Times dispatch.(Richmond, VA) 1906-03-25.wawsBBssr.J0asa '"" Richmond,, Manct-tester,Vlr-glnla,.,-,...

wawsBBssr. asa '"" J0 Richmond, , Manct-tester, Vlr-glnla ,.,-, .,...r,-..,....J<.no,.1.,..,,..., I Tjerry MORANO, _M Cream, dandies arid Yi0\ Fruits, > 'Ko. 825 VVes. tíroad Street, f \ Richmond, yru ; ¦¦'¦; --r----;-'-~*""~- Th| Clifford ¡Smith Co,, PÀiim, OILS, COLORS, _#M> Rust Main Street, \_U.liinoii(1, Vn. THE D*%LL HOSPITAL, Ms, Toys and BHc-a|Brac Repaired. 217 Wcs» »tond Street, S. I&LK, *!'¦¦ Confectioner i|nd Tobacco, 2213 East Bvo%1 t3»fce-. FARLEY & %ALIN, Credit Clothiers, 212 East, Broad Slifeet;. ANNA B. ROAGH, Vi. Millinery, 220, Ehsifc. Broad Street. f|_ A. MORRISON & 'C0'4 Imported Groceries, % Macci-ronl, Confectioneries, jm Sorta Water, 200 East Broad Street. ::A Samuel E. Duggins, Men and Boys' Outfitter, 00 Broad Street. ,. '. [Ve Sell High-Art Clothing.The Best in the World. MISS E. HUGHES. HÀIR MANUFACTURER, ¿22 Bast Broad Street. COOK & JONES, Purnlturo Repairing, Upholstering, Hard Wood Polishing, No. 525 West Broad Sts'cct, Rlcluiiónd, Va. MIKE CHARLIE, Confectioner and Fruits and Cigars, SSI Wept Broad Street, Richmond, Va. Charles H. Cosby & Co., Tinning and Plumbing .123 W. Broad Street, Richmond, Va. Richmond Furniture Co., Furniture, Stoves, Refrigerators; Etc., 301 West Broad Street. Richmond Pressing Club, Ladles» Work a Specialty, 305 W. Broad St., Richmond, Va. FRANK DIGILIO, Tailor, Cleaning and Pressing, 520 West Broad Street, Richmond, Vn. MALLORY & LEIGH, Picture Framers, General Picture Goods, 311 West Broad Street, Richmond,. Va. 'Southern Nickel Works, Plating of nil Kinds, Electric Bell Work. 307 West Broad Street, Richmond, Vn. R. E. STÖNEBURNER, American Reservo liond Co., 012 A in oilcan National Bank Hldg. The Marra Pool and Billard Parlor, 810 Kiist llroad Street, Richmond, Vn., Imported and Domestic Cigars. A.ROSENBERG, MERCHANT TAILOR, 808 East Broad Street, IHchmond, Va. O DARHAMIAN, The Bijou Confectionery, 800 Bast llroad Street, Richmond, Vn. BENNETT BROS., Dandies, Fruits, Cigars, &c, 708 Bus! Broad Street. 0, D. KENNY COMPANY, Teas, Coffees and Sugars Broad and Sixth Street-. ..»Uoueeai, H. 0. RUPPERT, Ruppert's Restaurant, llti.iliic-NM liUiirlit'n, Me. ¦¦'. H(!Rtll'"«' .IMlllK-r«, »"M!. No. (1(1(1 fCnst llrórul St-reet, îtlehinoud, Vit. M. Schaaf & Brother, jewelers, 420 En st. Jlrond Street, nícíiinoiid, Vu. MORRIS GOSHEN, Shoe Repairing; 424 East Broad Street. The Standard Sewing Machine Compariyy Family arid Manufacturing Sowing' Machines nnd Supplies. 4ÖQ East. Drond. Street, H lernt tond, Vá. .. Miss M, V. Rutherford, Míiiinery¿ FANCY GOOJÖS, NOTIONS, 824 E. Brand Su-cet, Richmond, Va. Kirkwood's Lunch Co., 404 East Broad Street, 1208 East Main Street, ..Rlc'uuond, Vá.,» ;, Popular Prices h ín Óáfté. Hlclimoiid, Va. Davis Hotel and Restaurant, 1520 East Main Street, I Opposite Máíii-Stirc'ct Station, Rich'inorid, Vn. H A. SINSHEIMER, 'Clothing and Gents' Furnishing, Í5.17 East Main Street, .'.... "Richmond, Va. ¦\j. WEINSTEIN, fi Watches arid Jewelry, ifljol East Main Street, -, y$ Richmond,. Va. Thomas R. Thompson, ;,'^eamster^: ù í5t2-lÁm'$ua8t'Cary' Street, ni^mond, Va. J. T. Morit¿omery's Sons, AVH.