Time is a Creation of Allah - ka.org.za Asr.pdf · Title: Surah Asr Transcription of a Majlis...


Transcript of Time is a Creation of Allah - ka.org.za Asr.pdf · Title: Surah Asr Transcription of a Majlis...

Time is a

Creation of


Title: Surah Asr

Transcription of a Majlis delivered by: Hadhrat

Maulana Shah Abdul Hamid Is’haq Sahib Dâmat


Transcribed By: Mufti Mohammed Desai

First Edition: Safr 1438 / November 2016

Publication no:- kab 053

Published by:

Khanqah Akhtari, Azaadville;

Tel:(+2711) 413-2785/6,

Fax: (+2711) 413-2787,

Email: [email protected]

Web: www.ka.org.za


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CONTENTS FOREWORD ................................................................................. 2

EXPRESS GRATITUDE TO ALLAH ................................................ 4

ALLAH ALONE TAKES CARE OF OUR NEEDS ................................... 4

THE PERFECT CREATION OF ALLAH ........................................... 5


OCCURENCES OF THE PAST .......................................................... 6

EFFORT ON IMAAN ...................................................................... 6

SURAH ASR .................................................................................. 8

OUR TIME IS VOID OF BARAKAH................................................... 8

HUMAN BEING IS IN LOSS ............................................................ 9

THE SOLUTION! .......................................................................... 10


ALLAH ALONE IS OUR SUSTAINER ............................................... 12


THE BENEFIT OF MAKING EFFORT ON IMAAN ............................ 13

WHERE TO LEARN IMAAN? ........................................................ 14

AA’MAAL-E-SAALIHA .................................................................. 14

IMPORTANCE OF KITAAB READING ............................................ 15

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FOREWORD In this Kitaab we have transcribed a Bayaan of our honourable

Sheikh, Hadrat Maulana Abdul Hamid Is’haq Saheb D.B. that was

delivered at Masjid Mansoor in Port Elizabeth. It was the occasion of

an Islaahi Jalsa that was held over the weekend and also coincided

with the Shab-Guzaari held on Lailatus Sabt (Friday night). May Allah

accept and grant us the Taufeeq to benefit from these advices of

Hadrat. Ameen!

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مث الصلوةعلى املختار ىف القدم ......احلمد هلل منشىء اخللق من عدم

حبيبك على رلولك خري اخللق كله ر ل سلل اامما اددا على اي

دشري نذير حممدااامما اددا على لل س موالي ل

طه ليد املرللني على اامما اددا موالى ل سلل

دلغ لالمى رسضة فيها النىب احملرتم

اعظمه فطا من طيبهن القاع ساالك اي خري من افنت ابلقاع

رسحي الفداء لقرب انت لاكنه فيه العفاف سفيه اجلوا سالكرم

هو احلبيب الذي ترجى شفاعته لك هول من االهوال مقتح

قالدان ساغفر لنا ما مضى اي سالع الكرماي ر دلغ ابملصطفى م

اما دعد فقد قال هللا تبارك ستعاىل اعوذ ابهلل من الشيطان الرجي

نسان لفي خسر دس هللا الرمحن الرحي سالعصرإن ال

إال الذين آمنوا سعملوا الصاحلات ست والوا ابحلق ست والوا ابلصرب لدق هللا العظي

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We should be grateful unto Allah that He has granted us

existence from non-existence. Scientist state that matter cannot be

created nor can it be destroyed. It is easy for Allah to create

anything from non-existence, in fact there isn’t any limit to the

greatness of Allah whereas our resources are extremely limited. If

all the people of the world think of something and create it, then

too it is limited; as Allah ’s Qudrat (ability and power) is far

beyond that as well.

