Times Dispatch.(Richmond, VA) 1911-11-11 [p...

Greater Rlcboiond'a Ureuter Nerrepaper GKEATBST WANT AND lir.M, ES. TÄTE MEDIUM IN VlltUINIA. AND ONE OK THU ÜBST IN AMERICA. Want Ad Rates In Effect Juno U. 1VU. Dally, one cent per word when palil In advance. No Ad. taken for Iva» tknn ten cent*. One aud one-half conti« a word nil clasalllcntlona except Situation Wnuted for Sunday. Situation W tinted, one veut a word. No Ad. Sunday taken for leim thuu Mtteen cent*. No, Ada. taken for leaa thnn tw*nly- Sve ccuts when phoned lu ur c*>Br»»iil it the counter. I'lluuc vrdtrra not Ktinrantced. CliiHalflciitlou not Kiniriiutced after .JillO P. M. For business eonlrnctt, aend for the Want Ad. Ainu, phuue Muurue A. IkVSl ulio _y vp.,1,-... |'.<JST,'*"|n" '< U11I . .N S IJI'. i'.V ItTM ENT store, Novoinoci ., otto Bilver-Hanale »hk. umureilu; monogram A. u. fi. I'.cwara it returned jj5 Wist Grace. .LOST. a ULACK Hi: neckpiece, tit the w oiiiLn a Ciuo yesterday ..i- ternooti, tvTtii njtmu on mo liisiuc, marked ''Hollancu" Reward it re¬ turned to MuS. HOLLAND, 'iliu Hun- over lluu.".-. Lobt, Monday, mokning, female pointer. Answers to name of Fan- nie, White with black spots mi nuuk. Liberal reward if returned. PUCCINELL1 BROS., Eighteenth and Minn Btrecta. _ m^.-P IMMttlitXlij jvltur VTanTedTT ölt" *>'." XimxT^ABLis- budinii, unmarried men. between age* ui lj und 35; citiitiib ui Luu.cu statu»; of gouu oharacter and temperate nab- Ha, vsuu can *u niid writ* thu El.gllbli lauguaice, lor informa¬ tion appiy to Recruiting utneer, a.o E. iirou.il Street, Klmiinono. Va._ wanted!""kÄCTi.i';e makkiis. <;<n»i>. exportonced nun only. Apply FORE- -man. .NATIONAL I'ACKI.MJ CU.. iui) E. Canai Street, itlcmnulld, Va. a'ANTED, IS MEN AND boys to work on packing grounds. W. t. IP "n> tv. CIQlnti Paj a._ wANTED, RAILWAY .MAll. CLERKS; Klchrnond examinations announced January 16. SampJo nuesuonB free. FRANKLIN INSTITUTE; Dcpi 416 K, Rochester, n. y. __ you ARE WANT ED KOH GOV BRN- inent lob; 180 month. Bend postal lor lial ol poaittutib open. FRANK - Ll.N 1NST11 UTE, Dept. 410 K, Ku- cluster. N Y._._ W ANTED. YOUNG MEN TO LEaP.N the automobile business; Position» secured competent gruüuati-n. RICH¬ MOND auto SCHOOL, 3o3 Gruiiam BtrecL_ W An t EI <. "GO'VlT l'.l not V Pr" oper a - tor. Apply at once. WILLIAMS PRINTING CO 11 N. Fourteenth St WANTED" ät ONCE. YOUNG MAN A3 stenographer and typewriter und do noniu bookkeeping; i" lumber ottlco, small Virginia town. Must bo a worker, reliable und hont si and not drink. Stute, In own hand, experi¬ ence, etc. Chance for advance and permanent place. II belong to church mule Wh it denomination. Moderate salary paid. Address D 3ti2. care v^Timea-Dlapatch._ WANTED" EXPERIENCED COOK (male), Apply SHEHE's CAFE, »10 Euat Main Street WANTED. an EFFICIENT BUHINES3 man isnlesman); who will Inveit ri'.'O with arfvlcCS in art cstabiisitcd .jiuicsB. Excellent opportunity :or the ii^ht man. .lofcronccs cxctiuti^ciL Address p. O. -Jox No. 123, City. LlN »TYPE MACHINIST-OPERATOR, n "W No. b and No. S machines. We require oigiu iiours on keyboard and p. sufficient time in addition to keep machines In good condition; non¬ union town; day work, 134 per v/tek, permanent daily RECORD, linrn- onburg, Va._ WANTED, FIRST-CLASS JOB and advertisement compositor; day rki 'inrit hours, non-union town; permanent DAILY RECORD, Harri- onburg, Va._ WANTED, ÖALE8MAN OP EXPERI- n-.p-, who is capable of holdlin; sales manager position aftor becotn- inr: acquainted with line. Good op- portunlty for right party. Address r. ¦> Hor. J-i. »uuai»uii£» si -iiueu. j-ciiiH:. i\ ii :v0^3ni7ci'ci.i:i;K'. wrn'i eIoht yonra' experience, wishes po^itton; best retcrenccb. Address Box 23, Newport n- w >¦. Va- \\ AN1 ED, POSITION P" EXPERI- enced bookkeeper and general offlco man. References furniahed. Address D HCl, caro Timc.v-Dlbpatch. EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER, NOW employed, wishes to change poaltion for one In Richmond or Norfolk. Host refeiencea. Addreaa II 56, euro Tlnics-Dlspatoh._ Tlf.Ä7vET7lNG^lÄN WANTS POSITION to present a house with a Uno of mill Hupplles. Salary no object to start. Perfectly familiar with North and South Carolina territory. Ad- drcss e 3S6, caro Tlmes-lilspatch. \vTnted] POSITION as SHIPPING clerk In wholesale grocery house; five years' experience; Al references furnished. Address D 361, care Times-Dispatch. AN EXPERIENCED SECOND-FLOOR colored maid. Will bo expected to ilo Hat 'vashlnp. Wages. J16. Ref¬ erences required. Addreas e 38üi caro Tlmes-Dl.spatoh._ W a MTED, AYOUNG LADY to help With ladles' tailoring work. Apply at 303 West Grace. WANTED, C00K"~E^K~ SMALL FAM- lly. Apply 323 n. Hurrlaon. _ WANTED, la D I E S K o LEARN French drcssout ting, dressmaking, designing and millinery. The oldest, largest and moat reliable millinery and dresacutting academy in the world. 1115 0 Street, Washington. I). C. flood positions rurnished. Send for booklet. j5?ituntions WBkanttti. IfemRir.. Pi iS'lTl'tix'WANTED Rv" STENOGitA- pher-typewrlter; five years' New York exporlenoe. Address F 112. caVc i'imes-1 M.spiitc-h. Wtj^J^iih anh Jfeniaier WANTED, COLORED MAN"^NI>~WTFV. lor farm in Chesterfield county; good pay, board and room. Address, with reference, K 147, care Tlmes-Dis- patch._ ^rorcrtsiontTU^fip U^rü'eö. tVAXTEI», UV AN EXPERIENCED male teacher, students to tutor In Latin, English und mathematics. Ad- dress D car- Times-Dispatch. AoLtxUora ano »aiesmen. 1V ANTED; AN ex IM.:ri ENCEJD"fRÄ"V*- ellng salesman to carry our line of men's pants In Virginia. Liberal com¬ mission. Address, with references, CHARLOTTE CLOTHING MEG. CO., Churlotte, N. C. wanted! solicitors! cabinet INFORMATION BUREAU. 28 North Ninth._ WANTED. EXPERIENCED GROCERY spocialty salesman, familiar with lo¬ cal territory. State experience, for who worked, lines sold. Address P. O. Box 303, New Orlcunc. La._ &<wutf~ tMlanteD.^ vv*anted, UNI'TIKNISllED ""llOOM over atoic for eouple. Address d 347, care Tiinea-Dlapntch. WANTEHf TWO Oft THREE FUR- nlshed .-oonts for light housekeeping, with bitih. for young' couple, i Ad¬ dress F 410, oare, TJmce-Dlspatch. sjBjsfilfaarSjsSIasn w~XntkLv the vutiEicf to föfovv that j AH XK K BROS.. Jewelers. 912 East Main Street, buy. soil, exchange und remount diamonds In the latest styles, old gold und silver always taken in exchange. jbusmt&B upppotnuimtii._ WAN TKdT'tIfH EE~ Y öun O" M EN to Invest J3Uu each In a good proposi¬ tion where your Investment Is fully secured against Iohf; thin proposition bears Inspection, and will pay In two months »10 for every (1 Invested. Remember you are secured against loss. H. Y.. Box 34. Station a. wanted, drug clerk; ONE who can buy Interest In und luke chargo Of K«od pay I ni; drug business. Ad¬ dress, with reference, McCORKLB'9 DRUG STORE, Roanokc, Va. wanted, a capable business iiiuii tu Invest, with services, $2.600 in an "Al" old established company. Address it. T. L, p, O. Box No 123, City._ THE .TASTE THAT tells THE tale. Taylor pork roll, thul's all. I'. A. HE1NDJJ & CO.; Distributors, #öüitii\ $et atifi'"iiuVl&toctr LOST. ilNK hakk hay M a ill: "c< u T\'\ with three wtiite feet ami blase face lost on Brook Bond, near Brook! Bridge, with harness, on Saturday! afternoon, 5 o'clock, November 4. A| I liberal reward will b<- paid for her. j Apply to ft W. HARRIS, Black Haw, FOR sale; A FINE FEMALE IRISH Hetter, 3 1-2 years old. well broken, a kuoiI retriever: not elidible to reg- Istrallon, but well bred. Price, (50. The llrst check will get her. F. J. WEIGHT, Pork Union. Va._ FOR SALE, CHEAP, THOROUGHBRED Jersey calf, male; also One Irish Better. Phone Madison 4S'J0-J._ W"h WILL give'"önb " gollau ^t?3 those having rooming or boarding houses listed with iih. Call at ourj office If not listed. Call at once for full information. .Free Information regarding rooma and board can bo obtained by consulting our flh-s at nil depots. Traffic's and Saunders e. Crump's rlrug store; also 2H North Ninth Street. CABINET INFORM A-'. _TION BUREAU._ WANTED. BOARDERS at 31g baht Franklin; also table boarders. MISS palmore._ _ _j WANTED, YtJl'NfJ MAN AS BOARDER In private family. Phone Madison _3134._ ! WE will GIVE free a BANK BOOK with one dollur to ull who list with us.. Call for full Information. Room and boar<] Information free. Consult our files at all depots. Traglc's, Saunders & Crump, and 28 North Ninth Street CABINET informa¬ tion^ UHEAU._ m iüT cTiäiTles k. bowers, Tis East Frank Street, handsomely ap¬ pointed rooms, with board; table board a specialty. -Adonis for wnt. f HE' KUANOKE, 114 NORTH EIGHTH Street, hnridsomely and newly-fur¬ nished roumi threughout; single, en suite; trarihients; ])crmanent- ONE LARGHt> FRONT ROOM, UNFTJR- nlshcd. first floor._810 East Leigh. LA KG E, ATTRACTIV b FRONT ROOM; nicely furnished; also furnished hall room; gentlemen preferred; prlvuto family. 210 East Franklin. f;knished rocTSiT private fam- lly, 507 North Sixth Street; men only._ NICELY FURNISHED ROOM. THE Wellington, hl t Bust Clay. Phone Madison >-00._ ._rtais .:trui- xvtau FlRBT~~FLATr "'FOER 'iTeaUTIFU l rooms, pantry and private bath, b West Franklin. Apply 6 West Franlc- IIa_ FLAT OF FOUR rooms AND BATH, hot and cold water; electric lights; No. 1 North SIxth. Rent. $20. FURNISHED FLAT of FOUR ROOMS and bath; bot and cold water, elec¬ tric, lights. Address D 344, caro Times-1 'ispatch._ j for l;ENT~A FLAT OF FOUR B E AI" - tlful briKht rooms, second tloor, 30b West Main Street, with water, gas ami bath._ fötfö^föRON,»i;i: .so'lTcitedTmrs. A D. WALLACE, Fashionable dress¬ making, 017 N. Fourth Street. Phono M<dlson 575S-L_ WANTED, SEi'ÖND-HAND RUNA- bout. In good order, about 20 horse¬ power. Address CASH, 1000 E. Cary. WANTED. SECOND-HAND FURNI- ture. If you have any for snle a c.».cil will bring me. "B." 723 West .'¦I.: I.- l: I. WANTED, riO RENT ¥ÖÜfi MULES und harness for the winter and spring to haul lumber. Ouoranteo best of care. BALDWIN' TOOL WORKS, Seventh and Morgan Streets, South Richmond. Monroe 2108._ WANTED, tour AUTOMOBILE, if it needs repairs We guarantee to please you. SOUTHERN auto RE- PA1R SHOP. t»20 West Broad StreeL WANTED, to BUY for CASH, HOUSE- bold goods In any quantity. Phone Madiaon 3s51._ SECOND-HAND MACHINERY of every description bought at full value. CLARENCE COSBY", 1523 E. Cary St. Phone Madison 3526_ ^ti'Äonajr^_ PL EAs'i-fV<)I. iY^P ALATE; EAT TAY- lor pork roll. HUMAN HÄ1 lT BOUGHT and soid at HUGHES'S. 2UD North Third. intal \c6täUtov Äalt^^ FOR SALIJ, ?>5 Yl-12 FEET ON BROAD Street; well-built brick house on 32 feet. numbered 1225 Bust Broad Street; vacant lot adjoining, 23 11-12 feet. Telephone Madison 2251-j, or address OWNER, 1225 E. Broad St.. I tic hin ond. Va._ &taH£0tate for JKent. HUUSE^iiOn S. iiAluifsON'" STREET; eight rooms, bath. Apply 320 West Main._MARCUS McCAY._ FOR RENT. OFFICB ROOM IN Mu¬ tual building, furnished or unfur nlshed, .twelve months" unexplred lease. Party leaving town. Address E 888, »nie Tltiies-Disputcb._ Öl'TlOLSTEBING AND M ATTRBSSE.i PARLOR SUITS, COUCHES AND OLD pieces reupholstcrcd. Mattrossos renovated neatly. Sanitary methods. Reliable work. SVDNOR & HUND¬ LEY, 711 East Broad. Madison 3204. SHOE repairing*. 