spacecraft Credit ESAATG medialabCC BY-SA IGO 30

stars allow the determination of the planetsrsquo masses using the radial velocity method fromground-based observations and thus a mean density This can be used to constrain planetaryinterior models Additionally bright targets allow transmission spectroscopy observationsin order to measure chemical abundances of the planetary atmospheres A secondary goalof the PLATO mission is asteroseismic observations to determine stellar masses radii andages These parameters are crucial in order to correctly determine the planetary massesradii and their evolution

PLATOrsquos payload module consists of 24 cameras each with an aperture of 120 mmand a 1100 deg2 field of view (see Fig161) The cameras are arranged in four groups ofsix where each group has the same field of view but their angle is slightly offset - thisallows a total field view of about 2250 deg2 per pointing The camera arrays overlap insome parts resulting in different sensitivities over the field They will observe with acadence of 25 s Additionally two ldquofastrdquo cameras will observe with a cadence of 25 sPLATOrsquos nominal life time sums up to four years but could be in orbit for double the timeFor most of the time it will ldquostarerdquo to one region in the sky Additionally an ldquostep andstarerdquo phase comparable to K2 is possible

With the explicit goal of asteroseismic observations PLATO is expected to collectmany data on evolved pulsating stars allowing for an investigation with the pulsationtiming method The pipeline developed for this work can be easily adopted and used in anautomated way in order to process many targets and search for sub-stellar companions


Part VI




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This thesis would not have been possible without the help of many people who guided andsupported me during my time as a PhD student

First I would like to thank my supervisor Sonja Schuh who advised and guided metrough this project and had always an open ear for me despite her work as the IMPRScoordinator A thank you goes also to the other members of my TAC Laurent Gizon andStefan Dreizler for the productive discussions and ways to see some things differently

I would also like to thank Roberto Silvotti who helped to improve the EXOTIMEpaper

The students of the IMPRS formed a great community at the institute Without thefriendships formed out of this group my time at the institute would have been a verydifferent experience I tried gave my best to contribute to the great dynamics of the groupand hope this spirit will be kept alive by many following generations of students

Special thanks goes to my fellow musicians for the great time over the last yearsStarting with the (in)famous successful ldquoQuiet Sunrdquo project together with TheodosiosChatzistergos (literally a god on his guitar) Ankit Barik Earl Bellinger and Alessan-dro Cilla (who left us way too early) growing bigger for some gigs with SudharshanSaranathan Nils Gottschling David Marshall Robin Thor Keaton Bell and James Kus-zlewicz and finally merging with the great MegaGauss band including additionally HelgeMissbach Katja Karmrodt Abbey Ingram Christian Baumgartner Daria MokrytskaTanayveer Bhatia Marius Pfeifer Ann-Kathrin Lohse (Atti) and Paula Wulff No matterwhich problems would trouble me during the band practise I could throw them all againstthe drum heads and cymbals Keep on rockinrsquo

I would like to thank Michelle for her support and proofreadingAnd special thanks goes to my family which always supported me on my way listened

and offered good advice

This work is founded by the International Max Planck Research School for SolarSystem Science at the University of Goumlttingen (IMPRS Solar System School) and theVolkswagen Foundation (project grant number VWZN3020) This work makes use ofobservations from the LCOGT network This work includes data collected by the Keplermission Funding for the Kepler mission is provided by the NASA Science Missiondirectorate


Scientific contributions

Refereed publicationsbull Mackebrandt F M Mallonn J M Ohlert T Granzer S Lalitha A Garciacutea Muntildeoz

N P Gibson et al 2017 Transmission Spectroscopy of the Hot Jupiter TrES-3 bDisproof of an Overly Large Rayleigh-like Feature AampA 608 (December) A26httpsdoiorg1010510004-6361201730512

bull Mackebrandt F S Schuh R Silvotti S-L Kim D Kilkenny E M Green RLutz et al The EXOTIME Project Signals in the O minusC Diagrams of the RapidlyPulsating Subdwarfs DW Lyn V1636 Ori QQ Vir and V541 Hya AampA 638 (June1 2020) A108 httpsdoiorg1010510004-6361201937172

bull Mallonn M I Bernt E Herrero S Hoyer J Kirk P J Wheatley M Seeliger etal 2016 Broad-Band Spectrophotometry of HAT-P-32 b Search for a ScatteringSignature in the Planetary Spectrum Monthly Notices of the Royal AstronomicalSociety 463 (November) 604-14 httpsdoiorg101093mnrasstw1999

bull Schwope A D F Mackebrandt B D Thinius C Littlefield P Garnavich AOksanen and T Granzer 2015 Multi-Epoch Time-Resolved Photometry of theEclipsing Polar CSS081231071126+440405 Astronomische Nachrichten 336 (2)115-24 httpsdoiorg101002asna201412151

bull Strassmeier K G I Ilyin E Keles M Mallonn A Jaumlrvinen M Weber F Macke-brandt and J M Hill High-Resolution Spectroscopy and Spectropolarimetryof the Total Lunar Eclipse January 2019 AampA 635 (March 1 2020) A156httpsdoiorg1010510004-6361201936091

Conference contributionsbull The stellar pulsation timing method to detect substellar companions XXX IAU

General Assembly 2018 Vienna (Poster)

bull The stellar pulsation timing method to detect substellar companions AnnualMeeting of the Astronomische Gesellschaft 2017 Goumlttingen (Talk)

bull The stellar pulsation timing detection method for substellar companions Rocks ampStars II Conference 2017 Goumlttingen (Talk)

bull The stellar pulsation timing detection method for substellar companions ThePLATO Mission Conference 2017 Exoplanetary systems in the PLATO era War-wick (Poster)


Scientific contributions

bull The stellar pulsation timing method to detect substellar companions 2nd AdvancedSchool on Exoplanetary Science 2017 Vietri sul Mare (Poster)

bull The Stellar Pulsation Timing Detection Method for Substellar Companions Plane-tary Systems Beyond The Main Sequence II 2017 Haifa (Poster)


  • Abstract
  • Zusammenfassung
  • I Introduction
    • 1 Extrasolar planets
      • 11 Historical overview
      • 12 Definition of an exoplanet
      • 13 Observational techniques
        • 2 Subdwarf B stars
          • 21 Classification
          • 22 Canonical stellar and planetary evolution
          • 23 Subdwarf B stars formation scenarios
          • 24 Asteroseismology
            • 241 mechanism
            • 242 Asteroseismic observations
              • II The EXOTIME project
                • 3 Targets
                • 4 Multi-epoch photometric data
                  • 41 Time series photometry
                    • 411 Photometry
                    • 412 Timing accuracy
                        • 5 Methods
                          • 51 O-C Pipeline
                            • 511 Linear change in period
                            • 512 Light travel time effect
                              • 52 Artificial data testing
                              • 53 Alternative approaches
                                • 531 Analytic signal
                                • 532 Independent confirmation via direct imaging
                                  • III The EXOTIME project Signals in the O-C diagrams of the rapidly pulsating subdwarfs DW Lyn V1636 Ori QQ Vir and V541 Hya
                                    • 6 Introduction
                                    • 7 Observations and data reduction
                                      • 71 DW Lyn
                                      • 72 V1636 Ori
                                      • 73 QQ Vir
                                      • 74 V541 Hya
                                      • 75 TESS observations
                                      • 76 Data reduction
                                        • 8 Analysis
                                        • 9 Results and discussion
                                          • 91 DW Lyn
                                          • 92 V1636 Ori
                                          • 93 QQ Vir
                                          • 94 V541 Hya
                                          • 95 Testing the sub-stellar companion hypothesis
                                            • 10 Summary and Conclusion
                                            • 11 Appendix
                                              • 111 TESS data
                                              • 112 Amplitude spectra
                                                  • IV Application to larger target pool
                                                    • 12 Further asteroseismic targets
                                                      • 121 Scuti stars
                                                        • 13 Kepler
                                                          • 131 Kepler mission
                                                            • 1311 sdB stars
                                                            • 1312 Scuti stars
                                                              • 13121 KIC 7917485
                                                                • 14 TESS
                                                                  • 141 TESS mission
                                                                    • 1411 sdB stars
                                                                      • V Summary
                                                                        • 15 Discussion
                                                                        • 16 Outlook
                                                                          • 161 K2 mission
                                                                          • 162 TESS
                                                                          • 163 PLATO
                                                                              • VI Appendix
                                                                                • Bibliography
                                                                                • Acknowledgements
                                                                                • Scientific contributions
Page 8: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature

List of Figures

11 Exoplanet mass and radius distribution 812 Exoplanet detection methods 10

21 Sketch of a Hertzsprung-Russell diagram 1222 Protoplanetary discs 1323 Formation of sdB stars I 1524 Formation of sdB stars II 1625 Possible formation mechanism of close-in planets 1726 Hertzsprung-Russell diagram showing different classes of pulsating stars 20

51 Schematic picture of the O minusC diagram construction 3052 Schematic picture of the orbital configuration 3153 Amplitude spectrum for four resonant pulsations with frequencies 3354 Results for four resonant pulsations 3355 Amplitude spectrum for two close pulsations 3456 Results of the simultaneous fit of two close pulsations 3557 Amplitude spectrum for two close pulsations and very different amplitudes 3658 Results for two close pulsations and very different amplitudes 3659 Amplitude spectrum for one pulsation of varying amplitude 37510 Results for one simulated pulsation with varying amplitude 37511 Results of the Hilbert transform for one pulsation 39

71 Light curves 51

81 Flow chart representing the analysis of the time of arrival 5682 Example observations of DW Lyn 5883 Example observations of V1636 Ori 5984 Example observations of QQ Vir 6085 Example observations of V541 Hya 61

91 Amplitude spectrum of DW Lyn 6392 Results for the two main pulsations of DW Lyn 6493 Amplitude spectrum of V1636 Ori 6694 Results for the two main pulsations of V1636 Ori 6795 Amplitude spectrum of QQ Vir 6796 Results for the three main pulsations of QQ Vir 6897 Amplitude spectrum of V541 Hya 69


List of Figures

98 Amplitude spectrum with respect to the pulsation frequency f3 of V541 Hya 6999 Results for the two main pulsations of V541 Hya 70910 Minimum companion mass as a function of orbital period 74

111 Light curves of the TESS observations 78112 Amplitude spectrum of the TESS observations 79113 Amplitude spectrum of DW Lyn 79114 Amplitude spectrum of V1636 Ori 80115 Amplitude spectrum of QQ Vir 80116 Amplitude spectrum of V541 Hya 81

131 KIC 7917485 data 90132 Results for the two main pulsations of KIC 7917485 91

141 TESS DW Lyn data 94

151 EHB evolutionary tracks of sdB stars 100

161 Artistrsquos impression of ESArsquos PLATO spacecraft 104


List of Tables

31 Observational properties of the EXOTIME targets 2432 Summary of the newly acquired observations for V391 Peg 25

71 Atmospheric parameters of the targets 4972 Summary of the observing time per target per site 52

81 Parameters of the simultaneously fitted pulsations per target 57

111 Additional identified pulsation modes 78

131 Orbital parameters for the KIC 7917485 system 88



Stars spend most of their life on the main sequence (MS) But their most substantialchanges occur off the MS stage either before on the pre-MS or beyond at the post-MSphase Due to very complex and varied dynamical processes the evolution of planetarysystems orbiting non-MS stars significantly differs from those of MS planetary systems

This work focusses on the search for sub-stellar companions in post-MS systems anddetermination of the evolutionary state of their host stars especially subdwarf B stars(sdB stars) These are stripped Helium-burning cores of red giants with a thin hydrogenatmosphere The canonical model involves binary evolution to explain the existence ofsdB stars Formation scenarios for single sdBs are more controversially discussed and canbe hard to reconcile with observational properties Besides the merger of two helium whitedwarfs or other merger processes for apparently single sdB stars an alternative formationchannel involves planetary systems During the red giant phase the star would developa common envelope with a giant planet that leads to the loss of the envelope Thus sdBstars are laboratories to test how planets survive and influence the late phases of stellarevolution

The rapid pulsations of sdB stars can be used to detect sub-stellar companions fromperiodic variations in the expected arrival times of the pulsation maxima This timingmethod is particularly sensitive to companions at large distances and complementary toother exoplanet detection methods because they are not efficient for stars with small radiiand high gravities Thus the timing method opens up a new parameter range in terms ofthe host stars and helps to understand the formation process of single sdBs

In this work I implemented tested and applied the pulsation timing analysis to searchfor sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems The method isalready established in the literature but not to an extent which is capable of automaticallyprocessing long-time series of high-cadence data ie from space born observations

Part I provides an introduction to extrasolar planets and to the formation and propertiesof sdB stars

Part II and III describe the long-term ground-based observations of four rapidly pulsat-ing sdB stars DW Lyn V1636 Ori QQ Vir and V541 Hya The data are used to measure thesecular drifts in pulsation periods The results constrain the evolutionary state of these starsand are compared to theoretical predictions of stellar evolutionary models Furthermorethe measurements set limits to masses and orbital periods of sub-stellar companions Incontrast to previous studies tentative companion detections are not confirmed

Part IV describes the application of the implemented timing analysis to other pulsatingstars and data sets Compared to ground-based observatories satellite-based telescopesoffer the advantage of uninterrupted observations Observatories like Kepler TESS or theupcoming PLATO mission provide a large sample of targets Besides sdB stars δ Scuti



(δ Sct) pulsators are excellent stars to apply the timing method on δ Sct stars are evolvedbeyond the MS and of spectral type A From Kepler observations previous studies re-vealed a planetary companion orbiting the δ Sct star KIC 791748 The implemented timinganalysis of this work is applied to these data and can recover the planetary signature vali-dating the implementation at hand and independently confirming the planetary companiondiscovery

Part V discusses the results of this thesis and provides an outlook to further applica-tions



Sterne verbringen den Groszligteil ihres Lebens auf der Hauptreihe (HR) Die gravierendstenVeraumlnderungen geschehen jedoch abseits der HR entweder zuvor auf der pre-HR oderfolgend auf der post-HR Durch sehr komplexe und variierende dynamische Prozesseunterscheidet sich die Entwicklung von Planeten in nicht-HR Sternsystemen signifikantvon der Entwicklung von Planeten in HR Sternsystemen

Diese Arbeit legt ihren Fokus auf die Suche nach sub-stellaren Begleitern in post-HR Systemen und auf die Bestimmung des evolutionaumlren Stadiums derer Zentralsterneinsbesondere bei heiszligen Unterzwergen des Spektraltyps B (engl subdwarf B kurzsdB) auch Blaue-Unterzwerge genannt Solche sdB-Sterne sind freigelegte heliumbren-nende Kerne von vormals Roten-Riesen mit einer duumlnnen Wasserstoffatmosphaumlre Derenkanonische Entstehung beschreibt die Entwicklung in einem Doppelsternsystem Entste-hungsszenarien fuumlr einzelne sdB-Sterne werden jedoch kontrovers diskutiert und sind nurschwer mit Beobachtungen zu verifizieren Neben der Verschmelzung von zwei heliumdo-minierten Weiszligen Zwergen koumlnnten auch Planetensysteme zur Bildung von sdB-Sternenbeitragen Waumlhrend der Roten-Riesen-Phase wuumlrde der Stern einen seiner Riesenplanetenin eine gemeinsame Huumllle einschlieszligen was letztendlich zum Verlust der Huumllle fuumlhrtSomit erweisen sich sdB-Sterne als Testobjekte das Uumlberleben von Planeten zu pruumlfensowie den Einfluss der Planeten auf die Spaumltphasen stellare Entwicklung zu beobachten

Die schnellen Pulsationen von sdB Sternen koumlnnen mit Hilfe von periodischen Veraumln-derungen in den zu erwarteten Ankunftszeiten der Pulsationsmaxima zur Detektion vonsub-stellaren Begleitern genutzt werden Diese Methode der Lichtlaufzeitmessungen istbesonders sensitiv fuumlr Begleiter mit groszliger Distanz zu ihrem Zentralstern und damit kom-plementaumlr zu anderen Detektionsmethoden Denn andere Detektionsmethoden sind bei Ster-nen mit hoher Oberflaumlchengravitation und kleinen Radien weniger aussagekraumlftig Damiteroumlffnet die Methode der Lichtlaufzeitmessungen eine Moumlglichkeit fuumlr Entdeckungen vonbisher nicht erforschbaren Planetensystemen und hilft somit den Entstehungsprozess vonsdB-Sternen besser zu verstehen

In dieser Arbeit habe ich die Methode der Pulsations-Lichtlaufzeitmessungen im-plementiert getestet und zur Suche nach sub-stellaren Begleitern bei Systemen in denSpaumltphasen stellarer Entwicklung angewandt Die Methode ist bereits etabliert bisherjedoch nicht fuumlr eine automatische Anwendung auf lange Beobachtungsreihen in hoherzeitlicher Aufloumlsung wie zB von Weltraumteleskopen optimiert

Teil I dieser Arbeit gibt eine Einleitung zu extrasolaren Planeten sowie auch zurEntstehung und Eigenschaften von sdB-Sternen

Teil II und III beschreiben die bodengebundenen Langzeitbeobachtungen der vierschnell pulsierenden sdB-Sterne DW Lyn V1636 Ori QQ Vir und V541 Hya MitHilfe dieser Daten werden die Veraumlnderungen der Pulsationsperioden gemessen Diese



Ergebnisse lassen auf das evolutionaumlre Stadium der Sterne schlieszligen und werden mittheoretischen Sternentwicklungsmodellen verglichen Weiterhin setzen die Ergebnisseder Beobachtungen Grenzwerte fuumlr die Masse und Umlaufdauer moumlglicher sub-stellarerBegleiter Im Widerspruch zu vorhergehenden Studien koumlnnen potentielle Detektionenvon Begleitern nicht bestaumltigt werden

Teil IV beschreibt die Anwendung der implementierten Methode der Pulsations-Lichtlaufzeitmessungen auf andere Sterne und Datensaumltze Im Vergleich zu bodengebunde-nen Observatorien bieten weltraumgestuumltzte Teleskope den Vorteil der ununterbrochenenBeobachtung Observatorien wie das Kepler Weltraumobservatorium TESS oder diegeplante PLATO Mission liefern eine groszlige Anzahl von Beobachtungszielen NebensdB-Sternen ist die Klasse der pulsierenden δ Scuti (δ Sct) Sterne ein hervorragendesZiel fuumlr Lichtlaufzeitmessungen δ Sct Sterne sind in einem Entwicklungsstadium jen-seits der HR und in der Spektralklasse A zu finden Vorhergehende Studien haben ausBeobachtungen des Kepler Weltraumteleskops einen planetaren Begleiter um den SternKIC 791748 offenbart Mit der in dieser Arbeit implementierten Methode der Pulsations-Lichtlaufzeitmessungen kann das Signal dieses Begleiters aus den Daten gewonnen undsomit die Implementierung validiert sowie eine unabhaumlngige Bestaumltigung dieser Planete-nentdeckung erbracht werden

Teil V diskutiert die vorhergehenden Ergebnisse und liefert einen Ausblick auf weitereAnwendungen


Part I



1 Extrasolar planets

11 Historical overviewSpeculations about the existence of other worlds or solar systems other than our own go asfar back as the ancient times Greek philosophers debated about the possibility of countlessworlds

And he maintained worlds to be infinite and varying in bulk and that in somethere is neither sun nor moon while in others that they are larger than with usand with others more numerous [] And that some worlds are destitute ofanimals and plants and every species of moisture

Democritus (460 to 370 BCE Litwa 2016)

He was supported by Epicurus (314 to 270 BCE) who debated about an ldquoinfinite number ofworlds both like and unlike this world of oursrdquo (Bailey 1926) in a letter to Democritus Butthe atomists of this time believed in the geocentric universe and thus the work of Aristotle(341 to 270 BCE) outshone their ideas This started to change with the introduction ofthe Heliocentric universe theory of Nicolaus Copernicus in 1543 However the Italianphilosopher Giordano Bruno was burned during the Inquisition because of his belief in aninfinite number of stars which have an infinite number of terrestrial worlds orbiting themFinally Galileo Galilei discovered with his telescope invented in 1606 the true nature ofthe Moon and planets and paved the way for the discovery of the remaining planets in oursolar system

Our solar system shaped the understanding of planetary evolution and system archi-tecture until Wolszczan and Frail (1992) discovered the first exoplanetary system laterconfirmed by Wolszczan (1994) The two Earth-mass like planets orbit the millisecondpulsar PSR 1257+12 a rather unusual host star With the discovery of the first extrasolarplanet 51 Pegasi b orbiting a sun-like star (Mayor and Queloz 1995) the architecture ofexoplanetary systems remained very different than expected from the solar system Theplanet has a mass comparable to the mass of Jupiter but a very close-in orbit of about005 au leading to a new category of planets called ldquohot Jupitersrdquo

So far more than 4000 exoplanets have been discovered by various detection methodsThey exhibit a wide range of planetary masses and radii as shown in Figure 11 Besideshot Jupiters Neptune- and Saturn-sized planets as well as super-Earths were discovered

The first transiting exoplanet HD 209458 b was discovered in 1999 (Charbonneau et al2000) which later became the first planet with a spectroscopically analysed atmosphere(Charbonneau et al 2002) HD 28185 b was discovered as the first exoplanet in thehabitable zone a region around a star in which a planet may retain liquid water on its


1 Extrasolar planets









10minus2 100 102 10410minus2




10minus2 100 102 104



a au



a au









3 K

Figure 11 Exoplanet mass and radius distribution as function of their orbital periodand effective temperature of their host star (color coded) Out of the 4130 discoveredexoplanets there are 994 mass and 1631 radius measurements (as of November 2019Schneider et al 2011)

surface Using the phase-mapping technique Knutson et al (2007) reconstructed a roughmap of HD 189733 b showing the temperature of the cloud deck An image of Formalhaut bin 2008 was the first direct image of an exoplanet (Kalas et al 2008) With Kepler-186 f anEarth-sized planet orbiting within its starrsquos habitable zone was discovered (Quintana et al2014) With the discovery of Kepler-452 b and its 16 Earth-radii another category not yetpresent in our solar system called ldquosuper Earthsrdquo was created Another super Earth orbitingour closest neighbour star Proxima Centauri even in the habitable zone was discovered byAnglada-Escudeacute et al (2016) Future missions aim to characterise exoplanetary systemsand to understand the formation evolution and chemical composition in more detail

12 Definition of an exoplanet

The word ldquoplanetrdquo was introduced by the ancient Greeks as the term ὰστέρες πλανῆτα

(asteres planetai) which can be translated as ldquowandering starrdquo This was inspired by theapparent movement of the planets in the solar system as opposed to the fixed stars In amore scientific way the International Astronomical Union (IAU) defined a planet in thesolar system in its resolution 5A as follows

A planet is a celestial body that

1 is in orbit around the Sun


13 Observational techniques

2 has sufficient mass for its self-gravity to overcome rigid body forces sothat it assumes a hydrostatic equilibrium (nearly round) shape and

3 has cleared the neighbourhood around its orbit

IAU (2006)

Additionally the working group on extrasolar planets of the IAU published the followingstatement not yet adopted as a resolution

1 Objects with true masses below the limiting mass for thermonuclearfusion of deuterium (currently calculated to be 13 Jupiter masses for ob-jects of solar metallicity) that orbit stars or stellar remnants are ldquoplanetsrdquo(no matter how they formed) The minimum masssize required for anextrasolar object to be considered a planet should be the same as thatused in our Solar System

2 Substellar objects with true masses above the limiting mass for ther-monuclear fusion of deuterium are ldquobrown dwarfsrdquo no matter how theyformed nor where they are located

3 Free-floating objects in young star clusters with masses below the limit-ing mass for thermonuclear fusion of deuterium are not ldquoplanetsrdquo butare ldquosub-brown dwarfsrdquo (or whatever name is most appropriate)

Boss et al (2005) reproduced with permission

The designation of exoplanets consists of the name of the host star followed by alowercase letter The first part can be an astronomical catalogue the scientific instrumentor project that discovered the exoplanet The following letter indicates the order of theexoplanets discovery around its host star usually beginning with ldquobrdquo This is analogous tothe designation of multiple star systems

13 Observational techniquesThe vast variety of exoplanets necessitates the need for different detection techniques Theycan be separated into three broad categories as the ldquoPerryman treerdquo a visual overview onthe detection methods illustrates in Fig 12

Widely separated exoplanets can be imaged directly Also protoplanetary disks can bedetected this way In case the orbital plane of the exoplanet aligns with the line of sight ofthe observer the planet transits in front of the stellar disk which can be detected as fluxvariations in primary and secondary eclipse

Gravitational lensing is known for very massive objects like galaxy clusters but can alsobe detected using a single star as a lens for a background star This induces a characteristicsignal in the light curve If the foreground star hosts an exoplanet it will act as an additionallens

Dynamical effects are based on the gravitational interaction of host star and planetThis can be measured directly as an astrometric change of position on the sky or indirectlyvia Doppler shifts in the host starrsquos spectrum or timing variations of transits eclipses orstellar pulsations The latter method is used in particular in this work and explained indetail in section 5


1 Extrasolar planets











existing capabilityprojected


-up detections n =

planets known








Exoplanet Detection



decreasingplanet mass


32 planets(20 system

s5 m


662 planets(504 system

s102 m


1 planet(1 system

0 m


53 planets(51 system

s2 m


2789 planets(2053 system

s474 m


1 January 20183572 exoplanets

(~2600 system

s ~590 m


bers from N


Exoplanet Archive]





refectedpolarised light

Radial velocity









44 planets(40 system

s2 m



















millisec slow



residuals(see TTVs)

(Kepler=2315 K2=




125Roplus) 766






protoplanetary disks

star accretionpollution

radio emission

gravitational waves

X-ray emission

debris diskscolliding


white dw

arf pollution



















































2 Subdwarf B stars

The majority of known exoplanets orbit cool host stars ie G and M type stars So faronly a small fraction of planets orbiting evolved host stars have been discovered (comparedto effective temperatures of host stars in Fig 11) This raises questions on the evolutionand fate of planetary systems The following chapter revises the stellar evolution withfocus on the post-main sequence phase of the host star arriving at subdwarf B stars (sdBstars) These stars are laboratories to test how planets survive and influence the late phasesof stellar evolution

21 ClassificationHumason and Zwicky (1947) discovered sdB stars in a photometric survey of the NorthGalactic Pole region Their position in the Hertzsprung-Russel diagram (HRD) in Fig 21in between the main sequence (MS) and the white-dwarf (WD) sequence was laterdetermined by Greenstein and Sargent (1974) They show effective temperatures Teff

from sim20 000 K to 50 000 K with surface gravities log(gcm sminus2) of 50 to 65 Heberet al (1984) Heber (1986) could connect the spectroscopic sdB class with the extremehorizontal branch (EHB) evolutionary stage Thus sdB stars are stripped helium-burningcores (sim05 M) of red giants with a thin hydrogen (H) atmosphere Their spectra aretherefore dominated by the broad Balmer lines of H while helium (He) is usually depletedBut their structure differs from horizontal-branch stars as their H envelopes are too thin tosustain H burning They evolve directly on to the WD cooling sequence as they lack theenvelope mass to pass via the asymptotic giant branch (AGB)

22 Canonical stellar and planetary evolutionThe progenitors of sdB stars are assumed to be solar-mass stars They form in molecularclouds consisting mostly of H about 20 to 30 per cent of He and a few percent of heavyelements The gas remains in hydrostatic equilibrium as long as the gas pressure isin balance with gravitational force (virial theorem) but a gravitational collapse can betriggered by shock waves (eg nearby supernova) As the cloud contracts it breaks intosmaller fragments in which the collapsing gas radiates the gravitational potential as heatAs temperature and pressure increase the fragment condenses into a protostar which isin hydrostatic equilibrium This way stars with different masses form mostly in groupsStellar winds of more massive stars ionize the remaining H in between the stars creatingH II regions and ultimately disrupt the cloud which prevents further star formation


2 Subdwarf B stars













White dwarfs

Cool subdwarfs











30000 10000

Surface temperature (deg)






ed to



6000 3000

Figure 21 Sketch of a Hertzsprung-Russell diagram highlighting the position of hotsubdwarf (sdB and sdO) stars and the extreme horizontal branch (EHB) located to the leftand below the hot end of the main sequence but above the white dwarf cooling sequenceThe EHB is separated from the blue horizontal branch (BHB) The location of stars havingevolved from the postasymptotic giant branch is shown for comparison The hot subdwarfstars have nothing in common with traditional cool subdwarfs found below the lowermain sequence (Heber 2009) Reprinted by permission from Copyright Clearance CenterAnnual Reviews Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics ldquoHot Subdwarf StarsrdquoHebercopy2009

The protostar continues to accrete material from its protoplanetary disk (Fig 22) untilfinally H fusion starts in the core and the star begins its phase on the main-sequence of theHRD (Fig 21) Inside the protoplanetary disk planetesimals form from electrostatic andgravitational interactions as building blocks for planets During their formation planetsmigrate within the disk and accrete material until the disk is evaporated by the central starsradiation On the main-sequence the star will evolve only slowly and remain there for


22 Canonical stellar and planetary evolution

Figure 22 Left Protoplanetary disc imaged by the Hubble Space Telescope in the Orionnebula The image is about 1800 au across Credit NASA CR OrsquoDell and SK WongRight ALMA image of HL Tauri showing th protoplanetary disc at a wavelength of13 mm The image is about 250 au across Credit ALMA (ESONAOJNRAO)

about 1010 years As the hydrogen in the core eventually depletes the fusion rate cannot bemaintained and the core contracts This continues to fuse H in a shell outside the He coreThe core contracts and the outer layers begin to expand The star becomes a red giantmoving up the red giant branch (RGB) in the HRD The He core compacts into degeneratematter and once core pressure and temperature are high enough the He starts to fuse witha He flash at the tip of the RGB in the HRD The core mass during the helium flash isabout half a solar-mass The star decreases in radius increases its surface temperatureand moves to the horizontal branch (HB) of the HRD After the He is fused in the coreouter shells fuse further He and the star moves to the asymptotic giant branch (AGB) andbecomes red giant again The produced carbon (C) can fuse with He and oxygen (O) tobuild a CO core The H and He shells are consecutively fusing in a cyclic process The starejects most of its envelope during these thermal pulses The expelled material is ionizedby the UV emission of the hot remnant core and can be observed as a planetary nebulaAfter this short phase the remnant star cools and enters the white dwarf cooling sequence

Planet occurrence rates estimated from Kepler observations suggest that 30 per centof Sun-like stars host Kepler-like planetary systems1 (Zhu et al 2018) Several studiesinvestigated occurrence rates from radial velocity surveys Jupiter-like planets2 may occurat six per cent of Solar-like stars (Wittenmyer et al 2016) Systems with giant planetsfrom the Kepler mission show outer gas giants within orbital periods of less than 400days at a 5 per cent occurrence rate (Santerne et al 2016) Bryan et al (2016) suggestthe total occurrence rate of companions3 from radial velocity measurements and direct

1 Kepler-like planets are planets that have radii RP amp R and orbital periods P gt 400 d Our Solar system isnot detectable by Kepler

2 Planets with masses 015RX MP 13MX and orbital periods of 3 au to 7 au3 For companions in the range of 1 MX to 20 MX and 5 au to 20 au


2 Subdwarf B stars

imaging with about 50 per cent Recently Grunblatt et al (2019) estimated the occurrencerate of planets larger than Jupiter for low-luminosity red giant branch stars from the K2mission to be 05 per cent Observations of polluted WDs debris disks orbiting WDslike WD 1145+017 (Vanderburg et al 2015) or even in-situ accretion of a giant planet toWD J0914+1914 (Gaumlnsicke et al 2019) show that these disks must form during the WDphase since they are located within the preceding giant stellar radii Spectroscopic analysisof polluted WD atmospheres find metals as to be expected from planetary compositionSince the sinking times for such heavy metals are orders of magnitude shorter than theWD cooling age the expected detection rate of polluted WDs is at about 01 per cent Butthe actual observed rate of metals is at 25 to 50 per cent Thus planetary systems appearto survive the RGB phase of their host star and may get disrupted and accreted duringthe WD phase Veras (2016) Farihi (2016) give a broad overview on post-main-sequenceplanetary system evolution and polluted WDs

23 Subdwarf B stars formation scenarios

The canonical formation of Subdwarf B stars is not explained by the typical evolutiondescribed in the section above since some mechanism during the progenitors giant phasemust have removed enough of the envelope to not sustain a H burning after the He flashThe formation scenario in a binary system first proposed by Mengel et al (1976) givesrise to different formation channels (Han et al 2002 2003 Podsiadlowski 2008) dependingon the initial mass ratios The scenarios are illustrated in Fig 23 and 24 The most simplescenario is a stable Roche-lobe over flow (RLOF) as in the left panel of Fig 23 The sdBprogenitor fills its Roche lobe near the tip of the RGB The mass transfer is dynamicallystable and the companion accretes the matter This will form a sdB in a long-period binarysystem with a main-sequence companion Observations find periods from 700 d to 1300 dleading to an improvement of the RLOF model (Chen et al 2013) If the mass transferduring the RLOF is too high the companion cannot accrete all the matter and a commonenvelope (CE) is formed (see Fig 24) Friction in the CE let the stars spiral inwards anduntil the CE gets ejected This will form a close binary system

While about 50 per cent of sdB stars are found in close binary systems with periodsof less than ten days observations show about 30 per cent appear as apparent single sdBstars There are several possible formation scenarios including atmosphere loss due tostellar winds the merger of two He WD (right panel of Fig 23) or undetected low-masscompanions

Hall and Jeffery (2016) estimated the H mass in the remnants of He WD mergers Inthe effective temperature-surface gravity plane they found a region occupied by thesestars during the core-He-burning phase and located the majority of apparently single sdBstars inside this region Nevertheless this conclusion depends on assumptions made to themodel regarding the initial H mass and loss of H during the merger Subdwarf B starslocated outside of this parameter region are found to be rapidly rotating low-gravity sdBstars

Alternatively the sdB progenitor could lose mass near the RGB tip due to strong stellarwinds or internal rotation While the He flash occurs typically at the tip of the RGB asufficient mass loss can lead a star to depart from the RGB so that the He flash is delayed


23 Subdwarf B stars formation scenarios

P = 10 minus 500 daysorb

sdBM = 030 minus 049 M


(mass ratio lt 12 minus 15)

Stable RLOF Channel

stable RLOF (near tip of RGB)

wide sdB binary with MSSG companion

envelope loss near RGB tipby stellar wind(rotation Z)

(1 or 2 CE phases)He WD merger

M = 040 minus 065 MsdB sun

M = 045 minus 049 MsdB sun

Single sdB Stars

gravitational radiation


Figure 23 Stable Roche-lobe channel (left) and single-starmerger channels (right) for theformation of sdB stars (Podsiadlowski 2008) By the kind permission of ASP ConferenceSeries vol 401 P Podsiadlowski p 63

(Castellani and Castellani 1993) The remnants of these ldquohot flashersrdquo are located closeto the He main sequence which coincides with the sdB location Although an ldquoearly hotflasherrdquo scenario may explain He and C abundances in sdB stars observations show someinconsistencies (Moehler et al 2011 Latour et al 2014)

Finally substellar objects eg brown dwarfs or even planets can lead to enough massloss in order to form sdB stars As described in the previous section the abundance ofplanets is high enough to be considered to survive and influence the late stellar evolutionFor a single red giant planets with orbital separations smaller than about 5 au will enhancethe mass loss when the planet is engulfed by the red giantrsquos atmosphere Since planetshave a comparable high angular momentum parts of it can be transferred to the envelopeIn consequence of this momentum transfer the planet spirals inwards and stellar mass lossincreases which leads to the formation of a sdB star In this scenario the planet wouldeither evaporate merge with the core or survive while most of the planetrsquos envelope islost (Soker 1998) With the merger scenario an enhanced stellar rotation could mix moreHe to the envelope and thus increase the RGB tip luminosity and further enhance the totalmass loss (Sweigart 1997) The hypothesis of surviving planetary systems is supportedby planetary-mass companions like the candidates V391 Peg b (Silvotti et al 2007) KIC05807616 bc (Charpinet et al 2011) KIC 10001893 bcd (Silvotti et al 2014) or browndwarf companions like V2008-1753 B (Schaffenroth et al 2015) or CS 1246 (Barlow et al2011b) Figure 25 illustrates the process of forming a sdB planetary system


2 Subdwarf B stars

P = 01 minus 10 daysorb




sdBM = 04 minus 049 M



shortminusperiod sdB binary with MS companionshortminusperiod sdB binary with He WD companion

commonminusenvelope phase commonminusenvelope phase

unstable RLOF minusminusminusgt dynamical mass transfer unstable RLOF minusminusminusgt dynamical mass transfer

stable RLOF

wide binary

CommonminusEnvelope Channels

CE only (mass ratio gt 12 minus 15)stable RLOF + CE (mass ratio lt 12 minus 15)

Figure 24 Common-envelope (CE) channels for the production of sdB stars The CE phasecan be either the first (right panel) or the second (left panel) mass-transfer phase producinga tight sdB binary with either a normal-star or white-dwarf companion respectively(Podsiadlowski 2008) By the kind permission of ASP Conference Series vol 401 PPodsiadlowski p 63

From observational data it cannot be ruled out that these planets may have formed assecond generation planets After the merger of two He WDs the remaining circumstellardisk could provide enough material to form planets in analogy to the pulsar planets(Wolszczan and Frail 1992 Thorsett et al 1993)

Finally there is evidence that some sdB stars are not core He-burning objects Heberet al (2003) discovered a sdB with insufficient mass to ignite He-burning in the core

24 Asteroseismology

Asteroseismology describes the study of the interiors of stars by using their oscillationsas seismic waves The first pulsating star was discovered in 1596 by David Fabricius Henoticed that the star ο Ceti (subsequently named ldquoMirardquo the wonderful) vanished from


24 Asteroseismology

Figure 25 Possible formation mechanism of close-in planets a The two planets identifiedby Charpinet et al (2011) were probably massive gas-giant planets during the early part oftheir host starrsquos life when the star burned hydrogen into helium as our Sun does today Atthis time the planets resided farther away from their host star than they do today b Whenthe star exhausted the supply of hydrogen in its core it expanded to become a red-giant starThe outer layers of the star then engulfed the orbits of the two planets The planets losttheir outer gaseous layers as their orbits spiralled inwards c For unknown reasons the redgiant expelled its cool outer layers leaving behind a small hot B subdwarf star The smallrocky cores of the initial planets were left behind in close-in orbits with periods of 58 and82 hours (Figure not drawn to scale) (Kempton 2011) Reprinted by permission fromCopyright Clearance Center Springer Nature Nature Planetary science ldquoThe ultimatefate of planetsrdquo Kemptoncopy2011

the visible sky Later on it was realized that the star did so every eleven months andbecame the first known (semi) periodic variable star Subsequently more variable stars likeδ Cephei (related stars are summarized as ldquoCepheidsrdquo) were discovered and their variationslinked to radial pulsations By now a large number of groups of pulsating star is known toexist Figure 26 shows their occurrences in a HRD Historically they have been classifiedon a phenomenological basis and mostly named after their prototype star The physicalreasons for the classification were uncovered later and are related to the different types ofexcited pulsation mode mass and evolutionary state Since this work relates mostly to sdBstars the following describes their driving mechanism Extensive overviews can be foundeg in Cunha et al (2007) Aerts et al (2010)

241 κ mechanismBaker and Kippenhahn (1962) proposed the κ mechanism to explain δ Cephei pulsationsFor stellar matter than can be described as an ideal gas an increase in compression ofthe atmosphere causes an increase in temperature and density This usually results in adecrease of the opacity κ allowing energy to be transported more efficiently This describesan equilibrium where temperature and pressure are balanced But in layers of the starwhere κ increases with increasing temperature the incoming flux from inner layers can betemporally stored These layers are associated with regions where (partial) ionization of


2 Subdwarf B stars

chemical elements occur When the layer expands in order to reach its equilibrium theadditionally accumulated energy is released and the star can expand beyond its equilibriumradius When the material recedes energy is again stored in the stellar interior and thecycle can repeat as a periodic stellar oscillation

Depending on the restoring force of the pulsations modes are either of the nature ofstanding acoustic waves (referred to as pressure modes or p modes) or internal gravitywaves (g modes) However especially in evolved stars both types of modes can be found

Unlike solar oscillations which are exited stochastically pulsations excited by theκ mechanism are coherent in phase their lifetime is very long compared to observationsspanning over years and change slowly due to stellar evolution These modes are suitablefor a pulsation timing analysis

In variable sdB stars (sdBV) the bump in opacity is related to elements of the iron group(Charpinet et al 1997) which are accumulated in the driving layers by diffusion processeslike gravitational settling and radiative levitation (cf Heber 2009 2016) Charpinetet al (1996) predicted the nonradial pulsations theoretically almost simultaneously totheir discovery by Kilkenny et al (1997) Effective temperatures Teff typically rangefrom 28 000 K to 35 000 K and surface gravity log g from 52 to 61 Observed pulsationamplitudes are usually smaller than 50 mmag Hybrid pulsators showing both p andg modes (eg Schuh et al 2006) locate at the temperature boundary around 28 000 Kbetween both classes of pulsators About ten per cent of the sdB stars located in theinstability strip of the Teffminus log g plane exhibit pulsations above a few mmag This fractionmight be biased due to detection limits of ground based observations However Keplerobservations confirmed the deficiency of p-mode pulsators in the instability strip (egOslashstensen et al 2011)

Due to the He fusion into C and O in the core of sdB stars the internal structure variesslowly and thus modifies the condition of hydrostatic equilibrium This results into slowsecular changes of the surface gravity and effective temperature and slow changes inthe pulsation period (Charpinet et al 2002) Using long-term observations these periodchanges can be measured

242 Asteroseismic observationsStellar oscillations generate motions and temperature variations on the surface and resultin observable variability These variations cause changes in brightness and colour radialvelocity and line profiles Thus pulsating stars can be studied using photometric andspectroscopic time series measurements which can be used to generate frequency spectra -one of the most important tools in asteroseismology The following focuses on time seriesphotometry

Since the observations are usually discrete and contain gaps a harmonic analysis isperformed using the Discrete Fourier Transformation

F( f ) =


x(tk) exp (i2π f tk)

of the measurements x(tk) which leads to an amplitude spectrum The observations opposelimitations to this spectrum Due to the discrete nature the highest useful frequency to


24 Asteroseismology

search for is called the Nyquist frequency

fNyq =1


with the time between two data points ∆t In the case of unevenly spaced data the Nyquistfrequency does not exist higher frequencies might be detectable With a finite length ofthe observations the spectrum has a finite frequency resolution proportional to the inverseof the total time span Moreover observations are likely to show gaps (eg daynight orseasonal observation windows technical problems poor observing conditions) some ofthem with a regular nature which produce additional peaks in the Fourier space Theseeffects combined are known as the ldquowindow functionrdquo in the time domain or as ldquospectralwindowrdquo in the Fourier space The spectral window can show multiple peaks even ifthe underlying signal is monochromatic and complicate the interpretation of the dataAdditionally long gaps produce unwanted signals in the low frequency regime In order toovercome the complex response in frequencies and amplitudes of the signal even withoutnoise different forms of periodograms have been defined A well-known and widelyapplied technique is the Lomb-Scargle periodogram (Scargle 1982) Horne and Baliunas(1986) Schwarzenberg-Czerny (1997) showed the equivalence of the variance reductionbetween a Lomb-Scargle periodogram and a least squares fit of sinusoids at test frequenciesThus fits of a harmonic series of sinusoids at test frequencies can be used to search fornon-sinusoidal signals as well The Lomb-Scargle periodogram does not require regularsampled data and is used for the analysis in this work (see Press et al (2007) VanderPlas(2017) cf section 8)


2 Subdwarf B stars

Figure 26 Hertzsprung-Russell diagram showing different classes of pulsating starsSome of these are named after a particular member of the class Others are acronymsrespectively for rapidly oscillating Ap (roAp) Slowly Pulsating B (SPB) subdwarf Bvariables (sdBV) The group labelled GW Vir includes what has formerly been known asthe PNNV stars (for Planetary Nebulae Nuclei Variables) and the variable hot DO whitedwarfs (DOV) the DBV and DAV stars are variable DB (helium-rich) and DA (hydrogen-rich) white dwarfs The parallel long-dashed lines indicate the Cepheid instability strip(Cunha et al 2007) Reprinted by permission from Copyright Clearance Center SpringerNature Astron Astrophys Rev ldquoAsteroseismology and interferometryrdquo Cunhacopy2007


Part II

The EXOTIME project


3 Targets

The EXOTIME program (EXOplanet search with the TIming MEthod) was born out oflong-term monitoring of the object HS 2201+2610 in order to measure long-term drifts inthe pulsation periods P The large amount of data made it possible to not only constrain sdBstar evolution from P but resulted in the postulation of the substellar companion candidateV391 Peg b using the pulsation timing method (Silvotti et al 2007) With the puzzlingformation history of sdB stars the authors initiated the EXOTIME program in 2008The project extends the long-term monitoring to the objects HS 0702+6043 (DW Lyn)HS 0444+0458 (V1636 Ori) PG 1325+101 (QQ Vir) EC 09582-1137 (V541 Hya) andHS 2201+2610 (V391 Peg) While the majority of exoplanet research is strongly focussedon planets (and moons) in the habitable zone and formation of planetary systems themain goal of the EXOTIME project is to detect exoplanets orbiting evolved stars usingthe stellar pulsations to conclude on timing variations (see section 5) Transit and radialvelocity searches are not efficient for stars with small radii and high gravities like sdB starsAdditionally the project wants to characterize the target stars using asteroseismic methodsand in particular the measurement of P

The following sections describe the targets and their observations in detail Theirselection followed some basic properties The targets must be observable from the Northernhemisphere and bright enough for a sufficient signal-to-noise ratio in the Johnson B bandwith 1 m to 3 m class telescopes since sdB stars emit the maximum energy in the nearUV regime A suitable target for the timing method should show two to four independentpulsation frequencies coherent in phase and stable in amplitude (gt1 mmag 01 ) Eachfrequency leads to an independent timing measurement But coherence and stability canonly be verified with the long-term monitoring To ensure the sdB star is not accompaniedby a low-mass star in a binary system there should be no strong IR excess compared toa black body spectrum The observational parameters of the five EXOTIME targets aresummarized in Table 31 Section 7 describes DW Lyn V1636 Ori QQ Vir V541 Hya indetail and lists the atmospheric parameters in Table 71

Observations and results on a substellar companion for V391 Peg are published bySilvotti et al (2007) alternative scenarios are discussed by Silvotti (2008) and additionalobservations are published by Silvotti et al (2018) The latter publication placed the firstinterpretation of the O minus C variations under discussion because of possible non-linearinteractions between different pulsation modes that change arrival times We proposedfor continued observations at the Las Cumbres Observatory (LCO Brown et al 2013)using 2 m class telescopes in order to connect observations from Silvotti et al (2018)with upcoming TESS observations in 2020 In 2017 we observed for about 52 hours in2019 for eight hours each in the Johnson B band with exposure times of 10 s to 20 s Theobservations are listed in Table 32


3 Targets

Table 31 Observational properties of the EXOTIME targets taken fromhttpsimbadu-strasbgfrsimbad and amplitude of the main pulsation (mea-sured in this work and by Silvotti et al (2007))

Target RA (J2000) DE (J2000) B mag JminusH ampl

DW Lyn 7h7m980s 60deg38prime50 primeprime16 147 minus0123 219V1636 Ori 4h47m1863s 5deg3prime34 primeprime81 1544 0043 054QQ Vir 13h27m4856s 9deg54prime51 primeprime05 1373 minus014 26V541 Hya 10h0m4182s minus11deg51prime34 primeprime59 1501 minus025 031V391 Peg 22h4m1210s 26deg25prime7 primeprime82 1441 001 085


3 Targets

Table 32 Summary of the newly acquired observations for V391 Peg

observatory obs date exp time s obs time h

LCO 2017-09-12 10 122 2017-09-14 10 068

2017-09-15 10 1402017-09-16 10 4722017-09-17 10 6182017-09-18 10 1222017-09-19 10 6922017-09-20 10 0722017-09-21 10 3952017-09-22 10 2702017-09-26 20 0752017-09-28 20 1752017-09-29 20 0222017-09-30 20 0752017-10-01 20 1272017-10-02 20 0752017-10-03 20 5182017-10-05 20 0232017-10-06 20 0382017-10-07 20 0772017-11-05 20 2072017-11-06 20 0752017-11-09 20 1682017-11-10 20 4222017-11-13 20 2182019-09-07 20 1102019-09-09 20 0072019-09-10 20 2482019-09-11 20 2672019-09-12 20 130

Σ 6027


4 Multi-epoch photometric data

41 Time series photometryThe timing method applied to the data and described in the next section imposes re-quirements on the photometric time series Each observation run needs a high temporalresolution of less than about 30 s in order to sample the p-modes correctly and a highsignal-to-noise ratio to detect their low amplitudes A single phase measurement in thelater analysis is required to reach an uncertainty in the order of one second Therefore theobservations should cover about three consecutive nights each with about three hours forone phase measurement

411 Photometry

In order to make use of the raw CCD images from the observations the data need tobe calibrated properly This includes detector specific corrections (bias and dark fieldsubtraction) as well as instrumental and sensitivity corrections (flat field division) Thefollowing photometric measurements were performed using the IDL package TRIPP (TimeResolved Imaging Photometry Package) Some data have been reduced using differentsoftware packages but the concept does not differ A circular aperture is placed aroundthe target star and measures the flux An annulus around this aperture or a further fieldmeasures the background flux which is subtracted from the target flux Since variationsin the Earthrsquos atmosphere on short and long term time scales (sky transparency air mass)affect this measurement the target flux is compared to the flux of multiple comparison starsThe field of view is assumed to be small enough that all atmospheric variations influencethe flux of all stars equally This procedure is applied to all images of an observationrun and yields the light curve Atmospheric extinction is correction by a second orderpolynomial in time

412 Timing accuracy

Accurate time stamps for each observation is crucial for the analysis of timing effectsAcquisition equipment is usually synced via network with a time server to the universaltime (UTC) However some of the first observations used for the project do not recordthe fraction of the second Thus the accuracy of individual observations is assumed to bebetter than plusmn05 s