Allah has created us from non-existence and eventually, a time

will come when everything will be destroyed. Allah states,

كل من علي ها فان Everything on earth shall perish (on the Day of Qiyaamah if not

sooner). (Surah 55, verse 26)

ALLAH ALONE TAKES CARE OF OUR NEEDS We are totally dependent on Allah for all our needs, in fact we are dependent on Allah for our very existence. Alhamdulillah, we

have slaughtered animals for Qurbani just few weeks ago, and if we are living next year then we will slaughter again, Insha’Allah. For us, it is just a matter of purchasing an animal for R2000.00 or if the price of animals increase, then perhaps R2500.00. This animal that we will purchase in the coming year is currently being prepared for us, in fact, Allah provides the feed of the animal, and if the animal falls

ill, Allah will provide the remedy as well. Allah has arranged for

workers that will attend and care for these animals. These workers also have needs such as food, accommodation, etc. which Allah

fulfils as well. Allah takes care of all these needs so that we are

able to slaughter our Qurbani animal next year. How great is Allah

and how perfect is the system of Allah!

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To understand the great power of Allah , study the human body.

How Allah has created the human being with such perfection!

Where could the parents ever create two eyes for the baby? Which parent or cardiologist could create a heart for the baby? Many years ago there was a famous Muslim cardiologist that was known for his piety. Before conducting surgery, he would discharge charity and perform two Rakaats of Salaah. On one occasion he was about to conduct surgery, the patient was already given anaesthetic, and the cardiologist dies of a heart attack on the operating table. Many years ago, cardiologists from various parts of the world had participated in a seminar. The leading cardiologist (amongst all the participants) was appointed as the chairman of the seminar. In the very seminar, surrounded by cardiologist, the leader suffers a heart attack and passes away. This takes us to the conclusion that absolutely nothing lies in our hand, rather everything lies in the hands of Allah . We are planning and chalking our way thinking

that we need to reach certain targets, whereas reaching our targets and fulfilling our ambitions is actually in the hands of Allah .

FOLLOW THE MANUFACTURER’S INSTRUCTIONS When Allah alone is the creator of the human body, we are

required to follow His instructions and commands in regards to the usage of our body from the morning till the evening, and from birth till death. By following the instructions of the manufacturer (Allah), we will only benefit, and to the contrary if we follow our

own whims and fancies then it will lead to destruction. Due to not following the manufacturer’s instructions, the world is in turmoil today. It is stated in the Hadith that a time will come when the murderer will not know the reason for being murdered. We are in our comfort zone and think that nothing can ever happen to us, those that are

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currently experiencing these difficulties were also in their comfort zones at one stage, until the tables had turned. People that were in the best of conditions in the morning became the most pitiable by the evening, multi millionaires began collecting items to be sold to recycling plants, so that they may purchase basic food items to eat.

OCCURENCES OF THE PAST History repeats itself, these conditions that are once again prevailing upon the Ummat are not new, rather similar occurrences were found in the past; such as the martyrdom of Hussein which was a

difficult occasion for the Muslims in the world, when the Tartars invaded Baghdad there wasn’t a single Muslim remaining in the city of Baghdad, whereas Baghdad was known as the seat of the Islamic education. Tremendous amount of literature was also destroyed during this period. As for the Muslims of Spain, they has progressed tremendously as far as Deen and Dunya was concerned, but it is a known fact that whenever there is a battle between Deen and Dunya then eventually Dunya overtakes Deen. This is exactly what happened in Spain due to the luxuries and comforts that the Muslims were involved in, and finally they had surrendered and given in to the demands of their opposition.

EFFORT ON IMAAN It is therefore necessary for us to make an effort on Imaan, as it is only Imaan that will allow us to use this body according to the commands of Allah . In France, a veiled Muslim lady was waiting

at a till point to pay for her grocery purchases. When she reaches the cashier that was of Muslim origin from one of the Arab countries, she tells the lady, “Why don’t you return to your country and practice your religion? You are causing unnecessary problems by not abiding by the law of the country.” She lifted her veil and revealed herself that she is not of Arab origin rather she is of French origin and said, “You have sold your Islam and we in turn have purchased your religion.”

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These reverts are running institutes in France just as we have our Makaatib system here in our country. These revert women observe the proper Shari’ee Hijaab unlike our lax and improper way of observing Hijaab, that is, when we feel like observing the rules of Hijaab we adhere to the rules and when we feel like taking a break and not adorning the Hijaab then we suit our desires, such as not observing proper Purdah when taking a break at the beach or being with friends, etc. Many years ago, a French priest who reverted to Islam had visited the Nizamuddin Markaz. Prior to his acceptance to Islam, he had such love for the Deen of Allah that he had built a Masjid for the

Muslims. When the keys were handed over, the usual infighting started in regards to who should be the chairperson, who will be the secretary, treasurer, etc. Seeing this condition, he remarked, “I didn’t build the Masjid for this reason, rather I built it as I loved the prayers of the Muslims.