7Gcl HALFSOLE MEN'S SHOES, 60c Indies; every pair sewed; best leath¬ er; no nails, no -pegs. Royal rub¬ ber heels, 25c; Tred-AIr rubber hoels, 40c; leuther hcols rebuilt like new, 26c. DREW'S ELECTRIC SHOE FACTORY. 716 Eaat Main. Phono Monroe 2667.____________ WINDOW CLEANING. WAXING AND STAINING FLOORS A specialty. WILLIAM JOHNSON, Mon- roc 3120._ TAYLOR PORK ROLL. SLICE THIN, COOK QUICK, TAYLOR pork roll._. EDUCATIONAL WANTED, PUPILS IN SHORTHAND and typewriting at Richmond School of Stenography, Room 712, American National Bank Building. MISS POYTHRBSS, Principal. DAILY PUZZLES What Biblical character? answer TO YESTERDAY'- PUZZLE. Birmingham. 3Fqv efeatt._ T wo s-xjond-hand' 'runabouts, one top buggy and sovorul wagons, nil In good repair and painted. ThoBO uro burgalns. a. MEYER's sons, 731 East Cary Street. SECOND-HANDMACHINER Y BOUGHT, sold and exchanged. I. BLUFORD U CO.. 153S-4- East Cary Street._ STRUCTURAL IfKON, oTiiEL AND pipe of every description cut to order. CLARENCE CObB:. la_3 East Cary Street. 111 chmond. Va._ WAGONS to suit you. rubber tires put on promptly, at RICHARD- _j->ON BROS'.. 61C, Brook Avwnue. i 'It SALBTiaVt'oF MANUFACTURED smoking toiiacco, tllly years old, lino and mellow. D 345, euro Tlmes-Dis- patch._ Taylor pork-RODE for break- faul; for breakfast Taylor pork roll. for sXl~E CHEAP, Ä SLIGHTLY used llreproof safe. In tine condlt'cu, quick lor cash. Box No. 123. City. SODA FOUNTAIN, COMPLETE set OK store fixtures, show cases, etc., /or sale; could"bo used to good advantage In titling up either a confectionery or drug store. Address Box 192, Richmond, Va._ delkJiöüs SMITHFIBLD SAUSAGE now on sale at your grocer's._ WE HAVE IT.JUST WHAT YOU want for tho rougli weather this wln- ter.a perfect closed-tip buggy for the business man; ball-bearing axle, rubber tires, neat stylo. Call and ln- BpeCt same. Large stock of buggies, surreys and wagons. A. MEYER'S SONS. 731 Eust Cary._»__ for SALE, ONE CASH REGISTER, costing $150. will sell for SJ6; one Iloor tobacco show case nnd four counter show cases. Address G 311, care* Times-I»'spatch. FARM, 43 ACRES. ONE MILE FROM Culpeper, Va.; macadamized road; new six-room hou.se, boys' room, bath room. 66 feet of porch; ouk grove around house. Price, $K,ü00. Ad- dress Lock Box 1», Culpeper, Va. FOR S.'D-i] COSBY'S COMBINATION baker and heater for wood and coal. 433 W. Broad. Write for clrcular. ONE "EVENING COAT AND VEST; also one Tuxedo, size 30; perfect condition. Price, (15 for all. Ad- dreas E 387, care Tlmes-Dlspatch. ONE good COOK stove AND WOOD heater for sale. Phone 311«! Madison. BLACK LYNX FUR SET, CAPE AND large muff, latest style, $12, value $60. V 40'J. caro TImos-Dlspiitch. FOR SALE. ONE COMET SELF-FE ED lng heater; good us new; cheap for cash. Apply 510 N. Twenty-sixth Strtot. City._ jätuo mojjiüß Jj^Walt SEVERAL used ford CARS, j and 6 Passenger, which we have taken In exchange for latest models. These cars now being thoroughly over¬ hauled and w'll paint If desired. Will Instruct thoroughly regarding oper¬ ation, or will send Instructor home wit'- out of town purchaser.'. ford AUTO co. 1629 West Broad. Coal aitu cutloofc. Lo'nVTtHE WOOD man. HAS madeira Specialty of wood about 14 years. He has Hie kind thai splits easy and gives heat, because It Is perfectly dry and sound. LONG'S. Madison 1069._ KINDLING WOOD, THOROUGHLY seasoned, $1.75 per bblf-cord. S. li. COTTRELL & SON. Phono Madison 177. 23tmoInu glaiitzü. Atlantic Count Line Railroad Co, ~-"*w~-' Office of the Treasurer. Wilmington, N. C-, November 1, 1911. THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF AT- laullc Coast Line Rallroud Company has declared a dividend of two and one-half per cent, on the preferred capital stock of that company, pay¬ able ut the office of the treasurer, at Wilmington, N. C, on und after NO¬ VEMBER 10, 1911. Tho transfer books are closed from 31st day of October, 1911. to November 10, 191L both dato inclusive. _JaMES S. POST, Treasurer. Mutmg»._ l?icTinio^i_r^rederickBburfr end Poto¬ mac and Richmond and Petersburg Railroad Connection Company, Oltlce of the- Secretary, Richmond, Va., November 3, 1911. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the annual meeting of the stockhold¬ ers of the Richmond, Fredericksburg and Potomac and Richmond and Pe¬ tersburg Railroad Connection Com¬ pany will be held at its office In the city of Richmond, Va., on MONDAY, tho 20th of November, at 10 o'clock A. M. Transfer books will be closed from November 13 to November 20, 1911, bolh Inclusive. W. D. DUKE, _Secretary. Atlantic Coast Line Rullroad Company, Office ot the Secretary. NOTICE IS 1" _REB Y GIVEN THAT tho regular annual moeting of Stock¬ holders ol* the Atlantic Coast I.lno Railroad Company, will bo held at tho office Si ihe Company In tho City of Richmond, Va., on TUESDAY, the 21st day of November, A. D. 1911, at 11 o'clock A. M. The transfer books of tho Company will closo Wednesday, November 8, 1911, at 3 o'clock P. M., and will be rooponetl on Wednesday, November 22, 1911, at 10 o'clock A. M. H. L BORDEN. Secretary. November 4. 1911._ Richmond, Fredericksburg and Potomac. Railroad Co., Office of tho Secretary, Richmond, Va., November 1, 1911. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT tho annual meeting of tho stockhold¬ ers of the Richmond, Fredericksburg and Potomac Rullroad Company will be held at Rb office in the city of Richmond, Vs.. on MONDAY. Uie 20th day of November, 1911, at 11 o'clock A. M. Tho stock transfer books will bo closed ut 3 o'clock P. M. Monday, - November 13, 1911, and reopened at 10 o'clock A M. Tuesday, November 21, 1911. NORMAN CALL, _ Secretary. Washington Southern Railway Co., Office of the Secretary, Richmond, Va., November 1, 1911. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT tho annual meeting of tho stockhold¬ ers of the Washington Southern Rail¬ way .Company will bo held at Its of¬ fice m the city of Richmond, Va., on MONDAY, the 20th day of Novomber, 1911, at 12 o'clock noon. The stock transfer books will bo closed at 3 .o'clock P. M.. Monday, November 13, 1011, and reopened at id o'clock a. M. Tuesday, November ?1, 1911. NORMAN CALL, 8ocroto<r__ More Than 250 Women Attend, Missionary Convention at Lynchburg. [Special to The Tlmea-Dispatoii. 1 Lynch burg, Va., November 10..The first business session of the Conven¬ tion of the Woman's Baptist Miaslon- ary Union was hold this morning at the First Baptist Church with a lu^g? attendance. More than 250 delegates nro present. To-day the reports of the president, secretary, treasurer and auditor were received and referred. At the afternoon seHMiou the reports of the foreign mission board were heaid, ufter w,hlch there was a conference on foreign work. To-night the va¬ rious committees met for work. The contention will bo in session over Sunday. Probably the most Interest address of the morning was that of Mrs. W. C. James, of RicTimond, president of the Union. Mrs. .lames made a most com¬ prehensive talk regarding the workr of the union and outlined planti for the coming year. It was her opinion that tho best results In missionary work could be accomplished only where there was peraona 1 service, sya- temntlc prayer, co-operation and tho use of association libraries. Sho heartily lavored Interdenominational conferences where an Interchange of Ideas could be made. She did not con¬ sider that good work co.ili be done In any church wliere less than one-fourth of the women members o? the church took part In missionary work. The treasurer's report, which fol¬ lows, shows that almost $10.000 more Is in the treasurer's hands than was at this time last year. This report Is the best over rendered tho union: State missions. $7.412.OS; tnank of¬ fering for State missions. $'2,119.4 1; Buchanan School building fund, $106.39; Buchanan School dormitory, $1.856.10; Buchanan School piano, $46.37.Total. $11.539.38. Sunday school and colportngo work. $310.67; education board, $382.59: P. S. board S. B. C. Bible fund. $70; foreign missions. $14.324.13; W. M. S. Christ¬ mas offering, China, $4.079.63; Y. W. A. Christmas offering, Japan, $551.65; Sunbeams' Chrihtmaa offering, Africa, $570.53; R. A. Christmas offcrlntr. Af¬ rica, $101.64: desk work in China, $424.68; Jublleo offering. $11.206.96: Sunbeams Williams Memorial. $471.41 j .Total. $21.730.43. Home missions. $6,256.98; special of- J fering for homo mission*, $3,r,05.9S> ' missionary to Oklahoma. $722.71; Im¬ migrant work at Norfo'k. $1.013.02: work among tho Indl-inq. $383.SI; building and loan fund, 1131.no- moun- tain schools (Y. W. A.), $K3.34.Total. $12.099.34. Ministers' relief fund. $402.49; or- phnnage. $1.960.09; educntlon commts- slon, $70.54; Margaret Home, $174.62; training school onlarg^mon. and en¬ dowment. $1.022.55; training senool current expense fund, $401.40; training school Virginia students' fund, $722.27 .Total, $1.946.22. Total cash contributions, $50.746.27; home boxes. $2.634.22. Grand total cash and boxes. $53.3*0.59. Circuit Court of Appeals The United States Circuit Court or Ap- penis reconvened yesterday morning at 11 o'clock, with Circuit Judges c.ofl and Prltcbard and District Judges pfc.1 e\ and Connor In attendance. The following case was argued: No. 1000.George Burchett et al.. plaintiffs In rjrroi». vs. United Ktntes of America, de- fendant In error: In error to the District Court at Big Stone Oap. Va. Cause argued by S. H. Dutherland and Tto'.nnd E. Chase. of Cllntwood. Va.. for the plaintiff in rr- *, ror. and by Barnes Gll'.esple. United fitstes 'attorne). of Tazewell. Va.. for the defend¬ ant I nerror, and submitted. Court adjourned until this morning at 11 o'clock. There will be no cases in tho call for argument to-day, but the court will hold a conference, session upon crises heretofore argued and remaining undecided. ItepuJr Permit. A repair permit was Issued In tho offlco of the Building Inspector yesterday to Philip T. Sionn to repair a brick dwelling, 306V4 West Cary Street, to cost $2S0. The Atlantic Land and Improvement Company, Ulltce of the Secretary. NOTICE IS HHUBBY GIVEN THAT' the regular annual meeting of Stock- holders of Tho Atlantic Land and Improvement ompanv will be held ut the office, of tho Company in the City of Richmond, Va., on TUESDAY, the 21st day of November, A D. 1911, at 12:3U o'clock P. M IL L. BORDEN, Secretary. November 4. 