Timeline of Rizal's Execution

LALUNIO, XYZER CORPUZ Rizal’s Life and Works 201011158 MWF 4:00- 5:00 PM THE LAST DAYS OF JOSÉ RIZAL: A Timeline of His Arrival, Last Arrest, Incarceration, Execution DATE EVENT 6 October, 1896 3:00 AM - On his 4 th day of being held in his cabin at the MV Isla de Panay docked at Barcelona, Spain on his way to Cuba, Rizal was awakened to be brought to Montjuich Prison in Barcelona, Spain. 2:00 PM - Interview with General Eulogio Despujol 8:00 PM - Aboard the Colon, Rizal left Barcelona for Manila. 3 November, 1896 Rizal was brought to Fort Santiago, where other patriots, including his brother Paciano, were being tortured to implicate him. Paciano refused to sign anything despite being his body broken and his left hand crushed. 20 November, 1896 Preliminary investigation began with Rizal appearing before Judge Advocate Colonel Francisco Olive. The investigation lasted five days. 26 November, 1896 The records of the case were handed over to Governor General Ramon Blanco who then appointed Captain Rafael Dominguez as special Judge Advocate. 8 December, 1896 From a list submitted to him by the authorities, he chose the brother of his friend, Lt. Luis Taviel de Andrade to become his trial lawyer. He was only made to choose among army officers and not a civilian lawyer. 11 December, 1896 In his prison cell, Rizal was read the charges against him: “principal organizer and the living



Transcript of Timeline of Rizal's Execution

LALUNIO, XYZER CORPUZRizals Life and Works201011158MWF 4:00-5:00 PM

THE LAST DAYS OF JOS RIZAL: A Timeline of His Arrival, Last Arrest, Incarceration, ExecutionDATEEVENT

6 October, 18963:00 AM - On his 4thday of being held in his cabin at the MVIsla de Panaydocked at Barcelona, Spain on his way to Cuba, Rizal was awakened to be brought to Montjuich Prison in Barcelona, Spain.2:00 PM - Interview with General Eulogio Despujol8:00 PM - Aboard theColon, Rizal left Barcelona for Manila.

3 November, 1896Rizal was brought to Fort Santiago, where other patriots, including his brother Paciano, were being tortured to implicate him. Paciano refused to sign anything despite being his body broken and his left hand crushed.

20 November, 1896Preliminary investigation began with Rizal appearing before Judge Advocate Colonel Francisco Olive. The investigation lasted five days.

26 November, 1896The records of the case were handed over to Governor General Ramon Blanco who then appointed Captain Rafael Dominguez as special Judge Advocate.

8 December, 1896From a list submitted to him by the authorities, he chose the brother of his friend, Lt. Luis Taviel de Andrade to become his trial lawyer. He was only made to choose among army officers and not a civilian lawyer.

11 December, 1896In his prison cell, Rizal was read the charges against him: principal organizer and the living soul of the Filipino insurrection, the founder of societies, periodicals and books dedicated to fomenting and propagating the ideas of rebellion.

13 December, 1896Ramon Blanco was replaced by Camilo de Polavieja, a more ruthless character, as Governor General of the Philippines. Dominguez submitted the papers of the Rizal case to Malacaan Palace.

15 December, 1896Rizal issued his manifesto to certain Filipinos calling to end the absurd rebellion and to fight for liberties with education as a prerequisite. The authorities supressed the manifesto.

25 December, 1896Rizals saddest Christmas, away from family and friends.

26 December, 1896Trial of Rizal began at the Cuartel de Espaa. On the same day, the court-martial secretly and unanimously voted for a guilty verdict with the penalty of death before a firing squadPolavieja signs the death verdict.

29 December, 18966:00 AM - Rizal was read his verdict by Captain Rafael Dominguez: To be shot the next day at 7:00 AM at the Luneta de Bagumbayan (Rizal Park).7:00 AM - Rizal was transferred to the chapel cell adorned by religious images to convince him to go back to the Catholic fold. His first visitors were Jesuit priests Fathers Miguel Saderra Mata and Luis Viza.7:15 AM - After Fr. Saderra left, Rizal asked Fr. Viza for the Sacred Heart statuette which he carved when he was an Ateneo student. From his pocket the statuette appears

29 December, 18968:00 AM - Fr. Viza was relieved by Fr. Antonio Rosell who joined Rizal for breakfast. Lt. Luis Taviel de Andrade joins them.9:00 AM - Fr. Federico Faura, who once said that Rizal would lose his head for writing theNoli Me Tangere, arrived. Rizal told him, Father you are indeed a prophet.10:00 AM - Fathers Jos Vilaclara and Vicente Balaguer visisted Rizal, followed by a Spanish journalist, Santiago Mataix ofEl Heraldo de Madrid, for an interview12:00-3:30 PM - Rizals time alone in his cell. He had lunch, wrote letters and probably wrote his last poem of 14 stanzas which he wrote in his flowing handwriting in a very small piece of paper. He hid it inside his alcohol stove. The untitled poem was later known asMi Ultimo Adios(My Last Farewell). In its second stanza, he already praised the revolutionaries in the battlefield for giving their lives without doubt, without gloom.3:30 PM - Fr. Balaguer visits again and, according to him, talks to Rizal about retracting his anti-Catholic writings and his being a mason.6:00 PM - Rizal was visited by the Dean of the Manila Cathedral, Don Silvino Lopez Tuon. Fathers Balaguer and March left Father Vilaclara to be with the two.8:00 PM - Rizals last supper where he informed Captain Dominguez that he already forgave those who condemned him.9:30 PM - Rizal was visited by the fiscal of the Royal Audiencia of Manila, Don Gaspar Cestao with whom Rizal offered the best chair of the cell. According to accounts, the fiscal left with a good impression of Rizals intelligence and noble character.

30 December3:00 AM - According to Father Balaguers account, Rizal asked to have confession, hear mass and be given Holy Communion. Allegedly he also signed the document retracting his anti-Catholic writings and his membership in masonry.

5:30 AM - Rizal took his last meal. According to stories told to Narcisa by Lt. Luis Taviel de Andrade, Rizal threw some eggs in the corner of a cell for the poor rats, Let them have their fiesta too. Rizal also wrote to his family and to his brother.

6:00 AM - Rizal wrote his father, Francisco Mercado My beloved Father, Pardon me for the pain with which I repay you for sorrows and sacrifices for my education. I did not want nor did I prefer it. Goodbye, Father, goodbye Jose Rizal. To his mother, he had only these words, To my very dear Mother, Sra. Da Teodora Alonso 6 oclock in the morning, December 30, 1896. Jose Rizal.

6:30 AM - Death march from Fort Santiago to Bagumbayan begins. 4 soldiers with bayoneted rifles lead the procession followed by Rizal, Taviel de Andrade, Fathers Vilaclara and March and other soldiers. They passed by the Intramuros plaza, then turned right to the Postigo gate then left at Malecon, the bayside road now known as Bonifacio Drive.

7:00 AM - Rizal, after arriving on the execution site at the Luneta de Bagumbayan, was checked with his pulse by Dr. Felipe Ruiz Castillo. It was perfectly normal. Rizal once wrote, I wish to show those who deny us patriotism that we know how to die for our duty and our convictions.

7:03 AM - With the captain shouting Fuego! Shouts rang out from the guns of eight indio soldiers. Rizal, being a convicted criminal was not facing the firing squad. As he was hit, he resists and turns himself to face his executors. He falls down, and dies facing the sky.