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In this Surah, Allah takes an oath on time. This could also refer to

the time of Asr Salaah, as the day is drawing to an end by the time of

Asr, thus the indication is given that one should hasten up, as time

and tide waits for no man. There is no barakah in time any longer

which indicates to the closeness of Qiyaamah. The Hadith states,

وأخرج أمحد والرتمذي عن أنس رضي هللا عنه أن النيب صلى هللا عليه و سلم قال : " ال تقوم الساعة حىت يتقارب الزمان فيكون السنة كالشهر والشهر كاجلمعة واجلمعة كاليوم

(الدر املنثور) واليوم كالساعة والساعة كالضرمة ابلنار

Anas narrates that Rasulullah is reported to have said,

“Qiyaamah will not take place until time will be so close that a year

will be like a month, and month will be like a week, and a week will

be like a day, and a day will be like an hour and an hour will be like

the burning/lighting of a fire.

OUR TIME IS VOID OF BARAKAH Previously, I used to engage in much more Ibaadat on the day of

Jumuah, whereas now I start earlier than before, but I am unable to

complete my practices for the day of Jumuah. There is a lack of

Barakah in time.

Time is a creation of Allah , and if a person has to exercise his

mind a little and ponder in the creation of time, he will realise what

a great creator Allah is. Together with being the creator of time,

Allah is the creator of the measurement of time. How would we

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have got our dates, days of the week, months of the year, etc. if the

great bounty of time did not exist? We know exactly what our age is;

we make an appointment to meet someone at a particular time, etc.

How would all these been possible had the measurement of time

not existed? Therefore, realise the greatness of Allah , the

existence and the oneness of Allah by pondering in these great

creations of Allah . It is beyond man to fathom the being of Allah

, thus a poet says,


ا ےہ ، ریمی ھجمس ںیم ںیہن آت

اوت ریمے دل ںیم آت

اںیم ےن اجن ایل ، یہی ےہ ریتی اچہپن

You come into my heart, You cannot be understood,

I have realised that this is Your recognition


نسان لفي خسر إن ال

Further Allah states that man is in loss. In spite of possessing all

the outward means of comfort, people are not at ease. Allah is

that great being that can grant a person complete ease and satisfaction, but if He imprisons a person’s heart then he will never attain peace and contentment in spite of possessing all the outward means of comfort. The Sahaaba were blessed with internal

satisfaction and contentment, therefore they would say when leaving the world,

فزت ورب الكعبةI have been successful by the Rabb of the Ka’aba

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THE SOLUTION! What will take a person out of this state of loss? Allah states,

إال الذين آمنوا

It is Imaan that will take a person out of loss, but it is not just Imaan rather it is the level of Imaan that the Sahaaba had possessed.

The level and quality of Imaan of Sahaaba is actually required as Allah states,

منتم به فقد اهتدوامنوا مبثل ما ا فان ا If (the Jews and Christians) have Imaan as you

(Mu’mineen/Sahaaba) have Imaan, then they are rightly guided (Surah 2, verse 137)

Today, we want a new version of Islam. We want to change the picture of Islam, but actually we have to strive for the Imaan that the Sahaaba possessed. It is through the work of Da’wat and

Tabligh that this level of Imaan can be achieved. There are brothers amongst us that are neither Huffaz nor Ulema but they have true Yaqeen in Allah , and have sacrificed for the Deen of Allah .