Additional to the recording of precise time stamps the observer needs to be positionedin a rest frame compared to the target Without the necessary corrections the result would


4 Multi-epoch photometric data

be superimposed by the Earthrsquos motion around the barycentre of the Solar system anddiscontinuous time standards Eastman et al (2010) describes the necessary formalismin detail The Barycentric Coordinate Time (TDB) time frame including barycentriccorrections for the Solar system is accurate down to 34 ms and applied to all observationaltime stamps (hereafter refereed as BJD(TDB))


5 Methods

51 O minusC Pipeline

Already in the 17th century Ole Rœmer made use of the travel time of light in order tomeasure the speed of light (eg Soter and deGrasse Tyson 2001) An inversion of thisscenario allows to measure changes of orbits using the finite speed of light In astronomythis idea is widely used for different applications eg on pulsars eclipsing binary systemstiming variations on planetary transits or stellar pulsations In the context of stellarpulsations this concept is referred to as the O minusC method (Observed minus Calculated)The approach compares the phase of a periodic function to a reference phase and thusallow conclusions on variations in the observed phase While the following describes themethod illustratively the specific implementation of the O minus C method in this work isexplained in section 8

The schematic construction of an O minusC diagram is pictured in Fig 51 Requirementfor a OminusC analysis is a sufficiently long observational time span of the stellar pulsation Alight curve model fit to full data set provides the reference phase referred to as C Similarfits to small sub-sets of the observation provides an independent light curve model Thuseach sub-set called epoch provides a phase measurement referred to as O Iteratingthrough all epochs in time yield the differences between the average phase of the referencemodel and the phase measurements of the epochs called O minusC diagram

An O minusC diagram with no variations implies an agreement between observed phasesand the reference phase Linear changes in the diagram suggest a wrong frequency for thereference model and thus a constant error added per cycle More complex deviations aredescribed below

511 Linear change in period

The following considerations can be found in Kepler et al (1991) In order to makeuse of the timing method a sufficiently stable timer in the observed system is requiredldquoSufficientlyrdquo refers to accuracy compared to the length of observations In the case ofstellar pulsations this timer is a periodic brightness variation The observed time of theEth cycle can be expressed as

TE = T0 + PE

with the period P at T0 and the epoch E as in the cycle number counted from T0Due to physical processes the stellar pulsation period will change slowly over time


5 Methods


O1 O2 O3








Figure 51 Schematic picture of the O minusC diagram construction Top A model to the fulllight curve yields the reference phase C Middle Light curve models to each epoch yieldindividual phase information O Bottom Construction of the O minusC diagram from abovemeasurements

(see section 241) If this change is small TE can be expand in a Taylor series

TE = T0 +dTdE

(E minus E0) +12


(E minus E0)2 + O ((E minus E0))2

Terms of higher order are neglected Expanding the quadratic term using dTdE = Pleads to

d2TdE2 =




= PdPdt

Assuming 2E0 E finally yields

TE = T0 + PE +12


In order to compare the model of a slowly changing period with the null hypotheses(ldquothe period is stablerdquo) both identify with

O B T0 + PE +12


C B T prime0 + PprimeE

where O stands for observed ephemerides with a constant period Pprime and C for the calculatedor computed ephemerides With ∆T = T0 minus T prime0 and ∆P = P minus Pprime and E = tPminus1 this leads to

O minusC = ∆T0 +∆PP

t +12




51 O minusC Pipeline











Figure 52 Schematic picture of the orbital configuration

In an O minusC diagram a fit with a parabolic function yields the evolutionary time scalePP

512 Light travel time effect

Assuming a two body system consisting of the pulsating star and a companion both orbittheir common centre of mass The motion of pulsating star with mass M around thebarycentre implies a variation in the projected line of sight as show in Fig 52 whichtranslates into a change in light travel time The periodic pulsation of the star allow formeasuring this change and hence concluding on the minimum mass of the companion mAssuming a circular orbit due to the proposed formation history of companions of subdwarfB stars the change in light travel time varies periodically and imposes a sinusoidal signalin the O minusC diagram The following describes the derivation of the expected amplitude ofthis light travel time effect (eg Hilditch 2001 pp 29)

Let the line of sight be aligned with the z direction With the inclination of the orbit ithe argument of periapsis ω and the true anomaly ϑ of the Kepler ellipse the z componentof the radius vector r reads as

rz = r sin (i) sin (ω + ϑ)

Keplerrsquos laws of planetary motion yield

r =a(1 minus e2

)1 + e cos (ϑ)


5 Methods

with the semi mayor axis a and the eccentricity e Thus

rz =a(1 minus e2

)1 + e cos (ϑ)

sin (i) sin (ω + ϑ)

With Keplerrsquos Third Law follows for the semi major axis

a3 = Gm3P2

4π4 (M + m)2

where P is the orbital period Assuming a circular orbit with e = 0 The maximumdisplacement ∆rz in the orbit occurs at sin (ω + ϑ) = plusmn1

∆rz = 2G13m(

P2π (M + m)


sin i

The light travel time follows from

∆T =rz





2π (M + m)


sin i

which is the semi-amplitude of the sinusoidal signal in the O minus C diagram induced by asub-stellar companion due to the light travel time effect

52 Artificial data testingOnce such a fast pipeline is deployed it provides a convenient way to analyse artificialdata with precisely known input parameters and test for the expected results In order toavoid additional effects due to irregular observations and gaps in the data the artificialdata are mostly generated according to the PLATO scheme cadence of 25 s for three years(ie 186 times 106 measurements) and a signal to noise ratio of about 6 as expected for a14 mag star in the B band observed with all 24 telescopes (ESASRE 2011) A differentset of artificial data is created for a simplified ground-based observational scheme (threeconsecutive nights per month each eight hours for ten years ie 124 times 105) Since theresults between these two sets are very similar merely the PLATO-like scheme is discussedbelow

In total about 50 different scenarios of frequency spacings and amplitudes wereinvestigated Some interesting cases are explained below

Resonant frequencies Pulsations with frequency-spacing in integer multiples mightcause an unstable fitting process To test for such scenarios a set of several light curves wascreated They simulate pulsation frequencies in 12 13 and 15 resonances with a constantphase and amplitude The resulting fits to individual modes tend to show oscillatingphases but the simultaneous fit of all frequencies is stable and recovers successfully phase-and amplitude-information Fig 54 shows an example of resonant modes with a basefrequency of 240 dminus1 Some modes tend to show an constant offset in the O minusC diagrambut are on average still close to the null hypothesis


52 Artificial data testing







0 50 100 150 200 250

0 1000 2000


f dminus1

f microHz







minus002minus001 0 001 002

minus02 minus01 0 01 02




f dminus1

f microHz

Figure 53 Left Amplitude spectrum for four resonant pulsations with frequencies of240 dminus1 120 dminus1 80 dminus1 and 48 dminus1 and amplitudes of 05 Right Window function











0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100


48 dminus1 80 dminus1 120 dminus1 240 dminus1




t d

Figure 54 Results for four resonant pulsations with frequencies of 240 dminus1 120 dminus1 80 dminus1

and 48 dminus1 Each epoch contains data from one month Top Reconstructed AmplitudesBottom O minusC diagram


5 Methods




27776 27778 2778



04 minus f1




23998 240 24002



f microHz



f dminus1







minus002minus001 0 001 002

minus02 minus01 0 01 02




f dminus1

f microHz

Figure 55 Left Amplitude spectrum for two close pulsations with frequencies of240000 dminus1 and 240002 dminus1 and amplitudes of 05 and 02 (top) after subtraction ofthe mode at 240000 dminus1 (middle) and residuals after subtraction of the mode at 240002 dminus1

(bottom) Right Window function

Close frequencies Unresolved frequencies are a problem in the analysis of data andinterpretation of their results The frequency resolution is intrinsic to the observationpattern Unfortunately it is very difficult to conclude from an observational O minus Cpattern on unresolved frequencies The vast range of possible combinations in number offrequencies their spacing and amplitude ratios makes it almost impossible to conclude on aspecific configuration to explain the observations However if there is a resolved multipletin the observations but the signal-to-noise ratio of individual amplitudes is not goodenough to provide useful phase measurements a simulated multiplet on the observationaltime grid can provide insights on the O minusC behaviour of the main frequency Additionallythe window function can help to interpret amplitude spectra

Artificial test cases can raise awareness of possible O minus C patterns and caution theinterpretation of observational results The following tests were conducted with twopulsation frequencies and a constant phase which should result in a O minus C diagram notdifferent from zero

With a sufficient frequency separation and signal-to-noise ratio for both pulsations(see Fig 55) the O minusC diagram might show mode-beating effects like in Fig 56 Therecovered amplitude and phase of the main pulsation mode show periodic variationsalthough they should appear constant Thus the simultaneous occurrence of amplitude-and phase-modulations in an O minusC diagram should caution the interpretation in favour ofa light travel time effect

When the signal-to-noise ratio for one frequency is barely over the noise level it mightbe considered as noise after the pre-whitening of the dominant mode and neglected Using


52 Artificial data testing











0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100


2400 dminus1 240002 dminus1




t d

Figure 56 Results of the simultaneous fit of two close pulsations with frequencies of2400 dminus1 and 240002 dminus1 and similar amplitudes Each epoch contains data from onemonth TopReconstructed Amplitudes Bottom O minusC diagram

the example above but reducing the amplitude of the second pulsation from 05 to0001 (see Fig 57) leads to the O minusC diagram in Fig 58 The second pulsation is nottaken into consideration because the amplitude does not elevate above the noise level Themain pulsation shows periodic variations in the phase as to be expected from a substellarcompanion At the same time the amplitude appears to be modulated as well indicating amode-beating effect These scenarios strengthen the need for at least one additional phasevariation measurement on an independent pulsation mode in order to conclude on reflexmotion effects due to a substellar companion

Variable amplitude Previous observational studies show that amplitude modulationsare a common phenomenon for sdB stars Kilkenny (2010) But due to the relatively shortobservational baseline of such investigations it is not clear whether amplitude modulationscan appear on their own or together with phase modulations (as result of mode beatingeffects) Thus the OminusC method needs to be able to distinguish between the two scenarioswhich can be tested by using a simulated mode with an amplitude modulation but nophase modulation The example data set shown in Fig 59 and 510 exhibits an amplitudemodulation of 50 The OminusC analysis recovers successful this amplitude variation Alsothe phase shows no simultaneous variation which enables the distinction between a modebeating and pure amplitude modulated scenario


5 Methods




27776 27778 2778




23998 240 24002



f microHz




f dminus1







minus002minus001 0 001 002

minus02 minus01 0 01 02




f dminus1

f microHz

Figure 57 Left Amplitude spectrum for two close pulsations with frequencies of 2400 dminus1

and 240002 dminus1 and amplitudes of 05 and 0001 (top) residuals after subtractionof the mode at 2400 dminus1 (bottom) Note the different scale The residual peaks are onlyslightly above the average noise level Right Window function





0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100


2400 dminus1




t d

Figure 58 Results for two close pulsations with frequencies of 2400 dminus1 and 240002 dminus1

and very different amplitudes Each epoch contains data from one month Top Recon-structed Amplitude Bottom O minusC diagram for the main pulsation


52 Artificial data testing




27776 27778 2778




23998 240 24002



f microHz




f dminus1







minus002minus001 0 001 002

minus02 minus01 0 01 02




f dminus1

f microHz

Figure 59 Left Amplitude spectrum for one pulsation with a frequency of 2400 dminus1

and an amplitude of 05 varying by 50 with a 300 d period (top) residuals afterpre-whitening of the mode at 2400 dminus1 (bottom) Right Window function




0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100


2400 dminus1




t d

Figure 510 Results for one simulated pulsation with a frequency of 2400 dminus1 and anamplitude of 05 The amplitude is varying by 50 with a 300 d period Each epochcontains data from one month Top Reconstructed Amplitude Bottom O minusC diagram


5 Methods

53 Alternative approaches

531 Analytic signal

The analytic signal (AS) is a complex-valued function where real and imaginary part arerelated to each other by the Hilbert transform In polar coordinates the AS can be expressedin terms of its amplitude and phase as a function of time called envelope and instantaneousphase The instantaneous frequency can be obtained by differentiating the instantaneousphase in respect to time From the instantaneous phase an O minusC diagram can be inferredwhich makes the AS a potentially useful tool to investigate phase amplitude and frequencyvariations in stellar pulsations See III (2007) for a comprehensive overview

The AS s(t) of a signal s(t) is defined as

s(t) = s(t) + iH (s(t))

where the Hilbert transformationH is defined over the convolution

H =1πtlowast s(t)

While the original signal generates one amplitude value for each point in time the analyticalrepresentation generates a rotating vector in the complex plane Thus the analyticalrepresentation provides instantaneous values for amplitude frequency and phase withonly a single sample of a discrete signal

The AS is implemented in the scipy library (Jones et al 2011) Since it is based onFourier transforms it requires equidistant steps in time Thus a space born observatorywith a regular and continuous observing scheme is preferred over ground based observa-tions by this method Due to barycentric motion of the spacecraft the time steps will bedistorted after correcting for the barycentric motion Therefore an interpolation in time isnecessary which makes the analysis computationally very expensive

In order to test the implementation the artificial light curves should represent thistemporal behavior The data were generated sampling one stellar pulsation mode accordingto the PLATO scheme (cadence of 25 s for three years) and an ldquoinverserdquo barycentriccorrection was applied in order to create the irregular temporal spacing

For the analysis the artificial data are interpolated on a grid with a spacing of theshortest time between two measurements close to 25 s From an amplitude spectrum thefrequency of the pulsation mode is selected very similar to the classical O minusC approachimplemented for this work In the presence of multiple pulsation frequencies a frequencyfiltering is necessary After the computation of the envelope instantaneous phase andfrequency the expected linear cycle count is subtracted from the instantaneous phase toyield the OminusC diagram (see Fig 511) Since the AS is computed without a binning of datathe result appears to be scattering much more than the classical O minusC result Averagingthe results over a sufficient amount of time smooths the measurements Neverthelessthe process of interpolation before the actual analysis can start is computationally veryexpensive about a factor 1000 more than the classical O minusC calculation This makes theHilbert transform not practical for analysing irregular high cadence data This approachhas not been further pursued in this work


53 Alternative approaches



50100150200250300350 frequency



0 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 01




ampl envelope 2400 dminus1f




t d

Figure 511 Results of the Hilbert transform for one pulsation with a frequency of2400 dminus1 and an amplitude of 05 Top Flux measurements (black) sampled from thepulsation (grey) and amplitude envelope (red) Middle Instantaneous frequency BottomInstantaneous phase minus reference phase

532 Independent confirmation via direct imagingDirect imaging with adaptive optics allow for observations near the refraction limit of thetelescope This might offer the possibility to confirm sub-stellar companion candidateswhere a clear detection using the pulsation timing is affected by non-linear effects ofstellar pulsations However possible companions are still not resolvable with currenttechnology V391 Peg and DW Lyn have a distance of d = (12387000 plusmn 822422) pc andd = (14954389 plusmn 1303785) pc respectively (Gaia Collaboration et al 2018) With semimajor axis of about 17 au (Silvotti et al 2007) and 196 au the hypothetical companionswould be separated by 137 mas and 131 mas from the host star respectively This isabout one order of magnitude smaller than the theoretical angular resolution of 8 m classtelescopes The remaining EXOTIME targets are not significantly closer to Earth Thusthe sub-stellar companion candidates in the EXOTIME sample can not be confirmed viadirect imaging


Part III

The EXOTIME project Signals in theO minusC diagrams of the rapidly pulsatingsubdwarfs DW Lyn V1636 Ori QQ Vir

and V541 Hya


This chapter is published as a journal article ldquoThe EXOTIME project Signals inthe O minus C diagrams of the rapidly pulsating subdwarfs DW Lyn V1636 Ori QQ Virand V541 Hyardquo in Astronomy and Astrophysics (AampA 638 (2020) A108 DOI httpsdoiorg1010510004-6361201937172) copy F Mackebrandt et al 2020Authors F Mackebrandt12 S Schuh1 R Silvotti3 S-L Kim4 D Kilkenny5 EM Green6 R Lutz7 T Nagel8 J L Provencal910 T Otani1112 T D Oswalt1112

S Benatti13 L Lanteri3 A Bonanno14 A Frasca14 R Janulis15 M Paparoacute16 LMolnaacuter1617 R Claudi13 R H Oslashstensen18

Contributions FM analysed the data and wrote the manuscript SS is CoI of the EXO-TIME project coordinated observations at CAHA and supervised the findings of this workRS is PI of the EXOTIME project coordinated observations at TNG and contributedFig 910 and the according description in section 95 The following authors observed andreduced the data S-LK (LOAO) DK (SAAO) EMG (MtB) RL (MN) TN (Tue)JLP (WET) TO (SARA-KP) TDO (SARA-KP) SB (Asi) LL (Loi) AB (Serrala Nave) AF (Serra la Nave) RJ (Mol) MP (Kon) LM (Kon) RC (Asi) RHOslash(NOT)The manuscript has been read discussed and approved by all named authors

Photometric data of Fig 71 results in Fig 92 94 96 and 99 and figures in theappendix are only available at the CDS via anonymous ftp to cdsarcu-strasbgfr(130791285) or via httpcdsarcu-strasbgfrviz-bincatJA+A638

1 Max-Planck-Institut fuumlr Sonnensystemforschung Justus-von-Liebig-Weg 3 37077 Goumlttingen Germany2 Institut fuumlr Astrophysik Georg-August-Universitaumlt Goumlttingen Friedrich-Hund-Platz 1 37077 Goumlttingen

Germany3 INAF ndash Osservatorio Astrofisico di Torino strada dellrsquoOsservatorio 20 10025 Pino Torinese Italy4 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute Daejeon 34055 South Korea5 Department of Physics and Astronomy University of the Western Cape Private Bag X17 Bellville 7535

South Africa6 Steward Observatory University of Arizona 933 N Cherry Avenue Tucson AZ 85721 USA7 German Aerospace Center (DLR) Remote Sensing Technology Institute Muumlnchener Str 20 82234

Weszligling Germany8 Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics Kepler Center for Astro and Particle Physics University of

Tuumlbingen 72076 Tuumlbingen Germany9 University of Delaware Department of Physics and Astronomy Newark DE 19716 USA10 Delaware Asteroseismic Research Center Mt Cuba Observatory Greenville DE 19807 USA11 Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Department of Physical Science and SARA Daytona Beach FL

32114 USA12 Florida Institute of Technology Department of Physics amp Space Sciences Melbourne FL 32901 USA13 INAF ndash Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova Vicolo dellacircAZOsservatorio 5 35122 Padova Italy14 INAF ndash Osservatorio Astrofisico di Catania Via S Sofia 78 95123 Catania Italy15 Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astronomy Vilnius University Gostauto 12 Vilnius 01108 Lithuania16 Konkoly Observatory Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences Konkoly-Thege M uacutet 15-17

1121 Budapest Hungary17 MTA CSFK Lenduumllet Near-Field Cosmology Research Group Konkoly Observatory18 Department of Physics Astronomy and Materials Science Missouri State University Springfield MO

65897 USA


A108Based on observations obtained at the 09 m SARA-KP telescope which is operated bythe Southeastern Association for Research in Astronomy (saraobservatoryorg)


6 Introduction

Subdwarf B stars (sdBs) are sub-luminous stars with a mass of about 05 M located at theblue end of the horizontal branch which is the so-called extreme horizontal branch (EHBHeber 1986) They maintain a helium burning core but their thin hydrogen envelope(Menv lt 001 M) cannot sustain hydrogen shell burning which identifies sdBs withstripped cores of red giants (Heber 2016) Binary evolution with a common envelope (CE)is the favoured formation scenario for most sdBs The sdB progenitor fills its Roche lobenear the tip of the RGB A CE is formed when the mass transfer rate is sufficiently highand the companion star cannot accrete all the matter For close binary systems with smallinitial mass ratios q lt 12ndash15 two phases of mass transfer occur The first Roche-lobeoverflow is stable whereas the second one is unstable leading to the ejection of the CEThe resulting binary consists of an sdB star and a white dwarf in a short-period orbitFor initial mass ratios q gt 12ndash15 the first mass-transfer phase is unstable and the CE isejected producing an sdB star with a non-degenerate (eg main sequence star) companionA more detailed review of formation and evolution of compact binary systems can be foundin Podsiadlowski (2008) and Postnov and Yungelson (2014) These formation scenarioscannot explain the observed additional occurrence of apparently single sdBs (Maxtedet al 2001) Among the proposed formation scenarios is the proposal by Webbink (1984)that they could be formed by a merger of two helium white dwarfs But such mergersare problematic as they are expected to retain very little hydrogen (Han et al 2002) andbe left with higher rotation rates than what has been observed (Charpinet et al 2018)Moreover the overall observed mass distribution of single sdB stars is not consistent withthat expected from the proposed formation scenario Sub-stellar companions could resolvethis disagreement between theory and observations Planetary-mass companions like thecandidates V391 Peg b (Silvotti et al 2007) KIC 05807616 bc (Charpinet et al 2011)KIC 10001893 bcd (Silvotti et al 2014) or brown dwarf companions like V2008-1753 B(Schaffenroth et al 2015) or CS 1246 (Barlow et al 2011b) indicate the existence of apreviously undiscovered population of companions to apparently single sdBs

Due to the high surface gravity and effective temperature (leading to few stronglybroadened spectral lines in the optical) and the small radii of sdBs the detection efficiencyfor companions via methods like radial velocity variations or transits is small The timingof stellar pulsations offers a complementary detection method sensitive to large orbitalseparations

A small fraction of sdB stars shows pulsational variations in the p- (pressure-) andg- (gravity-) mode regimes Rapid p-mode pulsators (sdBVr) discovered by Kilkennyet al (1997) show periods of the order of minutes and amplitudes of a few tens of mmagSuch pulsations were predicted by Charpinet et al (1997 et seq) to be driven by theκ-mechanism due to a Z-opacity bump For slow pulsators (sdBVs) the periods range


6 Introduction

from 30 to 80 min with small amplitudes of a few mmag This class was discovered byGreen et al (2003) and the pulsations are explained by the κ-mechanism as well (Fontaineet al 2003) Some sdB stars show both types of pulsation modes simultaneously (sdBVrs)These hybrid pulsators lie at the temperature boundary near 28000 K between the twoclasses of pulsating stars for example the prototype for this class DW Lyn (Schuh et al2006) which is also addressed in this work or Balloon 090100001 (Baran et al 2005)

Pulsations driven by the κ-mechanism are coherent which qualifies these objects forthe timing method to search for sub-stellar companions This method is based on thelight-travel time effect with the host star acting as a stable ldquoclockrdquo spatial movements ofthe star around the barycentre induced by a companion result in time delays of the stellarlight measured by the observer Examples of detections using this method are ldquopulsar-planetsrdquo (eg Wolszczan and Frail 1992) planets detected by transit timing variations (egKepler 19 c Ballard et al 2011) planets orbiting δScuti stars (Murphy et al 2016a) oreclipsing binaries (eg V2051 Oph (AB) b Qian et al 2015) In particular the detectionof a late-type main sequence star companion to the sdB CS 1246 by Barlow et al (2011b)subsequently confirmed with radial velocity data (Barlow et al 2011a) or other studieslike Otani et al (2018) demonstrate the viability of this method in sdB systems On theother hand the particular example of V391 Peg b is currently under discussion (Silvottiet al 2018) because of possible non-linear interactions between different pulsation modesthat change arrival times (see Zong et al 2018 for a detailed study of amplitudefrequencyvariations related to nonlinear effects) Stochastically driven pulsations are suspected byReed et al (2007a) Kilkenny (2010) and their nature confirmed by Oslashstensen et al (2014)Also the candidate detections of KIC 05807616 and KIC 10001893 are uncertain sinceother sdBs observed within the Kepler K2- mission exhibit g-modes with long periods upto few hours They question the interpretation of the low-frequency variations for KIC05807616 and KIC 10001893 (eg Krzesinski 2015 Blokesz et al 2019)

In order to detect sub-stellar companions orbiting rapidly pulsating sdB stars theEXOTIME observational programme (EXOplanet search with the TIming MEthod) hasbeen taking long term data since 1999 EXOTIME conducted a long-term monitoringprogramme of five rapidly pulsating sdB stars V391 Peg has been discussed by Silvottiet al (2007 2018) In this paper we present the observations of DW Lyn and V1636 Oripreviously discussed in Lutz et al (2008a) Schuh et al (2010) Lutz (2011) Lutz et al(2011) and re-evaluate their findings using an extended set of observations In additionthe observations of QQ Vir and V541 Hya are presented and analysed In the beginning ofthe programme the mode stability was tested for all targets over a timespan of months inorder to ensure the pulsation modes were coherent

For the DW Lyn observations Lutz et al (2011) found no significant signals in aperiodogram of the O minus C data of the two analysed pulsation frequencies which wouldindicate sub-stellar companions A tentative signal in the second frequency (in this worklabelled f2 as well) formally corresponding to an 80-day companion orbit is concludedto arise from mode beating of an unresolved frequency doublet The analysis of V1636Ori revealed a signal at 160 d in the periodogram of the main frequency O minusC data (Lutzet al 2011) Although this periodicity showed a significance of only 1σ Lutz et al(2011) predicted an increase of significance with follow-up observations We are usingthis extended data set in our work now incorporating observations up to 2015

This paper is organised as follows Section 7 describes the observational aspects within


6 Introduction

the EXOTIME programme and the data reduction followed by a description of our analysisin Sect 8 Our results are presented in Sect 9 together with a discussion


7 Observations and data reduction

The observational data necessary for the analysis are comprised of many individual datasets gathered over the course of up to two decades The detection method demands theobservation of a target for a total time base at least as long as one orbit of a potentialcompanion which can span several years This requires coordinated campaigns withobservatories using ~1 ndash 4 m telescopes In order to derive sufficient accuracy for theanalysis observations with at least three to four consecutive nights each with a minimumof two to three hours per target are required To resolve the short-period p-modes thecadence must be shorter than about 30 s but still with a sufficient signal-to-noise ratio(SN) All observations used the Johnson-Bessel B band The correct time stamps foreach observation are of most importance for the timing analysis Most observatories ofthis study contributed already successfully to the work of Silvotti et al (2007) Silvotti(2008 Table 2) The following lists some references where telescopes used for thisstudy contributed successfully to other timing-relevant observations Konkoly RCC 10 mTelescope Provencal et al (2009) Stello et al (2006) Mt Lemmon Optical AstronomyObservatory Bischoff-Kim et al (2019) Lee et al (2014) Serra la Nave 09 m Bonannoet al (2003ab) SARA-KP 09 m telescope Kilkenny (2014) Baran et al (2018)

Table 71 lists the atmospheric parameters of the stars and Table 72 summarisesthe photometric observations obtained at multiple medium-class telescopes Fig 71summarises the observational coverage

71 DW Lyn

Dreizler et al (2002) identified DW Lyn (HS 0702+6043) as a p-mode pulsator Schuhet al (2006) discovered additional g-mode pulsations making this star the prototype of

Table 71 Atmospheric parameters of the targets

Target Te f f K log(g cm





DW Lyn 28 400plusmn600 535plusmn01 -27plusmn01 1V1636 Ori 33 800plusmn1 000 560plusmn015 -185plusmn020 2QQ Vir 34 800plusmn610 581plusmn005 -165plusmn005 3V541 Hya 34 806plusmn230 5794plusmn0044 -1680plusmn0056 4

1 Dreizler et al (2002) 2 Oslashstensen et al (2001) 3 Telting andOslashstensen (2004) 4 Randall et al (2009)


7 Observations and data reduction






54500 55000 55500 56000 56500

2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013










54500 55000 55500 56000 56500 57000

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015








71 DW Lyn






52000 52500 53000 53500 54000 54500 55000 55500 56000

2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013










53000 53500 54000 54500 55000 55500 56000 56500 57000 57500

2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016







Figure 71 Light curves Grey points are considered outliers and partially exceeding theplotting range (a) DW Lyn (b) V1636 Ori (c) QQ Vir (d) V541 Hya


7 Observations and data reductionTable












































































































































































72 V1636 Ori

hybrid sdB pulsatorsThere are photometric data available from 1999 Large gaps make a consistent O minusC

analysis difficult Regular monitoring within the EXOTIME programme ran from 2007until the beginning of 2010 Further observations cover a period up to the end of 2010These multi-site observations are described in Lutz et al (2008ab 2011) Here we addobservations made with the SARA-KP 09 m telescope at Kitt Peak National Observatoryin Arizona that used exposure times of 30 s

72 V1636 OriOslashstensen et al (2001) discovered V1636 Ori (HS 0444+0458) as a pulsating sdB starReed et al (2007b) conducted a frequency analysis reporting one small and two largeamplitude p-modes

V1636 Ori was observed between August 2008 and January 2015 for the EXOTIMEproject About a third of the data was obtained using the 1 m South African AstronomicalObservatory (SAAO) with the UCT and STE3 CCD instruments Observations at the 12 mMONETNorth telescope equipped with an Apogee 1ktimes1k E2V CCD camera were takenin 2x2 binning using 20 s exposure times Observations at the 22 m Calar Alto Observatory(CAHA) used the CAFOS instrument with 10 s exposure time Two nights were obtainedat the 15 m telescope at Loiano observatory using the BFOSC (Bologna Faint ObjectSpectrograph amp Camera) instrument and 15 s exposure times Between October 2008 andDecember 2009 observations at the 1 m Mt Lemmon Optical Astronomy Observatory(LOAO) were conducted with a 2ktimes2k CCD camera with exposure times of 12 s and 20 sThe observations at the 36 m Telescopio Nazionale Galileo (TNG) in August 2008 and2010 were performed with the DOLORES instrument and 5 s exposure times

73 QQ VirThe discovery of QQ Vir (PG 1325+101) as a multi-period pulsator was reported in Silvottiet al (2002) followed by a frequency analysis and asteroseismological modelling bySilvotti et al (2006) and Charpinet et al (2006) respectively

Observations of QQ Vir in 2001 and 2003 are described in Silvotti et al (2002) andSilvotti et al (2006) respectively Between March 2008 and April 2010 the object wasobserved as part of the EXOTIME project (Benatti et al 2010) Additionally one obser-vation run in February 2005 was performed at the 15 m telescope at Loiano observatoryusing the BFOSC instrument Most of the observations were obtained in 2009 2010 2011and 2012 at the LOAO using an exposure time of 10 s The CAHA and MONETNorthobservations were conducted with 10 s and 20 s exposure times respectively The Loianoobservatory performed additional observations in 2009 2010 and 2011 with the 15 mtelescope using BFOSC and an exposure times of 12 s 15 s and 20 s Observations atthe Moletai Astronomical Observatory (Mol) in 2008 were performed using the 16 mtelescope and an Apogee 1ktimes1k E2V CCD camera using 175 s of exposure time Obser-vations at the SAAO used the same instrumental set up as described in section 72 TheTNG observed in 2010 and 2011 A DARC-WET campaign on QQ Vir was performed inMay 2010


7 Observations and data reduction

74 V541 HyaV541 Hya (EC 09582-1137) was discovered by Kilkenny et al (2006) Randall et al(2009) conducted an asteroseismological analysis of this target

Between 2005 and 2015 a large number of observations were obtained at the SAAOusing the same instrumentation noted in Sect 72 and exposure times of 10 s The LOAOconducted observations in 2009 2012 and 2013 with exposure times of 20 s During March2009 and February and March 2010 V541 Hya was observed at the CAHA using anexposure time of 10 s

75 TESS observationsThe primary goal of the NASA Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) space tele-scope is to detect exoplanets transiting bright nearby stars (Ricker et al 2015) Howeverthe extensive time series photometry is valuable for asteroseimology and the TESS Astero-seismic Science Consortium (TASC) coordinates short cadence observations of pulsatingevolved stars TESS observed V1636 Ori and V541 Hya with a cadence of 120 s betweenNovember 15 2018 and December 11 2018 and February 2 2019 and February 27 2019respectively We used the light curves provided by the MAST archive1 that had commoninstrumental trends removed by the Pre-Search Data Conditioning Pipeline (PDC Stumpeet al 2012) Light curves and amplitude spectra are presented in Fig 111 and 112 Thetwo minutes (ldquoshortrdquo) cadence undersamples the p-modes at about 140 s In combinationwith the large photometric scatter the amplitude spectra show no evidence of the p-modesThus we do not make use of the TESS observations in our study

76 Data reductionFor the EXOTIME observations the data reduction was carried out using the IDL softwareTRIPP (Time Resolved Imaging Photometry Package see Schuh et al 2000) TRIPPperforms bias- dark- flat-field corrections and differential aperture photometry to calculatethe relative flux of a target with respect to one or more comparison stars and extinction-corrections (second order polynomial in time) In the presence of sub-stellar companionswe might expect variations in the arrival times of stellar pulsations on the order of secondsto tens of seconds The corresponding uncertainties are expected to be about one secondThese uncertainties rise from observational constrains such as smearing and samplingeffects due to the integration time The accuracy of individual time-stamps is better thanplusmn05 s All time stamps were converted from GJD(UTC) to BJD(TDB) according toEastman et al (2010) with an accuracy well below the expected observational uncertainty

Typical SN for our ground-based observations range from 60 for large amplitudepulsations to 3 for the smallest pulsation-amplitudes we investigate in this work Theamplitude spectra in Sect 9 show also pulsations with smaller SN but these are notsuitable for timing analysis because the uncertainties are too large (see Table 111)

1 httpsarchivestsciedu


8 Analysis

In order to detect variations in the arrival time of stellar pulsations we developed a pipelineto process the reduced data A schematic flowchart of our pipeline is presented in Fig 81The input consists of the light curve (time series) and the dates of the observational epochsIn a light curve typically spanning several years at a very low duty cycle of 02 to 17 percent an epoch consists of a few roughly consecutive nights of observation

Outlier removal In case no uncertainty in the flux measurement F is provided theroot-mean-square of each observation is used as an approximate photometric error forthe later analysis We have used a running median filter to exclude 5σ flux-outliers Thelength of the window size depends on the cadence of the observations We constrained itto be not longer than half of the period of the main frequency The analysis is performedfor each frequency individually before all frequencies were analysed simultaneously

Full data fit For the individual fitting of pulsations we first determined the frequencyof the main signal For this we used the astropy package to calculate the Lomb-Scargleperiodogram (Astropy Collaboration et al 2013 2018) From this periodogram we selectedthe frequency with the largest amplitude to continue In the next step we performed the fitof a sinusoidal function to the light curve using

F(t) = A sin ( f t + φ) + o (81)

with amplitude A frequency f phase φ and offset o The minimization problem is solvedusing the scipy implementation of the Trust Region Reflective algorithm (Jones et al2011) The selected frequency from the amplitude spectrum serves as initial value thefull-width-at-half-maximum of the corresponding peak in the periodogram is used as aboundary The amplitude-guess is taken from the amplitude spectrum In case of highlyvarying amplitudes the initial value can be set manually The fitting routine returns theparameters and their variance

Epoch fit Frequency and offset are all kept fixed for the following analysis of theindividual observational epochs The starting value of the current phase fit is determinedby the average of the previous j phase values (or the global fit value from above in casethere are no j previous values yet) in order to keep the fitting process stable and avoidldquophase-jumpsrdquo For our target sample a value of j = 3 has proven to be reasonable exceptwhen observational gaps span over several years

The uncertainty in the phase measurement scales inverse with the length of the epochsThus this length is chosen in a way to minimize the uncertainties of the fit but at the same


8 Analysis

LC data epochsperiodogram

choose frequency

fit to refine frequencyC

determine nth frequency

divide light curveinto epochs

fit to epochs O

O minus C-diagram

new Frequency

pre-whitening LCwith fit model

fit sum of nsine to LC

fit sum of nsine to epochs

O minus C-diagramyesn + 1 no






Figure 81 Flow chart representing the analysis of the time of arrival Light curve (LC)and start end time of each observational epoch are provided as input Each frequency isanalysed leading to an intermediate O minusC-diagram and subtracted from the LC by itselfbefore the sum of all sinusoidal functions is fitted simultaneously to the LC resulting inthe final O minusC-diagram

time keep the epochs as short as possible to maximize the temporal resolution of the finalO minusC diagram Often the observations themselves constrain the length of the epochs (egthree consecutive nights of observations and a gap of several weeks before the next blockof observations) If possible we aim for an epoch length such that the timing uncertaintiesare of the order of one second The phase information of the global and the epoch fit resultin a intermediate O minusC diagram

As a last step in the single-frequency-analysis the fitted model is subtracted from thelight curve We noticed significant amplitude variations for some of our targets Thuswe subtract the model using the amplitude of the individual epochs This pre-whiteningprocedure is repeated for every relevant pulsation in the data

Multi frequency fit Close frequencies are likely to introduce artificial trends in thearrival times in such a step-by-step analysis Thus the sum of all sinusoidal functions

F(t) = An sin ( fnt + φn) + o (82)

is fitted to the non-whitened light curve where n is the number of investigated frequenciesThe previously retrieved values for amplitude frequency phase and offset are used asinitial values We are using the phase information φn of the light curve as reference phasenamely calculated phase C in the final O minus C diagram Similar to the single-frequency


8 Analysis

Table 81 Parameters of the simultaneously fitted pulsations per target over their fullobservational time span and the pulsation period P

Target f dminus1 P s A φ d

DW Lyn f1 237941160 (8) 363114982(12) 219 (9) 54394741 (5)f2 22515898 (5) 38372887(9) 035 (9) 5439474 (3)

V1636 Ori f1 6317346 (2) 13676629(5) 054 (3) 5469872 (3)f2 5099780 (3) 1694191(1) 024 (3) 5469872 (7)

QQ Vir f1 626877627 (3) 1378259429(7) 26 (1) 52117924 (6)f2 55200714 (9) 15651971(3) 010 (9) 521179 (1)f3 6420515 (1) 13456864(3) 007 (1) 521179 (2)

V541 Hya f1 63532218 (5) 135993993(11) 031 (8) 5341388 (3)f2 57128556 (3) 151237850(8) 021 (7) 5341388 (3)

Notes The phase φ refers to the time corresponding to the first zero-crossing ofthe function after the first measurement t0 in MBJD

analysis the observational epochs are now fitted individually using the sum of sinusoidalfunctions to yield the observed phase information O

The results of the simultaneous fit for each target in this paper are summarised in Ta-ble 81 We list pulsation modes not used for the timing analysis in Table 111 Figures 82ndash 85 show example light curves of the targets for one epoch each including their multifrequency fit and the respective amplitude spectrum


8 Analysis



470 472 474 476 478 480 482 484 486 488



572 574 576 578 580 582 584 586 588 590



672 674 676 678 680 682 684 686 688 690



t d since 2007-10-17




2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 3000




225 epoch


210 220 230 240 250 260




f microHz






f dminus1

Figure 82 Example observations of DW Lyn from October 2122 and 23 2010 at theLulin observatory (top from top to bottom) combined used as one O minusC measurementThe errorbar on the left of each plot represents the photometric uncertainty The red lineshows the simultaneous two frequency fit to the epoch data The amplitude spectra inthe lower panel show the spectrum of the full data set (top) the spectrum of this epoch(middle) and the respective window function computed at f1 (bottom)


8 Analysis



130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137



229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236



329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336



t d since 2009-03-20




065700 6000 6300 6600 6900 7200 7500






480 500 520 540 560 580 600 620 640 660




f microHz






f dminus1

Figure 83 Example observations of V1636 Ori from March 20 21 and 22 2009 atthe CAHA (top from top to bottom) combined used as one O minus C measurement Theerrorbar on the left of each plot represents the photometric uncertainty The red line showsthe simultaneuos two frequency fit to the epoch data The amplitude spectra in the lowerpanel show the spectrum of the full data set (top) the spectrum of this epoch (middle) andthe respective window function computed at f1 (bottom)


8 Analysis



876 880 884 888 892 896 900



976 980 984 988 992 996 1000



1072 1076 1080 1084 1088 1092 1096



t d since 2012-02-13




6200 6400 6600 6800 7000 7200 7400 7600 7800





15 epoch


540 560 580 600 620 640 660 680




f microHz






f dminus1

Figure 84 Example observations of QQ Vir from February 20 21 and 22 2012 at theMonet telescope (top from top to bottom) combined used as one OminusC measurement Theerrorbar on the left of each plot represents the photometric uncertainty The red line showsthe simultaneuos two frequency fit to the epoch data The amplitude spectra in the lowerpanel show the spectrum of the full data set (top) the spectrum of this epoch (middle) andthe respective window function computed at f1 (bottom)


8 Analysis



284 288 292 296 300 304 308 312



380 384 388 392 396 400 404 408



888 892 896 900 904 908 912 916



t d since 2008-02-04




036400 6600 6800 7000 7200 7400 7600 7800




04 epoch


540 560 580 600 620 640 660 680




f microHz






f dminus1

Figure 85 Example observations of V541 Hya from February 6 7 and 12 2008 at theSAAO (top from top to bottom) combined used as one O minusC measurement The errorbaron the left of each plot represents the photometric uncertainty The red line shows thesimultaneuos two frequency fit to the epoch data The amplitude spectra in the lower panelshow the spectrum of the full data set (top) the spectrum of this epoch (middle) and therespective window function computed at f1 (bottom)


9 Results and discussion

In the following we discuss the implications of the obtained amplitude spectra and O minusCmeasurements on the evolutionary state and presence of sub-stellar companions to thetargets

91 DW LynThe amplitude spectrum of DW Lyn in Fig 113 reveals two strong pulsation modes atf1 = 237941160 dminus1 and f2 = 22515898 dminus1 A closer look to the amplitude spectrum inFig 91 reveals small asymmetries compared to the window function The pre-whiteningof both frequencies leaves residuals well above noise level in the amplitude spectrumindicating unresolved multiplets or mode splitting especially for f2

The SN of modes at higher frequencies for example at about 320 dminus1 and 480 dminus1are too small for a stable O minusC analysis (see Table 111) Therefore the O minusC diagram




minus02 minus015 minus01 minus005 0 005 01 015 02




0010203 f2



minus002 minus0015 minus001 minus0005 0 0005 001 0015 002


Af 1

f microHz




f 2







f dminus1

Figure 91 Amplitude spectrum of DW Lyn of the main pulsation frequency f1 =

237941160 dminus1 (top) f2 = 22515898 dminus1 (middle) with the respective residuals afterthe pre-whitening below and the normalised window-function (bottom)


9 Results and discussion




2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012





54400 54600 54800 55000 55200 55400 55600 55800 56000 56200 56400













Figure 92 Results for the two main pulsations of DW Lyn Top panel AmplitudesMiddle panel Fits of the O minusC data with second order polynomials in time Lower panelResiduals

in Fig 92 shows the analysis of the two main pulsation modes with the time-dependentvariation of the pulsation amplitudes

In order to determine evolutionary times-cales of the pulsations we investigate thelong-term evolution in the OminusC data A constant change in period results in a second-orderterm as a function of time (Sterken 2005) which allows us to derive a value for the secularchange of the period P and hence the evolutionary time-scale Results of the fits of thesecond order polynomial are included in Fig 92 which are PP f 1 = (58 plusmn 02)times 10minus5 dminus1

and PP f 2 = (minus293 plusmn 08) times 10minus5 dminus1 Assuming P is based on stellar evolution stellarmodel calculations show that the sign of the rate of period change indicates the phase ofthe sdB after the zero-age extreme horizontal branch (ZAEHB Charpinet et al 2002) Forp-modes a positive P relates to the first evolutionary phase of the ZAEHB in which thesurface gravity decreases due to He burning in the core A negative P would correspondto the second evolutionary phase in which the sdB contracts because the depletion of Hein its core and this happens before the post-EHB evolution The turning point betweenthese two states occurs between 87 and 91 Myr after the ZAEHB According to ourmeasurement of a positive P for f1 DW Lyn would still be in its first evolutionary phaseWith the lack of a mode identification from an asteroseismic model for DW Lyn we can notdirectly compare the measured P with theoretical predictions from Charpinet et al (2002)However stellar models with pulsation periods of around 360 s show values for P with acomparable order of magnitude as our measurement P = (43 plusmn 015) times 10minus1 s Myrminus1 forexample P = 162s Myrminus1 for a model with a mode of l = 0 k = 0 at the age of 6783 Myr(Charpinet et al 2002 appendix C) The large P of f2 is consistent with the apparent modesplitting seen in the amplitude spectra in Fig 91 and thus does not reflect the evolutionary


92 V1636 Ori

phase of DW LynAfter subtracting the long term-trend small time scale features are evident For

example the O minus C data for f2 show an oscillating behaviour with a significance of 3σwithin the first 200 days while the arrival times for f1 remain constant during the sameperiod of time In later epochs the O minusC data for both frequencies agree mostly within2σ During the second half of the observations the phase of f2 jumps by about 100 s Thisbehavior lacks an explanation

Additionally the evolution of the pulsation-amplitudes in Fig 92 shows a comparableoscillating behaviour for f2 within the first epochs similar to the change in arrival timesAlthough the periodic variations in amplitude are not as significant as for the phase theoccurrence of simultaneous phase- and amplitude-modulations indicate a mode-beatingof two close unresolved frequencies The residuals in the amplitude spectrum supportthis explanation In later observations the amplitude remains almost constant within theuncertainties The beating mode might lose energy or shift frequency over time Theamplitude for the f1 pulsation drops by about 1 per cent (amplitude) or about 35 per cent(relative) to the second half of the observation campaign with a similar quasi-periodicvariation as the phase The residuals in the amplitude spectrum show no indication of anunresolved frequency leading to mode-beating Besides stochastically driven pulsationmodes Kilkenny (2010) suggest energy transfer between modes as possible explanationfor amplitude variations For both frequencies a possible interaction between amplitudeand phase of pulsations is not well understood

92 V1636 Ori

The amplitude spectrum of V1636 Ori in Fig 114 shows two main pulsation modes withfrequencies at f1 = 6317346 dminus1 and f2 = 5099780 dminus1 The SN is not sufficient to use athird pulsation mode at 5662 dminus1 (6553 microHz Reed et al 2007b) The amplitude spectrumof TESS data in Fig 112 shows no evidence for g-mode pulsations with amplitudes greaterthan 04 per cent A detailed look at the spectra of the two main frequencies in Fig 93shows mode splitting likely due to a change in frequency over the long time of observation

The O minusC diagram in Fig 94 shows the two main pulsation modes and the variationof the pulsation amplitudes

From the second order fit in time we derive the changes in period PP f 1 = (minus854plusmn014) times 10minus5 dminus1 and PP f 2 = (minus25 plusmn 05) times 10minus5 dminus1 We caution the interpretation ofthese values as evolutionary time scales since the apparent mode splitting seen in Fig 93could explain these trends as well

The residuals after subtracting the long term trend show a large variation They changeby up to about plusmn50 s for f1 (sim 14σ significance) and up to about plusmn30 s for f2 (sim 3σsignificance) The amplitude for f1 drops by about 025 per cent (amplitude) or about33 per cent (relative) in the time between MBJD = 55100 d and 55300 d and returnsto its previous level afterwards while the amplitude for f2 remains constant within theuncertainties This decrease in amplitude coincides with earlier arrival times in the O minusCdiagram As already discussed in the previous section a possible amplitude- and phase-interaction is not well understood The f1 pulsation mode may not be coherent on suchlong time-scales but of a short-term stochastic nature not resolvable by our data set (eg


9 Results and discussion


minus02 minus015 minus01 minus005 0 005 01 015 02





02 f2




minus002 minus0015 minus001 minus0005 0 0005 001 0015 002


Af 1

f microHz




f 2







f dminus1

Figure 93 Amplitude spectrum of V1636 Ori of the main pulsation frequency f1 =

6317346 dminus1 (top) f2 = 5099780 dminus1 (middle) with the respective residuals after thepre-whitening below and the normalised window-function (bottom)

KIC 2991276 Oslashstensen et al 2014)

93 QQ VirFig 115 shows the amplitude spectrum for the QQ Vir observations The main frequencyat about f1 = 626877628 dminus1 is presented in Fig 95 in detail and shows asymmetriescompared to the window function After the pre-whitening process a close frequency atabout 626881270 dminus1 remains but attempts to model this pulsation fail with uncertaintiestoo large for the timing analysis There appear two more frequencies suitable for our studyThe amplitude spectra around f2 = 55200713 dminus1 and f3 = 6420516 dminus1 are presentednext to f1 in Fig 95 Another peak at about 665 dminus1 consists of at least two frequenciesat 664488549 dminus1 and 665478133 dminus1 but they are not sufficiently resolvable within theindividual epochs and lead to too large uncertainties in the O minusC analysis

Fig 96 shows the resulting O minus C diagram and the amplitudes at different epochsDue to the large observational gap from 2003 to 2008 with only one block of observationsin between we had difficulties avoiding errors in cycle count In order to avoid a phasejump we increased the averaging window for initial phase values to q = 6 With this setup the changes in pulsation frequencies read as follows PP f 1 = (17 plusmn 16) times 10minus7 dminus1PP f 2 = (24 plusmn 04) times 10minus5 dminus1 and PP f 3 = (40 plusmn 05) times 10minus6 dminus1 While f2 and f3 showno significant variation of pulsation amplitude f1 varies by 15 per cent (amplitude) or50 per cent (relative) Thus the corresponding phase changes should be interpreted withcaution Charpinet et al (2006) identify the radial order k and degree l from asteroseismic


93 QQ Vir




2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014






55000 55500 56000 56500 57000













Figure 94 Results for the two main pulsations of V1636 Ori Top panel AmplitudesMiddle panel Fits of the O minusC data with second order polynomials in time Lower panelResiduals


minus02 minus01 0 01 02




01 f2



01 f3



minus002 minus001 0 001 002


Af 1

f microHz




f 2




Af 3







f dminus1

Figure 95 Amplitude spectrum of QQ Vir of the main pulsation frequency f1 =

626877628 dminus1 (top) f2 = 55200713 dminus1 (top middle) f3 = 6420516 dminus1 (bottom middle)with the respective residuals after the pre-whitening below and the normalised window-function (bottom)


