Time capsule for china

1 Strictly confidential - Do not share outside of a Clean Team. China in a Box! I love China – my original homeland! Can 8 items in a box represent this vast ancient culture? Let’s try! Source: Ikea website



Transcript of Time capsule for china

Page 1: Time capsule for china

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China in a Box!

I love China – my original homeland!

Can 8 items in a box represent this vast ancient culture? Let’s try!

Source: Ikea website

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#1 Item: Chinese History

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China has a history of 5000 years. The first emperor to unite China was Qin Shi Huang in 221 BC.

The Qin Dynasty is best known today for the terracotta warriors in Xi’an…like this miniature one enjoying a rest on a couch!

Source: My friend, a creative Italian furniture designer who let his little terracotta warrior rest on his mini couch model

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#2 Item: Heritage

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Evident in China’s 45 UNESCO heritage sites, ranking second in the world.

A family item of mine captures these amazing places: a lecture book written by my father, a Geography professor.

This taught thousands of Chinese students about our amazing heritage. We are proud of China!

Source: My father‘s book

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#3 Item: The Great Chinese Language

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China has a rich history of literature, poetry and calligraphy.

All based on our very unique language – Chinese, and our gorgeous and remarkable characters derived from pictograms.

This primary school book shows how these “pictures” become Chinese characters. Our ancestors were very creative people!

Source: Primary school book

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#4 Item: Music and Dance

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Chinese passion for art is evident in traditional music and dance.

The most representative one is the Peking Opera, combining music, vocal performance, dance and acrobatics.

With these two mini Peking Opera actor and actress in the time capsule, the next 5000 years will never be boring…

Source: My Chinese colleague‘s decoration at his office

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#5 Item: Food!

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Maybe the most important element in Chinese daily life?

Chinese food is famous for its delicious cuisine and gourmet variety.

We love life and life is for sharing! So we share our dishes with everyone at the table. What do we eat with? My sixth item:

Source: My kitchen

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#6 Item: Economic Power

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Always an economic power in East Asia, in the last 20 years, China has grown into giant of world economics, particularly in manufacturing.

What could characterize the main business of China in the 21th century? The answer is, of course, tons of “Made in China” products! So…

Source: My wardrobe

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#7 Item: My Changing City of Shanghai

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China is changing rapidly, apparent in these pictures of Shanghai in 2013 and Shanghai in 1983. I MUST put these in the time capsule!

They show China’s fast development and I love them also because I am a Shanghai girl!



Source: Google

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#8 Item: Surprise!

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China is ancient, cultural, and an economic power. We value life and family.But we are also a bunch of FUN people!

This Chinese spirit is captured in the film Kung Fu Panda and so this surprise must go in the box!

Source: I dont know where this guy comes from…

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Thank you for your attention and have fun opening the China box in 5000 years!