(|^i"38#i.E ; Fruits aa^ÎProduce, Richmond;,Va. ' The Call-Watt Co., Agricultural -I^lements, 13 South Fiftcefttiî St. McGowan & Pe&rsall, Furniture^ [ CASlí.OR OREDt"*;, No. 14-15 East Main Street, Itkliiiiond, Va.',: Thos. Ë. Stagg & jfjçih, Sash, Blinds and ¡boors, 1441 East Mitin Street,' Richmond, Va. Leibermuth & Ábrams "(jó:, PAÍNTS, SASH, BLINDS AND1 noons, Í435 East Main Street, Richmond, Va. The Watt Plow Co., AGltlCULTURAii lAÙ'I.EMENTS AND machínerV, WAGONS AND RVGG1ES, 142« East Moiii Street, 1452 Franklin: Street, Richmond, Va. John H. Rose & Co., Boves, Tinware, Glass Work 1427 EttHt. ¡Main Street, Richmond, Va. J. E. PHILLIPS & SON, T*NN1NG, STEAM AND HOT WATE« HEAT- I NO, 1-121 East Main Street, Richmond, Vn, JONES BROS. & CO., Furniture, 14I8-IÍ20 East Main Street, Richmond, Vn, J, L, Lindsay, ENGINES AND BOILERS, , 1117 East Main Rtroct, Richmond, Va, MRS. A, W. JOHNSON, Johnson's Restaurant, 111! East Main Street, Richmond, Vn. John S. Powell Barber Shop, IIOH East Mtiln Street, Uithtiioml, Vtt, John H. Dickinson & Co., Saddlery and Harness, 4402 East Main Street,, ' J'klni'oud, Va, Drewry-Hughes Company* WlIoXtpSAld. T'y _-I-i._t.0Clf.Sl AN.» NOTIONS., _-_._.-,. M fa. Cm*y Sticht, Richmond, Vn. ..'.¦ Moulton à Talmadgè, Provisions and Produce, 18 S. Fourteenth Street, Richmond, Vtt. R. Á. Baldwin Soné tío.. i!»)': " WHOÍ,E8AI.-_ Dry Goods, Notions, Etc.; 10 N. Fourteenth frltrcci, Richmond, VA. y J3ydhor Pump ahd itféíl 00» ,.. mJMÍB, TANKS, SAW Mîll-0 AND MAOlti-ÎBttï, 1310 East iVfiilii Street, Richmond, ya., fiiic-i,ifV_iitibck Cöirii-än^, Hariiésá and Saddlery, 1806,Kamt Main Street, Richmond, Va. A, S. ífcratj. Company. Folding Boxésj 1300 Governor Street, Richmond, Va. Richard Gwathney & Co., ,-X^tóMlCALSl; .;."'...¦. SURGICAL ÖUPPMES; Etc. 8 Governor Street. Richmond, ^Or. RICHMOND GUANO ÖÖ., Fertilizer«! 1118 East Bfnin Street, Richmond, Va; MILÎiEIt> (CO., STOÖK BROKERS, 1108 EáAt. Math Street, Richihoiid, Vn. T. Crawford Redd & Bro., Surveyors, 1017 Bank Street, , Room.8, , Richmond, Vn. JOHN T &ODDIN & CO., Real Estate and Loans, Eleventh,and Bnnk;Streets, Richmond, Vn. Roney & Atkinson, Builders, National Bank Building, Eleventh and Main Streets, jfticHiuond, Va. M. Rosénbloom & Son, FÜftNITÜRI., STOVES AND FLOOR COVER ÍNGS, 1530 ËnstT Main Street, '.' 'Ricniiioiiid, Va. MRS, k Jf BEÍfjÉEÍv BOARDING AND, pUrNÍSHED 'jf ROOMS, ¦ 1435 East Main Street, Richmond, Vn. - Henning & Nuckols, Agricultural implements, Ï436 Ef-st.^jyicnin Street, 'Richmond, Vn. .Richmond Buggy arid Wagon Company BUC.G1É8 AND WAÖÖNST l'ia.1 Ifinst Main Street, Richmond; Vav'y. Richmond Hat Company, Hats and Caps, « 1327 Î-_i.t fiiîtJn. Sjtreet, Richmond, Va. '.<-:. Thos. L. jeter-, Harness and ¡Saddlery, i ala" ..«sit Mali, .i street; yv.Ric'hmond, Va. Edward -P^Rose Company, Real Estáte and Loans, 11 Norffi jiloyepi-ii Street, lUcluiiond, 'Va. Polla&J & Bagby, Real Estate and Loans, 5 North Elo^piith Hi cot, It ich moud. Va, Southern Denial Company, DentiáÜf. Uichmoi.d; .Va. Burk & Co., CLQTHIERfJr 1003 Bast Main Street, Richmond, V«\ A, M. Walker, Contractor, American National Bank Bldg., R|CH.|ONi-, VA. Wherry & Co., Room ait?, A.m»'l.an National Bank Bldg, lliclmioatl, Vu, ÉtewMiVër Ootiibiiâatëd1 Coal & Coke tío AHm Ailierkait Nftt'l Hank .V- -¦ji,n^üil'1lii-»,v:i ^¦CtÉMONB, VA,_ Bank of Richmond, ÜÉüiit «rid Tenth Street», ...