1911. Potomac Railroad Company, Office of tho Secretary, Richmond, Va,, November 1, ltlL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the annual moating of the stockhold¬ ers of the Potomac Railroad Company will bo held at Its office In the city of Richmond. Va., on MONDAY, the 20th day of November, 1911, at 12:30 P. M. The stock transfer books will bo closed at 3 o'clock P. M. Monday, Novembor 13, 1911, and reopened at' 10 o'clock A M. Tuasday. November 11, 191L NORMAN CALL. _Secretary. Virginia Railway and Power Company, 628-680 East Main Street, Richmond, Ootober 23. 1911. NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN THAT the annual meeting of tho stock¬ holders of the Virginia Railway a in'. Power Company will ba held at tho general office of the company, iq tho city of Richmond, Va.. on WEDNES¬ DAY, November 15, 1911, at 12 o'clock M. The transfer books will be closed on Monday, November 6, 1311, at 8 o'clock P. M.. and will bo reopened on Thursday, November 16, 1911, at 10 o'clock A. M. GUY PHILLIPS, Secretary. hotels'. Table d'Hote Dlunera Saturday and Sunday evenings, 0 to 9 o'clock, 91.50 eneh. THE JEFFERSON Richmond, Vs. The most magnificent hotel In the South. European plan. Rooms single and en suite, with and without baths. Spacious sample rooms. Rate. $1.50 per day and upward. GALEN HALL Atlantic City, Ifotel and Sanatorium. With Its elegant comforts, its tonic and curative baths ana superior table and service, is an Ideal place for fall and winter. Always open. Always ready. Always busy. P. L. Yomiir, General Manager* HE1R0KETHEICE" ANDG0THIS$5,000 It Took "Big Money" to Induce Abrahams to Act as Lorimer "Bellwether." Chicago, November 10..Stories al¬ leged to have been current at Spring- Held that Bmanuel A. Abrahams, a members of the Legislature referred to ns the "bellwether'' of the election of Culled States Senator Wllllum Lori¬ mer, had refused to vote for Lorimer for J2.5O0. but had done bo when glvon $5,000, wero related before tho sena¬ torial Investigating committee to-day. Frederick B. Sterling, editor of a newspaper at Rockford, Ills., tosliibul .that prior to the election In May, 190?, ho .had several conversations with James H. Corcoran, a former Democra¬ tic legislator. 'On the Sunday before the election," said Sterling, "while on a train bo- tween Rooktord and Chicago, Corcoran told me ho thought Lorimer was going; to bo elected that woek. because big: money was being paid for vot»s. Ho said tho money was coming from tho stockyards and lumber and buttorlno interests. William Loefler, of Chicago, he said, was handling tho money. "In Springfield the next day, Corcor¬ an said Lorimer was going to be elect¬ ed the following day, which was Tues¬ day. On Tuesday he camo to mo and said the election wasn't going to bo put over after all. \ itskod him why, and he replied that Abrahams would! not break the Ice for tho $2,500 offer¬ ed him. but Instead wanted $5,000, and; they would not como across with the] larger amount. I "Wednesday, ho paid, they had come! across with tho $5,000 to Abrahams.; 'You watch htm now,' said Corcoran, "he will be tho ilrBt to break the Ice." "j Corcoran then tCBtllled that he rc-| membered tho conversations with; Sterling, but he could not recall hav-! ing made the exact statements attrl-J bulcd to him. He said ho had henrd of a report that Abrahams, u Demo-l erat, had refused to "break the ice" In voting for Lorimer until he was paid $5,000, but he regarded It as a Joke, and he did not know that he had ro- peated It to Sterling. Baptist General Associa¬ tion of Virginia. AT NOItFOI.K. NOVEMBER TO 21. REDUCED FARES VIA N. A W. II Y. For tho abovo occasion, tho Norfolk and Western Railway will, on Novem¬ ber 15. 16 and 17, sell for all regular trains round trip tickets to Norfolk from nil stations on Its lines In VIr- glnla at greatly reduced rates. Tick¬ ets will be good returning until No¬ vember 23. Tho round trip faro from I Richmond will be $3.45. Through fast trains, with Fullman parlor cars be¬ tween Richmond and Norfolk without change. Special coaches for delegates and visitors to the convention will be provided. For full particulars, call on or phono (Madison 437) C. A Overton, Jr., City Passenger Agent, northwest corner Ninth and Main, or , C. H. BOSLEY. District Passenger Agent. ^j^urctijftouttJi. PRESBYTERIAN. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH (Grace and Mudlson Streets)..Preaching at 11 A. M. and S P. M. by tho pastor. Dr. F. T. McPADEN. .Sunday School at 9:3« A. M. Biblo Classes for men and alsc for women at 10 A. M in the main auditorium. SECOND PRES BYTERIA N CHURCH. Her. RUSSELL CECIL, D. D., pastor. Ser¬ vices on Sunday at II A M. and I P. M. Sunday School at t:46 A. m. Wednesday service t P. M THIRD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH fTwenty-sixth and Broad ßtreetsk..Dtf- BOOLESTON will preach at both services. Evening- subject, "Heaven and Our Loved' Ones."' Seats free and a cordial welcome. O R A C E STREET PRESBYTERIAN Church..Preaching by Dr. D. CLAY LIL- LY at 11 o'clock A. M. and 8 o'clock P. M. "The Way Homo" will bu the morning sub¬ ject and "Indlrf erenen to Duty" at night. The Brotherhood and Ladles' Bible Society will meet at 10 o'clock A. M. CHURCH OF THE COVENANT.RFJV. J. CALVIN BTHWART, D. D., pastor. Preach¬ ing at 11 A. II. and S I'. M by the pustor. Midweek service Wednesday evening at I' o'clock. Sabbath School at 9:30 A. M. and Xlen'n Bible Class meets at 10 o'clock A. M. Seats free and hearty welcome to all services. WES T|M_N S T E R PRESBYTERIAN Church-Rev. JAMBS Y. FAIR, D. D., p.-%i- tor. Preaching 11 A. M. and > P. M by tho pastor. Welcome. BAPTIST. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH (BROAD AND Twelfth Streets)..The pnslor. Rov. GEO. W. McDANIEL, D. D., will prench. at 11 A. M. and 8 P. M. Graded Sunday School. Uaraca and Phllathet Cluses (A. W. Pat¬ terson. Supt.), 9:30 A. M. All welcome. SECOND BAPTIST CHURCH (FRANK- lin and Adams Streets).LOUIS BACON WARREN. D. D.a pastor. 8ervlcea 11 A M. and t P. M. Graded Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. Orgsnlzed classes for men and women. Tho pastor will conduct the morn¬ ing service. Sermon, "The Living; Death." Dr. SOWELL will preach at the nlg-ht ser¬ vice. Special music by quartet choir. A welcome to all. GRACE STREET baptist CHURCH. (Orsce snd Fousb.ee Streets)..Preaching at U A. M. and 8 P. M. by the Rev. JOHN H. BAOER, D. D.. of Baltimore, Md Morning subject, "God's Problem"; at 8 P. M.. "The Apostle Paul In Jerusalem." Sunday School at 9:30 A. m. (Charles R. Winston. Supt >. Wednesday evening praper-meetlng at S ©.'clock. The public, especially aflrangers, are cordially Invited to worship with us. GROVE AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH (Orore Avenue and Harrison Street)..Rev. W. C. JAMES, Tb. D., pastor. Preaching by the'pastor at It A. m. and s p. u. Sun¬ day School at 9:15 A. M. (James B. Wood, Hupt i. Wednesday evening prayen-metet-' Ing at t o'clock. LEIGH STREET BAPTIST CHDRCn (corner Twenty-fifth and Leigh Streets) JOHN J. WICKER, pastor. Rev. JAMES BUCHANAN. D. D.. 11 A. M.. Rev. R. B GAINES. 8 P. M. Sunday School 9:80 A. M. C O. Alley, Hupu All welcome! METHODIST. BROAD frTRKET METHODIST CHURCH. Preaching at 11 A. M. and 8 1*. M. by the pastor. Rev. FRANK L. WELI.8. Subject of evening sermon, "The Uncloan Tongue," third In series of "Tongue Talks." CHRISTIAN. SEVENTH .STREET CHRISTIAN1 Church..The new hentlnr system having been Installed there will be pro&chlng both morning and evening by the pastor Rev H. D. C. MACLACHLAN. Subjeot at 11 a' U. "Do Your Best." Special ovangellmio services, conducted by the pa.-, tor. in the lecture-room each evening at 8 o'olook. No¬ vember U-19th. EPISC.OPATU MONUMENTAL CHURCH (ERECTEDl.ttt on site of Theatre burned 1S11), Broad Street below Twelfth. Services at 11 A. M. and ( P. M. Scats free. LUTHERAN. FIRST ENGLISH EVAN&ELJCAT, LUTTIE- ran Church (corner Monument Avenue and Lomuardy Street)..Rev. J. J. SCHEREH, JR., pastor. Preaching 11 a. M. by Rev. J. T. MASTIN. secretary of Stato Board of Charities and Corrections; 8 P. M by Rov WM..MEADS CLARK. Madly School 9:So A. M. /.uthor league. 7 P. M., subject. "The Church's Cnro of lhB Sick." Wednes¬ day night prayer service 8 P. M. CHRISTIAN SC1ENCB. REOULAR SERVICES OF FIRST Church of Christ, Bolentlst, will be held to¬ morrow morning In church edifice (corner Park Avenue and Meadow Street) at II o'clock. Subject, "Mortals and Immortals." Wednesday evening testimony and experi¬ ence meeting at 8:30. The retadlng-rooma are located nt 207W North Sixth Street, and are open every, week day from 10 A. M. to 5 P. M. All are cordially Invltod. UNITARIAN. FIRST UNITARIAN CHURCH (FLOYD Avenue and Harrison Street).Rev. ALEX¬ ANDER T. BOWSER, minister. Subject for Sunday November 12. "Tho Kingdom or God Within tho Soul." Services at 11 o'clock. All seats free. Question Passed by Conference. Bishop Hoss Speaks on Needs of Efficient Ministry. [.Special to The Times-Dispatch.] Statesvlllo. N. C, November 10..The third day or the Western North Caro¬ lina Conference win taken largely up with reports of pastors und addrcHsea by Visiting ministers. The call of tho twenty-second question was resume I and concluded, and the characters of all tho preachers were passed. Rev. J. I. Cunningham, representing the General Board of Education, ad¬ dressed the conference In the inter¬ est of ministerial supply and equip¬ ment. He emphasized the fact that the church needs men In the ministry who are men of one purpose, and who are equipped so as to be efficient, and the church should endeavor to. lnsplro men entering the ministry with high Ideals^ and should stimulate them to securer the best education. Tho church should establish a loan fund to en¬ able young ministers of limited meuna to secure an education. During tho call of tho twonty-seeond question announcement was made that R. Fruit had been transferred to the Vlrglnlu Conference. Answering uuestlon number twelve, eight local preachers wore elected to denconn' or¬ ders. Speaking of the need of effi¬ cient ministers. Bishop Hoas said: "All other wants of the church are w.apped up In the wunt of an efficient min¬ istry." Bishop Hosa announced that tho class of young ministers eligible for reception Into full connection In tho conference would be received to-mor- row. morning. The following named three preach- ers and two laymen were appointed to constitute the committee on the repro- sentatlve church in W:#blns:ton city: W. U Kherrlll. Plato T. Durham. .T. H. West. F. S. Lambeth nnd W. R OUoll. Rev. M. B. Porter. D. D., of Rloh- mond. addressed the conference In the Interest of the American Bible Society. Tho report of the conference board of Bible cause was read and adopted. showing tho conference contributed about $700 to this cause the past year. Rev. W. H. McMaster. D. D-, flpoko to the conference In the Interest of the Lord's Day Alllance. R. M. Taylor offered a resolution requesting the College of Bishops not to hold this Conference earlier than the middle of November In tho future on account of the late crops In this territory, which affect tho finances of the church. The resolution was adopted. Rev. M. H. Tuttle ;. inched this af¬ ternoon. This evening Rev. C. Orlmen. of Missouri, delivered the address at the anniversary of tho board of church ex¬ tension. synoiTwüTmeet iNEXTAT RICHMOND North Carolina Presbyterians Will Join in Centennial Cele¬ bration at Seminary. [Special to Tho Times-Dispatch.] Charlotte. N. C, Novombcr 10..The Presbyterian Synod of North Carolina completed its work lute this afternoon and adjourned atno die. The synod voted to meet Jointly the third TueS- day In October. 