Time Management Isn't Enough - Muncie Central Early...

Time Management Isn't Enough

Transcript of Time Management Isn't Enough - Muncie Central Early...

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Time Management Isn't


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Managing your Time

Time management is not just about

managing your time, it's about managing

your attention. Attention management is

the ability to focus you attention and not

just your time on a designated activity.

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Tips on Managing your Time

Have a plan for your

study session.

Including time limits

is always a good way

to plan ahead.

Pay attention to what

gets you off track. If

you start to realize

and understand your

patterns, it may help

you be able to control


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Tips on Managing your Time

Turn off your phone

or tell other people

you live with that you

don't want to be

disturbed. Let them

know what time to

call back in a certain


If you're working on

your computer, work

offline whenever

possible. Don't give in

to temptation to

check your social

networking or email

every 10 minutes.

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Tips on Managing your Time

Take a little time to

organize your space

before beginning to

work. Having the

resources at your

finger tips helps move

things smoothly.

If you're in a study

group, make sure

everyone has been

assigned a task. Be

sure to make certain

everyone knows what

and how to complete

the task.

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Tips on Managing Your Time

Learn to say no.

Saying no to someone

can feel awkward at

first but people close

to you will understand

that you can't do


FOCUS. You can't do

anything if you try to do

everything. Multitasking

may work for simple

matters but when it

comes to applying brain

power, you need a

single-minded focus.

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Tips on Managing Your Time

Slow down. Working

too fast will result in

many more mistakes

and errors. Try to

avoid the "headless



Monitor how your life

works. There are

different ways to

spend your time.

Managing time is

more like going with

the flow.

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Managing Time is Very Simple

Even though it seems like a lot of tips, it is

very easy to understand! Managing time is a

simple task, and is key to success throughout

your life! Just find out ways to manage time in

everything that is done throughout the day.

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Energy, Our Most

Precious Resource

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Energy Managment

● Most of us are running in overdrive, so energy is out most

precious resource.

● Energy management experts say you can't control time,but

you can manage your energy

o It is your responsibility to do so.

● Energy can be renewed

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Things that drain and things that

gain energy● Some things drain your energy, while other things help you gain energy

● Things that drain energy:

o Bad news, illness, time-consuming hassles, interpersonal conflict, a

heavy meal, and a rainy day

● Things that gain energy:

o A new job, good friends, coffee, fruits, music, and laughter.

● You need to recognize what things drain and help you gain enrgy so that

you know how to manage and renew your energy

● It's not just about spending time, it is about expanding energy

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Physically and Emotionally


● To do well academically you should be Physically and

Emotionally connected

● Physical energy is measured in terms of quanity

o How much energy do you have?

● Emotional energy is measured by quality

o Do you have positive or negative energy?

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Quality and Quantity Energy

● High negative:o Angry, fearful,

anxious, defensive

● Low negative:o Depressed,



burned out

● High Positive:o Energized, confident,

joyful, connected

● Low Negative:o Relaxed, mellow,

peaceful, serene

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Get Physically Energized!

Try these suggestions!

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1. Snap to Your Body's Rhythm!

● Everyone has a biological clock so use it to your


● It's better to do things when you're most

comfortable to do them.

● So if you do work better in the afternoon then do

your homework and chores in the afternoon

instead of wasting time when you aren't feeling it.

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2. Up and at 'em!

● While you have a biological clock that doesn't

mean it's an excuse to not do things or go to

classes if it's during your nap time.

● If you aren't a morning person then don't take

morning classes. While you have your own clock

that doesn't mean you don't have to take


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3. Sleep at Night,Study During the Day

● Lack of sleep results in a drop in performance and of


● According to research, the average adult needs at least 7-

8 hours of sleep a day

o If you cannot get that many hours of sleep at night,

take a power nap.

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4. "Burn Premium Oil"

● Food is the fuel that makes us run

o The better the fuel, the smoother we run

● When the demands for your energy are high, such as

during exam week, use premium oil

o Many students fail to do this, resulting in them

becoming so stressed that they get sick

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Chapter 4 Presentation

Get Emotionally Connected

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Communicate Like It Matters Alec Johnson

We try to communicate best to professional

people. This means we don't try to

communicate with others as well. This isn't

good so it's best to communicate with

everybody equally. If you do this you can

easily replenish your energy.