9 Results and discussion











52000 53000 54000 55000 56000




2f 3










Figure 96 Results for the three main pulsations of QQ Vir Top panel Amplitudes f3 hasa vertical offset of -1 for clarity Middle panel Fits of the O minusC data with second orderpolynomials in time Lower panel Residuals

modelling to be f1 l = 2 k = 2 f2 l = 4 k = 1 f3 l = 3 k = 2 These combinationsdo not allow a direct comparison of our P measurements to the model calculations fromCharpinet et al (2002) but the sign of P indicates QQ Vir to be in the stage of He burning

94 V541 HyaThe amplitude spectrum in Fig 116 shows two pulsation modes with frequencies atf1 = 63532218 dminus1 and at f2 = 57128556 dminus1 Both of them show a complex behavior(Fig 97) indicating unresolved multiplets andor frequency changes that we see also in theO-C diagrams (Fig 99) The SN for a third frequency at 60388741 dminus1 is not sufficientfor the O minusC analysis Similar to V1636 Ori the amplitude spectrum obtained from theTESS light curve in Fig 112 shows no evidence for g-mode pulsations with amplitudesgreater than 04 per cent

Randall et al (2009) speculated about rotational mode splitting for f3 with ∆ f3minus =

512 microHz and ∆ f3+ = 368 microHz The asteroseismic modelling associates f1 with a l = 0mode and f2 with l = 0 or 1 mode (depending on the favoured model) f3 corresponds to al = 2 mode They caution this interpretation due to their limited resolution in frequencyspace the mode splitting could be an unresolved quintuplet Our data set shows no clearevidence for a mode splitting with ∆ f3minus = 512 microHz or ∆ f3+ = 368 microHz (see Fig 98) butrather a mode splitting for f1 and f2 with about ∆ f = 008 microHz (Fig 97) Assuming thesemodes are of degree l = 1 this could be interpreted as a triplet But Randall et al (2009)model these modes with a degree of l = 0 which does not support a mode splitting into


94 V541 Hya


minus02 minus015 minus01 minus005 0 005 01 015 02





02 f2




minus002 minus0015 minus001 minus0005 0 0005 001 0015 002


Af 1

f microHz




f 2







f dminus1

Figure 97 Amplitude spectrum of V541 Hya of the main pulsation frequency f1 =

63532218 dminus1 (top) f2 = 57128556 dminus1 (middle) with the respective residuals after thepre-whitening below and the normalised window-function (bottom)





008minus6 minus5 minus4 minus3 minus2 minus1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6







minus06 minus04 minus02 0 02 04 06




f microHz




f dminus1

Figure 98 Amplitude spectrum with respect to the pulsation frequency f3 = 60388741 dminus1

of V541 Hya (top) and the normalised window-function (bottom)



9 Results and discussion



2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015





53000 54000 55000 56000 57000














Figure 99 Results for the two main pulsations of V541 Hya Top panel AmplitudesMiddle panel Fits of the O minusC data with second order polynomials in time Lower panelResiduals

The OminusC diagram in Fig 99 shows the analysis of the two main pulsation modes andthe variation of the pulsation amplitudes The second order fits in time indicated in theO minusC diagram correspond to changes in period of PP f 1 = (minus149 plusmn 011) times 10minus5 dminus1 andPP f 2 = (minus07 plusmn 15) times 10minus5 dminus1 For f2 the change in period does not significantly differfrom the null hypothesis Assuming these changes origin from stellar evolution V541 Hyamight just have passed the point of sign change in P and at the beginning of the contractionphase While the arrival times scatter widely the amplitudes of both pulsations remainalmost constant within the uncertainties If V541 Hya is in its evolution close to startingthe contraction phase as indicated by a P close to zero the changes in stellar structuremay cancel the strict phase coherence

95 Testing the sub-stellar companion hypothesisIn order to set upper limits to the mass of a companion we computed a series of syntheticO minusC curves for different orbital periods and companion masses assuming circular orbitsand compared these curves with the O minusC measurements after subtracting the long-termvariations

For each synthetic O minus C curve we selected the phase that gives the best fit to thedata using a weighted least squares algorithm For each observational point we computedthe difference in absolute value and in σ units (where σ is the O minus C error) betweenO minusC and the synthetic value The greyscale in Fig 910 corresponds to the mean valueof this difference in σ units which means that the presence of a companion is indicated


95 Testing the sub-stellar companion hypothesis

by a minimum (bright areas) of this parameter We see that in V1636 Ori QQ Vir andV541 Hya the mean difference for f1 is always very high implying that the data are notcompatible with a companion However these results are limited by the fact that the O minusCdiagrams of these stars are ldquocontaminatedrdquo by other irregular variations presumably due toother reasons like non-linear interactions between different pulsation modes for exampleand therefore these constraints to the orbital period and mass of a companion must be takenwith some caution For the f2 and f3 measurements the mean difference to the syntheticdata is smaller in sigma units (because of the larger uncertainties) and very uniform Theuncertainties of the O-C measurements are not small enough to favour a set of models inthe period-mass parameter space

For f1 of DW Lyn there is a significant minimum at about 1450 d (sim 4 years) andsim 5 MX

1 which is well visible also in the O minusC diagram of Fig 92 This periodicity isnot visible in the second frequency f2 which however has much larger error bars due tothe much lower amplitude of f2 with respect to f1

Lutz et al (2011) described a periodicity at 80 days detected for f2 We can recoverthis signal however with a low significance This would correspond to a light travel timeamplitude of 4 s (for m sin i asymp 15 MX) which is smaller than 15 s measured by Lutz et al(2011) Nevertheless this signal is not confirmed by f1 Thus we rule out a companioninduced signal in the arrival times due to the lack of simultaneous signals in f1 and f2 withsimilar amplitude The tentative signal in f2 is better explained by mode beating as alreadydescribed in Sect 91 The variations seen in the first 200 days of the O minus C diagram inFig 92 correspond to a periodicity of about 80 days and are accompanied by variations inthe amplitude of the pulsation

For V1636 Ori Lutz (2011) predicted a period at 160 d and amplitude of 12 s Thiscan not be confirmed as a companion-induced signal A periodic signal with an amplitudeof 65 s (for m sin i asymp 15 MX) is indicated in the analysis of f1 but at a low significanceand accompanied by many other signals of similar significance This periodicity is notconfirmed by a significant signal in the measurements of f2

1 1 MX (Jupiter mass) = 1899 middot 1027 kg


9 Results and discussion

1 10 100 1000P d












80 d

1 10 100 1000P d






80 d2









1 10 100 1000P d












160 d

1 10 100 1000P d






160 d












95 Testing the sub-stellar companion hypothesis

1 10 100 1000P d












1 10 100 1000P d

1 10 100 1000P d

















9 Results and discussion

1 10 100 1000P d












1 10 100 1000P d







6 6








Figure 910 Minimum companion mass as a function of orbital period Greyscale showsthe difference between the O minus C measurements and artificial O minus C data generated fora given combination of companion mass and orbit We note that at this stage the phaseoptimization of the artificial data is done independently for each pulsation frequency Themedian of gaps in between the epochs is indicated by a vertical dotted line See text formore details (a) DW Lyn Contour lines for f1 are placed at 2 3 4 and 5σ (left panel)and for f2 at 325 and 35σ (right panel) as indicated by their labels The planetary signalproposed by Lutz et al (2011) at a period of 80 d is indicated as dashed line (b) V1636Ori Contour lines for f1 are placed at 9 and 10σ (left panel) and for f2 at 2 and 22σ(right panel) as indicated by their labels The planetary signal proposed by Lutz et al(2011) at a period of 160 d is indicated as dashed line (c) QQ Vir Contour lines for f1 areplaced at 15 20 and 25σ (left panel) for f2 at 11 and 13σ (middle panel) and for f3 at13 and 15σ (right panel) as indicated by their labels (c) V541 Hya Contour lines forf1 are placed at 6 8 and 10σ (left panel) and for f2 at 45 55 and 65σ (right panel) asindicated by their labels


10 Summary and Conclusion

In this work we present ground-based multi-site observations for the four sdBs DWLyn V1636 Ori QQ Vir and V541 Hya We investigate variations in the arrival times oftheir dominant stellar pulsation modes to draw conclusions about secular period drifts andpossible sub-stellar companions All light curves are analysed homogeneously

From the O minusC measurements we derive an evolutionary time scale from the changein period P Comparing to model calculations from Charpinet et al (2002) we infer theevolutionary phase of the target Although some P measurements are influenced by modesplitting we can tell from the sign of P1 of DW Lyn that the star is likely still in the stageof central He burning We can draw a similar conclusion from the sign of P of QQ Vir TheP measurements of V1636 Ori are likely affected by mode splitting making it difficult tointerpret the results in the context of stellar evolution V541 Hya shows P measurementsclose to zero which indicates the star being at the transition phase between He burningand contraction due to the depletion of He in the core

Comparing atmospheric properties from Table 71 with the evolutionary tracks fordifferent models from Fig 1 in Charpinet et al (2002) we can confirm the hypothesisthat DW Lyn and QQ Vir are in their He burning phase V541 Hya agrees within 2σ ofthe log g measurement with one model at the turning point between the two evolutionarystages

However we can not exclude frequency and amplitude variations on smaller timescales than resolvable by our data set Using temporally higher resolved Kepler-data ofKIC 3527751 Zong et al (2018) caution about long-term frequency or phase evolutionsascribing to non-linear amplitude and frequency modulations in pulsating sdBs We seesuch effects already in our data set even with a low temporal resolution compared to theKepler sampling with a duty cycle of more than 90 per cent

Observations on DW Lyn and V1636 Ori were published by Lutz et al (2008a) Schuhet al (2010) Lutz (2011) Lutz et al (2011) Our analysis of these observations includingextended data sets do not confirm the tentative companion periods of 80 and 160 daysrespectively These signals more likely arise due to mode beating indicated by partlyunresolved frequency multiplets and amplitude modulations

Almost all analysed pulsation modes show formal significant changes in arrival timesbut the amplitudes of these periodic signals do not correlate with frequencies excludingthe light-travel time effect due to orbital reflex motions for such variations and thus givingupper limits on companion masses Only DW Lyn might have a planetary companion ona long orbital period as indicated by one arrival time measurement But this can not beconfirmed with a second measurement due to larger uncertainties Additionally morestudies question the presence of already proposed companions for example Krzesinski(2015) Hutchens et al (2017) Our unique sample of long-term observations shows a


10 Summary and Conclusion

complex behavior of mode- and amplitude interactions in sdBs which should be addressedin further studies Until this has been addressed caution is advised when interpretingO minusC pulse arrival times in terms of companions


11 Appendix

111 TESS data








58440 58450 58460





tMBJDTDB minus 2400000



11 Appendix








58520 58530 58540





tMBJDTDB minus 2400000


Figure 111 Light curves of the TESS observations Grey points are considered outliersand partially exceeding the plotting range (a) V1636 Ori (b) V541 Hya

112 Amplitude spectra

Table 111 Additional pulsation modes identified for our targets not used in the O minus Canalysis due to their low signal-to-noise-ratio

Target f dminus1 A

DW Lyn 4758231(2) 009(18)3194042(3) 006(12)4630100(6) 003(18)

V1636 Ori 56624031(3) 06(3)QQ Vir 7330704(1) 03(1)

6644886(1) 02(1)57273611(5) 019(9)6647122(1) 01(1)4341522(6) 001(7)502410(2) 001(9)

V541 Hya 53116759(16) 003(7)60388741(6) 003(8)


112 Amplitude spectra


0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000


0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800



f microHz

V1636 Ori



f dminus1

V541 Hya

Figure 112 Amplitude spectrum of the TESS observations Upper panel spectrum ofV1636 Ori Lower panel spectrum of V541 Hya The only peak above the noise level isthe 120 s alias due to the cadence of the observations






250 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500





0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500



f microHz




f dminus1


Figure 113 Amplitude spectrum of DW Lyn Upper panel observations Aobs Lowerpanel residuals Ares after subtracting the light curve models from the observations


11 Appendix


0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000





0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800



f microHz




f dminus1


Figure 114 Same as Fig 113 but for V1636 Ori






250 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000


0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800



f microHz




f dminus1


Figure 115 Same as Fig 113 but for QQ Vir


112 Amplitude spectra




0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000





0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800



f microHz




f dminus1


Figure 116 Same as Fig 113 but for V541 Hya


11 Appendix

Acknowledgements We thank Wen-Shan Hsiao for observing at the Lulin Observatory and Mike D Reedfor observing at the Baker Observatory and Elia Leibowitz for observing at the WISE observatory FMconducted the work in this paper in the framework of the International Max-Planck Research School (IMPRS)for Solar System Science at the University of Goumlttingen (Volkswagen Foundation project grant numberVWZN3020) DK thanks the SAAO for generous allocations of telescope time and the National ResearchFoundation of South Africa and the University of the Western Cape for financial support TDO gratefullyacknowledges support from the US National Science Foundation grant AST-0807919 LM was supportedby the Premium Postdoctoral Research Program of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences This project hasbeen supported by the Lenduumllet Program of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences project No LP2018-72019Based on observations made with the Italian Telescopio Nazionale Galileo (TNG) operated on the island ofLa Palma by the Fundacioacuten Galileo Galilei of the INAF (Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica) at the SpanishObservatorio del Roque de los Muchachos of the Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias Based on observationscollected at the Centro Astronoacutemico Hispaacutenico en Andaluciacutea (CAHA) at Calar Alto operated jointly bythe Andalusian Universities and the Instituto de Astrofiacutesica de Andaluciacutea (CSIC) Based on observationscollected at Copernico telescope (Asiago Italy) of the INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova Basedon observations made with the Nordic Optical Telescope operated by the Nordic Optical Telescope ScientificAssociation at the Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos La Palma Spain of the Instituto de Astrofisicade Canarias This paper includes data collected by the TESS mission Funding for the TESS mission isprovided by the NASA Explorer Program


Part IV

Application to larger target pool


12 Further asteroseismic targets

The search for sub-stellar companions using the pulsation timing method is not onlylimited to sdB stars but can also be applied to a greater variety of pulsating stars aslong as the pulsations are driven by a κ mechanism ie coherent in phase Howevermodes of long periods decrease the precision of timing measurements Additionally largepulsation amplitudes tend to show non-linear effects which excludes the application ofthis technique A case study of β Cephei RR Lyrae and δ Scuti (δ Sct) stars can be foundin Silvotti et al (2011) Among these δ Sct stars are the most promising pulsators tofollow-up The following describes δ Sct stars and the application of the pulsation timingmethod in more detail

121 δ Scuti starsPlanet occurrence rates predict a maximum for host stars with masses of 19+05

minus01M (Reffertet al 2015) close to the mass of main sequence A stars in the instability strip whereδ Sct pulsators are common (see Fig 26) However actual planet detections are affectedby observational selection effects Planetary transits are difficult to observe because ofthe pulsational luminosity variations and due to wider orbits of planets around A stars(Johnson et al 2011 Lloyd 2011) resulting in lower transit probabilities For the radialvelocity method A stars are not well suited because of their fast rotation with the meanof the equatorial rotational velocity distribution exceeding 100 km sminus1 (Abt and Morrell1995 Royer et al 2007) Their high effective temperatures compared to solar-like starsleads to fewer and shallower absorption lines which can additionally be distorted bypulsations This leaves the pulsation timing method as a promising alternative to search forcompanions δ Sct stars show radial and non-radial p-modes with amplitudes up to 05 and with pulsation periods between about 20 min and 8 h (eg Qian et al 2017 Balonaet al 2012) The pulsations are driven by the κ mechanism due to partial ionization of HeII

The mostly uninterrupted observations of space missions like Kepler and TESS providea large sample of δ Sct observations for this purpose The two missions and some of theirapplications are described in the following sections


13 Kepler

Sections of this chapter are part of a paper in preparation to be submitted as an article toAstronomy and Astrophysics

131 Kepler mission

The Kepler mission (Borucki et al 2010) was launched in 2009 to observe a fixed patchof sky in the Cygnus constellation with more than 100 deg2 field of view to discovertransiting Earth-like exoplanets in the habitable zone The telescopersquos mirror measures095 m in diameter and the camera is sensitive for a wavelength range of 430 nm to 890 nmAsteroseismic observations of pulsating stars were organized by the Kepler AsteroseismicScience Consortium (KASC) Some were observed in a high cadence mode of 60 s (shortcadence) the nominal cadence measures 30 min (long cadence)

1311 sdB stars

The Kepler field contained a small number of sdB stars (eg McNamara et al 2012)None of them showed indications for a planetary transit However KIC 05807616 andKIC 10001893 two pulsating sdB stars in the Kepler field show some evidence for thepresence of planetary companions (Charpinet et al 2011 Silvotti et al 2014) Howeverinterpretation of these signals is questioned as already discussed in chapter III

1312 δ Scuti stars

Kepler observed around one thousand δ Sct stars in its field of view The primary goalof their observations are conclusions about the stellar structure and evolution via astero-seismology as the transition from deep to shallow convective envelopes takes place in theregion of the HRD where δ Sct are located (see Fig 26) This opens the opportunity to usethe extensive Kepler data set and apply the pulsation timing method to the observationsThe following describes one particular system as a benchmark for which a planetarycompanion was already discovered

13121 KIC 7917485

Murphy et al (2014 2016b) used the Kepler data to search for binary systems using thelight travel time effect Murphy et al (2016a) (hereafter M16) detected a planet orbiting


13 Kepler

Table 131 Orbital parameters for the KIC 7917485 system Values for M16 are takenfrom Table 2 in Murphy et al (2016a) M16 did not account for a change in pulsationperiod P The model of this work uses a circular orbit model for the companion ie e = 0

M16 this work f1 this work f2

∆Ts 71+04minus05 68 plusmn 03 66 plusmn 04

Porbitd 840+20minus22 82150 plusmn 008 72672 plusmn 008

e 015+010minus013 0 0

Ps Myrminus1 minus0001 plusmn 0001 minus0035 plusmn 0002

its host star KIC 7917485 in a 840 d orbit The following validates this finding using theO minusC pipeline implemented for this work

KIC 7917485 was observed between May 2009 and May 2013 by Kepler We usethe light curves provided by the MAST archive1 which had common instrumental trendsremoved by the Pre-Search Data Conditioning Pipeline (PDC Stumpe et al 2012) Inorder to remove remaining long term trends we make use of the kepflatten routine ofthe PyKE package (Still and Barclay 2012 Viniacutecius et al 2018) The light curve and thecorresponding amplitude spectrum are shown in Fig 131

In order to reproduce the results of M16 we apply a high-pass frequency filter Thisremoves frequencies below 5 dminus1 which are most likely artefacts due to instrumental effectWe apply this filter forward and backward in time to compensate for phase delays

For the OminusC analysis we applied our pipeline and fitted all pulsations with amplitudesabove 0005 Although the signal-to-noise ratio is sufficient for only two modes thesimultaneous fitting process of four more pulsations prevents any unaccounted interactionsbetween the modes The time dependent variation in pulsation amplitude and phase isshown in Fig 132 Each epoch measures about ten days The main pulsation frequencyf1 = 15383 007 4(4) dminus1 exhibits large semi-periodic variations which correlate with theobservational quarters of the Kepler mission Thus they are likely to be instrumentalsystematics The amplitude of f2 = 20262 905 3(8) dminus1 shows a similar behaviour ontop of a general trend of decreasing amplitude with time The phase variations for bothpulsations show clearly a sinusoidal modulation with an amplitude of about 10 s and aperiod of about 800 d We fit simultaneously a quadratic long term trend and a sinusoidalmodel for a circular companion orbit to the data The results are presented in Table 131While a change in period P for f1 is almost not detectable f2 shows a significant P whichcoincides with the decrease in pulsation amplitude of 004 per cent (amplitude) or about18 per cent (relative) M16 did not account for a change in period thus we cannot compareour measurements

For the orbital fit of the companion M16 used the weighted mean of both phasemeasurements Since we want to confirm the nature of the companion with two independentmeasurements we do not follow this procedure Our sinusoidal orbit fit for f1 agrees withinthe uncertainties with the measurement of M16 However the orbital period measuredfor f2 is about 100 days significantly shorter than for f1 This might be attributed to ouradditional fit for the change in period combined with larger OminusC uncertainties towards the

1 httpsarchivestsciedu


131 Kepler mission

end of the observations (approximately two times larger) due to the decreasing pulsationamplitude

In order to compare the M16 results better with the measurements of this work wewill be implementing a full orbit fit on both measurements simultaneously Additionallythe uncertainties appear rather small in comparison to M16 A different treatment ofuncertainties might give more reliable error bars


13 Kepler




4800 5000 5200 5400 5600 5800 6000 6200 6400 6600

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013re




tBJDTDB minus 2450000

(a) KIC 7917485 light curve


0 50 100 150 200 250



0 5 10 15 20 25



f microHz




high pass filtered



f dminus1


(b) KIC 7917485 amplitude spectrum

Figure 131 KIC 7917485 data Top Light curve Grey points are considered outliers andpartially exceeding the plotting range Bottom Amplitude spectrum The top panel showsthe observations The middle panel the amplitude spectrum after applying the high passfilter Note the different scale on the y-axis in order to make small amplitudes visible Thebottom panel shows the residuals after modelling six pulsation modes


131 Kepler mission






2009 2010 2011 2012 2013





4800 5000 5200 5400 5600 5800 6000 6200 6400 6600












tBJDTDB minus 2450000

Figure 132 Results for the two main pulsations of KIC 7917485 Top panel AmplitudesMiddle panel Fits of the O minusC data with second order polynomials only (dashed lines)and full fit including the light travel time effect (solid lines) Lower panel Residuals



141 TESS mission

The Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) by NASA was launched in April 2018as an all-sky survey for transiting exoplanets The 24 degtimes96 deg field of view observeseach sector for about 27 days and sweeps across the sky This creates some observationslasting longer than 27 days due to the overlapping sectors The four telescopes (each witha field of view of 24 deg2) measure 105 mm in diameter and the cameras are sensitive for awavelength range of 600 nm to 1000 nm This is slightly redder than the Kepler bandpassdue to the missionrsquos differing priorities detecting transiting planets orbiting Sun-like starsfor Kepler and small cool stars for TESS The full frame cadence measures 30 minuteswhile the nominal cadence for transit detections two minutes The TESS AsteroseismicScience Consortium (TASC) coordinates 20 seconds ldquoshort cadencerdquo observations of brightasteroseismic target stars

However observations with such a short time span of 27 days (and up to one year butonly around the ecliptic pole eg 17 of the sky) do not allow an extensive search ofsub-stellar companions using the pulsation timing method on their own But they can beused as additional observations to existing data sets especially the EXOTIME project dataWithout additional ground-based observations a joint O minusC analysis of δ Sct data fromKepler and TESS is likely to fail due to the large observational gap of about seven years

1411 sdB stars

TESS observations of V1636 Ori and V541 Hya are already discussed in chapter III Thedata are taken at two minutes cadence and thus do not allow the investigation of p-modes

DW Lyn was observed by TESS with a cadence of 120 s between December 25 2019and January 20 2020 Fig 141 shows the light curve and amplitude spectrum Besidesthe 120 s alias at 720 dminus1 the spectrum shows f1 and f2 at about 238 dminus1 and 225 dminus1

respectively as well as their Nyquist alias above 360 dminus1 (cf Murphy et al 2013) Forthe g-mode regime Lutz et al (2008a) reported pulsations at 2717 microHz 3181 microHz and2063 microHz (2347 dminus1 2748 dminus1 and 1783 dminus1) The TESS data show only the pulsation at3181 microHz as a detection of about two times above the noise level While the 2717 microHzpulsation is visible but not above the noise level the 2063 microHz pulsation is not present inthe TESS data set Since we have no data between the last EXOTIME observations in 2013and the TESS observations in 2020 the time span for a joint O minusC analysis is too large

V391 Peg will be observed by TESS and the data can be used to extend the set ofobservation from Silvotti et al (2018) In order to span the observational gaps between






1840 1845 1850 1855 1860 1865 1870





tBJDTDB minus 2457000

(a) DW Lyn light curve











0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800

0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000




16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30

200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340



f dminus1

f microHz

DW Lyn




16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30

200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340

(b) DW Lyn amplitude spectrum

Figure 141 TESS DW Lyn data Top Light curve Grey points are considered outliersand partially exceeding the plotting range Bottom Amplitude spectrum The inset showsa magnification of the g-mode regime Modes reported by Lutz et al (2008a) are indicatedas dots


141 TESS mission

2013 and 2020 we performed additional ground-bases observations as described inchapter 3


Part V



15 Discussion

Studying post main-sequence stars offers a window into the fate of planetary systemsincluding our own solar system Can planets survive the final stages of stellar evolution andhow do they in turn affect their host starrsquos evolution One discussed formation scenario ofsingle sdB stars involves the influence of giant planets during the red giant phase of theirprogenitor Observations can put constrains on the presence of sub-stellar companionsorbiting sdB stars

Chapter III investigated a unique set of long term ground-based observations of thefour rapidly pulsating sdB stars DW Lyn V1636 Ori QQ Vir and V541 Hya The maingoals of the EXOTIME project are the determination of the evolutionary state of these starsand the constraints on sub-stellar companions to draw conclusions on possible formationscenarios

The individual secular period drifts for different modes per target derived from theO minusC measurements do not always agree with each other These results therefore needto be interpreted with caution with regard to the evolutionary state of the star and holdonly for the assumption of a linear change in period For DW Lyn P f 1 is comparable tovalues derived from stellar models and place the star in the evolutionary phase of core Heburning P f 2 on the other hand can be explained by the apparent mode splitting whoseorigin cannot be confirmed with certainty A possible explanation is the slow decay of onepulsation mode and an excitation of a mode with close frequency but not resolvable by theobservations Additionally amplitude and phase variations indicate a mode beating effectAs shown in section 52 two close - but not necessarily resolvable pulsation modes cancause such effects Measurements for the period changes of V1636 Ori need to be cautionedby the same arguments For QQ Vir the identified radial order and degree of modes donot allow a direct comparison with stellar models but the sign of the P measurementsplaces QQ Vir in the state of He burning The O minusC measurements of V541 Hya show nosignificant change of period If these results are not affected by observational limitationsbut originate from stellar evolution the star might be in the transition phase between coreHe burning and contraction

Atmospheric measurements of all four stars can place the stars in the log g minus Teff planerelatively close to stellar evolutionary models of Charpinet et al (2002) as illustratedin Fig 151 This independently confirms the tentative interpretations above DW LynV1636 Ori and QQ Vir overlap each with several models of different envelope mass inthe phase of core He burning within their measured uncertainties Although Teff and log gmeasurements of V541 Hya agree with two models in that same evolutionary phase themeasurements agree within 3σ with an evolutionary model in the transition between coreHe burning and contraction

In principle proper motions of stars can give an alternative explanation for the apparent


15 Discussion









DW Lyn

V1636 Ori

QQ VirV541 Hya


log( g




Figure 151 EHB evolutionary tracks covering the log g minus Teff region where sdB stars areobserved Data points taken from Appendix B of Charpinet et al (2002) (crosses) andTable 71 (circles) The seven models correspond respectively from left (high Teff) to right(low Teff) to objects with a ZAEHB envelope mass Menv = 00001 00002 00007 0001200022 00032 and 00042 M The core mass is Mc = 04758M for all sequences exceptthe first and third (from the left) which have Mc = 04690M For a positive (negative)slope in the models the change in pulsation period is positive (negative) See Charpinetet al (2002) for a detailed explanation

change in pulsation period as described by Pajdosz (1995ba) They derive the effect ofproper motion to be


s sminus1 = 2430 times 10minus18 Ps

microprimeprime yrminus1


where micro is the proper motion in arcseconds per year and d the distance in parsec Withmeasurements available from the Gaia (Gaia Collaboration et al 2018) the derived valuesare about three orders of magnitude smaller than the measured P and thus neglectable

After subtraction of the long term trends in the O minus C measurements the residualsshow no clear evidence for signatures of sub-stellar companions The comparison withsynthetic O minusC curves indicates a companion-induced signal in the main pulsation modeof DW Lyn But this is not confirmed by the independent measurement of the secondpulsation mode as would be expected Furthermore previously described periodic signalsin the O minusC measurements by Lutz et al (2011) are ruled out to be caused by sub-stellarcompanions Nevertheless the data set is limited in detection sensitivity Dependingon the observational gaps the data cannot set limitations for possible companion orbitsshorter than approximately 30 days (DW Lyn and V1636 Ori) 4 days (QQ Vir) or 120days (V541 Hya) or longer than the total length of observations roughly 1500 days


15 Discussion

Photometric precision additionally limits the detection threshold to companions signalslarger than about 1 s This corresponds to a companion with a mass of 1 MX (05 MX) andan orbital period of about 05 years (15 years)

Chapter IV enlarges the target selection and applies the O minusC analysis to one examplePulsations of δ Sct stars are driven by the κ mechanism allowing stable pulsations overlong periods of time Planet detection methods like the transit or radial velocity methodcannot be easily applied to those stars which favours the pulsation timing analysis and thusopens a new parameter space in the exoplanet detection The δ Sct pulsator KIC 7917485was found to be orbited by a sub-stellar companion whose signal can be recovered in thepulsation arrival times


16 Outlook

As chapter IV applied the OminusC analysis to one example observation beyond the EXOTIMEproject there are more extensive long time series of high cadence data already availableor with upcoming space missions The next sections highlight data sets of interest

161 K2 missionAfter the failure of two reaction wheels on the Kepler space craft its mission could beextended from 2014 onward as K2 The space craft was balanced against the radiationpressure from the sun which limits each campaign to a duration of about 80 days ThusK2 was not staring at only one field in the sky but sweeping along the ecliptic and couldobserve many more targets for signs of transiting exoplanets Armstrong et al (2015)created a catalogue of variable stars from the K2 observations and categorized the targetsinto different classes of pulsators From this catalogue about 500 variables are classified asδ Sct stars Additionally 33 sdB stars were observed by K2 (Reed et al 2018) Although theobservations span only 80 days they can set constraints on close in sub-stellar companions

162 TESSThe TESS mission aims to detect transiting exoplanets around bright stars Asteroseismictargets are observed with a cadence of 20 seconds if they are bright enough Most ofthe EXOTIME targets are already observed or are going to be observed Due to thecadence of two minutes for these stars and the long duration in between the EXOTIMEobservations the data cannot be used for a common O minus C analysis Nevertheless theyprovide constraints on g-modes For the upcoming V391 Peg observations the gaps toground based observations are not too big With the planetary candidate claimed by Silvottiet al (2007) but cautioned later by Silvotti et al (2018) the new observations by groundbased telescopes and TESS are expected to clarify the interpretations

For other asteroseismic targets ether sdB or δ Sct stars an OminusC analysis is reasonableonly for targets with overlapping sectors ie more than 27 days of observing time

163 PLATOPLAnetary Transits and Oscillations of stars (PLATO) is an ESA mission scheduled forlaunch in 2026 Its primary goal is to discover and characterize terrestrial exoplanetsorbiting bright solar-type stars especially planets in the habitable zone Bright host


16 Outlook

Figure 161 Artistrsquos impression of ESArsquos PLATO spacecraft Credit ESAATG medialabCC BY-SA IGO 30

stars allow the determination of the planetsrsquo masses using the radial velocity method fromground-based observations and thus a mean density This can be used to constrain planetaryinterior models Additionally bright targets allow transmission spectroscopy observationsin order to measure chemical abundances of the planetary atmospheres A secondary goalof the PLATO mission is asteroseismic observations to determine stellar masses radii andages These parameters are crucial in order to correctly determine the planetary massesradii and their evolution

PLATOrsquos payload module consists of 24 cameras each with an aperture of 120 mmand a 1100 deg2 field of view (see Fig161) The cameras are arranged in four groups ofsix where each group has the same field of view but their angle is slightly offset - thisallows a total field view of about 2250 deg2 per pointing The camera arrays overlap insome parts resulting in different sensitivities over the field They will observe with acadence of 25 s Additionally two ldquofastrdquo cameras will observe with a cadence of 25 sPLATOrsquos nominal life time sums up to four years but could be in orbit for double the timeFor most of the time it will ldquostarerdquo to one region in the sky Additionally an ldquostep andstarerdquo phase comparable to K2 is possible

With the explicit goal of asteroseismic observations PLATO is expected to collectmany data on evolved pulsating stars allowing for an investigation with the pulsationtiming method The pipeline developed for this work can be easily adopted and used in anautomated way in order to process many targets and search for sub-stellar companions


Part VI




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Zong W Charpinet S Fu J-N Vauclair G Niu J-S Su J 2018 OscillationMode Variability in Evolved Compact Pulsators from Kepler Photometry I The Hot BSubdwarf Star KIC 3527751 ApJ 853 98 ISSN 0004-637X



This thesis would not have been possible without the help of many people who guided andsupported me during my time as a PhD student

First I would like to thank my supervisor Sonja Schuh who advised and guided metrough this project and had always an open ear for me despite her work as the IMPRScoordinator A thank you goes also to the other members of my TAC Laurent Gizon andStefan Dreizler for the productive discussions and ways to see some things differently

I would also like to thank Roberto Silvotti who helped to improve the EXOTIMEpaper

The students of the IMPRS formed a great community at the institute Without thefriendships formed out of this group my time at the institute would have been a verydifferent experience I tried gave my best to contribute to the great dynamics of the groupand hope this spirit will be kept alive by many following generations of students

Special thanks goes to my fellow musicians for the great time over the last yearsStarting with the (in)famous successful ldquoQuiet Sunrdquo project together with TheodosiosChatzistergos (literally a god on his guitar) Ankit Barik Earl Bellinger and Alessan-dro Cilla (who left us way too early) growing bigger for some gigs with SudharshanSaranathan Nils Gottschling David Marshall Robin Thor Keaton Bell and James Kus-zlewicz and finally merging with the great MegaGauss band including additionally HelgeMissbach Katja Karmrodt Abbey Ingram Christian Baumgartner Daria MokrytskaTanayveer Bhatia Marius Pfeifer Ann-Kathrin Lohse (Atti) and Paula Wulff No matterwhich problems would trouble me during the band practise I could throw them all againstthe drum heads and cymbals Keep on rockinrsquo

I would like to thank Michelle for her support and proofreadingAnd special thanks goes to my family which always supported me on my way listened

and offered good advice

This work is founded by the International Max Planck Research School for SolarSystem Science at the University of Goumlttingen (IMPRS Solar System School) and theVolkswagen Foundation (project grant number VWZN3020) This work makes use ofobservations from the LCOGT network This work includes data collected by the Keplermission Funding for the Kepler mission is provided by the NASA Science Missiondirectorate


Scientific contributions

Refereed publicationsbull Mackebrandt F M Mallonn J M Ohlert T Granzer S Lalitha A Garciacutea Muntildeoz

N P Gibson et al 2017 Transmission Spectroscopy of the Hot Jupiter TrES-3 bDisproof of an Overly Large Rayleigh-like Feature AampA 608 (December) A26httpsdoiorg1010510004-6361201730512

bull Mackebrandt F S Schuh R Silvotti S-L Kim D Kilkenny E M Green RLutz et al The EXOTIME Project Signals in the O minusC Diagrams of the RapidlyPulsating Subdwarfs DW Lyn V1636 Ori QQ Vir and V541 Hya AampA 638 (June1 2020) A108 httpsdoiorg1010510004-6361201937172

bull Mallonn M I Bernt E Herrero S Hoyer J Kirk P J Wheatley M Seeliger etal 2016 Broad-Band Spectrophotometry of HAT-P-32 b Search for a ScatteringSignature in the Planetary Spectrum Monthly Notices of the Royal AstronomicalSociety 463 (November) 604-14 httpsdoiorg101093mnrasstw1999

bull Schwope A D F Mackebrandt B D Thinius C Littlefield P Garnavich AOksanen and T Granzer 2015 Multi-Epoch Time-Resolved Photometry of theEclipsing Polar CSS081231071126+440405 Astronomische Nachrichten 336 (2)115-24 httpsdoiorg101002asna201412151

bull Strassmeier K G I Ilyin E Keles M Mallonn A Jaumlrvinen M Weber F Macke-brandt and J M Hill High-Resolution Spectroscopy and Spectropolarimetryof the Total Lunar Eclipse January 2019 AampA 635 (March 1 2020) A156httpsdoiorg1010510004-6361201936091

Conference contributionsbull The stellar pulsation timing method to detect substellar companions XXX IAU

General Assembly 2018 Vienna (Poster)

bull The stellar pulsation timing method to detect substellar companions AnnualMeeting of the Astronomische Gesellschaft 2017 Goumlttingen (Talk)

bull The stellar pulsation timing detection method for substellar companions Rocks ampStars II Conference 2017 Goumlttingen (Talk)

bull The stellar pulsation timing detection method for substellar companions ThePLATO Mission Conference 2017 Exoplanetary systems in the PLATO era War-wick (Poster)


Scientific contributions

bull The stellar pulsation timing method to detect substellar companions 2nd AdvancedSchool on Exoplanetary Science 2017 Vietri sul Mare (Poster)

bull The Stellar Pulsation Timing Detection Method for Substellar Companions Plane-tary Systems Beyond The Main Sequence II 2017 Haifa (Poster)


  • Abstract
  • Zusammenfassung
  • I Introduction
    • 1 Extrasolar planets
      • 11 Historical overview
      • 12 Definition of an exoplanet
      • 13 Observational techniques
        • 2 Subdwarf B stars
          • 21 Classification
          • 22 Canonical stellar and planetary evolution
          • 23 Subdwarf B stars formation scenarios
          • 24 Asteroseismology
            • 241 mechanism
            • 242 Asteroseismic observations
              • II The EXOTIME project
                • 3 Targets
                • 4 Multi-epoch photometric data
                  • 41 Time series photometry
                    • 411 Photometry
                    • 412 Timing accuracy
                        • 5 Methods
                          • 51 O-C Pipeline
                            • 511 Linear change in period
                            • 512 Light travel time effect
                              • 52 Artificial data testing
                              • 53 Alternative approaches
                                • 531 Analytic signal
                                • 532 Independent confirmation via direct imaging
                                  • III The EXOTIME project Signals in the O-C diagrams of the rapidly pulsating subdwarfs DW Lyn V1636 Ori QQ Vir and V541 Hya
                                    • 6 Introduction
                                    • 7 Observations and data reduction
                                      • 71 DW Lyn
                                      • 72 V1636 Ori
                                      • 73 QQ Vir
                                      • 74 V541 Hya
                                      • 75 TESS observations
                                      • 76 Data reduction
                                        • 8 Analysis
                                        • 9 Results and discussion
                                          • 91 DW Lyn
                                          • 92 V1636 Ori
                                          • 93 QQ Vir
                                          • 94 V541 Hya
                                          • 95 Testing the sub-stellar companion hypothesis
                                            • 10 Summary and Conclusion
                                            • 11 Appendix
                                              • 111 TESS data
                                              • 112 Amplitude spectra
                                                  • IV Application to larger target pool
                                                    • 12 Further asteroseismic targets
                                                      • 121 Scuti stars
                                                        • 13 Kepler
                                                          • 131 Kepler mission
                                                            • 1311 sdB stars
                                                            • 1312 Scuti stars
                                                              • 13121 KIC 7917485
                                                                • 14 TESS
                                                                  • 141 TESS mission
                                                                    • 1411 sdB stars
                                                                      • V Summary
                                                                        • 15 Discussion
                                                                        • 16 Outlook
                                                                          • 161 K2 mission
                                                                          • 162 TESS
                                                                          • 163 PLATO
                                                                              • VI Appendix
                                                                                • Bibliography
                                                                                • Acknowledgements
                                                                                • Scientific contributions
Page 9: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature

List of Figures

98 Amplitude spectrum with respect to the pulsation frequency f3 of V541 Hya 6999 Results for the two main pulsations of V541 Hya 70910 Minimum companion mass as a function of orbital period 74

111 Light curves of the TESS observations 78112 Amplitude spectrum of the TESS observations 79113 Amplitude spectrum of DW Lyn 79114 Amplitude spectrum of V1636 Ori 80115 Amplitude spectrum of QQ Vir 80116 Amplitude spectrum of V541 Hya 81

131 KIC 7917485 data 90132 Results for the two main pulsations of KIC 7917485 91

141 TESS DW Lyn data 94

151 EHB evolutionary tracks of sdB stars 100

161 Artistrsquos impression of ESArsquos PLATO spacecraft 104


List of Tables

31 Observational properties of the EXOTIME targets 2432 Summary of the newly acquired observations for V391 Peg 25

71 Atmospheric parameters of the targets 4972 Summary of the observing time per target per site 52

81 Parameters of the simultaneously fitted pulsations per target 57

111 Additional identified pulsation modes 78

131 Orbital parameters for the KIC 7917485 system 88



Stars spend most of their life on the main sequence (MS) But their most substantialchanges occur off the MS stage either before on the pre-MS or beyond at the post-MSphase Due to very complex and varied dynamical processes the evolution of planetarysystems orbiting non-MS stars significantly differs from those of MS planetary systems

This work focusses on the search for sub-stellar companions in post-MS systems anddetermination of the evolutionary state of their host stars especially subdwarf B stars(sdB stars) These are stripped Helium-burning cores of red giants with a thin hydrogenatmosphere The canonical model involves binary evolution to explain the existence ofsdB stars Formation scenarios for single sdBs are more controversially discussed and canbe hard to reconcile with observational properties Besides the merger of two helium whitedwarfs or other merger processes for apparently single sdB stars an alternative formationchannel involves planetary systems During the red giant phase the star would developa common envelope with a giant planet that leads to the loss of the envelope Thus sdBstars are laboratories to test how planets survive and influence the late phases of stellarevolution

The rapid pulsations of sdB stars can be used to detect sub-stellar companions fromperiodic variations in the expected arrival times of the pulsation maxima This timingmethod is particularly sensitive to companions at large distances and complementary toother exoplanet detection methods because they are not efficient for stars with small radiiand high gravities Thus the timing method opens up a new parameter range in terms ofthe host stars and helps to understand the formation process of single sdBs

In this work I implemented tested and applied the pulsation timing analysis to searchfor sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems The method isalready established in the literature but not to an extent which is capable of automaticallyprocessing long-time series of high-cadence data ie from space born observations

Part I provides an introduction to extrasolar planets and to the formation and propertiesof sdB stars

Part II and III describe the long-term ground-based observations of four rapidly pulsat-ing sdB stars DW Lyn V1636 Ori QQ Vir and V541 Hya The data are used to measure thesecular drifts in pulsation periods The results constrain the evolutionary state of these starsand are compared to theoretical predictions of stellar evolutionary models Furthermorethe measurements set limits to masses and orbital periods of sub-stellar companions Incontrast to previous studies tentative companion detections are not confirmed

Part IV describes the application of the implemented timing analysis to other pulsatingstars and data sets Compared to ground-based observatories satellite-based telescopesoffer the advantage of uninterrupted observations Observatories like Kepler TESS or theupcoming PLATO mission provide a large sample of targets Besides sdB stars δ Scuti



(δ Sct) pulsators are excellent stars to apply the timing method on δ Sct stars are evolvedbeyond the MS and of spectral type A From Kepler observations previous studies re-vealed a planetary companion orbiting the δ Sct star KIC 791748 The implemented timinganalysis of this work is applied to these data and can recover the planetary signature vali-dating the implementation at hand and independently confirming the planetary companiondiscovery

Part V discusses the results of this thesis and provides an outlook to further applica-tions



Sterne verbringen den Groszligteil ihres Lebens auf der Hauptreihe (HR) Die gravierendstenVeraumlnderungen geschehen jedoch abseits der HR entweder zuvor auf der pre-HR oderfolgend auf der post-HR Durch sehr komplexe und variierende dynamische Prozesseunterscheidet sich die Entwicklung von Planeten in nicht-HR Sternsystemen signifikantvon der Entwicklung von Planeten in HR Sternsystemen

Diese Arbeit legt ihren Fokus auf die Suche nach sub-stellaren Begleitern in post-HR Systemen und auf die Bestimmung des evolutionaumlren Stadiums derer Zentralsterneinsbesondere bei heiszligen Unterzwergen des Spektraltyps B (engl subdwarf B kurzsdB) auch Blaue-Unterzwerge genannt Solche sdB-Sterne sind freigelegte heliumbren-nende Kerne von vormals Roten-Riesen mit einer duumlnnen Wasserstoffatmosphaumlre Derenkanonische Entstehung beschreibt die Entwicklung in einem Doppelsternsystem Entste-hungsszenarien fuumlr einzelne sdB-Sterne werden jedoch kontrovers diskutiert und sind nurschwer mit Beobachtungen zu verifizieren Neben der Verschmelzung von zwei heliumdo-minierten Weiszligen Zwergen koumlnnten auch Planetensysteme zur Bildung von sdB-Sternenbeitragen Waumlhrend der Roten-Riesen-Phase wuumlrde der Stern einen seiner Riesenplanetenin eine gemeinsame Huumllle einschlieszligen was letztendlich zum Verlust der Huumllle fuumlhrtSomit erweisen sich sdB-Sterne als Testobjekte das Uumlberleben von Planeten zu pruumlfensowie den Einfluss der Planeten auf die Spaumltphasen stellare Entwicklung zu beobachten

Die schnellen Pulsationen von sdB Sternen koumlnnen mit Hilfe von periodischen Veraumln-derungen in den zu erwarteten Ankunftszeiten der Pulsationsmaxima zur Detektion vonsub-stellaren Begleitern genutzt werden Diese Methode der Lichtlaufzeitmessungen istbesonders sensitiv fuumlr Begleiter mit groszliger Distanz zu ihrem Zentralstern und damit kom-plementaumlr zu anderen Detektionsmethoden Denn andere Detektionsmethoden sind bei Ster-nen mit hoher Oberflaumlchengravitation und kleinen Radien weniger aussagekraumlftig Damiteroumlffnet die Methode der Lichtlaufzeitmessungen eine Moumlglichkeit fuumlr Entdeckungen vonbisher nicht erforschbaren Planetensystemen und hilft somit den Entstehungsprozess vonsdB-Sternen besser zu verstehen

In dieser Arbeit habe ich die Methode der Pulsations-Lichtlaufzeitmessungen im-plementiert getestet und zur Suche nach sub-stellaren Begleitern bei Systemen in denSpaumltphasen stellarer Entwicklung angewandt Die Methode ist bereits etabliert bisherjedoch nicht fuumlr eine automatische Anwendung auf lange Beobachtungsreihen in hoherzeitlicher Aufloumlsung wie zB von Weltraumteleskopen optimiert

Teil I dieser Arbeit gibt eine Einleitung zu extrasolaren Planeten sowie auch zurEntstehung und Eigenschaften von sdB-Sternen

Teil II und III beschreiben die bodengebundenen Langzeitbeobachtungen der vierschnell pulsierenden sdB-Sterne DW Lyn V1636 Ori QQ Vir und V541 Hya MitHilfe dieser Daten werden die Veraumlnderungen der Pulsationsperioden gemessen Diese



Ergebnisse lassen auf das evolutionaumlre Stadium der Sterne schlieszligen und werden mittheoretischen Sternentwicklungsmodellen verglichen Weiterhin setzen die Ergebnisseder Beobachtungen Grenzwerte fuumlr die Masse und Umlaufdauer moumlglicher sub-stellarerBegleiter Im Widerspruch zu vorhergehenden Studien koumlnnen potentielle Detektionenvon Begleitern nicht bestaumltigt werden

Teil IV beschreibt die Anwendung der implementierten Methode der Pulsations-Lichtlaufzeitmessungen auf andere Sterne und Datensaumltze Im Vergleich zu bodengebunde-nen Observatorien bieten weltraumgestuumltzte Teleskope den Vorteil der ununterbrochenenBeobachtung Observatorien wie das Kepler Weltraumobservatorium TESS oder diegeplante PLATO Mission liefern eine groszlige Anzahl von Beobachtungszielen NebensdB-Sternen ist die Klasse der pulsierenden δ Scuti (δ Sct) Sterne ein hervorragendesZiel fuumlr Lichtlaufzeitmessungen δ Sct Sterne sind in einem Entwicklungsstadium jen-seits der HR und in der Spektralklasse A zu finden Vorhergehende Studien haben ausBeobachtungen des Kepler Weltraumteleskops einen planetaren Begleiter um den SternKIC 791748 offenbart Mit der in dieser Arbeit implementierten Methode der Pulsations-Lichtlaufzeitmessungen kann das Signal dieses Begleiters aus den Daten gewonnen undsomit die Implementierung validiert sowie eine unabhaumlngige Bestaumltigung dieser Planete-nentdeckung erbracht werden

Teil V diskutiert die vorhergehenden Ergebnisse und liefert einen Ausblick auf weitereAnwendungen


Part I



1 Extrasolar planets

11 Historical overviewSpeculations about the existence of other worlds or solar systems other than our own go asfar back as the ancient times Greek philosophers debated about the possibility of countlessworlds

And he maintained worlds to be infinite and varying in bulk and that in somethere is neither sun nor moon while in others that they are larger than with usand with others more numerous [] And that some worlds are destitute ofanimals and plants and every species of moisture

Democritus (460 to 370 BCE Litwa 2016)

He was supported by Epicurus (314 to 270 BCE) who debated about an ldquoinfinite number ofworlds both like and unlike this world of oursrdquo (Bailey 1926) in a letter to Democritus Butthe atomists of this time believed in the geocentric universe and thus the work of Aristotle(341 to 270 BCE) outshone their ideas This started to change with the introduction ofthe Heliocentric universe theory of Nicolaus Copernicus in 1543 However the Italianphilosopher Giordano Bruno was burned during the Inquisition because of his belief in aninfinite number of stars which have an infinite number of terrestrial worlds orbiting themFinally Galileo Galilei discovered with his telescope invented in 1606 the true nature ofthe Moon and planets and paved the way for the discovery of the remaining planets in oursolar system

Our solar system shaped the understanding of planetary evolution and system archi-tecture until Wolszczan and Frail (1992) discovered the first exoplanetary system laterconfirmed by Wolszczan (1994) The two Earth-mass like planets orbit the millisecondpulsar PSR 1257+12 a rather unusual host star With the discovery of the first extrasolarplanet 51 Pegasi b orbiting a sun-like star (Mayor and Queloz 1995) the architecture ofexoplanetary systems remained very different than expected from the solar system Theplanet has a mass comparable to the mass of Jupiter but a very close-in orbit of about005 au leading to a new category of planets called ldquohot Jupitersrdquo