1912. with tho Synod of Virginia in the celebration of tho centennial of Union Seminary at Rich¬ mond. The most impressive service held during the, synod at this meet¬ ing was th*. communion scrvlco, with which tl.o session of the meet¬ ing began to-day. This service was cotiduetco by Rev. II. Q. Hill, of Max- ton, the oldest pastor In the uynod, mid Rev. H. Uardin, of Davidson College, who was the tlrst pastor of the Second Presbyterian Church, where tho ses¬ sions of synod are being held. Rev. A. A. McGeachy, host of tho aynod, offered a resolution recommend¬ ing the appointment of a committee of arrangements at the close of each annual meeting of synod, one mem¬ ber to bo tho pastor of the church whero the next session Is to be held. This committee Is to consist of five members, and will arrange tho entire program of business for tho next meet¬ ing of synod, conferring with tho standing rules committee This reso¬ lution was adopted and as synod will hold Its session of next year in Ra¬ leigh, Rev. Mr. McWhlte. pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of that city, will be a member of the committee for the coming year. Many reports were road and adopted at this meeting. The committee on bills and overtures reported favorably regarding the overture from Fayetts- vllle Presbytery that this synod be divided Into ten presbyteries, as near¬ ly equal as possible. Instead of eight preBbytertes as at present. A com¬ mittee was appointed to make the di¬ vision, and to report to synod next yoar. Tho report of Union Theological Seminary, of Richmond, was highly commended as wero tho addresses ',f Rev. W W. Moore. D. D.. and Rov. W. u Llngle, of tho faculty of tho seminary. Synod will take steps to take part In the centennial of the semi¬ nary next October. The committee to provide pastora st Stato Institutions of learnlnu; requested $400 additional for the salary of a pastor to be secured at Chapel Hill The Presbyterian Standard wns com¬ mended highly, several members of synod Bpeuklng of its merit and work. Rev. M. O. Shields was re-elected superintendent of synodlcal home mis¬ sions: Tlev William Black was re- elected svnodlcal ovangellat. and Ro/. fleorge VV. Bella was re-elected dis¬ trict ovnngollst. This session of synod is regarded as one of tho most pleasant and ono of the moat profitable held In recent years. BOYS' ANNUAL BANQUET Two Rundred and Twenty-flre nave Gay Time at Y. M. 0. A. Two hundred and t wendv-tlv» members of the boys' depn-tmont of the Young Men's Christian Asioe.lat.lon last night enjoyed their fifth annual bnnquet, whloh was serv¬ ed In th, Junlir rooms at the central as¬ sociation building. General locretary a. IC. McKsa actad as tonstmaster, while, the address of welcorno to the boys was extended by President W. D. Duke. Response, won .Ynade by Llnwood If. Cosby. Others who spoke Included Oeta B. Morrison, Jr., Howard 8 Dannor, Sam¬ uel F. Padgett, Jr., J. O. Arreli, p. Q. Or- rvlg. secretary of the boys' department, and Oeorgft W. Ilahlke. ßtippor was served by the woman's socln! committee, wbllo the following commlttco arranged for th. evnnt: Morgan R. Mills, Jr., Howard 8. Danner, E. Lockert Remis. Jr.. C. Stewart Shelld, Thomas Ho*»ell Aaron and Trent C. Hydnor. NO LECTURES TO-DAY Dr. Wlllctt Will Rennte Series at Allen Avenue To-Morrow. No lecture of bis series will be delivered by Dr. Herbert U TVHIett. of Chicago Uni¬ versity, at the Allen Avelino Christian Church to-night. Howevor. Or. WllleP. will continue his lectures on "The Beginnings of Christianity" nt It o'clock to-morrow morn- Irg. and will also spenk at J and at S P. M. Tho subject Inst night was "Paul and Oentlle Christianity," fireat Interest Is be¬ ing shown In this series, and good si.. -5 audiences are In attendance. The, minister. Rev. ll. P. Atkins, has extended an Invita¬ tion to th* public to aiton*. By A. J Chownlng Cam puny, Real Estate Agont« and AucUon«erfW8 COURT BALK In uxeoution of * decree o? the ChaAj*B eery Court of tho, city of Rtchraonqtfg entered November «. 1911. In the 8lt1«M of James F. Ransom ot al. vs. Fred W«S Putnam <:t al., we will, as special com¬ missioners thereby appointed, sell MSI public auction, upon the premises, on TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 11. 1911, at 4;00 o'clock P. M. 7f|S The"Putnam Theatre' Nos. 1309and 131 1 E. Franklin Street with lot of land fronting; 42 feot the southern line of Franklin Stre»t>3§ between Thirteenth and Fourteenth J Streets, and extending; hack sout^ wardly from Franklin Street 90 feot, more or less. i This is a brick building, I situated in a section of our city which is increasing in value every day. It will make a splendid location for the printing or wholesale;, business. TERM3: One-third cash, and the ouU nnce payable In three equal Instates mcnts at six, twelve and eighteen*;1 months after date, evidenced by nego-; tlable notes, bearing Interest from thoj date of sale, and the title retalne.l by ^ tho court until all the purchase! monoy ! Is paid and a conveyance ordered, by'' tho court; or ull cash, at the option OS: the purchaser. i JNO. a. CUTCHrNS, '¦¦rtfiM mat;RICE A. POWERS. Special Commissioner. I hereby certify that the bond re¬ quired of the special commissioners la the. above suit has been duly given. suit nas neon aniv given. CHARLES O. SAVILLE. Clerk. By Williams & Cease, Real Estato Auctioneers. TRUSTEE'S AUCTION SALE OF FOUR-STORY BRICK DWELLING, NO. 407 NORTH ELEVENTH STREET. - In execution of a dec<l of trust da to tit January 9, 1911, and recorded In .tho clerk's office, Richmond Chancery Court, In D. B. 205-D, page 368, default) having been made of tho debt therein secured, I will sell by auction, on tho premises, on TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 14, 1911. at 4 o'clock P. M., the above mentioned four-story semi¬ detached brick dwelling, containing; about eighteen rooms, being more fully described as follows: "All that certain lot, piece or parcel of land, together with all tho Improve- j ments thereon, lying and being In the?: city of Richmond. Va., on the east slde't of Eleventh Street, between Marshals j and Clay Streets, and more fully do-' scribed as follows: Commencing oh the said cast lino of Eleventh Street at the centre of a brick partition wall be- tween the property hereby conveyor! and the Jewish Synagoguo on the south, and running back through thei centre of said dividing walls on tha north and south 106 feet, more or less^ to an alley In tho rear 10 feet wide." TERMS: Cash; but subject to tho following deeds of trust, which the purchusod Is to assume: one dated Jan¬ uary 10. 1910. the principal note of $600t- due two years nfter date, and one dated January 10, 1910. tho principal note ot $3.000 due three years after date. DANIC OF COMMERCE & TRUSTS, Trustee, By A Ix Adamson. Real Estate Auctioneer, Richmond, Va. ATTENTION, BUILDERS: AUCTION SALB OF A LAGE LOT OF OLD BUILDING MA.- TERIAL IN WASHINGTON WARD. Pursuant to a Joint resolution ap« proved April 18, 1911. and by direction of the Building Inspector, I will, on, WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 16, 19Ui at 4 P. M.. offer for sale, on the premises, thd three-story brick building, known aji the Fire Engine House :jnd City Office Rulldlng, and tho one-story .brick;, building known as the Stärket Build¬ ing, both in VVnshlngton Square. Theso buildings contain a large number of second-hand brick and much valuable building material, and will be sold to the highest bidder, to be removed with- in sixty days from date of sale. Speci¬ fications governing the removal of thesa buildings and other information can be had from tho office of the Build¬ ing Inspector or from the auctioneer. TERMS: Cash. A. L. ADAMSON. Auctioneer. CONSIDER ORDINANCES Important Matters Come Up Monday. Night Before Committee. A special meeting of the Council Committee on Ordinance, Chartor and ' Reform has been called by Chairman Umlaut for Monday night at 7:30 o'clock to take up a large number of pending ordinances. Mr. Umlaut expresaos the hope that t .e committee will, us far as possible, clear its docket at this meeting, an<j that tho regular meeting of tho month, sot for Tuesday, November 21, will be Bet apart for u full discussion of the re¬ port of the Committee on Changes in tho Form of City Government. Among the matters to come up on Monday night will bo the Vonderlehr workhouso ordinance, tho Lynch ordl- e nance regulating the admlHstoti of mlnora to moving picture shows, tho Campbell stable permit, and several other matters In which citizens deslro to be heard. U la also expected that a subcommittee, of which Mr. Pollock Is chnlrman. will present a roport o- the Fuller resolution in rop,ard to frr t«fxt books In the public schools. Tho form of government papers ho made the special order for N&»' her 21. when delegations frorrvte Chamber of Commerce and otl, a, terested for or ngalnat tho outlined will bo invited to ''«** their case._ TRAFFIC HELD UP*£ Ilroad and Main Pur Leaves Rail. Ct.. Delay. Weot&outid stroet r-ur traffic In Mi Strict was lied up for nearly nour hour last, night between 9 and 10 o'clock whan a car of the Ilroad und Mnln Street division of tho Virginia Railway and Power Company spilt a switch at Eighth Street, causing tho front trucks to leave the tracks. Finding that It would be some time before the de¬ railed truck could be righted »11 Main Stre.'t, Hroad and Main. Clay Street and Oakwood cars woro switched into Ninth Street at Main going to Broad and then procoedlng west. A wrerlclng crew was *ent »o tha aid Of the stranded trolloy, and It required soma ttmo to place it upon th» tracks and re¬ turn tragic tQ normal conditions. rSpeclnl to Tho Times-Dispatch.! Weldon, N. C. November 10..Eddie Sugg. William Henry Tlllery and Wil¬ liam Pink, all colored, got into a, difficulty In Conocarara township Thursday evening and as a r»sult Pink la dead Sugg Is In Halifax county: jull und Tlllery is at large. Qoallflra as Kxeentar. John M. Hltlsman qualified yesterday trsj the Chancery Court as the executor of the* will of Dr. John A. tlillsman, Tha eetato* [la valued (A