HEREAFTER We will mention a few points in regards to Imaan and Yaqeen. We all claim that we believe in the life of the hereafter, the Qabr, the fact that our soul will be extracted by the angel of death, etc. We will quote an example by which we can get an idea of the reality of the hereafter; a few friends went out fishing. When they were ready to fish, they casted the line into the water, which comprised of a sinker and a hook containing a fat juicy worm. We should enquire the ruling in regards to the permissibility of using live worms as bait. Anyway, now that the hook is in the water with the juicy worm, a little fish notices the worm and wants to bite; but seeing the

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intention of the little fish, the old grandmother type of fish, or the Molvi Saheb and Sheikh type of fish tells the little one, “Don’t even go close to that worm. There is a long story behind that worm, which we are aware of due to experience. This worm is on a hook, which is attached to a long line that stretches out of the water, if you get caught on this hook, there is a huge man that is 2 meters tall waiting (out of the water) that will pull you out of the water, after allowing you to play for a short while. When you out of the water, he will remove your eyes, slit your stomach and remove the inside of your stomach. This will all be given to his cats and dogs to consume. He will then cut you into pieces and marinate you with spices. When you are spiced well and ready to be cooked, a fire will be lit, on which oil will be heated, and when the oil is nice and sizzling hot, you will be placed into the boiling hot oil and fried. These fishermen have ten fingers each, with which they will break you into pieces, and each one of them have 32 teeth which will be used to bite and crush you. Once you are consumed by them, you will enter their stomach, then go through their intestines and exit from such a place that I cannot even explain. The little fish said, “We live in a world where we believe in the concept of, ‘Seeing is believing and hearing is deceiving’, and therefore I cannot believe what you say. I will have to see these things really happen.” It started its experiment in the water but the reality of these things was not in the water rather it was all happening out of the water. Similarly, we too want to experiment things of the Aakhirah in the world. Anyway the little fish tried its experiment in the water and concluded that there isn’t any danger as the grandmother fish claims. Secondly, the little fish based everything on its own condition, that is, fish cannot live out of water so it said that there isn’t really any life out of the water. Finally, the little fish takes a bite, gets hooked and everything unfolds as the grandmother fish had informed it.

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We too have been informed by our parents, grandparents, seniors, Maktab Asaatizah, Tabligh brothers, Ulema, through Kitaab reading, etc. of the realities of the Aakhirah. It is for this reason that Mashaaikh have prescribed that we should contemplate death for a little while daily so that the conviction of the hereafter becomes reality before us. We should contemplate over the fact that today we are able to walk to the Masjid to perform Salaah, but a day will come when we will be carried to the Qabrastaan and Salaah will be performed for us, today we are able to take a bath but a day will soon arrive when we will be given Ghusl. Today, we are able to put on our own clothing but soon a kafn will be pulled over us; remembrance of death is a silent lecturer for the Ummat. It is so silent that it doesn’t speak a word but if we ponder a little over it, it is sufficient to change our lives. Shab Guzaaris are taking place throughout the world, the effort of Deen is taking place so that this reality can come into us. This is one aspect in regards to the hereafter, for which we are required to make an effort.

ALLAH ALONE IS OUR SUSTAINER The other aspect is in regards to our Rizq (sustenance). We should have conviction that sustenance is in the hands of Allah alone. We should make an effort but we shouldn’t place our trust on our efforts, our trust should be on Allah alone. We will explain this

point by means of an example as well; a train is scheduled to travel from Port Elizabeth to Johannesburg station. There is a dog sleeping under the train and just as the train starts taking off, the dog awakens and starts walking. The dog thinks that it is responsible for moving the train. Shortly thereafter, the dog starts running and the train also picks up speed, so the dog is convinced that it is actually the cause for moving the train. How far is the dog going to run? Very soon the dog will be exhausted and stop, whereas the train will travel for approximately 1000 kilometres until it reaches Johannesburg station. Similarly, we think that we are maintaining our families, running the business, etc. but soon a time could come when we may be lying helpless (for months) in the hospital, yet

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everything at home and in the business will continue functioning as normal. We bury people daily, yet their families continue to live their lives.

MAINTENANCE OF A WIDOW DURING HER IDDAT The jurists have stated that when a man passes away, the widow is not maintained from the husband’s estate, unlike the case of divorce where the responsibility of maintenance is upon the husband for the Iddat period. Yes, the widow will receive her portion of inheritance if the husband has left behind assets, but this is only when the estate has been wounded up. Who takes care of her during the Iddat-e-Wafaat (i.e. the waiting period of 4 months and 10 days on the demise of the husband?) It is Allah alone!