So far more than 4000 exoplanets have been discovered by various detection methodsThey exhibit a wide range of planetary masses and radii as shown in Figure 11 Besideshot Jupiters Neptune- and Saturn-sized planets as well as super-Earths were discovered

The first transiting exoplanet HD 209458 b was discovered in 1999 (Charbonneau et al2000) which later became the first planet with a spectroscopically analysed atmosphere(Charbonneau et al 2002) HD 28185 b was discovered as the first exoplanet in thehabitable zone a region around a star in which a planet may retain liquid water on its


1 Extrasolar planets









10minus2 100 102 10410minus2




10minus2 100 102 104



a au



a au









3 K

Figure 11 Exoplanet mass and radius distribution as function of their orbital periodand effective temperature of their host star (color coded) Out of the 4130 discoveredexoplanets there are 994 mass and 1631 radius measurements (as of November 2019Schneider et al 2011)

surface Using the phase-mapping technique Knutson et al (2007) reconstructed a roughmap of HD 189733 b showing the temperature of the cloud deck An image of Formalhaut bin 2008 was the first direct image of an exoplanet (Kalas et al 2008) With Kepler-186 f anEarth-sized planet orbiting within its starrsquos habitable zone was discovered (Quintana et al2014) With the discovery of Kepler-452 b and its 16 Earth-radii another category not yetpresent in our solar system called ldquosuper Earthsrdquo was created Another super Earth orbitingour closest neighbour star Proxima Centauri even in the habitable zone was discovered byAnglada-Escudeacute et al (2016) Future missions aim to characterise exoplanetary systemsand to understand the formation evolution and chemical composition in more detail

12 Definition of an exoplanet

The word ldquoplanetrdquo was introduced by the ancient Greeks as the term ὰστέρες πλανῆτα

(asteres planetai) which can be translated as ldquowandering starrdquo This was inspired by theapparent movement of the planets in the solar system as opposed to the fixed stars In amore scientific way the International Astronomical Union (IAU) defined a planet in thesolar system in its resolution 5A as follows

A planet is a celestial body that

1 is in orbit around the Sun


13 Observational techniques

2 has sufficient mass for its self-gravity to overcome rigid body forces sothat it assumes a hydrostatic equilibrium (nearly round) shape and

3 has cleared the neighbourhood around its orbit

IAU (2006)

Additionally the working group on extrasolar planets of the IAU published the followingstatement not yet adopted as a resolution

1 Objects with true masses below the limiting mass for thermonuclearfusion of deuterium (currently calculated to be 13 Jupiter masses for ob-jects of solar metallicity) that orbit stars or stellar remnants are ldquoplanetsrdquo(no matter how they formed) The minimum masssize required for anextrasolar object to be considered a planet should be the same as thatused in our Solar System

2 Substellar objects with true masses above the limiting mass for ther-monuclear fusion of deuterium are ldquobrown dwarfsrdquo no matter how theyformed nor where they are located

3 Free-floating objects in young star clusters with masses below the limit-ing mass for thermonuclear fusion of deuterium are not ldquoplanetsrdquo butare ldquosub-brown dwarfsrdquo (or whatever name is most appropriate)

Boss et al (2005) reproduced with permission

The designation of exoplanets consists of the name of the host star followed by alowercase letter The first part can be an astronomical catalogue the scientific instrumentor project that discovered the exoplanet The following letter indicates the order of theexoplanets discovery around its host star usually beginning with ldquobrdquo This is analogous tothe designation of multiple star systems

13 Observational techniquesThe vast variety of exoplanets necessitates the need for different detection techniques Theycan be separated into three broad categories as the ldquoPerryman treerdquo a visual overview onthe detection methods illustrates in Fig 12

Widely separated exoplanets can be imaged directly Also protoplanetary disks can bedetected this way In case the orbital plane of the exoplanet aligns with the line of sight ofthe observer the planet transits in front of the stellar disk which can be detected as fluxvariations in primary and secondary eclipse

Gravitational lensing is known for very massive objects like galaxy clusters but can alsobe detected using a single star as a lens for a background star This induces a characteristicsignal in the light curve If the foreground star hosts an exoplanet it will act as an additionallens

Dynamical effects are based on the gravitational interaction of host star and planetThis can be measured directly as an astrometric change of position on the sky or indirectlyvia Doppler shifts in the host starrsquos spectrum or timing variations of transits eclipses orstellar pulsations The latter method is used in particular in this work and explained indetail in section 5


1 Extrasolar planets











existing capabilityprojected


-up detections n =

planets known








Exoplanet Detection



decreasingplanet mass


32 planets(20 system

s5 m


662 planets(504 system

s102 m


1 planet(1 system

0 m


53 planets(51 system

s2 m


2789 planets(2053 system

s474 m


1 January 20183572 exoplanets

(~2600 system

s ~590 m


bers from N


Exoplanet Archive]





refectedpolarised light

Radial velocity









44 planets(40 system

s2 m



















millisec slow



residuals(see TTVs)

(Kepler=2315 K2=




125Roplus) 766






protoplanetary disks

star accretionpollution

radio emission

gravitational waves

X-ray emission

debris diskscolliding


white dw

arf pollution



















































2 Subdwarf B stars

The majority of known exoplanets orbit cool host stars ie G and M type stars So faronly a small fraction of planets orbiting evolved host stars have been discovered (comparedto effective temperatures of host stars in Fig 11) This raises questions on the evolutionand fate of planetary systems The following chapter revises the stellar evolution withfocus on the post-main sequence phase of the host star arriving at subdwarf B stars (sdBstars) These stars are laboratories to test how planets survive and influence the late phasesof stellar evolution

21 ClassificationHumason and Zwicky (1947) discovered sdB stars in a photometric survey of the NorthGalactic Pole region Their position in the Hertzsprung-Russel diagram (HRD) in Fig 21in between the main sequence (MS) and the white-dwarf (WD) sequence was laterdetermined by Greenstein and Sargent (1974) They show effective temperatures Teff

from sim20 000 K to 50 000 K with surface gravities log(gcm sminus2) of 50 to 65 Heberet al (1984) Heber (1986) could connect the spectroscopic sdB class with the extremehorizontal branch (EHB) evolutionary stage Thus sdB stars are stripped helium-burningcores (sim05 M) of red giants with a thin hydrogen (H) atmosphere Their spectra aretherefore dominated by the broad Balmer lines of H while helium (He) is usually depletedBut their structure differs from horizontal-branch stars as their H envelopes are too thin tosustain H burning They evolve directly on to the WD cooling sequence as they lack theenvelope mass to pass via the asymptotic giant branch (AGB)

22 Canonical stellar and planetary evolutionThe progenitors of sdB stars are assumed to be solar-mass stars They form in molecularclouds consisting mostly of H about 20 to 30 per cent of He and a few percent of heavyelements The gas remains in hydrostatic equilibrium as long as the gas pressure isin balance with gravitational force (virial theorem) but a gravitational collapse can betriggered by shock waves (eg nearby supernova) As the cloud contracts it breaks intosmaller fragments in which the collapsing gas radiates the gravitational potential as heatAs temperature and pressure increase the fragment condenses into a protostar which isin hydrostatic equilibrium This way stars with different masses form mostly in groupsStellar winds of more massive stars ionize the remaining H in between the stars creatingH II regions and ultimately disrupt the cloud which prevents further star formation


2 Subdwarf B stars













White dwarfs

Cool subdwarfs











30000 10000

Surface temperature (deg)






ed to



6000 3000

Figure 21 Sketch of a Hertzsprung-Russell diagram highlighting the position of hotsubdwarf (sdB and sdO) stars and the extreme horizontal branch (EHB) located to the leftand below the hot end of the main sequence but above the white dwarf cooling sequenceThe EHB is separated from the blue horizontal branch (BHB) The location of stars havingevolved from the postasymptotic giant branch is shown for comparison The hot subdwarfstars have nothing in common with traditional cool subdwarfs found below the lowermain sequence (Heber 2009) Reprinted by permission from Copyright Clearance CenterAnnual Reviews Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics ldquoHot Subdwarf StarsrdquoHebercopy2009

The protostar continues to accrete material from its protoplanetary disk (Fig 22) untilfinally H fusion starts in the core and the star begins its phase on the main-sequence of theHRD (Fig 21) Inside the protoplanetary disk planetesimals form from electrostatic andgravitational interactions as building blocks for planets During their formation planetsmigrate within the disk and accrete material until the disk is evaporated by the central starsradiation On the main-sequence the star will evolve only slowly and remain there for


22 Canonical stellar and planetary evolution

Figure 22 Left Protoplanetary disc imaged by the Hubble Space Telescope in the Orionnebula The image is about 1800 au across Credit NASA CR OrsquoDell and SK WongRight ALMA image of HL Tauri showing th protoplanetary disc at a wavelength of13 mm The image is about 250 au across Credit ALMA (ESONAOJNRAO)

about 1010 years As the hydrogen in the core eventually depletes the fusion rate cannot bemaintained and the core contracts This continues to fuse H in a shell outside the He coreThe core contracts and the outer layers begin to expand The star becomes a red giantmoving up the red giant branch (RGB) in the HRD The He core compacts into degeneratematter and once core pressure and temperature are high enough the He starts to fuse witha He flash at the tip of the RGB in the HRD The core mass during the helium flash isabout half a solar-mass The star decreases in radius increases its surface temperatureand moves to the horizontal branch (HB) of the HRD After the He is fused in the coreouter shells fuse further He and the star moves to the asymptotic giant branch (AGB) andbecomes red giant again The produced carbon (C) can fuse with He and oxygen (O) tobuild a CO core The H and He shells are consecutively fusing in a cyclic process The starejects most of its envelope during these thermal pulses The expelled material is ionizedby the UV emission of the hot remnant core and can be observed as a planetary nebulaAfter this short phase the remnant star cools and enters the white dwarf cooling sequence

Planet occurrence rates estimated from Kepler observations suggest that 30 per centof Sun-like stars host Kepler-like planetary systems1 (Zhu et al 2018) Several studiesinvestigated occurrence rates from radial velocity surveys Jupiter-like planets2 may occurat six per cent of Solar-like stars (Wittenmyer et al 2016) Systems with giant planetsfrom the Kepler mission show outer gas giants within orbital periods of less than 400days at a 5 per cent occurrence rate (Santerne et al 2016) Bryan et al (2016) suggestthe total occurrence rate of companions3 from radial velocity measurements and direct

1 Kepler-like planets are planets that have radii RP amp R and orbital periods P gt 400 d Our Solar system isnot detectable by Kepler

2 Planets with masses 015RX MP 13MX and orbital periods of 3 au to 7 au3 For companions in the range of 1 MX to 20 MX and 5 au to 20 au


2 Subdwarf B stars

imaging with about 50 per cent Recently Grunblatt et al (2019) estimated the occurrencerate of planets larger than Jupiter for low-luminosity red giant branch stars from the K2mission to be 05 per cent Observations of polluted WDs debris disks orbiting WDslike WD 1145+017 (Vanderburg et al 2015) or even in-situ accretion of a giant planet toWD J0914+1914 (Gaumlnsicke et al 2019) show that these disks must form during the WDphase since they are located within the preceding giant stellar radii Spectroscopic analysisof polluted WD atmospheres find metals as to be expected from planetary compositionSince the sinking times for such heavy metals are orders of magnitude shorter than theWD cooling age the expected detection rate of polluted WDs is at about 01 per cent Butthe actual observed rate of metals is at 25 to 50 per cent Thus planetary systems appearto survive the RGB phase of their host star and may get disrupted and accreted duringthe WD phase Veras (2016) Farihi (2016) give a broad overview on post-main-sequenceplanetary system evolution and polluted WDs

23 Subdwarf B stars formation scenarios

The canonical formation of Subdwarf B stars is not explained by the typical evolutiondescribed in the section above since some mechanism during the progenitors giant phasemust have removed enough of the envelope to not sustain a H burning after the He flashThe formation scenario in a binary system first proposed by Mengel et al (1976) givesrise to different formation channels (Han et al 2002 2003 Podsiadlowski 2008) dependingon the initial mass ratios The scenarios are illustrated in Fig 23 and 24 The most simplescenario is a stable Roche-lobe over flow (RLOF) as in the left panel of Fig 23 The sdBprogenitor fills its Roche lobe near the tip of the RGB The mass transfer is dynamicallystable and the companion accretes the matter This will form a sdB in a long-period binarysystem with a main-sequence companion Observations find periods from 700 d to 1300 dleading to an improvement of the RLOF model (Chen et al 2013) If the mass transferduring the RLOF is too high the companion cannot accrete all the matter and a commonenvelope (CE) is formed (see Fig 24) Friction in the CE let the stars spiral inwards anduntil the CE gets ejected This will form a close binary system

While about 50 per cent of sdB stars are found in close binary systems with periodsof less than ten days observations show about 30 per cent appear as apparent single sdBstars There are several possible formation scenarios including atmosphere loss due tostellar winds the merger of two He WD (right panel of Fig 23) or undetected low-masscompanions

Hall and Jeffery (2016) estimated the H mass in the remnants of He WD mergers Inthe effective temperature-surface gravity plane they found a region occupied by thesestars during the core-He-burning phase and located the majority of apparently single sdBstars inside this region Nevertheless this conclusion depends on assumptions made to themodel regarding the initial H mass and loss of H during the merger Subdwarf B starslocated outside of this parameter region are found to be rapidly rotating low-gravity sdBstars

Alternatively the sdB progenitor could lose mass near the RGB tip due to strong stellarwinds or internal rotation While the He flash occurs typically at the tip of the RGB asufficient mass loss can lead a star to depart from the RGB so that the He flash is delayed


23 Subdwarf B stars formation scenarios

P = 10 minus 500 daysorb

sdBM = 030 minus 049 M


(mass ratio lt 12 minus 15)

Stable RLOF Channel

stable RLOF (near tip of RGB)

wide sdB binary with MSSG companion

envelope loss near RGB tipby stellar wind(rotation Z)

(1 or 2 CE phases)He WD merger

M = 040 minus 065 MsdB sun

M = 045 minus 049 MsdB sun

Single sdB Stars

gravitational radiation


Figure 23 Stable Roche-lobe channel (left) and single-starmerger channels (right) for theformation of sdB stars (Podsiadlowski 2008) By the kind permission of ASP ConferenceSeries vol 401 P Podsiadlowski p 63

(Castellani and Castellani 1993) The remnants of these ldquohot flashersrdquo are located closeto the He main sequence which coincides with the sdB location Although an ldquoearly hotflasherrdquo scenario may explain He and C abundances in sdB stars observations show someinconsistencies (Moehler et al 2011 Latour et al 2014)

Finally substellar objects eg brown dwarfs or even planets can lead to enough massloss in order to form sdB stars As described in the previous section the abundance ofplanets is high enough to be considered to survive and influence the late stellar evolutionFor a single red giant planets with orbital separations smaller than about 5 au will enhancethe mass loss when the planet is engulfed by the red giantrsquos atmosphere Since planetshave a comparable high angular momentum parts of it can be transferred to the envelopeIn consequence of this momentum transfer the planet spirals inwards and stellar mass lossincreases which leads to the formation of a sdB star In this scenario the planet wouldeither evaporate merge with the core or survive while most of the planetrsquos envelope islost (Soker 1998) With the merger scenario an enhanced stellar rotation could mix moreHe to the envelope and thus increase the RGB tip luminosity and further enhance the totalmass loss (Sweigart 1997) The hypothesis of surviving planetary systems is supportedby planetary-mass companions like the candidates V391 Peg b (Silvotti et al 2007) KIC05807616 bc (Charpinet et al 2011) KIC 10001893 bcd (Silvotti et al 2014) or browndwarf companions like V2008-1753 B (Schaffenroth et al 2015) or CS 1246 (Barlow et al2011b) Figure 25 illustrates the process of forming a sdB planetary system


2 Subdwarf B stars

P = 01 minus 10 daysorb




sdBM = 04 minus 049 M



shortminusperiod sdB binary with MS companionshortminusperiod sdB binary with He WD companion

commonminusenvelope phase commonminusenvelope phase

unstable RLOF minusminusminusgt dynamical mass transfer unstable RLOF minusminusminusgt dynamical mass transfer

stable RLOF

wide binary

CommonminusEnvelope Channels

CE only (mass ratio gt 12 minus 15)stable RLOF + CE (mass ratio lt 12 minus 15)

Figure 24 Common-envelope (CE) channels for the production of sdB stars The CE phasecan be either the first (right panel) or the second (left panel) mass-transfer phase producinga tight sdB binary with either a normal-star or white-dwarf companion respectively(Podsiadlowski 2008) By the kind permission of ASP Conference Series vol 401 PPodsiadlowski p 63

From observational data it cannot be ruled out that these planets may have formed assecond generation planets After the merger of two He WDs the remaining circumstellardisk could provide enough material to form planets in analogy to the pulsar planets(Wolszczan and Frail 1992 Thorsett et al 1993)

Finally there is evidence that some sdB stars are not core He-burning objects Heberet al (2003) discovered a sdB with insufficient mass to ignite He-burning in the core

24 Asteroseismology

Asteroseismology describes the study of the interiors of stars by using their oscillationsas seismic waves The first pulsating star was discovered in 1596 by David Fabricius Henoticed that the star ο Ceti (subsequently named ldquoMirardquo the wonderful) vanished from


24 Asteroseismology

Figure 25 Possible formation mechanism of close-in planets a The two planets identifiedby Charpinet et al (2011) were probably massive gas-giant planets during the early part oftheir host starrsquos life when the star burned hydrogen into helium as our Sun does today Atthis time the planets resided farther away from their host star than they do today b Whenthe star exhausted the supply of hydrogen in its core it expanded to become a red-giant starThe outer layers of the star then engulfed the orbits of the two planets The planets losttheir outer gaseous layers as their orbits spiralled inwards c For unknown reasons the redgiant expelled its cool outer layers leaving behind a small hot B subdwarf star The smallrocky cores of the initial planets were left behind in close-in orbits with periods of 58 and82 hours (Figure not drawn to scale) (Kempton 2011) Reprinted by permission fromCopyright Clearance Center Springer Nature Nature Planetary science ldquoThe ultimatefate of planetsrdquo Kemptoncopy2011

the visible sky Later on it was realized that the star did so every eleven months andbecame the first known (semi) periodic variable star Subsequently more variable stars likeδ Cephei (related stars are summarized as ldquoCepheidsrdquo) were discovered and their variationslinked to radial pulsations By now a large number of groups of pulsating star is known toexist Figure 26 shows their occurrences in a HRD Historically they have been classifiedon a phenomenological basis and mostly named after their prototype star The physicalreasons for the classification were uncovered later and are related to the different types ofexcited pulsation mode mass and evolutionary state Since this work relates mostly to sdBstars the following describes their driving mechanism Extensive overviews can be foundeg in Cunha et al (2007) Aerts et al (2010)

241 κ mechanismBaker and Kippenhahn (1962) proposed the κ mechanism to explain δ Cephei pulsationsFor stellar matter than can be described as an ideal gas an increase in compression ofthe atmosphere causes an increase in temperature and density This usually results in adecrease of the opacity κ allowing energy to be transported more efficiently This describesan equilibrium where temperature and pressure are balanced But in layers of the starwhere κ increases with increasing temperature the incoming flux from inner layers can betemporally stored These layers are associated with regions where (partial) ionization of


2 Subdwarf B stars

chemical elements occur When the layer expands in order to reach its equilibrium theadditionally accumulated energy is released and the star can expand beyond its equilibriumradius When the material recedes energy is again stored in the stellar interior and thecycle can repeat as a periodic stellar oscillation

Depending on the restoring force of the pulsations modes are either of the nature ofstanding acoustic waves (referred to as pressure modes or p modes) or internal gravitywaves (g modes) However especially in evolved stars both types of modes can be found

Unlike solar oscillations which are exited stochastically pulsations excited by theκ mechanism are coherent in phase their lifetime is very long compared to observationsspanning over years and change slowly due to stellar evolution These modes are suitablefor a pulsation timing analysis

In variable sdB stars (sdBV) the bump in opacity is related to elements of the iron group(Charpinet et al 1997) which are accumulated in the driving layers by diffusion processeslike gravitational settling and radiative levitation (cf Heber 2009 2016) Charpinetet al (1996) predicted the nonradial pulsations theoretically almost simultaneously totheir discovery by Kilkenny et al (1997) Effective temperatures Teff typically rangefrom 28 000 K to 35 000 K and surface gravity log g from 52 to 61 Observed pulsationamplitudes are usually smaller than 50 mmag Hybrid pulsators showing both p andg modes (eg Schuh et al 2006) locate at the temperature boundary around 28 000 Kbetween both classes of pulsators About ten per cent of the sdB stars located in theinstability strip of the Teffminus log g plane exhibit pulsations above a few mmag This fractionmight be biased due to detection limits of ground based observations However Keplerobservations confirmed the deficiency of p-mode pulsators in the instability strip (egOslashstensen et al 2011)

Due to the He fusion into C and O in the core of sdB stars the internal structure variesslowly and thus modifies the condition of hydrostatic equilibrium This results into slowsecular changes of the surface gravity and effective temperature and slow changes inthe pulsation period (Charpinet et al 2002) Using long-term observations these periodchanges can be measured

242 Asteroseismic observationsStellar oscillations generate motions and temperature variations on the surface and resultin observable variability These variations cause changes in brightness and colour radialvelocity and line profiles Thus pulsating stars can be studied using photometric andspectroscopic time series measurements which can be used to generate frequency spectra -one of the most important tools in asteroseismology The following focuses on time seriesphotometry

Since the observations are usually discrete and contain gaps a harmonic analysis isperformed using the Discrete Fourier Transformation

F( f ) =


x(tk) exp (i2π f tk)

of the measurements x(tk) which leads to an amplitude spectrum The observations opposelimitations to this spectrum Due to the discrete nature the highest useful frequency to


24 Asteroseismology

search for is called the Nyquist frequency

fNyq =1


with the time between two data points ∆t In the case of unevenly spaced data the Nyquistfrequency does not exist higher frequencies might be detectable With a finite length ofthe observations the spectrum has a finite frequency resolution proportional to the inverseof the total time span Moreover observations are likely to show gaps (eg daynight orseasonal observation windows technical problems poor observing conditions) some ofthem with a regular nature which produce additional peaks in the Fourier space Theseeffects combined are known as the ldquowindow functionrdquo in the time domain or as ldquospectralwindowrdquo in the Fourier space The spectral window can show multiple peaks even ifthe underlying signal is monochromatic and complicate the interpretation of the dataAdditionally long gaps produce unwanted signals in the low frequency regime In order toovercome the complex response in frequencies and amplitudes of the signal even withoutnoise different forms of periodograms have been defined A well-known and widelyapplied technique is the Lomb-Scargle periodogram (Scargle 1982) Horne and Baliunas(1986) Schwarzenberg-Czerny (1997) showed the equivalence of the variance reductionbetween a Lomb-Scargle periodogram and a least squares fit of sinusoids at test frequenciesThus fits of a harmonic series of sinusoids at test frequencies can be used to search fornon-sinusoidal signals as well The Lomb-Scargle periodogram does not require regularsampled data and is used for the analysis in this work (see Press et al (2007) VanderPlas(2017) cf section 8)


2 Subdwarf B stars

Figure 26 Hertzsprung-Russell diagram showing different classes of pulsating starsSome of these are named after a particular member of the class Others are acronymsrespectively for rapidly oscillating Ap (roAp) Slowly Pulsating B (SPB) subdwarf Bvariables (sdBV) The group labelled GW Vir includes what has formerly been known asthe PNNV stars (for Planetary Nebulae Nuclei Variables) and the variable hot DO whitedwarfs (DOV) the DBV and DAV stars are variable DB (helium-rich) and DA (hydrogen-rich) white dwarfs The parallel long-dashed lines indicate the Cepheid instability strip(Cunha et al 2007) Reprinted by permission from Copyright Clearance Center SpringerNature Astron Astrophys Rev ldquoAsteroseismology and interferometryrdquo Cunhacopy2007


Part II

The EXOTIME project


3 Targets

The EXOTIME program (EXOplanet search with the TIming MEthod) was born out oflong-term monitoring of the object HS 2201+2610 in order to measure long-term drifts inthe pulsation periods P The large amount of data made it possible to not only constrain sdBstar evolution from P but resulted in the postulation of the substellar companion candidateV391 Peg b using the pulsation timing method (Silvotti et al 2007) With the puzzlingformation history of sdB stars the authors initiated the EXOTIME program in 2008The project extends the long-term monitoring to the objects HS 0702+6043 (DW Lyn)HS 0444+0458 (V1636 Ori) PG 1325+101 (QQ Vir) EC 09582-1137 (V541 Hya) andHS 2201+2610 (V391 Peg) While the majority of exoplanet research is strongly focussedon planets (and moons) in the habitable zone and formation of planetary systems themain goal of the EXOTIME project is to detect exoplanets orbiting evolved stars usingthe stellar pulsations to conclude on timing variations (see section 5) Transit and radialvelocity searches are not efficient for stars with small radii and high gravities like sdB starsAdditionally the project wants to characterize the target stars using asteroseismic methodsand in particular the measurement of P

The following sections describe the targets and their observations in detail Theirselection followed some basic properties The targets must be observable from the Northernhemisphere and bright enough for a sufficient signal-to-noise ratio in the Johnson B bandwith 1 m to 3 m class telescopes since sdB stars emit the maximum energy in the nearUV regime A suitable target for the timing method should show two to four independentpulsation frequencies coherent in phase and stable in amplitude (gt1 mmag 01 ) Eachfrequency leads to an independent timing measurement But coherence and stability canonly be verified with the long-term monitoring To ensure the sdB star is not accompaniedby a low-mass star in a binary system there should be no strong IR excess compared toa black body spectrum The observational parameters of the five EXOTIME targets aresummarized in Table 31 Section 7 describes DW Lyn V1636 Ori QQ Vir V541 Hya indetail and lists the atmospheric parameters in Table 71

Observations and results on a substellar companion for V391 Peg are published bySilvotti et al (2007) alternative scenarios are discussed by Silvotti (2008) and additionalobservations are published by Silvotti et al (2018) The latter publication placed the firstinterpretation of the O minus C variations under discussion because of possible non-linearinteractions between different pulsation modes that change arrival times We proposedfor continued observations at the Las Cumbres Observatory (LCO Brown et al 2013)using 2 m class telescopes in order to connect observations from Silvotti et al (2018)with upcoming TESS observations in 2020 In 2017 we observed for about 52 hours in2019 for eight hours each in the Johnson B band with exposure times of 10 s to 20 s Theobservations are listed in Table 32


3 Targets

Table 31 Observational properties of the EXOTIME targets taken fromhttpsimbadu-strasbgfrsimbad and amplitude of the main pulsation (mea-sured in this work and by Silvotti et al (2007))

Target RA (J2000) DE (J2000) B mag JminusH ampl

DW Lyn 7h7m980s 60deg38prime50 primeprime16 147 minus0123 219V1636 Ori 4h47m1863s 5deg3prime34 primeprime81 1544 0043 054QQ Vir 13h27m4856s 9deg54prime51 primeprime05 1373 minus014 26V541 Hya 10h0m4182s minus11deg51prime34 primeprime59 1501 minus025 031V391 Peg 22h4m1210s 26deg25prime7 primeprime82 1441 001 085


3 Targets

Table 32 Summary of the newly acquired observations for V391 Peg

observatory obs date exp time s obs time h

LCO 2017-09-12 10 122 2017-09-14 10 068

2017-09-15 10 1402017-09-16 10 4722017-09-17 10 6182017-09-18 10 1222017-09-19 10 6922017-09-20 10 0722017-09-21 10 3952017-09-22 10 2702017-09-26 20 0752017-09-28 20 1752017-09-29 20 0222017-09-30 20 0752017-10-01 20 1272017-10-02 20 0752017-10-03 20 5182017-10-05 20 0232017-10-06 20 0382017-10-07 20 0772017-11-05 20 2072017-11-06 20 0752017-11-09 20 1682017-11-10 20 4222017-11-13 20 2182019-09-07 20 1102019-09-09 20 0072019-09-10 20 2482019-09-11 20 2672019-09-12 20 130

Σ 6027


4 Multi-epoch photometric data

41 Time series photometryThe timing method applied to the data and described in the next section imposes re-quirements on the photometric time series Each observation run needs a high temporalresolution of less than about 30 s in order to sample the p-modes correctly and a highsignal-to-noise ratio to detect their low amplitudes A single phase measurement in thelater analysis is required to reach an uncertainty in the order of one second Therefore theobservations should cover about three consecutive nights each with about three hours forone phase measurement

411 Photometry

In order to make use of the raw CCD images from the observations the data need tobe calibrated properly This includes detector specific corrections (bias and dark fieldsubtraction) as well as instrumental and sensitivity corrections (flat field division) Thefollowing photometric measurements were performed using the IDL package TRIPP (TimeResolved Imaging Photometry Package) Some data have been reduced using differentsoftware packages but the concept does not differ A circular aperture is placed aroundthe target star and measures the flux An annulus around this aperture or a further fieldmeasures the background flux which is subtracted from the target flux Since variationsin the Earthrsquos atmosphere on short and long term time scales (sky transparency air mass)affect this measurement the target flux is compared to the flux of multiple comparison starsThe field of view is assumed to be small enough that all atmospheric variations influencethe flux of all stars equally This procedure is applied to all images of an observationrun and yields the light curve Atmospheric extinction is correction by a second orderpolynomial in time

412 Timing accuracy

Accurate time stamps for each observation is crucial for the analysis of timing effectsAcquisition equipment is usually synced via network with a time server to the universaltime (UTC) However some of the first observations used for the project do not recordthe fraction of the second Thus the accuracy of individual observations is assumed to bebetter than plusmn05 s

Additional to the recording of precise time stamps the observer needs to be positionedin a rest frame compared to the target Without the necessary corrections the result would


4 Multi-epoch photometric data

be superimposed by the Earthrsquos motion around the barycentre of the Solar system anddiscontinuous time standards Eastman et al (2010) describes the necessary formalismin detail The Barycentric Coordinate Time (TDB) time frame including barycentriccorrections for the Solar system is accurate down to 34 ms and applied to all observationaltime stamps (hereafter refereed as BJD(TDB))


5 Methods

51 O minusC Pipeline

Already in the 17th century Ole Rœmer made use of the travel time of light in order tomeasure the speed of light (eg Soter and deGrasse Tyson 2001) An inversion of thisscenario allows to measure changes of orbits using the finite speed of light In astronomythis idea is widely used for different applications eg on pulsars eclipsing binary systemstiming variations on planetary transits or stellar pulsations In the context of stellarpulsations this concept is referred to as the O minusC method (Observed minus Calculated)The approach compares the phase of a periodic function to a reference phase and thusallow conclusions on variations in the observed phase While the following describes themethod illustratively the specific implementation of the O minus C method in this work isexplained in section 8

The schematic construction of an O minusC diagram is pictured in Fig 51 Requirementfor a OminusC analysis is a sufficiently long observational time span of the stellar pulsation Alight curve model fit to full data set provides the reference phase referred to as C Similarfits to small sub-sets of the observation provides an independent light curve model Thuseach sub-set called epoch provides a phase measurement referred to as O Iteratingthrough all epochs in time yield the differences between the average phase of the referencemodel and the phase measurements of the epochs called O minusC diagram

An O minusC diagram with no variations implies an agreement between observed phasesand the reference phase Linear changes in the diagram suggest a wrong frequency for thereference model and thus a constant error added per cycle More complex deviations aredescribed below

511 Linear change in period

The following considerations can be found in Kepler et al (1991) In order to makeuse of the timing method a sufficiently stable timer in the observed system is requiredldquoSufficientlyrdquo refers to accuracy compared to the length of observations In the case ofstellar pulsations this timer is a periodic brightness variation The observed time of theEth cycle can be expressed as

TE = T0 + PE

with the period P at T0 and the epoch E as in the cycle number counted from T0Due to physical processes the stellar pulsation period will change slowly over time


5 Methods


O1 O2 O3








Figure 51 Schematic picture of the O minusC diagram construction Top A model to the fulllight curve yields the reference phase C Middle Light curve models to each epoch yieldindividual phase information O Bottom Construction of the O minusC diagram from abovemeasurements

(see section 241) If this change is small TE can be expand in a Taylor series

TE = T0 +dTdE

(E minus E0) +12


(E minus E0)2 + O ((E minus E0))2

Terms of higher order are neglected Expanding the quadratic term using dTdE = Pleads to

d2TdE2 =




= PdPdt

Assuming 2E0 E finally yields

TE = T0 + PE +12


In order to compare the model of a slowly changing period with the null hypotheses(ldquothe period is stablerdquo) both identify with

O B T0 + PE +12


C B T prime0 + PprimeE

where O stands for observed ephemerides with a constant period Pprime and C for the calculatedor computed ephemerides With ∆T = T0 minus T prime0 and ∆P = P minus Pprime and E = tPminus1 this leads to

O minusC = ∆T0 +∆PP

t +12




51 O minusC Pipeline











Figure 52 Schematic picture of the orbital configuration

In an O minusC diagram a fit with a parabolic function yields the evolutionary time scalePP

512 Light travel time effect

Assuming a two body system consisting of the pulsating star and a companion both orbittheir common centre of mass The motion of pulsating star with mass M around thebarycentre implies a variation in the projected line of sight as show in Fig 52 whichtranslates into a change in light travel time The periodic pulsation of the star allow formeasuring this change and hence concluding on the minimum mass of the companion mAssuming a circular orbit due to the proposed formation history of companions of subdwarfB stars the change in light travel time varies periodically and imposes a sinusoidal signalin the O minusC diagram The following describes the derivation of the expected amplitude ofthis light travel time effect (eg Hilditch 2001 pp 29)

Let the line of sight be aligned with the z direction With the inclination of the orbit ithe argument of periapsis ω and the true anomaly ϑ of the Kepler ellipse the z componentof the radius vector r reads as

rz = r sin (i) sin (ω + ϑ)

Keplerrsquos laws of planetary motion yield

r =a(1 minus e2

)1 + e cos (ϑ)


5 Methods

with the semi mayor axis a and the eccentricity e Thus

rz =a(1 minus e2

)1 + e cos (ϑ)

sin (i) sin (ω + ϑ)

With Keplerrsquos Third Law follows for the semi major axis

a3 = Gm3P2

4π4 (M + m)2

where P is the orbital period Assuming a circular orbit with e = 0 The maximumdisplacement ∆rz in the orbit occurs at sin (ω + ϑ) = plusmn1

∆rz = 2G13m(

P2π (M + m)


sin i

The light travel time follows from

∆T =rz





2π (M + m)


sin i

which is the semi-amplitude of the sinusoidal signal in the O minus C diagram induced by asub-stellar companion due to the light travel time effect

52 Artificial data testingOnce such a fast pipeline is deployed it provides a convenient way to analyse artificialdata with precisely known input parameters and test for the expected results In order toavoid additional effects due to irregular observations and gaps in the data the artificialdata are mostly generated according to the PLATO scheme cadence of 25 s for three years(ie 186 times 106 measurements) and a signal to noise ratio of about 6 as expected for a14 mag star in the B band observed with all 24 telescopes (ESASRE 2011) A differentset of artificial data is created for a simplified ground-based observational scheme (threeconsecutive nights per month each eight hours for ten years ie 124 times 105) Since theresults between these two sets are very similar merely the PLATO-like scheme is discussedbelow

In total about 50 different scenarios of frequency spacings and amplitudes wereinvestigated Some interesting cases are explained below

Resonant frequencies Pulsations with frequency-spacing in integer multiples mightcause an unstable fitting process To test for such scenarios a set of several light curves wascreated They simulate pulsation frequencies in 12 13 and 15 resonances with a constantphase and amplitude The resulting fits to individual modes tend to show oscillatingphases but the simultaneous fit of all frequencies is stable and recovers successfully phase-and amplitude-information Fig 54 shows an example of resonant modes with a basefrequency of 240 dminus1 Some modes tend to show an constant offset in the O minusC diagrambut are on average still close to the null hypothesis


52 Artificial data testing







0 50 100 150 200 250

0 1000 2000


f dminus1

f microHz







minus002minus001 0 001 002

minus02 minus01 0 01 02




f dminus1

f microHz

Figure 53 Left Amplitude spectrum for four resonant pulsations with frequencies of240 dminus1 120 dminus1 80 dminus1 and 48 dminus1 and amplitudes of 05 Right Window function











0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100


48 dminus1 80 dminus1 120 dminus1 240 dminus1




t d

Figure 54 Results for four resonant pulsations with frequencies of 240 dminus1 120 dminus1 80 dminus1

and 48 dminus1 Each epoch contains data from one month Top Reconstructed AmplitudesBottom O minusC diagram


5 Methods




27776 27778 2778



04 minus f1




23998 240 24002



f microHz



f dminus1







minus002minus001 0 001 002

minus02 minus01 0 01 02




f dminus1

f microHz

Figure 55 Left Amplitude spectrum for two close pulsations with frequencies of240000 dminus1 and 240002 dminus1 and amplitudes of 05 and 02 (top) after subtraction ofthe mode at 240000 dminus1 (middle) and residuals after subtraction of the mode at 240002 dminus1

(bottom) Right Window function

Close frequencies Unresolved frequencies are a problem in the analysis of data andinterpretation of their results The frequency resolution is intrinsic to the observationpattern Unfortunately it is very difficult to conclude from an observational O minus Cpattern on unresolved frequencies The vast range of possible combinations in number offrequencies their spacing and amplitude ratios makes it almost impossible to conclude on aspecific configuration to explain the observations However if there is a resolved multipletin the observations but the signal-to-noise ratio of individual amplitudes is not goodenough to provide useful phase measurements a simulated multiplet on the observationaltime grid can provide insights on the O minusC behaviour of the main frequency Additionallythe window function can help to interpret amplitude spectra

Artificial test cases can raise awareness of possible O minus C patterns and caution theinterpretation of observational results The following tests were conducted with twopulsation frequencies and a constant phase which should result in a O minus C diagram notdifferent from zero

With a sufficient frequency separation and signal-to-noise ratio for both pulsations(see Fig 55) the O minusC diagram might show mode-beating effects like in Fig 56 Therecovered amplitude and phase of the main pulsation mode show periodic variationsalthough they should appear constant Thus the simultaneous occurrence of amplitude-and phase-modulations in an O minusC diagram should caution the interpretation in favour ofa light travel time effect

When the signal-to-noise ratio for one frequency is barely over the noise level it mightbe considered as noise after the pre-whitening of the dominant mode and neglected Using


52 Artificial data testing











0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100


2400 dminus1 240002 dminus1




t d

Figure 56 Results of the simultaneous fit of two close pulsations with frequencies of2400 dminus1 and 240002 dminus1 and similar amplitudes Each epoch contains data from onemonth TopReconstructed Amplitudes Bottom O minusC diagram

the example above but reducing the amplitude of the second pulsation from 05 to0001 (see Fig 57) leads to the O minusC diagram in Fig 58 The second pulsation is nottaken into consideration because the amplitude does not elevate above the noise level Themain pulsation shows periodic variations in the phase as to be expected from a substellarcompanion At the same time the amplitude appears to be modulated as well indicating amode-beating effect These scenarios strengthen the need for at least one additional phasevariation measurement on an independent pulsation mode in order to conclude on reflexmotion effects due to a substellar companion

Variable amplitude Previous observational studies show that amplitude modulationsare a common phenomenon for sdB stars Kilkenny (2010) But due to the relatively shortobservational baseline of such investigations it is not clear whether amplitude modulationscan appear on their own or together with phase modulations (as result of mode beatingeffects) Thus the OminusC method needs to be able to distinguish between the two scenarioswhich can be tested by using a simulated mode with an amplitude modulation but nophase modulation The example data set shown in Fig 59 and 510 exhibits an amplitudemodulation of 50 The OminusC analysis recovers successful this amplitude variation Alsothe phase shows no simultaneous variation which enables the distinction between a modebeating and pure amplitude modulated scenario


5 Methods




27776 27778 2778




23998 240 24002



f microHz




f dminus1







minus002minus001 0 001 002

minus02 minus01 0 01 02




f dminus1

f microHz

Figure 57 Left Amplitude spectrum for two close pulsations with frequencies of 2400 dminus1

and 240002 dminus1 and amplitudes of 05 and 0001 (top) residuals after subtractionof the mode at 2400 dminus1 (bottom) Note the different scale The residual peaks are onlyslightly above the average noise level Right Window function





0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100


2400 dminus1




t d

Figure 58 Results for two close pulsations with frequencies of 2400 dminus1 and 240002 dminus1

and very different amplitudes Each epoch contains data from one month Top Recon-structed Amplitude Bottom O minusC diagram for the main pulsation


52 Artificial data testing




27776 27778 2778




23998 240 24002



f microHz




f dminus1







minus002minus001 0 001 002

minus02 minus01 0 01 02




f dminus1

f microHz

Figure 59 Left Amplitude spectrum for one pulsation with a frequency of 2400 dminus1

and an amplitude of 05 varying by 50 with a 300 d period (top) residuals afterpre-whitening of the mode at 2400 dminus1 (bottom) Right Window function




0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100


2400 dminus1




t d

Figure 510 Results for one simulated pulsation with a frequency of 2400 dminus1 and anamplitude of 05 The amplitude is varying by 50 with a 300 d period Each epochcontains data from one month Top Reconstructed Amplitude Bottom O minusC diagram


5 Methods

53 Alternative approaches

531 Analytic signal

The analytic signal (AS) is a complex-valued function where real and imaginary part arerelated to each other by the Hilbert transform In polar coordinates the AS can be expressedin terms of its amplitude and phase as a function of time called envelope and instantaneousphase The instantaneous frequency can be obtained by differentiating the instantaneousphase in respect to time From the instantaneous phase an O minusC diagram can be inferredwhich makes the AS a potentially useful tool to investigate phase amplitude and frequencyvariations in stellar pulsations See III (2007) for a comprehensive overview

The AS s(t) of a signal s(t) is defined as

s(t) = s(t) + iH (s(t))

where the Hilbert transformationH is defined over the convolution

H =1πtlowast s(t)

While the original signal generates one amplitude value for each point in time the analyticalrepresentation generates a rotating vector in the complex plane Thus the analyticalrepresentation provides instantaneous values for amplitude frequency and phase withonly a single sample of a discrete signal

The AS is implemented in the scipy library (Jones et al 2011) Since it is based onFourier transforms it requires equidistant steps in time Thus a space born observatorywith a regular and continuous observing scheme is preferred over ground based observa-tions by this method Due to barycentric motion of the spacecraft the time steps will bedistorted after correcting for the barycentric motion Therefore an interpolation in time isnecessary which makes the analysis computationally very expensive

In order to test the implementation the artificial light curves should represent thistemporal behavior The data were generated sampling one stellar pulsation mode accordingto the PLATO scheme (cadence of 25 s for three years) and an ldquoinverserdquo barycentriccorrection was applied in order to create the irregular temporal spacing

For the analysis the artificial data are interpolated on a grid with a spacing of theshortest time between two measurements close to 25 s From an amplitude spectrum thefrequency of the pulsation mode is selected very similar to the classical O minusC approachimplemented for this work In the presence of multiple pulsation frequencies a frequencyfiltering is necessary After the computation of the envelope instantaneous phase andfrequency the expected linear cycle count is subtracted from the instantaneous phase toyield the OminusC diagram (see Fig 511) Since the AS is computed without a binning of datathe result appears to be scattering much more than the classical O minusC result Averagingthe results over a sufficient amount of time smooths the measurements Neverthelessthe process of interpolation before the actual analysis can start is computationally veryexpensive about a factor 1000 more than the classical O minusC calculation This makes theHilbert transform not practical for analysing irregular high cadence data This approachhas not been further pursued in this work


53 Alternative approaches



50100150200250300350 frequency



0 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 01




ampl envelope 2400 dminus1f




t d

Figure 511 Results of the Hilbert transform for one pulsation with a frequency of2400 dminus1 and an amplitude of 05 Top Flux measurements (black) sampled from thepulsation (grey) and amplitude envelope (red) Middle Instantaneous frequency BottomInstantaneous phase minus reference phase

532 Independent confirmation via direct imagingDirect imaging with adaptive optics allow for observations near the refraction limit of thetelescope This might offer the possibility to confirm sub-stellar companion candidateswhere a clear detection using the pulsation timing is affected by non-linear effects ofstellar pulsations However possible companions are still not resolvable with currenttechnology V391 Peg and DW Lyn have a distance of d = (12387000 plusmn 822422) pc andd = (14954389 plusmn 1303785) pc respectively (Gaia Collaboration et al 2018) With semimajor axis of about 17 au (Silvotti et al 2007) and 196 au the hypothetical companionswould be separated by 137 mas and 131 mas from the host star respectively This isabout one order of magnitude smaller than the theoretical angular resolution of 8 m classtelescopes The remaining EXOTIME targets are not significantly closer to Earth Thusthe sub-stellar companion candidates in the EXOTIME sample can not be confirmed viadirect imaging


Part III

The EXOTIME project Signals in theO minusC diagrams of the rapidly pulsatingsubdwarfs DW Lyn V1636 Ori QQ Vir

and V541 Hya


This chapter is published as a journal article ldquoThe EXOTIME project Signals inthe O minus C diagrams of the rapidly pulsating subdwarfs DW Lyn V1636 Ori QQ Virand V541 Hyardquo in Astronomy and Astrophysics (AampA 638 (2020) A108 DOI httpsdoiorg1010510004-6361201937172) copy F Mackebrandt et al 2020Authors F Mackebrandt12 S Schuh1 R Silvotti3 S-L Kim4 D Kilkenny5 EM Green6 R Lutz7 T Nagel8 J L Provencal910 T Otani1112 T D Oswalt1112

S Benatti13 L Lanteri3 A Bonanno14 A Frasca14 R Janulis15 M Paparoacute16 LMolnaacuter1617 R Claudi13 R H Oslashstensen18

Contributions FM analysed the data and wrote the manuscript SS is CoI of the EXO-TIME project coordinated observations at CAHA and supervised the findings of this workRS is PI of the EXOTIME project coordinated observations at TNG and contributedFig 910 and the according description in section 95 The following authors observed andreduced the data S-LK (LOAO) DK (SAAO) EMG (MtB) RL (MN) TN (Tue)JLP (WET) TO (SARA-KP) TDO (SARA-KP) SB (Asi) LL (Loi) AB (Serrala Nave) AF (Serra la Nave) RJ (Mol) MP (Kon) LM (Kon) RC (Asi) RHOslash(NOT)The manuscript has been read discussed and approved by all named authors

Photometric data of Fig 71 results in Fig 92 94 96 and 99 and figures in theappendix are only available at the CDS via anonymous ftp to cdsarcu-strasbgfr(130791285) or via httpcdsarcu-strasbgfrviz-bincatJA+A638

1 Max-Planck-Institut fuumlr Sonnensystemforschung Justus-von-Liebig-Weg 3 37077 Goumlttingen Germany2 Institut fuumlr Astrophysik Georg-August-Universitaumlt Goumlttingen Friedrich-Hund-Platz 1 37077 Goumlttingen

Germany3 INAF ndash Osservatorio Astrofisico di Torino strada dellrsquoOsservatorio 20 10025 Pino Torinese Italy4 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute Daejeon 34055 South Korea5 Department of Physics and Astronomy University of the Western Cape Private Bag X17 Bellville 7535

South Africa6 Steward Observatory University of Arizona 933 N Cherry Avenue Tucson AZ 85721 USA7 German Aerospace Center (DLR) Remote Sensing Technology Institute Muumlnchener Str 20 82234

Weszligling Germany8 Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics Kepler Center for Astro and Particle Physics University of

Tuumlbingen 72076 Tuumlbingen Germany9 University of Delaware Department of Physics and Astronomy Newark DE 19716 USA10 Delaware Asteroseismic Research Center Mt Cuba Observatory Greenville DE 19807 USA11 Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Department of Physical Science and SARA Daytona Beach FL

32114 USA12 Florida Institute of Technology Department of Physics amp Space Sciences Melbourne FL 32901 USA13 INAF ndash Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova Vicolo dellacircAZOsservatorio 5 35122 Padova Italy14 INAF ndash Osservatorio Astrofisico di Catania Via S Sofia 78 95123 Catania Italy15 Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astronomy Vilnius University Gostauto 12 Vilnius 01108 Lithuania16 Konkoly Observatory Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences Konkoly-Thege M uacutet 15-17

1121 Budapest Hungary17 MTA CSFK Lenduumllet Near-Field Cosmology Research Group Konkoly Observatory18 Department of Physics Astronomy and Materials Science Missouri State University Springfield MO

65897 USA


A108Based on observations obtained at the 09 m SARA-KP telescope which is operated bythe Southeastern Association for Research in Astronomy (saraobservatoryorg)


6 Introduction

Subdwarf B stars (sdBs) are sub-luminous stars with a mass of about 05 M located at theblue end of the horizontal branch which is the so-called extreme horizontal branch (EHBHeber 1986) They maintain a helium burning core but their thin hydrogen envelope(Menv lt 001 M) cannot sustain hydrogen shell burning which identifies sdBs withstripped cores of red giants (Heber 2016) Binary evolution with a common envelope (CE)is the favoured formation scenario for most sdBs The sdB progenitor fills its Roche lobenear the tip of the RGB A CE is formed when the mass transfer rate is sufficiently highand the companion star cannot accrete all the matter For close binary systems with smallinitial mass ratios q lt 12ndash15 two phases of mass transfer occur The first Roche-lobeoverflow is stable whereas the second one is unstable leading to the ejection of the CEThe resulting binary consists of an sdB star and a white dwarf in a short-period orbitFor initial mass ratios q gt 12ndash15 the first mass-transfer phase is unstable and the CE isejected producing an sdB star with a non-degenerate (eg main sequence star) companionA more detailed review of formation and evolution of compact binary systems can be foundin Podsiadlowski (2008) and Postnov and Yungelson (2014) These formation scenarioscannot explain the observed additional occurrence of apparently single sdBs (Maxtedet al 2001) Among the proposed formation scenarios is the proposal by Webbink (1984)that they could be formed by a merger of two helium white dwarfs But such mergersare problematic as they are expected to retain very little hydrogen (Han et al 2002) andbe left with higher rotation rates than what has been observed (Charpinet et al 2018)Moreover the overall observed mass distribution of single sdB stars is not consistent withthat expected from the proposed formation scenario Sub-stellar companions could resolvethis disagreement between theory and observations Planetary-mass companions like thecandidates V391 Peg b (Silvotti et al 2007) KIC 05807616 bc (Charpinet et al 2011)KIC 10001893 bcd (Silvotti et al 2014) or brown dwarf companions like V2008-1753 B(Schaffenroth et al 2015) or CS 1246 (Barlow et al 2011b) indicate the existence of apreviously undiscovered population of companions to apparently single sdBs