Transcript of Times Dispatch.(Richmond, VA) 1911-11-11 [p...

Greater Rlcboiond'a Ureuter Nerrepaper


Want Ad RatesIn Effect Juno U. 1VU.

Dally, one cent per word when palilIn advance. No Ad. taken for Iva» tknnten cent*.One aud one-half conti« a word nil

clasalllcntlona except Situation Wnutedfor Sunday. Situation W tinted, one veuta word. No Ad. Sunday taken for leimthuu Mtteen cent*.

No, Ada. taken for leaa thnn tw*nly-Sve ccuts when phoned lu ur c*>Br»»iilit the counter.

I'lluuc vrdtrra not Ktinrantced.CliiHalflciitlou not Kiniriiutced after

.JillO P. M.For business eonlrnctt, aend for the

Want Ad. Ainu, phuue Muurue A.

IkVSl ulio _y vp.,1,-...

|'.<JST,'*"|n" '< U11I . .N S IJI'. i'.V ItTM ENTstore, Novoinoci ., otto Bilver-Hanale»hk. umureilu; monogram A. u. fi.I'.cwara it returned jj5 Wist Grace.

.LOST. a ULACK Hi: neckpiece,tit the w oiiiLn a Ciuo yesterday ..i-

ternooti, tvTtii njtmu on mo liisiuc,marked ''Hollancu" Reward it re¬turned to MuS. HOLLAND, 'iliu Hun-over lluu.".-.

Lobt, Monday, mokning, femalepointer. Answers to name of Fan-nie, White with black spots minuuk. Liberal reward if returned.PUCCINELL1 BROS., Eighteenth andMinn Btrecta.


m^.-P IMMttlitXlij jvlturVTanTedTT ölt" *>'." XimxT^ABLis-

budinii, unmarried men. between age*ui lj und 35; citiitiib ui Luu.cu statu»;of gouu oharacter and temperate nab-Ha, vsuu can *u niid writ*thu El.gllbli lauguaice, lor informa¬tion appiy to Recruiting utneer, a.oE. iirou.il Street, Klmiinono. Va._wanted!""kÄCTi.i';e makkiis. <;<n»i>.exportonced nun only. Apply FORE--man. .NATIONAL I'ACKI.MJ CU..iui) E. Canai Street, itlcmnulld, Va.

a'ANTED, IS MEN AND boys towork on packing grounds. W. t.IP "n> tv. CIQlnti Paj a._

wANTED, RAILWAY .MAll. CLERKS;Klchrnond examinations announcedJanuary 16. SampJo nuesuonB free.FRANKLIN INSTITUTE; Dcpi 416 K,Rochester, n. y.


you ARE WANT ED KOH GOV BRN-inent lob; 180 month. Bend postallor lial ol poaittutib open. FRANK -

Ll.N 1NST11 UTE, Dept. 410 K, Ku-cluster. N Y._._W ANTED. YOUNG MEN TO LEaP.N

the automobile business; Position»secured competent gruüuati-n. RICH¬MOND auto SCHOOL, 3o3 GruiiamBtrecL_

WAn tEI <. "GO'VlT l'.l not VPr" opera -

tor. Apply at once. WILLIAMSPRINTING CO 11 N. Fourteenth St

WANTED" ät ONCE. YOUNG MAN A3stenographer and typewriter und dononiu bookkeeping; i" lumber ottlco,small Virginia town. Must bo aworker, reliable und hont si and notdrink. Stute, In own hand, experi¬ence, etc. Chance for advance andpermanent place. II belong to churchmule Wh it denomination. Moderatesalary paid. Address D 3ti2. care

v^Timea-Dlapatch._WANTED" EXPERIENCED COOK(male), Apply SHEHE's CAFE, »10Euat Main Street

WANTED. an EFFICIENT BUHINES3man isnlesman); who will Inveitri'.'O with arfvlcCS in art cstabiisitcd.jiuicsB. Excellent opportunity :orthe ii^ht man. .lofcronccs cxctiuti^ciLAddress p. O. -Jox No. 123, City.

LlN »TYPE MACHINIST-OPERATOR,n "W No. b and No. S machines. Werequire oigiu iiours on keyboard and

p. sufficient time in addition to keepmachines In good condition; non¬union town; day work, 134 per v/tek,permanent daily RECORD, linrn-onburg, Va._

WANTED, FIRST-CLASS JOB andadvertisement compositor; day

rki 'inrit hours, non-union town;permanent DAILY RECORD, Harri-onburg, Va._

WANTED, ÖALE8MAN OP EXPERI-n-.p-, who is capable of holdlin;

sales manager position aftor becotn-inr: acquainted with line. Good op-portunlty for right party. Addressr. ¦> Hor. J-i.

»uuai»uii£» si -iiueu. j-ciiiH:.i\ ii :v0^3ni7ci'ci.i:i;K'. wrn'i eIoht

yonra' experience, wishes po^itton;best retcrenccb. Address Box 23,Newport n- w >¦. Va-

\\ AN1 ED, POSITION P" EXPERI-enced bookkeeper and general offlcoman. References furniahed. AddressD HCl, caro Timc.v-Dlbpatch.

EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER, NOWemployed, wishes to change poaltionfor one In Richmond or Norfolk.Host refeiencea. Addreaa II 56, euro

Tlnics-Dlspatoh._Tlf.Ä7vET7lNG^lÄN WANTS POSITIONto present a house with a Uno ofmill Hupplles. Salary no object tostart. Perfectly familiar with Northand South Carolina territory. Ad-drcss e 3S6, caro Tlmes-lilspatch.

\vTnted] POSITION as SHIPPINGclerk In wholesale grocery house;five years' experience; Al referencesfurnished. Address D 361, careTimes-Dispatch.

AN EXPERIENCED SECOND-FLOORcolored maid. Will bo expected toilo Hat 'vashlnp. Wages. J16. Ref¬erences required. Addreas e 38üicaro Tlmes-Dl.spatoh._Wa MTED, AYOUNG LADY to

help With ladles' tailoring work.Apply at 303 West Grace.

WANTED, C00K"~E^K~SMALL FAM-lly. Apply 323 n. Hurrlaon.


WANTED, l a D I E S K o LEARNFrench drcssout ting, dressmaking,designing and millinery. The oldest,largest and moat reliable millineryand dresacutting academy in theworld. 1115 0 Street, Washington.I). C. flood positions rurnished. Sendfor booklet.

j5?ituntions WBkanttti. IfemRir..Pi iS'lTl'tix'WANTED Rv" STENOGitA-pher-typewrlter; five years' New

York exporlenoe. Address F 112. caVci'imes-1 M.spiitc-h.

Wtj^J^iih anh JfeniaierWANTED, COLORED MAN"^NI>~WTFV.

lor farm in Chesterfield county; goodpay, board and room. Address, withreference, K 147, care Tlmes-Dis-patch._^rorcrtsiontTU^fip U^rü'eö.tVAXTEI», UV AN EXPERIENCEDmale teacher, students to tutor InLatin, English und mathematics. Ad-dress D car- Times-Dispatch.

AoLtxUora ano »aiesmen.1V ANTED; AN ex IM.:ri ENCEJD"fRÄ"V*-

ellng salesman to carry our line ofmen's pants In Virginia. Liberal com¬mission. Address, with references,CHARLOTTE CLOTHING MEG. CO.,Churlotte, N. C.

wanted! solicitors! cabinetINFORMATION BUREAU. 28 NorthNinth._

WANTED. EXPERIENCED GROCERYspocialty salesman, familiar with lo¬cal territory. State experience, forwho worked, lines sold. Address P.O. Box 303, New Orlcunc. La._

&<wutf~ tMlanteD.^vv*anted, UNI'TIKNISllED ""llOOMover atoic for eouple. Address d 347,care Tiinea-Dlapntch.

WANTEHf TWO Oft THREE FUR-nlshed .-oonts for light housekeeping,with bitih. for young' couple, i Ad¬dress F 410, oare, TJmce-Dlspatch.


w~XntkLv the vutiEicf to föfovvthat j AH XK K BROS.. Jewelers. 912East Main Street, buy. soil, exchangeund remount diamonds In the lateststyles, old gold und silver alwaystaken in exchange.

jbusmt&B upppotnuimtii._WANTKdT'tIfHEE~ YöunO" MEN toInvest J3Uu each In a good proposi¬tion where your Investment Is fullysecured against Iohf; thin propositionbears Inspection, and will pay In twomonths »10 for every (1 Invested.Remember you are secured againstloss. H. Y.. Box 34. Station a.

wanted, drug clerk; ONE whocan buy Interest In und luke chargoOf K«od pay I ni; drug business. Ad¬dress, with reference, McCORKLB'9DRUG STORE, Roanokc, Va.

wanted, a capable businessiiiuii tu Invest, with services, $2.600in an "Al" old established company.Address it. T. L, p, O. Box No 123,City._THE .TASTE THAT tells THEtale. Taylor pork roll, thul's all.I'. A. HE1NDJJ & CO.; Distributors,

#öüitii\ $et atifi'"iiuVl&toctrLOST. ilNK hakk hay M a ill: "c< u T\'\with three wtiite feet ami blase facelost on Brook Bond, near Brook!Bridge, with harness, on Saturday!afternoon, 5 o'clock, November 4. A|I liberal reward will b<- paid for her.j Apply to ft W. HARRIS, Black Haw,

FOR sale; A FINE FEMALE IRISHHetter, 3 1-2 years old. well broken,a kuoiI retriever: not elidible to reg-Istrallon, but well bred. Price, (50.The llrst check will get her. F. J.WEIGHT, Pork Union. Va._FOR SALE, CHEAP, THOROUGHBREDJersey calf, male; also One IrishBetter. Phone Madison 4S'J0-J._

W"h WILL give'"önb "

gollau ^t?3those having rooming or boardinghouses listed with iih. Call at ourjoffice If not listed. Call at once forfull information. .Free Informationregarding rooma and board can boobtained by consulting our flh-s atnil depots. Traffic's and Saunders e.Crump's rlrug store; also 2H NorthNinth Street. CABINET INFORM A-'._TION BUREAU._WANTED. BOARDERS at 31g bahtFranklin; also table boarders. MISSpalmore._ __jWANTED, YtJl'NfJ MAN AS BOARDERIn private family. Phone Madison_3134._! WE will GIVE free a BANK BOOKwith one dollur to ull who list withus.. Call for full Information. Roomand boar<] Information free. Consultour files at all depots. Traglc's,Saunders & Crump, and 28 NorthNinth Street CABINET informa¬tion^UHEAU._m iüT cTiäiTles k. bowers, TisEast Frank Street, handsomely ap¬pointed rooms, with board; tableboard a specialty.

-Adonis for wnt.fHE' KUANOKE, 114 NORTH EIGHTHStreet, hnridsomely and newly-fur¬nished roumi threughout; single, ensuite; trarihients; ])crmanent-ONE LARGHt> FRONT ROOM, UNFTJR-nlshcd. first floor._810 East Leigh.LA KG E, ATTRACTIV b FRONT ROOM;nicely furnished; also furnished hall

room; gentlemen preferred; prlvutofamily. 210 East Franklin.f;knished rocTSiT private fam-lly, 507 North Sixth Street; men

only._NICELY FURNISHED ROOM. THEWellington, hl t Bust Clay. PhoneMadison >-00._._rtais .:trui- xvtau

FlRBT~~FLATr "'FOER 'iTeaUTIFU lrooms, pantry and private bath, bWest Franklin. Apply 6 West Franlc-IIa_FLAT OF FOUR rooms AND BATH,hot and cold water; electric lights;No. 1 North SIxth. Rent. $20.

FURNISHED FLAT of FOUR ROOMSand bath; bot and cold water, elec¬tric, lights. Address D 344, caroTimes-1 'ispatch._j for l;ENT~A FLAT OF FOUR BE AI" -

tlful briKht rooms, second tloor, 30bWest Main Street, with water, gasami bath._fötfö^föRON,»i;i: .so'lTcitedTmrs.A D. WALLACE, Fashionable dress¬making, 017 N. Fourth Street. PhonoM<dlson 575S-L_WANTED, SEi'ÖND-HAND RUNA-bout. In good order, about 20 horse¬power. Address CASH, 1000 E. Cary.