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Renewing Your Self Alec Johnson

Watching TV and eating junk food is not a good

emotional renewal. Do try engaging in better

activitys like singing, reading, or playing a

sport. People can also be a source of emotional

renewal. Remember to also focus on your

physical, mental,and spirtual renewal. These

are also factors that affect your life like

emotional energy.

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Where did the time go Keegan Dean

- only 8/10 students study in their free time

- if you actually wait until your free time to REALLY study,

chances are you'd never do it

- a day can race by really fast before you even think about

opening the book

- you should schedule your time

- many students place studying at the bottom of their to-do list

- studying should be your top priority

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Devoting time to school Keegan Dean

- this should be vital especially if succeeding in college is

your top priority

- instructors expect you to study at least 2-3 hours out of

class for every hour you're in class

- depending on how challenging a class is, the more/less

you need to study

- you need to ensure that your study time is productive

by focusing you attention on what you're studying

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Choose to choose. Aaron Garrett

Some decisions are worth lengthy deliberation;

others aren't. Be conscious of the choices you

make and whether they're worth the return on

your investment. "Maximize" when it counts

and "satisfice" when it doesn't.

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Remember that there's always greener grass somewhere. Aaron Garrett

Someone will always have a better job than you

do, a nicer apartment, or a more attractive

romantic partner. Regret or envy can eat away

at you, and second-guessing can bring

unsettling dissatisfaction.

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Regret less and appreciate more. Aaron Garrett

While green grass does abound, so do sandpits

and bumpy roads. That's an important

realization, too! Value the good things you

already have going for you.

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Build bridges, not walls. Aaron Garrett

Think about the ways in which the dozens of

choices you've already made as a new college

student give you your own unique profile or

"choice-print": where you live, which classes

you take, clubs you join, campus events you

attend, your small circle of friends, and on and

on. Remember that and make conscious

choices that will best help you succeed.

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Schedule Your Way to


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There is no one right way to schedule your

time; however you can experiment with the

following 8 steps to see what method works

best for you. After you become familiar with the

different methods, you'll be able to make up

your own!

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The 8 Steps

1. Fill out a "Term on a Page" Calendar

2. Invest in a Planner

3. Transfer Important Dates

4. Set Intermediate Deadlines

5. Schedule Fixed Activities for the Entire Term

6. Check for Schedule Conflicts

7. Schedule Flextime

8. Monitor Your Schedule Every Day

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1. Fill out a "Term on a Page" Calendar

Fill out the following information in a daily


-holidays when your school is closed

-exam, quiz, project, and paper dates/deadlines

from your syllabi

Also, make sure that anything important at your

school gets put on a calendar so you don't miss


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2. Invest in a Planner

If you keep track of all meetings, classes, get

togethers, and any other events in your head, it is

likely that you will miss an event or

homework/project deadline. If you have a daily

planner, however, it becomes easy to keep track of

deadlines, as well as everything else in your busy

schedule. If you know what time you have open, it

allows you to manage your time more efficiently.

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3. Transfer Important Dates

It is very important to have dates recorded in

your actual planner. If you have events in

different places, it becomes very difficult to see

what time you have open. By transferring all

dates to your planner, you will be more

omniscient in your schedule.

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4. Set Intermediate Deadlines

After you have made a schedule make sure

that you set a schedule for certain dates, such

as due dates for things like your term papers. If

you have two weeks before a paper is due,

make sure you have AT LEAST a rough draft

completed before the first week is over. This is

a very important step you need to use to make

your way to success!

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5. Schedule Fixed Activities for the Entire


Write down any regular activities that you are

involved in throughout the term. Also, make

sure that you write down any set dates for

things like class meetings or class events. You

also need to make sure you are able to

schedule time in for studying for your mid-

terms, finals, and classes in general.

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6. Check for Schedule Conflicts

Look at your schedule very closely and see

what possible conflicts you will have. Look for

conflicts such as business trips or short out-of -

town trips. Make sure that you talk to your

professors to make sure you work out these


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7. Schedule Flextime

In the scheduling of all important events,

remember that you do, in fact, need personal

time for sleeping, eating, excercising, and any

other activities that do not have a set time

frame. Inconviences will occur throughout the

week and you need to leave time to sort

through them.

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8. Monitor Your Schedule Every Day

Now that you have chosen a time management

system, monitor how well it worked for you. Did

you accomplish your set tasks? Do you need to

revise your schedule for the rest of the week

due to a glitch? This process will help you

better schedule your time in the future.

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To Do or Not To Do?

There Is No Question

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Importance and Urgency

Two factors to consider when assigning a priority

level to a to-do item are importance and urgency.

