Times of Taita Taveta March 2013

Maghonyi Plaza, Ground Floor, P. O. Box 114, Voi Town Tel:+254 043 203 0957 / 0723 843 559, Cell: 0720 733 907 Web: www.kwftdtm.com Mr. Mwamburi URP Amb. Ngali NARC - Kenya Eng. Mwandoe SDP By Dishon Shangala


All Rounded News for Taita Taveta County

Transcript of Times of Taita Taveta March 2013

  • Maghonyi Plaza, Ground Floor, P. O. Box 114, Voi Town Tel:+254 043 203 0957 / 0723 843 559,

    Cell: 0720 733 907 Web: www.kwftdtm.com

    Mr. Mwamburi


    Amb. Ngali

    NARC - Kenya

    Eng. Mwandoe


    By Dishon Shangala

  • N

  • Background

    Key Achievements



    Email: [email protected]

  • Taveta-Kinship, and the Akamba connection

  • By ttt staff writer

  • Christine Ruth Saru Kilalo

  • UDF

  • Audio - Visual, Communication, IT, Surveillance & Broadcasting

  • AlAex, w ho finished fourAth in Kajiado, w ill this

    time round drive the Mitsubishi EV OX while

    Peter will be on the crowd pleasing m oto

    moto DAatsun pickup. As preparations gather

    momentum,A organizers,A East African Safari

    Rally,A are promis ing spectators and competitors

    aA great race weekend.


    The four longer competitive sections of Safari

    Rally w ill be in the Taita hills and will run in the

    KAishushe, GAhazi, Shelembwa and Wundanyi

    aArea. The first competitive section will be

    rAepeated once. The route is very compact and

    cAAan be raced once within 7 hours. The service

    parAk, scrutineering and parc ferme will be at the

    Voi wildlife lAodge.

    South African driver Geoff Bell has signed up for

    tAAAhe KCB Voi rally slated for February 23. BAell,

    wAAA ho is testing his Datsun 240z ahead of

    NovembersA KQ East African Safari Classic Rally,

    wA ill be navigated by Kenyan based Tim Challen.

    H ardev Singh Sira from Britain is this year

    running on a Kenyan competition license and

    w ill be taking on Bell in the classic car cup

    cAategory in a Ford Escort Mexico.

    Cham pion Aslam Khan leads the classic car cup

    after winning this category in Kajiado and

    aAnticipate a great showdown with foreigners.

    The classic class will also see the return of rally

    queens,A SAamira Khan and Chantal Young, w ho

    are expected to partake their first event this

    sAeason. Chantal is the winner of the Ladies

    Rose Bowl for the most meritorious

    mAAAA otorsports lady competitor for the year 2012

    aAnd incidentally, the defending champion for

    tAhe classic car cup navigator.

    Jas Mangat from Uganda is expected to take on

    the Kenyan big boys after retiring in Mbarara

    rAally back home at the weekend. MA angat, the

    reigning Ugandan champion belongs to the first

    tAAier KNRC Division 1 lot. It will be exciting to see

    the horsey brothers-Peter aAnd Alex back in Voi.

    The Horsey will be swapping cars they used in

    KAajiado rally last month.

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