WANTED. SECOND-HAND FURNI-ture. If you have any for snle ac.».cil will bring me. "B." 723 West.'¦I.: I.- l: I.

WANTED, riO RENT ¥ÖÜfi MULESund harness for the winter andspring to haul lumber. Ouoranteobest of care. BALDWIN' TOOLWORKS, Seventh and MorganStreets, South Richmond. Monroe2108._WANTED, tour AUTOMOBILE, if itneeds repairs We guarantee toplease you. SOUTHERN auto RE-PA1R SHOP. t»20 West Broad StreeL

WANTED, to BUY for CASH, HOUSE-bold goods In any quantity. PhoneMadiaon 3s51._SECOND-HAND MACHINERY ofevery description bought at fullvalue. CLARENCE COSBY", 1523 E.Cary St. Phone Madison 3526_^ti'Äonajr^_PLEAs'i-fV<)I. iY^PALATE; EAT TAY-lor pork roll.

HUMAN HÄ1lT BOUGHT and soidat HUGHES'S. 2UD North Third.

intal \c6täUtov Äalt^^FOR SALIJ, ?>5 Yl-12 FEET ON BROADStreet; well-built brick house on 32feet. numbered 1225 Bust BroadStreet; vacant lot adjoining, 23 11-12feet. Telephone Madison 2251-j, oraddress OWNER, 1225 E. Broad St..I tic hin ond. Va._&taH£0tate for JKent.

HUUSE^iiOn S. iiAluifsON'" STREET;eight rooms, bath. Apply 320 WestMain._MARCUS McCAY._FOR RENT. OFFICB ROOM IN Mu¬tual building, furnished or unfurnlshed, .twelve months" unexplredlease. Party leaving town. AddressE 888, »nie Tltiies-Disputcb._

Öl'TlOLSTEBING AND MATTRBSSE.iPARLOR SUITS, COUCHES AND OLDpieces reupholstcrcd. Mattrossosrenovated neatly. Sanitary methods.Reliable work. SVDNOR & HUND¬LEY, 711 East Broad. Madison 3204.

SHOE repairing*.7Gcl HALFSOLE MEN'S SHOES, 60cIndies; every pair sewed; best leath¬

er; no nails, no -pegs. Royal rub¬ber heels, 25c; Tred-AIr rubber hoels,40c; leuther hcols rebuilt like new,26c. DREW'S ELECTRIC SHOEFACTORY. 716 Eaat Main. PhonoMonroe 2667.____________



EDUCATIONALWANTED, PUPILS IN SHORTHANDand typewriting at Richmond Schoolof Stenography, Room 712, AmericanNational Bank Building. MISSPOYTHRBSS, Principal.


What Biblical character?answer TO YESTERDAY'- PUZZLE.


3Fqv efeatt._Two s-xjond-hand' 'runabouts,one top buggy and sovorul wagons,nil In good repair and painted. ThoBOuro burgalns. a. MEYER's sons, 731East Cary Street.

SECOND-HANDMACHINER Y BOUGHT,sold and exchanged. I. BLUFORD UCO.. 153S-4- East Cary Street._STRUCTURAL IfKON, oTiiEL ANDpipe of every description cut to order.CLARENCE CObB:. la_3 East CaryStreet. 111chmond. Va._WAGONS to suit you. rubbertires put on promptly, at RICHARD-_j->ON BROS'.. 61C, Brook Avwnue.i 'It SALBTiaVt'oF MANUFACTUREDsmoking toiiacco, tllly years old, linoand mellow. D 345, euro Tlmes-Dis-patch._

Taylor pork-RODE for break-faul; for breakfast Taylor pork roll.

for sXl~E CHEAP, Ä SLIGHTLYused llreproof safe. In tine condlt'cu,quick lor cash. Box No. 123. City.

SODA FOUNTAIN, COMPLETE set OKstore fixtures, show cases, etc., /orsale; could"bo used to good advantageIn titling up either a confectioneryor drug store. Address Box 192,Richmond, Va._delkJiöüs SMITHFIBLD SAUSAGEnow on sale at your grocer's._

WE HAVE IT.JUST WHAT YOUwant for tho rougli weather this wln-ter.a perfect closed-tip buggy forthe business man; ball-bearing axle,rubber tires, neat stylo. Call and ln-BpeCt same. Large stock of buggies,surreys and wagons. A. MEYER'SSONS. 731 Eust Cary._»__for SALE, ONE CASH REGISTER,costing $150. will sell for SJ6; oneIloor tobacco show case nnd fourcounter show cases. Address G 311,care* Times-I»'spatch.

FARM, 43 ACRES. ONE MILE FROMCulpeper, Va.; macadamized road;new six-room hou.se, boys' room, bathroom. 66 feet of porch; ouk grovearound house. Price, $K,ü00. Ad-dress Lock Box 1», Culpeper, Va.

FOR S.'D-i] COSBY'S COMBINATIONbaker and heater for wood and coal.433 W. Broad. Write for clrcular.ONE "EVENING COAT AND VEST;also one Tuxedo, size 30; perfectcondition. Price, (15 for all. Ad-dreas E 387, care Tlmes-Dlspatch.ONE good COOK stove AND WOODheater for sale. Phone 311«! Madison.BLACK LYNX FUR SET, CAPE ANDlarge muff, latest style, $12, value$60. V 40'J. caro TImos-Dlspiitch.FOR SALE. ONE COMET SELF-FEEDlng heater; good us new; cheap forcash. Apply 510 N. Twenty-sixthStrtot. City._jätuomojjiüßJj^WaltSEVERAL used ford CARS, j and6 Passenger, which we have takenIn exchange for latest models. These

cars now being thoroughly over¬hauled and w'll paint If desired. WillInstruct thoroughly regarding oper¬ation, or will send Instructor homewit'- out of town purchaser.'. fordAUTO co. 1629 West Broad.

Coal aitu cutloofc.Lo'nVTtHE WOOD man. HAS madeira

Specialty of wood about 14 years. Hehas Hie kind thai splits easy andgives heat, because It Is perfectlydry and sound. LONG'S. Madison1069._KINDLING WOOD, THOROUGHLYseasoned, $1.75 per bblf-cord. S. li.COTTRELL & SON. Phono Madison177.

23tmoInu glaiitzü.Atlantic Count Line Railroad Co,


Office of the Treasurer.Wilmington, N. C-, November 1, 1911.

THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF AT-laullc Coast Line Rallroud Companyhas declared a dividend of two andone-half per cent, on the preferredcapital stock of that company, pay¬able ut the office of the treasurer, atWilmington, N. C, on und after NO¬VEMBER 10, 1911. Tho transferbooks are closed from 31st day ofOctober, 1911. to November 10, 191Lboth dato inclusive.

_JaMES S. POST, Treasurer.

Mutmg»._l?icTinio^i_r^rederickBburfr end Poto¬mac and Richmond and PetersburgRailroad Connection Company,

Oltlce of the- Secretary,Richmond, Va., November 3, 1911.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THATthe annual meeting of the stockhold¬ers of the Richmond, Fredericksburgand Potomac and Richmond and Pe¬tersburg Railroad Connection Com¬pany will be held at its office In thecity of Richmond, Va., on MONDAY,tho 20th of November, at 10 o'clockA. M.Transfer books will be closed fromNovember 13 to November 20, 1911,bolh Inclusive. W. D. DUKE,

_Secretary.Atlantic Coast Line

Rullroad Company,Office ot the Secretary.NOTICE IS 1" _REB Y GIVEN THAT

tho regular annual moeting of Stock¬holders ol* the Atlantic Coast I.lnoRailroad Company, will bo held attho office Si ihe Company In thoCity of Richmond, Va., on TUESDAY,the 21st day of November, A. D. 1911,at 11 o'clock A. M. The transferbooks of tho Company will closoWednesday, November 8, 1911, at 3o'clock P. M., and will be rooponetlon Wednesday, November 22, 1911, at10 o'clock A. M.

H. L BORDEN.Secretary.November 4. 1911._

Richmond, Fredericksburg andPotomac. Railroad Co.,Office of tho Secretary,Richmond, Va., November 1, 1911.NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THATtho annual meeting of tho stockhold¬

ers of the Richmond, Fredericksburgand Potomac Rullroad Company willbe held at Rb office in the city ofRichmond, Vs.. on MONDAY. Uie 20thday of November, 1911, at 11 o'clockA. M. Tho stock transfer books willbo closed ut 3 o'clock P. M. Monday,

- November 13, 1911, and reopened at10 o'clock A M. Tuesday, November21, 1911. NORMAN CALL,

_ Secretary.Washington Southern Railway Co.,Office of the Secretary,

Richmond, Va., November 1, 1911.NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT

tho annual meeting of tho stockhold¬ers of the Washington Southern Rail¬way .Company will bo held at Its of¬fice m the city of Richmond, Va., onMONDAY, the 20th day of Novomber,1911, at 12 o'clock noon. The stocktransfer books will bo closed at 3.o'clock P. M.. Monday, November 13,1011, and reopened at id o'clock a. M.Tuesday, November ?1, 1911.

NORMAN CALL, 8ocroto<r__

More Than 250 Women Attend,Missionary Convention at

Lynchburg.[Special to The Tlmea-Dispatoii. 1

Lynch burg, Va., November 10..Thefirst business session of the Conven¬tion of the Woman's Baptist Miaslon-ary Union was hold this morning atthe First Baptist Church with a lu^g?attendance. More than 250 delegatesnro present. To-day the reports ofthe president, secretary, treasurer andauditor were received and referred. Atthe afternoon seHMiou the reports of theforeign mission board were heaid,ufter w,hlch there was a conferenceon foreign work. To-night the va¬rious committees met for work.The contention will bo in sessionover Sunday.Probably the most Interest addressof the morning was that of Mrs. W. C.James, of RicTimond, president of theUnion. Mrs. .lames made a most com¬prehensive talk regarding the workr ofthe union and outlined planti for the

coming year. It was her opinion thattho best results In missionary workcould be accomplished only wherethere was peraona 1 service, sya-temntlc prayer, co-operation and thouse of association libraries. Shoheartily lavored Interdenominationalconferences where an Interchange ofIdeas could be made. She did not con¬sider that good work co.ili be done Inany church wliere less than one-fourthof the women members o? the churchtook part In missionary work.The treasurer's report, which fol¬lows, shows that almost $10.000 moreIs in the treasurer's hands than wasat this time last year. This report Isthe best over rendered tho union:State missions. $7.412.OS; tnank of¬

fering for State missions. $'2,119.4 1;Buchanan School building fund,$106.39; Buchanan School dormitory,$1.856.10; Buchanan School piano,$46.37.Total. $11.539.38.Sunday school and colportngo work.

$310.67; education board, $382.59: P. S.board S. B. C. Bible fund. $70; foreignmissions. $14.324.13; W. M. S. Christ¬mas offering, China, $4.079.63; Y. W. A.Christmas offering, Japan, $551.65;Sunbeams' Chrihtmaa offering, Africa,$570.53; R. A. Christmas offcrlntr. Af¬rica, $101.64: desk work in China,$424.68; Jublleo offering. $11.206.96:Sunbeams Williams Memorial. $471.41

j .Total. $21.730.43.Home missions. $6,256.98; special of-

J fering for homo mission*, $3,r,05.9S>' missionary to Oklahoma. $722.71; Im¬migrant work at Norfo'k. $1.013.02:work among tho Indl-inq. $383.SI;building and loan fund, 1131.no- moun-tain schools (Y. W. A.), $K3.34.Total.$12.099.34.

Ministers' relief fund. $402.49; or-phnnage. $1.960.09; educntlon commts-slon, $70.54; Margaret Home, $174.62;training school onlarg^mon. and en¬dowment. $1.022.55; training senoolcurrent expense fund, $401.40; trainingschool Virginia students' fund, $722.27.Total, $1.946.22.