«ticmtiorid, V«, A. Connelly & Co., Boni Estate and hnnns, 4 Ñ. Tenth Street, Richmond, Va. ,- A. J. Çhewning Company, Real Estate and Loans, Richmond, Via. :-"**i.~''.'' '.".'¦ .',. '.'.¦;'¦,"'-*- ..,¦#. G. Cosby¿ ii-, íransíer Company, -f -8(H^N...Nlntii S4reel, ,'"~'! Richmond, Vä. ». iPRÁNdíONi, Restaurant, 005 East Broad .Street, .':.. lliciütibrid, Va. Saehgër Halle Restaurant, 800-311 North Seventh Street. s'.;;'Jiï. ,J..Miiiër, Shoes, Hats and -blothliig, Men's "Eurnlshlngs- 528 East Broad Street, "Richmond' Va. H. HOLZHAUER, Jr., Stoves and Tinwarej 510 East j Brood. Street, Richmond, Va. J,B. MOORE & CO., All Branches of Insurance, 1Ö0Ö East Main Street, Richmond, Vn. tí-. H. Tömpkiris, Toys, Micycles and Storage, 207'-'West Broad Street, Richmond, Vn. U A. J. PARRISH, Furniture, .âtpyës and Household Groods, 318 West Bipod Street, Biciiniond, Vä. Ö. C, ÖÖtRANDEÄ, ¿Hoinèi Furnishers, 200 West Broad Street, Richmond, Va, ~BENNÓ HUTZLER, Dry ÓÓbcts; Boots, Shoes and Notions, 300 East Broad Street, Richmond, Va. MORICONI & CORRIERI, 000 West Brpod Strpot, Richmond, Va. Lunch Room and Cafe. A. SCHEER, WATCHES AÑO JEWELRY, 1555 East Main Street, Richmond, Va, BALDWÍN & BROWN, 1557 East Mala Street, kärdwäre, Nails, Fencing. D. O'SULLIVAN, Cooper Shop, 1554 East Gary : Street, Richijjcïïd, Va. J, H. Feidner-, Barber, 310 West Broad Street, Richmond, Vn. ERNEST MILLER, -butler and Grinder, 310 West Hi oud Street, Richmond, Vn. » ALHAMBRA HOTEL, uicjiniond, Vn. Unexcelled Rooms and Cuisine, Mode-rate Prices, Elba Hardware Company, 428 West Hroiid Street, Richmond, Vn. The Krause Bottle Company, Richmond, v«> ÈILAS FIELDS, Mutual Steam Dyeing and ("leaning Works, 812 West Brottd 8ti«eciv Rk-Junoud, Vu» Robert Portner Brewing Co,. Brewers öf Fine Beers, Richmond, Vn. 500 West Broad Street, Richmond, Vn. H. B CARTER, Restaurant, 122 AVest Broad Street, Richmond, Vn. R, E. Burk & Company, FURNITURE, 802-804 West Broad Street, Richmond, Va. JACOB KECK, liutcher Shop, 811 North Adams Street, . Richmond, Vn. A. G. ANTHONY & SON, COMMERCIAL HOTBL, Everything -'.lint the Market Affords. EUROPEAN, PTjAN, Richmond, Va. JAHNKEBROS., 012 East Main Street, Richmond, Va. G. E. DELÁRUE, Restaurant and Cafe, 010 Bast Maih-Sireut, Richmond, Va. THE FOUNTAIN, L. D. Marchetti, ¦- CANDIES, ETC., 000 East .Main Street, Richmond, Va. Powers & Anderson, surgical instruments,. hospital Supplies, 30 North Ninth Street, Richmond, Va. A. ANTONI, Candies, 28 North Ninth Stieet, Richmond, Va. Southern Planter Publishing Company, AG RICULTURA L JOURNAL, 25 North Nl it th, Street, Richmond, Va. Commercial Guarantee Co., Bankers, MONEY" LOANED AND INVESTBD, Richmond, Va. MRS. E. MOORE, Boarding Houses, 24 North Ninth .Street, Richmond, Va, Home Beneficial Ass 'n, Industrial Insurance, 14 North Ninth Street, Richmond, Va. Williams Slate Company, SLATE, TILE AND GRAVEL ROOFING, 18 South Ninth. Street, Richmond, Va, The Industrial Bond and Banking Company, BANKERS AND brokers, 803 East Alain Street, Richmond, Va. A. MEYER & SON, Wagons and Carriages, 118 and 120 .8. Eighth Street. Richmond, Va. Richmond Advertising Agency, NI3WSPAPIÏR AND MAGAZINE ADVERTISING, 714 Mutual Building, Riclunond, Va, W. S, Constable & Co., Shirt Makers, 785 B«.t Main Street,' Riclunond, Va, Smith Premier Typewriter Company, TYPEWRITERS, 701 Hast Main Street, Richmond, Va, $, E, BISHOP, Shirt Builder, " 702 Bast Main Street, Richmond, Va, L. W. Dorset & Company, plumbers'and Tinners, 718 Bast Cary streei," * Richmond, Vn. - H, Iff. BELANEY, Conli-u'toc For Tinning, Plumbing mid Gas ¦¦< Fitting, 11 North Seventh Street, .Ikhmond, Va, JÖtfÜM Ntít*ÍÑÍ; HARDWARE AND MOME FÜRNtHHlNG, 7 Noi-th Rtíventli Street, , Richmond, Va. lu--^.