Time is an illusion

Time Is An Illusion


Fast-forward, rewind, skip, pause, and play. Those are the main command buttons on our remote control. Over the years, we’ve mastered these controls. We normally skip commercials, fast forward through the movies’ dull parts. And rewind the film when we feel that we’ve missed something entirely. Fortunately, movies don’t adhere to the same perception of time as we do. Some time ago, a cameraman or director understood that time is an illusion, and can be slowed down or sped up based on one’s perception of it. http://youtu.be/HB-j_VFAW94

Transcript of Time is an illusion

Page 1: Time is an illusion

Time Is An Illusion

Page 2: Time is an illusion

Fast-forward, rewind, skip, pause, and play.

Those are the main command buttons on our remote control. Over the years,

we’ve mastered these controls. We normally skip commercials, fast

forward through the movies’ dull parts.

And rewind the film when we feel that we’ve missed something

entirely. Fortunately, movies don’t adhere to the same perception of

time as we do.

Some time ago, a cameraman or director understood that time is an illusion, and can be slowed down or sped up based on one’s perception

of it.

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Our spirits operate outside the realm of time and space. We’ve all watched those

action packed movies, and have been amazed or in a state of awe when

everything in a movie slows down. A flying bullet suddenly appears to be floating

through the air.

Debris from deadly explosions flurry like snow flakes. And a plummet to one’s death turns into a masterful trapeze performance. These things are not just special effects. We actually experience time slowing down and

speeding up in cases of emergencies.

So what does this mean? It means that your perception is your remote control. It also means that everybody perceives time differently.However, time is not linear, as

many of us perceive it to be.

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Time is a concept that is based strictly on perception and the past and future are merely illusions of time. The only

real concept of time is being in a conscious state of stillness, where we

are completely one with nature.

Many spiritual gurus would call this state, the present moment, or living in the now. However, this concept goes much further. Your spirit can observe things and can sense things that are

beyond your ordinary range of awareness.

Everything happens all at once in the subtle world. However, our

conscious minds can’t comprehend all of the information at once. This

is why we get nervous, confused, or frustrated.

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We do this because we can’t organize our thoughts in such a way where they make sense, so that we can take action. This is when we become stagnant, immobilized

by our own fear.

This is when time begins to collapse and we feel that we simply don’t have enough of it. In these times, we simply have to hit

the pause button and understand that perception and action are one.

Then, we are able to slow down time by being in a state of awe or gratitude. We are

then able to tap into a higher level of consciousness, where we can see the future

before the present.

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We can see the outcome before the event. And we can visualize ourselves prevailing over the illusions of time. So don’t rush through life. Slow down, and make those magical moments last


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