Total cash contributions, $50.746.27;home boxes. $2.634.22. Grand total cashand boxes. $53.3*0.59.

Circuit Court of AppealsThe United States Circuit Court or Ap-

penis reconvened yesterday morning at 11o'clock, with Circuit Judges c.ofl andPrltcbard and District Judges pfc.1 e\

and Connor In attendance.The following case was argued:No. 1000.George Burchett et al.. plaintiffsIn rjrroi». vs. United Ktntes of America, de-

fendant In error: In error to the DistrictCourt at Big Stone Oap. Va. Cause arguedby S. H. Dutherland and Tto'.nnd E. Chase.of Cllntwood. Va.. for the plaintiff in rr-

*, ror. and by Barnes Gll'.esple. United fitstes'attorne). of Tazewell. Va.. for the defend¬ant I nerror, and submitted.Court adjourned until this morning at 11o'clock.There will be no cases in tho call for

argument to-day, but the court will holda conference, session upon crises heretoforeargued and remaining undecided.

ItepuJr Permit.A repair permit was Issued In tho offlcoof the Building Inspector yesterday toPhilip T. Sionn to repair a brick dwelling,306V4 West Cary Street, to cost $2S0.

The Atlantic Land andImprovement Company,Ulltce of the Secretary.NOTICE IS HHUBBY GIVEN THAT'the regular annual meeting of Stock-holders of Tho Atlantic Land andImprovement ompanv will be heldut the office, of tho Company in theCity of Richmond, Va., on TUESDAY,the 21st day of November, A D.1911, at 12:3U o'clock P. M

IL L. BORDEN,Secretary.November 4. 1911.

Potomac Railroad Company,Office of tho Secretary,Richmond, Va,, November 1, ltlLNOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THATthe annual moating of the stockhold¬ers of the Potomac Railroad Companywill bo held at Its office In the cityof Richmond. Va., on MONDAY, the20th day of November, 1911, at 12:30P. M. The stock transfer books willbo closed at 3 o'clock P. M. Monday,Novembor 13, 1911, and reopened at'10 o'clock A M. Tuasday. November11, 191L NORMAN CALL._Secretary.

Virginia Railway and Power Company,628-680 East Main Street,Richmond, Ootober 23. 1911.NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN THATthe annual meeting of tho stock¬holders of the Virginia Railway a in'.Power Company will ba held at thogeneral office of the company, iq thocity of Richmond, Va.. on WEDNES¬DAY, November 15, 1911, at 12 o'clockM.The transfer books will be closed

on Monday, November 6, 1311, at 8o'clock P. M.. and will bo reopenedon Thursday, November 16, 1911, at10 o'clock A. M.


hotels'.Table d'Hote Dlunera Saturday

and Sunday evenings, 0 to 9 o'clock,91.50 eneh.


The most magnificent hotel In theSouth. European plan. Rooms singleand en suite, with and without baths.Spacious sample rooms.

Rate. $1.50 per day and upward.

GALEN HALLAtlantic City,

Ifotel and Sanatorium.With Its elegant comforts, its tonicand curative baths ana superior tableand service, is an Ideal place for falland winter. Always open. Alwaysready. Always busy.

P. L. Yomiir,General Manager*

HE1R0KETHEICE"ANDG0THIS$5,000It Took "Big Money" to InduceAbrahams to Act as Lorimer

"Bellwether."Chicago, November 10..Stories al¬

leged to have been current at Spring-Held that Bmanuel A. Abrahams, amembers of the Legislature referred tons the "bellwether'' of the election ofCulled States Senator Wllllum Lori¬mer, had refused to vote for Lorimerfor J2.5O0. but had done bo when glvon$5,000, wero related before tho sena¬torial Investigating committee to-day.Frederick B. Sterling, editor of a

newspaper at Rockford, Ills., tosliibul.that prior to the election In May, 190?,ho .had several conversations withJames H. Corcoran, a former Democra¬tic legislator.

'On the Sunday before the election,"said Sterling, "while on a train bo-tween Rooktord and Chicago, Corcorantold me ho thought Lorimer was going;to bo elected that woek. because big:money was being paid for vot»s. Hosaid tho money was coming from thostockyards and lumber and buttorlnointerests. William Loefler, of Chicago,he said, was handling tho money.

"In Springfield the next day, Corcor¬an said Lorimer was going to be elect¬ed the following day, which was Tues¬day. On Tuesday he camo to mo andsaid the election wasn't going to boput over after all. \ itskod him why,and he replied that Abrahams would!not break the Ice for tho $2,500 offer¬ed him. but Instead wanted $5,000, and;they would not como across with the]larger amount. I"Wednesday, ho paid, they had come!

across with tho $5,000 to Abrahams.;'You watch htm now,' said Corcoran,"he will be tho ilrBt to break the Ice." "jCorcoran then tCBtllled that he rc-|membered tho conversations with;Sterling, but he could not recall hav-!ing made the exact statements attrl-Jbulcd to him. He said ho had henrdof a report that Abrahams, u Demo-lerat, had refused to "break the ice" Invoting for Lorimer until he was paid$5,000, but he regarded It as a Joke,and he did not know that he had ro-peated It to Sterling.

Baptist General Associa¬tion of Virginia.


N. A W. II Y.For tho abovo occasion, tho Norfolk

and Western Railway will, on Novem¬ber 15. 16 and 17, sell for all regulartrains round trip tickets to Norfolkfrom nil stations on Its lines In VIr-glnla at greatly reduced rates. Tick¬ets will be good returning until No¬vember 23. Tho round trip faro from

I Richmond will be $3.45. Through fasttrains, with Fullman parlor cars be¬tween Richmond and Norfolk withoutchange. Special coaches for delegatesand visitors to the convention will beprovided. For full particulars, call onor phono (Madison 437) C. A Overton,Jr., City Passenger Agent, northwestcorner Ninth and Main, or

,C. H. BOSLEY.District Passenger Agent.


FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH(Grace and Mudlson Streets)..Preaching at11 A. M. and S P. M. by tho pastor. Dr. F.T. McPADEN. .Sunday School at 9:3« A. M.Biblo Classes for men and alsc for womenat 10 A. M in the main auditorium.SECOND PRES BYTERIAN CHURCH.

Her. RUSSELL CECIL, D. D., pastor. Ser¬vices on Sunday at II A M. and I P. M.Sunday School at t:46 A. m. Wednesdayservice t P. MTHIRD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH

fTwenty-sixth and Broad ßtreetsk..Dtf-BOOLESTON will preach at both services.Evening- subject, "Heaven and Our Loved'Ones."' Seats free and a cordial welcome.O R A C E STREET PRESBYTERIANChurch..Preaching by Dr. D. CLAY LIL-LY at 11 o'clock A. M. and 8 o'clock P. M."The Way Homo" will bu the morning sub¬ject and "Indlrferenen to Duty" at night.The Brotherhood and Ladles' Bible Societywill meet at 10 o'clock A. M.CHURCH OF THE COVENANT.RFJV. J.CALVIN BTHWART, D. D., pastor. Preach¬

ing at 11 A. II. and S I'. M by the pustor.Midweek service Wednesday evening at I'o'clock. Sabbath School at 9:30 A. M. andXlen'n Bible Class meets at 10 o'clock A.M. Seats free and hearty welcome to allservices.WES T|M_N S T E R PRESBYTERIANChurch-Rev. JAMBS Y. FAIR, D. D., p.-%i-tor. Preaching 11 A. M. and > P. M by thopastor. Welcome.

BAPTIST.FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH (BROAD ANDTwelfth Streets)..The pnslor. Rov. GEO.W. McDANIEL, D. D., will prench. at 11 A.M. and 8 P. M. Graded Sunday School.Uaraca and Phllathet Cluses (A. W. Pat¬terson. Supt.), 9:30 A. M. All welcome.SECOND BAPTIST CHURCH (FRANK-lin and Adams Streets).LOUIS BACONWARREN. D. D.a pastor. 8ervlcea 11 A M.and t P. M. Graded Sunday School at9:30 A. M. Orgsnlzed classes for men andwomen. Tho pastor will conduct the morn¬ing service. Sermon, "The Living; Death."Dr. SOWELL will preach at the nlg-ht ser¬vice. Special music by quartet choir. Awelcome to all.GRACE STREET baptist CHURCH.(Orsce snd Fousb.ee Streets)..Preaching atU A. M. and 8 P. M. by the Rev. JOHN H.BAOER, D. D.. of Baltimore, Md Morningsubject, "God's Problem"; at 8 P. M.. "TheApostle Paul In Jerusalem." Sunday Schoolat 9:30 A. m. (Charles R. Winston. Supt >.Wednesday evening praper-meetlng at S©.'clock. The public, especially aflrangers,are cordially Invited to worship with us.GROVE AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH(Orore Avenue and Harrison Street)..Rev.W. C. JAMES, Tb. D., pastor. Preachingby the'pastor at It A. m. and s p. u. Sun¬day School at 9:15 A. M. (James B. Wood,Hupt i. Wednesday evening prayen-metet-'Ing at t o'clock.LEIGH STREET BAPTIST CHDRCn(corner Twenty-fifth and Leigh Streets)JOHN J. WICKER, pastor. Rev. JAMESBUCHANAN. D. D.. 11 A. M.. Rev. R. BGAINES. 8 P. M. Sunday School 9:80 A. M.C O. Alley, Hupu All welcome!

METHODIST.BROAD frTRKET METHODIST CHURCH.Preaching at 11 A. M. and 8 1*. M. by thepastor. Rev. FRANK L. WELI.8. Subjectof evening sermon, "The Uncloan Tongue,"third In series of "Tongue Talks."

CHRISTIAN.SEVENTH .STREET CHRISTIAN1Church..The new hentlnr system havingbeen Installed there will be pro&chlng bothmorning and evening by the pastor RevH. D. C. MACLACHLAN. Subjeot at 11 a'U. "Do Your Best." Special ovangellmioservices, conducted by the pa.-, tor. in thelecture-room each evening at 8 o'olook. No¬vember U-19th.


on site of Theatre burned 1S11), Broad Streetbelow Twelfth. Services at 11 A. M. and( P. M. Scats free.LUTHERAN.

FIRST ENGLISH EVAN&ELJCAT, LUTTIE-ran Church (corner Monument Avenue andLomuardy Street)..Rev. J. J. SCHEREH,JR., pastor. Preaching 11 a. M. by Rev. J.T. MASTIN. secretary of Stato Board ofCharities and Corrections; 8 P. M by RovWM..MEADS CLARK. Madly School 9:SoA. M. /.uthor league. 7 P. M., subject."The Church's Cnro of lhB Sick." Wednes¬day night prayer service 8 P. M.CHRISTIAN SC1ENCB.

REOULAR SERVICES OF FIRSTChurch of Christ, Bolentlst, will be held to¬morrow morning In church edifice (cornerPark Avenue and Meadow Street) at IIo'clock. Subject, "Mortals and Immortals."Wednesday evening testimony and experi¬ence meeting at 8:30. The retadlng-roomaare located nt 207W North Sixth Street, andare open every, week day from 10 A. M. to5 P. M. All are cordially Invltod.

UNITARIAN.FIRST UNITARIAN CHURCH (FLOYDAvenue and Harrison Street).Rev. ALEX¬ANDER T. BOWSER, minister. Subjectfor Sunday November 12. "Tho Kingdomor God Within tho Soul." Services at 11o'clock. All seats free.

Question Passed by Conference.Bishop Hoss Speaks on Needs

of Efficient Ministry.[.Special to The Times-Dispatch.]