>-i -, .;.¦ _-,_ W, 'f. I¿il¿woriii & Ob,, i- r.'.;.:». :¦:'',»team -T-K. AND HOT, WATER HEATING, i North NeVeilHi Sl*eci, Richmond, Vá. D. W- VAUGHAN, Automobiles for Hire, «18 East Main Street, Richmond, Vu". Liebertót Sutherland, Furniture and Furnishings, CASH OR CREDIT, Richmond, Va. H. Grimmell Sons, .... SHOVES, .".'.'. 'TINNING 'AND' PLUMBING, 304 East Broad Street, Richmond, Vn. ROSCOE C. DIGGB, BARBER SHOP, 302 East Broad Btreot, Richmond, Vii. The Valentine, Auction tío., General Auctioneers, CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED, 018 Eust Broad Street' Richmond, Va. C. C. MILLNÈRS, Transfer and Moving, 004 Éiíat firoad Street, Richmond, Va, Virginia Shoe Shining Parlor, 810 Eust Broad Street, Richmond, Va. HOWELL BROTHERS; Ha.i-dws.re, Cutlery, Keen Kutter Tools, 002 East Broad Street, Richmond, Vu. G. M. SMITHDEAL, BUSINESS COLLEGE, Ninth und Broad Streets, Richmond, Va. L.WÁÑT, Gents' Furnisher and Tailor, 1807 East Main Street, Richmond, Va. M. D. CHAMLEE, t., FASHfONABLE MILLINERY PARLORS, 810-318 East Broad Street, Richmond, Va. PETERSBURG. C. R. REES, Photographer, No. 223 Sycamore Street, Petersburg, Vá. Columbia Photograph. Co., '.¦¦ :. \ No. 141 Sycamore Street, Petersburg,' Va. Carbon Hardware Company; Inc., O. C. CARBON, President, Hardware and Agricultural Imple¬ ments, Petersburg, Va. Virginia Dry Goods Co,, Petersburg, Vn,, Wholesale Dry Goods aiid Not ions. Whitchome & Scoggins, Petersburg, Va,- Dry Goo4s and Notions. Petersburg Savings and In¬ surance Co., BANKERS, Petersburg, Vn, W. M. LEWIS & BRO., Petersburg, Vn, KENT FURNITURE CO. ..m HARLÖW, BAILEY k CO,, Furniture, Petersburg, Virginia. Will Move Mn'y 1st to No. 1 Sycamore Street. L.H. HAYES, Potershui'g, Vu., Hayes' Quick Lunch, 423 Sycamore Street. TrV, R. NICHÓÍiS COAL CO. Coal of ail Kinds, Petersburg, Vn. BÄUNET & SOMMERS, Stoves; Ranges, &c, Petersburg, Vá. Davis Carriage Mfg. Co., Die., Petersburg, Vn. Petersburg Dry Goods Co., Petersburg, Vn. Ö. <*. PLËÀSÀNTS, l'rdpHctôr ELITE POOL PARLORS, Petersburg, Va. F. W. Woolworth & Co., 5 and 10 Cent Stores, Petersburg, Vit. Miss Kate Bullock Curtice, 25 Norili Sycamore Street, Fashionable Millinery. J. Ö. JAMES, BOOTS ANÖ SHOES, Petersburg, Va. d. Á. F. .Short, Soils & Co., Cor. Sycamore and Bank Sts., Petersburg,. Vn., Clothiers, Furnishers and Hattérsï .. :..__..'^-h'-~....~~*?.. ^ MORRISON, THE DRUG MAN, Sycamore and Bank St«*., ', Pcte-rsburg, Va. Petersburg Music Company, 1.10 1-2 Sycamore Street, Petersburg, Vn., Pianos, Organs and Musical Instru¬ ments. A.D. HARPING, Jeweler, No. i 51 Sycamore Street, Petersburg, Va. T. A. JAMES, Jeweler and Optician,. Í8Í Sycamore Street, Peterslmrg, Va. PE ARSALL & SMITH, Furniture, ) Petersburg, Va. Reach, the People Everywhere in Virginia Times- Dispatch Want Ads. ONE Cenia Word «v Positions Boarding Servants Business Wants Ads 4 Of All Kinds Phone 549 for the Want Ad, Man. Write Want Ad. Depart- jneni. Riehmond, Va,, for information. r ..¦.:,¦¦¦-¦.' ; ¦¦¦' ¦.__.

