Time management

Time Management Sales Meeting February 2, 2011

Transcript of Time management

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Time ManagementSales Meeting

February 2, 2011

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Conquer Your Time Management Challenges - Realty Academy

Featuring Carla Cross

Time Management

Featuring Darryl Cross

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“Escape” Time

Trivial Matters, Surfing the Internet

Wasting Time, Grabbing a Coffee

Urgent Not Urgent




1 2

3 4

Too much time in 1, will force you to spend too much time in 4Too much time in 4 may get you fired

Most important to spend time in 2- Planning and Strategy are critical. You need to schedule time to think and plan.

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Business Producing & Supporting Activities Lead Generation Interviews

Buyers Sellers

Showing Buyers Listing Properties Sales Listing Selling

Marketing Meetings Trainings

2 Ways to Make $$$1. Selling a House

2. Listing Selling

Business Producing Business Supporting

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Are you… Spending time working with clients that beat the crap out

of you every day? Doing more jobs for customers who haven’t paid you for

the first job? Spending time on the phone working old leads that never

call you back? Still spending $1500 a month on that print ad? How many

calls is it bringing in? Have you checked? Allowing yourself to be interrupted with calls throughout

the day to deal with mundane stuff that doesn’t grow your business?

Checking your email 20 times a day?

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Time Management

It only takes a few small adjustments in the way you use your time to change your life forever.

You can not manage time, but you can manage yourself. Identify the things in life that truly matter to you - this is where

you should spend your time. Managing time effectively will bring dramatic improvements in

your life, but be prepared to make some fundamental changes. No need to rush, you can make the necessary changes at your

own pace. Best to go slowly, at least to begin with, as you may not succeed

if you try to do too much, too soon.

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Knowing Yourself

First step on the road to effective time management

Figure out what you want out of life. With pressures of modern life it

is easy to lose sight of what we want in our lives .

This is where you find your vision.

How you would like your personal and professional life to be?

Think about your capabilities and what is possible for you in life.

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Plan Your Day

Pick 2 things you want to achieve, one big and one small. Decide on one small step you can take towards achieving each of these tomorrow.

You must be more meticulous in planning days so you complete everything you need to do by only spending time on the things that really matter to you.

Daily time plan. Clear idea of what needs to be done, how long it will take, and when it is going to be

done. It can be difficult to know how long each task will take, so keep a time log for a week

before starting to keep a time plan. Write down:

What you do every day How long it takes.

Do this for a few days to get a clear idea of how you spend your time and how long tasks take you.

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The 4 D’s

Do it - This needs to be done immediately.

Delegate it - Not the best use of your time. Pass it on to someone else.

Dump it - Anything that is unimportant now and in the future.

Defer it - Something for the 'to do' pile. Come back to it later.

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Focus on What Pays Do you provide as

much value as an attorney? What do you make per hour?

In real estate, it is clear that some activities are worth more per hour than others.

Focus on doing the activities that pay you what you are worth!

“Only a few activities that we do allow us to be highly paid.”

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15 Ways to Manage Your Time More Efficiently

Spend the first 15 minutes of every day, or the last 15 minutes at night, making a to-do list.

Decide what times of day you are the most productive, and schedule your most difficult jobs then.

Use waiting-time effectively by planning small tasks you can do in short segments of time.

Build flexibility into your schedule so you can adapt when things don’t go according to schedule or new opportunities arise.

When you return a phone call, minimize phone tag by including a time you can be reached.

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15 Ways to Manage Your Time More Efficiently

Spend the most time on the job that produces the most income.

Don’t let non-productive tasks consume your time.

Take a break to refresh yourself; you’ll be more productive.

Split longer tasks into smaller increments to allow you to fit them into available time.

Divide a difficult job into several parts so you don’t burn out before it’s done

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15 Ways to Manage Your Time More Efficiently Set completion dates for tasks to avoid

procrastination. Create a system to prioritize tasks, but plan on re-

evaluating priorities daily. Reward yourself with 15 minutes of fun after

completing a difficult job. Delegate routine chores, but be sure you train your

helpers well. Value your time, and ask others to do the same.

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Where are you now?Most believe:

Effective time management is about good time-keeping. Effective time management can transform your life on

a much more fundamental level. Achieving your ideal reality will involve little changes

and big changes in your life. A small change is something like taking a walk every

evening. A big change might be starting up your own business.

Both are achievable with the right approach. No matter how wide the gap is between your ideal

reality and how you live your life now, it can be bridged.

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Be Proactive in Your Success! If you want to be successful, you must treat yourself and

your career with respect. Tips for Successful Time Management:

Show up at the office at the same time every day. Complete your workday at the end of the day. Once you set a meeting, write an agenda.

Agents who come in focused and put in a full day's work will be successful!

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What other Realtors do…

Merge High-Tech with Common Sense

I carry around an electronic PDA and a small but sturdy pad of paper. I found that I don't have the savvy or patience to enter every single to-do item in my PDA, so I put all of my appointments — business and personal — in the PDA, and I jot down my daily and weekly to-do items in my notepad. I set audio reminders on my PDA for my appointments, and I simply check off the items on my to-do list with a pen. It's the best of both worlds for me.

Becky Jordan, RE/MAX Execs, Carson, Calif.

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What other Realtors do…

Leave Yourself a Voicemail

As I am running errands, cooking dinner, or trying to fall asleep, and I think of something I need to do, I call my office and leave myself a voicemail message. I use the same strategy for personal reminders when I’m at work — I call home and leave a message. Sometimes when I get back to the office, I wonder who in the world would have called me at midnight, only to realize it was me!

Arianna Jordan Burke

Highlands Association of REALTORS®

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What other Realtors do…

Put Personal Time on a Pedestal

Twelve years ago I was working full time and raising two daughters on my own. I was almost always on the phone or running to and from appointments. Then, I had a wake-up call. My oldest daughter asked me how long my appointments usually last. I told her that it depends, but that they’re normally 30 minutes to an hour. Without skipping a beat, she asked if she could have an appointment with me.I now make appointments for everything. Going with a friend to get a pedicure? It’s a one-hour meeting. Sneaking away for a movie? I tell clients: "I've got appointments from 1 to 3 p.m." I don’t have one bit of guilt about this. I equate my personal time to a million-dollar closing, and I would be crazy to miss that! As my daughters grew up, I rarely missed a sporting event — and one of them competed nationally in gymnastics. I made every parent-teacher conference, and I still have a weekly "meeting" with a girlfriend for cocktails and appetizers.

Shelly Brunette, Real Estate One, Traverse City, Mich.

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Starting Tomorrow.. Write daily “to do” lists Organize them:

Urgent Important Not Urgent Not Important

Time Block for everything Personal time, Shopping, Lunch, Meetings, etc.

Write an agenda after making an appointment Focus on the activities that produce results!

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