"A" priorities are important and urgent things

"B" priorities are important, but not urgent things

"C" priorities are not important, but urgent

"D" priorities are not important, nor urgent

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Questions To Manage Time

After you're assigned a time zone to each item, review your

list of A and B priorities and ask yourself:

1. Do any of the items fit best with a particular day of the


2. Can any items be grouped together to make things easier?

3. Do any A and B priorities qualify as floating tasks that can

be completed anytime, anywhere?

4. Do any priorities need to be shifted?

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How Time Flies

The Average American will spend...

● 7 years in the Bathroom

● 6 years eating

● 5 years waiting in line

● 3 years in meetings

● 6 months waiting at red lights.

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The 4 P's

There are 4 kinds of problematic time

management P's. They're always way ahead

of schedule. But these also may effect them

in a negative way.

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The Preemptive

The preemptive is always ahead of the game;

they believe they are always doing the best.

They can have a reputation for being non team

players, and only looking out for themselves.

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The People Pleaser

People pleaser have great intentions; however,

they try to take on to much by making people

happy, therefore handicapping their own

effectiveness. They always say yes to people,

so they take on so much work that there isn't

time for their own.

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The Perfectionist

Nothing is never good enough for

perfectionists. These people make people play

a waiting game by always working on

something they may never finish.

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The Procrastinator

Procrastinators are huge adrenaline junkies.

These people put things off until the 11th hour,

and then make a mad dash to rush and finish

things. The root cause of this is fear. The

procrastinator is afraid of not being able to

achieve high success.

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The P Word

Chapter 4 Group 6

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Procrastination is needlessly delaying tasks to

the point of experiencing subjective discomfort.

70% of college students admit to

procrastination. Academic procrastination is a

major threat to success in college. Before you

can control your procrastination, you need to

face why you're procrastinating.

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Procrastination (continued)

Why are some things easy to do and get

started compared to other things? Once you

know your own reasons for putting things off,

you'll be in a better position to address the

problem. Procrastination hurts your chance for

success. "It's like running a full race with a

knapsack full of bricks on your back.

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Procrastination (continued)

When you don't win, you can say it's not that

you're not a good runner, it's just that you had

this suck of bricks on your back."

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**10 Procrastination Busters***

(1 & 2)🔹 Keep track (of your

excuses) : write them

down consistently,

and you'll be able to

recognize them for

what they are, own

your responsibilities.

🔹 Break down: Break

projects into smaller


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3 & 4

🔹 Trick yourself:

when you feel like

procrastinating, pick

some aspect of the

project that's easy &

that you would have to

do anyway

🔹 Resolve Issues: if

something's eating

away at you, making it

difficult to concentrate

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5 & 6

🔹 Get Real: set

realistic goals for


🔹 Be Specific: write

EXACTLY what you

need to do in your


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7 & 8

🔹 Make a Deal With

Yourself: even if it's

only spending fifteen

minutes on a task that

day, do it so that you

can see progress

🔹 Overcome Fear:

many of the reasons

for procrastinating

have to do with our

personal fears

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9 & 10

🔹 Get Tough:

sometimes projects

simply require


🔹 Acknowledge


reward yourself with a

meaningful reward for

achieving your

realistic goal

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Beyond Juggling

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Todays college students

More diverse then ever

Parents, Part time employees, full-time

professinals, husbands or wives, volenteers,

coaches, or babysitters.

How can people possibly juggle this all?

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How to juggle everything

You can't.

Setting times for everything will help, but if you

are over worked, overcommited, and exhausted

at every turn you may have learned it is


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Good news

Balance among work, school, and personal life

is possible.

Three main areas: Meaningful work, satisfying

relationships, and a healthy life style.

Next you will see ways to balance all of these


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1. Alternating

Everything will become seprate if you alternate.

You may devote all week to school but the

weekend completely to family. Or you may

save tuesdays or thursdays for homework, etc.

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Paying someone else to do something for you.

Some say "i want it all but not do it all". This

stratigie helps you achevie work life balance by

putting your respnibilies on someone else

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Allows you to do 2 things at once. Such as

combining socializing and exercising. A

bundlars motto is "i want to get more mileage

out of the things i do by combining the activites.

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Using technology to work anywhere, anytime.

People use technology to communticate, pay

bills, take classes, etc. Technology allows gives

you the flexibility you need.

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The benefit of simplifying is greater freedom

from details and stress. Trading off less

important things for more important things.