Transcript of Times dispatch.(Richmond, VA) 1906-03-25.wawsBBssr.J0asa '"" Richmond,, Manct-tester,Vlr-glnla,.,-,...

Page 1: Times dispatch.(Richmond, VA) 1906-03-25.wawsBBssr.J0asa '"" Richmond,, Manct-tester,Vlr-glnla,.,-, .,...r,-..,....J

wawsBBssr. asa '""

J0Richmond, , Manct-tester, Vlr-glnla

,.,-, .,...r,-..,....J<.no,.1.,..,,...,

I Tjerry MORANO,_M Cream, dandies aridYi0\ Fruits,> 'Ko. 825 VVes. tíroad Street,f \ Richmond, yru; ¦¦'¦; --r----;-'-~*""~-

Th| Clifford ¡Smith Co,,PÀiim, OILS, COLORS,

_#M> Rust Main Street,\_U.liinoii(1, Vn.


and BHc-a|Brac Repaired.217 Wcs» »tond Street,

S. I&LK,*!'¦¦

Confectioner i|nd Tobacco,2213 East Bvo%1 t3»fce-.

FARLEY & %ALIN,Credit Clothiers,212 East, Broad Slifeet;.ANNA B. ROAGH,


Millinery,220, Ehsifc. Broad Street. f|_

A. MORRISON & 'C0'4Imported Groceries, %

Macci-ronl, Confectioneries, jmSorta Water, 1¡

200 East Broad Street. ::A

Samuel E. Duggins,Men and Boys' Outfitter,

00 Broad Street. ,. '.[Ve Sell High-Art Clothing.The

Best in the World.


¿22 Bast Broad Street.

COOK & JONES,Purnlturo Repairing, Upholstering,

Hard Wood Polishing,No. 525 West Broad Sts'cct,

Rlcluiiónd, Va.

MIKE CHARLIE,Confectioner and Fruits and

Cigars,SSI Wept Broad Street,

Richmond, Va.

Charles H. Cosby & Co.,Tinning and Plumbing

.123 W. Broad Street,Richmond, Va.

Richmond Furniture Co.,Furniture,

Stoves, Refrigerators; Etc.,301 West Broad Street.

Richmond Pressing Club,Ladles» Work a Specialty,

305 W. Broad St.,Richmond, Va.


Cleaning and Pressing,520 West Broad Street,

Richmond, Vn.

MALLORY & LEIGH,Picture Framers,

General Picture Goods,311 West Broad Street,

Richmond,. Va.

'Southern Nickel Works,Plating of nil Kinds,

Electric Bell Work.307 West Broad Street,

Richmond, Vn.

R. E. STÖNEBURNER,American Reservo liond Co.,

012 A inoilcan National Bank Hldg.

The Marra Pool and BillardParlor,

810 Kiist llroad Street,Richmond, Vn.,

Imported and Domestic Cigars.


808 East Broad Street,IHchmond, Va.

O DARHAMIAN,The Bijou Confectionery,

800 Bast llroad Street,Richmond, Vn.

BENNETT BROS.,Dandies, Fruits, Cigars, &c,

708 Bus! Broad Street.

0, D. KENNY COMPANY,Teas, Coffees and Sugars

Broad and Sixth Street-...»Uoueeai,

H. 0. RUPPERT,Ruppert's Restaurant,

llti.iliic-NM liUiirlit'n, Me. ¦¦'.

H(!Rtll'"«' .IMlllK-r«, »"M!.No. (1(1(1 fCnst llrórul St-reet,

îtlehinoud, Vit.

M. Schaaf & Brother,jewelers,

420 En st. Jlrond Street,nícíiinoiid, Vu.

MORRIS GOSHEN,Shoe Repairing;

424 East Broad Street.

The StandardSewing Machine Compariyy

Family arid ManufacturingSowing' Machines nnd Supplies.

4ÖQ East. Drond. Street,H lernttond, Vá. ..

Miss M, V. Rutherford,Míiiinery¿

FANCY GOOJÖS, NOTIONS,824 E. Brand Su-cet,

Richmond, Va.

Kirkwood's Lunch Co.,404 East Broad Street,1208 East Main Street,

..Rlc'uuond, Vá.,» ;,Popular Prices h ín Óáfté.