Due to the high surface gravity and effective temperature (leading to few stronglybroadened spectral lines in the optical) and the small radii of sdBs the detection efficiencyfor companions via methods like radial velocity variations or transits is small The timingof stellar pulsations offers a complementary detection method sensitive to large orbitalseparations

A small fraction of sdB stars shows pulsational variations in the p- (pressure-) andg- (gravity-) mode regimes Rapid p-mode pulsators (sdBVr) discovered by Kilkennyet al (1997) show periods of the order of minutes and amplitudes of a few tens of mmagSuch pulsations were predicted by Charpinet et al (1997 et seq) to be driven by theκ-mechanism due to a Z-opacity bump For slow pulsators (sdBVs) the periods range


6 Introduction

from 30 to 80 min with small amplitudes of a few mmag This class was discovered byGreen et al (2003) and the pulsations are explained by the κ-mechanism as well (Fontaineet al 2003) Some sdB stars show both types of pulsation modes simultaneously (sdBVrs)These hybrid pulsators lie at the temperature boundary near 28000 K between the twoclasses of pulsating stars for example the prototype for this class DW Lyn (Schuh et al2006) which is also addressed in this work or Balloon 090100001 (Baran et al 2005)

Pulsations driven by the κ-mechanism are coherent which qualifies these objects forthe timing method to search for sub-stellar companions This method is based on thelight-travel time effect with the host star acting as a stable ldquoclockrdquo spatial movements ofthe star around the barycentre induced by a companion result in time delays of the stellarlight measured by the observer Examples of detections using this method are ldquopulsar-planetsrdquo (eg Wolszczan and Frail 1992) planets detected by transit timing variations (egKepler 19 c Ballard et al 2011) planets orbiting δScuti stars (Murphy et al 2016a) oreclipsing binaries (eg V2051 Oph (AB) b Qian et al 2015) In particular the detectionof a late-type main sequence star companion to the sdB CS 1246 by Barlow et al (2011b)subsequently confirmed with radial velocity data (Barlow et al 2011a) or other studieslike Otani et al (2018) demonstrate the viability of this method in sdB systems On theother hand the particular example of V391 Peg b is currently under discussion (Silvottiet al 2018) because of possible non-linear interactions between different pulsation modesthat change arrival times (see Zong et al 2018 for a detailed study of amplitudefrequencyvariations related to nonlinear effects) Stochastically driven pulsations are suspected byReed et al (2007a) Kilkenny (2010) and their nature confirmed by Oslashstensen et al (2014)Also the candidate detections of KIC 05807616 and KIC 10001893 are uncertain sinceother sdBs observed within the Kepler K2- mission exhibit g-modes with long periods upto few hours They question the interpretation of the low-frequency variations for KIC05807616 and KIC 10001893 (eg Krzesinski 2015 Blokesz et al 2019)

In order to detect sub-stellar companions orbiting rapidly pulsating sdB stars theEXOTIME observational programme (EXOplanet search with the TIming MEthod) hasbeen taking long term data since 1999 EXOTIME conducted a long-term monitoringprogramme of five rapidly pulsating sdB stars V391 Peg has been discussed by Silvottiet al (2007 2018) In this paper we present the observations of DW Lyn and V1636 Oripreviously discussed in Lutz et al (2008a) Schuh et al (2010) Lutz (2011) Lutz et al(2011) and re-evaluate their findings using an extended set of observations In additionthe observations of QQ Vir and V541 Hya are presented and analysed In the beginning ofthe programme the mode stability was tested for all targets over a timespan of months inorder to ensure the pulsation modes were coherent

For the DW Lyn observations Lutz et al (2011) found no significant signals in aperiodogram of the O minus C data of the two analysed pulsation frequencies which wouldindicate sub-stellar companions A tentative signal in the second frequency (in this worklabelled f2 as well) formally corresponding to an 80-day companion orbit is concludedto arise from mode beating of an unresolved frequency doublet The analysis of V1636Ori revealed a signal at 160 d in the periodogram of the main frequency O minusC data (Lutzet al 2011) Although this periodicity showed a significance of only 1σ Lutz et al(2011) predicted an increase of significance with follow-up observations We are usingthis extended data set in our work now incorporating observations up to 2015

This paper is organised as follows Section 7 describes the observational aspects within


6 Introduction

the EXOTIME programme and the data reduction followed by a description of our analysisin Sect 8 Our results are presented in Sect 9 together with a discussion


7 Observations and data reduction

The observational data necessary for the analysis are comprised of many individual datasets gathered over the course of up to two decades The detection method demands theobservation of a target for a total time base at least as long as one orbit of a potentialcompanion which can span several years This requires coordinated campaigns withobservatories using ~1 ndash 4 m telescopes In order to derive sufficient accuracy for theanalysis observations with at least three to four consecutive nights each with a minimumof two to three hours per target are required To resolve the short-period p-modes thecadence must be shorter than about 30 s but still with a sufficient signal-to-noise ratio(SN) All observations used the Johnson-Bessel B band The correct time stamps foreach observation are of most importance for the timing analysis Most observatories ofthis study contributed already successfully to the work of Silvotti et al (2007) Silvotti(2008 Table 2) The following lists some references where telescopes used for thisstudy contributed successfully to other timing-relevant observations Konkoly RCC 10 mTelescope Provencal et al (2009) Stello et al (2006) Mt Lemmon Optical AstronomyObservatory Bischoff-Kim et al (2019) Lee et al (2014) Serra la Nave 09 m Bonannoet al (2003ab) SARA-KP 09 m telescope Kilkenny (2014) Baran et al (2018)

Table 71 lists the atmospheric parameters of the stars and Table 72 summarisesthe photometric observations obtained at multiple medium-class telescopes Fig 71summarises the observational coverage

71 DW Lyn

Dreizler et al (2002) identified DW Lyn (HS 0702+6043) as a p-mode pulsator Schuhet al (2006) discovered additional g-mode pulsations making this star the prototype of

Table 71 Atmospheric parameters of the targets

Target Te f f K log(g cm





DW Lyn 28 400plusmn600 535plusmn01 -27plusmn01 1V1636 Ori 33 800plusmn1 000 560plusmn015 -185plusmn020 2QQ Vir 34 800plusmn610 581plusmn005 -165plusmn005 3V541 Hya 34 806plusmn230 5794plusmn0044 -1680plusmn0056 4

1 Dreizler et al (2002) 2 Oslashstensen et al (2001) 3 Telting andOslashstensen (2004) 4 Randall et al (2009)


7 Observations and data reduction






54500 55000 55500 56000 56500

2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013










54500 55000 55500 56000 56500 57000

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015








71 DW Lyn






52000 52500 53000 53500 54000 54500 55000 55500 56000

2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013










53000 53500 54000 54500 55000 55500 56000 56500 57000 57500

2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016







Figure 71 Light curves Grey points are considered outliers and partially exceeding theplotting range (a) DW Lyn (b) V1636 Ori (c) QQ Vir (d) V541 Hya


7 Observations and data reductionTable












































































































































































72 V1636 Ori

hybrid sdB pulsatorsThere are photometric data available from 1999 Large gaps make a consistent O minusC

analysis difficult Regular monitoring within the EXOTIME programme ran from 2007until the beginning of 2010 Further observations cover a period up to the end of 2010These multi-site observations are described in Lutz et al (2008ab 2011) Here we addobservations made with the SARA-KP 09 m telescope at Kitt Peak National Observatoryin Arizona that used exposure times of 30 s

72 V1636 OriOslashstensen et al (2001) discovered V1636 Ori (HS 0444+0458) as a pulsating sdB starReed et al (2007b) conducted a frequency analysis reporting one small and two largeamplitude p-modes

V1636 Ori was observed between August 2008 and January 2015 for the EXOTIMEproject About a third of the data was obtained using the 1 m South African AstronomicalObservatory (SAAO) with the UCT and STE3 CCD instruments Observations at the 12 mMONETNorth telescope equipped with an Apogee 1ktimes1k E2V CCD camera were takenin 2x2 binning using 20 s exposure times Observations at the 22 m Calar Alto Observatory(CAHA) used the CAFOS instrument with 10 s exposure time Two nights were obtainedat the 15 m telescope at Loiano observatory using the BFOSC (Bologna Faint ObjectSpectrograph amp Camera) instrument and 15 s exposure times Between October 2008 andDecember 2009 observations at the 1 m Mt Lemmon Optical Astronomy Observatory(LOAO) were conducted with a 2ktimes2k CCD camera with exposure times of 12 s and 20 sThe observations at the 36 m Telescopio Nazionale Galileo (TNG) in August 2008 and2010 were performed with the DOLORES instrument and 5 s exposure times

73 QQ VirThe discovery of QQ Vir (PG 1325+101) as a multi-period pulsator was reported in Silvottiet al (2002) followed by a frequency analysis and asteroseismological modelling bySilvotti et al (2006) and Charpinet et al (2006) respectively

Observations of QQ Vir in 2001 and 2003 are described in Silvotti et al (2002) andSilvotti et al (2006) respectively Between March 2008 and April 2010 the object wasobserved as part of the EXOTIME project (Benatti et al 2010) Additionally one obser-vation run in February 2005 was performed at the 15 m telescope at Loiano observatoryusing the BFOSC instrument Most of the observations were obtained in 2009 2010 2011and 2012 at the LOAO using an exposure time of 10 s The CAHA and MONETNorthobservations were conducted with 10 s and 20 s exposure times respectively The Loianoobservatory performed additional observations in 2009 2010 and 2011 with the 15 mtelescope using BFOSC and an exposure times of 12 s 15 s and 20 s Observations atthe Moletai Astronomical Observatory (Mol) in 2008 were performed using the 16 mtelescope and an Apogee 1ktimes1k E2V CCD camera using 175 s of exposure time Obser-vations at the SAAO used the same instrumental set up as described in section 72 TheTNG observed in 2010 and 2011 A DARC-WET campaign on QQ Vir was performed inMay 2010


7 Observations and data reduction

74 V541 HyaV541 Hya (EC 09582-1137) was discovered by Kilkenny et al (2006) Randall et al(2009) conducted an asteroseismological analysis of this target

Between 2005 and 2015 a large number of observations were obtained at the SAAOusing the same instrumentation noted in Sect 72 and exposure times of 10 s The LOAOconducted observations in 2009 2012 and 2013 with exposure times of 20 s During March2009 and February and March 2010 V541 Hya was observed at the CAHA using anexposure time of 10 s

75 TESS observationsThe primary goal of the NASA Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) space tele-scope is to detect exoplanets transiting bright nearby stars (Ricker et al 2015) Howeverthe extensive time series photometry is valuable for asteroseimology and the TESS Astero-seismic Science Consortium (TASC) coordinates short cadence observations of pulsatingevolved stars TESS observed V1636 Ori and V541 Hya with a cadence of 120 s betweenNovember 15 2018 and December 11 2018 and February 2 2019 and February 27 2019respectively We used the light curves provided by the MAST archive1 that had commoninstrumental trends removed by the Pre-Search Data Conditioning Pipeline (PDC Stumpeet al 2012) Light curves and amplitude spectra are presented in Fig 111 and 112 Thetwo minutes (ldquoshortrdquo) cadence undersamples the p-modes at about 140 s In combinationwith the large photometric scatter the amplitude spectra show no evidence of the p-modesThus we do not make use of the TESS observations in our study

76 Data reductionFor the EXOTIME observations the data reduction was carried out using the IDL softwareTRIPP (Time Resolved Imaging Photometry Package see Schuh et al 2000) TRIPPperforms bias- dark- flat-field corrections and differential aperture photometry to calculatethe relative flux of a target with respect to one or more comparison stars and extinction-corrections (second order polynomial in time) In the presence of sub-stellar companionswe might expect variations in the arrival times of stellar pulsations on the order of secondsto tens of seconds The corresponding uncertainties are expected to be about one secondThese uncertainties rise from observational constrains such as smearing and samplingeffects due to the integration time The accuracy of individual time-stamps is better thanplusmn05 s All time stamps were converted from GJD(UTC) to BJD(TDB) according toEastman et al (2010) with an accuracy well below the expected observational uncertainty

Typical SN for our ground-based observations range from 60 for large amplitudepulsations to 3 for the smallest pulsation-amplitudes we investigate in this work Theamplitude spectra in Sect 9 show also pulsations with smaller SN but these are notsuitable for timing analysis because the uncertainties are too large (see Table 111)

1 httpsarchivestsciedu


8 Analysis

In order to detect variations in the arrival time of stellar pulsations we developed a pipelineto process the reduced data A schematic flowchart of our pipeline is presented in Fig 81The input consists of the light curve (time series) and the dates of the observational epochsIn a light curve typically spanning several years at a very low duty cycle of 02 to 17 percent an epoch consists of a few roughly consecutive nights of observation

Outlier removal In case no uncertainty in the flux measurement F is provided theroot-mean-square of each observation is used as an approximate photometric error forthe later analysis We have used a running median filter to exclude 5σ flux-outliers Thelength of the window size depends on the cadence of the observations We constrained itto be not longer than half of the period of the main frequency The analysis is performedfor each frequency individually before all frequencies were analysed simultaneously

Full data fit For the individual fitting of pulsations we first determined the frequencyof the main signal For this we used the astropy package to calculate the Lomb-Scargleperiodogram (Astropy Collaboration et al 2013 2018) From this periodogram we selectedthe frequency with the largest amplitude to continue In the next step we performed the fitof a sinusoidal function to the light curve using

F(t) = A sin ( f t + φ) + o (81)

with amplitude A frequency f phase φ and offset o The minimization problem is solvedusing the scipy implementation of the Trust Region Reflective algorithm (Jones et al2011) The selected frequency from the amplitude spectrum serves as initial value thefull-width-at-half-maximum of the corresponding peak in the periodogram is used as aboundary The amplitude-guess is taken from the amplitude spectrum In case of highlyvarying amplitudes the initial value can be set manually The fitting routine returns theparameters and their variance

Epoch fit Frequency and offset are all kept fixed for the following analysis of theindividual observational epochs The starting value of the current phase fit is determinedby the average of the previous j phase values (or the global fit value from above in casethere are no j previous values yet) in order to keep the fitting process stable and avoidldquophase-jumpsrdquo For our target sample a value of j = 3 has proven to be reasonable exceptwhen observational gaps span over several years

The uncertainty in the phase measurement scales inverse with the length of the epochsThus this length is chosen in a way to minimize the uncertainties of the fit but at the same


8 Analysis

LC data epochsperiodogram

choose frequency

fit to refine frequencyC

determine nth frequency

divide light curveinto epochs

fit to epochs O

O minus C-diagram

new Frequency

pre-whitening LCwith fit model

fit sum of nsine to LC

fit sum of nsine to epochs

O minus C-diagramyesn + 1 no






Figure 81 Flow chart representing the analysis of the time of arrival Light curve (LC)and start end time of each observational epoch are provided as input Each frequency isanalysed leading to an intermediate O minusC-diagram and subtracted from the LC by itselfbefore the sum of all sinusoidal functions is fitted simultaneously to the LC resulting inthe final O minusC-diagram

time keep the epochs as short as possible to maximize the temporal resolution of the finalO minusC diagram Often the observations themselves constrain the length of the epochs (egthree consecutive nights of observations and a gap of several weeks before the next blockof observations) If possible we aim for an epoch length such that the timing uncertaintiesare of the order of one second The phase information of the global and the epoch fit resultin a intermediate O minusC diagram

As a last step in the single-frequency-analysis the fitted model is subtracted from thelight curve We noticed significant amplitude variations for some of our targets Thuswe subtract the model using the amplitude of the individual epochs This pre-whiteningprocedure is repeated for every relevant pulsation in the data

Multi frequency fit Close frequencies are likely to introduce artificial trends in thearrival times in such a step-by-step analysis Thus the sum of all sinusoidal functions

F(t) = An sin ( fnt + φn) + o (82)

is fitted to the non-whitened light curve where n is the number of investigated frequenciesThe previously retrieved values for amplitude frequency phase and offset are used asinitial values We are using the phase information φn of the light curve as reference phasenamely calculated phase C in the final O minus C diagram Similar to the single-frequency


8 Analysis

Table 81 Parameters of the simultaneously fitted pulsations per target over their fullobservational time span and the pulsation period P

Target f dminus1 P s A φ d

DW Lyn f1 237941160 (8) 363114982(12) 219 (9) 54394741 (5)f2 22515898 (5) 38372887(9) 035 (9) 5439474 (3)

V1636 Ori f1 6317346 (2) 13676629(5) 054 (3) 5469872 (3)f2 5099780 (3) 1694191(1) 024 (3) 5469872 (7)

QQ Vir f1 626877627 (3) 1378259429(7) 26 (1) 52117924 (6)f2 55200714 (9) 15651971(3) 010 (9) 521179 (1)f3 6420515 (1) 13456864(3) 007 (1) 521179 (2)

V541 Hya f1 63532218 (5) 135993993(11) 031 (8) 5341388 (3)f2 57128556 (3) 151237850(8) 021 (7) 5341388 (3)

Notes The phase φ refers to the time corresponding to the first zero-crossing ofthe function after the first measurement t0 in MBJD

analysis the observational epochs are now fitted individually using the sum of sinusoidalfunctions to yield the observed phase information O

The results of the simultaneous fit for each target in this paper are summarised in Ta-ble 81 We list pulsation modes not used for the timing analysis in Table 111 Figures 82ndash 85 show example light curves of the targets for one epoch each including their multifrequency fit and the respective amplitude spectrum


8 Analysis



470 472 474 476 478 480 482 484 486 488



572 574 576 578 580 582 584 586 588 590



672 674 676 678 680 682 684 686 688 690



t d since 2007-10-17




2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 3000




225 epoch


210 220 230 240 250 260




f microHz






f dminus1

Figure 82 Example observations of DW Lyn from October 2122 and 23 2010 at theLulin observatory (top from top to bottom) combined used as one O minusC measurementThe errorbar on the left of each plot represents the photometric uncertainty The red lineshows the simultaneous two frequency fit to the epoch data The amplitude spectra inthe lower panel show the spectrum of the full data set (top) the spectrum of this epoch(middle) and the respective window function computed at f1 (bottom)


8 Analysis



130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137



229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236



329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336



t d since 2009-03-20




065700 6000 6300 6600 6900 7200 7500






480 500 520 540 560 580 600 620 640 660




f microHz






f dminus1

Figure 83 Example observations of V1636 Ori from March 20 21 and 22 2009 atthe CAHA (top from top to bottom) combined used as one O minus C measurement Theerrorbar on the left of each plot represents the photometric uncertainty The red line showsthe simultaneuos two frequency fit to the epoch data The amplitude spectra in the lowerpanel show the spectrum of the full data set (top) the spectrum of this epoch (middle) andthe respective window function computed at f1 (bottom)


8 Analysis



876 880 884 888 892 896 900



976 980 984 988 992 996 1000



1072 1076 1080 1084 1088 1092 1096



t d since 2012-02-13




6200 6400 6600 6800 7000 7200 7400 7600 7800





15 epoch


540 560 580 600 620 640 660 680




f microHz






f dminus1

Figure 84 Example observations of QQ Vir from February 20 21 and 22 2012 at theMonet telescope (top from top to bottom) combined used as one OminusC measurement Theerrorbar on the left of each plot represents the photometric uncertainty The red line showsthe simultaneuos two frequency fit to the epoch data The amplitude spectra in the lowerpanel show the spectrum of the full data set (top) the spectrum of this epoch (middle) andthe respective window function computed at f1 (bottom)


8 Analysis



284 288 292 296 300 304 308 312



380 384 388 392 396 400 404 408



888 892 896 900 904 908 912 916



t d since 2008-02-04




036400 6600 6800 7000 7200 7400 7600 7800




04 epoch


540 560 580 600 620 640 660 680




f microHz






f dminus1

Figure 85 Example observations of V541 Hya from February 6 7 and 12 2008 at theSAAO (top from top to bottom) combined used as one O minusC measurement The errorbaron the left of each plot represents the photometric uncertainty The red line shows thesimultaneuos two frequency fit to the epoch data The amplitude spectra in the lower panelshow the spectrum of the full data set (top) the spectrum of this epoch (middle) and therespective window function computed at f1 (bottom)


9 Results and discussion

In the following we discuss the implications of the obtained amplitude spectra and O minusCmeasurements on the evolutionary state and presence of sub-stellar companions to thetargets

91 DW LynThe amplitude spectrum of DW Lyn in Fig 113 reveals two strong pulsation modes atf1 = 237941160 dminus1 and f2 = 22515898 dminus1 A closer look to the amplitude spectrum inFig 91 reveals small asymmetries compared to the window function The pre-whiteningof both frequencies leaves residuals well above noise level in the amplitude spectrumindicating unresolved multiplets or mode splitting especially for f2

The SN of modes at higher frequencies for example at about 320 dminus1 and 480 dminus1are too small for a stable O minusC analysis (see Table 111) Therefore the O minusC diagram




minus02 minus015 minus01 minus005 0 005 01 015 02




0010203 f2



minus002 minus0015 minus001 minus0005 0 0005 001 0015 002


Af 1

f microHz




f 2







f dminus1

Figure 91 Amplitude spectrum of DW Lyn of the main pulsation frequency f1 =

237941160 dminus1 (top) f2 = 22515898 dminus1 (middle) with the respective residuals afterthe pre-whitening below and the normalised window-function (bottom)


9 Results and discussion




2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012





54400 54600 54800 55000 55200 55400 55600 55800 56000 56200 56400













Figure 92 Results for the two main pulsations of DW Lyn Top panel AmplitudesMiddle panel Fits of the O minusC data with second order polynomials in time Lower panelResiduals

in Fig 92 shows the analysis of the two main pulsation modes with the time-dependentvariation of the pulsation amplitudes

In order to determine evolutionary times-cales of the pulsations we investigate thelong-term evolution in the OminusC data A constant change in period results in a second-orderterm as a function of time (Sterken 2005) which allows us to derive a value for the secularchange of the period P and hence the evolutionary time-scale Results of the fits of thesecond order polynomial are included in Fig 92 which are PP f 1 = (58 plusmn 02)times 10minus5 dminus1

and PP f 2 = (minus293 plusmn 08) times 10minus5 dminus1 Assuming P is based on stellar evolution stellarmodel calculations show that the sign of the rate of period change indicates the phase ofthe sdB after the zero-age extreme horizontal branch (ZAEHB Charpinet et al 2002) Forp-modes a positive P relates to the first evolutionary phase of the ZAEHB in which thesurface gravity decreases due to He burning in the core A negative P would correspondto the second evolutionary phase in which the sdB contracts because the depletion of Hein its core and this happens before the post-EHB evolution The turning point betweenthese two states occurs between 87 and 91 Myr after the ZAEHB According to ourmeasurement of a positive P for f1 DW Lyn would still be in its first evolutionary phaseWith the lack of a mode identification from an asteroseismic model for DW Lyn we can notdirectly compare the measured P with theoretical predictions from Charpinet et al (2002)However stellar models with pulsation periods of around 360 s show values for P with acomparable order of magnitude as our measurement P = (43 plusmn 015) times 10minus1 s Myrminus1 forexample P = 162s Myrminus1 for a model with a mode of l = 0 k = 0 at the age of 6783 Myr(Charpinet et al 2002 appendix C) The large P of f2 is consistent with the apparent modesplitting seen in the amplitude spectra in Fig 91 and thus does not reflect the evolutionary


92 V1636 Ori

phase of DW LynAfter subtracting the long term-trend small time scale features are evident For

example the O minus C data for f2 show an oscillating behaviour with a significance of 3σwithin the first 200 days while the arrival times for f1 remain constant during the sameperiod of time In later epochs the O minusC data for both frequencies agree mostly within2σ During the second half of the observations the phase of f2 jumps by about 100 s Thisbehavior lacks an explanation

Additionally the evolution of the pulsation-amplitudes in Fig 92 shows a comparableoscillating behaviour for f2 within the first epochs similar to the change in arrival timesAlthough the periodic variations in amplitude are not as significant as for the phase theoccurrence of simultaneous phase- and amplitude-modulations indicate a mode-beatingof two close unresolved frequencies The residuals in the amplitude spectrum supportthis explanation In later observations the amplitude remains almost constant within theuncertainties The beating mode might lose energy or shift frequency over time Theamplitude for the f1 pulsation drops by about 1 per cent (amplitude) or about 35 per cent(relative) to the second half of the observation campaign with a similar quasi-periodicvariation as the phase The residuals in the amplitude spectrum show no indication of anunresolved frequency leading to mode-beating Besides stochastically driven pulsationmodes Kilkenny (2010) suggest energy transfer between modes as possible explanationfor amplitude variations For both frequencies a possible interaction between amplitudeand phase of pulsations is not well understood

92 V1636 Ori

The amplitude spectrum of V1636 Ori in Fig 114 shows two main pulsation modes withfrequencies at f1 = 6317346 dminus1 and f2 = 5099780 dminus1 The SN is not sufficient to use athird pulsation mode at 5662 dminus1 (6553 microHz Reed et al 2007b) The amplitude spectrumof TESS data in Fig 112 shows no evidence for g-mode pulsations with amplitudes greaterthan 04 per cent A detailed look at the spectra of the two main frequencies in Fig 93shows mode splitting likely due to a change in frequency over the long time of observation

The O minusC diagram in Fig 94 shows the two main pulsation modes and the variationof the pulsation amplitudes

From the second order fit in time we derive the changes in period PP f 1 = (minus854plusmn014) times 10minus5 dminus1 and PP f 2 = (minus25 plusmn 05) times 10minus5 dminus1 We caution the interpretation ofthese values as evolutionary time scales since the apparent mode splitting seen in Fig 93could explain these trends as well

The residuals after subtracting the long term trend show a large variation They changeby up to about plusmn50 s for f1 (sim 14σ significance) and up to about plusmn30 s for f2 (sim 3σsignificance) The amplitude for f1 drops by about 025 per cent (amplitude) or about33 per cent (relative) in the time between MBJD = 55100 d and 55300 d and returnsto its previous level afterwards while the amplitude for f2 remains constant within theuncertainties This decrease in amplitude coincides with earlier arrival times in the O minusCdiagram As already discussed in the previous section a possible amplitude- and phase-interaction is not well understood The f1 pulsation mode may not be coherent on suchlong time-scales but of a short-term stochastic nature not resolvable by our data set (eg


9 Results and discussion


minus02 minus015 minus01 minus005 0 005 01 015 02





02 f2




minus002 minus0015 minus001 minus0005 0 0005 001 0015 002


Af 1

f microHz




f 2







f dminus1

Figure 93 Amplitude spectrum of V1636 Ori of the main pulsation frequency f1 =

6317346 dminus1 (top) f2 = 5099780 dminus1 (middle) with the respective residuals after thepre-whitening below and the normalised window-function (bottom)

KIC 2991276 Oslashstensen et al 2014)

93 QQ VirFig 115 shows the amplitude spectrum for the QQ Vir observations The main frequencyat about f1 = 626877628 dminus1 is presented in Fig 95 in detail and shows asymmetriescompared to the window function After the pre-whitening process a close frequency atabout 626881270 dminus1 remains but attempts to model this pulsation fail with uncertaintiestoo large for the timing analysis There appear two more frequencies suitable for our studyThe amplitude spectra around f2 = 55200713 dminus1 and f3 = 6420516 dminus1 are presentednext to f1 in Fig 95 Another peak at about 665 dminus1 consists of at least two frequenciesat 664488549 dminus1 and 665478133 dminus1 but they are not sufficiently resolvable within theindividual epochs and lead to too large uncertainties in the O minusC analysis

Fig 96 shows the resulting O minus C diagram and the amplitudes at different epochsDue to the large observational gap from 2003 to 2008 with only one block of observationsin between we had difficulties avoiding errors in cycle count In order to avoid a phasejump we increased the averaging window for initial phase values to q = 6 With this setup the changes in pulsation frequencies read as follows PP f 1 = (17 plusmn 16) times 10minus7 dminus1PP f 2 = (24 plusmn 04) times 10minus5 dminus1 and PP f 3 = (40 plusmn 05) times 10minus6 dminus1 While f2 and f3 showno significant variation of pulsation amplitude f1 varies by 15 per cent (amplitude) or50 per cent (relative) Thus the corresponding phase changes should be interpreted withcaution Charpinet et al (2006) identify the radial order k and degree l from asteroseismic


93 QQ Vir




2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014






55000 55500 56000 56500 57000













Figure 94 Results for the two main pulsations of V1636 Ori Top panel AmplitudesMiddle panel Fits of the O minusC data with second order polynomials in time Lower panelResiduals


minus02 minus01 0 01 02




01 f2



01 f3



minus002 minus001 0 001 002


Af 1

f microHz




f 2




Af 3







f dminus1

Figure 95 Amplitude spectrum of QQ Vir of the main pulsation frequency f1 =

626877628 dminus1 (top) f2 = 55200713 dminus1 (top middle) f3 = 6420516 dminus1 (bottom middle)with the respective residuals after the pre-whitening below and the normalised window-function (bottom)


9 Results and discussion











52000 53000 54000 55000 56000




2f 3










Figure 96 Results for the three main pulsations of QQ Vir Top panel Amplitudes f3 hasa vertical offset of -1 for clarity Middle panel Fits of the O minusC data with second orderpolynomials in time Lower panel Residuals

modelling to be f1 l = 2 k = 2 f2 l = 4 k = 1 f3 l = 3 k = 2 These combinationsdo not allow a direct comparison of our P measurements to the model calculations fromCharpinet et al (2002) but the sign of P indicates QQ Vir to be in the stage of He burning

94 V541 HyaThe amplitude spectrum in Fig 116 shows two pulsation modes with frequencies atf1 = 63532218 dminus1 and at f2 = 57128556 dminus1 Both of them show a complex behavior(Fig 97) indicating unresolved multiplets andor frequency changes that we see also in theO-C diagrams (Fig 99) The SN for a third frequency at 60388741 dminus1 is not sufficientfor the O minusC analysis Similar to V1636 Ori the amplitude spectrum obtained from theTESS light curve in Fig 112 shows no evidence for g-mode pulsations with amplitudesgreater than 04 per cent

Randall et al (2009) speculated about rotational mode splitting for f3 with ∆ f3minus =

512 microHz and ∆ f3+ = 368 microHz The asteroseismic modelling associates f1 with a l = 0mode and f2 with l = 0 or 1 mode (depending on the favoured model) f3 corresponds to al = 2 mode They caution this interpretation due to their limited resolution in frequencyspace the mode splitting could be an unresolved quintuplet Our data set shows no clearevidence for a mode splitting with ∆ f3minus = 512 microHz or ∆ f3+ = 368 microHz (see Fig 98) butrather a mode splitting for f1 and f2 with about ∆ f = 008 microHz (Fig 97) Assuming thesemodes are of degree l = 1 this could be interpreted as a triplet But Randall et al (2009)model these modes with a degree of l = 0 which does not support a mode splitting into


94 V541 Hya


minus02 minus015 minus01 minus005 0 005 01 015 02





02 f2




minus002 minus0015 minus001 minus0005 0 0005 001 0015 002


Af 1

f microHz




f 2







f dminus1

Figure 97 Amplitude spectrum of V541 Hya of the main pulsation frequency f1 =

63532218 dminus1 (top) f2 = 57128556 dminus1 (middle) with the respective residuals after thepre-whitening below and the normalised window-function (bottom)





008minus6 minus5 minus4 minus3 minus2 minus1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6







minus06 minus04 minus02 0 02 04 06




f microHz




f dminus1

Figure 98 Amplitude spectrum with respect to the pulsation frequency f3 = 60388741 dminus1

of V541 Hya (top) and the normalised window-function (bottom)



9 Results and discussion



2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015





53000 54000 55000 56000 57000














Figure 99 Results for the two main pulsations of V541 Hya Top panel AmplitudesMiddle panel Fits of the O minusC data with second order polynomials in time Lower panelResiduals

The OminusC diagram in Fig 99 shows the analysis of the two main pulsation modes andthe variation of the pulsation amplitudes The second order fits in time indicated in theO minusC diagram correspond to changes in period of PP f 1 = (minus149 plusmn 011) times 10minus5 dminus1 andPP f 2 = (minus07 plusmn 15) times 10minus5 dminus1 For f2 the change in period does not significantly differfrom the null hypothesis Assuming these changes origin from stellar evolution V541 Hyamight just have passed the point of sign change in P and at the beginning of the contractionphase While the arrival times scatter widely the amplitudes of both pulsations remainalmost constant within the uncertainties If V541 Hya is in its evolution close to startingthe contraction phase as indicated by a P close to zero the changes in stellar structuremay cancel the strict phase coherence

95 Testing the sub-stellar companion hypothesisIn order to set upper limits to the mass of a companion we computed a series of syntheticO minusC curves for different orbital periods and companion masses assuming circular orbitsand compared these curves with the O minusC measurements after subtracting the long-termvariations

For each synthetic O minus C curve we selected the phase that gives the best fit to thedata using a weighted least squares algorithm For each observational point we computedthe difference in absolute value and in σ units (where σ is the O minus C error) betweenO minusC and the synthetic value The greyscale in Fig 910 corresponds to the mean valueof this difference in σ units which means that the presence of a companion is indicated


95 Testing the sub-stellar companion hypothesis

by a minimum (bright areas) of this parameter We see that in V1636 Ori QQ Vir andV541 Hya the mean difference for f1 is always very high implying that the data are notcompatible with a companion However these results are limited by the fact that the O minusCdiagrams of these stars are ldquocontaminatedrdquo by other irregular variations presumably due toother reasons like non-linear interactions between different pulsation modes for exampleand therefore these constraints to the orbital period and mass of a companion must be takenwith some caution For the f2 and f3 measurements the mean difference to the syntheticdata is smaller in sigma units (because of the larger uncertainties) and very uniform Theuncertainties of the O-C measurements are not small enough to favour a set of models inthe period-mass parameter space

For f1 of DW Lyn there is a significant minimum at about 1450 d (sim 4 years) andsim 5 MX

1 which is well visible also in the O minusC diagram of Fig 92 This periodicity isnot visible in the second frequency f2 which however has much larger error bars due tothe much lower amplitude of f2 with respect to f1

Lutz et al (2011) described a periodicity at 80 days detected for f2 We can recoverthis signal however with a low significance This would correspond to a light travel timeamplitude of 4 s (for m sin i asymp 15 MX) which is smaller than 15 s measured by Lutz et al(2011) Nevertheless this signal is not confirmed by f1 Thus we rule out a companioninduced signal in the arrival times due to the lack of simultaneous signals in f1 and f2 withsimilar amplitude The tentative signal in f2 is better explained by mode beating as alreadydescribed in Sect 91 The variations seen in the first 200 days of the O minus C diagram inFig 92 correspond to a periodicity of about 80 days and are accompanied by variations inthe amplitude of the pulsation

For V1636 Ori Lutz (2011) predicted a period at 160 d and amplitude of 12 s Thiscan not be confirmed as a companion-induced signal A periodic signal with an amplitudeof 65 s (for m sin i asymp 15 MX) is indicated in the analysis of f1 but at a low significanceand accompanied by many other signals of similar significance This periodicity is notconfirmed by a significant signal in the measurements of f2

1 1 MX (Jupiter mass) = 1899 middot 1027 kg


9 Results and discussion

1 10 100 1000P d












80 d

1 10 100 1000P d






80 d2









1 10 100 1000P d












160 d

1 10 100 1000P d






160 d












95 Testing the sub-stellar companion hypothesis

1 10 100 1000P d












1 10 100 1000P d

1 10 100 1000P d

















9 Results and discussion

1 10 100 1000P d












1 10 100 1000P d







6 6








Figure 910 Minimum companion mass as a function of orbital period Greyscale showsthe difference between the O minus C measurements and artificial O minus C data generated fora given combination of companion mass and orbit We note that at this stage the phaseoptimization of the artificial data is done independently for each pulsation frequency Themedian of gaps in between the epochs is indicated by a vertical dotted line See text formore details (a) DW Lyn Contour lines for f1 are placed at 2 3 4 and 5σ (left panel)and for f2 at 325 and 35σ (right panel) as indicated by their labels The planetary signalproposed by Lutz et al (2011) at a period of 80 d is indicated as dashed line (b) V1636Ori Contour lines for f1 are placed at 9 and 10σ (left panel) and for f2 at 2 and 22σ(right panel) as indicated by their labels The planetary signal proposed by Lutz et al(2011) at a period of 160 d is indicated as dashed line (c) QQ Vir Contour lines for f1 areplaced at 15 20 and 25σ (left panel) for f2 at 11 and 13σ (middle panel) and for f3 at13 and 15σ (right panel) as indicated by their labels (c) V541 Hya Contour lines forf1 are placed at 6 8 and 10σ (left panel) and for f2 at 45 55 and 65σ (right panel) asindicated by their labels


10 Summary and Conclusion

In this work we present ground-based multi-site observations for the four sdBs DWLyn V1636 Ori QQ Vir and V541 Hya We investigate variations in the arrival times oftheir dominant stellar pulsation modes to draw conclusions about secular period drifts andpossible sub-stellar companions All light curves are analysed homogeneously

From the O minusC measurements we derive an evolutionary time scale from the changein period P Comparing to model calculations from Charpinet et al (2002) we infer theevolutionary phase of the target Although some P measurements are influenced by modesplitting we can tell from the sign of P1 of DW Lyn that the star is likely still in the stageof central He burning We can draw a similar conclusion from the sign of P of QQ Vir TheP measurements of V1636 Ori are likely affected by mode splitting making it difficult tointerpret the results in the context of stellar evolution V541 Hya shows P measurementsclose to zero which indicates the star being at the transition phase between He burningand contraction due to the depletion of He in the core

Comparing atmospheric properties from Table 71 with the evolutionary tracks fordifferent models from Fig 1 in Charpinet et al (2002) we can confirm the hypothesisthat DW Lyn and QQ Vir are in their He burning phase V541 Hya agrees within 2σ ofthe log g measurement with one model at the turning point between the two evolutionarystages

However we can not exclude frequency and amplitude variations on smaller timescales than resolvable by our data set Using temporally higher resolved Kepler-data ofKIC 3527751 Zong et al (2018) caution about long-term frequency or phase evolutionsascribing to non-linear amplitude and frequency modulations in pulsating sdBs We seesuch effects already in our data set even with a low temporal resolution compared to theKepler sampling with a duty cycle of more than 90 per cent

Observations on DW Lyn and V1636 Ori were published by Lutz et al (2008a) Schuhet al (2010) Lutz (2011) Lutz et al (2011) Our analysis of these observations includingextended data sets do not confirm the tentative companion periods of 80 and 160 daysrespectively These signals more likely arise due to mode beating indicated by partlyunresolved frequency multiplets and amplitude modulations

Almost all analysed pulsation modes show formal significant changes in arrival timesbut the amplitudes of these periodic signals do not correlate with frequencies excludingthe light-travel time effect due to orbital reflex motions for such variations and thus givingupper limits on companion masses Only DW Lyn might have a planetary companion ona long orbital period as indicated by one arrival time measurement But this can not beconfirmed with a second measurement due to larger uncertainties Additionally morestudies question the presence of already proposed companions for example Krzesinski(2015) Hutchens et al (2017) Our unique sample of long-term observations shows a


10 Summary and Conclusion

complex behavior of mode- and amplitude interactions in sdBs which should be addressedin further studies Until this has been addressed caution is advised when interpretingO minusC pulse arrival times in terms of companions


11 Appendix

111 TESS data








58440 58450 58460





tMBJDTDB minus 2400000



11 Appendix








58520 58530 58540





tMBJDTDB minus 2400000


Figure 111 Light curves of the TESS observations Grey points are considered outliersand partially exceeding the plotting range (a) V1636 Ori (b) V541 Hya

112 Amplitude spectra

Table 111 Additional pulsation modes identified for our targets not used in the O minus Canalysis due to their low signal-to-noise-ratio

Target f dminus1 A

DW Lyn 4758231(2) 009(18)3194042(3) 006(12)4630100(6) 003(18)

V1636 Ori 56624031(3) 06(3)QQ Vir 7330704(1) 03(1)

6644886(1) 02(1)57273611(5) 019(9)6647122(1) 01(1)4341522(6) 001(7)502410(2) 001(9)

V541 Hya 53116759(16) 003(7)60388741(6) 003(8)


112 Amplitude spectra


0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000


0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800



f microHz

V1636 Ori



f dminus1

V541 Hya

Figure 112 Amplitude spectrum of the TESS observations Upper panel spectrum ofV1636 Ori Lower panel spectrum of V541 Hya The only peak above the noise level isthe 120 s alias due to the cadence of the observations






250 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500





0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500



f microHz




f dminus1


Figure 113 Amplitude spectrum of DW Lyn Upper panel observations Aobs Lowerpanel residuals Ares after subtracting the light curve models from the observations


11 Appendix


0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000





0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800



f microHz




f dminus1


Figure 114 Same as Fig 113 but for V1636 Ori






250 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000


0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800



f microHz




f dminus1


Figure 115 Same as Fig 113 but for QQ Vir


112 Amplitude spectra




0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000





0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800



f microHz




f dminus1


Figure 116 Same as Fig 113 but for V541 Hya


11 Appendix

Acknowledgements We thank Wen-Shan Hsiao for observing at the Lulin Observatory and Mike D Reedfor observing at the Baker Observatory and Elia Leibowitz for observing at the WISE observatory FMconducted the work in this paper in the framework of the International Max-Planck Research School (IMPRS)for Solar System Science at the University of Goumlttingen (Volkswagen Foundation project grant numberVWZN3020) DK thanks the SAAO for generous allocations of telescope time and the National ResearchFoundation of South Africa and the University of the Western Cape for financial support TDO gratefullyacknowledges support from the US National Science Foundation grant AST-0807919 LM was supportedby the Premium Postdoctoral Research Program of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences This project hasbeen supported by the Lenduumllet Program of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences project No LP2018-72019Based on observations made with the Italian Telescopio Nazionale Galileo (TNG) operated on the island ofLa Palma by the Fundacioacuten Galileo Galilei of the INAF (Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica) at the SpanishObservatorio del Roque de los Muchachos of the Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias Based on observationscollected at the Centro Astronoacutemico Hispaacutenico en Andaluciacutea (CAHA) at Calar Alto operated jointly bythe Andalusian Universities and the Instituto de Astrofiacutesica de Andaluciacutea (CSIC) Based on observationscollected at Copernico telescope (Asiago Italy) of the INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova Basedon observations made with the Nordic Optical Telescope operated by the Nordic Optical Telescope ScientificAssociation at the Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos La Palma Spain of the Instituto de Astrofisicade Canarias This paper includes data collected by the TESS mission Funding for the TESS mission isprovided by the NASA Explorer Program


Part IV

Application to larger target pool


12 Further asteroseismic targets

The search for sub-stellar companions using the pulsation timing method is not onlylimited to sdB stars but can also be applied to a greater variety of pulsating stars aslong as the pulsations are driven by a κ mechanism ie coherent in phase Howevermodes of long periods decrease the precision of timing measurements Additionally largepulsation amplitudes tend to show non-linear effects which excludes the application ofthis technique A case study of β Cephei RR Lyrae and δ Scuti (δ Sct) stars can be foundin Silvotti et al (2011) Among these δ Sct stars are the most promising pulsators tofollow-up The following describes δ Sct stars and the application of the pulsation timingmethod in more detail

121 δ Scuti starsPlanet occurrence rates predict a maximum for host stars with masses of 19+05

minus01M (Reffertet al 2015) close to the mass of main sequence A stars in the instability strip whereδ Sct pulsators are common (see Fig 26) However actual planet detections are affectedby observational selection effects Planetary transits are difficult to observe because ofthe pulsational luminosity variations and due to wider orbits of planets around A stars(Johnson et al 2011 Lloyd 2011) resulting in lower transit probabilities For the radialvelocity method A stars are not well suited because of their fast rotation with the meanof the equatorial rotational velocity distribution exceeding 100 km sminus1 (Abt and Morrell1995 Royer et al 2007) Their high effective temperatures compared to solar-like starsleads to fewer and shallower absorption lines which can additionally be distorted bypulsations This leaves the pulsation timing method as a promising alternative to search forcompanions δ Sct stars show radial and non-radial p-modes with amplitudes up to 05 and with pulsation periods between about 20 min and 8 h (eg Qian et al 2017 Balonaet al 2012) The pulsations are driven by the κ mechanism due to partial ionization of HeII

The mostly uninterrupted observations of space missions like Kepler and TESS providea large sample of δ Sct observations for this purpose The two missions and some of theirapplications are described in the following sections


13 Kepler

Sections of this chapter are part of a paper in preparation to be submitted as an article toAstronomy and Astrophysics

131 Kepler mission

The Kepler mission (Borucki et al 2010) was launched in 2009 to observe a fixed patchof sky in the Cygnus constellation with more than 100 deg2 field of view to discovertransiting Earth-like exoplanets in the habitable zone The telescopersquos mirror measures095 m in diameter and the camera is sensitive for a wavelength range of 430 nm to 890 nmAsteroseismic observations of pulsating stars were organized by the Kepler AsteroseismicScience Consortium (KASC) Some were observed in a high cadence mode of 60 s (shortcadence) the nominal cadence measures 30 min (long cadence)

1311 sdB stars

The Kepler field contained a small number of sdB stars (eg McNamara et al 2012)None of them showed indications for a planetary transit However KIC 05807616 andKIC 10001893 two pulsating sdB stars in the Kepler field show some evidence for thepresence of planetary companions (Charpinet et al 2011 Silvotti et al 2014) Howeverinterpretation of these signals is questioned as already discussed in chapter III

1312 δ Scuti stars

Kepler observed around one thousand δ Sct stars in its field of view The primary goalof their observations are conclusions about the stellar structure and evolution via astero-seismology as the transition from deep to shallow convective envelopes takes place in theregion of the HRD where δ Sct are located (see Fig 26) This opens the opportunity to usethe extensive Kepler data set and apply the pulsation timing method to the observationsThe following describes one particular system as a benchmark for which a planetarycompanion was already discovered

13121 KIC 7917485

Murphy et al (2014 2016b) used the Kepler data to search for binary systems using thelight travel time effect Murphy et al (2016a) (hereafter M16) detected a planet orbiting


13 Kepler

Table 131 Orbital parameters for the KIC 7917485 system Values for M16 are takenfrom Table 2 in Murphy et al (2016a) M16 did not account for a change in pulsationperiod P The model of this work uses a circular orbit model for the companion ie e = 0

M16 this work f1 this work f2

∆Ts 71+04minus05 68 plusmn 03 66 plusmn 04

Porbitd 840+20minus22 82150 plusmn 008 72672 plusmn 008

e 015+010minus013 0 0

Ps Myrminus1 minus0001 plusmn 0001 minus0035 plusmn 0002

its host star KIC 7917485 in a 840 d orbit The following validates this finding using theO minusC pipeline implemented for this work

KIC 7917485 was observed between May 2009 and May 2013 by Kepler We usethe light curves provided by the MAST archive1 which had common instrumental trendsremoved by the Pre-Search Data Conditioning Pipeline (PDC Stumpe et al 2012) Inorder to remove remaining long term trends we make use of the kepflatten routine ofthe PyKE package (Still and Barclay 2012 Viniacutecius et al 2018) The light curve and thecorresponding amplitude spectrum are shown in Fig 131

In order to reproduce the results of M16 we apply a high-pass frequency filter Thisremoves frequencies below 5 dminus1 which are most likely artefacts due to instrumental effectWe apply this filter forward and backward in time to compensate for phase delays

For the OminusC analysis we applied our pipeline and fitted all pulsations with amplitudesabove 0005 Although the signal-to-noise ratio is sufficient for only two modes thesimultaneous fitting process of four more pulsations prevents any unaccounted interactionsbetween the modes The time dependent variation in pulsation amplitude and phase isshown in Fig 132 Each epoch measures about ten days The main pulsation frequencyf1 = 15383 007 4(4) dminus1 exhibits large semi-periodic variations which correlate with theobservational quarters of the Kepler mission Thus they are likely to be instrumentalsystematics The amplitude of f2 = 20262 905 3(8) dminus1 shows a similar behaviour ontop of a general trend of decreasing amplitude with time The phase variations for bothpulsations show clearly a sinusoidal modulation with an amplitude of about 10 s and aperiod of about 800 d We fit simultaneously a quadratic long term trend and a sinusoidalmodel for a circular companion orbit to the data The results are presented in Table 131While a change in period P for f1 is almost not detectable f2 shows a significant P whichcoincides with the decrease in pulsation amplitude of 004 per cent (amplitude) or about18 per cent (relative) M16 did not account for a change in period thus we cannot compareour measurements

For the orbital fit of the companion M16 used the weighted mean of both phasemeasurements Since we want to confirm the nature of the companion with two independentmeasurements we do not follow this procedure Our sinusoidal orbit fit for f1 agrees withinthe uncertainties with the measurement of M16 However the orbital period measuredfor f2 is about 100 days significantly shorter than for f1 This might be attributed to ouradditional fit for the change in period combined with larger OminusC uncertainties towards the

1 httpsarchivestsciedu


131 Kepler mission

end of the observations (approximately two times larger) due to the decreasing pulsationamplitude

In order to compare the M16 results better with the measurements of this work wewill be implementing a full orbit fit on both measurements simultaneously Additionallythe uncertainties appear rather small in comparison to M16 A different treatment ofuncertainties might give more reliable error bars