Statesvlllo. N. C, November 10..Thethird day or the Western North Caro¬lina Conference win taken largely upwith reports of pastors und addrcHseaby Visiting ministers. The call of thotwenty-second question was resume Iand concluded, and the characters ofall tho preachers were passed.Rev. J. I. Cunningham, representingthe General Board of Education, ad¬dressed the conference In the inter¬est of ministerial supply and equip¬ment. He emphasized the fact thatthe church needs men In the ministrywho are men of one purpose, and whoare equipped so as to be efficient, andthe church should endeavor to. lnsplromen entering the ministry with highIdeals^ and should stimulate them tosecurer the best education. Tho churchshould establish a loan fund to en¬able young ministers of limited meunato secure an education.During tho call of tho twonty-seeond

question announcement was made thatR. L» Fruit had been transferred tothe Vlrglnlu Conference. Answeringuuestlon number twelve, eight localpreachers wore elected to denconn' or¬ders. Speaking of the need of effi¬cient ministers. Bishop Hoas said: "Allother wants of the church are w.appedup In the wunt of an efficient min¬istry."

Bishop Hosa announced that thoclass of young ministers eligible forreception Into full connection In thoconference would be received to-mor-row. morning.The following named three preach-

ers and two laymen were appointed toconstitute the committee on the repro-sentatlve church in W:#blns:ton city:W. U Kherrlll. Plato T. Durham. .T. H.West. F. S. Lambeth nnd W. R OUoll.

Rev. M. B. Porter. D. D., of Rloh-mond. addressed the conference In theInterest of the American Bible Society.Tho report of the conference board ofBible cause was read and adopted.showing tho conference contributedabout $700 to this cause the past year.

Rev. W. H. McMaster. D. D-, flpokoto the conference In the Interest ofthe Lord's Day Alllance. R. M. Tayloroffered a resolution requesting theCollege of Bishops not to hold thisConference earlier than the middle ofNovember In tho future on account ofthe late crops In this territory, whichaffect tho finances of the church. Theresolution was adopted.

Rev. M. H. Tuttle ;. inched this af¬ternoon.This evening Rev. C. Orlmen. of

Missouri, delivered the address at theanniversary of tho board of church ex¬tension.

synoiTwüTmeetiNEXTAT RICHMONDNorth Carolina PresbyteriansWill Join in Centennial Cele¬

bration at Seminary.[Special to Tho Times-Dispatch.]

Charlotte. N. C, Novombcr 10..ThePresbyterian Synod of North Carolinacompleted its work lute this afternoonand adjourned atno die. The synodvoted to meet Jointly the third TueS-day In October. 1912. with tho Synodof Virginia in the celebration of thocentennial of Union Seminary at Rich¬mond.The most impressive service held

during the, synod at this meet¬ing was th*. communion scrvlco,with which tl.o session of the meet¬ing began to-day. This service wascotiduetco by Rev. II. Q. Hill, of Max-ton, the oldest pastor In the uynod, midRev. H. Uardin, of Davidson College,who was the tlrst pastor of the SecondPresbyterian Church, where tho ses¬sions of synod are being held.

Rev. A. A. McGeachy, host of thoaynod, offered a resolution recommend¬ing the appointment of a committeeof arrangements at the close of eachannual meeting of synod, one mem¬ber to bo tho pastor of the churchwhero the next session Is to be held.This committee Is to consist of fivemembers, and will arrange tho entireprogram of business for tho next meet¬ing of synod, conferring with thostanding rules committee This reso¬lution was adopted and as synod willhold Its session of next year in Ra¬leigh, Rev. Mr. McWhlte. pastor ofthe First Presbyterian Church ofthat city, will be a member of thecommittee for the coming year.Many reports were road and adoptedat this meeting. The committee onbills and overtures reported favorablyregarding the overture from Fayetts-vllle Presbytery that this synod bedivided Into ten presbyteries, as near¬ly equal as possible. Instead of eightpreBbytertes as at present. A com¬mittee was appointed to make the di¬vision, and to report to synod nextyoar.Tho report of Union TheologicalSeminary, of Richmond, was highlycommended as wero tho addresses ',fRev. W W. Moore. D. D.. and Rov.W. u Llngle, of tho faculty of tho

seminary. Synod will take steps totake part In the centennial of the semi¬nary next October.The committee to provide pastora stStato Institutions of learnlnu; requested$400 additional for the salary of a

pastor to be secured at Chapel HillThe Presbyterian Standard wns com¬mended highly, several members ofsynod Bpeuklng of its merit and work.Rev. M. O. Shields was re-electedsuperintendent of synodlcal home mis¬sions: Tlev William Black was re-elected svnodlcal ovangellat. and Ro/.fleorge VV. Bella was re-elected dis¬trict ovnngollst.This session of synod is regarded

as one of tho most pleasant and onoof the moat profitable held In recentyears.

BOYS' ANNUAL BANQUETTwo Rundred and Twenty-flre nave GayTime at Y. M. 0. A.Two hundred and t wendv-tlv» membersof the boys' depn-tmont of the Young Men's

Christian Asioe.lat.lon last night enjoyedtheir fifth annual bnnquet, whloh was serv¬ed In th, Junlir rooms at the central as¬sociation building.General locretary a. IC. McKsa actad astonstmaster, while, the address of welcorno

to the boys was extended by President W.D. Duke. Response, won .Ynade by LlnwoodIf. Cosby. Others who spoke Included OetaB. Morrison, Jr., Howard 8 Dannor, Sam¬uel F. Padgett, Jr., J. O. Arreli, p. Q. Or-rvlg. secretary of the boys' department, andOeorgft W. Ilahlke.ßtippor was served by the woman's socln!committee, wbllo the following commlttcoarranged for th. evnnt: Morgan R. Mills,Jr., Howard 8. Danner, E. Lockert Remis.Jr.. C. Stewart Shelld, Thomas Ho*»ellAaron and Trent C. Hydnor.

NO LECTURES TO-DAYDr. Wlllctt Will Rennte Series at Allen

Avenue To-Morrow.No lecture of bis series will be deliveredby Dr. Herbert U TVHIett. of Chicago Uni¬versity, at the Allen Avelino ChristianChurch to-night. Howevor. Or. WllleP. willcontinue his lectures on "The Beginnings ofChristianity" nt It o'clock to-morrow morn-Irg. and will also spenk at J and at S P. M.Tho subject Inst night was "Paul andOentlle Christianity," fireat Interest Is be¬ing shown In this series, and good si.. -5audiences are In attendance. The, minister.Rev. ll. P. Atkins, has extended an Invita¬tion to th* public to aiton*.

By A. J Chownlng Cam puny,Real Estate Agont« and AucUon«erfW8


In uxeoution of * decree o? the ChaAj*Beery Court of tho, city of Rtchraonqtfgentered November «. 1911. In the 8lt1«Mof James F. Ransom ot al. vs. Fred W«SPutnam <:t al., we will, as special com¬missioners thereby appointed, sell MSIpublic auction, upon the premises, onTUESDAY. NOVEMBER 11. 1911,

at 4;00 o'clock P. M. 7f|SThe"Putnam Theatre'Nos. 1309and 131 1E. Franklin Street

with lot of land fronting; 42 feot 0»the southern line of Franklin Stre»t>3§between Thirteenth and Fourteenth JStreets, and extending; hack sout^wardly from Franklin Street 90 feot,more or less.

i This is a brick building, Isituated in a section of our

city which is increasing invalue every day. It willmake a splendid location forthe printing or wholesale;,business.TERM3: One-third cash, and the ouU

nnce payable In three equal Instatesmcnts at six, twelve and eighteen*;1months after date, evidenced by nego-;tlable notes, bearing Interest from thojdate of sale, and the title retalne.l by ^tho court until all the purchase! monoy! Is paid and a conveyance ordered, by''tho court; or ull cash, at the option OS:the purchaser.

i JNO. a. CUTCHrNS, '¦¦rtfiMmat;RICE A. POWERS.Special Commissioner.

I hereby certify that the bond re¬quired of the special commissioners lathe. above suit has been duly given.suit nas neon aniv given.CHARLES O. SAVILLE.Clerk.

By Williams & Cease,Real Estato Auctioneers.TRUSTEE'S AUCTION SALE



In execution of a dec<l of trust da to titJanuary 9, 1911, and recorded In .thoclerk's office, Richmond ChanceryCourt, In D. B. 205-D, page 368, default)having been made of tho debt thereinsecured, I will sell by auction, on thopremises, on

TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 14, 1911.at 4 o'clock P. M.,the above mentioned four-story semi¬detached brick dwelling, containing;about eighteen rooms, being morefully described as follows:"All that certain lot, piece or parcelof land, together with all tho Improve- jments thereon, lying and being In the?:city of Richmond. Va., on the east slde'tof Eleventh Street, between Marshals jand Clay Streets, and more fully do-'scribed as follows: Commencing ohthe said cast lino of Eleventh Street atthe centre of a brick partition wall be-tween the property hereby conveyor!and the Jewish Synagoguo on thesouth, and running back through theicentre of said dividing walls on thanorth and south 106 feet, more or less^to an alley In tho rear 10 feet wide."TERMS: Cash; but subject to thofollowing deeds of trust, which the

purchusod Is to assume: one dated Jan¬uary 10. 1910. the principal note of $600t-due two years nfter date, and one datedJanuary 10, 1910. tho principal note ot$3.000 due three years after date.DANIC OF COMMERCE & TRUSTS,

Trustee,By A Ix Adamson.Real Estate Auctioneer,Richmond, Va.



Pursuant to a Joint resolution ap«proved April 18, 1911. and by directionof the Building Inspector, I will, on,WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 16, 19Ui

at 4 P. M..offer for sale, on the premises, thdthree-story brick building, known ajithe Fire Engine House :jnd City OfficeRulldlng, and tho one-story .brick;,building known as the Stärket Build¬ing, both in VVnshlngton Square. Thesobuildings contain a large number ofsecond-hand brick and much valuablebuilding material, and will be sold tothe highest bidder, to be removed with-in sixty days from date of sale. Speci¬fications governing the removal ofthesa buildings and other informationcan be had from tho office of the Build¬ing Inspector or from the auctioneer.TERMS: Cash.

A. L. ADAMSON.Auctioneer.

CONSIDER ORDINANCESImportant Matters Come Up Monday.Night Before Committee.A special meeting of the Council

Committee on Ordinance, Chartor and '

Reform has been called by ChairmanUmlaut for Monday night at 7:30o'clock to take up a large numberof pending ordinances. Mr. Umlautexpresaos the hope that t .e committeewill, us far as possible, clear itsdocket at this meeting, an<j that thoregular meeting of tho month, sot forTuesday, November 21, will be Betapart for u full discussion of the re¬port of the Committee on Changes intho Form of City Government.Among the matters to come up onMonday night will bo the Vonderlehr

workhouso ordinance, tho Lynch ordl- enance regulating the admlHstoti ofmlnora to moving picture shows, thoCampbell stable permit, and severalother matters In which citizens deslroto be heard. U la also expected thata subcommittee, of which Mr. PollockIs chnlrman. will present a roport o-the Fuller resolution in rop,ard to frrt«fxt books In the public schools.Tho form of government papersho made the special order for N&»'

her 21. when delegations frorrvteChamber of Commerce and otl, a,terested for or ngalnat thooutlined will bo invited to ''«**

their case._TRAFFIC HELD UP*£

Ilroad and Main Pur Leaves Rail. Ct..Delay.

Weot&outid stroet r-ur traffic In MiStrict was lied up for nearly nour hour last,night between 9 and 10 o'clock whan a carof the Ilroad und Mnln Street division oftho Virginia Railway and Power Companyspilt a switch at Eighth Street, causing thofront trucks to leave the tracks. Findingthat It would be some time before the de¬railed truck could be righted »11 MainStre.'t, Hroad and Main. Clay Street andOakwood cars woro switched into NinthStreet at Main going to Broad and thenprocoedlng west.A wrerlclng crew was *ent »o tha aid Ofthe stranded trolloy, and It required somattmo to place it upon th» tracks and re¬

turn tragic tQ normal conditions.rSpeclnl to Tho Times-Dispatch.!Weldon, N. C. November 10..EddieSugg. William Henry Tlllery and Wil¬liam Pink, all colored, got into a,difficulty In Conocarara townshipThursday evening and as a r»sult Pinkla dead Sugg Is In Halifax county:jull und Tlllery is at large.

Qoallflra as Kxeentar.John M. Hltlsman qualified yesterday trsjthe Chancery Court as the executor of the*will of Dr. John A. tlillsman, Tha eetato*[la valued (A