Hlclimoiid, Va.

Davis Hotel and Restaurant,1520 East Main Street,

I Opposite Máíii-Stirc'ct Station,Rich'inorid, Vn.

H A. SINSHEIMER,'Clothing and Gents' Furnishing,

Í5.17 East Main Street,.'.... "Richmond, Va.

¦\j. WEINSTEIN, fiWatches arid Jewelry,

ifljol East Main Street,-, y$ Richmond,. Va.

Thomas R. Thompson,;,'^eamster^: ù

í5t2-lÁm'$ua8t'Cary' Street,ni^mond, Va.

J. T. Morit¿omery's Sons,AVH.(|^i"38#i.E ;

Fruits aa^ÎProduce,Richmond;,Va.


The Call-Watt Co.,Agricultural -I^lements,

13 South Fiftcefttiî St.

McGowan & Pe&rsall,Furniture^ [

CASlí.OR OREDt"*;,No. 14-15 East Main Street,

Itkliiiiond, Va.',:

Thos. Ë. Stagg & jfjçih,Sash, Blinds and ¡boors,

1441 East Mitin Street,'Richmond, Va.

Leibermuth & Ábrams "(jó:,PAÍNTS, SASH, BLINDS AND1

noons,Í435 East Main Street,

Richmond, Va.

The Watt Plow Co.,AGltlCULTURAii lAÙ'I.EMENTS

AND machínerV,WAGONS AND RVGG1ES,142« East Moiii Street,1452 Franklin: Street,

Richmond, Va.

John H. Rose & Co.,Boves, Tinware, Glass Work

1427 EttHt. ¡Main Street,Richmond, Va.



1-121 East Main Street,Richmond, Vn,

JONES BROS. & CO.,Furniture,

14I8-IÍ20 East Main Street,Richmond, Vn,


, 1117 East Main Rtroct,Richmond, Va,

MRS. A, W. JOHNSON,Johnson's Restaurant,

111! East Main Street,Richmond, Vn.

John S. Powell Barber Shop,IIOH East Mtiln Street,

Uithtiioml, Vtt,

John H. Dickinson & Co.,Saddlery and Harness,

4402 East Main Street,, '

J'klni'oud, Va,

Drewry-Hughes Company*WlIoXtpSAld. T'y_-I-i._t.0Clf.Sl AN.» NOTIONS.,

_-_._.-,.M fa. Cm*y Sticht,Richmond, Vn. ..'.¦

Moulton à Talmadgè,Provisions and Produce,

18 S. Fourteenth Street,Richmond, Vtt.

R. Á. Baldwin Soné tío..i!»)': "

WHOÍ,E8AI.-_Dry Goods, Notions, Etc.;

10 N. Fourteenth frltrcci,Richmond, VA. y

J3ydhor Pump ahd itféíl 00»,.. mJMÍB, TANKS,

SAW Mîll-0 AND MAOlti-ÎBttï,1310 East iVfiilii Street,

Richmond, ya.,

fiiic-i,ifV_iitibck Cöirii-än^,Hariiésá and Saddlery,

1806,Kamt Main Street,Richmond, Va.

A, S. ífcratj. Company.Folding Boxésj

1300 Governor Street,Richmond, Va.

Richard Gwathney & Co.,,-X^tóMlCALSl; .;."'...¦.SURGICAL ÖUPPMES; Etc.

8 Governor Street.Richmond, ^Or.


1118 East Bfnin Street,Richmond, Va;


1108 EáAt. Math Street,Richihoiid, Vn.

T. Crawford Redd & Bro.,Surveyors,

1017 Bank Street,, Room.8, ,

Richmond, Vn.

JOHN T &ODDIN & CO.,Real Estate and Loans,Eleventh,and Bnnk;Streets,

Richmond, Vn.

Roney & Atkinson,Builders,

National Bank Building,Eleventh and Main Streets,

jfticHiuond, Va.


1530 ËnstT Main Street,'.' 'Ricniiioiiid, Va.


'jf ROOMS, ¦

1435 East Main Street,Richmond, Vn. -

Henning & Nuckols,Agricultural implements,

Ï436 Ef-st.^jyicnin Street,'Richmond, Vn.

.RichmondBuggy arid Wagon Company

BUC.G1É8 AND WAÖÖNSTl'ia.1 Ifinst Main Street,

Richmond; Vav'y.

Richmond Hat Company,Hats and Caps,

« 1327 Î-_i.t fiiîtJn. Sjtreet,Richmond, Va.

'.<-:. Thos. L. jeter-,Harness and ¡Saddlery,

iala" ..«s it Mali, .i street;yv.Ric'hmond, Va.

Edward -P^Rose Company,Real Estáte and Loans,

11 Norffi jiloyepi-ii Street,lUcluiiond, 'Va.

Polla&J & Bagby,Real Estate and Loans,

5 North Elo^piith Hi cot,It ichmoud. Va,

Southern Denial Company,DentiáÜf.