13 Kepler




4800 5000 5200 5400 5600 5800 6000 6200 6400 6600

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013re




tBJDTDB minus 2450000

(a) KIC 7917485 light curve


0 50 100 150 200 250



0 5 10 15 20 25



f microHz




high pass filtered



f dminus1


(b) KIC 7917485 amplitude spectrum

Figure 131 KIC 7917485 data Top Light curve Grey points are considered outliers andpartially exceeding the plotting range Bottom Amplitude spectrum The top panel showsthe observations The middle panel the amplitude spectrum after applying the high passfilter Note the different scale on the y-axis in order to make small amplitudes visible Thebottom panel shows the residuals after modelling six pulsation modes


131 Kepler mission






2009 2010 2011 2012 2013





4800 5000 5200 5400 5600 5800 6000 6200 6400 6600












tBJDTDB minus 2450000

Figure 132 Results for the two main pulsations of KIC 7917485 Top panel AmplitudesMiddle panel Fits of the O minusC data with second order polynomials only (dashed lines)and full fit including the light travel time effect (solid lines) Lower panel Residuals



141 TESS mission

The Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) by NASA was launched in April 2018as an all-sky survey for transiting exoplanets The 24 degtimes96 deg field of view observeseach sector for about 27 days and sweeps across the sky This creates some observationslasting longer than 27 days due to the overlapping sectors The four telescopes (each witha field of view of 24 deg2) measure 105 mm in diameter and the cameras are sensitive for awavelength range of 600 nm to 1000 nm This is slightly redder than the Kepler bandpassdue to the missionrsquos differing priorities detecting transiting planets orbiting Sun-like starsfor Kepler and small cool stars for TESS The full frame cadence measures 30 minuteswhile the nominal cadence for transit detections two minutes The TESS AsteroseismicScience Consortium (TASC) coordinates 20 seconds ldquoshort cadencerdquo observations of brightasteroseismic target stars

However observations with such a short time span of 27 days (and up to one year butonly around the ecliptic pole eg 17 of the sky) do not allow an extensive search ofsub-stellar companions using the pulsation timing method on their own But they can beused as additional observations to existing data sets especially the EXOTIME project dataWithout additional ground-based observations a joint O minusC analysis of δ Sct data fromKepler and TESS is likely to fail due to the large observational gap of about seven years

1411 sdB stars

TESS observations of V1636 Ori and V541 Hya are already discussed in chapter III Thedata are taken at two minutes cadence and thus do not allow the investigation of p-modes

DW Lyn was observed by TESS with a cadence of 120 s between December 25 2019and January 20 2020 Fig 141 shows the light curve and amplitude spectrum Besidesthe 120 s alias at 720 dminus1 the spectrum shows f1 and f2 at about 238 dminus1 and 225 dminus1

respectively as well as their Nyquist alias above 360 dminus1 (cf Murphy et al 2013) Forthe g-mode regime Lutz et al (2008a) reported pulsations at 2717 microHz 3181 microHz and2063 microHz (2347 dminus1 2748 dminus1 and 1783 dminus1) The TESS data show only the pulsation at3181 microHz as a detection of about two times above the noise level While the 2717 microHzpulsation is visible but not above the noise level the 2063 microHz pulsation is not present inthe TESS data set Since we have no data between the last EXOTIME observations in 2013and the TESS observations in 2020 the time span for a joint O minusC analysis is too large

V391 Peg will be observed by TESS and the data can be used to extend the set ofobservation from Silvotti et al (2018) In order to span the observational gaps between






1840 1845 1850 1855 1860 1865 1870





tBJDTDB minus 2457000

(a) DW Lyn light curve











0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800

0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000




16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30

200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340



f dminus1

f microHz

DW Lyn




16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30

200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340

(b) DW Lyn amplitude spectrum

Figure 141 TESS DW Lyn data Top Light curve Grey points are considered outliersand partially exceeding the plotting range Bottom Amplitude spectrum The inset showsa magnification of the g-mode regime Modes reported by Lutz et al (2008a) are indicatedas dots


141 TESS mission

2013 and 2020 we performed additional ground-bases observations as described inchapter 3


Part V



15 Discussion

Studying post main-sequence stars offers a window into the fate of planetary systemsincluding our own solar system Can planets survive the final stages of stellar evolution andhow do they in turn affect their host starrsquos evolution One discussed formation scenario ofsingle sdB stars involves the influence of giant planets during the red giant phase of theirprogenitor Observations can put constrains on the presence of sub-stellar companionsorbiting sdB stars

Chapter III investigated a unique set of long term ground-based observations of thefour rapidly pulsating sdB stars DW Lyn V1636 Ori QQ Vir and V541 Hya The maingoals of the EXOTIME project are the determination of the evolutionary state of these starsand the constraints on sub-stellar companions to draw conclusions on possible formationscenarios

The individual secular period drifts for different modes per target derived from theO minusC measurements do not always agree with each other These results therefore needto be interpreted with caution with regard to the evolutionary state of the star and holdonly for the assumption of a linear change in period For DW Lyn P f 1 is comparable tovalues derived from stellar models and place the star in the evolutionary phase of core Heburning P f 2 on the other hand can be explained by the apparent mode splitting whoseorigin cannot be confirmed with certainty A possible explanation is the slow decay of onepulsation mode and an excitation of a mode with close frequency but not resolvable by theobservations Additionally amplitude and phase variations indicate a mode beating effectAs shown in section 52 two close - but not necessarily resolvable pulsation modes cancause such effects Measurements for the period changes of V1636 Ori need to be cautionedby the same arguments For QQ Vir the identified radial order and degree of modes donot allow a direct comparison with stellar models but the sign of the P measurementsplaces QQ Vir in the state of He burning The O minusC measurements of V541 Hya show nosignificant change of period If these results are not affected by observational limitationsbut originate from stellar evolution the star might be in the transition phase between coreHe burning and contraction

Atmospheric measurements of all four stars can place the stars in the log g minus Teff planerelatively close to stellar evolutionary models of Charpinet et al (2002) as illustratedin Fig 151 This independently confirms the tentative interpretations above DW LynV1636 Ori and QQ Vir overlap each with several models of different envelope mass inthe phase of core He burning within their measured uncertainties Although Teff and log gmeasurements of V541 Hya agree with two models in that same evolutionary phase themeasurements agree within 3σ with an evolutionary model in the transition between coreHe burning and contraction

In principle proper motions of stars can give an alternative explanation for the apparent


15 Discussion









DW Lyn

V1636 Ori

QQ VirV541 Hya


log( g




Figure 151 EHB evolutionary tracks covering the log g minus Teff region where sdB stars areobserved Data points taken from Appendix B of Charpinet et al (2002) (crosses) andTable 71 (circles) The seven models correspond respectively from left (high Teff) to right(low Teff) to objects with a ZAEHB envelope mass Menv = 00001 00002 00007 0001200022 00032 and 00042 M The core mass is Mc = 04758M for all sequences exceptthe first and third (from the left) which have Mc = 04690M For a positive (negative)slope in the models the change in pulsation period is positive (negative) See Charpinetet al (2002) for a detailed explanation

change in pulsation period as described by Pajdosz (1995ba) They derive the effect ofproper motion to be


s sminus1 = 2430 times 10minus18 Ps

microprimeprime yrminus1


where micro is the proper motion in arcseconds per year and d the distance in parsec Withmeasurements available from the Gaia (Gaia Collaboration et al 2018) the derived valuesare about three orders of magnitude smaller than the measured P and thus neglectable

After subtraction of the long term trends in the O minus C measurements the residualsshow no clear evidence for signatures of sub-stellar companions The comparison withsynthetic O minusC curves indicates a companion-induced signal in the main pulsation modeof DW Lyn But this is not confirmed by the independent measurement of the secondpulsation mode as would be expected Furthermore previously described periodic signalsin the O minusC measurements by Lutz et al (2011) are ruled out to be caused by sub-stellarcompanions Nevertheless the data set is limited in detection sensitivity Dependingon the observational gaps the data cannot set limitations for possible companion orbitsshorter than approximately 30 days (DW Lyn and V1636 Ori) 4 days (QQ Vir) or 120days (V541 Hya) or longer than the total length of observations roughly 1500 days


15 Discussion

Photometric precision additionally limits the detection threshold to companions signalslarger than about 1 s This corresponds to a companion with a mass of 1 MX (05 MX) andan orbital period of about 05 years (15 years)

Chapter IV enlarges the target selection and applies the O minusC analysis to one examplePulsations of δ Sct stars are driven by the κ mechanism allowing stable pulsations overlong periods of time Planet detection methods like the transit or radial velocity methodcannot be easily applied to those stars which favours the pulsation timing analysis and thusopens a new parameter space in the exoplanet detection The δ Sct pulsator KIC 7917485was found to be orbited by a sub-stellar companion whose signal can be recovered in thepulsation arrival times


16 Outlook

As chapter IV applied the OminusC analysis to one example observation beyond the EXOTIMEproject there are more extensive long time series of high cadence data already availableor with upcoming space missions The next sections highlight data sets of interest

161 K2 missionAfter the failure of two reaction wheels on the Kepler space craft its mission could beextended from 2014 onward as K2 The space craft was balanced against the radiationpressure from the sun which limits each campaign to a duration of about 80 days ThusK2 was not staring at only one field in the sky but sweeping along the ecliptic and couldobserve many more targets for signs of transiting exoplanets Armstrong et al (2015)created a catalogue of variable stars from the K2 observations and categorized the targetsinto different classes of pulsators From this catalogue about 500 variables are classified asδ Sct stars Additionally 33 sdB stars were observed by K2 (Reed et al 2018) Although theobservations span only 80 days they can set constraints on close in sub-stellar companions

162 TESSThe TESS mission aims to detect transiting exoplanets around bright stars Asteroseismictargets are observed with a cadence of 20 seconds if they are bright enough Most ofthe EXOTIME targets are already observed or are going to be observed Due to thecadence of two minutes for these stars and the long duration in between the EXOTIMEobservations the data cannot be used for a common O minus C analysis Nevertheless theyprovide constraints on g-modes For the upcoming V391 Peg observations the gaps toground based observations are not too big With the planetary candidate claimed by Silvottiet al (2007) but cautioned later by Silvotti et al (2018) the new observations by groundbased telescopes and TESS are expected to clarify the interpretations

For other asteroseismic targets ether sdB or δ Sct stars an OminusC analysis is reasonableonly for targets with overlapping sectors ie more than 27 days of observing time

163 PLATOPLAnetary Transits and Oscillations of stars (PLATO) is an ESA mission scheduled forlaunch in 2026 Its primary goal is to discover and characterize terrestrial exoplanetsorbiting bright solar-type stars especially planets in the habitable zone Bright host


16 Outlook

Figure 161 Artistrsquos impression of ESArsquos PLATO spacecraft Credit ESAATG medialabCC BY-SA IGO 30

stars allow the determination of the planetsrsquo masses using the radial velocity method fromground-based observations and thus a mean density This can be used to constrain planetaryinterior models Additionally bright targets allow transmission spectroscopy observationsin order to measure chemical abundances of the planetary atmospheres A secondary goalof the PLATO mission is asteroseismic observations to determine stellar masses radii andages These parameters are crucial in order to correctly determine the planetary massesradii and their evolution

PLATOrsquos payload module consists of 24 cameras each with an aperture of 120 mmand a 1100 deg2 field of view (see Fig161) The cameras are arranged in four groups ofsix where each group has the same field of view but their angle is slightly offset - thisallows a total field view of about 2250 deg2 per pointing The camera arrays overlap insome parts resulting in different sensitivities over the field They will observe with acadence of 25 s Additionally two ldquofastrdquo cameras will observe with a cadence of 25 sPLATOrsquos nominal life time sums up to four years but could be in orbit for double the timeFor most of the time it will ldquostarerdquo to one region in the sky Additionally an ldquostep andstarerdquo phase comparable to K2 is possible

With the explicit goal of asteroseismic observations PLATO is expected to collectmany data on evolved pulsating stars allowing for an investigation with the pulsationtiming method The pipeline developed for this work can be easily adopted and used in anautomated way in order to process many targets and search for sub-stellar companions


Part VI




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This thesis would not have been possible without the help of many people who guided andsupported me during my time as a PhD student

First I would like to thank my supervisor Sonja Schuh who advised and guided metrough this project and had always an open ear for me despite her work as the IMPRScoordinator A thank you goes also to the other members of my TAC Laurent Gizon andStefan Dreizler for the productive discussions and ways to see some things differently

I would also like to thank Roberto Silvotti who helped to improve the EXOTIMEpaper

The students of the IMPRS formed a great community at the institute Without thefriendships formed out of this group my time at the institute would have been a verydifferent experience I tried gave my best to contribute to the great dynamics of the groupand hope this spirit will be kept alive by many following generations of students

Special thanks goes to my fellow musicians for the great time over the last yearsStarting with the (in)famous successful ldquoQuiet Sunrdquo project together with TheodosiosChatzistergos (literally a god on his guitar) Ankit Barik Earl Bellinger and Alessan-dro Cilla (who left us way too early) growing bigger for some gigs with SudharshanSaranathan Nils Gottschling David Marshall Robin Thor Keaton Bell and James Kus-zlewicz and finally merging with the great MegaGauss band including additionally HelgeMissbach Katja Karmrodt Abbey Ingram Christian Baumgartner Daria MokrytskaTanayveer Bhatia Marius Pfeifer Ann-Kathrin Lohse (Atti) and Paula Wulff No matterwhich problems would trouble me during the band practise I could throw them all againstthe drum heads and cymbals Keep on rockinrsquo

I would like to thank Michelle for her support and proofreadingAnd special thanks goes to my family which always supported me on my way listened

and offered good advice

This work is founded by the International Max Planck Research School for SolarSystem Science at the University of Goumlttingen (IMPRS Solar System School) and theVolkswagen Foundation (project grant number VWZN3020) This work makes use ofobservations from the LCOGT network This work includes data collected by the Keplermission Funding for the Kepler mission is provided by the NASA Science Missiondirectorate


Scientific contributions

Refereed publicationsbull Mackebrandt F M Mallonn J M Ohlert T Granzer S Lalitha A Garciacutea Muntildeoz

N P Gibson et al 2017 Transmission Spectroscopy of the Hot Jupiter TrES-3 bDisproof of an Overly Large Rayleigh-like Feature AampA 608 (December) A26httpsdoiorg1010510004-6361201730512

bull Mackebrandt F S Schuh R Silvotti S-L Kim D Kilkenny E M Green RLutz et al The EXOTIME Project Signals in the O minusC Diagrams of the RapidlyPulsating Subdwarfs DW Lyn V1636 Ori QQ Vir and V541 Hya AampA 638 (June1 2020) A108 httpsdoiorg1010510004-6361201937172

bull Mallonn M I Bernt E Herrero S Hoyer J Kirk P J Wheatley M Seeliger etal 2016 Broad-Band Spectrophotometry of HAT-P-32 b Search for a ScatteringSignature in the Planetary Spectrum Monthly Notices of the Royal AstronomicalSociety 463 (November) 604-14 httpsdoiorg101093mnrasstw1999

bull Schwope A D F Mackebrandt B D Thinius C Littlefield P Garnavich AOksanen and T Granzer 2015 Multi-Epoch Time-Resolved Photometry of theEclipsing Polar CSS081231071126+440405 Astronomische Nachrichten 336 (2)115-24 httpsdoiorg101002asna201412151

bull Strassmeier K G I Ilyin E Keles M Mallonn A Jaumlrvinen M Weber F Macke-brandt and J M Hill High-Resolution Spectroscopy and Spectropolarimetryof the Total Lunar Eclipse January 2019 AampA 635 (March 1 2020) A156httpsdoiorg1010510004-6361201936091

Conference contributionsbull The stellar pulsation timing method to detect substellar companions XXX IAU

General Assembly 2018 Vienna (Poster)

bull The stellar pulsation timing method to detect substellar companions AnnualMeeting of the Astronomische Gesellschaft 2017 Goumlttingen (Talk)

bull The stellar pulsation timing detection method for substellar companions Rocks ampStars II Conference 2017 Goumlttingen (Talk)

bull The stellar pulsation timing detection method for substellar companions ThePLATO Mission Conference 2017 Exoplanetary systems in the PLATO era War-wick (Poster)


Scientific contributions

bull The stellar pulsation timing method to detect substellar companions 2nd AdvancedSchool on Exoplanetary Science 2017 Vietri sul Mare (Poster)

bull The Stellar Pulsation Timing Detection Method for Substellar Companions Plane-tary Systems Beyond The Main Sequence II 2017 Haifa (Poster)


  • Abstract
  • Zusammenfassung
  • I Introduction
    • 1 Extrasolar planets
      • 11 Historical overview
      • 12 Definition of an exoplanet
      • 13 Observational techniques
        • 2 Subdwarf B stars
          • 21 Classification
          • 22 Canonical stellar and planetary evolution
          • 23 Subdwarf B stars formation scenarios
          • 24 Asteroseismology
            • 241 mechanism
            • 242 Asteroseismic observations
              • II The EXOTIME project
                • 3 Targets
                • 4 Multi-epoch photometric data
                  • 41 Time series photometry
                    • 411 Photometry
                    • 412 Timing accuracy
                        • 5 Methods
                          • 51 O-C Pipeline
                            • 511 Linear change in period
                            • 512 Light travel time effect
                              • 52 Artificial data testing
                              • 53 Alternative approaches
                                • 531 Analytic signal
                                • 532 Independent confirmation via direct imaging
                                  • III The EXOTIME project Signals in the O-C diagrams of the rapidly pulsating subdwarfs DW Lyn V1636 Ori QQ Vir and V541 Hya
                                    • 6 Introduction
                                    • 7 Observations and data reduction
                                      • 71 DW Lyn
                                      • 72 V1636 Ori
                                      • 73 QQ Vir
                                      • 74 V541 Hya
                                      • 75 TESS observations
                                      • 76 Data reduction
                                        • 8 Analysis
                                        • 9 Results and discussion
                                          • 91 DW Lyn
                                          • 92 V1636 Ori
                                          • 93 QQ Vir
                                          • 94 V541 Hya
                                          • 95 Testing the sub-stellar companion hypothesis
                                            • 10 Summary and Conclusion
                                            • 11 Appendix
                                              • 111 TESS data
                                              • 112 Amplitude spectra
                                                  • IV Application to larger target pool
                                                    • 12 Further asteroseismic targets
                                                      • 121 Scuti stars
                                                        • 13 Kepler
                                                          • 131 Kepler mission
                                                            • 1311 sdB stars
                                                            • 1312 Scuti stars
                                                              • 13121 KIC 7917485
                                                                • 14 TESS
                                                                  • 141 TESS mission
                                                                    • 1411 sdB stars
                                                                      • V Summary
                                                                        • 15 Discussion
                                                                        • 16 Outlook
                                                                          • 161 K2 mission
                                                                          • 162 TESS
                                                                          • 163 PLATO
                                                                              • VI Appendix
                                                                                • Bibliography
                                                                                • Acknowledgements
                                                                                • Scientific contributions
Page 10: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature

List of Tables

31 Observational properties of the EXOTIME targets 2432 Summary of the newly acquired observations for V391 Peg 25

71 Atmospheric parameters of the targets 4972 Summary of the observing time per target per site 52

81 Parameters of the simultaneously fitted pulsations per target 57

111 Additional identified pulsation modes 78

131 Orbital parameters for the KIC 7917485 system 88



Stars spend most of their life on the main sequence (MS) But their most substantialchanges occur off the MS stage either before on the pre-MS or beyond at the post-MSphase Due to very complex and varied dynamical processes the evolution of planetarysystems orbiting non-MS stars significantly differs from those of MS planetary systems

This work focusses on the search for sub-stellar companions in post-MS systems anddetermination of the evolutionary state of their host stars especially subdwarf B stars(sdB stars) These are stripped Helium-burning cores of red giants with a thin hydrogenatmosphere The canonical model involves binary evolution to explain the existence ofsdB stars Formation scenarios for single sdBs are more controversially discussed and canbe hard to reconcile with observational properties Besides the merger of two helium whitedwarfs or other merger processes for apparently single sdB stars an alternative formationchannel involves planetary systems During the red giant phase the star would developa common envelope with a giant planet that leads to the loss of the envelope Thus sdBstars are laboratories to test how planets survive and influence the late phases of stellarevolution

The rapid pulsations of sdB stars can be used to detect sub-stellar companions fromperiodic variations in the expected arrival times of the pulsation maxima This timingmethod is particularly sensitive to companions at large distances and complementary toother exoplanet detection methods because they are not efficient for stars with small radiiand high gravities Thus the timing method opens up a new parameter range in terms ofthe host stars and helps to understand the formation process of single sdBs

In this work I implemented tested and applied the pulsation timing analysis to searchfor sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems The method isalready established in the literature but not to an extent which is capable of automaticallyprocessing long-time series of high-cadence data ie from space born observations

Part I provides an introduction to extrasolar planets and to the formation and propertiesof sdB stars

Part II and III describe the long-term ground-based observations of four rapidly pulsat-ing sdB stars DW Lyn V1636 Ori QQ Vir and V541 Hya The data are used to measure thesecular drifts in pulsation periods The results constrain the evolutionary state of these starsand are compared to theoretical predictions of stellar evolutionary models Furthermorethe measurements set limits to masses and orbital periods of sub-stellar companions Incontrast to previous studies tentative companion detections are not confirmed

Part IV describes the application of the implemented timing analysis to other pulsatingstars and data sets Compared to ground-based observatories satellite-based telescopesoffer the advantage of uninterrupted observations Observatories like Kepler TESS or theupcoming PLATO mission provide a large sample of targets Besides sdB stars δ Scuti



(δ Sct) pulsators are excellent stars to apply the timing method on δ Sct stars are evolvedbeyond the MS and of spectral type A From Kepler observations previous studies re-vealed a planetary companion orbiting the δ Sct star KIC 791748 The implemented timinganalysis of this work is applied to these data and can recover the planetary signature vali-dating the implementation at hand and independently confirming the planetary companiondiscovery

Part V discusses the results of this thesis and provides an outlook to further applica-tions



Sterne verbringen den Groszligteil ihres Lebens auf der Hauptreihe (HR) Die gravierendstenVeraumlnderungen geschehen jedoch abseits der HR entweder zuvor auf der pre-HR oderfolgend auf der post-HR Durch sehr komplexe und variierende dynamische Prozesseunterscheidet sich die Entwicklung von Planeten in nicht-HR Sternsystemen signifikantvon der Entwicklung von Planeten in HR Sternsystemen

Diese Arbeit legt ihren Fokus auf die Suche nach sub-stellaren Begleitern in post-HR Systemen und auf die Bestimmung des evolutionaumlren Stadiums derer Zentralsterneinsbesondere bei heiszligen Unterzwergen des Spektraltyps B (engl subdwarf B kurzsdB) auch Blaue-Unterzwerge genannt Solche sdB-Sterne sind freigelegte heliumbren-nende Kerne von vormals Roten-Riesen mit einer duumlnnen Wasserstoffatmosphaumlre Derenkanonische Entstehung beschreibt die Entwicklung in einem Doppelsternsystem Entste-hungsszenarien fuumlr einzelne sdB-Sterne werden jedoch kontrovers diskutiert und sind nurschwer mit Beobachtungen zu verifizieren Neben der Verschmelzung von zwei heliumdo-minierten Weiszligen Zwergen koumlnnten auch Planetensysteme zur Bildung von sdB-Sternenbeitragen Waumlhrend der Roten-Riesen-Phase wuumlrde der Stern einen seiner Riesenplanetenin eine gemeinsame Huumllle einschlieszligen was letztendlich zum Verlust der Huumllle fuumlhrtSomit erweisen sich sdB-Sterne als Testobjekte das Uumlberleben von Planeten zu pruumlfensowie den Einfluss der Planeten auf die Spaumltphasen stellare Entwicklung zu beobachten

Die schnellen Pulsationen von sdB Sternen koumlnnen mit Hilfe von periodischen Veraumln-derungen in den zu erwarteten Ankunftszeiten der Pulsationsmaxima zur Detektion vonsub-stellaren Begleitern genutzt werden Diese Methode der Lichtlaufzeitmessungen istbesonders sensitiv fuumlr Begleiter mit groszliger Distanz zu ihrem Zentralstern und damit kom-plementaumlr zu anderen Detektionsmethoden Denn andere Detektionsmethoden sind bei Ster-nen mit hoher Oberflaumlchengravitation und kleinen Radien weniger aussagekraumlftig Damiteroumlffnet die Methode der Lichtlaufzeitmessungen eine Moumlglichkeit fuumlr Entdeckungen vonbisher nicht erforschbaren Planetensystemen und hilft somit den Entstehungsprozess vonsdB-Sternen besser zu verstehen

In dieser Arbeit habe ich die Methode der Pulsations-Lichtlaufzeitmessungen im-plementiert getestet und zur Suche nach sub-stellaren Begleitern bei Systemen in denSpaumltphasen stellarer Entwicklung angewandt Die Methode ist bereits etabliert bisherjedoch nicht fuumlr eine automatische Anwendung auf lange Beobachtungsreihen in hoherzeitlicher Aufloumlsung wie zB von Weltraumteleskopen optimiert

Teil I dieser Arbeit gibt eine Einleitung zu extrasolaren Planeten sowie auch zurEntstehung und Eigenschaften von sdB-Sternen

Teil II und III beschreiben die bodengebundenen Langzeitbeobachtungen der vierschnell pulsierenden sdB-Sterne DW Lyn V1636 Ori QQ Vir und V541 Hya MitHilfe dieser Daten werden die Veraumlnderungen der Pulsationsperioden gemessen Diese



Ergebnisse lassen auf das evolutionaumlre Stadium der Sterne schlieszligen und werden mittheoretischen Sternentwicklungsmodellen verglichen Weiterhin setzen die Ergebnisseder Beobachtungen Grenzwerte fuumlr die Masse und Umlaufdauer moumlglicher sub-stellarerBegleiter Im Widerspruch zu vorhergehenden Studien koumlnnen potentielle Detektionenvon Begleitern nicht bestaumltigt werden

Teil IV beschreibt die Anwendung der implementierten Methode der Pulsations-Lichtlaufzeitmessungen auf andere Sterne und Datensaumltze Im Vergleich zu bodengebunde-nen Observatorien bieten weltraumgestuumltzte Teleskope den Vorteil der ununterbrochenenBeobachtung Observatorien wie das Kepler Weltraumobservatorium TESS oder diegeplante PLATO Mission liefern eine groszlige Anzahl von Beobachtungszielen NebensdB-Sternen ist die Klasse der pulsierenden δ Scuti (δ Sct) Sterne ein hervorragendesZiel fuumlr Lichtlaufzeitmessungen δ Sct Sterne sind in einem Entwicklungsstadium jen-seits der HR und in der Spektralklasse A zu finden Vorhergehende Studien haben ausBeobachtungen des Kepler Weltraumteleskops einen planetaren Begleiter um den SternKIC 791748 offenbart Mit der in dieser Arbeit implementierten Methode der Pulsations-Lichtlaufzeitmessungen kann das Signal dieses Begleiters aus den Daten gewonnen undsomit die Implementierung validiert sowie eine unabhaumlngige Bestaumltigung dieser Planete-nentdeckung erbracht werden

Teil V diskutiert die vorhergehenden Ergebnisse und liefert einen Ausblick auf weitereAnwendungen


Part I



1 Extrasolar planets

11 Historical overviewSpeculations about the existence of other worlds or solar systems other than our own go asfar back as the ancient times Greek philosophers debated about the possibility of countlessworlds

And he maintained worlds to be infinite and varying in bulk and that in somethere is neither sun nor moon while in others that they are larger than with usand with others more numerous [] And that some worlds are destitute ofanimals and plants and every species of moisture

Democritus (460 to 370 BCE Litwa 2016)

He was supported by Epicurus (314 to 270 BCE) who debated about an ldquoinfinite number ofworlds both like and unlike this world of oursrdquo (Bailey 1926) in a letter to Democritus Butthe atomists of this time believed in the geocentric universe and thus the work of Aristotle(341 to 270 BCE) outshone their ideas This started to change with the introduction ofthe Heliocentric universe theory of Nicolaus Copernicus in 1543 However the Italianphilosopher Giordano Bruno was burned during the Inquisition because of his belief in aninfinite number of stars which have an infinite number of terrestrial worlds orbiting themFinally Galileo Galilei discovered with his telescope invented in 1606 the true nature ofthe Moon and planets and paved the way for the discovery of the remaining planets in oursolar system

Our solar system shaped the understanding of planetary evolution and system archi-tecture until Wolszczan and Frail (1992) discovered the first exoplanetary system laterconfirmed by Wolszczan (1994) The two Earth-mass like planets orbit the millisecondpulsar PSR 1257+12 a rather unusual host star With the discovery of the first extrasolarplanet 51 Pegasi b orbiting a sun-like star (Mayor and Queloz 1995) the architecture ofexoplanetary systems remained very different than expected from the solar system Theplanet has a mass comparable to the mass of Jupiter but a very close-in orbit of about005 au leading to a new category of planets called ldquohot Jupitersrdquo

So far more than 4000 exoplanets have been discovered by various detection methodsThey exhibit a wide range of planetary masses and radii as shown in Figure 11 Besideshot Jupiters Neptune- and Saturn-sized planets as well as super-Earths were discovered

The first transiting exoplanet HD 209458 b was discovered in 1999 (Charbonneau et al2000) which later became the first planet with a spectroscopically analysed atmosphere(Charbonneau et al 2002) HD 28185 b was discovered as the first exoplanet in thehabitable zone a region around a star in which a planet may retain liquid water on its


1 Extrasolar planets









10minus2 100 102 10410minus2




10minus2 100 102 104



a au



a au









3 K

Figure 11 Exoplanet mass and radius distribution as function of their orbital periodand effective temperature of their host star (color coded) Out of the 4130 discoveredexoplanets there are 994 mass and 1631 radius measurements (as of November 2019Schneider et al 2011)

surface Using the phase-mapping technique Knutson et al (2007) reconstructed a roughmap of HD 189733 b showing the temperature of the cloud deck An image of Formalhaut bin 2008 was the first direct image of an exoplanet (Kalas et al 2008) With Kepler-186 f anEarth-sized planet orbiting within its starrsquos habitable zone was discovered (Quintana et al2014) With the discovery of Kepler-452 b and its 16 Earth-radii another category not yetpresent in our solar system called ldquosuper Earthsrdquo was created Another super Earth orbitingour closest neighbour star Proxima Centauri even in the habitable zone was discovered byAnglada-Escudeacute et al (2016) Future missions aim to characterise exoplanetary systemsand to understand the formation evolution and chemical composition in more detail

12 Definition of an exoplanet

The word ldquoplanetrdquo was introduced by the ancient Greeks as the term ὰστέρες πλανῆτα

(asteres planetai) which can be translated as ldquowandering starrdquo This was inspired by theapparent movement of the planets in the solar system as opposed to the fixed stars In amore scientific way the International Astronomical Union (IAU) defined a planet in thesolar system in its resolution 5A as follows

A planet is a celestial body that

1 is in orbit around the Sun


13 Observational techniques

2 has sufficient mass for its self-gravity to overcome rigid body forces sothat it assumes a hydrostatic equilibrium (nearly round) shape and

3 has cleared the neighbourhood around its orbit

IAU (2006)

Additionally the working group on extrasolar planets of the IAU published the followingstatement not yet adopted as a resolution

1 Objects with true masses below the limiting mass for thermonuclearfusion of deuterium (currently calculated to be 13 Jupiter masses for ob-jects of solar metallicity) that orbit stars or stellar remnants are ldquoplanetsrdquo(no matter how they formed) The minimum masssize required for anextrasolar object to be considered a planet should be the same as thatused in our Solar System

2 Substellar objects with true masses above the limiting mass for ther-monuclear fusion of deuterium are ldquobrown dwarfsrdquo no matter how theyformed nor where they are located

3 Free-floating objects in young star clusters with masses below the limit-ing mass for thermonuclear fusion of deuterium are not ldquoplanetsrdquo butare ldquosub-brown dwarfsrdquo (or whatever name is most appropriate)

Boss et al (2005) reproduced with permission

The designation of exoplanets consists of the name of the host star followed by alowercase letter The first part can be an astronomical catalogue the scientific instrumentor project that discovered the exoplanet The following letter indicates the order of theexoplanets discovery around its host star usually beginning with ldquobrdquo This is analogous tothe designation of multiple star systems

13 Observational techniquesThe vast variety of exoplanets necessitates the need for different detection techniques Theycan be separated into three broad categories as the ldquoPerryman treerdquo a visual overview onthe detection methods illustrates in Fig 12

Widely separated exoplanets can be imaged directly Also protoplanetary disks can bedetected this way In case the orbital plane of the exoplanet aligns with the line of sight ofthe observer the planet transits in front of the stellar disk which can be detected as fluxvariations in primary and secondary eclipse

Gravitational lensing is known for very massive objects like galaxy clusters but can alsobe detected using a single star as a lens for a background star This induces a characteristicsignal in the light curve If the foreground star hosts an exoplanet it will act as an additionallens

Dynamical effects are based on the gravitational interaction of host star and planetThis can be measured directly as an astrometric change of position on the sky or indirectlyvia Doppler shifts in the host starrsquos spectrum or timing variations of transits eclipses orstellar pulsations The latter method is used in particular in this work and explained indetail in section 5


1 Extrasolar planets











existing capabilityprojected


-up detections n =

planets known








Exoplanet Detection



decreasingplanet mass


32 planets(20 system

s5 m


662 planets(504 system

s102 m


1 planet(1 system

0 m


53 planets(51 system

s2 m


2789 planets(2053 system

s474 m


1 January 20183572 exoplanets

(~2600 system

s ~590 m


bers from N


Exoplanet Archive]





refectedpolarised light

Radial velocity









44 planets(40 system

s2 m



















millisec slow



residuals(see TTVs)

(Kepler=2315 K2=




125Roplus) 766






protoplanetary disks

star accretionpollution

radio emission

gravitational waves

X-ray emission

debris diskscolliding


white dw

arf pollution



















































2 Subdwarf B stars

The majority of known exoplanets orbit cool host stars ie G and M type stars So faronly a small fraction of planets orbiting evolved host stars have been discovered (comparedto effective temperatures of host stars in Fig 11) This raises questions on the evolutionand fate of planetary systems The following chapter revises the stellar evolution withfocus on the post-main sequence phase of the host star arriving at subdwarf B stars (sdBstars) These stars are laboratories to test how planets survive and influence the late phasesof stellar evolution

21 ClassificationHumason and Zwicky (1947) discovered sdB stars in a photometric survey of the NorthGalactic Pole region Their position in the Hertzsprung-Russel diagram (HRD) in Fig 21in between the main sequence (MS) and the white-dwarf (WD) sequence was laterdetermined by Greenstein and Sargent (1974) They show effective temperatures Teff

from sim20 000 K to 50 000 K with surface gravities log(gcm sminus2) of 50 to 65 Heberet al (1984) Heber (1986) could connect the spectroscopic sdB class with the extremehorizontal branch (EHB) evolutionary stage Thus sdB stars are stripped helium-burningcores (sim05 M) of red giants with a thin hydrogen (H) atmosphere Their spectra aretherefore dominated by the broad Balmer lines of H while helium (He) is usually depletedBut their structure differs from horizontal-branch stars as their H envelopes are too thin tosustain H burning They evolve directly on to the WD cooling sequence as they lack theenvelope mass to pass via the asymptotic giant branch (AGB)

22 Canonical stellar and planetary evolutionThe progenitors of sdB stars are assumed to be solar-mass stars They form in molecularclouds consisting mostly of H about 20 to 30 per cent of He and a few percent of heavyelements The gas remains in hydrostatic equilibrium as long as the gas pressure isin balance with gravitational force (virial theorem) but a gravitational collapse can betriggered by shock waves (eg nearby supernova) As the cloud contracts it breaks intosmaller fragments in which the collapsing gas radiates the gravitational potential as heatAs temperature and pressure increase the fragment condenses into a protostar which isin hydrostatic equilibrium This way stars with different masses form mostly in groupsStellar winds of more massive stars ionize the remaining H in between the stars creatingH II regions and ultimately disrupt the cloud which prevents further star formation


2 Subdwarf B stars













White dwarfs

Cool subdwarfs











30000 10000

Surface temperature (deg)






ed to



6000 3000

Figure 21 Sketch of a Hertzsprung-Russell diagram highlighting the position of hotsubdwarf (sdB and sdO) stars and the extreme horizontal branch (EHB) located to the leftand below the hot end of the main sequence but above the white dwarf cooling sequenceThe EHB is separated from the blue horizontal branch (BHB) The location of stars havingevolved from the postasymptotic giant branch is shown for comparison The hot subdwarfstars have nothing in common with traditional cool subdwarfs found below the lowermain sequence (Heber 2009) Reprinted by permission from Copyright Clearance CenterAnnual Reviews Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics ldquoHot Subdwarf StarsrdquoHebercopy2009

The protostar continues to accrete material from its protoplanetary disk (Fig 22) untilfinally H fusion starts in the core and the star begins its phase on the main-sequence of theHRD (Fig 21) Inside the protoplanetary disk planetesimals form from electrostatic andgravitational interactions as building blocks for planets During their formation planetsmigrate within the disk and accrete material until the disk is evaporated by the central starsradiation On the main-sequence the star will evolve only slowly and remain there for


22 Canonical stellar and planetary evolution

Figure 22 Left Protoplanetary disc imaged by the Hubble Space Telescope in the Orionnebula The image is about 1800 au across Credit NASA CR OrsquoDell and SK WongRight ALMA image of HL Tauri showing th protoplanetary disc at a wavelength of13 mm The image is about 250 au across Credit ALMA (ESONAOJNRAO)

about 1010 years As the hydrogen in the core eventually depletes the fusion rate cannot bemaintained and the core contracts This continues to fuse H in a shell outside the He coreThe core contracts and the outer layers begin to expand The star becomes a red giantmoving up the red giant branch (RGB) in the HRD The He core compacts into degeneratematter and once core pressure and temperature are high enough the He starts to fuse witha He flash at the tip of the RGB in the HRD The core mass during the helium flash isabout half a solar-mass The star decreases in radius increases its surface temperatureand moves to the horizontal branch (HB) of the HRD After the He is fused in the coreouter shells fuse further He and the star moves to the asymptotic giant branch (AGB) andbecomes red giant again The produced carbon (C) can fuse with He and oxygen (O) tobuild a CO core The H and He shells are consecutively fusing in a cyclic process The starejects most of its envelope during these thermal pulses The expelled material is ionizedby the UV emission of the hot remnant core and can be observed as a planetary nebulaAfter this short phase the remnant star cools and enters the white dwarf cooling sequence

Planet occurrence rates estimated from Kepler observations suggest that 30 per centof Sun-like stars host Kepler-like planetary systems1 (Zhu et al 2018) Several studiesinvestigated occurrence rates from radial velocity surveys Jupiter-like planets2 may occurat six per cent of Solar-like stars (Wittenmyer et al 2016) Systems with giant planetsfrom the Kepler mission show outer gas giants within orbital periods of less than 400days at a 5 per cent occurrence rate (Santerne et al 2016) Bryan et al (2016) suggestthe total occurrence rate of companions3 from radial velocity measurements and direct

1 Kepler-like planets are planets that have radii RP amp R and orbital periods P gt 400 d Our Solar system isnot detectable by Kepler

2 Planets with masses 015RX MP 13MX and orbital periods of 3 au to 7 au3 For companions in the range of 1 MX to 20 MX and 5 au to 20 au


2 Subdwarf B stars

imaging with about 50 per cent Recently Grunblatt et al (2019) estimated the occurrencerate of planets larger than Jupiter for low-luminosity red giant branch stars from the K2mission to be 05 per cent Observations of polluted WDs debris disks orbiting WDslike WD 1145+017 (Vanderburg et al 2015) or even in-situ accretion of a giant planet toWD J0914+1914 (Gaumlnsicke et al 2019) show that these disks must form during the WDphase since they are located within the preceding giant stellar radii Spectroscopic analysisof polluted WD atmospheres find metals as to be expected from planetary compositionSince the sinking times for such heavy metals are orders of magnitude shorter than theWD cooling age the expected detection rate of polluted WDs is at about 01 per cent Butthe actual observed rate of metals is at 25 to 50 per cent Thus planetary systems appearto survive the RGB phase of their host star and may get disrupted and accreted duringthe WD phase Veras (2016) Farihi (2016) give a broad overview on post-main-sequenceplanetary system evolution and polluted WDs

23 Subdwarf B stars formation scenarios

The canonical formation of Subdwarf B stars is not explained by the typical evolutiondescribed in the section above since some mechanism during the progenitors giant phasemust have removed enough of the envelope to not sustain a H burning after the He flashThe formation scenario in a binary system first proposed by Mengel et al (1976) givesrise to different formation channels (Han et al 2002 2003 Podsiadlowski 2008) dependingon the initial mass ratios The scenarios are illustrated in Fig 23 and 24 The most simplescenario is a stable Roche-lobe over flow (RLOF) as in the left panel of Fig 23 The sdBprogenitor fills its Roche lobe near the tip of the RGB The mass transfer is dynamicallystable and the companion accretes the matter This will form a sdB in a long-period binarysystem with a main-sequence companion Observations find periods from 700 d to 1300 dleading to an improvement of the RLOF model (Chen et al 2013) If the mass transferduring the RLOF is too high the companion cannot accrete all the matter and a commonenvelope (CE) is formed (see Fig 24) Friction in the CE let the stars spiral inwards anduntil the CE gets ejected This will form a close binary system

While about 50 per cent of sdB stars are found in close binary systems with periodsof less than ten days observations show about 30 per cent appear as apparent single sdBstars There are several possible formation scenarios including atmosphere loss due tostellar winds the merger of two He WD (right panel of Fig 23) or undetected low-masscompanions

Hall and Jeffery (2016) estimated the H mass in the remnants of He WD mergers Inthe effective temperature-surface gravity plane they found a region occupied by thesestars during the core-He-burning phase and located the majority of apparently single sdBstars inside this region Nevertheless this conclusion depends on assumptions made to themodel regarding the initial H mass and loss of H during the merger Subdwarf B starslocated outside of this parameter region are found to be rapidly rotating low-gravity sdBstars

Alternatively the sdB progenitor could lose mass near the RGB tip due to strong stellarwinds or internal rotation While the He flash occurs typically at the tip of the RGB asufficient mass loss can lead a star to depart from the RGB so that the He flash is delayed


23 Subdwarf B stars formation scenarios

P = 10 minus 500 daysorb

sdBM = 030 minus 049 M


(mass ratio lt 12 minus 15)

Stable RLOF Channel

stable RLOF (near tip of RGB)

wide sdB binary with MSSG companion

envelope loss near RGB tipby stellar wind(rotation Z)

(1 or 2 CE phases)He WD merger

M = 040 minus 065 MsdB sun

M = 045 minus 049 MsdB sun

Single sdB Stars

gravitational radiation


Figure 23 Stable Roche-lobe channel (left) and single-starmerger channels (right) for theformation of sdB stars (Podsiadlowski 2008) By the kind permission of ASP ConferenceSeries vol 401 P Podsiadlowski p 63

(Castellani and Castellani 1993) The remnants of these ldquohot flashersrdquo are located closeto the He main sequence which coincides with the sdB location Although an ldquoearly hotflasherrdquo scenario may explain He and C abundances in sdB stars observations show someinconsistencies (Moehler et al 2011 Latour et al 2014)

Finally substellar objects eg brown dwarfs or even planets can lead to enough massloss in order to form sdB stars As described in the previous section the abundance ofplanets is high enough to be considered to survive and influence the late stellar evolutionFor a single red giant planets with orbital separations smaller than about 5 au will enhancethe mass loss when the planet is engulfed by the red giantrsquos atmosphere Since planetshave a comparable high angular momentum parts of it can be transferred to the envelopeIn consequence of this momentum transfer the planet spirals inwards and stellar mass lossincreases which leads to the formation of a sdB star In this scenario the planet wouldeither evaporate merge with the core or survive while most of the planetrsquos envelope islost (Soker 1998) With the merger scenario an enhanced stellar rotation could mix moreHe to the envelope and thus increase the RGB tip luminosity and further enhance the totalmass loss (Sweigart 1997) The hypothesis of surviving planetary systems is supportedby planetary-mass companions like the candidates V391 Peg b (Silvotti et al 2007) KIC05807616 bc (Charpinet et al 2011) KIC 10001893 bcd (Silvotti et al 2014) or browndwarf companions like V2008-1753 B (Schaffenroth et al 2015) or CS 1246 (Barlow et al2011b) Figure 25 illustrates the process of forming a sdB planetary system


2 Subdwarf B stars

P = 01 minus 10 daysorb




sdBM = 04 minus 049 M



shortminusperiod sdB binary with MS companionshortminusperiod sdB binary with He WD companion

commonminusenvelope phase commonminusenvelope phase

unstable RLOF minusminusminusgt dynamical mass transfer unstable RLOF minusminusminusgt dynamical mass transfer

stable RLOF

wide binary

CommonminusEnvelope Channels

CE only (mass ratio gt 12 minus 15)stable RLOF + CE (mass ratio lt 12 minus 15)

Figure 24 Common-envelope (CE) channels for the production of sdB stars The CE phasecan be either the first (right panel) or the second (left panel) mass-transfer phase producinga tight sdB binary with either a normal-star or white-dwarf companion respectively(Podsiadlowski 2008) By the kind permission of ASP Conference Series vol 401 PPodsiadlowski p 63

From observational data it cannot be ruled out that these planets may have formed assecond generation planets After the merger of two He WDs the remaining circumstellardisk could provide enough material to form planets in analogy to the pulsar planets(Wolszczan and Frail 1992 Thorsett et al 1993)

Finally there is evidence that some sdB stars are not core He-burning objects Heberet al (2003) discovered a sdB with insufficient mass to ignite He-burning in the core

24 Asteroseismology

Asteroseismology describes the study of the interiors of stars by using their oscillationsas seismic waves The first pulsating star was discovered in 1596 by David Fabricius Henoticed that the star ο Ceti (subsequently named ldquoMirardquo the wonderful) vanished from


24 Asteroseismology

Figure 25 Possible formation mechanism of close-in planets a The two planets identifiedby Charpinet et al (2011) were probably massive gas-giant planets during the early part oftheir host starrsquos life when the star burned hydrogen into helium as our Sun does today Atthis time the planets resided farther away from their host star than they do today b Whenthe star exhausted the supply of hydrogen in its core it expanded to become a red-giant starThe outer layers of the star then engulfed the orbits of the two planets The planets losttheir outer gaseous layers as their orbits spiralled inwards c For unknown reasons the redgiant expelled its cool outer layers leaving behind a small hot B subdwarf star The smallrocky cores of the initial planets were left behind in close-in orbits with periods of 58 and82 hours (Figure not drawn to scale) (Kempton 2011) Reprinted by permission fromCopyright Clearance Center Springer Nature Nature Planetary science ldquoThe ultimatefate of planetsrdquo Kemptoncopy2011

the visible sky Later on it was realized that the star did so every eleven months andbecame the first known (semi) periodic variable star Subsequently more variable stars likeδ Cephei (related stars are summarized as ldquoCepheidsrdquo) were discovered and their variationslinked to radial pulsations By now a large number of groups of pulsating star is known toexist Figure 26 shows their occurrences in a HRD Historically they have been classifiedon a phenomenological basis and mostly named after their prototype star The physicalreasons for the classification were uncovered later and are related to the different types ofexcited pulsation mode mass and evolutionary state Since this work relates mostly to sdBstars the following describes their driving mechanism Extensive overviews can be foundeg in Cunha et al (2007) Aerts et al (2010)

241 κ mechanismBaker and Kippenhahn (1962) proposed the κ mechanism to explain δ Cephei pulsationsFor stellar matter than can be described as an ideal gas an increase in compression ofthe atmosphere causes an increase in temperature and density This usually results in adecrease of the opacity κ allowing energy to be transported more efficiently This describesan equilibrium where temperature and pressure are balanced But in layers of the starwhere κ increases with increasing temperature the incoming flux from inner layers can betemporally stored These layers are associated with regions where (partial) ionization of


2 Subdwarf B stars

chemical elements occur When the layer expands in order to reach its equilibrium theadditionally accumulated energy is released and the star can expand beyond its equilibriumradius When the material recedes energy is again stored in the stellar interior and thecycle can repeat as a periodic stellar oscillation

Depending on the restoring force of the pulsations modes are either of the nature ofstanding acoustic waves (referred to as pressure modes or p modes) or internal gravitywaves (g modes) However especially in evolved stars both types of modes can be found

Unlike solar oscillations which are exited stochastically pulsations excited by theκ mechanism are coherent in phase their lifetime is very long compared to observationsspanning over years and change slowly due to stellar evolution These modes are suitablefor a pulsation timing analysis

In variable sdB stars (sdBV) the bump in opacity is related to elements of the iron group(Charpinet et al 1997) which are accumulated in the driving layers by diffusion processeslike gravitational settling and radiative levitation (cf Heber 2009 2016) Charpinetet al (1996) predicted the nonradial pulsations theoretically almost simultaneously totheir discovery by Kilkenny et al (1997) Effective temperatures Teff typically rangefrom 28 000 K to 35 000 K and surface gravity log g from 52 to 61 Observed pulsationamplitudes are usually smaller than 50 mmag Hybrid pulsators showing both p andg modes (eg Schuh et al 2006) locate at the temperature boundary around 28 000 Kbetween both classes of pulsators About ten per cent of the sdB stars located in theinstability strip of the Teffminus log g plane exhibit pulsations above a few mmag This fractionmight be biased due to detection limits of ground based observations However Keplerobservations confirmed the deficiency of p-mode pulsators in the instability strip (egOslashstensen et al 2011)

Due to the He fusion into C and O in the core of sdB stars the internal structure variesslowly and thus modifies the condition of hydrostatic equilibrium This results into slowsecular changes of the surface gravity and effective temperature and slow changes inthe pulsation period (Charpinet et al 2002) Using long-term observations these periodchanges can be measured