In various parts of the Quraan Sharif, Allah repeatedly says,

“Whoever fears Allah, He will make an opening for him; Whoever fears Allah, He will make his work easy for him; Whoever fears Allah, He will forgive his sins and grant him a great reward.” How many widows have no financial or family support whilst observing their Iddat, yet they have the greatest support, the support of Allah .

THE BENEFIT OF MAKING EFFORT ON IMAAN Allah states, “It is Imaan that will take a person out of loss.” This

was the effort of Rasulullah on Sahaaba , and such an effort

was made that people that lived a barbaric life became the envy of the Malaaikah in a short period of 23 years. On one occasion I met a particular learned person who said, “I don’t know how we are going to make it as we are living in difficult times.” The solution to the world’s problems lies in coming onto the effort of Rasulullah , that

is to make people human beings.

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WHERE TO LEARN IMAAN? A person that requires bread and milk will have to go to a bakery or cafe to purchase these items, he does not go to a laboratory or a fabric shop. Similarly, to learn Imaan and Yaqeen we are required to go to the appropriate place, that is to join the effort of Da’wat and Tabligh. The work of Da’wat and Tabligh has been made widespread throughout the entire world. Today, we are seeing people out in the path of Allah, coming from such countries and remote areas of the world that we’ve never expected. What great sacrifices are being made? On one occasion, I had seen a wealthy South African brother sleeping happily in the passage of Nizaamud Deen Markaz. This is the result of the effort of Imaan and Yaqeen. When the father holds the hand of a two year old child and he starts walking, or a small child sits on the lap of the father whilst he is driving, the little child tells everyone that he was driving. Similarly, Allah is the one that actually does everything, and we are merely

required to have the desire and make little effort.


سعملوا الصاحلات

When Imaan enters a person, he will carry out righteous deeds and obey the commands of Allah . In this day and age, it is not easy. A

Jamaat went to a particular area, propagated amongst the brothers that success lies in obeying the commands of Allah , so one

brother got ready to go out in the path of Allah for four months.

When he went home and informed the wife, she said, “I am going to my mother’s house.” You must take care of the kids, the fowls, etc. He discussed the issue with his mother-in-law but she said, “It is your problem, you solve your issues.” He decided that he will remain behind. A few weeks later, he got an excellent job opportunity from an Arab country on a five year contract. He doubted the offer as the environment in that country is not Islamic; there are people with

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corrupt Aqaaid residing there, etc. He comes home and tells the wife about the offer. She says, “What you waiting for?” She is now prepared to let him off for 5 years yet she was not prepared to let him go out for 4 months in Jamaat. Why? She has conviction that when the funds will come in, foreign currency will come in, their lifestyle will improve, they will purchase a new car, purchase new furniture, etc. The reality of Dunya is before a person, not the reality of Deen.


ست والوا ابحلق ست والوا ابلصرب

Finally Allah says, “They encourage each other towards the truth

and encourage each other towards patience.” A particular lady

commenced work; she got different ideas and brought a TV in the

house. Her father being a pious person was really upset over the

issue and became harsh, and to top it up, the wife sided with the

children and approved of the TV. The daughter wanted a modern

lifestyle and when the father prevented her, he was asked to leave

the house after giving them their respective shares of inheritance

(from his wealth).

He decided to write to Hadratjee Maulana Inaa’mul Hassan Saheb

and explained the entire scenario. Hadrat told him that being

harsh is against the principles of Jamaat work, thus he should start Taleem in the house daily for ten minutes, and he should not interfere in their lives. When he approached the family they were quite happy as giving ten minutes for Taleem was a bargain. In a matter of few days he came home and found the TV broken and thrown outside. This was a miracle, so we shouldn’t be too sure that a miracle will happen in every situation, rather we should be persistent on Taleem even though we may witness results after some time.

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For this, Allah has blessed us with this great effort of Da’wat and

Tabligh and other efforts of Deen as well. We should take part wherever we can fit in. Brothers should give their names to go out in the path of Allah .


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