Uichmoi.d; .Va.

Burk & Co.,CLQTHIERfJr

1003 Bast Main Street,Richmond, V«\

A, M. Walker, Contractor,American National Bank Bldg.,

R|CH.|ONi-, VA.

Wherry & Co.,Room ait?,

A.m»'l.an National Bank Bldg,lliclmioatl, Vu,

ÉtewMiVërOotiibiiâatëd1 Coal & Coke tíoAHm Ailierkait Nftt'l Hank

.V- -¦ji,n^üil'1lii-»,v:i^¦CtÉMONB, VA,_Bank of Richmond,ÜÉüiit «rid Tenth Street»,

...«ticmtiorid, V«,

J» A. Connelly & Co.,Boni Estate and hnnns,4 Ñ. Tenth Street,

Richmond, Va. ,-

A. J. Çhewning Company,Real Estate and Loans,

Richmond, Via.:-"**i.~''.'' '.".'¦ .',. '.'.¦;'¦,"'-*-

..,¦#. G. Cosby¿ ii-,íransíer Company, -f-8(H^N...Nlntii S4reel, ,'"~'!

Richmond, Vä.

». iPRÁNdíONi,Restaurant,

005 East Broad .Street,.':.. lliciütibrid, Va.

Saehgër Halle Restaurant,800-311 North Seventh Street.

s'.;;'Jiï. ,J..Miiiër,Shoes, Hats and -blothliig,

Men's "Eurnlshlngs-528 East Broad Street,

"Richmond' Va.

H. HOLZHAUER, Jr.,Stoves and Tinwarej510 East jBrood. Street,

Richmond, Va.

J,B. MOORE & CO.,All Branches of Insurance,1Ö0Ö East Main Street,

Richmond, Vn.

tí-. H. Tömpkiris,Toys, Micycles and Storage,

207'-'West Broad Street,Richmond, Vn.

U A. J. PARRISH,Furniture, .âtpyës and

Household Groods,318 West Bipod Street,

Biciiniond, Vä.

Ö. C, ÖÖtRANDEÄ,¿Hoinèi Furnishers,200 West Broad Street,

Richmond, Va,


Boots, Shoes and Notions,300 East Broad Street,

Richmond, Va.

MORICONI & CORRIERI,000 West Brpod Strpot,

Richmond, Va.

Lunch Room and Cafe.


1555 East Main Street,Richmond, Va,

BALDWÍN & BROWN,1557 East Mala Street,

kärdwäre, Nails, Fencing.D. O'SULLIVAN,

Cooper Shop,1554 East Gary : Street,

Richijjcïïd, Va.

J, H. Feidner-, Barber,310 West Broad Street,

Richmond, Vn.

ERNEST MILLER,-butler and Grinder,310 West Hi oud Street,

Richmond, Vn. »

ALHAMBRA HOTEL,uicjiniond, Vn.

Unexcelled Rooms and Cuisine,Mode-rate Prices,

Elba Hardware Company,428 West Hroiid Street,

Richmond, Vn.

The Krause Bottle Company,Richmond, v«>


Steam Dyeing and ("leaning Works,812 West Brottd 8ti«eciv

Rk-Junoud, Vu»

Robert Portner Brewing Co,.Brewers öf Fine Beers,

Richmond, Vn.

500 West Broad Street,Richmond, Vn.

H. B CARTER,Restaurant,

122 AVest Broad Street,Richmond, Vn.

R, E. Burk & Company,FURNITURE,

802-804 West Broad Street,Richmond, Va.

JACOB KECK,liutcher Shop,

811 North Adams Street,. Richmond, Vn.


Everything -'.lint the Market Affords.EUROPEAN, PTjAN,

Richmond, Va.

JAHNKEBROS.,012 East Main Street,

Richmond, Va.

G. E. DELÁRUE,Restaurant and Cafe,

010 Bast Maih-Sireut,Richmond, Va.

THE FOUNTAIN,L. D. Marchetti, ¦-

CANDIES, ETC.,000 East .Main Street,

Richmond, Va.

Powers & Anderson,surgical instruments,.

hospital Supplies,30 North Ninth Street,

Richmond, Va.

A. ANTONI,Candies,

28 North Ninth Stieet,Richmond, Va.

Southern Planter PublishingCompany,

AGRICULTURA L JOURNAL,25 North Nl it th, Street,

Richmond, Va.

Commercial Guarantee Co.,Bankers,


MRS. E. MOORE,Boarding Houses,24 North Ninth .Street,

Richmond, Va,

Home Beneficial Ass 'n,Industrial Insurance,

14 North Ninth Street,Richmond, Va.

Williams Slate Company,SLATE,

TILE AND GRAVEL ROOFING,18 South Ninth. Street,

Richmond, Va,

The Industrial Bondand Banking Company,

BANKERS AND brokers,803 East Alain Street,

Richmond, Va.