242 Asteroseismic observationsStellar oscillations generate motions and temperature variations on the surface and resultin observable variability These variations cause changes in brightness and colour radialvelocity and line profiles Thus pulsating stars can be studied using photometric andspectroscopic time series measurements which can be used to generate frequency spectra -one of the most important tools in asteroseismology The following focuses on time seriesphotometry

Since the observations are usually discrete and contain gaps a harmonic analysis isperformed using the Discrete Fourier Transformation

F( f ) =


x(tk) exp (i2π f tk)

of the measurements x(tk) which leads to an amplitude spectrum The observations opposelimitations to this spectrum Due to the discrete nature the highest useful frequency to


24 Asteroseismology

search for is called the Nyquist frequency

fNyq =1


with the time between two data points ∆t In the case of unevenly spaced data the Nyquistfrequency does not exist higher frequencies might be detectable With a finite length ofthe observations the spectrum has a finite frequency resolution proportional to the inverseof the total time span Moreover observations are likely to show gaps (eg daynight orseasonal observation windows technical problems poor observing conditions) some ofthem with a regular nature which produce additional peaks in the Fourier space Theseeffects combined are known as the ldquowindow functionrdquo in the time domain or as ldquospectralwindowrdquo in the Fourier space The spectral window can show multiple peaks even ifthe underlying signal is monochromatic and complicate the interpretation of the dataAdditionally long gaps produce unwanted signals in the low frequency regime In order toovercome the complex response in frequencies and amplitudes of the signal even withoutnoise different forms of periodograms have been defined A well-known and widelyapplied technique is the Lomb-Scargle periodogram (Scargle 1982) Horne and Baliunas(1986) Schwarzenberg-Czerny (1997) showed the equivalence of the variance reductionbetween a Lomb-Scargle periodogram and a least squares fit of sinusoids at test frequenciesThus fits of a harmonic series of sinusoids at test frequencies can be used to search fornon-sinusoidal signals as well The Lomb-Scargle periodogram does not require regularsampled data and is used for the analysis in this work (see Press et al (2007) VanderPlas(2017) cf section 8)


2 Subdwarf B stars

Figure 26 Hertzsprung-Russell diagram showing different classes of pulsating starsSome of these are named after a particular member of the class Others are acronymsrespectively for rapidly oscillating Ap (roAp) Slowly Pulsating B (SPB) subdwarf Bvariables (sdBV) The group labelled GW Vir includes what has formerly been known asthe PNNV stars (for Planetary Nebulae Nuclei Variables) and the variable hot DO whitedwarfs (DOV) the DBV and DAV stars are variable DB (helium-rich) and DA (hydrogen-rich) white dwarfs The parallel long-dashed lines indicate the Cepheid instability strip(Cunha et al 2007) Reprinted by permission from Copyright Clearance Center SpringerNature Astron Astrophys Rev ldquoAsteroseismology and interferometryrdquo Cunhacopy2007


Part II

The EXOTIME project


3 Targets

The EXOTIME program (EXOplanet search with the TIming MEthod) was born out oflong-term monitoring of the object HS 2201+2610 in order to measure long-term drifts inthe pulsation periods P The large amount of data made it possible to not only constrain sdBstar evolution from P but resulted in the postulation of the substellar companion candidateV391 Peg b using the pulsation timing method (Silvotti et al 2007) With the puzzlingformation history of sdB stars the authors initiated the EXOTIME program in 2008The project extends the long-term monitoring to the objects HS 0702+6043 (DW Lyn)HS 0444+0458 (V1636 Ori) PG 1325+101 (QQ Vir) EC 09582-1137 (V541 Hya) andHS 2201+2610 (V391 Peg) While the majority of exoplanet research is strongly focussedon planets (and moons) in the habitable zone and formation of planetary systems themain goal of the EXOTIME project is to detect exoplanets orbiting evolved stars usingthe stellar pulsations to conclude on timing variations (see section 5) Transit and radialvelocity searches are not efficient for stars with small radii and high gravities like sdB starsAdditionally the project wants to characterize the target stars using asteroseismic methodsand in particular the measurement of P

The following sections describe the targets and their observations in detail Theirselection followed some basic properties The targets must be observable from the Northernhemisphere and bright enough for a sufficient signal-to-noise ratio in the Johnson B bandwith 1 m to 3 m class telescopes since sdB stars emit the maximum energy in the nearUV regime A suitable target for the timing method should show two to four independentpulsation frequencies coherent in phase and stable in amplitude (gt1 mmag 01 ) Eachfrequency leads to an independent timing measurement But coherence and stability canonly be verified with the long-term monitoring To ensure the sdB star is not accompaniedby a low-mass star in a binary system there should be no strong IR excess compared toa black body spectrum The observational parameters of the five EXOTIME targets aresummarized in Table 31 Section 7 describes DW Lyn V1636 Ori QQ Vir V541 Hya indetail and lists the atmospheric parameters in Table 71

Observations and results on a substellar companion for V391 Peg are published bySilvotti et al (2007) alternative scenarios are discussed by Silvotti (2008) and additionalobservations are published by Silvotti et al (2018) The latter publication placed the firstinterpretation of the O minus C variations under discussion because of possible non-linearinteractions between different pulsation modes that change arrival times We proposedfor continued observations at the Las Cumbres Observatory (LCO Brown et al 2013)using 2 m class telescopes in order to connect observations from Silvotti et al (2018)with upcoming TESS observations in 2020 In 2017 we observed for about 52 hours in2019 for eight hours each in the Johnson B band with exposure times of 10 s to 20 s Theobservations are listed in Table 32


3 Targets

Table 31 Observational properties of the EXOTIME targets taken fromhttpsimbadu-strasbgfrsimbad and amplitude of the main pulsation (mea-sured in this work and by Silvotti et al (2007))

Target RA (J2000) DE (J2000) B mag JminusH ampl

DW Lyn 7h7m980s 60deg38prime50 primeprime16 147 minus0123 219V1636 Ori 4h47m1863s 5deg3prime34 primeprime81 1544 0043 054QQ Vir 13h27m4856s 9deg54prime51 primeprime05 1373 minus014 26V541 Hya 10h0m4182s minus11deg51prime34 primeprime59 1501 minus025 031V391 Peg 22h4m1210s 26deg25prime7 primeprime82 1441 001 085


3 Targets

Table 32 Summary of the newly acquired observations for V391 Peg

observatory obs date exp time s obs time h

LCO 2017-09-12 10 122 2017-09-14 10 068

2017-09-15 10 1402017-09-16 10 4722017-09-17 10 6182017-09-18 10 1222017-09-19 10 6922017-09-20 10 0722017-09-21 10 3952017-09-22 10 2702017-09-26 20 0752017-09-28 20 1752017-09-29 20 0222017-09-30 20 0752017-10-01 20 1272017-10-02 20 0752017-10-03 20 5182017-10-05 20 0232017-10-06 20 0382017-10-07 20 0772017-11-05 20 2072017-11-06 20 0752017-11-09 20 1682017-11-10 20 4222017-11-13 20 2182019-09-07 20 1102019-09-09 20 0072019-09-10 20 2482019-09-11 20 2672019-09-12 20 130

Σ 6027


4 Multi-epoch photometric data

41 Time series photometryThe timing method applied to the data and described in the next section imposes re-quirements on the photometric time series Each observation run needs a high temporalresolution of less than about 30 s in order to sample the p-modes correctly and a highsignal-to-noise ratio to detect their low amplitudes A single phase measurement in thelater analysis is required to reach an uncertainty in the order of one second Therefore theobservations should cover about three consecutive nights each with about three hours forone phase measurement

411 Photometry

In order to make use of the raw CCD images from the observations the data need tobe calibrated properly This includes detector specific corrections (bias and dark fieldsubtraction) as well as instrumental and sensitivity corrections (flat field division) Thefollowing photometric measurements were performed using the IDL package TRIPP (TimeResolved Imaging Photometry Package) Some data have been reduced using differentsoftware packages but the concept does not differ A circular aperture is placed aroundthe target star and measures the flux An annulus around this aperture or a further fieldmeasures the background flux which is subtracted from the target flux Since variationsin the Earthrsquos atmosphere on short and long term time scales (sky transparency air mass)affect this measurement the target flux is compared to the flux of multiple comparison starsThe field of view is assumed to be small enough that all atmospheric variations influencethe flux of all stars equally This procedure is applied to all images of an observationrun and yields the light curve Atmospheric extinction is correction by a second orderpolynomial in time

412 Timing accuracy

Accurate time stamps for each observation is crucial for the analysis of timing effectsAcquisition equipment is usually synced via network with a time server to the universaltime (UTC) However some of the first observations used for the project do not recordthe fraction of the second Thus the accuracy of individual observations is assumed to bebetter than plusmn05 s

Additional to the recording of precise time stamps the observer needs to be positionedin a rest frame compared to the target Without the necessary corrections the result would


4 Multi-epoch photometric data

be superimposed by the Earthrsquos motion around the barycentre of the Solar system anddiscontinuous time standards Eastman et al (2010) describes the necessary formalismin detail The Barycentric Coordinate Time (TDB) time frame including barycentriccorrections for the Solar system is accurate down to 34 ms and applied to all observationaltime stamps (hereafter refereed as BJD(TDB))


5 Methods

51 O minusC Pipeline

Already in the 17th century Ole Rœmer made use of the travel time of light in order tomeasure the speed of light (eg Soter and deGrasse Tyson 2001) An inversion of thisscenario allows to measure changes of orbits using the finite speed of light In astronomythis idea is widely used for different applications eg on pulsars eclipsing binary systemstiming variations on planetary transits or stellar pulsations In the context of stellarpulsations this concept is referred to as the O minusC method (Observed minus Calculated)The approach compares the phase of a periodic function to a reference phase and thusallow conclusions on variations in the observed phase While the following describes themethod illustratively the specific implementation of the O minus C method in this work isexplained in section 8

The schematic construction of an O minusC diagram is pictured in Fig 51 Requirementfor a OminusC analysis is a sufficiently long observational time span of the stellar pulsation Alight curve model fit to full data set provides the reference phase referred to as C Similarfits to small sub-sets of the observation provides an independent light curve model Thuseach sub-set called epoch provides a phase measurement referred to as O Iteratingthrough all epochs in time yield the differences between the average phase of the referencemodel and the phase measurements of the epochs called O minusC diagram

An O minusC diagram with no variations implies an agreement between observed phasesand the reference phase Linear changes in the diagram suggest a wrong frequency for thereference model and thus a constant error added per cycle More complex deviations aredescribed below

511 Linear change in period

The following considerations can be found in Kepler et al (1991) In order to makeuse of the timing method a sufficiently stable timer in the observed system is requiredldquoSufficientlyrdquo refers to accuracy compared to the length of observations In the case ofstellar pulsations this timer is a periodic brightness variation The observed time of theEth cycle can be expressed as

TE = T0 + PE

with the period P at T0 and the epoch E as in the cycle number counted from T0Due to physical processes the stellar pulsation period will change slowly over time


5 Methods


O1 O2 O3








Figure 51 Schematic picture of the O minusC diagram construction Top A model to the fulllight curve yields the reference phase C Middle Light curve models to each epoch yieldindividual phase information O Bottom Construction of the O minusC diagram from abovemeasurements

(see section 241) If this change is small TE can be expand in a Taylor series

TE = T0 +dTdE

(E minus E0) +12


(E minus E0)2 + O ((E minus E0))2

Terms of higher order are neglected Expanding the quadratic term using dTdE = Pleads to

d2TdE2 =




= PdPdt

Assuming 2E0 E finally yields

TE = T0 + PE +12


In order to compare the model of a slowly changing period with the null hypotheses(ldquothe period is stablerdquo) both identify with

O B T0 + PE +12


C B T prime0 + PprimeE

where O stands for observed ephemerides with a constant period Pprime and C for the calculatedor computed ephemerides With ∆T = T0 minus T prime0 and ∆P = P minus Pprime and E = tPminus1 this leads to

O minusC = ∆T0 +∆PP

t +12




51 O minusC Pipeline











Figure 52 Schematic picture of the orbital configuration

In an O minusC diagram a fit with a parabolic function yields the evolutionary time scalePP

512 Light travel time effect

Assuming a two body system consisting of the pulsating star and a companion both orbittheir common centre of mass The motion of pulsating star with mass M around thebarycentre implies a variation in the projected line of sight as show in Fig 52 whichtranslates into a change in light travel time The periodic pulsation of the star allow formeasuring this change and hence concluding on the minimum mass of the companion mAssuming a circular orbit due to the proposed formation history of companions of subdwarfB stars the change in light travel time varies periodically and imposes a sinusoidal signalin the O minusC diagram The following describes the derivation of the expected amplitude ofthis light travel time effect (eg Hilditch 2001 pp 29)

Let the line of sight be aligned with the z direction With the inclination of the orbit ithe argument of periapsis ω and the true anomaly ϑ of the Kepler ellipse the z componentof the radius vector r reads as

rz = r sin (i) sin (ω + ϑ)

Keplerrsquos laws of planetary motion yield

r =a(1 minus e2

)1 + e cos (ϑ)


5 Methods

with the semi mayor axis a and the eccentricity e Thus

rz =a(1 minus e2

)1 + e cos (ϑ)

sin (i) sin (ω + ϑ)

With Keplerrsquos Third Law follows for the semi major axis

a3 = Gm3P2

4π4 (M + m)2

where P is the orbital period Assuming a circular orbit with e = 0 The maximumdisplacement ∆rz in the orbit occurs at sin (ω + ϑ) = plusmn1

∆rz = 2G13m(

P2π (M + m)


sin i

The light travel time follows from

∆T =rz





2π (M + m)


sin i

which is the semi-amplitude of the sinusoidal signal in the O minus C diagram induced by asub-stellar companion due to the light travel time effect

52 Artificial data testingOnce such a fast pipeline is deployed it provides a convenient way to analyse artificialdata with precisely known input parameters and test for the expected results In order toavoid additional effects due to irregular observations and gaps in the data the artificialdata are mostly generated according to the PLATO scheme cadence of 25 s for three years(ie 186 times 106 measurements) and a signal to noise ratio of about 6 as expected for a14 mag star in the B band observed with all 24 telescopes (ESASRE 2011) A differentset of artificial data is created for a simplified ground-based observational scheme (threeconsecutive nights per month each eight hours for ten years ie 124 times 105) Since theresults between these two sets are very similar merely the PLATO-like scheme is discussedbelow

In total about 50 different scenarios of frequency spacings and amplitudes wereinvestigated Some interesting cases are explained below

Resonant frequencies Pulsations with frequency-spacing in integer multiples mightcause an unstable fitting process To test for such scenarios a set of several light curves wascreated They simulate pulsation frequencies in 12 13 and 15 resonances with a constantphase and amplitude The resulting fits to individual modes tend to show oscillatingphases but the simultaneous fit of all frequencies is stable and recovers successfully phase-and amplitude-information Fig 54 shows an example of resonant modes with a basefrequency of 240 dminus1 Some modes tend to show an constant offset in the O minusC diagrambut are on average still close to the null hypothesis


52 Artificial data testing







0 50 100 150 200 250

0 1000 2000


f dminus1

f microHz







minus002minus001 0 001 002

minus02 minus01 0 01 02




f dminus1

f microHz

Figure 53 Left Amplitude spectrum for four resonant pulsations with frequencies of240 dminus1 120 dminus1 80 dminus1 and 48 dminus1 and amplitudes of 05 Right Window function











0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100


48 dminus1 80 dminus1 120 dminus1 240 dminus1




t d

Figure 54 Results for four resonant pulsations with frequencies of 240 dminus1 120 dminus1 80 dminus1

and 48 dminus1 Each epoch contains data from one month Top Reconstructed AmplitudesBottom O minusC diagram


5 Methods




27776 27778 2778



04 minus f1




23998 240 24002



f microHz



f dminus1







minus002minus001 0 001 002

minus02 minus01 0 01 02




f dminus1

f microHz

Figure 55 Left Amplitude spectrum for two close pulsations with frequencies of240000 dminus1 and 240002 dminus1 and amplitudes of 05 and 02 (top) after subtraction ofthe mode at 240000 dminus1 (middle) and residuals after subtraction of the mode at 240002 dminus1

(bottom) Right Window function

Close frequencies Unresolved frequencies are a problem in the analysis of data andinterpretation of their results The frequency resolution is intrinsic to the observationpattern Unfortunately it is very difficult to conclude from an observational O minus Cpattern on unresolved frequencies The vast range of possible combinations in number offrequencies their spacing and amplitude ratios makes it almost impossible to conclude on aspecific configuration to explain the observations However if there is a resolved multipletin the observations but the signal-to-noise ratio of individual amplitudes is not goodenough to provide useful phase measurements a simulated multiplet on the observationaltime grid can provide insights on the O minusC behaviour of the main frequency Additionallythe window function can help to interpret amplitude spectra

Artificial test cases can raise awareness of possible O minus C patterns and caution theinterpretation of observational results The following tests were conducted with twopulsation frequencies and a constant phase which should result in a O minus C diagram notdifferent from zero

With a sufficient frequency separation and signal-to-noise ratio for both pulsations(see Fig 55) the O minusC diagram might show mode-beating effects like in Fig 56 Therecovered amplitude and phase of the main pulsation mode show periodic variationsalthough they should appear constant Thus the simultaneous occurrence of amplitude-and phase-modulations in an O minusC diagram should caution the interpretation in favour ofa light travel time effect

When the signal-to-noise ratio for one frequency is barely over the noise level it mightbe considered as noise after the pre-whitening of the dominant mode and neglected Using


52 Artificial data testing











0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100


2400 dminus1 240002 dminus1




t d

Figure 56 Results of the simultaneous fit of two close pulsations with frequencies of2400 dminus1 and 240002 dminus1 and similar amplitudes Each epoch contains data from onemonth TopReconstructed Amplitudes Bottom O minusC diagram

the example above but reducing the amplitude of the second pulsation from 05 to0001 (see Fig 57) leads to the O minusC diagram in Fig 58 The second pulsation is nottaken into consideration because the amplitude does not elevate above the noise level Themain pulsation shows periodic variations in the phase as to be expected from a substellarcompanion At the same time the amplitude appears to be modulated as well indicating amode-beating effect These scenarios strengthen the need for at least one additional phasevariation measurement on an independent pulsation mode in order to conclude on reflexmotion effects due to a substellar companion

Variable amplitude Previous observational studies show that amplitude modulationsare a common phenomenon for sdB stars Kilkenny (2010) But due to the relatively shortobservational baseline of such investigations it is not clear whether amplitude modulationscan appear on their own or together with phase modulations (as result of mode beatingeffects) Thus the OminusC method needs to be able to distinguish between the two scenarioswhich can be tested by using a simulated mode with an amplitude modulation but nophase modulation The example data set shown in Fig 59 and 510 exhibits an amplitudemodulation of 50 The OminusC analysis recovers successful this amplitude variation Alsothe phase shows no simultaneous variation which enables the distinction between a modebeating and pure amplitude modulated scenario


5 Methods




27776 27778 2778




23998 240 24002



f microHz




f dminus1







minus002minus001 0 001 002

minus02 minus01 0 01 02




f dminus1

f microHz

Figure 57 Left Amplitude spectrum for two close pulsations with frequencies of 2400 dminus1

and 240002 dminus1 and amplitudes of 05 and 0001 (top) residuals after subtractionof the mode at 2400 dminus1 (bottom) Note the different scale The residual peaks are onlyslightly above the average noise level Right Window function





0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100


2400 dminus1




t d

Figure 58 Results for two close pulsations with frequencies of 2400 dminus1 and 240002 dminus1

and very different amplitudes Each epoch contains data from one month Top Recon-structed Amplitude Bottom O minusC diagram for the main pulsation


52 Artificial data testing




27776 27778 2778




23998 240 24002



f microHz




f dminus1







minus002minus001 0 001 002

minus02 minus01 0 01 02




f dminus1

f microHz

Figure 59 Left Amplitude spectrum for one pulsation with a frequency of 2400 dminus1

and an amplitude of 05 varying by 50 with a 300 d period (top) residuals afterpre-whitening of the mode at 2400 dminus1 (bottom) Right Window function




0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100


2400 dminus1




t d

Figure 510 Results for one simulated pulsation with a frequency of 2400 dminus1 and anamplitude of 05 The amplitude is varying by 50 with a 300 d period Each epochcontains data from one month Top Reconstructed Amplitude Bottom O minusC diagram


5 Methods

53 Alternative approaches

531 Analytic signal

The analytic signal (AS) is a complex-valued function where real and imaginary part arerelated to each other by the Hilbert transform In polar coordinates the AS can be expressedin terms of its amplitude and phase as a function of time called envelope and instantaneousphase The instantaneous frequency can be obtained by differentiating the instantaneousphase in respect to time From the instantaneous phase an O minusC diagram can be inferredwhich makes the AS a potentially useful tool to investigate phase amplitude and frequencyvariations in stellar pulsations See III (2007) for a comprehensive overview

The AS s(t) of a signal s(t) is defined as

s(t) = s(t) + iH (s(t))

where the Hilbert transformationH is defined over the convolution

H =1πtlowast s(t)

While the original signal generates one amplitude value for each point in time the analyticalrepresentation generates a rotating vector in the complex plane Thus the analyticalrepresentation provides instantaneous values for amplitude frequency and phase withonly a single sample of a discrete signal

The AS is implemented in the scipy library (Jones et al 2011) Since it is based onFourier transforms it requires equidistant steps in time Thus a space born observatorywith a regular and continuous observing scheme is preferred over ground based observa-tions by this method Due to barycentric motion of the spacecraft the time steps will bedistorted after correcting for the barycentric motion Therefore an interpolation in time isnecessary which makes the analysis computationally very expensive

In order to test the implementation the artificial light curves should represent thistemporal behavior The data were generated sampling one stellar pulsation mode accordingto the PLATO scheme (cadence of 25 s for three years) and an ldquoinverserdquo barycentriccorrection was applied in order to create the irregular temporal spacing

For the analysis the artificial data are interpolated on a grid with a spacing of theshortest time between two measurements close to 25 s From an amplitude spectrum thefrequency of the pulsation mode is selected very similar to the classical O minusC approachimplemented for this work In the presence of multiple pulsation frequencies a frequencyfiltering is necessary After the computation of the envelope instantaneous phase andfrequency the expected linear cycle count is subtracted from the instantaneous phase toyield the OminusC diagram (see Fig 511) Since the AS is computed without a binning of datathe result appears to be scattering much more than the classical O minusC result Averagingthe results over a sufficient amount of time smooths the measurements Neverthelessthe process of interpolation before the actual analysis can start is computationally veryexpensive about a factor 1000 more than the classical O minusC calculation This makes theHilbert transform not practical for analysing irregular high cadence data This approachhas not been further pursued in this work


53 Alternative approaches



50100150200250300350 frequency



0 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 01




ampl envelope 2400 dminus1f




t d

Figure 511 Results of the Hilbert transform for one pulsation with a frequency of2400 dminus1 and an amplitude of 05 Top Flux measurements (black) sampled from thepulsation (grey) and amplitude envelope (red) Middle Instantaneous frequency BottomInstantaneous phase minus reference phase

532 Independent confirmation via direct imagingDirect imaging with adaptive optics allow for observations near the refraction limit of thetelescope This might offer the possibility to confirm sub-stellar companion candidateswhere a clear detection using the pulsation timing is affected by non-linear effects ofstellar pulsations However possible companions are still not resolvable with currenttechnology V391 Peg and DW Lyn have a distance of d = (12387000 plusmn 822422) pc andd = (14954389 plusmn 1303785) pc respectively (Gaia Collaboration et al 2018) With semimajor axis of about 17 au (Silvotti et al 2007) and 196 au the hypothetical companionswould be separated by 137 mas and 131 mas from the host star respectively This isabout one order of magnitude smaller than the theoretical angular resolution of 8 m classtelescopes The remaining EXOTIME targets are not significantly closer to Earth Thusthe sub-stellar companion candidates in the EXOTIME sample can not be confirmed viadirect imaging


Part III

The EXOTIME project Signals in theO minusC diagrams of the rapidly pulsatingsubdwarfs DW Lyn V1636 Ori QQ Vir

and V541 Hya


This chapter is published as a journal article ldquoThe EXOTIME project Signals inthe O minus C diagrams of the rapidly pulsating subdwarfs DW Lyn V1636 Ori QQ Virand V541 Hyardquo in Astronomy and Astrophysics (AampA 638 (2020) A108 DOI httpsdoiorg1010510004-6361201937172) copy F Mackebrandt et al 2020Authors F Mackebrandt12 S Schuh1 R Silvotti3 S-L Kim4 D Kilkenny5 EM Green6 R Lutz7 T Nagel8 J L Provencal910 T Otani1112 T D Oswalt1112

S Benatti13 L Lanteri3 A Bonanno14 A Frasca14 R Janulis15 M Paparoacute16 LMolnaacuter1617 R Claudi13 R H Oslashstensen18

Contributions FM analysed the data and wrote the manuscript SS is CoI of the EXO-TIME project coordinated observations at CAHA and supervised the findings of this workRS is PI of the EXOTIME project coordinated observations at TNG and contributedFig 910 and the according description in section 95 The following authors observed andreduced the data S-LK (LOAO) DK (SAAO) EMG (MtB) RL (MN) TN (Tue)JLP (WET) TO (SARA-KP) TDO (SARA-KP) SB (Asi) LL (Loi) AB (Serrala Nave) AF (Serra la Nave) RJ (Mol) MP (Kon) LM (Kon) RC (Asi) RHOslash(NOT)The manuscript has been read discussed and approved by all named authors

Photometric data of Fig 71 results in Fig 92 94 96 and 99 and figures in theappendix are only available at the CDS via anonymous ftp to cdsarcu-strasbgfr(130791285) or via httpcdsarcu-strasbgfrviz-bincatJA+A638

1 Max-Planck-Institut fuumlr Sonnensystemforschung Justus-von-Liebig-Weg 3 37077 Goumlttingen Germany2 Institut fuumlr Astrophysik Georg-August-Universitaumlt Goumlttingen Friedrich-Hund-Platz 1 37077 Goumlttingen

Germany3 INAF ndash Osservatorio Astrofisico di Torino strada dellrsquoOsservatorio 20 10025 Pino Torinese Italy4 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute Daejeon 34055 South Korea5 Department of Physics and Astronomy University of the Western Cape Private Bag X17 Bellville 7535

South Africa6 Steward Observatory University of Arizona 933 N Cherry Avenue Tucson AZ 85721 USA7 German Aerospace Center (DLR) Remote Sensing Technology Institute Muumlnchener Str 20 82234

Weszligling Germany8 Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics Kepler Center for Astro and Particle Physics University of

Tuumlbingen 72076 Tuumlbingen Germany9 University of Delaware Department of Physics and Astronomy Newark DE 19716 USA10 Delaware Asteroseismic Research Center Mt Cuba Observatory Greenville DE 19807 USA11 Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Department of Physical Science and SARA Daytona Beach FL

32114 USA12 Florida Institute of Technology Department of Physics amp Space Sciences Melbourne FL 32901 USA13 INAF ndash Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova Vicolo dellacircAZOsservatorio 5 35122 Padova Italy14 INAF ndash Osservatorio Astrofisico di Catania Via S Sofia 78 95123 Catania Italy15 Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astronomy Vilnius University Gostauto 12 Vilnius 01108 Lithuania16 Konkoly Observatory Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences Konkoly-Thege M uacutet 15-17

1121 Budapest Hungary17 MTA CSFK Lenduumllet Near-Field Cosmology Research Group Konkoly Observatory18 Department of Physics Astronomy and Materials Science Missouri State University Springfield MO

65897 USA


A108Based on observations obtained at the 09 m SARA-KP telescope which is operated bythe Southeastern Association for Research in Astronomy (saraobservatoryorg)


6 Introduction

Subdwarf B stars (sdBs) are sub-luminous stars with a mass of about 05 M located at theblue end of the horizontal branch which is the so-called extreme horizontal branch (EHBHeber 1986) They maintain a helium burning core but their thin hydrogen envelope(Menv lt 001 M) cannot sustain hydrogen shell burning which identifies sdBs withstripped cores of red giants (Heber 2016) Binary evolution with a common envelope (CE)is the favoured formation scenario for most sdBs The sdB progenitor fills its Roche lobenear the tip of the RGB A CE is formed when the mass transfer rate is sufficiently highand the companion star cannot accrete all the matter For close binary systems with smallinitial mass ratios q lt 12ndash15 two phases of mass transfer occur The first Roche-lobeoverflow is stable whereas the second one is unstable leading to the ejection of the CEThe resulting binary consists of an sdB star and a white dwarf in a short-period orbitFor initial mass ratios q gt 12ndash15 the first mass-transfer phase is unstable and the CE isejected producing an sdB star with a non-degenerate (eg main sequence star) companionA more detailed review of formation and evolution of compact binary systems can be foundin Podsiadlowski (2008) and Postnov and Yungelson (2014) These formation scenarioscannot explain the observed additional occurrence of apparently single sdBs (Maxtedet al 2001) Among the proposed formation scenarios is the proposal by Webbink (1984)that they could be formed by a merger of two helium white dwarfs But such mergersare problematic as they are expected to retain very little hydrogen (Han et al 2002) andbe left with higher rotation rates than what has been observed (Charpinet et al 2018)Moreover the overall observed mass distribution of single sdB stars is not consistent withthat expected from the proposed formation scenario Sub-stellar companions could resolvethis disagreement between theory and observations Planetary-mass companions like thecandidates V391 Peg b (Silvotti et al 2007) KIC 05807616 bc (Charpinet et al 2011)KIC 10001893 bcd (Silvotti et al 2014) or brown dwarf companions like V2008-1753 B(Schaffenroth et al 2015) or CS 1246 (Barlow et al 2011b) indicate the existence of apreviously undiscovered population of companions to apparently single sdBs

Due to the high surface gravity and effective temperature (leading to few stronglybroadened spectral lines in the optical) and the small radii of sdBs the detection efficiencyfor companions via methods like radial velocity variations or transits is small The timingof stellar pulsations offers a complementary detection method sensitive to large orbitalseparations

A small fraction of sdB stars shows pulsational variations in the p- (pressure-) andg- (gravity-) mode regimes Rapid p-mode pulsators (sdBVr) discovered by Kilkennyet al (1997) show periods of the order of minutes and amplitudes of a few tens of mmagSuch pulsations were predicted by Charpinet et al (1997 et seq) to be driven by theκ-mechanism due to a Z-opacity bump For slow pulsators (sdBVs) the periods range


6 Introduction

from 30 to 80 min with small amplitudes of a few mmag This class was discovered byGreen et al (2003) and the pulsations are explained by the κ-mechanism as well (Fontaineet al 2003) Some sdB stars show both types of pulsation modes simultaneously (sdBVrs)These hybrid pulsators lie at the temperature boundary near 28000 K between the twoclasses of pulsating stars for example the prototype for this class DW Lyn (Schuh et al2006) which is also addressed in this work or Balloon 090100001 (Baran et al 2005)

Pulsations driven by the κ-mechanism are coherent which qualifies these objects forthe timing method to search for sub-stellar companions This method is based on thelight-travel time effect with the host star acting as a stable ldquoclockrdquo spatial movements ofthe star around the barycentre induced by a companion result in time delays of the stellarlight measured by the observer Examples of detections using this method are ldquopulsar-planetsrdquo (eg Wolszczan and Frail 1992) planets detected by transit timing variations (egKepler 19 c Ballard et al 2011) planets orbiting δScuti stars (Murphy et al 2016a) oreclipsing binaries (eg V2051 Oph (AB) b Qian et al 2015) In particular the detectionof a late-type main sequence star companion to the sdB CS 1246 by Barlow et al (2011b)subsequently confirmed with radial velocity data (Barlow et al 2011a) or other studieslike Otani et al (2018) demonstrate the viability of this method in sdB systems On theother hand the particular example of V391 Peg b is currently under discussion (Silvottiet al 2018) because of possible non-linear interactions between different pulsation modesthat change arrival times (see Zong et al 2018 for a detailed study of amplitudefrequencyvariations related to nonlinear effects) Stochastically driven pulsations are suspected byReed et al (2007a) Kilkenny (2010) and their nature confirmed by Oslashstensen et al (2014)Also the candidate detections of KIC 05807616 and KIC 10001893 are uncertain sinceother sdBs observed within the Kepler K2- mission exhibit g-modes with long periods upto few hours They question the interpretation of the low-frequency variations for KIC05807616 and KIC 10001893 (eg Krzesinski 2015 Blokesz et al 2019)

In order to detect sub-stellar companions orbiting rapidly pulsating sdB stars theEXOTIME observational programme (EXOplanet search with the TIming MEthod) hasbeen taking long term data since 1999 EXOTIME conducted a long-term monitoringprogramme of five rapidly pulsating sdB stars V391 Peg has been discussed by Silvottiet al (2007 2018) In this paper we present the observations of DW Lyn and V1636 Oripreviously discussed in Lutz et al (2008a) Schuh et al (2010) Lutz (2011) Lutz et al(2011) and re-evaluate their findings using an extended set of observations In additionthe observations of QQ Vir and V541 Hya are presented and analysed In the beginning ofthe programme the mode stability was tested for all targets over a timespan of months inorder to ensure the pulsation modes were coherent

For the DW Lyn observations Lutz et al (2011) found no significant signals in aperiodogram of the O minus C data of the two analysed pulsation frequencies which wouldindicate sub-stellar companions A tentative signal in the second frequency (in this worklabelled f2 as well) formally corresponding to an 80-day companion orbit is concludedto arise from mode beating of an unresolved frequency doublet The analysis of V1636Ori revealed a signal at 160 d in the periodogram of the main frequency O minusC data (Lutzet al 2011) Although this periodicity showed a significance of only 1σ Lutz et al(2011) predicted an increase of significance with follow-up observations We are usingthis extended data set in our work now incorporating observations up to 2015

This paper is organised as follows Section 7 describes the observational aspects within


6 Introduction

the EXOTIME programme and the data reduction followed by a description of our analysisin Sect 8 Our results are presented in Sect 9 together with a discussion


7 Observations and data reduction

The observational data necessary for the analysis are comprised of many individual datasets gathered over the course of up to two decades The detection method demands theobservation of a target for a total time base at least as long as one orbit of a potentialcompanion which can span several years This requires coordinated campaigns withobservatories using ~1 ndash 4 m telescopes In order to derive sufficient accuracy for theanalysis observations with at least three to four consecutive nights each with a minimumof two to three hours per target are required To resolve the short-period p-modes thecadence must be shorter than about 30 s but still with a sufficient signal-to-noise ratio(SN) All observations used the Johnson-Bessel B band The correct time stamps foreach observation are of most importance for the timing analysis Most observatories ofthis study contributed already successfully to the work of Silvotti et al (2007) Silvotti(2008 Table 2) The following lists some references where telescopes used for thisstudy contributed successfully to other timing-relevant observations Konkoly RCC 10 mTelescope Provencal et al (2009) Stello et al (2006) Mt Lemmon Optical AstronomyObservatory Bischoff-Kim et al (2019) Lee et al (2014) Serra la Nave 09 m Bonannoet al (2003ab) SARA-KP 09 m telescope Kilkenny (2014) Baran et al (2018)

Table 71 lists the atmospheric parameters of the stars and Table 72 summarisesthe photometric observations obtained at multiple medium-class telescopes Fig 71summarises the observational coverage

71 DW Lyn

Dreizler et al (2002) identified DW Lyn (HS 0702+6043) as a p-mode pulsator Schuhet al (2006) discovered additional g-mode pulsations making this star the prototype of

Table 71 Atmospheric parameters of the targets

Target Te f f K log(g cm





DW Lyn 28 400plusmn600 535plusmn01 -27plusmn01 1V1636 Ori 33 800plusmn1 000 560plusmn015 -185plusmn020 2QQ Vir 34 800plusmn610 581plusmn005 -165plusmn005 3V541 Hya 34 806plusmn230 5794plusmn0044 -1680plusmn0056 4

1 Dreizler et al (2002) 2 Oslashstensen et al (2001) 3 Telting andOslashstensen (2004) 4 Randall et al (2009)


7 Observations and data reduction






54500 55000 55500 56000 56500

2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013










54500 55000 55500 56000 56500 57000

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015








71 DW Lyn






52000 52500 53000 53500 54000 54500 55000 55500 56000

2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013










53000 53500 54000 54500 55000 55500 56000 56500 57000 57500

2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016







Figure 71 Light curves Grey points are considered outliers and partially exceeding theplotting range (a) DW Lyn (b) V1636 Ori (c) QQ Vir (d) V541 Hya


7 Observations and data reductionTable












































































































































































72 V1636 Ori

hybrid sdB pulsatorsThere are photometric data available from 1999 Large gaps make a consistent O minusC

analysis difficult Regular monitoring within the EXOTIME programme ran from 2007until the beginning of 2010 Further observations cover a period up to the end of 2010These multi-site observations are described in Lutz et al (2008ab 2011) Here we addobservations made with the SARA-KP 09 m telescope at Kitt Peak National Observatoryin Arizona that used exposure times of 30 s

72 V1636 OriOslashstensen et al (2001) discovered V1636 Ori (HS 0444+0458) as a pulsating sdB starReed et al (2007b) conducted a frequency analysis reporting one small and two largeamplitude p-modes

V1636 Ori was observed between August 2008 and January 2015 for the EXOTIMEproject About a third of the data was obtained using the 1 m South African AstronomicalObservatory (SAAO) with the UCT and STE3 CCD instruments Observations at the 12 mMONETNorth telescope equipped with an Apogee 1ktimes1k E2V CCD camera were takenin 2x2 binning using 20 s exposure times Observations at the 22 m Calar Alto Observatory(CAHA) used the CAFOS instrument with 10 s exposure time Two nights were obtainedat the 15 m telescope at Loiano observatory using the BFOSC (Bologna Faint ObjectSpectrograph amp Camera) instrument and 15 s exposure times Between October 2008 andDecember 2009 observations at the 1 m Mt Lemmon Optical Astronomy Observatory(LOAO) were conducted with a 2ktimes2k CCD camera with exposure times of 12 s and 20 sThe observations at the 36 m Telescopio Nazionale Galileo (TNG) in August 2008 and2010 were performed with the DOLORES instrument and 5 s exposure times

73 QQ VirThe discovery of QQ Vir (PG 1325+101) as a multi-period pulsator was reported in Silvottiet al (2002) followed by a frequency analysis and asteroseismological modelling bySilvotti et al (2006) and Charpinet et al (2006) respectively

Observations of QQ Vir in 2001 and 2003 are described in Silvotti et al (2002) andSilvotti et al (2006) respectively Between March 2008 and April 2010 the object wasobserved as part of the EXOTIME project (Benatti et al 2010) Additionally one obser-vation run in February 2005 was performed at the 15 m telescope at Loiano observatoryusing the BFOSC instrument Most of the observations were obtained in 2009 2010 2011and 2012 at the LOAO using an exposure time of 10 s The CAHA and MONETNorthobservations were conducted with 10 s and 20 s exposure times respectively The Loianoobservatory performed additional observations in 2009 2010 and 2011 with the 15 mtelescope using BFOSC and an exposure times of 12 s 15 s and 20 s Observations atthe Moletai Astronomical Observatory (Mol) in 2008 were performed using the 16 mtelescope and an Apogee 1ktimes1k E2V CCD camera using 175 s of exposure time Obser-vations at the SAAO used the same instrumental set up as described in section 72 TheTNG observed in 2010 and 2011 A DARC-WET campaign on QQ Vir was performed inMay 2010


7 Observations and data reduction

74 V541 HyaV541 Hya (EC 09582-1137) was discovered by Kilkenny et al (2006) Randall et al(2009) conducted an asteroseismological analysis of this target

Between 2005 and 2015 a large number of observations were obtained at the SAAOusing the same instrumentation noted in Sect 72 and exposure times of 10 s The LOAOconducted observations in 2009 2012 and 2013 with exposure times of 20 s During March2009 and February and March 2010 V541 Hya was observed at the CAHA using anexposure time of 10 s

75 TESS observationsThe primary goal of the NASA Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) space tele-scope is to detect exoplanets transiting bright nearby stars (Ricker et al 2015) Howeverthe extensive time series photometry is valuable for asteroseimology and the TESS Astero-seismic Science Consortium (TASC) coordinates short cadence observations of pulsatingevolved stars TESS observed V1636 Ori and V541 Hya with a cadence of 120 s betweenNovember 15 2018 and December 11 2018 and February 2 2019 and February 27 2019respectively We used the light curves provided by the MAST archive1 that had commoninstrumental trends removed by the Pre-Search Data Conditioning Pipeline (PDC Stumpeet al 2012) Light curves and amplitude spectra are presented in Fig 111 and 112 Thetwo minutes (ldquoshortrdquo) cadence undersamples the p-modes at about 140 s In combinationwith the large photometric scatter the amplitude spectra show no evidence of the p-modesThus we do not make use of the TESS observations in our study

76 Data reductionFor the EXOTIME observations the data reduction was carried out using the IDL softwareTRIPP (Time Resolved Imaging Photometry Package see Schuh et al 2000) TRIPPperforms bias- dark- flat-field corrections and differential aperture photometry to calculatethe relative flux of a target with respect to one or more comparison stars and extinction-corrections (second order polynomial in time) In the presence of sub-stellar companionswe might expect variations in the arrival times of stellar pulsations on the order of secondsto tens of seconds The corresponding uncertainties are expected to be about one secondThese uncertainties rise from observational constrains such as smearing and samplingeffects due to the integration time The accuracy of individual time-stamps is better thanplusmn05 s All time stamps were converted from GJD(UTC) to BJD(TDB) according toEastman et al (2010) with an accuracy well below the expected observational uncertainty

Typical SN for our ground-based observations range from 60 for large amplitudepulsations to 3 for the smallest pulsation-amplitudes we investigate in this work Theamplitude spectra in Sect 9 show also pulsations with smaller SN but these are notsuitable for timing analysis because the uncertainties are too large (see Table 111)

1 httpsarchivestsciedu


8 Analysis

In order to detect variations in the arrival time of stellar pulsations we developed a pipelineto process the reduced data A schematic flowchart of our pipeline is presented in Fig 81The input consists of the light curve (time series) and the dates of the observational epochsIn a light curve typically spanning several years at a very low duty cycle of 02 to 17 percent an epoch consists of a few roughly consecutive nights of observation

Outlier removal In case no uncertainty in the flux measurement F is provided theroot-mean-square of each observation is used as an approximate photometric error forthe later analysis We have used a running median filter to exclude 5σ flux-outliers Thelength of the window size depends on the cadence of the observations We constrained itto be not longer than half of the period of the main frequency The analysis is performedfor each frequency individually before all frequencies were analysed simultaneously

Full data fit For the individual fitting of pulsations we first determined the frequencyof the main signal For this we used the astropy package to calculate the Lomb-Scargleperiodogram (Astropy Collaboration et al 2013 2018) From this periodogram we selectedthe frequency with the largest amplitude to continue In the next step we performed the fitof a sinusoidal function to the light curve using

F(t) = A sin ( f t + φ) + o (81)

with amplitude A frequency f phase φ and offset o The minimization problem is solvedusing the scipy implementation of the Trust Region Reflective algorithm (Jones et al2011) The selected frequency from the amplitude spectrum serves as initial value thefull-width-at-half-maximum of the corresponding peak in the periodogram is used as aboundary The amplitude-guess is taken from the amplitude spectrum In case of highlyvarying amplitudes the initial value can be set manually The fitting routine returns theparameters and their variance

Epoch fit Frequency and offset are all kept fixed for the following analysis of theindividual observational epochs The starting value of the current phase fit is determinedby the average of the previous j phase values (or the global fit value from above in casethere are no j previous values yet) in order to keep the fitting process stable and avoidldquophase-jumpsrdquo For our target sample a value of j = 3 has proven to be reasonable exceptwhen observational gaps span over several years

The uncertainty in the phase measurement scales inverse with the length of the epochsThus this length is chosen in a way to minimize the uncertainties of the fit but at the same


8 Analysis

LC data epochsperiodogram

choose frequency

fit to refine frequencyC

determine nth frequency

divide light curveinto epochs

fit to epochs O

O minus C-diagram

new Frequency

pre-whitening LCwith fit model

fit sum of nsine to LC

fit sum of nsine to epochs

O minus C-diagramyesn + 1 no






Figure 81 Flow chart representing the analysis of the time of arrival Light curve (LC)and start end time of each observational epoch are provided as input Each frequency isanalysed leading to an intermediate O minusC-diagram and subtracted from the LC by itselfbefore the sum of all sinusoidal functions is fitted simultaneously to the LC resulting inthe final O minusC-diagram

time keep the epochs as short as possible to maximize the temporal resolution of the finalO minusC diagram Often the observations themselves constrain the length of the epochs (egthree consecutive nights of observations and a gap of several weeks before the next blockof observations) If possible we aim for an epoch length such that the timing uncertaintiesare of the order of one second The phase information of the global and the epoch fit resultin a intermediate O minusC diagram

As a last step in the single-frequency-analysis the fitted model is subtracted from thelight curve We noticed significant amplitude variations for some of our targets Thuswe subtract the model using the amplitude of the individual epochs This pre-whiteningprocedure is repeated for every relevant pulsation in the data

Multi frequency fit Close frequencies are likely to introduce artificial trends in thearrival times in such a step-by-step analysis Thus the sum of all sinusoidal functions

F(t) = An sin ( fnt + φn) + o (82)

is fitted to the non-whitened light curve where n is the number of investigated frequenciesThe previously retrieved values for amplitude frequency phase and offset are used asinitial values We are using the phase information φn of the light curve as reference phasenamely calculated phase C in the final O minus C diagram Similar to the single-frequency


8 Analysis

Table 81 Parameters of the simultaneously fitted pulsations per target over their fullobservational time span and the pulsation period P

Target f dminus1 P s A φ d

DW Lyn f1 237941160 (8) 363114982(12) 219 (9) 54394741 (5)f2 22515898 (5) 38372887(9) 035 (9) 5439474 (3)

V1636 Ori f1 6317346 (2) 13676629(5) 054 (3) 5469872 (3)f2 5099780 (3) 1694191(1) 024 (3) 5469872 (7)

QQ Vir f1 626877627 (3) 1378259429(7) 26 (1) 52117924 (6)f2 55200714 (9) 15651971(3) 010 (9) 521179 (1)f3 6420515 (1) 13456864(3) 007 (1) 521179 (2)

V541 Hya f1 63532218 (5) 135993993(11) 031 (8) 5341388 (3)f2 57128556 (3) 151237850(8) 021 (7) 5341388 (3)

Notes The phase φ refers to the time corresponding to the first zero-crossing ofthe function after the first measurement t0 in MBJD

analysis the observational epochs are now fitted individually using the sum of sinusoidalfunctions to yield the observed phase information O

The results of the simultaneous fit for each target in this paper are summarised in Ta-ble 81 We list pulsation modes not used for the timing analysis in Table 111 Figures 82ndash 85 show example light curves of the targets for one epoch each including their multifrequency fit and the respective amplitude spectrum


8 Analysis



470 472 474 476 478 480 482 484 486 488



572 574 576 578 580 582 584 586 588 590



672 674 676 678 680 682 684 686 688 690



t d since 2007-10-17




2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 3000




225 epoch


210 220 230 240 250 260




f microHz






f dminus1

Figure 82 Example observations of DW Lyn from October 2122 and 23 2010 at theLulin observatory (top from top to bottom) combined used as one O minusC measurementThe errorbar on the left of each plot represents the photometric uncertainty The red lineshows the simultaneous two frequency fit to the epoch data The amplitude spectra inthe lower panel show the spectrum of the full data set (top) the spectrum of this epoch(middle) and the respective window function computed at f1 (bottom)


8 Analysis



130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137



229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236



329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336



t d since 2009-03-20




065700 6000 6300 6600 6900 7200 7500






480 500 520 540 560 580 600 620 640 660




f microHz






f dminus1

Figure 83 Example observations of V1636 Ori from March 20 21 and 22 2009 atthe CAHA (top from top to bottom) combined used as one O minus C measurement Theerrorbar on the left of each plot represents the photometric uncertainty The red line showsthe simultaneuos two frequency fit to the epoch data The amplitude spectra in the lowerpanel show the spectrum of the full data set (top) the spectrum of this epoch (middle) andthe respective window function computed at f1 (bottom)


8 Analysis



876 880 884 888 892 896 900



976 980 984 988 992 996 1000



1072 1076 1080 1084 1088 1092 1096



t d since 2012-02-13




6200 6400 6600 6800 7000 7200 7400 7600 7800





15 epoch


540 560 580 600 620 640 660 680




f microHz






f dminus1

Figure 84 Example observations of QQ Vir from February 20 21 and 22 2012 at theMonet telescope (top from top to bottom) combined used as one OminusC measurement Theerrorbar on the left of each plot represents the photometric uncertainty The red line showsthe simultaneuos two frequency fit to the epoch data The amplitude spectra in the lowerpanel show the spectrum of the full data set (top) the spectrum of this epoch (middle) andthe respective window function computed at f1 (bottom)


8 Analysis



284 288 292 296 300 304 308 312



380 384 388 392 396 400 404 408



888 892 896 900 904 908 912 916



t d since 2008-02-04




036400 6600 6800 7000 7200 7400 7600 7800




04 epoch


540 560 580 600 620 640 660 680




f microHz






f dminus1

Figure 85 Example observations of V541 Hya from February 6 7 and 12 2008 at theSAAO (top from top to bottom) combined used as one O minusC measurement The errorbaron the left of each plot represents the photometric uncertainty The red line shows thesimultaneuos two frequency fit to the epoch data The amplitude spectra in the lower panelshow the spectrum of the full data set (top) the spectrum of this epoch (middle) and therespective window function computed at f1 (bottom)


9 Results and discussion

In the following we discuss the implications of the obtained amplitude spectra and O minusCmeasurements on the evolutionary state and presence of sub-stellar companions to thetargets

91 DW LynThe amplitude spectrum of DW Lyn in Fig 113 reveals two strong pulsation modes atf1 = 237941160 dminus1 and f2 = 22515898 dminus1 A closer look to the amplitude spectrum inFig 91 reveals small asymmetries compared to the window function The pre-whiteningof both frequencies leaves residuals well above noise level in the amplitude spectrumindicating unresolved multiplets or mode splitting especially for f2