A. MEYER & SON,Wagons and Carriages,

118 and 120 .8. Eighth Street.Richmond, Va.

Richmond AdvertisingAgency,


714 Mutual Building,Riclunond, Va,

W. S, Constable & Co.,Shirt Makers,

785 B«.t Main Street,'Riclunond, Va,

Smith Premier TypewriterCompany,

TYPEWRITERS,701 Hast Main Street,

Richmond, Va,

$, E, BISHOP,Shirt Builder,

" 702 Bast Main Street,Richmond, Va,

L. W. Dorset & Company,plumbers'and Tinners,

718 Bast Cary streei," *

Richmond, Vn. -

H, Iff. BELANEY,Conli-u'toc

For Tinning, Plumbing mid Gas ¦¦<

Fitting,11 North Seventh Street,

.Ikhmond, Va,


AND MOME FÜRNtHHlNG,7 Noi-th Rtíventli Street,

, Richmond, Va.lu--^.>-i -, .;.¦ _-,_

W, 'f. I¿il¿woriii & Ob,,i- r.'.;.:». :¦:'',»team -T-K.

AND HOT, WATER HEATING,i North NeVeilHi Sl*eci,

Richmond, Vá.

D. W- VAUGHAN,Automobiles for Hire,

«18 East Main Street,Richmond, Vu".

LiebertótSutherland,Furniture andFurnishings,CASH OR CREDIT,

Richmond, Va.

H. Grimmell Sons,.... SHOVES, .".'.'.'TINNING 'AND' PLUMBING,

304 East Broad Street,Richmond, Vn.


302 East Broad Btreot,Richmond, Vii.

The Valentine, Auction tío.,General Auctioneers,


Richmond, Va.

C. C. MILLNÈRS,Transfer and Moving,

004 Éiíat firoad Street,Richmond, Va,

Virginia Shoe ShiningParlor,

810 Eust Broad Street,Richmond, Va.


Cutlery, Keen Kutter Tools,002 East Broad Street,

Richmond, Vu.


Ninth und Broad Streets,Richmond, Va.

L.WÁÑT,Gents' Furnisher and Tailor,

1807 East Main Street,Richmond, Va.


810-318 East Broad Street,Richmond, Va.

PETERSBURG.C. R. REES,Photographer,

No. 223 Sycamore Street,Petersburg, Vá.

Columbia Photograph. Co.,'.¦¦ :. \

No. 141 Sycamore Street,

Petersburg,' Va.

Carbon Hardware Company;Inc.,

O. C. CARBON, President,Hardware and Agricultural Imple¬

ments,Petersburg, Va.

Virginia Dry Goods Co,,Petersburg, Vn,,

Wholesale Dry Goods aiid Not ions.

Whitchome & Scoggins,Petersburg, Va,-

Dry Goo4s and Notions.

Petersburg Savings and In¬surance Co.,BANKERS,

Petersburg, Vn,

W. M. LEWIS & BRO.,Petersburg, Vn,



HARLÖW, BAILEY k CO,,Furniture,

Petersburg, Virginia.Will Move Mn'y 1st to No. 1 Sycamore


L.H. HAYES,Potershui'g, Vu.,

Hayes' Quick Lunch,423 Sycamore Street.

TrV, R. NICHÓÍiS COAL CO.Coal of ail Kinds,

Petersburg, Vn.

BÄUNET & SOMMERS,Stoves; Ranges, &c,

Petersburg, Vá.

Davis Carriage Mfg. Co.,Die.,Petersburg, Vn.

Petersburg Dry Goods Co.,Petersburg, Vn.

Ö. <*. PLËÀSÀNTS,l'rdpHctôr .¦


F. W. Woolworth & Co.,5 and 10 Cent Stores,

Petersburg, Vit.

Miss Kate Bullock Curtice,25 Norili Sycamore Street,

Fashionable Millinery.J. Ö. JAMES,

BOOTS ANÖ SHOES,Petersburg, Va.

d. Á. F. .Short, Soils & Co.,Cor. Sycamore and Bank Sts.,

Petersburg,. Vn.,Clothiers, Furnishers and

Hattérsï.. :..__..'^-h'-~....~~*?.. ^

MORRISON,THE DRUG MAN,Sycamore and Bank St«*., ',

Pcte-rsburg, Va.

Petersburg Music Company,1.10 1-2 Sycamore Street,

Petersburg, Vn.,Pianos, Organs and Musical Instru¬


A.D. HARPING,Jeweler,

No. i 51 Sycamore Street,Petersburg, Va.

T. A. JAMES,Jeweler and Optician,.

Í8Í Sycamore Street,Peterslmrg, Va.

PEARSALL & SMITH,Furniture, )Petersburg, Va.

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