The SN of modes at higher frequencies for example at about 320 dminus1 and 480 dminus1are too small for a stable O minusC analysis (see Table 111) Therefore the O minusC diagram




minus02 minus015 minus01 minus005 0 005 01 015 02




0010203 f2



minus002 minus0015 minus001 minus0005 0 0005 001 0015 002


Af 1

f microHz




f 2







f dminus1

Figure 91 Amplitude spectrum of DW Lyn of the main pulsation frequency f1 =

237941160 dminus1 (top) f2 = 22515898 dminus1 (middle) with the respective residuals afterthe pre-whitening below and the normalised window-function (bottom)


9 Results and discussion




2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012





54400 54600 54800 55000 55200 55400 55600 55800 56000 56200 56400













Figure 92 Results for the two main pulsations of DW Lyn Top panel AmplitudesMiddle panel Fits of the O minusC data with second order polynomials in time Lower panelResiduals

in Fig 92 shows the analysis of the two main pulsation modes with the time-dependentvariation of the pulsation amplitudes

In order to determine evolutionary times-cales of the pulsations we investigate thelong-term evolution in the OminusC data A constant change in period results in a second-orderterm as a function of time (Sterken 2005) which allows us to derive a value for the secularchange of the period P and hence the evolutionary time-scale Results of the fits of thesecond order polynomial are included in Fig 92 which are PP f 1 = (58 plusmn 02)times 10minus5 dminus1

and PP f 2 = (minus293 plusmn 08) times 10minus5 dminus1 Assuming P is based on stellar evolution stellarmodel calculations show that the sign of the rate of period change indicates the phase ofthe sdB after the zero-age extreme horizontal branch (ZAEHB Charpinet et al 2002) Forp-modes a positive P relates to the first evolutionary phase of the ZAEHB in which thesurface gravity decreases due to He burning in the core A negative P would correspondto the second evolutionary phase in which the sdB contracts because the depletion of Hein its core and this happens before the post-EHB evolution The turning point betweenthese two states occurs between 87 and 91 Myr after the ZAEHB According to ourmeasurement of a positive P for f1 DW Lyn would still be in its first evolutionary phaseWith the lack of a mode identification from an asteroseismic model for DW Lyn we can notdirectly compare the measured P with theoretical predictions from Charpinet et al (2002)However stellar models with pulsation periods of around 360 s show values for P with acomparable order of magnitude as our measurement P = (43 plusmn 015) times 10minus1 s Myrminus1 forexample P = 162s Myrminus1 for a model with a mode of l = 0 k = 0 at the age of 6783 Myr(Charpinet et al 2002 appendix C) The large P of f2 is consistent with the apparent modesplitting seen in the amplitude spectra in Fig 91 and thus does not reflect the evolutionary


92 V1636 Ori

phase of DW LynAfter subtracting the long term-trend small time scale features are evident For

example the O minus C data for f2 show an oscillating behaviour with a significance of 3σwithin the first 200 days while the arrival times for f1 remain constant during the sameperiod of time In later epochs the O minusC data for both frequencies agree mostly within2σ During the second half of the observations the phase of f2 jumps by about 100 s Thisbehavior lacks an explanation

Additionally the evolution of the pulsation-amplitudes in Fig 92 shows a comparableoscillating behaviour for f2 within the first epochs similar to the change in arrival timesAlthough the periodic variations in amplitude are not as significant as for the phase theoccurrence of simultaneous phase- and amplitude-modulations indicate a mode-beatingof two close unresolved frequencies The residuals in the amplitude spectrum supportthis explanation In later observations the amplitude remains almost constant within theuncertainties The beating mode might lose energy or shift frequency over time Theamplitude for the f1 pulsation drops by about 1 per cent (amplitude) or about 35 per cent(relative) to the second half of the observation campaign with a similar quasi-periodicvariation as the phase The residuals in the amplitude spectrum show no indication of anunresolved frequency leading to mode-beating Besides stochastically driven pulsationmodes Kilkenny (2010) suggest energy transfer between modes as possible explanationfor amplitude variations For both frequencies a possible interaction between amplitudeand phase of pulsations is not well understood

92 V1636 Ori

The amplitude spectrum of V1636 Ori in Fig 114 shows two main pulsation modes withfrequencies at f1 = 6317346 dminus1 and f2 = 5099780 dminus1 The SN is not sufficient to use athird pulsation mode at 5662 dminus1 (6553 microHz Reed et al 2007b) The amplitude spectrumof TESS data in Fig 112 shows no evidence for g-mode pulsations with amplitudes greaterthan 04 per cent A detailed look at the spectra of the two main frequencies in Fig 93shows mode splitting likely due to a change in frequency over the long time of observation

The O minusC diagram in Fig 94 shows the two main pulsation modes and the variationof the pulsation amplitudes

From the second order fit in time we derive the changes in period PP f 1 = (minus854plusmn014) times 10minus5 dminus1 and PP f 2 = (minus25 plusmn 05) times 10minus5 dminus1 We caution the interpretation ofthese values as evolutionary time scales since the apparent mode splitting seen in Fig 93could explain these trends as well

The residuals after subtracting the long term trend show a large variation They changeby up to about plusmn50 s for f1 (sim 14σ significance) and up to about plusmn30 s for f2 (sim 3σsignificance) The amplitude for f1 drops by about 025 per cent (amplitude) or about33 per cent (relative) in the time between MBJD = 55100 d and 55300 d and returnsto its previous level afterwards while the amplitude for f2 remains constant within theuncertainties This decrease in amplitude coincides with earlier arrival times in the O minusCdiagram As already discussed in the previous section a possible amplitude- and phase-interaction is not well understood The f1 pulsation mode may not be coherent on suchlong time-scales but of a short-term stochastic nature not resolvable by our data set (eg


9 Results and discussion


minus02 minus015 minus01 minus005 0 005 01 015 02





02 f2




minus002 minus0015 minus001 minus0005 0 0005 001 0015 002


Af 1

f microHz




f 2







f dminus1

Figure 93 Amplitude spectrum of V1636 Ori of the main pulsation frequency f1 =

6317346 dminus1 (top) f2 = 5099780 dminus1 (middle) with the respective residuals after thepre-whitening below and the normalised window-function (bottom)

KIC 2991276 Oslashstensen et al 2014)

93 QQ VirFig 115 shows the amplitude spectrum for the QQ Vir observations The main frequencyat about f1 = 626877628 dminus1 is presented in Fig 95 in detail and shows asymmetriescompared to the window function After the pre-whitening process a close frequency atabout 626881270 dminus1 remains but attempts to model this pulsation fail with uncertaintiestoo large for the timing analysis There appear two more frequencies suitable for our studyThe amplitude spectra around f2 = 55200713 dminus1 and f3 = 6420516 dminus1 are presentednext to f1 in Fig 95 Another peak at about 665 dminus1 consists of at least two frequenciesat 664488549 dminus1 and 665478133 dminus1 but they are not sufficiently resolvable within theindividual epochs and lead to too large uncertainties in the O minusC analysis

Fig 96 shows the resulting O minus C diagram and the amplitudes at different epochsDue to the large observational gap from 2003 to 2008 with only one block of observationsin between we had difficulties avoiding errors in cycle count In order to avoid a phasejump we increased the averaging window for initial phase values to q = 6 With this setup the changes in pulsation frequencies read as follows PP f 1 = (17 plusmn 16) times 10minus7 dminus1PP f 2 = (24 plusmn 04) times 10minus5 dminus1 and PP f 3 = (40 plusmn 05) times 10minus6 dminus1 While f2 and f3 showno significant variation of pulsation amplitude f1 varies by 15 per cent (amplitude) or50 per cent (relative) Thus the corresponding phase changes should be interpreted withcaution Charpinet et al (2006) identify the radial order k and degree l from asteroseismic


93 QQ Vir




2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014






55000 55500 56000 56500 57000













Figure 94 Results for the two main pulsations of V1636 Ori Top panel AmplitudesMiddle panel Fits of the O minusC data with second order polynomials in time Lower panelResiduals


minus02 minus01 0 01 02




01 f2



01 f3



minus002 minus001 0 001 002


Af 1

f microHz




f 2




Af 3







f dminus1

Figure 95 Amplitude spectrum of QQ Vir of the main pulsation frequency f1 =

626877628 dminus1 (top) f2 = 55200713 dminus1 (top middle) f3 = 6420516 dminus1 (bottom middle)with the respective residuals after the pre-whitening below and the normalised window-function (bottom)


9 Results and discussion











52000 53000 54000 55000 56000




2f 3










Figure 96 Results for the three main pulsations of QQ Vir Top panel Amplitudes f3 hasa vertical offset of -1 for clarity Middle panel Fits of the O minusC data with second orderpolynomials in time Lower panel Residuals

modelling to be f1 l = 2 k = 2 f2 l = 4 k = 1 f3 l = 3 k = 2 These combinationsdo not allow a direct comparison of our P measurements to the model calculations fromCharpinet et al (2002) but the sign of P indicates QQ Vir to be in the stage of He burning

94 V541 HyaThe amplitude spectrum in Fig 116 shows two pulsation modes with frequencies atf1 = 63532218 dminus1 and at f2 = 57128556 dminus1 Both of them show a complex behavior(Fig 97) indicating unresolved multiplets andor frequency changes that we see also in theO-C diagrams (Fig 99) The SN for a third frequency at 60388741 dminus1 is not sufficientfor the O minusC analysis Similar to V1636 Ori the amplitude spectrum obtained from theTESS light curve in Fig 112 shows no evidence for g-mode pulsations with amplitudesgreater than 04 per cent

Randall et al (2009) speculated about rotational mode splitting for f3 with ∆ f3minus =

512 microHz and ∆ f3+ = 368 microHz The asteroseismic modelling associates f1 with a l = 0mode and f2 with l = 0 or 1 mode (depending on the favoured model) f3 corresponds to al = 2 mode They caution this interpretation due to their limited resolution in frequencyspace the mode splitting could be an unresolved quintuplet Our data set shows no clearevidence for a mode splitting with ∆ f3minus = 512 microHz or ∆ f3+ = 368 microHz (see Fig 98) butrather a mode splitting for f1 and f2 with about ∆ f = 008 microHz (Fig 97) Assuming thesemodes are of degree l = 1 this could be interpreted as a triplet But Randall et al (2009)model these modes with a degree of l = 0 which does not support a mode splitting into


94 V541 Hya


minus02 minus015 minus01 minus005 0 005 01 015 02





02 f2




minus002 minus0015 minus001 minus0005 0 0005 001 0015 002


Af 1

f microHz




f 2







f dminus1

Figure 97 Amplitude spectrum of V541 Hya of the main pulsation frequency f1 =

63532218 dminus1 (top) f2 = 57128556 dminus1 (middle) with the respective residuals after thepre-whitening below and the normalised window-function (bottom)





008minus6 minus5 minus4 minus3 minus2 minus1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6







minus06 minus04 minus02 0 02 04 06




f microHz




f dminus1

Figure 98 Amplitude spectrum with respect to the pulsation frequency f3 = 60388741 dminus1

of V541 Hya (top) and the normalised window-function (bottom)



9 Results and discussion



2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015





53000 54000 55000 56000 57000














Figure 99 Results for the two main pulsations of V541 Hya Top panel AmplitudesMiddle panel Fits of the O minusC data with second order polynomials in time Lower panelResiduals

The OminusC diagram in Fig 99 shows the analysis of the two main pulsation modes andthe variation of the pulsation amplitudes The second order fits in time indicated in theO minusC diagram correspond to changes in period of PP f 1 = (minus149 plusmn 011) times 10minus5 dminus1 andPP f 2 = (minus07 plusmn 15) times 10minus5 dminus1 For f2 the change in period does not significantly differfrom the null hypothesis Assuming these changes origin from stellar evolution V541 Hyamight just have passed the point of sign change in P and at the beginning of the contractionphase While the arrival times scatter widely the amplitudes of both pulsations remainalmost constant within the uncertainties If V541 Hya is in its evolution close to startingthe contraction phase as indicated by a P close to zero the changes in stellar structuremay cancel the strict phase coherence

95 Testing the sub-stellar companion hypothesisIn order to set upper limits to the mass of a companion we computed a series of syntheticO minusC curves for different orbital periods and companion masses assuming circular orbitsand compared these curves with the O minusC measurements after subtracting the long-termvariations

For each synthetic O minus C curve we selected the phase that gives the best fit to thedata using a weighted least squares algorithm For each observational point we computedthe difference in absolute value and in σ units (where σ is the O minus C error) betweenO minusC and the synthetic value The greyscale in Fig 910 corresponds to the mean valueof this difference in σ units which means that the presence of a companion is indicated


95 Testing the sub-stellar companion hypothesis

by a minimum (bright areas) of this parameter We see that in V1636 Ori QQ Vir andV541 Hya the mean difference for f1 is always very high implying that the data are notcompatible with a companion However these results are limited by the fact that the O minusCdiagrams of these stars are ldquocontaminatedrdquo by other irregular variations presumably due toother reasons like non-linear interactions between different pulsation modes for exampleand therefore these constraints to the orbital period and mass of a companion must be takenwith some caution For the f2 and f3 measurements the mean difference to the syntheticdata is smaller in sigma units (because of the larger uncertainties) and very uniform Theuncertainties of the O-C measurements are not small enough to favour a set of models inthe period-mass parameter space

For f1 of DW Lyn there is a significant minimum at about 1450 d (sim 4 years) andsim 5 MX

1 which is well visible also in the O minusC diagram of Fig 92 This periodicity isnot visible in the second frequency f2 which however has much larger error bars due tothe much lower amplitude of f2 with respect to f1

Lutz et al (2011) described a periodicity at 80 days detected for f2 We can recoverthis signal however with a low significance This would correspond to a light travel timeamplitude of 4 s (for m sin i asymp 15 MX) which is smaller than 15 s measured by Lutz et al(2011) Nevertheless this signal is not confirmed by f1 Thus we rule out a companioninduced signal in the arrival times due to the lack of simultaneous signals in f1 and f2 withsimilar amplitude The tentative signal in f2 is better explained by mode beating as alreadydescribed in Sect 91 The variations seen in the first 200 days of the O minus C diagram inFig 92 correspond to a periodicity of about 80 days and are accompanied by variations inthe amplitude of the pulsation

For V1636 Ori Lutz (2011) predicted a period at 160 d and amplitude of 12 s Thiscan not be confirmed as a companion-induced signal A periodic signal with an amplitudeof 65 s (for m sin i asymp 15 MX) is indicated in the analysis of f1 but at a low significanceand accompanied by many other signals of similar significance This periodicity is notconfirmed by a significant signal in the measurements of f2

1 1 MX (Jupiter mass) = 1899 middot 1027 kg


9 Results and discussion

1 10 100 1000P d












80 d

1 10 100 1000P d






80 d2









1 10 100 1000P d












160 d

1 10 100 1000P d






160 d












95 Testing the sub-stellar companion hypothesis

1 10 100 1000P d












1 10 100 1000P d

1 10 100 1000P d

















9 Results and discussion

1 10 100 1000P d












1 10 100 1000P d







6 6








Figure 910 Minimum companion mass as a function of orbital period Greyscale showsthe difference between the O minus C measurements and artificial O minus C data generated fora given combination of companion mass and orbit We note that at this stage the phaseoptimization of the artificial data is done independently for each pulsation frequency Themedian of gaps in between the epochs is indicated by a vertical dotted line See text formore details (a) DW Lyn Contour lines for f1 are placed at 2 3 4 and 5σ (left panel)and for f2 at 325 and 35σ (right panel) as indicated by their labels The planetary signalproposed by Lutz et al (2011) at a period of 80 d is indicated as dashed line (b) V1636Ori Contour lines for f1 are placed at 9 and 10σ (left panel) and for f2 at 2 and 22σ(right panel) as indicated by their labels The planetary signal proposed by Lutz et al(2011) at a period of 160 d is indicated as dashed line (c) QQ Vir Contour lines for f1 areplaced at 15 20 and 25σ (left panel) for f2 at 11 and 13σ (middle panel) and for f3 at13 and 15σ (right panel) as indicated by their labels (c) V541 Hya Contour lines forf1 are placed at 6 8 and 10σ (left panel) and for f2 at 45 55 and 65σ (right panel) asindicated by their labels


10 Summary and Conclusion

In this work we present ground-based multi-site observations for the four sdBs DWLyn V1636 Ori QQ Vir and V541 Hya We investigate variations in the arrival times oftheir dominant stellar pulsation modes to draw conclusions about secular period drifts andpossible sub-stellar companions All light curves are analysed homogeneously

From the O minusC measurements we derive an evolutionary time scale from the changein period P Comparing to model calculations from Charpinet et al (2002) we infer theevolutionary phase of the target Although some P measurements are influenced by modesplitting we can tell from the sign of P1 of DW Lyn that the star is likely still in the stageof central He burning We can draw a similar conclusion from the sign of P of QQ Vir TheP measurements of V1636 Ori are likely affected by mode splitting making it difficult tointerpret the results in the context of stellar evolution V541 Hya shows P measurementsclose to zero which indicates the star being at the transition phase between He burningand contraction due to the depletion of He in the core

Comparing atmospheric properties from Table 71 with the evolutionary tracks fordifferent models from Fig 1 in Charpinet et al (2002) we can confirm the hypothesisthat DW Lyn and QQ Vir are in their He burning phase V541 Hya agrees within 2σ ofthe log g measurement with one model at the turning point between the two evolutionarystages

However we can not exclude frequency and amplitude variations on smaller timescales than resolvable by our data set Using temporally higher resolved Kepler-data ofKIC 3527751 Zong et al (2018) caution about long-term frequency or phase evolutionsascribing to non-linear amplitude and frequency modulations in pulsating sdBs We seesuch effects already in our data set even with a low temporal resolution compared to theKepler sampling with a duty cycle of more than 90 per cent

Observations on DW Lyn and V1636 Ori were published by Lutz et al (2008a) Schuhet al (2010) Lutz (2011) Lutz et al (2011) Our analysis of these observations includingextended data sets do not confirm the tentative companion periods of 80 and 160 daysrespectively These signals more likely arise due to mode beating indicated by partlyunresolved frequency multiplets and amplitude modulations

Almost all analysed pulsation modes show formal significant changes in arrival timesbut the amplitudes of these periodic signals do not correlate with frequencies excludingthe light-travel time effect due to orbital reflex motions for such variations and thus givingupper limits on companion masses Only DW Lyn might have a planetary companion ona long orbital period as indicated by one arrival time measurement But this can not beconfirmed with a second measurement due to larger uncertainties Additionally morestudies question the presence of already proposed companions for example Krzesinski(2015) Hutchens et al (2017) Our unique sample of long-term observations shows a


10 Summary and Conclusion

complex behavior of mode- and amplitude interactions in sdBs which should be addressedin further studies Until this has been addressed caution is advised when interpretingO minusC pulse arrival times in terms of companions


11 Appendix

111 TESS data








58440 58450 58460





tMBJDTDB minus 2400000



11 Appendix








58520 58530 58540





tMBJDTDB minus 2400000


Figure 111 Light curves of the TESS observations Grey points are considered outliersand partially exceeding the plotting range (a) V1636 Ori (b) V541 Hya

112 Amplitude spectra

Table 111 Additional pulsation modes identified for our targets not used in the O minus Canalysis due to their low signal-to-noise-ratio

Target f dminus1 A

DW Lyn 4758231(2) 009(18)3194042(3) 006(12)4630100(6) 003(18)

V1636 Ori 56624031(3) 06(3)QQ Vir 7330704(1) 03(1)

6644886(1) 02(1)57273611(5) 019(9)6647122(1) 01(1)4341522(6) 001(7)502410(2) 001(9)

V541 Hya 53116759(16) 003(7)60388741(6) 003(8)


112 Amplitude spectra


0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000


0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800



f microHz

V1636 Ori



f dminus1

V541 Hya

Figure 112 Amplitude spectrum of the TESS observations Upper panel spectrum ofV1636 Ori Lower panel spectrum of V541 Hya The only peak above the noise level isthe 120 s alias due to the cadence of the observations






250 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500





0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500



f microHz




f dminus1


Figure 113 Amplitude spectrum of DW Lyn Upper panel observations Aobs Lowerpanel residuals Ares after subtracting the light curve models from the observations


11 Appendix


0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000





0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800



f microHz




f dminus1


Figure 114 Same as Fig 113 but for V1636 Ori






250 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000


0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800



f microHz




f dminus1


Figure 115 Same as Fig 113 but for QQ Vir


112 Amplitude spectra




0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000





0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800



f microHz




f dminus1


Figure 116 Same as Fig 113 but for V541 Hya


11 Appendix

Acknowledgements We thank Wen-Shan Hsiao for observing at the Lulin Observatory and Mike D Reedfor observing at the Baker Observatory and Elia Leibowitz for observing at the WISE observatory FMconducted the work in this paper in the framework of the International Max-Planck Research School (IMPRS)for Solar System Science at the University of Goumlttingen (Volkswagen Foundation project grant numberVWZN3020) DK thanks the SAAO for generous allocations of telescope time and the National ResearchFoundation of South Africa and the University of the Western Cape for financial support TDO gratefullyacknowledges support from the US National Science Foundation grant AST-0807919 LM was supportedby the Premium Postdoctoral Research Program of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences This project hasbeen supported by the Lenduumllet Program of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences project No LP2018-72019Based on observations made with the Italian Telescopio Nazionale Galileo (TNG) operated on the island ofLa Palma by the Fundacioacuten Galileo Galilei of the INAF (Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica) at the SpanishObservatorio del Roque de los Muchachos of the Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias Based on observationscollected at the Centro Astronoacutemico Hispaacutenico en Andaluciacutea (CAHA) at Calar Alto operated jointly bythe Andalusian Universities and the Instituto de Astrofiacutesica de Andaluciacutea (CSIC) Based on observationscollected at Copernico telescope (Asiago Italy) of the INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova Basedon observations made with the Nordic Optical Telescope operated by the Nordic Optical Telescope ScientificAssociation at the Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos La Palma Spain of the Instituto de Astrofisicade Canarias This paper includes data collected by the TESS mission Funding for the TESS mission isprovided by the NASA Explorer Program


Part IV

Application to larger target pool


12 Further asteroseismic targets

The search for sub-stellar companions using the pulsation timing method is not onlylimited to sdB stars but can also be applied to a greater variety of pulsating stars aslong as the pulsations are driven by a κ mechanism ie coherent in phase Howevermodes of long periods decrease the precision of timing measurements Additionally largepulsation amplitudes tend to show non-linear effects which excludes the application ofthis technique A case study of β Cephei RR Lyrae and δ Scuti (δ Sct) stars can be foundin Silvotti et al (2011) Among these δ Sct stars are the most promising pulsators tofollow-up The following describes δ Sct stars and the application of the pulsation timingmethod in more detail

121 δ Scuti starsPlanet occurrence rates predict a maximum for host stars with masses of 19+05

minus01M (Reffertet al 2015) close to the mass of main sequence A stars in the instability strip whereδ Sct pulsators are common (see Fig 26) However actual planet detections are affectedby observational selection effects Planetary transits are difficult to observe because ofthe pulsational luminosity variations and due to wider orbits of planets around A stars(Johnson et al 2011 Lloyd 2011) resulting in lower transit probabilities For the radialvelocity method A stars are not well suited because of their fast rotation with the meanof the equatorial rotational velocity distribution exceeding 100 km sminus1 (Abt and Morrell1995 Royer et al 2007) Their high effective temperatures compared to solar-like starsleads to fewer and shallower absorption lines which can additionally be distorted bypulsations This leaves the pulsation timing method as a promising alternative to search forcompanions δ Sct stars show radial and non-radial p-modes with amplitudes up to 05 and with pulsation periods between about 20 min and 8 h (eg Qian et al 2017 Balonaet al 2012) The pulsations are driven by the κ mechanism due to partial ionization of HeII

The mostly uninterrupted observations of space missions like Kepler and TESS providea large sample of δ Sct observations for this purpose The two missions and some of theirapplications are described in the following sections


13 Kepler

Sections of this chapter are part of a paper in preparation to be submitted as an article toAstronomy and Astrophysics

131 Kepler mission

The Kepler mission (Borucki et al 2010) was launched in 2009 to observe a fixed patchof sky in the Cygnus constellation with more than 100 deg2 field of view to discovertransiting Earth-like exoplanets in the habitable zone The telescopersquos mirror measures095 m in diameter and the camera is sensitive for a wavelength range of 430 nm to 890 nmAsteroseismic observations of pulsating stars were organized by the Kepler AsteroseismicScience Consortium (KASC) Some were observed in a high cadence mode of 60 s (shortcadence) the nominal cadence measures 30 min (long cadence)

1311 sdB stars

The Kepler field contained a small number of sdB stars (eg McNamara et al 2012)None of them showed indications for a planetary transit However KIC 05807616 andKIC 10001893 two pulsating sdB stars in the Kepler field show some evidence for thepresence of planetary companions (Charpinet et al 2011 Silvotti et al 2014) Howeverinterpretation of these signals is questioned as already discussed in chapter III

1312 δ Scuti stars

Kepler observed around one thousand δ Sct stars in its field of view The primary goalof their observations are conclusions about the stellar structure and evolution via astero-seismology as the transition from deep to shallow convective envelopes takes place in theregion of the HRD where δ Sct are located (see Fig 26) This opens the opportunity to usethe extensive Kepler data set and apply the pulsation timing method to the observationsThe following describes one particular system as a benchmark for which a planetarycompanion was already discovered

13121 KIC 7917485

Murphy et al (2014 2016b) used the Kepler data to search for binary systems using thelight travel time effect Murphy et al (2016a) (hereafter M16) detected a planet orbiting


13 Kepler

Table 131 Orbital parameters for the KIC 7917485 system Values for M16 are takenfrom Table 2 in Murphy et al (2016a) M16 did not account for a change in pulsationperiod P The model of this work uses a circular orbit model for the companion ie e = 0

M16 this work f1 this work f2

∆Ts 71+04minus05 68 plusmn 03 66 plusmn 04

Porbitd 840+20minus22 82150 plusmn 008 72672 plusmn 008

e 015+010minus013 0 0

Ps Myrminus1 minus0001 plusmn 0001 minus0035 plusmn 0002

its host star KIC 7917485 in a 840 d orbit The following validates this finding using theO minusC pipeline implemented for this work

KIC 7917485 was observed between May 2009 and May 2013 by Kepler We usethe light curves provided by the MAST archive1 which had common instrumental trendsremoved by the Pre-Search Data Conditioning Pipeline (PDC Stumpe et al 2012) Inorder to remove remaining long term trends we make use of the kepflatten routine ofthe PyKE package (Still and Barclay 2012 Viniacutecius et al 2018) The light curve and thecorresponding amplitude spectrum are shown in Fig 131

In order to reproduce the results of M16 we apply a high-pass frequency filter Thisremoves frequencies below 5 dminus1 which are most likely artefacts due to instrumental effectWe apply this filter forward and backward in time to compensate for phase delays

For the OminusC analysis we applied our pipeline and fitted all pulsations with amplitudesabove 0005 Although the signal-to-noise ratio is sufficient for only two modes thesimultaneous fitting process of four more pulsations prevents any unaccounted interactionsbetween the modes The time dependent variation in pulsation amplitude and phase isshown in Fig 132 Each epoch measures about ten days The main pulsation frequencyf1 = 15383 007 4(4) dminus1 exhibits large semi-periodic variations which correlate with theobservational quarters of the Kepler mission Thus they are likely to be instrumentalsystematics The amplitude of f2 = 20262 905 3(8) dminus1 shows a similar behaviour ontop of a general trend of decreasing amplitude with time The phase variations for bothpulsations show clearly a sinusoidal modulation with an amplitude of about 10 s and aperiod of about 800 d We fit simultaneously a quadratic long term trend and a sinusoidalmodel for a circular companion orbit to the data The results are presented in Table 131While a change in period P for f1 is almost not detectable f2 shows a significant P whichcoincides with the decrease in pulsation amplitude of 004 per cent (amplitude) or about18 per cent (relative) M16 did not account for a change in period thus we cannot compareour measurements

For the orbital fit of the companion M16 used the weighted mean of both phasemeasurements Since we want to confirm the nature of the companion with two independentmeasurements we do not follow this procedure Our sinusoidal orbit fit for f1 agrees withinthe uncertainties with the measurement of M16 However the orbital period measuredfor f2 is about 100 days significantly shorter than for f1 This might be attributed to ouradditional fit for the change in period combined with larger OminusC uncertainties towards the

1 httpsarchivestsciedu


131 Kepler mission

end of the observations (approximately two times larger) due to the decreasing pulsationamplitude

In order to compare the M16 results better with the measurements of this work wewill be implementing a full orbit fit on both measurements simultaneously Additionallythe uncertainties appear rather small in comparison to M16 A different treatment ofuncertainties might give more reliable error bars


13 Kepler




4800 5000 5200 5400 5600 5800 6000 6200 6400 6600

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013re




tBJDTDB minus 2450000

(a) KIC 7917485 light curve


0 50 100 150 200 250



0 5 10 15 20 25



f microHz




high pass filtered



f dminus1


(b) KIC 7917485 amplitude spectrum

Figure 131 KIC 7917485 data Top Light curve Grey points are considered outliers andpartially exceeding the plotting range Bottom Amplitude spectrum The top panel showsthe observations The middle panel the amplitude spectrum after applying the high passfilter Note the different scale on the y-axis in order to make small amplitudes visible Thebottom panel shows the residuals after modelling six pulsation modes


131 Kepler mission






2009 2010 2011 2012 2013





4800 5000 5200 5400 5600 5800 6000 6200 6400 6600












tBJDTDB minus 2450000

Figure 132 Results for the two main pulsations of KIC 7917485 Top panel AmplitudesMiddle panel Fits of the O minusC data with second order polynomials only (dashed lines)and full fit including the light travel time effect (solid lines) Lower panel Residuals



141 TESS mission

The Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) by NASA was launched in April 2018as an all-sky survey for transiting exoplanets The 24 degtimes96 deg field of view observeseach sector for about 27 days and sweeps across the sky This creates some observationslasting longer than 27 days due to the overlapping sectors The four telescopes (each witha field of view of 24 deg2) measure 105 mm in diameter and the cameras are sensitive for awavelength range of 600 nm to 1000 nm This is slightly redder than the Kepler bandpassdue to the missionrsquos differing priorities detecting transiting planets orbiting Sun-like starsfor Kepler and small cool stars for TESS The full frame cadence measures 30 minuteswhile the nominal cadence for transit detections two minutes The TESS AsteroseismicScience Consortium (TASC) coordinates 20 seconds ldquoshort cadencerdquo observations of brightasteroseismic target stars

However observations with such a short time span of 27 days (and up to one year butonly around the ecliptic pole eg 17 of the sky) do not allow an extensive search ofsub-stellar companions using the pulsation timing method on their own But they can beused as additional observations to existing data sets especially the EXOTIME project dataWithout additional ground-based observations a joint O minusC analysis of δ Sct data fromKepler and TESS is likely to fail due to the large observational gap of about seven years

1411 sdB stars

TESS observations of V1636 Ori and V541 Hya are already discussed in chapter III Thedata are taken at two minutes cadence and thus do not allow the investigation of p-modes

DW Lyn was observed by TESS with a cadence of 120 s between December 25 2019and January 20 2020 Fig 141 shows the light curve and amplitude spectrum Besidesthe 120 s alias at 720 dminus1 the spectrum shows f1 and f2 at about 238 dminus1 and 225 dminus1

respectively as well as their Nyquist alias above 360 dminus1 (cf Murphy et al 2013) Forthe g-mode regime Lutz et al (2008a) reported pulsations at 2717 microHz 3181 microHz and2063 microHz (2347 dminus1 2748 dminus1 and 1783 dminus1) The TESS data show only the pulsation at3181 microHz as a detection of about two times above the noise level While the 2717 microHzpulsation is visible but not above the noise level the 2063 microHz pulsation is not present inthe TESS data set Since we have no data between the last EXOTIME observations in 2013and the TESS observations in 2020 the time span for a joint O minusC analysis is too large

V391 Peg will be observed by TESS and the data can be used to extend the set ofobservation from Silvotti et al (2018) In order to span the observational gaps between






1840 1845 1850 1855 1860 1865 1870





tBJDTDB minus 2457000

(a) DW Lyn light curve











0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800

0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000




16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30

200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340



f dminus1

f microHz

DW Lyn




16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30

200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340

(b) DW Lyn amplitude spectrum

Figure 141 TESS DW Lyn data Top Light curve Grey points are considered outliersand partially exceeding the plotting range Bottom Amplitude spectrum The inset showsa magnification of the g-mode regime Modes reported by Lutz et al (2008a) are indicatedas dots


141 TESS mission

2013 and 2020 we performed additional ground-bases observations as described inchapter 3


Part V



15 Discussion

Studying post main-sequence stars offers a window into the fate of planetary systemsincluding our own solar system Can planets survive the final stages of stellar evolution andhow do they in turn affect their host starrsquos evolution One discussed formation scenario ofsingle sdB stars involves the influence of giant planets during the red giant phase of theirprogenitor Observations can put constrains on the presence of sub-stellar companionsorbiting sdB stars

Chapter III investigated a unique set of long term ground-based observations of thefour rapidly pulsating sdB stars DW Lyn V1636 Ori QQ Vir and V541 Hya The maingoals of the EXOTIME project are the determination of the evolutionary state of these starsand the constraints on sub-stellar companions to draw conclusions on possible formationscenarios

The individual secular period drifts for different modes per target derived from theO minusC measurements do not always agree with each other These results therefore needto be interpreted with caution with regard to the evolutionary state of the star and holdonly for the assumption of a linear change in period For DW Lyn P f 1 is comparable tovalues derived from stellar models and place the star in the evolutionary phase of core Heburning P f 2 on the other hand can be explained by the apparent mode splitting whoseorigin cannot be confirmed with certainty A possible explanation is the slow decay of onepulsation mode and an excitation of a mode with close frequency but not resolvable by theobservations Additionally amplitude and phase variations indicate a mode beating effectAs shown in section 52 two close - but not necessarily resolvable pulsation modes cancause such effects Measurements for the period changes of V1636 Ori need to be cautionedby the same arguments For QQ Vir the identified radial order and degree of modes donot allow a direct comparison with stellar models but the sign of the P measurementsplaces QQ Vir in the state of He burning The O minusC measurements of V541 Hya show nosignificant change of period If these results are not affected by observational limitationsbut originate from stellar evolution the star might be in the transition phase between coreHe burning and contraction

Atmospheric measurements of all four stars can place the stars in the log g minus Teff planerelatively close to stellar evolutionary models of Charpinet et al (2002) as illustratedin Fig 151 This independently confirms the tentative interpretations above DW LynV1636 Ori and QQ Vir overlap each with several models of different envelope mass inthe phase of core He burning within their measured uncertainties Although Teff and log gmeasurements of V541 Hya agree with two models in that same evolutionary phase themeasurements agree within 3σ with an evolutionary model in the transition between coreHe burning and contraction

In principle proper motions of stars can give an alternative explanation for the apparent


15 Discussion









DW Lyn

V1636 Ori

QQ VirV541 Hya


log( g




Figure 151 EHB evolutionary tracks covering the log g minus Teff region where sdB stars areobserved Data points taken from Appendix B of Charpinet et al (2002) (crosses) andTable 71 (circles) The seven models correspond respectively from left (high Teff) to right(low Teff) to objects with a ZAEHB envelope mass Menv = 00001 00002 00007 0001200022 00032 and 00042 M The core mass is Mc = 04758M for all sequences exceptthe first and third (from the left) which have Mc = 04690M For a positive (negative)slope in the models the change in pulsation period is positive (negative) See Charpinetet al (2002) for a detailed explanation

change in pulsation period as described by Pajdosz (1995ba) They derive the effect ofproper motion to be


s sminus1 = 2430 times 10minus18 Ps

microprimeprime yrminus1


where micro is the proper motion in arcseconds per year and d the distance in parsec Withmeasurements available from the Gaia (Gaia Collaboration et al 2018) the derived valuesare about three orders of magnitude smaller than the measured P and thus neglectable

After subtraction of the long term trends in the O minus C measurements the residualsshow no clear evidence for signatures of sub-stellar companions The comparison withsynthetic O minusC curves indicates a companion-induced signal in the main pulsation modeof DW Lyn But this is not confirmed by the independent measurement of the secondpulsation mode as would be expected Furthermore previously described periodic signalsin the O minusC measurements by Lutz et al (2011) are ruled out to be caused by sub-stellarcompanions Nevertheless the data set is limited in detection sensitivity Dependingon the observational gaps the data cannot set limitations for possible companion orbitsshorter than approximately 30 days (DW Lyn and V1636 Ori) 4 days (QQ Vir) or 120days (V541 Hya) or longer than the total length of observations roughly 1500 days


15 Discussion

Photometric precision additionally limits the detection threshold to companions signalslarger than about 1 s This corresponds to a companion with a mass of 1 MX (05 MX) andan orbital period of about 05 years (15 years)

Chapter IV enlarges the target selection and applies the O minusC analysis to one examplePulsations of δ Sct stars are driven by the κ mechanism allowing stable pulsations overlong periods of time Planet detection methods like the transit or radial velocity methodcannot be easily applied to those stars which favours the pulsation timing analysis and thusopens a new parameter space in the exoplanet detection The δ Sct pulsator KIC 7917485was found to be orbited by a sub-stellar companion whose signal can be recovered in thepulsation arrival times


16 Outlook

As chapter IV applied the OminusC analysis to one example observation beyond the EXOTIMEproject there are more extensive long time series of high cadence data already availableor with upcoming space missions The next sections highlight data sets of interest

161 K2 missionAfter the failure of two reaction wheels on the Kepler space craft its mission could beextended from 2014 onward as K2 The space craft was balanced against the radiationpressure from the sun which limits each campaign to a duration of about 80 days ThusK2 was not staring at only one field in the sky but sweeping along the ecliptic and couldobserve many more targets for signs of transiting exoplanets Armstrong et al (2015)created a catalogue of variable stars from the K2 observations and categorized the targetsinto different classes of pulsators From this catalogue about 500 variables are classified asδ Sct stars Additionally 33 sdB stars were observed by K2 (Reed et al 2018) Although theobservations span only 80 days they can set constraints on close in sub-stellar companions

162 TESSThe TESS mission aims to detect transiting exoplanets around bright stars Asteroseismictargets are observed with a cadence of 20 seconds if they are bright enough Most ofthe EXOTIME targets are already observed or are going to be observed Due to thecadence of two minutes for these stars and the long duration in between the EXOTIMEobservations the data cannot be used for a common O minus C analysis Nevertheless theyprovide constraints on g-modes For the upcoming V391 Peg observations the gaps toground based observations are not too big With the planetary candidate claimed by Silvottiet al (2007) but cautioned later by Silvotti et al (2018) the new observations by groundbased telescopes and TESS are expected to clarify the interpretations

For other asteroseismic targets ether sdB or δ Sct stars an OminusC analysis is reasonableonly for targets with overlapping sectors ie more than 27 days of observing time

163 PLATOPLAnetary Transits and Oscillations of stars (PLATO) is an ESA mission scheduled forlaunch in 2026 Its primary goal is to discover and characterize terrestrial exoplanetsorbiting bright solar-type stars especially planets in the habitable zone Bright host


16 Outlook

Figure 161 Artistrsquos impression of ESArsquos PLATO spacecraft Credit ESAATG medialabCC BY-SA IGO 30

stars allow the determination of the planetsrsquo masses using the radial velocity method fromground-based observations and thus a mean density This can be used to constrain planetaryinterior models Additionally bright targets allow transmission spectroscopy observationsin order to measure chemical abundances of the planetary atmospheres A secondary goalof the PLATO mission is asteroseismic observations to determine stellar masses radii andages These parameters are crucial in order to correctly determine the planetary massesradii and their evolution

PLATOrsquos payload module consists of 24 cameras each with an aperture of 120 mmand a 1100 deg2 field of view (see Fig161) The cameras are arranged in four groups ofsix where each group has the same field of view but their angle is slightly offset - thisallows a total field view of about 2250 deg2 per pointing The camera arrays overlap insome parts resulting in different sensitivities over the field They will observe with acadence of 25 s Additionally two ldquofastrdquo cameras will observe with a cadence of 25 sPLATOrsquos nominal life time sums up to four years but could be in orbit for double the timeFor most of the time it will ldquostarerdquo to one region in the sky Additionally an ldquostep andstarerdquo phase comparable to K2 is possible

With the explicit goal of asteroseismic observations PLATO is expected to collectmany data on evolved pulsating stars allowing for an investigation with the pulsationtiming method The pipeline developed for this work can be easily adopted and used in anautomated way in order to process many targets and search for sub-stellar companions


Part VI




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This thesis would not have been possible without the help of many people who guided andsupported me during my time as a PhD student

First I would like to thank my supervisor Sonja Schuh who advised and guided metrough this project and had always an open ear for me despite her work as the IMPRScoordinator A thank you goes also to the other members of my TAC Laurent Gizon andStefan Dreizler for the productive discussions and ways to see some things differently

I would also like to thank Roberto Silvotti who helped to improve the EXOTIMEpaper

The students of the IMPRS formed a great community at the institute Without thefriendships formed out of this group my time at the institute would have been a verydifferent experience I tried gave my best to contribute to the great dynamics of the groupand hope this spirit will be kept alive by many following generations of students

Special thanks goes to my fellow musicians for the great time over the last yearsStarting with the (in)famous successful ldquoQuiet Sunrdquo project together with TheodosiosChatzistergos (literally a god on his guitar) Ankit Barik Earl Bellinger and Alessan-dro Cilla (who left us way too early) growing bigger for some gigs with SudharshanSaranathan Nils Gottschling David Marshall Robin Thor Keaton Bell and James Kus-zlewicz and finally merging with the great MegaGauss band including additionally HelgeMissbach Katja Karmrodt Abbey Ingram Christian Baumgartner Daria MokrytskaTanayveer Bhatia Marius Pfeifer Ann-Kathrin Lohse (Atti) and Paula Wulff No matterwhich problems would trouble me during the band practise I could throw them all againstthe drum heads and cymbals Keep on rockinrsquo

I would like to thank Michelle for her support and proofreadingAnd special thanks goes to my family which always supported me on my way listened

and offered good advice

This work is founded by the International Max Planck Research School for SolarSystem Science at the University of Goumlttingen (IMPRS Solar System School) and theVolkswagen Foundation (project grant number VWZN3020) This work makes use ofobservations from the LCOGT network This work includes data collected by the Keplermission Funding for the Kepler mission is provided by the NASA Science Missiondirectorate


Scientific contributions

Refereed publicationsbull Mackebrandt F M Mallonn J M Ohlert T Granzer S Lalitha A Garciacutea Muntildeoz

N P Gibson et al 2017 Transmission Spectroscopy of the Hot Jupiter TrES-3 bDisproof of an Overly Large Rayleigh-like Feature AampA 608 (December) A26httpsdoiorg1010510004-6361201730512

bull Mackebrandt F S Schuh R Silvotti S-L Kim D Kilkenny E M Green RLutz et al The EXOTIME Project Signals in the O minusC Diagrams of the RapidlyPulsating Subdwarfs DW Lyn V1636 Ori QQ Vir and V541 Hya AampA 638 (June1 2020) A108 httpsdoiorg1010510004-6361201937172

bull Mallonn M I Bernt E Herrero S Hoyer J Kirk P J Wheatley M Seeliger etal 2016 Broad-Band Spectrophotometry of HAT-P-32 b Search for a ScatteringSignature in the Planetary Spectrum Monthly Notices of the Royal AstronomicalSociety 463 (November) 604-14 httpsdoiorg101093mnrasstw1999

bull Schwope A D F Mackebrandt B D Thinius C Littlefield P Garnavich AOksanen and T Granzer 2015 Multi-Epoch Time-Resolved Photometry of theEclipsing Polar CSS081231071126+440405 Astronomische Nachrichten 336 (2)115-24 httpsdoiorg101002asna201412151

bull Strassmeier K G I Ilyin E Keles M Mallonn A Jaumlrvinen M Weber F Macke-brandt and J M Hill High-Resolution Spectroscopy and Spectropolarimetryof the Total Lunar Eclipse January 2019 AampA 635 (March 1 2020) A156httpsdoiorg1010510004-6361201936091

Conference contributionsbull The stellar pulsation timing method to detect substellar companions XXX IAU

General Assembly 2018 Vienna (Poster)

bull The stellar pulsation timing method to detect substellar companions AnnualMeeting of the Astronomische Gesellschaft 2017 Goumlttingen (Talk)

bull The stellar pulsation timing detection method for substellar companions Rocks ampStars II Conference 2017 Goumlttingen (Talk)

bull The stellar pulsation timing detection method for substellar companions ThePLATO Mission Conference 2017 Exoplanetary systems in the PLATO era War-wick (Poster)


Scientific contributions

bull The stellar pulsation timing method to detect substellar companions 2nd AdvancedSchool on Exoplanetary Science 2017 Vietri sul Mare (Poster)

bull The Stellar Pulsation Timing Detection Method for Substellar Companions Plane-tary Systems Beyond The Main Sequence II 2017 Haifa (Poster)


  • Abstract
  • Zusammenfassung
  • I Introduction
    • 1 Extrasolar planets
      • 11 Historical overview
      • 12 Definition of an exoplanet
      • 13 Observational techniques
        • 2 Subdwarf B stars
          • 21 Classification
          • 22 Canonical stellar and planetary evolution
          • 23 Subdwarf B stars formation scenarios
          • 24 Asteroseismology
            • 241 mechanism
            • 242 Asteroseismic observations
              • II The EXOTIME project
                • 3 Targets
                • 4 Multi-epoch photometric data
                  • 41 Time series photometry
                    • 411 Photometry
                    • 412 Timing accuracy
                        • 5 Methods
                          • 51 O-C Pipeline
                            • 511 Linear change in period
                            • 512 Light travel time effect
                              • 52 Artificial data testing
                              • 53 Alternative approaches
                                • 531 Analytic signal
                                • 532 Independent confirmation via direct imaging
                                  • III The EXOTIME project Signals in the O-C diagrams of the rapidly pulsating subdwarfs DW Lyn V1636 Ori QQ Vir and V541 Hya
                                    • 6 Introduction
                                    • 7 Observations and data reduction
                                      • 71 DW Lyn
                                      • 72 V1636 Ori
                                      • 73 QQ Vir
                                      • 74 V541 Hya
                                      • 75 TESS observations
                                      • 76 Data reduction
                                        • 8 Analysis
                                        • 9 Results and discussion
                                          • 91 DW Lyn
                                          • 92 V1636 Ori
                                          • 93 QQ Vir
                                          • 94 V541 Hya
                                          • 95 Testing the sub-stellar companion hypothesis
                                            • 10 Summary and Conclusion
                                            • 11 Appendix
                                              • 111 TESS data
                                              • 112 Amplitude spectra
                                                  • IV Application to larger target pool
                                                    • 12 Further asteroseismic targets
                                                      • 121 Scuti stars
                                                        • 13 Kepler
                                                          • 131 Kepler mission
                                                            • 1311 sdB stars
                                                            • 1312 Scuti stars
                                                              • 13121 KIC 7917485
                                                                • 14 TESS
                                                                  • 141 TESS mission
                                                                    • 1411 sdB stars
                                                                      • V Summary
                                                                        • 15 Discussion
                                                                        • 16 Outlook
                                                                          • 161 K2 mission
                                                                          • 162 TESS
                                                                          • 163 PLATO
                                                                              • VI Appendix
                                                                                • Bibliography
                                                                                • Acknowledgements
                                                                                • Scientific contributions
Page 11: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature
Page 12: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature
Page 13: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature
Page 14: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature
Page 15: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature
Page 16: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature
Page 17: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature
Page 18: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature
Page 19: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature
Page 20: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature
Page 21: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature
Page 22: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature
Page 23: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature
Page 24: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature
Page 25: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature
Page 26: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature
Page 27: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature
Page 28: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature
Page 29: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature
Page 30: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature
Page 31: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature
Page 32: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature
Page 33: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature
Page 34: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature
Page 35: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature
Page 36: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature
Page 37: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature
Page 38: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature
Page 39: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature
Page 40: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature
Page 41: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature
Page 42: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature
Page 43: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature
Page 44: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature
Page 45: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature
Page 46: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature
Page 47: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature
Page 48: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature
Page 49: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature
Page 50: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature
Page 51: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature
Page 52: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature
Page 53: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature
Page 54: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature
Page 55: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature
Page 56: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature
Page 57: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature
Page 58: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature
Page 59: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature
Page 60: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature
Page 61: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature
Page 62: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature
Page 63: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature
Page 64: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature
Page 65: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature
Page 66: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature
Page 67: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature
Page 68: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature
Page 69: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature
Page 70: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature
Page 71: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature
Page 72: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature
Page 73: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature
Page 74: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature
Page 75: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature
Page 76: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature
Page 77: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature
Page 78: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature
Page 79: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature
Page 80: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature
Page 81: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature
Page 82: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature
Page 83: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature
Page 84: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature
Page 85: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature
Page 86: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature
Page 87: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature
Page 88: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature
Page 89: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature
Page 90: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature
Page 91: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature
Page 92: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature
Page 93: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature
Page 94: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature
Page 95: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature
Page 96: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature
Page 97: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature
Page 98: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature
Page 99: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature
Page 100: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature
Page 101: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature
Page 102: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature
Page 103: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature
Page 104: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature
Page 105: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature
Page 106: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature
Page 107: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature
Page 108: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature
Page 109: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature
Page 110: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature
Page 111: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature
Page 112: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature
Page 113: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature
Page 114: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature
Page 115: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature
Page 116: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature
Page 117: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature
Page 118: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature
Page 119: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature
Page 120: Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar ... · for sub-stellar companions in late evolutionary stage stellar systems. The method is already established in the literature